1 1 1 :;' 1 - - r f mm s- bsErve VOL. XXV1T. RALEIGH, N. C. SUNDAY MOilNTNG, SEPTEMBER 26, 1886. NO. Ill Til News 0 AND R Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pvriiy, strength and wholesoinjsaess. Man ' eeonomical than ordinary kinds and eaanot be Id in competition with the multitude of tow last, hart weight, alum or phosphate powders 0W only is cans. Kotal Blum PowM CO., 108 WtU Street, Mew Yoke. sold by W C A A B Stronaeh, George T i""..TOT.-.b I J R Werrall ft Oaf onovrrs IMl UJ BITTERS Cemblilas IKOI wtta TVUt TMRIBU TOKICS, taleklr aa eonnltely CXK1H8E8 u4 EIBMCHJS TBI BfcOOD. Qaickeas the actlea ef the IJtw i4 Kidneya. Clean ta. eenalaxt , mUt ta. akia WHtl USeeine lajara th teeth, caaet .eadaca, areresnce eo stlaatioa AIX OTHEB 105 MKBICI5 K8 DO. Phynd.iiS aae Diiiaant. J wfcn mfiml M Dm. H. & RnvOLH, oT Marion, faa mjt: "I ' . aiiant Brawn's Iran Bittan aa . valuable tenia far emcUae-the blooa. ad iwim ail afepepti. mpMril do, nathurt the tmli." Dm. B. at Dbubll Bainiaja. tmL. mr: "I ha Maetribe Baowa'a tai Bit. fa mm. at umi and blood dieeaeae, ate. whoa tenia a-ae needed, tod It hM poedtBarnchlr eatietaotory." If. . Brraa, S St. Maty Bfc. Hew OitaM, La, ays: - Brawa'i ftraa Bittan relieved aitai eaae o blood aoamiae, and I haartOr lianniail It ta those DMdma- a blood partner, i ' M..W. WTMonAnAn.TaeeaniMn, Ala. am: "I bam tM hreubW (roa ehikthond with lm Blood and arnpttoa annay laoa two bottlee of al bam Bull eOeotea a. .pertee iloaawnqrof uuei n ...hi. a. l.maTrada Mart and oiapar. Tka aaatacr. Madaoalrbr PET STORE. THE GREAT BARGAIN STORE OF BALEIGH. 1 hare lust returned front New York, when I hare pui chased the largeat and cheapeejt tock of roods ereiv broocht to the Backet, utt a we have said all the titte, goods eea e nough will sell tbemsehes. This and thijs -1- alone aeebants for the tremendoas trade 9 the Racket. Our roods; are cheap and It . lme that'oor sledgehanuner bargains may m .1 hard hitters tor those who hoy and sell en r m timebut they are real blossinri to those who can pay cash for Ueir roods. Qathered Aj ham the BlaBshter-pens of credit and laid at your doors with bat one profit, yon it ' doUarin real Talus In erery dollar's worth you buy, measure for measure, dollar for dol lar, at the Backet Store. The erecit systcsi Is a system of sleepless nirhts of deferred hope, ! blasted expectations, of bad debts, of ps- uted ledger accounts; a system which mai an honeot man, who pays and intends to pay, support tad pay lor thoae who nerer tiay. The muchant who sells goods on time J1 i s knows hew much be ought to charge to bHng h in a reasonable pf o4 hta t90 lof tb reason he evex kflfcW- what his Vowes will je The Backet is cuUing to the right hand and U the left, knowing.no law but the grOatest fiu tot the least money. ' j Men'i Beaver hats, laUst style, L(H frorth 4. Great Bargains in . Carpeting, Bug and Oil Cloths. Good assortment Of Clothing at 1. a bargain. Big assortment of Shoes torjladias ! i I Mntf tbe eheatest In the cltj. I Wool uu - - i .. .t rr- worth 50. Boiled plate Gold ul t. ttons 36c; worth1 76. Watch eharms OW.1" jj. worth fi 60. YOLNKY PUB8ELL AGO., I H. 10 East Martui Street fli CHARLESTON. P COMMITTEE DOING CAPITAL WORK. TP ARXIVAL Of THaTbTATITI Of JOHN 0. I ; CALHOCN. l vc r -: CHABXlSTdM, S passed witHoat C, Sept. 25 Today inoident and without shocks. The relief oommittee are mak- Uig progress! in their examination of ap- nlioationB and will probably begin next Week to pay Claims on cases where the iamagee aresmall and on houses owned y widow and poor persons. All oases of relief for jj persons who do not own houses are!; noted on at onoe and stmall j Bums are granted to re place personal property destroyed or to f ' rolioTO pressing wanta. The weather continues fine, with no indications of the usualiSeptember gale. The government engineers sent here to inspect danaged Duildings estimate ihe mbifey Talue of real damage by he earthbuio from fi? e to six mil lions of dollars. The heroic bronze statue of the great John U. OsihoTin, arrived here today by the NewlYork steamer and will be uloadod Monday and stored until the monument s completed. The statue is jthe work ofi Albert C. Harnish, of Rome, Jand oOBt $14,000. The monument, when completed, will oost about 7 0,000. . w .a , Tfee tlaeem's Speech. Lokbon, p3ept. 25 Parliament was 'prorogued fto day until November 11. The following is the Queen's speech closing the ession : My Lords and Gen tlemen i I lam glad to be able to re ilease you from your arduous duties jMy relations with foreign powers 'continue to be friendly. The mutiny of a portion of the Bulgarian army nas led to the aDOieauon or rinoe Alexander.! A regenoy has been estab lished which, is now administering1 the affairs bf the principality, and prepara tions are bebg made for the election of a successor to; Prince Alexander.in accord ance with provisions of the treaty ot Berlini'r In answer to a communication 1 addressed by parties to the signatory power an4 parties to that treaty, I have s'iateof that so far as this country is eoncerned there will be no infraction of the bonditions guaranteed by treaties to .Bulgaria. Assurance to the same effect has ibeen given by other powers The demarcation of the Afghan fron tier ha advanced to within a few miles of the rivet Oxui. In view of the ap proach of winter my commission have been Vath drawn, but the information they have obtained will be sufficient for the determination by direct negotiations between the t wo courts, that portion of the frontier which still remains un- marked. lUenUemen of the house of oommbns: I thank you for the supplies you nave fotea tot the requirements ot the publia service. My lords and gentle man: it have directed the issue of a com mission to inquire into the circumstances wnun appear to nave prevontea the Anticipated operation of j the recent aets i dealing with the tenure and purchase of land in Ireland. I have observed with much satisfaction the interest which in an increasing de gree is evinced by the people of this country in the welfare of their colonial and jLndian. fellow subjects, and I am led to the, oonviction that there is on all sides: growing desire to draw closer in every practicable way the bonds which anite the various portions of my empire. I hafe authorised communications to be entered ihto with the principal colonial governments with a view to the fuller consideration of matters of common in terest. ' 1 1 pray that the blessing of Almighty God may be with you. ib all TeateHlavy At Pittsburg, Pittsburg 5, Athlet- ios 4. : at uinoinnaa, uinoinnau o, Brooklyn 8; at Louisville, Louisville ,7, Metropolitan 1; at Washington, Wash ington 3 St. Louis 1; at PhiladelphU, (morning game) f hiiadelphia 11, Chi eago j afternoon game; fhUadelphia 5, Chicago 0;! at St. Louis, (game post poned on account of ram); at Boston, Bottton 2. Detroit 1; at New York. New York Kansas Citv 3; (game called at the' end jbf the sixtn inning on account of darkness) . -y. f A arkably Hmtt 1 a Ummmmf ua JBieniajaau HI . ... PbtkOit, oept. za. A heavy ram visited the northern part of the lower peninsula last night and this morning. The Grand Rapids and Indianapolis bridged aero- tp -t"v r It. away, and near Reed City ninety feet of jthe H track is washed out. In the neighborhood of Big Rapids there was a lerrimo electric storm. There are sev eral big washouts and trains will be delayed several days. The wagon roads in many places are impassable. '!;; i Jeiai tttattaamant. Niw York, 8ept. 25,-The weekly siatenient of the associated tanks is as follows: Reserve increase, $39(7,750 bans j increase, Xl7s,lUU; specie m- crease Ki.oou.ouu; jegai ieuur8 ae. A :i Z. 1 AAA 1 lA. Z crease, tyiZZ.vvv ; aeposiw mease, 1.322.400: circulation increase, 1.- 00. ! The banks now hold in excess of the 25 per cent, rule li Haiirotd tm Death. I ntktanw. Sent. 25. Six nersons. in- eiuding three Glasgow magistrates, were suffocated to oeatn toaay wnue viewing a. monster blast at Lochfync quarries. Seven tons of gunpowder were used in the blast, i All tlnlet at Charleston. . Chablxston, 8. C, Sept. 25. AV was quiit here last Bight, but there were two1light earthquake hock, acjnpa nied by detoiiation, at Summertile. Aaotlier Indian War. FRISB TBOCSLXB XIPICTXD III TH1 N0KTH W8T. Chicago,, Sept. 25. A special from St. Paul, Minn., says an official letter from . Fort Shaw, received at Fort SnelUngj gives strong evidence that the Crows, Gros Ventres, Bloods and Piegans are preparing for stealing raids and for war, both against the whites and among themselves. Four hundred and fifty Bloods were at one time said to be moving on the Crows, but claim to be moving, on the Grbs Ventres. In the meantime ihe Gros Ventres had struck a war, par. y of six Bloods and killed them; ' Horse stealing still goes on and the report-of the commanding offioer at For Shaw shows the probable beginning of widespread troubles. A 6trtltnaT Eplaerte lm the Trial of the Jaecormlek Rioter. Chicago, Sept. 25 A rather start ling Episode interrupted the monotony of the trial of the McCormick rioters yesterday! afternoon. One of the pris oners, named Dei nek, on' examination admitted he was an anarobist and said he worked for the Future, the Little Devil and the Proletariat, ; three Bohe mian papers published -here by Miko- lanoa. no Booner naa Migoianaa. wno was called as . a witness, taken the stand, when policeman Casey exclaimed to the states attorney,"! have seen that man." Officer Dewald, of the first Chi cago avenue station, was sent for and at once : identified Mikolanda as one of the most, active participants in the riot. A warrant on the charge of assault with intent to kill was at once sworn out, but before it could be served on Mikolanda he had disappeared and has not yet been found. French Deelft-ha n HadaraMar. Londok, Sept. 25. The French resi dent at Tamatave has presented to the Mak'easy government an ultimatum demanding the withdrawal of the ap pendix to the treaty of December 17. the nullification of the bank charter and the concession of unlimited territory for French installations at Dieso Suariex bay. - The Hovas have resolved to main tain the appendix and it is reported that theTeeident is about to depart for France.. Trade in Madagascar is much depressed. : TotAK TUlble Supply r Gettoav. Nxw York, September 25. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is l,04,2Vi7 bales, of which 684,097 are American; against 1,144,961 and 804,- ioA retipecuveiy last year; receipts at all interior towns 65,575; receipts from the plantations 114,473; crop in sight 243,865. i a - , " Brltlah Bm( Km. Losdgh, Sept. 25. In the boat race on the Thames today between William Beach, of Australia, and Wallace Ross, of New Brunswick, for five hundred pounds , side and the championship of the world, the former beat his opponent, winning by four lengths. : TKe STw Xiarht Ship ef 'SteeL. WaettDiaxoK, Sept. 25. The light house board has prepared plans and specifications for two new steel light ships and will shortly advertise for pro posals for their construction. One of these vessels will be stationed near Cape Charles; and the other near Winter- quarter shoals, Va. Befailsc ta Wrk at Aafuta. AcGtBTA Gai , Sept, 25. Twenty-six hands arrived this morning from Patter son, N. J., to work in the Augusu faotofV. On am vine at the mill they were caeered by the Knights of Labor and refused to- work when the situation was explained to them. . wo Baes. Makblxhbad, Sept. 20. There was no race betweon the Mayflower and the Galatea today. A dirt from the Clokaleai State. SACsAatxHTO, California, Sept. 25. Contributions for the relief of earthquake sufferers amounting to 1,150 were tel egraphed Charleston yesterday. The CreeweU Harder. i rURVHKB. PARTICULARS. Correspondence of the Nkws akd Obsxbtxb I Pitmoutb, N. C, Sept. 24, 1886. Mr, Owens, who was murdered at Creswell, Friday, by burglars, as re ported yesterday, was sleeping up stairs. He came down on the outside, as the room did not open' into the store. He saw two men. One or both shot him at.t he was struck bv fortv bnok shot. W e have not heard who commit--tod the crime. The feeling here is rerj strong against the parties, as Mr. Cw eis is a very popular merohant any cit izen of that place. His mother left here this morning for Creswell. H. Some Qn.er facta. - The Goldsboro Argus says. Accord ing to the record of marris licenses, as far bjack as the record runs, the average age Of the women marryicg is 23 years and fhat of the men 27 years. Again, in this same line, although the popula tion of this country is now reckoned at 30,0p0 and upward, there is an average of only 235 marriages a year. This has beerf the average number for ten years; andlhe books show that there has been no increase in the yearly number of marriages during that period, although within that time the population of the ouiity has nearly doubled. Ool. Blood People do me an injus- t'Ov when they aoouse me of being a hart drinker. Mrs. Blood (indignant- lj)iyh.o ha accused you of being h drinker? Colonel A good maav people but I am not a hard dripker. Mrs. Blood No, indeed, my dear, you are an easy drinker. New xotk ximet, r. Xlehele' Seheme. 8mithneld Herald. Recently an oreanisation has sprunr up in our midst whioh seems to disturb the minds of some of our most astute politicians in their vain attempt to win its approbation and secure its support. We long sinco commended the order of the Knights of Labor to the working men of our community. We knew that every other class of men ia the State were orgumzed, and prospered by eon- cert of action Lawyers, with their bar association; doctors, with their medical board, sanctioned by the laws of the State; druggists, with their State phar maceutical association; editors, with their press association, farmers, with their grange; all these classes were united and were acting in concert for a common good. We saw no good reason why the laboring men might not unite for the oommbn welfare of all; on the other hand, we saw many reasons why they ought to act together1: we saw many advantages to be gained by or gan nation. ; The order is, we understand, firmly established in this State. We under stand all political ideas are dissociated from those of the order, still there is a politician in this district, who for long years has been a member bf a party hich has robbed the workingmen of the State of thousand of dollars, who now, under the false guise of being then? friend, seeks to win their favor This mau, against whom we have noth ing to say personally, hast become a member of the order and openly appeals to the members of the order to support him for Congress. We suppose Mr. Nichols continues to call himself a republican. We never heard before he was' such; a staunch friend of the workingmen; how is it he so suddenly becomes their friend ? Has he suddenly rcalued.hia own inaction; has hj suddenly realised the great shame of his party when tinder its rule the poll tax in North Carolina was $5 ? Per haps it is remorse of conscience that he has belonged to a party which pillages the treasury of these voters, these work- ingmen at Raleigh, and thereby forced the credit of our State to a point shune- essly below par. We suppose he is ail right, though, now; no doubt he has been fully regenerated. When he was postmaster at Raleigh, with hi negro clerk, he was a republican; now he is the friend of the workingmen. We take it that the laboring men of this district wul not suffer themtelvea to be made the dupes of this shrewd poli tician. We do not believe the Knights of Labor in North Caro ina were organ ised to put the republican; party back in power. This seems to be a bold at tempt of a radical leader to use the or der to advance hi political ends. We do not see what fault the laboring men can find with ile; democratic party and it nominees. It protected their homes as far as it could when the radi cal party had stranger" asd enemies to rule. It fought these aliens till not a single one remains in power. The peo ple are never mngrateful; they will not forget. f Health Jfetee. Medical World: Sassafras tea, strongly infcsed, is credited with won- m T a a a 'i dertui properties ior inducing cneenui ness. happiness, Ifree conversational powers and a general feeling of well being. Teaspoonful doses of sassafras oil, taken in water, or soda water, are said to produce a delightful species of intoxication, and to remove pain of eouo, . - a M cramp, etc. The external application of the same oil is also said to relieve neu- ralgio pain. Sassafras kas long been need in England as a domestic remedy or palliative for chronic rheumatism. Powdered sugar ha been found to form an excellent dresaiig for wounds, ulcers and cavities, excepting in condi tions of profuse secretion, in whioh oases it action is less satisfactory. Small repeated dose of sulpnur are hiffhlv extolled bv an English Burgeon in the treatment of diphtheria. Ffteen grain of milk of iulphur may be sus- nended in an ounce of muoilage and flavored agreeablt. Of this a teaspoon ful or more mart be taken every half hour or hour, according to the age of thenatient. f Some timr ago an old British soldier from the Etst Indie brought u some oills mad' of spiders' webs, whioh he told us re largely employed in India as a nrphy lactic 5 against and cure for acne. He assured us that he himself hadoeen a sufferer from intermittent feier for vears. and that, though the dsease was not I eradicated, ho could dither avert the spells or render them insignificant by the use of this singular remedy. ij Be Didn't enarmntee lta Safety. From the Philadelphia Call. Stranger I left my umbrella here last night. Where is it ? Shopkeeper I don t know. "Whv. vou said I could leave it here." 'i "Yes. but I didn't say you'd find it here when you came back ." LUteirp Living Age. The numbers of the Living Age for September 18th and. 25th contain : The voice oi xaenmon, auiuuhxk : j.ne Flight to Varennes, and Tho Growth of the Jnglish Novel, yuarteriy; Mosses from a Rolling; Stone, Blaekwood; A Drive through the Blue Wicklow Moun- m r TT a a tains, linsiey sjf some u noonscious uon fessions of De Quinoey, Gentleman's; Orohards, Spectator; The Baku and the Egyptian Petroleum Industry, Econo mist; with instalment of "The Mes merist," by the late Ivan Turgenieff, "Prince Coresob's Duel," and "Bal- lairai Durg," ad poetry. , Very little tobacco offered at Asheviile. ha a yet been The first oireus of the season, Doris', will be here next Friday. VERY I MPORTANT. THE UNITED STATES TAKES A HAND AT LA8T. A 8UIT WHICJ WILL TK8T THI MATTER OF BOYCOTT. Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 25. In the . tt . . Vja.a, . m ' aitea states district court iour mem bers of the cigar-makers' union of Bing hampton wore arraigned on a charge of conspiracy against citizens of the United States in the exercise and enjoyment of a right and privilege secured to them by the constitution. They pleaded not guilty and were held inxl,OU0 bail each to appear at the November term. The specific charge is that they attempted to boycott non-union cigar manufacturers, and the ease is brought under section 5,508 of the Revised Statutes. ; The case is of vast importance, as if the construc tion of this statute, claimed to be a free one, is sustained by the court, it will wipe out all boycotting of non-unin made cigars throughout the United States. Grand Bepreaeatatla-e Bnabee la Boatn. The Boston Herald of last Wednesday contains a very full and interesting ac count of the ceremonies attending the jneeting there of the sovereign grand lodge I. O. O. F. The parade was mag nificent. The reunion of past grand rep resentatives and past grand officers of the sovereign grand lodge I O. O. F. was held at lremont temple Tuesday evening, i'ast grana sire ivrie J. .beech presided. Grand chaplain Rev. J. W. Venable delivered an invocation. Mr. Leech delivered the introductory ad dress. He was followed by Mr. Chas. M. Busbee, grand representative of North Carolina. His speech is reported in full. It was gracful and Vigorous, and was heartily applauded. In the course of his remarks he said : "The vmnathv and substantial aid extended to the Bouth by Boston has bound us more closely together than ever before, rApplause.f Especially have Maaa- ohusetts and North Carolina come into more close communion. We exhibited the mineral and agricultural resources of our State at your exhibition in 1883, and learned with peculiar pleasure of the cordial and honest weloome that you gave our eniei executive wnue he was a m . your guest. It is meet that these two ancient commonwealth should go shoulder to shoulder in the march of hu man progress. I voice the sentiment of the representative not only from my own State, but from the far South, when I say that they came to Boston, many of them for the first time, with hearts filled not only with loyalty to this great fraternal order, but devotion to the constitution of our fathers and the flag of our common country Applause Hi eulogy of the order of Odd Fel low was beautifuL He said: It power for good is constantly increasing It is not the abstraction of an idea, but a mighty, living, concrete, vitalising force. It is the abnegation of self, the incarnation of humanity, the apotheosis of love, its home is the universe, its mission the alleviation of human char acter. As in the past, so in the future, it course ia as clear and well defined as that of the milky-way across the starry sky. We command you to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead, educate the orphan. That is the Bubstanoe of Odd Fellowship, the source and secret of it power, the inspiration aad the end of it mission, f Applause 1 Dot and Dashes. MADB BT A TBAVBLI50 COBJIXSTOKDINT, Mr. Willis R. Williams, the demo cratic nominee for the senate from Pitt county, was in Greenville during the sit- . - t-... . t : t j Jil ting oi rut court, Bnaxing nanus wivn his friends; which is to say nearly every body. The buildings of the Tar River agri cultural society are insured against cy clones. Mine host Frederick, of the Grand Central hotel at Wadesboro, distributes to his patron slices from hams weigh ing forty-five pounds and measuring six inches in thickness. Col. I. A. Sugg, of Greenville, has some foland Uuina porkers that will kick the beam at six hundred- The representative of the JNiwa and Obsibvbb returns speoial thanks for favors received at the hands of Messrs. J. H. Tucker and D J. Whiohard while in Greenville. I Maj. Tillman, of Anson county, is re sponsible for the following desoriptioc of a variety of cabbage raised from seed sent to him from Washington by Hon Jtv. T. Dennett : uoior, deep red, sise one and one-half inches long, two inches thiok. If boiled five minutes will feed one person; if ten minutes two individ uals, and so on, allowing five minutes a. V r ' for eaon maiviauai capacity tor ex panding is unlimited. No bacon, salt, vinegar or seasoning of any kind re quired, the cabbage providing for itself . . a . 1 : M in all suon particulars. Any one can obtain seed by addressing Maj. Tillman, Wadesboro, N. U. Miss Florenoe Smith, of Petersburg, Va. , and Miss Bettie Joyner, of Soot- land Neok, are visiting Miss Mamie James, of Greenville. Mew Tork Cotton Futures. New Yoke, September 25. Greene & Co.'s report on cotton futures says It has been a strong market throughout she day. A liberal issue of October notices oaused a break of 2a3 points on near options, but that was about the worst shown and from which a partial recovery im axterward lectured, while the late month stood no and were ta-n freely in exchange, a great deal of busi ness being of a "swapping eharaol There was also some firm buying, in- eluding a few outside order. Waterworks. Raleigh has about 15,000 inhabitants now, an i at the expiration or twenty years will probably have 50,000 Any publio work undertaken by the oity now should be with reference to the needs and demands of the eity a it will be then. Any other view would be penny wise and pound foolish, it is an axiom in political as well as in domestic economy that the lowest priced goods are not the cheapest in the long run. In building water-works our board of aldermen should, of course, see to it that the city's funds are not squandered and. that a fair and just contract is made at as low figures for our supply of pure and wholesome water as can be secured, considering the other essentials to a pru dent contract. Among these other es sentials, of even more importance than prioe, are to be reckoned honesty, in tegrity and finanoial ability of contrac tor, permanence and durability of works, purity of source of supply and capacity f works, with a view to increasing the demand as the oity grows. Henoe it seems to us that the greatest care should be taken to let no contract to any one of doubtful means or integ rity; that the contract should be award ed to some, bidder who can and will sat isfy the board that he can furnish sub stantial worki, pure water in abundance and an undoubtedly ample plant to supply our future city, even if the pri3et or cost be somewhat greater than that offered by other bidders. This is a matter in which the board acts for pos terity and it cannot afford to make a mistake. The health and cleanliness of our city is above dollars and cents. Let no bidder be selected merely and entirely because his bid is lowest. Let the lowest bidder among those of equal reliability be taken, if any are sufficiently reliable. We cannot afford to deal with cheap Johns or adventurers in an enter prise of this kind. W e do not know who all the bidders are. some or none of them may be un reliable. It would seem to be an easy matter to determine this. Dorham did so. After many bids and applications, her authorities satisfied themselves of the responsibility and reliability of her contractor, Mr. A. H. Howland, of Roe ton, and awarded him her contract. We are informed that he has a bid before our oity authorities. He seems to be man of established . reputation in this line, and to have had practical experi ence in different parts of the United States There may be others of equal reputation and ability. Is it not more to our advantage to contract with some suoh undeif proper guarantees and be able to feel that we shall spend our money for what will be ample for our oity s present and future needs, than to get works of limited capaoitj and infe rior construction because the latter oost a few dollars less ! We are led to make these remarks because in so many bids as have been made it is Ukely that some are made by irresponsible parties. In fact we bear that some of the bidder have withdrawn .upon being required to exe cute bonds for the performance of their offers, in the event of acceptance. It is best to put a stop to such trifling and award the contract to some bidder, and let us ; have the works that a city bf our sise and prospects should have, and we will be the gainers in the end, although the present cost may be some what greater. vmzur. ; j ;Oal Werda. : PROP. MBNDXXHALL DSSOUNOXS WIOOIBS. Washihgtoh, Sept. 25. Prof. Men- denhall, of the weather bureau, says there may probably not be another se vere earthquake in Charleston for cen turies. That there continues a rumb ling in thb earth, he says, is a favorable sign, it shows that the earth is ac quiring stability gradually and there is not apt to,!be another violent shook. It seem nkely from the investigations that the centre of disturbance was not 3eep-se ted and that the shook was not Volcanic. There was ho heat attending it. The professor thinks it oriminsl for Wiggins to frighten nervous people by his predictions, and that he ought to be suppressed. He says, further, that if Northern men of wealth would purchase .property in Charleston, and enter upon the construction of modern, substantial buildings they would, in his opinion, not only make a paying investment but at the same time do a work of most effective benevolence. The Atlantic Coast-Line will run an excursion train from here to Charleston, October 2d, returning October 4th, the proceeds be given the Charleston bene fit fund. The prioe of the round trip will be $10. Pullman ears will be attached to the train so as to give sleeping accom modations to those desiring them. 1. H. Rlmm.ai, Esq., Democratic candidate for Congress for the second Congressional distriot, will address the people at the following times and places: Tucxahoe, September 27, 12 m. Trenton, September 28, 12 m. Kinston, September 30, 12 m. LaGrange, October 1, 12 m. Vanoeboro, Ootober 2, 12 m. SnowjHill, Ootober 4, 1 p. m. Wilson, Ootober 6, at night. Toisnot, Ootober 7, 11 a. m Messrs.; Allen, Dunn and Worthing- ton, democratic candidates for olioitor, are invited to participate at the plaoei in their' rpeotive districts. Attending the Canvi Mr. K.I H. Cowan will go with Maj. Rowland to certain points in his; can- Jass, as tiie representative of the Niwb and ubsbkvbb; notably Jtoekingnam, Wadesboro, Laurinburg, Charlotte, feo . and will be pleased to see subscribers of the Naws akd Obsxbvu. If you have catarrh, use the surest reavody at. eager s. NEWS OBSERVATIONS. The people of Baker field, Cal., fired a salute of a hundred guns when their State legislature adjourned. The seal fisheries of Alaska have yielded to the United States government about 4 per cent annually upon the coat of Alaska so fur. The parade of the Knighfs Tem plar in St. Louis was a grand affair. The procession was three and a half miles in length. Thomas Wilkinson, of Adriar, Mich., is 45 years old and has beard that reaches to hi ankles. It grows an inch a month. Hi mustache he oan tie behind his ears. The railroads require nearly $15,- 000,000 worth of timber per year for ties alone equal to the annual product of a strip of woodland 4UU feet in width alongside every mile of track. They don't stand on ceremony in Spain, even if they have got a baby Xing, xne latest tnreatenea revolution was put down in a day, and the leaders captured and condemned to be shot the day following. Nextl ' The land of 6teady habits has ex perienced another severe shock in the startling defalcation of G. M. Bartholo mew, president of the Charter Oak Life Insurance company, whose ascer tained shortage is $127,000 and peoun-'-ary responsibilities, as represented by paper held by banks and individuals, are said to aggregate over ftl, 000,000. The ex-president ! of the Charter Oak has transferred his domicile from Hart ford to Montreal. Bartholdi's statue of liberty is a big thing. The goddess is in position all exoept her hea and one arm. Be side the hand of, Liberty a man sejnts to be about as big as a mosquito would be, on the human hand. ! Liberty's ringlets are about as big around as a man' body, but she is to be so high up that they will seem as airy and delicate as a lady's tresses. Already thousands of people visit the statue, many of them ooming from foreign lands. Delegates from all labor orguiza tions of New York city, to the number of 400, met Thursday and nominatid Henry George for; mayor as the repre sentative bf tho new municipal labor party on a pUtform which may be said to be an epitome of Mr. .George's popu lar essay entitled "Progress and Pov erty." The nomination was practical ly unanimous. , It is understood that Mr. George will formally accept the honor oonferred upon him at a public meeting to be held at Cooper Union tn the evening of the 5th of October. The greatest cure on earth for pain, Falvatlon Oil: sing the refrain. "You out todav, my friend,in the cold wind? I thought you were sick in bed with a cold." He said nothing but smiled a lolly smile and led ane to the apothecary's shop, and pointing to a big advertisement of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup said: M Thereby hanrs the tale; that tells the rory." Mrs. Sidney Lea died in Cat well county a few days past. AdVfeO te Mrs. Winslow's toothing Brrup should al ways be used when i children are cutting teeih. it relieve the ilttlo sufferer at once, it pro duces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant, to taste; soothes the child, softens the gums, sllay all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels sna at the Dest anown remedy ior aiarraOMti "Hether rising from teething or other causes. T 'atr-iv cants a A revival meeting i in progress the fair grounds atFayetteville. at "The Sieataat Cm on Xarta for Pais." Will raUara mora aaickhr than any other known rem- tily: Rheumatism, inragia, Hweuiaga, nun jteex, isruisea, Borna Bcakla, Cnta, Lnmbar tto. PfcariaT. Bona. Froatbitea., Backache, Qabwr, Sore Threat, Sciatica. Woanda. Beadalhe. TpoUiachlL Spraiaa, eta. Price 25 ct. m bottle. Sold by ail Kinuiriffta. ; Caution. The mm- sine Solvation Oil bear, oar reirieterai TriMta-Mark. end onr fae-annlM nrnarara. A. u. Vey tura. A. U Meyer a Ua Sole Proprietor, itiuumora, L, U. B. . DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP Fcrthe cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Conch, 'Incipient Con gumption, end for the relief of coo aumptive persons In advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by aU Drug. gist. Price, 25 cent. Startling Pacts. YOU CANNOT AFFOKD TO The following appeared in a recent issue of the "New York Commercial Bulletin:" "An expert examined and reported upon a sample of Western Refined Lard the other day, wnica ne saia did not contain a fooitd or boo vat. but consisted of tallow, grease, cot ton seed oil, and olee steariae." A drummer,oommenting upon the exposures being made, remarked: "Consumers dost care what is in me laru, so u is cneap.r In view oi tee above facts Wont it uav tou to carefully examine the lard in your kitchen and be sure youare not using the adultera- -ted article. The odor from it when hot betrays it. Apply the above tests or any other test to CASSABiys STAR BRJlITD Ia&ED and see for yourself that it is what we guaran tee it it to be. ABSOLUTELY PUB& For sale by leading Grocers, i G. CASSABD A SON, Md. Agent far Baleigh, B. ILWoodelL .- ' " i b i ' ' ' '. :i J I j!

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