I TTTfl A JOB ; - I v. - '-. i sb N !t 5 I ! . ! -I V .;: I '." . ? t . ! s . j"' i 1 !- ' . I i ' : M,:P5 - .-- ; i. - -.f-. . -.. ? . ; .i '? , - I '. ' ' I ' f i 'f ' : 'I'' , -4 "-. rt !.aaMa'!; 'aBa : i " AN D .11, - BSERVEK. VOL. xxvir. RALEIGH. N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNK 18, , 1886. NO. 29 Absolutely Pure. ihw powder never, varies. A marvel of iartty, strength and wholeoinenes. More loOBODrica) than ordinary kinds and cannot be eld la competition with the multitude of low last, abf rt weight, alum or phosphate powder Sob) only in cana. Rotai. Biinw Powdb -Co., los Wall Street, New York. Sold by W 'C A B Stronach, (korge T StroaacL. and J R Femdl A Co. IffiVSPEPSIA la a danranaa M wail aa dMraMinc ooaplaint. II . tt fannkitiac utritaoa. ftDd W prwxiM the a the ayatMa, lo pnoai Um way. Iuc w.pxl J DBf m i l a 3 unr5TTn!f!C 3 want to know the preacher It ia dedi- Let 7nrsr UU th. tppBtjf, a id & rtmilltinn of food. J. IT MOMrru, Um hoaorad ptar of Ik Hwinc md Brown1, tram HMmn forDyspapaia It nlrlkl lina I baax Boat ahaarfnl kaat f BrsvB'a Iroa Bittara te I a Boil Jidf. oaOaul - " - ' Mem STORE. I NEWS I OBSERVATIONS.' ? f ; -j-There are 98,500 heathen Chines in California, f M : rSeoretary Lamar ip to deliver the oration at the nnyeiling of the Calhoun monument at Charleston. ; -Curious people will 4hati the President paid $500 for tying; the knot. I There 4a a! new aone. oated to Mr. Keely. It entitled me kill hinj'for his motor." -New York- Will try another batch of her . boudle : aldermen next week Justioe'ia bound to keep her hand in, jpyen if it aenda the whole crowd to Sing Sing. . ,fi ' A correspondent writes : I learned today that ex-President Arthur's friends are hoping and planning to take him to Now London as. soon aa he can bear the fatigue of the journey. ' The very careful Washington cor respondent oi the Baltimore Sun its au thority for the statement that Mrs. President is one of the most beautiful women who ever adorned Washington society. - I i' I The Methddist Kpiscopal Church Report says: ft We recommend that young men and oung women be ra tional in selecting a life partner and not take rake or ia tartar, an indolent person or a fop.'.'- The first change in Cleyeland's habits is that he goes to ride an hour earlier, and the companion of his daily drive is not th : faithful Lamont any longer but a lady' who invariably car ries a ted parasol.) Since American fishermen cannot go where the mackerel are, and Cana- janB cannot get the fish they -catch into the American market, the fact becomes apparent that it - the agile maekerel that has the best; of the fishery situa tion. '" I - - f ? Old Gen. Harney, of Mexican war fame, is being-roasted in the courts now because he married a year or two ago ' against thd wishes of his heirs, and they are now accusing the wife of hav ing exercised undue influence, &c. Gov. Hill vetoed the bill provid ing for spring elections in New York city because it also provided for the election of seven ldermen every alter nate year by the icity at large and by cumulative . suffrage. He favored and warmly recommended spring elections, but opposed the Other two features of the bill, r ; I The anarchists are talking loudly gain at Chicago. I One of the speakers Said: "What ia law? Law is the code lot tyranny. What are the police ? They are the minions of the law. They iup the roh tyrant. Gods I how I ex ult in Chicago's Iheroio deeds of the night of May 4th. f Would that you had CONGRESSIONAL. THE HOIBK 8BOWS ITSTDER TARIFF BILL, THE SENATOR VANCE DKLIVKB4 THE AIURF.SH At MlUH ; CO.UMESIlEMEllT. Apprprtatloa fnaavaxi. Bill IMa- It la i Fine Production and la Hratrd by Lara Aual !. Wabbinqton. June 17. 8k'at. Mr, Ingalls offered a resolution re questing the President if, in his: opin ion; not incompatible with jpublio interest, to furnish the Senate, infor mation as to the number of appoint ments and removal of olerks -embraced within the provisions of the civil service act of January 16th, 1883;; also of chief clerks and. chiefs of divisions. On Suggestion of Mr. Cockrell, who wanted to amend and enlarge the scope of the resolution, it went over onq day. The Senate then proceeded to the consideration of bilb on the i. calendar under the five minute limitation, of de bate. Among' the measures passed was a bill to pay to the representative of the government of Great Britain $15, 550, to enable that government to in demify "the owners of the : bark "Chance" for. abandoning their whaling voyage in the Arctic ocean in 1871 and recovering ninety American seamen from ships wrecked in the loe. : Mr. r rye explained that the action of this bark was most humane and creditable. Having heard that the American vessels were so placed i as to involve thetdestruction of all haids if hot speedily relieved, the bark promptly abandoned its own business for the sea son and went to the rescue of the Amer- ioans. Mr. Drve thought .it a ! shame that this claim; had for so many years been before Congress without passing. House bill granting an annual: leave of absence of two weeks, with the tariff bill was defeated; yeas' 140, nays 157. Hewitt, Adams, Belmont, Beach, Felix, Campbell, James and Mahoney, of New York, of the D m - cratic delegations, voted for considera tion, and Messrs. Arnot, .Bliss, Tim, Campbell, Davenport, Dowdney, Mer riman. Mnller. onrifira. StahlnAolrnr. : " ; oo , , i c, . j, r r- Viele and Pindar voted in the negative. Pi o e mws ato uBsaavaa. The sneaker voted for consideration. I 1 Salim, N. C, June 17. Great applause greeted the announce- Today was a notable one in the his- jment. Mr Morrison gave notice that tory of this stately old town and its I he would renew his motion Tuesday equally stately and noble female acad- next, and Mr. MeEinley stated that the emy.i- It : was'; commencement day. opponents of the bill would he on hand. There were many distinguished visitors. but none more honored or loved of them all. than our own Senator Z. B Vance. -Hon. W. C. Breckinridge, Congressman from the seventh Ken tucky district, was to have delivered the literary address, but he was de tained, at Washington by the pressure of his engagements at Washington, and henejB'epnld not be present H Senator Vanoe's address was deliv ered in the grand old Moravian church, The only break 1 which is more than a century old. The when Mr. Hoi- audience was 1,200 in number. The musio, a9 is always the ease at Salem, was superb.; Senator Vance's subject was 'Salom: Female Academy; its Past, Present and Future." The address was worthy of the orator; graceful in style and at once vigorous and elegant in language. The audience was enthusi astic and was liberal in, its applause.! . At the college the exercises were in teresting. There were twenty-six mem bers of the graduating clas. The diplomas were presented by the verier table and brUved former principal of the academy, lie v. Kobert de Sohweinitz, who Jd consented once more to visit 8 'lem fro Ti his distant hoo e in the hope of meeting as many as possible of his old pupils The ; onccrt was given last evening. It was superb and was under the direc tion of Prof. Frederick Agthe.thc musical director: Anion? the musical features were the rendering of extensive selec tiooa in olo and chorus from Gounod's "Gallia," and Heller's sacred cantata, The - Song of Victory." These famous (The North Carolina members voted as follows .on Mr. Morrison's motion: Yeas, Messrs. Bennett, Cowles, Green, Henderson, Johnston, Skinner; nay, Mr. O'Hara. Messrs. Cox and Reid, who would have voted in favor of the motion, were paired.) The rolr-call was patched with great interest, both on the floor 'and in the galleries, and an unusual silence pro vailed as the clear tones of the" clerk enunciated each name, in the silence occurred man responded in the affirmative when his name was called. He was greeted with a round of applause, which broke out afresh when speaker Carlisle, di recting the clerk to call his name, oast his vote in favor of the motion. When the result of the vote was an nounced there was a storm of applause from" the Republican side, which the Democrats returned with hearty good will. When Mr, Morrison arose and gave notice that he would renew his motion on Tuesday next, Mr. McKiuley gave notice that the opponents of the bill would try to be present on that day Mr. Herbert, of Alabama, chairman of tho committee on naval affairs, moved that the House go into oommit- tee of the whole on the naval appro- pay, to the employees of the government print- . .. .... WoffiL. - : - priationbill House bill authorizing the construc tion of a road to the national cemetery at Natchez, Miss. . 1 i House bill authorizing the transfer of the United States barracks atljtfaton Rouge, La., to the Louisiana State uni versity at that place. , ! The House bill appropriating i 8150,- 000 for additional barracks at the sol- men noma u ,um,lUnn cii -keT. ...W- J-v. Mr. O'Neill, of Missouri, antagonized the motion with the request that the House consider the bills reported from the committee on labor, but Mr. i Her bert's motion prevailed and the House at 3 o' slock went fin to a committee of TH1 6BXAT , been better prepared and that your en- I nations. for the construction of a new! wharf at Fort Monroe, Va.; bill to authorise the construction of a road to the nation al cemetery at Knoxville, Tenni; bills for public buildings at Ashevillej N. C, (appropriation $80,000) and Savannah. Ga., (appropriation $200,000); a bill for the construction of a - military tele graph line from- Sanford, Florida, to Point Jupiter, Florida, and the es tablishment of signal station: f a bill to promote the political progress and commercial prosperity of the Amerioan the whole on the naval appropriation' impositions are quite recent and have bill. ,Vut Sfildom, ; as yet, been heard in Mr. Herbert cxsaVo4 aha the f& ybnerica. appropriate toa Qje oexf nsea eajp tildiiatoa hi. cauipic. Lonjon, June 17. Mr. Gladstone yertr jaasj-terted this morning at ll o'clock on 1 ! lTai ( ODTCIltlOU, TUB FIRST DAY'S PKOCKXDIKGB TK8T1VITKS IN PROBPSCT ON TO WASHINGTON. Special to Tax Niws and Obsirysr. Atlantic Hotkl, Morxhxad Citt, June 17. The North Carolina press convention met here at 10 o'clock this morning in the cool and spacious Atlantic hotel. The attendance is unusually large. Col. W. L. Saunders, secretary of State, is present. The members of . the press were were given a Warm welcome by the authorities of Morehead. Invi tations to an excursion about the harbor and to a ball at 'the hotel tomorrow evening were accepted. I Both were tendered by the hospitable proprietors of the hotel. The party for Alexandria, Va., and Washington, D. C, Will leave hero Sat urday morning. From forty to fifty members of the association ; will go. The invitations are special, from the Rich mond & Danville railroad.! The convention arranged to hold two sessions a day. 1 his morning tne con vention endorsed a plan proposed for a reunion of all Northern . settlers in the State, present and prospective, at the next State fair. M t The convention appointed a commit tee to interview Lt. Francis Winslow, U. 8. N., in regard to the oyster indus try. He is now engaged in ; making an elaborate and accurate survey of tho oyster waters. p; : I Everything is done to make the ses sion of the convention pleasant. The weather is charming; all that could be desired. About forty-five members wre present this morning and more arrived this evening. ' i : I KoUts Irom Davidson Cellrae. Cor. of Thx Njsws and Observir. Davidson Cohlbgi, June 16. C. C. Norwood, A. M.,; temporary .professor of natural philosophy and as tronomy, was elected to that chair as its regular professor. j ; W. 8. Uurrell, Ph. V , formerly of South Carolina, now of Hampden-Sid-ney college, was elected profess t ot mental and moral philosophy. Minister Phelps has sent to the Yale law school a fac-similo copy of the Magna Charta, obtained from the origi- , rial document twisted from King John '71 years ago and now in the British museum. That shows how enterpris ing the Democratic minister is. St. Jacobs Oil has received six gold medals at different world' exhibitions, for being; the only absolute cure for rheumatim. SUMMKRRES0RT3. BUFFALO XaITHIA SPBINGS HOTEL, Mecklenburg Couty, Virginia. Season of 1886. Will open to the public June 1, under an en tirely new refime. Mr. B. K. Tiee, fer- merly connected with the 8outhern Hotel, of St. Louis, tbe Grand Pacifc, of Chicago, and more recently the Plaaaiatoa, of Milwaukee, w ill have management of the hotel, and guests can.be aiurd ot comfort and good attention. For particular a to route, pricee, tc, apply to B. K. Tice, Manager, RUFFALO LITH1A FPRISO, Va., or to tbe Company at tbeir oftie. 33 BARCLAY ST., NKW YOBK. June6 dim. THE NEW HOTEL WABM SPRIITGS N C;. Will be open for tbe reception of guests June 30th. " ' ' - For particulars as to terms, baths, At., ad B. P. CHATFIELD, Prop'r. (also of Highland Park Hotel, Aiken, S. C.) y Warm SraiNGS, N. C. June 12 dt July 1. ' rpHE WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS Grkkkbrixb, Co. THE MOST CELEBRATED OF ALL THE I MOUNTAIN RESORTS, And one of the Oldest and moat Popular of American Watering-Places, Will open for the season June 1st. Elevation above tidewater 1,000 feet; snrrounding moun tains 8,600 feet. 8nd for pamphlet describing hygienic advantages. B. Jr. KAKT.K, Superutennent.. June l dim. . OPEN JUNE 1ST. ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, VA. $15 eJJB4.- ketet bW osttljKia Seottish campaign. He was accom an itjj kfjp.rj96.OP fcf ,! tnfllSW Uanied by Mrs. Gladstone. Thousands of the mry, vhjkh wie)nbted fejusTaf rople concreffated at the railway w k. a. . r r n r - J cpiv I jjaation to witness his departure. The thx grxatkst the hilt ider eontjattuff. mittee )aa4 endearywred fo tepH a Wuv fectly lakt bill, ttjat ghenjd apprepMate enough money W injure against a d neieney bill, but this wa not a tune to indulge in the creation of new establish ments such as training schools. The country needed first new ships, new guns and a general increase in the naval I establishment. Be then proceeded to Be- Bargain The Backet fetore baa all the advantages ! i .-: . . a " . ginea pi obstruction had been more nu merous. Jut the ttext time the next i.lTnje wlilAwfi lea ami kf AAnntin aWA wall nUUptj VI nUlOlZfl. I war tne living from luose dogs of op- vivboivu ajiu uun ineir Darreu ana grated citadels in ihe dust." v And an other said : "1 guabh my teeth with unavailing ; rage when I think of the brave and noble heroes penned in this prison of Chicago.! Surrendered to their enemies, their; strait is desperate and their threatened fate most terrible. Oh I that we must thus sit idly by and eon- template these! outrages. But our day of reckoning will come and the tyrants one and all must fall. The double- dyed fiend incarnate Schaack merits the most hideoris and appalling penalty, and This last isMr.FryeVbill anthori- f1"" f deUil the f window v u ":r::: "?Z i biU and took occasion to impress upoa w Wtl whkh result from having buyers always in the hew York market .to turn to advantage the diaattious reaults which come to men who ret is debt. It to the power of tbe Almighty Dollar cuttinir Us way through the centre ot sing the President of the United States to invite, on behalf of the people of the United States, delegates 'from Mexico 'and Central and South America to meet in Washington October 1st, 1887, to meet delegates on the part of the United States, to consider such ques tions and recommend suehJ measures as snail he to the mutual interest and com mon welfare of the American: stater. One hundred thousand dollars is ap propriated for the incidental 'expenses of the conference. The delegates of the United States are to be twenty-four in : number i and are to 1 serve without compensation. Mr. Frye said that Messrs.! Morgan and Evarts. as less than lbey can be made for in 'hundreds i . - - ' ot taaes. The Bucket Store believes in and follows out the idea that merchant tan ding utwwn the mawet and the markets ought to be satisfied with a reasonable profit and when ever that profit falls we rtop and give to those who buy otkr goods the balance. In a word, 1 n 9wn.;- i . : . a. .correspondent describing the first eoepHon of Mrs.? Cleveland writes 'Promptly at 9 o'olock the President, with Mrs. CleveLmd upon his arm, came' down the west stairway and entered the mainrblue: room; door, lie wore his weeding suit of plain broadcloth, and she her wedding dress of white satin, with the high corsage of that evening replaced by low sleeveless corsage pointed at the back and front. Her only jewels were a diamond neoklaoe, given the; Senate with regard to this bill; but as the. ressiori was advancing ' and the bill had received the ttnanimdus sup port of the committee on foreign rela tions of the Senate, it was 1 concluded that it would be as well to tike up the bill and pass it without debate, if that met the approval of the I Senate The bill was at once passed, j without debate; ) ' : Ik The legislative, executive arid judi cial appropriation bill' was received from the House of Representatives and Wl shall niake U BARGAINS MAKE OUB BU8INE88, her by the Presideiit, and a small pearl it was referred to the committee ou ap- oomb in her luxuriant brown hair, which propriations. -' The Senate adjourned. was ' Worn high.; A bunch of white vabjmN waa fnmtjneiti nn Kf KrAaat and Ai d under the banner ot the llmighty DeU i long white mittf Ireached above her elbows. The secretary of war ana airs. ut with one pricp to all, we march dally on t the front. -w willnive thia eek some ereat bar' Mln in I.iuIWh' and GenUi' Shoes, Oriental Lacea, Hamburg Edgingj. Great job lot in Moauuito et, at 0c, worth 10c Big barga'BS, In L'UibrtUatt, btraw Hats, 23c, worth 0c; Bent Calico in tbe city for ic a yard Great slaughter in Buttons of air kinds. New lot of Buggy Wfhips Solid non-gal vanized Buckets 5e, w orth (Xvl 8Uk Gloves, 30c, w ortb 0w Job in tye-glasses at 6, worth 26c ... We will open koine great bargain in Men'i fthixts, l6e,'worth 1. -Our Millinery Department will be supplied with some Ksw hats tor ladies at great bar gains. Also some lobs In Ribbons. Now t .... .'r.t to aavs your mouy call at -the nan wt- - w liacket Stole. Bubultted to the cash trade only. V0LNJEY rUIiSKLL 4 CO., ; ' JXo. 10 East MartU StreeL hocbi. :. - i , j , WASHritaTON, D. C-t June i 17. In anticipation of the tariff bill coming to the surface of the legislative sea this morning, there was an usually large number of members present when the House waa called to order, ' The gen tlemen having charge of the pairs on the; respective sides of the House were kept busily at work and the ohief, in deed the only topic of conversation, upon the floor was tbe probable fate of the coming motion to consider the Mor rison bill. After the House had trans acted some routine business, Mr His cock, stating that there was "am under standing thaf a motion Would be made to- essential of. poultry raising may be day to go into committee of the whole on Endicott followed next, Mrs. Endicott, who is in light mourning, wearing white silk with black lace drapery and a black pompon in her hair. The secretary of the navy with . Mrs. Whitney then fol lowed, Mrs. Whitney in white satin combined! with pale lavender ana a wreath of white lilacs bordering.the low corsage at tbe neck. The postmaster central entered with Mrs. Vilas, the . . - - . . . . .., latter in white -crepe ae enine witn Eliiabethan collar and demi-train. To sum un briefly, seme of the the committee the! necessity of thorough reorganisation of the civil establish ment of the navy . He critioised the ex penditures previously madeby the bureau of construction and repairs and expressc d the oninion that only enonarh monev should be appropriated for the bureau as would enable the old navy to be kept in decent repair until Congress took the steps it should take to build a new navy. There was no appropriation m the bill for new cruisers or for the completion of the double-turreted monitors, both of those objects being provided for in a bill for the construction ot a new navy. The appropriation for the monitors was left out of the bill because the commit tee on naval affairs believed that the fact that seme prevision was made for the construction of the navy in this bill would be nsed as an argument when other measures should never bo reached for consideration.! ' Mr. Hepburn j of Iowa, made a speech in reply to that made by Mr. Wheeler, of Alabama, relative to Ed win M. Stanton, and tho committee rope and the House at 5 o'clock adjourned.. A Omay Kin-. cliar I'EOor or mjdwig'b insanity. Munich, Bavaria, June 17. Among the documents whioh have . been sub mitted to the diet to prove the inanity of the late King Led wig is a decree of the dead monarch sentencing some of his ministers to death, copies of whioh wore sent to all the members of j-overnment There were others sentencing a number of minkters to banishment to America. Afi? davits of thirty persons have oho been submitted, in which it .is : stated that the king injured them by throwing it them knives, china and glass, ihere is also a document relating to a proposal of the king to form a cabinet with hi valet as president. crowd ! was simnlv enormous. It rldusly blocked and delayed the ap- E roach of the premier's carriage. When r. Gladstone finally succeeded in reaching the station platform he found it packed with people, who. welcomed him with enthusiastic cheers. At last he reached his seat in a special coach assigned for his conveyance. The at : his seat was open. When the crowd saw him at the window it setup another cheer, which was repreat ed several times. The people appeared de sirous , -of having the premier address them With Some parting word before going away on his arduous errand. He arose and spoke from the csach win dow.. He thanked the people for the honor of their extraordinary demon stration. He: adjured them to allow nothing to bide from them "the bare question of the hour." "An attempt has been made," the venerable orator ex claimed, "and will be made to'direct your attention from the question at issue. This question is solely whether Ireland shall be trusted to manage her own af fairs. Those i who deny Ireland this right admit that Canada and other British colonies enjoy such right. Are we to trust our fellow subjects in Ireland and govern by love, or are we to adopt the policy of the government's enemies and .introduce into Ireland govern ment by force." Mr. Gladstone then bade his friends good-bye and the train moved away.; Enthusiastic and pro longed eheeting accompanied its de parture aBd hundreds of people, waving handkerchiefs and hats and God-speeding the premier, ran along tlie platform i bareo d State In Ca filet. Paris, June 17. M. Goblet, minis ter of public instruction, has prohibited LttgedtUtobe heldat TouKThel DySpGpSitl WateP arcuuiBiiup luuiuaiw protests taat uia ? . A TJ ' W ' i a congress is to be devotional and not de liberative and denies! that the offioe of publio instruction has; the power te pro hibit its meeting. The archbishop an nounces that the congress will therefore be held, despite Goblet's orders. btxr nucovnxn. Endorsed by the Medical Association of the ?tate. Is now the LARGEST and most POPU LAR RTSORT In the mountains ot Virginia. - AU the modern improvements. For deecrip-' tive pamphlet and circular call on J. 8. Pes cnd. Drnrcietv 118 Favettvtne atreet. RaW iMghi N. C, who has the water on sale, or ad dress. Crashed kjr m TmlUmg Tr Charxistov, Jane ' 17. Thomas J. Bass, a prominent eitisen of Marion I may 28d6w. county, was instantly killed last evening while walking through the woods, by a large pine tree which fell upon him. His bodv. horriblv mangled.-iwas found at midnight. He leaves a wife and four small children. C. A. COLHOUN, General Manager. EDUCATIONAL. miX BOARDING AND DlY Sf BOOL For Aaotfter Victory for tb Prlaelllav. Nlw You, June 17. The yacht race today resulted in another victory for the Priscina; the Atlantic second, the Pu ritan third, the Mayflower fourth. Tbe Deadly Kg-yptlaa tllaante. Cairo, June 17. An appalling mor tality is reported among the ; British troops stationed at Assouan. One hundred and six men of the Dorset regi ment have died within the past two months. Of 500 invalids on their way to Cyprus ten dropped9dead from heat last ounday. Loncevlty. BUI Nye. : j Longevity is a good thing, . though I have known public men to overdo it. To die at the proper moment ' and leave a good impression on. history is one ot the lost arts. To flicker out of life with beside his coach until the train outeped I the applause of si great people ringing them. riro 1- menfionedgood.l dry quarters and clean yards. Dampness is more fatal than, oold A drji sanay son snouia be preferred, iiatbh the chicks as eariy as possible, and never sell a stale egg,; as one who secures a reputation ior fresh eggs, can command his own price.; Study the breeds and cross the fowls judiciously, or select a pure breed suited to the locality. U the winters are severe, breed f for small combs ana heavily-feathered i bodies, but do not overlook activity Is a qualification. Mo particular breed comes up to an tne uualities. but. they may be crossed to - a .. . a . l 1 blend suob. Divide tne nooks, keep tne Quarters and yards olean, and feed regu larly, bat carefully. Upon the saccess ful feeding of the fowls business relies! It ia much better to allow them to be a W waw 7 f hungry, and forced to scratch in some material placed for that purpose, than to hate them fat and too laiy to be profit able. Too much glass tor light and aeat cannot be Used to the houses, and frequent spading of the yards is a neoes- the tarriff bill, inquired of Mr. Morri son at what hour he intended to make that motion. Mr. Morrison replied that it was his intention to make the motion at 1.80 o'clock. 1 The House then proceeded to the con sideration of the land forfeiture bills, it being the desire of the committee on public lands to reach the ' bill for the forfeiture oi certain ianuagrantea to tne State of Iowa to aid in the construction of railroads. But as the bills on the calendar preceding this one had to be laid aside, and as Mr. Strait, of Minnes- sota; Mr. LeFollette, and Mr. Thomas, of Wisoonsin, domanded a separate vote on eaen measure, muon tune was con sumed in voting by the tellers.! Tbe lowabui was Inot reached wbon 180 arrived and then Mr. Morrison moved that the House go into oommittee of the whole on the revenue bill. Ou this motion he demanded the yeas and. nays and Mr. McKinley on behalf of the opponents of the bill joined in tho demand. Mr. Morrison's motion to go in the ears is a good thing; but man that is born of a woman, and tho mjritv ut ihcm are that way, are too prOne to lin ger on this side of eternity Until they have done some little thing that is never properly explained on their tombstones. . ; : Quite at Compliment. Young Lady. My dear Professor, I want to thank you for your lecture You made it all so plain that I could understand every word. Professor. I am truly glad you did understand it. I have studied the sub ject for about thirteen years, and I flat ter myself that X can bring the subjeet within the comprehension of the weak- .est intellect. j . . A Boyal Brazilian. The grandson of Dom Pedro II., em peror of Brszil, now at Washington, is a midshipm n on a Brazilian man-oi- war. Anis young prince, Dy ine way, is a descendant of the Empress5 Jose- (.i Kni nA Ww dmi. :l TL., ftlamnn than rvnkl 1J n ..nnlllirl Klin I f ' JP . . . ' . """18 " r- -- w uo " .ir" of Dom Pedro 11., having been a daughter of Prince Eugene Ueauharnais, Josephine's son! The Prince de Join ville. about to be sent into exile from Franoe, married Dom Pedro's sister. He 1 is a grandson of Louis Philippe How Trfc ; Vvttoai Patareia. Nxw York, June 17. Green &Ce.'s report on cotton! futures says : There has been nothing! fa th market except the ordinary local form of trading ajnij verv lieht at thai, open in a trifle off. Some of the shorts were- induced corner and rates !v teetered to lasr A Wtla-Batr lr nenad by timrtnaant. WatikroKD. Pa., Juno 16. Arthur iliggins, a prominent yeuug mac of this Elace, ' rocenily brought a bride from louisville, Ky. Shu came of good fam ily and is a frail little creature,; but pretty; and attractive. Yesterday two well known citizens caught iliggins in the act of brutally beating his bride for uo other reason than breaking a plate. They reported; the case to tbe Eagle; bose company; of which organization Iliggins was I a member. About t o'clock last night a false alarm of fire startled the village and young Higgins hastened to the scene. Ho was quickly seised by three of the men, while others secured a crockery orate, under which Higgins was placed. A swift stream of water' was then turned on the victim and a crowd of 501) men and women wit- LesBed; the sport. After Higgins had bean nearly f drowned he was re leased and ineaked to his home. (FOCXDKD 1859.) Young Ladies and Little Girls. HlLLSBORO, N. C Tbe Scholastic year of the Misses Nash and Miss Kollock's school will commence Sept 3d, ' 1886, and end June 9, 1887. Circulars on ap plication. FOUNDED IN 1842. St. Marya School, ' IALKIGB, V. O. 1 ' Tbk Ret. BENNETT 8MEDE8, A. XXCTOR ACT) PXiXOPAI A eorrs of fourteen efficient instructors. Thorough teaching guaranteed. French taught by a native; German by an American educa ted in Germany. Latin a requisite tor a full Diploma. Great attention ia paid to Mathe matics and Composition. Elocution a specialty. One of the best equipped schools of Musio in the South. Separate buildings; fiTe teachers one from the Stuttgart, one from the Leipsie Conservatory; a fine Vocalist; sixteen pianos for daily practice two newjConeert Grands for concert use, a Cabinet Organ; a fine Pipe Organ, with two manuals and twenty stop, and the only Pedal Piano south of New York. Tbe Art liepartment under the charge of rfble and enthusiastic artists. The Course comprises Drawing in Pencil, Crayon and Charcoal; Painting in Oil, Water Colors and l'atel, and Decorating China In Minerals. The Physical Development of the pupils thor oughly cared for. The Ninety- flmt term begins Septem ber Kth, 1886. For circulars containing full particulars apply to the Rector. june le dfcw am. " LAW SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Summer Session begins 1st, Closes Sept. lsti Terms, payable in advance. TWO CLASSES . Senior Class (fee), - - ,- -130 00 Junior. Class (fee), 80 00 Both Classes (fee), - . . . 60 00 ' JOHN MANNING, Prof. iy 26dlm. UNIVEBSITY OF VIRGINIA, came in and the positive Is left almost wholly to the meatfecdation of the local trade, foreign; ae vice wae lackg in eneoaragemest erops aeaourts eoBtjpne cheerfuL . . a . i '-. , from the department. Later in the evening he was expelled in disgrace from the United Workmen and tbe Town Club. His father is a well known merchant of the village and the young man clerked ih the store. T oday he was notified to leave town. Prominent ladies have raised a subscription, to send Mrs. tt' ai i i a. : LAW DEPARTMENT! The Session begins OCTOBER 1st, and con tinues nine moths. For catalogue apply to the Secretary of the Faculty, P. O. UNIVERSITY OF VmOINtA. VA. WE ARE SELLING CASS ARB'S V4 " I. -. ! Tho plaTl IT t Uileaere) Sartkoav CniCAOO, Junis 17. The furniture- workers' union unanimously passed a Higalns to the home of her parents in MLkn Scene, nithi Mrs. Jenkins Do - ; 1 e get an. Henrv. and hold tnu enua resolution last evening permitting the cabinet-workers to return to ten hours labor. This action, it is thought, will virtually prove I tho dissolution of all strikes and pending difficulties In the uruiture business, as the finishers and muohine bands are subservient to the action of the cabinet-workers. It ia bo lisved that all the furniture factories in the city now working eight hours will Into oonunittet of tho whole to consider shortl retun to tbe oldT.ijstem. ft .I Louisville. There is great indignation throughout the town and the brutal b isband is denounced. Vanderallt ItouaMeneesaeat. . Nasuvilli,! Tenn., Jane 17. The tenth commencement exorcises of Yen dcrtilt university were held yesterday. Ohinejllor Garland stated that the year had been the moat successful in the his tory of the institution, i Jenkins Not much; we have last de- oided that eight hoars per night should constitute a night's work that's the kind of onion i man I ami Chioago Rambler. m Bbamdt Piachks Brandy reaches, put up by Uordon k Dllworth, choicest quality, full quart Jars; Gordon DUworth's Preserved White Cherries.: Pneervod White Heath Peaches of superbU4vaiquauty,put up by a lady ot the city, & BiiMi. 'T saasaau-. Xj A JEZjID MRED STAB BRA"ND," And recommend it as being the very best to be bad. Send us your orders. W. C.SA.B. Stronach, E. J. Hardin, W. . NewsomACo., Wyatt Co., tirausman Rosenthal, Jao. K. Terrell, . J. R, Ferrail Co., W. B. Mann Co, noms Piewman, w. v. upuanrviia W. IL Ellis. AIM CASSARD'o MILD CUEBD HAMS ana BREAKFAsT 8'1 RIPS, which are Ua surpassed. Look lorlisd Label and Blue Saal,