i' A 't ' win 1 JidLJO . i News AND UBSJ ERYER OL. XXVII. RALEIGH, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 13, LS8H. NO 50 F-. - Absolutely Pure. fhia powder never varies. A marvel ei arttv. strength and wholesomeneea. Hon eoaoinlcal than ordinary kinds and cannot ban mi m competition with um muiutuoe of low uav aeon weignt, una or pnoepnaxe powaers t-ild only in cam. Botal Baxtto Powvn . 108 Wall Street, New York. old by W C A B Stronaeb, Oeors T roBaon uta j it ranu vo. A DROIVH'S pan Mill BUTTERS Caabiata; IBOH vttk PCBB TMRBIJI TOS1C8, tdekly and com plater CLHS8S9 aai micaiS THK BLOOD. Oatekaa taa uttwrf the tint a4 Kldaaya. Oaanth riaajluxiaa, the kla moot a. Itoaaaaai tsJmtktatk,aaaeaaa4arit,MBnateflaa tiaadoa-ALL OTaK IBOX StQIORS BO. SavM.&moa a at VataViLM: "I rawa In Bitten aa vaiaabla taaa toa MitltMnwmiM tbataath." Browa'a Iran Bittam ia mm of owm alio whoa teoio was saovad thavBfelr aatfelaotorj lUWlLlTim, wi; -BtwwaVI" aneaa anuiua; Mooa uamwa Ma. W. W. Uowamam. TwamMa, Km mm aanililaii bob a Iiwa lllli raUad aw in a I baartti ootaawMl H I Alaaua: "I d with Immmm glui aa ajiliaa aaay jaaa two botelaa LtoootUy af inia vaJaaMa trtintna." has abawa Traoa Mar and oraaaad rad Uaaa mm iiaia. TiUMMtOi Madaonlrtw i. awwai taniucAM o, h axtucokk, i IjACKET STORE cdNGRESSIONAL. YU JfKXIX'AJI riSSIOS BILL F1SAL- LT FAMES. A Syafpala of th PrwvlalMa ! tk In- prtaat Ituar. although they may not jdo it. I Mr. Veet said that QOtwithsUodimr .i i i . . ?. ,w we ioog ana miricaie argameau made today, he . would repeat what ho had said last 8atnrd.j; namelj, ihat the days of canals were numbered. If a system of large eanala were inaugu rated, canals that would float boats of 500 or 700 or 1,000 tons, such canals might compete to a cert tin extent with railroads ; but these small canals (float ing boats of less than 50 tons) were going out of existence, and did not form even a factor in the competition wijth rail roads. This amendment he believed to bo the arant courier of a proposition to unload the .Erie canal on the; general government. He was sick and tired of having the committee on commerce made the dumping-ground of! every si.klyj broken down scheme of internal improvement. . 'He did not propose to allow improvident sales of individuals tbe unloaded on. the treasury if he could prevent it. Mr. Plumb argued against the- amend ment. He calculated that (at jthe rate of 300,000 a year, as proposed in the amendment), in would require thirty or forty years to complete this- work. In the course of his argument he commented upon the failure . of the work on Galveston Iharbor, ar.d said that the government had been sending army engineers to school there at'a cost oi several million dollars. The whole system, he said, was wrong. The army engineers lacked the judg ment and professional skill that were necessary, amd whatever success they did have in such works was th$ result of their employment as engineer in civil life, lie complained that the; whole business of the public works carried on in the war department was' manged in a slip-shod way, millions being spent for materials and no account kept of it. Air. Conger defended the engineering corps and claimed that it performed ;ts duties skillfully and faithfully. Mr. Plumb insisted that, of al abuses in the country, the greatest existed in the engineer bureau of the par de partment, in river and harbor improve' menu. i Mr. Dolph spoke in support of the amendment, but especially in favor of the improvements on the Columbia river in Oregon. Finally the discussion elosed and the Senate proceeded to vote on the amend ment. It was agreed to, yeas, 31; nays, 22, as follows : ( Yeas Allison, Blair, Brown, Butler, Call, Cameron, Conger, Cullom, Dawes, NEGRO LA13011 QUAY Bargain House of Raleigh. From the Bed Flag Shops we will oner jou a line 61 BI Leaders lor July. To these Un- approached Figures the attention of aU is po litelj Invited, not alone of the independent few who buvand sell on time principles. These i ' are STARTLING BOCK-BOTTOM PACTS that are well calculated to starger the thought leas maaaes whe have been struggling along In the toils of credit. From mills whose hand must be ted: from factories whose regular prices have been eut down to half for oof n; from twell-head oon- : Washington, Jul 12. Sinats. The; Senate committee on judiciary this morning agreed to report back the railroad attorney bill, a majority of the committee consenting to a favorable re port. The bill had been materially amended in committee. Under its pro visions) Congressmen may become at torneys for subsidized or land-grant roaQs in suits between one company and another or between company and individual, but are prohibited from serv ing as attorneys in cases in which the government has an interest. The! prohibition is extended to other than raxlroad interests, so that congress men may not serve any corporation as at torney! whose interests axe, or may be come, the subject of congressional legis lation. I The bill will probably be repor ted toj or tomorrow. Thefchair (by request) introduced a bill to stop all payment of public money to James i. -bads, his associates or as signs, lor past, present or future work at the mojath of the Mississippi river, until further? ordered by Congress. Keferred Ihe mouse bill erantinz a nension to ! ii. .Ill : soiaiers ana Bauers oi we uexicau war, having! been reached on the calendar, objection was made by Mr. Teller, but (on anlappeal to him by Mr. Wilson, of Iowa, and on a statement by Mr. Harris, that no; Democratic Senator would con sume any time in discussing the bill) was withdrawn. The bill was then cou- Biderediand passed, with the amendment reported by the committee on pensions The bil, as passed, directs the secretary Of the Interior to place on the pension roll the! names of surviving officers and enlisted men (including marines, militia and volunteers) who being duly enlisted actuall served sixty days with the xmy or navv of the United States in Mexiool or on the coast or frontier there of, or u route thereto, in the war with that nation, or who were actually en gaged d a battle in said war and were honorably discharged (and their sur viving . widowa, provided that such widows! had not remarried); and. provid ed thatjjeyery such officer, enlisted man or widow who is or may become 62 years of age, or who is or may become subject to any disability or dependency EvarU, Gibson, Gorman, Hale, Hawley, equivalent to some cause recognised by I Hoar, ' Kenna, Logan, MoMullan, M hone, Manderson, Miller, Mitchell, Palmer, Payne, Ransom, Sawyer, Spooner, Standford, Teller and-Wilson, of Io wa 31. Nays Beck, Berry, Blackburn, Cook- erell, Coke, Edmunds, Frye, Griy, Har ris, Hearst, Ingalls, Maxey,! t Piatt, Plumb. Push. Saulsburv. Sherman. Vance, Vest. Voorhees, Walthall and Whitthorne 22. i Mr. Allison, from the committee on appropriations, reported back the sun dry civil bill with amendments. It ordered printed. The- Senate at 7.30 adjourned. H0CM The speaker laid before the House a message from the President announcing his disapproval of the bill for the erec tion of a publio building at Asheville, JN. VJ. neterred to the committee on publio buildings and grounds Under the call of states a number of bills, &., were introduced and referred, amone them the following : Bv Mr, Wheeler, of Alabama, declaring! it to be the sense of the House that Congress should not adjourn until it has enacted a law appropriating a portion! of the surplus money in the treasury ;to assist the states in the great work of education. By Mr. Levering, of Massadhusettfl, (by request) to abolish the importation of Italian or other slaves or laborers under servitude into the United States The House went into committee of the whole upon the Senate amendments to the legislative appropriation bill In nearly every case recommendations the committee on appropriations were agreed to without debate ' and amend ments either concurred or non-concurred in. A good deal of discussion, how ever, arose over an amendment desig nating byname the various employes of the senate .and House, which was finally non-concurred in with; the ex ception of that designating A. H. Pick ens and 11, 1. Lyle as chief pages of the House, the value of the services of these officials being, presented by Mr. Can' non, of Illinois, and Mr. Compton, of maryiana. Ane eommittee on appro priation, recommends that the amend ment relative to the publication of the overloaded with regular vaiuea we place be i' lore pur customers sterling, solid leaders, tot net spot caatu the Derision laws as a sufficient reason for the! allowance of a pension, shall be entitled to the benefits of the act (ex cept were, such disability or depend ency wis incurred in aiding or abetting the late rebellion.) The pensions are to be $s per month, payable only after the passag of the act. The law is not to apply to persons aireaay receiving pen sions -at or over tat rate ana wnere persona (entitled under this law) are al ready receiving pensions less than $8 per month the pension shall only be for the difference up to $8. s The House bill for the reiier of Alex Wider 8hepherd, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., was paesed (with amendment.) Un motion of Mr. Hoar, eommitttee On privileges and elections, got permis sion toS Sit during the sessions of the Senate! ; (Tit is understood that this is oonnected with the'oonsideration of the Payne lease.) At 12.30 the consideration of the calendar was laid aside. Mr. f Hoar, from the judiciary com mittee-, reported back with a substitute -w. ar t . I 1 . 1- m Mr. dock s bui to proniDit memoers oi Congress from acting as the attorneys or employees of any railroads that have received grants of land from the United States! : He said that he had himself prepared a substitute which he proposed to oner for that of the committee. Mr J Coke, on behalf of himself, Messrs. Wilson, of Iowa, Vest and George (members of the judiciary com m it tee), expressed dissent from the re- 21. .- ... . . port of the majority, ana gave notice oi a substitute which they would offer at the proper time. . The bill and all the substitutes were ordered to be printed and were placed on the calendar The senate resumed the considera tion of the river and harbor appropria- bill; the pending question being on the Hennepin canal and the Michigan & Illi nois canal amendment. Mr; Allison argued in favor of the amendment. He believed it to be as important a provision as there was in the bill. ' Cullum alio advocated the amendment and gave some explanations in auswer to the Questions of Mr. Haw lev ai to some of the engineering prob I records of the war of rebellion.ajidprovid lems Involved. ing that the evidence taken by the court Mr! Miller made a speech in support DD.rltli of l Juoan rte'. li1 of the amendment, in wjiich he oon- r Tv ? '"""T " JUP to rreoiuvuii ajuiouiu snail do prinwa in connection with the matter already prin- that ieonnection. He read a telegram lcu wuirg .. yrwwumji WI m AiPAatjrrLT ooes ww woatu neu nr ixLineia. Tbrwatta f nek TrwwfcU tti lie IanpwrlaAlM. rw oat or C.iicauo, July 12. A special dis patch from Grape Creel, Ulinois. says : There is prospect of a riot over the- im portation of negroes by cbeGrape, Creek coal company to take the places of the striking miners. The strikers declare that the new men caniot work under any circumstances and that they; will resist force with force. The sheriff of Vermillion oounty has V forty special deputies on the ground and will do all in his power to maintain order if the negroes conclude to go to work. There were over a thousand strikers when the present strike began, bat the number is now reduced to suven or eight hundred. All are destitute and tbe condition ot many of them is absolutely appalling, women and children having barely suf ficient clothing to cover them and hard ly sufficient food to exist on. The men insist that they never will surrender. Most of them are foreigners, : Ger mans predominating. Tile strikers have been out most of the time for sixteen months. Late last fall they accepted the company's rate and even underbid each other for work, there not being employment for all, on account of the company's business having greatly fallen off in consequence of the loDg continued strike. As soon as spring -iprned they renewed their demand for the i'ittsburg rate of 75 cents a ton and went out Mr-v 1st. Ihey have since been evicted from the company's houses and are subsisting in the woods on percentages from tho union and the charity Of the surround ing country. A few of them have put up slab shanties; some have tents and others seek any shelter they can find, most of the time having only the pro tection of trees. A S)eaatawllw ftwltrb R)hlftr. Chicago, July 12 This morning a switch on the Lake Shore road was turned at 45th street, while a - local freight train was passing ovi-r it ; Sev eral ears were derailed. : At noon today as an engine with forty ears,many of them loaded with bridge pilings for the Northwestern bridge ; company, : was going north at 41st street, just as part of the train 'bad passed, a man rcn out from an alley-way and turned the switch. Fifteen or twenty of the cars ran on to the Rock Island main track and several of them were derailed and the main tracks of the Rock Island ttnd Lake Shore roads, were blocked. A safety switch was broken and consider able other damsge was done. IhtJ WLmb. 1om1w BwBwmtuatvd. Washimqton, July 12. The Virginia delegation of the House held a meeting wis morning to take action in regard to the rejeotion by the Senate of the nomi nation of John Goode to be solicitor general. The delegation, ascompanied by ex-Senator Johnston, of Virginia, will watt upon the President in a body tomorrow at 10 o'clock, to urge upon him the renomination of Goode Chelan's KatvafM ! Italy. Rom, July 12. The cholera returns for today are: Brindiso ninety-six; new oases, thirty-nve deaths; Latiano ten cases, ten deaths; Fontana twenty-two oases, sixteen aeains; oir deaths. Venice ten oases, They a Back to tn Houra. Chicago, July 12. The employes in the Rook Island ear shops this . miming resumed the ten hour schedule. They nearly all work by the piece and ' there was no difficulty in restoring the old time-table. Chlrs in AuMtrlan Italy.) VriNKA, July 12 la Trieste during the past twenty-four hours two .deaths occurred from cholera and eight new cases were reported. ' .v Thw Hrltiatt rivctloaa. London, July la. lhe toriqa now have elected 291 candidates, the union ists 66, the liberals 154 and. the Par nellites 74. A Saldltr'i Fatal Fall. Ft. Mon&oi. Va.. Julv 12. Sersrcant John O'Neill, of battery M, Third ar- uiiery, ieu rrom me second story oi me barracks last night and was ustantly killed. Cor. earns pressed for "the biunipotent stuff" and I trasted the cost of water and railway transDonauon ana gave iw.uuob in frond Chicago giving the existing rates leourt Pitt iuni, INCLUDING A FISH 8T0RT. ; of the NW8 AND Obskrvkk. Grienvilli, N. C.,-July 10 Crops in Pitt are growing rapidly now. Many farmers on tne river have suffered greatly from the freshet and all be damaged bv the A 1 a . . i . I WW uvub mr vvai w AUM MM WttVUCl-VU Ula WIUI Ml I 2 . J V DA-,A 4f.. j; a ii i- i r--AUaf nu vj a.w. uvuiw imtimrm vu r i f i n mr Tnr y n mm Twin rin n . Btat Wamautta Prints at 5 cents; indigo bluea at 6 eenCa, worth 8 cents; big Job in tow- . els at ll cents great bai gains In lad lea' abaea great bargains in buggy whips, from 12 cents , mwara; umoreiiM k a pargam. of trMisporUtion of grain from Chicago i "VUia J oJ d"nage to rcesr xork as being o cents per bushel by water and 15 cents per bushel, -v . 1 ? 1 1 fl I IT. or lov percent nigner ny raiiroaa. no closed by raying that fifty years henoe the inauguration of this work would be looked back upon witn as much interest of any papers in behalf of the defense in that court martial, directly connected with the proceedings of the same, and con temporaneous therewith, which have not been already, published. The itepubuoans desired to concur ( as the beginnine of a great commer- I in the senate amendment without' this oial transaction as the inauguration of I amenameni, - ana a motion to in is enect . zz . ' i o . . . . i . . . Just received, a full line of table-sloth, "411 at once and get the pick. YOLNET PURSELL 4 CO., Jlcv W JStrt Mrt 8tf ee the Erie canal was now looked back upo$. : 1 bat canal had been fongbt with much bitterness as the Hennepin canal was iougnt now Mr. Piatt complimented Mr. Miller on his able speech, but said it had failed to cpnvirce him that he should support thisamendment. Hetquestioned the asser tionf that railroads could not transport I grain as cheaply as canals and said that it required no propneuo vision to see thai before the canal could built. the? railroads would be able to tcanrport as cheaply as ft f having been defeated, they manifested some disposition to filibuster, but final ly allowed the recommendation of the committee as agreed to, with the under standing that the yeas and nays should be taken upon it in the House. The Senate amendments increasing from 04,000 to g5,000 the salaries of the commissioner of pensions and patents were ioonotur.d in. ! The consideration of the amendments was concluded in committee,! but pend ing action by the House an adjourn ment was takes at o.JV. ; 1 to corn by sturgeons, whioh are devour ing the -roasting -ears. One vu killed the other day. it is said, on Col. Sugg's farm that weighed && pounds and in his capacious paunch two barrels o roasting-ears. me nee crop u very promising. The contest for the Congressional nomination in this (the first district) Sromises to be a lively one. Messrs as. E . Moore, of Martin; G. H. Brown Jr , of Beaufort; Maj. Latham, of Pitt and the present inoumbent, Mr. Skin ner, of Hertford, are the pronounced candidates and there are several "dark horses" in training f :: Maj Latham ap pears to be the leading man so" fa and is confident of suceesd. There seams to be no opposition to the present supreme court here Many of our eitiiens in town and country are sick. K. Aii(hr Ntrtkw Iniaulawat. CHtciao, July 12 It is asserted to day that an extensive strike is threaten ed in the packing houses of this city. The trouble is caused by the floormen or side trimmers. For some time past they have been handling 125 head of cattle each day. This they claim is too much fdr the pay and a committee has been appointed to inform the foremen of the ifact. The men demand that hereafter they shall be required to handle but 100 head per day and that they shall receive the Mme wges that they ard now getting ($24 per week.) They also demand pay whether they work orjnot. What action the employers wi.btak is not known now. j Tb Oraiifcvmvn aud tut Day Thy Cwlw hrt. ! Chicago, Ills., July 12 The Orange men of I this city had a street parade this morning to commemorate the battle ofthoBoyne. It was first ; parade of character held in Chicago jfor many years About 400 marchers . were in line and after parading through the business: district of the city, j Nkw Vork, July 12. The Orange lodges of this city and Brooklyn today celebrated the lDGth anniversary of the battle of the Boyne by an ;exoursion. They hal no parade. ; i Ma w ' Haw York Cotton Future. Nkw York, July 12. Green & Co.'s report Qn cotton futures sjays : The market was less active an l easier, with a decline of some 9 points, followed by a small recovery, but not much strength. The tame tone of the cable advices was the main; depressing feature,! and led to a pretty jfree unloading as well as con siderable selling for scalping by local op erators. ;- Spot business continues good for home consumption, at steady rates Thw Kt Strand Oftiewr of tli Treasury. Washington, July 12 fllugh S Thompson, of South Carolina, qualified this morning as assistant secretary of the treasury land at noon was visited by all the bureau and division officers of the department, who were presented to him by-chief clerk Youmans. He called at the White House during the day, in company; with comptroller ITrenholm, and paid hit- respects to the President. Thw Laualwa Tlua on the Bfltlah Elwc- tlODS. I London, July 12. The Times' says that the British elections amounted to a mandate from the people td the con servatives and unionists to form a strong and durable coalition government. 'Patriotism demands," the Tiroes says, a "Hartrngton-Saliobury administration assuring the nation's future." Wakw aWpwrlor Court. The July term of AVake superior court convened in this city at 10 o'clock yes terday morning, with his honor Fred. Philips presiding. The following named gentlemen were drawn to serve as grand jurors : ; James-A. Briggs, foreman; a. N. Belts, J, M. Broad well. Wiley W. Hai- ey, Jos; Rioh, H. B Emery, R. P. Stewart,; W. K. Mann, J. Walter Col- ins, J. W. Barbour, J. W. Edwards, Henry Rhodes, J. J. Marcom, Mark Wimberly, S. J. McGeb.ee, Andrew Stell, T.-. L. Honeyoutt, Needham Bal- entine, pol. The charge of Judge Philips was de ivered in his usual explicit style, and consisted of a dear explanation of the duties of the grand jury in every sphere ikely to come under their consideration. He especially charged the jury on the crime of burglary. He read a letter from the county superintendent of health in regard to the sanitary oondition of the jail and all publio places and told the! grand jury to make an investigation of such places. state tvs. Wm. Gooch and James A. omitn, murder ; oertihcate. from su preme cofurt tiled, "no error;" sentenc ed to be hanged Saturday, September 11, 18Sb j State John S!a?oiis, affray; nol pros, with leave. state vs sil.s Cooper and: Vosta jNor wood, larceny ; nol pros. State vs d B. Blake, resisting offioer. nol pros. State vs Samuel Koith, violation of city ordinance ; certificate from supreme court meld ; nol pros. State vs Robert Hester, larceny ; nol pros. . - state vs Catherine VVood, misdemeanor; a a -a w 1 w caso remanaea to in. a. oar Dee, j. v State vs B- B. Blake, resisting officer; nol pros, State vs Jasper Jones, assault with intent to -rape ; nol pros with leave. State Vs Bryant Pope, concealed weap on ; submitted ; judgment reserved. State 6 M. W. Brown, trespass (two eases) ; submitted ; judgment suspend ed ; defendant paying cost. The case of State vs Duncan C. Hay wood, for 'forgery, has been continued until September term. lhe court thereupon, as a mark of respect o Chas. D. Upchuroli, Esq., clerk of the superior court! f edently af flicted by tho death of one of his fam ily, took a recess until this morning at 9:30 o'clock. IwaaroTlag tho Track. The race track at the State fair grounds has never been what it should be. the finest in the State; The result has been: that many speedy horses have not oomei here and the racing, as a rule, has been tame. This year there is to be a new departure. Many fast horses from tho north will be here if the track is made; a good one. Yesterday the oommittee met and decided to at once begin the work of re-grading the track and to make it complete and perfect in all respects. Col Shaffer will get the levels aod the track will be .made true Muoh attention will be given the raoing at the next fair, and secretary Nichols says that it will be by far the most in teresting ever seen here. Tho rrlmarlws. G Xlt AT IMTXRKST ATTACHES TO Till TRIMA KIXS SATURDAY. There was a great deal of talk Sunday and yesterday about the result of the primaries Saturday. Reports from the county received are a, follows: White Oak, Cary, Buckhorn and Middle Creek all solid for Cox. St Matthew's, 3 for Cooke, 2 for Cox. Swift Creek, 4 for Bunn, 3 for Cooke, 1 for Abell, 2 for Cox. St. Mary's, Bunn. Little River and Panther Branch, Bunn : Mark's Creek, divided between Cox, Cooke and Bunn. House's Creek, Neuse and Oak Grove, Cooke. Wake Forest, Cox and Cooke. Cedar Fork and New Light, Cox. Barton's Creek, divided between Cox and Cooke. The county is entitled to 95 votes in the Congressional convention: Of this number it is calculated that Cox has 36. Cooke 34. Bunn 25. barton's crkkk township. The citizen's of Barton's Creek town ship, Wake county, met in convention Jul , 10th, 1886. Chairman D. Peed called the meeting to order, and ex plained its object. The election cf a secretary being in order, J. D. Allen was elected to the position. After sev eral short speeches, the following were appointed delegates to the county con vention to be held in Rafeigh July 17th: D. Peed, W. F. Askew, W. C. Bledsoe, E. A. Allen, J. B. Daris, N. H. Mo Cullers, L. P. Sorrell, E. T. Bledsoe, J. F. Fonville, J. D. Allen. Chairman Peed tendered his resignation as chair man of township executive committee. His resignation was accepted, and N H McCullers was elected chairman. Dr. L P. Sorrell moved to re-organize tho executive committee for tho town flip. N H. McCullers, J. D. Allen. E A. Allen, L. P. Sorrell, E. T. Bled soe being put in nomination, were elect ed tho executive oommittee. It was moved that a copy of these proceedings be forwarded to the Deme-o-atio papers of Raleigh, and they be requested to publuirthe same. H0C81 8 CRXIK TOWNSHIP. At a township meeting Saturday the following 'delegates were appointed to meet in Raleigh t July 17th :. Edwards' store, Jos. u. Hayes, W. li. Allen, Thomas Edwards, Jno. W. Wiggins and JN. Hubbard; alternates S. K. House, W. T. Smith, A. M Sorrell, Rufus Sanders, W. R. McDade. Al- fords', Willis H. Whitaker and James Jones. HW LIGHT TOWNSHIP. At a meeting of the Democratic town ship convention held July '10, the fol- owing omoers were elected : J. C Thompson, chairman ; J. A- Askew, secretary. The following were ap pointed delegate to the county con vention to be held in Raleigh July 17: L. Woodlief, H. B. Emery, J. A. Askew, H R. Chappell, J. M. Estes, C. Thompson, W. H. Lassiter. J. H W Atkins, L F. Harrison. swirr csaik township. The meeting elected 8. O tho Wilson chairman; J . J. L. McCullers secretary. The following delegates to the oounty convention were ohosen: J. J. L M- Cullers, W. R. Stephenson, M. H. Stephens, Chris. Woodward,' sr.; T. J. Stephenson, Jesse Winborne, 8. Otho Wilson, W. H. J. Goodwin, M. H. Strother. OftAMGK COUNTY. Reports received to date are as fol lows : Delegates for Cox 4. for Strud- wiok 4, for Graham 6. Wvstwrn Dota. Cor. of the Niwb and Obsirvkr. A sin villi, N. C, July 10. The work of changing the gauge on the S. & A. railroad is finished. Trains will be put on in a few days. Jack Lambert, who was hanged yes terday for murder, was a private in the First North Carolina cavalry, and was ith the Confederate army at Appo mattox. The statement of the Christopher wo man aoout :ie xuuoison trageay is now generally regarded as false, and the prisoner will probably be released. The conventions in Swain and Clay counties instructed ot Judge Gudger The contest between Gudger and Mer- rimon is very close. The delegates from Cherokee to the congressional convention have been in structed to cast one-half of the vote of the eounty for Johnston and one-half for M C. iiing This is the first di vision reported. All the other oounties are reported solid for Johnston, who, it is now conoeaea, win oe renominated without opposition Neither J. L Rob inson nor B. B. Vance are candidates, as rumored. The Madison eounty convention meets Monday. Gudger and Merrimon will about divide tne county allega tion. Doath of Mr. SCUaaooth A. IIow.laa. This lady, mother of Mrs. Charles D. Upohureh, died 8unday night at Mr. Upohureh s residenoe. she had for a long time been an invalid. Her age was .70. She was the relict of the late Mr. Solomon M Howland, of New Berne. Rev. Edward Howland and Rev. A. R. Raven, of tho North Carolina Methodist conference, are her The funeral services will be held atom Wwltr ('aaatlaa. THMR C.HOIClOR Jl'DGE. Special to the Naws ani Ousxrvsk. , Asuavilis, July 12. Transylvania instructs its delegates t.i x for Merrimon for judge, three for Gudger; Haywood gives Gudger 24 votes solid; Madison gives Merrimon 14 aud a half, Gudger seven and a half. The contest is settled. Merrimon will be nominated, having ninety three and a half votes instructed. Eighty-five only are required to elect. Cherokee is the only oounty yet to be heard from; Gen. K. B. Vance is here on a visit. Asheville has adopted the eleotric light. A Fir at Oafer. Special Cor. of the Naws Ann Oasiavia. Oxroan, N. C, July 10. Early this morning a fire was' discov ered in Messrs Hall & Royster's drug store. The fire had gotten very little headway and was easily extinguished. Had it gotten a good start it would doubtless have cost the town a great deal, as the building is in the heart of the town and eur fire department very poor. The bank of Oxford has in creased its capital stock from forty to sixty thousand dollars. A. F. Support Tour Own Ataa. Cor. of the Niws and Obbuvir. ; Wake oounty Democrats should stand together and support their countyman, Gen. Cox. The metropolitan county should bo solid for a man who has so worthily ' and well represented her. County pride operate in other oounties and Wake men should not fail to show it also. This ia the de liberate and earnest conviction of An Eakkst Dkmocrat. IXCITKMINT IN TIXAS. Great excitement Las teen caaaed ia the vicinity f Paris, Tex., by th reaiarkablc re covery of J K. Corley, who u ao belpleas he could noi turn in bed, or raise his head; everybody i-aia he was dying of Coraumptle. was sent him ' Finding relief be bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. Klngi tew Life Pilla: bv the time he had taken two tOtes of Pills and two bottles of the Discovery, be was well and had gained I ia flesh tairiy-eix pounds. Trial Bottle of this Great Disoovery for Consumption free at all drug atorea. Always ready to strike The police. Ad-vleo to othorm. Mr WIubLw'i Krwithmv Svrnn ahoilld U viva hn tiAd when children are cutting teeth.' It relieves the little sufferer at once, It pro .tiina.. natural imM llMH) hv TliVinaT th child from pain, and the little cherub awakes . v. i.titt.n Tt la nrr nlaammt. ta taste; soothes the child, aoftenathe gums, aDay xna ia tne beat Known reioeuy ior uhum whether rising from teething or other causes. rweBtv.nva oapm a coi'- sons. at 5.30 o'clock this afternoon, Edenton street M. E Church. from Kkep Coou Bead the new advertisement of J. Ci Brewster & Co., and give them a call. Everything new in the way of Befrigera tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Cooler, A, Tne olngnajuion uiuoa xioe, uio r -vi uioia- :hniM I ; . i Milk Sbakea, from pure Jeraey crtam, and Limeade, at W. C.AA.B. Htronach's. Two dark bay ponies, saddle or buggy. Ap ply to W. C & A. B. Stronach. Boas' Royal Belfast ginger ale on ice at W. C. & A. B. Stronach's- FaK&H Caxbs ibon't Vanilla Waters, ponge Finger, Butter Scotch, Ac, Ac, lust ceived; wunemn. a. 4. bamvim. Fox lea Cbeam. Ac.. Bnrnett'a IxtracU Vanilla, Lemon, Bote, Almend, Ae., Ac, are the best for fla voting purpose. Turk' Ialana Vklt for freexing. K.J. JfAVtn. PDRITYl PURITY!! Is desirable in all things but demanded in articies of food Dont imp ir your health by using adultera ted lard, even if it does coat a little leas. CASSABIVS Is for sale bv the following leading grocers and recommended by them to be the best. Try it. W. II. Ellis. W. R. NewBom A Co., Grauttm&n & Rosenthal, J. R. Ferrall & Co., Norris ewman, Si. . Uenton. Alo CASS AUD' S MILD CUBED HAMS and BREAKFAST STRIPS, which are Un mrp&sfted. Note- Thia list will be corrected weekly. E. J. Hardin, Wyatt A Co., Jno. R. Terrell, W. B. Mann A Co. W. C. Upchurch, loaplo Wot tho Day of Small Thing. Little thins mar help a man to rise a ibent pin In an eaay chair for instance. Dr. Pieree'a Ple&aaDt Purgative Pellets" are small things, pleasant to take, and they cure sick-head-aches, relieve torpid live and do wonders. Being purely vegetable they cannot harm any one. AUdraggiata. Edward Fasnach, Jeweier and Optician RALEIGH, N. C. Gold and Silver Watches, American .and Import d. Real and imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement Kinga, any aize and weight. terl'ng Silver Ware for Bridal Present. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. , Spectacles and gye-glaases in Gold, Silver, Steef, Rubber and Shell Frames. Leases, white aud tinted, in endless varieties. , Seals for Lodges, Corporations, etc AkO Badge and Medals for Schools and Societies mn.de to order. Mall orders promptly attended to. Goods aent on nek ct ion to any part of the State. $ t3T Old Gold and Silver in amall and larca' euantitiea Uken as cash. dly. - .71 -vv- 4 T i 1 " ft r -