t A " Si " - - - NBfttt. i i i ' ' Pciubhsd Daily (licirt Mejcnay) in j Wbbjxt. j Bt THE NEW8 AKD OBSERVER Ool Daily oe year, mH, postpaid, . M tlx months, " " Weekly, one year, 97 00 ' 8 60 1 76 V " : 2 00 six month 3 . 100 No-nam fntered without payment, and no per sent after the expiration of time paid for SATURDAY, g 0LY 24, ThMiT"! FOB JUDO BUPIR10B COEBl 4lH DISTRICT: HON. WALTER CHARK, Of Wake County. oa SOLICITOR: x ' SWIFT GALLOWAY, ESQ , ; Of Wayne W commend" to our readers the com munication elsewhere printed from the dbDguiahed Col. Blanton Duncan, of Kentucky, who is now in the mountains of this State, ,we arB informed, for the health of an invalid daughter. ; Tax members of the Republican State executive committee have by a decided majority vote, welearn from the North -Carolinian, decided against holding a State convention, and the meeting called for the 10th of "August ,is only for the purpose of promulgating this action officially. It is just as well. There is no occasion for action or movement of any sort on- the part of the republican party in North Carolina,. : Corpses do not move and the Republican party in this State is a corpse. The 'only appro priate thin for it to do is to make itself as decent a dead body as possible. editor 4. - Thkt have an . Aiuerioan jprison just across1 the tine in Mexico for criticising with a little too much Ameri - can freedom certain Mexican political institutions. The release of the. pria- oner has been demanded by this govern ment, but has so far beep, denied. Vig orous proceedings may be ldoked for, therefore, forthwith' on the part of our sniritad department of State. Secre tary Bayard has sfc&wn j himself to bo a man likely to be'anything : but patient with either actual t- possible insult to this country. ' flBM times hve certainly changed when Logan takes to mating red-Lot domo eratie speeches. Jt is not altogether j a new thing with- Uga, however. That worthy started ont ti a democrat, the more'- the pity fotdamocracy, and made nn grammatical enta in the ranks of the democratic pa for a while. His eras view of thin j however, naturally led aim into radio? m and hence he;is now a leader in ti series of Kilkenny eat fights going on i the Senate amongst the republicans, i hose contest should 1 be allowed to proof )d. j They are vastly amusing. : . i Tbi good work Establishing smaUer industries throughout the State goes on r apaoe. I We note with pleasure the tie- .ginning within tWtast few days of a : spoke and handle; factory at (jonoord, and a ahutUe-blocTftaotdrj at' Pittsboro. . Such Industries are -sure to succeed , if " managed with any 'degree of eare i and skill. The Raleigh shuttle-block fic tory has paid its owners well from the outset and is constantly enlarging ; Its capacity and extending the scope of Its operations. The same may! be said of all Raleigh's .industries, this fact being that almost, every, one of them has doubled its capacity within the last je. " 1 -I I, ! Thi outlook & apt without hope for hose of our eastern, planters whose erops have been drowned oat. An ex perienced cotton grower tells the Eliza beth City North Carolinian7 that tjie rains and wet weatker have not alarmed him in the least. He says i "Give me a fair September and a late frost and, bo the weather ot, July and August what they may, I'll raise a good crop of cotton." In this connection we would give an address retfentlji Issued by a well-known Reidsyille fink of experi enced tobaooonists to the tobaooo grow ers of this State and of Virginia. It' is as follows : "Feeling an unusual in terest in your .welfare, now that tobaooo is low, and appreciating the fact that you can neither sffflrd I to Uet your, to bacco damage nor ewoke it by drying' it out with wood, we would advise those of you who are nofr'rjsdy to market your tobaooo to clean Out vour barns and sprinkle every week or ten days on the 1 floor about two gallons or lime. It will prevent moisture from ruing, ; keeping Jhe barn dry and' thus prevent the moulding. We know the experiment to be a suooees; it is Very j cheap, and we are very sure it is worth your attention." The house issuing tais'addrcps is trust worthy in all. respects' and jro have ho doubt therefore that the! advice it giyes is timely and good.; '? . Ths bill for th increase pf the naval establishment which the House has now before it has been nullified considerably since its introduction, the changes being ; generally in the direction of retrench ment. It now contemplates the expen diture ofaboui JIO.OSO.OOO. As amend ed, it authorises the construction of two j' OfDk A democratic neighbor publishes the following in its editorial columns with ou dissent: "I think, however, that Gen. Cox's frequent visits to the White HOuse are the cause of his defeat." In the first place Gen. Cox is not de feated; and in the second place it would be; very odd indeed, if it were true, that his frequent visits to the White Uoupe.or in other words, his good footing wth the first democratic President we bve had in twenty-five years, should b a ' cause of Weakness among demo crats. Why, many of us used to fear that we would go .to join old G. W-, Thos. Jefferson, and A. Jackson in the ot&er country before a democratic Presi dent would be allowed to take his seat ate Washington. : And now is it to. make against a man that he is a friend of th$ President's. Or railroad building in North Caro lina the Baltimore Manufacturers' Re cord says: "The Cape Fear & Yadkin V alloy is being extended; the Carolina Central is pushing forward vigorously for Kutherfordton, while the Massachu setts & Southern construction oompany istparaUeling this road for a short dis tance and extending it on in the direc tion of Charleston, and promising to extend their other end toward the west The Richmond & Danville have deci ded to extendttheir road so as to reach rCnoxvillo, bringing, Asheville and Hnoxville into ; direct .connection and opening up one of the finest sections o the whole south: the same load is building on toward Murphy, where connection will: be made via the new rad of the Marietta & North Georgia US the far South," The Record" should hive said that the connection between AsheviUe and Knoxville has already been made and might have gone on to Bpeak of the Wilson & Florence short out of the Atlantic Coast Line, the Chatham branch of the Raleigh & Au eusta Air-Line the Clinton & Warsaw read and the Palmetto road south from Hamlet, work -on all which lines is being actively prosecuted. COBTMCWTIOH sea-going armors fesselsi at a oost of $2,500,000 eaebk protected double bottomed cruiser Ll,500. 000, and one first-lass torpedo ioat; at $100,000. For the completion pf the unfinished monitors the bill .appropriates $3,178, 046, and for the armament of the moni tors, the unfinished -oruiaers and the vessels authorised t"b be constructed un der the bill $100,000 ,000. The secretary ot the navy is also authorised to con tract ' for one dynamite gun cruiser, of twenjknot speed aid equipped with thrSj - pneumatic dyna mite guns of lOjJJch calibre, capable of throwing a 200-pound dynamite shell one mile every two- minutes. The character of these proposed vessels in dicate the changes that science has made ndoessary the naval architecture of ths world. ; . 5 I lnxKx has for some time been going the rounds of the Northern press a story t the effect that General Lee, towards the close of tho war, courted death on the battlefield. : We have paid no at trition to it because of our conviction hel l in common with all true Southern people, that the hero whose memory we h'olg most sacred and in whose character were combined the qualities of the (Treats est military leader of the times and of te devout Christian, could never have deliberately sought death. The rale oi Lee's life was duty, and the appearanoe of disaster ahead could only have been t his mind a call to stand by his peo ple to the end and to suffer along with tnem. Now there comes from General Karly a letter corroborative of this view and certainly there can be no better au tjbority than he on any subject relating to Gen. Lee. This letter we print else wbere and it will not only be -found to repel the attack made on the memory of our great chieftain, but will recall the cbsition taken in Blackwood's Edin burg Mags tine by the greatest military authority in JCiUgland at the time of the war. between the States to tlje effect that the three great captains of the English speaking race, were Marlborough. Wei Ungion and Lee, a position which has never been .assailed by any equal au thority and which makes Lee the most illustrious qf the trio named, since, while Marlborough had no moral character and Wellington was a hard, stern man the leader of the Confederates was eombination in character of the bravery and ability of the soldier with the gen tjcnes8Aand purity of the Christian. Tui report of the special agent of the tenth census on the defectrve, dependent and delinquent classes, just made, shows that the total number of prisoners oon fined in jails, workhouses and? peniten tiaries in the United States inV1880 was 5&.609, of which 63,604 were iaales and 5,005 females; 45,802 natives and 12, W8 foreigners; 41,801 whites, aid 16,748 oolored. : This is not a bad showing for the females. The number of prisoners to each one million of popu lations given as 1,069. In 1870 it was 853. The number of insane per sons was 91,959, or 1,834 for each one milJion of population. In 1870 the to 1 was 37,432 or 971 for. each million The number of homeless children of six teen years and under in 1880 was 57, 423, or which 30,171 were males and .2X252 females. The number of idiots receiving special training was 8Q9. This olass increased from 24,527 in 1870 to'76,895 in 1880. In the former year te ratio was 036 to each one million of population, and in the latter year it was 1533. Why the rapid increase of i -atip in these three eases 1 The total number of blind in the United States in 1880 was 48,928, or 97 G in each 1,000,000 of population. The number of blind re ceiving instruction was 4,694. The number of deaf mutes reported to have received special instruction in the various institutions for the deaf and (fy.rab was 12,154. The number of out ip.r paupers in l!30 is given as: Males,. 11,1I90; females, jl(305; 17,902 are ujktiveB aud o,093,; foreigners; 19,328 ?bito and 2,267 colored. The number if almshouse paupers was: Males, 35, 564; females, 30.639, of which 37,603 were white and 5,717 oolored. North Carolina; as might have been expected, i found to be doing her full duty in proportion to her means for the relief of the unfortunate classes of her society. No State surpasses her in the provision that has been made for such people. ' ; A Coineldae. ($atham Record. ' I It is a coincidence worthy of mention that tho only senatorial district in this Congressional district which has no lo cal candidate of its own gave the larg est democratic majority at the last eleo tion, and is now largely in favor of the re-nomination of Gen. Cox we refer to the 22d senatorial; district, composed of Alamaneo and Chatham, whose majority for Scales, in 1884, was 1,194. The majorities of the other senatorial dis tricts were as follows : Nash and Frank fin (the 7th diat-ict) 452 majority; Johnston (the 17th district), 975 ; Vke (the 18th d is t riot), 494, and Dur ham and Orange (the SOlfc district), POAIT1 VELT BLE. N OKI 11 CAHOL1MA TO BS TUB QRKAT UCALTU RK90BT NKW DlbCOVKKlSS ' A6 TO LUNO DI8BA8BS. , Cor. of the Naws and Obsikvsk. Black Mountain, N. C ', July 21. Perhaps your readers inay be glad to have information about the North Carolina health reports which may tend to benefit some who have nH yet de cided their summer locality.; Lately much more (and deserved) attention has been attracted to the mountains of North Carolina, as the future residence of thousands of invalids, 'accompanied by their friends and relations, to secure permanent restoration. Jtist as in Eu rope, ot. Morits and Davos are among the celebrated sanitariums,1 where con sumption is cured, not.merely alleviated, by the skilful treatment of the; eminent Dr. Jacoond and his associates,: the mountain air and the high altitude 6,050 feet and 5,250 feet, being a great factor in .the wonderful effects upon the lungs so there are places in North Carolina, which can easily be made into residenees which will vie with these European resorts as the means of restoring happiness to myriads of families, that may find death hovering above some member thereof in the climate and habitation, which they have heretofore called their home. 'Under the new discoveries of great European physicians, backed by their observation au 1 fxperience in the radical cure of thousands of consumptives in . the past 'twenty years, it is the conviction of th. ee great men that all lung diseases are just as susceptible of oure as any other illness, provided the prescribed treatment is perseveringly and continu ously followed, with a continuous resi dence all the year round? in a rarified atmosphere at a properly selected spot at the altitudes above designated, in past centuries, and even 'up to our de cade, consumption has been considered generally to be incurable, just as ninety two out of every hundred attacks of small-pox were fatal only a hundred years ago. The only object sought for in consumptive cases bas been to allevi ate the suffering of the invalid and to prolong life in a warm climate, an error which has consigned myriads to a pre mature grave. Medical science today is scarcely wiser, in regard to the 'cause of yellow fever or cholera, thau were the Galens 500 years ago. Nor; has there been any significant progress in the knowledge of their cure, each disease running its deadly course, with eccen tricities of permitted recovery, which the skill of the physician could not claim to have effected. Consumption, classed -with these dread scourges, may now be considered as under medical control; and the enlightened iourhalists of this country should seek to spread this vital information to all classes, in the cause of humanity, to give hope, to thousands, who today simply await the call of the gxeat creator, as the relief from sunering and sorrow. ! In examining statistics it may be safe ly asserted that of the adults who are daily carried to the tomb J two-fifths die from lung and throat diseases, the pre cursors or companions of .tuberculosis In a large city of the west, only a few days since, the writer was struck with the fatality of the daily record, - One day six adult deaths, four of whom had consumption. Another record (the next one) stated eight adult deaths, of whom five had consumption. These facts are terrible in significance ; and those who oan ' disseminate correct information among the masses and aid In preventing the hecatomb of annual victims to this chief of destroying agencies will; be true philanthropists. It would be a moderate calculation to state the yearly mortality ; of the world to be 30,000,000, exclusive of wars and violent deaths, and that less than 10,- 000,000. of people are all the time in one of the stages of consumption. What an army of doomed souls dragging slowly on to eternity without hope or comfort from human sources, according to the past belief and treatment; Uf these the great mass,; who are poor, and unable, from that and various other circumstances, to secure the bene fits within the reach of the richer classes must continue to furnish hosts of vic tims; though many may be rescued from impending doom by a knowledge of what to do. Permit me, for the benefit of the poor, to suggest the line of treat ment, which they should pursue", as laid down by Dr. Jacoond for all such as have not the means to reach the life- giving elements of the high mountain altitude, and especially thoso who can not leave the cities and towns or low lands: 1. To reside in a room above the ground floor, as high up as possible. 2. To live in the open air, frequent the city parks for hours, if country air is not attainable. 'V 3. To walk, without incurring fatigue, all that is possible. I 4. To get up early to enjoy the fiesher air, and not to sleep mure than seven or eight hours. 5. To use a shower bath from twenty seconds to a minute on rising, rubbing with dry and violent friction immedi ately. If the weather is good, and there is no chilly sensation thereafter, the invalid can continue this baih If shown to be injurious, a sponge bath should be substituted. i 6. Copious use of milk from the cow, goat or ass is a requisite. If possible to drink it fresh and warm from the ani mal; two glasses full after the hath, and the same in the afternoon.. 7. The medical treatment is, at break fast (or after), to take noteless than two or three tablespoonsful of cod liver oil, with one-half or one-tlird of pure whisky, brandy or rum, and a similar quantity at supper. If the ood liver oil nauseates, substitute one' j and one-half teaspoonsful of glycerine, twice a day with the spirits. Iron pills and iron mineral water are prescribed for each meal. Discontinue for a time the iron after two months use. Smaller quanti ties of ood liver oil produce no effect. 8. The diet is to be .of underdone beef and mutton fatty and farinaceous food to be avoided. Oysters and eggs are always good. 9. Two points are the objective ends To allay the fever and destroy it; and to attain proper nutrition by pro motion and creation of the normal ap etffe As long a ths Uitt fontuae, there can be" h& improvement. During the mal-nutrition the patient cotinues to decline. Dr. Jacoond considers it use- ess to give small doses of medicine to conquer fever. In eertain eases he uses subcutaneous injections of hydrate of quinine twenty-one grains injected four hours before the intensity ot fever. n' the hectic fever (which he has dis covered to be septic poisoning from the absorption of part of the tuberculous matter not ejected by expectoration), he uoes in simitar manner saiyeuio acta. The septic poisoning is easily dotccted by the shivering and chilliness, which accompanies the fever, me late dis covery of anti-pyrene is chiefly used by the American physicians in all cases of fever; but Dr. Jaccond .nas practiced with signal results otherwise. 10. The clothing must be such as to keep the invalid free from chill or cold; and in any sudden changes warmer wrappings oan be used. In our climate the invalid ought not (in summer) to walk out earlier than 8 a. m., or bo out ater than 6 p. m. In winter the hours would be curtailed. 11. Where the invalid's means per ni it the new process (serotherapeutic) of oxygen inhalation, with the atmospheric pressure taken away largely from the chest, should be daily , used. This is the artificial method of procuring what nature gives by rarefaction of air and low pressure in high altitudes. 1 he richer classes have a hopeful fu ture before them for the safety of their families. At the least computation there are 50,000 persons in the United Statra who would gladly pay 5,000 to E0,000 each for the asBurt d cure of any near relative whose life was jeopardised by consumption, innate, threatened or acquired. Now what should such per sons do? Subscribe a fund of $500,000 or more (incorporated) and have the proper point selected, where a hotel could be located with all the details for hygiene, comfort, health and accessi bility, proper food, dry, pure air and no dust, and correct altitude. And under proper management, with a com petent physician to be in attendance, a homo could be made sfor those who must reside in such a climate.; As a philan thropio measure there could not possi bly be a grander scheme. In financial result it would pay hotter than any in TostUieiH of the day. The demand would be so great that yearly additions would have to be made, and dther es tablishments would be erected. Here in western North Carolina there are fifty-seven mountains of appropriate al titude with hundreds of sites suitable for thus work. There is not at present one hotel which could be used contin uously during the winter with the best and highest results. A hotel on the top of a mountain is subject to the pouring sun in summer and to the winds all the seasons, and the snows in winter. There are houses at lower altitudes which give great benefit from June to Deoember, among which is the Mount Mitchell house, Black Mountain,; on the railroad, at 2,500 feet altitude. There must be intermediate stations, where the invalids should remain fifteen days or more, be fore venturing into the higher altitudes 4,000 to 6,000, which otherwise from the sudden transition would be danger ous. Ihis locality will be very useful, as great benefit bas been derived by nu merouB invalids, both consumptive and nervous. The temperature approaches to uniformity, the range being at great est 69 to 82; aad in . the upper alti tudes no doubt Dr. Jacoond's standard would be reached, which he pronounces for summer to be 9 oscillation pre ferably between 70 and 80. The food and cooking here is excel lent just wiiat an invalid requires; plain but of good quality ; with excel lent milk, butter, coffee ; and bread a. .a equal to any ; tenderloin steaks and succulent fowls : fresh vegetables. The house is under new management, Mr. Morgan, who acts for the lessee, also proprietor of the Haywood Springs, i gay and fashionable resort 2,900 fee altitude. 1 he trout fiflhm'g affords amusement to those who have good legs. One fisher caught 86 yesterday. On horse back one can ride . four to seven miles to the best points, and then fish down the mountain stream several miles, and thence ride home There are a number of agreeable people here, who derived benefit last summer and have returned. Quite a number of others . will be here at the height of the season, early in August. The prioe is exceeding low per month $30 to $40 according to rooms. Very respectfully, B lan ton Duncan. BnckUo'i Arulc SalT. The Best Salve in the world for Cut, Bruise, Sores, Ulcers, bait Rheum, Fevei Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin JCruptkma and poitivel cures Piles, or no pay required. It la guano teed to give perfect aatisfsctioB, or money re funded. v.Pr ice 26 cents per box. For sale b all druicfrlils. A.iAltTAa. tSMZ& ato,ooo TlekeUfMly 5. Kfcar la) PrprllB. SUte UttefY Compan. Loflisksa . "We do hereby eertlfy that we mipervtoe the arratifrenifiiU for all the Monthly anil Qnar terly Drawings of the Loninikna State Lot tery Corojuuiy, and in pp rvm manage and con trol the; Drawing Hk ium-U on, and that the same awi conducted with honesty, lairnesp, and in good taith toward all parties, -and we autho rize the Company to ue this certificate with fac-similes of our signatures attached, in its ad vertisements." SUMMER RESORTS. Educational. Summer and Winter Resort. BATTERY PARK HOTEL. i iM.'ble "Tille Suppl es. i. E dward J, Hardin, OLIVES. Packed by Gordon A Di!worth,finet Queens, half gallon, quart and pint Jan. SARDINES, &C. Choicest sardines, patent opening attach ment, aaving all trouble of cutting open, 92.25 per dozen. Potted Tongue, Turkey, Ham, Ac Lobtter, Salmon, Crabs, Shrimps, Ac, &c TEAS. The best stock of Teas that care add long ex perience can select. Gunpowder, Young Hy son, Imperials, Oolong, &c, Ac He-No Tea in pAckages. 2 j A SUPERLATIVE ENGLISH BEE ' KFAST TEA AT 75C. PER POUND. Chocolates, Cocoa, Broroa, and Chocolate Preparations. Salad Dressings, Sauces, Pickles Aa. Smoked Tongues, finest Hams; Heat, Ftoh and provisions generally. Table supplies of best quality, at low est prices. Will duplicate any price that anybody advertises. All goods prwaptly delivered aad tally manntoodT &. f. HASD&. w Com mlaal We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will ay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State otteries which may be presented at ear ee mi ters: - - J. H. OOLESBY, Pres. LoaiMiana. National Bank. . J. W. HILBHLTH, Pres. Ntat National Bank. A. BALDWIN, Pretk Hew Urlvaaa National Baa a. Incorporated in 1868 for 26 years by the Leg ixlature lor educational and charitable pur poseswith a capital of 11,000,000 to which a reserve fund of over $550,000 has since been added. : By an' overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a part of the present State eon-4 stitutios adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and en dorsed b; the people of any State. IT NKVKB SCALES OK POSTPOKE8. Its Gad Sixglx Mumbkr Drawings take place monthly, and the Extraordinary Draw ings regularly every three months, instead of bemt-Annually as Heretofore. A splendid opportunity to win afortune. Eigth Grand Drawing, class H, in the Academy of Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, August jo i86 laotn monuuy drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Tb- Battery Park will bv open July ltth.1 Rate frm f 2.50 to $8Jk ptr day. The city f Asheviile to located on the high broken plateau between the Blue Hidge aud A-paUr.kiiai, chains d is accessible by rail from au joints of the eoni;. ' be BtUiy Park is a ntw hotel Jut-t com-lVu-u witli all the modern appliances for do ing a first. ciaa business. Hydraulic elevator. luecu-ic iignu ueateu by steam and open nre. Electric bells connecting every room with the office. The house is built on a bbzhhill overlooking the town and a strel ch of country fifty mile in extent. Scenery magnificent. Prospect extensive. Climate delightfuL For descriptive pamphlet and any informa tion pertaining to toe business, address. V. U. SUU'lilWlUli, Proprietor. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. tions, in ruths, in proportion. V LIST Of PKiZXS. 1 Capital Prize 1 'do do 1 do do 2 Prizes of $6,000 5 do 2,000 10 do 1,000 20 do 600 100 do 200 300 do 100 500 do 50 1,000 do 25 i APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximat'n Prizes ot f 750 9 . do do 600 9 i do do 250 Frac- 175,000 25.000 10,000 12,' OO 1'J.OCO 10,000 10,000 20,000 3,000 25,000 25,0C0 6,750 4,500 2,250 1,967 Prfees, amounting to $265,500 Application lor rates to erabs should be made only to the office ot the company in Mew Orleans.; For further information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL. NOTES, -Express Mosey Orders, or New York Kxcbanga la or dinary letter, currency by Express (at expense); addressed i at. a. n-AmPHrw, Haw Oriaaas, la, r H. A. DACPHIH, WablBft-t, Dw C Make p. O. Money Orders payable and ad dress Registered Letters to raw oauuHB national bans:, - New Orleans. La. THE XjW"" . The hotel is open winter and summer, and taoee from the kortb seeking health or pleas ure should not fall to see Round Knob aud i a our! beautiful surroundings. Every attention will be given to the guests, and the tabie will be supplied with every thinir that, is ko4 aad tempting. Tbeelimateof Western .North Caro lina has long been noted for its benehciat ef fct upon those sufi) ring with lung trouble, -IN- North Carolina Notes and Drafts Including Forms and directions for making, endorsing, transferring, aceep-ing, protesting and discharging the same. Also, the Law of the Statute of Limitations, I'rlnctpal and surety, etc., etc. For the Business Man ; bt SI. H. AMIS, Aatbor of The Criminal Cede and Difoat, 1 AND l J. A. WILLIAHMOaj, 5 Of THB BALKToll BAB, Price 50 cents, postpaid sale by Published and for EDWARDS, BROUGHTON CO Raliiob. N. O PILOT MOUNTAIN ON F1HE. SPOUTING FORTH A STREAM OP UlRF, LAVA, AC. It may not be ttut, but only the snorting of the steam horse at Its loot. Only a few months more and trains will be running into Meunt Airy, the terminus or tne j. Jr. A I. V. rail road, where you will find the grandest scenery and the finest land ; the most flourishing town in North Carolina, destined to be the metropo lis of "The Land of the Sky." Ye people in sickly sections, don't pine away with chills and f ev r ; there k a better place for you. Don delay ; econe on, buy you a nice home in the mountains, breathe exhilarating air and drink pure water you will make more money, live longer and die happier. ? 1 AUCTION SALE I t ON THURSDAY. THE 5th DAT OF I AUGU8T, 1886, 4 I will pell, in the town of Mount Airy, at public auction, to the highest bidder, sixty of the mosti desirable vacant loUlor dwellings, store-houses, etc , in the town. Sale certain I Don't forget the day I I have for sale the most desirable town property, country prop erty, farming lands, mills, Ac For further information, address j H. C. BROWN, aiAL BSTATB AflXNT, Mouit Airj, SurVy County, N. O. I O ADVERTISERS. Lowest rates for advertising in 1000 good newspapers sent tree, Addroes (iso. P. Bowau. Co, 10 proee N. Y. WIRE RAILING AND ORNA MENTAL WIRE WORKS, No. 38 North Howard street, Baltimore, manufacturers of wire railing for Cemeteries, Balconies, Ac 8ievea,Femler, Cages, Woods and Coal, Screens, Woven Wire, Iron Bed steads, Chair Settees, Ac -rf.f.i n l f A O rtnvaavAsnr to Auvarrmuarmi m 51 i I i FOUNDED 101. SAIaEM FEMALE ACADEMY. Salbji, j N. O. Ehrhtr-lhird Annual KeaUon baina Sons. id, i486. Fox catalogue sppvio. Rsrr. E. Bondthalu, D. D , Kev. Jumm II It mti.. July 13-diiu Ptlnclpahv. Ca uwba t otlcy e NEWTON, NO. Next feetafcrti wUl Lealn Anirust Id. Pnl Academic xlusuiesN and ( nluH.ti nn. Fine Buildings, , .Libraries. Jpparataa, Ac xioard and tiaittOB Moderate. Worthy per sons of linatwt means assailed. Pure mates and health unsurpassed. Apply at once. ( An alogue froe. J. A. FOiia Secretary. "s laaSktaa Criro. Mm." Established hi 179. i "LAND i OF THE SKY. URKAT SCCCK8S OF THK GRAND GENTHAL HOTEL ASHEVILLE, N. C 20,000 Arrivals in 1,000 Dats. House, Furniture, and Carpets new. Rooms and Fare equal to any in the State. Rates Reasonable. Electric Kcllt in every root Cold and hot baths, t int-claa in every re spect. S. R. CUEDESTER a son, Owners aftd Proprietors. Give Baggage Checks to our porters at de pot and use white iiu. lueeodzm BiNEHlU SCHOOL, Tho sd yearly Term heaias September 7th. 18Sf. For Catalogue giving full particulars, address Mai. B. BINGHAM, Supt, -Bingham School P. O. Oraags Co., N. C. SELLCT 0ADH AUD DAT SlBOOL (roujna la&a.) For Younr Ladies and Lirtia Gtrla. HnxavoBO, K. a Jfc The Scholastie year of the M immm Vaan and Miss Kodock's school will commence Sept ad, 18SU, and end June 9, 1887. Circulars on ap plication. FOUNDED IN 1842. St. Liar a Scbool, Auiea, h. o. Tax Bit. BENNETT HAYWOOD WHITE SULPHUti SPRINGS. WAYNESV1LLE, N. 0., j "The Loveliest spot in all God's Wonderland of Beauty." New three-story brick hotel, 170 feet long, with verandah twelve feet wide and 250 feet long. House handsomely furnished. Every, thin new, bright and clean. Accommodation in every department strictly nrstrvlasa, MOUNT MITCHELL HOTEL. BLACK MOUNTAIN, N. C, Situated on the Western North Carolia railway, near the foot ot Mount MlteLell or Mitchell's Peak," the hiMbeet laud hi Anivrica, east of the Rocky Mountains. Tin JUount Mitchell hotel is undtr the samo man agement as the Haywood White t-uipbur. &.ery possible effort will be made to tuakeUie Mount Mitchell the moot popular hotel In Western North Carolina. For further informa tion address J. C. H. TlMiJERLAKK, Waynuville, N. C. HUUJSU HJS (JS HOI -VL,. BMEDES, A. M RBCTOR AM raOtCTfAL. A corps of fourteen efficient instractAra. Thorough teaching guaranteed. French taught by a native; German by an .American eduea ted in Get many. Latin a requisite for a full Diploma. Great attention Is nald to Matha. malics and Composition. Elocution a speaialty. One of the best equipped schools ot Music u the South. Separate buildings; fiTe tenehers one from the Stuttgart, one from the Lei pale Conservatory; a hue Vocalist; slxteer IauoS for daily practice two new juontei-tGiktb- for concert use, a caotnet urgaa; a Uum Pipe Organ, with two manuals axil iv.enty steps, and the only Pedal Piano rortrh of Mw Y ork. The Art Department und 1 charge of able and enthusiaetic artists. 1 u course comprises Drawing in Pencil. Craivn and Charcoal; PaintiBg in Oil, Water -Colcn and Pastel, and Decorating China in Minerals. The Physical Development of tb pupils thor oughly eared for. i lie a inety- first term begins Septem ber yth, 1886. or circulars contain liig full ln tenters- apply to the Iteetor. luueifl dw an. Horner School; OXFORD, M. C. Tbft Ftdl'F tltin f 188fi hsHni tKa W ! oi Jul. Band ir Catalogue giving full ia I formation. Inly J dim. J. B. J. . HOBNER. QELLKVUE HIGH SCHOOL, aaaroao oov, Tosnni. aad no better hotel ean be found in thiseoun-1 The 21t Annna) Session Opons 8-ptaa Round Knob is a very popular place in toe I bar 15tB, 1886. summer and me proprietor proposes to maxe U I yor o taJor ue or BMciaJ infemntkm. atlv in so in the winter. A natural fountain Vtf8 feet high; only a few yards from the hotel, la the highest in the world and is teally one of the wonders of the continent and is an ever pref ent attraction, of this beautifully and pic turesquely located hoteL .Telegraph and pot oftice in the hotel TERMS: 92.00 per day; S840 to f 10.00 per week; $30.00 to 140.00 per month. For further information address W. B. TROY, Proprietor. SWANNANOA HOTEL ASHEVILLE, N. C. i i g The largest brick .hotel in Asheville. Broad, try halls. Water supply from Crystal Moun tain springs. Philadelphia orchestra employed for the summer. Accommodations nnsnr IxMsed. Terms S8 per day. Special rates bj the week. BAWLS BROS. ! ' -d" au 'H 4- -It? mm o ... t " li 1 1 41 U; i BeUevnVP. 0., Ya, W. R.AEBOT, Pria IN, THE VIRGINIA MOUNTAINS. Classical acd ScttKiifle Courses for de grees. Also, lutinesi and preparatory ourses. Special attention to Eiglisl, Trench aid Gor man spoken. Instruction thorough and prae tical. Library 18 000 volumes. Good l itera ry societies. Best moral and religious in flu en oes. Expenses for nine months a 149, 9176 er 9204 (including tuition, bo id, c.) Ihenaauif Cuionsge from U State, Indian Teiritory at d ezico. Thirtj -fourth Sesaioa begins Sep trmber 6th, For catalog ne (with view of rrourds, build ings and mountains) addms. J JULIUS D. DREHFB, Pres'deat, Sy-eo lm. Salem. Virginia. yAiNDEBBILT UNIT ERS ITT. i Seven Diatinet Departments: Academic, Ka- eieering, BlblicaL Law , 1 aarawr, MtdieaL , ataL Free tuition to students in tbeoiogf and Manual Technotogj . Catalogue sent treo on application to WILS WlLLlAniS, Secre tary, Nashville, Tena. N01PE DAME OF MARYLAND, Collegiate InsUtute for Young Ladies and Preparatory School for LitUe Girls. EMBLA P. O. Three .miles from Baltimore, Md. Con ducted by tho Staters vf Notre Dame. Send for Catalogue. Jt-ly lo eod Mob, Wad. A Sat Zm. THEOCCQNEEGHEE HOTEL HILLSBORO.N.C Will be open after July 1st, for SUMMER VISITORS. E. H. POQUE, Proprietor. 1. 1 FERRALL4 CO GROCERS 222 FAYETTEVTLLE STREET, Are Receiving: Harvey'sy3prlngfleld (Canvassed.) HARVEY'S BALTIMORE HAMS, (SMALL.) Very Choice Virginia Hams. Fine North Carolina Hams. Breakfast Bacon, (thin pieces.) Ferris' Smoked Tongues and Beef i Large Sugar Cured Hams, 10c pound, N. C. Roe and Cut Herrings. Haxall MeaL always the best. Crab Apple Vinegar, a years old. Good delivered to tae city free. Prion foam 4 all part, f aad Qnalitj Inform oaraio an. raj . FCHOOL for Young Ladies and Little Girls, MraH. P. P. LkFEBVRE. FriaclpaL Ho. 19 Franklm Street, Baltimore, Md. ihe Soih sehoolyear will bt gin on Thursday, Sep tember 17, . july 16 Wed A Sat. 2m. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, BALTIMORE, MD. This School offers to M edict 1 Students un surpass' d clinical and other advantages. Send for a catalogue to Da. THOMAS OP IE, Dkam, 179 N. Howard St. ' ulyl. VIKOIIHIXL r Female Institute STAUNTON, VA. Mrs. ea. J. E. B. STUART, Principal The next session of Nine Months Open September 16th, wit a full corps of superior teachers. Tiu. tea on-ble. Apply oaiiyt Number limited. CaUlogne sent uposappIV cation to the prinoipaL I Julyia-eod-moa wed sat 6w T. B. YANCEY, aUlOTAOTTlLaai---- Agent and Dealer CARRIAGES PHAETONS BUGQLE3, ETC., ETO. ThLarfes Aaaortaeat la the Stat. BEST GOODS THB LOTC3T PRICES. Knrgasi ttnm, ftey- w, H;

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