f BiSERVE aau-- " VOL. XXVII. RALEIGH, N. C. THUliSDAl MORNTNG, SEPTEMBER' 30, 1886. NO. 114 ' , I, : - News 0 AND .till. Absolutely Pure. This powder aerer ' rariee. A luml at lirrtty, ftreotb and wholeaomeness. Mora eeonom4rl than ordinary kinds land eamnot be Id la competition with the multitude of law lest. short wa'g-ht, alum or phoephat powders old only in oans. Rotai. Bixrja Powdi 108 Wall Siraet, 9w Yorkj M by W C A B 8tronh,;orf T ro- vb a4 J R FmD A Co. I i DESTlilHC I This medicine, oombtning- Iibn "With purs eire table .tonics, quickly ane completely Com Djrspepeta, I ad tmt m I loa, j Weak- Iarw BlMd, Malaria, Chills It is an nnJailinz remedy fat Siiaeaaai of the HH lUUtlfU. oody tot Hi KUaaj Iirer. - .1 ' '. It Is Invaluable for Diseases peculiar to Womi, and all who lead sedentary lives. It does not Injure the teeth, cause headache ,0? produce constipation otter ro maiicma do. 1 It urtefc aad bsiUw the blMd, stimulates the appetite, aids th assimilation of food, relieves Heartburn and iBelohing, and strengutens im muacies ana nerve . iFor su rmm mm r, etc, it has ho eajoal. Theremiine has above trade mark and red lines on wrapper. Take no other. THE GREAT BABQAIN RALEIGH. STORK 07 i I bar Just returned from Vvf Tork, where I have pui chased the hvrest aad v 1 stock of foods rrer broocht to tto Saekst. Just as we have said all the time, roods sieap This aad this a-. ; aoogbwill sell tbemaelTea. t; t i! : 1 alone aesotmU for' the tremeadoos trad at too Backet. Our foods are sbap aad It to t asa thai oar slede-haaaBMr barptns saay bo bard bitters for those who bar sad saQ on 1 : Une, bat they are real Ueaslngs to those who ' I '1 eaa pay cash for their goods! Gathered up bom the slaagbter-psns of erMit aad laid at jour doors with but one profit 700 got a dollar ia real Tatae ia every dollar's worth you buy, measure for BMasnrek dollar for dot- lar, at the Backet Store. The a system of sleepless Bights of icmltrystanl. deterred hope, i blasted expectations, of fajad; debts, of dis puted ledger aoooanta; a syatejB which aa hontst maa, who pays aad Intends, to pay, support and p7 (or those whi aerer pay. The merehaat who sells goods oa time aerer charge to bring h 1m a resseaable profit on his goods, for the reason he aerer know what his losses will m. The Backet is cutting to the right hand aad .f: to the left, knowing no law bat the greatest raluf tor the least money. I will offer this week some great Dargaina In Hamilton Oalko at 6e per yard; worth 7c Just received, a Job lot of sfspenders (500) at inn worth 30c Also new aieoTtxQent of Tor- chon Usee, Irish Trimming Ac Groat bar- I ntn. :ia Ladier, uenur ana susser saoes. m m. Inrelopes c per pack. Note paper Se per nire i4 Bearer Cioth lor 60c per yard; nly one-fourth the worth of tt VOLNITPURSELL0O.. iiTrlill JACKET STORE. CHARLESTON. TI& HKAYY WORK OF THE , "; LIKP COMMITTEES. RE- IH8PICUL KXAMINAT10N8 OF BCILDIHOS L AHD AID ALL?WAN0M. CHAMJWTOir, S. C, Sept ; 29. There has been no recurrence of the earthquake hooka sinoe yesterday afternoon, al though some nerrous persons say they felt a slight tremor about 10 o'clock last' night. There were sereral alight ahocka at Summerrille last night, but 00 damage ia reported from any quar ter. The weather in Charleston today ia . mild and -4 pleasant. The sun ia ahining brightly. . The. tem perature ia not oppresairely warm and the) eity" ia full of aatirity and hope, in spite of Wiggins' fearful proph ecy. The signal offioer here has reoeired special bulletins from Washington today, indicating no unusual meteorological phenomena and pleasant weather, with the probability of a shower of rain this afternoon. This day has been, antici pated with a great deal of fear and trembling by hundreds of anxious peo ple in Charleston. For the last three or four nights the colored - churches hare been crowded with worship pers and sereral rerirals are now in progress among these people in the city. Eren the nost courageous hare felt some dread at the approach of the 29th, and although they lure earnestly asserted that they did not beliere in Wiggins, they hare all felt that it would be oomfortable to lire in Charles ton after the 29th. The indications are exceedingly farorable and there are no premonitions of approaching shocks The local scientists, who hare giren great study to the subject, say there it no danger of a recurrence ol heary shocks, aad the community will surel settle down after today unless there shohld be an unexpected manifestation of the disturbances. A state of fererish excitement and foreboding seems to exist, howerer, among those who passed through the great shook of August 31st CHAaiisTOH, Sept. 29.-Up to 7 o'clock this erening there had been n recurrence of earthquake shocks and tht city had quieted down. Wiggins' pre diction! hre prored to be utterly wide of the mark. The Mmmnnitv fo1n greatly reliered that there hare been do I ahocks ' today and it is expeoted that within . another week, if there be m more shooka, the eity will hare resumed its J normal eondition. The work of rebuilding and repairing has been going on all day without interruption and then is: a crowing feeling of confidence thromghoat the eity. XJp to this erening the relief oommit tee had reoeired 1,375 applications foi relief money from property-holders whe are nnable to repair their own shattered houses, : The total of the amounts asked for.roaches about (800,000, The relie fund has not yet quite reached $500,000 and the amount contributed is not sum cient to meet the necessities of the eate 1 he relief oommittee feel that the money so generously contributed by the people of the United States ia intended only for use in eases of actusl distress and adopted Way a form of roucher which eorers all the essential points in repairs of houses end whioh is absolutely a cash roucher upon completion of! the work and its approral by the oommittee. It is expected that the whole number of applications for re list for this purpose will not exceed 1,600, and it ia the intention of the oom mittee to pay out money as rapidly as the Touchers mature. The oommittee hare also determined to superintend the repairing of houses in certain cases. Ex "-. a pen mechanics employed to examine damaged buildings hare so far reported upon 4UV applications. The oommittee on immediate relief has distributed erery day for the past three weeks small sums, not exceeding (10, to persons in aetuai distress. i; Mill Clan Barton and Mr. Hubbell, representatives of vthe "Red Cross" so ciety; left the eity for Washington to day, haring decided that the field of charity work was fully oorered. Daring their stay here they were the guests of the eity and before tearing Miss Barton rare $5,000 to mayor Courtenar, which was distributed among the fire charita blenstitutions of the eity, as "Red Cross remembrances. The oity treasury will pay the inter Oat on coupons of the 6 and 7 per cent. bonda of the eity of Charleston as usual, October 1. A Prleia viw of Harder ; UrcamiUacuk tder Soaae Dcbuh, Sept. 29 Father Caatwell, a Catholic mieet. is reported to have used the followine langaase while ad dressing a league meeting yeflterday: 8paring a landlord who has unjustly erioted a tenant is straininsr to the utmost limit the command which tells B- not murder any indiTidual (Cheers). Still, it ia alwaya morally wrong to oommit murder. i ?' '. 1 e e . i' ;. Two kaakeleU lei roaMjrlraala. " Phiidilphii, Pa. , Sept. 29. A special from Lanoaster, Pa. , sap : The neeble of the borough of Elisabethtown were badly frightened last night. About 11 o'clock two distinct shocks of earth quake were felt. The shocks followed ia quick succession and scarcely had the sound. died away when buildings swayed sufficiently to cause doors and windows to rattle. It was all a Caaard. WisisirsG. Mnitoba, Sept. 29. The ' editor of the Fort MacLeod Gssstte tele graphs that no massacre by Indians has occurred in tne noruwest, as reportea in disnatohes from Ottawa. Everything is quiet there, the Bloods being on their reserraBOju A DAjaiwe dxed. A Bare Bobbed In the Poet Office of tbe frodae Exchaatr BuUdtatg;. Niw5 York, Sept. 29 The safe of the post . office in the produce exchange building was opened last night by some person' who knew the combination and two thousand fire hundred dollars stolen from it. Business at the branch post offioe was paralysed this morning. The' demand for postage stamps was heavier 'than usual and there was not a single stamp Xo supply the demand The safe was certainly Opened by some one who knew the combination, for there was not a mark, not eren a scratch, upon it. The news Ctf the robbery was at once commu nicated to the postmaster general, and in a short time two deteetires in the se cret sCrrice went down to the produce exchange, : and at onoe began an investigation of the affair. It is b'liered that they hare aolew to the perpetrators of the robbery. Gentlemen in the produoe exchange said today that only a few weeks ago a young man who had been employed in the station had been discharged for cause. It was said at the exchange that the thief had en tered the station through a window that opens on Stone street, and after accom plishing his purpose left by the Broad way door of the exchange. A lw Drawback, Bat oat Sugars. Washington, Sept. 29. The treasury department has issued the following cir cular io customs officers in regard to the rate of drawback on dried, refined sugars: "On all refined, out-loaf, crushed, granulated and powdered sugar, stove-dried, or dried by other equally effective process, exported on and after November 1, 1886, a draw back will be allowed at the rate of 2 and 60-100 cents per pound, less the legal retention Of one per centum. The aborerate is provisionally established, in Iie of the existing rate of 2 and 82100 cents per pound, pending an in quiry as w wnai rartner reduction may be necessary.'' ' j The Prosldeara Levee. Washihgton, Sept. 29. The Presi dent's reception this afternoon was at tended by nearly 400 persons, including the grand chapter of Royal Arch Ma sons, now holding a conrocation in this city. The President shook hands with them ; all and had a pleasant word for each. ' A delegation from Lynchburg, Va., called on the President today and invited him to attend the mechanical exposition shortly to be held in that ey Vrotkera-isHLaw ia Doatdly Coaabat, Moictgomi&t, Ala., Sept. 29. A special from Hunsville, Alabama, says : "This morn ins two brothers-in-laW. named Wm.Hassey and Matthew Strong, both farmers,, got into a difficulty on Strong's place, three miles from town. Husscy shot strong, inflicting a possibly tatai wound. The would-be murderer escaped, i j iw a 'Xew Tork Cottoa raSairoa. Nw Yok, September 29. Greene & Coj 'a reporton ootton futures says : The opening business was at a decline of about four pointa and a little slow, but the reduced oosts seemed to attract prompt attention, leading to a full re covery and a firm close at last evening's rates. The South continued to offer ith some freedom, but this was? neu tralised by a noticeable increase in buy- mg orders for investment, in which eastern operators were well represented. Baseball Yesterday. At Washington, Washington 2, St. Louis 0; (game' declared forfeited by the umpire because of the refusal of ot. Louis to play, elaimins it was too dark); at New York, New York 4, Kan- City 1: at Boston, Boston O, Detroit 6; at Philadelphia, Philadelphia 8, Chi cago 5 ; at Louisville, Louisvillo 0, Metropolitans 7 ; at Cincinnati, Cincin nati 9, Brooklyn 10; at Pittsburg, Pittsburk 3 Athletic 6; at St. Louis, 8t. Louis 6, Baltimore 11. aThreatewod Dad as Bow Or! Nxw O&LBADg, Sept. 29. Yesterday naral offioer Kernoonan had some words ith Wash. Marks regarding the last Congressional oamnaism in the first dis- tri and Kernoehan struck Marks. Last . V A fc night it was reported that Marks had ohfiienged Jvernoonan. ibis morning both were arrested and subsequently released ion their own recognisance to keep the; peace. Baaala Beat an Hanh 8ofia, Bulgaria, Sept. 29. Gen Kaulbars has remored M. de Klindoff, Russian oonsul here, because of his lack of firmness in dealing with the Bulga rian gorernment, and has appointed in l l.-i TI.1i T ? I nis piioo m, ugeisuom, Aussian consul at Jf hillipopolia. Tbe Freaeh Oeeapy tko Bew Hebrld MslbOusni, Sept. 29. The latest French operations in the New Hebrides indicate a permanent occupation of those islands. : A Total Wreck. London, Sept. 29. 'The steamer .c uf- folk, before reported ashore, is a total wrecx. i tier cargo is Doing washed ashore and sared. Ttro Chlaeae aa Ballway Conatraetora. Paris, Sept. 29. China intends to isrue a loan of $5,000,000 for the oon stftiotion of railways in the tmpire. ? . Baaataated. 'NoBTBnxxo, Minn , Sept. 29. B. B Herbert was nominated for Congress by the republicans of the third district yes terday. A SAaaaaaaaia ta Uaat. Vixbna, September 29 The munici pal council ot Obenburg hare decided to erect a monument to Lusst and solicit donation therefor at home said broad. Tbe lat Spike. THS complition or thi wilson FiTlTTlVlLLI "SHOM CUT." Special to the News axd OssEBTn. SiUTHriaXD, N. C, Sept. 29. At 3 45 o'olock this afternoon Capt. B. R. Dunn, engineer of roadway of the Atlantic Coast Line, drore the last spike in the Wilson & ifayettorille branoh railroad. Trains will be put on this road to run regularly, beginning neit Friday. Indiana an tbe Warpath. Chicago, Sept. 29. A special from Ottawa, Ont., published here this morn ing, says: "Word has been reoeired by the department of mounted police, from the Crow Creek agency, in the North west Territory, that the Blood Indians hare gone on the warpath and are de vastating about there, in revenge for the killing of six of their band recently by theGros Ventre They left their reservation, so the report states, Monday- morning after a war dance, and went south to Hudson, Northwest Terri tory, where ther came on a small set tlement of whites, some sixteen in number, of whom ten were women and children. These were all killed-and Boilped, the besieging party carrying off the scalps as trophies on poles. J hey then continued on their way toward the Gros Ventres settlement. Along their track were many farm houses of set tlers. These were all laid in SBhes and the inhabitants killed and scalped. Not less than one hundred, whites have so far fallen,victims to the red devils' knires. Among those killed are two Roman Catholic missionaries at the Crow Foot agency,' whose bodies are said to hare been terribly mutilated. The whites at the reservation, including the Indian agent, hare been killed. After leaving the agency, about thirty miles toward the American border the Urow Feet met with about sixty Gros Ventres and a desperate fight ensued. The killed and wounded on each side cannot be estimat ed correctly, but it is believed the Crow r eet lost nine killed and thirty wounded while orer 50 fell belonging to the Gros Ventres tribe, f One hundred and fifty ponies were captured by the attacking party, as well as a large amount of cloth leg and ammunition. It is estimated by the department that' at least twenty-fire thousand dollars worth of property be- on sing to settlers has been burned and otherwise destroyed, while the loss of life cannot be accurately calculated, Two detachments of mounted police hare Dcen oruerea to put uown me rising, 1 but it is x pec ted that the 1 whole force. some l.ouu men, will be nesessary, as the ; Rockies and Canada Sioux will 1 join in the uprising of the Crowfoot. The eniei 01 me rebellious irioe is now on his way herb, and cannot, therefore, be expected to ' his 11 fiaeoco to put down the rising; non. P. A. Uarren, minister of : the militia, will eall out a force of at least 2.000 infantry and cavalry, to go to the scene of the trouble, and assist the mounted police. In the meantime, until they reach the scene, hundreds of the line may be sacrified. and any amount of property destroy ed- A general rising of the Indians is eared. (Brava Traable, BULGARIA 8 HATRXD Or 0VXRBIAR1NQ RUS SIA. SoriA, Sept,; 29. The regency has posted notices of elections for the grand sobranie, which is to elect a successor to Prince Alexander. General Kaulbars, the Russian tpeoial agent, threatens to hare the notices remored. Ihe people resent the eonduct of Russia in d manning aa the price 91 tne uiar s pro tection the liberation of political prison era, the raising of the state of siege and freedom for all parties to rote in eleoting the grand sobranie. It is ho llered that a rupture between Bulgaria and xlussia is imminent. The IateraaUeaal Taekt Baea. Marblshxai), Mass., Sept. 29. The international yacht race will take place today. s 10.30 a. m. The Galatea and May flower hare left the harbor for the start ing point. 11 50 a. at. The yachts are waiting for the signal to start. Both the May flower and Galatea are under mainsail, foresail, jib and club topsail. The course is from Halfway rock to Minot's ledge, Egg rook and return to Marble- head rock, about thirty-eight miles. 11 58. The wind is dying out. The yachts are near the line. There are no prospects of a start today. A If ae Blew Crop. The nrst rough rioe 01 mis season s orop wss reoeired at Wilmington Tues day. The otar says it was raised on uplands, was rather milky and hardly fit for milling. All reports confirm the statement heretofore published that the crop this year is the finest erer pro duced in that section, and the same may be said of the crop elsewhere. The. weather has been exceptionally fine for har resting, and the yield has prored large and the quality good. Odd Foilowa'to be Uairormed. .Boston, oept. d. a no aorereum grand lodge of Odd Fellows has ordered that after the 1st of January, 1887, all ointons be required to procure uniforms before being mustered; that the offioers shall be elected on the night next before the 26th of April, and that olerks re port the same to the adjutants of battal ion, and ihe adjutants, through brigade and dirision, to the adjutant-general of the army. It waa a Flae May at Bew Orleaaa. Niw OuiiiS, Sept. 29 The weather here is delightfully dear and pleasant. There was no seismic, atmospheric or other phenomenon today, such aa Wig gins predicted. A BAD OUTBREAK. PLEURO PNEUMONIA IN THREE VUIGINIA COUNTIE 1. ITS VICTIMS CATTL1 FROM CHICAGO STOCK YARDS. Washjiigton, D. C, Sept. 29. The commissioner or agriculture has re oeired the following letter, reporting the appearance of pleuro-pneumonia in three counties of Virginia: Thi Plains, Va , Bept. zy, lbdb. Hon. Norman J. Coleman, commis sioner of agrioulture, Washington. Mr Dias biR : I see by the news- papers that' the uucago stocx-yards people are denying the existence of any disease among the cattle at their yards. I must beg you to send a reterinarian to this section as soon as possible, to look after diseased cattle that were brought here directly from the Chicago stock-yards by Mr. E. T. Holton. I learn that , the disease exists, or that cattle are dying, in three counties. Fauquier, Prince William and Lou doun, ther beine cattle bought in the stock-yards of Chicago. In erery is stance the cattle came from Chicago. I hare seen none of them, but hear that many of them out of each car-load so bought hare died and others are sick, some of our farmers say from "Texas fover," but all say that the cattle hare a cough whioh I know is not peculiar to "lexas ferer. This thine should be stopped, if possible, but all my efforts with the Virginia legislature last winter (not being a member) to supplement the. United states law ss to pleuro pneumonia were unarailing. Sincerely iours, ROBXRT BlTXRLY. The commissioner has sent Dr. Dyer tr Virginia to make an investigation. Baaaaebnaetta Bepublicaaa - NOKINATB OLIVZK AltIS FOR GOTSRNOR. Boston, Sept. 29. The republican State convention was called to order at 11 o'clock. It proceeded to ballot for Governor. The whole number of rotes was 994; necessary to a choice 498. Oliver Ames reoeired 945, M W. Crapo 35; J. Q A. BrackeU 10, Henry Cabot Lodge 2, George D. Robinson 2. The nomination was made unanimous. The committee on credentials reported 315 towns and 23 cities, represente'ofey 1.- ujick-o. a msmiucui urgau.av tion was enected or the selection ot Henry Csbot Lodge as president, with s long list of rice-presidents, including Senators Dawes and Hoar, Congressmen Long, Rice, Ranney, Hayden, Whiting and Davis and one from eaob senatorial district. Mr. Lodge was escorted to the platform and addressed the conven tion at considerable length. Tbe Clreaa at hahorlllo. Doris' circus performed at Asherille Saturday last and to an immense audi ence. The Citiien pays the show a very handsome compliment. . It says: "A circus never has to wait an audience for the curtain to rise, at least not in Bun combe. The crowd is pushing; Some half an hour before the orenin! of the doors the hill and approach to the mam moth canvass was almost packed with a mass of humanity, and when the doors were open it was like the sudden break ing of a dam. The canrass was soon filled, erery seat occupied, and more were required to be added. From four thousand to forty-fire hun dred people witnessed the show. The performances in general were good, fully up to expectations, and the programme was a long and raried one, presenting many and now pleasing features, notably the contortionists, the acrobats and the bicyclists, the bare back riding, the Japanese jugglery. Jimmie Robinson, the champion bare back rider, merited the applause he re oeired. The menagerie is good, larger than usual with traveling shows, and composed of animals well worth see ing sey era! rare ones. Altogether the show was a very good one, the at tendance immense, everything orderly and agreeable, and we hope all was en joyed." Am Appeal bj aba Baad. Jackson's silver cornet band desires to call the attention of the oitisens of Raleieh to its nressine need for funds to finish paying for its instruments, hioh cost $500, $150 of which is yet unpaid, and also to enable it to prooure a uniform as early as possible, ihe band has already give the oitiieos je free music (and better music; ian any other organisation here has erer done, and while it feels that it has only just beeun the good work, it knows that it must hare help in order to become thor- ouizhlT equipped. It also knows that when that is done Haleigh will hare one of the best bands in the South. Better material for a first-class band oannot be found among other gentlemen than those who compose this one. All are busi ness men who hare gone into this most laudable enterprise for the good of Ra leigh and its oitisens, and therefore do not hesitate to call upon them to assist in carrYing out an enterprise in whioh ther are about to embark. This is the holding tf a musical festival and fair, beginning October 12th, to continue four nights, whioh will be opened with a fine rooal and instrumental concert There will be also riven a band oonoert each night. The management of this festival has been placed in the hands of active young gentlemen of the band, who will call upon the ladies to assist them, without whose aid nothing can be done. Therefore this appeal is to the ladies in d articular, ret the oitisens gen erally will be called upon and earnestly requested to contribute such aid as their means will permit. Jacsjon's Siltia Comix Band. Judge ByMam Deeliaes tbe SJomlnatloa. Charlo.ts Obietvor. The day following the nomination of judge W. P. Bynum by the republican convention at Kaleign as its candidate tor the effiajo of chief justice of the supr eme oourt of North Carolina, a reporter in terviewed him to learn if ho would ao- cept the nomination. In answer to a direct question to this effect judge By num responded that he would not be a candid te, and that he had written and telegraphed to delegates to the conven tion that he would under no considera tion accept the nomination. Judge By num requested that nothing be said at that time in regard to the matter, as he would shortly prepare a card for the public. The card was issued yesterday, in the shape of a letter, whioh rery fully explains itself, as follows : i Chablotts, Sept. 28, 1880 Robs&t M. Douglas, Esq : Dear Sir : Your.letter has been re ceived, informing me, though not offi cially, of my nomination by the conven tion of the republican party of the state, as the candidate for the omce of chief justice of the supreme court of North Carolina. As both before and at the convention I oaused it to be known that I could not accept the nomination, it oannot be discourteous or ungrateful in me again to repeat that determination. Having onoe occupied a seat upon the supreme oourt bench, 1 am disinclined to renew my experience there, and I do not think it frank to be a candidate lor an offioe I would not accept, if elected to it This determination I deliberately formed and expressed when my former term of office eipired. With grateful thanks to the members of the convention for the high honor conferred upon me, and with Bendments of high respect for yourselves, I am, truly yours. W. P. .Btntjk. A Ludlcreu SaaiaUM. Msny people had really been "wrought-up", as the phrase goes, by Wiggins' absurd prophecy, and not a few were fully prepared for anything dreadful to occur. Some had read ana others had been told of fissures in the earth, through whioh water was forced. Yesterdar morning, while a number 01 draymen were at the Raleigh & Gaston W . .a a . m 1 depot, loading their drays with treignt, an excited darkey ran up, exciaimmg 'The earth is a orackin' open and water . am i is a pourin outi xnis was enougn. One drayman had three largo boxes to "load up. lie had one in tbe wagon and two more on the platform of the warehouse. He drore right off, tear ing the two boxes unnotioed. A crowd went to the place where tbe "fissure" was alleged to hare formed. They found water trickling out of the ground. A railroad man coming up laughed heart ily. He remembered that the pipe which conveys water from the depot so the tank at the cotton platform ran across the street at that point, me Dine was too near the surface of the ground and one of its joints had by the jolting of vehicles become loosened, and tho water flowed out. The leak was soon stopped. Really Jhe affair oaused a big seisation and news of the occur recce was carried to all parts of the city, some people thinking that it was natural phenomenon of the most horri ble kind. Oxford e Baa a IB- Capital. Correspondence of tbe Niws and OBSKavaB. Oxjord, Sept. 29. We notioe that a statement of the banking facilities of the sereral towns of the State is going the rounds of the press. In this statement Oxford is giren a capital stock of only $12,000, whereas it has a paid up capital stock of sixty thousand dollars. The bank of Oxford, whioh is -aa . our only bank, was established in 1882, with a capital stock of $24,000. Two years ago the stock was increases 10 jhu.wv; ana we urov in last July it was raised to $60,000. It is now one of the safest and most re liable banks in the State. A. F. CaL. Alfred Bawl aad. Democratic nominee for Congress in the sixth Congressional district, will ad dress bis fellow-citiiens at the following times and places: Wadesboro, Anson county, Thursday, Sept. 30. Benton s X Roads, Union county, Oct. 1. Olive Branch, Union county, Satur day, Oct. 2 Huntersville, Mecklenburg oonnty, Monday, Oct. 4. PineriHe,Tuesday, Uot. 0. Charlotte, fat nighty Tuesday, Oct. 5. Matthews, Wednesday, Oct. 6. Lilesrille, Anson county, Thursday, Oct. 7. Little's Mills, Richmond county, Fri day, Oct. 8. Laurinburg, Richmond oounty, Sat urday, Oct. 9. Albemarle, Stanly oounty, Tuesday, Oct. 19. Big Lick, Stanlv oounty, Wednesday, Oct. 20. Mt Pleasant, Cabarrus oounty, Thurs day , Oct. 21. 1 oplar Tent, Cabarrus oounty, Fri day, Oct. 22. Conoerd, (at night) Friday, Uot. 22. Eapsas schoolteacher "Where does all our grain go to?" "Into the hop per." "What hopper?" "Grasshop per, triumphantly shouted a scholar. a Baea After All. Marblxhxad, Mass., Sept. 29. There was no race today, owing to the lack of wind. '. This age presents the greatest boon, Salvation Oil; in cu es so soon. When Christmas came with its good cheer, tts tun and its merry-making, we used to-de-preclate its colds, but that was long ago, be fore the days of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Now it is verv different A new era has dawn ed on us, and great and sm .11, little and talL merry saen all, are happy. Bew a from the IVoue Star State. AN ISLAND INUNDATED WREC&XD TRAINS wigIins' TAILURI. Galvrton, ifept. 29 The first in formation fromf Harbor island since the gale of ltst Thursday was received last night. The island was entirely inun dated, but thje inhabitants escaped. Capt. Newmari of the schooner Co quette, with ttree men, were thrown into the waves Sy the capsizing of their yawl boat and lhe captain And one other were drowned. A speoial from San Antonio says a train was wrecked on the Southern Pacific road vwst of here yesterday. Horace Daniels, the engineer, waa killed and the fireman and brakeman badly ipjured. Another wreok was re ported east of here last night. A pas senger tram on the international roaa was also reported to hare been wreoked near Davenporjt last erening, but no particulars havh been received. These wrecks were caused by displacement of the tracks by the rcoent heavy rains. There ate ni signs of Wiggins' pre dicted distorbafioes in this section. The weather, whioh has been rainy and dis agreeable for sereral days, today broke dear and eomtittues, pleasant. BaekUae Aaeear Slalve. The Best 8ae in the world for Cuts Bruises, 8ores, Juicera, call Bhoum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains, Corna, and all Sln Kruptiona, and positively cures Piles, or nf pay required. It is guaran teed to give perlfct satisfaction, or money re. funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv all druggiel . I ha vi joit returned from the North. Whils there I bought ser eral new pianos, which I would like for the public to tall and examine; also a large number! of organs. Pianos to rent. These goods were bought low for cash, and will be sold the same way. 4 5 J. L. Stonb's, 215 Fayette ville street, i ; Raleigh, N. C Mr, H. H. Nichols' tobacco barn, in Person, county, was burned last-Sun-. Cone OoosiM. Calda, Boanmav Owj, Aaduna, Broocidtii, WbfMptnff Couch, Incipient Coammp- tli. dl--L FricStct Cam- mmnin .dTMicni mtmatm of ticm. to. ueouine vw uu Com egntp w worn orujr m wktit wiwri ml hmi oar nmuUmi Trde-aufc to wit i AliMii't Head in a Circle, a Brd Btrtp Ommtkm-Labrl, and the AW1 A.lT.Mrmtr A Col. Sola t'rop'B, Baltimore, MjL, U. B, A. SALVATION OIL, . ".The Qreatetrt Care on Earth for Pain, Will relieve! more quickly than any Other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Barns, Scalds, Cntsi; Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backatche, Wound, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c Sold by all Dragxista. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. Edward Famch, Jeweler ai Optician RALEIGH, N. C. Gold and Silver Watches, American and Imported. Real and imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement Rings, any six and weight. Sterling Silver Ware for Bridal Presents. T eawaaeaeawa 1 Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. ' i ' Spectacles and Xye-glasses in Gold, ; Silver V I ' - Steel, Rubber ! and Shell Frames. Lenses, . white and tinted, in endless varieties. t Seals for Lodges, Corporations, etc Also Badges and hf edals for Schools and Societies made to order' Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods sent on selection to any part of the State. I3T Old GoW and Silver in small and large quantities taken as cash. dla. 1 1 1 Sta Facts. i. f YOU CLNNOT AFFORD TO IGNORE THEM, The following appeared in a recent issue of the "New York Commercial Bulletin;" 'An expert fexamined and reported upon a sample of Westeri Kenned Lard the other day, which hetjaaid did mot contain a pound or Boo pt, but consisted of tallow, grease, eot ton seed oil, aad oleo steariae." A'drummer,ommeatingupon the exposures being made, remarked: "Consumers doct care what is in the lard, so it is cheap.r" : In view of the above facte went It pay yon to ear fulJy examine the lard in your kitchen and be sure you are not using the adultera ted article The odor from It when hot betrays it. Apply thf above tests or any other test to ! CASSAB1VS STAH BR&ITD LARD and see for yourself that it is what we guaran tee it it to be. ABSOLUTELY PUBK. For sale by leading Grocer. ; (G. CASSARD & SON, I Baltimore, Md. Agent far fiakJgh, B. H, Woodel Ksq. H rain? i