,-1 ' - I" r : j ; U r ixv.ATt - AtOf EWS, vOLUxvn. RALEIGH. N,(gU;KDAl MOftNTNG OCTOBER 3,1886; NO, 117 Observer! AND JlPj I J ! Absolutely Pure. This powder mew varies, A inarvelol I'Wlty, strength and wholeeomenesa. Mora eeonosrtcal jthan ordinary fcinds and 6inot bt tald In oompeUlion with the multitude ol tot teat, ahart wght, !jjbi or phopphaU rwdert Olo on!v In cans, f liOTAi Btxrxa Powna CO. , 108 Wtll Street,;! Nw York. nod by W C A B StTouaeh, George T iM' v.b itaiR rerraii oo. TIRED OUT! At thte f mop mtartr mmrw cna mada tot anrt of tonla. IRON ntan onto almost arT phyo aoiaa'a t" aauiiptton far thiaa woo naad boSding KB, dm ana Sains a in THE Q5T TONIC Waakamua. 1 ; 1 .a l I a f rt. Ijufk It EnrlcfeM the Bl Iarinrate thm byateaa, iUttttNlfMUi AMI OlffMClM It daw bo btaokaa rajatlktMt, OMWand abbacy pnidaMoonatipatioB wr ir must trim md Da. O. H. Bnui, a Iwrtinc phyinim of 8pria- fllL Ohin. Mi: - Bron'a Irom Bitten a a tbaraacb rins. I iM it in my practice, and find eels all ether forma of pa. lm dition ol taa ijratai. Browne Irat Bittan ht nanaUT arkkTvooav- poaitwB miwiity. It ta all that ia nlainiad for tt." Dm. W. H.WTM, lSlf Thiitf aaeond Burnt, Oeorntowm, D. O, aaya: "Bmn1! boa Bittan to UMTooia ? tb aa. Not bine bettor. U oraataa aopetite, atiauMhand kmuuiim disaattM." Uatnua kaa abova TMteTiakBMlrawdBBsw ooamofiar. TmB. ather. atadanaOjay BKVWJi jDMEMIa..,ai.TlMeg.mw THE GREAT BARGAIN STORE OF t m . RALEIGH. ! 1 have JuM retuniad from New Ycirk, wben 3' have frtii chased tha largest and cbeapeat stock of feods ever brought to tbe Baeket, Jus.t as we nave tald all the time, goods abeap J ncughwill seU themselves. This and this aluce soeouats lor tbe tremtutdoua trade at 4 '.-' 1 r lis ' .' t Baekei,- Our icooda are cfaeapiand It Is i ; i ii i t me that oar riedge-ftammer bargains maj be kard bitters for those who btrand sell oa time, but they sr.- real blessings to those who .4 i : i ; ! can pay easb lor uteu goods. Gatkerea up " i ' : i from the slaughter-pens ol credit 'and laid at your doors with tut one profit, you get a ; n. dollar in real value ; in every Oellar's worth :i !- i . U you buy, measure for measure, doli&r lor dot- i i f : lar, at the Backet Btora. The erectt system is a system of sleepless Bights of deferred hope, i : " - A blasted' expectations, of bad debts, ol dis puled ledger accounts; a system whkh makes an boaest maa, who pays and Inten ds to fy: i i: support and pay for those who never pay, The merchant who sells soods on tune mever kno v, s hew much be ought to charge to bring k im a reasonable profit on his goods, for the reason he never ktow what his losses will m. j ' - f ; : . Ij: . ! The Backet Is cutting to the right band and i '' 5 . to the left, knowing no law but (the greatest value for the east money. ' i ' ' I I will offer this' week some grat bargains ! ; 1 la llmmiiton Calico at fie per jard worth 7c f. ' ;: J'itl received, a Job lot of suspenders (600) at ! . ! ' ! 10c; worthOc Also new aasortment o' Tor- jjion lace,' Irish Trimming, Ac' Great bai kains in Ladies', Gents' and llisW Shoes. Xnvfclopes Scper pack. &ote paper Se per tnire -i Beaver Cloth for 60c per yard; .1 r U nly one-fourth the worth ol It. 1 I -' VOtNEY PUKSKLL AOO 10 JBm MArt'8ee4. ta p Tor 1'iACBT STORE I- m ' Ii' f i : Ui 1 I .': NEWS OBSERVATIONS. H I - " -Manton Marble is now in Europe, on a warrant from the President, for the purpose of investigating the silver ques tion.: , ': , The new roses this autumn will be the jPuriUn and the Mrs. Laing. The Puritan 'is white and the Mrss Laing pink. . . It is rumored in Washington that commissioner Eigerten, of the civil serr vice commission, will soon tender hip resignation to the President. The madness of King Otto, of. Ba- worse than- lb at of the late suicide, Ludwig. The Bava- Otto set rid of such a royal .bangtry tells a New Yrk re- BgrfcBr that she is "particularly fcniiouf noAo be 'mixed up ' in the se&ndais of t rf?l ihow, and that she "doe not waai any eueh notoriety. ' ' So it seeme that: there are degrees even in that line of business. -Rcoentlj some one publifhod an anagtam upon "Ihe Right Honorable William Ewart Gladstone' which reads: "I km the Whig who'll bo a traitor to England's rule. Aow some one else brings out another, as follows : I am the Whig who'll long be a true' star to Ireland." How figures of speech ! grow I When the President was married it was said thai: the bride's dress was poem in ivory; satin. Now that secretary La-1' mar is about to be married, it is Btatcd that the :ceremony will be a joem as quiet and beautiful as one of Shelley's i-ar: as a . . " n e laa uenope that Six. Liamar s mar ried life may be as long as an epic and as nappy as a lyrio. -The undertaker who embalmed tbi body of; Gen. Grant has been trying ib find somiebody to pay his bill, but with out success, and has finally brought suit for 'the amount $500 against iMr Arkell, the manager of the oooip that owub Mount McGregor, who gav hint the order. On the publication cl thefe not very crtditable facts in th New York Sun the editor of that pap i dds a note that u the uodertiker win send the bill to him he will remit the meunt.;; Kafghta Templar have to pay pretM Well for their membership. Seventv- fiv dollars is about the avcrag.e fee fqt j Ming the Misonic rraternttv itself then the. Chapter fee is about $30 mor. and ;the Commandery 1 100. The outfit eosts at least $150, and the yeirly dues amount altogether to about That makes a total of about $387 tor the first year, with $100, added if a man Wants to be a member of the oonsistof y. Theru is isid to be a lodge in New York wheru the entrance feel are $500, and in whiol the dues are large in proportion. . -A few nights ago a large eael. flew into a New York saloon. A- the dispenser of drinks objected to the in coming of the American eagle except on tbe silver dollars, he called a police m n to put hiin out. In the meantim j tbe feathered visitor upset cbaiis, smashed; glafs globes and threatened to eztisgnish all the gas with the bre ie trom its powerful wings. A furious struggle took place between !the taglt- and the man. At last the eagli fastened his ; beak in the calf of the man's leg. and would hot release his victim ud til the blows of the policeman's billy crushed the bird's skull. The eagle measured five feet nine and one-quuter inches from tip to tip. It tnrc&ablv came from the Catskill mountains, and is thought to have been a prohibitionist. rretty little dresses m Russian fashion for children are made of dark blue or fawn-colored cashmere or serge, brocaded with tiny bouquets and other small figures in cardinal. - The short skirt is kilted all around, and oyer this ul stylish little cutaway coat which, gives the suit its name. The jaoket opens broad lv over a blouse vest of plain cardinal serge, gauged at the neck and laid in deep pleats at the belt. Be low these pleats, for little boys, L a wide Russia-leather belt, fastened with a large silver buckle, and for girls a o r dinal satin ribbon which fastens at the right side underneath the jaoket, comes round and is finished tff with a short bow and ends on the left. A rich finish to the suit i made by a deep Russian collar and wide euffd of dark red velvet '? When M. Pasteur advanced his theory that all fermentation was by or ganisms so minute that they floated about in tbe air, he very soon announced that, according to his experiments, these tmall . bodies would not : paps through cotton. .Now, if they cannot go through cotton, and if they are the cause ol fermentation, cotton will' pre vent the canned fruit from spoiling Many - people have experimented j with it and find it a success. The; cotton la I'mply tied over the boiled fruit while it is still hot, , serving to . keep the rrms out just as sufficiently as the rub er ring or any amount of wax.. In the college kitchen laboratory experiments wereV tried with five . hinds ; 'f fruit,. inoludicg tomatoes, I and the results were perfectly satis factory in every case, not even a par ticle of mold forming in the can. Iu moat cases the cotton was simply tied over the eanful of fruit; in some bases therj was a piece of white paper put on first to prevent the cotton dropping lern and becomiog juioe-soaked.; This seemed to be the preferable Way.; The Cotton is taken jtut sjb it oomes off the roll,' the thickness being about as it unwinds, and it is tied down with strong twine. If this should be as : successful with all fruit canner s as here, there is no longer need for patent fruit cans, for any bottle with a wide neck f oitable to receive the fruit, or any jar with glas- ing which is perfect, to allow no en trance of air through its walla, will be all sufficient for keeping the fruit for winter use. Kjmaas Industrial, WAR TALK. HOW THE AUSTRIAN AND .THE RUSSIAN GROWL. GKKAT DIAL Cf WARLTKI fllLIKO AR0U8ID ON BOTH EI DBS. St ; Pbtiesburq, September 2. The state of siege which has been maintained in Russia since tbe assassination of the air Alexander II., has .by imperial decree been continued in ten provinces, including 8t. Petersburg,, Moscow and Sebastopol. " he speech made by prime minister Tisia in the Hungarian parliament, es pecially thotiej portions relating to the independence of the Balkan stltes and Austria's determination to prevent the establishment of a protectorate over Bulgaria by any single foreign power, has called forth many expressions of dis approval from the Russian press. The Novoe Yremya acousos Tisxa of wishing to captivate the sympathies of the rulers of tho Balkan states, bo as to use them as a cover to wage war against the just snd moderate demands of Russia. Tbe Knights of Labor. PREPARATIONS 70R THB RATIONAL A8SBM- T BLT- : Richmond, Va., October 2 The ap proaching meeting of the national assembly of Knights of Labor baa been one of the absorbing topics of interest here for some days. Already maoy Knights have arrived, including dele gations from New Orleans, Kansas City, St Louis, Troy, Amsterdam and Brook lyn,; N. Y. Each incoming train brings new accessions, and it is expected that by Monday morning all the delegations will', have arrived. All the hotels willibe filled, and a great many of the delegates will havu private quarters. Tae sessions of the assembly will be held in the drill hall of the First Vir ginia regiment, the largest hall in the city,! which is now beicg arranged for tin purpose. There will be acoommo-daii-ons for seating about 2 000, al though the conv ntion wiU not number more than l uuu or l zuu tir and master workman Powder ly will arrive here to morrow morning. Urand secretary Turner arrived yesterday and has since boon actively engaged in preparing for tho work of the ssjembly. The assem bly will have an open session Monday, whrn uov Lee will formally welcome the Knights and grand master workman Powderly will respond and deliver his annual address. The subsequent ses sions of the assembly will be secret, bnt tbe press will be furnished with a record of all the important business done hich it is desired to make public. mil Twial ajad Bfaaaraaa CaOB- pmmj railsi. Chicago, October 2. A Times Champaign, Til., special says: The Champaign Twine and Bagging Com pany, engaged in the manufacture of binder twine and cotton baling goods, passed into the hands of a receiver yes terday. The court appointed A. H. Bryan receiver. The assets of the com pany are about $150,000, and its in debtedness about balf as much. The company it is said, became embarrassed by some mistakes of general manager Jerome, but during the past year has been gaining considerably and making money, but was suddenly crowded to the wall by a suit that led to a general run on the company. BM bBtl Tstrda-. At New York, (game called one ac count of darkness at the end of the 7th inning), Newark 5, Detroit 6; at Pitts burg, Pittsburg 4, Brooklyn 6; at Philadelphia, Philadelphia 3,. St. Louis 1; at Boston, Boston y, Kansas City 2; at Cincinnati, Cincinnati 13, Athletics 1; at Washington, Washington 4, Chi cago 5 (game called on aecount of dark ness at the end of 7th inning); at Louis ville, Louisville 7, Baltimore d; at St. L.uis, St. Louis 5, Metropolitan 2 XBTOrbI bat dasrdtd FaamtDla, Bbblin, Oct. 2. Tbe German prirs make favorable but guarded oomments on the speech of premier Tieza on the Bulgarian question in the lower house of the Hungarian parliament last Thurs day, but make little reference to the Austror Hungarian alliance with Ger many. Total Visible Supply of Cotton. Nxw York, October 2. The total visible supply of cotton , for tbe world is ,1,203,357 ales, of which 82,857 are American; against 1,206,885 and 888,- 185 respectively last year; receipts at all interior towns 99 32U; receipts from the plantations 170,385; crop in sight 413,yly. 'drly does to tbs ttcneral Assembly. Pbiladklp-iIA, Oot. 2 Grand master workman Powderly and Messrs Barry, Haves and Bailey, of the general execu tive board, Knights of Lbor, left this city this morning for Riohmond, Va., to attend the generally assemby g! ivmgbts -f Lubor which will convene in that oity Monday next. General secretary- treasurer Turner left tor Richmond last evening. Col. Hagfn Kvsldenee Bnrnod. Special Dupatch to tbe News and Observer. GkbxnVillb, N. G , October 2 The handsome briok residenoe of Col. I. A. Sugg was totally destroyed by fire last night, tbe fire originating in the cook room. Loss about g6, 00Q. The build ing was insured for $2,000, and the fur niture for $1,000. Alabama's IaiTlttlan to tb Provides t. Momqombrt, Alabama, Oot. 2. A delegation, headed by mayor Reese, goes to Washington bearing a special mvitaw tion to tbe President to visit Alabama at the State fair here November 28th. Frost in Baneenabs. TBl TOBACCO OOKBIDBRAiLT DAtfAGID. Special Dis. to the Sews and Observer. Abhxvtlli, N. C, Oot. 2. The first rest of the season made its appearance in this vicinity this mor ning in some ptrta of Buncombe ooonty It was heavy sad ' vegetation has been injured. The tobacco crop is not yet housed and much of it is reported dam aged Housing and curing are rapidly progressing, as planters fear frost tonight. THI BVPLY Of BULGARIA TO SCSSIA HAS BUN DILIVSRXD. Bcblin, Oqt. 2. Violent earthquake shocks have occurred throughout Thur ingia and other parts of central Ger many. The reply of Bulgaria to Russia's de mand has bcu delivered. In it Bul garia accepts the Caor's terms, provided the independence of Bulgaria is formal ly guaranteed. i Hew York Cotton F(i tares. Nxw York, October 1 Greene & Co 's report on ootton . futures says: Trading wan light generally, and tie market was barren of any striking fea tures. There was a full run of receipts at the porta for the week, with pretty freeotfrrvugtjr gainst- them, which tended to check the demand somewhat; but it was; rather firmer. The! Liverpool and a few desu tory jfrost report from the South had the sus'a;.niig iifiuecoe to keep values' at about iadt evening's figures and at the oloJe the market was fairly steady; j A laUIRldt. Chicago, Ootober 2 -A special from Charleston, W. Va,, says: At Caper ton, a mining headquarters on .New river, in Fayette county, yesterday af ternoon, three colored men started to ride from tbe mines to a place on the railroad, on the mountain. A rope broke, and the ewr ran dawn the moun tain side until it jumped the track, thr wing the occupants a hundred feet, killing one and fatally injariig the other two. ; lbarltn Enjoys Real BVst. Charuston, S. C, Oot. 2. There have been no shocks here today. At Sun merullo last night there were sev eral reverberations, but no perceptible eerth treicors. The weather ia cool and slightly c'oudy, with a fresh northeast erly brr-z-L The that mometer at 1 o clock legutered 64 degrees. Jlivery- bojly is busy and business is picking up everyday. The community generally regard tie disturbances at an end. Jtaaiat ototauiant. iftyr Youk, Oct. 2. The weekly statement of the associated banks is as follows: Reserve decrease, $3,115,950; loans it crease, $2,710,000; specie in- crease, xz pov.wuu; legal tenaers ae- crease, $004,900 ; deposits increase, $339,400; circulation increase, $25,- 700. The bankB now bold D,t3,8Z0 in excess of the 25 per cent. rule. Prssldsat Clsvsland I ' WILL MAKI THB VIRGINIANS HAPPY. Vi ABuiNsiON, Oct. 2 The President will visit the fair of the Virginia State agricultural society at Richmond, V a , the 2l6t instant. Mrs. Cleveland will probably accompany him. Usavy frost im Vlrftala. Lynchburg, Va , Oct. 2. There was a heavy frost this morning. Vegetation was badly damaged, and a large part of the tobacco crop will be ruined, lb Helpta HaaC Kansas City. Mo., Oct. 2. In the southwestern Missouri district confer ence of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, in session here, $730 was sub scribed today toward the rebuilding of the Methodist ohurones at Charleston. This from the Posther Lloyd is a stir ring bit of history. It tells how the conspirators forced Alexander, the Bul garian, to give up his crown. Prince Alexander awoke, and, when only halt dressed, ioined his brother and the other gentleren. ''What is the mat ter?" afked the prince. His mere ap pear an ce among the conspirators so over- - . .. . .i i i- awed tnem tuat tney saiuiea nun Thereupon Grueff stepped forward and said to the prince: "The welfare of Bulgaria requires that you should abdioate." The prince abruptly declined, but .Uruftt insisted, saying the whole srmv passionately demanded the Prince's abdication and the protec tion of the Ciar, whom the Prince had so deeolv offended. Grueff pointed to the cadets present as a proof of his as sertion as to the feeling of the Bulgi rian troops. I Leaning his forehead against the window, through whioh he oould see the troops surrounding the palaoo, he said, with considerable emo tion: "Well, draw up your form of abdication and I will sign it. If I am dese r'ed by the officers and soldiers whem I nave led to viotory, I have nothing further to do here. Write whatever you lke, out quickly." : The President was asked, since his return to Washington, what be intended to do with reference to the mission to Austria. ! He said he had given the matter but little thought, but believed it was now time that this government should have a representative at the Austrian oourt He intimated that in all probability the appoiatment would be made within the next sixty days perhaps sooner Tbe opinion quite gen erally prevails in Washington that Con gressman Tucker, of Virginia, can have the appointment if he desiies it, and it is quite probable ne wouia aceopt, if it were tendered to aim. A TEN STRIKE. PENNSYLVANIA'S GOVERNOR MAKES A BOLD ATTACK. HI ORDlRS lUrrfl INBTITUT1D AGATN8T THB ANTHBACrri COAL POOL. Harrisburg, Pa., Oot. 2. Governor Pattison has taken the important step of directing the attorney general to be gin legal proceedings against the an- . , i i t tnraoiie ooai poui, vuuBuuug ui a number of leading railroad and coal companies, whioh have entered into a combination recently to restrict and regulate the production of ooal and maintain and advance its price The governor says: "Recently, through the omoes of a syndicate of capitalists, there has been a strengthening of the anthracite coal combination, and the olaim is now made by some of its mem bers that they can mark up eoal pnoes Co any figure they please, thereby sub jecting the publio to their mercy, in juriously and unwarrantably taxing every fireside, and imposing upon coal consumers financial bu dens which the cp culatioia of some of Ibe-bc companies have engendered. Although the State constitution declares that no incorpo rated oompany doing the business of a oommon carrier shall directly prosecute or engage in mining or manufacturing articles for transportation over its tracks, yet all or neatly all of the common carriers represented in the anthracite coal combination are engaged directly or indirectly in the mining of ooal. The anthracite regions of the State sre practically under the c ntrol of this combination. For lofig jeriods it has kept the mines running on three-quarter time, tnus putting nearly 100,000 workers on what amounted to three-quarter py. ihut hindering competition, it has restricted the development of our mine ral wealth. It has advanced or depressed the price of coal, as best suited its purposes. It has maintained the prices of ooal sup plied to the lines and to the oity trade, at figures' ranging more than $1 per ton over and above the prices at which it sold the same article to consumers located further from the .mines but in a territory that did not oome within the terms of the agreement. It has advanced the charges for trans portation, in face of the fact that the net earnings of the carryingcompanie belonging to the combination amounted to about 19 per cent per annum of the cost of the roads and their equipment, and of the further fact that the charges are higher r than they were twenty-six years ago, though the cost of transport ing a ton of freight does not today amount to more than one-third cf it cost at that time. By restricting pro duction and by advancing prices it has crippled vast iron interests, decreasing the demand for anthracite coal m the reduction of iron ores, forcing iron fur naces out of blast and placing nearly all the industries of eastern Pennsylvania at the mercy of the managers of these companies.:' The Governor also calls attention to the trunk line pool, whioh, he says, by its arbitrary power holds a perpetual menaoe over the material interests of the country. In dosing, the G vernor says: "Against such combinations tno indi vidual is helpless. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in creatii g the corpo rations that are members of the anthra cite eoal combination and of the trunk line pool, vested them with the right of eminent domain and other franchises ot Dublio nature. They owe oertain duties to their creator and one of these is to avoid infringement upon the rights of individuals, and of the general well being of the State. Their interference with.. the natural current and condition of trade has been in violation of what is believed to be sound publio policy and against the best interests of the State.- It prejudices the public and oppresses individuals. It is perversion of the purpose fV.r which they were created. These facta whioh have been rcpartea-to me ana measurably- authenticated, I deem of sufficient importance to reier to you for our consideration, and for tu h ac tion as the circumstances may warraDt. " It is understood that attorney general Caasidy will at once proceed against ti e coal pool, but in whit m&nn r be fits not vet decided. This is cont'd '.re d one of the most important steps ever t k jn by the State administration, and was ne t decided upon until after very careful consideration. pllt l an-Dollar Mot. Baltimore Bun, Sept. 29. A new departure in the matter of counterfeiting mon y was brought to light at the United states sub-treasury in Baltimore a few days ago. A somewhat worn ten-dollar govern ment bill was presented at the cashier's window, with a request for change, which was given The note was sent to Vahirgton as mutilated currency, and was returned with the information that one si le of tbe note was good, but tbe other Bide was a well executed ouutert ntor the origma'. It was found that a genuine tcn-doLUr bill had been split, the fwe being septr ated from the baek, a seemingly impos sible undei taking. The original fioe with a counterfeit back had been used, and it is quite likely that the genuine ba-k with a well executed counterfeit face has been passed in some other quar ter. More recently another ten-dollar "front" was prwuted at the cashier's window, with a similar request for ohange. The olerk at the window, sus peoting the bill, told the man who handed it in to wait a moment until he oould consult Dr. Bishop, the sub treasurer". Dr. Bishop recognised iu the note the familiar game and said it was worth just $5 When the clerk re turned to the window the man had left without waiting for hii change. The sub-trensiry, whioh was out $5 on the first transaction, was evened up by the second. Proai. Hon. George Davis and family have rcturnc-i t j v umington. after spending t'.ieir nnn.rocr among tbe mountains of uentorn,. North Carolina. Berjainttu Bilbry, a highly respected frnicr, of Nash oonuty, died 9 hin 76' h year, one day last week. Frof. Collier (Jcbb is at Cambridge, pursuing a special course of study in nataral history. That genial and always popular gen- ' mf A KJ tleman, Capt. Dallas T. Ward, has gone on a trip to the beautiful valley of Vir ginia, famous near and far for its lovely girls. Whether Capt. Ward's trip is on business or pleasure, is not known here. Mr. D. B. Avera is sick. Judge E. T. Boy kin was here yester day; Maj. S. M. Finger, superintendent of public instruction, returned yesterday, after ten days' absence at Newton. Among yesterday's arrivals at the Yaiboro were W . B. dhephard, Esq., Eden ton; Mr. 8. H. Manning, sheriff of New Hanover county. The TJ. 3. signal sergeant, who is here on a sp'oial duty detail, is W. O. Btiley. lio is an effioer of experience, having been been in the s-rvioe fifteen years. He came here from Knoxville. If ftaaible, the signal station will be at the -tate experiment farm, or it may be in the agricultural building. The sig n'ls will, in any event, be displayed in the city ; Mr. Washington Bryan, president of the Atl&ntio and Worth L arohna rail road, is here, to remain until Monday Hon. Ai M. Waddell has left Wil mington - for a canvassing tour. Ho speaki first in Asheville. He has ap pointments also in the Fourth and Sixth districts, and the Star says he will probably speek in the First. The Wilmington Star says : "Mr. F. W. Clark, so loega popular resident ol this city, has removed to Raleigh, much to the regret of 'the boys.' The dutief of his position as general freight and passenger f- agent of the Seaboard Air-Line require a more central loca tion.. Hence the change." Charles! M. Bnsbee, Ecq., has re turned from Boston, where he attended the sovereign grand lodge I. O. O. F. He rays the parade there was the grand est pageant he ever witnessed. While at BoBton he addressed a very large and highly cultured audienoe and certainly made a speeoh whioh reflected honor updn him, his order and his State. Death oT Mr. Rpcacar L. Blddl. After a lone illness, of nearly two years, Mr. S. L. Riddle died yesterday afternoon. about 2 o'clock, at his resi denoe, 218 South Harrington street. In November, 1884, he Was s'ricken with paralysis.; while a clerk in the office of the register of deeds. He never re covered from the stroke and was in fact helpless. About six weeks ago he began to fail and death was almost dally expected. Mr. Riddle 'was 67 years of age. He was born at PittBboro. He was clerk of Chatham court at onetime. Later he was teller in the Charlotte branch of the bank of North Carolina, until the close of the war, and was af terwards teller of the First national bank there from ita organisation until 1869. He had resided here since 1870. He was a member of Person street Methodist church, a devout Christian and a true man in all of life's relations. The funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, from Person street Methodist church. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. A Kllllac Frost at Daavlllo. Danvillb, Va., Oot. 2. There was a heavy frost in this section last night. Reports from the surrounding oonntrj are to the effaot that one-third of the crop still in the field f lowland tobacco is damaged by the frost. Cot. Alfrod Kowland, Democratic nominee for Congress in the sixth Congressional district, will ad dress bis fellow-ck'zens at the following times and plaees: Pineville, Tuesday, Oct. 5. CVarlotte, (at night Tuesday, Oct. 5. Matthews, Wednesday, Oot. 6. Lilesville, Anson oounty, Thursday, Oot. 7 Little's Mil's, Richmond county, Fri day, Oct. 8. Laurlnburg, Riohmond oounty, Sat urday, Oct. 9. Albemarle, Stanly county, Tuesday, Oct 19. Big Lick, Stanlv oounty, Wednesday, Oct. 20. Mt Pleasant, Cabarrus county, Thurs day, Oct. 21. oplar Tent, Cabarrus oounty, Fri day, Oct 22. Concord, (at night) Friday, Oot. 22 I havb secured the entire control of South Corolina", "North Ca-olin" and "Virginia" on a Piano that I can offer to my customers at the low figure of $190, $225. $275, including stool aud cover and freight paid. These pianos will be Bold on an extremely low mar gin. Don't miss this chance but ord r one and get a bargin. Sent on fifteen days' test trial. Orgrns from $45 op to $50. Address J L Stone, Raleigh, N. C. xio w tlivine a t hiug a woman may be made," when hsrcJdi cund by Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, i - "Mother, may I go out to fish t " Ne, no, my little sonny, i You know you've got a swollen foot, My precious little honey' But they got a bottle of Salvation Oil, and he went and eangu an esJ, and ate It Uxe a man CompllmemttDit Balctarh Harktt. The Durham Recorder says and says truly, in its issue of Friday : "Tho cot ton market of Raleigh will be on a big boom this season! We can see no rea son why Raloighj should not be the best cotton: market uMthp ."jute. A correspondent of the Recorder, writing from Ktleijgh say: "The to bacco market is rpen. and aa brisk as eould be exppctdjd. ; Of course no very lirge amount off now tobacco will go to market at once. And, then. nearly all the farmer around Rkleiigh, who raise tobaoc co ,alfo cotton anil olthe r crops very large ly. JuBt now thqj are heavily pressed to gather tbeseororjs, and as they are more easily marketed than tobacco -they na turally find ' their way to market first, leaving the preparation of tobacco for the market later on it the" season. There will bo a great leal of tobaco on thia market during tfee season; as there is a large amount raised The penitentiary farm las 100 acres planted in tobacco. Capt. Coke has twenty acres in ihe weed. Farmers have gono into it large ly. You can thus see that the tobacco prop of Wake if no email matter." IICITKMf NT IX TBXAS. Great excitenaeit has been cauced in .the vicinity t Paris, Tex., by the remarkable re -covery ol J JC. C&rley, who was fo helplesa be could not turn in bed, or raise bis nad; everybody ald he was dying ot Conumt.tion. A trial bottle of Dr. K log's New Discovery was sent Liiu Finding relief be bought a large bottle and a box ot Dr. King's : New Life Pille; by tbe lime be bad taken two ho 'cs of Tills and two lottles of the Discovery, he was well and had gained in flesh tbirty-t4x pounds Trial Booties of tbis Great Discovery or Consumption free at all drug stores. I havb just returned from tho North. While there I bought sev eral new piance. which I would like for the public to call and examine; also a laige number - of organs. Piacos to rent. These foods were bought low for cash, and will be sold the same way. J. L. Stonb's, 216 Fayetteville street, Raleigh, N. C. ' A Prosldoutual ppolnlmaat. Wabinotqn D C, Oct. 2. The Prerideijt today appointed Joeeph H. Wsgner to be fenion agent at KiOx- signed. ; ' IBlier mora quicfcljr than any other kr c m rem-1 TUB Greatest Cora on Karth tnw nrniC Kieum&;t8m, AiraJcna.1 Bums Scaida, eufi, LombarlJ to, Henri:, Hores. I roat-Utn,! .tirlatica. WotmcJ neadaeh ? ill t?a. a bcttio. 8oia by al. facKtirJ'a Bljr.ahire. A. O. Ktycr &. La SoleS 4Jct , T1.- . .1 , . . . 1 DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP i For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup; Asthma, Bronchitis, Whoopicg Congo, Lncipiert Con gumption, anil for the relief of con sumptive persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Salt by ail Drug. gists. Pricey 2g cent. Edwakd Fasnach, RALEIGH, N. C. k ? 9 Gold and SUfer Watches, American and Imported. and imitation Diamond Jew- I. elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement f ; Rings, any size? and weight. Sterling Silver Ware for Bridal Presents. oaaaaaaaaaiaB Optical Goods A jSPECIALTY. t Spectacles an lye-glasees in Gold, .Silver i Steel, Robber and Shell Frames. Lease, white and tinted, in endless varieties. Seals for Lodges, Corporations, eta- Also Badges and Medals for Schools and Societies made to order. 1 Mail orders promptly attended to. : Goods sent on selection to any'part of the State. fpf Old Gold, snd Silver in small and large quantities taken as cash. dly. Startling Pacts. ! YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO THEM. The following appeared in a recent issue of the "New ork fommircial Bulletin:'' I'An expert ekaniintd and reported upon a ssinple ot Weteri. Kefined Ltrd tbe other day, which he sjaid did notcontjin a pockb o boo fat, but crtisif ted of tallow, grease, sot tpn ed oil, and olee "tearine. ' -A druminer,cmnent2ng upon the expof urea being made, revmrked: ''Consumers dor t care what i in 1 be bird, so it is cheap.?' Ia view of tee store facts went it pay you to cart fully extuuine the lard in your kitchen and be sure votf are ntit using the d) Itera ted aniclcrUeodor from it when hot betrays it. ; Apply the above tests or any other tost to j CASSAWS I &7&R BR&ITD LARD i i 1 and see for yoisrsel that it is what we guaran-. tee it it to ABSOLUTELY PU11K. For sale1 by ladlng Grocers. . Q. CASSARD & SON, ? Baltimore, Md, Agent fr Kaleigb, B. H. Woodell,so 1 m n alVa ' 1 B-r xr l',-r I" -IiP w h n E mW I 4m MWTit i iU is Jeielef and Optician i