- V J if ' I? 1 t .aV i :") .'A ERVEM, AND or. xx vn. RALEIGEL N. C SUNDAI MORNTNG, OCTOBER 31, 1SS6 NO. 131 it- ! e ' SifS- : I Sews V 'is I - ?H V iinSWII;--! av 1 Absolutely tjue. ; This powdsr merer' tu1mu! A tfcsrvel of irtty, strength aad wWeaomenesa. Mow coaomlcal than ordinary kinds amloaaaot be M la ectnpetition with the multitude of WW - "iiftt, aaert weight, arum wphoarjaaUpowdari ; 1 CJtiold only1 la cans. Kotal Bdm Powbb i !, 'jSjtUM WaU9tra-VKewYorkii ! H . .j:';.old.bt W Ci IB Stronaek, Gsorge T ST 'j. flmnflb 4 R lrrn A "On. -. ; A ..-" j ; f ilpower! of Knowledge. K a Its adaptation in life gives it ita-'falue. Truthnil statements frequently reiterated, hare taiht the tuff eiers lrom (ISa- ; eases of the blood, storfiachi'i 1 ' f Uver and kidneys that I nt ' I I ' . ii i In : BROWN'S IRON BlfTEfeS t fnrniiihes it sore and speedj c'ijire.h ' 'fh is i knowledge i once gained spread : inconcelrablj, as evinced bjf theUiou- sanls olf unsolicited testimon Ink have received from jiersons benetcd ; hy its use in such cyees. Were we! to publish - but ond in a score of such wefcoine words of praise of! . , ji I i.. s y i i r . I Brown's Iron Bitters, U this paper would hare no rociin for news,' ', . poliucs, or marriages and denf hs Were all Eui&rers from these diseases to give it . a. trial,1 the papers woold hare jliUle oc- I casioa for a space devoted reoords of 1 deaths.j' f :M - ' in aj little pamphlet which we circu- ; late freljr in this section, called Horn i Hflpt we give a few it the local; certifi-' cates of cures received frord persons well X, known to jog. in business and social cir , . clcs. If all were published I thej would . cover such f range, of disorders . cured ; that von would exclaim, in surprise, I V -. . Truly, lirown's Iron lkUers stmt befe- the very elixir of life," -L'W '' 'i - Cea4 the st 'of diseases: jBUlopsness, J'" Mia ", kvv Mjvy wvsaj wv a ? . gravel oisofun, oropsy, rneunnnsni 01 the heart, Bright's disesse dypepia, indigestion, constipation, hefedscoe, loss of appetite, flatulency, beaijtbnrn, sou stomach, ranker! in the stomiich;: impure ' blood, humoiB. acrofnla, salt hcum, ery- : sipelas,' erupt ions of the skinj boiils, rbeu- : tuatism, neuralgia, nervons fprostration, slewlcssncss cjitarrh, fever! aftd: ague,-' ; dumb ague, swamp fever, malaria, and female 00m plaints. All these fornjsof diseases, of both body and brain, have tcea cureaj by frown's jron iMiicrs. s ; f , - . All can be cured ngaio same valuable medicine, exercised in the selection 1 osiug the .0 tite care tl prepara iion of tke material, and U skill of the oomtanaUoti of vi ; Brown's Iron B fci doe its socoeas as a rem I agent. Vegetable alteratives fromithfe world of t naiurc, scicctep mi lueir uirety ana power l ful action upon the blood, with special I preparation of iron known Only to tho ?: proprietors of Brown's I 1 Jtboronghly aehimilated and cuch a manner as to dereh 3robined i. thai bkwd ' purifying and strengthening properties of each, and allow acu to a ' thoroaehly upon the systei freely and gives this preparation its success, and: places It at the pead of all popular medicines of the ay- r ' - ' p si i So well known is its effejrt,jupon the discuEes mentioned that many of the best physicians in the country, paying aside their prejudices against seCrey in the prqaration of medicine, recommend I Brown's Iron : Bitters to their patients. 1 At home, where it ia prepajred;, so thor- ouehly tlo tie pbysiciana rtly upon the i integrity ard honcr of its niano (allure rs aA its wcll-kuo a meicioaj qualities, tHi t ncorta of; the most ennnt;in the J prefen-H n hye puLlbhed tetimooials of i I he wrndc r.ful cat es thnt haie come under their cht r vat ion. - This is: not onlr un- I ur;ol, l t has ; sever been donefcr any other iredi inc. ; M H I f Never h:;s Broad's Iron Jlhters failed to tiol;ttor;ti;ite nil thst pIiyiK$ans have tohl, or its proprit tc rs. 1 laitfk-dj for it. As aiibMd. purifier it is'tiMu4ed. i a stomach corrective it hs no peer. To trenpthoh -wesk kMrify np other , mcdij ineonn lie romnarrd fot. -Its power to proni' te nrtion in the i : r!i:r:ish livt-r is unparalleljfl.' ; 1 J A!J 'ilir-r in h n wHt incs.rajiso confti- j ration bid heailaclie. Iirown'i Iron Bit-1 tcrs cure them. It will iiiol irgiire or omcviinr tl.c teeth, i'ric - nlwjttlc. rrcjrol bir Brown Baltimore, ?.!!.) Price oily- pne dollar i Chemical Co., We have 'sold Q Caasard - Sun's Urd al saot e cclusivly for nearly sevainteea years and deem U aecidadry tb beat cr the ntarktU t G.G.C OB' I i V, I : The leading fancy grocers of Washlngt n,D.C. We have handled CassardTs 8Ur Brand " Urd for a oonaiderable while and find it to suit our customers better than any other Urd wf ever handled. They like 1t ao well that we have about abtnde&ed all Other brands.; . I W. B. MANN CO. Raleigh, N. ti f We have been using G. ; Caasard A Sob's BUr Brand" hurt in our rade tor th past eUht mouths and And It git better aatlstao iuB thai any we have ever ued and wa bate Vied about alL W. fi. XJLWS M CO., fs i lSUelhfN'Ci? ituniuto- Cj4tA8o:.jf : It aflorda us great pleasurjft aad aatlf fsctloo to be eaablsd to endorse tbs mertta ot your trd. Since iMt we have used tt In our ex tsaded trade, and most oonfidenCy recommend U as th purest and best we jhavje ever handled IB. our aipeneuw ! f The leadiBg fancy grocers of filchaload, Ya WLRJ RAILING AND OE2U MJCjTAL YflRK WOEKSL Ke. S Maria Howard tree, Haltlnw, -iirfaeturrs of wire ralBttg ; tor? Cstsriaa. Bali , AiL- SlaveaJaaaaf. Oafaa. Woods rj; Wlre, lrom Sad. NEWS OBSERVATIONS. A clergyman exhorted hia congre- f ;atin to vote as you pray' and ster on advised them to "pray often." MroiBtewtrt's diamonds are valued at $750,000. Some of them are so large and valuable that she never ventured to An active Tammanv worker esti mates that Hewitt will lead George 42, 000 votcsi, and that Roosevelt will not hare more than 40.000 votes in the coming election for mayor of New York oitj. . A railroad has been completed to tne mam moth (Jave the "great mas terpiece of Nature's handiwork," as the bills nayj and the country has been flooded with "cordial invitations" to attend the opening ceremonies in 'No- vember. -rOur! neighbor, the Dominion of Canada, iis having something of an elec tion its own self. 8ir John McDonald is sure of sucoess and ex-Premier Davies strongly jintimates that Sir John is an ass. This sociable way of talking sounds iamuiar. j v . The Itelephone has prcved a great blessing in many curious ways. Ia one Connecticut telephone cmoe during the last three years eighteen switch girlv hate married subscribers on the lite. The eighteen subscribers have displayed a praiseworthy fondness for ringing telephone) belles, . The Irish parliamentary 1( a Jers are finding plenty of lack in America. Jus tin MeCarthy had not been here two weeks when the contested Londonderry seat was Awarded to him. And Michael Davitt well, he is even more fortunate. for4n California he finds a wife. She i an accomplished lady of twenty, with a fortune of 160.000. The novel ODoration of transnlant rag teeth Into artincial sockets is said tc hate been performed lately in New York with suoeecB. The process is to bore hole in the' bone under the gum where it is desired that the new tooth shaV take rcotj jand in this the tooth is pu: and fastened with the ligatures. Tht teeth hayel taken firm root in several patients, i V The paragragh saying that Geroni- mo ia pronounced "Heerimmo htp tckphcd San Angelo, where t hey ought to know now to ' pronounce the name. and leads lithe Standard, to exclaim: Hood hraoious ! what is he hiving us ? What a hy and a hiddy style of talk this hentleman would het us into. Bv hosh, we won't have it. Ho to I H London is nrettv moeh torn'an over 'the prospect this th lor-ii.y or. fr rade November ytn will be sopple- mentea . bv a procession of tne an cm suffering poor. Such is th ployed and threat off the socialist leaders. They say that it ho other way csn they cal' attention to the desperate condition ir whioh the poor find themselves. I would, ddubrJera be a terrible exposure of the inequalities of life in a groat citj ike iondon. It will probably be sup pressed o& the ground of its danger to- the good order of the eity. FriedMch Siemens of Dresden, haf succeeded in casting glass in the same way as mstil is oast, and obtained at article eorrernonding to east metal. This east lass is hard, not dearer h production than oast iron, and has the advantage1 of transparency, so that all Haws can be detected before it is applied to praetieai use. it wui oe muon .lesft exposed to Ir jury from atmospheric in- flaenoe than iron. The process of pro duction is not difficult, the chief feature being rapid eooling. The hardness and resisting power of this east glass are so great that experiments are being just now earrcd out af the Siemens glass foundry at Dresden with the purpose of ascertaining whether the material could be employed for rails on railways. ' j : ft ; Though James G. Blaine . Is ex- peeted in New : York eity the last part of the wOck, Theodore Boosevelt, this republican ! candidate for mayor. sayB that he will not speak there. Mr. Roose velt seems to fear that the mugwumps wbo are supporting him will be driven from his Tanks if Blaine should take the stump for him. The batth in New York is progref sing hotly and without any apparent change in the situation Wednesday night Tammany held a mass meeting at Cooper Union, at which Mr. Hewitt mde another of his excellent speeches; while Henry George addressed his supporters at a big meeting in Iry inir halfj ! A Dart of the political gossip of the day is a statement that the Blame Irish vole in the eity will be cast, so far as it oan! be controlled, for Henry George. ! Saijsof homespun come first in the rank of isimpie tiilor styles for utility purposed ; i these mostly of one- fabric, and witn no other trimming man mi- ohine-sutched edges and rows of very handsome buttons The fabric is rough surfaoe4 wool, either plainly woven or in wide! diagonal, and is either plain brown, gray, black, green, grenate or otherwise; is woven in blocks or Btripes The EtjlUh navy-blue diagonals and other 6rges worn by yourg ladies who object to j the sober homespun ; fabrics are trimmed with ficey wool braids in aovel basket pa'tcrna. Bisket-cloih diagonals range still higher in the scale af tailors-made gowns, tbeso velvet- trimmed or otherwise richly garhitured India camels' hair also, in fawn, Un and golden! brown shades is used for re cherohs costumes, with long Buesian rediogdU opening, over a skirt of plush or velvet and trimmed down the left tide (which sometimes opens from hem to belt!) wi'h a wide revere of the plueh or voiyet to match. Upon seme of the Paris-made ostumcs there is a Russian hood ai the back of the rcdingoU, lined itk it;n th ahad f tha eam.i.'.h.ir annA. i; TEHBIBLE CRIME AND A WONDERFUL ESCAPE : FROM JUDGE LYNCH. AN OLD GRCDQ 1 SSTTLKn, TBI HAITI MISSW AND THX MUKSIRSK IN JAIL. . , HAKKisoir, Ark., Oct. 30 Details have just reached this place of the cold blooded murder, at his home in Marion oounty , the 22d inst , of Jas. Hamil ton, late deputy collector of internal revenue in the office of Henry M. Coop er, at Little Koek. I About two years ago Hamilton, while aoting as j deputy oolleotor of internal revenue, made a raid in Johnson coun .ty on : a number of illieit distillers, among; whim was a man named Mulli gan, capturing one of the distillers and managing to get here with their :'orooked" : property. Mulligan was one of these who escaped, and nothing more was heard of him until a short time ago, when he came to the home of Hamilton, who was residing on a farm in Marion county, and applied for work on the farm, giving his name as Page. Hamilton employed him end he worked until last Friday night without attract ing any particular attention. That night he left Hamilton's and went to the house of a neighbor, about half a mile distent, to spend the night. After ihe family had : retired for the night,' Page, i (or Mul ligan), left the ! house and going bsek to Hamilton's, orept into the latter's bed-room and as he lay asleep placed a pistol to his head, blew out his brains and fled. Mrs. Hamilton gave the alarm, and there being some men about the place, the neighbors were soon aroused and in pursuit of the mur derer. A party of citiiehs caught him a short distanoe from the house, and plaoing a rope around hjs neck, made him confess; hia crime. (Just as they were in the act of lynching him another party of cit'zens came up and the lynch ers, supposing them to be officers, left their man and scattered. Mulligan, taking: advantage of the excitement es caped, but was recaptured next day and taken to Yeilville, where he is now : in jail. Hamilton had twice been elected sheriff, and twice circuit olerk of Searcy county. He was for four years deputy collector of internal revenue and was a candidate for sheriff at the reoent elec tion. - - i ' . How York CoUa rwtairM. ; Nxw Yokk, Oct 30 Green & Co.'s report: on cotton futures says : It has Deeir si fatrty ctfrrwn, wlrti wffer ings coming in the main from tired "longs" and the inclination of prices ws rather downward Liverpool con tinued to drag. Only about 2 points were lest, however, and) afterward re covered, owing to covering by a large operator who is settling engagements for the purpose of retiring from active business. Tko Weekly Bask stataawewa. ; Nxw You, Oct. 30.r-The weekly statement of the associated banks is ' as follows: Reserve increase, 920.100; loans .decrease, $153,200; specie in crease, 851,800; legal tenders in crease; 200,900-; deposits increase. $494,400; circulation decrease, $1, 600. The banks now hold $7,398,675 hi excecs of the 25 per oent. rule. A SjMSljrTalllalOBI. ;. Zanbbvilu, Ohio. Oct. 30. By a collision on the Baltimore & Ohio, be tween a west-bound freight and an east bound freight yesterday afternoon, two engines and twenty-seven cars, with their contents, were totally destvoyed. A tramp was seriously injured and the track vu blockaded till ate last night The loss to the railroad is about $100, 000. A misunderstanding of orders caused the oollision. i Opinion f atiarnajr Mral warlMad. WAsaiMaxox, D. C.Obt 30. Attor ney General Gulsnd has given an ooin- lon to tho Secretary of the treasury um national banks must deDOsit in-.-jre-t- bcaring bonds to secure their circala tion and that oalled three per cant. bonds cannot be usod as the basis 01 circulation. , l A Ileavjr mbww Ntorin. Cbioaqo, Oct 30. A special to the Times from Fort Keogh,! Montana, Bays: A report from southwestern Montaca, esya that a heavy snow 'storm has visi ted that section. Stage coaches are de layed 8everaIoo wboys who were out on a round-up were lost in the storm Tues day night and wro obliged to camp un der a Bsge bush without food, blankets or fire. The storm is the heaviest of the season and will cause considerable dolay in the fall r&age work. . Total TUlble Happly f Ce-ttoa. Niw J York, October 30. The total visible supply of cotton! for the world is l,8bl oy Dates, 01 wmcn i.45D,u-ia are American; against 1,896,454 and 1,621, 054 respectively last, year; receipts at all interior towns 192,756; receipts from the plantations dUl.yoy; crop in t i S 0"?a A Mother's Fatal Carlasnsa. Kbysvillm, Mo., Oct 30, At Fort Groen, ; Thursday night, a colored woman locked her three children and two others in her house and went to church. Tho house took fire from lamp and four children were burned to death, ine nun wmprcoaDiy 040. Prwepcetaof a Aettlemeut. : ACGCSTA, Ga , Uot, dO. lhere is sdme prospect that an early settlement of the troupies oetween tne operatives and the faotory managers will be reach ed. If realised, this settlement wil fiive employment to 3 000 hands who 1 nave ooen 110 ior several moasus. Aabevll. , : r 5 IH1 DlMOCBiTS HA VI A EOSWO XALLT Special to the News act OBavaa. Abhbvilli N. C,Oot. 80. The oounty canvass close! today with an immense meeting. Thft democrats are enthusiastio and confident of success. The reply of Johnstone Jones to Rich mond Pearson: on the ooutty govern ment question , was oheeroj by demo crats and hissed by negroei The eon test has been attended by unprecedented excitement in all parts of the country. ; m--m- i That Btmrhai Kbberx. THX XVlDSNOn ACCCMtXATINQ VIXT XA?- low- 1 St Locis, Opt 80. rAs tEe days pass the amount stolen from Adams' express company car on the St. Louis and San Francisco road last Monday night grows with alarming rapidity. At first it was said to he $50,000, then $70,000, then $80,000, and today, from tacts gleaned from different shippers of money by the Adams company Monday, the amount is estimated to be at least $100,000 and may aggregate $120,000.; Manager Weir was seen early yostefdsy evening aad he said to a reporter that tha best defectives that oould ; bo found were working up the; cise, but that there were so many dues as to who perpetrated the robbery that it difficult to select one from among them. Threads of evidence were numerous, but they were gradually being woven to gether and , he expected to hear from sgen's in a day or two. Later in the evening Weir received ad vioes which caused his hasty depvture from the city. Where he went no one on the outside knows and the company's offi cials refused to say. Mr. Pamsel, mana ger of the St. Louis office, said that important news had called him away, and that they! had at last struck the right clue. They are sure of their man and he will soon be arrested. As to the robbers' whereabouts , or identity nothing could be learned. The Favoala Boaebod. VKT SXKIOOS DAMAGE TO HEX BOTTOM BY THE ACCIDEBT. ' Bostoh, Opt. 30. The disabled steamer Pavonia now lies on the beach at Rainsfof d island, where she was towed last night from off. Boston light, where she was anchored. It was discovered that the steamer was leaking, so much so that her fires were extinguished by the water in the hold It ;was decided to take off all the passengers remaining on board and; bcaoh the vessel, to pre vent her from sinking. The passengers ii MrrM4 in saiefy w tfcta uij by tugs and pilot boats. Her mails and baggage are now being brought to this oity by tugs and pilot boats. Her mails and baggage are now being, brought to this oity by tugs. A' Deabla 'Tracwdy. ' WiLXKBAXBX, Pa., Oot. 80. A dou ble tragedy occurred this afternoon at the Bennet slope of W. C. Payne & Co 's colliery, near Kingston. Win. Moses, one of the oldest mining engineers in Luierne county, was on duty at this colliery. He was given the signal to hoist the cage ; from tho bottom of the shaft, which ' is 300 feet deep. He supposed that everything was clear below and started his engine jflst as John Brodda, a floatman, was running a ear upon the cage. The sudden hoist ing threw Brodda off, and in fallirg he was caught between the- cage and the framework on the tide of the shaft and was instantly killed. As soon as engi neer Moses was informed of what had happened, he walked to his. room, near by, took a revolver from his coat-pocket and placing it to his forehead, fired, kill ing himself. A OallUle-a. Fort Morbov, Va., Oct. 30. The b tenner Wyanoke, of the Old Dominion line was run into last night by a coal brge and disabled. She is anohored at Sewell's Point. CbarleaSaa BTewa. Chablestoh, Oot. 30. All is quiet i Charleston. Ine weather 1 cool. ileavv frosts I are reported from the country districts Rain is badly needed. Basiness is active. Today's rocc iptj of ootton amount to over 12,000 bales. Had an Assignment. Cincihhati, O., Oct. 30.H. 8. Hersog & o. wholesale clothiers, have assigBed; assets $125,000; liabilities $150,000. ; She Waited Farly Tears fr Is. From Kugene Field's Talk. : An old maid of this city recently traveled from here to Detroit, and took her first ride in a sloeping-oar. She was obliged to take an upper berth, and re tired early. In the nriddle of the night she startled the whole car by a Beries of fortissimo shrieks. Ine porter ran to hir assistance, and in answer to his in quirv as to her distress, she replied that there was a man under her bed. After forty years ot patient waiting her worst fears were realized. it is announced tnai a sioepir.g oar w . V il will leave Washington this week, hav- ng on boara five bridal oouplcs, who will start off on their bridal tours to gether. Who says this democratic ad ministration isn t catobing on 7 Chambers Miller, of Scwickley, fa., holds the tneory tnat natural gas is confined m the earth in a fluid state, and he has just filed a oaveat for a pat ent which is; designed to oonduct this fluid to the surface and into receptacles for its preservation. "Ireland';' means the Weatland. It comes from the Celtic word iar and our word "land," iar meaning the West. WASHINGTON. THE LARGE REDUCT PUBLIC DK ION IN THE THE VINE S 0WI5G IX l.VP. .i3 AS COM- 1 PA R D Wil T' L T V.AR. WABKiireTOii, D. 0 , Oat. 30 It is estimated at the treasury department that the reduction of the public debt during October amounts to $12,000, 000. The government receipts during the first four months of thej present fiscal year, ending today, were $127,844, 372, being $14,166,891 jn exoess of the receipts during the corresponding pe riod of last year. The expenditures daring the same period of 1886 wore 882,254,035, be- fng $11 918,451 less than the exrendi- tures during the same period cf latt year. Uyg-teae r Old Aft. Dr. H. C. Wood, ia Annals Of Hygiene. The teeth in old age are, of coureo, lost, snd they should unlets under ex ceptional circumstances, be replaced bj rt) filial teeth, for the thorough obew ing of food is even more neoesaary in the old than in the young, beoause in the old the digestive powers are apt to fail.' With the best artificial teeth mas tication is apt to be imperfectly per formed hence the food of the aged should be soft and readily comminuted, and especially should it be of easy di gestion. Very few old people need stimulating diet; very many are injured by an excess of nitrogenous food. The kidneys, like all other org&ns, are fee ble, and if meats and other rich foods are used in excess, they greatly in crease the strain upon; these organs. Milk and milk products or preparations of breadstuff cooked with milk should form a very large proportion of the food of the ordinary aged individual, but individual peculiarities differ, so much that personal medical ocunsel should in all eases be taken, so that the diet may be regulated to the needs cf the individual case. Veiy many old people are hurt by the use of food in excessive quantity; but little exeroise can be taken, all growth has osased, and the bodily furnaces which make heat are : able to destroy but very little of food fuel. Some little time since I had oc oassion to lecture on this subject at tie Philadelphia hospital, and an assertion that I then made that most old people are more comfortable eniov better Uttelttr, aul prl..btj lZmr f UC uso of wine, has met with every severe' disapprobation at the hands of some of the profession, whose strong sympathy with the temperance movement domi nates their judgment. No valid reasons hare, however, so far as my judgment goes, been brought forward to lead me to ehai ge any opinion. In the over fed American people the habitual use of wine during youthful or middle age and vigorous health is, we think, an injury rather than a good; but when the powers of life are failing, when diges tion is weak and the; multitudinous small ills of feebleness perplex and an noy, one or two glasses of generous wine at dinner aid digestion, quiet for the time being muoh nervous irritation, and in no way do harm. The sum total of ruin wrought by alcohol m the world is appalling, but it is not lessened by shutting lour eyes to the good that wine properly used may achieve. W hen in iho aged there is a ditttnct failure of vital power, and especially of digestive power, the call for the habitual use of alooholio liquors is, in my opinion, im perative. The danger of the formation of any evil habits when a man has crossed the line of seventy ia so slight that the most conscientious physioian need pot hesitate in recommending the daily use of alooholio beverages to his patient. Tha Frankltntoa Fire. The Franklinton Weekly issued an extra : Friday,, which contained an ac count of tho fire. A correspondent sent nearly all the details of the calamity, but some additional news is gathered from the extra. The fire burned the portion of the town between Main street aud the railway, from Mason street to Hillsboro street The buildings across the street from the sido In which the fire raged were in danger and J. H. Harris, L. A. Redmon. R. U. Hicks, J. S. Jovnar. R. N. Winston. K. W. Mavfield. Geo. R. liong, T. 1. a. MitoheJJ, Walker Foster and Henderson Person, who had stores on that side, sustained considera ble damage from the breakage and in iurv of eoods. removed. Ujfore all tne. limners 01 nut uvum Liau mneuo.v. Yann had engaged part' of the bricks to rebuild ; and made arrangements to oc cupy the store recently vacated by E. B Clegg & Bro. When the sun arose the streets presented a busy scene of moving into new qaarters. 'gbe Ideal (MeeplBK-Booin. H. J- Plonute d, in Good Housekeeping, The "ideal sleeping-room" will face the east. It will be not be less than fifteen feet square, with windows on two sides for light and vontilation ifor further ventilation it will have an open fire-place. The walls will be hard- finished and tinted a oolox that will ba restful to the eye. Tho woodwork will be finished in its natiral color, paint not being admitted. The! floor will be of hard, polished wood, with small rus for Qomfort that j are shakable weekly. Everything that would invite dust will be. strictly excluded therefore the furniture will have no ex tra carvings. Tho one hair mattress will be of the best quality, mid in two parts for convenience in turning and airing, with a wo van-wire spring be- W e w neath. The bed clothing will be the lightest, at the same time warmest, con sisting of blankets and white spread. All ex ti a adornments of lambrequins snd fancy things of no use will not find a plabe here. The curtains will be of thin, washable material. . The "coming woman" will plan to have her bed set away from the wall, for health's sake as well as convenience. Modern "conveniences" will be let alone, as fr as stationary wash basin with hot and cold wate is conoerned, the portable washstand being used instead Bhe preferring to do a little extra work to being slowly and genteelly poisoned. Her bed will be well spead, opened the first thing in the morning and the sun shine and air invited in to do its part toward airing aod cleansing the same, and the making of the bed will be the last of the morning duties. : the rwlnage of the Warld. The whole amount of gold ooiris is sued from the mints af the world in the year 1885 is stated to bo, in round numbers, $72 500,000, and of silver coins $77,800,000. Of the gold $37, 500, OOu was ooined by Great Britain and her colonics and $25,000,000 by the United States, leaving $10,000,000 as the product of all other countries. 7 Of the silver Great Britain. Austria and India ooined $33 000,000, the United States $29 000 000 and all other coun tries $15,800,000. In addition to these amounts stamped ingots of both metals were issued from various mints. Thu makes the increase of the gold coin age j of the world for 1835 about 2 per ocnt. ' and of the sil ver : between 2 and 3 per cent. The gold coinage of the world is now eitimattd at $34250,000,000, and the silver, including total circulation, $2, 755,000,000. The total value of gold aad silver produced throughout the world from the discovery of America to the year 1875 is estimated,at $4,600,- 000,000 gold and $6r200, 000,000 silver, an aggregate of $1U,80U,00U,UUU. Since 875 the average annual product of the two metals together has been a ittle more 'than $200,000,000. so itnat tne : present total lor the world would be nearly $13,000,000,- 000.: The United States have produced in the last forty years $1,675,000,000 worth of gold and $675,000,000 of silver-fa total of $2,350,000,000. Up to the year 1879 the annual product of gold exceeded that of silver, but the reverse is now true, the figures for 1884 being $30,809,000 of gold $48,800,000 of silver. The Wra KHataeals. From the New York sua. "Paps," she said, softly and blush kItY j ntU ftaipanar ia in the parlor and wishes to speak with you." Then she sank into an easy chair, and her heart beat so fiercely that it made the gas fixtures rattle. Presently the old man returned. "Oh, papa," She said, "did he was he what did he want ?" He wanted to borrow two oents tc get over to Brooklyn with," said the d sappointed old gentleman. The "coming; woman" will plan a big closet in each sleeping room, with a window for ventilation, if 1 possible thing. It will not be a receptacle for old boots or shoes, or antiquated bon-j nets; bats or soiled clothing. There' will be plenty of hooks at the proper height for her to reach not the carpenter not forgetting to put - those ( in sthe . children's oloset at a suitable height for them. The I children jwill be remembered in thii house, and will have a room with a hard-wood flcor, Awhere all their bo on gings can be kopt and they oan play to their hearts' content, without being od lo. do this or that for fear of hurting the earpet or furniture: where everything shall be useable and bang- able; plenty of old chairs and Doxes lor steam cars or cirouses; where they oan decor at 1 the walls with pictures and have a good time generally. SAVXn HIS LTV E. Mr. D. I. ,Wi!coxon, of Horse Cave. Ky.. ys he was frr maay yera badly fffl.ited with j Phthisis alo DiaeUa; the pains w j almost unendurable and would sometime throw him Into convulsions. He tried alee- ric Bitters and vot relief from the first bottle and after taking six bottles was entirely cured aad had sained in flesh eighteen pounds. Saya he positively believes he would have died naa it not been for thei relief afforded by Kleotric Bitters. Sold at 50 cents a bottle by all drag glsta. The New York papers have n a'e raost generous 'distribution of the lat Mrs. Stewart's! wealth, but the will wont be opened till Friday. atwU' m eiae. People who oome to Raleigh miss a duty and a pleasure if they fail to go to me wells furniture store. ll'Z JSastAlsr- ii street, and look at his large and beau tiful stock of goods. There is no neces sity of trying anywhere else; what Bag well hasn t got in the furniture and coffin line, is simply not to be had. Spe- oial bargains are offered in all classes of furniture. 1 The finest and most elegant line of Furniture can be found at J. L. Stone's; comprising not: only Parlor and Bed Room Suits, but all the latest designs in Novelties, Tables, sa It will pay you to call and examine. My stock is com plete in every particular. J. L. Stone, Raleigh, . u.j; I M Hands me Parlor and Bed Room Suits, just opened at J. L. Stone's; at low prices. Fresh new stock of hsttan and WD low ChairB, just opened at J. L. Stone's marked down low. Atmobb's Miscb Meat.- Atmore mince meat in pails of all sixes, and by the pound. E. J. Haepdi QUT your Monuments and Tombstones oil JLP R. L Bogert, Durham, M. C dot Sam. A atroaf Endowment ; it lebnierred upbn that magnifleent Institution, the human system, by Dr. Pierce'a "Golden Mfdical Discovery" that fortifies it against the encroachments t iseaw It s the great blood purifier and attfsraitve, and as a remedy fur, consumption, bronchitis aad all dueaea nf a wasting naturej its unoence is rpi1, effica cious and remanent. Said eveiywhere f Another-campaign lie nailed. The stories about the President's extraordi nary fatness are imaginary. He does not weigh as mudh as he did a year ago, and he has not been obliged to have the buttons of his clothing ohtnged to ac commodate increased Igirth. IB Can Cboffti.OoM Hum o Crogp, AJthm. BroocMtls, Wbaopinir Coueh. lnrlpii Conrotnp g. y Uoo, aixf rUtc eoOMunpUr penona in aqrvncea uage vi the il 11 Prir Stct C- ton. Xb Oeaaiae Dr. Buir$ wUf wrapper, end bmrs oar rwilrBS Trmd-Uarfc to wit i lVvdmli stonaturM ot Jokn W. IStrlm Caution-LnbrL. nl th Bull A.r. Meter Co-Bole Prop-, llfciujnom, 1 . u. a. a. SALVATION OIL, ; ".The QrMtieat Cure ea Earth for Paia," WiH relieve more quickly than any other knowra remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cubs, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache. Toothache,! Sprains, &c Sold by all Drngjrista. Price 85 Cents a Bottle. 1 j Edward Fasnach. er i 1 i j EiLLEIGH, N C. H ! ' '; iGold and Silver Watches, American and Imported Baal and imitation Diamond Jew- K ! i ' ' elry. 18 , karajt Wedding and Engagement S i Kings, say itse and weight Sterling Silver : i ' i Ware for Bridal Presents. bpitical Goods ?l A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and Sys-gUsses in Gold, Silver Steel, Bubbd 8aa,Trjne, . Lenaea, I? s . i ! -"-- ! white aad tinted in endless varieties. Seals or Lodges, Corporations, etc i Also Badges and Medals for Schooli and . Socvcta nude to orderi . I " : Hafl ardersf promptly attended to. Goods sent on selection to any part of the State. j t3T Old Gold and Sliver fa small and large quantities takssras cash). dly. THE GREAp BARGAIN STORE OF KAJLrUGH. ; II people knew how muck credit cost them r- 1 I i ' they would not be seek:ng it,Ior it is common ! ; ? 1 ; : sense that the merchant who buys goods on i - i ' 1 ercdit aad sell them on credit must sell his i : i i i ' i i I goods higher fo cover his losses. In regular lines of merchandise there are three distinct profits c harge J np and on each one there is aa extra per cent laid, te cover the losses by red it, You count tea per cent on each of them a&d you? have at the .'east estimate 30 per tatnt which ydu must pay to cover the hues by men who never pay. This the coutuuier has to pay. It ail comes i out of the hard- earned dollars of the laboring people. If you borrow money from tie bank at s per cent you think it vjery high, yet you will buy your goods on credit and pay 60 per cent more for them that yu ought to pay and you will it: never wink rour eye at it. This credit takes from the prdducers ot tltaToounty one-hiuf I they make, sow bow dofyou like the system? Come to the Backet Storeindbuy your goods. I The Backet ijtore baa all the advantages, from having buy siip always An tie New York mar ket, with cask in nandi who buy from houses which are compelled iio tax tneir onmor these goods. It is the power ot the atroightv aoiiar euMing us wy vnrougn ne cenureoi time which eaablea us to offer goods at leta than they cn be made tor in hundred of castt. The fiackt Store is nt tisfled with small profits, and we shall nuke our bargains make our businessl Now come to the Backet fetore and buy your good and save your money. This week? we shall open some great bar gains ia Ovdreoata, Men's Casslmere suits at BIS. worth 120. Aiso Ladies' ana juuscr (Jloaxa, vera low. ureat bareauis low. Great bargains in Carpet inr ana uuti. ewi line oi Laaies' jerseys. We are aifOiearry lug big nxe oi auoeaana boots.: which we will sell at a brzilu. counterpaaea at cost, jaoigjoo iaausnendera. laditat and irenU' underwear, can ana examine mv stoca Deiore putwiuibs. Most r spCHstrouy, soucuing eaan traae ouy. Bo K 10 Martin St. no Jewel m Outtcian JACKET STORK. i'' I' s,Ch O" 1 ': J !

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