r- 4i 1w, SRVM ol. xxvn. RAI-KIGLL. N. 0. SUNDAY MORNTNG, SEPTEMBER 12, 1886. NO. 100v p. ;-'-- s : 5'" .' e Sews f X i E AND i ' Absolutely Pure Thin powder new tuIm. A marvel of I Urity, strength and wholeeomenew. More eononi;jd thn ordinary kinds ud eaanot b Old In competit'on with the multitude of lew icjL short wtigLt, aiuni or phosphate powders cold only in cans.. RovtL Bum Fowns Co., 108 Wall Stnvt, New York. " iold by W C A A B Stronach, Goorgs T 'rotwhud JBFemUAOo. r BRO WN'S IRON BITTERS WILL CURE ! HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA: s CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY X PA.IN in the BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION v FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA I KIDNEY AND LIVER ; TROUBLES I 0 It SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Tb GemlM hat Trade Mark and created Ree lacs oa wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER KET SIDE BAC THE GREAT BARGAIN STOKE OF ; RALEIGH. ; . I- ; ' ' I hare iwt returned from New Y ofk, where i , I hare pu: chased the largest and cheapest stock of goods ever brought to the Backet. Jut ai we nave said all the time, good cheap enough will sell themselves. This and thia alone account for the tremendous trade at the Racket. Out goods are cheap and it ia 'I fme that our sledge-hammer bargains may be hard hitters for those who buy and sell on - time, but they ah- real blessings to those who can pay cash for their "goods. Gathered up Lom the slaughter-ptns of credit aijd laid at your doors with! but one profit, yon get a dollar in real value in every dollar" s worth lycu Uuy, measure for .measure, dollar for dol- 11, ai the Racket Store. The crec it system is a system of sleepkss nights of deferred hope, of blurted exieetations, of bad debts, of dis I ; . puted ledger aceounU; a sjstem which an liontbt man, who pays and inter ds, to pay, support and pay for those who never pay. The mei chant who sells goods on time never kno w s how much he ought to charge to bring h un a reasonable profit on his goods, for the 1 I reason he never know what his lotsis will je. The .Racket is cutting to the right hand and to the left, knowing no law but the greatest valucfor the least money, lUenly thousand Envelope, worth 8c, for 8c iht .pack. Splendid Kole Paper for 6c ptr iuire. Best Hamilton Calico at 6c, worth 7. One thousand suspenders at 16c .wwth 30. Mtns' Wool llaU at !l5c, worth 60c, Big lob t n Boo tit and bheu, Notions of alt descrip- ; . i lions, Dry Uo.ds, Carpeting and .Oil Cloths and Rug. Je elry at one-half its value. It is aa endless Job to enumerate the special value in the Duany departments of the Racket. Mllil- iery lull. and see and ave your money. VOLNKY PUBSKLL Jk OO., dt. 10 East Martio Btreet. HrPlER HOUltPa THKf PEOPLE OF CHARLESTON i STILL CHEERIER. ; ALL BORTg 0 WORK III PROGRKSa eTHB f niKBOE NOT INJUEID. ; v . : t Charlkston, 8. C.t8ept. 11. 1 is bright and beautiful today, thougjj it rained heavily in the early tnorning. People axe graduatly reocoupyuag their houset and the number in shelters nd tents is rapidly diminishing.; There were three or four slight shookf of earthquake during the night, but n'pne serious and few persons were ; awara of their bocurrence. The subsistence 6dm- mittee has changed the plan of opera tions land appointed visitors for Qaoh ward,. to ascertain eases of dutressall of which will be supplied ;at tAeir homes. The board of engineers is till at work surveying buildings and km tinned to oondemn those which ar an -safe I The Ia est reports from.; points along-the South Carolina railroad indi cate that reports of distress atLincolns villeiKnightsville and elsewherejf ere greatly exaggerated. Whatever ia ne c8Bary will be done for them. , - Chblistok, 8. C, September 1)1 The following official statement is ifur nished in reply to reports concerning the condition of Charleston bar: fOor attention has been called to an editorial in the Maritime Register, of New Fork, stating the importance of publishing to the world the effect of the earthquake on the bar and harbor approaches of this port. We would state that an fex amination has been mada by an expert and the result is perfectly satisfactory. We are able to give positive assurance that no change has occurred. Deep draft vessels have crossed the bar sinc the earthquake and there is no interrup tion to oommerce. (Signed) ;WmC A. Courtenay, mayor; A. W. Taft, presi dent Charleston exchange; B Bollman, president of the Merchants' exchange Theodore D. Jervey, vice-president chamber of commerce." ! Capt. C. 0. Boulette, acting upder authority from the United States ooast surrey, arrived fn Charleston yesterday morning for the purpose of examining the condition of the bar, in order t re port I any change in the channels f that might have trken place consequent upon the earthquake. Capt. Boutelle has devoted two davs to the work, and as the iresult of his observations says to night that "changes exist in iboth Pumpkin Hill and South channels but they , are slight and they are all fof the better, ahewkif increased lepth ia ;both aJuh&eftsy U is impossible toiayiow much better until the total obsetvationB aire completed and the soundings c4n be reduced to low water." H v Notiee was given today that the exer cises of the Charleston oollegs .wil be resumed October 4th. f kOhn, Furehgott & Benedict, whole sale and retail dry goods and carpet dealers, have bought out the old eptab lished dry goods house of McLoj.CRioe ACp., for flOO.OOO cash! J . . Nw York, 'Sept. 11 A specialrom Charleston to the marine exchange of ihift oity says, in response to anv en- uiry: ' Uur money wants are large. e- have tents and shelter: enoueh. The great work ,to be done in;' the next sixty days is to guard againstjwin ter by rebuilding and repairing $xnall houses for thepcorer classes.". : i Waihikgtos, Sept. 11. Twenty or more letters have been received t the geological, survey from different tart af the country, making suggestions and offering advice with regard to' th pre vention of earth quakes. One of, the latest proposes that holes be bored through the earth's crust to give the distinctive gases an outlet. The friter is as yet unknown to fame. Dyaianalte's 'Work. I- ; HOW A 8NAK1 GAVI A WASXISQ Chioago, 8ept. 11. An attempt was made last night to blow uj one of the signal stations of the Lake Sbori rail road, at the intersection of the maurtrack and the stock-yard track. The attempt was so far successful as to cause a toss of several thousand dollars and disable tor a tlmfe the working of the machinery by which the switches, signals and gaes for a ions distance along tne nine are turned. The operator of the signals was in the station at the time, bt was alarmed bv a snake which entered his room and ran out just before the fxplo I sion and was unhurt, Dottraeme Flro at Daavlll. Dan villi, Va., Sept. 11 A fire here last night destroyed Heidelbaoh's furniture factory, loss Xzo.yuu. no in surance; the. city electrio light ;plant, loss xo.uuu, no insurance; :Worsnam s box factory, loss 811.000.. insured for fto,800; the ice factory, loss! 812.000, tullv insured. A man named (1. W. I Middeaugh, of Toledo, Ohio perished in xieideibaon s factory. l Fir at w Orleans, ji ; ' Nnw Oulxams, Sept. 11 A building occupied by C. L' lard & Co.!, manufac turers of gentlemen s clothing, was burned today. The loss is" estimated at $50,000 ; fully insured. EM of tl Tliee fever SfM. New .Orleans, Sept. 11 j-Thei board of health today passed a resolution re moving the quarantine recently issued against Biloxi, Miss. g Mamnol . SaelllnK Indicted Bobi n, Sept. 11. Two indictments have been found against Bamuel G. Snelling, treasurer of the Lowell bjeaoh- ery, for the embezzlement. or tne; funds af the Bleaehery company and which ho made oath were X120,WU Jess than true figures. t"h Riabllraina of Uranvlll Aplat Ils;atH to m UonvntloDi Specla1 Dispatch to the News and Observer. i Oxford, Sept. 11. A convention of the republicans of Granville county was held here today to appoint delegates to the State judi cial convention at Raleigh the 22d inst. C. P. tester, 0. M. Rogers, W. T. Suit and N. S. Daniel (ool ) were chosen delegates. They were instructed to vote for Edwin G. Reade for chief jus tioe, Wi P. Bynum and W. B. Rodman associates. Tti ProlUbltlonUtn at Ornabore. Special to the Nsws and Obskrvks. GaiiMSBORO, N. C, Sept. 11. The prohibition con vention met today and nominated a full county ticket. For the senate, Nereus Mendenhall ; for the house, J. 8. Ragsdale and J. W. Woody for clerk of superior oourt, Martin, Cude ; for register of deeds, W. E. Benbow; for sheriff, A. G. Kiik man. It is acknowledged to be a strong ticket. Th 9jmln or McDowell. Special Dispatch to the News and Observer. i AsHiviixa, N. C, Sept. 11. P. J.; Sinclair was nominated by the democrats of McDowell for the house at the convention held here today. Ttir Second Great Boat Race. HigelUnd8, N. J., September 11 9.15 a m. This was the day fixed upon by the American cup committee for the third of the series of internation al races, provided the sloop and cutter had each won one of the contests, but because; of the fiasco Thursday the second raoe is the event of today. Just before sunrise this morning a heavy mist hug over the bosom of the ocean, but when the sun burst forth from the horizon "the fog began to disappear and after half n hour it was gone entirely. Down Rere off Navesink highlands the sea cam,e tumbling in, the'surf was very heavy, fhe wind pretty stitt and puffy, and generally the placid bosom of the Shrewsbury wsb somewhat ruffled. By 8 o'clock there was quite a fleet of schooners standing down the ooast. making the most of the friendly breexe. Thev carrv all their BW-nnrtnera. TnnidA . . j r the Hook the waves are crested with foam. The race is to be to leeward and down the Jerseyooast. The weather is a little hazy seaward. At y.zo a. m.,the wind ap pears steadily increasing. It is now quite heavy, and this, together with the tumb ling seafis juBtwhat the cutter people have been crying for. The Mayflower's suppor ters seem satisfied with anv kind of wind. Earlyibii morning it looked a though the day would be an exoellent one, but later became thick outside and dark threatening clouds1 began to roll up Possibly there will be a shower before many hours. fliw tfoRK, 1126 a. m. The May flower started at 11.22.25; the Galatea at 11.24.35. Wind W. N. W.. fifteen miles an hour. Highlands, N. J. At 9.20 the wind had freshened to about 23 miles an hour. The raoe is twenty miles to lee ward, yachts to turn stake-boat opposite Ocean beach. Sandy Hook, Sept. 11.-11.38 p. m. The yiohts have gone about a mile over tne course. Thev are standing south-east. Their position is about the same as when they started. The May flower ia about one-eighth of a mile ahead. 11.49 p. m. lhe Mayflower appears to be feavmg the Oalatea, and is now a quarter of a mile ahead. The wind is eighteen miles per hour, north north west. , , j.ne weather is clear. Nxw York, September 1111.21. The yachts have gone about six miles over the course, standing southeast. The Mayflower is gradually opening the gap and is nearly half a mile ahead, Old fifteen miles, northwest. Sassy Hook, September 1112.48 p. m -lhe yachts have gone about twelve miles over the course, still stand ing southeast. The Mayflower is in- or easing ner ieaa ana is now nearly a mile ahead. The wind is nineteen nr. lei an hour west northwest; weather clear 1 uo p. m. rite yacnts nave gone ro mi- ia a over the course about fifteen miles. The ! ", 1 a - jxiantwer is increasing ner lead and is now a mile and a half ahead. She is still standing southeast. Ha mot Hook, September 11 1.28 p. m. Ine yachts are now nearing the off .1. FTL II n - cuuicy Btajke. xn9 iixavuower is suii increasing her lead. . The wind is nine teen miles an hour, west northwest, clear 6 ISIp. m. The Mayflower wins the raoe. 1 1 his is the second of the raoes. whton are best two in three ; Total Tlalblo Happly of Cotton. N$w York, September 11. The total vieibFe supply of cotton for the world is 1, ;, 302 bales, of which 671,802 are Ameyican; against 1,107,106 and 741,-s 306 f respectively last year; receipts at ail interior towns 23,047; receipts from' the plantations 47,109; sight 54,344. crop in Fatal Accident. A berdekn, Dakota, Sept. 11. A party of Southern gentlemen arrived hirer last night with the remains of C Hooper Phillips, ex-mayor of Nashville. He was accidentally shot by Jas. Rains at the 9-mile lake yesterday whilo duck hunting. . Baseball Yesterday. At Baltimore, Baltimore 8; Louisville 5; at New York, New York 10, Boston 3: -at Washington. Washington 4. Philadelphia 3; at Staten Island, Metro politan 8; Cincinnati 8; at Brooklyn, Brooklyn 4, St. Louis 6; at Kansas City, Kansas City 11, St. Louis.3; at Chicago, Chioago 14, Detroit 4; at Phil adelphia, Atbletios IS, Pittsburg 10. ALL A CANARD, A WILD STORY ABOUT THE PRESIDENT'S BEING SHOT. HI IIXAR8 Tni N1WB WITU MUCH SURPRISE. Peospiot Houm, N Y., Sept. 11. The most astonishing incident of a some what uneventful day was the receipt of several telegrams asking if President Cleveland had really been shot and if he was muoh hurt. ; Editor Butler, of the Buffalo News, asked for an imme diate answer. From the Western Union offioe in New York oame an inquiry about the President's condition and this evening a similar dispatch was received from Plattsburg, froraDr.Ward, who had reaehed that point on his way home at Albany. As Fresident Cleveland was in the enjoyment :of perfect health and no accident had: befallen him, of course only one answer could be made. .What puzzles people here is how suoh a rumor was set afloat. It eould hardly have had its origin in this vicinity, for no such absurd statements were sent out from the telegraph offioe at this inn and no dispatch of such tenor was sent from the only other telegraph office in the neighborhood that at Paul Smith's seventeen miles away; An Kxtenalvo Fir. Frikhold, N. J., Sept. 11. An ex tensive tire ia raging here. The princi pal business portion of the town will probably be destroyed. Two brick stores, Clark & Perrine and John Tay lor's hotel opposite the court house have been destroyed. The fire department have assistance coming here from Long Branch, A6bury Park, Red-Bank and Matawan. The town, water supply is from cisterns. The fire origin, the cause of which is unknown started in the Perrine store. John Taylor's hotel was one of the finest country hotels in New Jersey, and was only rebuilt two years ago. The hre is still spreading, and will nrobablv cross Main street. A Steamer and six hose carriages have left Bordentown for here. lhe loss to the buildings named is almost total and aggregates $135,000; insurance about half. Taylor's hotel was erected piior to the revolutionary IT , N1V M ouiugwu Mayhio lodge there Dated in Perrine's sto war, and W ashmgton once held an army The fire origi nated in Perrine's store while a clerk was drawing varnish. Too Last of ttaltlmore'a Old Defender-. BALTmoRs,Sept.! 11. The celebra tion of the anniversary of the battle of North Point during the war of 1812 is of the past and will: be known no more by the defenders of .Baltimore at that time. Bat four, of that band of patriots are left in .Baltimore: Ueorge xtoss. aged 92; James C Morford, 91; John Petticord, 91, and Nathaniel Watts, 91. bamuel Jennings died nearly a year ago. lhe survivors win be tendered a dinner at the Rennert hotel Monday. The G. A. R. will adopt September 12th as "'tirand Army day," and will ob serve Monday by a parade and camp fires. r. Dixon at Second Baptist Ibarcb. The meeting at the 8econd Baptist church, of this city, conduoted by Mr Thos. Dixon, Jr., has been in progress for two weeks, and the interest is un abated. Up to this time there have been about seventy professions of re ligion and as many are still asking for prayer. The preaching is conspicuous i .A , . t w ... ; , ., for its fresh i, clear expositions of truth, n H arrr, a rf 4Ka afmnm hivi riAdn m- and some of the sermons have been pro nounced as of very great power. The meetings will be continued this week as heretofore op.-m., prayer and praise; o p. m.. Breaching. A Sew Flro Companr. A fire company was yesterday organ ized by the workmen at the Raleigh & Gaston railroad shops, for the protection : of the company's property from fire. The following are the officers: Henry Hor- ton, foreman; Henry Cole, assistant foreman; John Riddle, hose director; Miohael Tighe, engineer; W. R. Bishop, ; pumpman. There is excellent apparatus St the shops and : the new company is composed of the very best material. Hew York Cotton Fatoros. INew iork Sept. 11, Ureeneat Co.'s. report on cotton . futures says: Aside: from the little trading in January there was a general indifference shown to ward all options and a very fiat sort of I a market throughout. Liverpool was rather discouraging and the average desire seemed to be to let the market alone. At a fractional decline the olose was dull and somewhat nominal. Oxford Holes. Correspondence of the News and Observer Oxford, N. C, Sept. 11. Thursday Sassafras Fork township voted a donation of $iu,uuu to the Ox ford & Clarksville railroad company The msioritv was only twenty-five, be- ing a majority of the votes castbut not of the registered voters, ine company has been delaying action in order to hear the result of this vote. Nothing now stands in the way of immediate ao- tion. and arrangements will be made as soon as possible - Dr. Nelson irerebee, wnose iamuy ... . , ., . live here, is now at home, lie is a surgeon in the United States navy, and has just returned from a trip oi tnree years abroad, lie has Deen in tne navy many years and has visited almost everv foreign country that the United States has any deelings with. The tobacco business lor the com ing year is vet. We have five large warehouses here, but it seems that no firms have been organized tor run ning them. They are probably waiting to see the quality of the new crop, very little of which has been sold yet. If all so-called remedies have failed, Dr. gage's Catw rh Itemed cures. How Tblnft-n art none In Hcndarwn. A : F1HAL1 COLLIG1 A MINISTERIAL OHANQ1 HILP FOR CHARLI8TOM POL ITICS. Correspondence of the News Aim Orsirvir. Hindmrbow, N. C, Sept. 11. For some time efforts have been made in; a quiet way to induce tne estaDiisn- ment of a female oollege in Henderson. A large, enthusiastic meeting was held at the court-house Thursday night of this week, to give direotion and effect to the movement Col. Wm. H. 8. Bur gwyn was made ehainnann, and Mr. Thad. R. Manning secretary. Rev. J. D Arnold announoed the purpose of the meeting, and stated that a number of the leading oitisens of this plaoe had been in correspondence with itev. J. M. Rhodes, president of Littleton female oollege, proposing that he resign his present field and take charge of this en terprise. Mr. xvhodes then addressed the meeting, and was followed by Messrs D.Y.Cooper, S. Watkins and J. R. Young. Four thousand dollars was subscribed at onoe, and this has been increased to $5,600. It is pro posed to raise from the citizens of the town $8,000. When this is done Mr. Rhodes has agreed to take $7,000 ef stock, and to furnish in addition $2,500 Worth of apparatus and furniture. The oollege is to be non-sectarian and will be governed by aboard of truf tees, who will be elected on the evening of September 20th. The build ings will probably be located at the oorner at Williams street and An dre s avenue, fronting on Williams street and the Raleigh & Gaston rail road. Three committees aro soliciting subscriptions, with good cuocess, viz.. Rev. M.V McDuffieandD Y Cooper; Rev. A. Sprunt and Dr. F R. Harris; Rev. J. D. Arnold and S. Dean. Hi LP FOR THI DI8TRI 8?H. Henderson has entered with warmth into the distress of Charleston and Sum merville. Twice destroyed by fire, she has been purified by suffering. At the call of mayor Cooper, there was a large gathering of our best citizens, at the court house last evening, to give expres sion to their sympathy. Mayor Cooper presided and Mr. Thad R Manning was secretary. Air w it rienry explained the call and moved the appointment of a committee on resolutions, which was done. Col W H S Burgwyn, Rev A Sprunt and Mr Henry were the com mittee. Addresses were made by Col Burgwyn, Revs A Sprunt, J E Ingle, M V McDuffie, J M Rhodes, J D Ar nold and Mr J R Young. The follow ing resolutions were presented by the committee and adopted: Resolved by the citizens of Hender son, v ance county, n . J. , in mass meeting assembled: That in the unprecedented disaster that has Detailed the oity of Charleston her people have the deepest sympathy of our community: that the fortitde of her citizens in the face of such wide spread destruction of property; their in trepid spirit in the presence of impend ing danger ; their couragous determina tion not to despair, but to rebuild their shattered homes, excite the admiration of their fellow countrymen. That as every cloud has its siver lin- a. 1 ! 11 ing, let us nope in tne nome response that haB come up from all parts of the nation in the way of generous contribu tions of money and warm expressions of sympathy, the citizens of Charleston and Hummer ville and of tne ooutn as ell, recognise the fact that the people gi wis great country nvvvr uw uun UeW 'toward their fellow citizens 1 o of this great country harbor no unkind the South, but in the presence of suoh an appalling oolamity, we all are actu ated by one and the same sentiment, lova for our fellowman, and an aotive sym pathy with him in his misfortunes. A oommittee of five, Rev J V Arnold, Mr W S Clary, Rev J E Ingle, Dr W T Cheatham and Rev M V McDuffie, were appointed to solicit contributions. Between one and two hundred dollars have been collected and the contribution will probably amout to $300 or $400. A musioal ooncert will be given at Burwell hall Monday night for the benefit of this fund. There will be a chorus of thirty voices and other attrac tions. A VACANT PASTORATE. Rev M V McDoffie, of the Baptist churoh, and the senior pastor of the town, has placed his resignation in the hands of his deacons and it will be read to the ohuioh tomorrow. This course is made necessary by his determination to accept a call lately tendered him by the Remsen Avenue Baptist churoh, of New Brunswick, N. J. This is a large and prosperous churoh in a city of 20,- 000 inhabitants, about thirty or forty miles from New York oity. Mr. McDuffie entered the pastorate of the Baptist ohuroh here (his first pas torate) January 1, 1881, while a student t Wake Farest oollege, where he gradu ated in June of that year. His pastorate here has been as active one. A new brick ohuroh, now occupied, has been nearly oompietea, at a cost of $5,300, and 01 tne present memoers vi iuu . . i a l r iu:. church sixty-eight have been added during his administration, In the line of missionary work he has organized a ohuroh at Middleberg and led in the ereotion of a new "and comfortable house of worship and also organized a new churoh near Littleton, which is now preparing to build. He has been pro nounced in his views upon every ques tion which oonoerned the moral inter ests of the town and was the indomita ble leader in the late successful prohi bition movement here. He is one of the ablest of the young men of this State and hosts of friends will regret his departure. POLITICS is a profession or calling with many ad herents about here. There is a lively oontest for the privilege of serving the people. The greater number are most anxious to serve asolerkof the superior court. Mr Chas. Alston is announced as a "People's" or "Work: ingman's" candidate. Crowds seek the republican nomination, but J R Young, the present encumbent, a gentleman and an efficient officer, will probably retain the place. The republican townshii meetings are being held today. PERSONAL. Mr M A Turner,, mother of Dr V K Turner, and Mrs J;H Perkins and Miss Perkins, of Florida, are visiting Mrs James H Lassiter. Dr B F Diokson, of Oxford, was in town today. Hon. C M Cooke has been here this week. Hen Advertisement. Mr. Chris. Weikel, so familiarly know here as one of. the first . tailors m the country, 'makes an announcement to day which will catch the popular eye. W. H. &K. S. Tucker & Co. make some statements about their lovely new goods which will at onoc attract the at tention of ladies. Mr. D. S. Waitt, who has wen suoh a reputation for reliability as a clothier and general furnisher of men's goods, has a special announcement in this is sue. Shoes and shirts are among his specialties. .berwanger Bros, are nothing if not enterprising and in their advertisement speak to young and old. All sorts of fabrics, at popular prices. School suits are specialties. Attention is called to the financial statement of the St. Paul fire and ma riiic insurance company, which is pub lished by the department of state to day. The ac, standing and reputation of this old and reliable oomptny are too wll-known to require comment. Thos. H. Haughtm, Esq., is tie general agent of th ) company, with headquarters at Charlotte, while the agetcy at .thit point has been placed in the general in surance ageccy of Messrs. F. H. Cam eron & Co , of this oity. Julius Lewis & Co. arc manufactur ers agents tor Chamberlains patent paper loaded shells. They have Su perior facilties . for supporting the wholesale and retail trade. They arc also sole agents for many specialties' in hardware; among them the "All Right" cook stove; Buffalo scales, U. S stand ard; Averill chemical paints; Ross' en- silage and fodder cutter; Lafltn Rand's powders, the finest made. 4 Personal. A daughter and the wife of Mr. M. Johnson, of Chatham county, died a few days ago. Mrs. Julia Overby died there Wednesday. Maj. S. M. Finger left yesterday for Newton, to be absent a week. Mr. Fab. H. Busbee. grand master. and the grand secretary of Masons, go to Monroe tomorrow, where they will participate Tuesday in the exercises of the grand lodge, at the laving of the corner-stone of the court-house. Mr Busbee delivers an address. tThe family of Rev. Dr. John S. Wat- kins has returned to the oity. Judge Connor was here yesterday on his way from Greensboro to Oxford. Capt James MeGowsn, of Wilming ton; is quite sick. Mr. Samuel B. Caldwell, who was so seriously injured Thursday at Kirk Pat rick's saw mill at charlotte, died from his tr juries that night. Messrs. Omega and Robert Foster, two of te proprietors of the Atlantic hotel, Morehead, have returned. It is a great pleasure to the many friends o: these gentlemen and of Mr. Ai J Cooke to know that their first season as hotel proprietors has been so remarkably successful. Cbnrcbea Today. Christ churchtwelfth Sunday after Trinity, Sunday school, 9.4o a. m.; morning prayer 11 a. m.; evening prayer, 6.30 p. m. j, ser vices during the week, Wednesday, 6 p. m, and Fridav 10 a. m. First Presbyterian church: Sunday school at 9.30 a. m Services at 11 a. m. and '8 p. nu, by' the pastor, Rev. Dr. John 8. V at tains, l Polite ushers will set all strangers and others, j j Second Baptist church. Sunday school: at 9 a. nv, preaching at 11 a, m. and 8 p.m. by Rev. Thos. Dixon, Jr. i- Key. Dr. Geo. W. Manly, of Wake Forest celleg-, will preach at,. 1 a m and 0. m. Sun day school at 9 am. i bervioee at Brooklyn Methodist church: Class; meetings 10 a. m. and 2 p. m ; Sunday School at 3 p. m.; preaching by Rev. Dir. L. Branson, at 8 p. m. At ' Edenton St. Methodist church services at 11 a. m. by the pastor Rev. W. C Norman. At night the pulpit will be occur led by Rev Dr. B. F. Dixon, of Oxford. Sunday school at 9.80 a.m. Person street Methodist church: Sunday school a 9.15 a. m.; R. C. Bedford superin tendent. Preaching at 11a.m. and 8.! 5 p. m., by the pastor, Rev. W. L. dunninggim. The public cordially invited. i Ho services in th Seeond Presbyterian church today; Sunday school at 4.30 o'clock p, m. The other day at the raoes one of the sisterhood was holding a handsome child in suoh a way as to prevent a gouty old gentleman from seeing what was going on. Said the latter: "It is very annoying not to be able to see. This jb no place for ohildren. Nurse, take your little one to see punch and iudy," The? nurse, calmly: 'There, baby, look at the gentleman. INVERTED "Bicycles! Bicycles!" nay, to shun laughter, t ry cycles unit, ana Duy cycles slier; , , For sureljr the buyer deserves but the rorst, Who would buylcycles, failing to try cycles rfirst? I l tna Mothers, do not let your darlings suffer with the whooping cough while yen have a remedy so near at hand. Use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, and the little sufferer will, soon find relief. Price s cents. x - Medical DEPisncairf, State Ukivbrsitt or Iowa, Iowa City, la. Pianos, Organs, Sheet Music, Musio Books, eto., etc. Pianos from $190 to 500 in stock to select from. Several Second-Hand Pianos, in perfect order, for sale or rent. Organs from $40 to gzza in stock to select from. J. L. Stosb. GOOD RESULTS IN EVERT CASK. D. A. ISradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was m;ri- ouely aul ic ted wltn a severe com that m uled on his lunins: had tried many remedies without benefit. Being Induced to try Dr K ings N ew Dis covery for Consnmption,did so snd was entirely cured ty use of a few bottles. Since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with beet renulU. This Is the ex perience o( thousands whose lives hat Iwen saved by this wonderful Discovery. Trial Bot tle all f res at drug stores, j Anybody who makes a motion in the: stationary engineers' convention will, we suppose, of oourse be ruled oat ' of order. ' ! '-I can indorse it at the best preparation of the kind lever used. No physician can aflord to do without It," says Frofeasor A. C. COW- 1'KBTII WA1TJG, rh. V., SL. D. (I'roiessor OI DUeases of Women, etc.), of the Liehig Co's Arnicated - Extract of Witch UazeL Cures Female Weakness, Periodical 6uff-ring, Leu. eorrhasbaaUas; Losses of Blood, and Neu ralgia, i The-yellow fever scare comes rather late. Jack frost will prescribe for that. 1 Advleo to Met hers. Mrs. Wlnslow's 8oo thins Syrup should al ways be used when children are cutting teetb. It relieves the little sufferer at once, it pro duces natural, quiet sleep by relieving th child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant, to taste; soothes the child, softens the gums, allay all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels and is thei ten known remedy for diarrhoea, whether ris :n from teething or other causes. Prof. Hammond prediots oyoloncs, earthquake and tornadoes all round the 26th, 27 uh and 28th of this moitb. "Angels and ministers of grace defond us : In matters , oi cerning the health How ciiref ul a person should be, It's far more important than wealth; To tfcitt l am sure you'iiagreo: Wnen tova'd and afflicted with pain, Pond's Extract you'd wish to apply, From base imitations refrain Acd only, the genuine buy, Let notprice' on your Judgment obtrude s Fur itsthing is cbeap that's not good. President Cleveland is said to bo gaining weight. A good many people reoognis d that fact some time ago A. B. C. Cranston, floor-walker for Ptei a Brothers 32 West Twenty-tbird street, New York, .together with his wife, was troubled with malaria for upwards of two years. Thty wi re both entirely cured by taking one or two Brand ret h' h 1 ilia every night for three monttiH, without interfering with their labor or household duties. A crank in Cincinnati attributes the recent earthquake to the efforts of de mons, imprisoned within the earth, to blast their way out with dynamite. This fool has followers. If some one were to stijt a religion with the "Ara bian Nights" as his Bible, he would not fail to gather a following. 1 " " "The Greatest Can an Earth for Pain." Will nttave mora quickly Varna any other known rem- Bwvuutga, bus kcck, llrniwa:. Burn BOUda, Cut, Lambs, go, lrr)T, Sarca,Frast-tata, Backache, Oulnay, Bore Throat, Sciatica, Wound, Headache, ToolbacVi Ppraina. eto. PHoo It eta. a bctua. gold by ail marina, cuona. roe Saf in, tiaJrutirm iHl beara uur! resictcred Trade-irark. and onri rropnora, xMuuioorat h w. a. DR. -BULL'S COUGH SYRUP Per the cure of Coag-hs, Colds, Hoarse ness, j Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis. Whooping; Cough, Indpiert Coo sumption, and for the relief of con sumptive persons In advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by ail Drug gists. Price, 25 cent. Edward Fasnach, Jeweler and Optician RALEIGH, N. O. Gold and Silver Watches, American and Imported. Real and imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement Rings, any size and weight Sterling Silver Ware for Bridal Presents. i Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. r Spectacles and lye-glasses in Gold, JSllver Steel, Rubber and Shell Frames, Lenses, white and tinted, in endless varieties. Seals for Looses. Corporations.' etc Also Badges and Medals for Schools and Societies made to order. Mall orders promptly attended to. Goods - sent on selection to any part of the State. old Gold and Silver in small ana large quantities taken as cash. dly. PURITY! PURITY 11 i -. , Is desirable in all things but demanded in articles of food. Dont impuir.youi health by using adultera ted lard, even if it does cost a Little leas. CASSARLV8 PUHB LABD Is for sale by the following leading grocers and recommended by them to be the best. Try it. W. H. Ellis. W. R. -Newsorh A Co., Grausman ft Rosenthal, J. R. Ferrall ft Co., N orris ft Newman, E. J. Hardin, Wyatfc Co., Jno. R. Terrell, W. B. Mann ft Co W. C UpcSurcb H. v. iwnion. Also CASSARLVS MILD CUBED HAMS and BREAKFAST STRIPS, WSie are Ua oteWThls list will be corrected weekly S 'Sfe

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