1 f Willi- f-ii k--: U-M . M : A ''"i t j: ( r If. ' I News AND Observer mi' 7;: VOL. XXV1T. RALEIGH N. C, SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 5, 1886. NO. 17 Absolutely Pure. . rku ! powder nere Yrte. A mAnrel of 'V"rtT trentb and wbolemmonew. More ' teonomiotl than ordinarj kindu and cannot bt U1 iUfpompetiUon with the multitude of low teat, abMt weight, alum or phosphate powders Beld obIt tn cana. .Botai. Bakito Powva Co., 108 WaU Street, New York.' Sold by W C A A B Stronacb, George T g.roiincb d J R FerraH Co. JACKET STORE TUB GiiAT Bargain House of Raleigh, : From tome great ditaaten In the mercan- I - ; ' . ) i - : Ule line in New York we thall offer you 10010 j n- ' ' ' " 'ii i big bargaine-thle week. To theae unapproach able figures' the attention of the Jadies and genUemen ia politely invited. . Theae are stand ing, rock-bottom facta which axe weU'ealea Mtd to sober and stagger the thoughtless nmmta who ha?e been struggling along U the T-i-. , - . : v - r " toil 4 eredii helpJeaa, bopeleaa and worth- ,.: . . I--. j-j -f LI ! ' -' From the mills, whose hungry employees factories, whose regular eat down to one-half, we 'i ' " place before thousands of readers our paseu 4P ' - : I ' '' ' v . : . Sterling solid leaders" for net spot cash. -.' i- -'- 1 - : Mosquito netting: at 6 cents a yard. Hamil ton Calico, tbe bestin the market, U eenU a . PKABAOH-aleADIJI. ' A Itael , Crrep1e.Bl'. MeAeToa mWcltaios VUmtlttgmw. Pwums'i ptatomesit. . ; Speoisi to Tail Niws and Oburvkr. i. : Abhitillb, Jane 4, 1886. l!omorrow't papers of this city will oqsUin the entire correspondence which XMentljrjMUsed between Mr. Biohmond rearion nd Mr., tt. X. MoAden. In thia it appears that Mr, MoAden deolines to nieet Mr. Pearson, on the ground that.dnelling is contrary to law. 'In his Utter Mr. MoAden says: "Why oballcng mo to figbl a dual to right your wrongs, when yon are not my in ferior physically ?f' :Mr. Pearson : in hia reply inti mates that the law ; also forbids street fights and closes with the following words: vThe World has rerf generally agreed that duelling is a dcplprablo practice, but the genius of onr modern civilisation,! while it pro nounccs -upon: this practice its unquali fied Condemnation, in oandor will de clare that the, duel ia more honorable andjmore fair than the Btreet fight with oOncealed but equally deadly weapons, in the use of which the mean advantage of the first shot or of a blow without warhing settles nothing but the bru tality of the assailant. The only wrong which I : have ever done Mr. R. Y MoAden has been the expression of my purpose to ignore him, and to this pur pose I shall henceforth scrupulously ad heri" ; : - , ' : ; Ataitdoa Their Car. i"Nw Yobk, June 4.i For several days there was nothing of incident to note m the strike of the Third avenue S R employees. fOanTwere running with full complement of drivers and conduc tors; and the strike was looked npon as praotically ended. Today, however, two'of the hew drivers on the oars run ning from Harlem to 65th street, jump ed from their cars at 94th street and, ran away. About the same time one driver and three conductors abandoned cars at Grand street. A temnora- ry; blockade of the line was caused. It is rumored that Others who have taken places of the strikers will also abandon their cars at various points along the line; : j- ; 1 ,-, most be paid; from prVeea have been r - .yard. . WewQl open this week some great alaugb- eers" in Hamburg Oriental Laces, Flllow-oase Ijace, Trimmings, etc. ; .: c- j ' ' Our Shoe Department will be filled with ' i - Some great bargains. Our Straw Hats will be 1 - . r :-. replenished. . ! " Our Millinery Department will be filled thia . week with flowers land ribbons to suit the t . .'- : : J.- Hew Trk Tmiur. ' w Xokk June 4. Green & Co. 's report on cotton; futurea says : The absence of encouraging ! reports and confirmation ;of i better crop show ing caused the market to open weak and led o a further shading pi 2a3 points. The bulls then came in and forced a re duetion.to about lat evening's prices,bnt failed to! stimulate a renewal of the de mand, and the market went out rather Slow; without much apparent and natural strength.' 1 The new crop has been espe cially neglected ad was at no time sale able except shading. ii ;1 . i ;Nw Tonx,: June 4.' The following are 'the ( total net receipts : of cot ton it all the ports sinco :September 1, 1885 : Galveston 091,122; New Or lean,l,696,660; MobiU,244,471;Savan nah 786,915; Charleston, 487,581; Wilmington, 100,685; Norfolk, 548.- r 793 Baltimore, 576,969; New York, CONGRESSIONAL. iB. boitelia aims a blow at CANADIAN riMIEKMEX.r A FrplUn f Abolish Fro Trsde la FUta Hraftr. Washington, June 4. Sknatx.-t In the Senate Mr. tngalls offered a reso lution, whici on obicction bv Mr. Beck went over till tomorrow, calling on the e interior to inform: the er a certain circular had by commissioner of the omoe with the approval of ot the interior. The reso- in full the recent ciroular to receivers of the land offioe, no new applications for -. . -. . secretary of Senate whe been issue general lan the seoretar lution recitei registers an stating that ery question practically by terminating free importation of fish, and increasing the import duties on all fish, thus com pelling Canadians to pay more for the privilege of selling1 their fish in;the United States. The House then at 4:40 took a recess until 8 O'clock. The evening session is for the consideration of pension bills. Tbe riaberjt Dispute. 'i ll V. 8. nT NXAH THl ' CANADI 1: 00 AST. Washinotok, June 4. Senator Cul lom today submitted as an amendment to the river and harbor appropriation bill the -Hennepin canal" bill. Aetinff Bfioretiru Fairnkilrl trr).v fol. egraphed as follows to the collector of customs at Key West, Florida : "Re lease the Spanish schooners Paco and Isabella unless forfeited under section 4,172 of the Revisod Statutes, or unde? section 4,377 ; and release the cargces unless forfeited under seotit's 4,377 of the Ke vised Statutes. Fishing in the waters of the United; States does not en tail the forfeiture of a foreign vessel. ' The secretary of the navy says that the vessels of the north Atlantic squad ron have been under orders for several days to prepare for sea. They will go easterly as usual, and report for further orders at Portland, Maine. They will visit the fisheries under instruc- x ' J . ii V : . 1 . tiona irom ine department, and it is hoped will help to allay rather than in crease me existing 1 antagonism. The secretary conferred with Admiral Jouett npon the subject when in New York recently. 1 Secretary Bayard ; this afternoon re ceived a telegram from the consul-gen eral fbelan, at Halifax, as follows : "The American merchant vessels can purchase fresh fish of all kinds." ; A DobU Bangy(. Winchistxr, Va., Judo 4. Wes. Honesty; and Tabley Banks, negroes, were hanged at 9:22 this morning for the murder of Joseph McFaulon on the night of November 1 14th, 1884 The religious services in ttne jail were con ducted by Revs. J.I P. Hvde. Koohti and exhorter E. J. Evans and Rev. Whitmore. Capt. Benton of the salva tion army . was also present. They prayed about an hour and the sacrament was administered- The criminals then marched: with the officials and ministers. entry under pre-emption timber culture or desert lai d acts, would be received pending legislation by Congress on the repeal of these sets. The resolution proceeds to direct the secretary of the interior to inform the Senate by what act it was claimed Congress had dele gated to the oomniisioner of the general land office or to the secretary of the in terior, or to these officers jointly, power to suspend by executive order the operation throughout tbe United States of the pre-emption timber culture and desert land acts, ' and to deny -to the citizens of the United States their.rights under said acts. On motion of Mr. Edmunds, the Chi nese indemnity bill was taken up, but was informally laid aside at the request of Mr. Allison, to permit the consider ation of the consular and diplomatic appropriation bills.' i At 2 o'clock the consular and diplo matic appropriation bill went over and the Chinese indemnity hill was f taken up. .Mr. Cockrell took the floor in op position to the bill At the conclusion of Mr. CockrelTs speech the bill was passed ; yeas 30, nays 10. The Sens tors voting in the negative were : Messrs. Beck, Berry, Cockrell, Coke,; Enstis, George, Harris, Maxey , Mitch e.1 1 , f Oregon, and Vest. The bill author ises the President to ascertain the actual loses sustained by the Chinamen by the riot at Rock Springs, Wyoming Territory, in September, 1885, and to pay such losses. The amount appro priated by the bill; for that purpose h $150,000. Of the consular and diplomatic appro- U T8r P WtTYT 6 k: f- li floor of the scaflold.! Banks Wan to priation bill. On reaching the appro priation of $2,270 as the American con tribution to the maintenance of an inter national bureau of weights and ; meas ures, Mr. Conger.' attacked the item with ridicule and with an anneal to the national feelings of the Senators. After an explanation of the item by Messrs. Allison and Evarts, Mr. Congee moved to strike it out. Thia motion was re jected ; yeas 1 (Conger), nays 42. (Great laughter.) ; The Senate at 5.10 p. m., without finishing the bill, ad journed till tomorrow. HOtrsi. Mr. Cox, of North Carolina, ealled up as a question of privilege the report of the committee of civil service reform relative to an appropriation for the : im provement of the levees at Jefferson- ville, Ind. The report is accompanied tremble violently, but Honesty stood on the trap door. A Moody hymn, "There ia light in the valley,;1" was then sung by request, both joining loudly. The ministers returned to the jail steps, Honesty said : 4 'I thank God I am con verted, and I am going home to heaven. No man's blood rests on 'my soul, i I hare not to answer fbrii.-1 thank all officers and ministers for their kind ness." Banks said : t "I am not of what is put on me." I want all of my friends in heaven." Their MR. MANNING TUB HKCBETABY OF THE TREASCKT TEKDEBSHIS BESIUBTATIOM. lb PrsldMt Dellaa to Belv It; Now, mt tmuu WasIinoton, June 4 Secretary Manning ' May 20th handed Presi dent Cleveland his resignation as secre tary of the treasury, stating that his health would not permit an early re sumption ; of the active duties of the offioe. June 1st the President replied, declining to accept Mr. Manning's res ignation at present, and asking nim in stead to. take a leave! of abscnoe until October ;lst, when the subject may be renewed if Mr. Manning remains of the same mind as now. Mr- Manning will leave Washington tomorrow evening for an extended Btay at tho Hot Springs of Virginia;; About one thousand cards, announcing the marriage of the. President, were sent out from the White House today by mail messengers and otherwise. The cards are exceedingly simple and plain, engraved in hcav lines on a full sheet' of fine note paper. They read as fol lows: "Mr. Grover Cleveland and Miss Frances j Folsom, married on Wednes day, June second, eighteen hundred and eighty-six,' Executive Mansion, Washington. lheso announcements were sent to the members of the cabinet. justices of the supreme court, Senators and Representatives in Congress, the di plomatic corps, the lieutenant-general of the army; admiral of the navy, and other officers m Washington, and to persona friends of the President and Mrs Cleveland, in Albany, a.;, Slutned to Lira Imprltonmit, Nashvull, June 4. On March 20, 1885, Allen Herbert and Henry Ed waras, were worKing at a quarry in this city; . They had a quarrel about a drill, which was renewed later in the dav. Herbert was abusing Edwards, who told himif he wanted the 'drill to come and take it, adding that if he laid his hands on it he would cut his throat. Herbert jumped at him and plunged his knife into him; again and again. , Edwards fell dyiDg almost instantly. Herbert fled, but . was apprehended, convicted and sentenced to death. The supreme court refused to interfere. Gov. Bate granted s respite for thirty days, which is now iouowea py commutation to me imprisonment, j Tbo aUbanw4 m DutUI AbmI Special dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Nxw Yoak. June 3. A net 'advance 01 o peroent. in we price 01 nionmona and Danville and of 31 per cent, in the j A Hparkllae: rntrtlmt. TBI PUMARY CONCERT AT ST. MARY 8- A delighted audience gathered at old St. Mary's last evening, to see the young folk begin the exeroisefl of com mencement. The performance : was a charming one, and in music, in acting, in declamations,' in songs and in calis thenics the charming little creatures ex hibited a proficiency which was certainly remarkable. The stage ws very taste fully decorated with natural flowers, and light fell upon it from Japanese lamps, while "many a screen and fan" added color to the scene. The pro gramme was as follows : Chorus, "Come, let ns all be Sing tng," (Gobbaerts) preparatory and pri mary classes; recitation, ;'Danio Duck," Liszie B. Hinsdale; quartettes, "The 8ailor's Song," "March," (Gur'Ut) Fanny S. Carter and Mabel K Green, Dixie C. Murray and Lillian Thompson; calisthenics, "Free-hand," primary classes; piano solo, "Gavotte," (Gold ner) Mattie A. Higgs; petit chant dra matique, "La Bergere et Son Chat' primary classes; calisthenics, : Rings, preparatory classes; piano solo, "The Wanderer's Return," (La nge) Bessie S. Smedes ; ohorus, "Song of the Dwarfs, from 'Snow-white,'" (Abt) preparatory and primary ; classes ; piano solo, fantaisie on "L'Elisire d'Amore, (Buremuller). Dixie 0- Mur ray; recitation, "The Ballad of the Oysterman," (Holmes), primary class A ; quartette, waltz from "The Merry War' (StrauBs), Mary B. Hardin and Lucy C. Hawkins, Mattie A. Higgs and Janie H. Andrews; calisthenics, wands, primary class A ; chorus and solo, "In the Forest," (Abt), preparatory and primary classes, solo by Annie T. Wet- more; piano solo, "rerles lioulantes. (Egghard), Mary B. " Hardin ; ' recita tion, "The Wreck of the Hesperus," (Lonerfellow), preparatory classes chorus, "Spring Song," (Rubinstein), preparatory and primary classes. It is generally regarded as invidious to particularize performers, I but three sweet little misses deserve particular praise. The audience gave it to them unstintedly. These pretty little per formers were Misses Bessie' Smedes, Lizzie Hinsdale and Janie Andrews The cslisthenic class was overwhelmed with applause and did full justice to the careful instruction of Miss Florence Slater, the teacher, a most accomplished instructor. A ratal Injary. Yesterday Mr. A. L. Woodall, i workman at the planing mills of Mr. T 11. itrifftrs, was hurt and! died in an hour. While working at saw a plank caught in a pulley and an end of the plank struck Mr. Woodall on the abdomen. Two phvsieiana were promptly summoned to attend hint. Mr. Woodall waa a valued employee ; and a price of Biohmond and West Point made today. .The advance was aooompa- t guilty nied by reports that the practical amal- f ood citizen to meet gamauon pi me xuenmona ana uanviiie - Mr.? WoodaU was about 50 Their L "Jtem, nq long proiectea, nad oeen I . ia..M . f.ii . ' .1. , ; ;. i .1.. I -6"' 6 mui worn uiu puiwuea, me DiaCK Caps I uuusuiuuivu. x. u icuwreu mum uio A . 1 J- ; l - r. !? U J J n ll- k. J i. - unwu oyer UVU Ilcoua. ana in a lOuu I uivuuiuuu..miu iutuw um bckuicu iuo voice both cried out, i "Good bve: God control of all the principal lines of road be with you." The I trap was sprung I heretofore controlled by the Richmond by a wire running into a cell in the I ni West iroint terminal company, for the sum oi about xz.uuu.vw. This son, from the moat fashionable house in New 63,609; Boston, 134,955; Newport News, I by a resolution dismissing L. F. Warder 37.d7Urmladelnhia.46.470;We8tPoint. (assistant doorkeeper) from the service - KMnaiwina' s wx f fva nw w.nam nnnna mr mr evn nw innisna yt vuv Aavww amas t h f vi .Aaa.asBaa . Offered as a substitute a resolution de claring that the evidence in thia case does not sustain the charge that; it is improper for any officer or employee of the House to seek to influence legisla tion, either directlyor indireotly,' and that the action of Warder as agent of the city of Jeffersonville at the time when said Warder was an employee of the House in securing the services of an 21993 i Brunswicky 16,252; Port Royal, 12,231; Pensacola, 19,152; In dianpla, ?81;i total. 5,186,790. AV'Wetel lIxtltutlM. Cor of Tbm Nxwi Aan Obsxrvsr. X synopsis of desultory remarks can never be entirely accurate, od I find rat a sentence reported this momma; is liable to be misunderstood. ; In regard to the influence or "preachers my re marks were in substance : York. Ladies wishing; millinery are specially i I invited to look at our stock before purchas- goods. aa we will sare them money on these I be misunderstood. 1 do' not think it unbeooming in ministers of the gospel to 'take an interest or to participate ac tively any . movement which in their opinion tends to the promotion of mor- amy. xui a ao ODjeci to me aouon oi the colored ministers who have, unless I have been misinformed, threatened ties Let me not attorney for the purpose etT influencing Talley, and a few good showers are re- rear of the scaffold. The limbs of Banks were drawn up convulsively several times, and Honesty's twice. At fifteen minutes! to 10 o'clock the physicians pronounced them dead, the necks of both being broken. The military, un der Capt. Multon, guarded the jail. About seventy-five spectators were pres ent. , Good Balai In Texaa. ! Galvxstos, June 4 Up td midnight last night the News i received specials from the interior, showing that good rains had fallen last evening in eighteen coun- It has rained all along the Pecos legislation is disapproved by the House. After a long and sharp debate Mr. Ward withdrew his resolution and M r Oates, of Alabama, offered in .liiu thereof a resolution declaring; that the oonduet of Luther F. War ier, Deing at tnat time an empioyeo or . tiie House, in receiving money iron) the trnr vmr TrrPBi?T T A on i nave oeen misiniormea, mreatenea i ""e "? v" VOIPURSELLACO.. Lfrom ta6 pUlpit to turn members out of y of JeffersonviUe, Ind., to employ No. 10 East Martin Street. JiEFIGERATORS, i ' FREEZ1.I1S-, DINNER SETS, . ! TEA SETS, 1 ; FLY FANS, TABLE CUTLERY, ' - PLATED WARE, i FINE LAMPS, i TOILET SETS, BIRDCAGES. i ill the above and a general line of siple and fancy goods may be found at bomom prices at W. H. HUGHES. WE ARE SELLING CaB8ABI'8 RD STAB BRAND," ' . w And recommend it as being the, very best to ihn hnil. Bend us vour ordcra. ', WrC. b A. B. btronach, E. J. Hardin, J. B. Ferratl A Co., W. B. Mann Co.. W. tt. Nuwsom h Co., Qrauaman & BosenthaL JuO K. Terrell, W. C. Upcburch, Wyatt Co., orri Mewmsn, w . u, aous. )'8 MILD CUERD HAMS T BlttlFa, which areUn- the church unless thev vote for prohi bition. (Many colored men in the gallery said "They have done it." :A single other-correction, 'which is i not' the mistake of the paper. Upon fully considering the statutes', I am led to 'question very ! seriously, ' if not to ananuon, - me view a, nrst enteruunea upon a hasty reading of the Code, that i spirits, the product of one s own farm, can be sold even if there; is a vote in favor Of prohibition. It is in the reve nue act of 1885, hut does not, I think upon reflection, modify the local option act. . . :i F.-U. Bcsbxx. June 4, 1886. - rsirtim Itrntm. Cor. of the Nsws Ann Obsirvbb. ; Duebam, N. C, June 4. Local optron is running hiirh in Dur ham. Both sides' have their hanners to the breeae. As Durham is usually ahead in public improvements,; she expects to take the lead in local option, and will the 7th day of June stand ready to con gratulate Raleigh,: Goldsboro, Hender son and; other towns en their success in adopting local option,' should they be so fortunate; The bests address of the season was one from' Jndie Dick, on prohibition,! Tuesday night last. It was really si flue piece of rhetoric, and logi- oai enongu io suit, ootn siaes. Avery bodv praises it highly. ; Every town in AIM CAS8A and BBEAKFA urpasited.' Bl and FloifrraL this State should have him deliver the proval. samoieotoro. i Mr. Boutelle says in referemie to the railroad will be undertaken in a few days. ; I i . .:'; Tobias. Somebody has discovered that Mrs. Qrover Cleveland was not born when the bottle of Manassas was fought. She wUl Dtftbs 22 onUl July 21st sum. it is said, was realised ov the Richmond and Danville by the sale of its Richmond and West Point terminal stock in the market. It has, therefore, parted with' its control of the Richmond and West Point terminal, because it has no further use for it, and consequently there can be no interchange of the two stocks, as was rumored some weeks ago. The Richmond and West Point termin al, having; parted the control of its moat important properties,' will, it is also declared, not be an active factor in any of the railroad questions of that part of the country hereafter. Prouls. - Maj. S. ;iM. Finger is at New Berne, attending the closing exercises of the graded school. D. Thomas r . wood, of Wilmington, who is suffering with some affection of the heart, has gone North, in company with his wife, for a change of Eoene. . Mrs. S. J. roisson, relict of the late Mr. John G. Poi&son, died at Wilming ton, Wednesday, very suddenly, aged 73. ' VI Thurada. near Retdavillfl. "while rid ing on a railway velocipede, Mr. Frank B. Isaacs, of Richmond, Va., was struck by a train and dangerously hurt. Capt. Jilt. Ferrall s youngest child is extremely ill. Mr. Arch. McUirt died at his heme in Robeson county Tuesday Uov. Scales attended the closing ex ercises ot tne uurham graded school yesterday. Mai. ,VV; h. London, of Pittsboro, was here yesterday. Mr. Matthew Stevenson, of Swift Creek township, is very sick with dis ease of the .heart. Mr. Jaines McCall. of McDowell county, died of paralysis a few days ago Hon. vi i. Jjortcu is announced as a candidate for tho Congressional nomina- . . - . . i i T- turn tor tne tnira aistriot. Mr. Ransom Taylor, a respected oiti- isen of Sampson county, was found dead in his bed a few days ago. His age was 80 years, y Mai. Charles M. Htedman is pro mi nently mentioned in connection with the Congressional nomination from the sixth district. Died Yesterday evening, in fit. Mary's township. Daisy Christophers, infant ehild of V P- and Julia H. Meaoham. Interment in Oak wood cemetery, Ral eigh, this afternoon, .at 8.80 o'clock. Friends and relatives invited to bo present. ' How times change ! A writer says that 30 years ago a man who wore hair on his upper lip was considered either a chasing bait or supplies in our ports. He I are reported by the W astern and Pacific lunatio or foreigner. Now he may be counsel to influence legislation of Congress was a gross impropriety, and expressing the emphatic condemnation of tbe House thereof; but stating that the evidence adduced in the opiaion of the iiouse aoes not require nis expulsion from the office he holds. ' This- resolu tion was agreed to; yeas 140, nays 67. i Mr. uouteile, o Maine, introduced a bill relating to the duties on fish, tinder the schedule its provisions increase the duty on mackerel from one to twO cents per pound; 'on herring, pickled or salted, from one-half to one cent per pound; on salmon, pickled, and other fish picxled in barrels and salted cod sounds from one to ten cents per pound; on foreign cut fish, imported otnerwise uiaa in Darreis or nair Dar rels, whether fresh smoked, dried salted or piotled, not specially enumerated or ' provided for, from fifty cents to one dol ar per 100 pounds; on anchovies and' sardines in boxes increased from .10, 5 and 2 per box to 15, and 4 cents per box when imported in any - other form than in tin boxes increased bom 40 to 50 percent ad valorem.) The para graph providing for a duty on tin cans containing free fish is stricken out, Tho duty on fish preserved in oil other than anohovies and sardines is increased from SO to 40 per cent ad valorem; and on salmon and all other fish preserved! ported west of San Antonio. The rain- iau covers an area ot aDout4UU square miles. Joba Kolly'a timalna. Nxw York, June 4.j-f-Hon. John Kel ly's body was removed this afternoon to I the parlor, where somt- f his personal friends were permitted to look upon the familiar face once more. Commissioners Harris and Haughton, constituting what is known as the ' old exercise board, today ad pted reso lutions of regret at Mr. Kelly's death. ; Dr. CL XI. D,Tle Killed by ludla.ua. Tucson, Arizona, June 4. A courier arrived here yesterday from Vaile-s ranch, east of Fort Lowell, with the intelligence that the Indians had killed Dr. Clinton H. Davis yesterday after- noon. He had gone Out in that section for a drive. He was from Iowa and with his wife and family was visi ting his brother, W. C. Davis, of Tuc son. There were eight Indiana io the party. ('raparatlv Cottou feitatinut. : New Youk, June 4. The following Is the comparative cotton otatement for the Week ending June 3: ' , 1886. 1888. Net receipts at U. S. ports, 20,431 3.715 Tola! receipts to date, 6,liKI,739 4,660,864 Exports for the week. : 70J63 18.740 ToUlexporUtodate, Z,m&bXZMZ,UZ Stock -it aU U. 8. ports, ftOS.OWJ 427,341 Stock at all interior towns, 66,828 2777 Stock at Liverpool, f ,6M,000 D77,00 V or Great Britain. 120.000 871.000 years of age, and leaves a large family, tie was a Mason. His residence was at 413 South Blount street, and there he died about 3 o'clock p. m. ; There were some particularly sad circumstances connected with the death. Three of Mr. Woodall 's children : were members of the excursion party of the First Baptist Sunday school to Hay wood. The deepest and sincerest sym pathy is expressed for the sorely stricken family. The funeral services will take place from Person street Meth odist church Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Arrivals att U Tr(raa;ta He-aee. V. V. Richardson, N. C ; William "Rich. Baltimore: J. B. Ellineton. w 1 - . 3i ! Reidaville; Geo. D. Harrison, ilart- ford, Connecticut; Thos. Hill, Hickory; T. C. Mann, Boston; C. H. Easton, J. T. Thomas, Oxford; R. R Bridgers, Wilmington; W. J. Green, Fayetteville; H. M.Barrow. New York; J. Jr.. Wil liams, Fayetteville; Will. Croft, Phila delphia; Henry Johnston, Tar- boro; Kirkland Jduske, Jbayeate ville; J, H. Birker, Chapel Hill ; Graham McKimmon, A. C. Shaw, Join S. Hill, Chapel Hill; I . L. Little, Little Mills; C. K. Alexander, Char lotte; H. B. Hardy, N. C; J. M.-.-1'noe, Baltimore; J. H. Brown, Michigan: U. P. Crook, Baltimore; J. S. Price, city. -r - - One by one the roses fall. It is now found that Sir Jobn Newton did not get the great idea of the law of gravitation from the fall of an apple. He was in a garden when the white Hash of truth came to him, but he saw no ap ple That story proves to be fanciful and was an invention of Voltaire, go Mr. and Mrs. President will yachting along the coast, it is said. j. ; "Whit we learn with pressure we never foriret." Alfned Mercier. The following ia a caa in point, "1 i aid out hundreds of dol lars without receiving- any benefit, says Mrs. Emilv Rhoades. of McBrides, Mich. Ihad female complaints, especially 'driggiug-down. t over six years, ur. a. v. rierce's 'Favor. lte frescription' aia me more sooa tnan any medicine fever took. I advise every sick lady to take it." And so do 'we. It never dis appoints its partons. Druggists sell it. What One Dollar will do 1 it is generous on tne part oi a driver I or out the Stat. to let a horse havo his head. Pica yune, -ji' Do you suffer from Dyspep sia? Would you find relief ? Brown's Iron Bitters cures Dyspepsia. A bottle costs a. dollar. Are you tortured by Indi gestion ? You needn't be. One dollar will cure you. Brown's Iron Bitters relieves Indigestion. Have you lost your Appe tite? You can regain it for a dollar. Brown's Iron Bit ters restores Appetite. Do you feel languid, list less, tired out ? You can get rid of that tired feeling for a dollar. Your body needs tone and strength. Brown's Iron Bitters supplies both. Are you nervous, irritable, unlike yourself ? A disordered Stomach is most likely to . blame for it all. When you get up in the morning does your Head Aehe? Do you have a bad taste in ypur mouth ? Are you dizzy ? There's no mistaking these symptoms. It's Stomach trouble sure. Brown's Iron Bitters is the best corrective. It will cure your Headache, remove the bad taste, relieve the dizziness. . A dollar buys a bottle. ! Does your Liver refuse to act? Are you Bilious? Is your blood impure ? Brown's Iron Bitters arouses the torpid ; Liver into healthy action. Re moves the bile,-cleanses the blood. You can buy a bottle for a dollar. After the day's business or, 1 labor, do you come home ut terly exhausted, too tired to ieat, too weak to fead ? Can't you sleep at night? Does the worn body and weary brain refuse to rest ? Brown's ron ; Bitters restores the exhausted faculties gives repose to the tired brain. A bottle costs a dollar. Are you shaking: with Chills, burning with Fever? Has Malaria seized you for its vie- i tim ? One dollar will save you from suffering worse than death. Brown's Iron Bitters will cure L-hills and Severs, : will destroy the- malarial poison. . Have you Spnncr Fever? . i You can't do better than buy a botde of Brown's Iron j Bit ters. It cures Spring Fever and costs only a dollar, j f j Brown s Iron Bitters is the only Iron preparation that will not injure or discolor the teeth. It's not a beveraee. Physicians and Chemists re commend it as the best Iron Medicine known. Onlv the best material usedskillful com- bination completes it. It goes i to the root of disease, purifies and enriches the blood, stim ulates its healthy action, cre ates new vigor in the system. A bottle of Brown's Iron Bit ters :osts a dollar. You can't afford to be without it There are plenty of imitations. It's always so with a good thing. Don t be deceived. Genuine has crossed red lines on the S 1 f .1 ' wrapper. Made Dy tne urown Chemical Co., Baltimore, Md. . One Dollar for a bottle. i STORTH CAROLINA OBAKTTSS AJTD SaJTDSTOBXS. P- Linehan & Co 409 fayetteville St Ealelgh, H. i Avs onmnd to anake eoatraeta ea the Xoat K krable Terma for svpplylnf Granite ganaV stones of the Best Quality ta any. Quant&fcas deaued. Quarries at Henderson and . Wsflaa oero, H. U. AlipM wciiiumw ior uaiuuir wmm making quick akipaeats to any point, auaarin : t 'I : 11' i "i . lip if:- m Kir i-. ! m I't i v i. -i ''1 .fiXsT-r, "If. ' i ! v. -if. J . - ! 4x tfenffcderait Bomaaiidere. WASttwoToif, Junck 4. Tho House committee on war claims today listened to argument by Judge Fullerton, of New York, renresentinflr the Confederate from 25 to 80 per cent. The ad Talorenl ron?llolier'7l0 Wd edemPn ant ia to take effect thirtv dava after an W1 J e.- - - r 'I h Wtsk! BuBtoee Faltolre. Naw Yoas. June 4. The business bill, that the so-called retaliatory pro- failures occurriBg' throughout the ooun- vission recently added bv Cohsrreas to trv Annua last week.! as renorted to'R. the shipping bill! however proper and G. Dun & Co.: For the United States, justifiable, will -not be regarded with 160; Canada, 27; total, 187; as against much concern by: Canadians, as they do 1 181 .last week, and lov tho week pre not cafe much for the privilege of pur-1 vious. More than half of the casualties I - it Ut ' j 5 propofof thorefbre to deal with the fish-1 Stats. mm -try-: both. I BaekleaiHi Arsitea ftalv. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, hatt Bheuni, Fever gores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, unubiaina, Corns, ana all bain ATOpoooa. ana ponuiveiy cures Piles, or no pay required. It ia guaran teed ta g-tve perfect satisfaction, or money re funded. F ioelo cents per box, For sale by aUnrnffiala. j i ., ,, As usual, a fringe down each side will be fashionable on flounders this year. Puck. i r j Hrsrrra AeM JPtMaphisite, A VALOABIJI UXBST TOM. QaAVEX Dr. T. H. Mewlaad, Jr.. St. Louis, If o says: "i nave a sea it in diseases oi the urw nary organs, such ss gravel, and particularly spermatorrhoea with very good results, and I think it a very valuable remedy in those dia- BROWN'S IBOK BITTEKS COMPLKTX lv restored the healthy of the daughter of Mrs. Sarah Gwynn, S28 W. Jones street, Bs eigh, i. u, wnen sunenng irom weakness ana dstresslng liver and kidney ejection. DoYoiiWishtoBuila rrootrasnTOOWATA-- NFAT 'AND PRACTICAL DESIGN i 4';! i i- . i i : if - r- '.jj - ;-: . ,:..!; - AMHOTOT AO WBDMM, : , With the lata Bnl Bkm), Balelgh, Jr. CL, whe, on application, will prepare ptaas. i levationa, details, working drawings and peoineattons for buildings of avary JissiUi. uoa throughout im w mh an jBnggasMiimisyi ' ,1 . lEooaaS, .-.--..-'in-:- je-Tt

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