Is-:? 31 ft! ' . i f; -j t ! AND ERVERi OI.XXV1I. RALEIGH. N. C. THURSDAY MORNTNG, OCTOBER 28, 1S86 NO. 137 I The: Niws :' .... A ..If A lkAf ttAlff DllVA ; ' '! fkli powder never varies. :A nHurrelm . j "Writ j, strength ud wholemenees. Keri eonomlcal than oitVnary kind end csfflnot b Id is eompetltlon with the multitude of lew test, short weight, alum or phosphate powdffli Mid only la cans. Bo tax. SaXTxa Pawn t., 108 Wa Street, New York. af sold by W C A AjB Btronsoh Georff T 'cffrMb d JK 'wtfl On. -it . VniedtoBWBiiidpemded.fraBa which thoq: WLds Miller, whuh children inherit, sTfoasjg Veople endura, a?id which, anient oraucsfc-j irutn iut system kuito jonnir. upiw; an i ruin pvnerauira WKLvnujn, Jtei r fnU. Tiii tairitcftnoLloodiu early trmae; ' was bxunrn at King's Eril. lir whatever; nlroe it is called toe due-vie u a terriblei .ooetuitscoaaeqaenvoa. Wbeu inherit.! rnni. 8cr ltecarecannflUeenneat:elVKjeaiv ily. C LOBee which prudtKM it'are toe? fill or weo an . require mention, rne. disease i weil Kinmn anualD4jrrnl;j inn woerosur n uau (reel caret .should fee 'taken to obtain plesR . fincu an entire ty of fresh air and clean. weak. deranae- aorae looa, ana aneauoa airea tnent of tiie stum. aeh and to tbe diet. Beware ot mercn. nu arseuisu, or oust saurae. oaa -miner u poisons ns medi kKnrcLH.nod cine", ior tws aiseaee. inej frtira inqre3 toe Clangor; iuot eviw eoni e e The'eff di not relisre the Lujarar. evfia which inanr ot-hsr The effect of tliees pujnoe the system of toe iw- Sect tbe gou rsl health. II tarrible as to ptaeW almost berond ruUaf ticrofola is f reaaenU is alroost need- ' Lane tit descrihe by proper treatment. A the srmDtemft of wuraionapn louera (Vrifali. - The aicatlona of tlus u Tl miliar of thelun ble dxseaae. Wjrnipe Is a awre indid.iUon "rji far the patient te iwTTbV reoaiT a tiinronjra r- jfVA onameof Ireatinetit U vvV-sanjy la early youth. lfl (iren early r no or It of Airof ol v. Erup- t'.oni mxf (ppeir. bat thmr aheence ii bo evitienc; of the ahemceof toeoiiHiaao. Toe sweLUnf of the viand of the thr 41 rarely do the Hjrup- tmna or Boroajaj and behind the ears and nailer the ebia alwa; idnute tbisdiaaa'e. sMDte result front iberelea forai la the hall have) lanes sad nrodnee O o beoorae aa amotion Tbe trea 1 treatmont or tliM ob)ectot oj- cuiaKf ul. ahnoJd he br the nes J - . K. naai of anc.i preuips artin and wnfli pTwerfnl blood oaruyin nied. toine aa Brown's Iron Utttara. nia nuMliohaaL r nultina? from luneraad pstieel isnwk awd expenineatis eompaeoe cf the IttA and mctlvm SSsiiraliMS Horatieea. so 1 killfolly eunMnel artth a neeru nmnnwi or thtt while piri(yin tbe bld trenctuenaitrie suanir a aa? en the whule STBtom. So th.J perfaat care of this horrible d is bei ur cooaapliaed. the IK also bein-r strenKthened MTr! bi e and earns?. Bnnnri Isun twrn-nres the eecninalntion Innea.ndaoce tiieewoluasT ot tha enl irred j-4r.ta resnsno thoi nse ana mmi uy oinuaiiiL j these cocditione alK-aH exlt end when remoted by B town's It n sere tas tne utnenee is earea. should et rurruUrly ood wbntesome keep roar bowvU recaikr. aaa JroB Bitters as pieewniire 1 i. i ' Ask any of year etabbora what ia the beet blood jHmner tbMknow. and tkey win su yon eross i iron oiMerB. sosa section of Lae country come a of f nOia seanjut of thia alua lemei'y in dsaeasBsof tliel-tosd. toasacsw lfTer and lodne; their aUendant erile of . 1 lndiareKtiim. Conatipationi 1 n l . bihgnaiisss, Lose of Anne. , tite. PisxineeatW ikef ulpss. lev rij tyt fromaaJaMaeseaatxenacB, VV Cintnr snd oHcnerre breaths Iron Bit-j ten wilt not cnusa tion of the Bladder. Iners. Ii ana braret: imm an saao tise. slurruJi liveri Dresrsi- aHn fco the moat delicate &k iiesa. Jetrtude. BrownSa iron Bsttua ceres i afl vVrA thete. fur it acts di- atomic h, knd fur chiUlreoit t mm r-rrr rra-M Viit thJ. mad, tmf tTectui iid to f )Di-r of ell diHMaMthA pruruote tiaaiUi Mm tn.e S"il.Tl B -TJIX is combined cine H known w harem Iran 3 qneiit aosoa it O ttrsne-therfs, Ual doee atreuif'.bene anc aide theTicnrans "f :s t conjaipue.rui Brown's Iron Jlit- Um healt'ir tora liaa thafcosm, actien. and suppli life and ! to ti.e nrtiyl tiMBM of tlM buurtion m Aa pure . Tseetable altera- ' trrea been asaae, . j i eroertag' child. Jncni ditiava n tart of B:l) oe raUl and know!- nown oy ana.?, W l : .-A -"na. fc euce that iteon- illow tone of the cro- l mt plesxni. win ne orrea ry -mnp" the lit f Brown's Iron f Bitters, iud that tired feel. s KendacBe are oured tie ita ae.AJlftliqr I ,asj 1 .eswai " .w iron ngeoi- replaced by an aetire rit-U- Tl jSS42Si t apeciflp core f. r JfalarW W l-eeers of all sjndaj ;p the f oaaof qaiaine; Uwitldomjre - a",s'rt v. H I. trill . stwm will not ina; thr.t kcermpanica 1 nul- duce CjnMipation, Iteadacbe, t IlhoutnaXism and KenTalzia. Bruwii'e Iron Bitters Will core all -tfKJft if 'Vrer. ai d will aim cure the troo, blee produced by the oae of quinine Biwari of IidUbs. . deanlne km Trade-Kara reatd red llai wranfarf, j BROVIN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MD. We have uld O Cnwitrd Son'ii: Urd 1 moet exchulrely (or nearly teventeenjtfjiLra and deem it dac:dedlT the beit cn the market. i G.QvCOBNWBLl, Al K, ' - The leading fancy gtoeeriof Wasb.!ng0 n,D.C. We have bandied fjaesard's "bttt Brandt Urd tor a conaldettble while and and tt to euit ottr cnatoraer better than atoy plhnr lard we ever handled The like It ofwell that we have about abandt-ned ell fXhcr braada. . . W. B. MANX CO., EJ igb, N. ;. We have ben 'using O. (Jensari; & Son's 'Star prand" )ui, in onr trade for the past eight aoontba and ftud It gives betttir aatlilat ' tioa than any we have ever used and we have tried about alL W. E. SKWSmM CO., I liaieigi,H C, ;i Hxaaaa. Q CAsuan ft Sov : It afford u great pleasure and aatWactlot 4 be enabled to endorse the merits ot your ard. : Since 1868 we have used; It In our ex ' tended trade, and taoet eohadently recommend it aa the puree and best we have ever handled ta our experience. f rh ii H; I CHB14TIAS WHITE ft CO., ; ; efn leading iancy grocer of BlchmjOnd. Va. : WIBJ5 RAILING AITD ORKA MJtSTAL WIRS WOJlKa, Hoi So Aorta Howara aneea, mwmoi, "-fanrcra ot wire raiUBjr tor OMBeterteai ad Coal stereeas, worn IroB .8 ; KiKEV! AM sui- terar . . nrst appear later ri. aire. A care on r" 'smpW Vbe seeared be- A 1 11 .JW 1 mm ukwq V H a sr be) of MS. sbbVs innoowst eigi i 7llittlrs . i from tbe V j omember.X 1 li ScT-fnla. a? V Bittera, 1 af itaietonA nss diwd i n v 'I ' - ; i if' 1 V ry V l. Die XZm&l TO lenmataBBi ana Jien, m weak. watrrr tm ia desekned Coop- V he V Ci Keister, demoorats, register! But little time remains to you now for thia important duty. Register at once, and see that all your dem ocratio neighbors are registered also. .Register!; Register! :..NEW8 OBSEKVATIONS. -The yonng Prinoe Louis Napoleon ia in New York, and will remain there until afcer the Bartholdi statue ia dedi cated. An arrangement has been effected with, the striking switchmen and brake men at Louisville, and the men hare returned to work. -A new expression has become toonu- lar in the farther South. When charges for labor or merohandiae seem extrava gant, people say they are "earthquake prioea.". ; The present week in New York will witness the- close of the most exciting political oontest : in the history of the city, and the unveiliDg of the Bartholdi atarjie of Liberty. -Tbo Billy talk about Mrs. Clee laud deeliniog to accompany the Presi dent to Kiohznond, Va., beoanso a daughter of Jefferson Davis was a gu;st of Got. Lee, has been officially de nied. . rl)f tha 200,000 working women in New York, the highest average earning is $7 a week. Numbers earn but $5 a week. Thousands , are una , with sixteen hours' work every day, j reach the lower amount. The women suffragists of New York are determined to make an effort to vote at tbe coming municipal election. Two women presented themselves for regis tration Friday but were refused. The committee are making an effort to raise money to push matters at once before the courts.: ; -i Although biojele riding is eom pCcatiyely in ita: infancy in this country tne record slate: credits a maioritv of the Vst performances to native riders. an la the matter of speed our wheel met) are ahead of their English cousins. who oan boast a dosen vears' start in the use of the machine. It is not so many years ago that three minutes for a mile was considered very fast traveling, and in 1876, when John Keen, the English champion, succeeded in eov-1 ering that dutanee in two minutes fifty- six and one-fifth seconds the feat war regarded as remarkable. By small frao tohs these figures have been cut down, first by English and then bv American riders, until the mile record was re cently reduced to two minutes tweoty oias and four-fifth seconds. ! This great feat was accomplished bv "William A Bowe, of Lynn, Mau., on the Hamp den park trotting track at Sprint fijld Bicyclist Bowe holds the world's record i for all distances from a quarter of s mile to twenty-fone miles, j ? rj-ThS display of jit-wrought collar ettes, fichus, plastrons, vests and an tique collars is: uncommonly elegant and varied this autumn. Among a bewil dering show of this ntck trimmicR, dia played as a specialty by a Broadway firm ilaat. week, were noted Cbarle IX. : oollars, : which turned back broadly, a la marine, and were edged with diamond-shaped beads of cut it Scarf ends of beaded net were added in (rent Another pretty style consisted of a V shaped plaetron of jetted net laid in flat folds from obin to belt, with wide military collar at the top.made of net over eilk covered crinoline foundation, this bead-edged. The sUnding band fast ens behind with two strong hooks and eyes, and there are narrow cuff bands to match, these only three inches in width. More expensive styles are made up over foundations of pale pink, lilac, or oo- quelioot red satin. There are alio solid jet yokes and' gauntlet gloves made of finest Preach out jet to be added : to handaome black gowns of satin or vel vet. Trimmings in this style are cx ttemelj rich and fffeetive, but economy has no lot nor part in these last-men tfoned garnitures, as their cost would trim an entire costume with jet decora- . m . .we - k - lions 01 tne ordinary description. Th Wort-borai Bwttlar. fu riasx pat s ssesiOM or thsib comvsh- 1 Tion. j : Pursuant , to notice given Tuesday, the Northern settlers' convention, which had before chosen Mr. George Z. French Of W UDQington, its president, met yes ierday morning in the hall of the house Of commons; The attendance was larg and all sections of the State were repre sented by representative men. President French at 9:80 o'clock called the body to order. Rev. George Barker, of Elizabeth City, opened the session. with prayer. j Colonel Thomas B. Keogh, chairman of the committee on the order of busi ness, reported that the committee recom mended that ten minutes be allowed every speaker. This report was adopted: The convention decided to hold no even ing session, yesterday, but to me?t both morning and evening today. - This morn ing's session will convene at 9 a. ml Reports on the climate, soil, agricul tural, forest and mineral resources of the State and of its health resort", as given by many gentlemen, oovered the! whole of .'its territory. I These resorts! Will be published in full in the Bulletin' of the agricultural department and sent broadoast : throughout the North. j The proceedings of the convention developed the fact that it is composed of practical men, who mean business. At 12 o'clock the convention adpurned in . order to aid in extending eour testes to visiting editors and others from the North. ' i i - l Med. ! In Montgomery county, N. C, Octo ber 21st, 18 Sb, Mrs. Nancy MeAskill, wife of Duncan MsAskul. 1)1 SGHACEFULe MR. Bt INE SPEAKS AND A ROW I OCCURS. A HOWIjlfQ HOB BOMBARDISO A PIKNSTL- VAKIA IDITOB. BxtiitfONTS, Pa., Oct. 27, J. G. Blaine i made a politioal speech here to day and the town is pretty well worked up with exoitement. Before the Blaine party arrived at Bollefonte this morning there Was a lively time among the poli ticians!! and citizens generally. The cause $f it Was the Btore order question. It was Istated that P. Grav Meek, edi tor of the Watchman, posted up a fao smile f an alleged store order in a win dow Jf his effioe. The Beaver club, seeingit broke ranks and demanded that itlbe taken down. They claim that they : rst entered the offiee and re quested ithat it be removed, on the ground' that' it reflected on them as much Is -upon Beaver, and meeting with a refusal' they tore it down, but another was immediately posted up. This in furiated them and a volley of stones was seat Iraohing' through the window. Meek fiastily summoned the sheriff and a numper of the club -were arrested. A griat Irowd followed them to a magis trate' office, where the accused were all held sfnder bail. In the parade were banners bearing the inscription "We are pad in cash and Gray Meek knows it." 1 ' -' mm 0ltan KJIllntr Kneb Other, CHtAOo, Oct. 27. A Times special from fort Kecgh, Mont., says: The fol ks win additional particulars regarding the lae fight on the Crow reservation, bctwrn a party of Crows and Sioux, in which! five Sioux were killed and scelpei, hive just been reported. The expedftion left th? Yankton agency a short lime ago with the avowed inten tion o raiding the Crow camps on Little Rosebud river. Concealing their horses in a riyine, they went into the timber to reconnoitre. Their horses were found by th Crows and identified. A search was made and resulted in the killing of two Sioux and three Crows and the wounfing of three of the latter. The rcmaiiog Sionx escaped to Fort Custer and reported the fight. The Crows lad a wart dance over the dead bodies of the Sioux, Bhooting their bodies full of noies and cutting off the head of one with fan axe. The report Bays that the Crows are putting on paint and pre paring for war. It ia purely an Indian -mussand not dangerous to the whites. The Tatlean UAKIS AN AST NOUNCBMINT TO VKAHCI. Bojfi, Oct. 27. Cardinal Jaoobini, papal secretary of state, has requested tne nuncio at raris te represent to tne French government the serious eonae quuces that might arise from the adoption of a clause in the primary education bill of an odious character to the jYatican and directed against the Catholio clergy in France. The clause referred to provides that education in schools shall be entrusted solely to the Ults n : : A Bpree'a Terrible Endlnc. Locisvnxi, Oct. 127 Thomas 8. Miller, a : prominent tobacco dealer at Stfhenspbrt, Ky., was found dead in bed; at the ot. Louis hotel today, with a horrible wound just over the eye. He bad? been out eeeing the town till an eadV; hour and having money he fell int4 the hands of bad characters, who got him - into a game of eards and knocked him on the head. He got to the hotel, went to bed and died during the night. Charles Mull, a saloon keeper, has been arrested, oharged with the crime. frparavttuaia tor VJavviltna; fetatne. tbe "Lib- : m erty Ktw Iom., jOct. 27. Preparations are being made for unveiling the Bar theldi statue, and the indications are that tomorrow will be almost a general holi day : in this city. . All that it needed to injure complete success will be fice weather. ; All the public schools of this city are to be closed for the d-y. The stock exchange will remain open. The consolidated exchange, however, voted tof suspend the regular calls. The pro duce exchange and Now York mercan tile exchange will be closed all day, and the cotton exohange will suspend op efietions at noon. The custom house .' be closed all day Hew Tork Cotton Futares. !Nsw York, Oct 27 Green & Co. 'a report on cotton futures says : There na been a pretty full business, includ- a large liquidation of new or nrst isfcao notices, tho latter acting for i ime as a depressing influence. Oa the whole, however, the market ab irbed the supply very well, and closed firm, at about the highest rates of the pay, showing 4 and 5 points advanoe. Ths e:gn aa vices aia not anora muon en couragement. EteatruettT Fire. Taunton, Maes., Oct. 27 The old roiling mill of the Colony works was burned early this morning. Loss $150;- 3000; partially insured. The building. which was '440x120 feet, contained a rolling mill, machine shop and nail fac tory. The latter contained thirty ma chines, furnishing employment for about fifty hands. , Landon SoeUtlleU Foiled. ; London, Oct. 27. It is Btated that Sir James Frazer, chief commissioner of the city police, has issued orders for bidding a procession of unemployed workingmen of London, whioh it was proposed by the socialist leaders should march through the streets at the same time si the lord mayor's pageant. A Ble; raiaafbtwrlBeT tT. Chicago. Oct. 27 Fifty of the quarantined cattle were slaughtered yesterday. All the meat was pronounced sound. This is the Iwgest day's slaughtering yet done in the distilleries. Two more of Nelson Morris' . steers died yesterday, and it is now feared that his entire herd will go. It is said the steers are more susceptible to the dis ease than the cows, and that they die sooner. Fire and Loan of Life In Tlrffiala. Ltnchbceo, Va,, 0ct. 27. A special to the daily Advanoe says : A fire at Pocahontas this morning destroyed 16 houses, including two hotels and seve ral business houses. George Baber, of Lynchburg, perished in the flames, and several other persons are missing. The fire was the work of an incendiary. ! A heavy rain saved the town. Loss, $50, 000 ; insurance unknown. Great Excitement In : Laajtoalaaka. London, Oct. 27.' There is much ex oitement in Lompalanka over .the arrest of the oommandnt who planned the seizure of the ministers while passing on their way to Tiernova, the object being to send them to Renirussi. A Lar- Fire. .LivsBPoon, Oct. 26 -In the Hatting dock warehouse fire, last night, 8, 600 bales of cotton and 30,000 bushels of grain were destroyed. No Baee. IWabhikgton, Oat! 27. The raees have been postponed until tomorrow on ac count of rin. Balg-arla'a Ineraaalna; Tremblaaw London, Oct. 2?. A state of siege has been proclaimed at Sc fia, the capi tal of Bulgaria. A Diptborla Kpldemle. T.YKCEBtJBO, Va., Oat. 27. An epi demic of violent dipthcria is raging at Derring ton, a suburb of this city. A number of death have occurred. "Madbid, Oct. 27 El Correor says that tbe goversments of America and Spain have agreed that the third column of Cuban customs tariff shall be applied until January to goods arriving at ports in Cuba and Porto Rioo under the American flag, and that the differential duty of ten per cent, shall not be re established on Spanish goods imported into America. A definitive treaty will be negotiated at Madrid before Jan uary. A Woble Herd eT Cattle. Notable among the cattle exhibits is the grand herd of .Devon cattle shown by Rnmsey Bros , of Westfield, N. Y. This herd of cattle, although barred from competition in the show ring at this fair, is none the less worthy and said to be the finest Devon o&ttle ever brought into the State of North Carolina. The list of prises won by thia herd in the ahow ring at all tbe leading fairs of this coun try is almost unparalleled. Among their recent victories is that of the swoep stskes herd prise- at the Virginia State fair last week, over all beef breeds of eattle, and their magnificent bull, Marquis 2d, also won the grand sweep Stakes prise at the same place as the best bull of any age or breed. These are indeed high, honors, of whioh Rum- soy Bros, may irell feel proud; and any one who fails to go to the fair and see this grand herd of cattle misses an op portunity which ; does not come very often. A Hole rroaa . Haldem. Correspondence of the Kaws asp Osshxtix. RsLiigh, Oet. 26, 1886. In vour caner of today, sneakine of Mr. Nichols, you say: 1 I , - - a - o . "It has been found that a man who was 'with' iioiden and ivux ana tne e - j m .m other desperate fellows who preyed upon the State in the darkest days,' e. i respeotfally protest against this lan guage, it has no foundation m truth. I was not a "desperate fellow" while Governor of the State, in 1865 or in 1868. On the contrary, I was as patri otic and true to North Carolina as any Governor the State ever had. I am now in private life and expect to remain so as long as I live. I belong to no party. . I assail no one and I de fend no one. Therefore it seems to me it is not right or becoming to assail .me in the language used by your paper. Very respeotfully, ; vY. W. Holds. Pliar ma- ulieal. The North Carolina board of phar macy has been in session in this city for tbe last two days and will oonclude its labors , today. The .following named gentlemen compose the present board and are in attendance : ifi. M Meadows, New Berne; E. M. Nadal, Wilson; H. R Borne, Fayette ville; John Tull, Morganton; Wm. Simpson, Raleigh. Mr. Green, the former presi dent of the board, having resigned, Mr. Meadows was eleoted to that offioe. Mr. Simpson was re-eleoted secretary and treasurer. The following named gentlemen, hay ing passod a successful examination, were granted certificates as licentiates in pharmacy ; Dudley D. Johnson, Concord; Robert 8 Mebane, Greens boro; Francis E. Duffy, Robert B. Nixon, New Berne. U. S. oovauMBNT Pi'iNTixe OFFioe, Washington, D. v., Sept. 10, 1884. Misses. Liibjo ft Co., New Nurk.; Gentlemen: While suffering from malaria I wa advittdto try jour Coca Beef Tonic I used one bottle and the effect and cure was happiness and ma, ic combined. I have since recommended it to a gre tt many employees htre, with the most aurpriaingly tiidctory result ev ry time. , la case of feeding of the lungs I suggest ed a trial, and the rapid building up ot t-trenrth wee wonderful. It is the most sovereign reme dy l ntve ever Known. Yours very truly, F. MUSfeOjr, Asa't 8upt. WASHINGTON. BATCH OF NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY'S CAPITAL! Tin coixaqi or SMALL SILTKR ACIIVS A HlW TKKATY WITtl SPAIN, &C. Washington, D. C, O.t. 27. The commissioner of pecsioos has received a telegram from Nashville, Tenn.,! stating that Dr. Wm. E. Syport, who Was ar rested by special examiner Paul Wil liams, today pleaded guilty : to tho charge of forging papers in a pension case. A number of alleged fraudulent pension claims have been discovered in that section of the country and the guilty parties will be prosecuted. The President issued the following proclamation this afternoon: "Whereas satisfactory proof has been given to me by the government of Spain that no discriminating duties oft tonnage or imposts are imposed or levied in the is lands of Cubaand Porto R'coupan vessels wholly belonging to citizens of the United States or upon produce, manu factures or merchandise imported in the same from the United States or from any foreign country; and, whereas, notifi cation of Buoh abolition of dis criminating duties of . tonnage and imports as aforesaid has been given to me by memorandum of agreement signed this day, in the city of Washing ton, between the secretary of state of the United States, and the envoy extraordi nary and minister plenipotentiary of her majesty, the Queen regent of Spain, acredited to the government of the United; States of rVmerioa. Therefore, I. Grover Cleveland, Presi dent of tthe United States of Amerioa, by virtue of authority vested in me by section 4 228 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, do hereby dolare and proclaim that from and after the date of this my proclamation, being also the date of notification received as foresaid, foreign discriminating duties of tonnage and impost with the United States are suspended and discontinued bo far as respects vessels of Spain, and: produce, manufactures or merchandise imported in said vessels into the United States from tbe islands of Cuba and Porto Rico, or from any other foreign coun try ; such suspension to continue so long aa tbe reciprocal exemption of the vessels belonging to citizens of the United States, and their cargoes, shall be continued in the said islands of Cu ba and Porto Rico, and no longer. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be amxed. Done at the City of Washington, this :27th day of October, 1886, and of the indepen dence of the United States tbe 111th. by the President. (Signed) Gbovik CLsvrLAitt). T F. Baiard, Sec'y of State. The President, accompanied by secre taries Bayard, Whitney and Lamar, postmaster general Vilas and "ol. Lt mont, left Washington this afternoon at 3:50 o'clock for New York. The internal revenue bureau has modified the regulations as tp the man ner of nackintr oiearettes. bo that here- after the number of the manufacturer. the number of the district of the cigars, and the number of cigarettes in each box may be printed on the tbox or on the label affixed to the box, instead of being "stamped, indented,' burned or impressed' thereon, as formerly re quired. There has sprung up in a few months an unprecedented demand tor minor com in o and l cent pieces, tne stock or whioh up to the time this demand began was in several United States deposito ries redundant. This surplus has all been put into circulation and the mint at Philadelphia, whioh alone executes minor coin, is domg its utmost to sap ply the demand, its capacity being limi ted by statutory law to the coinage of silver dollars. 'The popular demand for small coin is now ahead some 2180,000 for five and one cent pieoes: alone. The. secretary of the treasury has given the authority for the issue Jiof whatever proves to be wanted, and it is anticipa ted that the work now in hand will re sult in sptedily supplying all that may be required. Meanwhile orders upon the superintendent of he mint at Philadelphia, issued in aeeordauoe with the circular issued by the .bureau of the mint September 10, 1886, hrill be filled in order of application. Raleigh's Hospitality. HOW TBS VISITING XDITOR8 WKR1 TSXAT1D The editors from the N orth oerUinly spent a pleasant day yesterday. The oitizens' committee had charge of all the arrangements and carried out every de tail in the most thorough manner. At p. m. tne suo-oommiitee appointed for that purpose had at the agricultural building a number cf carriages, wbiijh were quickly filled, and l a lively party drove to the insane asylum, on arrival at whioh they were mikst courteously received by Dr. Grissom and his assist ants, and conducted through the insti tution. Like all others who visit that noble charity, they were grea ly im pressed by the perfect order maintained in the splendid Duiiding. liunca was served in handsome style and brief and felicitous addresses of congratulation were made by Col. John D. Cameron. of Asheville; Major gram, of Baltimore, W. M. Pe- 1 and others The next plaoe visited was Shaw univer sity, oolored, where special exercise t were held. . This is one! of the largest and best conducted colored universities in the country. The iaging of the students, as weil as other features of the visit, greatly interested the visitors. A fPXCIAL UITIKTAINMBST AT 81 MART S The next plaoe to whaaa the visitors were taken was St. Mary's, where they were treated to a delightful entertain ment. The programme was as follows : Overture to Die Felsenmuhle, (Reis siger) Misses H. Smedes, Nichols, Mc Lean and Graves; piano solo, Le Joyeux Reveil, (Leybaoh) Miss Lula T. Holden; calisthenics, dumb-beUs, junior class; semi-chorus, Come Sister ElyeB, (Hat ton) vocal class; calisthenics, rings, junior C; piano solo, Le Batelier, (Lysber?) Miss Bessie McLean; Men uett, opus 66, (Jadassohn) Miss Sue M. Nichols; Twelfth Night, aot I; Piano solo, Polish Danoe, Mies Nellie Murray; Twelfth Night, Aots II and ITT; piano solo, Spring Song, (Merkel). Miss Mol lio Graves ; Twelfth Night, Acts IV and V; chorus, Cheerfulness, (G um ber t). I Major Pegram, of Baltimore, ex pressed the gratification of the visitors, in his happiest vein. OOrjKTKSISS AT PIACK INSTITUTX. After tea the editors went to Peace institute, where a delightful musical programme was pleasantly carried out for their special gratification. Tho pro gramme was aa follows :j Chorus Gondellied, ! (Proch) vocal class; Spinnlied, (Lttolff) Miss Bertha Knox; Far from Home, (Henrion) Miss Annie Faucette; Judith Scene and Aria, (Conconc) Miss Minnie Helper; Sweet Pleasures on the Water, (Via conti) Misses A. Tate and L Oatee; La Favorita Fantasie, (Hers) Miss Lucy Wrlston; II Sogno, (Abt) Miss Lalla Gates; Oh, Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast (Mendelssohn) Misses M. Helper and N. Boiwell; Recollections of Home (Mills) Miss Emma Phifer; La Caprio oiosa, (Mattci) Miss Annie Tate; In flammatus, from Stabat Mater, (Ros sioi) Miss Helper, vocal olass and ohoir of First Presbyterian church. ' THJ 1ARQUST. - The crowning glory ' of the day's pleasures was the banquet at the Yar boro in the evening. It began at 10 o'o'ock. Covers were laid for 120 per son". Mr. W. S. Primrose presided, and performed that duty gracefully and well. The spacious dining room pre sented an attractive seen e. The menu was as follows: New river oysters on hilf-shell, green turtle soup, broiled bluefUh, roast I turkey stuffed with oysters, roast pig with apple sauce, broiled chicken patties, celery, olives, chow-ahow, asparagus, green peas, mashed potatoes, mines pie, oocoanut pie, cakes, vanilla ice cream, cheese, crackers, nuts, N. C. apples, grapes, j coffeo, N. C. wines. The toasts, with the names of those who responded, were as follows: i- ; v.' : The State of North Carolina Her people, first for . American Freedom, will ever be true te Constitutional Liberty. H in. A. M. Scales. Gv. Soales was not: permitted by his physician to be present, but sent an ad mirable letter, whioh was read and was applauded liberally. The President of the United States, Grover j Cleveland Who knows no North, nor South, nor East, nor West, but only; the Constitution of our coun try and tho flsg of our Union. W. R. Cox. ' j ; Our Common Country Young in years but a giant in strength and with every promise of becoming the grandest nationality in the world. J. R. Kcn ney. f ' Our Northern Visiters We give them a cordial greeting and would glad ly welcome them as permanent residents. 0. M. Busbee. Responded to by ('. C. Couillard, of Boston, Mass. The City of Raleigh. Famous for its Schools, Business Activity and Hos pitalityMayor W. H. Dodd. The Immigration Department of North Carolina. It has introduced thousands of desirable oitizens among us and aug mented our industrial capital bv mil- ions. ur. J.: vy . Dabney. Our Northern Settlers Ranking among North Carolina'' b most progres sive, prosperous and valued citizens; they have found here a goodly heritage ana a brotherly welcome. George Z French. ; Our Manufacturing Enterprises Yet in their infancy, but with giant str.des moving forward in importance ana is useful development. Thomas (J. Worth. The Industrial Development of the Present Deoads. The mirvel of the l t . .T fa . age, in wnicn tne xxortn ana Houtn vie in generous rivalry Y. C. McKee. Cotton The most important contri bution of Amerioa to the needs of the world, and the greatest factor in th wealth of Eastern ' Carolina. G. W Sander lin. The North Carolina Press. The con stant and effioient champion Of all meas urcs promoting the progress of the State and redounding to the glory and welfaro of tbe Union. J. 1. MoRee. Our Eleemosynary Institutions. A generous people provide generously for the In ic ted ones within their borders Dr. Eugene Grissom. The State Agricultural Society.-It has worked beneficent results in-stimu lating our farmers to a diversification of crops and to the importation and breed ing of improved stock. 0. B. Donson The Tobacco Interest of North Caro una it has brought us wealth and made tho name of our Golden Bait household word in the uttermost parts of the earth. W. 44. Borkhead. The Educational system of North Car olina. While not yet fully perfected, it bestows its blessing on the whites and the blacks alike. S. M. Finger. Oar Railroad, Construction. These advanoe guards of oiviliz ition are honey oombing our State and bring the moun tains to the seaboard. R. T. Gray. It was after 1 o'clock this morning before the last response was made and the party broke up. It was a remark ably pleasant occasion in all respects. The speeches were ia good taste, aad in not a few cases truly eloquent. It was stated at the banquet that the convention would not have been poesi- r- t ble had it not have been for the aotion Of the Seaboard air-line authorities in granting pa-s and extending other extraordinary courtesies to those who thought of coming! This is a deserved tribute to the welj-known liberality of the 8 A. L. management, j Today's programme for the enter tainment of the visiting ( editors and of the other Northern visitors is as follows: Nine a. m., convention; 12 m., (fair grounds.) Address, '.'The Resources and Progress of tbe South." by Maj. W, H. Pegram, of the Baltimore Man ufacturers' Reeordf address by David Judd, of the American Agriculturist; 8p m.. visit to the institution for the deaf and dumb ani the blind. 'The Oreatest Ore on Earth for Pain." Win reileramore qsickiyl nri Rheumatism, fceermlfrta. Uaaji any other ' known ecra tin Ed res, Scalds, Cut, Lamba Ifing' s. Still Kecc,4 truisee. jro. f lenrlsjr, Bones, jTOrt-bites, Bactache, Cainef, Bore Throat, Bctaaics. Wounda. Headarhe. TooihachU, Spraina, etc Prico cl e botae. Bold by all t : rv red IVadllark, and our tlCTrrtnra. 7 A C.. lleyer A Co Sole , Jijitlmore, Md, Ia B. A : lai Oil beaie) oar rae-afTRlle 1 1 opn rxo n.. DR. BOLL'S COUGH 8YBDI For the cure of Cougha, Colds, Hoarse ness, - Croup, Asthma,, Bronchitis. Whooping : Cough, Incipiert Con gumption, and for the relief of con sumptive persons in advanced stages of tha Disease. I For Sale by all Drugs Cists, race, zs ccma. THE GREAT BARGAIN STORE OP l : RiLEIGH. , If people knew bow much credit cost them they would not be feeking it,for it is eommon - sene that the merchant who buys goods oa credit and sell them on credit must sell his to eoLer gooda higher his losses, in regular lines of merchandise there are three distinct profits charged upland on each one there is an extra per cent la3, to cover the losses by credit. You count ten per cent on each of . i ; - them and you Ibavi at the least estimate 80 per ' : ; - i cnt which yoo m ist pay to cover the leases by men who neTei pay. : This the coiisumer i : i : : has to pay. it all comes out of the hard of jhe earned dollars laboring people; If you borrow money from the bank at 8 per cent i you think it very &tgh, yet you will buy your goods on credit aid pay'50 per ccnt.more for I them , than you Ought to pay and you will never wink your feye at it. This credit takes from tbe producers of tb Is "county onc-aail they make. Kcw how dofjou like the systemr Come to the S&cket Store and buy your geods. . , j ' ' The Backet .ctorf has all the advantages, from having buyers arrays In the New York mar. ket, with cash In hand, who buy from house which are coupelled to take their offers for taese goods.: lip tha pewer of the almighty dollar cutting its VJ through the centre of time which enables) us to offtr goods at lees than: tbey can be made for is hundreds of caftaa. The Bacbf t Store is ettlsCed with small profits and we sbatl make our bargains make our busines. How come to the Backet Store and buy your gqxls and stve your moaey. ; This week wj shall open tome great bar aios in Overeoits, Men's Cassimere miu at US, worth tai. Also luadlee' and Misses' Cloaks, very low. oreat bargains in Carpet ing and Bugs. iKew line of Ladies' Jerseys. We are aluo carrying a big lite of shoes and boot, irbich We will sell at a bargain., A big drive in counterpane at cost. A big lob in suspenders, IMi s end gents' underwear. Call and examine my stock before purchasing. Mot r spectftllv, soliciting cash trade only, s VOLNEfT 1- UUSELL & CO., ' No E 10 Martin St , '.; Edward Famch. raIleigh, Gold and Silver Watches, American and i ' Imported. Bepl and Imitation Diamond Jew eiry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement Kings, anj sie and weight. Sterling Silver Ware for Bridal Present. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY Spectacles and Kye-glaeses in Gold, Silver Steel, Bubbe and : Shell Frames. lenses, white and tinted, in endless varieties. fteela tar ILArltrea. fkirDoratlonS. "tC AW Badges and Medals for Schools and . Socleas V?ieSS "OCI Pffif STUM. Jeweler ani Optician , N Q. taade to order. ' Mall orders promptly attended to. Goods sent on selection to any part cf the Stat. ' sEtT Old Geld and BUver In small and larajt qua'titteBtainMe-vilv tuy. I? ! . 4 i

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