.i-i.'uJi 3 1 1 r s itW AN D OBS ERVER; OL.XXV1I. RALEIGH. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORN tfGi JULY 7, 1886. NO. 44 i Absolutely Pure. "Hub powder never, varies. A marvel ol irity, strength and wholesomeneos. More ti'tiomical than ordinary kinds and caanot b ' j :.l in competition with the multitude of low i t, inert weight, alum orpboephatepowden - .1J .only In. cans. Botax Baiiso Powob ' r., 108 Wall Street, New York. . tA by W C A B Stronach, George T - roaach and J R Ferrall A Co. , 1 ' WOMEN UMlht I vmmt at mm rimitL trvkt safer ftwa liar taalr sax, ahaaM try n o ndj ii m m ' aaa m THE This aMdioteeanb4iMi Iron with pnre aahle (t-ika, aadja tnTalnabl for Ita peculiar to " eaoa. and all woo Im4ew)aiitac7 linn, It Ea l be aad ParMaa th" Blaoa, Hrtmalatea t Appetite, Ka-M-thema tbe MwHm sod I rreaan im, tBaroacbw J iytrormtea aiBfmiia,tMaium MlM Ola iea I r eea i. .fXJO MKk tha (mUlwm heartaoha, at tpataoa all XAT frM mA-mi 4a. ; Baxav. T4 IuwcU Ave. atflwaa- -, Wav, aa. ncUr date of Dn. KUt. 18B4: I im MM Brora's boa JHttan. and .BaiaiwalMt Loekport, !T T- KM Batn from rminK i Mat from nothiac I H hnlna mrm thmm m doetar to im, baTiii nnd at of tha wu Mm uia. ajo anna m of ur- r fliiiiiliwl nil mom mi nniilmhi is elaar aajA fond. atfcbanrMaJ toaaychildrwi.'' 1 1 mmjoomA OBMg niHliliMi aaS'aalld ' awst Bran's boa BKtara." flui ilinnTiaii Mill i atanapaf. Takaaaatbar. HatWeelrBr uttwAi fiatEatjnat. m kaltuwu, mav BACKET STORE. r1 I NEW8 OBSERVATIONS. ' The most singular and disappoint ing thing about the English elections thuH far is the failure of the Irish vote to accomplish the results expected of it. It was claimed that at the preceding election the Tories gained at least eigh teen seats by the aid of the rotes cast for them at the direction of the Irish leaders;. It was believed that these eats could at the present election be captured by the Oladstonites, but thus far the Tories have with apparent ease held the majority of them where elec tions have taken place. This fact is ac counted for by the supposed abstention of English Liberals from voting. It certainly would be an astonishing thing If the Irioh voters in England should display lukcwarmness in the- Liberal cause. -t Tho appearance of Mrs. Gladstone in the present parliament will go down to history as one of its notable features. Hex devotion to the cause of her hus band will compaic more than favorably ith that of the beautiful Duchess who gave kisses for votes for Fox. There may be other instances where women in England have taken in active part from the rostrum in political contest t, but if 4(0 we fail to recall them. Certainly the wife of a prime minister has never be fore dote f o. , The wife of Disraeli was so wrapped up in the successful career if her "lord and master as to ride some distance: without complaint with her finger Crushed in her carriage door rather than disturb his meditations on a speech be was about to make, but, this scarcely comes in tne same category With Mrs. Gladstone's services. The strangest story of the year conies from Bound Brook, New Jersey. One of the citizens of the village was a man named Hebron. TLree months tgo his-wife died.j but before expiring she obtained a promise from her husband that he would not marry a second time. But in six weeks he took unto himself a buxom widow. Soon a change oame over Hebron. He seemed ill at ease and appeared to be haunted by some terrible secret One night he arose from a troubled sleep to watch the burn ing of the Episcopal church in Bound Brook.: Suddenly, watching the flames, he started back with an exclamation of horror' and, in spite of all his wife could do to arouse him, e appeared as though held by some strange fascination. Then he ahrankfback, placed Tiis hands before L1b eyes as though to shut out some horrible vision, all the while trembling in every limb . He called npon his w i fe to see te spirit of his dead wife, which had come to haunt him, and remind him pf the broken promise he made her on her death bed. He also declared that she brought an army of ghastly creatures to end bis life ten thousand devils, who jeered and jibed at him. He then fell to the floor in a dead faint, From .that time Hebron believed he was a doomed man. His dresms were hide ous, and his wakeful moments frightful. One morning he caiue to some of his friends with a countenance more ghast ly than ever, and told them of a dream he had had during the night, lie said he thought the skeleton of his first wife lay beside him, and when in terror he sprang from the 'bed, the specter fol lowed him. At length it pinioned him to the wall with one of its loner, chastlv Hermit House pf RaleiA us we .wood ooe .floor. Then; he said, the specter licked up his flowing blood, screaming: "So I Stop the vitality of my false husband!" This story convinced Hebron's friends that he was insane, and they were tak ing steps to place him m the asylum 'When one morning ot last week he was found dead in his bed. He died from fright. -Wonderful originality is displayed jn the production of parasols designed for every occasion, from the sombre crape-covered - parasol for mourning dress, to the brilliant red satin ones for the -taces, ' decorated on the outside with -kruni ing horses, fox-hunts, and various episodes in animal life. Ibis article of comfort and convenience should: always be neat and plain, rather than gaudy and eccentric,- and ought always, if possible, to harmonize - with the dress with which it is worn, and seem in reality a simple, necessary part of the toilet, rather than an article of display, like a; banner or a flag. A parasol may well serve as an indication of the general good sense and cultivated taste of the wearer. It is always conspicuous accessory, and originality here may with out mtie enort oe ai lowed io lspse into positive loudness i " i . a 1 1 and 'vulgarity, a piam bus: serge par asoli-devoid of garniture of any de CONGRESSIONAL. PBOIKKDIS' S 1ST BOTH BRANCHES) TMlEBnAV. Ttiaj BtoBata Panama tba Bill 61 Tin tha Uiarokaa ladlaaia 7n,0001 ba Hemaa Take Hp tba 3ai. ral Daflelaaier Bill. . Washikotok, D. C, July 6 Si-mat:. The Senate took up the bill to secure to the Cherokee freedmen and others their proportion of certain pro ceeds of land. Mr. Ingalls, from the committee on Indian affairs, reported a substitute for this bill. (It appropri ates $75,000 for the purpose and directs how the amount shall be distributed.) The substitute was agreed to and the bill passed. 1 he Senate then proceeded to con sider the amendments to the river and harbor bill. The first amendment that was ques tioned was the item appropriating ft 150,- 000 for the purchase . of Sturgeon bay and the Lake Michigan ship canal as a harbor of refuge. Mr. Ingalls made the point of order that the paragraph was new legislation. This was not a bill to buy canals. It Was general legislation not connected With the bill. ? The chair over ruled the point of or der, holding that as the amendment was eported by the committee (of commerce) and in pursuance of an estimate, of the eadof the war department it ; was in order. Mr. Edmundsmade the new point that this was a commercial transaction that had nothing to do with the grand scope of this bill which was for improving rivers and harbors. It was therefore irrelevant. : The chair submitted the ucstion of relevancy to the Senate and tbe amendment was decided to be rele vant and in order; yeas 31, nays 9 The amendment was discussed until 5.40 O'clock without being disposed of. ine oensce men went into executive session and afterwards adjourned. j ' Hocsa. Mr. Taulbee, of Kentucky, called up the report of the oommittee on invalid pensions upon the message of the Presi dent on the bill granting, a pension to Carter W. Tiller. He disavowed any purpose of criticising the President in the exercise of his constitutional right pr of raising any war on his method or style in the veto of pension bills. He then proceeded to state, the facta in the case, to show that the President was acting under a misapprehension when be based his veto on the gioUnd that the claimant was not dependent upon his son, on whose account the pension is claimed, for support. He also quoted from affidavits to show that, while it was tsue that his son was borne on the rolls as a deserter, the charge was made ran oaxAt and canister I attack credit jcBBpetUian and sweep the With grate field with fifurei Uat cannot be quoted by others and in a short, harp but dccisiVe light 1 regain all my loeses. ' It all lies in crow ding the counters with un approachable bottom down; vs ie for ! the money Jt will be hard to match these expressive 'aentenoes of this mercantile Stonewall Jack ami. Bis iron fir gen point to his matchless ' i,Hmi and aueeeaa. eomDlete and absolute, is -T' i :; Lha keynote of bfc mdeavo 8 to btat the record. -J ; - Dttttitiona ficm the rotten old army of 'treuiv InciiaMsas the lorcea of real vahiesj i - - - . meey, down, crowd back tbe defeated and ret .treating horde of thirty day, sixty day, and . ninetyda; dwdera. . - ..Now come to tbe Backet Store and buy " - .7-1 nur trcods and save your money, which is 4 o- - hard t get these da. w art- roceivim? tumt rtait bargains this week. Towels ttc; worth ao. Oreat Uu-galru in Ladie.' h e Shoes. Lanil tkin and Foster's soriptibn, looks in far better taste car French Button bUots at ; 9 ; opening a new lot ot Ladies w orth 3. Jut and Urk uUl Laces, White Goods liamburg Edgings and lriiuwtiga ot all kinds. . A Job Cashmere Shawls at f 1.85; od see them. in Ladies' worth :.60. Call VOLNKY PUBSELL A 00. lied with the very richest and most ex pensive toilet than one of white silk burdened with lace and flowers, worn tn suite promiscuously with dresses of cambrio, foulard, lawn and , gowns of like kind, none of them in keeping with this one costly article of wear. t-The disease oommonly known as "hollow horn" has no immediate con nection with the horn, as animals with out horns manifest the same symptoms. The disease in question is the result of inflammation, extending from the mu cous men brane lining the nostrils into the sutures of the skull and horns, there being a direct communication between these parts Debility, improper and insufficient food, exposure and other causes that tend to weaken the By stem, may give rbe - to this condition. The treatment must then be such as to coun teract this deficiency and should oonsist mainly of good nursing. Keep the an imal in dry, warm, well ventilated Quarters; pay particular attention to carding and brushing; give nourishing food, and a little physic is necessary Boring tbe hort is useless and barbar ous, and is to i placed in the same cat egory as cutting off tha tail as a remedy for the "wolf,7 sr still practiced by ihf ignorant, against him while he was confined as a prisoner in Andersonville prison. He admitted that the President had acted honestly upon the facta before him; but that since the veto, additional facts had come to light Bhowmg young Tiller s hospital records at Andersonville. Mr. Warner, of Missouri, inquired whether these additional records had not been accessible to the President. Mr. Taulbee replied that the records were accessible to anybody who would take the trouble to go to the war de partment and search over the musty prison records of the Confederacy, but the President h&d acted on I the written statement of the adjutant general that there was no such record 'found in his office, subsequent to the veto, 'the record was found, but the veto could not be withdrawn. Mr. Beach, of New York, suggested that it would not be proper for the House 1 to override the veto on the strength of facts' which the President did not have before him at. the time he ithheld his approval from 'the bill. The proper thing to do waslto introduct a new bill. Mr Matson moved that the further consideration of the matter be postponed till: Friday next. For a few I moments there was much confusion in the hall, Mr. Matson and Mr. Willis vainly en deavoring to state the reasons why they desired the postponement and the Re publicans demanding immediate ac tion on the motion to post pone; agreed to yeas 117, nays 113. The morning hour having been dispensed with the House went imo committee of the whole (Mr. Ham mood in the chair) on the general de ficiency appropriation bill. The ena of 'the bill haying been reached, the oommittee in accordance with a previous arrangement, reverted to the paragraph relative to the State department. Mr. Cannon offered an amendment appropriating $37,608 to meet deficien cies in salaries of ministers and charges d' affaires. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Belmont, the ap propriation to supply deficiencies in the contingent expenses of consulates for tbe year lseo was increased from $22 rtvy . AiA AAA i a .." uuu to X4U,uuu, ana ior: the years 1884-85 $492 to $37,145. On motion of Mr. belmont, amend ments were adopted appropriating va rious small sums to meet special defi ciencies in the consular service. The oommittee then roBe and reported the bill to the house. The first vote was taken on the amendment for the pay ment of the Old Colony and Paoifio mail steamship companies for the trans a at tr-tst' V. portation ot marines in is&o. it was agreed to: yeas 117, nays 03. Pending further action, the House at 5.10 adjourned. Wasbis(Ston, D. C, July 6. The Senate has confirmed the nomination of Hugh 8. Thompson to be assistant sec retary of tlhe treasury and II. J. Winn to be postmaster at Birmingham, -Ala. The President today nominated Fits John Porter, late colonel 15th infantry, to be colonel in the army of the United States. The ways and means committee today ordered an. adverse report to be made on Mr. Randall's tariff bill. Mr. Kelly moved to strike out all out the administration features of the' bill (the Hewitt provisions) but this motion was lost although Mr. Hewitt voted with the i Republicans! Messrs. Reid and Hiscockwere absent. A motion was then made to report the bill adversely, and upon the roll being called all of th a Democrats voted in the affirmative, thus carrying the mo tion. The Republican members: ab stained from voting on the ground that the bill contained meritorious features along with ; objectiouable provisions, which could vpt bo disassociated. Under motion MrrMorrison will pre sent an adverse report on the bill, whilo the Republicans will not makn a report. The committee also authorized Mr Breckenridge to report adversely on Mr. Fin ley's resolution declarine it to be the sense of the House that the reve nue tax on tobacco should be removed. DostrucUva Fir. Dknvkv Col., July 6 At 1:15 this morning hre was discovered in ; the Academy of Music and before tho firo department oould get to work, the flunefc were leaping through .the building in half a doxen places, and in a few min utes the building was a mass of flames. 1 he heat was so great that the firemen were driven away from the front of the building. The flamespread so rapidly and the heat became so intense that in less than fifteen minutes after the dis covery of the fire the wires of the West ern Union telegraph company Were tuelted and all service was destroyed. The operators managed to save the Wheatstone; and other va'uMn instru ments, though several relays w ri de stroyed. The fire was the quick. rt .'ev- witnessed in Denver A hunarc-i ginos oould not have saved the building, which was a mass of ruins within an hour after the alarm Was given. 'The ground ! floor was occupied as business houses, m which several men were sleeping, all of whom were rescued ex cept rim Knnght, . an old roustabout, who worked in the saloon of John Ken nedy. Enright retired about 12 o'clock intoxicated and was forgotten until too late, and he perished in the flames.; The eauso of the fire is at present unknown. The firemen devoted their attention to saving the adjoining property. - The Rooky i Mountain News building was damaged $25,000; insurance $3,500 Other minor losses $30,000. The loss on the Academy of Music was $125,000; insurance: $.W,000. LA BOlt TROUBLES. rOjLORED; KSIUHIB OP LABOR j 1UREATES TO STRIKE IH - ARKANSAS). 1b Tata PUalatlea, Haar UlUa Rk. tha Beaaa ar tha PUtairhane a i Tha SharlBT Cmllaal em hjr tha Planter Other Kewe. Tha Aleettoaa tai England. W " -w ' w 1X)ND05. UUly O U. li. LtC wis, con servative, hias been re-elected in Lou donderry oyer Justin McCarthy,: Par nellite, by a vote of 1.846 to 1,724. Io the last election the same candidates contested the district when Lewis won by a vote of 1,824 Jagainst that of 1,795 obtained by McCarthy. Kt Hon. Geo. J. Goscben,! one of Gladstone's bitterest unionist opponents has been defeated in the east division of Jiidinburg by Wal lace, Gladstone's candidate, by a ma jority of 1,335 in a total poll of 5,937 In the last election GoBhen was elected as a liberal by a majority of 2,408 in a total vote of b,2bb. Then Goschen re oeived 4,337 votes. This time he polled but 2,249. I J. Wilson, unionist, ha been defeated in the central division of Edinburgh, j T. Sutherland, unionist, has been re-elected, from Greenock by diminished majority.; 11. C. Childers, home secretary, has been elected by a vote of 3,778 against 2,191 over Purvis for the south division of Edinburgh. Dublin, July 6. A riot followed the first announcement of tho result of the contest between Lewis a ri l McCarthy, at Londonderry, today! The cause of the disturbance was the discovery, after tbe election had been announced in favor of Lewis, of a ballot box, the contents of which had not been counted. A re count followed, 'which almost made' the election a tie, giving it to i9ts by a majority of only three. The police in terfered and attacked : the loyalists wno had assembled in front of. the, hotel where Lewis was staying and were making a demonstration in celebration of his victor. A large number of nersons were iniurcd. There was much excitement in the city over the affair. The Pall-Mail Gazette, commentio on tbe results oi tne election,; says "We are beaten . The total of the vote? polled gives a clear majority against the ministry. Ike only question remaining is whether the Marqnis of Salisbnry will not Bweep the country. Tba Vrealdent Vatoe Mora Paaalan Bills. Washington, July 6. -The President today transmitted to the House mes sages announcing his disapproval of twenty private pension bills and the bill providing for the erection of a pub lie pnuuiug as jtuuw, num. Tha Amerlemn Fl- fr'lrad On. Chicago. July 6. The Aberioan flag was fired on yesterday by the an archista as it was flying over a prooes- . . . . i . . .1 aion in tne nortnwesiern cart or iae citv. The flag was carried by a proees sion of Norwegians from the north sido They were on their way to a pic-nio riven by a Norwegian saengertesi At one point, where the sidewalks were crowded with people, men in the crowd suddenly drew-their revolvers and fired a . a directly at the nag. on outlets went through it. N Emil, Nelson wu kit in the neck bv a snent ball.: whioh innioted a slight flesh : wound. The marching Norwegians started on a double-quick, holding the stars and stripes proudly aloft. Several bullets whizzed past them and they were much alarmed, fearinr another rnt like the Haymarket. There were no polio in sight and the nroeession made a rapid march to the nark in Jefferson. There the affair was reported to tie Mthoriti. St. Louis; J uly 6. -A special to the Pot-Dispatch from Little Rock, Ark., states that the excitement occasioned by the riot yesterday on the Tate plantation continues unabated. Neither the sheriff nor any of : 1 he members of his posse have returned, and it is feared that more trouble has oocurred. The latest re- ?" oris from the plantation state that a , arious mob of 100 negroes still sur roundg the besieged plantation. Stopplaja; m Laak. Washington Cor. Charlotte Observer. 4n the filial debate upon the sundry civil bill tcmething occurred of interest to North Carolina if not to other read ers. The committee had recommended in appropriation of $47, 000 for prepara tions for celebratug the inauguration of the great statue of Libsrty Enlight ening the World on Bedloe's Island, t it a . mar vr-r- a . . ..xew xork JiaiDor. bit. liewitt pro posed a substitute appropriating instead $100,000. . When the question was tak- M.I 1 1 - T en in committee ot tne wnoie House on this Hewitt ; amendment, and the vote resulted 102 ayes to 50 noes, Judge neunett made the point that no quorum bad voted Judge iiennett and Mr. lit iti were appointed tellers, and on division the vote etood ayes, 116. noes 39. The amendment was adopted, and trie amendment as amended was agreed to, but Judge Iiennett got a vote by yeas and nays in the House. : Une item of the large amount having been strick en out, the vote came up on the meas ure vrhich provided for an appropriation of $.03,500 for the entertainment of guests, music, construction of platforms etc. I he vote by tellers was ayes 90, noes C6. But the call for the yeas and nays having been sustained the question was again taken and resulted in the de feat of tbe costly proposition for an in ternational frolic chiefly for New York's benefit. The ballot stood: yeas 103, navs 107. - O'Hara was the only mem ber of the ' North Carolina delegation who voted aye. Hewitt insisted at first oii a quorum voting on the motion to j reconsider and lay that vote on the ta ble, but finall after the House had re fused to adjourn, withdrew the point and permitted the Judge to keep the appropriation entirely out of the bill. Spirit of tha State Pras. Mr Morrison moved last week an amend ment to ihe rules of the House so as to permit the House to attach to every pension bill a clause specifically setting aside or levying a tax to meet the ap propriation provided for. The prin ciple is so just that it should be applied not only to pension bills, but to appro priations of all sorts. The fundamental cause of the extravagance of Congress is that people fail to associate the idea ot taxes witn ieaerai appropriations. If this very: hard fact were brought home to them, much demagogy which now is often profitable would be impos sible and many abuses would be re formed. The specific fund with whioh it fa proposed to meet the pension bills is an income tax. 1 here are so many reasons why there is both practical and poetic justioo in this that iit is to be hoped that the Democrats in Con gress, in dpi te of the lateness of tbe session, will force the fighting upon both of these lines until they become distinct party issues Shelby New Era. We of the south, it is true, some time have loved another flag and beneath its spotless field and starry union, in battle and blood shed, have defied the National emblem and an thority and the years of '61 to '65 are yet a -. sad and tender memory; but none : the less oan we rejoice in a unioh made stronger by the temporary Division ; for a govcrment that survives a struggle that would have been ; fatal to any try on earth ; and that people in a peace that serves a cir of war; and for a future that glows with the promise of con tinued prosperity and contentment. ihe grasshopper is a burden and the almond tree flourishes with an living person whose birth is coeval with that of the United Siates. Mon archies have sprung up and died in that time and IsmpireB have joined tbe si leut majority, but free America still lives to prove that the people can and ought to be the rulers a law unto themselves. I hat true democracy is thooulytruo creed for a Nation and that Republic founded oh the hearts of its people is the only sure and lasting government. Let us pray that our posterity in countless generations may una increas ing cause fo bless and oelebrate the 4th of July. rittsboro Home other conn- rc-unitcs it scarce pre- Edwar Fasnach, Jeweler anil Optician RALEIGH, N-C Gold and Silver Watches, American and Imported. Beal and imitation Diamond Jew- -! elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement " Plaat Lire. Cor. of the Naws &Ob8kkvkr, Scotland Nicck, July 1, 1886. In your paper of yesterday, is a communication entitled "Anew enemy to cotton." The enemy referred to is not a new one by any means. In just such wet seasons as have prevailed during the past June, lice have been great pests to the cotton crop for years past. They belong to the family of insects called aphidal, or plant lioe. The eggs are laid in the fall and hatched out in the spring, when the young seek the under sides of the leaf and the tender shoots and live bv sucking out the iuice of the Shiga, "7 dze and weight. Sterling Silver plant. They multiply with exceeding rapidity, after they are hatched, with out impregnation and bringing forth their young aiive. The reproduction of the family of aphid is one of the many marvels of biology. Ihe only remedy is the one usually provided by nature at this season (though all laws seem to be violated this year) hot, dry weather, which gives a vigorous growth to the plant and encourages other insects, ants, bugs, &tj. , to feed on the plant lice. At this time these inseots are causing great damage to the cotton crops of Halifax and Edgecombe counties. In many places, acres have the appearance of j having been struck by lightning, and from present appearances oan produce but little cotton. R. H. S. Ware for Bridal Present. Optical Goods I A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and lyei-glasses in Gold, SUver, Steel, Bobber and Shell Frames. Leases, white and tinted, in endless varieties. Seals for Lodges, Corporations, etc. Also Badges and Medals for School and Societies CURRENCY. City Parson "Going to have the hay fever this year?" Country par son "No. My congregation can t afford it." He (on horseback) "Shall we take the highway home?" 8he "No; I would prefer the bridal path, I think." Harper s .bazar. Mr. Howells, the novelist, says the comedies of ha. Harrigan "are much decenter than the comedies of William Shakespeare." He might have added that they draw bigger and more delight ed audiences also. And yet some per sons regard Shakespeare as a more bril liant playwright than Harrigan ! We are glad to see that there is no AngJo- phobism in Mr. Howells' composition. ' JNomatown Herald. "How old would you take me to be. AT ri J All a a a Mr. snooxs r sue lisped, looking un- -ii VI. it. i , 1 . . . . . ufctcrauie uunjrs at nim. "L aunno, he replied, twisting nervously about in 1 1 . mm w I nis ensir. "i mauruiiy old, 1 assure you. I've seen twenty-three sum- i . .rm i . mere: "xnen you ought to wear glasses," he replied, earnestly. "Why, Mr. Snooks I glasses at twenty-three?' 'Yab V4Y11V aftVADirvVt f mnet Ka Vaa1 " vJ jw-N -JVDJCUI AAA laVO V IO aWU Tl. . T 1 . a. im sure x aon t know why you should think so, she pouted. "Be cause I'm afraid about twenty summers bave gone by that you haven t seen. Tidbits. Hew Terk Cattan Fntnrae. Niw York, July 6 Messrs. Green A Co. say: The market is firm today with continued covering on July and A . . . a, . August contracts and also to some ex tent on late months, but the latter are also handled with some freedom On buying orders. Some 6 or 8 points,' gain was made with more or less reaction before the close on a modified demand. made to order. ! Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods sent on selection to any part of the State. Old Gold and SUver in quantities taken as cash. small and large dly. WE ARE SELLING CASSAB1VS "BED STAB jBBAND," And recommend it as being the very best to be had. Send U" your orders. W. C. ft A. B. Stronach, . J. Hardin, B. NewgomA Co., i Wyatt A Co., Grausman A Rosenthal, ! Jno. B. Terrell, J. B. Ferrall A Co., W. B, Mann A Co. Norris A Newman, W. C. Upchurch, -W. U. Bills. - s Also CASSABD'S MILD CDEBD HAMS and BBEAKFAST STBIPS, hich are Un surpassed, jl Look for Red Latfel and Biueeau RAILROADS. R ALEIGH A AUGUBTA A1B-LEKK. CONPEN8XP SCnXDULX. Trains going South. Nov. 16, 1886. iXo 1 iyy except Sunday. Leave Raleigh, Moncure, Sanford. Arrive Hamlet, - Trams going .North Nov. 15, 1885. 7 00 9 27 10 1 1 i5 No 51D'y except ' Sunday.: p mj 9 00 112 25 I 1 45 j 7 'id a m p m So 2 D'y excel Sunday. JSo 4 D'y except Sunday. Leave Hamlet, Sanford, Moncure, Arrive Raleigh, last Deaths from Charter. Rout, July 6th, 1886. In the six hours mere nave been ten new cases of cholera and ten deaths from this disease at Brindisi and in the remain der of that province twenty new oases and fifteen deaths. WONDISrUL CTJRIS. W. D. Fort A Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, of Borne, Ga., say: We have been selling Dr. Kings New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Uucklen's Arnka Salvi for two years. Have never aand'ed remedies that sell unwell, or eie such universal satisfaction. There have been seme wonderful cores enec ted by these mc dieines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumpuoa have be-n entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. Kins; .New Difcovery, taken in connection wth Ktee'ric Bitten-. We guarantee them always. Sold by d uggis. The Philadelphia Times patrioti cally reproduced the declaration ot in dependence in fac simile as well as th" words of the btar-Spangled Biuner The'Q, are the little things that keep the tires of liberty blazing. 2 45 a m t 06 J8 60 : 00 Wm 6 00 11 15 12 30 8 30 SaOTH, a m Superintendent. E STERN NOBTH CAROLINA B B Sausbcbt. June "0 1888. Commencing June 20 ruaninr passenger schedule and trains to be operated on this division. EAST MAIN LINE. No 68. WEST Arr. lave. h 80 U.m 4 21 4 J8 1:8 l is II 40 11 40 9 hO 10 01 7 W 7 47 Salisbury, Htatesvilie, j Morgxnton; Round Knob, Ashevivllle, Warm Springs. MUKPHT BRANCH NO 60 No 8. Arr. 3 20 p in l : 26 8 06 a m VE. Lve. p m Asheyille, 1 OOi Waynes ville, 8 4' iCbarleston, 8 OO'Jsrretts. W. A. TURK, Ass't Gen'l Fasa'ger Xgtv. McBEE, SopC Wow AjtbIb Aajothar Hartford Wlna. Oecaaionally a Hartford man istwinner.ind it is likely to be made in Tbe Louisiana State Lottery. Only a short time ago a lad named Duffy got $5,000, and tbe money was prompt ly forwarded to bim. Aad new Benjamin r. P'outy, a bookkeeper dn Gold street, is the winner of one-fifth of ticket No 84,614, which drew one ol tne lourth capital prizes of ft, 000. It was in the drawing of May 11th, and today be received his share, f 1,200. A few year asro tbe same man drew 2,(j00, and w s pmmptly paid. He may be considered a lucty man. Hartford (Conn.) Times, May 2d The shoes for a milkman Pumps. Thaa Charlay, Clair aad Harry aray. To honor Independence Day -In a big explosion were not slow To let the bombs and crackers go, Till burned and bruised at every poiut, And sprained at wrist and ankle Joint Qudkly POND'S EXTBACT came in tura To take the smart from sprain and bum. fTLANTIC A NOBTH CAROLINA R. B Cbanire of of rlirdule to take effect 12 m Sunday May 80th, 1886. No 61 jcsst,iriy except sun. AKBlVa. LBAVK. 8 04pm 5 38pm 641pm 6 10 pm 6 15 pm 7 89 pm 749pm 9 32pm i Np 60 West, L'ly except Sun. AKRIVK. . IJSaVK- Goldsboro, 11 13 am . Liti range, 1U ri a m Kinston, io 03 a m New Berne, 8 '26 a m Moreh'd City, 6 82 a m w. Goldsboro, LaGange Kinston, 1 New Berne, Noreh'd City; 10 39 am 10 08 am 8 41 am 6 40 a m DUNN. Strpt. s EABOARD & ROANOKE K. R. A Savara Starut Add Flra. Jack30Kvill, Fla., July 6. -News has just reached the limes-Union of a terrible gale at Apalaohicola on Wed nesday, the 30th ult. , uprooting trees, unroofing houses and causing a loss of $40,000 I Telegraph wires were blown down and six persons, four white and two eolored, who were caught on the bay during the storm, lost their lives. Smith & Co.'s planing mill at the same place was burned on Driday. Loss $3,000. Little Girl 'Mamma, why doesn't the sea run over, if all the water flows into it?? 'Nonsense, child I don't yon know it's fnll of sponges ?" Bur lington JKree Press. Black silk gowns are in favor, the American is most popular. and Mrs A. W. Broekaw, of Grotan. Brown Co-, Dakota, used AUeock's Platters for fifteen yt art completely cured of irregularity by using two piasters across tbe snail ol the back lor seven days each month alao found them very efficacious in Kidney Trouble cured a dulL heavy pain and pressure at the base of tbe brain by wearing an Allcocsrs Porous Plaa'er at the back ot the neck. If von are anticipating buying a niano do not fail to call on or write J. L. Stone, at once, as he has a large and handsome stock, on whioh he is offering special figures- Smoksd Meats Smoked Jowls, very choice Virginia Hams, Magnolia Bams, Ferris Bams beef Tongues. California Bans: Meats of every 0HANOI OF SCHEDtLB. Commencing Sunday, May 16, 1886, -at M p. m. trains carrying passengers on mis roaa will run as fallows' : 80TH-BOUND LBAVK POUTSMOuTH: 4.10 a a. Franklin accommodation, daily ex cept Sunday, stops at all stations, between Portsmouth and Franklin. 6 0 a. m. Way, starts from the shops Mon days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Stops at all stations. 10.00 a.m. Mail starts from foot of High street- dauy, except Sunday, btops at, all stations. 7.00 p. m. Raleigh express starts from foot.of High street daily, except Saturday Stops at all stations. NORTH- BOC N D ARRIVE AT POAT8MOUTH: 8.50 a. m. Raleigh express daily, except Mo days. 8.20 p. m. W ay, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. . 2.16 p. m. Franklin accommodation, daily, except Sundays. 6.60 p. m. Mail daily, except Sundays. Stops at all stations for passengers, tickets to all poinU, routh and bouthweet. on ale rt office. No. 62 Main street, Norfolk. Telephone No. W6. J. c. UKU vje, it-asier oi aiabs. . L. T. Mr ana, Superintendent of Trans. : -- Arr. Lve. am 1 40 2 48 2 40 5 44 5 40 8 00 8 00 9 f 5 10 00 12 80 8 05 NoT. I Arr. Lve. 10 10 p m 12 31 13 40 ) 4 20 4 25 7 05 p ra : ' 1 1 4 i i -- I . . -1 -.1 : .! . ! -. . . . ; t f t . . V. mi-