TV f': I - .7. . News anl Observer. PuBUS B Dtf (UOBR MoVSAT) A1TD Wnm. i Br THE NEWS AND OBSERVKK po! , j , g Dally out year, mail, postpaid. ; ft 00 ' tlx months, " " ! t'60 tM " 1 75 Veekly, one year, ; i 00 . tlx atonths J t 00 No name entered without payment, ana no , ftper wnt after the expiration of time paid for WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1, 188? - t FOR COX&RE88 ! I '! lt Dist, Louis C. Lathain, of Pitt.; 3rd " Charles W. MfeC'lammy, of Tender. 4th John w. Graham, of Orange. "s 6tta . Ju. W. Befd, of Rockingham. ; Bth " Alfred Bowl vnd, of Roteson. 7th John f". Henderson, of Rowan. 8th W. H. H. Cowles, of Wilkes, t 0th " Thos D. John' ton, of Buncomle. FOB TEX 8TTPRIMV COURT BfMCH '. Tor Ch'cf justice. lion. W. N.; H. mlth. For Associate Justices, Bon. Thds. S. ALc and Uon, A.;S. Merriaaon. ' FOB Till SUPERIOR COURT PENCH: 3rd Dist., II. Q. Connor, et Wllsofc. Ath Walter j:arir, oi waae. K. T. Boykiri, of Sampson. W J. Montgomery, of Cabarrus.. J. F. (irave, of Surry, r A, C. Avery, of Burke. J. II. Merrunon, of Buncombe. . . Oth " 8th " 8th 10th " 12th FOR TBI B0MCIT0R8HIP S ' 1st Dirt., J. II. Blount, of Perquimans. 8rd 4th " nth " 6th 7th 8th Wh " 10th 11th " "Hth " D. Worthington, of Mad in. Hwilt O lloway, of Wayne. .T.. A. Long, of Durham.; Oill. All n, of Duplin.' Prank McNeill, of Bockfngham. R K. Long, of Iredell. j! R' B. Glenn, of Fortyth!, W. II. Bower, of aidWell. F.. 1, (yborne, of Meek Ira burg. G, B, . Fergunon, of Haywood. Thit say that envoy ' Sedgewick has been captured by the Mexioani, that ;is tosavthathe was led into a. riotous orgy by the gilded youth of the Mexi can capital. But the repart lacks con firmation, i . . 5 jj Gkn. Jobn8tonb J on as and; Hon. H. A. Gudger have accepted thei nomina tions for the house tendered them by the Buncombe convention, their friends having urged then.' to take this course. Nw Yoik's railway tie-up has ended fatisCaetorily to all oontfdrned and the travel of the metropolis ouoe more on unimpeded. As usual, tl(e ns who lost most by the strike were strikers. now regaled with he news g cold wave and predictions winter is to be early : and so- ave for some tune been maaq, e are signs that, the backbone of summer has been broken. Tni scholarly J. B. Eandali, one of I the editors of the Augusta Chronicle ii writing up western North Carolina in Vis paper. I That he is doing i well we need not say. but he could not do it bet ter than the subject deseryes. Th fret that unary wa one w property vt miles distant by the exploj- sion of a powder nagssine on; the outi I skirts of Chicago. Sunday, shows Again; I that the storage of- violent explosives hculd not be permitted near centres of 1 population. ; I ? m m : :i It is now alleged in print fof the firtM time that in 1882 a plot was fcrmed in I th Horn Clnb. of New Tork ti s-1 ainate Grand Master Workman Powl QeriT. IflO BWrjU rUJCr HUT, VUI inasmuch as the Home Club is an off shoot of the Paris commune it is not un . :tl reasonable to suppose that that orgaai4 satum would stick at nothing. Thi encouraging crop outlooV of this immediate ! section as compared with that of last vear at this time Is a verv tiA tXnr ;J Jr:;" " Wo oogratuUe our farmers oij'the im-r provement, and trustr-believe ndod that it but precedes a coming era! of genuine prosperity, such as I we have I not known since the war, and which will be due largely, we have no doubt. 1 to the confidence generally inspired by a I Iris said now that Mr. Tilden's will is so defective that it oiaaot itind the scrutiny of the courts. It is therefore to he contested to tbe end that tjie prop erty may be ; divided share and share alike among the heir". 'We hope the New Orleans voung lady 'wiirtiot fail to get her Hiw.uw. flow strange it is, though, that no lawyer seems 4o be I shrewd enough to make a will that wjll hold water. Tni Mri. Rodgers who has been elected master-workman of a Knight of Labor district in Illinois seems to be a veritable Portia Three years ago she was supreme judge of her district and py ner ruiiBgs 11 is saia is even now oonsidered the fairest and most; impar tial officer who ever held the position. in one ease wmcn ene was caned upon to decide her rulings stand as prece dents thorughout ihe country and are often cited. We are glad to rnote in addition that she has no sympathy with tna 1 it- at Ln lntrnniiia. ? Ths democratic leaders of Nw York are still discussing the question of State convention, lhere is only one candidate to be named a candidate for the court, of appeals and it is urged by the anil-convention people, that as the office to b,e filled is not a political one, the auty 01 naming the esndidat can well be leu to the State committee Oi the other hand, it is strongly urged that a' convention is necessary; to the end not only that . a candidate pe regu laxly named, but that an opportunity may be had to retire one member of the State committee who has turned out to be no credit to his party, and' that positive expression of opinion t may be secured from the party in fivor of the ordering of a constitutional ecnventioa to be held next year, a measure which is considered of prime importance to the interest of the working man. At lut accounti ths question remained ;ia ftato laws 1 r mi ai district. The democrat of the 2d district meet today t Wilson, and having a better oh an oe than usual this year jof securing the presence in. Congress of; a man who will represent the better elements of the population, we trust they will agree upon one who will be able to pluck suc cess from the existing uncertainty. So far it does not appear that.Q'Hara will induce his party opponent, hy purchase or otnerwise, to wnnaraw, wu it in serted that these dusky aspirants arc not unequally matched in strength. U Jlara has a pretty tight grip on a; large part of his constituency, but, on the other hand, there are maaywho say that he is never seen among darkies exoept at nominating and election times, and that he holds him self too much above the blafifc'man any how, being himself of a gincer-cake hue. These latter are flock id z to the standard of Abbott, who is as black as the aee of spades and the result is a pretty' Equally outlook for tbe incumbent, It is thus not impossible for the democrats to elect I a man and we earnestly hopiour friends I may this time be enaoica to secure a representation of the intelligence and property of the district, it would : ne . W . ", j . a glorious thing to have a solid demo crat'.o delegation from tbe ptate. ijet us all work faithfully to that end. , 1 The chapter on the tariff in; the dem ocratio campaign book presents some very interestii g figures. The gist of the the tariff matter as between the democratic and republican parties is put in this forcible and altogether oonolu sive waj: "ine proiessea policy 01 toe republican party in opposing a reduc tion of the tar It is protection to Amer ican labor and industries. A glance at the census statistics of population and those engaged in the various gainful avocations is sumcient to demonstrate that their tariff is restrictive and not protective.. According to the census of 1880 the total population of the united SUteswas 50,155,783. Of this popu lation the total number engaged in; all gainful oeourations was 17,x5yli,uyy The subdivisions of said occupations of said occupations were as fol lows: Agriculture, 7,670,493; profes fiional and personal Bervice,-4,074,238; manufacturing, mechanics and mining 3,837,112; trade and transportation, 1, 810,256. The principal supervisions of said total occupied in manufacturing, mechanical and mining wart: Carpen ters and joiners, 373, 143; -milliners, dressmakers and seamstresses, 235,401; miners, 234228; boot and shoemakers, 194,079; blacksmiths, 172,7426; cotton mill operatives, .169771, tailors and tailoresses, 133,756; painters; and varn- -r r r r ' J -i. M 1 era,; iron ana eieqi wuraers ana snop operawyes, nd 8t!ne", ,r'; f?"ttmioT' !ld"J .rr" V1V) UUgUlCC win iubiuw, tr,w.w I The democratio policy 01 Wfation is to V ""'TV law a a nAicinia iin pnn&i H.nii pxir.t i iih- r. . . "-T,, 'V tioe to the whole ou.ioo.a ; people, the, 17 892.099 in all occupations, and kO -11 An-n;nt,a I r i ; of 0ourse, the manufacturers Th9 republican policy, as Exemplified bv its nractioe. is oommenci near the foot of the list and protect the manu f acturers regardless of and at the ex pense of the people, the farmers and thoa m nther occupations. nnt even ;Q this small effort they fail by prabti- cally restricting the manufacurers io a home market of W.UUU.WU tjonsumers, JS il-e.w . inn aaa nna A. ; t... -f .k. 1.,, vu i ; 1 wv vi ab anM S. I Pkikob Alixandzr has resumed ; his petty throne, and most of Europe is now laughing at the Caar fof trying to get up a revolution without revolution- 5T : ists. The Prince has- beel 'teoeived . .. ' j iVf... mo" "J 9iJ m Aa a ft nAiaaiAa I I at an1 aTtAAtlAltatn . a . . - . . hu rctura bj all classes, jand it can A n0 6 dotted that few - of his people took part in his deposition took part in his The Ciar simply strdek before the iron was hot. He misunderstood the temper of the Bulgarians and of - the rest of Eu rope, and he b therefore reduced to the necessity of making explanations that render him ridiculous. lie may be ex pected to draw in hu horns and to he low like Brer, Kabbit again w awhile, but he need not be expected fo give 'up Sermaoently his Idea of extending his ominions in the direction of Constanti aople and the Adriatio, for that is firmly fixed in his brain and will be steadily pursued as a policy ;s it has been heretofore. The latest thbg in jewelry is. a ca- rions little article wmcn is fata to be more efficacious in bringing good luck than even the traditional horseshoe. ; It is said to have originated in 3gypt;in the years when the pyramids were .a i - ' young, and bears the original name of . Oudja, which signifies happiness tem pered with good luok. It is a thin, flat, jblong metal intaglio, and boars the ;eye of the Sun-god Horns, frojjpi whuh a tear drop falls, intended to represent I; the mysterious origin of the river Nile. " The Fharaobs regarded it ail a tans 'man, it is further said, capable Sf ward ing off adversity as well as of piomotirjg I prosperity, and it is found sculptured on tne rocks, cut on puiars. sna en graved en mummy casts ltkfahion- jitie ouotes it is speedily becoming tl the wear. Not a few of the new fall uBtumes bf cheviot, tweed, camel's hair, and :th- r woolen goods, and also o dark Wlorcd foulard and faille jfranoais, kre made, with removable hoods These are added to a tailor-made house dress when a promenade is to be taken, and, Without adding much to the weight or the warmth' of a gown, they alter- the character of it slightly, giving iit more lhe appearance of a walking go. ; The shape of the hood has a great del to do With its good or bad effect, as a luDchy, founded cowl is uagraceful te most l toa oeiF, while a while a narrow pointed one, j pressed to lis flat, is generally beoom- Kply tb Address. A WlTHtRIHU It STL Y TO DR. MOTT Bl- r&lS CABJLIXS THE WAR INTO AFRICA ASD BLISTIRS TBI RIPURLICAN BOSS. TO TBX 'RirCBLICANS OF T3X STATK : Dt-.tTohn J. Mott, ex-chairman, under date of August 23, 186, issueB an ad dress explaining why the late republi can committee refused to call a convention-Land says this address is "respectfully submitted for tho committee." From the Character of this paper 1 have no idea that Col IIuniDhrev. judge llus- sellMr. White and Mr. Smith, ever saw the matter contained therein until it was published by the defunct and officious ex-chairman, it bears the mark of imbecility from beginning to end. and must have been penned when tho author was bordering on acute mania. The attacks on Mr. Keogh and? mvseli are not worthy oi notice, save as they serve to convince the pub lic mind that Dr. Mott is much more n ted .for the mad antics of a Jersey bull in a china shop than to lead the 125, 000 i North Carolina republicans. But for pure unadulterated impudence the 'attack on judge Thomas Settle, takes the oske. The idea that John J Mott: who was never beard of in con neotion with the republican party until ODg after judge settle and others had preatnzad and won the victories of 1867 and 1808, and placed the btate in the hands of the republicans, should pre sume to attempt to prejudice judge bet tie m. the minds 01 the republicans of North Carolina, surpasses the sublimest impertinence that ever ran riot in the diseased brain of an ex-revenuer. lhe idea lis bo supremely ridiculous that when; my friend lbomas r Devereux read the address he at once exclaimed that Mott & Co assaulting judge Settle reminded him of a, parcel of tvkes attacking an Af eri- can eagle. "Whom the gods wwh to de stroy they first make mad. If the ex-chairman had possessed ability sufficient to 'manage the smallest town ship in the State, he would have known that the effect of an attack from tbe head centre of the internal revenue ring on judge Settle would have served to rail V5, the republicans of the State to the convention call as eo other. name in the State could do. And when judgo Settle, in 1876 was making the grandest canvass that mortal man ever made; when'he was day after day fighting bat tles with a riant, and bearing himself like the brave and honorable and fear less man that he is, where was John J Mott t Echo answers where ? And be- causef judge Settle expressed the op in ion that Mott & Company had commit ted a gross wrong in not calling a State convention, this revenue autocrat pre sumes to lay his ' unholy hands upon lorn settle, senior. And as one re publican I desire to know, and ask for a from Uol. Humphrey, ;adetti Ruggell. Mr. E. A. White and Mr. John R. Smith, if they are respon dorse on judge The ex chairman says the committee will eall a State convention' in 1888. If -.v- - . , . n thev do Mestts. Mott. Humphrey, Jtus 7, . R-th in :,. ha in .t at Dv . . tendance upon Baid convention. The republicans of North Carolina will not be there, because they will never rally gain hnder the lead of men who have Bought to betray and destroy the party and who are part and parcel of the now infamous internal revenue ring. And if Mott & Company will not call a con veution in 188b, their eaymg tnat the will dill one in 1888 is not to be be UevedVfor one moment. Their conduct has been such that anything they may sav is not to be accepted as true without conclusive proof, and anything they may do is open to the gravest suspicion oi . . -' being a veiled effort to wreck and ruin the patty The ex-leader says "when there is no intention to nominate (candidates), there was. and is. no reason or a conven tion.";- The sentiment that comes up I j. i . it . o- o.. trom "4 PWM 01 n8 OJAV 18 Ior DlVe I lddicial ticket, lhe repubucans in I m : lUUlUlal LlUkC JL A V V VAiVtUlD J convention assembled must say whether they ililend to nominate or not. Mott and company have ehosen to say they will net nominate candidates, and in accordance with their rule or ruin, policy they undertake to boss and dominate the whole party, and to drive republi-. oans into submission to. their treasonable aota. Make the neoesslty and then take advantage of it. Such action is not dis- similarto that of the highwayman who puts his pistol to the head of the traveler . . . w 1 ll.J . and savs. "L nave gamoiea away my ea- tato and now your money or your life." The late oommittee did all they could to ruin- the party; having done this, Mott. who says he is thoir mouth-piece, endeavors to injure such republicans as iudffe Thomas Settle, because for onoe he finds that the iron hands of the rev- enuersave been removed, and he is be ginning to beoome acquainted with the estimation in which he is held by the free men of the republican party. To be -thwarted in a great scheme of jobbery laid out for 1888, and to see his precious little buble burst before it ws fairly wafted to the breexe, is too much for this would-be-autocrat and tyrant of the republican party. His anger and fury will not be more potent in this contest against the right of the republicans to govern themselves according to the law they made for themselves than a gnat buzzing" around the State-house. And when the republicans of the State become thoroughly acquainted with the action of Mott & Co., their bedraggled condi tion will be pitiable in the extreme. Io on tending that the refusal to call a convention does not abrogate the late con mittce's power or abandon the party, the ex-chairman quotes the action of lae SWe committee in 1878, when Mr. Thomsii B. Keogh was chairman. There was then no plan of organization in ex1 istence that controlled the action of that committee. The ex-ohairman knows this full well, yet he would mislead the people by implying that the present plan of rganiz ition was in existence in 1878. The ex-chairman knows that the present plan of organ'zition was adop ted by tie republican State convention in 1 880, in defiance of his opposition and over the votes of delegates whose way he paid to and from Kaleigh dimply to register his will. He knows that it W4S adopted to prevent the very action tak"D, when it was decided not to oall a Sute oonvention. so great that he furnishes a strong argu ments against himself! in his address. lie says a State ticket would help other candidates, and then : proceeds to im peach the motives Of judge Settle, be cause his son is a candidate for solicitor, and others who expect to be candidates by saying their object in favoring a convention is to help themselves. Every republican desires to elect all the ; candidates of his party. It seems that ex-revenuer :. Mott does not. He is opposed to run ning a State judicial tieket because it would help republican canaiaates lor the various offices to be filled this year. Such contradiction in the limits of the befuddled address is more evid-.-ihoe of the imbecility of the writer, and that he is in no condition to address anybody. But the most unblushing statement that was ever made, and that without any foundation but the contortions of an ddled brain, is the assertion that; the purpose of those who favor the call, for republican State convention" isr to change the plan of organixation so as to 11 .1 "I . ! A A ' . A .' 1 aiiow the new estate committee to eieot the delegates to the next national re publican convention. The ex-chkirman knows that we are fighting to maintain the plan of organ-zUion and to prevent its absolute and unconditional repeal as attempted bv Mott & Company, and this charge is mat aimnlv an assertion that is unqualifiedly false, and its state ment was a free waste of the truth, as is Will kuown to the ex-chairman. ' It is a fact full of suggestion to the ex-cbainnan that since the call lor a convention was irsued not a republican, whose reputation is eoequal with: the boundaries of his county, has come to the aid of Mott and company. County after nounty has endorsed the call for a convention and have appointed dele gates; and meetings are announced , for almost every day from now until, Sep tember the 22d to elect delegates to -the State convention. The hand-writing on the wall is too plain, and the ex-boss writhes in his death agony, with no one to pity and no hand to save. To be consistent the ex-rJo?8 must now make a personal attack upon fix- judge Ruph if. Buxton, who is in full sympathy with those who favor a' State convention. Judge Buxton pospessei the confidence and respect of the repub lioan party, and anything the ex-chair mn may say about him will only have the same effect as his assaults on judge Settle. - i Mr Sydenham B. Alexander, who was temporary chairman of the late democratic State convention, said fin his spceoh that the failure of Mott& Company to call a State convention was an admission that the republican party has no cause of complaint against the democratic party ihis declaration hich makes the republican party an endorser of democratic administration, when in fact there is now more ground for just complaint than- at any time within the past ten years.- is the legitimate effect of ; the rancid treason of Mott & Com pany. This assertion of Mr Alex ander ought to stir the republicans of every county into open revolt against the men who furnished the . cause for this base slander upon their principles and their record as republicans 10 the days that tried men's souls. No dause of complaint! May God save the mark To accept this declaration as true is simply in effect to blot the republican party out of existence. Keoognfzing this fact the tantrums of the ex-chairman when he read the remarks of Mr. Alex ander must have been of such character as to have greatly alarmed any experts on insanity who may have been present And yd Mr. Alexander was fully war ranted in his assertion by the refusal to call a convention. The ex-chairman says we desire to appoint ourselves delegates to the hext national republican convention through the new State committee to be elected on the 22 J. The man who voted for himself in the constitutional convention I -oe j . i i i 1 01 10,y' na H'reoy Deoame presiucn I VI kUI aWUW BU A AiV u wa-wvfa MSB I ... w - . party andhanded it, tied hand and foot, over to the control of hu life-long ener mies, has now passed into history, and is execrated, abhorred and contemned by all North Carolina republicans. And John J.. Mott, by his betrayal of the re- publican party into the hands of its mortal enemies, by his refusal to Oall a oonyen- tion and by attempting to prevent the assembling of the republicans df the State in convention on the 22d of Sep I tern her, has justly earned the right to L. I 1-1 Sit. If i J 1 li 1 oe ranaea siock witu a iwaru xvaasom The address shows plainly that the late oommittee is already whipped and on the run. They should be rammed to the wall and kept there, show them no quarter. Let them understand that there is no half-way ground in this fight. Let them know that the repub licans of the State intend to take their own affairs out of the hands of the ex- revenuers and manage them in their own way to do this in 1886, but also in 1888; and that they do not intend to regard any disorganising mover, out that these internal revenue bosses may sot on foot. but to reorganise the pany a 1 .ke abso lute charge of tbe campaign in 88 And the charge that we are bolters or any other I rabid vaporings of the enraged and de throned chairman, will have no more entct upon those who intend to nave oonvention, than the idle winds of the blue western hills have upou the corru gated brow of the ex-revenue boss, who sits in his dell beside the placid waters of the Catawba and contemplate the inexorable fact that even the occupation of a revenue boss must end sooner or later and this time much Booncr than was de sired or expected. In thehneantime the republicans of the different oounttes should continue to hold conventions and appoint delegates . Arrangements have been made with the railroads for re duced fare. Already we are promised delegates from most of the counties and a large crowd of republicans who have not been here since the revenuers took charge of the party hvpromieed to be present atd aid our deliberations witn their wisdom and experience. J. C. h Harris, Baleigh, N. C, Aug. 3,1886. a i Old Vlreinia ( boroota. 6 f 01 10c; guaranteed the equal ot any ft cigar aokl in tha market. Pure ad tree Jrwn adultenioo. riciilo Cheroots, all Havjna Tobacco, 4 for R rll Superior CMri ISM. FIRST DISTRICT JCPOl BHIPr. i j Carrituck (September 6, 1 week. I T Camden September 13, 1 week. , Pasquotank- Septembtr 20, 1 week Perquimans- Sepu mber 27, 1 weeki Chowan October 4, 1 wetk. Gates Otober, 11 , 1 week. t Hertford Oc'.obtr 25. 2 weeks- j ll.itford December 20,1 week. Washington October 25. 1 week. , WashingtonDecember 13, 1 wek.- Tyrrell November 1, 1 week. Dare November 8, 1 week. Uyde November 15, 1 week. Pamlico November 23, 1 week. ', Beaufort 'Novembtr 29, 2 weeks. BEOOND DISTBIOT JCnua OCDOIRV Warren- September 2u, 2 wteks. Northampton- Oaicber 4, 2 weeks. ) Edgecombe October IS, 2 weeks. ; Beriie November 1, 2 weeks. : Halifax Novt mber 15, 2 weeks. Craven November 29, 2 weeks. THIRD DIjTEIOT JODGB 8BIPHXRD. Franklin August 16, 1 week. Franklin November 15, 1 week. Martin September 6, 2 weeks. ? Marti rt December 6, 2 weeks. I Pitt beptember 20, 2 weeks. Greene October 4, 2 weeks. Vacce October 18, 2 weeks. Wilson November 1, 2 weeks. Naeb November 23, 2 weeks. F UkTH DISTRICT JUSUB FHlLUPaj Waki t July 12, 2 weeka. Wakt August 3 2 weeks. '. Wakit September 27. 2 weeks. Wake "October 25; 3 wteks. Wayne July 26, i weeks. Wayne bpteniber 13, 2 weeks. w Wsyiit-t e ober 18, 1 week. uurneii August , 1 week. ; Johnston Augusi.16, 2 weeks. FIFTH PIAIKICT JDDFR OONSOtt. I Orange AugUbt 9, 1 week. ; 0 argtj November 8, 1 week. 1 aswel' August 16, 1 week, Cuweil Noveiuber 15, 1 week. j Peifcon August 26, I week. Person November 23, 1 week. Guilford August 30, 2 wetkc ! Guilford December 13, 2 weeks. 1 OranviJe ticpietxber 13, 2 weeks. Granville November 29, 2 weeks. ? AlanaLce 1 ptember 27, I witk-Lhalbam- October 4, 2 vttks. Durham October 18, 2 weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDOS CLARK. J Jcnts August J 6, 1 wctk. I ones NovtDEbtr 1, 1 week. noil Auui 23, 2 weeks. :noir N,vtmbtr li ,2 weeks. I uplin September 6, 1 week. ; 'uplin Npvtmber 29, 2 weeks. nder 8epti mber )3, 1 week. Ntw Hanovei Bepvtmber 27, 2 weeks. Sampson O .ober 11, 2 weaa. jj b&mpbon lh.c mber 13, 1 week.. . Carteret Ociober 25, 1 wetk, ? Onblow XNovtmbtr 8, 1 week. 61VJN1U Dl.ThlOr JUDGE GIIMRR. CumberlaLt t July 2o. 1 week. CuijaberlsLdt November 8, 1 week. ' t umbtrlbnd November 15, 2 wetks. Coiumbufi August 2, 1 week- Moore August 16. 2 weeks. Moore December 6, a wetka. Koueson Auguht 30, 2 weeks. Kobeeon October 11,' 2 wetka. AnHOiit ttptember 13, 1 week. AnfcOL Novt mber 29..1 week if brum. wick September 20, 1 wtek. ,'i Kicbmobd beptember 2, 2 weekc. Kicbmond -Dectmi er 20, 1 week. bladen Ociober 25, 2 weeks. ; 1 X1QH1U DIBIKIOT JUDOS EOYKQf, Iredell August 9, 2 weeks. Iredell November 8, 2 weeks. Rowan August 24, 2 weeka. ftjw an November 22, 2 wteks. DttVldifOD titptetnoer O, 2 weeks. Uavidioo Dtceniber 6, 1 wek. Kaudolph- September 20, 2 weeks. Moutgomery October 4, 2 weeks, bianly- October 18, wecas. Cabarro'g -November 1. 1 week. X NINTH DISTRICT JUDGC MAORAJa. KockiLgham July 2t$, 2 eeka. Kockingham Novt mber. 8, 1 week. B.okts August 9, 2 weeks. Btokes November 15, 1 wiek. burry August 23, v w eks jjuny No vi mber 23, 2 weeks. Aatghany S pUmLer 6, 1 week. W'iats Ckp embtr 13 2 weeks. I Yackin beptetnbtr 27, 2 weeks. Davie- October 11, 2 weeks. Fosyth - October 2j, 2 weeks. TKHTB DISTSIOr JCDbX GOMKRT. ! Bender son July 19, 3 weika. k urke Augtai 9, 54 weeks. Ashe .August 23 1 week. Watsuga July 80, 1 week. Caldwell bepte ber 6,1 week. IhtcLel Bepiemtxr 13, 2 week?. Yarcey btpttnibr 27, 2 weeks. hicDowell-Octutkr 11. 2 weeks. " RLSVRKTH DISTRiOT JODOX GRAVIS. Alexander July 26, 1 week. Catawbi August 2, 1 week. Cleaveiaid August 9, 2 weeks. ( leaveland Octobei 2 , 1 week. M. cklenburK August iO, 3 weeks, taionf - bepumber 20, 2 weeks. LiLco n October 4pl wtek. Gaston Ociober 11, 2 weeks. Rutherford No?, mber 1, 2 weeks. Polk November i5, 1 wek. TWL1H DlfcTblOT JODOS AVERT. Madison August 2, 2 weeks. MadisoL August 'i'i 2 weeks. Buncombe August 16, 8 Wetka. buncombe December 6, 2 weeks. Iraniylvanla September 6, 1 wetk. Uay wood Sepjcmber 18, 2 weeks Jackson Sepitniber 27, 1 wtek. Macon- Ociober 1, 1 week. Clay- October 11, 1 week. Cherokee October 18, 2 weeka Graham November 1. 1 week. Bwain November 8, 2 w-ekt. lvil actions ' u y t r rutufcl acliont o i)y. J hv l f.o ion only, eieept jail c s s. U iimiBHi ooiiiy, .x icpi civu acioul iul nqu r ng s jury Don't Put it Off. D lOUB OBDERS IN AT UKCH FOB NORTH CAROLINA Lime FHosphate Tbe Chea, est and BEST MANURE ever used for Peas, Turnipa, And.all'the root and forage crops. JCvery farmer needs it, and its lw price puts It in the reach of au. Write for circulars and for mulas, liefer to anybody who has usd it. N. C. PHOSPHATE CO., Raleigh, N. C KING & MACY OOMTBAOTOSS FOS House and Sign Faint 1 Xast Davis SU,uader Law Building. v 4 do Kaisomlning, Glaring, Graiaiagaaa inwu nuuse A'aiauAg. - Ordars trom aoy dlsUns solistteA. Bi Norris & Carter : ! Will make this a NOTALKjweek U r In every departnu nt. Bargain Hunters Will And it to th'ir advsata to visit our establishment during this week. Special- Bargains Will be offered in Dress Goods Hosiery, Tble Linens. Towels, Napkins, Hbesting, Ac. lilaek Casbmens and niaca uoods a spe cialty. IORRIS 8j PaRTER Seedfor theFa?m SEED WHEAT. Al.i the leading and most improved varii tie now in stock, including : 1 Fulti, Hybrid Mediterranean, Lnn- I caster, White Joooten, Fmlay, j Fulcaster, eto. i All t the best quaMtr, Deacriptive circular and asmpUa mailed free on applicatioQ. WINTER OATS, RYE, B ABLET and all kinds of j GRASS AND CLOVER SEED8. Catalogue free on application Write for priee. ! ; ..-. ;t. W. WOOD & SONS, Wholbsali abd Hbtatl Siidbmkji, ; No 10 South Uth S.ryet, j RICIIMOND YA. Removal. We have moved iron Fayetteville street to the DODB BUILDING. Coa. Wilmingtok Axn Mait'ih Stekkts, Where we, will be pleased tn have our inruui can 19 lee us aou ana leave tneir or derslor Grain, Forage, ICE, COAL, WOODl SMnges, LathsHumkr. da JONES A POWELL, r Raleifh, N 0 August 24, 1886. A. W. FRAPS' New Grocery Store I have opened at my old stand, No 232 FAYETTEVILLjE 8TV Opposite the Market, A GROCERY BUSINESS, Where I will be pleaded to havf mf old fri-nd and tbe public call on me. Iw It keep a Full Stoek of the Best Goods at. the Lowest Market Pi use. A. W. fBAra Baleifh, A ug 27 dtm. C IVIL, MECHANICAL AND MINING ENO IN KICKING at tbe Benelaer Poly technic Institute, Troy. N. Y. The oldest en gineering Bebool in America. ' Next term he "ins 8 pteher 15th. Th Registe for 1886 contains a list of the graduates (or the past 61 years, with thir positions ; sis c urseof study, requirements, expenses, eta. Candidate from a 0 'stance, or those living in distant States, by special examinations at their homes, or at roch schools s they may l-e attending, mky deter mine the question of a.mi-in without visiting Tr..y. For register and lull infora.tion, d dreas David M Ghii(, Director. I deod,f.s.w.cwlu. RICHAED GIEBSCH BALXIOH AGENT FOB C. W. GAEKETT & CO.'S NATIVE WINES. Mr Garrett's Scunnemorur.' Charapafime, Mifh, Port, Claret and other wines are well known for surx-rior excellence, and are offered for ale in wao4 or gluM, (not to be drank on he premises) at price charged bythe auanu facturers. I 6PEC11L DISCOUNTS Tf; TBE I BADE, For prices spply orwriWto . i EICHAJU) GIKUSCU, Nelt door to the Yarboro Bouse, Eakfgh. SM Low Prices laug u QW, EDUATIONAL. JALEIGH MALK ACADEJ1Y, Hugh Mors v, f ' 1 T ... Principals. i I he next . nnosl Sceaion oimdr Alifi-nst 30. l$8(i(. Hoys and young men prepared for Col- leineorfor biiHine mirsuita. V,it CkuwioaL .li-Irntific and Corrmereil Coursed, The Teachers have Lad lone find succemiful ex perience. Board in theeity at reasonable rate. FercaUlosue and relerence, with lull lnlos matiou, uddrefa either of the principals. FOUNDKD 1802. . . SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. a t f Kighty -third Annwal Seaslou WItih Sni. 4, 1886. Fr catalogue app y to .RCV. A. KONBTHALKR, D. D , Etv. JOHji H. U waij July 13-d2m . Principals. ' MSfa Mmm Im torpor Nsbo." mmi school Established 1793. j Ths d yearly Term berins September 6th. 1SS. For Catalogue giving full mrticulara, address ? , Maj. R. BIXGIIAM, Supt, Bingham School P. Q. trangeCo., N. C SE11CT BOARDIHG AUD DAY SCHOOL I (K)ukisd 1S69.) . tot Toung Ladles' and Little Girls HlLLSBOBO, N. C The Schnltlo vnr n ll.. Ulu.. X7.UV. Miss Koilock's school wirl commence Sept 8d, 1386, and end'June 9, 1887. Circulars on ap pUctttioq. ' FOUNDED IN 1842. ": St. IYI cry's School. SAUIGH, V. 0. EKJi N.TT SiIFJ)is, RCCToa and Paxscif .!. Thb Bav. A. M. A eorrs of fourteen efficlrrt lnHtnnt. Thorough teaching guaranteed. French taught y a r-ative; German by an A u rican eduea. tod In Gernmoy. Latin a requite for a full Diploma. Great attention is ipa;d to Mathe. mattes and Composition. EIocu tw n a specialty. Vhs 01 me litsi r qujpia Jichois of Music in the i-outh. S jrate building five teachers one from the Stuttgart, one fr m theLeipsU Conservatory; a fiiie Vocalit; feixtetn pianos rprltaily praetice two new,Con eit Grands for 4oni-ert iie, a Cabinet (.irfau; a fins Pipe Organ, with two manuals and twenty ops, and the only Pedal piano south of Nw fork. The Art department under the charge Of able and enthusiastic artists. The 'Courts cfoniprfee Drawingr in Pencil, Crayon and Charcoal; I'aintirg in Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, and Decorating China in Minerals. The Physical Development oi the pupils thor ougbiy cared for. I ihe i ir. ety-first term begins 8 ptem tier Wh, lbSti. I or circulars containing tuU iiarticulars applj to the Rector. I lime 16 d8r-w Hm. B ELLEVDE HIGH SCEOOIi, NAtri)tU' co.. VDtorjriA. . he 21st Acnuifl iseftfioD Opens Srptem V ter lOih, 1S80. Fsot C'taloj-ue or special information, apply to ! i4 W. B. ABBOT, l'rin i jBellevue P. P.; Vs., ; J,ohns Hopkins University BALTIMORE. HK1VIB8ITT An COIXKU1A1I COUEESS. :The programmes for the text academic year Wjtll be sent on application. Wl.Vf UUIER. va. " Prerar-s for Univeriiitv. Ar t. Naw or Busit ent. tor 1 ai .. . jC L. C. JMIOB, . A. LL. jKvUrn 01 a ) : IflMOiill imm m Ua? CtiOcL for i.un ,difei &nd Ltttl viy. . v r naiLU cutely DiiixtiOie7 Aid. a o OAiOuijtf Thursty. fcr v nvuw a3w t. NOT DAME OF MARYLAM), Collegiate li.bUtule for Yvung Ladies and Preparatory School lor Little Oil In. i.Ubl A tr u. 1 lute mues irom iiaitinivre, a. Cou UUcted by the bisters of otre D. me. beud .or Catalogue, "v July lb eod Von. Wed. & Sat. 2m. WrJSlYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE. STAUNTON, VA, Opens SepUmber 22d, lit 6. On of the First School for Young Ladies in tbe Unlet Alt! Departments thorough. P-uildim.s ek gant. Neahi heat. Gaslight. Situation I'M tit-til. Climate splendid. Pupih trom nimteer. Stts. All tn'portant advautage in onegreiit (y reduced charge. JloarU, Wawhinv, Lipbtc, tngii-h, l.utln, Kruich, German, Mul-, foi Sc(hIh'i1o year, trom Kept, to June, filuO. For Catalogue write to Bav. W m. A. liAiuuB, D.D., President. ' Staunton, Va, PEACE INSTITUTE, V ILVLEIOII, N. C. Forj Yomii ladies ml SmaTl Gils. Fall session ermmences firnt Wednesday In September and closes conesitondiiig time in June following. An experienced and highly accomplished corps ofJeachers in all branches usually taught in t rstKilass Seminaries for youo? ht'ta and girls. Advantages for in struction in Musie, Art and Modern Languages UBhUrnMo-ed. Building heated by steam and lighted b1' gas and elec rteity. xrx nctes leS tltaniany Female Seminary offering sams ad Viintaei.. Special arrangements for sma I girW Deduction tor two or more from sain f amity o' neighborhood. Comsnpoencs solicited. For Catalovoe address j Bav. B. BUBWELL & SOX j Baleigh, N. C. , Tl B. YANCEY; 'i itAinrrAOT taiu'- Agent and Sealer CARRIAGES, PHAETONS '"" BUGGIES, ETC., ETC. I a The' largest Assortment InLths State. BEST GOODS i s . m i . ' I . A3V IbaSI A !ii--!' y9 WW. - i Jfifi, ! dltv4fi i in i r ii 1 11 11 M' '