- r "- ! ! I f J a. - I- VER and VOL. XX VII. RALEIGH. N. C... WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 13, 1886 NOv124 li ' I 1 S - M - ;-! News The Absolutely Ruro. it Dus powder never I varies, t A marvel of rtty, strength ud wbolesomeness. More eonomi) than ordinary fciads ud eainot b Id Id competition with the multitude of low set, h-rt w ight, !um orpb'iiiaMpowdtn Old sij in eana. Rotjo. R.csd Powds O., 18 Will Stwt, Nrw Yorkj i t 4e 1;WCAB Bu-odjJ, iorr 1 . " -i . r -v j is Wood! Impure Blood J I I' ' 'II Weak, Watery, Vitiated f Stag nant. f I Impoverished Blood I Wl.atTeuliat WTiatfoUovtlhbetnditionf : Impaired dUjetlion. Lots ion appetite. . .Low y Itrmgth. ; Languid Reeling. Hectic ever. Pallid or ftwkedl ckedct. .'ritfjiou. i irea&aest o miicfei. i " I J " ! ! is Bio a lid of horror Fiat wsioM differing. And all can be cuijedf, and the suffering entirely relieved, by: oSersimple and perfect remedy. j That remedy ia -i :! "; !'! Brown' Iron Bitter, The moat perfect Hood pwiju made. Composed ; of vegetable remedies of well-nown alterative and purifying properties, ao combined with theetrength eniug elements of iron, and wtyhput the use of whiskey, thai its action is directly HKn the blood, removing all imparities, strengthening and vitalizing it, inciting it to healthy action, sending ii coursing through the veins and artcfrif of the body with a vigor and life th aX Quickens and enlivens the whole systemi It re moves the, pallor of the cheeks checks the fever. . destroys languor jfiirnishes strength to the body, aids dij nation, cre ates an appetite, and rest ret' health-. This result alwavs follows the use of i i i. : Brourtt's Iron Bitter, ' A ' ' '. which, in famishing the vital fluid wifh its life-giving principles, removes and ' prevents eruptions, and giviei renewed strength to the muscles. j Dp not delay I The impurities in your blood, if not corrected by the use of ; . r i II- 1 Brown? Iron Bittertf : . ; ill':, will cans a general debility of fanr whole system. Yonr stomach will become dis ordered; dytpcjmia tout tndgtttion will add their horrors toyour sufierfng; weak kidney, and tluyguh, taoeu teer, will result, and increase the dangers which already threaten joa. ; if But if you have neglected 11 earnings, and your whole system has become thus disordered disorganised and; diseased, do not despair. There is still ipeforyoa if you will now be wise. In Brown's Iron Bitter i . Ml : lies that hope. Use it freety,' and you will soon see an improvement in your condition. Continue the use and you will become well. . Brown! s Iron Bitten strengthens your kidneys, relieves the clogged iliver, drlTas out the bile, and the whole sjtem U re paired, reorganised and rebuilt; Health and ttrength,' kappi4el and long life, may be yours if you will use :.' ; I ft ) Brown' Iron Bitter. i Can be obtained anywhere;. ; Pric ly one dollar a bottle.. ; 1 1- Prepared by the Brown Ckeyxieal Cfe, Baltimore, ML i i s s : i 1 j ' ' 1 We lave sold Q. Casaard Son's lard al mott ezctustvely for nearly oeventeen years and deem It decidedly 4he beat on the 'market. O. Q. COfiNWEUj BON, The leading fancy grocrrs of WashtnKton,D.(7 ' We have bandied caasard's "Star Brand'o lard for a considerable while and find tttd suit our customers better than any other lara we ever hudled. They like lit so well th we have about abnd ned all ottv-r brands. w. b. Mann co., ftikigu, n. c. We hve been using O. Caaaard t Son's 6tar Brand" Jar.i in our trade (or the past eight nonths and: find tt give better aatisf ac tion than any we have ever used and we have tried abouCak, W. E. HBWBmM A CO.. i: Ealelgh, N C afassaa. Q. CaSJisD So: -, It aflords u great pleasure: and satisfaction to te enabled to endorse the menu of your lard.. Since lSofl we nave used, In oar ex tended trade, and most eonfldeutty recommend jt as the purekt and best we hare ever handled ta our experience?' 1 ! ? . iiUaSTlAS W9T k CO., The leading fancy gruCara f Blohmond, Va. t vrvm ooh bo. s Nerth Howard street, Kaiamon, naantataurraof wire raJllaarifor CaateUrli a, u.i.w.niaa. 8ievs,Fsndri Cafea, Woods and teal acresaa. Woven Wlra, Iroa Bad- s a a. sT aaae, ; NEWS OBSERVATIONS. .j-Fihe Bteel vo'traita of Hendfrieks can be had for $10 aa soon ; as the new bills are issued. -t-Bismarck ist downed by bis goat again. It is one enemy that he ean't polish off with needle gun or a Krupp eannon. ; Tbere 3 j.0 Southern ootton mills at work, as against 161 six years; ago. Prod notion has been increased ;frpm $1$ 388,568 to $30,726,150, or 88 per oeni : f j. ,--When the news spreads generally through the oountry that the Yukon river mines have paid one thousand dollars a man, there . won't be enipty vessel Balling np the Alaska coast, j . . ,f-A report oomes from London that the Lord Mayor's fund in aid of the suf ferers by the Charleston earthquake, not haying reached $15,000, is practi cally elosed. ' And yet $15,000, prop erly appliod, is not to be despised,; -Three of the New York boodle al derben, Sayles, : Farley and Fallgraff, are in the field for renominatiou. - Two of .hem will have a chance for vindica tion in the courts before election day. r At a politioal convention in Con neetioit things got in a snarl, when a man stood up aud cried out, "I .am a stranger," and at once half the dele gates left the: hall. It was discovered that it was the hailing cry of a secret organisation, supposed to be the Knights of Labor. -It has been proposed in the Epis copal convention now in session ia Chi cago that the houses of bishop and deputies should petition the President of .the United States to appoint Thanke- giting day more in conformity with the reaping of the harvests, which Would advance the date of the festival two or hree months.' ii-The frightful indignities that th atest victim of a Mexican outrage hat been subjected to are calculated to make the blood of any American citizen boil. Mr. L'alumbua Brown, a resident of fi Texas, has been punished fpr an onence committed on; Mexican Foil; by a sentence to hard labor, this hard "labor being the duty of lighting the street amps of raso del Korte, attended by tw policemen to see athat he does bis wotk properly. It is a peculiarly Mexi can labor-say icg contrivaooe to, send twjft men to make one work, but anv ell-regulated Mexican had rather as sist to carry the lamp-lighter around on aw sauuiuers uuu to ugni ue amps nunseu. j i .: : : i f " It ia said that an arraneemerit hts been made anions the oountv democraov afld Tammany Hall whereby there will be a union democratic ticket in New. York this fall, from the mayoralty down. By toe agreement entered into the cr unty I aemoeraoy u to oe allowed to select the candidate for mayor to run on a anion democratic ticket from the names 6t ex mayor Edward Cooper, j comptroller Doew, and George W. Qaintard,?presi dent of the Charleston steamship line, aid is to be permitted to name the can didate for the supreme court ber.ch or for thi vacancy in the superior jcourt. Tammany Hill is Jo ratify the choice of the oounty democracy for mayor and for oe or other jot the judgsbips, and in re turn tne county democracy oounty con vention is to endorse TammaDy's can didates for the remaining jadgsbrp and far register. A notion is also to be had inmost if not all of tboCongrosviorial and assembly districts on candidates for Con gress, the assembly and the board of aldermen. t - Fabrics w ith special i trimmings , suon a poroers,; bands, or stripes, are m nign iavor, l ae underskirt " twualiy trimmed witn tne bands, Wnile tne up- per part of the costun e -the polonaise, redingote, or tuhio and basque is made of the plain material. Many skirts have plush stripes of several colors and writh these skirts the upper portion of the dress is made ot wool etamine.sicilienne, camels' hair,or anj other softly-draping fabric. Among woolens, those! with bouclo bands find most fayor just now, the stripes 'being used for the Under skirt, the plain overdress being trim med in a score of different wys with the detached bands. j i aSd DUtriet. Staff Correspondence. Mocks villi Davie Co. N.C. Oct. 11. : The democrats of the 83d senatorial district Saturday last nominated Adol- phus Kapp, Esq., of Surry county, for the senate. . i i Tho democrats of Surry! at the sune time! nominated Shadratjk Franklin, Esq J for the house. i ? Mi1 Kapp is exceedingly popular and will, St is said, carry hisl district by a large majority ' ; ; Mr. Franklin is a grand nephew of Gov. Franklin and inberitf, it is -said, very many of the excellent qualities of his distinguished aaoes tor. IV a. TLe Kaatera Baptist Aaaaclla. The Eastern Baptist Association has been iu session at Clinton three days- Rev.rJ h Stewart was noderator. Hey. J. T; Britt, clerk .All j the churches have gained in membership. M- John E Ray reported eighty M11 ionlries at work iu the Btate. : The female; school 'at Oxford, Morfreesboro; 1 homasvtlle od f?Lelby are in a proipi roui oondi tioni Wake Fumfptntd with. 80 stu dents and has gllS 000 invested endow ment. Toe, Baptist j orphanage at Thomat!vUle has si cured $15 000. fbree buildings are completed, the foundations of five others are faid and there are fifty children attending this excellent institution These facts are gleaned from an interesting report of the association proceedings, made by Rev. Dr. i U. Pritohard W the Golds- boro Messenger. THE KNIGHTS. A : SYNOPSIS OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS. SOWS AHIVCsUNTB TO THI CONJTITCTION - MiSK AND OTBIK8 PR0PO8KD Richmond, Va,, October 12. The Knights of Libor convention mot at 9 o'clock this morning and took hold of the business presented with a determi nation to push it through and at least make an endeavor to bring the sessions to a close within the two weeks allotted as the time the convention should fit Since the adjournment of the assembly, Saturday, the various committees have been actively engaged in considering the matters referred to them. The fore noon session was mainly ocoupied in re ceiving reports from these committees and taking action on them. The ses sions of the convention were today in terrupted by workmen taking posses sion ;of the hall to prepare; for tho con cert to be given tonight by 'the First Massachusetts regiment drum, fife and bugle corps, for the joint benefit of the Pb if. Kearney pout memorial fund and the Lee camp soldiers' home. Tho band aooompanios the John A. An drews post, G. A. R., of Boston, now here on a visit. DuriDg the morning session the re port of the committee on law was pre sented. It recommended change in the constitution by which tho executive board -shall consist of the general mas ter workmen and six members, . no two of whom (hall be from. the same State. This, part of the report was adopted. It was also rec mmended that the office of the general secretary and treasurer be divided. No action was taken on this part cf the report. ifc fore adjournment it was stated that amendments to the constitution were in order, hut owing to the lateness of the hour; none were presented.: The assem bly at one o'clock adjourned until to morrow morning. This afternoon and evening the com mittees will continue to work on reso lutions, . etc., awaiting ; presentation to the assembly. 'fwrlwna Danger Apprehended. Nw Oelxans, Oct. 12. -The easterly winds.which have prevailed for the past few days, caused Lake Pontohartrain to fill -with water from the gulf and the gale yesterday from the same direction caused an increase of lake and tide water overflowing the marshes in rear of the city and filling the canal banks full. A break in the old basin levee, on Broad street, was reported at mid- n 12 tot last nigbt. The velocity of the wind is thirty-six to forty miles per hour and inoreuisg. A HarrletM Blavlas WMtwnI. Wabhikqton, October 12. (Special Weather Bulletin.) The storm oentre yesterday moving south of Pensaoola has moved slightly to the southwest, and is now central south of Louisiana. High nortneast winds are reported from the coasts of Florida, Alabama. Mississippi and Louisiana. Severe northeast gales are indicated for tonight off the coast of Texas. - Ttos Strike Increasing-. Chic Ado, Oot. 12. The strike at the yards has spread, the latest men to go oat being 110 employees of the Union stock yards transit company. Of these sixty-six are section hands and the bal ance work in the blacksmith shop. The shop has been closed. The company nhfifiaft 41An t.liat tliAw tan. 1 A k.. 4a work ten hours per day, and they re fused This has not as yet interfered with the business of the company. Cbtaa . aad France. London. Oct. 12. The St. James Gaiette says although France thwarted the Vaiioans scheme to form relations with China, the Chinese envoy has sent : the rope a very friendly: message from his government in regard to France's position. The St. James Gazette uc serta that China is resolved to teru.inie the protectorate at all costs and that the Frinch must either abandon it Or forci bly maintain their pretensions. Prlae Alexaader's Btaaaiaa Eaeanle. St. i Pktiufbpho, Oct. . 12. Four leaders of the party who were engaged in the kidnapping of Prince Alexander of Bulgaria have arrived here. They arc Demetritff, Parkoff, ; Tyankoff and jvavalott lney attribute the success of (he counter revolution which restored Prince Alexander temporarily to the throne to a fainthearted desire of Grueff to avoid bloodsned. inis they say pre vented him from causing the arrest of the opponents of the Russian designs, i Railroad- .flatters. , ; Naw Yobk, Oot 12 A directors' prrty of the Ljouisville & Nashville R. R. has returned from a trip to Liouisville. Pr side nt Mott-n says the earnings of the. company are very gratifying and there is every indication! that they will be maittair.ed. The not ear likes for July, Augnst and September, he says, show an increase of $400,000 over last year Milton H. Smith, a former presi dent, has aocepted the oihoe of vice president. Two Katrine XtuekX Mr, Washington, D. V.t Oct, 12. A Gaitherblurg ' accommodation train which left here at 10 "'clock this morn ing Over the metropolitan branch of the Baltimore & Ohio road, was run into near Silver Spring station, about nine miles above this oity, by an eastern- bound freight train. Both locomotives werO wrecked and the , engineer of the freight train and his fireman Were badly injured. Three passengers wore severely I bat not fatally hurt, Homicide at Wi . A HAN KILLXD IN A BAR KOOlf . 8pecial to the NwaD Obseryhl Winston, N. 0. Oot 12. A. 0. Snipes, who keeps bar on the outskirts of the town, shot and killed Jesse Smith last nigbt. The shooting occurred in a bar-room, the qaarrci having begun in a house of ill-fame. Smith was : a desperate man and has killed his man. Bnipes gave himself up and an investigation is now going on. Ex-SllBlater Jackson's Return. Chicago, Oot. 12. A special from El Paso, Tex., says: Henry R. Jack son, ex-minister to Mexico, leaves here for his home, near Atlanta, Ga., this morning. He said to a reporter last night that he had nothing more to do with the : Cutting case: The mat ter is in the hands of the State depart ment and will be disposed of there. "Since my resignation I, of course, had no connection with the matter and can not say how Mr. Cutting's ease now stands." About Mr. bedgwick and his alleged escapade in the oity of Mexico, Gen. Jackson refused positively to say anything. :; Hew York (jotlen Future. Nkw Ykk. Ootober -12 Grec nr & Go's, report on c jtton futures say The market has' been quite unsettled, and opened a little tame. There was after ward quite" a demand, on whieh values strengthened several points, accom panied by buying orders from the South. Suddenly, however, the temper Of the market changed and went off sharply some 6a7 points from the high est, closing easy, a fraction below last evening, owing to free selling by earl; buyers. Hew Orleans In Bnng-er sf Innndstlu. Naw Orlians. Oct. 12 The easterly faie continues, doi utue aamage nas een done in the oity. The lake and shell roads are submerged, and Spanish Fort is flooded. At shell beach the water is a foot deep on the railroad track and the inhabitants nearly all left for the city last night. The Louisville & Nashville railroad from Mioheaud to Pearl river is inundated and several bad washouts are reported. The company is making efforts to keep toe rails in line. The telegraph wires along this section of the road are all down. Hulaaria's Pweslbl Mnler. St. Psts&sbcbq, Oot. 12. It is an nounced today that Prince Dolgorukoff is about to go to Copenhagen on a special mission. This news has served to re- vine renort that Prince Waldemar of Denmark, will be selected for ruler of Bulgaria. y i's wtniit atnsu. St. Pitibsbcbo. Oct. 12 The In valids Russo announoes thatsupplcmen tary regulations for use m the contin gency of the calling out of the army and navy reserves nave been issued. Kaulaars Is Certainly Hated. Sofia, Oot. 12. Gen. Kaulbars has -arrived at Varna. He was received there by i a pro-Russian deputation, which greeted him with cheers, sub sequently he proceeded to the .Russian consulate,; Which was surrounded by a threatening crowd. It was necessary to place a military patrol at the oonsulate to protect it. nas Bla; Clrens and drand Nashville, Tenn., Amerieaii Oct. 8. Barnumfs circus has again come ud eone. 'xnousands ox neonie witnessed the grand i street parade, and the im mense triple ring tents, covering acres of ground, was filled to their utmost capacity, j Between 3U.UUU and 4U,l'U0 people paid their way in yesterday. Th'S tromAiiflnria Rrfiwd onlv ennalled that which gathered at the previous exhibi- tion of a few months airo. It is estima- ted that upon the two days Mr. Barnum aggregated from this vicinity nearly 850,000. i Everybody who attended pronounces the exhibition the most im mense and thoroughly entertaining that they had ever seen exhibited under tent. -Nobodv was disannointed. but everv- body thoroughly charmed. The trained horses. Denies, foats. hotrs. elephants. camels, dr medaries and sebras were op to the billed statements and were all duly appreciated. . There were about one di sen clowns, and ail of them were great. Some of them were talkers, otheis in ! pantomime did their paralyx ing, but all were funny. The balanc ine feats; high wire descents, the trained dove exhibition by Mile, Airah, the parallel and horizontal bar displays, the t questrian acts of Madame Cordova MirsiViola Rivers, OmnHollu and and Don Geronimo Bell, the Scottish games and sports and the like possessed their aooustcmed delight. "Tho beautiful Mifes Julian, contortionist and chair gymnast, 'was the star of the entertain ment and received a deserved ovation. In the exhibits of trained animals "Tom Thumb," ; the great dwarf elephant clown, was a show in himself. The wind up was the most attractive part of the performance, ana consisted ot a number of exciting and hard contested horseback, two-horse bareoacx, pony pbss'on, ! monkey wheelbarrow and chariot tracts. J he concert, also, was successful far beyond what is ordinarily furnished Brnum's circus leaves hosts of friends in Nashville who will be delighted to see it return in the near future. a I can save you from $40 to $75 on a piano, aqd from vsv on an organ, These are fets that cau be proved; all it will b -st you is a postal card, for prioes and terms. Just think of it, piano at $1BU or an oran at $ru. Terms cash, or tj to 12 month a time Now try me. Address J. xi Stone, general I agent for Virginia, North and Soath Carolina; Raleigh, N. 0. t FI ERY FEA1NCE. BOULANGER ALREADY POSING AS THE MAN ON HORSE BACK. 1 A STRICT TABOO OF ALL THtKOd UKKMAN t AND WAR FIILlNa HEQU. Paris, Oct. 12. There is a vivid growth of war feeling in Franca The Boulanger party have began the issue of two new journals, La Revanche and L Soldat, to advocate au offensive poli cy, in vindication of the old military prestige of France, Gen. : Boulaogcr, however, disowns any connection with the papers. M. Laredon, military critic, writes to the Figaro that Gen. Boulangerhas pre pared a well conceived plau in conjunc tion with a stiff officer of high rank, for . mi n a . a contingent eanpaign. ine jiintaire says that lien. Uoulanger desires war, not for the purpose of recovering Alsao , not to gratify personal; ambition, but as a step leading to the so lution of the social question. The strictest taboo of everything German is beinc observed. M. Lcckrey, minister of commerce, has ordered the tho police to prosecute all persons selling boxes of I toys imported from Geimany and con taining a map of France j without Al sace. Winston Kswsi Special Cor. to the News and Observer. Winston, N. CI, Oct. 9. The body of the woman,! Miss Mary Kr. rgcr, who strayed from! her home som9 time since in a demented condition, rna found in a creek a short dutacoe from town a few days ago. List night about 11 o'clock tho fie alarm aroused our cit zens,; hundreds of whem rushed to the tconeof the fire. 'h:ch was found to be tho Buxton & Lemly block . on Liberty street. The block consisted of five stores on the first floor, and the second story was used as a hotel or large boarding house, ihe fire company was promptly ob hand, aud did noble work, and through their ef forts the walls of the building were saved. The stores were occupied by R. B. Perkins, erooer. who had no in surance, l ut saved the most bf his stock; Valentine's auction house, no insurance, saved nearly all; C. Winxlio, restau rant and confectionary, saved his stock; Stewart's store and tin store, partly in sured, saved part of Btockj,and several colored people occupied one as a grooery, shoe shop, etc. The building was in sured. The greatest loss was to the large number of boarders In the hotel who were all poor and could ill afford to lose their little all Hon. James W. Reid 4nd bis tame opponent, 'Mr. Brower, speke here to day Brower s opera house; was crowd ed with an audience eager to hear the discussion, but while they were disap- pointea m oearmg any uis:ubiuu, kucy heard a grand, ringing, patriotic, demo cratic speech from Mr. Reid. Why I say there was no discussion was because Mr. Brower was totally unable to dis cuss anv point and was-no more in Jim Reid's hands than a, boy of ten years ould have been. Mr. Reid discussed the great and important issues of the day, and left those personal matters familiar to the reading public to others. Ho alluded to the charges iu a mild but sarcastic manner, and treated the sub ject like he does those who are trying to persecute him, with almost silent contempt. ' IT The revival is still in progress at the Methodist ohurch and the interest is unabated. About one hundred and seventy-five have been converted, a ma- 1 jonty of whom have joined the M. E onuron. PIBiONAL. Vivu engineer uuaiow ip again ui ui -!l A - 1 1 IV - : iL.l oiy aiber bcforai wceaa sviauvn ui. wo M'ii. . I Capt. Willie Gray, a graduate of An apolis and St present captain of the Forsyth Riflemen, did good service nth his boys in guarding property last nigbt after tne nre. j Joe Reid, who has been assistant auc tioneer at Brown's, has charge of the new warehouse at FayettevQle Mrs Q, E. Webb with her Jittle girl has returned from a long Visit to New England. : ; Gaw. BDreull Wiatatiiav The marriage of Miss Alice; C. Win ston, only daughter of the late if. ti. Winatnn Ran of VUrtirt I fan Mr. F. fl- gpruUlf , Md rising young iarw,Cr of Fraiklin ooun y. was quite an event in the ume-nonorea town oil Windsor. The eeremony was performed at St. Thomas' ohurch, according (to the beau tiful rital of the rro'cstlant Episcopal ohurch, by the Rev. Mr. Hilton, the pastor. At 11 o dock the morning of I the bth of Uot., as tno beautitul Btrains nf tha mAAtntr marflh nald forth from the orean. bride-eTecklentered the ohurch, attended by her brother, Mr F. D. Winston, meeting Mr.- Spruill, attended by his brother, Mr, William Spruill, in front of the altar, beneath an grana nouquet in me napo oi a norse shoe of lovely out flowers arranged with I exquisite taste and skill. The whole church was beautifully (decorated with evergreens and flowers. The bride was magnificently dressed .v i . r . . . in a garnet. siix, trimmed elaborately with brcoaded velvet. After the cere- moay at the churoh the biidal party, limited to a tew menus and relatives, repaired to the residence of the bride's mother, where they dihed. : In the a afternoon the happy couple set out for their new home in Franklin oounty, attended by many of their friends, who wished them Ions life and happiness I they bade thorn farewell on the deck of the steamer. X. Oxford NKWB Of TBJB WIXK. Cor. of the News and Observer. . Oxiord, N C, Oct. 9. Our little city has been quite lively for the past week. The tobacco trade, the driving wheel of our commercial system, has begun to move very briskly and hs quickened te motion of the thousand wheels of trade. Ihe new crop is being put upon the market, and owing to the riso in prices there was more tobacco sold here this week than been sold for many weeks pasti The out-look for the coming year is flatter ing indeed. Last nurht in the chap-. 1 of the orphan asylum the young ladies gave an enter tainment for the benefit of the Episcopal church, j consisting of a short play "People of one Idea, recitations and . . a a muio. The participants in tne.piay per formed their parts well; the recitations of Misses Rogers and Nina Horner dis played talent and cultivation; but the musical; feature was by fur most suc cessful, The ' instrumental music by Misj Hamnil, teacher in the Granville institute, afftl Miss Gaston, teacher in the Oxford female seminary, was both skilful and beautiful. Those oapableof oritimain scientific music proncunoed it th b-rst that Otf jrd has perhaps ever heiri. The vocal music of Miss Johnson, also teacher in the seminary, was per haps more generally appreciated than th i instrumental. Her voice has re- vai.i i. a a oe v.d tne b g best culture, and in ad dition to this it has a natural sweetness and strength which training can never prod ice but only develop. The au dience was enraptured, and she was en cored with great applause. There was a large house and the entertainment was a great success. Thursday at 2 o'clock the indefatig able little archer led to the hymeneal alt;r Mr. J. G. Bowling aud Mies Em ma Currin. After the ceremony the happy pair left immediately. through the oountry, for the home of the groom's father, in Irarham county. 1 hey carry with them the best wishes of a host of friends. Rev. Dr. Marsh performed the ceremony. The venerable, and much beloved presiding elder of the Methodist ohurch, Dr. N. H. D. Wilson, is now with us to hold quarterly conference. He is still quite foeble. As in immediate out-growth of the recent wonderful revival in the Metho dist church there has been a Y M. C A. organized here, with a large member ship , ; Miss Mamie L. Hatchett, who has been editing the "Southern Woman" iu Henderson, is to travel in the interest of the Orphan s Friend of this plaoe. Miss. Hatchett is an energetic and intel ligent young lady, and we are glad to have act identified with, our town. ilt. h J. Battle, son of Mr. R. H Bttle, of Raleigh, is here learning the tobaooo business, with a view to buying. Mr. Battle is a live, energetio young I man. and we are happy to have him ia l our midst. A. JT. ! Palelarb a atlas 1 rade. Correspondence of Thx Nxws in OBaxavxa. Kalxioh, N. O., Oot. 12. The Smithfield Herald of last week contains an artiole in whieh the writer admits that cotton in Raleigh brought 9 oenti, and the same day only o bO in Smithfield. The attempt is made, however, to apply balm to the omith- field man's wounded feelings, by saying the Raleigh seller vu oheated by the disinterested and sworn publio weigh ers, three of whom are, or have been, farmers. Evidently the writer of the artiole was a "new hand, whom Mr. Samuel Booker had picked np to run his paper, while he was more profitably employed selling bis ootton in Ral eigh. Mr. Booker, like every other well informed man in this part of the state, knows that Raleigh is headquarters for fop ,d domeatie buvers. and that O . ' ' . thfl naid here cannot be exaelled I " r --.r . . " - . " in any inland market in xiortn Caro lina. Our merohants and ootton buyers art exerting themselves to make this the leading market of the State, and it ia evident that growers of ootton are ap preciating their efforts, and meeting them half way. f f Our receipts of cotton Friday ani Saturday were 1,388 bales, and farm ers from six counties were on our streets. - A. A. T. Sapreaae Caeurt. Court met at 11 o'olock yesterdav morning, ana appeals irom tne seoona district were disposed of, as follows: Grant v. Reese, from INortnampton; continued. Singer Mfg. Co. v. Barrett, from Bertie: argued by Read, Busbee & Busbee for tho defendant; no counsel for plaintiff. Johnston v. rate, from craven: argued by W. W. Clark for plaintiff, no oounsel for defendant. . J- V?nn irom .von, arguet Smaw v. Cohen, from Craven; argued b? WW Clark for defendant; no ooun sel for plaintiff. Weathersbee v. Farrar, from Jtudgi oombe; argued by Batohelor & Devtreux for the plaintiff; no oounsel for defend ant. Lewis v. Albemarle & Raleigh grail- road from Edgecombe, argued by R. H. Battle and Jno. Devereux for plaintiff; no oounsel for defendant. The religious' riots still continue at TV 11 ! T J T . 1 .f- A '11 1 U. LftiMl, mtua. oeiiaea wiu uave mi scvp an eye open or lose its reputation. The Mayor's Message May we be pardon ed for requesting the mayor to incorporate In hs next message the fact that many of our most prominent citizens have been cured of rheumatism, neuralgia and kindred complaints by Salvation Oil, aad to recommend this valu able medicine. It must be good, for ever; body recommends it, We mean Dr. Bulis Cough Syrup. Price ZD T It will be sedu that the oonstruotion of the Oaelio language is peculiar, the "me" coming it long distance after the ''dam." Milwaukee Sentinel. fh Ornate Core on JCartii for rain." WHl rslia mora qi itucJfir than any otner know rra IT- RhoumalUm, AturUaia. wcflliif, BUff hrc. Frail, nenniT. noma, rron-avem, ftacbat Qntiwr, bore Throat, 'ootbad ta. m ta. a bUUe. Sold by ail atn ttaivtmm iPU Lean our Ti nlatil'rt Trtile-liark. ai oar fWMrtnttW at?mrira. A. a Jlnur at Cxx- Botoi tropristor. czss DR. BOLLfS COUGH SYR0P. For the cure cf Coughs, Colds, Hoarse-, nest, Croupi Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping orcga, incipiert con tsmption, and for the relief of coo samptire persons la advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by&U Drug Cista. Pricej as cextt TH1E GREAT BABGA1N STORE OF ALEIGH. 1 have Just retarned from New York, where I Have purchased the largest and cheapest stock of gbods aver brought to the Backet, Just as we havetaid all the time, roods cheap enough will selj themselves. This and this alone accounts for the tremendous trade at : . 1 the Backet. OUr goods are cheap and It is time that our aledge-haniTner bargains may be hard hitters for? those who buy and sell o 1 time, but they ar real blearing ti those who i a pay cash foil their goods. Gathered up bam the slaughter-pens of credit and laid at your doors with but one profit, you get , a dollar In real value in every dollar's worth 1 ' r ' ' ... you buy, measure for measure, dollar for dol- lar, at Uw Racket Store. The ere, it system ia a. system of sleepless sights of deferred hope, i ! Masted expectations, of bad debts, of dis- puled ledger accounts; a system which makes aa honest mam, who pays aad Intends to pay, support and pay for those who never pay. Tim merchant who sells goo U on time never !''. ) knows hew muih be ought to charge to bring i i him a reasonable profit on his goods, for the reason he never know what his losses will oe. i The Backet is cutting to the right hand and : - : ' I : to the left, knowing no Uw but the gieates 1 value for the least money. if ! 1 ' i This wer k w! will offer some good bargains iu umbnllaa Just from the manufactory, good 1 hanraina In ealA and llvr watefces. some blir I TO r ' " drives in clothlag, hats, sVoes and boots; also in ladies' and kisses' and enfdren's shoes. aad all kinds of Motions. . Moat respectfuly submitted to the cash Ua'te only. i W wfli open this week our second supply ot.llotaing ; BO Cas-lmere suits, a, great tatughter at J3, worth f 20 ; 6,00 yards Hamilton Calico, at ft cents per yard : worth, 7 cents. Some great bargains ia Gents' under wear and Jeans We are also receiving this week our second supply rt Millinery Goods, from Hill Bros New York : the most fashion able goods in (tula market. Tne ladies are particularly invited to call and examine my stock befoie purchasing, as I will save them . money In the goods. ' 1 V d NET PURSELL 1 OO., : 10 1C4 Maiw Rtrat. aBBSSaWSBBBBaWSBaaWSBBBaaWaWaWSBWSBaW E dward Faanach, Jeweler asil Optician RALEIGH, N O. Qold and Sliver Watches, .American and Imported. Beat and Imitation Diamond Jew- j elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement rMings, any slae and weight. Sterling Silver Wars for Bridal Presents. Optical Goods Aj 8PBCIALTT. ! Spectacles and lye-glasses In Gold, Silver Steel, Eubber ; and Shell Frames. Lenses, Whits and tinted, in endless varieties. I Seals for Lodges, Corporations, ate. As Badges and Medals for Schools and Societies made to order.. I Mail orders promptly attended to. ' Goods Sent on selection to any part of the State. 5' fSf" Old Gold and Silver in small and largt Quantities taken as eaah. Uy. FVV IIP. 13 ' i im JACKET STORE. 4-;' i 1 1 ? ! f i i 4 ' VtmamJt