I- i 5 i a! ' Tr r 5n AND I Ml VOL, XX VII. RALEIGH. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1J, 1SSG. NO. 106 News Obs Absolutely Pure.; rhu powder never 'varies. A marvel of parity, strength j and wholesomenees. Hon economical tnan ordinary kinds and cannot be said In competition with the multitude of low - brt weight, alum or phosphate powders (old oc't In cans. ' Rotal Baiixo Powpa I O., 108 Wall Street, w York. cold bt W C ft A Stronach, George T fi j n errau a tjo. . j ,4 QUESTION AB O UTi Brown s Iron j I Bitters j : 'answered. Th qumaUoa bu probably, bmn nuked thousand rf tiinoa. Uo.t cm Br iwn'n Iron Bitiars cure every Jiiaff?" Well, it dom'l. Bat it doeacuraaajdiseaa. tor wuicb a reputable physician would prescribe laoi PbTviha recjnite Ir a as the bent restormtm Vr -t 2ca jvrn .& fch prnfe4Uja. and inquiry of an e U; ehsmical linn will suataiitiat. tnaaasartioa ,li .t tuws are mre preparations of ima than of any ithsr saVstanon used in taedjeina. This shows oon ' sl if irIy that iron ia acknowledged to be the moat ' in ; vtant factor in M.cceaafuil medical practice. It ia, 'i-rv: -ror, a remarkable 1 art, that prior t-i"the dieeot-rhr.-l KROWN'SIIiON IliTTERS no perfect f iutiactor7 rjs oumbiaation had ever been found. ERGOTS IRON BriTRSu: amdacha, or prod oca constipation eJl etcher Iroa medicines do. lJitOV?feIItON BITTEliS rnrfa LndwrrMtion, nilianmcsx, Weakiewt PTrpeasia, Malaria, f'bilU aaa Ferera, 1 1rcvl FeeUDK.ilencral Debili tr ,Pala in tt UU-, Bark or Limbs, Headache and Ncint.U f,!n tut all these ailments ron is preacribed daily BilOWN'SinQri BITTERS.-ra.-tS' V'-'""- 1 'ko 31 othei. .hotoarh medictn" it act. alo-!r. T, j.n titci. t ji". the first symptom at br:;,-! t li rvti- aa-vr .-. The ronacles then beenos. . Srmsr, tie die -"ti . .mpmoe, the bowels are act ire; In -mi tiioBSe.-tjsusisllt more rapid and marker). ' ITie e begin tt once to bnchten; be akin clat: l huttoj pol.ir cww to the cheeks; uei iwatej Oj---p,-jn-; ranrtionl deimmeiite heeome reKft- ' Inr. antl if nnarrinj mother, abundant sust-mano. Jj rapUed f.T the child. Hamemhar Brown's Iron, Bi.'tr fat the ONLY iron medicine that knots juriooa.; "kynruw af Dntffi rmmmtmii U Vbeueanin. has trade Mark and crossed red Urea TAKK WO OTHKR. 1 THE GREAT BARGAIN STORE OF RAlilGH. ; I bate uat returned from New York, where i t '. I I . have .ui cbaaed tbe largest and cheapest " ; tock Of good, ever 'brought to the Racket. Ju t a we nave aaid all the time, gooda cheap enough will eell themaeWes. ThU and thja alone aeeounU Jor the tremenjlotu trade at the Backet. Our goods are cheap and it is " . r ime that our sledge-hammer bargains may be - ' " .. hard hitters tor those' who buy and cell on : . 1 i - r' time, but they arc real blessings to those whs ean pay cash for their goods. Gathered up tiom the slaugbtertprna of credit and laid) at your doors with but one profit, - you get v dollar In real value in every dollar's worth you buy, measure for measure, dollar for do! lax, ai the Backtt Etcrs. The cm. it system is a system of sleepless nights of deferred hope of bhuted .expectations, of bad debts, f dis puted ledger accounts; a system -which . an honest man, who pays and intends, to pay, i supiort and pay for those who nevr pay The merchant who sells goofs on time never t f knows how much lie ought to charge to bring h lm a reasonable (iront on his goods, for the ' k ; reason he Beyer know what his losses will Je. The jacket is cutting to the right hand and to the left, knowing no Uw but the greatest value for the least money. ' ' , Twenty thousand Envelope, worth 8c, for per pack.. Splendid Note Paper for 6c per quire. Best Hamilton Calico at 6c, wortlt 7. One thousand suspenders at 16c . worth 80 Jlcus Wool Bats st 20c, worth 60c, Big lob in Boots and S&oes, Notions of all deecrip uons, Dry Goods, Carpeting and 00. Cloths ' ' ': ' 'f, and Bugs. Jewelry at one-half its value. It is ' ' an rndless Job to enumerate thespeeial values U the many; departments of the Basket. IfUl eryfulL j , 1 veue and we and sve your, money. VOLNXT PUBSELL OO.t : Ka. 10 Km. HtrttB Stract. - RACKET STORE OBSERVATIONS. Tie trial of 0 e Exchange national bank riases, at Norfolk, has been post poned until iNovember. Tie oonseienoe fund in the treaflurr -1 i ; i- .i , it aauuigwu u approacniDg ids rouna sum of a quarter of a million dollars. A Bubscripiion of $10,000 to the Randolph-Maoon college endowment fund has been made bj a North Caro lina farmer, it is reported. Who is he ? Mrs, Frank Leslie is disposed to be jnelanioholy beoatise, as she says, she "lives a man's life without a man's eDjajinente." Mrs. Leslies ought to learn lo smoke, . ! ; I ' Three Massachusetts policemen have been suspended for blowing beans into the salvation army. The ' Massa chusetts la does not tolerate the use of this noble article of diet as ammuni tion, 'i ; ; The Financial Chronicle's list of seventy-three railroads shows an aggre gate gross earning of $24 939 906 in Angust, 1886, against $21,190 661 in Augist. 1885, a gain of $3,7o4' 487, or about 18 per cent, or an" increase of about 4 per cent on the mileage 1 oper- mtedi -?Mrs Grant has invited Mrs. Cleve land;and the President to stop at. her homfe at Elberon on their return from the Adirondaeks, to which Mr8. Cleve land responded, thanking her for the courtesy, and regretting that important business would make it necessary for the President to return direct to Wash ington. j i 4New Orleans congratulates herself that she cannot be earth quaked, because she ftands on a sort of cushion' of mud and water. Atlanta has a base of frarte to which she looks for Bafety. heruth is that the residents of both these places Bhoald pack up at once and settle themselves here on the old relia ble fed clay of the metropolis Of North Carolina-i The Knights of Lib or at Augusta, Ga.f have received over ten thousand dollars to date: sufficient, it is reported, to jay off the debts contracted by the hands of the Augusta 1 actor? for the lastften weeks. No money has vet been reeejved for the hands in othf r mills, out; secretary lurner, from headquar ters; in Philadelphia, writes that the Knights will take care of the Augusta operatives. -t-Withm the last decade China has taught Russia that she intends, ait all posts, to maintain her rights; France that an invasion of Chinese territory is neither glorious nor profitable, and Eng land tnat it u better to have j her as a friend than as an enemy. All this, it is laid, is due to the fact thai reoentlv s Chinaman, tome Clang or Chun, of extraordinary ability, has been made prime minister. 1 -The Chiricahna and Warm Sprinsi Apache Indians of the San Carlos reser vation, in Ariiona, to the number of 460, hate been started to Florida guarded by three companies of soldiers;. They had not been on the warpath,; but were furnishing ammunition to the hostile, and there was no telling when they might break oat. For this reason it was deemed best to clip their claws be fore they had soratched any one. s Louisville is taking neat advan cing strides socially. The Post says that the fashion this year will be "not for the gentlemen to escort the ladies 9 parties, but for the ladies to go accom panied by ohaperons and meet the gen tlemen at the house of the host." A club has been formed for Promoting this innovation in Western society ways. lhe iventucky conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church J South, at ifs recent session at. Winchester, re solved that the members of the confer ence should not serve camp meetings tthere the 8abbath is desecrated bv ordinary business or by running excur sion trains, nor, should they assist in the eonductof such, meetings where the gates are opened on the Sabbath. A French naval officer, M. Alfred Domalain, has invented an aerial boat, Which he can guide through the air as easily as one does a boat through the frater. It resembles in fact a boat, is lharp at the prow and wider at th) item. The sails, however, instead of being on deck, are under the keel, and worked like the wings of a bird. This aerial boat is expected to be of immense Advantage during a war. on ionu ijawes ascripes wnat is called "clover-sickness," says the Farm er's Magazine, to the plant: not having accumulated a sumoient store of food in its roots daring the first- year of its growth. This, he explains;, may happen from a variety of causes such as the roots ot previous crops iaking some years to, decay, and the want of sufficient alkaline salts in the subsoil.; He lays particular stress on the fact that all, our agricultural operations tend to aooumu late the food of plants close to the sur face of the soil, while it lis only such soluble salts as chlorides and nitrites of soda and lime which pass quickly into the sub-soil and carry in the drainage water. He ako points out the ftct that a deep-rooting plant like clover, feed ing ou lime, has little chance against a creeping-rooted plant like couch-grass, which feeds on silica, a far more abund ant produot in most soils.! It is to be remembered, however, that there are many forms of "clover-sickness," and probably as many different causes. One form of it is due to a fungus, and "clover fungus" is more common than is generally supposed. Some German observers hold that oloyer-siokness is due to parasites in the toil, bat they have adduoed no positive avidenoe.ef this. As, however, "beet-sickness" has, in certain instances, been; traeed to Darasitcs in the soil, it is unite within the range of posibility that the failure of clover may sometimes result from a suni lar eaaa. NEWS i THE SHAKEN CITY THE WORK OF RELIEF AT CHARLESTON'. TUB EXPORT OF TBI SPECIAL COMMITTII OR THAT ll&TTIB. Cuablmton, Sept. 18. Contributions 'Continue to come in for the relief of the sufferers by the earthquake, but at best they Cannot cover one tenth of the aotu al loss. For this reason the relief com mittee is classifying the applications and will deal first with widows and others who have no personal means of repair ing me damages by the earthquake. The scaroity of skilled brick layers and plasterers and the high wages retard the work; of reparation and many cit izens are determined to let plastering lie over until the return of a normal obndition of affairs. Every competent mecnamo nas full work, at extreme prioef, and there is room for hundreds more; The subsistence committee sub mitted an elaborate report today. It shows that an equal number of white and colored canvassers are employed, who visit daily all parts of the city and report all persons needing rations, which rations are at onoe delivered at the residences. The committee recom mend that the distribution of rations on: the present scale continue until about October 1 and that then the accommo dations at the city alms house be augmented. The committee say in conclusion that they have looked upon the funds entrusted to them as a gift from: their generous fellow-citizens of the United States, to be used for benefit of the sufferers by the earthquake, with out distinction, all classes being placed upon; an equal footing. The only ques tion ; asked is "Are you in want of food?" The old colonial church of St. James, at Goose Creek, a favorite resort of vis itors to Charleston, is reported to be in ruins. About one-third of the west end of the building is entirely gone and the east end is badly shattered. Baltimobs, Sept. 18. Jacob Frey, marshal of the police of this city, today forwarded to mayor Uourtenay, of Char leston, a check for $700, contributed by members of the police force. In his letter marshal Frey said: ."The fact that your force never missed roll call, although their own families shared tLe common peril, and that they were never absent from duty, makes the ac tion of our force a greater pleasure." The total contributions here in aid of Char leston sufferers amount to date to about $35,000. Cheap Kavtca Soatb. A BIO COT IS PASSXKOXB VABXS HAM. Nw York. Sent 18 Commissioner Pier bo n has issued an order, endorsed by all the trunk lines, ordering a re daction of rates, beginning Monday, September 20th, to all South and Southwestern points. The cut will be on a basis of $25 to New Orleans, the rate now being $32 by the pool roads and $25 by the Baltimore & Ohio road. The Baltimore & Ohio railroad com ran v ha given notice that it will meet the trunk line cut to Southern points Mou day. Tba lTiU.b Apaetiaa PAH3 THROUGH MOJTTGOMIRY IN BOOT! TO FLORIDA. Montgomiry. Axa.. Sent. 18. Three hundred and aityhtv fivA AnmU In dians reached here from St. Louis at 6 this evening, bound for Ft. Marion, Fia. They left at 7:30. A great crowd of people was at the depot to see them. . Tha Grsalast of all Exenrileat. Chicago, Sept. 18 More than 8,000 Old Fellows, many of them accompa nied by their wives and friends, left for Boston over the Grand Trunk road this morning, to attend the meeting of the supreme grand lodge which begins next Monday morning. It took more thsr 170 oars to carry them and trains started every twenty minutes, after 9 30 o'clock, from the Polk street depot. .There were representatives on the trains from every lodge in the west and northwest, many coming from as far south as Texas and from the west .s far as San Francisco. Seven car loads arrived from Denver and seventeen from Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. i Bfaw Turk Canton Future. JNiw YoBK.Sept. 18. Greene & Co.'s report on cotton futures says : Reason ably cheerful acoounts from abroad and a strong statistical condition for the week stimulated the covering demand atid the market was firm throughout, With a gain of 4 to 5 points, welt sus tained. October appeared to be partic ularly in favor, . operators taking back rjecent sales freely. Baaa.ball fssltrday. At Brooklyn, Brooklyn 4, Pittsburg 7n at Boston, Boston 3, Washington 11: at Baltimore, Baltimore 2, St Louis 3; at Philadelphia, Athletics 1, Circiunati VZ innings: at iNew xork, New York 5, Philadelphia 2, (game called at end of I'h inning on account of darkness ;) at Statcn I -"land. Metropolitan 13, Louis v ile 8 ; at Kansas City, Ksnsas City 3, Ohio go 9; at St. Louis, St. Louis 1 ; Detroit y. n.roa Aid for CbarlwafoB. Nbw York, Sept. 18. The Charier ton relief committee of the chamber of commerce received today $470, making a grand total of $70,846. - BSsssaW "aBs " " Irm BUILa Bbat Dowbl. Lrbanon, Pa., Sept. 18. All the rolling mills in this city have ceased work. The employees asked for Phila delphia price and were refused. Huur.nibs'i Soon In, far senator. Special Dispatch to the News and Observer. Ashivillj, N. O, Sept. 18. J. N. Ebbs was nominated for the senate by tho democratic convention at Alexander today. Johnston, Malone and Herren spoke to a large crowd at Waynesville today. EI Coy ot. KJHed. A ntSPBBATI HAND-TO-HANO FIGHT Bl TWRRN MEXICAN TBOOPB AND BANDITS. Chicago, Sept. 18. A special to the Times from Lampasas regarding the killing of El Coyote, says : "Capt. Jose Maria Herrera and seventy men of the 10th cavalry sur rounded El Coyote- and thirty of his band yesterday while enjoying an after noon nap at Santa Domingo ranch. Their horses were staked out, their guns stacked and the bandits had their shoes off when the soldiers quietly approached with drawn swords, and began the work of extermination. The bandits were taken by surprise but made a desperate hand-to-hand fight and twenty of them fought their way through the ranks of the troops. Eight were killed and two wounded. Among the kilted are Col. Juan Rodriguiz Martinez, better known as El Coyote, Capt. Manuel Perez Yela and Lieut. Paulina Chavery. The troops lost one killed and one wounded; It is a matter of general surprise that the wily Coyote, who has so long been a terror on the border, should have been caught napping. When the troops closed in on the slum bering bandits, El Coyote wsb the first to awake. He fought like a demon and tried to rally his: men, but his herculean form went down pierced by a dozen sabres amidst exultant yells and victo rious whoops. J he bodies of the eight bandits were buried where they fell." The tiraa Taebt Baca, NawpoRT, R. I., Sept. 18. The great yacht race is the event here today. The course is trianguLr, about 45 miles long. The signal was given for the start at 10.30. The Galatea crossed the line at 10.32, the Puritan at 10.33 and the Mayflower at 10 42. The latter was half a minute behind at the start. There are ten other schooners and sloops in the race. - 12.25 p. M. The Galatea is in front and has a good lead. The Puritan is gaining on her, but the Mayflower does not seem to be overhauling either sloop. Nwport, 1 10 p m. Part of the yachts have turned the stake boat. A large sloop which cannot be distin guished is ahead. The wind is getting very light and the race cannot be fin ished by daylight unless it freshens. Nrwport, I. 9 t. m The win ners of the race are as follows : the Galatea was the first of the first-class sloops ; the Stranger of the second-class sloops, and the Gitana of the schooners. In the third-class all were ruled out for fouling a buoy. No official time is sent. H Nrwport, R. I., 6.30 p. m. As there is no time limit to the race, it is proba ble that the yachts will drift around until they reach the winning line, which will be several hours. It is now too dark to distinguish any of the yachts The pleasure yachts are all abandoning the drifting yachts. Hvxleo Bow culta Coart.au. New Labsdo, Mex., Sept. 18. Yes terday afternoon U. S. consul Maakey, of this city, on hearing that an Ameri can oitixen named Robles was under arrest, charged with desertion from the Mexican army, called upon the regi mental commander and through his in fluence had the prisoner released. His release was purely a matter of courtesy to the United States government, as there can be no doubt the man was really a deserter. This action on the part of the Mexican authorities causes much favorable comment from Americans on both sides of the river. A Bunk Prldot IadletatL, Boston, Sept. 18 Tho grand jury in the United States district court re ported today in the indictment against Richmond J. Cone, recently president of the Abingdon national baBk. The ar raignment contains sixty-five counts, charging embezzlement of the bank's funds in various amounts and at various times and alleging false entries and drawing from the bank's funds in Bos ton without authorisation and with in tent to do fraud. ; Bulgaria Baally la Bbllloa. Sofia, Sept. 18 Colonels Mutku roff and Nioolaieff, the latter of whom is minister of war, both declare that unless Alexander's kidnappers be pun ished a revolution may break out at any moment. The trial of the revolu tionists by a court- martial is proceed ing in spite of Russia's prohibition, and is considered a direct act of rebellion against Russia. Total B.t Bvclpla of Cottan. Nxw York, Sept. 18. The following ,rn tKn fnta.1 ; net receipt of Ant- ton at all the ports since September 1, loob: ualveston, oa,io; wew urieing, 20,509;Mobile,l,475; Savannah 33,467; Charleston, 10 351; Wilmington, 744; Norfolk, 1,436; .Baltimore, 327; New York, 49; Boston, 13; Philadelphia, 485; West Point, 355; Brunswick, 200; Port Royal, 90; Pensacola, 839; total, 126,252. Bask Htat.m.Bt. Nw York, Sept. 18. The weekly statement of the associated banks is as follows: Reserve increase, $48,050; loans decrease, $324,200; specie in crease, g932,800; legal tenders de crease. 8868,800 ; deposits decrease; $63,800; circulation increase, $48, r 800. The banks now hold $7,682,125 in excess of the 2a per eent rule, i GREAT STORMS PLAY HAVOC IN THE WESTERN STATES. many Houses drstoy an and four town B DLY DAMAGED. Lansing, Mich., Sept. 18. A hurri cane which swept through southwestern Michigan Thursday evening was the most destructive ever known in the State. Lenwane, Clinton, Liviogston and Wayne oonnties were the chief suf ferers, but serious damage has been re ported at other points. At Brighton barns were blown to pieoes, orchards and crops ruined and a new German Lutheran ohuroh blown from its founda tion. In Victor township, Clinton county, houses and barns were wrecked and scattered broadcast. At Howell the greatest fury was appa rent. Several buildings were literally torn to pieoes and many badly damaged. The southwestern part of the town is mostly in ruins. The cloud resembled a huge wheel in the western sky and moved with wonderful rapidity. , A Oood Outlook for tba Iron trade. . ;i Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 18. The coke syndicate has decided to close down all the works in the Connellsville region Wednesday, until further notice, on ac count of the falling off in demand. No change has been made in prices, because the present slackening demand is not considered as indicating any change in the volume of the iron trade. It was caused by a number of furnaces having gone out of. bl&st for repaiis and every one of these will go into blast again as soon as the repairs are oomplet d. The production of pig iron during July and August was greater than during those months of any previous year Thus, although the demand is large aud steady, stocks nave been increased, us to be abundant to meet it. Franc. Scheming Again. . Paris, Sept. 18. The Republique Francaise urges the French government to take advantage of the. fact that Eng land has her hands full to enforce the French protectorate over Madagascar. "Otherwise," observes that paper, " England when she becomes disen gaged will become the mistress of the situation." Bona. Steam. r Wrcekad. St. Johns, N. P., Sept. 18. All that has been ascertained of the wrecked steamship in Belle Isle strait is that much wreckage has been driven ashore. The ship has not yet been identified. There is no telegraphic communication with Belle Isle strait. Aa sasft-llafc BaaS Bats. London, Sept. 18 Beach beat Gaudcur in the boat race. A Point for tba gtroot Commission. Correspondence of The News and Observer. Ralrioh, Sept. 18th, 1886 In your issue of today I note the fact of the investigation of Mr. E trie Sloan in the effects of the earthquake on the line of the Charleston & Savan nah railway, and that a fissure of two thousand feet in length and three and a half inches wide had been reported. It may not be generally known that on the line of Saunders street, the prin cipal thoroughfare of the northwestern part of the oity, there are fissures of equal length and much greater width Would it not be well that the street commission examine them, as they are dangerous to travel on that route? H.lp tba Hospital. St. John's hospital is certainly an in stitution in which the people of Raleigh should feel a peculiar pride. It is, strictly speaking, the only hospital in the State and it merits the most cordial support The institution is seldom well povided with funds and is too often con ducted in a hand-to-mouth fashion. The earthquake injured the chimneys and two of them will have to be taken down. The roof is greatly in need of repairs. Altogether $500 is needed at onoe to put the hospital in the shape it should be in. The News and Observer has several times printed appeals for aid for the hospital, and invariably there have met with kindly and prompt re- l.l ..I -1 r - sponses. It is nopoa mat tne pcopie i Raleigh will give like heed to this ap- peal, and help this worthy institution, which ha relieved and is relieving so muoh distress. Raleigh's charity is well known. It is certain that no place in the State has more appeals for aid and none are permitted to go unanswered. This appeal is a very earnest one. Win ter is coming on; the season when such an institution needs and must have tha. most particular care. Mr. A. P. C. Bryan, the treasurer, who was inter viewed yesterday by a reporter, is the authority for the above statement of the hospital's wants. It is yet a little early, but people are reminded that thanksgiv ing day approaches and that it is hoped steps will be taken, as was done last year, to make special donations to the hospital. Total Visible Nnpply or Cottou. Naw York, September IS. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 1,025,527 bales, of which 662,827 are American; against 1,105,472 and 757,- 172 respectively last year ; receipts at all interior towns 48,360; receipts from the plantations 73,020; crop in sight 126,259. The clove is the native of the Malaca Islands. The tomato is a native of South America. Sage is a native of the south of Eu rope. 'lb. Cotton torn press. A " I TUB RAL5IGH COMIKB8S COMPANY'S NKW ENTERPRISE. Since the announcement last week, by- the News and Observer, that Ral eigh wss to have a cotton eomprdss, very great interest has been felt by tho business public in this new enterprise, which all men of judgment know will very greatly increase tho cotton receipts of liaLcigh and prove of value in other ways. Last evening Mr. Omega II. Foster president of the Raleigh com press company, returned from Philadel phia, where ho purchased a Morse com press,? ninety-inch cylinder, of tho v.ry ldtest and fioest pattern. Of the 111 compresses in the United States, about eighty are the Morse pa tent. This one weighs obU.UUU pounds and it will requirs twelve cars to trans port it here. It stands thiriy-four feet in height from the base to the top of the cylinder. All tho work is of the very best character, lhe compress will be shipped in a few days and it will be up and in working order in thirty days. It will be erected at the northwest corner of the cotton platform, where the two railway tracks meet. Its capacity ia 1,600 bales a day. The work of com pressing will be done in the most thor ough manner, equal to the best in tie united States, lhe compress company has a capital of $5U,U00. Rileigh will hereafter buy cotton at compress ratej; that is there will be an aii vai. ue ui g cent a pouna. J. nai is big 'thing. This market is always 8tiff;one, very nearly equalling Norfolk in prices, and with this advance it w pay butter to ship cotton hero than! ill to Norf.ik. Tho compress will do a business. The shippers here will riay the firmers the advance. After all, tho V . . T-a, 1 I latter are tne gainers Dy ruieigb s new enterprise. Scbool Days. TOK RE OPENING OP THE GRADED SCHOOLS. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock Ril- eigh's graded schools all reopen, and the nine months term begins, to end about the first week in next June. Prof. Moses has been' busy receiving the names of new pupils to bo entered at the Uentenmiil school, and hes received lid. The number, of new ones there by next Tuesday may reach 200. The session opens tomorrow, but tne entire day will of c urse be devoted to regi ad iog, etc. Of course this will not rive one-tenth the trouble thr.t it did last year, when everything had to be c one from the start. Now there is system. Last term there were 800 pu pils enrolled ; this term it looks like 1,000 will be the figure. It is the largest school in the State ; certainly there is nono better- luer arol two this new teacuers. Mit-a J jan (jUl"a, of city, and Miss Miz i P jol, of Oxford. By Wednesday everything will be going with the clock-work regu larity which characterizes this admira ble school. Prof. Moses says he is very anxious to see the street cars in opera tion, and knows that they will largely incressa the attendance at the school and prove of tho greatest convenience and comfort Hew Advertisements. Edwards, Broughton & Co. make a special announcement with regard to campaign literature. The political sea Bon is now beginning' J. R. Ferrall & Co. always tickle the palate with their advertisements. They are receiving new oranges (the first of the season) and lemons. Cakes and crackers of the choicest manufacture are 'among the specialties. 1 Mr. Edward 1? asnach s admirable line of optical goods, whioh is a specialty, has no superior in the South. He has a complete and carefully selected stock of jewelry, '&,o. Fred. A. Watson is making a special ty of "splashers," at the remarkably low figure of two for 25 cents. I The thirty-fourth session of Roanoke college Va. , opened Wednesday, the 15th instant, with a large number of students on the ground. North Carolina comes next to Virginia in the number of stu dents. ! Mr. E J. Hardin in his ad verti ve in en t today discourses of sundry matters of interest to the eroctrv trade and to housekeepers. Men with capital will be interested in a special advertisement in this issue, of a basinets opening. A Katb.r Peculiar He.na. It is quite a queer sight Saturday evenings to go into a store here where snuff is sold as a specialty and watch the negro women and children purchasing it. Everybody has seen the pictures of the 1 on don beer saloons, with people of every age standing at the counters, waiting to be served. Jutt like this was the sight a reporter saw last even ing at a snun store, xne place was crowded. There, were two pairs of scales, large and small. Pounds upon pounds of snuff were piled upon tho shelves. The people who crowded tho counter were of course all colored, but of every age and shade of oolor1 Gim me fi' cents wuf " was heard, as a skin ny black hand was thrust out, with a niokel shining bright upon its palm Dozens were rapidly waited upon, but, like blackbirds, more came to j fill tho vacant pieoes. The dealer said soma had been ous torn ers for a quarter of a century, and nearly all brought "fi' cents wuf" at a time. His sales every Saturday - evening averaged thirty pounds. ' "Why suffer with a bad cold when one bob tie ot Dr. Bull's Cough Fyrup will cure a cough of the wont kinu. Dr. Bull's Couch 8yrupissold for 2) cents per bottle by all. druggists in the United States. Toilet Soaps Colgate's Toilet Soap; Oat- meal, nursery, uivcenne, raim, Money, Turkish Bath. c, Ac close prices bv the doaen. , J. Habau j The Daroocrnt. af asjs. al to the News and Owkrvebi ' Spec Uoldsboro, ,N. C, Sept. IS. . The democratic convention of Wayne county, held today, made the following nominations: senate, W. F. Kornegay; house, J. B. Gardner, C. F. R. Korne gay ; sheriff, B. F. Ayeook ; clerk su perior court, W. W. Slocumb ; regis ter, W. T. Gardner; treasurer, J H. Edwards. The utmost harmony pre vailed. SAVBD HIS LITE. Mr. D. I. Wikolxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., says he was for niany years badly alHicteu with l'hthisis, also Diabetes; the pains Were almost unendurable and would sometime throw him into convulsions, lie tried Elec tric Bitters and got relief from the tirst bettla and after taking six bottles was entirely cured and had gained in fl&ih eighteen pounds. Sa) s he positively believes he would have d led had it not been for the relief afforded by Electric Bitters. Sold at 0 cenU a bottle by all drug gists. i i The total vote of Arkansas in tie September election foots up 143,000. Democratic majority 37,000. The leg islature stands : House, democrats 67, republicans and wheelers 23; Senate, 27 democrats, 5 republicans and wheelers. Ely's Cream B lm was recommended to hie by my druggi-t as a pr. vent itive lo Jiay fever. Have been using it asdi.eUd sitce the (Hit of August and Lave found it a speeinc for that much dreaded and loathsome disease. For ten )earg or morel have bcei a great tut! el er each year, from A.t gb8t!)th till frost, and have tri'Hl many alieged remedies tor its cure but Ely's Cream Balm ii the only preventative 1 bave ever f.un'l. Hay Fever suilerenr ought to kuow of it ffi.-auy. Y. B. AlNSW'JRd, . iUF F. B. A1KSWORTH& Co., Publishers, Indianapolis, Ind. B0SELE88 BiKKAKF ast lUco. Ferris Bone less Brrakf a-t Bacon, the choi est of the kind. Firrls' Hams, Tougaea &c A fine lot of Southauipt ii. J. Hardin. A rurat teacher was examining a new pupil in ordit r to tell where to place him in her classes The first question asked was: "Have you ever parsed any?" The boy looked up with considerable sur prise in his faca, and after some hesita tion he replied: "Ycs'm, but I don't think it's er good plan to parse if ye've got anythiog biggern a jack in ycr hand to dror to." Merchant Traveler. "Tha Oroateet Cot. on Earth for Pain." WillSj " ..... .. . r 1 roj: ti pen manual, amwa. Dwelling's, ci in lAeca, lonisea. Burr., fcalds. Cat Lamba-j rat 1-lcariar, Horcs, Krost-hitm, Buck-acne, OutaT, Sore Throat, I Sclntieia. WMcia Huadanbe. Vcta. a botita. Sold by all oettiaoax-Biirajuis. eta. rrtco ,Aoca ntiw, HaJvation J.l bears our rn.nn. umdon. Tne sen far-sirTfto eteTmtnrai A G. X- ycr & Co Bote! 1 .Mn DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP; For the cure of Coughs, Cold s, Hoarse cess, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis. Whooping1 Cough, Lncipiert Coo sumption, and for the relief of eon aumptive persons la advanced stages of the Disease. For Salt by all Drug gists. Price, 25 cent". Edward Fasnach, f ' ' : Bweler 2Lti Optician RALEIGH, N. C. Gold and Silver Watches, American and 1 Imported. Real and Imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement I! . : : Rings, any size and weight. Sterling Silver 1 1 Ware for Bridal Presents. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. ' Spectacles and Eye-glasses in GoldSilvtr Steel, Bobber and Shell Frames. I Lenses, white and tinted, In endless varieties. i Seals for "Lodges, Corporations, ate. Also Badges and Medals tor Schools and Societies made to order. Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods sent on Selection to any part of the State. ! g3-Old Gold and Silver in small and large quantities taken as cash. dly. j Startling Fact?. I YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO IGNORE, THEM. The following appeared in a recent issue of the "New York Commircial Bulletin:" "An expert examined and reported upon a sample ot Western Refined- Lard the other day, which be said ixui kotcoktain a pocnd or Boo fat, but consisted of tallow, grease, cot ton seed oil, and ole stearlne." A druunmer,commeiiting upon the exposures being made, remarked: "Consumers dont care what is in the lard, so It is cheap.?' In view of the above facts w. nt it pay you to cartfuJy examine the lard in your kitchen and be sure you Are not using the adultera ted article. The odor from it when hot betrays it. App.y the above tests or any other test to CAS.SARTV8 STAR BE AIT D LiED and see for yourself that It is what we guaran M it it to be. ABSOLUTELY PUBK. For sals by leading Grocers. - G. CASSARD & SON, Baltimora, M d. Agent far Baleigh, B.1L WeodalL JCao, BMaaBsaaBHBasaBMaESsSiaaElasBBK3 V" IT T

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