.hv"r- ill i S1 " 5! ' : ! - V'H-' 1 ! : ' : 'L I t I. . ! ,1 " - -; i i -j; ... i i ; i News "J lt , i ' - -rV s' 1 AND Obseryer, VOL; XX VII. RALEIGH. N. 0., SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 26, 1886. NO. 35 .4. .V V1.; , , "fhlS flinty, Absolutely Puro. powder BTtr varies. A marvel. strength ud wholesomenegs.' Mora leoTAunioal than ordinarr kinds and cannot bo void In competition wttnuie .muracuae ei low test, inert weight, alum or phosphate powders. 3ld only In cam. RoTiL Bixnro Powna Co 103 Well Street, New York. i; Sold by W C k A B Btronaci, George T itroBaohaad J B Ferrall Co. ; 4 .V BROWN'S r IRON BITTERS ; WILL CUKE HEADACHE ; , : INDIGESTION 4 ' i .BIUOUSNESS i ' DYSPEPSIA ! "NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS i ZHRED FEELING GENERAL DEBIOTY : i j PAIN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION i ! FEMALE INFIRMITIES -RHEUMATISM i NEURALGIA i i ! KIDNEY AND LIVER j TROUBLES , fOX SAIE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Ci ! kat Trade Mvk aad oMMd Red V;,' .. . TAKB NO OTHER! ' I ' : mm STORE. -:...! - '"V . '. i ' ' - : -J ' fHiailAt j IfBWS pBSEKVATIONS. 2 Bjornttjerno Bjorason hu gjorn bjMk tjownrds; fijorwT, where he ejx peeU to. jeml the ejummer. Don't jtop hjim. ; i Si This worU ) fall of disappoint ments. "Mamma," cried a 5-year-old girl, "I started to make my doll a bon net and it's come out a pair of panto j -Objection ia made to the founding of a degree bf Bachelor of Journalism on the. ground that a true newspaper man, is always wedded to his profes sion. 4 :' f . ' . y -t-The Republioans of Delaware haye determined to make no contest in that 3tate" this. year, but the Prohibitionists will put a complete ticket in the field, and thej expect to receiye the support of the great tody of Republican voters. WhUe candidate Bod well, of Maine, is represented as a poor speller, large nombers of his constituents have a very pecular habit of pronunciation. Though his name is spelled B-o-d-w-e-lrl, they pron9unoe it "Boodle. :-f A young lady in San Leandro dreamed the; other evening that she was riding and thatthe horse was running away. - She jumped and fell from the bed, to the fidor, dislocating. her shoul der.! Thrown from a nightmare as it Hi'"1 . . - ; i;- Since 1831, the passage between lew Yqrk and Liverpool has been re duoe from 25 days to 6 days, 8 hours and 22 minutes It takes aOO tons of coal a day to do this. It is predicted that oil will be the fuel of the future and that: the coming shin will be 800 CONGRESSIONAL. THE SOTATE AT LAST DOES) FITS JOUST PORTEK JUSTICE, Atfw m Healed Debate 1m Which Plai . Hake Insnltlas; InslsiualleMa ; Washdioton, June 24. Ssnati On motion of Mr. SeweJJ, the Senate took tip the Fits John Porter bilL Mr. Lo gan addressed the Senate on the bill. t Mr. Logan opened with an objection to the bill on constitutional points. The bill, he said, provided for an increase in the number of persons on the retired list of the army, provided the President appointed a certain party to the place. If he did not make that special appoint ment, a vacancy was not to exist. Where did the Senate get the power to name to the President the person; whom he should appoint: to an office? vWhere did the House Jof Representatives get hay power to name to the President the person whom ,he; should nominate to an -office? The fact Was that Fits John Porter and others, whose names it was not now neoessary to mention, conspired to make it impossible lor a Western officer to command until Grant took ,hold of the army. Mr. Logan asserted thai Porter was the'oause of the first Bull Bun de feat, by persnading Patterson to retreat from Winchester with 80,00 men. In support of this he had the clerk to read some extracts from his published Work, "The Great Conspiracy;" He denied that he ' was endeavoring to per secute Porter when he was-Only defend ing Lincoln. "As God is mv iudire " foet long and span the pond in three I said he, "I would stand over the dust Ji i ' . . : I .T! l J 1 .11 A.' .J. f;i-4Tha is a great year for venerable men; Dr. Holmes, who is nearing four score is doing in Ensland enough social work to tire but a young men Glad stone, ai oidj is: talking from car plat forms to snouting thousands. ir. ilc Cosh at 75 presides this week at the Princeton; commencement, and shows the activity of youth. Aa Longfellow said; age is opportunity. '(The French princes have taken their sorrowful leave of the land of their birth. Had they not been to the purple bom, they might have enjoyed home like) ordinary mortals. The moderate of Lincoln and s wear by all the gods to his act as 'being an honest j and just act." ; 'You gentlemen that were down in the Confederacy," continued Mr. Logan, "m'4 lutnw anything Wj W wuo except what you have read, and you come up here and vote without refer ence to the facts ; (unless you have ex amined them)out of sympathy for this man." Every man restored to the army by Congress after dismissal, because of sympathy with the rebellion had round Republicans in Congress to aid; him. The prophecies of a few years ago were coming true. The legislation :4f the n ' - - ... .tl l I w if ma AVTQIBVU IGt I vaT SUU "ZTTT rr- I by republican votes. f an .mi. ana meTMaumL ana uia ienu . r . - . i unjust and inexpedient, and the senti ment 'is gaining ground that aa exile begun ia hiunuiatioa may end in re habilitation, i j ' ' " . j . Justice Gray is said to be fitting up his fine new house at Washington for the reception of Mrs. Gray,, now Miss la- With- in the last few days, Mr. Logan; said, ja;man who above all others ought not to have done so, had dragged from the honored bones of the greatest secretary of war that this eonntrv had nrOdueed. and they had been bestainea and be smirched by the vilest slanders v So the Uf ue Van Yechten. who ia- at present in I m(,n vvD protected this e-oTemment were Eurtpej Justice Qray l nftyeight be vilMed, while if any! body stood yeara old and AW Vn Techten about nU to defead the upholders of the union taulj.T4TtMldiJery beautiful and o- haiscaUt'persecutorVUniimittenwere eomplished. His particular attentions now the men to b kicked, and enough Be .Tte rf I8! ttne rvnite i Republicans foind to vote Wth the House were the subject of much com- j Democrats under the Confederate mentatthetime.; flag against their own flag. Any -rlt is announced that Mr. Edison is I man who would fight under the so disgusted with the action of strikers I Confederate i flag in this 1 i cham- that he is about to remove his machine I ber had a right; to do it. : Mr. Logan r '" ti..-L nii.L i snops to : Donenectady notwiinstanaing i meant mis, 01 course, omy in a political . QUTSMIiI nOUie UJ MUltflgn' that he makes sacrifices in real estate by sense, in the : sense of a political fight: aomg po, yust now ne is to avoia i out ne aia mean it in mat sense,, vvnue strikesby going to Schenectady does not I the Bepublicana here were helping the appear;; One of the I biggest strikes of I Democrats to pass bills like this, there the season has just I closed at Troy, I were bills giving pitiful little: pensions Which is very near there, so that the lot JK to gld a month to disabled sol- The Backet (tore has all the advantages I whrtputt trom. having buyers always a the KewIork market .to turn to advantage v;-.v rr " - : ' i .- the tUsastrous results whkh come to .men who 'get in debt. lt the power of the Almighty: 1 Dollar cutting Jits way through thej centre of, ' ; true values whtah enables us to offei goods at neighborhood has no peculiar virtue in that regard, ihere is probably some other element in the situation which re-; mains to be mentioned. The newlaoe boas are both useful and ornamental, and black and crean lace art alike useful in Iheir manufacture. The lace is arranged; in inch a way that it forms a rouleaw corresponding in sise nd shape to the fur boa. Most of these diers of the Vetoed by republic, that were being the President. ! No, for had sat during this discussion without opening his mouth, either for or against the bill, hut he submitted that there was a point beyond which forbeararfoe oeased to be a virtue. That point was reached so far sis he was concerned. It had been hinted by innuendo, almost by directioi, that Southern men were east ing their votes to restore Fits John Porter to the army because he was dis loyal to the Union. "I not only pro test against that, Mr. President," con tinned Mr-. Batler, but, ir, for one I denounce it as absolutely, entirely and unqualifiedly uttrue; and, sir, if it were another forum s I would denounce it as cowardly. Because we are here in the exercise of our constitutional rights as Senators on this floor, casting our votes as Our consciences dictate, that we should be aspersed in this way is beyond my comprehen sion among men and gentlemen. I have not opened my mouth Ur FUs John Potter. I know of no man from the South or who was in the Confederate army who has. We have taken the ground that it is not our quarrel; but, sir, are we supposed to sit here like dumb brutes, called upon to exercise the constitutional duty to rote and be cause we vote as our consciences declatt, without regard to his loyalty or dis loyalty, following the track of the Repub licans who brought this question here, we are to be aspersed and our integrity impugned. If 'that aspersion were put upon me in another forum I would de nounce as false and cowardly. " He had listened for the; last time without- at least a protest, so those constant asper sions upon men; from the South who were simply doing their duty as they understand it. In conclusion Mr. Bat ler said : "I am tho last man in the world, sir, I can inform the Senator from Kansas, who would sustain a traitor to the Union cause. I am the last man for a man whom I thought desertcuHuio colors, but upon the evidence which I have bad (and which I have looked; at. I think, judicially,) I do not believe that JbitzJohn Porter was a traitor. L do not believe he deserted his colors, and believing that ! shall vote for this bill " ! Mr. Plumb : !"I knew all that before the Senator got up." Mr. Butler : "Then I hope the Sen ator will stop his insinuations " Mr. Plumb: "As the Senator has not restrained himself from 'a somewhat lively speech here, I hope he will not feel under any restraint elsewhere " Mr. Butler: "1 can say this to the tor; that if he were to indulge in just such sentiments and expressions elsewhere as he has here he would be very likely to hear from me." Mr. Plumb: Oh! Mr. President, we hot r a great many things these days. There are signal and portcati and all that sort of thing It is fast r what the Senator har said! that I was commenting upon; that while the men who served in the Union army and the Northern peo ple were divided to some extent on this question affecting the honor, good name, faithfulness and loyalty of one of their own soldiers, noj Confederate soldier had any doubt upon the subject but voted nem. eon.-' that he was not guilty. - After r some 'further' remaaks, Mr. Plumb said he had just been informed that the President had, vetoed a bill giving a pension! of $50 a month to the widow of Mai. lien. Hunter: who had day next. The motion was lost; yeaj, 95, nays 141, and the message took the usual course. The i other messages were appro priately; referred. The Senate amend ments to the agricultural appropriation bill were non-concurred in. Messrs. Hatch, Winans and Price were ap pointed conferees. The House went into committee of the whole on tho sundry civil bill. Mr. Bland offered an amendment to the silver certificate amendment adapted yesterday, so as to place small certifi cates on the same footing as to redemp tion and reissue as the large certificates. Tb is was agreed to. A sharp debate ensued upon the coast survey clause of the bill and this was followed by discussion of the in ternal revenue paragraphs. Mr. Ermea trout, of Pennsylvania, offered an amendment providing that" $3,000 f the appropriation for the reooinago of gold and silver coin shall be expended in recoining, dollar for dollar.into Bilver dollars or subsiding coins, trade dollars which may be presented at the various mints six months after the passage of this act ; Pending action the committee rose, and the House at 5 o'clock took a recess until 8 o'clock, the evening ses sion to be for the consideration of pen sion bills. ; ttraud BaUWay Menem. Till NSWPORT KXWS AMD MISSISSIPPI K. S. PCBCHABES THB GHI8APXAXX AMD OHIO. Richmokd, Va., June 25. -The New port News 4 Mississippi Valley railway has leased ! the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad. 1 This consolidation makes a grand trunk line under one management from Viewport Mews to Mew Orleans, where it; will connect with the Hun tington system to the Pacific ocean. The consolidation will not affect the present n.anagement of the Chesapeake & Ohio, r officers of that company ocoupy the same po.-. the Newnort News & Mississippi vanv.i mj President C. P. Huntington is renorted as having having stated that in less ANGRY STRIKERS; tHR IMCBEA.SE OF RIOTOCft DESOK. BTKATIOMB AT CUICASO. The Men Betaare Ontraa-eenaly and are Very Poorly Controlled. . j Chicago, 111., June; 25. -At a meet ing of the striking Lake Shore' switch men last evening the following commu nication was received t To D. O. Orillt, Chairman: I The offioers of this company are in re ceipt of your message of this date, read ing as follows: "We have unanimously declared ourselves on strike on the old issue' of April 17, and have established ourselves at No. 4,321 Wentworth ave nue where a committee may be seen"at any time between 7 a m. and 10 p. m." ) . By the eld issue it is understood you mean the demand made upon the com pany in April last, that it should dis charge from its service certain employ ees who, it was claimed, were objec tionable individuals. If this is correct there is no other answer to be made than that contained in the 'letter then ad dressed you by L. S. j Jones, general' yard-master, April 17th last. This stated that under no ! circumstances would the company discharge old, faith ful and efficient employees on such a re quest. The officers of the company de sire the committee and those whom they represent to be advised that their de claration that they are on strike is ac cepted by the company as notice that it is a withdrawal from its service and any members who desire re-employment must make application before neon Fri dy. ! (Signed) P. P. Wmoht, General1 Superintendent. A call has been issued and-quietly circulated for a meeting of all Leneral managers and general superintendents of railroads entering Chicago j The ob ject is to discuss the merits of the strike "- ! t lifl nnnnoil Kv Ann. HA tA bA than two years there will be 10,000 nixed that if the switchmenV ttm. miles of railroad tributary to Newport Mews, lnafew oays the name of the Chesapeake l& Ohio will be dropped and the road will be known as the Mew port News & Mississippi Valley railroad nator Payne'a KJeetlon mot to bo In- Toatta-atoti. i WisBiKatOH, June 25. The Senate) committee on privilege and elections held a short meeting this morning and voted to repordadversely to any investi gation of the charges made in oonnee4 mi I . a a ; j.i . f.. it L Wtmti and Iter Dtaeaeeo, Is the title of an Interesting Illustrated treaties 160 pages! sent,po8t-paid, for 10 cents In stamps. Address World's Dispensary Medical A ssociatlon, Buflalo, N. Y. Smoud 11 cats Smoked Jowls, Terr ehotaa Virginia Hams. AtaRnolia Bams, Ferris Hams beef Tongues, California Hams: Meats of every aewnpuon, a. 4. uabodi. Hams MISCELANEOUS. , JjlSSOLUtloK OF coAItTNtbfiBlt The firm of W. H. Wetsore c(jo,)i this day dissolved by mutual consent, . P. Parker withdrawing from the Company and selling nls iaUrest to . L. Lca. The buslsMS eoe tinues as heretofore, under the style of W. U. iWetmore A o. W. H. Wrrnoaa, M. A. AJioiaa, J. W. Waixoirs, X. L. Lka unetdSOd. JOTICE TO 8TOCKHOLDESS. North Caboldia Rumap Co. elcaxtxbt amd takasubu's owics, Coup ait 8H0P8, V. O. Jane 14, US. -The thirty-seventh annual meetinr of the stockholder of this company will be held in Ureeesboro on Thursday, July 8th. lose. Stockholders desiring to attend eaa get tickets for themselves and the immediate members of their families wife and children living under their roof by applying to the undersigned. P. B. EUFF1N, Satfy. June 16, d'ly. u jTt; IO BKICK MANUFACTURERS AND all whom it may concern. I hereby notify all parties using machines for driving Clay Tempering Wheels: that I am the only person having a United States patent for counter shafts used in such machines (patent referred to hXo. 843,472), and as I understand there are pai tis in the State manufacturing and using such, I hereby notify them that unlraa they discontinue at onco the manufacture and use of such without my consent I will proceed gainst them for damages. I . MIDDLETON, Iune25d2t. ; Kichmond, Vs. m jJOTlCE. , - ' Will sell a first-class Bar and Billiard Saloon in Uoldsboro, N. : C, on reasonable terms. Everything fitted up in good style and located on the principal business street. Will' give a ' Bargain to a good man and it Is a good chance n the business. for any one wishing to enga, cV T. WILLIS. disposed to back up the Lake Shore men complications must arise with other roads as in that event the members em ployed on other lines will refuse to switch over Lake Shore cars from the west consigned to that company. The managers say they will insist that this work be done the same as if no trouble existed on the Lake Shore line, and if the switchmens' union orders out the men oai this point the issue will be fought out if the railroad traffic comes to n standstill. Chicago, June ,25. At the Boot Edward Fasnach. Meier ii Dptician ':.- there is not 'infficient evidence to .bow uie xoge onore nil- that money - was used in tho eleotionl road this morning the police ion duty numbered tkiviyv which Aseluded rj 7r 'TlZ? rTa.?r - SSTIZL 1 ayailablonffioer of the town of -th lake was not any way cnecwu vj imprvpw - Th j .m a wUl be a minority re t a v ' RALEIGH, N. C. Gold and Silver Watches, American and Imported. Heal and Imitation Diamond Jew- elry. 18 karat Wedding and frganment v; .. .' filngs, any size and weight. Sterling Silver -Ware for Bridal Presents. Optical Goodo means. There will be a minority ptrt in favor of an investigation, it is said that nly Senators Hoar and Frye will sign the minority report and that Senators Teller, Evarte, Logan, Sauls- berry, Vance, Pugh and Eustis will sign the majority report. w m . e as m . fighting for the Bag, for standing up in preding omeer or tne eourt time of war, for being ready to die that that had! tried Fits John Porter. of the chief of the republio rfell upon Pfe ot.At FiU John Porter bill, Bje-gone ; Bath Days, these poor soldiers;' yet Republican Ben-1 vu . AtAra here m willini In vnim tn iwm I WOUld 800 not suner Sit uation up to 9 o'clock, add no' intima tion of any attempt to move trains had been received up to that hour!! There was, however, a prevailing impression, in spite of the peaceful declarations of the strikers, that trouble would occur today. A car-load of switchmen reached Chicago about midnight from Toledo, and it was thought they would be put to work. About y o'clock the imported switchmen were taken out to Forty- third street in charge of Superintendent Amsden. a hey remained in the ear. and had not, up to 9:30 o'clock been t . it . ,s mi xne willing to vote to give X3.0UO a year to the man who was treitor to his commander, oo, if men to- than '.they can U inade tor to .hundreds; two indnhalfyards in length, "ted to be paid Uberally-by the Uni of esses.-' The Backet Store believes In i follows out the .idea that merchant ktasj between the masses and tho markets ought bo satisfied with a reasonable profit and wl over that profit falls we stop and give to who buy our goods the balance, we shall make In a and, are tied with ribbons a few inches below the : chin. Beady-made,; these novelties; are expensive, but a lady of taste can easily f construct one at about one-third the cost of those sold in the l shops. :j Very expensive lace for their baake if to be eschewed, because, when soiled, the boa; must be discarded. They are charming adjuncts to summer ted States thev had onlv to be treacher ous when they should be true. "If I yon are true : when ! yon might be treacherous, . you are' vetoed. ; That, laid Mr. Logan,, is a strange thing to take place in this oountry. . 1 Mr. Plumb in opposing the bill said he would venture to say that hot a, man in the Senate who served the Confed- UtteU'a 14vlna- Ago, The numbers of the Living Age for June 19 and 26 contain The Pilgrimage to Mecca, Asiatio Quarterly, Social As peots ; of the Kevolution of 1789, and Theodore Agrippad'Aubtgue. National; WhenaA Came the Comets? Nineteenth Century; Ocean Steamers. Fortnightly: expostulated with by the strikers a vimm . . mA win v n!k-. I imDorted men number about twentv- m 'MB mm www, maw vv mw vi.vw .va- m . f Ana? nfaarnillan; Pairanini. and Roma nve. ana inoiuae many oi tnose orougnt TtvA.vnnA ! Hath ; Diva Tpmnla Bar u to Chicago during the last strike loval teoole of the oountry XI amavm 1a fiesta an aTx Ji.t.A.; Shortlv before 10 o'clock tho offi to it that Mrs. Hun tor should Notes on Fthquakes in China, Nature Wlth 406 wtanoe of j the po? with I instalments of "The Unequal I auooeeueu u asiaoning an engine loke," and VClaudia," and poetry. A new volume begins with the next number. ; A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and lye-glasses in Gold, Silver, Steel, Bobber and Shell Frames. Lenses. white and tinted, in endless varieties. Seals tor Lodges, Corporations, etc. Abo Badges and Medals for Schools and Societies made to order. Hall orders promptly attended to. Goods sent on selection to any part of the State. small and largo dly. Old Gold snd Silver in quantities taken as cash. Mr. Teller offered an amendment to place upon the retired list Gen. Alfred Pleas anton. Bejeoted; 19 to 29. Mr. Plumb offered an amendment to nlace Mrs Hunter on the pension roll at sou a month. Lost; 19 to 29. Mr. Logan offered an amendment to place on the retired list every volunteer officer who received wounds producing total disa bility. Reieoted; 18 to 29. Mr. Bland offered an amendmeut; providing that rejected pension! claims may be taken to worn over,' the boa; will be a protection for the throat when driving, coming out of ohuroK, or On Any occasion when one feels the need of slight extra clothing. W. L. Jones, in the Southern Cul ly ator, says: The pea crop should be planted now Ml toon as possible. Put in drills three ! feet spart; a bushel, of . j j seed wul plant, tour acres; ana as seea paJ. l is a oonsideratton, this mode is often I I times preferable to broadcast sowing. Orkntal I More peas can : be raised by the former I I tnetbod of nlantinir. but the latter ia Laces, Bamburg Edgings. Great job lot in I better' for the :land. If one's object is toraue seed, drill bv all means, and iJ a w. (V ' . M 1 . I AMAV Tfc oVTVlol WaWAYi 11 hSkStlf WFk SlO V F. Ft T. won in naA haati aiamiHSAa in iaiirraaA. " j j 1 t )LK BARGAINS MAKE OUB BUSINESS. ) ! - ' . ! " And under the banner of the Almighty Poli- . . . - r-.v . . '- . . j ' . isr with ono price to all, we march daily on to the front, We will receive this week some great . gains la Ladies' and Gents' Shoes, Mosquito Net, at 6c, worth 10c Big bargains in TJmbrellas. Straw Hats,' .23c, worth oOe. Best Calico la the city for 44c a yard, Great ! 'Vt. slaughter in Buttons of all kinds. - New lot i Buggy Whips. Solid non-garvanlaed Buckets, ; i ase, worth 66c. BUk Gloves. SOe, worth 60c. Job In ly b-fcUssci it 8c, worth 15c We will open some great bargains in Meat's ' i Sblrts, 76c, wortk:ti. Our MiUmery lJepsrtment will be supplied . " 1 ess great bar- ? j Aiaoaome iobs In Blbbons. Now ill in digraoe, if not shot, for failing to perform an obvious duty which Porter! failed to perform the 29th and 30th of August, 1862. Mr. Plumb understood that the court-martial that had tried Porter came Within one vote of decreeing his death. Several Senators asked Mr. Plumb's Authority for i that statement; Mr. Plumb asked whether ' Mr. Sewell de nied the statement Mr. Sewell said he did deny it4 Mr. Plumbj said that while there was no possible proof of his statement, as the court was sworn to secrecy, yet it aad gone into : common knowledge of men. This so-called vin dication of Porter was a stab at Abra ham Lincoln, j Ml Mr. Plumb conceded that there was a division among Northern people about the matter, but it was a division like that occurring in the1 Mississippi jury. would relieve Congress of many bills for private; relief. Mr. Beck said the Fitx John Porter bill should either be passed or voted do on its merit, without reference After Total.Xet BeeoloM of Cotton. Nxw York, Jane 25. The following are tne total net receipts ot cot ton stall the ports since September 1, 1885 i Galveston, 694,858; Hew Or ieans,l,712898;Mobile,285,895;Savan- nah, : 792,512; i Charleston, 495,758; Wilmington, 100.875; Norfolk, 557, 654; Baltimore, 80,969; New York, 64,104; Boston, 163,369: Newport News, 37,561;Philadelphia,49,37;WestPoint, I cries off 223.212 ; Brunswick, lb,22; Port Boyal12,231; pensaoola, 19,177; In dianola, 1,781; total, 0,07,493. and caboose to a waiting freight train. Beyond the expostulations of the crowd no trouble was experienced until after the caboose was attached to the train. The latter consisted of ten cars for South Bend. The crowd grew in proportions and more threatening ; the police and railroad employees were cursed and threatened with violence.! In the mean time a small force was divided between the trains, and in guarding the switches to prevent the latter being turned so as to make impossible the free movement of the trains. Finally responding to the vJt va UA4U ieauciOi tug uivnu WE ARE SELLING CASSAHD'S i "BED STAB BBAND," And recommend it as being the verr beat ta be had. Send us your orders. W. C. & A. B. Stronach, E. J. Hardin, W. B. Newsom & Co., Wratt it Co.. Grausman & Bosenthal, Jno. B. Terrell, J. R. FerraU A Co., W. B. Mann Co- Norris & Newman, W. C. Upchurch, W . H. KUls. Aio CASSABIHS MILD CUERD HAMS ana BREAKFAST STB1PS. which are ITn. surpassed. Uook lor JUea uibel and Blue SeaL proposition. Mr. Blair withdrew give necessary ' plowings and hoeings, which' Will not be a great deal. The praotioe of plating peas in corn is good; ly involves no; expense except seed and the dropping or sowing of them. But we think the pea is enti- 1 aA ' on - o1oaa kwi, O Vt a flntwm i ' -'lri-.r. h eddv ffbinff one Wav and the vest, v ooraees,. n ibh, n ninaonw - regular crop to be planted by Ter tdd?.?i.on!A" lQe and Wilsnn. of Marvlahd-30. Navs: iUelf and properly culUvato Allbon. Conger. nr rmmlnmrmttwur I m mm a.w "ft . I n t . -wr : TT l T 1 1 Would the South divide on the with some ew hats for gains. you want to save your money cell at the as a renovating or reenperatinsr crop uQearpassca, and it holaiao mean plaoo ai a food crop, either as grain or forage. It ean be made'' to take the plaoo of corn to a considerable degree, as we have oiten seen! and ean be raised at less ex pense, i The gathering of the crop ia the greatest obstaole to be overoome, but until a better method ia invented we oan mow When the pods are about grown and Cure as forego. A correspondent nientiened recently a pea gathering ma- ohine mat is xne vning neeoea. Aet in divide. qaesdon? Wis there nothing lignifl- eant in tne iao tnas every man wno served in the i Confederacy would vote to pat Fiu John rotter on tho roll of Union heroes? We had heard lately of an apotheosis of J efferson Davis at the lame time mat we got tne uen- mation of dwin M.' Stanton. What was there beneath all this fellow feeling for the Northern man who defeated the Union army in battle? The reinstatement Th Blm oral Harbor BUI to .7 sorSO JtoBMiajr. WASHisatoM, P. 0.. June 25. The Senate committee on commerce agreed this morning to report the river and harbor bill next Monday. A sub-com mittee was appointed to examine the measure, With the view of correcting any verbal errors, but the amounts named .in the bill as heretofore pub lished; are to stand unchanged. The Hennepin canal has been plaoed on the bm by the Senate and ESV.WV is ap propriated to begin the work. . Waafctngion Hewa. Washington, June 25. The Senate committee oh the District of Columbia hu voted to Teport adversely upon the nomination of O, F. Mathews, colored. . 1 1 L M 1 . 1" ' as..4.M. pia.- RK. 01 Aiomajt x. a., w oe rcooraer 01 bill having already passed the House and not haying been amended by the to any other further debate his amendment. I Mr. Logan offered an amendment providing places on the re tired list for Union offioers who lost an arm, leg or an eye at the battle of Bull Run. Bejeoted; The bill was brought to a vote and passed; yeas 30, nays 17, as follows Yeas, Messrs. Ueck, Berry, Blackburn, Brown, Butler, ! Call, Cameron, Cock roll, Coke, Colquitt. George, Gibson, Gorman, Gray, Hoar, Jones, of Arkan sas; Jones of j Nevada; MePherson, Maxey, Mitchell, of Oregon; Pugh, Ransom. Biddlebereer, Sewell, Vance, Vest. Voorhees, Walthall, Whitthorne Great Clew Sales Frjo, Halo, Harrison, Hawley, lug alia, )ia. Senate, how goes to the President for his signature. The Senate adjourned tUlMondaj. BOCSl Immediately after tho reading of the journal, the speaker laid before the house the various veto messages yester- lUcket Store. . ' - Submitted to the cask trade only1. ; V OLNSY PUBSELL k CO. P. 10 Kail VAtJBtreeft tion The Problem ia verv mueh aim-1 attempt to re-writo tne wswry 01 tne wcro j r r-r - - uon, f ne propiem u very muen aim- . r f . , , committee on pennoni or on pier than that 01 a cotton picking nia- yxi, .r7;, .r, bUl chine, and inventors nave not yet 1 -'7"r77r," "r"" " ;,: . rwn.ion to the widow of Maior mwmmmmmm wmm mm, i mmm awtw i iHwtMi : mm mmm v a b . . uMMMHtw i ," I ... .. 1 .1 u.ntw waa: wanhMi !km BWWHHiu.a n , - - quarrel, ir quarrel was, ana tne otner T M u t Btoek at aU interior There ia beauty aU around when there side ought to refrain from voting on it I Mr. Hepburn, Cf iawa, moved that m 1 gtoekst UverpooL U love at home. I My, Butler interpoeea to wj that ne 1 oomwwiwwi fw .r- vwa, IrBlet CIeTlI TmUmm a HelMay mm tno nnsiMS.- . Wasbimtoh, June 25. The Presi dent today took a day cuff and went fishing down the river on a private yacht, with I two or three members of Congress. Coanporottve Cotton glatenaent. New Yoax, June 24.-The foUowing is the! comparative cotton statement for the week enamg uotf a. : .1 , DO. imi .t - . xooo. aooo 1 Net receipts at U. 8. ports, j2,028 1.1M Total receipts to date. o,367,M 4,684,011 exports tor, the week. 48,; 10 SMM Total exports to date. s.04111 S.740.634 Stock MaU U.S. ports, asi,7b S30,Wi towns, a,i'S rushed I " - police and turned the switches iu spike of the latter. The police had their clubs drawn and used them in a few instances, but ; A m A the offioers were either so thoroughly I jl QXX1S ! Ob wSoXXOPo astonisnea or overawea py; tne crowa they made no successful ' resistance. A portion of the crowd at the sie mo ment surged toward the trait' which had commenced to move out bv which, passing upon open switches, wfs thrown from the track, the engine aid all the cars being derailed To complete the wreck, the coupling pins were with drawn and thrown' away. During the melee the police succeeded! in .making two arrests. The excitement in the vi- Ainitv ia still vorv orrAat V - L ' J C s Chicago, June 2d. The railroad om- ola's are not endeavoring to! remove tho wreck, and until that has been aeoom 1 . 1 ...! i, runner enoru to move any cars will be impossible. One of the men arrested is a member of the executive committee of tie iwitchmen'i anion. At Throughout our entire ttoct Theu Modi 11 o eloox tne crowd about; the switch ing board was very largo and constantly growing, despite frequent rain showers. The temper or the crowd 1 is still very high. A passenger train approached the scene loon after the attack on the freight train, and one of the rioters, picking up a coupling pin, nung it at a brakeman standing on a platform.! It caused no damage, however. Lio other demonstration of any kind was made against the passenger train, operatives or passengers. i Latbjl A large crowd surrounding the round-house will not allow any engine to come out. Eight new witch men, have been severely beateo, and We betrin today Our Clearing Sales of all kinds of SPRING and eUMUEB GOODS. We hoped to have had larger quarters U time for the fall trade, but finding thi Impos slble we are compelled to dose out our Spring and Summer stock in order to make room for fall goods. Therefore we hve made GREAT ! REDUCTIONS mutt and will be sold. We eaa not carry these over. We nvn exacuy what we Bay. GREAT BARGAINS will be offered ns all rlassrs of D Li.:': 1 . a it I S0.OO4 . AO AAA A1 AAA ."LI? t..a.n.Um. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. Thanking our friends and customers lor ' their kind and' greatly Increased patronage, this season, we are, ; : very uespmruuy, Norris 5r Carter I : 5 , . J ' i. ' j - ',-! " h -t frit ' v -"Isvit-