t i f - r r- 1l V Is ! AND ERVE LA jL i VOI. XX vit. RALEIGH. N. C WEDN'ESDAl MORNING, OCTOBER 27, IS86 NO. 136 -t - T, i! r ! -. ' 1 ; J - i'- ' I ; ' r : M ; ! L I M i m AL L .. it1 News Qbsi . t . - i i i. r r ! . ! Mi i i THE STATE FAIR. :'; : ? THE TWENTY 8IXTH ! ANNUAL H EXHIBITION OPENED. Absolutely PUrf. ' This powder MTtr varies. A marvel oi iBrtty, strength and wholeaoinaness. iMore canonical than ordinary kinds and caanot be Id In competition with tha mtUtitade of Ww teat, short weight, ahrsx or phosphate powders old only Id . cans. J Both. Bazoo VfrWM C c, 10S Wall Street New York. f Bold by W C A B Stronach, George T cironacn aad JB Verran Ce. :A, O0V, BCALBSANP 1U. BAND1B.U RgriAK-TM 'pieplays vxbt mrx boxiii and M ; : CATTLB. CLIMATIC INFLUENCES ' i . ; i jit This country ooreri bo large a terri tory that the extranet of heat and Isold are frequently recorded in diflereat )wo tion on the same day. Dae regard to one's physical condition, and ability to VthMaDd the effects of temperature and climate of each section, should receire more attention than most other (objects. People axe ' . CARELESS m in habits' in preparation for changes; in exposal to heat and cold, in iiti, in hours of labor afki recreation. ' 'When to the efifectaof this corelessneM, is added those from miasmatid inflaendts' which poison tha, blood, reduce the strength, and create General debility, the vfaody loses its power to recuperate. Assistanee of an undoubted reliability is needed to tone and strengthen the system.' Ifier is a word of , ; . :- !".... ' . ADVICE. - ! ! , ' Those whose.; lives and duties keep them in one section most of th tune ahonld gire, their attention to the special , features of the climate, and the effects upon their bodily health. To aid ia the care of the bod and to develop the full powers of physical and mental ability, Brown's Irow Bitters u just what is beededi It furnislies ritality' to the ! blood, inTigoratea the system, reJieres doll headache! tones vp the stomach, purifies the lirerr removes . biiioUsness, strengthens the kidneys, and drives outl the pams in tfiei batk; and aidrAs preparation ngshtat the enervatingeffectrf of climatic changes Brown's IronBitters 1 is better adapted than any Other medi cine. It vitalixeg and cleanses the whole I. . ' j$YSTEM . t . and gives power to endure the exhaust UstfBrown'ili ilron Bitters as a' protect tion from the changes of toojd weather also, fit furnishes vigor, elasticity and warm viUlity to endure the change. madel Beseareh and chemical skill have i provided tlie best medicine t accomplish i mese oojewa. j id amvwu uii Known M) uie,mmi( iuikihui J"": )nT rrrTl it and the hundreas of thousands of pcrwws who have used it ; and received benefit endorse u. w BROWrl'S IRON BITTERS t, 5 - -- ': '-. f"v-; v' t-fe ; f art IndlmMsable fomcanion to tLose M ' i I. I ft ftT f- wnoseiuTes are iargij Pfwu ftu vxbtbi, f wha are exposed to Treqoent; changes f of climate aad weather, to the ill effects , of hastily prepared or improperly cook-; cd food ana constant changes Jn diet. Its use wiU iwmoVetLe ill efleots from these' ousca No traveler should be withoat it. For this ! ; j, : .j jEASON AND THIS CtlBaATB tiAva an esnecfal word. Brown's Iran ; Bitters is a perfect anti-malarial medif cine. It anves me poison wui m iw blood ; it removes the causes hich pro duce clulls and fevers, intermittent and other malarial fevers. If tod late for preventire its use will prove a sure1 cute. It builds up the system from the depressing Influences of - miliaria, and" leaves none of the unpleasant or danger i after eflect- oi other i medicinea Qaiaine is now condemned by the raedl cat profession, it irequenujr leaves me patient with congestion, neuralgia, and sometimes with deafness. None of these follow the nse of Ml ; . I BROWN'S IRON BITTERS, f; The irenuine has trade-mark and crossed red fines on the wrapper, and is made only by the j . . BROII CEEHCIL CCBaltlcion, Id We have sold Q. Oassard Son's lard saoSt exclusively lor nearly seventeen year a dsett It decidedly ths bent en the market.: ; i - G.G.CORNWKLL N, The leadlac faney groeersof Wanotmrt q n,D.C V7ehave handled Cassard'f "fitar Brand" Urdfor a eonslderable while and sad ttt alt our customers better than any other lard we ever handled. They like St so well that we nave about abandoned al) other brands. ; W. Bi MANN CO., Kak-iga, N.. We have been using G. Cassani A Son's gUr Brand'? lard In our trade for ths past " eight months and find It gives better aaUstao. Uoa than any we have ever need and we have uiMi about all. W. B. MKW8UMACO. M Raleigh, N Q. Mbskbs. G CassauA Sox: , ' V i ' It affords us great pleasure aad satisfaction be enabled to endorse the merits of your ajd. Since 1866 we have csed It fat our ex tended tradA and mfllt eonfldettly recommeod it as the purest aad best we have ever handled ia our experience- i- mm " VCUBISTIAH WHITK A COy fhe leadiaf fancy grocers of Bichmond, Va. a H'1 WIBI RAILING AKl) ORNA MUSTTAL W1K1 WO&KS. buttjb m os ; Verth Howard Rnct, Bsittmore, : . as sasaafaetnrers of wire railing lor TtTiMaiAs. Aa Sleva.rsBder, Cages, Woods TmAOaA Benena, Wwve;Wlre, Iree "The Bunshine was graoioui and smiled its Boftest upon all nature and gave its blessing to the ' twentj -sixth annnal fair of: Uta North Carolina : Stale ag rieoltnral eooietj. In L accordance with time-honored oastom theprooession formed at the Yarboro and began its march to the fair gronnds at 11 o'olock. Tn the Drocession were Governor Soales, Bey 1 (Jeorge W. Banderlin, orator of the 'day; Mr. W. G. Upohuroh, presi dent, and Mr. John Nichols, secretary, of the sooiety.' The marshals, hand somely mounted, were in line and the procession was headed by that excellent msioal organisation, JackBon'fl silver cornet band, of this city. The prooas sion made its iray to the grounds and arrived there about 11 45. sovamjfoa scaijm spaaju. - Got. Scales- opened the exercises of the twenty-sixth annual State fair at noon, at the speakers' stand in the grand stand, ills remarks were brief, as he stated that Lit health did not permit his delivering a formal address, as is the Governor's custom. lie referred to the objeots of the Sute fair, and to the development 1 oi agriculture in the Btate, and spoke of the unusual specta cle afforded at this fair of the coming together of the people of northern birth who have become eitisena of the State. of their convention whieh is to 'assem ble of their invitation to the people oi the jNorth to oome here and meet; with then and leant for thenuelres what sort of a home jthey find North Caro lina to be. 'These adopted sons oi the Stataj stand ready to proclaim, trmmpet-tonirned, the advanUses it of fer! to the settler. No praise can be more sincere and oertainly none more practical, than this. The Governor ex tended a hearty welcome to all these bitors and to the repreaentatiTea oi the Northern presi who are to be- here and see North Carolina - with their own eyes. He bade the offioers oi the fair God f speed in their work, and finally gave all the people of the State s hearty welcome to their fair, tie graceful! j introduced Re. George W. aanderun, ot Wayne, as his repreeen- tattve, saying that Mr. sanderlin would tell, lie was sure, gracefully and well, many things: whieh would be of value to his hearers. KXV. . W. SABDlXLUf ' M took as his subject,.' -A farmer's exhor tation to farmers to mairnify. their cll- ing," Mid from the very begioing showed that his reputation as a forcible and witty speaker was merited. He dis cussed farming in its practical aspects, and said that it was a subject on which other people were better informed Oftentimes ithan the farmers ' them selves. He referred, with special point and vigor, to the tendency to soperfi- mut wwf-uajo ana saia it was one of the evils which affected the fanner particularly. Bham farmine tells oil tao farm. The farmer himself is hard ly ever a sham. Few men more hear-r- tuy live up 9 me sentiment "1 would rather be than seem to be." The vigor. ths beauty, of the life of the firmer Were happily iortraved. He showed how love of the soil led to love of one's and. iove ' of country.; lore of liberty. He SDOke of the Visit Of the Northern people as Ore of the things whieh tends to bring f the people i closer together He made a Tery fervid appeal for thor xugh natti&al unity and an advance of au the peoj le in the paths of prosperity ana peace, :; The addrcat was listened to with the closest attention, and was liberally ap plauded. " It abounded in graceful phrases, and theie were soma vigorous; hits at popular ei r jib and follies. The I address will be published. At its; conclusion Mr. W. G. Un church, president of the society, de olared the fair formally opened. r , m oiim. l A visit to the cattle sheds yesterday showed that the display in this one de- oarlment alone s worth going a hun dred miles to see. j The people of the Sute have not bad an opportunity here ofore to see sooh eatt'e. At tbe last: fair thff first r 1 "how of cattle," on as oroner basis, was made. The shows here! in Baleif h by the Wake county cattle oinD nve oecome wiaeiy Known u, have excited much eomment. Scoreg of the beautiful cattle, nearly all, thor- ughbreds, owned by that club; are ti he seenj and there are many other eboicf catt!e from t r ions parts of tho 8tate The show of cattle is a brght partioulajr feature of tomorrow: and the grand par ade oi stoox at noon mat aay win uo p superb affair in all respects. This c)tt sheds are three in number, and are cap- itally arranged, so that visitors o in pas down the aisles' and view the oatde on either 'side. The ; animals are well cared for and are very comfortable, ev idently. The foil list of all the owners. as well as of all the cittle shown, will be published as soon as all the animals are in the stalls. A Uevon herd shown by Bumsey Bros., of WestlleJd, N. Y, ts notable. Mr. L Banks Holt, of Al amanoe. exhibits a fine Devon herd B'sleigh and Wake! make brilliant dis plays, all these, , of eourse, beiag under the auspices of te Wake oattle club, which makes its exhibit as an entirety. The exhibit of Jersey, Devin and Shorthorn is by far the best ever seen here. The Jerssy exhibit, in the way of individually worthy cows, is unsurpassed.: Dt K U. Lewis exhibits pure blood Guern seys of great excellence and Mr. T. fl Murray Holsteins attract attention than sixteen Jerseys and Devons. Msj. R 4 Tucker and Capt. B. P. William son have Jerseys of the choicest strains. Mrff W. G' Upohuroh, of this oity, maintains .his high reputation as the owner of some of the choicest cattle in the South, all Jerseys, and severaljm portd. He has nine animals on exhi tion Mr; M. M. Jones, of Cooper's, Buncombe county, has five displayed. m V THl HOBSKS. t At the long line of stalls on the north sidef of the grounds there is a very in teresting display of horses. Many of these are very meritorious. Nearly all the 'stalls are full, and among .the ani mal! shown are some speedy ' trotters. Pr.Jjames McKee. of Raleigh, has nine in the stalls, and Mr. James Norwood, of Hillsboro, has the same number. There are over sixty horses thus far shown, and of course many of these compete for premiums, and not for race purses. Some race horses are in stables in te city. Capt. B. P. Williamson, who owns such eapital horses as well as oitte, shdws some finejexamples. ; TAX KXW TKACK Horse men are in love with the new irak. They say it is one of the best in all -this section. It has a natural day surface, which they consider as, after alljjthe beBt Tor speed. A rain a week ag would have been benefhial to the track, and it might have been made a litde smoother, but it is now as pretty as ptoture. I THBXMTKirS. gp to noon yesterday no less than 6 entries' had been made. These wej-e divided among the departments as oUows : A, field crops, 256; tsi. horses, 61; B2, cattle, 92; B3, swine Mrs. Urimes, of Bileigh, has no loss acjd sheep, 29: C, poultry, 68; D. Or ihard. products, 47; K, pantry sup plies, loth F, manufactures, 51; G. meroantile dirplajs, 6; H, ladies' work, 33); I, fine arts, paintings, tc, 69; K, ae? loultural implements and machinery,: 2K I M . HOTXS. The View from the grand stand is yry attractive sinoe the establishment fthe experiment farm, whose well or dgred lands are in the foreground, look- iog westward. : yfesterday afternoon the tall signal staff at tne experiment farm was pnt up ad in a few minutes the yellow rain fig fluttered from its top. The signals wall be regularly displayed there. f The display of pantry supplies is the bst and largest in some years, it is said. I x ester aay aiternoon there were many p ople at work fixing delayed exhibits IB their appropriate places. This was priioularly the ease in the main build lSga. H; i 1 There are more side shows and that srt of things than ever before. There t?e, however, no gambling games. They ae barred. No liquor is sold on the grounds, here are gome good restaurants. 'Slosely has a neat place near the expo- pon builduig and the ohotwell memo rial bazaar has an attractive dining hall n the south end of the grand stand. I Ensilage is fed to Dr. B. H. Lewis' 3 - i -. ..a a a ww f ows, in ue catue-eneds. lie uses Irhat lie considers the best ensilage-cutler in the world. Boss', and Julius fj wis & Co. have one in the exposition uudjng. ABOUT IXH1BIT8. j Rsmbling through the various build- ngs' ryesterday many things were ho- Iticed-whioh Mondav were unobserved. Ih the main hall W. H. Wetmore & Co., lof Baleigh, make an extensive display of shoes and horse-collars, which shows J the excellence of home work. - Other special features are displays of Pogue's and Harvey's plug tobacco, also manu factured here. in tne west wing or tue main 'building, is the most exten sive exhibit of seeds, grains grasses, together with farm products in general, ever made at a fair. All are Of high quality. As a feature Julius Xj3wis s uo. snow cotton which is pro ducing over two bales to the acre. The exhibit of leaf tobacco from various sec tions is very meritorious. It is a little late in the season, but Mr. Frank K Hege, of Salem, shows a 65 pound water melon, while some 125"lb pumpkks are shown by Mr. Atkinson, of Banoombe. No fair is complete without pumpkins, and the bigger the pumpkins the better the fair, of course. The sweet potatoes and butter, and soma choice celery ex hibited by Msj. B. S. Tucker are note worthy. The wagon, buggy, carriage ; and phaeton displays are handsome. T. B. xanoey has four vehicles specially- no table, while Tyson & Jones, of Car thage, show many of fine finish Evans & Martin are also exhibitors. . 'Yesterday the fastest time, ever made oix this track was made by Maggie K. Mr. W. P. Batohelor made that an nouncement from the judges' stand. tkstkbpat's kacis. Boo No. 1, trotting, won by Mag- fie lv, br. m., m two straight heats ime 2:36 J, 2:35 J. This first race, o curring upon a trace onoe tne most abused in the south, reveals what a little judgment and labor in the im provement of the race oourse have done It is now etassea among the average tracks, and by offering good purses the very best horses on be commanded The 'time was the best ever made here. ; Baoe No. 2, running, f mile heats, best two in three, was won by Miss Grace, by Eolus, in 1:20, 1:26. This was fast time. It is also the fastest time made here in a running race today's sacks. Today's racing events are as follows: No. 3, trotting, at 2:30 p. m , mile heats, 3 in 6, purse $100; for gentle men's roadsters, owners to drive: to be driven to buggies or break wagons First premium you, second premium No. 4, running, at 3 p. heat-; stokes for 3 year olds; trance, $15 forfeit, $100 added. Seoond to have $50 out of the stakes. No. 5, trotting, at 3:30 p. m., mile heats, 3 in 5, purse $200; for stallions owned and standing in the State. -. First premium $137 50, second premium $62.50. Money will not be awarded unless 2:40 is made. G15IKAL ITSMS Or INT1EI3T. Many bales 'of ootton are in the ex position building, competing for the prizes, whioh are very valuable. The Northern and foreign bora set tlers' displays are in shape. Mr. George Shellem, of this township, shows many kinds of farm produot. He ia an Eng lishman. The ladies in this department show a large number of tasty household and fancy articles, and Julius Lewis & Co make a special display. Visitors to the fair should see the matting made by the Acme manufactur ing company, of Cronly, near Wilming ton, out of pine straw. The richness of the colors and the strength; of the material are remarkable. The ; leaves of the long-leaf pine are used in mak ing this distinctively North Carvlina product. The good music a the grounds, fur nished by the Raleigh silver' cornet band, is a pleasing feature. There are twenty performers and they are well trained,. 9lw York catttaa Futmmt, Nxw Yoke, Oct 26 Green ACo.'s report on cotton futures says : : Under the free offerings of yesterday . the mar ket was somewhat oversold, and the covering of nervous "shorts" this morning led to an upward turn of some 4 a 5 points. As soon as that demand was exhausted however, the position lost strength, finally closing tamely at a small fraction above last evening. There was no 'particularly stimulating feature either at home or abroad, and the South continues to offer cotton to the continent freely at gradually re ceding rates, without being out of or ders. DISMISSED, TWO OFFICE-HOLDERS BOUNCED FOR POLITICAL TALKS. THS ANNUAL KST1XATIS PAKBD. NKAKLY ALL fRX- vtTrs' Strlka. Wixmingtos, Del , Oct. 26.--By or der of the local chief of the Knights of Labor here, the weavers employed in Wm. Dean s woolen mills at Newark, Washington, Oct 26 tThe Presi dent today directed the suspension of M. E Benton, United mates attorney for the western district Of Missouri, and of Wm. A. Stone, United States attor ney for the Western district of Pcnnsyl- vania. ine action in tne case oi dis trict attorney Benton was based on in formation that he is now, and has been for some time past, engaged in address ing a series of political meetings throughout Missouri, with appointments advertised for nearly every: town up to the time of the election. I The Presi dent endorsed the paper setting forth the above statements: ' L?t this officer be suspended at onoe," and returned it to the attorney general for an enforcement of tho orders. The buspeueion of dis trict attorney Stone was made for simi lar reasons. Benton is a democrat and Stone a republican. H All the annual estimates have been re ceived at the treasury department ex oept those for publio workB, fjr the naval establishment and for the! postal ser vice. Those already - submitted, whioh cover all ' the regular eXpeases ef the government, show very little change ia the amount for appropriations for the present year. The treasury department will have the estimates in shape for sub mission to the appropriations oommitteo the 20th prox. 'I" Washington, Oot 26. The meeting of the cabinet today was tha first meet ing at which all the members were pres ent since secretary Manning was taken sick in May last. I k The Canadian fisheries question and the cabinet participation! in the Bar tholdi statue inauguration were dis cussed. M THa nreaidential nartv to riait New York to aedist is the inauguration of the Bar tholdi statue will consist of seven persons,: as follows: The President, sec- Ca.pt- Coka la ttaa First District. Speaial to ths News and Observer. Gebinvillb, N. C, Oct. 26 Greenville, Msj. Latham's home, gave Qapt. Coke a reception last night. Capt. Coke's three "peaches in Pitt have caused a revolution of publio sentiment In favor of LUham. He held up inde pendenttBm in its true light and pre sonted the issues with powerful and effective - eloquenoe. Pitt is aroused and will do her fall duty next Tuesday. They will aot rMaea'aa Matters with Knlahts. Ambtbruau. N. Oat. 26 The Amsterdam knit goods manufacturers have declined to treat with Bailey and McGuire, of the Knights of Labor gen eral board, in regard to a strike of their workmen, or with anybody else exoeptisg persons directly identified with their business. TbaFarlaaa afHwo abasn Rtrehasta Wednesday last jBenor Kduado Marqn z del Pino aad Senor iLasaro Vila, two Cuban gea tletnen, residents! ol New York, where they are eagaaed la the toaaeco business st No. 323 KstTblrteenth straet,met a Picayune repot ter. The object which brought these visitors to New Orleans was the collection of the sum ol 10, Utofrom the Louisiana State Lottery Company, to which the were; entitled by virtue of hold ing oi e-halt o! Ticket No. 75,489 which drew September 14, the third Capital Prize ot 120,- oao. aew OrleajDgj(La-) Picayune, sept. to. If Of rw to i m mom Artlel ibaooo, aak your dealar 4M JUat." for Mormiog wrappers in edingote style are mhoh in favor in the city. TatktrHall. Miss Randall and her justly popular Bijou opera company gave "The Bridal Tri" ui caoital stvlo last evening. The rain prevented many from hearing this opera, hew here, the musio of which is in Audran's happiest style. Miss Randall's charming acting and sweet sieging gave ' added grace to the opera acd won her fresh laurels. This after noon, at the matinee, the Mikado will be given in a handsome manner, with ele gant eostumes and appointments. This evening the "Princess of Trebiionde" will be presented. The eostumes in this are very rich, the finest in the oom- panv's wardrobe, in fact. The musio is in Offenbach's airiest vein. This is the last opera to be given here this season. A synopsis of the opera is as follows : Cabriola, a juggler, and his daughters, Regina and Zanetta, find the show busi ness unprofitable, while a lottery is in progress. The chief prise in the lot tery is a princely castle. At a perform- an oo Zanetta takes the plaee, in her father's show, of a wax fizure. and Prince Baphael 'sees the show and falls in love with the fig ure, which is labelled "Prinooes of I Trebisonde." Cabriola wins the big prii3 in the lottery, the castle, and goes i there to live. As he and his ml cracmam admaeed atagM of titiUinM PrlraHeta. Cw tion. Tho Oeoulna Drw SuU'a Cimiah BfTvp to Bold only tn laVil wnuuiwa, and bear Oar Iwiatercd trmda-Markf to wit i Rtrim Ocmtion-LnbH, and tha oia- SALVATION OIL, '.The Qrea test Cure ea Earth for Pain," Wffl relieve jmore quickly than any other known; remedy. Rheumatism, N etraigia, tweuinga, tsrnises, tsurns, Scalds.CutStLumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wcnnda, Headache. Toothache, Sprains, &c Sold by ail urugciatsw rnce w cenuauotue, P&P STOKI. i I". . . at I Del , about seventy in number, ceased rotary oirw, secrecy o war seuro- 2augaters are dining, Prince Baphael work this momingcausing -toppage tnrj of the navy, secretarj of the into- "Jf zetu this of the whole establishment. The strile . SSv MartatoT They faSria'loT.. wa (.anaed b tha d aahartr of a dent s private secretary. Ihey Will tt-.L.-f V.:. .4 Q.fU. .'-lrV WVrl- XriHOS JHBUTO, KUUlg - ' Sat aav vvw vr vtwa, vv wa ;. i m i " 1 t UKiera wearer wno was temporarily laid on while his loom was being -repaired, and who failed to be on hand to resume work when the repairs were completed. Hiss Cleveland tat Vr HeaJtk. Chicago. Oot. 26. Her Dhvsioian in Ne w York -ays that Miss Cleveland's 1 shocks having been felt since last Fri Washing to nesday afternoon, and expect to return j hew by midnight of. Thursday. TIM XAtaat rroaa cnariaaten. Chaxliston. S. C, Oat, 26 All is - - ' L . quiet m Charleston, no eartbquaxe health is entirely broken dowh and that be forbids her devoting her energies to the extessive labors of editorial work. Unless there is soon a change in Mies Cleveland's health, - she will spend the winter in the south ox Jfranoe or in Florida. , ' - i.j lh V. SJ. ftavaraaaaait will with draw. Mapbis, Oct. 'IS The U. S. gov ernment has informed Spain that it will not withdraw the proclamation re establishing the 10 per cent duty on Spanish imports from October 26th. Itoatraetlve Fire. : London. Oot. 26. A great fire has oocurred in the Hornby Bock warehouse, in Liverpool. It was stocked with ootton and grain. The damage is estimated at 100,000. day. The committee of relief is making excellent headway with its work, having so far acted upon applications of 1,100 property-holders for money to repair damaged houses. ; : President Cleveland has sent J1U to the pastor of Emanuel , African M, . churoh, with the fbllowng letton I have received your letter, asking for pecuniary aid in repairing your church, which was seriously damaged by the recent earthquake.. Iain very glad to contribute something for so worthy a cause, and though the sum is not large, it ia accompanied by the wish that through the kindnf 83 Of those who ap preciate the valuo of Such an instru mentality for good, your church may soon resumo its career of useiuiaesa. Express Car Btokbed. St. Louis, Oct. 26. The Adams' express car attached to passenger train I particularly aa it was instituted in Gen. and ;oan rran-I KonJanecr's olub. The matter ten as Foreign Vewa. BixLHt. Oot 26. The; French boy- eo tt on German beer has elicited strong oomments from the press ' in Germany, No. 3 on the St. Louu oisoo railroad, which left this city at 8.25 o'clock last night, was robbed of over $50,000 in cash between here and Pacific, Mo. A Xra-a Flra LivixpooL, Oot. 26 In the Hatting dock warehouse fire, last night, 3,600 bales of ootton and 30,000 bushels of grain were destroyed. to embitter the nation) France. Minister Yon Gassli sion with Prince BUmi a bill to modify the will be introduced in the coming session. feeling against ger at tia love ior ine . ex-ji daughter, describes Zanetta to the gem of a wax-work collection. His father buva the collection for his museum, and Cabriola superintends it. Baphael enjoys himself in Zoiettas - . . mm a. a a a society ind that ox ncr utner; out ma father finally disoovers the aoheme, by surprising Baphael and the ex-jugglers in a iollifiotion. He forgives them all when he learns the joke. f St. xtckalaa far Waveaafcar. This first number of the new volume is an early realisation ef the good things promised in tha attractive prospectus. Louisa M. Aloott, for instance, con tributes a charming and characteristic story, called "The Blind Lark." Then, some of the wonderfully clever tales that Victor Hugo used to tell his favor ite rTandohildren have been collected, - . l 1 -11 . ' 1 T 1 J wita oapitai ,iuuiirawous py Aeguaia B. Birch. There is also the opening chapter of "Jaan and Jmanita," whioh treats an unusual phase of hoy and girl life in an unusually vmd and attractive Btvle. Out-of-door sports receive re cognition in a spirited story of a Yale ... s . a . a .a Princeton foot-ball match, with the quaer title of "Bishard Carr'a Baby. Among others "A City of Old Home steads." E. S. Brooks tells of another 'Historio ; Girl" and her brave boy ohimpion. There is a capital descrip tive paper, abundantly illustrated, on "xtorinsr for UU." u. M. Holder nas some instructive and amusing "yarns THE GBEAT BARGAIN STORE OF SALEIQH. i: It people knew how mnch credit cost them they would notjbe seeking itor it is conunon- i I- ' sen that the merchant who buys goods on 8"' ' ! ' 1 1 i credit aad sell them on credit most sell his goods higher to cover his looses. In regular ii .- i 1 J ; liaei of menhandise there arc three distinct 4 up and on each one there is an ;1 jt :! . cent laid, to cover ths losses by profits charge it t ; extra per credit, : TcU Count ten per cent on each of S : m - them and youjhavc at the least estimate 80 per cant whioh you must pay to cover the kssea by men who never pay. This the consumer has to pay. jit ail comet out of the hsroV earned dollars of the laboring; people. If you borrow money from the bank at 8 per eent yon think tt Very high, yet yon will buy your goods en credit and pay 60 per ceatmore for MM ' 1 thaw tdu ought to pay and you will II- This credit -takes them y. i . never wink fonr eye at it. from the producers of thiscounty one-half they make. JSow how doyou like the Bystemf i auBtr a aassMalarai. The democratic county : candidates m.r mile 25 en- noke at Rolesville Mondav to a large gathering of oitizens and aroused great enthusiasm The latent democracy-what little there was was '"wide awaked," and it is evident that many who had been going on, and intending to vote acoording to o us torn, were put to thinking, and will now be actuated by the sound demo cratic principles' that were so plainly put forth by the speakers. Uwing to various efforts on the part of the repub- ioans there seemed at first to be some confusion concerning the passage of the stock-law, it having been imputed solely and entirely to the democratic party, but light was turned on by the dear, honest . . ... t - - - 111 J? 3 i and UroiDlo spvecnes oi tne canaiaates, and, at the proper time, whioh will be next Tuesday, the republicans will again be shown that an attempt to de ceive the intelligent voters of Wake oounty is destructive policy. At Wakefield yesterday a large as semblage greeted the candidates, and to judge from the hearty aocora the peo . .... Ml .1 - ' 1 pie seemed to oe in wuu tne speaxers, as they eh wed tne aa vantages ox trust- ice the affairs of au xinds of govern mont to the care or the democratic party, republicanism is becoming a thing of the past in that, section. The speeohea were very logioal, eloquent and impressive and gave a clear and im partial description of the results of both democratic and republican party rule. Every word spoken was a patent truth, and the soales quickly fell from the eves of those who had not seen or who hitherto had refused to see Everv democrat was proud of the' support he had given to the prinoiplea of democracy and the black principles of republicanism were ; shaken to the centre; The candidates spoke at Mitchell's mills last evening: H ViabM ta 11 alp the Irtfb. London, Oot 20. I4ladstoue, m re- nonse to a reanest tol COntTibUt) to a -r --a. - ... . book drfiaing the UDeral programme, saysi "My friends forget my years I hold on to politics is the hope of pos sibly helping to settle! the Irish quos- r, after a discus rck. is preparing IiupmIi laws ' Tt e landtag dnring to tell of that absurd bird, the flamingo 1 1 tures of Brownie life, this time "The Come to thepEtacket Store and bn y your goods. The Backet Etore has all the advantages, from i M ; . ving buyers always in the Few Tork mar ket, with cash in hand, who buy from houses obliged and intend to leave to the hind? of others." A reporter was told yesterday that several gamblers are hero. Visitors to the fair must keep an eye open for thst-e gentry. The police will help them co this. It is also ' said that ff ambling ia tion.. But the general operations of tne going on here nightly on Jfayettevd e party and particular Butjeof-s l am street. ti ud intend to leave to tne nnut i j . ' A son of ex-Senator Thayer, of Connecticut, has just achieved a grtat r distinction than his father ever pos sessed, by riding 4,224 miles on a bi cycle. He has been wheeling since the 10th of April, and has erased the con tinent, chiefly on his wheel. -A mountain of glass, half a mile long and 200 feet high, is reported to have been discovered in the Yellow stone region, and every rkentuekian i wondering how much liquor there is ui the glass. Saatalalnsr tka Strtkers- LiwRBNOa. Mass.. Oct 26. A conven tion ; of district Nod 8U, K-oignts oi Labor, voted to bus tain the strikers at Athol, Mass. ,and at Chelsea, in the Kl ta fabrio company's works. Ban Down mm laatajttly KlUed. B&apioxp, Pa., Oot. &6, Two men named James Jourdanr and Thomas Gool. were riding on a Bpeoder on the west branah railroad, near here last night, when they wefio run down by a . ... . 1 u:n.i ireignt tram ana iubumj uu. Mcirepalliaai Hall. The rain storm of course diminished the' audience at Metropolitan hall last evening, but yet the attendanc3 was larffe and the standard play "The Lady O " . . a m i T of Lyons ' was well breetnted by i he full strength of the oompanj. Tho acting T . I was t If active and the company soorea another success. The popular prices are a special feature. This s evening Under the Gaslight will be played, it M l - . o . . thrillinc nlav and th nre scene is a feature. Doaaaeratle AppaUitmeata. Hon John o. Uendorson, iSenj. Ling and others wi ton on Saturday, Oct. 30, at 11 o'clock a. m. Gov. Vanoe will house in Lexingt n Not. 1st, 1886 ; Birmingham, new theatre to 6oe Wbat True Merit will Dm. Th e nnpreo'deated sale of Boschee's Ger man Srrnp within a few years has astonished the world.- It is without duubt she safest remedy ever di .covered for the speedy and ef fectual cure of Coughs, Colds and tae severest Lung troubles. It acts on an entirely different principle from the usual presenpaons given bv rbvtustans, aa it does not nry no a ougn and leave the disease still ia the gyxtem, but on the contrary rrmovta the cause of the trouble, haais the parts enected ana leaves tnem in a purely halthy conditlee. A bottle kept in the house for use when the uisesea make their appearance will svc doctor's bills and a long spt.ll ot serious illness. A trial will convince j ou ol these tacts, it is petitivery sold by all drnggitts and general delers in the i unn. Krtce. 7A ol. um noiues. i whieh are compelled to take their off en for these geodai Jt to the power of the almightv dollar cutting its way through the centre ot time which tenable os to offer goods at less than they can be made for la hundreds of cus. The backet Etore is Mtisfled with small profits and we shall make onr bargains make our businesk. Mow oome to the Backet Store and buy yoftr goods and aave your money. i This week we shall open some great bar- ' gains in Ovreoats, Men's Casslmere tniU at ais, wartf rw. jao indies', ana Hisses' Cloaks, vwy low. i tiireat bargains In Carpet ing ana ku,kb. new iineoi iMuev jerseys. We are also carrying a big 11lc of shoes and bacU, wlij:h we wiU sell at a bargain. A big drive i ceunterpaaea at cost, a big Job in suspenders, ladka' and gents' underwear. Call and examine my stock before purchasing. Most r i; ectiuUy , soliciting cash trade only, VQENEY PURSELL. & CO., I No E 10 Martin St. Edward Fasnach, Jeweler and Optician BALEIGH, N C. Gold ad Silver 'Watches, American and Importedj Beal and imitation Diamond Jew airy. IS karat : Wedding and Engagement Bings, aay sixe and weight. 4 Sterling Silver Ware tor a. speak in Laxing- speak at the o-urt on; Monday night, M. U. PlNNIX, Chr'mn Dem. Co. Ex. Com. : tBacwair tka rtaea. i People who come to Haleigh mm a dntv and a pleasure if tbev fail to go to Bagwell's furniture store, 112 East Mar -.. . ,. 1 1 tin sir it a, ana loox at nia targe ana nenup tiful stock of goods. There is no neeit- what lsag- l Presents. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. Epcetaflsc and Xye-glasaea In Gold, Silver Ala., is to $100,000. hiva a Steel, Bjibbar and Shell Frames. Lsnsea, white anfl tinted, tn endless varieties. f Baals tor Lodges, Corporations, ate. Ala Badges and Medals for bcbools and Soclecc made to order. ' Vail ardera nromntlv attended to. Goods ! eial bargains are offered in all elasses cf sent oa Selection to any part of the sute ifnmitnra. I 1 mW C4 Gold aad BUvar la nuUandlarga qvaatltlM taacs aseaaa. diy. sitv of trying anywhere else: well hasn't got in the furniture coffin line, is simply not to be had. an! ..! S " .? ' v'iM'"- '. 'Mt :"Mrii- :iM,J Mit -'MfJ i If- 9 J f .' ! 1

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