V easBsasaBi' m - p i - fx-;. f 'k iiVaTrmsTsTarii ! '4, rVfteVvianTslBaM'ai ''.! . y "The News and Ossssrri - - i - - - -Publohkd J) Alt (bxcspt Mohoat) AH . i Wuut. ,rf Bt THE NEWS, AND OBSERVKR Co. j Duly one year, mall, postpaid, nix months, " : three i . Weekly, one year, " six months 8 60 1 75 2 00 1 00 No buu entered without payment, and no paper sentafterthe expiration of time paid for: THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1886. ! '- Tu editors had a Washington. Splendid time at '1- Tmn New Yorkers breathe freer. Im prisonment for debt is abolished in that Bute. ' Tei Bonapartes and the French princes having been expelled' from France, will now live either in America or England, j Caw. Fkahk Mason, formerly of the Cleveland Leader, and his wife, are an nounced as the joint lathers of :"Thi Bread-Winners." , At the democratic caucus, which nearly all the democrats in Congress at tended, a committee composed pf Messrs! Beck, Harris and Coekrell was appoint ed to draft aJ plan of action te gOTern all futttt. legislation for the democratic side. . ; That was an odd proposition made to Judge Nott at Troy, New York, by the superintendent of - the Albany pemtenj tlary to- ghe the judge $50 for each long term prisoner sent to that inBti tui tion. - ' A son of Judge Carrnth, of Boston; whose name is not unknown here, has . been arrested in Washington, where he is a banker, on & charge of making way with $10,000 of a trust fund, and has been, .taken to Boston. j Whih . Gladstone and the madam entered Hengler's circus at Glasgow, where he was to speak, .the immen$e crowd overflowed with enthusiasm and amid hurricanes of applause the audi ence sang "Auld Lang Syne" and "He is a Jolly Good Fellow." It is not necessary to say that the jolly good fellow made a jolly,good speech. I liberty in other: countries to the accu mulation of immense wealth in a few hand, find in that an argument why the power to destroy should be freely uad so as to dissipate those great fortunes which baye Bprung up like jnoshroomi here , in -thai land of the free. IToiikThey lay .thai the fabulous riches of Qould and Inen of that stamp could not bate Deen. amassed honestly; that they are a inenace -to( our republican in stitutions, 'and henoe should be taxed to thduUhostl V-We do net share in any feeling of un easiness because of the great fortunes which j Vanderbilt, Gould and others hare so suddenly acquired, fi Those estates are apt to be largely dissipated "after the devolution of jbhe property qpon the second generation . And that would end the danger. But besides that the peril in America is not appreciable; compared with the danger in foriner times in other countries. For 4uriog the past hundred years, ever since social order has been well estab lished here in the new world,, the people have been growing better, more' strong ly fixed in I sentiment, more thoroughly educated, trained more excellently in morals and more attached to their lib- As the individual citizen has become a finer, specimen of manhood, so has the whole: oommunity 4hat makes up the State advanced in all the finer-elements of character. When we attach a due importance to this quiet but constant progress, we will feel reassured in re gard io the future of our people and will dismUi all fear lest the riches of a hun- dred Goulda may lead them away from the liberty-loving ways of their fathers. : And so: the necessity of taxing large fortunes out of existence is not apparent; but the fact; remains that the income tax is the easiest of all taxes to pay and it is perhaps the1 fairest way toraise rev enue.! ; ' '; ;. i i ' THB Congressmer friendly to the tariff bill held a.nieeting in Washington the other night, and on motion of Gen. Cox it was re0olved that Mr. Morrison should .call up his bill Tuesday, and from time' to time, frequently, so as to secure that agitation which might spring from such a policy, and- which might. lead to the' progress of the bill. After this resolution had been adopted, Mr. Morrison pegged that a committee might be appointed to manage the matter, and with that irview Gen. Cox's resolution was reconsidered. The committee pro vided for in Morrison's resolution has. not yet been appointed; but the tone of thei caucus was very aggressive. The assistant Republicans will now have a hard, row ooi stumps' to hoe. It is stilt asserted that Mr. Randall has a measure; r the proposition to amend ready to be offered for the consideration .f . . .j ofihe House. It provides, aocordin? 1 M f9 to a Washington correspondent, for 5 Ocm friends Kthe enemy are filibus tering like a! set of fellows- terribly in earnest, over the rules so lor the paymentrof pensions. From this I tariff; reduetion of ten millions and thai we may gather that they are not favot-T total abolition of the tobaoco tax, which; . . . . i- . . I I iJ I Kfl AAA AAA TUT. - ; able to an lnooma tar. Th aiat'nl ih I aw.wv.wvy. it v wut aw wuit , proposition is to lay a tax to meet tie pension appropriation; and this- is so l t nrx Bnrrip fair, so American-like, o strictly in Cor. f the Naws and OBSxavxa. the republican' ' (gressmeuehow to" it nl " fyWinM .cair only be accounfr'onTe sup- f WbU 47 ele0 nosition that tw AA l !Pr?eNr of Greek. It is with some m . J wvuiauwvvvi' sy w ! raises $28,000,000. we will-see. j denou of Senator Vanee was enjoved. A distinguished company had assembled to meet uie Tar Heels, there being present Senators George, Call, Beck Salisbury and Bansom; ' Solicitor-General; Gbode, Hon. S. F. Phillips, Congressmen Dan iel and Begani ) Mr. Nordhoff the fa mous newspaper man, and others. Mrs Vance, it is hardly necessary! for me to say, is a charming hostess. Everybody in North Carolina knowd this, and here they lay that her entertain ments last winter, with those perhaps of Mrs. Logan, were the most delightful of the season. The Senator was as usual the pride of every Carolinian who shook his honest hand and made every man- of the party, from whatever remote part of the backwoods he might be, feel at home under his roof. Mrs C. N. Vance and Mrs. Cicero W. Har ris, with a number of Washington City ladies, assisted Mrs. Vance and the oc casion, aa may well be imagined, was made one long to be remembered. Tomorrow it is proposed to ! visit the treasury and other department! not yet seen, and in the afternoon to go down the Potomap to Mount Vernon. To morrow evening the faces of the party will be turned homeward. Everv attention has been paid the "gang by; the North Carolinians resi dent here and by the government of ficials high and low. There is but one sentiment among the quilldrivers and that is that no trip has ever been as much enjoved as has this- one. f capitalists.) The democrats Stood pretty: vuut togeuier on ue question and al though business was interrupted by the filibusters, yet it does not amouht to a great deal. ; '";i'V.' ' 1 f-' Ihe Senate; however, will probably uimaence f tf at 1 venture to present name for the consideration of the trus tees, and. 1 do so for the reason that I teel lure 1 the board' will honor them-: selves an the institution they repres sent by g appointing Prof. Addison fioge, who now fills the chair of Greek; aiTAa h a M aL - Ltl i a - . wiU leave it an issue between thenar-! nZ?ZrJ wge' rof u. ..i. 't I tioge is a son of Be v. Wm. H Tin ? ! i. w Mcue I . VmimhZ filled With diatinnt?n a. Tf. tneoiegyj in Union seminary and after- this fall. METROPOLITAN HOTIL, . Wasuiuqton, Judo 22, 1880. A bevy rain has been falling here all day; but notwithstanding this the members of the press association have pursued their sight-seeing with pleasure and profit. The programme for the day included visit! to the treasury building; a special invitation to visit which had been tendered by chief .clerk Youmaus, the Corcoran 'art gallery,- the national museum and the SmithsocUn institute, and this, programme was carried out by most of the Vgang." j . Tonight many have gone j to see the "Mikado" at the National theatre, and t 11 o'clock pr thereabouts the greater part of the association will? take the train for home. ;!,- : The visit to the capital has been one of unallowed pleasure. The freedom of ' the : city has : been j to a great extent granted in fact, I tenders of payment for admission into places of entertainment and for articles of luxury desired being generally declined, re spectfully but firmly, the sentiment be ing expressed: in explanation that Wash ington desired the North Carolina edi tors to make -themselves at home, and so to take what they wantedj j The tar on the heels of the party has been recognised almost everywhere, and has served as an all-sufficient passport as well aS to secure extraordinary priv ileges in all the government depart meats. In short, the entire' government this splendid democratic government of ours has1 laid itself out tof please the Carolina quill-drivers, and the citisens of Washington have followed suit with surprising generosity and alacrity. resident here, the members f fiontrroaa he clerks and employees in the denart- uw aim mo on, our pen can give no idea. It must suffice to say , that in the matter of hospitality every one of these gentlemen has been a thonsand and has gained a place in the hearts of bk brethren from home which is reserved for the best of friends only.; if Leng may they all live, and may each and every one of them become Presi dent, sooner or later. I . .W.hti.j4fc. while . ' . . " . . r-J " pastor 0f prominent New York Pres- apparentiy not so Dyterian church, i He is also a nephew k. 1 of the eelebrated Dr. Moses D. Hoee. of . . . ' ---, civil servioe law was objectionable as the rules,' und we e.r. f -pressedV the opinion that las soon as taond.-Va , and a brother of the President Cleveland and his democratic JTWif, fJttn J?e' who k- u,sm,ior0 has lately been called to the First Pres . commissioners could get a chance at the; byterian'ehurch at Wilmington, N C , rules they would be somewhat changed.- Prof, Addison Hoge graduated from a ne present rules were adopted by tie tFMnry(ney;coiiegeand;at the uui , republican commissioners under Mr. I tfmJffy"ei nder Gildersleeve, k f after which he nurined hia itmln. . pected that the democrats would over- ment. won the higf est enc6miums from haul them somewhat. At least we took ! the most eminent German scholars. He the liberty of promising ourselves that " ls recommended by such An ericans they Would do it and we so predicted 1 0TB' 00lwln VVheeler and Aiaroiy a wee has elapsed w fTTr""1 "6 roi. nogeis bout 40 be I irS "eing under forty Cor. of Thx Niws and ObsiSth. a : i - ' i wui you please inquire i why the ohairman i of; the Democratic ixective committee for this Congressionalfdistrict has not called the committee together to determine the time and place for holdine the convention?" ! have heard, many inquiries upon the subject, and no one seems to be able to give any1 reason for the delay; H' ' if' i HU- IQD1BR. We suppose there is plenty of time. The convention is usually held at Ral eigh the day preceding the State con vention. Ed, N. & O. I last week. before, out prediction is about to be if. verified. The reports from the North are to the effect that the commissioners propose' atonce to alter the rules in some very material respects, one of them -being to strike out the limitation on ge. That rule was framed to prevent the appointment of ex-Confederate sol diers, but now it frnea iha nf ill grass. It is cut down, dried up and -withered, and is about to be cast into the fiery furnace and totally annihila ted. Such are the first fruits of the deni ocratio commission. Other changes will "v iuo win iime to time as eircuu stances will necessitate or warrant hm proposed income tax is rather ' steep, but not more so than the situa tion of our affairs amply justifies. All incomes less than $3,000 are to remain untaxed; incomes between $3,000 and $10,000 a year are to pay two and a half per cent; incomes between $10,000 and $20,000 are to pay five per cent; and incomes over $20,000 are to ay twenty per cent. The last charge is quite heavy "on large dealers who, maing great investments, are entitled to heavy return. But those are the very fellows who have been so highly : charged with patriotism nd who somi , how, connecting the tariff and the pen- fivua, wiea aioua jor thecombiui ' tion with mighty yeUs. It is well 4 oept this; we propose to let them h wl uuwer me- Banner ot ltcome tax instead of the tariff. The ordinary citi zen has borne more than his fair share of tifp burdens ot the government long enough; let the bondholders and oapi talisUi now contribute something. So far we think we have reason with u. There is. besides a very1 popular and taking notion, which we refrain from pressing, although it is by no means' unworthy of serious consideration. The power to tax is the poxer to t'estroy, ad some poople, tracing the decline of fortv years of age, and he has proved himself w ue iw pniy a man of high attainment but also; has the; faculty of imparting information.! Now. a few words as to the method Of selection: Tf it. ;a flidered a wise Dolicv to annnint . of a particular denomination; if upon a careful investigation of available men it appears that the de'nomication whose turn it is to be favored presents an op portunity for a first-olass selection, then there : can be no special objection to -making the appointment in t.M If, however, j a better man of anothe r creed ean pe Secured, then by all means the best man should be obtained, without regard to; the fact that he is a Metho dist, baptist, a Presbyterian or an Lpisoppalian. Omboa. i Edltr In Waatilnrtn. Cor. pf the Niws inn Obsirvxk. iy MxTBOPOLTA5 HoTXL, I h Washikgtom. June 21 To-day the party visited the eovcm ment printing office, the largest single estabUshnienl of the sort in the world having 200 employees, the patent office ; and the general postoffice. At 1:30 jp. mj a call was made on the Pres ident, and later a number paid their respects to secretary Bayard. An ad. journment was then had to the canitol where th two houses bf Congress; were soon in session, and thn .Arv. ... i inniit th miffiiitiiMnt . i r . -b wuuumg were aa I North Carolina Democratic elnK w.. Plal Dylnir Jar TkMtaadi rram htnm t aknvwu Uom. i Wilmington Beyiew. ;' The singular circumstance reported in this paper last week, of fish, in great multitudes being found dead in the waters of Shallotte creek. Brnno.i.tr county, is further confirmed, ? both by letters' from residents of that part of the county and by the statements of per sons who have witnessed the remarkable sight. A gentleman who came np from Shallotte yeBterday says that there is no exaggeration about it! The fish are dy ing by thousands, apparently and float like chips on the surface of the water. People in the vicinity are perplexed and dismayed at the unusual occurrence. He says that there appears to be an niU aoum on the water,, whioh extends far out into the ocean 'making the surface perfectly smooth and ealm. One man is reported as saying that he crossed this sea of oil in his boat five miles from land. The appearance of the oily scum, on tho water, which is'supposed to have poisoned, the fish,; cannot be accounted for. It has been" suggested that a vessel with a ve foundered in the vicinitv: but this m Bcucrauj regaraea as improbable. Two gentlemen of Lockwood1 Folly Cornelius Hblden and C. D. Itobinson, qs.. write tne our that from Lock wood's Folly! to Little river on Xhe coast, the dead fish (are drifting up on the shore by thousands of barrels, of all kinds and all rses. They Write that the cause of this mortality amonir fiK vauuuh ve accountea iqt. wind seemed to make to imprsioo on the water. . There is preat exetteiuent over the matter here." Vail Superior artn, ist9. It is exbitinir great wonder among tho people. Mr. ff P Wkit. ov'iuu. tended, and was found to be a und da ; k. oT ' WrK" H?l??,ifmBt-' , "The fish : dister V wore thani it - uccvu vi wstwiue wasmaae D v Mr FIRST DlSTRiCT-j-JUW f,ilpp 1 Currituck September 6,-1 weekj Oan' den September 13,1 week.; Pasquotank September '20, 1 week. Perquimans September 27, 1 week. Chowan October! 4. 1 week. Gates October 11, 1 week. Hertford Octob'-r, 18. 1 week. U Hertford Decerohef' 20. 1 week. Washington October 25, 1 week. Washington Deccnibcr 13, 1 week. Tyrrell November 1, 1 week, j Dare November, !8. 1 week. Hyde November 15, 1 week. J Pamlico November 22, 1 week. Beaufort November 29, 2 weeks. SKOOND DISTBICT JODQ1 QITDGRR. Warren September 20, 2 weeks. Northampton October 4, 2 weeks. Edgecombe October 18, 2 weeks. Bertie November 1. 2 weeks. Halifax November 15, l weeks. Craven November 29, 2 weeks; THIRD DISTRICT JCDQX SHSPHIKD. Franklin August 16, 1 week. : Franklin November 15, 1 week. Martin September 6, 2 weeks.! Mar tin December 6, 2 weeks.; Pitt September 20, 2 weeks. ; Greene October! 4, 2 weeks Vance October 18, 2 weeks. ! Wilson November 1, 2 weeks.; Nash November 22, 2 weeks FOURTH DISTRICT- JUDG PHILLIPS. Wake nJuly 12, 2 weeks. Wake Angustj 30. 2 weeki. Wakef September 27, 2 weeks. Wake October 25, 3 weeks. Wayne July 2$, 2 weeks. Wayne September 13, 2 weeks. Wayne October 18, 1 week. Harnett August 9, 1 week. Johnston August 16, 2 weeks. FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGK CONNOR. Oraoge August 9, 1 week. Orange No vem'ber 8, 1 week. Caswell August 16, 1 week., i Caswell November 15, 1 week Person AuguBfc 23, 1 week. Person November 22, 1 week. Guilford August 30, 2 weeks. Guilford, December 13, 2 weeks .Granville September 13, 2 weeks. Granville November 29, 2 weeks. Alamance September 27. 1 week. Chatham October 4, 2 weekB. Durham October 18, 2 weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGI LARK. Jones August! 16, 1 week. Jones November 1, 1 week. Lenoir August 23, 2 weeks. Lenoir November 15, 2 weeks Duplin September 6, 1 week.; Duplin November 29, 2 weeks. Pendei? September 13, 1 week. New Hanover September 27, 2 weeks. j ' Sampson October 11, 2 weeks. Sampson December 13, 1 week. Carteret October 25, 1 week. Onslow November 8, 1 week.: S1VINTH DISTRICT JUDGI GILMIR. Cumberlandf July 26, 1 week. Cupaberlandf November 8, .l woek. Cumberland November .15, 2 weiB : ' - ;;. - -J Moore--AuguSt ITJ, 2 weeks. Moere Decemr 6 2 weuks.-i Kobeson AugTist 30. 2 w- eks; Bobeson -Octojber 11, 2 week Ansonf September 13, 1 week. Anson November 29, 1 week. Brunswick September 20, 1 .week. Bichmond Sebtember 27, 2 Weeks Bicbmond December 20, 1 week. ; Bladen October 25. 2 weeks. : IIOHTH DISTRICT JUDOX BOYKIW. Iredell August 9, 2 weeks. Iredell November 8, 2 w. eks. Jr Rowan August 24, 2 weeks, i Bo wan November 22, 2 weeks. Davidson September 6, 2 weeks. Davidson December 6, 1 week. Randolph aestember 20, 2 weeks. Montgomery October 4, 2 weeks. SUnly -October i8, 2 weeks, i Cabarrusll November 1, 1 week. NINTH PrSTalOT JUDGE KACRAB. Bockingham July 26, 2 weeks. Bockingham November 8, 1 week. Stokes August 9, 2 weeks. Stokes November 15. 1 week.; Surry August 23, 2 weeks. ; 8urry November 22, 1 week. AUeghany September 6, 1 week. Wilkes September 13, 2 weeks. Yadkin September 27. 2 weeks. Davie October 11, 2 woeks. : Forsyth October 25, 2 weeks. TENTH DISTRICT- JUDO X MONTGOMXET. HendersonJuly 19, 3 weeks.: Burke August 9, 2 weeks. Ashe August 23, 1 week. Watauga July 80 1 week, i Caldwell September 6. 1 week. Mitchell September 13, 2 weeks Jfancey September 27, 2 weeks. McDowell October 11, 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDOX ORATES. Alexander July 26, 1 week i Catawba Augjust 2, 1 week Cleaveland August 9. 2 weeks. Cleveland October 25 1 week. Mecklenburg4-..ugust 30, 3 weeks. Unionf September 20, 2 weeks. Lincoln October 4, 1 week (iaston October 11, 2 woeks. f Butherford November 1, 2 weeks. Polk November 15, 1 week, i TWELFTH DISTRIOT' JODOE AVY. Madison August 2, 2 weeks Madison August 22, 2 weeks. Buncombe Aucust 16. 3 weeks. Buncombe December 6, 2 weeks. Transylvania September 6, 1 week. Haywood September 13, 2 weeks. Jackson September 27, 1 week. . Macon October 4, 1 week. Clay October 11, 1 week. Cherokee October 18, 2 week. Graham November 1, 1 week. . Swain November 8, 2 weeks, f Civil actions only. f Criminal aotioas only. tCivil actions only, exoept jail Cases. HCriminal oases only, exoept 1 eitil actions not requiring a jury. JALUESS 5 Fori RAIN .-i ," F v - aa NRStV Curta Rhum"tta, Reuralgia . Br.W, BlM4Mkl TMtitMM, "PHIVF K1FTY CENTS. AT DkrufliKTfl. iKn niciijtnt t cHiatlta A-TootLtn coarART. hiltiiobk, id. ml i'otMH. mnd i'oiMN. 25 eta. Abaolntelu 1t jv OpieOet, MtnetUa a t. ai PROM, - Aa Krairr iin paALBSS. maWAu.fi) . imiM aoufixr. tunaiu, n W H &R S TUCKER & CO B0HA-FIDE I C E FEOMTHJE ICE FACTOBlf from date. . and we are now nJw a ' a liver toall who wtah It, from our wagon, our f AM A. l. U 111. . i . ' v jrcMjniie lueei ana our ware house at the ('entral depot. w wwiu u- aets irom toe ice UO.,can exehaan them lor ours of the name denomi. u""' J prewenung tnem at eitber pl - .j .' I -v ! i ; 1 raiCK or nenrs as roixows : ' i I i : - 100 s,76e; 8ormore delivered at a time. aw ? ti,io 6 u. r 600 s.eow u u 1,000 f 10.00 AO " tt In barrvl for shlDoinir. 76o per 100 k barrels and paeklnr lnduded. V ,fof ASH ONLY. (Orders reapeeU. f ully solicited and promptly nd. - r : OKjstisjs & FOWKLL, Mi - Raleisrh. N. O . GENTS' FTJKNISING GOODS. The largest and most COMPLETE STOCK t.t . j in the city. NOVELTIES DAILY RECEIVED. ib - f HUMILIATING iifpUon. Itching anLburnint SldnfTorture, Loatbsoma 8ore mn eTerjr tpreka ot Itcbfng, Scaly. rmply, Inherited, Scrotufoos asd Contagious iMsearcg f the Blood Skia ndaortr&wttb Lea ol Hair, f rum intanay to bid ave, arc positively cor'd by ("iitlcura, the reat Shift urr, and CuUeura 8oaj., an eiquwite Skin ilieautiaer, extwmay, am Cntieiira Reaoivt tb Nw Rlooti I'ur Uier, internally. 1 1 ! -X- j COVERED WITH 80BES. ' I have been afflicted since last March with a Skin Ittneam the doctors called kuzema. My face was covered with acals and sori and the itching and burning were almost innbearablei eelng your Cutlcura Remedies so highly reo- ommenoee', eeneiuaeato gtvs taen a trial, us ing the Cutkura and Cutieora Soap externally and Resolvent Internally, for mon.tbs. 1 call myself eared, in gratitude for which 1 make this statement. Miss Clara A. Fksdrick. : Broad Brook, Conn. FINE MQtJORSV 8CALP, FACE, Ks RS AND NECK. I wasanlioied with Eczema o4 the Bcaln. Face, Ears and Keck, whksh the drug fist, where 1 got your remedies, pronounced one of the wont eases that bad come ueder his no tice, lie adyled me try ) our Cutlcura reme dies aad after five days' use my scalp and part ef my face were cured, aad I hope in another week to have my ears; neck, and. and the other part of my face cured. Hkbmam Slam. ; iwiniio etreet, aew xorx. In order to reduce my stock before July lit, I win offer attractive figures to parties deslr ing to buy fine liquor in lota, especially ha; Fmlch and fallfornU Brandies, fine old Ja ' matea Bum, Imported Gin, fine Sherries, etc etc. . t have a specially fine stock of very old :; Peach and Apple Frandies some ol ft, from the private stock of a gentleman of the Stat, and eleven years old.There Is very littfc uoh - I Br andv tt ha found in the eonntrr. I offer also 'select brands of Rye Whisku, ior medicinal or family use. Will be pleased to give prices" upon application, aad buyers ii,:'- 7' Made Oh Parasols, Lace-trimmed and Coacb Table LIlhis, Linen Damasks and Turkey Red Damask WASH DRESS FABRICS. Ioechlih's French Lawns 12c per yard. Pacific Lawns 10c per yard. i Linen Lawns 10, 12i and 15c per yard. li t Ecru CatU 'Cloths sod Embroideries. Kcru Batistes and Enibroideries. ColoreU Batistes and Embroideries. . i . Chambrays, Scotch Zephyrs and Embroider- les to matcn. ! ! i ; ft. r iX BBBBBMBBSBaSBaW I r : ; SUMMER GOODS j In every Department. W, H.AB.8. TTICKsTB o . JJISSPLUTIOS OF Cp-PARTSETlSniP The firm of W. H. WeUcore A Co. la hia day dissolved by mutual consent, K. P, Parker; withdrawing from the Company and selling his interest to E. L. Lea. The business oon- tinues as heretofore, under the style of W. H. Wetmore o. W. H. Wmtmqrb, M. A. Aoia, j. W. Wklxoks,E. ii. Lka uue t daod; ; , ITCHING DISEASES CURED. i utleura stand at the head of Us dea; es pecially is thi the case wUh the Cutlcura Soap. Have had an unusually good sale this summer, owing to the prevalence of an aggra vated form of Itch through some localities In Ihe country, In which the Cutkura Remedies .provea satisfactory. W. L. Hakdioo. Druggist. Unlontowm, Ky. j ' - ' - CUTICUEA REMEDIES Are aokl by all druggists. Price: Cutlcura, 60 cents; Resolvent f 1; Soap 26 cents. Pottsr Dkuo vsd Chemical Co., Boston. Mass. Send for "How to Cure Skin Digeases." : i OEAUTIFY the complexion and Skin oy wing cutienra Moap. THE 8EWING MACHINE" Is the cause of Uterine Pa las aad Weaknesa For Arhinir Rldea ud .'Back, Kidney Pains, Sciatica. Chest 4 ialiaOa Weakness and Innamsaation. the Culi- cura Anti-Pain Planter is infallible. 2ftc VO i - i Schools of N. C j Believing In the wirim hi' Vktto. nw equilibrium In t tt peratnre and relieving dts- tiASiai sTsaW Vk . . . - I cm unt aa weu as coia, and navtntr beea for a long Une engaged.ln supplying fuel "T Trlr: r? we v ten the exolnsive saie in oaieign of BEMEMBER BBOUGHTON & GC j aalxiqh, o. Hare the Best Equipped PnntingSBiMr i i y Establishment in North Carolina rely vpon the quality and character of the . 'i liquors offered. Orders frem a distance prompt ly filled by express. F. J. HARDIN Groceries aria Provisions. A full and choice rtock of Staple aad Fancy Groceries, Provisions, Meats, Flour; Fish, Butter aad . Table Supplies of every descrip tion alwys in store. All goods promptly de livered and fully guaranteed as to quality and price. 'II- i '' .JZ m p .;r . - ;- 3 .- E. J. HARDIN. . HE-J-NO Sk President Cleveland's Break- TOV WAtT-f CATALOGUES, f TvrdiTATIONS, " : ' 1 !:'j' " CIRCULARS, Ac. I 4 fast A Laxee.Lot of New Tvm and VisLt iraper jnjt Arnved for the Sehi ll Trade. Address, EDWARDS, BBOUGHTON 4 VA IRalbioh, N. C. M THE Largest Assortment o Music folios s 8HEET MUSIC Ever brought to Raleigh. noil M CENTS.TO.OlfE. DOLLAR. ft I c CODM 'j ! ! ! And see them. Everybody wel come at the j NORTH CAROLINA Music House, 1M Fayettevfflejk, B. 8. JACKSON, G HAlTAORnt SPECIALTIES REFRIGERATORS, in their Summer Clothing FR icicyjiin UIJDEBWEAR, ETC. m w s: - a . . ar 1. if. Vvomacc. the nresident of thA I it was firat. nn;A was anucipated that it woald bo when it Wa first. IVAtiiuJ A L . i ii :j , . I Mvuirau. a ii am dot oi Dr club 'in raannnnA tn hiAh 4 k. J I anr. j a. i. . 'r .1 - " J ""'V . iuoui Tuufccu me salt water about Shal- of the wsoeiaUon spoke briefly, and far- lotte and Tnbbs inlet yesterdav and ther remark, were inade by MrVj.'M, fonnd immedse qmantitie.' of t dead fish Leachi Jr., Mr. Hmdekoper. vice-pres- of every kind that have ever be seen dent of the Richmond A Danville rail- in this vicinity exoept the whaK iTu road oompany, Gen. R. E. Colston, ex- the supposition that there areno live Congressman Yeates: Mr. fJ. R.n t fi.K ui in uUiUn. . t r , n t -- v ut viuwm or wiinin ten Durham, and Col.Harvev. of Marl.n . 1 mil. mu -n.. M s Advlea attkra. Mrs. Winslow's Soothina- Brrnn ahaiiM ai. waj'i ue useu woen CDUoren are euamg teeth. It relieves the little lauiterar at once, it nra. uuwa uuvv, uuiet sieeo ov reiMvua tha child from pain, aad the little cherub awakes as "ongnt as a button," It is very pleasant, to taste; sooino ue child, softens the gums, allay aU pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, ana is iae oeet known remedy for diarrheas wfcetaer risiag from teething or other causes. Fist Ua ms. Ferris Hams and Smoked Tongues, Magnolia Hams, Mams of various GRWAT BARGAINS IN 4 "i ' to reduce stock. DINNER SETS, i" ' i ; TEA' SETS, 1 FLY FAN8, For further Information aj ply to W. C.-4 A. B; STRONACH. - -' .4 ' ? uS;" ''';.-. "v- -' i' Wholesale and Retail Grocers: . V, Takes less than aa other Tea. 1 - He-Jfo7ftclbat W. C A A. B. STaoxaCB'i. ' : The kind tiie Cbfuese drink. He-No 7Se lb at ' W. C, & A. B. Stbomacb's. - We hSVe fold it for ton mar mnA low. m to hear the first eomplaiiit lie-No 76e In at W. C. & A. B. Btbokach's. It has no equal for Iced tea. 1 He-o7telbat W. Ci A. B. Stomach's. Tie most delightful and healthful beverage. W. C. A. B. BTaoMACH's. - The He-No Tea pot 40, 60, 0e each at W. C a . B Stboiuchs. Gilt-Edge Cream Butter 25c lb at W. C. A A. B, SnexACH's. Extra nice fresh Country Butter 20c lb at W. C.SA.B. STaOXACa'S. Inside Prices in Purest Lard, liercest bbls and SO lb net weight Hns. t W. C & A. B. SmKaoa'h 1 2,000 lbs our Extra Choice Sugar Cuid Hams. 1 me lb, at W. C A A. B, Sraoiuart. ,100a lb Celebrated Vagaella Hams, 10 to 16 lbs, at; W,aTB.SToiaCH'a. ! Gilt-Edge Goshen Butter, guaranteed Dura and sweet, 10 Id. palla, 20e Uk. at W. C & A. B. SnoxA0Ma. ' Bouquet Alderney - Creamery Butter, finest - made, 80o lb., at ( " W. C A A. B. Stsohacb's. Holsteln and Alderney Butter per Express twice a week. Finest Butter sold in this market, 8fie lb. at , ' ' , W..C. A A.B. fenOXACH'S. Imperial Granum, the great Medicinal Food for Infants and In valid, at I Fresh Parched Mocha, O. G. JavaJaraeaibA. Lagnayra and Rio Coffees; at - W.C, AJL B. Stbokach's. Corn Starch, lib. package. 10c, . ' W.C. A. b. Stbokach's. Boneless Breakfast Bacon 12 e lb . at Our Did Dominion Extra choice Sugar-Cured OUUUItHUl IOC 1D at j rrestph alia Hams, finest in the woikL S as S lbs lae lb at W- CL A A. R Omawam.. Good, Ataaost Whole Grain, Bice, fie lh' at " WCAA.a8ntf4CBg, Country Butter lor cooking purposes lie Ilk at ' W. C. A A. B. STaOKACaV. Fine Mixed aad Small Cueumhar Sweet an Plata,- 7d esots per sUonTaT W. C A A. BV8TaontCB?a. Arcade Laundry Soap, I years old. Used la R. B. ANDREWS & CO. C. G. Whttino, Trustee. DO NO MORE WHITEWASHING. HOT WHEN PAINT Can be had so cheap. Send for pamphlet aad ! color card, aad learn its merits. ; MAXWJtLL HAZLKTT&tX). IflO If l?1saai mf TETLmS TJls-t m oe Washington Avfc, philadsiphia, pZ HATS, TABLE CUTLERY. PLATED WARE, ! SINE LAMPS, . I TOILET SETS, BJBD CAGES. '!-... . . S ' ? . . j ? tne above and a ffcaaral Km staple ana taney goods msy bo found at Biwom prioes at : s ; . i .- L'i ' ' i any manner will do more waahlnr aad rve lar better results than any soap . oa the market; l lb. OvalCskas, Se. ; 8 oa. Oval Cakea : Sc.", at ' W. Ci A A' Wl frmawAtmn . I Our perfectly delicious stuffed aad sweeteaed wmbbv atangoes. ai per gauoa, at W. C A A. B. braoxACi'a. Howe wails Plokles fa bba, 4.7 to SAOa per package, at W.CAA. 8. 8TsWAar, L 1 ' it HUGHES mi , f ' - "J ' - '" Exchange Hotel, Baleigh, N. a Apply to or ad drees DB. F. J. HAYWOOD or I . W.RGBIMXS, JEaMfh,B.CV

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