V -.;-v-a-:..,rt- u y u, - -14 vi'- !" '-1' " ; ' ' j: -!H I ; .if? r, - 1 5. ' - 1 --it f ' , !.'- - H I !H?1 ?! t 'I HI 1 - i . y ' , 3 ...... f'-'l--J - News Observer ' ' - -3 f ill i Li i ir i i. '! .1 I , I ii-f AMD t. I XX VII. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING NOVEMBER NO. 132 ; - I ! fit ' I : 11 Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. rA'marrelat lrtty, itraaffUi nd wholesoiawMM. Hot cownnioal tiuui ordlnwry klnda and ttwt bt MU t& oorapetttios wm tut ntrunniaa of w uaL uart woignt, unm or pttotppus powcun ifoUS only tn euu. Roth. Bom Powm: C w; ICS Wa Street. ITM! j teld by W C A. B Btnmsah, Qeorge T Yftj Psbiic Men ikal Down fcUJTLE, WCiiRI, CARE. AKX1ETY, IXR& KCURSr UTEHOimS, KORELKFf ROM MuipL STWilS Tfcr are th l'ni which e Tlf4 : ' i In the Plivulra! ftiwl 3trtal.Cn 1 CitloUH f our Fnbll Mem (-dur. RESwLTS. Wakefulness, nierlroUD froa-' ; I .-ili"n, languor, laasitude, mental ; us I hjiciil exhaustion, general r 1 ileiiility. BufRring iTrtnu these'-; GEDUIRl 10 make additional drafts rn ' i tlieir worn-out bodr ajid brains,- . 1 j until lley refuse lo(ner; to rc-: " ! Bpdnd, and they yield W paralrBia' I nnd apoplexy, ond uefwhole n-f tinn-sullera in theiij jgifTttr'ngs oif i---; ' ' . . I licri esteem, and holding position , I of i important tmsLi yenfjr th jJain foctfi we have stated. The LESSON fc"Kht V tllia condition of af?V lairs.'U Ailly and freely empliasizcd " i n the public press of He day. Tha ; errors of public'. life, the lmpro lcr demands npon tjhe time and ". " ; strfengthofrwblictneitefecleariyset ;f f6rth,andstillwereadeveryweekof ; the exhaustion and breaking dowa'i of some trusted and ;high official, i MUST bey srill lar the- strain, mutt - j they atill submit to thj exliaustiva '; demand of constituent and pub-" j lie. Can they see o,way bnt to , epdiire aivl Miner as j$ng aa they ! bold their position?! & i: ' THEM c' t0 Xllte ovrorked, exi ; ? IT hkosteJ suiRfrers, a Book wihiqh will S enable them to bear, tiliir burdens, : Will l:?bten their MepnjKS. It is r , , BaOWW'S IRON BITTERS. ' I --Its,nse:ilt etiabl -yt4 sleep al I . I ) nights, will strengUbcil and calm ' your nerves. Will tire fife and i vitality to the blood Stud brains, ' and the tired feeling, he languor and lassitude will disappear. K? will remove general debility, and j inui vop vt: !r : TAKE tliis reinedy too neel it. It is no4 ', ' : be verac Contains ai wiekey. I ' " " a skilfully compounded and accu- j rately prepared blopd purifying: ndtrenhenjngni'vpne-Iron is 'so combined with alteratives with- out the raeof deletcrioHs or flanger? ' mis acids that this irefcedy Stands alone, above all others as the most s 1 reliable active agent g$r tlie cure off : ' impurities of the blond, and dis eases of the stomach, lier and kid I neys. Brown'sIronBitertwUlenr; .1 headache and const ipotion. Relieve dvspepsia, promote, dgestko1Rhd PBnrCMTparaTvMandaiKplexy. Will remove rheumatium ajtd neuralgia,-' f and is a perfect .. iati-malanaL I Chills and fever, sprbg fever, aH malarial fevers yield; at ones to 5 the curative powcrsjjof Brown's. ' Iron Bitters. Tomaietiie appeal 7 te thej?reident til , ; Cabinet Offieers, Members of CoO ' gress, Judges of the Courts, Officers ! f the Army and Nay, yon have, ' " " the example before Jon pf the ill "(Bflects of the climate, the dangers - bf the excessive demsawls on yoMt strength by the dutieof your poet ' tion, and the long bite boors and constant mental strain. ; Your as ! socktes should furnish you warn ! Jhff. 'Oar i : V ADVICE toyou is tokeepErown'sIronBit ' : tersbyyon,taseitasTwdveM - well as a cure, ami the Nation need be no more startledjby tihe mAdea ' attacks and breakinjgown of high i and trusted officials. It is almoet'a HOME, preparation. Brown's Iron Bitters u made ia Baltimore, and it re ceives the endorsement of physi-i-ians, chemurts an people there, r . This U a strong point in it favor. Think! The salesof one month in Baltimore reaped 26,000 bot tles. Ifirpopnlaritylls sa great, and its cures so wonderful that many imitations have sprung1 tip. But 'don't be deceived. $ 'The If GENUINE ha trade mark and crowed redlines on the wjrappcrs. Fold, everywhere.' Onljf- one dollar bottle. Mndeonlvby Brown Cbemi eal Co., Baltimore Md. ' - l-tr-M We havsr sold G CmwiJ Son' ltvd al mot szoluslvely for nearly seventeen yean aid deem it decidedly the best eni the market, O.O.C OBS Hill , The leading taney grocers of Washlngt 0 n,O.C We have nandled Oassard's 6Ur Urand" Urd for a considerable wMle and find it to ait our customers better than any otker lard wi ever nandled. They Hso well that we have about ab4BM (01 lether brands. W. B. MAXN COj., IBtlelgh, C We hre been using Qi Ommtt, BonTs "Star Brand" lar.i in our4 trade for the past eight months and find tt gtvee better satisfae- toon than any we have ever used and we have tried about alL W. B. HKW8Ma CO., i . M Ealelgb, K O- Ifannss ft "ii't" BM 1 it affords us ureat Dleasure and satlsl action be enabled to enaorse; aae meros oc your .ivU Binoa 1806 we have used it In our ex tonded trade, and most "onfldently recommend It as the purest and beat wp base erer.hsadled in our experience OHEHTIA.N VHlTi t, CO. The leading fancy grocer pf Richmond, Va. n 6) ' i ' WLBJC RAUUNO AKD O&SA tLKSTAMi WlKS WO&K8, .inrca a csk. Ke, M Mertb Koward araes, rmiHrnore, ' nfaturrs of wire rtiliar lor Ossoetarles. NEWS OBSERVATIONS. "labert y V mouth is just yard wiao. r A i woman haa designed a cathedra at i una. A new Joan of Architecture Tfcere are ninety-eight varieties of chrysanthemums cultivated this sea son, j tf . ' V I Mr. Wm. Fox, of Henderson, died a few days airo, aared 35. He went' there firoin, Canada a few years ago. -Aj Burlington girl, who is a great talker, Jsaja that it is better to be en gaged n eonyersatton than not at ill. : Many industrious tramps will regret to learn that a (Georgia man has invented a machine that will saw and split wood. neitner uewitt, iiooseveit nor ueorga is over, five feet six inches iff his boots, and yet each stands pretty high. I i ; Mr. Davils B. Turtle, of Caldwell county i and Mrs. Nannie C. Forbes, of Muaour?, were married last Thursday, near inorganton. The influenoe of Grover Cleveland's ezmmtle has been s'unplv tremendous. 1 we&ty marnatre licenses have just been issued in Washington in one day. A current advertisement in a Seat tie paper reads as follows: "Whereas! I have left my wife and her board: where- I have become attached to another and more attractive woman, I hereby give warnins: to the public that I will in future pay my own bills without any assutanee from her whatever." Among the fashionable follies to be perpetrated by society this season is a Boveltyi in ihe way of dinners. This will consist ef a ba&ouet, at whioh only the flesh of young kids will be servea. it is not announced whether they art' to be eight-button ormousquetaire kids, but something stylish is predicted. ; j ' A well-known business man of Bos ton, who has just returned from a .visit ""J" ."f J"""'u6 Ctl Mantra I l a atill r.Mi i n tm vt an A 4 K a lilQ UEb w IUHiU VCt J 1JIUAJ TU the iron companies are selling their pR duets at tip-top prioes and as fast as they oan turn them oat. f I '. ---Lighting the Parsees' saored fire is an expensive; and elaborate process en the institution of a new temple. Six teen difarent kinds of wood in 1,000 pieces of fuel are required to obtain the saored fiame, whieh is afterwards fed with sahdal wood, and the cost of tfc prooess 'averages $2 500. There are atill three large and thirty-three small tlre ftemplesf at Bombay. ' j-:' Lieut. Oen. chendan takes the usual step of disapproving of the findings of the court-martial that recently tried iadacqttiUed'Capt. William 8. John1 son, oi ai uniteu oimies army, a retire? pffiser, who was charged with duplicating his pay jaoeounts. He accordingly sets side tha verdict, and the accused stands about where he did before the trial, savft- that he ; eannot be tried again for hl iune offence. ; I The loose-fronted jackets made for dressy home wear formed of velvet or satin brocade are almost universaJiy Worn. .These admit of so many eh sage Jaf ves's. that those who seek variety; ai a moderate eost will be sure to favor them, j A silk or satin vest for after noon wear, and a dainty iaee one sub stituted for the evening, is a ehange. easily effected, and gives all the pleasing results j of an entirely different dress The soft, pliable silk handkerchiefs now old in very conceivable shade or eolor, cream, luao. poppy red, pale blue, ete , or m handsome Oriental combinations of color, make exceedingly ehio and pretty waisteoats, and there is usually i bit of th material lost in shaping the vest which oan be made use of as a tiny uff ori simple fold at the wrists. This it a good addition. A few stitches Will secure it, and it is easily removed when a vest of another eolor is desired. : An exoellent choice is a Russian jacket i of blaek velvet made nlainlv or trimmed with jet-beaded passementerie. Black goes' well with everything from white to scarlet or deep orange, and where toilet pf blaol entire is elected for, upon a special occasion, there are Fedora vests made of jotted net, to be worn ih- side the open jaoktt. This vest has in variably a dog-collar to match, which fastens at the back with invisible hooks and eves. 1 Litd tbat is rich enough to make. a bale df ootfen to the acre, says the Hew Orleans Picayune, in discussing the oorn snd cotton problem, ill produce under proper cultivation, with a good seasoij, thiity-five bushels of oorn and half thvt amount of olay peas, or fifty bushtjls of eorn and half that amount -of oorn sua pose, xu wruiurjr """o md 0n be sold for about one dollar -j per basbel. Now make a oompaison wah Jtt&a planting. If a man plants and cultivates all the Deas and oorn he dan sive.and plants andeultivates all the cat j - - . ... f. tn he can make and eave, which crop wu -1 ... i bring the most clear money after au x peoniS in senator io marxes are paiu the eorn, peas, hay, and enriching the lind by the pea crop will certainly give these a deo;dcd advantage over ootton. i here ro pienty tf furmers in the West ho do not mko autc than fifty bushels of oorn to the acre, aud sell oorn at 5 oaots a bushel, equal to 12 oO an acre. A gOjd faruicr on almost any land ty the ieutjb propcr'y fertilised with pea vines and I outer nome ir tuners, suouia make twenty to twenty-five bushels of corn to the sore, and a pea crop besides, ;he whole worth 820 to 840 an acrr. Whvi . then, will not oorn in ile dcuth pay? Be ides, home-mde ' ourn sold to non producers in the fctouth. pre vents so much money from leaving the country, while Western , oorn takes money frm the South to return no more: then cjin iu the West that is made ooalh drofit. into woieky is sent iat9 ihe and ukeg the balanee of the MOEE STHIKES. THE STOCK YARDS BUTCHKES CAUSING TROUBLE. I TEST MAKS SOUS SPSCIAL DT MAUDS, AVTBa ALLKOSD DSCIIT. Chicago Nov. 1. The threataned strike among beef men at the stockyards was oommenoed this morning and nearly 6,000 men are out from the slaughter houses of O F. Swift k Co. and Nelson Morris. The trouble is over the adop tion of the ten-hour system, the men refusing to work two extra hours without additional pay. In these two bouses there are no hogs killed and the em ployees say. they eannot accept the ten hour system. Eoh of the firm employs about 8,000 men and at present ! many of these are congregated about the streets and on the corners near the big houses, but there is as yet no indication of any trouble. There is a great deal of excitement, but the men are orderly and insist that no not of theirs will pre cipitate any trouble. There is no indi cation that the police 'will be called npon to protect the two bouses, but it is yet too early to determine the inten tion of the two firms. At 9 o'clock everything was quiet. SSra. Stwul') Will. Nw Yobx, Nov. 1. The will of Mrs. Cornelia M. Stewart, wife of the late millionaire dry goods merchant, ws filed for probate today by ex-Judge Horace Russell, Mr. Henry Hilton's son-in-law. The oitationB were im mediately issued to the heirs and next of kin made returnable the 13.h inst. In the instrument Mrs. Stewart be queaths $20,000 per year during his life to her brother, Charles Clinch, to be paid him quarterly. To each of her sisters, Anna, Emma and Julia Clinch, she leaves an annuity of $10, 000 a year, to be paid quarterly during their life. ro her; mroe, oxrah M, Wmith, She leaves the sum of $250,000; to Oornelia S. Butler she leaves $200, 000, and to etch of ber children Law rence and Charles S Butler $50,000; to Kate A Smith, $200,000; to eaoh of the remaining children of Sarah N. Smith, namely Louisa, Ells, Bessie and J .one, $100,000; to eaoh of the children of her deceased sister ' Louise, formerly the wife of Charles E Butler, namely, Rosalie, Helen, Virginia, Lillixn, Msx- well and Preseott, $50,000. All the rest of the estate real' and personal she bequeaths to Charles J. Clinch, now in Paris, and Henry Hilton, of j this! city. None of the legacies are to be payable 1 until three years from the final probate of the will, nor any annuities until six months after such a probate. The execu- tors to the will are Charles J. Clinch and Henry Hilton, and the witnesses to the instrument. H. E. Davies, Jas. Henry Work and Edward B. Hilton. ! Sew Ye-rk .etta Pntsire. j Niw Yobk, Nov. 1. Green fe Co.'s report on cotton futures says : Start ing out with a rather weak undertone, in conse quence of disappointment oyer the Liverpool opening, many of oatur day's buyers sold and as soon as this of fering was taken eare of seemingly a very steady tone was obtained, ; as operators "evened up" their deals on account ef the" approaching holiday. Aside from this covering there was no eature in the market to note, excepting, possibly, continued buying by two lead ing bear operators, who have covered quite large ..lines during the past two sessions. Cotton continues to be offered abroad with inereraine, eagerness, but apparently meets indifferent buyers. Frlaa Inr Bibxis, Nov. 31. Prince Bismarck has invited M. Herbette, the French ambs8&dor, to visit him at Varsin. Tisrnova, Nov. 31. Nearly all of the 80,000 deputies were present; in the sobrar je. including 80 adherents of 8ankoff, and the Turkish deputies in national costume. The celling of th names of the deputies murdered at IMi p.isa was received with solemn expres sions of regret. Z&nkofiti appeared for the purpose of protesting against ' the illegality of the assembly. Ihe sobranje opens with a despondent feeling. . In view of Europe's aoatliy to Bulgarian interests, it is believed to be utel'ss to struggle against Russia's aseondanoy, and Bulgaria is willing to accept almost any terms of compromise. Read your tioketd and make sure that they are right. A Wise Itoelele-a. Richmond, Va , Nov. 1 The dis trict oommittee of the Lbor party, on the question being submitted to them by Wm. II Mullen, labor candidate for Congress in this district, decided to withdraw him from the fiold.j TJan maoy's olub, Mullen's chief organisa tion in this city, has deoided to support Hon George L. Wise, Demoeratio nomi nee, and it is understood tbat; Mullen is preparing a letter advising his friends to support Wise. Railroad Work Moa to Begin, Augusta, Ga., Nov. 1. Work oh the Aagusta & Chattanooga railroad will be commn?ed about the 15th of Novem ber. The line will be graded from here to Gainesville, and is under oontr o to ChatUno ga. The first instalmei ft of tei por cent, bonds has been cilied for and is payable in thirty day and the whole amount will be otlled in within two months. Another Might Karltiqaake fibock at Columbia. Columbia, 8. C, Oot. 31. Another earthquake shock was felt here at 2.22 this afternoon. It was very peroepti ble but of short duration. Mmatai' UmIbi ahu Ipeclal to the Kxws ajtu Ossnwvaa. Ntw Buna, Nov. 1. F. M. Simmons, Esq., elosed his canvass today in his native oounty of Jones, at Pollocks ville. His speech was made at least to 1.000 people, white and black, and it was powerful, persua sive and vote-making. It was the lar gest and most enthusiastic orowd ever seen in t Jones. His election seems to be eonoeded by all. ' Thsabas;lvlng Proeteaaatloa). Washington, Nov. 1,-The follow ing is President Cleveland's proclama tion designating November 25th as a day of thanksgiving and prayer : "A proclamation by the President of the United States It has long been been the custom of the people of the United States on a day in each year, especially set apart for that purpose by their ehief executive, to aeknowlege the goodness and mercy ef Ood and to in voke hiB continued care and protection. In observance of such custom, I, Grover Cleveland, President of! the United States, do hereby designate and set apart Thursday, the 25th day. of No vember, to be observed and kept ai a day of thanksgiving and ; prayer. On that day let! all of our people forego their aooustomed employments and as semble in their usual places of worship to give thanks to the Ruler of the uni verse for our continued enjoyment of the blessings of a free government'fer a renewal of business prosperity through out our land, for the return which hts rewarded the labor of those who till the soil and for our progress ss a people in all that makes a nation great; and while we contemplate the infinite power of G-od in earthquake, flood and storm, let the grateful i hearts of those who have been shielded from harm through His merey j be turned i in sympathy and kindness toward those who have suffered through His : visitations. Let us also in the midst of our thanks giving remember the poor and seedy with cheerful gifts and alms, so that our servioe may, by deeds ex charity, be made acceptable in the sight of the Lord. . j I In witness whereof I have hereunto set 1 my hand and cansedthe seal of the United 8tates to be affixed. Done.at the city of Washington .this 1st day of November. m the year of our Lord 1886, and of the in dependence j of the United States of America the one hundred and eleventh. Gxovzn CLivsXABn. By the President. T. F. Bavaep, Seo'y. of State. Vote for Page. Bom Iiiaavrfcbl Cats. Til HATTSB OV TUX TlLXPHOIf I SUITS. Washisoton, Nov. 1.4-Motions were made in the U. S. supreme court to-day to advance ana near together,, lmmeoi ately after the February recess, all eases now on the docket of the court whieh involve the great telephone eontroversy. Counsel stated to the court ; that the records in these cases comprise 25,000 octavo pages of printed matter and that the arguments, if all the eases be heard together, will oooupy a week or more. The records in these eases art the most voluminous ever presented to the eourt. Copies enough of the record ; to supply all the justices in tne single ease of the People s telephone company against the American Bell company ooeupy nearly fifty oubio feet of space. TSm Pavekcrs Strike. On ic ago, pot. 31. Further particu lars from the stock yards strike are to the effect that Swift's men sent a oom- mittee to him Saturday and insisted on having an increase of fifty cents per day should the firm return to the ten-hour system, and that this was agreed to this morning. . When the beef butshers went to work thev found that foreman Wel der, of Swift's, had discharged James Matthewson, one of the committeemen. They insist now on having Matthewson roinstatated, and also on a return to the eight-hour day. On hearing that Swift's men were out. ve beef butohers employed' by Nelson Horris went out; but this move was an ticipated by the firm, who got a force of police to guard the principal en trances, and the crowd was kept away The strikers arranged to hold a meeting during the day. A member of the ex ecutive committee told a reporter that unices the: two firms gave in all the employes in the yards would be nailed out. ; Tb AamreUsU' Cms . Til KKHABKIBLI XICOEDS VOX TH BU- i PB1KS count. CmoAOo. Nov. 1. The records of proceedings in toe anarehists trial, which are to ne transmitted to tne . . v . ... . a supreme oburt this week, will oontain miriy-iwo ioiio tuiuwcb ui wttuuuujr, motions, exteptions, indictments, so. making a ! pile of bound volumes the sise of Webster's unabridged dictionary and four feet high. A large assortment of bombs, empty and loaded fuses, dag gers. Winchester rihs, revolvers, red fUgs and clippings from the Arbtiter Zeituog will aeoompany the reoords. ' Poblte DhS StatonaoaS for eetoaor Washington, Nov. l.The debt statement issued todav shows the decrease of the nublio debt during the month of October to be $13,201,610.19; cash in the treasury, $451,068,033 19 ; gold certificates outstanding, 8,294,969 ; silver certificates outstanding, $100, 306 800; - certificates of deposit onU standing, ? $7,140,000 ; legal tenders outstanding, $346 738 391 j fractional eurreney (not inclnuding the amount ostimtted as lost or destroyed), $6,953, 702 52. j vote tha demcoratia Be sure and jmdioisl tickets. AN ASSASSIN MAKES A DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO KILL SURVEYOR BE ATTIE txs wat in wmca a m m??:r iiiriYBl TOlkD TO J.V' i Jii.tr. Niw Yobk, Nov. I f Surveyor Beat tie was shot about noon today, in his offioe at the custom house, by a dis charged inspector, who fired five or six shots. The particulars eannot be ob tained as yet nor is it known whether or not his wounds are fatal. The surveyor's would be assassin is Louis iierai, a man who gained gome distinction in the war H e was for about a taehed to the oustom pf the rebellion. dcisn years at- nouse. About a week ago the surveyor dismissed him from the service, on its being proved that he was in the habit of exaoting money from poor emigrants at Castle Garden, where be I was lately sta tioned. The specific oharge on which he was removed was compelling an emigrant to pay $2 duty on a sewing machine. He gained acoces to the surveyor's privato cfft& shortly after noon, while the surveyor was alone, fired several; shots and rushed from the room. He was seen and fol lowed by a crowd, and beooming alarm ed lest he eome to harm at his pursuers' hands, he ran into the arms of a police man and begged to be arrested. Bsattie has two wouods, one through the hand and one through the thigh. The latter is the more serious, but at present does not 6eeia liksly to prove fUl. Yoti for Bianohard and Striokland, and Lumsdcn acd Stamps for the house. Hiojf Catnl Go. A FRACDULSST BUTTU; VIHM ECsPSNDB. Niw Havn, Conn ,1 Nov. 1 Ester brook & Co., of this city, the onlyman ufactirers of oleomargarine in Connec ticut, have suspended, as they regaid the government tax as prohibitory From eighty to one hundred persons are thrown out of employment. A. Hlllloaalro fttru(t DUapsarB. DsTsorr, Mich.; Nov. 1. William Cooper, of Port Austin, has received a letter addressed to him by his unsle, Joseph Heath, who mysteriously disap peared from the steamer Alaska during her trip from Sin dusky to Detroit, Tuesday. Its contents stated where bis will and other private papers eouid be found. Heath left a fortune of $3,000,- 000. It is altogether unlikely that he oommitted suicide. Il, is believed that be was robbed and thrown into the lake. aWwaawdiaia; taUtnal BatTraa;. Bbumxls, Oct. 31 Five hundred women dressed in mourning today led a proeession of lz,UW) persons, gathered from surrounding towns, in a funeral march to Charleroii Thev carried banners izsoribed withl mottoes in favor of universal suffrage and amnesty to the strike rioter. Upon arrival at Char- leroi the procession was augmented by 6b, WW persons. Delegates waited upon the burgomaster and aldermen. and the secretary of the glass workers union read an addrear, signed by all the workmgmen s leagues in Belgium, de manding universal suffrage and amnesty. tJmorStowlxa; Wit Wboat, MxnriAPOLis, Nov 1. In addition to the overflowing elevators and ware- anuses in Minnesota and Dakota there are en the railroads 3.000 ears of wheat billed to Minneapolis not brought in here, as the transfer roads m the city could not handle it There are in atore in Minneapolis 3 579,080 bushels: in Daluth, 7,405,305 bu&heb! and in St. Paul, 223.000; altogether 11,207.324 bushels at the teminal stations, making. with 21,746,000 bushels in country ele vators, a total of 32,953 324 bushels of wheat now in store in Minnesota and Dadota. Tb KavolnUonlat Vallard HI Hod. Mooalks. A. T.. Ujt. 61 in re taliation for the killing of his cousin, Perfecto Torres, Gov.j Torrep, of Sonora, Mexico, last Tuesday attacked thrvo lutionists under Senor Vallarde, in Mon trauma and a fight followed, ia whtoh Vallarde and fifteen other were killed and a number wounded Gov. Torres himself drew a pistol and shot Vallarde in his tracks. Aa Important Oplnloa. Wajeisgtqn, 'Nov.'l. The attorney general has given an opinion to the see retary of the treasury that national banks must deposit interest-bearing bonds to secure their circulation, and that called three per cnt. bonds oannot be used as a basis of circulation. A aratnervlllo Bbafcolet. CnAsxasTOM, N. O . Nov. 1. There was a snoox at cummer vino at o mo L r Ml . nAC this morning, bnt not severe. All ia quiet here. A spring discovered in the custom house yard yesterday proves to have been caused by a break in a water pipe. Quiet Charleston. Chaelkstos, 8. C, ; Nov. 1. There have been no more qatkes snd all is ouiet in Charleston to-ntght. roliti rians are hard at work. aiiot Tbroas;!! tbo Chaxlxbtow, S. C, Nov. 1 Jacob D. Long, a white man, aged 25, shot himself today through the head with a pistol at Trenton, S C. vol at la Ian mi lien t in Hnlg-arla. St PxTsasBCxa, Nov. 1 A revolu tion in Bulgaria is m mentarily ex neied. on the pretext of a Russian occu- Ption' which Karaveloff s organ at Sofia announces is imminent. Late Itwt. The sessions of the Bulgarian so branje began at Timor a Sunday. In compliance with tha demand of Gen. Kaulbats, all the plotters against Prince Alexander have been released. It is said that the French government has reoeived little encouragement from Turkey in its agitation against the British in Egypt. A meeting of socialists in Clerken well, London, resolved to follow the lord mavor's proocssion. The Henry George institute of Glas gow: has resolved to send greetings to Mr. George's supporters in New York. A! revolt, occasioned by exeessive "taxation, is in progress in Afghanistan. The reports of the inspectors of fac tories show that many artisans in Ger mtny are compelled to work from twelve to forty-eight hours without ces sation. The British convention with China allows England full freedom as the ruling authority in Burmah for. six months. f The large deficit in the Hungarian budget is attributed partly to the de pression in agriculture, due: to the com petition of American wheat and flour. Prince. Louis Napoleon is visiting Wasbiogtcn. ! Funday he made a flying trip to Baltimore. Key. Henry Ward Beeehtr was a passenger on the Etruria, whieh arrived at New York Saturday. Seven native villages were destroyed by a volcanic eruption on the Islandi of N Ufa, in the Tonga group of the Friendly islands, on September 31. : The whole island haa been devasted by volcanic deposits. The democratic executive committee of Now Y rk has reoeived $500 from President Cleveland for the campaign find and a like sum from Gov. Hill. Ire NewYork mayoralty campaign has reached the betting stage, and if the odds given on Mr. Hewitt were a safe indioa- non of his prospects, his political friends might feel assured that he was going to icave air. u-eorge ir behind in the race, with Mr. Roosevelt a bad third. The steamer Mariposa, whieh arrived at San Francisco from 8ydney and Hon olulu Saturday, brings news of the re signation of the Hawaiian Cabinet and the appointment of a new cabinet. The resignation of the old cabinet was due to a defeat cf the ministry's amendment to the bill securing the $2,000,000 loan recently authorised by tha Hawaiian egulature. The effect of the amend ment was to secure the uavment of $700.0C-0 previously loaned to the gov ernment by Clans Spreeklea. Owing to this action of the legislature, Glaus Spreckles has returned all i his decora tions to King Kalakaua. : Iht PkyUelasta Pwnslod. MilwackuJ Nov. 1. A special from Baraboo, Wis, saysj "John A. Hamil ton, the stockman of Kvsnsville who fell from a .car at this station Oot. 22 and broke his neok, from whieh resulted complete paralysis of the body from the seek downward, died at his borne Thurs day. A post-mortem examination was held yesterday, whioh showed that the spinal eord had been broken and entirely disconnected. How the man lived a week in such a condition is a mvsterv whioh the doctors eannot fathom. six Ola Bona Vivos. Atlakta, Ga , Nov. 1. During ihe past three weeks there have been 93 gin-house fires in South Carolina, Geor gia and Alabama, two-thirds of, whiob were cf incendiary origin, several were otused by careless smokers, and one was caused by the ignition of a box of matches in the pocket of a workman The money loss in price of cotton and gin plant is noteless than $150,000. a ataloaaod Barg-laVa Sisal FvrSauao. Jacksost, Mich , Oat. 31. Samuel Payton was discharged from the prison yesterday, his sentence of five years fvf a Detroit burglary having expired. A Fpecial interest attaches to Payton, be cause he is a : grandson of Commodore Perry, and ia said during his ineareera- tiou to hare been left a fortune of $250,000. j Thr Dlo Ilarw. Chicago, Nov. 1 Today attorney Solomon, counsel for the anaroh'sta, appeared before Judge Gary and asked to be heard on a motion t for a new trial, based on documents submitted tt ha court a few days since. ! The court peremptorily refused to licten to a rc-; newai of the argument. air Bstrtbejaiako aha est. Cbabxsstoh. 8. C, Oot. 31. Therej was a slight earthauake shook here at; 2 35 p. m. today, making twenty-eight shocks in this oity during October. Liw ba Kitw ha Waa a Oaatdldato. j From Taw Sittings. Do you think that Col. larger it going to run again for the legislature?"! tsked an Austin gentleman of a friend 1 I know that he is." "Did he tell you sc?" No " I "Then how do you know he is going to run again!" ; j 'You see, I live near him, and his wife is beginning to pay back tea and ooffee they borrowed sa year ago. jut after he waa defeated; he is begin 'ng already to win over the disaatiaasd c ' em inent of his party." aia He was s sleeting presents for his girl before Christmas. He bousrht an amber comb, a box of caramels, and a bottle of Dr. Bulls Cough yrup, and showed himself thereby a rijajt Eenslble dude. "Enterprisos ef great pith and moment? ur so enerossimi the minds of use tht ihey neKet their own affairs, and grow old wlta pain, forgetting that a bottle f 8Uvtiou UU will cure ill A candidate for a teacher's posit' on ia Maoomb county, Midh, wrote at t ti examination that there were two kinds of gender, "lady and gentleman." BalchUat AaMir HaJTO. The Best 8alve to the world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Han Bheum, rever Bores, Tetwr, Chapped Bands, Cnllblalna, Coma, and ill Skin Kruptlona. and positively eures THesy er no pay required- It Is guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re. funded. Ptce 25 cents per box. for sale ty auoTujrirw. i Democrats, be sure and vote for judg s and solicit solicitors. That same oldj tiresome Cutting is at an entirely new caper. He is now endeavoring to raise an army of 10.000 Texaxs to Invade three or four of tha northern MfX'cani States, and erect republic, f If Cutting continues, it wi 1 not be a rjepublic.l but a scaffold that will be erected. 1 .,.! J Tat OrasteM Com a Earth for Palo.1 niton nnHugiiTiftnaiijriiiiintBanmi. 'lTii Kbeumatisnv, N-anki.i, rknon Warns Smlda,. Cut- Utmba- ririaiic, nuir i-ce. Kraft ty, Klaariar, Sore. Frort-bite, Cackach. QalncT. Bor Throat. Sclatteav Woonrta, Ilaadarhe, Tootaca 8praiaa, etc Price cbv a bUOa. Sold by aU OCSW tnriatEredTrfutA.llark.aiii las ; salvatitm Ott bamrs oar fe-jrmf alrnatnr. A U. Krnr A Cow loarl Bute rrooriaton, EaitBUor jul, v. a. A.- DR. BllLL'S cough sybdp Fortheture of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping' Congo, Incipient Con STunptiofa, and for the relief of con, snmptivw persona in advanced atagea of tha disease. For Sale, by all Drug rista. (Price. 2centA. PjKLTj STORE. . ; -i 1 THE GBHAT BABOAIN STORE 07 RALEIGH. '! ' i j" i 1( people knew how much credit eost them they weald ktot be seeking ltor it is oommon- I ' , sense that tjhe merehant who buys goods on credit and bell them on credit most sell his goods higher to cover his Ism In regular lines of merchandise there are three distinct !" ! J profits charted up and on each one there is aa ezara per cent laid, to cover the losses by I erediW Yoiu count ten per cent on each of ! i i them and jeu have at the least estimate 30 per arnt which cyan must pay to cover the loi by men whe never pay. This the consumer has to payJ It ail out of the hsrd- earaed dollars of the laboring people, if you -1 borrow money from I the bank at S per cent -I . i you think it very high, yet you will buy your i ;- goods on cnedit and pay 50 per cent more for ! 1 them tbaajyou ought to pay and you will . i i never w inkt your eye at it. This credit takes . I ! ' t from the producers of ttisjeounty ene-h'f they make. Kow how dofyou like the system? i Come to the Bicket Storejud buy yonr goods. The Backet Store has all the advantages, from having buyers always la the New York mar ket, with cash in hand, who buy from houses which are compelled to take their offers for tnea goods. It is the power of the a'mightv dollar cuttlsig its wy through 'he centre of time wbicht enables us to offer goods at lets than they nan be . asads tor in hundreds of oasft. The Hsekft Store is ntisfted with small profile andi wp shall make our bargsins n ske our business.! Now loome to the Backet Store and bay yoar; good and save yonr money. This wedk we shall open some great bar roinj in Overcoats, Men's Cass inure suiUat IIS, woith 120. Also Ladies' and Hisses' Cloaks, very low. Great bargains in Carpet ing and Bags. Few line of Ladies' Jeisey. We are also carrying; a big Jiie of shoes and boots, wbUca we will sell at a bargain. A big drive ia count erpaaes at cost. A big Job fa suspenders, ladies' and gents' underwear, Call and examine my stock before purchasing. Most r spectrally, isoliciting cash trade only. VULjNUI rtlKsxlLL & CO., NoE 10 Martin St Edward Fasnach. id Ootician .1- . : M ! RALEIGH, N O. Gold and Silver Watches, American and i " Imported.! Beat and imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement! " - Bings, any sixe and weight. Sterling Silver 1 Ware lor fWdal Presents. ' Opitical Goods j i A SPECIALTY. ! BpecUdes and Eve-glasses ln Gold, Silver Steel, Bubber and Shell Frames. t if 1 white and tinted, ia endless varieties. Lenses, Seals for Lodges, Corporations, ato. Badges and Medals for Schools and Sceiaes inadeto order. Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods, sent on selection to any part oi the State. icy oaa ooia and silver in small and 1 a laatlttes taken aaoaaa. IE t, i ic'. SsdOatr i

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