itaat&tam tbtroteriUoUi4tUietwoinot." ntane ."batieeiirnnaeavt vaa i . ; s; i ; . I Tur Six ahd Oiiuviu Puuushxp Daut (ixem JIouVat) ax Br THE NEWS AND OBSERVER Ci Deify mm year, 0, postpaid, etxmontbs,M - three ' '' Weekly, one year. .i . t m BMrauw rr oo IN 17 00 1 00 - No' name entered without payment, and no a i,. paper sentafter the expiration of time paid for FWOAY.'JUNE 11. 18$6. Air an&Blaine revolt disturbs the stalwarts, i in' Maine now -ever in view. should! be occasions Thi ocean island grabbing gees on. of war to seise France aenda two men the New Hebridea. Nothing ia more clearly evident than, that the oode daello hu fallen into a state of innocuous desuetude in North . ; Carolina. Thi j Maine . clergymen,, baying se . eared the abolishment of liquor, s are ; now going for Sunday newspaper? and eigare. . Tn President and his bride are back in the White House and we have every reason to expect now that the social aide: of the' administration will be as Well sustained as every other side has; been Thb Orangemen are, again cutting some of their peculiar capers in Ireland, The animosity existing between f them and the Catholio Irish has lived in! vigor since the battle of the Borne, and we fear it ia undying i ' - JDuss Clbvbxajtd is soon to inflict on the publio a novel. "The Lone Bun,"; -whioh is aaid to be a lore story of an oddly aoting minister, in the main, and young woman, the action of the story being at a summer resort. It is evident that, Miss Q. propose! to maksi hay while the ran shines. ; ; ? Ocn minister to Persia, Mr. Winston saw Teheran and resigned, because, is said, he found that there was nothing' to be done at his post. He is a good democrat, and ia therefore indisposed to .accept 4 salary for doing nothing . His resignation has been accepted, and It is expected that Erakine Phelps, president if thoLoiueia club of Chicago,,' will be tendered tne appointment to filV the va cancy. N " TKaxyVohe'of the "applicants ;f0rjkd- misaion to the natal academy this year lacked just a quarter of an inch of fire feet tail,' the prescribed minimum So, the night before the examination his room-mate tool: a . broom-stick and belaboring him bvor the head therewith, raised bumps to such an extent or rather to aueh a height that he went thfrmgh - next day lute a ahot. f ;JNext I 1 Ts tousr men who were discharged . It from iho naTT after oompletinff the Lc oourso bf instruction r at 'the Annapolis V ' KUSDJ JU1Q WOO ;'0T VMS MAUIS ; V CongrtM to restort them to -theerTice met with a deoisiT defeat in the Mr. Butler fdid-;hiaf utmoa: jthlBrr behalf, but ineffectually. .The meaaue looking their restoration was: laid upon . , . th table. . 1 M V Tes Oerman 'infantay is no; fcoing drilled, it is. said, to the use of . and tricycles for iniUtarypurposek j The . uiunaM oDject, we .suppose, is w OTerr nae ue enemy, out we ao not see wnat is to preTent the enemy from iewnuig to use the 'cyeles also. Perhaps though: . ana uus is a nappy thong nt, it; is pro- poaed that eventually, 'cycles snail be sent into the fields 1 irithout ' riders' tnd be nuidelto fieht the battles of tha'wWld alone. ' - Thia would soIto the war prob-. e M OBce uu ao .away wun -s tne ae- eesaity for peace congreesea forevei. BjcbH'MHob; the great printing press inrehtor, died recently in i Vlox once, Italy. To him is due the derel opment of the newspaper of the day Without 'his fast perfecting press, print- - mg Doin aiaes oi a paper at once ; ttom a eontinuous web, which is the final tri . umph of jhia tkill, the recent rapid fad- vanoe bithe daily journalism of the ' great cities would.not have been! posai- : hU . ' . .1, i Euawnkaa we print at the request of Congressman W. EL H. Cowles 4 letter headed ' The Battle of Gettysburg, whieK explains itself. We hope alt in- Hrawu fug esa ao so wui aiiena tne reunion.. Gen. Hampton is particular ly desirous of seeing many of his job) oomradea there and especially those fbo participated in the battle and Who may be able to recall the positions and move ments of troops engaged in the action. The 'North ' Carolina cavalry tocav a prominent part in the great "battle and should therefore be well represented at tne reunion. i i ! i J JSnuoB Childs and banker Drexeli of Philadelphia, presented the time-honored international typographical union, whioh represents the printing craft in North Ameriea, just before the sdjourn ment of its recent convention, 1 "with $10,000, absolutely and withoWany eonditiona whatsoever. The gift, which was made in equal parts by the , two gentlemen mentioned, was a princely one and will be appreciated: by the printers of the country as such. "Mr. - Childs, particularly, has always taken deep interest in the welfrre of working . men, '. the typographical fraternity' es pecially. He haa made his fortune as newspaper man, and has erer been dis posed to g: ve as large a share ' of it ' as possible to the orait that enabled him to make it. This last generous act is but one of many evidences on his part of in terestinall that tends to elevate! did printer's calling. rxut snucsua voivkitiom. f Wo hope the 8,tato Press convention, to be held Thursday , of next week at Morehead, will bo well attended The Press lisaociationlhas grave reaonsu- bxliues reswng upon n, ana ue vbow Stabs i Interested in its realising the act. The tone of journalism u, to a great extent within its keeping and the duty of constant effort towards elevating the plane of discussion should be kept The annual conventions of3 work and of thoughtful suggestion looking to the improvement of the State papers in every fespect. There should not be too much time given to mere enjoyment. though the social features of such gatner- ines are-by no means the least valuable Ones. I There should be a realisation of the nobility of the ionrnahatio call inz in Its 'best estate and a formation or renewal of nurnose on the part of every member of the association to be 1 . & 2l .i it? i r ii v" . content wnn nouung suort oi iho um., in morale at least, so far as he is con- 11 a A hiirh-toned.- fearless, useful press anouia be tne aesire ox au, ana it T i . i tL.l . U is narjuy j necessary vu bj ui uid quality of lusefulneaa at least cannot be attained without work, and work of the moat ekaotine' kind. 1 There hs been a very peroeptible im provexuent: in the State press as t whole. withia the last ten years, and we hare no doubt it has been due to a great ex tent if! not! wholly to the intelligent di rection of affairs by the press associa tion. SLetj this influence, for good be continued and strengthened fprm yeat to year and the press association - will do no less good to the State than any other organisation withm its borders TflxjLife! Insurance Chronicle gives some our loua studies of the 6,283 cases of isuioidtt reported during the last tour vears. I It annears that the ratio of men who killed themselves to women who likewise shuffled off was 3 3 to 1 471 of the whole number of oases being those maids 'and 1,315 those bachelors 2,053 those of husbands and pyo only those of wires, ur an peo ples the Germans killed themselves in freatestnumbers, the total in their ease eing 1,576 and the next largest total was that of the Jfinglish, oal. tseven hundred and eighty of the suicides were farmers, but the proportion of these to the whole-number of farmers was but a 1 1 - ato 128.000. farming thus an- 7 pwnnaamight have been expected, the least auioiaai oi occupauons. wouruai' ista. with eonuneroial travelers, saloon keepers and bhoemakers, hold the other extreme irom tne zarmers, tne. pro portion in their case being one in z,- 000. The; causes of suicide, as disoov ered by the Chronicle, are also curious One woman made away with herself be cause bier mother did, another because she', had a ;pimple on her' nose, i One young person who lived in West Virginia killed herself because her parents would not: let her 'embrace Mormonism, and a New York man ahot himself because he hadnofhing to put into the plate at ehurohf Gn9 man died in order to "do good to tile' rest of mankind and; of nun w are moved to aay that it is a pity some men stul livine do not follow his example. One man sough a ahadyspot on a summer aay witn s lump oi ice and; sundry full bottles, lhere he mixed delicious but deadly punch, drank it and, departed hence forever. Then there were people who jumped into furnaces, whd soaked themselves with kerosene and sthek fire to their clothing,! who drove spikes into their brains, and, most wonderful of ail, who crawled through birbedfwire fences until death followed on exhlustion. Shooting remained the most ooDuisx way oi ffetuns out oi tne World, poisoning being a good second and the! fayoxite method with men. 60 far ai locality is concerned more Suicides were committed in In diania than anywhere else in the United otates. Tan question of the expulsion of the princes pom Frapce is not yet finally settled.! There ii a disagreement be tween tie special commission to whom the matter of the expulsion was referred and the 'ministry upon the advisability of expelling the princes who are ; not pretendlrs to the throne. The former Dojiy proposes an immediate and en forced expulsion of all the princes " who are connected with any of the families .' Vr I I- TH . ' I . I' 1 N. wno nave reigned in j ranee, out, toe latter wish to expel only the pretenders and their direct heirs. These latter are the COmte de 'Faria and his two sons. and Prince Jerome Bonaparte and his two sons. Tne jotner list includes the Duo de Chartrea, brother of the Comte de Parisi the unolea of these two, the Dues d'Aumal0 and de Nemours; the Frince de JoinVille. and tne sons of the last twd; the Dio d' Alenoon and 'the to state in the proper place that tne two societies filed into the H'Hain under charge of jtaily decked ; marshals, with their beautiful banners displayed, wnicn Were placed on the rostrum to -be ad mired; by -Uxe large and appreciative audienee. ; . : ' At 8.30 p. m. Winrate hall was filled with listening ears, eager eyes and up turned faees lor tne ; . . s . , BACCAuAUaATB BKRHQIf i From the'Kev.' Georee Dana Boardman,. D. D. , L-iL. D. , of Philadelphia. His text was from the 1st Cor,,sSi chapter, 10th to 15th verses, inclusive. He di vided .his sermon into three divisions. vis: i First "The one foundation; Jesus Christ"; ; second, "Thai Different Superstructures";- third,' ''The! Trial." He begin by saying be ' joined heartily with the brother i in the prayer or tne morning, s wnen ne thanked tfod that this : was a Christian college founded" by Christian imen on the one foundation, Curiae Jesus, iraut was a wi&e master-builder; the; wosdoni of his building was taking Christ as the foundation; "There is none other name given under heaven among men where by he must be saved." Let' all take heed how they build, i The creed super structure ' was next briefly' discussed. He said that in the creeds of all Chris tian churches we will find a mixture of sold, silver and precious stones,' which represent the Christian virtues, with the wood, hay and i stubble representing the vices. Character ; superstructure. like creed, was a i -mixture of the Kood snd the evil ; we must be careful what material We use. "Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." Many persons, even good I Christins, made a mistake just nere. i Tbey sow honesty and expect to reap sucoess they reap honesty. It is a ceaseless building.! Men can no more eease build ing than the corals of the sea, but up like the corals, who build only: of God given material, men ; must! make their own selection from the gold, the silver and the precious stones . which are pro vided for them in the word of God. Step by step we may climb the ladder of Christian progress, whose foundation is laid in f ith and is finished in charity We may gather richly front the abund ant cornucopia of "the fruits of the spirit," and rp hick many a rare blossom from the bouquet of the Christian graces. Untlzr the last division of his subject ho said the judgment was the trial . which would x prove every man's building, whether of gold or, stubble. Look ! that you make structure fire-proof; the virtues will atand the test of the last great day and like a sentinel follow Hhe good man through the-pearly (rates of the New Jerusalem He closed this- highly in structivo and erudite sermon by saving to the graduating elass: j"We hope every one of you has built On the solid foundation f Remember you are your own architects: that Christian:! charac ter on earth will blossom; in Christian enaraoter in Heaven.' Many a massive buHtress of granite will stand lithe test of the fiery billows of that' lay, and many a pillar of ailver and shaft of gold will glitter" in 'the sunlight of tne eternal morn." We never remember to have heard: a elearer sermon. . He quoted freely from' Scripture through man is a son of the second Mrs. Judson, of world-Wide fame. ! Ho fiat an author of tome' celebrity, having I written aev eral hooka on religious subjects. Like our own incomparable Br, Hatcher, he is ' a man of dignified and commanding presence, with eyes expressive of the goodness Within. Mi l t m. uufnam, m bia own impressive style, read a chapter from Scriptures before the beginning of the sermon, and hymns were sung both before and at the ciose oi tne service At 11 a m. today, aooordiu to Pro gramme, the following gentlemen of the oaADuatiHO oxass delivered addresses: Salutatory address, Hi. jjrewer, Ware JTorest; UraUon, "A fiisintr Cloud". Jacob Stewart. Mocks vule; oration, "Spots on the 8un'; J.; D. Bousnall, ; Beloross; oration, V No burplus. i Men", , T, U Bntton, Woodland; oration. "The Politician", J. f W. Watson. Bives Chapel: oration, 'The Old and the New". E. H. McCuUers. Clavton: valedictory' address, J. It. White. Win ston. After which president Taylor stated that theses by the following gen tlemen nad been accepted: I he Ueneral iiaseminatipn of du cation". B. D. Barker. !.New Hill: -,11. A. Cbappell. Forest- ville; "A! Costly Exchange of Prop erty , ja sr. Jfiiungton, uadiey's Mills: Popular Delusions", J. ,W. Tayloe, not." aaid he. "but feel rradned vt the progress this college has made in eduoa tional matters " He compliiiinted young graduatea .nd paid the highi est praise-to tnoacwno uu bch-uu ministry Speaking very emphatieally and feelingly on this subject, he- usid th chief end of man should be to gioruy God." He jestingly made aome ,alIu4 sioa to poUtioians, nodding his head to wards Capt. C M. Cooke, who sat nei; byi but at the sametime cofumendftd him for his higbr unnstian enaracj ter and friendship for education. , j The Governor told theoltowiDg an-j ecdotel "That being in W ashvngton City some years ago, he heard Ingersoll lec-j ture and he took for his textV as ha al- ways idoes, the Bible, rejecting the whole book as untrue, and particularly; ridiculing its history of the; origin of woman, made from the rib of a man. Sometime after that, an old western man preached in the same piace, ana .an swering Ingersoll, said she. accepted the; whole book as the word of liod; but no matter how woman was made, she was the best put up job he ever saw." In response to a. call chief justice Smith came forward and said he ; would give a short reminiscence from his . life: That at half century after his. class graduated he was present at a . meeting of its sprviving alumni. Only -eighteen out of a class of sixty-five answered ; to the roll call. All the others had dropped from the ranks of life and passed on to the great majority. Each was asked what he had accomplished in life and he was glad to find that they had done good work. He said to the class: "Young me when : you assemble after a lapse pi twenty-bye or fifty years, . have some thing to point to that you have achieved ttemember your oolleg e lives, in you that its! buildings groun ds and physics aspects all change, but in the cultured, developing minds of its alumni is a col lege immortal. Yale college lives in the person of the chio justice t of the United. States Dr. Boardman, being called for, Bald that the way they did things here was not the way they did them an his pert of the country, but he wished, it was his people's way, that with them when thing was over it was over, but this was like the glow after the sunset; said he never heard a better address trom a graduating class; that it was novel and particularly pleasing to him to have the chief excutive of the State and jits chief justice called upon on au occasion of this kind and have them- respond so graoefully, it spoke well for the repub lie Capt. C. M. Cooke, chairman of the board of trustees, read the report of thp board and made some remarks explana tory of the oondition and propeots of the college; said they had established a professorship of week and a professor ship of li&tin for the coming, session j that the college was on a eood healthy financial bassis; complimented .the. fact ulty, said that the happiest and .moat relationship exhisted between, themj said they bad determined on arnearejf relationahip with the State, and tp oocomplish this, and had appointed the; louowutg committee : President Taylor, Prof. Potcat, Prof. u. W. ureen, of Mora vim Kails;; Prof. E. E. Hilliard, of Scotlnnd Nik: J. B Boone, of Henderson villi ; J. F. t Spain- hour, of WUxes county; frof i tjuacken bush, of Laurinburg. The alumni association convened in their business meeting yesterday after noon. The roll of, members, .was per fooled. Mr. J. H. Mills, of Thomas- ville, was elected alumni orator for next year, and Hon. J. 0. Scarborough, of Johnston county, alternate. A com mittee was appointed to carry forward the movement begun at the banquet Tuesday night to raise money for the purchase of chemical apparatus. The offioers of the association were re-elected: Bev. 0. Durham, president; Bev. .W.( L. Wright, vice-president; Dr. J- B. Powers, secretory: Prof. W. G. Sim mons, treasurer. The hall today was entirely .filled. and it is said it will accommodate 1,200 V W J iliaitilacl 5TTKp.--For. eri fveJbHrtt stutellallUlir AirrfU)4i Utwt: UtlM1n eerf family v , lown a ca. oi vunaiocau town Ura e tock stores' of at tbiaiwaten ae&Wa Xh-uv TOUNO Mdiet Wantd.-'io calliindex--L.-nlie7 Um cleaant line, of toilet articles -,rffuiaerie te., at J.' y. Tkla. lUe'i Drag 6Ure ? I i . ... . i - v,v atand togi The young men of Raleigh to together ou MaclUe'S corner and smoke jits fine cigars. , AN TEl. Every smoker in town to try one of J. Y. H acBae's If ikado cigar. W r AN TKl).-Every body who ia thiratv to Y V call at MacBae's and drink Ioe-cold Soda t,d Hioeral Water. d ILlOUvS WASTEU-TO buy their eigars ana iouet arnmes at Mac Kae' g, WilnuBtoa4 atartin and Market streets. ana wuei trnaent : Mac Kae' g. corner WAJRTSfln the drug line of all descrip tion ban be nlU-d at KacRae'fe Dnue btore. WAKTEJ) Every body In the State to khowthat MacKae irives BDeeial attn. tion to mail rders. TAHTI3-Everynody to know that (hey If tan git their 'presciiptions filled with care and diapatch at M acBae' i Drug atore. TJT AS TSJ). Every body suflering with TT torpid r liver to come to J. Y. MacBae anu njiDi nm Ltuneaoe. 1 j; j I) i 'j WASTED.-Mtn; and womaa te .start a new business at their homes, easily learned tn aa nour, lOe. to 50. hour mad dajUme or veaiiag'. Bead lte. for a pfcakaga of samples and ,24 working samples to com mence ron. Address ALBANY 8UPPLY UO., Albany, N. Y. may IS-dlm .TXTTKD.-Hayhig detemiaed tomovs f f our Saw mm h om thut S aU to 3f . Caro. mm, w hh vo ouyimmouu to i,oc acres of land ihat la wrll enunwl . mrU nln 'truTI So any ene Saving any hind . with pine on It will do well ! ornmuelcate with as at bnce no matter wU. m it lays.: Addreaa HOBLN- a'ti , naos., Charleston, Kanawha Co Wert Virginia. Juntf i dot. i i , B SOWR S Jl.OM . BITTSBS CURED una W. H." Kash. 817 M eOea itrt. wi. mlngton, N. C, when thorougldy prostraUd uviu waiariai ,eTr anaauna Was la a de presatd state. Also proved of equal f benefit vo dot snsnana. i WH &R &TU$kER C0 WE INVITE ATTENTION ; It "-W to- vwn " RECENT ADDI1IONS -;t ' 1 We bave made to our ftock of ; D R ESS GOODS TOR- Evening Wear; : TWCECOTMO -it White and Ecru. Ktamln White ad Ore Canvas, White, Cream, Ivory iWkite, CeU NUe, Heliotrope, Eoee'sad Prelate Al batross and Tricetines. SUBiABf B AN EH S ATIN? ' 1U Evening Shades. Complato Lines of Colors and Shade Laces is full-depth . flounces, AUover an ' Kd.1 Oriental; Egyptian, aT An UqneValeneienneM, Cream, Ivory White,. Sen and Beige. aPrlces lower than any house in the taaa w. h; r. 8iffTKTKieii i a TO THE Schdcirs oflM.-C REMEMBER EDWABDS.' BR00KHT0N RALEIGH, ifl ,Have the Best Equipped With M :. frmng&Mm in I '; special tsars. ams la order to reduce stock. 'During th!s6nth j : i we Buauoner Special Bargains EsUb'luument'in'NblrUi' Carolina m SlUKS AND VELVETS. . .... ? . . Diis i BABG AINS IN- Bargaina&t Buvainttn , DRESS TRIMMINGS. WHTTE GOdDS. Bargalaslo ;; '5 , LACE8 AJf D EMBBOIDERIES. Bargains fn I ' j HOSIERY AND GLOVES. Bargains in :" ' i AU Class of WASH FABRICS. BLACK CASMEBCS and BLACK GOODS A specialty. : If T0U WANT Catalogues, ' INVITATIONS, (HBX71JIIABS, : &e. .3 I ' A'LaigetlDfWewirype'i (Paper Just 'Arrived for the ritade. ; Addreda, lETWABDS, BBOUGHTON" ?X and JTrvt Sohc 'i - pARTiBR; persons successful of the college Thus ends one of the. most commencements in the history CHANGE 'OF R. B. Hdadq uarters .r A Vew Ipartar. Winton; 'fThe Goal of .Empire", O. F. Thompson, Lincolnton;: "Is Our Nation in Danger'7 John E. Vann, Winton: A House built upon the Sand", R. H. t nutea, oaiiSDury. . t ; a he above speeches were very fine. both as to matter and delivery, and we I possess a new and important discovery venture to aay will compare! favorably or eliminating fusel oil, and are just as HOW THI DCTTT WhIBXXV CoMP-AKT DIAL i WITH LNnUHGXBS. From the Baltimore (Md.) Morning Herald. .The Duffy Malt whiskey company nave rather a summary way of dealing with imitators and infringer on their rights. Their latest move is the arrest of a Philadelphia firm on two charges.; one of conspiracy and the other of at tempt to cheat and defraud by putting up a whiskey in a package in imitation of that used by the Duffy Malt whis key company, for their 'Duffy'i Pure J Malt Whiskey." The firm i an old es tablished liquor house, reputed to be . A.T J-k f i AAA MB v worm zuu.uw. I he JJuny company ample,' the essential article, Sutter; I seh IN REAR OF j 1 the MiliiMliiliii choice Batter, from the dairy farms V Dr. i : i ll i! . '. ' Richard Lewis, Mr. W G. CpchnrchMi VA H. Green; and Mrs. Dj W. Kerr and'llr'. L. 1; B. Hoft, of Alamance, oecaaional sup- RAILROADS. glABOABD IIOANOKE B. B. CHAMOI OF SCHKDULI Commencing Suada), May 16,1888, attJO p. m. trains carrying paaaengers on this roaa wul rum as foUowa : south. aounn. uavn vonTaaioirrHt . 4.10 a, a. Franklin accommodation, daily ex cept Sunday.- atope at all staUone betweea Pbrtunouth and Fraakliav 0.30 a. m. .Way,starU Irani the shops Mon- ayi, Wednesday and noays. Stona at aJl .tmt.i.iiK. 10.00 a.m.XjtaistartatrwK loot of High street i louy;Vptaunday,' iBtops at au i -.; Natations. . , c:r :r 7.00 p. nwBaVeigh expnwatairisJrom fooLol 1 2llgb auet dailv, exoept Saturday. pi Stop, at all statSUa 830 a. m.-Balelgh sxpreas daUv. eXceDtMon- . daya. ... 8.20 p. m-v ay,-Xueedayt, Thursdays and S.1S p. m. Frankiin aecosomodation, daily. Yxcfctrf Sunday. 6.60 p. m.--5iU uajly, except Sundays. Stops St all atat ionB lor passengers. Tickets to all potnta, houtli and t uthweei, on wile rt omee, No. 6 Main street, Aortelk. Telephone No. 10ft. J. fi. BBOvTKaV V attter of Trans. L. T. Mtkbs, Superintendent of Trana. v AAPK KAKAXADKN VALLXY K.B, '0 4 tiarjr 'jgDnte. ,. 9 60aa C 1100 m J vSltpm LXAVa. 840 am lu oo IS 10 psa ISO - iaaTfi. Bennettsville, Shoe UeeL Fayettevui, Santord,'..i Qseniboro, . I LlOO 'S- i Ssuntes at Fayetievflle for dinner. nAuraootn. V 'Atafra. - 'f taiva. Oreenaboro, 10 00 a m Sanford, I20pm.l4epm Fayettevtlle, 8 60 4 00 Shoe Heel 660 8 00 Bennettsville, 716 Dinner at Sanford. JICHMOKDDANVILLK BA1LBOAD. covDawsao hlucpvlb, NORTH. , May Snd, itseo. , SOUTH Ko.63. NoUSl.' DaUy. Daily. Arr. p. m. 8 20 12 86 a. m. 10 03 46 p. in. 11 28 a. uu 7 00 p. m. V 43 8,01 6 26 8 43 8 40 Arr. a. u. 6 20 8 00 p. m. 11 26 9 46 a. m. 9 43 4 40! 1 85 12 8 a. m. 7 86 6 48 4 06 12 45 6 45 New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Washington. Danville. Bkmnond. tioldbboio. . Kaleigh. Durham. Greensboro. .'Salisbury. v Charlotte. Spartanburg. Atlanta. 'NoO. XoAX. Daily. Daily. live. ighU 12 00 a. m. 7 20 w 50 11 16 1 . m. y 25 8 25 11 60 6 00 or 11 "21 1 10 8 00 6 66 1 40 Lve. p. K 8 40 e 08. V 00- ii on a. m. 2 00 a. m, UM 1 00 8 84 10 40 SALEM BRANCH. .Northward. Jan. 18, 18S6V .. NoJiS. No.61. Daily. DaUy. Arr. P-m. 8 85 Lve. 6 65 Arr. 8 10 ; Lve. 6 60 Southward. ' No.60. NoJSU DaUy. Daily. Groehsboro. ; Satem. Lve. p. u. 11 86 Arr. 1 17 Lye. 'a.xs, 10 00 r Arr. 11 4ft HAtilQHiGATbBR.T Jl- t'-iv .-' ' 4 coHnansnn aOHanoui. ' Trains going North. i,. ,; II lav i MOV. 10, 1880. BOWN'S IRON B1TTIRS CCRXD HSL L3 M. Q. Ixvelaoe..fikiavilLK: N. n.. troubled with liver and kidnev affection, l H Expresses himself ' as much pleased with n effect. : , t -jib ,i : T- The Best of The best of everything is what aenible pea. I It, " : i ;l ! pie wan especially in provisions;' and" apt' j . ' i s-- n r- . !.r- cially when economy is nosenaSry, for there -! no economy in poor goods. The best Flour ahd'MeaLtO make the best lirtad; the besi Teaf and 06flee-DaatMea4; Splcea, Soipa,' the beat and most reliable Canned Goods, the best ot everything. Take, for ex- Leave. Raleigh, Wake, .Franklinton. ' itttrelL I T Henderson, j WarrenUins,N' Littleton. 'Arrive at WeldWn, Traini going South. excent' .Sunday. 0 4ft io so 10.68 11 is 11 85 1 20 p'mtlO 7 12 65 1 40 IT except Sunday S 16 a 7 42 . 8 24 65 11 81 12 oo am N bv. 15, 1885. NoiSD'y. except Sunday. Leave Weldon, . Littleton, r Warren Plains, . . Henderson, . KlttreU. Franklinton, -Wake. - 'Arrive at Raleigh, 2 40 p mi 8 20 4 08 4 58 6 12 6 82 6 67 8 40 W. No 4Dy except r Sunday. 1 15 a 47 a u 458 6 80 8 08 8 50 8 08 Surra: - Stt'ierint4ndent. JALKIGH A AUGUSTA AlR-LUiX. coNDtHsan scHxnuii. ' Trains going South. Nov. 15, 1885. iNo I Dy I except Sunday. Leave Raleigh, -; Moncure, Sanford. Arrive Hamlet, i Trains going North ! Nov. 15. 1885. . Dy except Sunday. , No'lTyy except Sunday. ft 00 a 112 25 p 1 45 7 SO No 4 Dy except Sunday. Leave Hamlet, Sanford, i Moncure. Arrive Raleigh, 2 45 ami 6 6 06 111 6 60 9 00 Wm. Smith. Superintendent. 11 12 8 oo a 15 80 80 , Halifax and Salisbury Sta. Duo de the ones' rentaievre. final action : on ion of expulsion in the chamber ot deputies was to have taken place yes terday. VakyNtl CaUeare.' na, boabphah's aaajcoir. ibi oxado- ATZS hUoV. SCALkS AND 0THUS. CLOaiKO nxiKCfflM, ao., ao. Staff Correspondence. 1 ; iKaaH FoaasT, Jane 10, 1836. V I' .'. THUBSOAT. ..: . The weather is pleasantly cool but cloudy today, i (This little Village ; is alive with beautiful girls and gallant young men, and Of course there is the usual ooouetting j and flirting indulged in. : ; , i ..... In our report of Dr. Hatcher's ad dress iyeiterday the pressure for time compelled the omissiou of much ot the address and other matter of the pro- ocedings pf that day, so we will . con clude these proeeedinga in our today'a report, vol. Lu JL. iolk presented the medal! for ''Declamation'' to D. A. Davis, ofiYadkia.1 Rev. C. H. Martin presentodj the medal for "Best article in the Wake Forest Student" to J. W. Watson, of Wake Foreat. DrUatoher a few irittv remarks presented the hilomatesian medal for "Oratorv" to K J . Farlu, of Raleigh, and the Eua in with those of aty graduating class in the South. They were of living, breath ing issues, not of ancient history, as is usuaijy tne case with graduating elass spread-eagle oratory. K Legrees were conferred on the grad uates as follows: Bachelor; of Letters. K. P. Ellin g on, J. Stewart : Bachelor or axis, a. D. Barker. J. n. Koushall. J. W. Taylor. O. F. Thomnson. J. R, Vann, li. H. Whitehead. I Master of Arts, 0. B. Brewer, T. C. Britton, H. A. Uhappell. B. H. MoCullera. J. W. Watson, J. L. White. : The "baccalaureate address and oon ferring degrees were delivered bv pres ident Taylor in a few short, feelincr . ...... . . . i . 7 " B woras which Touched the hearts of his hearers. ' ' His exoetleney Gov.: Seales. chief justice smith ahd other officers of the State, including many prominent men, were on the rostrum. President; Taylor, 'after bavins an DOUOCed the close of the commanoement exercises, called upon aovixMoa scAUf for a speech, The Governor, said he would be more than human did he fail to appreciate; this reception; that he was gratwea wsee ana near what he had today, ile complimented ! th Bantista or tne state upon Wake Foreat eoilege. secure in it and as free from competition as an absolute patentee of an invention. Uon; also, at all times, the mwrt ' Northern FIRST SQUARE NORTH of CAPITOL Northern Dairy Butter at; a lower pries. Isn't it pretty nearly time to pension the men who thought of going- to the war? Philadelphia; Call. ' . P hard' ij m avBk - m Buava&xex jbv vanai i.'.Wi aw i is Rhatmiatisia, Neuralgia I Havmsi moved our wood and coal Vard from tne jm. wjjepot (tne extreme western Dortkin oi tne cuyj to wiumb j ONE SQUARE QF TB1 CAPITOL : J ; - t W are now prepared to furnish fuel at short notice. piles from other dalrW of esbbuihed rej uU p AROL1NA CXBTBAL R. B. Jt'aaaenger, mail and expreaa train, except Sundays. Creaniery Butter that canJUbough r wArrlvIoae at ) Leave Charlotte at No 1 V Arrive at Raleigh at ) Arrive at WUminston at SHBLBT BmaiOX DATLT Kxcav mvnin. No. 8 I Leave Charlotte at 816am Arrive at Shelby at i 1215 p. m No. t Leave Shelbj at - 1 40 a. as Arrive at Charlotte at 6 40 pat The tame in meats; 'alwjviij'tite best. Saveked Tongues and Beef, cored byjTerris A'lcoJ j Dairy 700 p.m. ,:1 86 pun. 'tsoaVW 815 p. m 00a.a 8 85a.m best Hams at prices ranging yiit new fnm 11 j i ? mm ; to 16c per lb; Breakfast Strips; If eats and th of every description. . , . : For Breakfast and Tea Teas that care and .ATILMUSGTON WIXDOS KK v v txuss1 ootno sovth. thcchehMst! rr nnmcis B7IIB r II II J ! Strata. Inlw. .t. 8 111 I mil PSXec riVTV cteirra. AT DKDO018TS AffD PlULItLl -- ronma womrAMT, BAiiTiaTou, mm. AND SOFT I.ON0 iAND lence ean stleet: Chocolates and Cocoas; fins Cotleea, greet and ; : i roasted. : : . ; - r : it -it ,: ; rvitnout gooa Dread, nothing Is good I offer you the best' brands of . Flour, ' the That : i . Con steal and the best Lard to fcw1th:tham. There ean be no eamplalDt of prloa. 'x;very- Apr11i5,'.1888. Leave Weldon, Arrive. Reeky Meant, Arrive at Tarbaro. Leave Tar bora, Leave Vilaon,.. Arrive Ooldsboro, Wilmington, Dally.. S 16 pas 4 88 1460 11 80 4 05 p ar 454 " 750 No. 40 Dairy. 5 asps 54 p. 1 7 88 t 55 April 25, 1886. TXArxs oouie mokth. rWA&E MARK. ' j ax. n a afssawisislaai" W1 ana satu it was we prioe 01 north UaTO- J lina. Vl trust, u some of the aneakera I :v i . rr i n tw . A. I &A Mid DM UdlT , (A u , r a I r ian medal for the "Best Essav" to R. I higher and hisrhev - I PROM, r r MTt li.t. - J -c4l twm . .. . I .. w .. ... . ... TO I i ' ' 7 wwnfao, oi oauianxv. f OaUi tipw WUmm ft th iand," "J e I C? ITTX TfclZl YXTl n 1 4 ti- 4 "'ill i i -Hi ' 1 Prices guaraateedJ u Telephone No. 108, i f Send in yCuri orders. 'CaH and see uk ws will snow ou aow we do bosiness. WIKJB ItAILrRa AND OBNA So.' 88 North Howard. atreei.. Baltfxearai auiuewujBiB oi wire railing -tor cemeterwi, belooatas, ata, ' Btotes," fendsrt. eeage and Ml. HMSa M1tf..' tVM hmJImimAu Uti ' ' n i t ni ii I i... X lUhsxieaj 815 N. Second stretTWrnnlnr ton, N. CU of kidney and liver ecmplaint. wsawveyrsnsuayiariaafoiaaave i thing in the Provision line ti cheap. you' the beat of eveiytfcJag at the low prices, promptly dcUverad.. taouheements frost day to day, see Weirtvo Tilf. A.47 No. a Dally. Daily. . 840am SoOpsa 11 85 , 11 68 OA I225pa U40am 12 59 1 U : OO . 11 80 am ' Jom Vmxm, Supt , VwmoM, Qtm'l Passeaar, Aaeat. . Leave Wilmington, Arrive Ooldkboro, Leave Wilson, . Arrive Rocky Kouat Arrive Tar bn, Leavo Tarboro. Arrive Weldoa columns' oi this paper. the'loeal I A ATLANTIC NORTH CAROLINA R. R. Chaageoicf seltedub t' take affect 12 m. DundayMsy80th,-1888. 1 , r No 61 East, D7y except Sun. Qoldsboro, Laurange Auuaea, .4 ' 3 1 ; .a- KeBerae Nereb'd City, Lsuva. 8 04pm 6 41pm ftl8pm 7 49 pm ijmown axaoH aimjj ati,t bsmi-I AJ) fttSA VW ,J V- rw.w -AaALji -sxJi.- .. .. . m-m U. 1 a Mr . I , . j . . . - , . . ; a mr ... . . ros onuniy, a. va, woenM;miorrK 4or nr IfrS1, -aO!1B8 a-"na, reeommends tt to athri auxari&c from the I ofh'd City. ig2am 6 88pm aiopu 7 89 PA w mm D mm Ne 50 West, Diy exoeprSuu. Aaarrn. boro. 11 liaia ' ti. A 08 4 8 41 am 40am t-. J -

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