-1 4 . ill .1 I i iii ' ; " I 1 Hi- AND! Observer. 0' OL. XXV1T. RALEIGH, N. C. SUNDAY MO R N I N ( I UH X 23, ISS'J. NO. 61. - Absolutely NEWS OBSERVATIONS. CONGRESSIONAL. Pure. this "powder never Varies. A marvel of iirlty, strength and wholesomsneo. More ronomJca) than ordinary kinds and c. not be rid in competition with the multitude of low 'it, shrt weight, alum or nhwph&te powders; Id only id cans. Royal Baio Povb 103 Wall Street. New York. T ' !:! by W C A B 8tr'i-.u;b, George T i roaacb axd J B Ftm'il A Co. j crrnwirs a 1 u m . k 1 LI: us THE BESUOHIC . ? This medicine, combining Iron with pure vegetable tonic, quickly and completely Cuca Dyspepsia, ImUfrstion, Wnk- Inapara Blood," -Malaria, CUlli ud leaven, ud He vIgt. i It la an unfailing remedy pr IMseaaes of the IT III amy aad IUver. It la InTaloabla for ftteasea peculiar to Weawm, and all who leaU, sedentary lives. ltdoea not injure the teeUfecause headach,or produce constipation ottdr Iron medicine do. It eau-iekos and pwriflVs the blood, stimulates the appetite, aid the assimilation of foo4, relieves HertburrtaJid Belching; and strengthens the muscles anl taerresi . For Istenatttemt FeWrs, Lassltndo, JLack mt Kaerry, etc it hu no equal. BV The cennlne has above" trade mark and 1 red line, on wrapper,. Take no other. cnntirAi. co, Biimou. n JACKET STORE rrom the Bed Flag Shop e will ofler jov i a line of Big Leaders for July To these tin aprroached Fignrea the attention of all ii po UUlj invited, not alone oi the indepc adent tew who bnr and tell cn time principles. These are BTARTL1NG BOGK-OTTOM FACT8 i . that re well calculated to ttatger the! thought .as ma- who have been struggling along in . the tolls of credit. j . ; F rum mills w bose hands must be 1; from factories whot regular prices have been cut uon to half for coin; from swell-ea4 con cerns pressed for "the omnipotent itull" and i- overkMulcd w Uh regular valuen, we ' plaee be fore 6ur curtomeni sterling, solid leaders, for . - 5 ; net spot cash. f i Btst Wamsutta Prints at 6 cents indigo jlucs 6 cent, worth 8 cente; big Job in tow ehat 11 cenU; great bargains In ladies' sbses freai bargains in buggj whips, froii li cents , i upwardx; umbrelhui at a bargain. ; Just received, a full ttue- of tafjle-cloths. y tXl at once"nd get the pickv , , j VOLNX PUEQLL kQO., ' l $9 10 Minn Qtrtrt- I When a youn;, lady runs off anl marries coachman sr'greatfuss is mnle alout It; but every oaj houjc briJe mhr rB a groom, and nothirfg is thought of if, i t President Cleveland had pleasant titae at Albany. He was hfcpitably en tertaiiied by Gov. 1 ill and the people wtre glad to see him. A little child once asked his mother tbb uuefrtion : "Mother, what part of heaven do people go to who -re good, brjt not agreeable f " The latest high-life innovation in fashionable marriages in Paris is the display of the bride's wedding outfit on dummy figures ranged on a platform. Wf' knew it would come. ' I The Georgia democratic State con vention meets in Atlanta i.hc liS h-. The mmbcrhip is 350. The primaries now completed show, that the vote will bo difided as follows: Gen Gordon, 250; A.0 Bacon, 84; uninstructed, 12; con tested, 4. A man ntar Akron, ltd,, while setting a fence post, was surprised to seo the post disappear. Ho enlarged the hole and found a cavo or underground room about 20 feet tquare and nine feet high, in which were the petrified bodies of 13 men, Thia i the story as told by the Indianapolis Journal. s fa-New York has a morbid tendency toward sensationalism. A skeleton was foruid the other day in a down-town ex cavation and at onoe the stcry was started thai the bones were tKbsc of A. T. Stewart.- There was no reason for - the supposition aud it was only brought for ward with a view of recounting that old horror oref again. -4-After tho new extradition treaty with England has curtailed the fascinations of Canada for the embezzling gentry 0f thi country diplomacy should try and make some similar arrangements with Guatemala. Mr. James Maton, of New Orleans, for instance, went down into that favored land as the agent of a New Orleans house and pocketed $35,000 wor(h of collections. He was overhaul ed ih Philadelphia, but the authorities are forced to discharge bim because the offense Was committed in a ccuntry with which we" have no arraDgt mente about criminals. PerhapB diplomacy never contemplated that a man could collect $35,IK)U in money from a region where tea nugs are me prevailing curreney. -In the contest over the will of the Ute jnilliouaire Tracy, of Buffalo, Dr. W. . Gillette, of Mew York, who at tended Hr. Tracy when be lived '"n that oitj In 1883, sb od the stud. Trscj told the witness that he was in the habit of drinking twelve pints of nharrpagne day, and that when be went to bed be opened a bottleof brandy or a ccuple cf bottles of claret and put them by his bed. In addition to thia supply, be said he opened six bogles of clysmio water and put in rubber corks, and bad a dosen lemons f-quetsed into a pitcher and 11 placed within bis reach. He also kept tbrco or fodr bottles of clysmio watcf outido his window; I he wit ness said be regarded Tracy as a mono manijjio on the subject of drink. He summer shawl is a thing with out which no summer boarder can exist. Occajsionajly she wraps herself in it, but the reason why it is a necessity is that' there! must be tome thing to cover the fearfflly uply pis zxa chair; to fling upon the arm Baud before sitting down in a graceful attitude; to drape on the ham mock? or to make a back for a woodland seat--in short.to be an ever-present ally. wi - .1 : . : i inerp is notning new proviaea ior tnis purpose this year.: There are plain; 'ehudtlahs and the dark and light stripes of lait season, and that is all, but the rvanm is quite as great as is desirable, and is indeed bewildering. Summer silks are made with: two skirts and a petticoat finished with a silk .plaiting, a four breadth gored skirt border d with two rjawg of scallops and an apron dra pery with saeh ends. As the scallops re liped, tbey are rather beayy, and if 4he waist has drapery also, it is not very cool. When the silk is pludedor -checked it is usually trimmed with plain; -sua; iatcning its ungnteu coior.. jbopper, or rather the salts of that metajjhaviug been found eo effective for kiesttjying one class of disease of the grapf, it is no more than reasoLable to conclude that Lb- ge saltsmay be just as powerful for the destruction of similar -diseases of other vegetables. For this feaso it U recommended that a solution of sulphate of copper in water be ap plied Ho Irish potato vines attacked or thiealencd by the mildew or rot. lint if, inthe event of the appearance of the Colorado beetle, Paris green (arsenite f cdpper) extended in fitly times its bulkt fine ground land plaster, be ap plied i to potato vines as often as needed to destroy the insects, old and young, it will be worth the while to ascertain )f midcw makes its appearance in fields bo treated. It is believed by the writer that Jittle or nothing will be seen of uildiw or rot under such circumstances, and if, after the bugs have dsbappcared. the Paris green and plaster are continu .ed tbje vines will resist to the end. And oiorei when tnc same ianu nas name potatoes for years in succession, and the bugsihave been fought by raris green, tUeriSiB testimony . going to show that thercf are salts of copper enough in the soil to destroy the- mycelium of the rfuiigl, which produces rot in the tubers 1 upst- facts, so far as they are faots, go to stow that Paris green should be chosen tn pnferenoe to all other poisons tu eJicrniiuate all insects which prey on - potatoes and other vegetables, since it is eneetive against two dangerous and destructive enemies, and further, that raw 'or calcined plaster is the best me dium to extend it in, for the reason that it act beneficially on most potash and broa4-leTed puntav IIItSEA I. lHft NOHKKF.ALLT IS. lMMt ; aw : HOIK. The lloaae at Work oa roprlMlloai Bill tile Naval ip. WasuinoiOn, July 24 Sinatb. On motion of A r. Hoar, the Senato passed the House bill to permit the entry free of duty of dutiable foreign goods for exhibition at the fourth bien nial exposition of the United States bot tlers protective association.:- Mr. Mahone, from the committee on public buildings and grounds, reported back with amendment the Houso bill for the erection of publio buildings at Jacksonville, Fla. The amendment was agreed to and tho bill passed. Also ktlic Senate bills for nublio buildings at Oxford, Miss., and Charlotte, N. C. Calendar 1 Mr. Miller asked leave to call up the bill to amend an act prohibiting the im portation of contract labor. Objected to by Mr. Edmunds, on tho ground that the bill proposed to give the execution of the law to State officials. Mr. Coke offered a resolution dis charging the committee on finance from further consideration of the House joint resolution for the payment pf the .sur plus in the treasury on the pnblio debt. He gave notice that he would call it up Monday and ask a vote upon it. A resolution offered yesterday bv Mr. I Edmunds, instructing the committee on iorcign relations to inquire into the violation of the rights of American fish ing and merchant vessels in Canadian waters, was taken up and adopted. Mr. Hawley reported from the com mittee on printing a resolution for the collection and printing of Presidential vetoes from the organization of Congress to the present time, arranged, in chro nological order. This was adopted. The Senate at 11.45 resumed the considera tion of the sundry civil anbronriation bill. i : Going back to a paragraph on page 19, requiring the secretary of ihe treas ury to issue silver certificate of $1, $2 and $5 "on all surplus silver dollars now in the treasury, in payment of ap propriations made in this bill and other expenditures or obligations of the gov ernment," which certificates ''shall be redeemable m standard silver dollars on demand and when paid into the 'treas ury shall be re-issued, subject to the provisions herein, for redemption cf the Bame," the committee on appropriations recommends the striking ont of the clauses within the quotation marks and to add the following : "Provided that the said denominations of Rl. 22 and $5 may be issued in lieu ol silver dfer- uficates of larger denominations in the treasury, and to that extent the said cer tificates of larger denominations shall be cancelled and destroyed." ji Mr. Beck ottered as a substitute for the paragraph the amendment of which he gvae notice some time ago and addressed the Senate in explana tion and advocacy of the amendment. At the close Mr. Beck's sneeeh a nnint of order was made bv Mir. Allien gainst the amandment, that it was. gen eral legislation, and the point was sus tained by the chair, thus excluding the amendment. An amendment recom mended by the committee, striking out tne woras "on all surplus silver dol- ars," eto., was agreed to without division. An amendment striking out the words "and shall be redeemable in standard silver dollars," eto.. was greed to; yeas 25. nays 24. as. follows: Yeas, Messrs. Aldrich, Allison. Butler. Cameron, Chace, Conger, Dawes, Dolph, muuiuuuB, uvaru, x rye, virBJ, 11 ale, Harrison, Hawley, Hoar, McMillan, Miller, Palmer, Piatt, Sawyer, Sher man, Spooner, Stanford and r ilson, of Iowa 25. Nays, Messrs. Beck, Berry, Brown, CaVT, Camden, CokeJ Colquitt, uyeorge, Gibson, Harris, Ingalls, Jones, of Arkansas, Jones, of Nevada, Maxey, xuitcneii, oi Uregon, Jfugh, Kiddleber- ber, leller, Vance, Vest, Voorhees. Walthall, Whitthorne, and Wilson, of Maryland 25. An amendment adding the words 'providing that the said denominations" etc., was agreed to without a division. The clause as it nOw stands reads as follows: "And the secretary of the treasury is hereby authorized and re quired to issue silver certificates in de nominations of $1, $2 and $5. and the silver certibcatcs herein authorized shall be receivable, redeemable and. payable in like manner - for like (purposes as is provided for silver certificates by the act of i?ebruary 28, 1878, enti tled "an act to authorize the coinage of the standard silver dollar and to res tore its legal tender character; provided that said denominations of $1, $2 and g5 may be issued in lieu of (he silver certificates of larger denominations in the treasury and to that extent the said certificates of larger denominations shall be cancelled and destroyed." Mr. Beck gave notice that when the bill was reported back to the Senate he would demand votes on these amend ments. On motion of Mr Dawes an item ap propriating $25,000 for the education of children of scnooi age m Aiasxa, without regard to raoe, was inserted, On motion of Mr, Hoar an item appro Lariating $7,500 for the purchase Of W. IF. Halsall's painting of "The First Fight of the Ironclads" was inserted Mr. Blair moved to add to a clause appropriating $56,500 for the expenses of inauguration of the Bartholdi statue the following proviso: "Provided, how ever, that no part of the sum herein ap- nriated shall be used to procure or pay for spirituous liquors, or tobaooo, or stimulants or narcotics, in any iorm; neither shall any charge or expenditure for the same be paid by the United States." Mr. Allison assured the Sen ator from New Ilampxhiro t!.t iVrc was not tho slightest probability f n-v such thing being done. Ho hopl the Senate would not pass Iiim am tbn',ijt. Mr. Blair assured the, S uat' r frr-in Iowa that if he did not think it t.tcesa ry he would not have offered it Mr. Allison said there was nothing in ;he appropriation except a sWll sn n to .. . ! . entertain guests, xur unon tuuji a point of order that the amendment was not in order, but the point was overruled by tho chair (Mr. Sherman) on the ground that the Sen ato had power to limit the uao of an p- propriation. Mr. Blair said he had de sired the amendment to be adopted withdut remark.' Ho hud not antici pated opposition, but as to thero boiug no danger of money being used in that way, he had only to refer to the recent celebration at Yorktown, where between $7,000 and $8,000 was epent out of the public treasury for the nations of the earth to get drunk upon. Mr. Gor man moved to lay the amendment on the table. A vote taken uj yeas and nays resulted yeas Zi , nays zs, so the amendment was not laid on the tattle, and it was agreed to without a division On motion of Mr. Random an item of $20,000 was inserted for establishing a light at Harbor island bar, between Pamlico and Core sounds, N C. The Senate at 6 p. m. took x recess till 8 o'clock, with tho purpose of fiaitihiLg the bill tonight. s The Senate resumed the consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill and all amendments were adopted as in oommittee of the whole. The amendments reserved were those in reference to the issue of "silver certificates. Mr. Beck demanded the yeas and nays on an amendment to strike out the words "on all surplus silver dollars now in the treasury in payment of appropriations made in this bill and other expenditures or obligations of the government. " Mr. Sherman appealed to Mr. Beek not to attempt to force such legislation on the bill at this stage of the session. He believed it to be a breach of public faith and contrary to the pledged faith of the nation. The dis cussion of it at this time seemed to be a mockery of legislation. Its passage would alarm public credit and do much to bring about a condition of affairs which everybody would regret, in which gold would disappear from circulation and be either hoarded or exported, lbe egislation proposed a revolution in the currency which would endanger tho whole foundation of the financial system of the country. He said it had no plaee in the : bill, being a change of the existing law, and not being reported by the committee on ap propriations or the committee on finance. He trusted that the : gentleman from Kentucky would have a reasonable deference for the opinion cf others, who had studied the question as much as he (Mr. Beck) hau. It seemed to him an unpardonable piece of legislation at this time. Mr. Beck replied to Mr. Sherman,- stating that the proposition had come from the House of Representa tives and was in the bill. It bad been distributed among the Senators for a month and had been beforo tho oommittee on finance at the euce. - tion of the Senator from Ohio bimatrlf, and then was not acted upon. He declared that the silver coinage of the country had never had a more inveterate enemy than the Senator from Ohio. Mr. Sher man denied that aocusation and claimed to be a better friend to silver than the Senator from Kentucky- Mr. Allison said the House provision was a crude and undigested provision which had been put in the bill for the single purpose only, and that was to coerce an unwilling President or administration. After considerable dircuision and votes on a variety of amendments, th Jiaragraph as to silver certificates was eft in the shape in which k was fixed this afternoon by the Senato as in com mittee of the whole. The bill was passed and the defiercy bill was taken up and the first readitg was dispensed with. The Senato at 10.39 adjourned. HOUSE Immediately after the reading of the journal the house went into committee of the whole (Mr. Crisp in the chair,) on the bill for an increase of tho navy. After speeches by Messrs. Herbert. Boutelle and others, the original bill was read by sections, for amendments, Mr. Ballentme moved an amendment appropriating $1,300,000 for the con struction of a cruiser of between 2,500 and 3,500' tons displacement, with a speed of not less than twenty Knots, up on plans designs and ppecifications fur nished by Charles D. Lundberg, of New York. This was adopted; 37 to 36. (This amendment is intended as a substitute for for a clause providing lor the construction of throo protected double-bottomed cruiser ) On motion of Mr. B 'ek an amend ment was adopted inserting in the bill a provision oontaincd m tic substitute, ior a aynamiie gun cruiser, iur. rou telle moved to strike out a clause which authorises tho secretary of the navy in certain emergencies to import armor for the new cruisers. Agreed to; 101 to 67. Mr. Brady, 'of Virginia, offered an amendment providing that one of the new vessels shall be built at the Norfolk navy-yard. lie was afraid that unlets such provision were inserted in tho bill the President and the secretary of the navy would discriminate against the Norfolk yard. The amendment was re jected. The oommittee rose and report ed the bill to the House. Mr. BaUcn tine's amendment was rejected without revision. The other amendments were voted upon in bulk and they were re jected; yeas 108, nays 111. Mr. Her bert offered as a substitute for tho bill a proposition agreed to by the commit tee on naval affairs, which had been published. It was agreed to; yeas 117, ( nay 104, and tho bill hi nmended I was p-Hod. Tic Houao nt " o'clock j took a recess until M o'clock, the even ing p 'Hsi'-n to 1.'' f -r tli.' c'-ni'lvra'inn of land forfeiture bills. Jlw York Cot Ion Future. New Yokk, July 24. Green & Co.'s report on cotton futures says : It was a slow and not particnlarly eventful market and a uotiv:ible feature was !n undertone of considerable vte7i'iinV-;. Liverpool sent over fttirly im t um ii g advieeH and tho "shorts" were inclined t cover, whiln n .pr ink lint .f new buying orders increased the demand pligh'tly anl gave a fractional advance, which at the close was very well sus tained, with light offerings, especially, f ?r the next two or thrto months. Kauk Ntaltmenl. Nkv York, July 24. The weekly statement of the associated banks is as follows : Reserve increase, $6-9,275; loans! incrtasr, : $1S,4U0; specie in crease, .-$254,300; legal tenders' de crease, $7l!.80O ; deposits decrease, $1 915,100; circulation increase, $;G, 100. j The banks now hold $14,270,200 in excess of the 25 per cent, rule 1eN Fever Anions Virginia Cattle. LYNCHittKii, Va , July 24 Dr. Rosoj of the department of agriculture at Washington, is here investigating 1 1 xas lever among the cattle of- irgna, aud ba3 found several cases; also one case of pleuro-pneumonia in Norfolk county. 4hnrlolle Uettt Mm I'nbllc Building. Washington, D. C , July 24. Sena tor Mahone today reported favorably, from the committee on public buildings and grounds, the bill to appropriate $100,000 for the erection of a public building at Charlotte, H. (J.i tola- lHlbl HUppljr of ttuil. Nw York. July 24. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 1.515899 bales. of which 1.0G6.8U9 are American; against 1,555,973 and 1, 093,573 respectively last year; receipts at all; interior towns 7,323: receipts from j the plantations 6,74t ; crop in sight 6.455,130 bales - BuHlnemi Fallurt. New York, July 24. The business failures during the last seven days, num ber for the United States 160; Canada 24; total 184; against 183 last week and 1 1 9 the week previous. About one- half of the casualties reportedS in the United States occurred in the West and od the! Pacific coast. i A, Ureut 9If tiotflat lofefcrvnre. London, July 24 The Wcsleyan Methodist conference, now in sc-s.iion here is considering a proposition to hold ah ecumenical conference in tho United States in 1891. I A Nwludler Caplurxd. Lvnohburs, Va., July 24 W. E. Smith, alias Johnson, 'was arrested here this motrning for passing forged checks signed 1A- Goodman, Richmond. He is believed to be a noted swindler and wanted in other cities. The falls of Keu. Cor. ofjthe Nxws and Obskevzr. In ooinpany with Hon. A. S. Merri- mdn anil Spier Whitaker, Esq., your corresp6ndent took the R &, G. R. R. train on the 23d inst. for Neuso depot; where yie were met by Uol. VV m. if. Askew, the genial and hospitable pro prietor Of the Falls pfNeuse paper mills, with an elegant pair of bay horses, such as are rirely seen even in this country; and in fifteen or twenty minutes we were resting ;ourselvcs in the country resi dence of our host. Alter dinner (and such a dinner) we went down to the mills, about a quarter of a mile distant, and spefat, several hours in looking at the nraginfioeut water-power and elegant machinery for making paper. Wo all were greatly delighted and highly in strue'ed; examining into the mysteries of making paper, from the wood and dirty ras, to the paper in all its smooth ness and; polish ad it came rolling out of tho machine at the rate of three thoust, and pounds in every twenty tur hours. This is perhaps the finest rter-power in this part of "the Stato, and it does seem a pity to see wasted so much power; j enough to run thousands of spindles, in addition to that now util ized. This property, with about 400 acres attached, originally cot the pres ent pwner $30,000, and he has since ex pended for valuable machinery and other permanent improvements $'0,000 or $15r0UU more; and with a j : iieious ex penditure of a few thousand dollars more this would be one of the finest properties in the South. It was really interesting to see bow greatly judge Merrimon and Mr. Whit aker erj tyed the sweet country air and beaurilul scenery, and how they were exhilarated and refreshed by their trip 'lhe ju-fjjo was, as usual, talkative and entert"-iu?t', an 1 many times did the b ::nviy laugh ring out, in responso to the niuiiuble st. ries of our host. Mr. Editor, if you have never visited the Falls of jyeuse, go there without delay. The judge and Mr. Whitaker returned to tho city by the evening trsin. Your correspondent, being a younger man, lingered behind. Why? Go ask tho two pretty saddle horses as they pranced along over the beautiful hills and lovely valleys that afternoon; go tsk that de licious water as it ru.sbed, cold as ice, out of the solid rock and quenched the thirst of your corresponient and an other; go ask those beautiful eyes, and if you get no answer there you may, as your correspondent has already done, give up in despair. Dan. A little girl lately wrote to her friend: "Yesterday a little baby sister arrived, end papa is on a journey. It was but a pieoe of luck that mamma was at home to take oare of it." rPkiladelphia Call. 4i W A WAR CLOUD A NKUIOl S 'ST 4 TK OF AFF.tIKH OS TIIK HLXII tN lIOKmil. Feeling; Between the Ua Itepnbllrtu II Ub. With Talk of War. Chicaoo, July 24. A special rom El l'aso and Fort Texas, published here this morning, indicates that great ex citement prevails throughout Texas over the detention of editor Cutting by the authorities of the state of Chihuahua after the repeated demands for his re lease by the American consul. The newspapers of this section assert that the men of Texas are ready for war, and that it needs but a word to start one. A special f-om San Antonio says : "There is considerable bustle about the military headquarters here, and although the officers are reticent, the report is current that general Stanly has receiv ed orders to have all his available force in readiness to move at a moment's notice to El Paso, whenever tho order thi refor is received. The gathering of the Mex ican war cloud is watched herewith a great deal of interest, and but one opinion prevails, and that is that the Mexican government should be taught that it cannot treat American citizens with indignitiy." CURRENCY. Annie and Emily wero enjoying their first bath in the glorious surf at Old Orchard It began to rain whilo they were in tho water ajEmily started to wade ashore. "Where are you goirg?" asked. Annie. "After my rnbbers," said Emily. Harper's Bazaar. Creditor "Can you let me have my little bill?" Debtor "Certainly, but don t destroy it. I may want to pa something on it in the future. li Bits. - Worldly mamma "Clara, yousboald learn something of Mr. de Vincent's in come before you encourage him too far." Willie (Clara's small brother) ' I know all about it, and his outgo, too." Clara "Willie, what are you talking about?" Willie Well, I do. Last night his income was about 7 o'clock and his outgo after 11." Tid-Bits. Keeping it secret : Little Boy "Who is that man, pa, who stands on a platform, shouting and swinging his arms so?" Father "That is Mr. Powderly, my son." Little Boy "And what are those sheets of paper he is tossing ap in the air and distributing among all the crowd?" Father "It is the last secret circular he has issued, my boy. He is trying to ke-.-p it from the public. Texas Siftings. Father "What ought I tedo to a boy who is lszy and disobedient, who has no respect for his parents? What should be done to that kind of a boy?" Son "Don't, for heaven's, sake, talk him to death. Give me the lickin' that's com i' to me, an' be done with it." Texas Siftings. Mrs. Bagley "William, how is it that Boston people are so literary, so refined, so noble and so celebrated?" Bagley (angrily) "They ain't. Be cause your father's aunt was born in Boston . you are a regular Hub wor shiper. Tell me, now, if Boston is so great, why don't they get up a big ex position ?" Mrs. Bagley (tranquilly) "Perhaps, my dear, there is nothing to expose." Philadelphia Call. "Mamma," she said, "I don't like the way this bustle sets." "NeUherdo I," way the prompt reply. "And, be sides, your father is swearing about the rat trap being lost, so you must really take it off." Satisfactorily Explained; From Texas Siftings. A German student who spent most of his own and his friends' money in riot ous living epplied to an old absent minded professor fcr a certificate that'he had attended his lectures regularly "But I can't remember ever having seen you in my lecture room," replied the professor. "You probably con t'junu me with another student who never attended your lectures, but whom 1 nsemble very mueh in personal tp appeiiraiiOM." ' Ah, that ixplmLS it," replied tlie absent-minded old man, signing the desired certificate. Stanly Democratic Convention Was held at Aibemarle, James P. Nash, chairman. Delegates to the various conventions were chosen. The convention declared for 8 J. Petnber ton for Congress, J. W. Mauney for so licitor, W. J. Montgomery for judge. As to the supreme oourt, delegates were uninstructed. A Central American paper gives an account of two beautiful meteorological phenomena witnessed off Acapuloo on the nights of the 26th and 27th of May. At first a surprising flag of colors, principally bright red, rose in the hori zon of tho Pacific and spread its strange tints on the sky for an hour and twenty five minutes A white and brilliant semi-circle of the samo form and dimin sions as the first exhibition then span ned the sky over' tho watery hornun, and lasted till daylight. ililna-a Ton Beed. This is the season of the year for bargains of all kinds. Special ones will be found at the well-stocked furni ture store of L. C. Bagwell, No. 12 East Martin street. People who desire furniture of any description will find that they can save many dollars by pur chasing now. Single articles of furni ture, as well as suites of all kinds, are on sale and Bagwell will not be under sold. Remember that. Baby carriages, all styles, are a specialty. Bemeoiber th plaee; Bagwell's, . I !(' IJmnl'n rnnanpy MarrUir. Wii-tiin 'ton L-'tr to Tri'linn-ii j. Journal. Gnh Grant's daughter Nellie, who married int'v the Sartor is family, of ', r I, -i mI whoso treatment by hor husband has become so notorious throughout this oountry. will leave her unpleasant home in the north of Fng ! md and return to America with her children. For more than two years Mr Sartorjn has not contributed one crnt towards i wife's support, and she has lived entirely on the remittances sent her from homc Sartoris spends his time inLondon. carousing about the cafes and clubs, drinking and making merry with women of littlo reputation, whije his wife remains at an old, isolated country seat, year in and year out. Many stories have been told of his shocking treatment of her A gentle man said, some time ago that he had seen and heard her begging him to re main at home, simply to abate the scan dal that was in progress But no, he would not liten to her for an instant, and tho next hour off he went wi'h a conple of riotous companions to London. 8artoris has no business ; he never at tempts any, for tho simpl r.-ason he has not sufficient brains to conduct a dog case before a justice of ibi neace. He lives on an sll-wanc? of 1700 per an num, given him by Ins lather, with which he takes himself fo London, lives in style for about three or four month", and then returns penitently to his sor rowing wife and proceeds to borrow -some more. Then a few months of "life" is repeated at the gay metropolis aud the second act is gone over a&in, and s: on, year by year. Mrs. Sartoris, it seot. s b iog a high bred American girl, docs not propose to stand this sort of thing any longer. She has been repeatedly urged to leave her unnatnral husband :m! return tohcr mother, but up to a fov weeks sgo she had refused to entertaiu the thought. At last, however, life t the Sartoris mansion has become so K-'asteful to her that she has accepted 'h alternative, and will come baok to her once happy home. Guest (rising excitedly from the table, after tasting an o!iv: for the first time) "It's sorry I'd bo to disturb the hilarity of the mating, but I belave Borne joker's been salting the guseber ries !" ludy. INTERESTING liPKKIK.Vl ES. IJ irarti Cameron, Kurnil re dc-alrr of C'o lumlius, Ga., t'Il hut ei-r:e re thus: "For tbrv yexr have tried tv ry remedy on the market for Stemseh and Kidney Disorders, but K"t no relief until 1 u-t k let-trie Bitten, the B xt Blood Purifier in lUn world." Ma jor . Reed, of West. 'Liberty, Ky., used Electric Bitter for an old standing Kidney. affection and tays: "Nothing has ever done Hue so much K-od a Electric Hitter." Sold,, at fifty cents a bottle by all druggists. tl is Teported that Governor Wet more, of tho prohibition Sutcof Rhode Island, has just sent to Newport cottage one of the finest stoeks c-f wines ever imported at the New York customhouse. Professor R. C. WORD, 1. D , LL. D., Dean University, of Geyrgia. says: "Lieblg ( o's Cora eef Tonio is an invaluable prepa ration." Invaluable in dyspepsia, debility, malaria, biliousness, cancer. Doc 'ax. A tax on upon eTery 6o kept in the city limits is due and pai;lle to the Chief of Police the firt day of July in each year. Every perton owning a dog who shall fail to pay the tax durinu the month of July or who sba'l keep upon their premises an inlicensed dog after the 1st day of August stall be sub ject to a tine, and ail persons who shall fail to give in their dozs shall h deemed guilty of a mis lemeanor and fined $3 for each dog so omitted. All unliceuserl dogs will be taken up ami 's pounded after the ist, day of Au gust, 1886. Chas. T. Hkabtt, Chief of Pollee. Edward Fasnach, - Jii e er ai d Opt clan RALEIGH, N. (3. Gold and Silver Watches, .American k and Importid. Real and imitation I iamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedd.ng and Engagement Rings, any size and weight. Stei ling Silver W.ire for Bridal TresenU. Cptical Goods A SPECIALTY. Sectaries and ttye-j; l;isms in Ciold, Silver, Steel, It ibber and Shell Frames. Lenses, white and tinted, incndles varieties. Seals for Lodges, IVipomlions, etc. Also Badges and 5Icd.il for Seboolg and Societies made to order. Mail orders promptly -attended fo. Goods sent on selection to slu -art of the State. 3T Old Gold nnd Silver in small and larga quantities taken as tash. dly. PCKMYI PITK1TY!! Is desirable in all tuins but demanded in articles of food. Dont imp iir your health by using adultera ted lard, even if it docs cota lit le less. CASSARiys Is for sale by the following leading jrrocera and recommended by them to be the best. Try it. H'.H. Ellis. ' W. It. VewsomA Co., Oraunnian A Rosenthal, J. li. erratl A Co., Norris & Newman. K V flan tan aim CS8AR18 JdiLU CUBJCD HAMS ana :RKAK'AbT STRIPS, which are Ua kUrpujocd. - at- Tbi m nt?. corrected weekly. E. .T. Hardin, Wyatt m Co, Jno. K. "Terrell, W. B. Mann A Co. W. C. Unchurch, 1 S . si 1 . ' I

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