J -, - S ' i ' ! fi i : ' ! -s j AO n 1 0 ERVER 114 r I LJIH L4 -f E A ' -KM WJI II II il ' ' Mi', " ' ' V, . i - .ti ' f 3 -- . .. ,- ' - It;, ir::: - ' i :i ir ! Mews AND UBS s vOI.XXVlI. Absolutely Piire (Ins powder never varies. A toamlaC fwrtty, strength Mid wholes omenees Hon eonomtcal than ordinary kinds and tunt be Id in competition with the aaultftuda of; low teat, shert weight, alma ot phosphate powderi io oalyta cans. Botai. Baauro Powra - ., 108 Wall Street, Bow York, i . ?! Sold by W C A A B Btronach, Oorft T Mronach aad J S VerraO A On. ? MALARIA. No location, no section of the coun is entirely free frotd malarial influences. In some localities however, there jis much greater eunering from this catfae than in Others. The climatic influences, the nature of the soil, and the condition of drainage, all;, tend in the Sooth and West to taake malarial fevers ery prer atent at some seasons of the year. The suffering . from malaria in the system: is not conhnedto the time when 'under Its influence, but continues as a result of the )o boning of the system from this cause. In the past it has been the custom to ad minister quantities; of quinine, or qui nine and whiskey to overcome the effects of chills and fever, intermittent ferer and all malarial ferera; This treatment) is now condemned by the highest medical authorities, as it so frequently leauses flie patient to sujjfr afterwards from conges tion and neuralgia, and sometimes deaf ness. These are troubles more particu larly due to the Use of quinine but it is hardly necessary to dwell upon the til effects of whiskey in any case of fewer. 8o long as there Iras no other specific known j for malaria, -so long the people had to rely upon these remedies and take the chances of relief from theln and the almost Certain ill effects which followed their nee. But it Is no longer neccaoarr for any community to suner from ma larial .troubles of these tfertible alter conseqaences. A remedy coutaiDing! no whiskey, into the combination of which no dangerous acids ester, a purely vege table alterative and tonio, medicine wiA which iron ia skflfnliy ombined Is" offered to the public as an anti-malaraaL It is pBnows'a bos Brrrp ; i lu prompt, eftuaent action upon the blood, eradicating the poison fronj the vital fluid and so preventing it ftom being taken tap by the stomach, liver and kid neys makes it just: the corrective needed in malaria. It also furnishes strength to these organs, and through them tct the whole system, by enriching and vitalikang the blood. The blood is the lifiioC idie body. I Diseased Or poioodblcxl fwill ., poison the whole body and produce: dis ' ease in the whole; organism, pit Is vi- dent that a' medicine possessing! the greatest efficiency in cleansing and puri fying,' enriching and strengtpeningf the bjood, is the best remedy for diseases which areduedirectly to blood poisoning. AH chemists and physicians' who have made an examination of Bbowb's Inon BrnxBJB endorse this remedy las eonbtin ing these qualities to a superlative degree. For thia reason so many phy icianst ipre scribe Bnowys Inow BrrTEgs in nter mittent fevers and chills and fever, fj We have never heard of a -single" case here it failed to be of benefit. Wj kavelhmv dredi of testimonials of cuies of Ihese . diseases by Bsowir'a Ibioh BrirrEBS,! from . persons who bare suffered many limes in the past and found no relief fronj any other remedies. Its effect i also; won derful in lassitude, the tiredy exhausted, worn-out, depressed feelings you Know them. Yqu have experienced them. Brown's Iboh Bittebs will furnisii yon strength, will remove the tired feeling the'feeling of languor and lassitude, and S've;yon elasticity, vigor and health, o other remedy has the nower .and 'strength combined with the' purity and ennehing qualities of Jbi Bitters. 'That, this is the case is fied to by the people who have used it, the Iphysjcjans taftd jjehtmlsnq''nave examined it aai recommended ii, and the great sales, which ia five years have increased - twenty fold. Bnpwx'8 Ieoh Brtes does ntt injure or. discolor the ; teeth, and does; not cause headache or constipation. All other iron medicines do. Beware of imitations.! We r know it is' the, custom of some 'dealers (not many however) to attempt to sell some thing on which they can make more pro- fit than we can allow them bn Bnows's Iboh BrrrEBS. ; But don't "be deceived. You want the! genuine Bbown's I box BrrrEBS with the trade mark and crossed .. red lines on tlje wrappe?. f: Bold: every where. Price la only one dollar per bot tle, i Made by Brown Chemical C04 Balti more, Md. s 1 ! : "! ? 1 i r : ? We have soldG. CasNrd Botfs lardalnl ZSSXlXS O.O. CORNWALL 80N, I The leadteff fancy grocers of Wasbixton,IXCl We have handled Caatard- 8tar Brand'? Urdtor a conalderabU while and find tttd nit our customers better than any other lard we eveaaadled. Tney mo a so wen uai rs have about abandoned all other brands, i W. B. MANN CO., '-Raleigh, N. C. '. We have been using G. Csasard Son's Btr Brand" lam In our trade tor the past eixLt aa4tba and And tt gives better saOstao tton thai any we have ever used and we have tried sMUt3alL W. B. MBWSoMA CO., ; j,Balelgh,N C. if Masaae. O. CAWAtn Sow: It affords us great pleasure and satisfaction to be enabled to endorse the merits of your ard. Bince 186t we baveused It in our er tended trade, and mtonfldenUy recommend jmT be put in the cow yard, In the tt!?W'T"ible gutters, and especially in he pig a nnr exuerivaoa. caaiSTIAJTWHITaTACO j The lssf1i"g fancy grocers oi Ricbmoad, Va.' m WlBJE RAILING ASD ORSJt J XX9TAL WRK WORKS, tJL i - ovrtiat cex. M Ksrtli Bowara ;Bev nanamora, maantaetarars f wire raiUag for Casaeteries jjllnoatM, lr"mAMr fWg - Weeds mA Cl m sre sis, wwvsai whw. amsi " NEWS OBSERVATIONS, j - if : Oov. West, of UUh, suggest! Uiat troops be lent to that territorj to wh in enforoing th laws against polyganiy. a ne wiu oi j oeepn in eai, or Baltimore, in whose estate President Cleveland share with other heirs, was writen with: a pencil on the flyleaf of a book. And as yet no relative has disputed he testator's sanity. -A fiendish crime is told from On tario, where a landlord ordered a siik woman to Taeate a house. On her re fusal the brute sailed up the doors aitd windows from the outside and set fire'tto the building. In attempting to escape the woman was killed by the wreteji, who threw her body into the fire. f An unusual question came up fiat Waterrille, Me., reoently. A man owed a sum of money and an attachment was put on his watch a legal attach meat. - The man was shrewd and said ue time pw eouid not be taken, as lit was his tool whereby he earned a liveli hood, lie was a watchman. Th eotton mills and maohinerr iln Indja have been doubled during Che last teo yean, aid the Indian manufe turers are now largely exporting ootten goods to China, thus competing wiih Lancashire, England. Between 18?6 anil 1884 85 the number of eotton mills in India rose from 47 to 81, the number of looms from 9,189 to 16,466, and the number of spindles from 1,000,112 ito 2,U37,05o. -The New York Star asserts that the George movement is a renewal! of the Butler intrigue of 1884, and is pint of Mr. Blaine's seheme te secure (is nomination and election in 1888.' Money, it ia asserted, has been contri buted by Blaine men for Mr. George's oampaign fund. . rr-As returned by the census of 188b, our population in that year was 60, 1&5,78$. Aocording to the official es timate now published the population bn the. SOth of last June was 68,420,000, aw ioerease in six years of over eight millions and a quarter, or about 17 per eent. This is an annual average jof about 3 per cent, which is just about the raie of increase during the decade pie Tiouato 1880, and a little more than the rate between I860 and 1870, when the war naturally checked increase. I, One, John B. Mannix, a lawyer and assignee of the Archbishop Puroell affair in Cincinnati, proved m defaulter for $300,000, thus making, oonfuiiiu worse confounded. Judge Hoadly was n his bond for $62,500, and has paid: it in full.. A sneoial savs: 'Bv doinv thia tfr. Hoadlyi wrecks hit fortune aid f aepnvos nis eniiaren oi a nenuge. He i disappointed man in politics, and now, in his old age, he gives awayfra fortune to pay for the thieving of a man hej trusted and fnvored." '-iA Boston and Albany engine ad fi?e passenger ears are being fitted with the necessary appliances for teit." ing the Martin anti-fire heating system. ThU system provides for heating with steam from the engine, thus doing aWay with all danger from the fire in the ears. and; the inventor claims to be able to neat cars so that they can be pro' ventilated without discomfort in the col est weather. No rubber hose is used, all the pipes being of metal, and an iu tomatie anangement allows the watei to drain eff, so that no card is needeoj in tiis' respect. The couplings are mfde to adjust themselves to all motionfof the train. The system has been tred on a number of western roads and found to work luoeessfully. . 3' t f " Faille franeaise and other soft rip ped silk, such as Bengalines and Vieto ria; silks, are muoh used for autunn dresses, in combination with plueh nd velvet. Veloutine is the name bestowed upon one of the softest of these new fepped silks, the fabric having a fioh 4ull sheen like that upon velvet. Both plain; striped and figured velvets fare tnown for combining with these silts, Jarge fnse designs are seen on cloasing felrets. Black, and seal, and golden brown are the favorite color for plush and felvet coats and French, peliises. oi faille franeaise brocaded rf e oontras ts of color Ituohas Neapolitan red? on moss Erjeen, blue with Tavanna brown, cardinal with beige, dove eolor with ruby, and black with poppy red. j ' A farmer says in; the Charotte Uome-Demooiat that by careful man agement a large addition cf manure the richest resouroe of the farm-Hmay te made at the cost of some labor and little money out of pocket. A cojpsid; eraple bill (or fertilisers; u an eye-epen er and sets one thinking how he can save the large lot of money for so raall a l)t of manure An excellent way to make a big manure heap is as fallows: diff from the swamp-rand if the farmer is so unfortnnate as to have none; let kim nftr hia idam fnrtnn&tA nAiffhbor to di drains in his swainp fur the Sifk he throws out; but in some way get fa lot 0f swamp muok; 200 or 800 loads Mke . k-n:- hiir one in a1 field- snrlad a I heap a Dig one, in aeia, prja ! l" orpin oi voo piuoa, ruuijr, whiten it all over wita ires a iimej uom the kiln; add more muokjj and more lime, and so on until the: hep is fire feet high. It will soon get hot and keep hot, and in the spring wilf be a sweet, dark; rich mass j of valuable fer tiliser, having from j twenty tfj fifty pounds of nitrogen, .worth fiftlen to twenty cents a pound j in artifieifd fer tilisers, in everv ton of it. More muck pen along with the horse manure which' will all be turned over and over and worked up to a rich compost with' the refuse of the pur pen. ; Making manure is a fine art far too little studied by farmers. Where swamp muok cannot be procured, leaves, straw, ehaff aitd any or all other vegetable matter inay be gathered tot this purpose. RALEIGH. N. C. WILD POLES. HOWLING HORDE OF THEM MOBS A CANDIDATE, AH ArrAIB WHICH IXCIT1S A SXMSATIOIC AT HILWACKSI. Milwacmi, Wis , Oot. 25. A con- siderable excitement was oaused here Saturday night by the wild actions of a mob of roles, who suooeeded in break ing up a democratic mass-meeting. The people, it is olaimed, had been com manded by the' priests to attend a meeting whieh was held in a parish school house. Before going there they went to a hall and were addressed by JUderman ; uudzinski, who obtained some notoriety during the May labor riots'. ' He showed the crowd pictures of the Polish insurrectionists who bad L been put to death in the past, and made an incendiary speech. The people left the ball in a body and went to the eohool house, where John Black, the democratic congressional candidate, and other politicians were congregated. Black was chairman of the grand iurv that indicted tht rioters last spring, and when he attempted to speak the mob hooted him and his companions, and made such demonstrations that the poli ticians had to leave the hall. For two or three hours about 3,000 Polea crowded the streets for Equares around, yelling like madmen. The Ciat'i Thaaas. Bis majibtt nanrsj to his tboopi. ; St. PxTkUBpKO, Oot. 25. The Ciar and Czarina yesterday, after unveiling a monument in memory of the Russo Turkish war, attended a lunoh given by the; effioera of the army. The Caar, proposing toast to the officers, said: "In drinking to you, permit me to wish you suoeees and the full enjoyment of health in the future. I thank you for the hardships you underwent in the war between Russia and Turkey. I ezprees these thsnks in the name of him who is no longer, among us. Uaoo more, 1 thank you. " : Niw Yo&k, Oct 25 Green & Co. 'a report on eotton futures says: After an active and feverish day the market closed at a further considerable shrink age in values. ' The first turn was up ward: with a few points earned on a covering and a partial investing demand, put the buyers were all locaL and as soon as they stopped the outset wag found to be entirely exhausted. The waverins! soon developed into anxietw and finally, under a general unloading, ' prices went on sharply lztii points fem the highest, closing tamely, about the lowest. The failure of Liverpool to respond to the early advanoe here had a discouraging eneet. A Bear Devwra a Child. CuvaxAHn, O., Oot. 25. This morn ing, Rosa, a two-yaar-old daughter of Henry Doernbroek, a saloon keeper, met wjth a terrible death, being almost eaten alive by a bear. The child was playing in her father's back vard and got through a fenoe into a yard of a neighbor; who kept a bear ohained in the rear cf his lot. The child ventured too near the bear, which knocked her down and oommenoed devouring her. ibe body was horribly mutilated before the child could be reseured. . ' A EtarmJaa- Bisswsr stewoal. Lttmpool, Oct. 24. i r The National line steamer "Queen," Capt. Milligan, whioh arrived at this port Saturday, from New York, and whieh is lying at Alexandria dock, is on lire. The fire is burning in three holds, and several engines are pouring water on the flames. The steamer is gradually sinking from the weight of the water thrown into her. The fire originated in eotton stowld on the steerage dock in No, 2 hold. ; The ship was filled with water and the flames extinguished. a44ea DmU f Sara. A. T. Stewart.: ' Naw loiri, Oot. 25 Mrs. Cornelia M. SteWart,' wife of the late millionaire dry goodb merchant, A. T. Stewsrt died suddenly this morning at her resi dence, Thirty-fourth street and Fifth venue; Mrs. Stewart died at 10 o'clock this morn'ilg, of congestion of the lungs and heart trouble. Friday she took dinner with; Mrs. Henry Hilton, and on her way home eontraeted a heavy cold Saturday the was so ill she was eom pellod to go to bed and a physician sent for. Yesterday she grew worse. This morning early she was able to sit up in bed without any great eff t. A Cause of One-Xaa Power. CnsiTSB, Pa.. Oot. 25 A strike oc curred at the EddvBtone print works today, on acoount of a printer's wages not being increased, at his request, and the entire works are stopped, about 1,000 hands being made idle thereby. Ora lABeatp rrbldda by tbe Pope to ruwfs mm uiui uraTf. Bomi, Oot. 25. The Pope has re fusod to allow any ornaments to be placed on Lust's grave, beyond the painted wooden cross bearing hv name and the words, "urate pro nobis " Baaaia will Oecssy atlaaris. : Lomdon, Oot.. 25. Gen. Kaulbars has informed the Bulgarian government by note that ivussia will regard the pro eeedines of the sobranje as null and void. Booto Bad laoMaaa Saflr Pat Away. PXB8AO01.A, Fla., Oat. 25. Geron imo arrived today and is oonfined, with fourteen other warriors, at Fort Pick ens, on Santa Rosa-island, opposite Pen saoola. ' Alt talet ano Sarta"sks Coatro. CffARtasTOH, S. 0., Oot. 25. There nave been no shakes here since Friday and none at Summerville today. AU is quiet and hopefuL TUESDAY MORNTNG, Ireland to o OoaellUte. DCbun, Oct. 25 The royal com mission whioh has been inquiring into the eauses oi the recent riots In Belfast has concluded its labors. The Irish Times says a report is iu circulation that the government's conciliatory pro lamine includes a visit of the Queen to Ireland in 1887. It savs the ministry has already submitted the project to the Qieen, who entertains the suggestion favorably. ' , . fa w - A Fatal tBotler Sxploelon. RiADiHQ, Pa?, Oot. 2d. Information reached here today of a fearful accident which took plane in a lonely woodland district in East Montreal late Saturday evening. The boiler of J. O. Fisher's saw mill exploded, wrecking the build ing and scattering destruction In every direction and mortally wounding several men. Jf ortbera (Settlers' Convention. A STMOPSIS f or its pxocmxnufos THIS ' smrrNO. The first session of the northern set tlers' convention' will be held this even ing at commons ; nail in the capitol, at 8 30 o'clock. The Programme is as follows: The northern editors and visi tors will meet in the senate chamber at 8 o'clock, and after electing chairmen and secretaries of their respective bodies, will proceed to commons hall. Mr. 8. 8. Jackson, president of the Wake county settlers' association, will call the aasembly to order and will ask chaplain D. L. Schively 'to invoke the Divine blessing. : Mr. Coyte, of the Com mittees of arrangements, will read the list of officers selected for the convention. Mr. George Z. French, of Rocky Point, Pender county, the permanent president of the convention, will take the chair and in troduce Governor Scales, who, after a word or two of greeting will call upon Rev. George W. 8anderlin, of Wayne county, to make the address of welcome on behalf of the commonwealth. Mayor W. H. Dodd will speak for the city; Mr. Montford MeGehee, commissioner of sgrieulture, for the industrial in terests of the State, and Mr. J. I. Me Rse, president of the State press as sociation, will welcome the visiting jour nalist. Responses will be made by rep resentatives of the Northern settlers, visitors and editors.. The convention will at the close of these, adjourn until 9 o'clcok tomorrow morning. IbsmsMtat TUB AMAKGI1C15TS VOX HIS VIHT TO X1W TOW. . Washikotoh, Oct 25. The President will leave Washington for New York Wednesday afternoon and return the fol lowing evening. He "will be aocompa niek by secretaries Bayard, Endieott and Whitney, and possibly other mem bers of the cabinet.! There will be no ladies in the party. The President will . V a. wr u review the profession in new xorx, Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, and remain on the stand in Madison square until it is time to - leave for Bed loo's island, where the inauguration oeremo nies will begin at 2 o'clock. The Presi dent will remain there throughout the proceedings, which will probably last till 6 o'clock, And will then prooeed di rect to the Pennsylvania railway station, in Jersey City, and take the first regular train for Washington. BTetlee to MavrabaJa, Marshals will be ready by 9 o'clock and assemble: in front of the Yarboro house promptly at 10. The band will be at the Yarboro house at 10 and play until 11. The car riages will be at the same hotel promptly at 11 o'clock. ; f , Promptly at 11 o'olook the band will move, first; then the marshals, followed by the carriages. The march will be up Fayetteville street to Morgan street, to Hillsboro street, to the fair grounds. At Dawson street the ; band will leave the procession and take the train. On arriv ing at the grounds ; the procession will reform in front of the south gate. Thence the maroh will be to the grand stand. After music by the band the Governor will introduce the speaker Oration by Rev. G. W. 8anderlin, after which the president, Mr. W. G. Upehureh, will de elare the fair opened. Tbe Settler' Convention tnlo Kvenlac. In eonsequenoo Of the faet that the hall eommittee of the northern-born settlers' convention was unable to se cure any of the public halls of the city, by reason of prior engagements it every oase, the hall of the house of represen tatives has been tendered the eommittee through, the ; courtesy of the 8tate au thorities and the meeting this evening will be held therein aooordingly. In eon sequenoo, tod, of the fact that the floor of tbe ball will hardly bo sufficient to hold the delegates, the galleries of the hall only can only be afforded for the use of laaies ana weir nwro, van are re spectfully Invited to be present. Belle ,llbert. ' In speaking of this charming little aotress, who will commence a three night's engagement at Tuoker hall Thursday, supported by a oompanv of artists, in an entirely new repertoire, an exchange says: Jttiss Belle Gilbert was tbe principal light, around whioh the rest clustered. Their bnllianoy, harmoniously blending with hers; of beautiful form, bewitching face, over whieh smiles danoed like sun-sprays on the surface of a rippling lake, when happy, and on whioh tear drops rested like shimmering dew drops when sad; a voioe, rich and mellow; manners, naive and winning when she tore the dia mond necklace from her throat and de clared her intention to be true to her lover, the house fairly trembled with thunders of applause)." OCTOBER '26, 1886 MORE WAKL IKE. THE POWERS TO BE CALLED ON TO '.'RUSH BULOAHli, rOS THAT IS NUCTICsU.T f SDSSIA'S PLAN L I. 1 VrxstiA, Oct. 25 The Pflitioal Cor respondence has a telegram from Sofia saying Russian partisans thei e circulate a report that two Russian fri rates have arrived at Varna. The Bulj arian gov ernment puts no faith in the report and considers it as invented with the objsot of intimidating the people. ( : Pabib Oot 25. -Le Figaro 1 ay sit is er peoted that DsGiars, the Russian minis ter of foreign affairs, will issue 4 circular to the powers, deolaring aoti rejmeasures necessary to terminate the anarchy pre vailing in Bulgaria, on the ground that it is dangerous to the peace of the Balkan states and offensive to Russia. ! Tbe State Fair. sou noma or thi ixhibit appiax tooat. rr will The State fair begins its 26th annual fair today, and from present prospects the display and its attending features will be equal to, and in some particu lars even luperior to, any fair ever held here. The work on the grounds is of suoh a oharaoter that they show, despite the long and severe drought, to better advantage than ever before. The grass is neatly cut, the place tidy, fences and buildings' neatly whitewashed, and everything particularly attractive. THI mXBIBITS. j I Of course iu advanoe it is not proper to give the public more than; a hint of what ia to be seen. The likef good or der is shown in all the displays. The ohief, of course, is THX STATB BXHLBIT.T v This begins at the east door of the great exposition building and runs down the east aisle southward, thence extends west to the central aisle. It is a par ticularly attractive exhibitL and there are many thousands of specimens of the State's wealth in minerals, woods, stones; all kinds of crude products and finished ones. The exhibits are all grouped; for instance building stones together, marbles similarly arranged, &o. There are 111 piles of old ore, weighing" from ten pounds to two tons. There are oopper, silver and gold in all shapes. The woods are all propetly Souped by species, and form a superb rpUy. The turpentine industry is il lustrated by the trees and alltheir pro ducts. A feature of the State's display is a ooliecuon 01 over ouu gems from the Marion bullion and mining com pany. These gems represent many varieties ana aro au artistically cut. tub ioataxajr ivmitir xxhibix. This exhibit begins at the centre aislo of the exposition building and extends to the west aisle. Among the special exhibitors there are H. Steinmeta and A. B. Forest, of RUeighJ and H Bil- gyeu, the latter showing grape vines, etc. . : i . OTHxa rxAnraxs. ; In the expositon building is also the display of poultry of all kinds. There is also a lot 01 venioies pi tail xinas. Some choice eotton on the stalk is shown. Mr. N. B. Atkinson has as ex tensive display of western North Caro lina apples, it is to be regretted that all the exhibits were not made in the exposition building. Mi VLOXAI. HA1L.I as it is more generally called! or, more properly the main exposition build ing, contains a number of Interesting exhibits. Facing the main i south en tranoe, W." T. Black well's Durham tobaooo company has an extensive and very beautiful display. The shelves, dec, on which it is shown were ar ranged and handsomely papered, cov ered with plush, &a , by alt, if red. A. Watson. In this buudingarp displays by A. B. Stronaoh, Fred. Watson, A. D. Royster & Bro , John Y. MaoRae, J. L Stone, Ryland & Lee,' Elwards, Broughton & 0., these being in the east wing. In the west wing exhibits are m:de by N. G. phosjthate oompany. Uuan titles of grains, grasses, etc , are shown in this wing. J. W. Shipley , of Winston, exhibits harness. Up-stairs, in the octagon, Miss Jane Porter, of Peace institute, and Mr-; Frank Wom ble, of Raleigh, show paintings of North Carolina scenery. The former competes t the prise ana au eign. pioturos Master James Busboe exhibits stuffed birds of various kinds. Bel aw varioui household articles are iho?m fir the table. ;. ; THX BACB TXACX. , The improvements of the brack are re markable. It looks now ; like it was carved out of stone, s Llid andsnooth is it. .iesterday many aroised on it. There is horses wore ex no gric; all is pure olay. SOMB TINS STOCK The cattle show this season will cer tain lv be a grand one. The entries are numerous and oover a large section of the Stato. The secretary said that the show would beat all the records. Iu the stalls are some choice ( specimens, which show to advant ige. j There are also many fine horses, which are well eared for, and some of which will be beard from later, on the raca-oonrso. tooat's P&Oa:iAMKB ; The fair opens tods; r, ! in1 due form. The procession forms i.t 11 o'clock, in front Of the Yarboro. Mr. ;H. H. Rey nolds, of Winston, in chief marshal. At noon the exerois is bejiu at the grandstand. Gov. ccales will mtro duoeRev. Geo. W. Sander in, who will speak in bis behalf. GW.: So ilea physi man advises him not to speak at an; length, owing to the condition of his lungs, whioh are yet sore from h's recent attaok of pneumonia. ; OBBBaAI. MOTBS The ladies who have; charge of the Shotwell memerial baia&r have arranged the large dining hall, in the south and of the grand stand, very taately. Oa the east side is the lunoh eounter; on the west side tables, shelves anl show-cases, filled with beautiful articles contributed from all parts of the State soms from the North. Ovstera and lunches will be served at all hours and all sorts of arti cles sold. There are all sorts of side-shows on the grounds. The great neatness of everything is commendable. The Stato experiment farm looks well and thousands of people will visit it. 1 he Durham Tobacoo Plant has a large tent on the grounds, where a generous hospitality will be dispensed. Mr Sherwood Haywood, of that paper, is here in charge. ; today's races. The following are today's racing events: No. 1. Trotting, at 2:30 p. m , mile heats, 2 in 8 purse, $50 First pre mium, $37.50; second premium, (12 50. No. 2 Running, at 3:30 p, m., three-quarter mile heats, purse $50. First premium, $37,50; second pre mium, xiz.ou. Entries: First race, J.'H. Morrow's b m. Margie E; Robert Williams', b. Frank; E H. Lee's b. b. Seeond race, uowies . Lisav uraoe: i. it. Brae eh 's Emma Kramer; Gape Fear stock stables' Siroooo. A Few Baptists; Club. Among the Northern settlers who arrived yesterday to attend the conven tion was Col J ulian Allen, of Siatesville. He sajs that a gun club has leased 5,000 acres of land in Iredell county from Mr. Doltn, for a term of years, and that one of the members arrived ome feu days since, to superintend the erection of aelub house on the property. As boou as this: is ready for oocupancv, hia associates will join him and spend somo time there in bird shooting. The members of this club are H. B. i) or yea, and Messrs. Bird and Belmont, of New York; Messrs. MoCook, Ely, Fay and Sprague, of Boston, and Mr. Carroll, of Maryland. The latter is a lineal de scendant of Charles Carroll of Carrolton, one of the signers of the declaration of independence. ; Mr. Relmoht is a broth er of Hon. Perry Belmont, M. C, and Mr. MoCook a son of Gen. Anson G. Met. '00k, who made a distinguished record in the federal army during the late war. These gentlemen expect to bring their families, who will enjoy life at the Cooper hotel, while the men are off at the elub house following the birds through the stuble fields and forest openings. As all aro rery wealthy this means goodly patrons for landlord Gray : ; : :v Tbe Bebenataa CUrl. The presentation of this ever potular Opera at Tuoker hall last evening by Adelaide Randall's Bijou cpera coui- !any was characterised by some excel ent f ioging and some excellent acting. particularly on the part of the charming Miss Randall,; who since her appearance here in the Alixado has always been popular. She has a good support, the choruses being particularly strong. with some sweet female yoiees. Mis Russell was thrice enoored, twice in solos and onoe in a duett with Mr. Traver- ner, who was in good Toiee and filled his part as Tbaddeus very acceptably. Mr. Peakes as Devilhoof showed his usual ability as both actor and singer. The familiar songs in the Opera de lighted the audience, whieh will cer tainly hear the oompany again this evening in "The Bridal Trap." The young ladies 01 St. Wary s and Jfeaoe institute were present last evening. Tory Pleaalna; Play. The Huntley-Stark company made a decided hit at Metropolitan hall last evening in the hue drama, "Van, the Virginian.'' ; It was played with spirit throughout,' nd the audlenee was very liberal in its appreciation. There are oertainly some bright people in the eomnanv. Mr. Huntlev ia anite well known here, and is popular of course. ills presentation of the character of Vandyke ; Vernon," did him eredit. Theo. Stark is very felicitous in his 0 inception of "Ananias Jingle." Miss Florence Kennedy made a very favora ble impression. A winning feature of the performance was the songs, dances, &., by Joe Physioo and Jesaioa T nomas. These were heartily applaud ed. This evening "The Lady of Lyons" will be presented. A Tory " TIoM. Mtj. R. 8: Tucker a few years ago placed the old "Camp Man gum" track in cultivation. One hundred acres of it is in cotton and from this ha had gathered up to last Saturday eighty and one-half bales, leaving a little less than twenty bales more to , make a bale an acre. Maj. Tuoker is a good farmer, and has achieved this fine result on what a few years ago was a bare and sterile fields Telephone at tbe Pair G rounds. A telephone, No. 69, hu been placed at the fair; grounds. The rate of charge for each message is ten oents. Preo Trade. The reduction ot internal revenue and the taking off of revenue stamps f'om Proprietary Medicines no doubt has larjrely benefitted th- consumers, as well as relieviaf the burden of home manutseturers. Especially is th's the cue with Green's An pint Fkar and Bo. ghee's German Pyruo, as the reduction of thirty-six oeats per dosen.has been added to increase the size oi the bottles eontalaiag these remedies, there y giving on-fifta asore inediciae In the 7ft eent size. The August Klewer for Dyspepsia and Lirer tiomplaint, and tlu Genoaa Syrup fur Co eh and Lunr tr .ubles, have, perhaps, the largest stleof any medicines la the woria. i nn a vantare 01 in eretsed siaeof the bottle will ho greatly ap preciated by the sick and effllcted, ia every town and villag in civuuea countries, earn pie bottle for 19 cents remain tbe sams size. XT Tmm Mian a Ooosl ArUela Ot Flo Tobaooo, a-k your dealer for , ssaa.- NO. 135 Baekllne janoear Halve. Thi Best Salve fin the world for Cuts Braises, Sores, Ulcers, bait Rheum, fever Bores, Tatter, Chavpad Hands, umblaira, Coma, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pejr required It Is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re. ranaea. trno v cents per doz. rot sue oy sji axugglsis, The democratios candidates for Wake county will address tho people at the oourt house this Tueeday evening (26th inst.) at 8 ' clock. Turn out and hear them. Bam'l F. Mordboai, ; L Chm'n Ei. Com. Short wraps of jplain v si vet are muoh worn. ; Owtwe (Owe ea Baita for PMn." wm leUsrsinore quloklj than any other toowa ram. nt rwnrlrr, Boraa, FrMOUtes, BadcaclM, Qblmnr, Bora Throat, ScUtica, Woun1 nadach, Tqotaaca'S Rnrulii. rta. FMce ssida. a botU. Bold by all firS!SiJS , HalfOtan Oil bears Oor1 fahnfle ctrnatnrC A a Kryer s Oa, Sole DB. BULL'? CODGH STBDP, For the cure ofiConghs, Colds, Hoarse ness, CronpU Asthma, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Incipient Con Sumption, and for the relief of coo anmptrve persons in advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale bysdlDrugt data, i Price, as centw. E1AGKET STORE. THE GEEAT BARGAIN STORE OF RALEIGH. If people knewrow much credit cost them they weald not be seeking it,for it is common sne that the nterchant who buys goods on credit and sell them on credit must sell hia goods higher to lover his losses. In regular '1 lines of BMrchanjlise there are three distinct pre fits barged trn and on each one there is an ! t j extra per eent kid, to cover the losses by credit. Toneoont ten per cent on; each of them and you have at the least estimate SO per . ':. f cent which you must pay to cover the losses by men who nt1 er pay. This the consumer baa to pay. eomes out of the hard- earned dollars o the laboring people. If you borrow money pom the bank at 6 per eent you think it very high, yet you will buy your ;v ! j. goods on creditiand pay 60 per cent more for them than yon; ought to pay and you will ". ; I i never wink yota- eye at U. This credit Ukos ; M . i f. . from the rrodfeers of this county one-Ball they make. Tqw how do you like the system? Come to the BaLket Store and buy your goods. The BaeYet Sjtofe has all the advantages, from ha ing buyers always in the New York mar II' t ket, with cash In hand, who buy from houses which are cearpelled to take their offers for t ese goods. ft is the power of the almighty dollar Cutting is way through ihe centre of time wMch enables us to offer goods at left than they cant be made for la hundreds of Cs. The Ks$kf t Store is sstisfled with small profile and weahallmake our bargsins make our business. Mow come to the Racket Store and bay your gdi and save your money. This week we shall open some groat bar gains in Overcasts, Men's Casslmere suit) at f IS, wwtb ISO. Also LadieV and Misses' Cloaks, very How Cilreat bargains in Carpet ing and Bugs.! New line of Ladies' Jerseys. We are aW oaf ry tog a big line of shoes and boots, which We will sell at a bargain. big drive in csnnterpanes at cost, A big Job la unpenderSjXladUt' and gents' underwear. Call and examine my stock before purchasing. Moat rspec,fully, soliciting cash trade only, i No 10 E Martin St. Edward Fasnach, Jeweler and Optician RALEIGH, N. 0. Gold and Ijlver Watches, American and Imported. : Beal and imitation Diamond Jew i i elry. 18 karit Wedding and Engagement Rings, any sixe and weight. Sterling Silver Ware for Bridal Presents. Optical Goods A SPE(JIALTY. Spectacles jmd Xye-glaases In Gold, Silver Steel, Rubber and Shell Frames, Lenasa, White and lm endless varieties. Seals for Lodges, Corporations, etc Also Badges and Medals for Schools and Soctoos made to order. . Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods sent oa selection to any part ot the State. . tea-- Old Gold and Silver tn small and large . e, ictUles teStcnaseaah. dly. j IL TfcJ A 1 -i V K j Si. 1 1 f . A

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