fit' ! i vol xxvi r. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDA1 MORNTNG, AUGUST 31, 1886. Observeh. ' ' - MEWS S i - 1 - , i r 1 AND NO. 89 "i s 5 r ' j , , i r 1 Z I . I . . mm : Absolutely Pure. " fhia powder "aeVer" varies. ? A marvel of i urtty, Ktrenih and wholeeomeneee. Kara onomJcal than ordinary kinds and cannot be Id ta ectnpetitioa with the latitude of tow CL )rt wtgbt, alum OFpkoepbate powders .-Old OB.'T IB oaoe. IttTAl. B4KIX0 FOWB-a . A., I0S Wall Street, NW York dold r-y W C ' A Bl 8tronch, George T ' rvr vhid J R "-FerraH A Oo. ' j?". wr wa nfw frwa I BRPJfv!rn R HH-ii bet, ihonMchto lBTiPBtea. 1 9 rUl nntxion. and iumi kin noot, ' t',kMMtbbdttlalMth.MiiMlKtdMb,f prod bo wwipiii nil Hut Inm mmthciumm do. Ms, fuatm &&m. m Vumlt A, M ilm . I iUK Brows' Iron Bittart. d it ba tbaa Anctur to hmi. oBrinc m4 m of tka mim IftdiM ky ia hi. Aha nd of Ltr Mr OasaplatBV d now su asptaiioa to dwr mmA B4. liMaJb beca tMM&aiml Um& ehildrwu" Mae. Looim O. BmAODOw. EhA fekpotir. Y mrm: 'Iknainl mtttM mimm fwca Famala - ad otd , obC caiMtf TmkMCber. Mad awlt br feKCWll CSUCMIOAL OSb, BALTUIOIUC. MBv. THE GREAT BARGAINS STORE OF I i RALKIGII. Xverv bodf Is working lor ttie almighty dl ar and but few know how to use tt after they cet tU Ther loot it away ia bad bargains and does them but little good. Buy your gowds aad everytkinj lse where you can get them v. .'). i - i .. I ' ha cheapest, as the Backet Store does. Big t " i.-'i. rices will not do in these prrishabto times. The rich cannot 'afford to w their money and 1 poor require every olar and every . we dear la rood coeds and not trash; 1 : - I -a d believe the masses will patronbte the house hat eells the beat roods for the least money Who caa tell the waste of mois' V when you get " '; f ' Si ur goods from, a house that buys and sells on Mir time. Wlkat U the use of wasting a dollar . ariuui ft eas cave oner Yt throw oa our counters day after day new rrivab at panic aces from houses that will go down to-nior- row and are compelled to s?llti us at such ft prtoee as we ere willing to Jy. From sueh ourets aa theee we gtt of the goods iwe are pitting against the credit yatem, for uMiev. reDutaUon and the people. Our stock - . . : will be replenished every tew dy with speeta . m L bargains. This; week we offer jou greet largatns in suspenders and brace, at to aeata, worth 50 iesenta; big Job in hosiery of. all deacriptioai; new style of nice bustles at 17ta. worth S4, ahoes of all kliid; cheap Una of ottonade panb ; new lot of. our 7-its. ahtrta, : ' '. i i ; -: worth f 1 i Haiuilton prlnU at 0 eta. worth ! i' ' i cU. anywhere. We wiah an early and. re . 1 . ' l eated vUlt and Inayeqtioni iim pectf ully submUted to tlie cash trade oaly by VOUJKY PUlSKLL 4 00.; , jj'DWws L--J M r 0E5TT0MIC t TMa awilMaa bhw hi wUH ym Tuaulabla .tnfiioa. aaa ia arralnaM. tvm Dmumm namiliai 1g n i rtrTnm .:. nmnnn .Kfll K H Vnikh --a " ' .i -Oi '. : ' Si NEWS OBSERVATIONS.; j Star-shaped bead are the newest things m glass, of which one must wear a poand or two. t ; A. club in London has successfully defended a suit; on a debt for i:7(W, on the ground that it was a gamblieg debt. An Omaha papa adTises; trides when furnishing a house to cikb inre of an easy ohair, a foot rest, fm open grate and a corn popper and the bliss of matrimony will be full. I ? f ; The California republksals Ihaye nominated for Governor John Swift, who was one of the three pceiai en voys sent to China to negotfata the amended treaty between fee United States and China. J .' ! : Ex-Oot. John C. Brown reminds people that Texas is aa empire in-itself of Tst proportions. The recent storm Will not retard general prosperilj 'here, and the cotton oropjis still estimated at about 2,000,000 bale's. -if i Candidal Wrie, t8e ledir of Pennsylvania's prohibitionists, estimates his vote at sixty thousand not gniran toed. If he can cut' as deeply he be lieves into the old soldier rni colored republican strength, the nut Governor of Pennsylvania will be Chauneey For ward Black, democrat. . s . ' ' An American, now residing in the City of Mexico, in t private letter to his brother in New York says : "It would highly amuse an American who ufiuder- stood Spanish to hear some of the talk indulged - in, by Mexicans. They say that thev could whip the United States were it not for Texas. : A dredging machine at work in Savannah harbor has struck an anoient wreck, which, from the fastening jf her timbers and the character of the .am s recovered,, was a war vessel of the last century. It is said that during Sthe wa? of the revolution a British line-of-battle chip chased a Spannjh corvette Into tht harbor, and that the crew of the Smaller vessel scuttled her to escape capture. -The Porte has received replies from the various powers to its circular an oouncing Prince Alexander s .idenosi tiou, ixn the exoeptton of Italy thr different governments merely note the contents of the circular, rr serving all ulterior communicttions. The tenlv of ItaJyin addition reoogmses the forte s right to protest againt the illegality of The following are the measure ments of the Galatea as furnished' by her designer, Mr. J. Beavor-Webb : Length over all. 102 60 feet; length on Water line to rudder post, 86 80 feetj beam, extreme, 15 feet; draught, extreme, 13 50 feet;; duplaoement, 157 6S tons; toul ballatt in keel, 81 00 tonsj. mast.' deck to hounds, 53: feet; boom, eirtrtrne, 73 feet; gaff, pin to sheave, 44 50 feet; topmut, pin ot sheave to fid, 45 50 feet; bowsprit, stem to pin. 36.50 feet; spin naker boom, 65.50. feet; topsail yard, 44 50 feet: i&ck vard. 32 feed Thp Hu area is as follow : Maiosail, 3 321 square yards; foresail, 825 .qnare y ird: jib 975 square yard; topsail 1,265 square yards; total area, 6.388 square yards. M ; Seven has always been a nfosi re markable number. Lonjr before Words worth immortalised it by his poem of "We Are Seven" it had played, a most important put in History, i her were seven champions ef Christendom, seven mortal sins and seven mortal f irtues, seven wise men of Greece, seven woqders f the world. Now the ClevelandXeider eomes forward and says: 'Serten is the mystic number in the history of Chicago anarchy. Seven policemen wer? killed in the Haymarket masssere, sevirn Uw vers spoke in the elosing arguments be fore the jury, and at the end of; a little more than seven weeks of the tml seven of the anarchists nave been found guilty of murder." i - A good story of the early lavs 1f the rm settlements if told by a British t " ' i a l i 1 - . 1 omoiai. a vbiw man wno wh uieo prisoner by an inland tribe had ;a,oork leg. JMetioine that his csptors were fixing an oven, he beoame nervous, and to conceal his fear called for something to eat. Food being given him, hecused a large jackknifo to cut it up. f Every mouthful or two ne stuck the lack-knife into his leg with such force that it atood erect. The natives looked on ia ?reat astonishment and evident alarmi After the meal was over he began to anscrew his leg. That was too much for; the poor savages, a ney naan vn? siigin- est DttllVHkV HI wg ITUkb bo wgitw uy next, but opened a passage for aim and let him walk away unmolested W hen V . - V- m. -. he reached his horse the natives begm to gather around, but after mounting he made a motion 'as if to unscrew his head, and the spectators fled in dismay Epaulettes are still seen upon mo3- I els for visiting, promenade, and dinner I . T .mm: mr I dresses of noh materials, iiany oi I ghoulder trimmings are'scfc elabor- ! ate as to. be really disfiguring! Lrge " Bcroll. made oi silk lord and .beads often form the epauletteji. Num- tie looser than tbe one above it, are also seen, and. sometimes cockade bows made of pioot satin ribbon, somewhat in . 1 1 t a.l a : lue snape or duimtuicb, arc wuru upuu the Bhouldcrs. When not exaggerated, these are admirable; t ut ; they aye ab surd looking when the aii6jf ') big black bat with wings extended. A prima donna who recently sang iu con cert made her appearance in; ablack a itin bcd-triuiuiei frown, affd at the Srat gtauoe one would have been cer tain that two black trows had perched them8lv3 upon br shoulders in regu lar Poe s raven attitude, I5U a .nearer took proved them to be- beaded enanlettes. a portion only of the orna fastened to the shoulders. the sounded palms in f the ; design left IN HONOR BOUND. PBINCE ALEXANDER WILL CARRY OUT HIS MISSION. RUSSIA TIT SCII1 JUNG, BUT ENGLAND PEOV1NO A FEUND. Sofia, August SO. Prince Alexander has telegraphed to the regency to an nounce' to the people his intention of returning to Sofia. The rebellious troops' here have submitted and will not be punished, on condition that they quit the country. The revolution was quite bloodless and no further opposi tion is feared. It is stated that Russia paid the conspirators Bendereff and Dempstreiff the sum of. 400,000 roubles. When the former and GrueflF were ar- rested they had in their possession two coffers belonging to a Russian count Prince Alexander did not sign the deed of abdication. He simply wrote on a slip of paper, "God save Bulgaria" and signed "Alexander." His kidnappers were tipsy and did not notice what he had written. It is the general opinion that the pies sure expressed by the kings oi Roumania and Servia at Alexander's triumph points' in the direction of in creased uuity. London, August 30. The" Daily Telegraph's correspondent at Darm stadt had an interview yesterday with the father of Prince Alexander. The father said that Alexander having ac- ceptea -me uuiganan . i i Ta i unnA tn a :!! tn h ai n; mission via i,Ar . . .Au; i;a am.n uvuui ns mm . u u a v. .v. & mm ii.t mmmmmmm name sumcea to guarantee tnu. Moreover it was imperative that be should reach Sofia before the arrival of Prince Dolgourki, who left St. Peters burg Sunday morning. He believed that Lord Salisbury would prove Alex ander's friend j An Attempt to Blow up Cblaamaa. Acgtjsta, Ga., August 30. Reports have gone out from here that a race feel ing against Chinamen exists here and that an attempt had been made to assas- sinate them with dynamite, fit is true that an attempt was made last night to blow up Charlie Loo Chong in the heart of the city, but investigation shows that the motive was revenge by a negro for a fancied personal wrong, and was not the outgrowth of race prejudice, ihe attempt proved futile and the perpetra tor was arrested. A r!tt to BprM Irish Disorder. Dublin, Aug 30. Gen. Sir Redvers Butler left Dublin this morning for Tralce. In an interview he said: "1 wish to distinctly state that I have not acof-ptcd a dragooning mission nor shall I agtUt in evictions. My task will be .simply to repress "moonlighters" and ensure safety to life and property. , 1 proroso to effect this by means of flying patrols, wno snan oe aoie to communi cate tpcedily with a regularly organisid system of supports. 1 da not know whether inv plan will prove a success, but I mean to do my duty." -Another Big- Call for BobhU. Wasdhoton, August 30. Aotinjr i ecretary of the treasury Fairchud to rn f.. l- it.-i a ay issuea a circular givuiK uouoo mu the 15th of September, I860, or at any time prior thereto, the department will redeem at the treasury of the United States, in the city of Washington, D. C , or at the effice of the assistant treas urer at New York, paj".ng par and accrued interest to date of redemption, anv uncalled U. S. 3 per cent, bonds to an amount not exceeding 10.000,000 The directions about forwarding : the bonds, instructions as to the checks in navment. &o.. are the same as those in U. S. bond calls. Three Trackmen Killed. Pittsbceo. Pa.. August 30. Three trackmen emnloved on the Pennsvl vania railroad were struck by an engine near Summer Hill this morning and in stantly killed. The men were working and stepped off one track to avoid tn wrst bound train, when they we-; struck by an engine going east. TheL bodies were terribly mangled and strewn along the track for several hun dred yards. mm - m e Labor trouble at Pttf.bnr;. Vi-rrsBUBO, Pa,, August 30 The nailers of Shoenberger's mill were ex pected to resume work today at the li cents scale, but they refused to go back unless the amalgamated association scale of 18 cents was granted- The men were ready for work, but relumed to their homes and the factory was closed down. Yellow Fever at Penaaeola Quarantine. Naw Oblians, August 30 A special to the Times-Democrat from Pcnsaeola sayc The bark Lena, from A spin wall for Philadelphia, lies off the entrance to this port. She has lost one of her crew with fever on the passage and has Beven more down with it. She is seeking assistance. The board of health officer has ordered a steam tug to tow the vessel to Ship Island quarantine. It Becalla m Virsiata Fend. Panvillu, Va., August 30.-W. K. Terry, who was shot in a street fight in Martinsville, Way it, died last night. His brother J . is., lerry was killed in a fieht. and B. K. Terry was shot through the body, but recovered. Ihe Mcalllng; Kaee. London, August 30. The first trial heat in the, international sculling match was rowed today, iTeemer, of the United States, and Perkins, of England, being tbe contestants, leemer won The beat between Mather son, the Australian, and Wallace Ross was easily m m V tW ' 1 won by tbe former, wno nnisneu six lengths in front of the American. Eleven to ten was bet on xtoss. Au iHMrtaat Deetotow. Wasdikotoit August 30. The sec ond comptroller in a lengthy opinion has just decided a question of some im portance relating to claims for the United 8tates, and occupation of real nroDertv in the border states during the pcriodof the warof the rebellion. lie held that accounting omoers have no jurisdic tion to audit and allow such claims, unless it is shown that there was an ex press agreement on the part of some duly authorized officer or agent of the government to pay for the use of property, upon whioh , possession was surrendered by the owner. It is also held that in the absence of an express .agreement a contract can not be implied here the military authorities on ac count of the necessities of service are compelled to take possession of and use' real property in the territory whioh ; is a scene of war and where occupation is eFsntial to its successful prosecution. July's Internal Bevenue Beeelpia. i Washington, August SO. The ag gregate reoeipts froxnth internal reve nue during the month ot wuiy last were $9,735,488, an increase of $903, 20 over the corresponding month in the preceding year. The revenue colleoted on spirits was $5,068,435. an increase of $598,344; tobacco $2,390,942, an in crease of $133,944; on fermented liquors $2,268,987, an increase of $162,719, and from miscellaneous sources $17, 123, an increase of $8,282. Ktw Tarfc Cotton Future. Naw York, August 30. Green? & Co.'s report on cotton futures says: Operation's were-quiet and prices 5a6 points lower, closing with very utile showing of strength. The cable brought more or less disappointing advices from Liverpool and there seemed to be simply selling out of the long interest created at the close of last week and no longer willing to carry, easing; off somewhat, .hastened by more pressure to realize on spots. . ; A Foremen'e taleide. Baltimo&i, August 30. Jonathan W. Scott, foreman in the offioe of the Price Current, was found hanging this morn ing from one of the shafts of machinery m the omoe. lie left home yesterday, having provided himself with a cotton rope, with whioh he accomplished 'his end. He was a quiet man, but the , of fioe having reoently changed hands, he became depressed but no one suspected any such intention on his part. VeluU Oil BUU Itoouwj-od. ; Houston. Texas. August 30. the Howard oil mills, situated in the uburbs of Houston, comprising buildings cover ing three and a half acres, were eom- Sletely destroyed by fire early, y ester ay morning. The mills employed 180 men and were the largest in ; the Bute. The loss is $275,000, insurance $150,000, in Northern and European companies, ihe origin ottnenre ua mystery. Lack of a water supply.was the cause of the total destruction of the property. Tne Hoetlle Ape bee Boefcln Term. Wilcox, Arizona, Aug. 30. Col. Wade has rounded up all Chiricahuas and Warm 8pring Apaches, numbering 420. He has them under guard and will, unless some accident occurs, carry out Gen. Miles' plan of moving them out of Arizona. Uapt. lawton in in close proximity to Geronimo, who' has asked for better terms than an unoqndi ditional surrender. Baseball Teeterday. At Baltimore, Baltimore 2, Brooklyn 3; at Detroit, Detroit 3, Boston 5; at St Louis. St. Louis, 10. Cincinnati 3; at Chicago. Philadelphia 10, Chicago 13; at Kansas City, Kansas City 2, Wash ington 6; at St. Louis, 8t. Louis 7, New York 4; t St. Louis, Staten Island Athletic 5, Metropolitans 1. BaniiH to no London, Aug. 30. The Morning Post says: Henceforth Prince Alexander will pursue an unequivocal anti-Russian rohcy. and will adopt a severe law, banishing Russians from Bulgaria. .Rus sian money will not be accepted in gov ernmeat offises in Bulgaria, and, even the soldiers' uniform, which is now similar 'o the Russian uniform will be changed. A Fire Damp Kxploelen Scbanton. Pa., August 80. A fire damp ezp'osion oooured at the Fair colliery this' morning. Seven dead bodies have been recovered and it is re ported that ten men are still in the mine. A Fcmaie Kaia-n Pi Chicago, August 30. Mrs Elisabeth Rodgers has been appointed .master workman of district aesemniy Z4, Knights of Labor, vioe J. B. Murphy, deceased. She is the first woman to receive such a distinction. A' Hallway Tolltalon. Viinna, August 30. In a railway oolliaion at-Modhng, eight mile from here, seven persons were killed and twenty-two wounded. kmm ' lb Bead Tfcaaka, ; Ma EniToa: I desi' through your nolnmna to tender the hearty thanks of the band bova to Mr. D. S Waitt for hia nnAn. hearted present of a full set of anrnmercans to US. We ahall al- win remember him and think of him a one of onr most valuable friends PlaM also call the attention of the ladies and gentlemen who have ep kind- ly consented to assist us in our coming concert for the benefit of the Guard and the band to meet me tonight at the deaf, dumb and blind institution at 8 o'clock. This will be a most important anl a full attendance is moit earnestly requested. ;,'' 8. S. Jacksov. A MOTHER'S DEED. AH INSANE WOMAN HER BABY MURDERS AKS AFTtt WARDS GOXS ABOUT NSW YORK mtR FINAL DITECTION. I Nxw York, August 30 Margare Meagher, a widow over 40 years old, was arrested at 413 West 71st street this morning, "crazy drunk" and on the verge of delirium tremens. She Lad bought a grocery Btore at that place a few days ago and since then had been on a continuous carouse. In one of the rooms in the rear of the store the officers found the remains of her daughter Ellen, eighteen months old,, who had recently died from neglect. She was very emaciated and it is thought that starvation may have had tome thing to do with the death. The woman had money in the bank even after buying the grocery. Two years ago her bus band, who was employed on tic Hudson river railroad, hanged himself because of; the life she led him, and her two older children were taken from her The woman herself has been in the work house twice sinoe her husband's death. Just when the child died is not knqwn, but it is thought tho drunken mother carried it around for some time after its death. ' : Filtration of Water ftnppllee. The following letter from an author ity on the water supply question has been received by a gentleman of thu city: ;.' Washington, D. C, August 28. Dxar Sir : I certainly believe that as civilization advances and population increases tie necessity for filtering river water supplies becomes m rc and more imperative. 1 his is the case in JiiUrope, . . and wemuBt f lu;w suit as our country becomes oldor. In the futnre we must Troidu for some other means of sewage disposal thau by ; permitting it to fl w into our rivers. The ideal state to which 11 our efftrts should tend is one in rhich all fiowage is purified and utilized as lertinur, ana in waicn ail water supplies are clear and bright and thor oughly guarded against any epidemical pollution. Tho supply of pure and wholesome water to a community I regard as of the first importance, and I know of no way: to secure euoh a supply from, the ordi nary riycrs of the country except by filtration. Storage in large subsid ing basins is expensive anu unpenect, especially in the South, and is often times entirely out of the iu stion. I certainly think that in planning the) water-works for a town or city to use! ordinary river water filtration works; should be provided, or provision should be made for tneir aacuuon at suon time; being only of the listed taxables. Har as the finances of the city or town will ton's Creek loses 212,542; Buokhorn permit. I am, very respectfully, your; obedient servant, t Thob W. bTMONDS, i Captain of engineers in charge of the Washington water works. f The American free Traders. .i Extract from an address just issued i The prbciples of free-traders may b simply stated as follows: 1. They do mand that the whole system of federal taxation be so reconstructed and read'' josted that all the taxes which the peo pie pay shall be reeeived , by the gov? ernment without the diversion of any part for the fostering of private inter ests. $ 2. That the promotion and true pro tection of domestio industry is to be found in the removal of all taxes from ar tides which constitute the foundation or are necessary to the processes of our various industries, and that the, inci dence of taxation be restricted, as far as possible, to articles which are ready for final consumption, and ot whioh the use is voluntary rather than necessary 3. They claim that the abandonment Of the present high, discriminating and unnecessary tariff taxes, and the levy of national revenue on a comparatively few artioles, on which taxes can be oollected with the least interference with the freely-chosen pursuits of the people, kre ; the necessary steps to gradually insure the country full industrial employment and high wages, abundant production and low cost, extended markets and a permanent revival of commercial activ Uv. t The trade competitors ot tne united . . m . 1 T e , 1 States are loaded down with debtl and ifli tlA annnnrt nf orreat Rtiridmp W tSM a a o ; o armies, whioh in turn entail a Wrden of taxation so heavy as to impair Kier daughter, lrs. Jttcbecoa tt. ilo tiir resources. oriDDle tho energies Pheeters. wife of Mr. James G. Mo- of their neonle and increase the cost of tLeir products. To tuooesstully make . . . the race for trade with nations! thus hampered, it is only necessary that the people of this country a iopt a tax polioy diametrically opposite. Other nations must then disband? their armies and set their soldiers to work with better wages and better subsistence than they now have, to afford them any chance for competing with a country so rich in resources, so intelligent ana ac tive in resDect to DODulation. and so free iu resoeot to government as the tJnited States. 1 be Beat lever Mixture for eae Acre. Correspondence of the News and Obskbvxk. Prepare the land thoroughly by ploughing and harrowing repeatedly until the surface is friable and mellow Sow down 500 pounds of high grade ammoniated guano, and harrow it in When so .prepared, sow upon: it ten pounds of red clover seed, ten pounds of tall meadow oat-grass seed, ten pounds of red top seed, five pounds ''of blue grass seed, and tbrush in. Sow Dcptemner or x eoruary. , a. tr. wauJasoF. Wake County Taitn. TOR BIO COrNTT 8 ABSTRACT. Capt M. W Page, register of deeds, yesterday handed to tho auditor of State the abstract of the list of taxablcs in Wake county, as returned to the former officer by the list-takers appointed to tike the same for the year loab. ihe total valuation is $9,081,104 and $41,- y net income and profits, tor state tax there is levied 25 cents on every $100 valuation and 1 per cent on net in come and profits, raising $23,120.73?. There are listed 513,729 acres of land. valued at $3,119,681; 1,200 town lots, $2,900,976; 2,640 horses, $161,452; 2,875 mules, $195,478; 5 jacks, $445; li jenny, $5; 845 goats, $715; 8.802 cattle, $84,686; 24,005 hogs, $33,- 144; 5 025 sheep, $5,004 ; 25 dogs, $416: value of farming uten sils, &c, $129,147; money on hand or on deposit, $125,763; solvent credits, $1,187,609; stock in incorporated oom- paaiea, $99,103; 11. & G. Jl. R. rolling stock in R. A. A.-L. it. R., $29,500; other personal property. 622.887; road-bed of R. & A. A.-L. railroad, $47,000;' railroad franchise, $38,093; net lnoome, $41,78. T he school tax amounts to $2d,901.Us, raised from the following sources: white polls, 3,478; colored polls, 2,rJ79; total polls, 6,157, at $12.eacb, $12,314; bank stock, $188,565, at 12$ cents on the $100 valuation, $235.70; total valua tion of taxable property and oredits, $9,081,104. at 12J cents en the $100 valuation, $11,351.38. The State levies. all the school taxes with the exception of 87 J cents on the poll, levied by the count?: all school taxes, however, are payable to the county treasurer. rot graded schools in Kalefgn town ship there is raised $5,550.73, derived from a Ui of 10 cents on every 81 UU valuation in the township and 30 cents on each taxable poll therein. The county tax for general purposes, raised by a tax of 29 1-6 cents on $100 real and personal estate (including bank stock) and one per cent on net income, amounts to $27,454. 51, while the special county tax of five cents on $100 real asd personal estate (including bank stock) and 15 cents on each poll, for building jail, is $5,558.38. There is a falling off of 1,309,918 in tho aggregate value of real and personal property since last year, while there has been an increase of $31333 in net income. The decrease in the aggre gate! value is accounted for in part by the compromising of the railroad suit, it be ing the custom prior j to this oom- fromiio to carry on the, tax sU a large valuation, the taxes on which wire annually enjoined. Still, there is great neglect in luting prop erty, the amount of unlisted reported being ; large. Failure to list ia against the standing of the county abroad, the nublished wealth beinjr obtained of the auditor and the statistics of that .officer loses 34-7; Cary gains $10,886; Cedar Fork ; loses $15,690; House's Creek Uains JU3.780: Little River loses 827.- 41 6; Mark's Creek loses 82.431; Middle Qreek loses $2,971; Neuse River loses $4,842; New Light gains $2,922; Oak Grove loses 822,424; Panther .Branch loses $14,516; St. Mary's loses $10,- V- V- - 079; St Mattiews los Creek loses 17,693; Wake Forest loses $13,449; White Oak loses $2,261; Ral eigh loses $1,170,150. Pollctnia Blabbed. Sunday afternoon there was a call for the police to arrest a drunken white man at the house of Mrs. Owens, South Wilmington street, near East Dane Policeman W. W. Willis went there and found that a white man named John R. Williams was raising a disturbance. Williamson is from Franklin county and is a guard at the penitentiary. As the polioeman attempted to arrest him, Wu hams' drew a knife and out the dfficor. A wound many inches long extending from the rear of the thigh across the hip, almost to the abdomen, was made. this wound being over an inch in depth Another wound was inflicted upon the left wrist. The plucky policeman didn't mind these injuries and took Williams to the guard house, being assisted by Sid. Solomons. Officer Willis locked Williams up and not until then did he send for a phyBician. He was taken home and without even a murmur al lowed his painful wounds to be sewed 1 up. He is getting along nicely He lost a great deal of bloody Died, Fridav last, of tvnhoid fever, at New- I . af f g port,; Rhode Island, at the residence of Pheeters She was a lovely and ac complished lady and had many relatives ana acquaintances ia wus ouj In the house of commons Mr. Par nell's amendment to the reply to the Queen's speech was defeated! by a vote of 3 to 181. Lord Harrington, Mr Chanaberiain and .the unionists sup ported the government, sir William Vernon Haroourt abstained from voting T W . .1... and Mr. Morley voted with the mi noritv. Before the debate J closed Mr Sexton made a speech in whicW he said the Parnellites would counsel Irishmen to stand by each other and not be in timidated bv anv fear of combinations. Their would remind Irishmen that Mr. Glad, between the two countries was sup vvuv 6 r 1 r ported by a million and a quarter r of Britons, and that the majority against it consisted of votes only, not of men They would do everything possible in fairness and justice to promote peaoe, but they oould not make themselves traitors to Ireland by asking the people in during the coming winter to pauperis j 1 themselves in oraer to rurnisn. argu- 1 ments for their own ruin. j Democratic Homteieea Gaston: Representative, John F. Wilsoi. Lincoln : Senator,, William L. Crousd; representative, T. H. Proctor. Nash : Representative, G. R. Marsh burne Watauga: Representative, Dr. W. B. Counoil. RoWah : Senator, F. E Shbber ; representative, Lee S. Overman. Franklin : Senator, Jas A. Thomas; representatives, John T. Clifton, 0. A. Nash. ' ; Iredell: Senator, C. L. Summon; , representatives, A. Leaxar, J. B. Hoi- 1 man. Hy e: representative, I. B. Watsoc Rockingham: Senator, J. P. Dillard ; representatives, R. S. "Williams, W. D Hightiwcr. Graham: Representative, N.G.Philipp. Duplin: Senator, ; John A.' Rryan ; representative, J. D. Southerland. Carteret: Senator, J. W. Sandcrt; rcpresbntative, C. R. Thomas, Jr. Onslow: Representative, il. E. King.f; . . , - Macon: Senator, Kope Elias; repre sentative,. W. N. Allman. Edgecombe; senator, R. H. Speight; representatives, B. P. Jenkins, W. H. Powell.; 8tokje8: Representative, J. Y Phillipr. Johnston: Senator, J. H. Pou; rep resentative, J. W. Perry, E. S. Abel I. Burke: Reprejentative, J. C. Millt. Transylvania, Henderson and Hay woods senator, George W. Wilson. Caldwell, Burke, Mitchell, Yanoey and McDowell, Senators, I. H. Bailey, John Terrell. Gaston and Cleaveland: Senator, James L Webb. Martin: Representative, John Man ning.! Buncombe: Representatives, Johr stonejJones, H. A. Gudger. ... .f v . Mr. James P. Voorhees, younge.-t son of Senator Voorhees, who in tho . past Has spent much time in the theatri cal profession, having supported both John j MoCullough and Clara Morrif, has completed arrangements by which he will reappear upon the 6tage this winter as a star, opening in Washing ton, j Mr. Voorhees' reportoire em- ' bracea "Hamlet," "Julius Cajaar," Richelieu' and "Macbeth," together with some original plays. i Backlla'e Aaecar rtalve. ' A . The Best 8lve in the world for CuU,' Bruises Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever sores, Truer, snapped Uaod vtulblaliw. Coma, and all skin iurupttoo. and potiitlvel y caret Pile, or no pay required. It is guaran -teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re. funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale b aUorugxiala. -The now letter-sheet and envelope now on sale at the postoffioes is known aa the "General Grant," i: i AMrltm t ataiber. . Mrs. Wlnslow't Soothlns! Svtud should aU ways be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieve the little sufferer at once, it vn. duces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the eaUdtrem pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright m a button." It Is very pleasant, to I Urte; oothei the child, soften the gums, allay? au pain, relieves visa, regulates we Dowels and is the best known remedy for diarrhceaj whether rising from teething or other 'causes. Twensjwiv eenta a dow. Km Cool. Kead the new advertisement of Ji C Brewster A Co., and srive them a I "W .Wl . J .U. t TI A ne ijngnannon um aoe, ue farmerr y f Edward Fasnach. 1 Jeweler and Optician j; ; RALEIGH, N. C. ( Gold and Silver Watches, American and Imported. Real and Imitation Diamond Jew- i elry4 18 karat Wedding and Engagement I, : ! Rings, any size and weight Sterling Silver f Ware for Bridal Presents. Optical Goods j A SPECIALTY. ' Spectacles and Rye-glasses in Gold, .Silver, !' i - Steel, Bobber and Shell ' Frames. Lenses, white and tinted, tn endless varieties. Seals for Lodges, Corporations, etc. AM Badges and Medals for Schools and Societies made to order. Mall orders promptly attended to. Goods en on selection to any part of the State. I5r Old Gold and Sliver in small and lares quantities taken as cash. dly. POLITY I PURITY! I I desirable In all thlnes but demanded in articles of food. 1 v Dont imp ir' your health by using adultera ted lard, even if it does cost a little les. I CASSAJEtD"8 PUBB LABD Is for sale by tbe following leading grocers and recommended by them to be the best. Try it. ' ; WH.KUis. , E. J. Hardin, W. R, N6wom A Co., Wyatt Ck, Graosman & Rosenthal, Jno. R. Terrell,' J. R. FermU & Co., W. B. Mann Co. N orris & Newman, . W. C Upchurch, ? ' N.V.Denton. 1 Alo CASSARiys MILD ctjbkd hahj ana BRKAJLF AST STRIPS, wall are Ua surpassed. , , pote This list will be corrected weeMy. - J uvxw. 1 m.Tmxta k r o ijrT fw a v . f . Stati or Narth Caboldia. Orrma op SxcaaTABT or 8rATa. Balxioh. 1st Amruat. 1886. Proposals will be received at this omoe un til lt September for furnlsblng 160 ton ot Tennessee splint coal and 30 tone egg iaathra cite for the use of the various departments of the SUte. Said coal to be delivered In the coal house at the agricultural Department la the .tty of Raleigh on or before 16th October. W, A SAUAUaJU, Secretary of State, ;. -V- V 'A' i .I" v. . 10 Xu. Martin Strae'. Imwc. Ill i: 3''