to. .: : V . " .v -v . : ; -!f 1 ,K1 t! - f T i ! '-'4r, ..' r- . . . i : -!.- . t V.. :I- i:. ; - ; i - , . ..: j . lMJiNEWSi and liB F t SERVE VpL. XX VII. RALEIGH. N. 0. TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1886. NO. 37 I"?. . I i. UlHiJflllr I J. 4 i i Li i . j r. lir Mr, BMteUk lrlff Bill. IPiUi Absolutely PUro m thw powder neTef. TmrVofc warning of iirtty, itnngtb. fcn wbolewmenwa. More eonomiol than prdhiarj kindi uid eainot M 'Id ts eompetitioH with Uw multitude of lew (eat, tbert weight, alxifa or phosphate powdert im only is cam. Rotal Badko Powsb Ca, 1( Wifl StrtMt, w Tork. Sold by W C A B 8tronach, Geofg T tronvoh md J B Ferrmll Co. TIRED OUT! thle umzw riy ko tonh. IRON ft orijitiiie fat At this - - MritmtmHMltilN I V tw IHN f tntii lnxt ww ph i1 fmeitiaa for hoM wh aaad bfldia esw l- -n . i i i i j i i iv i i i ' ' MVI yt t B fr XwtK, Alii lUee1w . l4w otlinirtlthtiih, ; iitu 1 wilTO HfUliiM ! fi in li i tun it ebm l emeyo, l litBi eye BoUmt (mHf iron. htmkMTtlam. luad Umimfc Biwwt lw BiUwh;il)y ofaT ymiity7 U t U th4 la liir1 fcit bm. W.H. Wtim, TUJiu tn Bunt, TuMMfeW. WWlffllMMtli 7t.v TBS SUIT Bargain House of; Raleigh. ( Mr. Randall rajs thai his tariff bill introduced yesterday does not contain an j thipg notej or extraordinary, and iy designed to build op much-needed industries, retire those that are lan guishing, rfhd remove inequalities in the existing taw. He does not claim that the: bill is a oomplete or perfect meas urd of ttriffreyiaion, but holds that it is a decided step in the : right direction and a sufficient indication of the policy that should be pursued in remodeling the tariff and revenue laws. The changes In the rates proposed are to go into (jffect on the 1st of January, 1887. The ftdditlons to the present : free list are squared timber, boards and lumber in the rough, hubs for wheels, staves and iood of all kinds in the rough, jute butts and bristles. The present law ad mitting lire animals imported for breed lug purposes free of duty is repealed. The bill repeals all forms of internal revenue taxation upon tobacco of every description, and all laws restricting its and disposition by farmers and pro ducers after October 1 next. It allows si drawback or rebate onobaboof every description held by imanofaeturers or dealers at the time the repeal goes into ef fect. It also permits from and after the pas Rage of the act' the manufacture and sale of fruit brandies and wines free of in ternal revenue taxes, t i The main features of the Hewitt bill are! incorporated, including the. clause removing the duty on aloohol used in the arts, the tobacco wrapper slauseand the administrative clauses. IkirUtwra la lad Fllftat. ALL JfJM TO PE0FIS8I0JT AL AOITAT0B3. Cbioaqq, 'June 28.a special from Grape Creek, Illinois, says:. The miners who went on strike Jjlay 1 are being turned into the woods like so many cat tle. They struck for soventy-tive vents but subsequently offered to arbitrate. The company t declined and placed a Strong guard over its property and noti fied tne strikers to vacate the houses they occupied. The men sought relief in fit, but the court decided that the leases were valid and . the houses must be vacated. The men: were given until Jane 21 to move, but foiled to comply and last week were foroibly evioted. The striker!, with their families, num bering 1,000, are camped in the woods and, subsist on a pittance doled out to them by the union. It is asserted that but for a few -professional agitators the men Would long since nave gone back to workv Their condition is ueplorable. ! ! : .1.1 i . -. . atfcn Fla-ht Mtmml wltk bImX 6u. Upxousa$, Ia . June 28 News has just been received here of duel fought witn snot runs netwoea two brotbers. Adam and Alphonse Beedt"who: live it? muea west or nerev AdarJ received two wounds, one in the face and one in the' bowels; which, if is thought, will prove fatal.;; Alphonse was untouched, altnough Adatu hred two shots at him. special to Tni Msws Iahd Obsikvkb. I ; Wihbtoh, June 28. Mesgrs. Pfohk Jk Stockton, a laree mercantile' firm, and proprietors of the Central hotel, made an assignment today. Liabilities 860.000; assets 260.000 to CONGRESSIONAL. THE- CHIRE8E QITESTIOIf CifMBH VP IX T1IE HOVSE. Cbargee that the Present Uwi Id to ImmlKratlem. iiATLAHTA, June 28 John A. Brown, a jjnoonshiher; resisted the revenue offi cers last night, nine miles from this hilace. He threw rocks at d puty mar I IshallMeDonald. striking him several kimea. McDonald shot and killed Brown and eanlater X attack credit Ij" 1 wounded Joe Overton, another : ' Wii Jrxape eompetKiu and sweep tb field with ; flrures that eanaot be quoted by-others and In a abort, moonshiner. but decisive fight I regatuall my a- i It all lies la crowdmc the counters wlthut-1 approachable bottom values lor the money . down. . . i It will be bard to snatch these j expressive INuivflle'B Beavjr Tka Trade. iDAMvnia, Va,, June 28. The sales hor,. fobaceo here during . the last year amounted to 4i,vw,wu pounds. ; f i AiT Dlfllealt ObtalM. i rmcAOO, Jnne 28. In ! the anarchist eases today no additional jurors were opuunea. oeventy-nve men were called and excused for cause or peremptorily onallenged. ;. ;i sentences of thts mercantile Stonewall Jack- aou. " His iron fiirer point to his matchless nrtoea and succeM. complete and absolute, is . i the kernote of his endeavors to beat the record. . Desertions from the rotten old army of v 'credit laereane as the forces of real values, money down, crowd back the defeated and re- treatuur horde of thirty day, sixty day,- and ninety day dealers. Now come to the Racket Store and buy1 vour roods and save your money, wbich is i . . , hard W'getthew days. W sre receiving mme great bargains this; week: Towels 17c; worth 80 Great bargains in LadioV Fiie Shoes. Lambskin and Foster's: .rrench Button Shoes at fl.05; worth f3. Just opening a new lotjot Ladies' White Gopda! and Oriental Laces, Hamburg Kdgings and! 4 Washlsigton Hews. : trr rrt.. i tive appropriation, bill reported from the Senate 'committee this morning .pros- poses a net increase of $131,000 in appropriatiocs, as compared with the House bill. ' The principal items of the increase are an addition of $15,000 in provisions for the collecting of the inter- sal revenue, and an appropriationof $23,- UUU lor senators secretaries.- The provision -in! the House bill for the con tinuance Of the publication of the Re bellion Becord is cut off.: The ; Senate committee thinks this publication con- tains much irrelevant matter, and that ii should be suspended nntil the subject can be investigated. Trimming, of all kinds. Job in Ladies Cashmere Shawls at a 1 .35; worth t.50 Call 1 and see them. VOLNKY PUBS ELL 400., jfo 10 sfet Uaitui Strast. There were a great many of what Were considered cock and bull) stories about the anarchists in Chicago previous to the recent slaughter of policemen, and it appears that we discounted them to a greater! extent than was justifiable. Therefore there may be some truth in the report that from 900 to 1,200 of the Jaw and ' order abolishers are secretly drilling for luture devilment.. If any thing of the kind is going on Chicago ought to have j experience enough to know what is necessary to be done. 'I 1 ' 1 i -e.wi j Visitor t Jiio MaiSEato Luttl Bprim This year report a marked improve ment in the hotel. . It has been largely refurnished and painted ! and under the management of the genial host; Mr. B. K. Tioe, bids fair to exoel all Southern resortf in the cuisine and general attrao- . tions. It is a good place to spend the fourth and Ret the benefit of the won derful waters, .Excursion ; Uoxeta for ! round-trip are on sale, at Bichmond & JDuyiUo depol. Washihgton, June 28 Si-hatb. The chair laid before the Senate a com munication from the secretary of the treasury in repl to two resolutions .calling for information as to soldiers' claims adjusted, and as to postmasters' claims adjusted, stating that such infor mation was contained in the executive documents of the House. Also resolu tions of the city council and board of trade, Zaoesville, Ohio, asking for the passage of a bill for a public building, notwithstanding the President's veto. Also several memorials in favor of the bill taxing oleomargarine. Mr. Edmunds reported a bill remov ing the political disabilities of Wm. H. P. Lee, of Virginia, and a like bill for John K. Mitchell, of Virginia, both of which were passed by the neoeseary two- tbirds Tote, without debate. Mr. Allison, from the committee on appropriations, reported back the legis lative appropriation bill, with amend ments, and gave notice that he . would tomorrow move to take it up. Mr. McMillan, from the committee on commerce, reported back the river and harbor bill, with amendments; and said that he would move j Wednesday to take it up and pass it. I . p Mr. Allison (in the absence of Mr. Logan) submitted a conference report on the pension appropriation bill, the House receding from its disagreements The report was agreed to Mr. Teller introduced fa bill authori zing the President to appoint and retire Alfred Pleasanton as major- general. Referred. f Mr. Manderson, from the cotniuitteo on printing, reported a resolution for an inquiry into the cost of the 'public printing and binding and as to the dis tribution and sale of public documents Laid over until tomorrow. Mr. Hoar gave notice that he' would Wednesday next ask the Senate to take up the resolution for open executive sessions, so that be might make remarks, thereupon. -Iv Mr. ! JSdmunds called up the rill granting a pension of $1,000 to Emily btanard, the widow of lien. Tstan- ard, of Vermont. -: The bill was passed Mr.. Manderson, from the committee on conference, on the bill to permit a eave of absence to the employees! of the publio printing office, submitted I a re port The House recedes from its dis agreement. Agreed to. A i The chair laid before the Senate the conference report Ion. the , postoffic ap propriation bill, statiflg "that the com mittee was unable to agree, te! ques tion being on the subsidy provision. Mr.. Pugh addressed the Senate in avor of the subsidy appropriation bill. Mr. Plumb moved that the Senate in sist upon, its $600,000' subsidy amend ment. After a long debate Mr. riumb's motion was agreed to yeas ,36, nays 12, six Democrats voting with the Re publicans in the affirmative, namely, Messrs. Brown, Call, Eustis, Gorman, Payne and Pughj m The Senate then, on motion tof Mr Plumb, took up the President's veto of the bill to quiet the titles of settlers of tne xesiuoines river tanas, ana mr. Evarts delivered an argument in support of the veto, in which he said the objec tions were tersely and comprehensively stated. An examination of the; subject had satisfied him that the President was right in returning the bill without his approval. Mr. Allison- urged the passage of the bill over the veto. , At the close of Mr Allison's remarks the subject went over until tomorrow, i Mr. Blair, from the 'committee on pensions, reported a bill to give the right of trial by jury to claimants for pensions under the laws of the United States. Ordered printed. The Senate went into executive session, after which it adjourned. V '" I ! BOt'SB. Under the call of States tbe follow ing bills, etc. . were introduced and re ferred: f j . ; By Mr. Gallbger, of Nevii Hamp shire, a resolution reciting that it is a matter of current newspaper rumor that officers of the , Democratic campaign committee, through persons ! not em ployees of the government, are engaged in soliciting contributions from Demo cratic Congressmen and others in the employment of the government, and directing the committee on eiiii service reform to investigate the facts, with the view of ascertaining whether seotion 11 of the civil service law had I been vio- By Mr. Randall, of Pennsylvania, to reduce and . equalize tne duty on im ports, to reduce the internal revenue taxes and to modify the Uwb In relation to the collection of internal revenue By Mr. King, of Louisiana,! the fol lowing premamble and resolution: Whereas, The Trench government gave its assurance to the government of the United States that tne i project of Mr. M. de Lesseps was a private en terprise for which the French govern ment was in no wise-responsible. Whereas, The extraordinary expen ditures of the Panama canal company have caused it to appeal tor aid to the government of France to assist it: authorising a lottery loan of 600,000, 000 francs, for the purpose of oontinu tag the work of construction. Whereas, It is reported - that the French government has recently recom mended to the chamber of deputies to grant the necessary authorisation. Whereas, Such authorisation will identify the French government with the enterprise. i Resolved, That tbe United State will view with great solicitude and dis favor this contemplated action of tht government or any other meas ure calculated to identify: it with the Panama canal, as such action is opposed to the polioy of the American people as expressed by the chief executive of the United States at the inception of this canal, and which policy is now most em phatically repeated and reiterated by the United States. Resolved, That the secretary of state be requested to send to Congress with out delay all information bearing on a subject of Buch vast importance and frought with such danger to national interests. I Also appropriting $200,000 for the relief of the sufferers from the re cent violent, unprecedented and deso lating storms in certain districts of northern Louisiana. j j The House then went into-, committee of the whole, Mr. Reagan in the chair, on the sundry civil appropriation bill. Mr. Morrow moved to amend the bill by increasing from $5,500 to $10,01)0 tho appropriation to meet the expenses in curred under the Chinese immigration act and by adding a proviso requiring the secretary of the treasury to cause to be prepared a preliminary; examination nd return certificates indentifying more particularly that; at present the Chinese to whom they are granted. ; lie went on to point out the detects ! in the present law, declaring that that law was evaded in the most shameful manner. The cer tificates now used instead of preventing the introduction of Chinese labor were an aid to immigration!. After ao;ne general debate of Chinese immigration the amendment was adopted without the proviso. When the Clause relative to the expenses of the eoileotiou of rev enue from the Bales of public lands was reached another attack was made upon commissioner Sparks by Mersra. Laird, of Nebraska; Carey, of Wyoming; Perkins, of Kansas; but he found defenders in Messrs. Cobb, of Indiana! and Payson, of Illinois. : Mr. Payson said that 60 far as the or der of commissioner Sparks, of April 3, 18 5, was1 concerned, he, as a mem ber of the committee on publio lands, was consulted with reference to, the propriety of its issuance, : He advised and consulted that it should be issue and he stood by that order today. This is the order suspending final aotion poo entries in a large territory uf" the west and northwest until an examina tion was held. Mr. Randall stated that 'he had un derstood that the vote on iMr. Morrow's amendment affecting certifi cates, which was adopted this morning, ould not be taken until una afternoon He therefore asked unanimous eonsent hat the vote be annulled. This was agreed to and the ' amendment was re- joetedr yeaa !74Uaja fil-V,...., J . " L . Un motion Of Mr. springer an amend ment was adopted providing that all . i i f . v . OVERAWED. THE RTRIUEBR AT CHICAGO Iaiivt:a.w ov B one COM- Tb PolleeWell Arrae4 and W tMinath for tbem. aitreni is the only person reported riuM Tw,U fl anv serious ' iniurv I . 1 P.lnl unless it snouia De si some I IliWU Ul' Ul III IIIILI'IUII gradually withdrew from the Plao, b?y?d n?e' d UUHU1U1 UliU UUUU1UU The '1Uia 01 fuuterson s men aircaay men-1 N Chicago, 111., June 28. The chief of police of the v town of Lake appeared at the extensive . switching yards of the Lake Shore: railroad at 8 o'clock this morning with a police force of one hun dred men, including specials, and the Pinkertbn police, and at once began to clear the yards of strikers and idlers. Very few of the latter had entered the yards, but . remained in large groups just beyond; the railroad tracks, intently watching the movements of the railroad people. Several hundred men, however, remained in : the vicinity of the round-house and cars of the Lake Shore road and refused to obey the order of the police to move. Clubs were drawn and several rushes niade at these groups, the. police using their clubs, and in one of the encounters detective Finn, of the uase poiioe, xnociteci one of tne men down. - He to' have sustained The orowd immediate vicinity of the yards company has made no attempt to move any cars up to 9 o'clock. Preparations for a determined effort to move the trains on the Lake Shore today were perfected by the officials ol the road yesterday., They were some what elated by the success attending the efforts of Capt. Hunt, of the Hvde Park poiioe, in protecting the train hich was taken out late Saturday even ing and the fact that so many arrests of the strikers, and their sympathisers had been made! On the other hand the strikers presented a bold front. They re newed their determination to stop the movement of freight trains at all hazards. They still profess hot to be responsible for the trouble of Saturday, and a re ward has been offered for the discovery of the 1 man who j 'locked" the switch Saturday. Shortly after 6 o'clock this morning "Billy" Pinkerton, in charge of a large number of special poiioe, was taken to the' town of Lake. On their arrival there they were sworn in as special ; officers. Thirty switchmen to take the places iof the strikers were also sent down, j About one hundred special police arrived in a special train of three cars at 8.30, and were also taken to Forty-third street. There was this morning an under current of .excitement and suspense that boded exciting developments dur ing the day. The town of Lake d - teotivea started: through the yards, re peating the following formula: "All you people must move. Do not congre gate in groups on the tracks or cross ings, or , we will be obliged; to take mean to dispense you and we will do a detail of Pinkerton's men, armed with rifles, climbed on the engines at the top of the cars. Their appearance gave the scene a war-like appearanca.' Just before the train was ready to start a switch engine to which a cabooso was attached, also heavily guarded, steamed to the main track in front of the east bound train, but the conductor had or ders to only proceed to south Chicago. The train reached Englewood at 12.20 p. m., without molestation. At the Fifty-first street crossing there was a large crowd of men and boys, who jeered as the train passed, but i offered no violence. At 12.50 p. in. South Chicago was reached and no serious op position had been encountered. There was a large crowd in and about tbe yards, but a large squad of Hyde Park police prevented even a semblance of disorder.. The train will be guarded to the Indiana State line by the armed specials on board. A second freight train of twenty-six loaded freight oars followed the first train, having been made up at Englewood. It had about twenty armed specials and reached south Chicago in safety. ' The railroad offi Tns BUdleal FrsJsiisftas) lhasstesb Ltcobciio, June 28 Miss Waldron, a young lady about '19 years of age, who resides near Buford, Vaj com pleted her 48th day of fasting this after noon. Her only nourishment has been small quantities of vinegar and water. Her case puzzles the mediaal profession. Jan nfct Statement. Washington, June 28. It is said at the treasury department that tb publio debt statement for June, which will be issued Thursday text, will show a re duction of about $10,000,000. A PrretFled of NnmhlM" will fill the heart of every suffering woman if she will only persist in the use of Dr. Pierce's "jravonte freacripuon." it wiu euro the most excruciating periodical pains, and relievo you of all irregularities and give healthy action It will p sitively cure internal Anam ination and ulceration, misplacement amd all kindred disorders. Price reduced to one dol lar. By druggists. Edward Fasnach, it inn. feei i collected by registers and receivers j ly momentarily increased in num a.H vauvwo At vam svuj duuivo nuivu hAN noma rAftl8t&nAA v&fl ahAvn in Winlil .nAWAAMA tl- n. n.l.M... k.allkl) I . -v-k . . v tuu awivaoo b licit uovvuu I mAwinff . t KfiAt ot .ju r mntt rrta mn waa severely beaten by a policeman. The excitement rapidly increased and by 9 ; o dock the . crowd was ready for any- $3,000 per year, shall be converted into tbe treasury. Pending aotion the com mittee rose and the Houbo adjourned. Tariff Rsdnetftaa. 'aIIB changes thb RANDALL BILX WILL UAK1 Washington, D. O , June 28. The river and harbor bill as finally agreed upon by the Senate commerce commit tee and reported today differs only in two smau items irom tne statement pub lished last week. From computations made at the treas ury, based on last year s reoeipts. it is estimated that the Kandall tariff bill, introduced today in the1 House, will effect a reduotion in government reve nue of $34,997,665; including $744,552 on account of reductions of tariff-on dutiable articles, $1,526,124 on ac count of additions to the free list and $26,407,087 on account! of removal of ' 1 1 A ll . internal revenue tax oni cooaoco, etc. The principal items of reduction are as follows : In the free list, on sawed tioned has gone to that point to guard against that happening. A third tiain was successfully gotten under way and passed south Chicago without molesta tion. 2 30 p m. A freight train from the east has arrived at the Lake chore yards. The city officials have issued a notice to accept freight without ; limit. They state that they believe the strike is ended. The switchmen are holding a session and whether they contemplate any further move is not known. ' lb BJ. C. Tsachsra' Assembly. Cor. of the News and Obbbrvbb. Black Mountain, June 24, 1886. This is certainly the most remarkable gathering of educators that our State has ever witnessed. Every train brings accessions, and many find nightly quar ters at Round Knob, AshevLUe and other points. The hours between the appointed sessions pass in delightful social intercourse. Music, on pianos, stringed and brass instruments,- &o , abounds and. soon we shall nave delight ful choruses under the lead of the ac complished Dr. Kursteiner, of your own . - a a - St. Marv s. Promenades on tne Dai- conies and long walks and drives among the great mountains that encircle the spot, games and strolls for the wealtL o ferns and laurels and other beauties o the mountain-side, are occupying the time of several hundred of the prettie t girls that our schools and homes can furnish, to say nothing! of the sterner half of creation.whioh is nurrying m a ' ' J . T xZ. A a, , ieass its eyes ana exercise its cuuri w win their smiles, by every passing train Yesterday afternoon Miss uox began her exposition of kindergarten work b) a clear, concise and philosophic setting forth of the principles of the elementary f . education of the child from the earliest period of perception onward to full in tellectual development, it was a rare treat. Then came blackboard exer cises in drawing the map of North Caro lina by an ingenius method, illustrated in apt language and charming manner by Mrs. Humphrey, of tfoidsboro. Prof, rkurstemer s nour naving ar rived, he entertained the audience with a masterly sketch of the rise In pro gress of music throughout the world, the learning which dis- thing. . Shortly after 9 o'clock the town of Lake police cleared the tracks and the streets leading, to them of the crowds who were on them. Just after this Pinkerton, with 124 of his men, appeared on the scene. ' Many of them were armed with Winohesler rifles 11 a. M There are fully 200 poiioe and specials stationed along the Lake Shore tracks between 41st and 45th streets. About police of the and Pinkei ton poiioe and nearly 100 "snecials" ' in , the emnlov i of the Lake Shore road, the latter of whom are armed with Springfield breech-loading muskets. These men are guarding the round-house and ' tracks of the Lake Shore road at ; intervals of fifty yards, and no one is allowed to approach the switches, or nroDertv of the railroad Deputy sheriff Gleason appeared at 41st panied by six deputies. This is the first boards 8963.708: on clar-btjards $391,- time since the strike began that any of request, and i free and pleasant discus 153. In dutiable articles, steel railway J the representatives of tho sheriff have I Bion followed it by many teacher pres- bars from JSl 12.955 to 886,409; tin I been on the ground. The chief deputy I ent, including Prof. Jos ph Moore plates from $5,055,590 to $100,000 ; read the riot act at four points along the I of New Garden, and various ethers Dr. iron and steel rivets and wire rods line of the Lake shore road, between I Kursteiner then began his c urse in 41st and englewood streets, and the marked by 100 are 1 regular I tin guishes this master bf seven langua- town of Lake I ges and graduate of a reno wed German university. At night Prof. N. B. Henry, of the State University, was announced to de liver a lecture upon the "theory and Practice of Teaching," but it was in ef feet an exhaustive and detailed account of the life and labors of Pestalcsi' from 1747 to 1810, afid the subsequent introduction : of hut methods - into his cduntry from 1821 to the present day. Todav Mrs. llumnhrev renewed her topio of North Carolina geography, by RALEIGH, N. C. 3 Gold and Silver Watches, A merican and Imported. Real and imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement Kings, any size and weight Sterling Silver Ware for Bridal Presents. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and Tye-glasses in Gold, Silver. Steel, Bubber and Shell Frames. Leaser, white and tinted, in endless varieties. Seals for Lodges, Corporations, eto. Ah o Badges and lledals for Schools and Societies made to order. Kail orders promptly attended to. Gtcds sent on selection to any part of the State. r?T Old Gold nd Silver in small and large quantities taken as cash. dly. WE ARE SELLING CASSABLVS "BED STAB BBAND," And recommend it as bebig tho very best to be had. Send us your orders. W. C. & A. B. Stronach, E. J. Hardin. W. K. ewsom & Ck, Wyatt Co., Qrausman & Rosenthal, Jno. R. Terrell, J. B. Ferrall & Co., W. B. Mann & Co. a orris & JNewman, . W. . J. Upchurcn, W. U. KUis. -Also CASSAB1VS MILD CUERD HAMS and BREAKFAST STRIPS, wUch are Un surpassed. Look for Bed Isabel and Bine Seal. Phil H Andrews & Co CHANGE OF Headquarters. lighter than No- 5 from $644,915 to $250,000; cotton ties from $162,744 to 862,600; pig-lead from 29,158 to 21, StW; rice flour from 13-1,418 to xo - 000; lemons in boxes from $56, 19b to $46,231; castor .leant from $131,252 to X1U5.002; clothing (cotton) ready made from $435,423 to $20,805; bags and bagging from $465,515 to $108, 200; jute from $7,1U to xzuu.WU; wools (class 3) from $1,412,22 to gl, 100,000 ; worsted j cloUiB from $187,394 to $40,000 ; ready-made clothing ( woolen l from i,z: to 8600.000 : marble Irough) from $244,127 to $187,790; salt from $421, 532 to 8351,276. A committee of three en the order ot business of the House had a meeting this morning in tbe speaker s room the results of the meeting have been kept secret even from leading Democrats in the House, on the ground that the Dublioation of the intention of the com . . . . . . ii mittee would enable opposition to defeat sought to be promoted. streets, police and special deputies began to clear the tracks. The crowd moved off quietly ! after the reading of the riot act and up to 11 o'clock everything remained quiet in the vioin- lty of the railroad tracks from the city limits as far south as Lnglewood. The Lake Shore company succeeded in making a train of fourteen freight and caboose cars and started south at 11:55, without molestation. A few minutes before the tain started five of the strikers ventured into the yards at 43d street, add refusing to move were han dled roughly iby the. poiioe and one was placed under arrest, j The others moved off. The strikers congregated on State street and intimate that they will at tempt no demonstration in the presence of the armed force now on the ground. The railroad company has brought out eight engines and has sent six down the road, each having on board a deputy tho Republican sheriff and a squad of men armed with anv legislation i Winchesters i ; The locomotives are em- Ctaarlsataa's Htstarte Event. Chablbston. S. C, June 28. The 110th anniversary of the battle of Ft. Moultrie was celebrated here today by the Palmetto Guards, wtth a street parade, the firing of a salute at sergeant Jaroer s monument and a banquet to night. The Guards resolved today to build a monument to the soldiers who fell in the civil war. Bro. Beecber, after considerable seasickness, has landed in England, ployed as scouts, to see that the tracks and switches aire proteeted and ready for the passage Of regular freight trains. No molestation has been offered to the men on board these engines. The Lake Shore company has at last succeeded in getting a freight train started from the yard at Root street At 154.10 o'clock the switch engines which had been making up the train started on the side tracks and a regular engine coupled to the train, i The spe cial police, with their ready, stood I on " the alert. : The guns were too much lor tne crowd and no attempt was made to interfere. When music proper, ana is rap a y reauei g chaoBto form and system, with ease ana skill. His glee club will be o-ganized tomorrow. Prof. W. G. Randall, of Marion, claimed the attention of tbe assembly to the subieot of drawing in school, dwelling upon the importance of educa tion in the art if design, and closing by appropriate and rapid blackboard work in drawing. Among the interesting incidents of today was the adoption of a resolution to : ppoint a committee w memorialize the legislature in behalf of the erection on Mt Mitchell of a suitable monument over the grave of the lamented Prof. Mitchell: to enclose it and; to erect a stone cabin for the comfort of visitors. All this, it is ascertained, can be done for $1,500. This action was taken after tributes by his old pupils had been paid in a neat, feeling manner. The! pathetic speech of the venerable Prof. Delke, of Thomasville, a graduate of the Univer sity of N, C, of 1841, brought tears to many eyes. We extend our sincere congratula tions to Mr. Eugene Harrell. of Ral eigh, for his brilliant success in the management, as secretary, of this great and promising work. Pbdasogpb. Hew Tarfet Cotton Futures. Niw Yob;; June 28. Green & Co.'s report on cotton futures Bays, Tho contract market was active and strong at times today, securing an advance of Winchesters 5s6 points. July showed the. greatest IN REAR OF ricQlinral Baling Halifax and Salisbury Bts. FIRST SQUARE NORTH of CAPITOL Having moved our wood and eoal yard from the N. C Depot (the extreme western portion of the city) to within ONE SQUARE OF THE CAPJLTOL We are now prepared to furnish fuel at short notice. ; HARD AND SOFT and haj bees enthusiastically received. eyorything was in rcadinees Ut a start, it - y IT 1 1 t t if v strength. A large percentage of to day's demand was to cover,; while a , good many operators are making . new investment1 u August. ,.. LONG AND CUT i - V ') - S 0. - Telrpboao Ko, 10S. Prkos guaranteed. Sand in your orders. Call and NiKWt n. . A . - . a. 9 W snow JOU WW we un VMUIinnj, i i i 1 :

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