! H If W tB 1 f-H .!-, I : - ; . " ' .; - H;v- -.1 '-i 1 i? :'f-: ;i- News - . ' . r" VOli XXVIT. and Observer v JV 1 . 1 . ; .' ; - ; ; - ' - ! : " , , r .- T mxmm Aboolutoly Pure. This powder nsver Tiries. A marvel of tirlty, strength ud wholeaomeneaa. Hon oonomloal than ordinary kinds and cannot be eld in competition with the multitude of low jest snil weKnt, alum or phosphate powders wuiTUI ITnB. JMFXAI OUOW JTOITM Oo 103 WaU SUMt. New York.; i J 8p'd 7 W C A B Stronach, George T '1 A QUESTION ABOUT Brown s Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Th qtwHoa hm prnblbly'lmB kwl tbooaud of tim. "Ho ea Bnnni'a Inn BitMr mm mimj thinjrr'WU, H dowot. Butdaanirirdi w fr wnkjh anpatabl phjmioiaa would prMonb IMI Phyfiten-iwaotnia Irm u th bwt tmAuntin miili knmra to tbs prnfi hi. ami inqairr rf u) kwdinc chilwil AimwiU aalMUatiato rttna of trim than at an I in madioima. Thia anon laaiN that boa ia aekoowbdgd to ba tha moat Important laotar to annnaai fnl aadieal ptactiea. It la, konmr, a rvnurkabla I act, that prior to tita diaoov. EON BITTERS bo parfeot. rtlKKma. wyof KkOWN'HIKO M IK ON till anmhlnatfciai I I bargain House mm BROWH'S IRON BinERSSUS aaaaeha, prodnaa onnatlpattfO-oJI thfrtr M41ctaea4. BUOWN'S IRON BITTERS ni-ea lBdicmtlon. BUtoaaaeaa, Weakaraa, PrMta, JtfaUwta, ChflU ud Fcrrera, llntf FMliocUenrraJ OebilUyFmla hi tha BROWN'S IRON BITTERS,-: B Sgw1 n.7. Tha bmcIw th boia Jr, Um dMnyUpa tmprow, tha bowri. an aoHra. la thagfleot ia Mnlly mnr. rapid and Biarkad! ; Tha ma beadoi at oooo to brihtoB; tho akm alaaia ni haaJthy MkaMMow fc, tha oawiwBM jUHBimiii -rl nil ilniaainainlii fi.n .m ii M aappUadfarthaahild. Baaaanbar Browa-a boa w iniwSnaiiaW AnafaMaHalil SMUaaaiMfcaaTrado Mark aa4 r ml ni TAKJS NO OTHER. . WKWB OBSERVATIONS. --Scorbtary Manuisg 'a health is muoh improvea. --President Cleveland once did loca! writing for the Buffalo Courier. ' -Kajph Walda Emerson once wrote "We are not ver mush to hUm far our marriage. We 1 live amid hal lucinations. " ;i -A brilliant joung man may make a sensation; but it is the steady-going average onap that wins in the long run, ana stays mere. Peoplo who always mind their own business in this world get rich faster thao people of the other kind do, but they lose ioti of fun. A correspondent wishes to know how editon spend thoir leisure hours. Leisure bourn Oh, yen; tbey spend tnom eatoning up with their work. Another lot of able-bodied anarch ists have appeared in Chicago. In so looting ihfct oitv for the soeuo of their operation! they Mm to have desired A place where Uu police can take care of ihem. j -Congressuiaiu Prioe, of Wiaconsin; is said to talk at the rate of 240 words a mind te when' warmed up with his sub jeot, but ; the stream which flows so fluently is not the sort of wisdom which is said' to be above price. The .son of Bjornsterne Bjornson,i the oelebrated. Norwegian poet, has ohosen thq stage as a profession. He appeared reeenriy at the Theatre ltoyal, Christiana; in the title-part 'of his father's historical drama of "tiisura Slembe." : I . The Lisbon newspapers are circu lating a prettyi romance to the eflect that Prince George of Wales has fallen in love with the .trincefcs lielene o Or- leans, who has i been his partner very frequently at the recent festivities of the royal marriage. , Peunsvlvanla thus discourses know- ingly ujon the candidates in that Bute: YY lth a Beaver heading one ticket in Pennsylvania and a W oile another, tire RALEIGH. N. 0, flURSDAT! MORNING. JUNE 24, 18SG. NO. 34 CONGRESSIONAL. TUbNCI ITS REVONMIbESM TOE aitf Preblblt AoBstara rri At tor nay a. ; Washington, June 23. Senati. In the Senate JJr. Frye, from the com mittee on commerce, reported favorably the bill to amend the laws relating to the inspection of steam vessels, j The bill provides for the payment out of the treasury of the expenses of the steamboat inspectors. Ifr, Frye said the bill was in answer to the reoommendation of the President. The vessel-owners of the country, Mr. Frve aded were under obligations to the President for his ap- nl .111. -U ! L!ii-J I'ivtbi wi nnippiog pin ana ior nis reoommendation for sunblementarv lear- islation to provide for the exnenses of fhtx of law having clients were under a bias is ftvpf of those clients and that this bill was necessary m order to ex elude that bias. 1 Mr. Edmunds' voice gate out before he had proceeded far ana ne was seiie with a troublesome cough. He took his seat, with: the re mark that the stale of his heajth did not permit him to donate the question fur ther Mr Vance said there was an imores sion throughout tie country that a good deal of jobbery and improper legisla tion emanated from Congress. Whether thai was true or not, it was the part of wise men to avoia occasion for imputa tion. He though t it would be ud for tunate for the Senate not to stand bv this bill . j 3 . Mr. Hawley thought hia motion ,to rooonsider amply justified by the de bate. , Mr. Sherman safel-the universal rule steamboat lnipooton. Congresi ought e 8en-e wai to grant a reconsiders- at ohoe to provide that leeislation. The bill was passed without debate. ivesolutions were submitted bv Mr. George, for reference to the committee on judiciary, and were so ' referred, directing that, the committee report a mi . . - . - cm ior the repeal of all laws which the United States .supreme court has de- tion almost as a matter of course when ever asked for. Even when the Senate waa almost a unit against a bill, a rote for its consideration had often been unanimous. Thei bill met his hearty approval. The criticisms against it were rather too fine. The motion to reconsider having been clared unconstitutional and providine 5rougnt vote waa Kreei to; yeas 1 . .. . 31 nana Ol TfU-. 1 ll' seems likely to be quite a lively stirrine tin nf rho rnlii.bl I m 4uer. 'Ihere can be little doubt that the I ..t . . -f' . .'1 , u t uia, ib uwi uimi; m iica at crea- for a general digest or index of the statutes of the United States, including those of the present Congress. ! air. tiawley's motion , was taken up, to reconsider the vote bv which the Senate passed the bill prohibiting mem- Ders 01 Congress from acting ' as attor neys of land grant railroads: Mr. Beck resumed the floor and continued his re marks against a reconsideration.! He denied that he had intended to iniure anybody by the introduction of the bill. : .. . ; If the Senate should agree Us the motion to reconsider that Would be the the last of the bill. I Mr. Beck read Mr. MttcheiTa amecd ment proposing to forbid the members of Congress from doing law business for men who were managers of. banks or importers of foreign goods, or who manufactured butter, oleomargarine. di. nays 21. ' The onlv renublican voting in the negative was Mr. Van Wyck. The democrats voting in the affirmative were Messrs. Call, Gray, Payne, Pugh and Bansom. Mr. Haw ley moved to refer the bill to the judi ciary committee, i Mr. Vance called a reading of the bill, by way of a final "farewell' to it (Laughter). Thei bill having? been read, tyr. Edmunds assured Mr. Vance that he should have the pleasure of see ing the bill back in the Senate within eight days. Mr Maxey (sotto voce) "With an ad verse report. " The bill was referred to the judiciary committee, by a vote of 30 to 21. A number of veto messages received from the President were read and laid on the table. Mr. Logan; re marking as to one of them; that h had never before known such a in their jBeats, reading and writing, or retired to the cloak rooms for a smoke and t lk; Both sides were determined in their course, but little attention was paid to the proceedings which were un attended ' by any occurrences to break uicir uninteresting cnaracter. A reso lution was adopted directing the ser geant-at-arms to arrest the absent mem bers and j bring them to the bar of the Housed ; j lhe house remained, as one member characterized it. in a state of "innocuous desuetude" until a quarter nast four. when further proceedings under the call were dispensed with and the question ro curred on Mr. Barrow's motion to ad journ until Saturday. This was v ted down: yeas 2. nays 145. No auorutn and another roll call-consumed the time to 5 o'olook when the House adjourned ' It IS Understood that tha nronnAri change of j the rules will not be called np for consideration tomorrow but the sundry Civil aDnroDriation bill ha ac corded right-of-way. cunning independent Wolfe will be more than'n match for the industrious partisan Beaver,! unless some political Hogg should uproot all their plans." It is seldom that the columns of the daily newspaper fail to record the sad particulars of emhexxlemenU by men of blameless repute, and t often by men who nave been regarded as exam- piars in social, religious and business Circles. ; Hay after aay the shame ol ex- posea gum comes; day after daj the whose tail hi been cut off.1 That ad vice was that they should all have their tails cut off; because his had; been cut off. He thought the fable illustrated the case of this amendment, f I! i In reply to the reference by Mr. Beck to the published report that Mr. Mitch. ell Wa atlornev tot tha Nnrtharn Pa- IhTdmomUon i 1!S.? ,25 construction as ; thai a soldier on tion," exclaimed Mr. Beck. Hedepre- !.furJ,u8h WM not in the line of 7 ciea mat . sprt of amendment, but added that he had often heard the fable of the advice given to all foxes' by twe fox Mr find but still the tide of eiubttslement flows Ahopeleasly wrecking tu victims. The prayer, whujh should be moBt on every One' lips nowadays is "Lead us not into temptation.'' ' ' 4 Wattersou 4 absent in Europe, but :kt!tm nirit 1 tin uisviit. in Kin "nannf tiKapa 0 n0l6!ni I we find the lolWwiiig.aneni the assistant jUbKuunMmttm wuy aivimku uio. iuw ibva bill: These recreants come almost en tirely from Pennsylvania, New l'ork, iew Jersey and Ohio. Beyond the bor ders of these States the democrats are almost a unit for reform. Now let the 'War be carried into these dutriets. Wherevr one of these men islaomina ted revenue reformers should nominate the disastrous results which come to men who I genuine ' true-blue Democrat, and if they cannot elect him, they can at least stand np to be counted." j -rylttseful to take the place of eambrio dressei are those of tussore. These fabrics are excellent for wear in every Bense, being cool, light, hot easi ly rumpled, and most enduring. The color of the unpatterned tussore is not always becoming, and to obviate this follows out the Idea that merchant standing flowers and tiny geometric figures are wrougnt in coiorea silks upon the sur- The Backet Store has all the advantages which result from baring buyers always in - - ; i the Sew Tork market .to turn to advantage ; the : J gat ta debt. It is the power of the Ahnhjhty 1; Dollar cutting ;tu way through the centre ol I tna values which enables us to offer apods at C, . : .TV I Uaa than thev can be made for in hundreds ol The Backet Store believes in between the masses and the markets ought to X-:-' ;l- : ' : -. V- : K be satisfied w ith a reasonable profit and when ever that profit falls we stop and give to those who bur our eoods the balance. Sin a word, we shall make .. VUB BARGAIN 8 MAKt OUR BUSINESS, And under the banner of the Almighty Dol- : i . : - ' 1 ' lar with one price to all, we inarch daily en '' 1 t Uthetront. We will receive this week some great bar- Blair said thei President seemed to it a congenial dutv to eznress himself in the most extraordinarj terms rejecting the two houses of Congress. That, however, was a matter of official propriety as to which eveW man roust judge for himself. Mr. Blair defended Congress from the criticisms made by the President and stated that .some of e President's statements were an en tire misapprehension of facts. Mr. Blair ratve instances to pupporthis own aaser M J'WjJtti'god ?- thAt .ih nension reyStAhomf whenever that could be done. It had- come to be a court of chpeery. Some of the statements made about the action of Congress regarding pensions were "petty trifling and ' con temptible." j The bill to repeal the pre-emption and timber culture! laws was plaoed be fore the Senate and was debated till ad journment. In the course of some re marks on the bill Mr. Plumb Baid that if there was not some change in the methods of management of the general land office tho litigation that would ensue would outlast the lifetime of every man who heard him and would exhaust the entire value of the lands. - The malicious, interested and careless inves tigations of special agents, invested with absolute power, would ruin thousands and tens of thousands of persons who had never had a thought of wronging the government,. It was agreed that at 3 o'clock tomorrow a vote should be taken on the bill, i After an executive session the Senate adjourned. ljlOUBX. The speaker announced the appoint ment of Messrs. Belmont, Cox and Hitt as conferees on the diplomatic and con sular appropriation bul. Mi. Wise, of Virginia, from the com mi"ee on naval ; flairs, reported i bil temporarily ink-i easing the number of assistant engineert in the navy and restoring certain cadet engineers to their 1 1 .:.L1 - rt nt anI Ir a an ir nBin initmvi nara. Ana i ick ai rixut buu vivmu vuv a CUBRENCY. - trian-v nf tha bill was that members of Committee of the whole. Mr. Morrison Congrese could be bought by fees as j then called up the report of the commit attbrneys. If that theory was correct tee on rules, amending the rules of the tha Sanata eonld not nrevent it bv sav- 1 Houbc, upon which debate occurred re and order some fish for dinner nj. that flpecial form of purchase 1 yesterday. Mr. Eeed rawed a question ght.'t "What kind shall 1 get, I aku ftt ki afrMAA Thara were a of consideration, and Mr. liiscook face. .'; lhis relieves the monotonous hue 9 the material. Velvet-striped tussore is also introduced in the more expensive suits of these goods. Tus sore resembles the finest strade of pon gee in texture, but is still finer and considerably wider. ' torney of no railroad. He desired the Senator from Kentucky (Mr. 'Beck) to understand that he (Mitchell) had never whHe in the 'Senate been employed by any railroad company to argue "'any ease in court or out. He was not1 now and had net been been for over a year at torney of any; corporation whatever; he was representing no corporation here. 'If the bill were: to be passed on the Idea that every member of Congress Who was a lawyer was dis honest with; a view of making him honest, then the bill should be made to include matters indicated in Mr. Mitch ell's suggested, amendment. Mr. Call did not dispute Mr. Beck's devotion to public interests.but regarded the bill as most hurtful': to the interests of the country and to the character . of the Senate. It would result in holding the Senators responsible not to the Senate but to the judges of the United States court. The United Sutes'judges could be bought before twcthirda of the Sen ate eonld. The people of Florida had once elected a majority of Democrats to their legislature. Bow did the Repub licans overcome that majority 1j Bj get ting a United States judge to order the arrest of the Democratic members. We were in the habit of 'belittling the Senate and its. functions aud the eharacter of the Senators, but that what was wholly ; wrong. There wis no reason for it. Neither was there any reason for any presumption that there anv naid attorney! here. The Over Iff Hbmm rrM PUobiccI. PHitADiLPHiA, Pa., Jane 23 A sne- cial dispatch says: "Exactly 214 people were poisoned at last Thursday's pienic near Flemington. N. J. Six of these persons will probably die and twenty are in a precarious condition. It is now believed that ice-cream, plentifully sup plied' And freely eaten, caused the trouble I Whether the inside of the cream-freeiers was fined with sulphate of zino or whether arsenic was put in the cream purposely, still puiiles the doctors . One of the doctors has been doing sotno amateur detective work. In his capacity as physician he gives the opinion that the poisonous substance was arsemo and as a detective he ex presses a belief that it was put in the cream; by some murderously -inclined person Many persons who ate the cream when first made suffered no in - convenience, while all who ate after the freezers were: opened a short time are sick. 11 he victims went to their homes and it was several hours before any of tnem came under medical treatment. They are widely scattered over a dis trict partly village and partly country. i i ' Another Mrlk. . Pittsbckg, Pa., June 23. The plas terers of this and Allegheny City, some vv in num per, nave gone out on an other strike. This will close building operations for some time unless the trouble is settled. All the houses that were begun in the spring are completed with the exception of plastering. The plasterers struck May 1, when their de mands for" eight hours per day and 216 per week were granted. The employers signed a Scale agreeing to pay thif rate for one year. This agreement waa vuw to continue tu .ta.tftwi the result.: The contractors' union has filed a new scale, which stipulates that ten' hours constitutes a day's work, at thirty oents an hour. At this rate it is ayerred; the men would earn more monev. but ; thev positively refuse to work more than eight hours a day. "I wis Mamie, on your way down town this afternoon, you d stop sonn where and order some toni in mourning?" mamma?'' "iilaok bass, of course, thousand ways by which men I could be child. Aren t we in mourning? oorruited without reUininti them as Chicaco Bambier. J lawyers and i without the payment of Madame was recounting that her bus-1 monev. gains in Ladies' and GentySboei, Orksnfal WM m y,e night before, and it Mr. nTitchell asked Mr. Beck when was necessary to send for a doctor at o I he had been told that he (Mitchell) was Laces,. Hamburg Jtdjfings. Great Job lot jhv - T r Atosquito Net, at to, worth 10c Big bargains in UnibreUaa. .Straw HU, 43c, worth 0i)e; Bent Calico in the city for 44.a yard. Great alaughter in Buttons of all kinds. New lot of o'clock ill the morning. "But! thought you had a doctor in the house, your eldest son?" said a neighbor. "True,, but we only: let him doctor the ser vants. "-4From the French. ) "My dear.? he said, "what is the" difference between ingenious and ingen uous?" lh difference between n and . 1 : i j- j uM.iUi Bum Whips. Solid non-galvanized Buckets 1WT v . "PW' uu " A ed his head for a diagram. Washings Sic, worth 65c Eilk Gloves, 80c, worth COcf I ton MORE TROUBLE. THE LAKE SHORE nts STRIKE. AUAIS OH Tfcoro) mrm Mgum, or AMtnor rrolgtat Blokad. rt Chicago, June 23. 2:30 p. m. The Lake Shore switchmen employed at the Union stock yards quit work at 2:30 this evening, owing to the refusal of the railroad company to discharge eight non union men. Committees are now going to the other yards of the railroads in the city to induce all union men to stop work. The Lake Shore is refusing to accept any more live stock over its road. EDUCATIONAL. SELiCT BOARDING AMD DAY SCHOOL For Young (FOCKPXO lt&U.) Ladies and Little Hillbboro, n. c. Girls. Thf Scholastic year of the iliftttea Nash and , Atiss Koilock's school will commence Sept 8d, 188, and end June 9, 1887. Circulars on an-pUcation. MARYLAND Military and Naval Academy OXFORD, MD. CadeU are to be apiiolnted from soveral Congreaaioaal diutrlcU of the State of North Carolina and thoe desiring appointanenti are requested to: make immediate application. CadeU receiving appointments enter the Aeaaemy tree of bosrd. Total enrollment of Cadets 9A4j renrcientlnir thlrtvhnui Kt.ta. It is now believed that another general diwo Territories. Session begins July 101 h. strike is to take place on' the road, and JJ to lnfonnati?f'!, i,b,fv;ub JPiy that a blockade, Inch as the one which '" col, b. j. burqkso, snpu occurred lut April, will take place. ; FOUNDED IN 1842. St. MarjVs School, A. H j , jrew Trk Ctttfm Fatartt. Naw Yobs:, June 23. Green & Co report on cotton futures says : 1 he '' : a S market has been teverun an ting, j but overcame somewhat the small i range and the close did not differ materially from last evening, ihere was continued evidence of a desire to toveri but less general in character, and while the demand was sustained it lacked S stimulating force. Crop ac counts include some complaint of the bears, bat from prominent points are iavoraDje ana in aauiuou w mo ueonuo in silver foreign accounts brought tame susrsrestjons from Manchester, both as . -r- .... to movement and bids. Ik Times NTirt on ldiln, London, J une 23 The Times, com menting on Gladstone's Glasgow meet ing, says: "l he remarkable absenoe of n en of intellectual, sooial or profession al distinction, which has characterized all of Gladstone's meetings in Scotland, appears to have reached its highest de velopment at Ulasgow yesterday. Glad stone s effort to avoid a serious discus sion of his own plans was crowned with complete success in his Glasgow speech. It bristles with misstatements of facts and perversions of arguments. It does not contain a single attempt to grapple with the difficu'ties of the Irish ques tion." ; ! Ijat Kotas Rev. Sam Jones is having an influ ence upon Indianapolis. Un Fridav evening Kev. Mr.i McUonnell, of Rob erts Park church, opened the services with the question, preceding the usual collection ; "What do you think of Sam Jones by this time ? Isn't he a daisy?" Henry Watterson, writing from Lon don to the Courier-Journal; compares Gladstone to Jefferson Davis, and says be thinks them, in manv loading char acteristics, very much alike. The-Chicago Ledger remarks: "In every life there corneal a time; when hope is crushed, but the man who has a healthy liver and a shirt that doesn't pinch in the neck seldom gets discour ged." It . I Living in Paris is much more expen sive than it was twenty years ago There are in consequence fewer Strang era relatively fewei. There are now. an immense number of vacant apart4 ments. There are more beggars to be T . A W-T.'R'P A "DTTU T7XTTi seen in the streets. I M ,f xiahiuij Texas.lt says: 'Tfexu steps np sUently and modestly and takes its place by the . 1 m -r X.1 M : . ! - & siae 01 new xxampsnire ior peave, quiet and order. Now and then a ranger knocks out a desperado. But it is be cause the glory of the desperado hath departed forever. ! w ii a)iBj i Tb Freh Prtneea Expelled. The members of the house of Bona- a . ..' parte affected immediately or protpect- iXKIOB, K. O. Tm Brr. BENNITT 8MEDES, RtCTOB ANB Pttnf!TPin A. corps of fourteen efficient instructors. Thorough teaching guaranteed. French taught by a native; German by an mrriean etfuea tea in Germany. Latin a requisite for a full Diploma. Great attention is paid to Uathea matics and Composition. Elocution a specialty. One of the best equipped schools of Music Jj the Pouth, Separate buildings; fire teacher-, one from the fetuttgart, one from tbeLelpsIo Conservatory; a fine Vocalist; sixteen pianos for dally practice two new.Conrert Grands for concert use, a Cabinet Organ; a fine Pipe Organ, with two manuals and twenty P. and the only Pedal Piano south of Naw .orr. Tb Art Partment under the charge ol Able and enthusiastic artists. The Course comprises Drawing in Pencil, Crayon and CbArcoal; Tainting m Oil, Water Colors and 1 astoL and Decorating China in Minerals. The 1 hysical Development of the pupils thor oughly cared for. The Ninety-first term 'HeoHn. c.. ber h, 1886.' For circulars eoataining full particulars apply to the Rector. june ie d&w 8m. LAW SCHOOL, "UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' 'i'-' -5.' - t f" Summer Session begins; JULY lot, HIBXTi Cises Sept. 1st. Terms, payable in advanal. TWO CLASSES : . Senior Class (feeV - - - - 30 00 Junior Class (fosj -: - . - ZA 00 Both Classes (f ee ... . , 00 ? JOHN MANNING, Prof, may - 26dlm. UNTVERSITY OF VIRGINIA, Secretary ol the Faculty, , '. O. UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. VA. Edward Fasnach, . Jeweler ati Optician Alabama Repnbllcau CoaTBtlen. Mostgomiet, Alabama, June 23. The Republican State convention met hero today. There were about a hun dred present; one-half white Speeches I fluctua- lively by $e Qta of the French parlia ment are Jrrinoe napoieon ana nis wue, Princess Clothilde of Savoy; and their 1 ahildren Prince Victor, Prince Louis and Princess Marie; Princess Mathilde, if Princess de San Donate;) Prince Ro- p .i 1 a t: 1 land conaparte, son 01 tne iate rruico Pierre Bonaparte, j Of the house of France furieans Bourbon:) Prince Philippe (Comte de Parish and wife, Prinoess liabelle de a Tt Monrnensier. and i cnuaren; rrmcess . if m Ti ... Tn..n . 1 Ameiie, ivrown x rixiuooo w w "6, j Prince Philippe; fDuke d't)rleans, Prinoess Helene, I Princess Isabelle, Princess Louise, I Prince Ferdinand, Prince Robert (Due de Chartres) and his wife. Princess -Francoise de Jom- villa an A children. Prince Henri, Prin cess Marguerite. Prince Jean, r riucc were made favoring the nomination of Louis (Due dc Nemours) and hi wife , Job in Eye-glasses at 8e, worth t6c W will nnt n name ureal bargains hi Men's i .;. 1 - ? ' Uhirts, 76c, worth 1. . j Our KiUineiy leparUucnt will be supplied with some New hate for ladiM at great bar gains. Also some Jobs in Ribbons. Now it you want to save' your money call at the Racket Store. Submitted to the cash trade only. ! VOLNKYPURaKLL ACO., . Uo. 10 at aiartin Street. 'Yes, air," said I the sailor, "I have seen a whale that could swallow a boAt." ."Oh, that's nothing." said the landsman, vl have seen a small man who eonld swallow a schooner." Boston-Courier. ! ; A CincinhatiMndge recently .charged a jury to give the prisoner thigyenefit of the doubt, but added, "in looking ior doubts I do; not; advise that you go attorney for the Northern Paeific. Mr. Beck said he had been so told. The time did not matter. t Mr. Mitchell said he was not in the confession's! , but he had resigned eight months before his election.; He (Mr. Mitchell) remembered the time when it had been said in the newspapers that certain members of Congress; were very zealous in regard to certain whisky. Mr. Beck Oh, well, that was just simply a lie; that 'a all there is about that. (Laughter.) Mr. Mitchell had no doubt of that. Mr, Pugh said he had voted for the bill, but afterward on examining it he bad concluded that it was hasty, incon siderate and jaiaohievous legislation Mr. K?rts said that of the seventy Six Ocuawi a suij-uig ic tjta;g. This bill was a reproach to these law vers, tie naa never except in tne vii of revilings heard any reproach ef t Gale college has established a chair of creat profession of the law He It iournaliam, An exchange says, "it is D6ver heard outside the Senate so deep on old battered affair, and' a broom-stick, and ohanges for ar cushion." 1 ith three legs filled with ex- Has Tammany gone into wump ranks for a leader? chief is jCoL Croaker. the Mug The new a stigma on the Senate as wu placed on aa -a -sra t . m it by this bul. iut wnetner good or bad, it was certainly a serious and lr reaching measure and was entitled to deliberate consideration. i i Mr. Edmunds said the theory of the bill was that gentlemen of the profes- oonsideration, and Air. liiscook ex expressed his desire to go on with the sundry civil bill, j Mr. Randall remarked that he could take care of that measure. On a standing vote the House refused 80 to 91, to consider the report and the result was received with applause from the'Republicans. But on a jea and nay vote the House determined, oa 133, nays 115, to consider the report. Mr. -. . . . . 1 . i .1 i . xteed CUanging nis vote at ire last mo ment, to enable him to move to recon sider.! Having mads that motion, ne vielded to Mr. Hiscock to move to ad journ, and this motion he supplemented with another mat ! wncn tne nouse aa iourn today it be to meet Friday next, Mr. Burrows, of I Michigan, ironically suggesting that Friday was too early a day, niovea ta tuosuiuie oaturaay Thus having laid the foundation for a day of filibustering, the Republicans re tram ea trom vouug ana leit iue xiouao witnout a uuviiuh. . . 1 . . m ' m Mr. Morrison moved a call ot the. TTnnaa. Mr. Reed suggested that the House mwht ooneider the sundry civil bul. ! will take care of the sundry civil bill." remarked Mr. Morrison. 'Yoa too." exclaimed Mr. Reed, in f!uA surr.rise. "I am afraid the cimdrv civil bill is being taken too m i mnch care of. 1 A call of the House was ordered and a State tioket All the utterances were for a protective tariff and the Blair educational bill. Wasbimotom, June 23. The Presi dent today sent to Congress seven more vetoes, ail ot private pension Dins ong iaating in the Senate A cAnena of Democratic members of the House has been called to meet at 8 o'olock p. m. tomorrow. Princess Viotorine de Saxe-Cobourg et Gothaand children, Prince Ferdinand Phillippe, (Due" d'Alenoon.) bis wife. Princess Sophia of Bavaria and chil dren, Princess Louise, i'rinco .Lni manuel, Princess Marguerite, (Princess Czarteryski.) Prinoess Blanche, f nnce Francois, Prince de Joinville,) his wife, . a -ar t 1 V 1 Princess Franooise ot urazu ana cnii dren, Princess Francoise, (Duchess de Chartres), Prince Pierre, (Dude Ptn- thievre,; rrince aenri, u u- male. RALEIGH, N. C Gold and Silver "Watches, American and Imported. Real and imitation Diamond Jew- , elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement ' Rings, any size and weight Sterl'ng Silver Ware for Bridal Presents. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and lye-glasses in Gold, Silver, Steel, Rubber and Shell Frames. Lenses, white and tinted, in endless varieties. . Seals for Lodges, Corporations, etc Also Badges and Medals for Schools and Societies ... ' . made to order. Mall orders promptly attended to. Goods, sent on selection to any part of the State. :. A Jekjrs Datb. SHXirsaiAS Bat, Long Island, June 23. Herbert Meaton, an English light weight jookey irjnred in a race here yesterday, aiea tais morning. ; j f 1 -aaa-aa-aB 'Vlrwlula'a Great Mbat Crop. Lykciibukg, Va., June 23 Answers to inquiries throughout southwest Vir ginia report unprecedented wheat and I passed out of the east room; fruit I crops. The harvest has com- I or three ladies, escorting a j mencedi! flfe doors of the chamber were closed The roll-calr followed with monotonous regularity, while the members lounged Th Preldnt heuda Ills Cbsvk. Baltiuokb, Md., June 23. A check for the full amount of his expenses at Dter Park was yesterday sent by Presi ; mW .a al Al dent Cleveland to the .Baltimore a unio railroad company. In a letter enclosing his check, the President expressed nis appreciation of the attention bimseu and Mrs. Cleveland reoeived. Tne Fraveh Prlneos Kx pal led. PajuS, June 23. The government at 3o'clock this afternoon will issue a decree expelling the French prinoes from the oountry ; The prinoes will leave France to-night. A number of the royalist senators and deputies have gone to Chateau d'Eu to condole with the Count de Paris. A - Washington Ii elden. New York Times. Tha North Carolina editors, escorted by Senators Ransom and Vance and by Beveral Representatives from the old Vni-th Rtate had shaken hands with the President Monday afternoon and had wnen two ,1 very smau boy with a head tnat wouia nave douu rla if a lawu mower bad not re cently denuded it of hair, ) stopped in front of the chief magistrate. The boy . 1 S ! . m . A was very wiae awaxe, eiiwiusu raised his oolor almost to die intensity vo nint irineham iumoer that, he wore. The President smiled broadly as he reached: down to shake the boy's t33 Old Gold and Silver in small and large quantities taken as cash. dly. WE ARE SELLING CASSARD'S j JrSravldeaiee'a Calibration. Paofipaiioa, R. I. This city is today celebrating the 250th anniversary ol its eetuement. "BED STAR BRAND' And recommend it as being the very best to Ym had. Send us yourorders. W. C. & A.. B. SUonach, E. J. Hardin, V. R. Vewsom & Co. ; - Wyatt A Co., Graueman & Rosenthal, ; Jno. R. TerrelL , J. R. Fermll A Co., W. B. Mann A Co. NOrrtb A Newman, AV. C Upchurch. ' W. H. Ellin.. Aio CASSARD'S MILD CUXRD WAVn ana BRKAMrAoT 81H1PS, which are Un hand "I'm glad vou came so see me he said loudly. "When yu get to be uvmUKL President 1 11 come to see you. Look lor Red Label and Blue Seal. The ooy answered promptly, and in way that made the Presi dent laugh outright: "Then you'll never come, for I don't believe I'll ever be one." Still laughing and patting the round head with his fat hand the President answered: "Oh, ves. you will. Smaller boys than you have grown to be Presidents." vfr j. M. Buchanan, ifit Emerson avenue, rhinaiTA. aavs that a very hard, hacking enmrn disappearad before Red Star; Cough Cure, which acted like a charm. Twanty-nve oenu, NOKTli UAKOJL1NA GRANlTiaAiroSAOT)ST01 F Linehdn !l Co : 408 FAyettevuls Bi, Kaleigh, V. OL, Avs prtpared to make eentracta m the K eel r arable Terms for scpplylng Granite SaaaV tones of the Beat Qnallty In iuay Onantttlaa dosud. Cjuarries al Henderson and Trades bons N. t:. Ample facilities lor aaA aaklog qutek shipaiaate to any point. ttMrtm or out ef the i :v 0 -eaa. ; ' ' .. f ft. ! . ' i . - A 4 :' 'L ?H4

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