....... -,- "-.-..'. - r :'- "r?--r-- i;-W .;!' . r 1 S i.; i -:.. '-'' fe1 -vP;? ''.?"''. ? -I- V. -; 'r-' .f I' t '-T .i7;Mi;- y j ; U i . '.'is J' f i. s P r r- AND VOL. XXV1T. RALEIGII. N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE -22, 1886. NO. 32 7- 1 Absolutely Pure. thia powder never varies. v A marvel of ,-TiHtT, itrength and wholesomenes. ': ICore onomteal thui ordinary kinds and cannot b Id la competitdon with the mnttitude pf low lest, inm welgnt, wub orphoapfiate powders, SIo only In cans, Botal Bakiso Powi Oo., 108 Wall Street, New York, i ; ! Sold by W C A B Stronaeh, George T fttroaach and J B Ferrall Co; ml BITTERS OROlVtl'S 10) inn OMaMmlac IMS wMh TVtt TtORABU TOI1C8, tafcklf aa4 eal8ldy CLEANSES a4 K9KJCKE8 THti BIOOD. Qakacaa - tteaetlMef theliTCraaaKMney CbanU . v ilialt, malm the alda wiiiUL Itieeaaet tiytt -i til, othes ixoi nicms do. rajsiii niimiMi iinjtiM iiiajin. : Dm. K. & Rooouta. ( Marian, lfaau, Mawt "I , niiiiwwiif Tlm'i Irna Fillwi m nlmlili Imli far winhMM U blood, 4 wwlnf all df tyim . i m$ I iiiiaU wotW tho t U.? , -. . - Mb. W. Brae, B. Maty How Ojtaoaa, 1 aim: - Btmm lioa UiUn nontt aaama, ft to a!mT mbV oum: 1 drat a. t ; Ma. W. W. Moiiua, ka baaa) anuilia tnm aaikianoS mtth In par . blood sad araiMMOi iaa tar tan rii bottke of Bivn'a Iraa Bittra aCaotad a anlaot trm. I taaaajfalvaf tbia Ua .. fjACKET SPlS ,' '!' ' TH EAT-- , .'l"::.''- ''' '.'! .'" - :! -'.: ' ' I .' .'':t-';;:v -v'- j"."': '''.' - -;' . - M ; NljWS OBSERVATIONS. x : !4-TheoaJ lniner8"of jtho United States are coDBidering the qadstion of joining lorqes withthe Knignts of JLbor. Archibald Forbesi the distineuish ed : English writer add war correspond ent, has Birred a daughter of den. M. C. Meigs; at Washington. : - Uerr Mqlt is blowing the bellows of a blacK smith shop !in a New York penitentiirj. The business, oouies na tural enough. He. has! lived bj.blow- rj-H jndmaa, a noted English social ist, will soon visit the United States on a lecturing tour. America is a big eo ufo try, hut there is no room for such as he. -: ';. A '. --Cholera has aDDeared at Codieora. Itaij, eight miles trofli the Adriatic sea. Venice and iiui are almost free of cases of the disease There Is a daily aver age; of sixteen new oases in the province ot Ferrarn. ' .. I ! L.": : -f-The hoisting of the French flag over the;New Hebrides islands, in thefacifio ocean, made John xSuU angry, but he is placated by the order, 'given Saturday 6y the French premier, tor the hauling down of the French colors. At Concord, N. EJ last Friday, a bronze statue of l)aniei Webster was unveiled.' It was ; presented to Web ster's native State by Benjamin Pierce Cheney, oi Boston, Mass., who is also a native of New Hampshire. What changes thii century has wrought V A railroad now. runs through th'e bid town of Tarsus, where Pauiw&s bora, and Vermont talks of Retting a modern substitute fori Senator Ed munds. It sounds like sacrilege. s "Col. Chill; Iiaszard is a candidate tor the Republican nomination for Con-gi8Bman-at-large in Penhsylvania. As no has no bar'l, it is not likely h if party .will;8tand the hazard of his nomination, and the Colonel's aspiiationa will doubt less keoeive a fatal ohill. 1 ' rRev. Ilenry Ward Beecher and his -wife; sailed for Europel Saturday. His mofementa aftcjr his arrital in Europf are as ef somewhat indefinite. He in formed one reporter thit he should go direct to London. ''After that," said he, ; I am 'going to do to 1 please. ' ' r-uladstone says the principle of the poliey of Irish home tule is the sole uaui of th ekptions. This is the pur den! of his speeches in his ! canvass: He aay we aeuuis are ; a future question lie CONGRESSIONAL. THE HOHKE DC C1TIL HTM THE NUIIDRT Attampta Swar Mm all Pupar Car. rmnry rail Dlamalljr. . Washington, Juno 21.StNATS. Mr. George, from the committee on ju diciary, reported favorably a bill to re mo.ve the political disabilities of J. G. Flournoy, of MissiBsippi, and oh motion of Mr. George the bill was at oiice passed, the vote being unanimous. Mr. Frye.from the committee on rules, reported favorably Mr. Edmunds reso lution providing : for such amendment to the rules as to -admit of debate . on a motion to reconsider. The resolution was agreed to and the rules amended accordingly. i 7; The army appropriation bill was re ported from the (loose of Representa tives with a message of non-concurrence in the Senate amendments aud asking a conference. The Senate insisted on : its amendments and the chair appointed a conference committee. ! The consular and diplomatic appro priation bill was received from the House with-a message of non concur rence. xne senate insisted j on its amendments and ordered a conference Mr. Plumb save notice that Wednesdav he would call op the conference reoort on tne postomce appropriation put.' ; A number of veto messages were received from the President which when read were laid on the; table. j ' , ' The bill to repeal the preemption and timber culture acts was taken up and its consideration proceeded with. The bill was discussed until 5:15, when without action the Senate 'went into executive session. At 5:40 the doors were reopened J L--4J . 1- . uu me cenaje adjourned. hOcsk. The speaker laid before the House a communication from the acting secretarv of the treasury, submitting an estimate of the appropriation, amounting tu $626,714, for the transportation Of mails on non-subsidised railroads, controlled by the Central Pacific railroad, j t waa referred. '. r On motion of Mr. Townshend, of Il linois, the Senate : amendments to the pension appropriation bill were non-concurred in. Conferees were annotated. The House having resumed tie con- Dlaa; tb Grand. THE NORTH CAKoImNA- KIHTORS RNJOV i 'I'RKBIUENTljAl. HAND-SHAR1. Special Dis. to thie Niws and Observer Wabhinoton, June, 21. xestfrday morning the members ' of the North Carolina press association ar ' Jl mt . . n . nvea nere. iney spent ounday very pleasantly and lof oourso profitably All went to church and they contrived to see a great deal of the city during tne day and night, today has been nn eventful one for them and they certain ly are doing the grand. As an enthusiastic member, getting his first glimpse of the glories of this grand city, exclaimed, m a burst of honest enthnntasm and happiness "We are hav'mir Af a tint. I never saw inch a town. Why the streets are all sidewalks." Washington, D, O., Jan. 21, 9 30 p. u. This morning the North Carolina newspaper men were accorded a recep tion by President Cleveland. Thev visi ted the government , printing .fioe. This evening they were enterUined by the North Carolina Democratic association, composed of resident Tar -Heels. This entertainment and reception, and an elegant, well planned and pleasing affair it was. last ed from 7 to 9olclock. At this hou (9.30 p. m.)- the visitors are being given a reception bv Senator Vance i at his residence. .All the visitors are enjoying themselves and their visit has certainly given great pleasure to their friends here. The newspaper people start home Wednes day. Other plans are on foot to add to their enjoyment tomorrow. Lliwxam. ; Washington, March 21: About fifty members of the North Carolina press association arrived in this city yester day morning. They spent today in Hirbt-sceinir. Senators Ransom arid Ybunce and Representatives Reid and Cox. accompanied the party to the White House and presented them to the Presi dent. Tomorrow thev will visit Mount Vernon and Wednesdav will return homo. WHY HE VETOES, TIIK PKEMlDKVr DO EN SOME I'l.AlN ' ; tAtKl.fU. Ill Doi not Apprd of Some Paoaloa Learlalatlon, dr. Washington, June 21. The Presi dent today sent to Congress fifteen veto messages, six of which which were sent to the Senate and nin to the House. In a mes&agi vetoing a bill granting a pen sion to hlizabeth S. De Krafft the Pres ident says his objection is that; it is of no poFfjible advantage to the beneficiary; that the present pension laws give her all the advantage" which she would re ceive under a special law. The Presi dent adds) "I am so thoroughly tired of disapproving gifts of public money to individuals who in my view have no right or claim to the same, 'notwith standing apparent Congressional s no tion) that 1 interpose with a feeliDg of reuei iq a case wnere i nnd it unneces sary to determine the merits or the ap plication. In speaking of the promiscu ous and ill-advised erants of nensiona wniqn ; navo lately been pre sented me; for aonrOval. I have spoken of their "apparent Con gressional sanction" in recognition of the fact that a large proportion of these bills hate ; never ; been submitted to a majority of either branch of Congress, but are the result of nominal sessions held for; the express purpose of their consideration and; attended bv a small minority of members of the respective houses of the legislative branch of the government. Thus, in considering thise bills, I have not felt that I was aided by the d liberate act of Congress, and when I have deemed it my duty to dis approve many of the bills presented, I have bHf'ily regarded my action as a dissent from the conclusions of the people's ' representatives. I have not been insensible to suggestions which should influence every citizen,; either in private! station or official place, to exhibit not only just but generous' appreciation of the services of our country's defenders. In reviewing the pension legislation presented to me, t, it -i t . many dims -nave oeen approved upon Ttxu BaattMff tha Kaeoaol. ; i Marru Tafca aa atfcrav Madaoatobv EMWJ TaTMIaii BAXTUieiUC j At Lexington. Ind!. SatnrdaY. na- tnm gas was struck at f depth of 71b ! feo(D ThlpeBtare is estimated !at 57 pon&da per square inch,? and the supply 'H''1; 'm' ''4:-tT ,;: 1 .if, i1 . i -' ' lights ana fuel for j the clt. The pec- pie went wua. jxatarai gas is called the ffuel of the fdture.f'5 ;The eoumrvj is full of suffering n Ul.X. Dlttnlt I cauaett by Hndtri-4 d labor. A man in OQtZdltl HOUSe VJ ttUieign. Boston. worked ten hours ! last Sunday, piew open two sales, pnzea on tne nas 01 six aeexs, ana broxe tne loexs 01 three money, drawers and netted less than a dollar. This ial Wiling for less thai the Chinaman gets'. j-M-Hobairt! Pacha, marshal of the Turkish empire, died Saturday. He was a " aa. m Biaersuon 01 the naval appropriation ulu icjvcwu .jeas w, nays 11 1 -a motion made Saturday by Mr. Goff. of TILL TIIIK1 SSVCX-POCSP BVILSTOSIS ' 8UNDA. Wilt Abandon it if a hatt n ia n(r.A I lnatrnntinna tn fha nnmift.. x.. I . . . . , .. . .0 e The Backet Store has all the advantages .-.-. . : f - : 3 Winz bnvers always In affairs to report it back with an amend-1 man inikinii s.tjL 1 " 1 uon oi me aoubie-turreted monitors. The bill was passed. : foremuouetioa of ills and resolu tion. xn motion of Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, the House went into com mittee of the whole on the sundry civil bill. There waa no general debate on the measure, though it was agreed' that when the clauses ' were reached relative to pubho surveys the five-minute rule would not; be held to apply. The bill was read by paragraphs for amendment and a number of changes made, both of was visited yesterday a uvw ot evening by heavy storms, inflicting great demage. At Elgin j a terrific thunder, rain and hail siorm swept over that vi- . a a einity, deluging a portion of the town. its windows broken land holes knocked in the roofs. Hail fell, varying m size from a marble to , a man's head, per forating iron and tin roofs like sieves. Pieces of hailstones were picked up that actually weighed seven pounds-. The Methodic t church was blown from its foundations and demolished. The Bap tist church was moved out of line and the windows wrecked One man was struck down by a hailstone and serious- which result from ! : - - 1 ' V : . theKewTork market turn to advantage - , i ; -j i' : ! ' the disahtious reautta which come to men who - ; . . i .' ; get in deU. It Is the power oi. the Almighty Dollar cutting .ite way through the eentre oi - . I- . ! I tree values which enables us to offer goods at ' less than fcthey cai be made for in himdreds et eaaea. : The Batiket fetore believes in and ioDowsoutthe Idea that merchant atanding ;j: s;' ' 4 between the maaw and the markeU ought to U a tla tied with a reasonable pront and when- ' ; r 'I ever that profit lalto we stop and give to those : j ' . who bvy.our goods the balance. In a word, WS'ihall make 4 UK BABGAISli MAKE OUB BUSpiCSS, insertion and omission, chiefly affecting J ly injured. The . storm did indeecrib loeal interests. A paragraph relative J able damage to erops. The storm . r ' a i- ; a 1 w w-w fcF va. vv ; w ui r I gx,l MVVUW, W V WAVVAV, W1CVS.IUK - an ngiuman, nis name oeing uharies ing hTing been reached, Mr. Dinglev, church, several small houses and badly 7i!p77Vv Tv 1 01 wme onetea an amendment reqmr- I injuria son j of the xarl of iSuekinghamshire During the civirwar of c61-5 he eom msided sncoessful blockade runner, the Don, which ran to Charleston and YYilmington, i j" ' ' 1 i-iA motion for a: new trial in the Maxwell murder case Was argued at St.: Louis, ' Saturday, and the judge took the matter under advisement. He will render a deoision this week. : Max well and his attorneys feel confident that the aindatits recently jUedr in which atatemcnt-was 1 made that three of the jurors had iexpressed opinions tending ing the engraving1 of notes of the de nomination of $1 and $2 nd the other denominations authorized by law. Mr. Randall raised a point of order against the amendment and in the course of his argument took occasion to deny the charge that the present administra tion had waged war upon the silver dol lar. The amendment was ruled out. On an appeal, the: decision of the; chair was sustained. Mr. Warner, , of Ohio, offered a similar amendment, which 4net with a similar fate. Mr. Warner at tempted to evade the point of order by injuring the corn ciop. Papal Embaaay, mmm-w a..... w. - - 1 . . - i-n i Nsw Yobk, June 21.-Tbe Paptl Congress 4d special pension oms nave UH) Vt AJ 41 for Baltimore at 10 o'clock. David Da via Dylna;. THE FATAL MALADY OF THE ZX-VICE-PRI3I-! . DENT. i Bloomington, Ills., June 21. The family and physician of ex-Vice-President David Davis have concluded that his end is approaching and that he has very little chance of recovery J' Thev determined to give this information to the publio, believing it no longer proper to conceal his true condition. When Mr. Davis was attacked by a carbunole oh his shoulder, abeut May 1, he was already reduced by previous illness. No sooner did the carbunole improve, two weeks ago, than malignant erysipelas -c in, bo mat ne is now sunering irom a complication of disorders. He; is very 1 a weax and cannot read the newspapers Visitors are not allowed to see him. A consultation of Chicago and Blooming ton physicians today pronounced him oeyona nope oi recovery. Aitarcblat Persona. j THE LONO MIS8INO BCOUNDRKL TURNS HP Chicago, June 21.--Shortly before 2 o clock this afternoon anarchist Parsons. who has been musing since the. Hay- ui.ai&cii iiu, waijiuu ium me criminal Court room, accompanied bj his ; attor ney. Hi appearance was a surprise to the court and the police officials. , He is supposed to have remained' in hiding in this city since the night of May 34 He drove up to the criminal . court building in a cab and at once hurried to the court room. His counsel aeked that he be tried with the other prisoners. It appears that last Saturday the lawyer had a consultation with Mrs. Persons. He urged her if she 1 knew where her husband was to commheieate. with him at once and get him to' come to Chicago for trial. The woman refused at first, but finally became convinced it was the b'St thing to do. Parsons was so thoroughly disguised; that his ; own mother would not have known him. A Maw IHpartura. A PROPOSITION TO LEVT1 AN INCOME TAX. Washington, June' 21. Mr. Curtin got together his special Ubor investi gating committee today and reviewed a portion of Gould's testimony. Hoxie's the theory that every doubt should be physical condition is such that he can resolved Ha favor pf the proposed bene- not appear before the Committee, and it ficiary. I have not, however, been able is very doubtful if a report will be to entirely ' divest myself of the ides forthcoming from the committee during that the publio money appropriated for this session of Congress, j am, araa4i vav U1VSD1D WC1 DVUI , IfV ingress today; thirteen of private pension bills and two of publio build ings bills. . I I'll! The House committee on invalid pen sions today agreed to amalgamate a sub-1 the rate of pension ot soldiers who have lost a leg or an arm and attach to the combined puis a clause imposing an in- I . . - . ; a5! i ' a come tax to meet tne ; xpenauurea involved. The clause is patterned after the income tax -. bill intro duced in the 47th Congress by jj Gen. Ewing. Statistics collected at the time that the but was introduced indicated that a revenue of $63,000,000 per an num could be raised in this way. If the bill can be passed promptly it is ex pected by the committee that it will pre pare the way for favorable notion on the bill to extend the date within which claims for arrears oil pensions may be filed, as the necessary revenue to pay claims will be available. ; i'' a ' pensions is tbe soldiers fund which should be devoted to the indemnifca tion of those who in defence of the Union and in the nation's service have worthily deserved and who in their dependence- are entitled to the benefiao tions of thWurw wsewwaj oi THsnsuras a Laom Vfsaoredness which invites the adop tion of sucn .principles and regulations as will exclude perversion as well as in sure liberal'and generous application of grateful and benevolent designs. Dis regard of the principle which underlies the granting of pensions is unfair to the wounded, crippled soldier who is honored by the just recognition of the government,! The very relaxation of principle in the granting of pensions invites applications without merit and enoourages those who for gain urge honest men to become dishonest, lhis is a demoralising lesson taught the peo ple ;that as against the publio treasury the most questionable expedients are allow able. Durin&r the present session of ATenrlat U rear a ad, Ltnouburo,, Va. , Juno 21. A special ft om Balcony Falls says: Two young men, tourists from Dayton, Ohio, ar rived at Clifton Forge Saturday, having with them two small boats, with which thy intended to make the descent of James river to Richmond, stopping at intermediate points. When they reached a rope ferry in Bedford county one of the boats, occupied bv a man named Wharton, struck a rock and Wharton was thrown into the water and drowned. The bqdy has nU been recovered. , A Tarrlbla MLarna la ptlaaiaaataw : St. Pacl, Minn.. June 21. Reports of severe storm in Minnesota yesterday are coming in.: A great deal of dam age was. done atWadena, Fergus Falls and Barnesville. There) was a terrible thunderstorm at Deer Creek, during which s tore was struck hj lightening and a clerk instantly killed. The DiaaolaUe orrarllaB)t. Lonoov, June 21. Parliament will be prorogued Friday The dissolution will take place Saturday. "How long " has Brown been mar ried, Charlie?" "Didn't know he was , married at all; don't -believe he is, t either.", "Yes, he is; I noticed him turn pale when the clock struck 11." Miis Blanche Wouldn't you say, Mr. Bowstring, that Mr. Highnote has a falsetto voice? r Mr. Bowstring Well. I don't know. Miss Blanche, that I should sav. auite that; btti I know that he has a false set o';teetb.f-Lowell Citizen EDUCATIONAL. FOUNDED IN 1842. St. Mary a School altxioa, n. c Ths Btv. BEKNKTT RMDS. A. 1L. " RKCTOa AND PROICirAL. A eorrs of fourteen rffictent instrnetan Thorough teaching guaranteed. French taught by a native: German bv an American educa ted In Germany. Latin a requisite for a full Diploma, Great attention la paid to Mathe matics and Composition. Elocution a rDeeialtr. One of the best equipped schools of Musie in the 8outh. Beparate buildinga; Are teachers. one from the StuttgarV one frem the Leipsie Coniervatory; a fine Vocalist; sixteen pianos for daily practice two new.Conf ert Grands for concert use, a Cabinet Organ; a fine Pipe Organ, with two mannala aad tweninr stops, and the only Pedal Piano south of New York. The Art tiepartment under the charge of able and enthusiastic artista, The Oonraa comprisea Drawlag in Pencil, Crayon aad Charcoal: Painting: in Oil. Water Colon and Pastel, and Decorating China in Minerals. The Physical Development of the nunils thor. oughly cared for. Xne Ninety- first term beartna Sentam. ber 9th,,i$86. For circulars containing fall particulars apply to theRertoja..,. . , ; ,- LAVif 9UnUUL, j UBTVEHSITY OF HOBTH CAROLINA. , 8tmuner Seiealoa begni JTUIsY lot, 1MEXT. Closes Sept. 1st. Terms, payable In advaner. two cxjlBBes : r - Senior Class (feeV - - - - 30 00 Junior Claw (feet - - i - - 80 00 Both Classes (tee - - - - 60 00 i ll JOHN MANNING, Prof. may 26dlm. .- - UNIVERSITY OF VLBGINIA, Aawk V. a. aaa aa aaaa a nA1 it 1181 w AWMin n an1 1 o(r CU1WSWOI taxi a a V W waaw v vawtaiB. aaaaia, aw I,.'. a. a a I f K a. f nlAWAtt ' ItlAVA llAVA OAPl V Ali TiTnr I K A Vaavi a. I WlaS vtvV V UIV1 V a aw v v a wwa - w- A-avwa Vt Tfc Ti was met at quarantine Dy rwev. ur. J . S. Foley, vicar general of the diocese of Baltimore; Rev Dr. A. L. Lagnion, president of St. Mary's seminary; Rev. Dr. J. D. Chspclle, of Washington; Msjor John D. keiley, Jr., Brooklyn; Col. John MoAnnery, Jersey Uity; rat- rick Farrelly and -James MoMaster,of able action by both, houses of Congress and will be presented within a day or two, i making ; over 500 Of these bills whicb have been passed Up to this time. During the present ses sion nearly three times the number passed at any session since 1861 j With a oension ' bureau fullv equipped and to prejudice the defendant's case, will moaifyine the amendment so as io au be the means of obtaining a rehearing. tnori-a the issue of fcl and 2 no es in i !-Mr. H. 6. Spring, of Charlotte, place of mutilated and cancelled notes has sold tne oia uornwaiiis neaa quarters for the consideration bf $19 to Mr. George Hall, .who is having the building torn aown ana win re-erect it on bib iarm nekr Charlotte. TherS are few; such landmarks.! I ' I would not humber 'n my list of Ii lends this city. The embassy from the Pope regulated by most liberal rules, in active r - . . . . . I a : , ! r.Ma.,la.-va4tf 1. a f al wmnaaW of like denomination. Mr. Randall raised a point of order against this amendment also, declaring- that the avowed object of the proposition was to compel a different administration of the law than was practiced at present and therefore changed the existing law. Asd under the banner ot the Almighty DoU ... .L .. m.r.h JUr on tThough graced with poifched manners and AftMT .ome ducussion the sneaker over- 33 7u old- Tbe honor of rePre" jb wttt one W" .? I ! fine clothes, ii L..i.j . B..i.n. it a I aentinar the Pone to the Cathotio ehurch ! w-uurnggo-d sound ' coaferred for di8tin. mar jm . a. ,aar were Mgr. staniero, count wuccioia and Rev. T. S. See. At four o'clock this afternoon the boretta will be pre sented to aroh-bisliop Gibbons by the noble guard eount Mueciola. The cere mony will be private and without pomp. The display tb at will aoeompany the iuvesture of the beietta will take place in the cathedral June 80th. The count is a young man of 23. Mgs. Staniero .... . 1 . . U t.niT I nta fa -Ton aH (ha a manHmant au I 1U ilUlUICS WU n iUh VUUIKU LA luviut ui. M.T.B, www " . -Maw wmw wiiuuiuavu. WW 1 ... . Yet ? otes with the Bepublicans at last. : if. 75 to 87. Mr. Warner Offered an gnished services . A very notable service of plate has 1 amendment of - similar - purport, ; but i a . a a M r l f I - a a a .. just been ; sold in London tor l.yuu 1 pending action the committee rose. euineas. it was Douent eany in we Mr. iacn. xavior, of Tennessee. . a. .aa " -W Sr tTf ni J a. 1 I -. I . w ..a" .m. ... a reign of liberies x. ny sir vnristopaer 1 osereda resolution reciting the lact that TTarria of Radfbrd. near Plvmouth. who I tti lower nortion of the eitv nf;Mpm- . .V t. I , ; 1 .u- -r o:i ir 1 ta1a.rl I 1 1 . j . .i t. limuniitoVet. attic wortn IOC -Jig wit 1 naa mu jiiuwui wi -..a,i pOU uan vc.u m umit, ucn.ruyea by tue 1 . . ... r. n . i .. t: riL:.iNv,n. i . 1 . i .1 , . I m lOlo.j onortty ainsE oix viuiuwiiuwi, 1 caving 01 uae uani- 01 tne .aissiasippi In UiBbreli-a. SUaw Hat, 3c, worth 60c fearing for the safety of his plate nunea and presently aiea witaou. umuj t the front. We wulreceive thin week some great bar. "' 1-1 i " !' galna In Ladle' and Gent bhoes, priental LW. Hamburg Edgings:; Great lob lot in 1 1 . niiM in the cilv for 44c yuL Grew. DZm9 aajaaaj- - m - slaughter In Buttons of ail kind. New lot ot Buggy Whips- Solid non-galvanic buckets, lie, forth' tt&c BUk Gloves, 80c, W9rth 60c - JOb (n Ky'elaascs at se, worth afte, We wlU open some great bargains In lien's ' !' "Jhlrts, 76c worjh ft. - i aT a. a 1.1 revealed the place .where ne naa con cealed it. Careful search was made, but it could not be discovered, and the loss had become a legend, when1 in the anrintr of 1827 a laborer turned up a '' Bay - ; : .1 box in a field which he was ploughing, and in it was found the long-lost Rad ford piste. ;. I "!;; I .A rsmsrksble ease will shortly be decided in "the English court of chan cery. About five yeafs ago Mr j Ayling, of Portsmouth, died.ieaving nis prop- id( ... . i UA 1 . V..a a;f .iii.inT ka ar(1.Wlor.l. Our IdlUlnery Department wui n. t:". JTha Ai. tfttl K SS-vJ uiw iww esgsMava w wlthaomeHew hat. lor ladkset great aba In Ribbon. Also some qu I want to save your gain you Vpacket btore. bar- Now U river at that point and providing for the loan to properly authorised officers of the taxing district of Shelby county of en'. ugh barge boats,: tools, implements and appliances, under the control of the Mississippi river commis sion, to be used in improving tie river at that city. The resolution Was. adopt ed and tne House at 5 o'clock: ad journed. S ! t ' ; - 1 A Treaty with Japan. : Washington,; June 21. The Senate has ratified an extradition treaty with Japan and one for a resurvey of the boundary line between the United States and Mexico. , , Hew York CtHtew Futarea. Nsw YoRXt June! 21.'- Green & Co 's report on sotton futures says : Most of the business was confined to the putting forward of July contracts into August and the market made no important fluctuations throughout the day. The closing was somewhat nominal, at about . . . ir 1.1 Saturday s rates, jxo one oarea to tmy . a . a 1 ii the old crop and tne tear about selling at rnlincr nriccs checked offerings. Some " or. - ... . 1.. n..li L ittle covering ot late mourns took place xne r resident nay money call at the Submitted to the cash trade only. V0LNKY PURSKLL 0O., '.'v " " "I -'!' ' ' ' iq m Martin Street. vided among their seven children. In wrs. Aynng marriea, - auu vUO 1 Mr td9mt;m9 ar naatliara frog nronertv was accordingly diviqea. a wo ; mm.oawmw ai.. jnne m , A. years Uter,; however j it turned out mat wx.ir6i wt8 closed todsy for the com the seconu marriage w. a utwu, -eton 0f the Birmingham & Shrffieh husband being a bigamist, and Mrs. fa R, and the erection at Sheffield of a Ayling found herself deprived ootn 01 ni furntoe 0f 1,000 tons eapac .1 1 1 1 . Ck. hi. wwm I nuspanoanu 01 prwprj. ou ""' jt. ! applied to the eourtfor a restitution of I 3 ' , , ' " 1-. , F 1 t 1 -A.J l.h L.. I - a .-.... 1 . the property wnion ner nuauauu n u 1 '- . - . . 1 11 mi. . - .. :. 1 ttt . t ni mi . "for life or Wldownooa. A no ouo mi vv abuinbtua , iune i.-inr naval oomnlieated by the .fact that one of the I appropriation bill was received by the . . . ' . ai. 1 L - I .1 I n lx i.J . .L !..- U anna has disnosed or nis snare, ' aim a- 1 senate iouaj irum uie xxwiue vt Avepre- 7 . .. :.. I: .i! J .. al. .-.'- .. V. woi 1 sentatives ana reurrea 10 we committee OA appropriations on reports OI a tesa lavuraoie nmure from crop sections,; but the majority of Southern advices represented excellent conditions. Liverpool lacked tone and private accounts were really tame. 1 A Bauk t'allnr. Monros. La.. Mairch21. The follow ing notice was posted this morning on " L.a a 1 r is . i . m 1 the door of the bans: 01 uionroe; " rnis bank is closed. A sUtement will be published in tomorrow's paper. : The business will be placed m the hands of an officer appointed by the court. . nr A Hebrew D. D. Montgomzrt, Alia., March 2l.-j-The board of trustees of the university of Alabama conferred; the degree of D. D. upon d. Heoht, a Jewish rabbi of this city. - operation, supplemented in its work bv Oonstahi special i legislation, it ocr- tainly is not unreasonable to suppose that in all the years that have ela since the close of the war the majority of meritorious claims for pensions have been presented and determined. I have now more' than 130 of these bills before me, awaiting executive action. It will be impossible to bestow upon' them all the examination they deserve and many will probably become operative which should be' .rejected. In the meantime I venture to suggest the significance of the startling increase in this ; kind of legislation and the consequences involved in its continuance.;" J Bills providing: for the erection of public buildings at Zanesville, Ohio, and Sioux City, Iowa, were vetoed for the reason that no federal omoes were located at either place, except postmas ters, and; the postal business of these places does not warrant the ejection of buildings bv the government for the nnncial accommodation of noatoffices. 1 . a a, . rlt V a a a a lbe public build ings now in prcc S3 01 ooustruotion, numbering eighty, involving constant supervision, are all the building pro jects whioh the government ought to have on hand at a. time, unless a very palpable necessity exists for increasing the number.; The multiplication of these structures' involves not only the appro priation made for their completion, but treat expense in their care and preser vation thereafter, w hue a nne govern ment building is a desirable ornament to ny town or city, and while the se curing of an appropriation therefor is considered as an illustration of zeal and activity ,in the interest of a constituency, I am of opinion that the expenditure of pubho money for such purpose should depend upon the necessity for such buildings for publio uses." Another lie-Up. THE OAR DRIVZR8 Will. NOT 8TANO UP. Minnsapous. Minn.. June 21. A general strike of all car-drivers m this city was inaugurated last evening, the l L!VIi . k n tt. cause eemg a pronwiuou maue vy comnanv aeainst drivers sitting -down. - - . . . .. .. . 1 1 By 10 o'clock almost all the old drivers had deserted their oars. The company made an effort to supply their ; places with new men, but the strikers induced the recruits to tie-up the cars or take them back to the stables, without vio lence. Superintendent Goodrich has ap pealed to the mayor for police protec tion. . ' The. C to leae AuareblsZ iriaia ngiu. Chicago. June 21. The first toiiuai move in connection with the trial of the anarchists was taken this morning. A arge crowd was present ; dpies, Schwab, Fietden, Fischer, I.ngle, Ling and Neebe were arranged. -When the court had concluded hearing ; pleas of iurors to be excused from serving on . . .. .. ii the panel, counsel tor tne accused asxea leave to withdraw the plea of not guilty and entered a motion to quash the in dictment, which was argued at some length. The court overruled the mo tion for a separate trial for the accused, for reasons cited in the petition .hereto fore telegraphed. The court expressed the view that the interests of none of the defendants would be jeopardised, overruled the motion and directed the trial to proceed. The defence renewed a nlea of not guilty and the work of i ; 1 -.1 ODiammg a jury waa pruoeeuau wiui. LAW DEPARTMENT! The Session begins OCTOBEB 1st, and con tinues nine moths. For catalogue apply to tbe Secretary of the Faculty, P. O. UNTVKBSITT OF VIRGINTA. VA. Edward Fasnach, MM OpllC ian .V? RALEIGH. N. C. Gold and Silver Watches, American and Imported. Seal and imitation Diamond Jew- . elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engag- meet Blnga, any size and welgM. Sterl'ng Silver Ware Ion Bridal Presents. . Optical Goods f- A SPECIALTY. j '-. ' , Spectacles and Tye-glasses in Gold, SUvrr; Steel, Bobber '. and Shell 'Frames. Leases, white and tinted, in endless varieties, j Seals for Lodges, Corporationa, etc' Aleo- Badges and Medals for Schools and Societies .no aiha there is the nrosneot Of llight jrtfttbl work for tie lawyers i. 1 , ' ft f , i Ml: A lleavr Leae ar Racur Hamburg, Germany, Jnne 21. The a W a 1 m wa .jj...j a alJfnr 4 0.0.000 honda sugar and eotton warehouse of raui 1 . i nL 11 t k .. I .1 a.V. f 4,000,e Band Call. Wasuinuton, June 21. The treasury A Craat BaUdlnc Bairnad. Boston, Mass., June 21. The New England institute fair building was burned this afternoon. xour worxmen were killed. The building was occupied as a car-shop by the Metropolitan horse railway company. The loss is jpv,-1 000; fully insured. At Emlaant Sebalar Dad. MoNTGOMXRY. Ala.. June 21 i Dr. J. Tl Dunkin. professor of Latin in the agricultural and mechanical college at Auburn, died last night. He was an eminent scholar. The weather is unseasonably oold. Rains have damaged the corn and eot ton crops. ; ' j ! Florida' for redemption. gustl. The call matures Au Jacobs, in this city, has been destroyed by lire. ,. ihe loss is fW,UW. a three Massachusetts. times as large as There is great demand for .emeralds and.rubies in jewelry. made to order. . 1 Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods .V.'?- :i " . ' ' ! , sent oh selection to any part of the State. sea- Old Goli and Silver in small and large quantittea taken aa cash, r- j dly. WE ARE SELLING CASSAKIVS S'i f "BED STAB BRAND," i And recommend it as being the very best Vt be had.' Send us your orders. 1 " W. C. A A. B. Sttonadu : . J. Hardin, W. B. Sewaom A Co., Wyatt -Co, riraiiHlMiin A Iff-amthal Jao. R. TnrtlL J. B.-Ferrall A Co., ?.W. B. Mann Co. Norrls Newman, W. C Upchurch, . - i. W. IL EUiS. : Alio CASSARD'S WILD CCEBD HAXB ana JJBKAKFAbT 1 BUI'S, which era Uw siirpnaaed. - . ' . . . Look for Bed Label and Blue SeaL t -1 ! V 4 . r iX'. t'U- -m .11 -i i

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