Netvb ajstd j Obsebveb. ' .1 : Pcmjmm Dailt (xorr Mokdat) aid ; I Wmlt. ; ; Bx THE NEWS AND OBSESVKR Co. J. 1. MOREE, Enrroa. Dally mm year, nun, postpaid, ?. tlx month!, , S three ; " Weekly, one year, ; " $7 00 BO 1 75 00 1 00 nxmontu No name enteral without varment, and no nper lent after the expiration of time paid for; TUK8BAY, OOTOBERf 19, 1886. DJEJIOCBATIO TICKZIV : I s ; i von congeiss !: 1st Dint., Ijouis C Latham, of Pitt. P. K. Simmon, of Craven. Chrl.- W McClammy, of Fender. John w. Graham, of Orange. J as. W. Held, of Rockingham. Alfred Rowland, of Boheaon. John . Henderson, of Rowam . W. H. H. Cowles, of Wilkes. Thos. D. Johnson, of Buncombe. trd 4th 6th 6th 7th 8th 9th i for ran supbsmi ootrat BniroH : For Chief Justice. Hon. "W. N. H. Smith. For Associate Justices, Hon. Thos. 8. Aste and Hon- A. 8. Merritnon. $ VOK tHI SUPBKIOB OOUKT BIBOB: 8rd Diet,", H. G. Connor, of Wilson, j 4th 6th " 8th " 9th " 10th " 12th " fWelter Clark, of Wake, i , I. T. Boykin, of Sampson. f W. J. Montgomery, of Cabarrus. 3. F. Graves, of Surry. i A. C. Avery, of Burke. J. H. Mermnon, of Buncombe, fOR THI 0OUOITOB8BX7 '.: 1st Dlst, 3. H. Blount, of Perquimana. 3d W. A. Dunn, of Halifax. 8rd 4th 8th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th M M M . D. Worthington, of Martin. Sfcwif Galloway, of Wayne. SJ. A. Long, of Durham. -O. H. Allen, of Duplin. Frank If cNeill, of Kocklngham. B. F. Long, of IredelL -B. B. Glenn, of Forsyth. W. H. Bower, of i aldweO. F. L Osborne, of Mecklenburg. Q. 8. Ferguson, of Haywood. 11th " lath Bur JJotlh is talking again abou running for Congress. HI is one of the perennial candidates of the; country Coram Bin Folsom has been appoint? ea eonsm at Bhemeld, pungiand; on kis own inerits, too, and not because . of bis consulship. I 8oMi unpleasantness is! reported bo; tireen ibis oountrj and Spain, dae toi: decree putting It) per cent addition1 duty on Cuban prodnets Imported into the United States nnder the 8panjfcj flag. Spain is said to be disposed : retaliatei I ' ' I - to Tan Episcopal general oonTention at Chicago! decided, not to strike the words "Protestant Episcopal" out of tbe tit te of tbe chnxoh in America, i The rote on tbe resoUtion was 185 to 112. This in no donbt well. ! Tbe time bsj yetcciLe wtcn ito crurca cm tn rd to Tan Pfeeiccnt has beenf 0at bun tick in Wort Virginia, and ; brou gbt bome one daok, two dcien partridges, one qohq su,uirreis ana a iiriDg oi ntn Our ebief magistrate's foldnecis for field sports is not the least U'CS that ocnv mends him to oanlj men or that tends to explain his jintelketnsl atd mora atrengtb There is nothing like out of door rf creation for clearirg the fkcultiei and ghing one right vieTs of lif UaTildh 's nephews brc fiullj de terminedto contest tbe will- of ihe dca BUtesinsn. As tbe Newllk World saye: , If there was one man in tbe evon try irbo wu b'elieyed t possess tbe faeultj of drawing a will tliat would be proof . araiDBt lswjers tnst msn w?sj bow';r near be approaobed ihe ideal. j 1 i, ' 4 Biicnin hu 'oreated another senea- tion i by j deolaring in the h presence; of si London eongregati'n of min; isters and religious students of all denominations, that any one wbo beliered in tbe doctrine of eternal pas isbment and then got married, of went into society, or eren smiled was a monf ster.; Beecher is nothirg if not sensa-. tioral. i : f . ; , ' .: Tstn strike in. Chicago jwas di rceteid eselusively agabst tbe greai pork'packing establishment of, the Ar-f moors. Tet we1 see it recorded that these rich men, who are two brothers bavej founded a mission) ehArch and tobool in Chicago which promise to be stow great benefits upon the needy pub" lie , Ane DuuaiBgsaxe peariy reaay iot occupancy, and Unelude m nursery, fa kindergarten, a library, bathing room: and a free dispensary. The establish ment is to be maintained by the rental! of fifteen apartment houses now being erected for the! farposel at a cost oi. $10,000. Last night's telegrams indij cate that, the Armours f earned their point, which wa in brief ten hoars or: nothing. ' . . :. . I Thm reports from the eounty canvass are encou raging i Oar demooratio can didstos aro speaking dai'y: with fine off feet and the outlook for ibeir election is growing brighter constantly. The country prospects are so good indeed that tbe, question of demooratio success seems now to depend on the city vote. If our fllew-democrtsin town will but do their duty, the duty that they owe their party, that they owe their oounty cut ticket will be elected That duty is to vote the democratic ticket in . totoi aasoratched, unsp'it, to the lstmani Is aay appeal necessary, fellow-democrats t ; scour e a hearty napport of a" I our party nominnee ? 8hould not porsonal t prejudices, personal likes aod. dislikes, b-j puti aside when wo come to express oarselves with re gard to -great principle Let as see that every man of us votes the straight democratic ticket Then we will bare the satisfaction not only of electing men in whom we hate erory confidence and who will truly represent f this good oil county, bat of doing our w hole part to ward maintaining tbe principles of the 4emoeratie party which Shave brought 'rom a condition of defpair to one of A prosperity cqial o that of nay this, country, i L t not tne Krough any fault of OWpj f of Baleib. i StAjIlAX, TMnstosrw to ; samo. catATio wsTM. It should not be forgotten by open or eonoealed enemies of the- democratic party that the republican members pf the last legislature unanimously en dorsed ex-Go v. Jarvia and bis demo- oratie administration, Deing . without doubt forced to do so by the magnificent record made by the executive ; and the administration referred to. On the 22d of January, 1&85, a resolution was in troduced eommending Got. Jarvis to President CleTeland for a cabinet posi tion, and this resolution passed both the senate and the house without a dissent ing voice. Moreover several republican -I members in both houses made strong speeches in favor of the proposed action. Senator White, colored, of craven, saia: Mr. President: Ordinarily 1 should oppose a resolution oi trie xina, out x resrard this as extraordinary. ; i here are tunes when all party dicerences snouia disappear, and I should feel that I was dercl'ct to one of tbe most stored duties imposed upon me by those who sent me here, were 1 not to: give my vote in sup Dort of this resolution. Uov Jarvis has ben the governor of tbe whole people, and while my people differ frtm him in raoe and politics, vet he has done more tor them than any one wbo ver?graced tne governor b chair in Worth uarolina feal tli at tM" resolution should meet the hesrty sfp rt of ibis general is eetbbly; and I call uporievry member of my race v p u prsncnes.oi tms leg is ature to give it bis earnest favor.' Senato" Taylor 'of Edgecombe, said ho was triad to have the privilege of oistmsr a vote for the Hon i Thomas J. Jarvis. as indicated by the resolution; that he was a man noted for his ability and integrity. In the h use, Mr. Lookey, of New Hanover, said that he Would yield in Stat-; pride to no man, and that if by ant tet of his he ooald get a North Carolinian io President Cleveland's oatiaet, he was willing to contribute his m-tte; that he would much rather, recom mend some one to a position in Blaine's cabinet, but that as the American peo D'.e had ordered otherwise he should heartily endorse tbe resolution. He al laded to tbe fact that for twenty-five veais Nirtb arolina had not had e&biuet position, and said that foreign nations had oome to look upon tbo State as of small eonwquenoe. He should be hear tily glad to see the Stote re ceive such deserved recognition. Mr Bulla, of Davidson, endorsed what Mr. LoekcT had said. Mr. Henderson, of Wilkes, said that candor compelled b'm to say that while Gov. Jarvis waer.a democrat, he bad made the nest uor ernor North t arolina had ever had Mr. Thorpe endorsed the resolution Mr. Cole also endorsed the resolution and said that if Got. Jarvis had been candidate for United States senator that he would have got one republican vote (his own) if he got no other. Other republicans still endorsed the reso lutions and' spoke iin terms of nt fl nnhinp Araiae of ; Got. ' Jarvis hit friends and foes of the party read this reeord of endorsement wrung from tbe opposition by ; tbe exoellenoe of democratic administration. Let those particularly who rashly i think of stray ing from the party ' read and reflect on a state of government which extorts ad miration even from the bitterest politi cal Opponents,; and let them contrast the ehowiog with the shameful record made in this State by the republican party The resolution of endorsement was as follows : i 1st. That in the administration of his of fice for the last six years, Governor Thorn as J . Jarvis his demonstrated his posses sion of the rare, statesmanlike qualities of nnselflih devotion to duty, elear and well balatoed judgment, pre-eminent capacity to master and manage details, firm and unswerving principles Of recti tude, strong and vigorous intellect, un common nractical talent, farsighted plans for the public good, and indomit able perseverance and energy in carry ing them into effect, as illustrated by the remarkable progress made in the material and educational development of this State. : ; 21. That we eordially and earnestly Commend him to President CleTeland for a position, in his cabinet; and we would regard snob an appointment not oniy as a wise selection ox an aoie ana competent man. but as a deserved rec ognition of the eonseTTStism and dera tion to principle of the people of North Carolina. i ; Thb eagerness with which the people of Baleigh welcome any. project which seems to indicate progress shows that the- community rs s whole is aUre to improTement. . This being so, the water-works question should not be al lowed to sleep. The importance to the city of a water-supply lis not disputed, and since the tax-payers desire suoh a thing, as seems to be the ease, it ought to be had without unnecessary -delay. Every city interest demands a system of Water-works. ; The public health, the public oomfort, the protection of prop erty from fire,- the industrial interests all oail for it. Let the matter, therefore, be stirred up, in tbe interest of the whole community, and let it be kept' stirred Until Baleigh has a supply of pure water adequate for all purposes. Biisinivq to some e mments made by our esteemed contemporary, the New Berne Journal, upon a recent article in this paper, we desire to state that we were considering only the period of the duration of the present lease of the North Carolina railroad. We suppose a new lease can be made by the proper authorities si any time, just as a lease can be made of tbe A. & N. C. B. B. at any time. ; In that same article the Journal seeks to mix up the Governor of the State in its eountt polities, which shows how far it misunderstands the chief magistrate of the State. ; Oar contemporary asks us if we "ap P'ove" the course of some particular ci-iidn of New Berne who has taken the liberty, as we understand it, of support ing at least a part of the coalition tioket and of not supporting another part of is. White w woild be jtad eoe- ition ticket elected, we do not think it our province up here at Baleigh to ap prove or disapprove of what any partic ular democrat may 4o at Nvw Kerne, when a ticket is presented which, to quote frcm the columns of thf Journal, has been formally nominated end placed in the field by a regularly created icihiiuwi uvuiiuaiiuj in'uiouuuu uv "recommended and endorsed by the democratic convention," and which is Sartly democratic and partly republican. ut although we cannot admit the right of one lot of democrats to require an other lot of democrats to vote a tioket with democrats and republicans mixed, yet we would rejoice to see the demo cratic sentiment of Craven oounty rep resented in the legislature. Oa enquiry we learn that the exact faots about Mr. Nichols putting in a negro man and turning out a white clerk are as follows: A few days after be was installed as nostmaater. a white clerk retired and a negro was appointed a thereupon another white clerk cked whether he was to be retained, and Mr Nichols told him that he oould not re tain him, so he resigned. He thus sub stituted one negro man for t wo white clerks. He bad at the stme time another negro man employed as clerk Just before that the governme nt bad in creased the allowance for clerk hire 8500. Notwithstanding this iicreae, Mr. Nichols oouM not retain Mr Mc Donald, who had been in the office Gift years: but while he oould not retain Mr. McDonald, he did appoint a negro man. i m Tm Boston Herald, refe rring to our State weather service, jut established says the system is in advance of any thing the New England states enjoy and the New Orleans Times-Democrat says of our northern-born settlers' con vention: "oo sensible a movement, so auspiciously managed if bound to be successful, and to brir-g the State great benefits in labor and capital. Mortb Carolina deserves full credit for having taken this importer t step toward t ut ting itself and the wHle South in the best light, showing it to be an spplioant for immigration, and demonstrating its great natural advantages." ;Tfc m lb Tartar mil. In response to an irquiry we give th rote on the Morrison tariff bill. At 'half-past 1 o'olook, June 17, Mr. Mor rison moved that the House resolve it self into committee of the whole House on the state of the Union to eon sider revenue bills; and on that motion he demanded the previous question Mr. Spriggs. I call for the yeas and nays Mr. Morrison. I will withdraw tbe demand for the previous question, and ask for the yeas and nays. Mr. McKinley. In the confusion the motion of the gentleman from Illinois was not distinctly understood on this side, i Is the motion to go into the com mittee of the whole House on the state of the Union to consider tbe genera! tar'ff bill reported by the committee on ways and means T Mr. Morrison. That is the object of the motion. Mr. McKinley We join in request ing the yeas atd nays. The Speaker. The gentleman from Illinois moves that the House resolve itself into committee of the whole Home on the state of the Union for the con sideration of bills raising revenue ; and upon that motion the gentleman demands theyeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. The question was taken ; and there were yeas 140, nays 157, not voting 27 The following democrats voted ay : MeaWs. J. J. Adams, J. M. A.leo, C. M. Anderson, Kallt-ntiie ; Barbour, Ba'ksdsl , Bar-es, Bar. , B act, Balrm, Ben net , Blare' ard, Bland, BIoul t, ' . B Brecke -ridge W.J. P Breckenrdge, Burnes, H. num, Cabell, t 'aid well, ampb 11, P Hx Ompb ll, Osnd:e , Carletoo Ca rhicsrs. C'ardy, Clemtns,Oob6,Ucle,t5omptor,CV. m stock, Com 1 s, rain, Trisp, Cr ztoo, u' bfcisor, Dsnitl Dsra , A O. Ds'd cn K. H. M. Davidso) , DaMi , D bbi ,D .u ber ty, Duon, Fisher, Ford, Forrey, V U. Gibson, Kutttce Uibaon, O ats. Glover, W. J. Gretn, Ua!-, alsell, ; Hammond, Harris, Bard, Ump'inll. . Uendtaon, Herbert. Hewitt, H1H, Holman, Hwa'd Hudd, Hu'too, T. I) Johcstoc.J. H Jones, Knk: K e ner, Lad , La der, laih m, LoreLoTei insjx ry vi ah cev , slats o,Ma -bury, McOrttry, Vcttillao, McRae, Mil er. Mills, Mi'chi-il, M argin, Morris in, Neal, Neece. Nelson, N rwm , O-es. O Fen all, J J O'Weiil. uthat. Peel, Per't, Kea an, R R chird n. K vgi H b .rta n Rogtr', Budk-r, Bayers 8c.iJt, etymrur. bhaw, SingMon, Bkinntr. 8 yder.Spr oger, Charles 8te art, W J. Booc, K W. J. Stone; Mo . 8 im, Sua!., 8w re. Trsoev, raulbet.JM.Ta Kx,1 hn kmotoi.,Til!man, Townsbnd. Tugf, Tucker, Turner, V n Eaton, T. B. Ward J. B- WeT- , W 1 born,; Whce!er, Wi la W.lson, oinauf. Wis,, Wolfor-', W'orihirgton, Jo) n Q Carlis 1 he f llowlpif democrat voted not Arnot, of e Y r ; Bils, f Ne Yu k: Rov e, of Pecnsy vii- ; J E ( amr-liel), ofOalo; T J. tnpit.ll, o ' Kw Y rkj Curt to, of Pa: n..wloey, of Ne Y rk; E U berry, e-f O io; Eroitntr u', of P. n syl vanU; FinrWy,rf -arjland Fa an, f Ohi ; Oa , pf Louisiana; O dd t, of Oh o; l-iren, ti. t f ot bin Jerwy; d nley, 'of Calif or oa; Iron, of, LwV, of Vll noU; ,L Fivre, of U io: Ma t o, of Ala bama; McAloo. nf Ntsw Jerary:. Irleuimtn, of Wtw txrk; Mull r, f Ntw York; P cock, . ot ISww Jerse: ; P.uflar, t N w Yoikj Hardail, of P nnyivs"is: Keoey. o Uaio; Sowden, of Pcnosylsa: Spr g?sKof e l'ork; tttsb necked, f N-w Yrk; J. W. bn-wsr, of V ;m ni 8t. Mi t, o' Lon.sianai Vie e. o: N wYxk; J B Wrtt of 11 ioo s; A. J Wtroer, o: .Oii i; ktns, of Ohio The foil wing Dm 'era a did nt io'ei Mess a. Aiken, Kngg Coition, O x, D cktry, Kdcn, K dredjr , Fnd rira. Qa! , Ht ctt, J.T Joa s, Marpy, J. W Keld. , The followicg Rrtpunl'.ptn v td v: Jamer, cf New Yik, and V k fl Id, of Minoaoia I he following republic i"S oted no. Msrs U. Jfi Adams U. U Allea. J. A. AnCrtsoa, Alk neo, Baker, Kayne B!ngb-m, Ik und, BuutelU-, Jiralv, Browc,e T M,0 K Brow., W W B-wn, B'-umm, bucba' an, tiiick, B ino-s, B li ter worth, J M. Oimphtll, Oicoon, i-ongfr, Cooper, tVchton, Daverp rt, Dri; D nt ey,Dn, Du hamk fli , trt, v.r hin, Fiiq far, Fdton Fleeger, Fuler, Kunatoo, oa linger, Oiifll an, U if, Groe eoor, Uiou , Gueniber, llarmr, Had o, D. B., UinJerson. T. J U od is n, H- p Ou-D,: Herman, Hi es. UUcoik, Uulms, HokiLS, Jack on, F A. Johha. n, J ihn sob, J. T , Kelle, K-tch rr, Ia F Il-tt Laird 1 blb"b, Libbty,. Lind 1 y, Little i ng l'u it, Lyman, ikUrkbsro, Md 'omvs, MtfC-Sboa ilrKnky, Mil Urn, Mi'k keu, MJtl'rit, M rnlL M.rruw. N'gJer. O Dn- Bil, P'Harsy QHkU, (.aaricc, Qrtjtof, ' Owen. Parker, Payne, Payaon, Perkins, Peter a, Pbe'pa, Plumb, Price, Banney, Keed, T. P., Rice, Rockwell, tforoeiB, Rowell, Ryan. Sawver. Bcran'on, Hesnons, Emails, Hpooner. B eele, K. F. Btone, s ruble, b winbnrne, 8 , mes, K- B. 1 a Jo', u. layior, z,ach Taylor, J- " a mu, B. Th'mas, Thomps n Wade, Wadi worth, Wait, : Wallc Wr cr, iri m, J. Waver. Wsber. - Wirt, Wti iug. Wocrtbu'o. Tbe f'lllowiog re rubl;c n did not v e: Meers. Bunnell. Purle:gb. rsj-il Oanbaok, Uayues, Hieeiacd, Hilt, Ll' i k, Peuibone, Pirce. btepbenson Van tcuaick, A. V. h te, White. MUo i 138 democrats voted for the bill. 35 democrats voted against the bil. 2 republicans : voted for tthe bill. 122 republicans voted aainst the bill. The following named members were announoed as paired until further no- tioe: i : Mr. Piree with Mr. Bragg, on allpo- litioal questions. Mr. Jones, of Alabama, with Dir. Burleigh. Mr, Burleigh, if present, ould have voted against the considera tion of the tariff bill. Mr. Jones in favor of it. Mr. Frederick with Mr Hnbaok. Mr, Hall with Mr. Bunnell. Mr Dockery with Mr. Houk. Mr. Cox with Mr. Haynes. If pres ent, Mr. Cox would have voted for the consideration of the tariff bill, ' Mr Hayncs against it. Mr. Collins with Mr. 8tepbeneon. If present, Mr. Col lins would have vo'ei for the consider ation of the tariff bill, Mr. btcphenson against it. Mr. Eden with Mr. Pettibone. If present, Mr, Eden would have voted for the cc deration of the tariff bill, Mr. Pettibone sgtinst it. Mr. Hatch with Mr. Caswell.' Mr.; Reid. of North Carolina, and Mr Van Shaiok were announced as paired on the question of the consideration- of the tariff bill. If present Mr. Reid would have voted for the consideration of the bill, Mr. Van Shaiok against it. Mr White, of Minnesota, and Mr. Hicstand were announced as paired on he same question. If present, Mr White would have voted for considera tion, Mr. Heistand against it. Mr. Eldridge and Mr. White were announce i as paired until Jane 26. Mr; Hitt and Mr. Murphy, were announoed as paired on the question wf the consideration of the tariff bill. Mr. Hitt, if present, would have voted against consideration; Mr. Murpby in favor of it. Mr. Frederick .was announced eon- fined to his room by illnets. ' The result of the vote was then an nounoed as above stated. The announce ment. was reoeiyed with applause on the republican side. Mr. Morrison said: Mr. Speaker, I rise to give notice that on next Tues day I will renew the motion I have made today." f Applause on the democratic side Mr, McKinley said: "Mr. Speaker, I desire to give notice that we will try to be here next Tuesday." Applause on the republican side J Ittmi rroa Aahvvlllw. MDIPINDRHT8 FALLING LIK1 THI LZAVKS Special Cor. of the Hews and Observer. A8Ht VILLI, N. C, Oct 15. A two pound nugget of virgin gold was recently found in Transylvania county. The independent candidates are filling as the leaves do fail in the ehill Uotober Dr. Baird for the legislature, and Mark Jones for sheriff, have withdrawn, and the others are losing strength as the campaign progresses. Died yesterday at her home Mrs. C A Poatell. The democracy of Yancey is solid for Johnston for Congress. The towers are being erected f jr the electrio lights. Messrs. M?Erath and Cook fell fr m a scaffold yesterday1; no bones broken. Political Points. The r'emocri.ts of Ponder met Friday t Hire; and the following nomina tions were made: 8henff, A. O Ward; House, James F. Moore; Register, R. N. Bloodworth. The democrats of Yanoev have comi nated John Robinson for the House, Dr. Wm. Austin for Clerk, M. W. Peterson for Sheriff, and C. H. Bird for Register, J. Bobbins In Batodolpn. Hon. William M. Rob bins will ad dress the citii?ns of Rindolph oounty at the following times and places : Liberty, Thursday, October 28 Franklinsville, Thursday night, Oo- tober 28. Ne why's Store. Friday, October 29 Ashcboro, Saturday, Uotober 30. Randieman, Saturday night, Oct. 30 A. C. McAlistu, hm'n Randolph Co. Dem. Kx. Com- j Demeeraitle OanTaaa. : j The demooratio candidates for the leg islatore and tbe various count offices will address the people at the following times and places : Law's, Ootober 20. Hutchinson's. Ootober 21. Dunnsville, October 22 MilburLio, Ojtober 2i4. Rolesville, October 25. Wakefield, Ootober 26. Hood's Store, Ootober 29 Auburn, Ootober 30. SkUVth F. Mordccai, Cln'm Dem. Ex. om. Wake Co. Col Alfred Jtewlann. Democratic nominee for Congress in the sixth Congressional district, will ad drees bis fellow-cit'zcne at the following times and places: Albemarle, Stanly county Tuesday, Out 19. Big Lick, Stanly oounty, Wc-decsday, Oot. 20. Mt. Pleasant, Cabarrus county, Thurs- aay, uct. ai, X oplarTent, Cabarrus county, Fri day, Oct. 22. Co net id, (at r-iglt) Friday Oct 22 Bwenltn'a ABMwr (mIv. Tba Best fealve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, bail Ent-um, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Bauds, Chilblains, Corns, and all 8k In ttruptioas. and pokitirely cures Piles, ot no pay required It is guana teed to gire perfect satiataetion, or money re funded. P Ice a rents per box. For sale bv all drugglals. Kmmr Ccol. Bead the new adTertlsemen of J. C. Brewster A Co.. and eixt them a call. Everything new in the war oi &trurera ton, xom ureas rroasarv wator Voolun, Me, The Blaghanfoa Cooos Bar, the Faraavra' Senator Matt W. Bansom will ad dress the people as follow : Hertford, Wednesday, Oot. 20. JhUnibeth City, Thursday, (Jot. 21. Pittaboro, Saturday, Oct. 23. Company Shops, Monday, Oot. 25. Walnut 0 ve, Stokes county, Tues day, U3t. 20 Madison, RockiDgham oounty, Wed nesday, Oot. 27 1 Liaksvule, Kockwgham county, J.hursoay, Uct. 28. Kill Quick, Caswell oounty. Friday, UCt. Reidsville (at night), Friday, Oct. 29. Brown's Summit, Guilford county, Saturday, Uot. 3U. Goldaboro, Monday, Nov. 1. B. H Battlb, - Chairman Dem. State Com. How. I. e. Fowia'a Appoint Judge Fowle will speak at the fol lowing places : Durham, October 19. Middle Creek, Wake oounty, Oot. 22. Mineola (Davidson's factory) Ala mance oounty, October 23. Company tiaops, (at night) Got 23. - - 'sea- w " A TERRIBLE LOSS- VTbat th Sudden tlrenltlny Down ntavny men and Women moans Anyone who has observed, investigated or read, niuet have seen that during the pattt ten years, the power and vitality of the American .people have been growing less. People wbo once were strong and vigorous now feel tired and languid. Men who did not know what fati;ne mea- t, n w realize they cannot stand so muqh as formerly. Women wbo were once the picture of health, now are weak and often despondent. Even little children in too man cases ar panyj where they should ba bright and healthy. Why is this 7 The causes are various, but in nearly every case they can be assigned to , the lack of albumen in the System. This great life-giving clement is present to a greater or lens degree in all persona, and where it Is lacking there is a lack of .hie. Bat some one asks "How can albumen be imparted to the system? By keeping the body in proper cond tion for absorbing and . ? Al . 1 1 . 1 . - 1 A .1 retaining me aiDtuneii mat is i&aen mio vue system. This can only be done by properly stimulating the faculties and organs thai absorb albumen. . It was the realization 8f the above truths which caused some eminent scientists a few years since, to undertake a series of experi ment. These experiments' were conducted with the greatest skill and care, and resulted in the discovery of a preparation, which taken into the body, stimulates the proper organs to aotdmilate albumen, thus adding life, banishing disease, and inp&rting health to the entire system. This great prepara tion, so discovered, was Volina Cordial. : It is a pore, harmless yet powerful compound, containing just those vegetable elements neseasary to retain health and prolong life. It is undoubtedly doing more to impart new life and activity to the race, than any other discovery of modern Urns s. It is stimu lating, invigorating and yet contains no element that can, in the least, harm even a child. These are facts- not given at random, but serious and "earnebt truths, oonfirmed by scientists as well as bv experience. There are hundreds o men aud women in their graves to day who might have been alive and happy, had - they known these truths and acted upon them in time and it is painful to think of the intense suffering, terrible icanem auu nut duuwi oi aeauis wujcq might have "beeii' avoided, if people had only realized and known. I LOST. i A W -W-v V ail r-t A small lioy atxtut tne size oi a man. barefooted, with his father's shoes on, had an empty bag on his back, containing two railroad tun nels and ' a bundle rof bung-holes; he wore a mutton- :hop coat, with bean soup lining; he was cross eyed at the back of his neck and had his hair cut curly: he was born sev-s eral years before his elder brother, his mother being present on ihe occasion. When la? seen ne was w shoveling wind off the State House, with the intention o: raising money enough to yisit Berwanger Bros., at Bock Hall Clothing chase one of those world-renowned $7 jHouse, tojmr far-famed and 50 Suits. His Aunt Peter would deem it a favor to learn of his roundabouts; know ing tnat if he visits Berwanger Bros,' at the Rock Hall Clothing House, they will dress him to death, i i . Having heard from deaf and dumb persons that this is the best Cloth eigh,where can be ing House in Hal found a large assortment of Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Ulotning, made up in the very latest styles, of the best material, for the least money. "Whosoever will trive information concerning the abov child (he has black whiskers and moustache( will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I Given over our head and heel this 44th dav of Seotober. Anti Peanuts, EighteenHimdred and fast asleep, at the Bock Hall Clothing House, Baleigh, N. 0. ' BEBWAKOEBBBOS. $1,000 REWARD ECZEMA An Every HnoeiM ef Itchlnaj nnal Barn ma; Uiw tared bjr tsticsrs. ( ZKMA, or Salt Rheum, with it sroriz ing itching and burains-. inatanUv relieved by a warm bah with Ctjtictba Scat, aid a single application of Ctticusa, tbe great Skin Cure. This repeated daiiy, with two or three dose of Cctictoa Rksolvcmt, the New Blood Puri fier to keep the blood cool, the Dcrsniratiou pure and uni ritatinr, the -bowels open, the liver and kidneys active, will speedily cure Eczema, Tetter, Kingwotm, Psoriasis. Lichen. Pruritus, Scald Head, Dandruff, and every specie, of Itching, Pctly and Pimply Humors of the scalp and tkin, when the beat physicians ana au Known remeaies mil. ECZEMA. I gratefully acknowledge a cur of Kcxema, or Bait Rheum, on head, neck, face, arms and legs tor seventeen years not able to walk t x- eept on hands and knees for one year; not able to help myseil lor eight yeais; tried nun dreds of remedies; doctors pronounced my case hopeless; permanently cured by the Ccn- CUBAJUMIDIKS. WILX MCDUNAXd), 3642 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. - ECZEMA. Some five months ago I had the pleasure to inform you of my improvement in the use of the , C'CTicURA BKMkDiES In my case ot severe Chronic Eezema .Erythematosa, and today cheerfully confirm all I thtn said. I consider my cure perfect and complete, and attribute it entirely to your remedies, having; used no Others. FtKBAN JtbJ.NJHA.HL0. 3306 Penna Avenue, bt. Louis, Mo, ECZEMA. I have suffered from Salt Rheum for over eight vein, at times so bad that 1 could not at- t nd to my business lor week ata t me. Three boxes of t. uTiccRA and four bottles Rksolvsuit have entirely cured me of this dreadlui disease. Jin. JOUX TBLKL, wl kesbam,Pa. CUTICUR REMEDIES Are sold by all tfnfggixt", Price: Cuticura, 80 cts.; K'scint, l ot); Soap, 25 eta. Prepared by the Pottib L bco akd Chejucai. CO.,Boston, Mass. fena ior - r- ow to cure fekln ar BE AUby T1KY the romolexkon and sktn using the C uticoba to at. I CAN'T BREATHE. hert pains. Kumbness. Soreness. HacWinir Cove. Asthma. Pleurlsv. and 1 flamm.tion relieved in one m inute by the Cdticcba AhtiPaoi Pls eb c thing like it. At drug. guts, 'io roaer vrag ana unemioal Co., Boston. "no you want a nice chap baking rangef J f you want a cheap heating stover D Vs on want a cheap cooking stove? Do u want hardware t Do yV I I want powder as shotf Do joJ ki rant Caps t Do you ww y WW s nt varnish? Do you IV 1 1 Oils! Do you war -r To yon wan A Nice Breech or Muzzle Loading Shot Sun Do you want tbe Best White Lead In the Do yon want the best Nail ever intra duced? Given up by the carpen terr and builders to be the best nail in the market. NOW. IP YCU E0 WA1T any of the above call on or write to i J. G. Brewster &Go., Hardware Dealers, Plumbers, Pteam and Gat Fitters, 1 WfcStJ J. J, THOMAS, COTTON SELLER, WHOLESALE GBOCEB GENERAL COMMISSION MEECEiNT K-iLEIOH, H. CL Offers to the Trade, GIHNERS AND FARMERS 60,000 yards Fresh Baggivg, all weights. 1,000 bundles New Arrow Ties. 600 " " DelU 608 nonnda BairsiniF Twine. 1,000 varus Double-Width Fine Bagging ior tsneets; also a uenerai STOCK OF GBOCEBIES. The above goods, all purchased before the advance, will be sold lower in consequence. I make the sale ot COTTON a specialty and solicit your shipments. Will make cash ad vances upon bills of lading or cotton In store. With the COMPRI8S in Raleigh I expect to get you good prices. J. J THOMAS, 11&, U6 and 117 Wilmington Street, Baleigh, N. CT Removal. We have moved boa FayettevUle street to the DODD BUILDING. Con. WrumreTOB akd atAxrnr Where we will be pleased to have our friends call to see us an d and leave their or- den tor Grain, Forage, ICE, COAL, WOOD, Shingles Laths, lumber., &c J0NK8 A POWELL,, Raleigk N O. 0 0 WANT? Aagurt H ISX. J.B.FERRALL &C0 GROCERS New SeptemlDer Catch Mackerel, Fresh CuredCoa-Fiah. Fresh Mullets. BM&errlnf; 10BTHERN IPISH POTITQES. Fresh stock of Harrtnm. Celebrated Pickles, Sauces aad Catsups m glass and by the avwsure. WILSON A MASON'S FINE mum "s Just to Hand. OHANGES AND LEMONS, I PRICKS LOW. UlM l Cos ( LUNCH MHaK BISCUIT. The Best of all Plain Crackers." The larsrly tnereased demand for this eeueat Crackrr makes it noeeMary to keep them In larger stock. As agent tor tbe mu tacmiera, I shall be pUased to give close prfees to the trade by the barrel or la lota. Retil Ppice 15c Pbr Ib. Also Wnson's Crackers aad Cakes: Pearee's Biscuit in Una, ate., etc. K J. HARDIN. Canned Tomatoes. Fifty eases Tomatoes, this season's packing, very Choice.. Urals, Jtsh. Fine Coffees, Ac, Jtc. fte. Putter Sugars, Tea, Table Supfuies of every descrlptior, af best quality, at tonrest prices. AU goods promptly delivered and fully guaranteed. I g. J. HAfirIN.T D. 8. Waitt's HisoouASTcis roa Now showing the 1 ! largest ana newest styles of Clothlnr ev brought to this market. Bp, cial measure department in full blast. Hand - Vetoed hoes. easy, comfortab'e, and at popular i- prioes, STYLISH HATS, sew, nobby aad nice, in soft and stiff, to fit and I f please all. Choice TTsxcle in all grades; fine handkerthiefseis' hair. ATI Woo', Balhrlggan, in white, gray, gold aad scarlet. ; Hosiery, gmves, handkerchiefs, suspenders, neckwear, collars, enffs, de , A. Don't forget to call and examine the new novelties at : D. 8. W ITT 8, S'SFayattevtUsBt. TIES AT LOWEST PRICES ETEB Sold. 1,000 ydsifrue Dnnadee Bagging for sheets 10,000 yaifds lb Bagging. lCOOOyarfls 11 lb Bagging. t fiOO yards lb Baggtrg. 000 varus 2f lb Bagging. I,Ml bundles Arrow and DelU TIES. t Put it Off Send In your orders at once to MIT. NORMS &BRO., Cotton Sellers, Wholesale Grocers and Com mission Merchants, No. a, 11 and IS Martin St., and IS and Id Sxehasge Palace, Baleign, N. C TIB0INIA VAIaLET -I OATS. 1.000 btiaatls Brunswick Whfta gOats; taa FINEST ever offered on our. "I. B. YANCEY, itAkTirfAOTiriaBa' Ageni and Dealer CARRIAGES, PHAETONS BUGGIES, ETO.j KT0. The LxtstAsaortBaamt U the State. GOODS THE jLOWEST PBIQli. 1 last Morgan Strsot, Glothing. i Bngw '. k ; AND SEEP I tt