Pvbubbbd Daut (bxcipt Mosdat) aw Wiiut. , Bt THE NEW8 AND OBSEBVKR Co. Duly one year, mall, postpaid, t700 " st mourns, " o ov w three- " " Hi Weekly one year, " 2 00 six months . " 1 00 No name entered withoot payment, and no taper sent after the expiration of time paid tor 8UNDAY, AUGUST 1. 1886. 0E JCDGI 8CPXBIOR COC&T 4lH DI8TBI0T: HON. WALTER CLARK, Of Wake County. fob solicitor: SWIFT GALLOWAY, ESQ., Of Wayne. g It looks now as it the oleomargarine bill would be made a law. Ma. Rsaoan's inter-State commerce bill was passed in tae House by a vote of 133 to 104. "Joobahaw" is a new political word which is eaid to mean a man who thinks wit his jaws. The joobahaw is there fore -not rare. ; Thi new British cabinet is made up j Ahothbb independent has appeared in chiefly of members of the last conserva- I the field-this time beyond the Blue Ridge tiye ministry, with certain changes rs I and it requires little of tne prescience to position. The most striking of I of the polities! prophet to say that he these changes is the promotion of I will be defeated with his brethren. The Lord Randolph Churchill to the place I people understand full well that inde- of chancellor of the exchequer, which I Peadentiam means a selfish offioe-seek- not extend beyond the actual death of J Two men were playing billiards in the grantee or devisee before that act J a Minnesota town when a cyclone ar- when there was nothing in the instru- rived, says Texas SiftingB. One of roent to show that death without heirs them was about to attempt a very diffi generally, or death at an intermediate cult shot.; Suddenly the storm cam, )enod was intended, "death during tne tne roof of the building was torn open SUMMER RESORTS. EDUCATIONAL. It does not look so much like adjourn ment of Conirrcsfr tomorrow as it did. a Wednesday is now regarded earliest possible dto. as the Me Nirics iMkkdknuall, it is re ported, will seek election to Congress in the Greensboro district as a prohibi tionist. We are sorry for Mr. Mendr n- hall if this is true. This week will be a stirring one po litically hereabouts. We hope all who are interested will be careful to leave heat to the weather so that coolness may . prevail in the party councils. In warm wave Beems to have come to stay. Let people eat carefully, avoid exposure to the aun, keep their bodies and their premises clean, their con sciences clear, and all will be well. ; Thx national greenback-labor party has put out a State ticket in Vermont. It is an immensely influential party twenty delegates strong and its plat form is copied from that of the Knights of Labor. Chailxs R. cries ott that ' Blanche and Sweetheart," "the dogs and all," are barking at him. He would have reason to thank his stars were he as honest a dog as either Tray, Blanche or Sweetheart. EnrroK Cutting is still in jail, but secretary Bayard is confident that he will soon be released. The Texans have cooled down considerably since learning that Cutting is decidedly not worth lighting over. carries witn it tne leaaersnip oi the House. The London Times, the "Thunderer" of British politics, does not fancy this rapid rise, intima ting that Churchill will prove , un equal to the responsibility of his new and dignified office. Yet it expresses a hope that he will bring about a more vigorous management oi uie department than has of late obtained under conservative auspices. The ap pointments of Lord Iddesleigh as for eign secretary and Sir Michael Hicks tteach as secretary for Ireland, tho Times considers good , while Lord George Hamilton, as first lord of the admiralty, end the Right Hon. Wm. II. Smith, as s sretary of war, return to S laces in which they have already won istinction. The Marquis of London derry consents to act as a mere figure head, of course, in accepting the vice- royalty of Ireland, but he is thought to compare favorably with his conservative predecessor. On tho whole the cabinet is perhaps as strong and well balanoed a ministry as Lord Salis bury could have chosen " from the mate rial he had at hand. That it will last long, however, cannot be expected, in in view of the present temper of the British people. The next election will probably result in a permanent triumph of liberal principles. Elssttuers, "0," a very good lawyer, mikes reply to "Lex's" last article questioning the correctness of a decision of ihe supreme court Smith v. Bris son, 90 N. C, j. 286. Lawyers, like doctors differ. This has been the case ever since the beginning of the world, aid it will be to the end. It is because of the impossibility of the lawyers agreeing that we have a supreme court to say whioh is right. " Lex" has amused himself in finding fault with the decisions of the democratic court, a performance whioh any fledg ling who never read a dozen law bosks could do ad nauseam. The gift of the gab is however quite a distinct thing from an intelligent comprehension! a law case. " Lex" has the former the latter seems to be beyond his attain ments. In Smith v. Brisson the case was this: Old Mr. Mercer, for love and affection, and for one dollar, gave and Trav I Darg"ne ao B0tn4 1 hi 100 . I Rowland and the heirs of his body, and Uttie I ;r .),. ,.:a Tf-lo aauv Mvnawa aauwvaa ansa v v u vr heirs, ' the said land shall go to my son James." Rowland married, but had no children. V hen he died he devised the land to his widow, who married Smith, who sued for it, the land being then in the possession of the children of James Now, the plain purpose of old Mr. Mer oer wfs that his land should go to his children and grandchildren. Mr and Mrs. Smith wanted it, and the question was whether thoy were were entitled to it. The supreme court held thst they were not. , ' Lex" thinks that they were, and that: old Mr. Mer oer's intention in the matter was of no avail. That's about the amount of it. Mri and Mrs. Smith, to support their olaim, cited the McBee case, whioh had fe of the divisor" was the construc tion put upon the words doth without heirs, but where the words of the in strument forbade this construction, and there was no intermediate period at which the estate could become absolute. then the time of the death of the devisee without heirs was adopted, at which his estate cases to be determinable) that is it would never become absolute but for the courts having said this limitation was void, but since our act of 27 this limitation over is not void on the ground of remoteness, being limited to the ac tual death ot tne devisee, So under our statutes where the firt construction is not admissible and there is no intermediate point the time for tho estate to become absolute or to deter mine is that of the actual death of the devisee. Tho armva i mi construction upon invariaoiy sooner or ia;r . of Hilliard vs. Kearney, Busbce's Eq , public enemy These are particularly 221, Pearson, J. delivering the opinion, "Propitious times for the independent udDtTi8Tf p k (J9 N. 0., 271, in North Carolina. There have been Rod deliver ng the opinion wveral conspicuous examples of late Smith v8. BrigjJOn . MMj-Jmk all both l of too genus and of the dire mmish- fonr8 wUh fn that case ment which it brings upon itself It is nere WM ft conveyance by deed to "A increiorepu aown at once in tne puu- , . d if thc ing whose tendency is directly toward the destruction of that organization in to parties which is necessary to the maintenance of principles, and principles not men must be held in highest regard if the liberty we enjoy is to be pre served. The independent is the Bame in all lands and in all ages. He is the egoist who would destroy the whole political fabric in order that he may rise upon the ruins to place or pelf for himself. , He is always the disorganizes the iconoclast, who expects to profit for a sea son by the destruction of what is held sacred by the thoughtful among the people, and he is therefore Bat down upon invariably sooner or later and the billiard table suokod up and swept away. The players were stunned, out unnurt, and some days alter, in beating the neighboring fields, they came upon tho billiard table, upright and perfectly level, with the balls in precisely! the same position in which they wcrp when surprised by the tem pest. Having their cues with them, by a fortunate chance, they went to work and concluded the game. jNext ! j i i few Woman ltrr from Man. At If ast three men on the average Jury are bound tci disagree with the rent lust to show (hat they've got minds ol their own ; hut there is no dlHagr cement among the warren a tthe merit ol Vr. Pierce's "Favorite 1 et-criittion. They a)e all unanimous in pronouncing it the beat remedy In the world for all tlioie bronlc uiseawep, weaknesses and complaints peculiar to their sex. It trannfornia the pain, haggard, dispirited woman, into oneof rarklin health. and the ringing laugh again "reigns supreme' n the happy household. SWANNANOA HOTEL ASHEVILLE, N. 0. The largest brick ;hotel In AnhrvUle. Broad, airy bulls. Water supply from Crystal Moun tain springs. Philadelphia orchestra employed tor the Hummer. Accommodations unsur passed. Ttnn f3 per day. Special rates by the week. RAWLS BROS. SELECT BOARDM AJiD DAY SCHOOL (rOCKOKO 1859.) For Young Ladies and Little Girls HnxsBoao, N. C The Scholastic vmv nf v vi. xt v a Mias Kollock'a school will commanca Sept 8d, pSation n ' 1887 Wrcutan P" lioige and Corde-do-la-raine combined for girls' wear. are lie mind for what it is worth and tho sovereign people will have none of it. For this reason it is easy to predict that Mr. M alone will follow Charles R. and Mr. Linney into rebuke and obscurity as he has in coming out as an indepen dent. Let all tho horses possiblo bo brought in. The democratic party at least can well afford to have its dead wood lopped off. Thit have at Concord, New Hamp shire, every summer what is called a school of philosophy. That school is now in session and is discussing Plato. The profundity of the discussion may be realixed from the following contribu tion made thereto by a Texan, Prof. Edmund Montgomery: "The divinely inspired soul that, twenty-three centu ries ago, came to fashion into organic form the little drop of planetary matter visibly known among contemporaries as 'Plato, the broad-browed, came from said A should have no heirs," then to 13; that is if A should die, having no such heirs living at his death. The act of 27 prevents the limitation being too remote and the property being acquired by conveyance whereby, tho title rests immediately, "death without issue" can not bo construed "death without iscue during the life of the grantor." The very nature of the case forces the other construction, leaving no issue at his death. Try it again, "Lex," and see if you can't do a little better next time. Spirit of lb Mat Fraaa. Take the independant candidate for Congress in this district, for instance. This is a esse of hebetude. Charles R. Jones thinks he is a man of sense and prudence ; he. thinks the people want him to represent them at Washington. The people don't agree with him ; they have time and again told him they were at home and Pond's Extract U a wonderful remedy. It has been ued and praised in thous- nds ol families tor half a century. It cures all forma of Palni Inflammation and Hemorrhages. For Pummel Complaints, Diarrbu-a, Stings of In sects, CihilDKM. Piles,: Sunburns, Sore Eyes, Pore Feet it is unriva'led. Be sure to get the genuinq. 1 -m- . J&tamine with wide meshes is com bined with woolen lace. i . Chnleri. ilv outcry an-1 diarrhu-i crini"? with the unji'.n:i- iiipnidenrf in fruit diet. Infec tion arid Midden checks to perspiration cause thr.se complaints. On the first symptom take four or live lirandreth's Pills and drink plen tifully M bot water and you are sal. If you wl.h W render '.he body a fortress against dis ease, take one or two Brandrcth Pills every night fhr ten days and thus remove from the bow' Is all irritating suhktances and purify the blood, j i : , T3 CO :"5T if 5 il v lis.- L;r;'ffa ;!J f uj W ' 111 - i i, E K:..7iT.3r.,..irJ iiS g FOUNDED IN 1842. St. Marj7o School, THE UUUuivtLUtiCL HOTEL HILLSBORO, N.C., V ill be o en after July 1st, for (UVKEB VISITORS. E. H. POGUE, Propri tor. Summer and Winter Hesort. BATTERY PARK satisfied to have him stay the great formative deep to awaken into tun his paper ;ytt he cannot see the life generation after generation of sense- I irutn as it is ; nis mental ueiormity stui absorbed earthlings, whose eternal ldcc of celestial harmonies ingenerate in his own exalted nature." Think of a met aphysical joke like that emanating from a Texan I in Buffalo 14th la. THROUGH THI COtUTTBT FROM KITTRtXL THB CROW ON THI WAT. Correspondence of Tax News axd Obskbter. Bcmio Lithia Springs, Va., July 29, 1886. We arrived here yesterday afternoon after forty-five miles drive through the country from Kittrell. In passing through the finest farming lands of Vanoe, Granville and portions of Meck lenburg county, Virginia, I am sorry to state that I did not see a single plant of tobacco that can possibly make a good yellow wrapper, no matter how favor able thc seasons may be from now out. The crop everywhere is a total failure, and it is the verdict of every farmer whom I have seen that the present crop cannot possibly be one-half so good as that of last year. Thc corn crop is the Ahothxx rule for contempt was served on the editors of the Asheville Citizen by the Asheville inferior court because of alleeed con tern ntuous utterances in the Citixen on tho morning after, the j ome y6" before been decided in a very J finest I ever saw, especially on the high . l ii, . mi . i tew sentences. ne supreme court saiu i iauua, wuue u v uu siwn urup iu was made thereto instanter and tha at- M""n0BniwIM aecision naa been uorinera uranvuie is exceptionally goou. inaae in consequence or tne iormer su preme court overlooking some matter, and several pages were devoted to a dis cussion of the principles involved, "shifting uses," "scintilla juris," "conveyances under the statutes of ter was disposed of as in the former in- st nee. Wi are asked who are entitled to be addressed as honorable. The President, vice-president, members of the cabinet, Senators and members of Con gress, foreign ministers, United States judges. Governors lieutenant governors and speakers of the Bouse, juages oi me supreme and superior courts, and commissioners representing any State. If there are others we do not recall them. The News ako Ob sxbvxb seeks to stand by the old paths in this matter, and docs not use the title indiscriminately. Apropos of some of the accomplish ments of well known men who have at tained considerable age, we met with an item the other day that is not devoid of interest. In one of Horace Wal pole's letters, written in 1785, he says: "Gen. Oglethorpe, who sometimes visits me and who is 95, has the activity of youth when compared with me. Two years and a "half ago he challenged a neighbor for trefpissiDg on his manor." This is one of the most notable instances of a survival of a f gating spirit that we re call. The old gentleman was in his 93d year and still was ready to kill his man if need be in vindication of hisrights. The general, in his younger days, set tled Georgia and was recognised as one of the most humane and enlightened men of his times ' & The members of the North Carolina bar association recently adopted with out dissent a resolution looking to in creasing the number of justices of the supreme court frrm three to five. We wouli feel free to advocate that as a de sirable change, but we do not under stand how. anyone who opposes the renom -ination of the present supreme court oajn consistently advocate increasing the number of justices.-. Wc know that uses," &o. All that is abstruse learn ing, and we apprehend that the court is right. At any rate Mr. and Mrs Smith did not get the land that old Mr Mercer intended for his grandchildren; and that is the substance of the matter. Thi inferior court at Asheville has decided that the Asheville Citizen, which had said that "it would be well if the court were hung," was guilty of contempt. The defendants having taken on appeal, the matter will be adjudi cated in the superior court, and thence i i ji ii.. ,i an appeal aouoiieBS in tne supreme court. And in the meantime there will be much comment, and comment will degenerate into j caustic wit, and1 hard feeling will be engendered and the question, no matter how it ends, will be hurtful to the moral influence of the courts. On the whole, a mountain is to be made out of a mole-hill, and it would have been well had the mole-bill not have been started. We assume that the Citizen intended what it said as a joke, but the Citizen ought to under stand that the courts of the State are not proper suDjects ; oi pleasantry, and on the first int'mation that the court pro posed to maintain its dignity the Citi zen ought to have hastened to purge itself of the alleged contempt. Courts are not legitimate objects of pleasan try, and the Citizen would have done itself credit if it had taken a different course instead of antagonizing the court in this instance. Ons explanation of the defeat of Mr. Gladstone is given as follows by a Home Ruler: ' ' It may interest Americans .to know that if a man in England be rich enough he can vote in twenty constituencies This gives the Tories an enormous ad vantage. One Churoh of England car- judges Smith. Ashe and Merrimon can I son boasted publicly thatrhe voted at do tne work iu the future, for they have I fifteen elections) Nearly -all the Wealthy done it in the past. But still we think the woik is too heavy even for them. Most of tho gentlemen whoso names have ben mentioned as suitable suc cessors to them could not stand up under the work stall, and if they should bo nominated, the bfnch would necessari ly have tqre increased. We think under the oircumstanc s that the best solution is to renominate the present justices who can do the work, and then to let the legislature next winter submit a-propo sition to the people for an amendment to the constitution increasing the num ber of justices. It would seem, how ever, that those who oppose thc renooai nation of the present court, from the nature of the ca&e Bins: cpj ow tfcij de ired inereue, men have at least two votes, and a con siderable number half a dozen. Th Tory majority was made up of tb s" plural votes. A majority of the electors voted for Gladstone and home rule, bat tie plural votes defeated the popular voice." We have had little doubt that while the Tories carried the day, the majority of the people voted for home rule that the m vises were on that side of the qu tion. As to the system of plural Vot ing, the home rulers need by no means despair if that is all they have to fight against. The system must soon oome to an end. The, growing sentiment of the world is in favor of but one vote for one man, and this sentiment will inert fcWpwriil i? M jf lsfvhere. I find quite an agreeable company here; quite as many as. usual for this time of the season. Very great im provements have taken place under the new management. Visitors of former seasons would hardly recognize the place. New buildings have gone up and old ones have been repainted; the grounds , have . . been beauti fully terraced and laid off into drives and walks. The fare is the most elegant I ever saw anywhere. The very best beef and mutton that can be bought in Richmond are brought in re frigerators daily, and served in the most tempting style by the best of Frenoh cooks. Mr. Tice, the genial and clever manager, is a typical . Yankee, look closely after every department, gives you the very best that can be prooured, and then charges you like blazes. But this, in my opinion, is the only way to give satisfaction in a hotel. I find here among the many North Carolinians, Mrs. Thos. llolt and Mrs. Laird, of Haw River; Mr. David Worth and daughter, Mrs. Graham Daves, of Wilmington ; Mrs. William Roberts, of New Berne ; Mr. A. C. Zollicoffer and family, of Hen lerson, and Mr. C. W. Raney and wife, of Kittrell. Among those from Geor gia I find Mr. F. W. Foster and family, Augusta, and Mr. W. II. Hare and ifo,of La Grange. There are also many others here from the southern States, while several northern States ire well represented. We are having very warm weather, but the delicious, health-giving waters and splendid fare counteract all bad fleets of weather and I am a gainer of a few pounds in flesh already.. There is to be agerman here tomor row night, and already orowds of young ladies and gentlemen are coming in from the country and neighboring towns. R. lx'a Iat lttmr. Correspondence ot Tui Kkws and Observer. Ralrioh, July 31. Lex is still hammering away at our court for its gross errors. If you will allow me I will try to answer his last letter in the State Chronicle, in which he "goes for" the court on account of their decision in the case of Smith vs Brisson, 90 N. C.,284. By the way, who is "Lex?" If rumor is correct as to who he is, I would advise the man whom he u advocating for the supreme court bench, if there be such a one, to take warning from a recent occurrence in this State and get a less fratricidal advocate. At common law an estate to A and his uoira but if he die without heirs then to Is and his heirs, was construed to mean ilit if at any time A's heirs became extinct then the estate would go over to B and his heirs; that is when the death of A without heirs generally was meant; but this limitation was too remote and A'f estate became absolute. By oar AN END TO BONE SCRAPINO. Edward Shepherd, ot Harrisburg, 111., says: 'Having received so much benefit from Elec tric Bitters, I feel it my duty to iet suffering humanity know it. Have bad.a running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors iold me I would have to have the bone scraped or leg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Bueklen's Arnica Salve, acd my leg is now sound and well." ' Electric Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle and Bncklen's Arnica Salve at 25c per box by all druggists. urges him on and he makes of himself an object of innocent amusement for all. The card that he has published, an nouncing his candidacy, is the best pos sible evidence of his infirmity of mind. His words are terrible exaggerations of his meaning : they clearly show that he cannot see the fitness of things ; he does not know how to make the means and the ends of things conform, and we are forced to observe how closely his hebe tudenosity approaches megalomania Monroe Enquirer and Express. Some of the democrats of North Caro lina may not be satisfied with everything the democratic party has done, but they will not, on that account, abandon their principles or discard those publio men who have been faithful. Some of them may not entirely agree with the Presi dent in everything he recommends, but as long as he is faithful to the constitu tional rights of the nation, and as long as he maintains the exalted character for honesty and integrity which he possessed when they voted for him, and whioh has already become a portion of the history of the country, they will stand by him. The country has had once a taste of the fruits of republican principles. They were bad enough. Such it dose would, if often repeated, be death to the body politio.Letusthen stand by the old demo cratic party, and let us stand in all our Congressional districts by the men who bear its flag. If that party cannot gov ern the country, proteot&our liberties and perpetuate the Union,; no other party can. Albemarle Enquirer. For the support of the Federal gov ernment an entirely different course is pursued. For the protection afforded by the great government at Washington people nay taxes, not on the poll for personal seourity, not on property in proportion to the value of the property protected, but in proportion to the amount of dutiable articles : they con sume. That is to say, a poor man whose earthly possessions consist of a large family of children and a log cabin, ac tually pays more tax for the support of the Federal government, for paying pensions and for big appropriations, than does the rich man wno lives in a fine mansion and has millions of dollars worth of property to be protected. Is there any justioe in such a : system, of taxation V To make the burden of tax ation still more unequal, these rich men invest their monoy in United States bonds that are exempt from taxation ; receive the interest on those bonds in gold, whioh by their manipulation is at a premium, and by other schemes of like character they manage to escape almost entirely from paying any tax for tho protection of their vast and rapidly increasing wealth. 1 hus it seems that our Federal laws are made, if not with the intention, certainly with the effect, of grinding to the earth the poor and heaping up the fortunes of the million aires. Pensions or no pensions, in the name of justice let us have the income tax. Yadkin Valley News. : Dalagataa, Attntloa t Durham, N. C.jJuly 31. Naws and Observer, Raleigtj, N. C. : Dear Sir : Please publish that C. W. Chears, general passenger agent of the Richmond & Danville railroad com pany, has instructed his agents to soli tickets to the delegates attending the conventions at Durham and Raleigh next week at five cents per bile, round trip. Truly yours, J. S. Manning, Ch'm'n Dem. Ex. Com. 5th Jud. Dis. We i began the delivery of ice a short time age. Without previous experience in the busi ness, we did not know how much loss there would be from melting and cutting. We de sired to make prices low and its use as general as iisUle. A fair trial through all kinds of weather shows a greater loss than we had cal culated for, and that we cannot afford to cob tinue at present prices, but will have to make a small advance. i : Froin this date tickets will be as follows : i l 1 00 as, 90e; 6 a or more delivered at a time. 800; " S2.50; 6 " " " " RAO!" JL.Vl: IU it u t u J,000 j" 12.00; 60 " ' " " j ; Small lots1 withou tickets 1 c per lb. ISO lbs. packed in barrel 75cts., as before. We shall! have four wagons on the streets and better delivery service in a few days, tee ticket are our currency and exchangeable for greenbacks, silver and gold, at par. JONES & POWELL, TUWb. N 1 Ltee drcfees are more flowing thin m e ihii 4ij$ without km fn-jfapfrl SWEET HOME THE PERFECTION OF IF XjO TJ i We invite the attention of consume? to our "SWEET HOME" patent Flour, which we maatifacture with great care, from the choicest varieties of Winter Wheat, to meet the re quirtments of city trade. It contains all the healthful and nourishing qualitif s of the wheat andlM positively the lightest, sweetest and most wholesome flour made. j $6 60 PERBBL., RETAIL. I : PILGRIM, Our best straight grade ol Extra Fancy and the leading Winter Wheat Flour of the Wwt. It is a sterling article of line color and strength and will give perfrct satisfaction to those who Mdo not require" "Sweet Home." If jou desire excellent bread at an economical cost, ask your grocer fer PtANTS PILGRIM FLOUR. j fO.OO.raiiBBL , RETAIL, j The "Sweet Home" and "Tilgrim" Flours arfl used and recommended by the principal grocers, caterers and biscuit manufacturers throughout the United states and Canada. i Good to High tirade Family Flour fS UO to So. OS per bbl. Quotations on any quantity and any grade, in auy size package. The Geo. P. Jriant Milling Co., St Louis, Missouri, or our agents, W. C. & A. B. STRONACH, WH0LXSAL1 AND UTAH GROCERS. RALEIGH, N. C. Giving Away Crystal Wkkpr-Work Glassware with each 6 oz. can Silver Spoon Baking l'owders, 1, 5c can. j Giving away to "Wholesale Trade with coffee, tea, pepper, ginger and spices French C'hiD Dinner, Tea and lireakfast Set, KBgli.h Frintedlinner,Teaand Breakfast Seta, Calendar Pank and French Mantel Clocks, Rochester Hanging and Parlor Lams, Sewing Machines, Patent Ottaman Cvspidors, Sc. Send for catalogue to W C. & A. B. STRONACH, Agents for Grand Central Tea Importing Co., Adams' Sappota Tolu and Black Jack Chew ing Guni. j Given away with-25 lbs Strong Fresh Snuff i doa. Rogers' silver plated knives and forks. Large Bladders 37c, Small ! Bladders 38c, Weasands 42c We are still selling under guarantee Purest ; and Beat Hog Lard, tea 70, i bbl 71a. Special Bargain in lot old brown Java Coffee, i 18c lb, 60 lb mats. Laundry and Toilet Soaps lower than any house in the State. i Vdtt's Pure Cider Vinegar, 3 and 4 years old, eparaiing urvugni ciuer in DDIs and v obis, Golden Russet Tab Apple and Sweet Juice Cider, In pt. and qt, bottles, at factory prices,freght added. Boss' Royal Belfast, Cochrane, Cantwell'i A Bolen St Byrne's. Ginger Ale. i 1 " Largest stock and greatest variety of best of tyeryuusg in staple ana aacy froeeries J ASHEVILLE, N. C. The Battery Park will be open July lttb. Bates from 2.50 to 13.50 per day. The city of Asheville is located on the high broken plateau between the Blue Ridge and Appalachian chain, and is accessible by rail from all points of the compass. 1 he Battery Park is a new hotel Just com pleted with all the modern appliances for do ing a first class business. Hydraulic elevator. Electric light. Heated by steam and open nre. Electric bells connecting every room with ' he office. The house is built on a highball overlooking ! the town and a stret ch ot country fifty miles in extent. Scenery magnificent. Prospect extensive. Climate delightful. For descriptive pamphlet and any informa tion p rtaining to the business, address. C. H. SOUTHWIOK, - 1 Proprietor. PILOT MOUNTAIN ON F1HE. SPOUTING FORTH A STREAM OF FIRE, LAVA, &C. aALKQH,. C. Ths Est. BEINITT SMEDIS, a. M., kbotob Ajro rmorcirAJU A corps of fourteen efficient instructors. Thorough teaching guaranteed. French taught by a native; German by an American educa ted in Get many. Latin a requisite for a full Diploma. Great attention is paid to Mathe matics and Composition. Elocution a apeeialtv. una oi ine Deal equipped acnoou of Music in the South. Separate building; fire teachers one from the btuttgart, one tram theLetpsio wuramwfji uae vocalist; sixteen pianos for daily practice two new.ConeertQrands for w,nc UM Cabinet Organ; a fin Pipa Organ, with two manuala and twenty stops, and the only Pedal Piano south of Maw York. The- Art ienartmeat under the cnarg of able and enthusiastic artists. Th Coursa comprisea Drawing la Pencil, Crayon and Charcoal; Painting in OA, Water Colors and Pastel, and Decorating China in Ta Physical Development of tb pupils thor oughly cared for. Ihe Kinety- first term begins 8eptes ber ifth, 1888. For. circulars containing full particulars apply to the Rector. une is dw 8m. FOUNDXD 1802. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, 8alsm, N. C. Eigrty-third Arnnal Session beams Set. i A i nun x- . -1 . . a" "-r" wv. vi wtiujjut app j io i Rav. E. RoxoTBALxa, D. D , RlT.Jomill (ito.K July lS-d2m , PrinciuaJa. 4:: A: It may not he that, but only the snorting of the steam horse at its toot. Only a few months more and trains will be running into Mount Airy, the terminus of th UF.s Y." V. rail road, where you will find the grandest scenery and the finest land ; the moat flourishing town in North Carol ina, destined to be the metropo lis of "The Land of the Sky." Ye people in sickly sections, don't pine away with chills and ferer ; there U a better place for you. Don't delay ; come on, buy you a sice home in the mountains, breathe exhilarating air and drink pure water you will make more money, live longer and die happier. AUCTION SALE ! ON THURSDAY, THE 5th DAY OF AUGUST, 1886, I wiU sell, in the town of Mount Airy, at public auction, to the highest bidder, sixty ot the most desirable vaca nt lot for dwellings, store-houses,, etc , in the town. Sale certain I Don't forget thc day t I have for sale the most desirable town property, country prop erty, farming lands, mills, c For further information, address H. C. BROWN, REAL B8TAT1 AGKNT, Mount Airy, Surry County, N. C. Phil H Andrews & Go CHANGE OF Headquarters BEAK OF Agricultural Building Halifax and Salisbury Sta, FIRST SQUARE NORTH of CAPITOL Having moved our wood and coal yard from the N. C. Depot (the extreme western portioa ot the city) to within ONE SQUARE OF THE CAPITOL We are now prepared to furnish fuel at short notice. HARD AND SOFT LONG AND CUT Prices guaranteed. Telephone No. 108. Send in your orders. Call and see us; we Will show ou how we do husiBaas. yCTION'SALB OF LAND. By virtne of power co' ferred on mi by a certain mortgage deed excuted by Austin Gilmore and wife, Adelaide Gilmor, and duly recorded in register's office of Wake county, in bosk 80, page 784, I iil sell to .he highest bidder for cash,atthe courthouse door in the ci'y of Kaieigh, Saturday, August 28, 1886, at 13 o'clock m., the land hi said mort- Kge described, said land adjeinitflng the ids ot John W. Rogers and others and said to contain 79i acres. B. F. MNTAGTJI. .assignee and Attorney for Mortgagee. July 30, 1880, dtd. B ELLEVUE HIGH SCHOOL, Bin roan co., raonriA. The 21st Annual Session Opens Septem ber 15th, 1889. For Otalof us or Special informadon. apply to "a lass 1st lartr nmmmJ- BIN emu SCHOOL, Ths Wd yearly Term begins September 7th, 1886. For Cataiogua giving full particulars, address Maj. R. BINGHAM, Sum Bingham eehooi p. Q. Orange Ca S. C Horner School, OXFORD, N. C ' The Fall Session cf 1886 begirs taw SSta of July. Send for Catalogue giving full in formation. july 16 dim. J.H. J.l.HOKSIB, NG1PE DAME OF MARYLAISD, Collegiate Institute for Yenag Ladies and Preparatory Bebcol for Little Girkv King V P. O. Thiee miles from Bait, mere, Ma. Con ducted by the bisura of Kotre Dt ma. Send for Catalogue. lvly lav eod Mod. Wed. A Sat. 2m. vmeiitiiA Female Institute STAU1T0N, VA. Mrs. fen. J. T.B. STUART, Principal. The nxt session of Nine Months Opens September JUh, with a lull ec rj s of tupcrloa teachers, i Tons iacn:bJe. iply earri N umber limited. 1 atlogue lent tpca appis catian to ti e principal. July 16-eod-uioa wed sat 6W PEACE INSTITUTE. : RALEIGH, N. C. , For ToiiBi Mes ail - Small Girl Fall session cc mmtnees first Wednesday in September and closes cones ponding time in June following. An experienced and highly accomplished corps of teachers in all branches usually taught in frst-class Seminaries for young ladies and girls. Advantages for in struction in Music. Art and Modera Languages unsurpassed. Building heated by steam and lighted by gaa and electricity. Itxpenses less than any Female Seminary offering earns ad vantages. Special arrangements for small girla. Deduction for two or more from -to family or neighborhood. Correspondence solicited. For Catalogue address Kkv. R. BUKWXLL A SON, ttatolgh,N.C. WFSLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE. ! STAUNTON, VA. Opens September 22d, l&f6. One of tha First Schools for Young Ladies In the Union. AH Departments, thorough. Buildings ele gant. Steam beat. Gas light. Situation beau- -tifuL Climate spk ndid. Pupils from nineteen -States. All important sdvantages in one great ly reduced charge. Board, Washint-, Lights. English, Latin, French, German, Music, for Scholastic year, from Sept. to June, $280. Na Extras. For Catalegne write to Kxv. Wm. A. 11 amis, D.D., President. Staunton, Va. ECONOMIZE 1M Higher Education. Tho a looking for an Institution whoa ad vintages are Equal to ths Best; vet whose Chargaatars the Lowest, should not fVll La v and examine a catalogue of cure i IHomasyU'e Female Cite. Each patron may choose any desired Conraa ot Study; yet the Faculty of ten members in sufficient to meet every demand. The charges are very Low, varying accord ing to Studies, but never exceedlnirtlia argreed upon, there being no Iocidentaia,avea ucuicwca uu aiecicai AHeauoa oeing in cluded. The location is exceedingly Healthful, anh one pupil having died within its walla sinee H was founded 88 years ag and there bavins been no other case of serious sickness Ad dress lUv. J. N 8TALLING8. . ' Thomasvillo, N. C. Catawba Vvtleoc Jnewt k, h a uu a union Jtoderata. wAk. -r ""V5a. Apprv at onea. ru. alague free. Pure water I Once. Cat Secretary. Otowaa Baptist female Mnte. . MUBFBJCESBOBO, N. C. JSSiH0'1"." adraatsgss Ut the nighar editara of young ladies. Bast talent employed l5T ah derjartoenti YnawauoBlsha.Ubr. Fall seas: If adiwday, Pot, ,V SKS . 1 ,,f.a.ri toabeflBf adirass