-J . Ill 'U:-1: I K : - : 'l : J5 CJSSB I V V ' F - V Ml i I I I I ' ' ; f I 7 r-r D 2 or.r&xvai. ;! : ;.f i RALEIGH. N. G.4 WEDNESDAY MORNTNG, NOVEMBER 3, 1886 NO. 133 Observer ' AN i !''": I. l Absolutely Pure. rhis powder newer? varies. A aaarvalet i nrtty, strength and wtolesotaeness. Mori eonomtcal than ortrtary kinds and eauot be M ia oombetlUon with the multitude t tow test, short WMg nt, Uinta or phosphate pew ilm rvtg on it to on. isotai. ouiN1 rvwn m 101 WW wreet, Hew Torn, . 1 Md byW C A B StrouMOtft T PERILOUS! The iraj oar mot Important officials 11 v the time, strength; and energy tky de Tote to theJr dutie. the litUe attention they re to! the noeas of body and braina ib a conriJant peril to their lives and tbeir mental eoadition. It is time to &lt s . I HALT It ! bad edoagh to accept the ordinary chance: of 111 health and disease, Irorn action of the climate, food or accident. But to subject luen, v bo hats been selected from among their feUowa for special : ability to condiw t wad; control the affairs of Gorerament, to acJitiomal dangert from' over-work, lo'vrdraAa on theirtime, their ability, theirtircngth, thdr very Life, is indeed a great ing. -s I- i ' r.v ' I I LOOK at'therecoA of a year and aee thcfaibtlltT lost to the nation from over-taxibg body aiul brain of merf )a high places, "he : record if appalling. And we eair tha i end not ret UnleaBBOine assistance ia rendered danger jmreatens btui oujer. 1 i . i ; and reflect.? Bead what we havni to say. .Examine your own condition 4od feel ings, and see if you do not need, advice. , Are you snbject to headaches 1 Arejou troubled with constipation 1 J)o joa offer from dyepepaia T A re yon lortared ?tWr InolgceUon f Thtn enrich and strengthen your blood, tone and reguJata yotir atomach by using BaowV I bow BiTTKBa. rocare a bottle and be re lieved before it is too ?w Jfl ;? 'li! LATE Before; yoqr liver becoruef sluggish and inaptite, add refuses to !o its wprt ; be fore weakness bixa attacked yon r kidneys, before your nerves are prostrated, and you sBfler, front gemral tiebility. It is wisar to preveat now than to watt to cure. But if yoo have waited until, yen? are suffering from these troubles yeucaa atitt find sore: and speedy ;; H CURB n in BitowTrg box Bittths. call your attention to these trouble. They nay Seem to you too trivial to: be called perilous. But Neglect of them has caused paralysis and mpoplexy in tome of your aMOciatev'aad it may reaul) tb satne in yours caaV 4kowx's lnox jBitnas stands ahjpe at the head of all new dia coveriea in it special action npoa im- fiiiritje of the blood. Coninoaed of the xwt vegetablalteratives ana tqakaskil (ullyjblendedjwith ! I, ! I . 'Ifi '!''; whhoat the nee of whiskey or deWtcrioae and dangeroOB acids, it not only parities and clcanscvf but enriches and atrenfth ens t)ie bjood. It acts directly.npcn the stomach, .liver and kidneys through the blood. Remember one special, feature of BRpwjr'a liiojr BiTTtas is that it will neither injure or discolor the; teeth, this is trie of! mxother iron preparation. It is the great Anti-Malaria, A sure cure for diille and fever, Spring ferind all malarial levers. It leaves no bnpleasant after effect&f Quinine frequently leaves the parent suffering with congestion and retiralgia,aOtnetimeswithdeaiea8i Don't nw )t any more. But use BuO'iw'i Ibo Bitjtbs, .!;) . SAFETY lies?in this action. lie sure and get the )?tiriinc.: Imitations are made. Coun torf its 4f the wrapper; but the medieifie . nni 't lieumitatvd. The giiuane has traije ri:tfk;nnd crowed red lilies 'on the wrapper; B.ld everywhere. Price only no dollar p bottle. Ocnnine Bta4e only 1 v p.rnv.n i'ht"inical;C., Baltiffiore, Md. We have sold Q- Caasard &f lard ak aaoat exdustvely lor nearly seventeen yean and daern It decidedly the best on ti market. k ; Q.G.COBN 1 ) B, The leading fancy grocers of Was)tngtoB,O.C. Wekave: handled Oaasard'a i tar Brand" lard for a considerable waile and find it to alt our customers better than any otaar lard we ever handled. They like : it so well that we have about abandoned all other brand, i j W. B. MANN CO., Biletfb, N. C. Ws have; been using U. Ckanaru k Bon's "Star Brand" Iara In our trade for the past eight months and findtt glv- better aatWao taon than any we have ever used and we have tried bout all. W. B. NKWS XM CO., ' i JUlelgh, C it &rnnta ns areas nleasure kid satM action 10 beeeabled to endorse thai merits ot your erdj Since 1881 ws have used It in Our ei t.nrfad trade, and mostxnfldehty recommend It aa the pureat and best we have ever aandled 1 our experience r ; ; (JHEIJTIAN WHUK CO., The leading fancy grocers of Uehuond, Va; WLBJt RAILING AND ORN A MXSTAL WEEtX WOSKS, V 36rui Bo ward atreet,' Baltunore, .nU.arrs of wlrs rail lux tor CasaeUrlea, BaloonlSf - 8ieTesreader, Cagsa, Woods .itoalwwn Wave Wlra. Irem Bad THE ELECTI ONJ DBHQCBATIO GAINS IN ALL PIRK0TI0N3 THOUGH BERti ' 5 AND THERE A LOSS AS A j I MATTER OF .C0UBS5. j & 8Ptiaw riCTOiT irkw yo qaihi ' - ITU DC lit 1KQLAHD AND III TUB 4 : ROKTHWin ALL TH KIWI i.-; . CP TO 5 A H. VIRGINIA. ! Richmond . Ys., Not. 2 The wote of this eity is:. George D. Wise, demoorat, 7,447: FdniTind Waddill. rDubliaii. 6,40. Wiae'a mj mtj 2 107, a dem ocratic gsia of 267 orer the last ob- gresaional Tote, with whioh the oompar- isoiw tor tii u election arc made. ; 1b Mtnchester Wise Las a majority of 242, aemocrauo losa of 41. Vui fert ro- taraa Jut yet been reoeived from' the ooantiea in this, the third district. ; Suonton, Va , Oot 2 Yost (repub- haa a majority of 108 in Suanton and, three adjoining precincts, a repub limi gala of 234. 1 he comparisons are mala rith the vote of 1884, when the maioritT of Tucker ( democrat waa lift? iii the district 6rer Yost (republican I Norfolk, Va , Nov. 2 Parka fdem xorat) carries Norfolk oity by 9 majority over ttowden (republican) a democratic 0M. : Portamouth city gives Parks a re- duoed m jority. : The indications' are tuai uie repanucans nave neia tneir own. Aletandria, Va ,. Nov. 2 General Lee's majority ia this city 'is 846 j and the! indications are that he will carrv thai district by npwards of 1,500 ma j MISSISSIPPI. i MtMPHLB, Nov. 2 Jadse Morgati democrat, ia reelected in the second con gressional district of Mississippi defeat ing Gen. Chalmers, independent green baoker and repnblieu, by a large ma I TEXAS. . Fort Worth, ; Nov. 2 -Nothing can be told about majorities tonight, j Ab bott, dfmoerat, for congress, , in be sixth distriot, is elected. Norton, re publican, withdrawn. I SOUTH CAROLINA, i Columbia, Not. 2. A elean dtmo- oratio sweep, apparently. There being no i opposition to the demecratie cin- didates for oongxess in toe first, seoond, third, fourth, fi;th nd sixth eangres- sional districts, in this State. The election was quiet and the. votel very Smau, not more tnan onc-inira u s many were polled in the seventh.! In the only remaining district, known-as the black distriot, now represented by Smalls, negro republican, the situation is different. Smalls is a candidate for re-election and4 is opposed by William Elliott white (dem ) The whites With a number of leading influential negroes have made a supreme effort to defeat Bmalls With a good ehanoe of success So muoh so that it cannot be decided until all the precincts are heard from There was no opposition to the State ticket which ia entirely democratic 1 1 noma aiu roa thi scMOcaATs NashviUe Nov. 2. L. C Houk. rep is re-elected to congress ia this, the. see oud. district by about six thousand ma ioritT oTer A. J. Heiskill dem. Honk's ihaiority two years ago was ten thous and, in the first Tennessee distriot P. R. Butler, rep is elected over fJas Whitl dem by a thousand 'majority, Demooratio gain of one thousand it this distriot. These are the only 'districts io Ten&esse electing republican oon gressmen. : ! ,.. WISCONSIN. EtDcciD mp HAJontrr nr liql? latum . Milwaukee Nov. 2 At midnight it is conceded that the entire State re publican ticket has been elected by a handsome mtjority with Gov.Kusk leading. Lsgiilature is republican with reduced m-jority on joint ballot. 1 DSMOCRAT1C OAIN IN PETSE8BUEQ Richmond Nov. 2 The ; vote . of Peterabmrar for W. E. Gains,! republi oa,'for Congress from the fourth dis trict is 1,786; Mann Page, democrat, 375 Gaines' majority is 411. This is one of tne oiacx districts and ; gives . a ' i a - ordinarily a heavy republic in majority, Memphis, Mot. A Total returns up to 11 p. m. gives Robert Taylor, dem otndidate for governor 20.462 votes and Alfred Taylor rep 17 931. - Indi- cations are. that the 2tne will ii dem' ooratic by 15,003. mj irltf. j NEW YORK. BRILLIANT DC MOC RATIO TI0T0RV. Ne v Yo k. Not. 2. The city "s com plete with the exception of the nrrteleo t on district which shows (he following vote: Rcsevelt 6a, 392, Hewitt 90,296. George 69.699, Wardwell 574 ; 8. 8, CdX hs been elected to cingresi. Re- turns 'rom ovar 300 district outside of New York and Kings counties sbow that Daniels republican, is get tiny about 86 rer eeat oi the vote given to Davenport icat year, while Peck ham dtmoorat, is getting about 80 per osnt of the - vote given to HU1. Eighth congressional dis trict: CampbeU 11 458, Grady ia,927. Five district missing. 146 districts ia Brooklyn givePeckhim 27,929, Daniels 22 661 ALABAMA. Montgomery, Not. 2 The demo crats made a elean sweep of congress men in Alabama today. No doubt is left in any district at this hoar, lam. ARKANSAS. ALL DSMOCtATIO. Little Rook, Not. 2 Partial returns render oertain the election of the demo cratic candidates in eaoh of the five oon. gressional distriots. Boston, Not. 2.-186 towns and cities in Massachusetts, including Boston, with the exception of one preoinot to hear from giro Ames 53,204, Andrews 51,200, Lathrop 247. FLORIDA. DEMOCRATIC GAINS . Jacksonville, Not. 2. The indica tions from returns received to 10 o'clock show democratic gains in the first and second congressional distriots. Present congressmen Davidson and Dougherty will be re-elected by a majority of 1,200 to 3,000 CONNNE0TICUT. i Hartford, Not. 2 At 9 30 p. m thirty-rnino,towns gire republieaas 9 354 democrats 10 262 prohibitionists 894, labor 143. Legislature republicans 32 democrats 33. Vance (demoorat,) pro bably elected in the 21st district. NEW HAMPSHIRE. REPUBLICAN L08SKB Boston, Not. 2. Returns from nearly one-third of the towns in New Hamp shire show a republican loss of about 20U on the popular vote, as compared tth that of 1884. The indications are that there is no choice for Governor by the people. TENNESSEE. D1C1D1D DIMOCKATIC 011X8. Chattanooga, Nov. 2 Dispatoles to the Times from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Tennessee ooDgrcsaiocal distrwts show a light "Vote and decided demooratio g"Bs. The result in the first distriot between White, democrat, and Butler, republican, doubtful. Houk.republioan, 1 reivrnea rxom me secona aiBtriet dt reaueea majority, jxeii, democrat, is -1 1 w . returned from the third bv a largely in- ereasea majority. a w mempnu, nov. 'A. James rneian. bust i ". m. r c w- i democrat, is eleoted to conirrcas from this, 10th, district by not less than 1500 majority. , PENNSYLVANIA. Philad f lphia . Nov. 2 Philadelphia county gives 25 000. The republican majority in the State is about 35,000. ILLINOIS. Reports at 1 a. m-' indioate the oleo-. tica of six republican. llinai DIM0CRATI0 DtXIOATIOH 1LI0TSD. Apeeial to the Constitution from all of the Georgia distriots show the election of the entire demooratio oonrrcssional delegation, as fallows: T. M. Norwood, H. G. Turner, G. F. Crisp, T. W. Grimes, John D. Stewart, J H Blount, JVC Crisp, H. Carlton, A D Candler, and Georgo . Barnes. MARYLAND. I BALTIM OKI ILCCTfl THRR1 CXM0CRATI0 OON- ; ORXSSMaH. Baltimore, Nov. 2 The canvass of the veto in this oity completed shows tie election of three demooratio i congress men. Rusk in the 3d distriot, Rayn3r in the 4 th and Uompton m 5 th. CALIFORNIA. Saw Francjisco, Not. 2. Returns from all the oounties in the State out side of San Francisco county giro a re nuhliean maioritT and unless the maior- lty for Bartlett, democrat, for Governor . proves to be much larger in San Fran; Cisco than is expected, swift, ropub liesn, will be eleoted. The America? vote, which started out strong, rapidly fell away and in the interior it fell be- hu.d the O'Donnell (independent) vote OHIO. CivotmATi, Nov; 2 Returns from thirtj-four preciedts . of ! Hamilton county show a total republican gain of 1, 8M; total democratic gam of 225, mak ing a net repuDiican gain ot i,06v. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Nov. 2. Seventy-six towns in Massachusetts, including the city of H w-Uedford, give for (jtOTernori Amep, 15.948; Andrews. 12,776; Lathrop, prohibitionists, 1 820 Andrews wul hTe a mj rtty of 10,000 in Boston.; ' WEST VIRGINIA. J ' Wheeling. Not..2. Meagre returns indicate the re-election of Gc ff. repub lioan, in the first cangressional district, by an increased msjority. IOWA. ri ir .T -fc m. . Ann DT 1TAUL ot. z At v vv p. m., returns from 220 townships give Mo Gill, republican for Governor 1 4S9, and Ames, democrat for Governor 1,441 In the Presidential election same town ships gave Blaine 1 832, Cleveland 1231 The same ratio of loss carried through 800 townships of the 8tate am a It OMil . would reauos racuui s majority ma terially. Dea Moines, Iowa, Nov. 2 A large vote is being polled in this State. This, wnh the habit of holding the polls open, in many localities, till 9 o'olock, and a'lowing : no counting to be done until the polls are olosod, will make the news from Iowa very late. GEORGIA. BLOUNT RB-KLICTSD. Ms n, Ga., Nov 2 BlouLt wa re elected as congressman from the sixth distr'ct, making his seventh term. Atlanta, Ga , Nov. 2 A light vote wa3 pol.'ed today and there was no op portion to the tegular deniooratio Stite nominees. Th j Tarboro Southerner tells of the loss of Capt. John P. a home by t e. NORTH CAROLINA. DEMOCRATIC AGAIN FROM ONE END TO THE OTHER WAKl HCWZTIK MPTTBUCAN ALL NaWB CP TO 5 A. K. TH1 FIRST DISTRIOT. Murfreesboro, Nov. 2. Latham's majority at this presinot is 209, a dem ocratic gain of iiuy. Seaboard, Nov. 2. Simmons 218, Abbott 5. democratic gain of 11. House of representatives, SUncdll, dem ocrat. 328; Grant democrat. 200; Rawls, republican, 237; Futrell, republican, 117. Stanoill eleoted beyond doubt. Morehead City, Not. 2. Vote Tery light. Litham geu. 546 majority in seven preeiuets, a gain of 236 votes on the last election. Iitham leads the ju dicial and county ticket. Beaufort, Nov. 2. -This township gives Latham 250, Newport 51, Hull's Swamp 61, Morehead City. 101. CARTKRIT COUNTY A DUfOCXATIC SAIN o 600. The regular demooratio tioket is elected ty 1,000. DRHOORATIC GAIN 450 TO 500. Williamstoo, Nov. 2 Latham's ma jority in Martin 700 to 800; Worthing- ton ouU to yuu; Manning, legislature 200; Warren and Sprnill, senate, no op position. BSACIORT COUNTY. Washington, Nov 2 Estimates of the result concede Barrett's success ia this oounty by a sparse majority. Rod man's defeat for the lower house is oon- ceded. SI00KD DISTRICT. BUNOOMBB COUNTY. Black Mountain Nov. 2. B'.aok Mountain township gives Pearson inde- penaent o-t majority. Warreaton, Nov. 2. Warrenton township, Abbott 424. Simmons 223, O'Hara 40; democratic gain 17. Henderson, Novr 2 Reports from every township indioate the election of xoung, demoorat, by 40U majority. Whitaker's, Nov. 2 Precinot 1, township 6, Simmons 78, Abbott 78. O'Hara 55. Judicial, dem., 75, rep. 127; dem. gain 107. Weldon, Nov. 2 Congressional vote at tbis precinct Simmons, demerit, 493; O'Hara, republican, 142; Abbott, republican 3; demooratio gain of 376. Margaretsville, Nov. 2. The fol lowing is the congressional vote at Gt laoia prooinct, this (Northampton) osunty. Simmons, democrat, 231; Abbott, republioAn, 52: 0 Haxa, repub lican. 17. Tarboro, Nov. 2. One precinct in Edgecombe shows a democratic gain of do oa the State and congressional tioket Abbott will have in the oounty about 2,500 votes. Unless O'Hara gets many it is a demooratio gain. New Berne, Nov. 2. Four wards and two precincts give Simmons 190 plurality; aame precincts gave Blaine 395 majority; democratic gain of 585 Littleton, Nov. 2. O'Hara 242 Abbott 21. Simmons 178. Littleton township, Halifax oounty, (demooratio gain ) Middleburg, JNov. 2 The vote of Siiddleburg township, Vauee oomtv was, Simmons 112, Abbott 49; O'Hara 148. Demooratio gain of 69 . Littleton, Nov. 2 The vote of River township. Warren oounty, O'Hara 79: 1 mmons 79. Abbott 47. Demooratio gain 26. WILSON HBATY "DSMOOXXATlO GAUT. Wilson, Nov. 2 Garner's township ives the following vote for Congress iimmons 149, O'Hara 150; Abbott 1, (dem. gain 23), Taylor s township; Simmons 50, O'Hara 70, (dem loss 1); Wilson township, Simmons 487. O Hara 237, Abbott 36, (dem. gain 38); Stan- tanburg townsbio, Simmons 81, O Hara 117, Abbott 1; (dem. gam ll);8ratoga township, Simmons lou, U tiara 11, (dem gain 142);SpringhLU,Simmons 138, Abbott 4, (dem. gain of 4); Blaek Creek, Simmons 206, O'Hara 104, (dem. gain 17). Total demooratio gain m Wil con of 5234. A DXJdOCRATIO eAIN OV 65 LAGxAvai Nov. 2. This township gives Simmons 220, O'Hara 189, Ab- oot id, (dem.; gain vo). iaraen. dem ocrat 202; Gray, demoorat, ! 206; Ar thur, republican, 220; Wartera, repub lioao, 215. Demooratio gain of 65 for ft as a Uongreasman. o in a us, democrat, gam ou tho county tioxet. TBIRD DI8T4I0P Cameron, Not. 2. -MeClammy'a ma jwwy m wfwww. wnivp .is au lireenwood fdemocratic gam z;; Smith's 155. Mo- lver's 159, Wrox's 70, McNeil's 18, Carrie's 57, Cole's 166. Richardson's uQiiarity in Carthage township is 60; Worthy's 206, Coles 201, Black b9 and McDonald SO. JoaesDor, ov. z jfor ongress, M. Clammy, " damoerat 192; Koonoe, revublietn 189; the judicial democratic majority 48; benate, Melver, democrat 206; Kiahardson,repuhlioan 130; house, W loox, democrat 197; MoKinuon, re publican 141: olerk of oourt, MoNeill, it dependent 217; 31c Donald, democrat Vil; ahcrxn, Uurrie democrat 193, Blaok, republican 154; register of dedf, Cole, demoorat 216; Peiry, repab'iun 132 WATNB COUNTY This vote is too close to learn any thing ton;ght. The effioial figure will have to decide the election. OUHBIRLANP SOLIDLY DRMOCIITIC BY . prom 200 to 500 Faykt bvilli. Nov. 2 The entire demoo ratio t'oket iscl '.rt-J by from 200 to 500 mijarity in Cam!jrlnd. Favetteville givos a democrtt'o gain of 122 on the legislative vote two years ago, whioh indicates an increased ma jority for the whole oounty ticket JOHNSTON Girts GRAHAM 400 OK 500 MA JORITY. I SmithSeld, Nov. 2 - Graham's major ity in this oounty ' will reach between four and five hundred. Galloway and the judical ticket runs with him. 8elma, Nov. 2 The following ma jorities are for Selma township: Graham 54. Galloway 49 and Clark 58.0'Neai'e township gives 46 majority to Graham. Durham; Nov. 2 -Town vote, Nichols' majority over Graham 263. democratic lose 134 Mason, republican over Gorman, demoorat 232 Harrison, republican over Allen, demoorat 240 Oikly, independent over Anpier, demo orat 295 Cheek, independent over Lyon, democrat 271. The county ticket is doubtful. FOURTH DISTRICT. Mebane, Nov. 2 The official vote for this precinct: Niohols, ; republican, 147; Graham, democrat, 116; demo eraotio gain of 41. Mason.: republican, 145; London, demoorat, 119; Albright, republican, 159; Holt, democrat. 107. Smithfieid township gives Nichols 5i msjority. A republican gain of 41. Cary, Nav. 2 Vote in S Cry town ship, Nichols 137; Graham 103; demo era tio loss 86 j Princeton Nov 2 Boon Hill town ship gave Nichols 41 majority (iin for him 154) Buxton's majority over Smith 35. Others about the samo. Clayton, JNov. 'Z. for congress majority for Nichols 31; judicial re publican maj ority 30. . Johnston, Nov. 2 The indications are that two democrats and oaJ inde pendent are eleoted to tho legislature from this oounty. CHATHAM COUNTY . Ore HiP, Nov. 2 The Tote of Mat thews township, Chatham oounty, Gra ham, democrat 184; Nichols, republics 85, (dem loss 23,) for legislature, Lon don, democrat 160, Bynum demoorat, 155: Houston, democrat 1 174; Mason, republican 92; Pack ell, republican 113; Parham, republican 90: j far solicitor, Long 184; democrat, Strayhorr, repub lican 80. TlfTH DISTRICT. Leaksvllla, Not. 2. -The jadioUl ticket, republican majority 22; eom gressional tioket, repub lisaa majority 17. , (Democratic gain ; Of 8;) county tioket, senate, democratic jmajarity 47; lower house, republican; majority 14, a demooratio gain here. Wentworth gaTe the straight demooratio tioket a majority. I Reidsville, Nov. Z. -The eongrej- aional voto, Reidsville preoinct, Rd, democratic 279; Winston, independent 220; Brower, republican J 427. D:mc- oratio loes 316. Winston, Nov. 2 Salem, Reid, for congress, 232; Brower 157. A falling off of 12 from the republican vote. Greensboro. rov. i:. omitn s ma- ioritv in this eity ia 84. The oounty will be verr oloee. ine proniniuon - a swii a a , vote in this eity is from 200 to 225. , Winston, N. C, NovJ 2 In Win- rton the total vote is, Buxton frr the senate, 160, Fries for the house, 120, Reid, for Congress, 25, (demooratio loss. 61-) Summerneld,JNov. .Morehead dem 81, Morrow rep 105. Mendenhall pro 19. Bunch dem 87, Wharton dem y, Priohett rep 99, Ohilieutt, rep 102 Roadale aro 25. Woody.1 pro 34, Reid d?m 80. Brower rep 105; dem gain 16 Reidsville, Nov. - ThompsonTille Dreoinot irivea Winston Lnd, 130: Keid, Dem. 40: Brower. Rep, 1. Reidsville gives Winston, lnd, 220; Raid, Dem, 277; Brower, Rep. 427. S tone ville gives Winston 38, Reid lotf, Urower ISO Wentworth gives Winston 48, Roid 204, Brower 174. Iron Works gives Winston 69.Reid 105, Brower 127 Greensboro, Nov. 2 -r Re turns from five townships show a demooratio gain Of 11 Reidsville, Not. iJ, rlotal congres sional vote polled in W illiamaburg townshio. 2 crecinots: Reid, dem 134 Winston, ind 130, Broijrer rep 423. SIXTH DISTRICT. Hvty. N. C, Not. 2. Liurinbura solid for Rowland. The Democratic maj. will run up as high as 250 (same as W lOO-t J auu may auy v xuio c largest preoinct in the county, and demooratio stronghold j The latest from the other preeinots shows aolose contest The Democrats are hopeful. Wadesboro, N. C. Njt. 2. Wales boro gives Rowland 298 majority. J nes 8. The demooratio couaty tioket hai 295 majority and the legislative ticket 307. Lilesville giTes Kowlaud 101 majority, a demooratio gain of 66 Salisbury, JXot. Z ttowan county has rone demooratio bv over 1,000 ma jority. Wul advise later fully. . OT-" ... Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 2. Charlotte ;.ia-2 demooratio nvuoritv: Mecklen ian t. fcVu-lai,l burg county 400 majority for Rowland The entire oemoorani iiokc ii eieotea. The democratic loss is 800. Polkton, N. C, Nov. 2. Tho votj of Lanesboro township, Anson oounty. for congress, gives Kowland 110 mj r ity and Jones 27 majority, a democratic gain of 52; Dookery 15. The State and oounty offices give an overwhelming demooratio majority. Rockingham, N. C. Nov. 2 The oongressional vote from this predict gives Rowland 227 mj rity and Jones 70, a democratic gain of 64. The c aunty vote in this preoinct is about 250, with a tie vote. Mktthews, N. C, Nov. 2. Rowland, for congress, has received 32 majority; Alexander, for the legislature, received 73 mtjority. HURRAH VOX LUMBIRTO ! Lumberton. N. C. Nov. 2. The average democratic gain ia Lumberton township is 80. : The township u demo cratic for the firBt time since 1868. Row- and's majority as far aa heard from is 700. AU the oounty ticket is eleoted by increased majorities. HSW HANOTBR MOT A TOT1 F0RCHARLR8 R.I Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 2. The rsturns are not all in yet, but it is safe to say that the full Republican county ieket is eleoted; Manning, republican, for sheriff, will have about 400 majority. he labor vote is large muoh larger thtn was anticipated. Alfred Wadd ell, for the house, ran well, many negroes voting for him, but he gets left. Chas Jones did . not get one vote in this ciy Rowland, democrat, is eleoted to con- grers from this (sixth) district by a heavy majority; Meagre returns frem the sec ond district, now represented by O'Hara, colored republican, are favorable to the eleoticn pi Sinimonf, democrat. A DIUOCRATrO OATH OF 67. Red Sbrings.; 8mith's township, Nov. 2 The judicial tioket gives a demo oratio msjority of 20 Congressional democratic msjority 77, a democratic gain of 1)7.' Senators, democratic ma- onty 2Q; If gislature, oemocratic majori ties! and SI Oa the county ticket loyd democrat, received 35 majority; Bennett democrat, 2 majority, and McDiarmid democrat, 37 majority. CHARLH R BBATSBT BADLY AT HoMl. ; Cuardtts, N. C, Nov, 2. Rowland's rlnajority over Jones in this county will be over 600 and may reach 800. Eaough returns are in to show that the entire Democratic ticket elected in Meeklenburg. Salisbury, Nov. 2 -Balisbmry town: Congress, Henderson, democrat 844; Walker, prohibitionist 38; senator, Shiber, democrat 339; house, Eaton, prohibitionist 39; Overman, democrat 349; Moat-, Harper, prohibitionist e; sheriff, Krider, demoorat 369; Pkff, republican 44; surveyor, Arey, demo crat 299; Barnhardt, independent so; udge, 8mith, demoorat 348; Buxton, republicm 303. The whole number of votes polled 465. Laurinburg, Wot. 2. The democratic oounty jTote is as follows: Johnson, for clerk, (421; Bryant, for sheriff, 429; MsDonaJd, for register of deeds, 424; Gay, for coroner, 423. Republican ticket: ! Smith, for sheriff. 161;Long,for clerk, 160; Debay, for register of deeds. 160; McL'jan.for surveyor, 160; drown, for caroner, 160. StVBNTH DISTRICT. Laurinburg, Nov. 2'-BfT6fsionaI voti as follow?: Rowland 401; Jones 1 vote; (demooratio gain 143 ) Salisbury, Nov. 2. Same old Rowan gone demooratio by over one thousand. : BIOHTH DISTXTOT. Statosville, Nov. 2 Vote of States- ville township for Henderson, congress, democrat 245 majority; Smith, chief jus&oe, democrat 169 majority; average for demooratio judges 202; for republi can judges 84; Lwg, solicitor, demo crat 261. Iwrnoorats have no opposi tion on legislative and county tioket, except for register of deeds. The total vote ior oniiei juaxioo i on Botn tdokets; 430 votes not polled. Shelby, Nov. 2 Uffloial returns from (Cleveland show Cowles 1.800 votes j (democratic gain 375 ) Webb, democrat elected for senate by 800 ma ior it v. Cheek, democrat for legislature by 400 majority. J udical ticket l.suu votes, no opposition; the whole oounty ticket demooratio. Lowell, (Gaston County,) Nov. 2 The demooratio manritv for state ninety-five, exept Cowles 111; republi can, one county tioket mixed. Mt. Holly. (Gast.n County,) Niv 21 Judicial democratic 64; republican 2; oongress, democratic 65;republioan 5; county tioket demooratio in same pr portion. . BURRB DBMOCR1TIO. Morganton, Nov. 2 Ail the oounty nbt heard from, but enongh to satify u of the election of Mills, demoorat, to tb house. Cowles for congress had no op position. The republicans did not vote for judges. SOLIDLY PlHOClATia. ' Liaoolnton, Nov 2 Democratic sen ator elected. Representative probablj elected. County solidly demooratio Cowles' majority very large. Newton, November 2 Henderson, for Congress 255 majority. Senate: Qrouse 256 majority.; House, Hull 112. H-ijiritr for the democratic judicial tioket 300 in Newton precinct. NINTH DISTRIOT. , Hot Springs. Dior. 1 The vote in this distriot is for oongress, Johnston demoorat 76; Malone, independent 69 (republican gain 40;) for senate, Ebbs 76; Jfox GU; for house, Uudger ob; Pritchard 53 BJNOOMBBOO JOHXSTBI 8WBBPS THS WSSr : Askbtillb, Nov. 2 Boncombe gives Pearson and Welch and the republican tioket from 600 to 750 majority. John ston sweeps the western eountry for .Congress. Ferguson, demoorat, for soli' citor. doubtful; Julias was elected sena tor. W. E Davis & Son's fiihing smack arrived at Wilmington Saturday, after a cruise Of ten days off the "Snapper Banks," with a oatch of about 8,000 pounds of fish, inoluding red, white and black snappers, and some or tne finest black fiih ever seen in that; market, the Review states. ... u , The dead body of a negro woman was found near New Berne, Friday, the Journal says. It was thought that the body had been dragged some distance, the place where it was found. . ... . A . SAVRD HIS L1ITB. Mr. D. I. Wllcotoq, of Horse Cave, Ky., says be was fr many yesn badly afflicted with Phthisis, alooi Diabetaa; the pains were almost uncndurablj) and would sometimes throw him into copvuh-iona, He tried Klec trie Bit' ra and got relief from the first bottle and alter taking six bottles waa entirely cured and had gained in Jgesh eighteen pounds. Stys be positively believes he would have did had it not been for the (relief afforded by JClectrle Bitters. Sold at 00 fcents a bottle by all drug gists. ' Olin Cogdel); a sevetiteen year o'd ueg o ooy, was aiuoi wuuu possum hunting. Thuradav night. ' near New Berne, by a falling tree, which had been cut down. The butt of tjhe tree jumped and struck him just over tho heart. penarola Mnaid nngemot Ik illin ITil;i ctv 0- fM IM (MUM f4 wU( wrapper, and .bears ear nsrt9tsr(9d TiHsdc jtBmW Htwjt in gtrrp Cumtim-L ma xnxie-i karka to wit f MlmlJ wiXDAtarrm ot John W. fc'i.&ilUBBOCTOli.a. SALVATION OIL, .The QreatcstCor oa Xarth for Pain, WiH relieve more quickly than any other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellinga.Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cats, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wotmds, Headache. Tootnaxne, sprains, Ac bold by all Druggists, Price 25 Cents a Bottle. THE GREAT 'BARGAIN ST0R OF RALEIGH. If people knevi how mock credit cost them they wold not bis seeking by or it is oommon sanso that the merchant who. buys goods oa .': 5 i .1 : . ' 'i credit and sell them on leredit must sell his goods higher to eover BJs Towea. In regular UaesormerchandiM there are three distinct profits charged tip and oa each one there Is an 1 extra per eent laid, to cover the losses by a - credit. You ecsmt ten per cent on each of r - I . : them and you nave at the least estimate 30 per ant which youjmust r.a to cover the ksses by man who never pay. ; This the consumer , ! i i - has to pay. It all ooxes out of the hard j i i i earned dollars pjt the laboring people. If you borrow money from the bank at 8 per eent i i 1 you think It very high, yet you will buy your goods on eredi! and pay 150 per ceat.mord for them than yoti ought to pay and you will never wink yoar eye at it. This credit takes from tho producers of Itt laJScounty ece-kit they make. Nw how cmypu like the system? Come to the Racket Stonfwd buy your goods. S i ' The Backet Stare has all the advantages, from ! ; S j having buyers always In the New York mar ket, win easnitB nana, nrno ouy irom nouses which are eosapelled to take their off rsfor tose gooda. ttt is the power of the almighty dollar cutting ps way urougn me cenireox time which enables us to offer goods at les than they ea4, be made tor la hundreds of esa. Tho Bsfcket Store is sttisfied with small profile and wf sba'1 make our bargains make V..v.t. I anna tk. 1.V. LtnM and buy youroods and save your money. xbuweea we anautopeu some greai oar rains in Overcoats, Mun's Cassimere uit t SIS. woith 1130. Abo Ladles' and Hisses' Cloaks, very low. threat bargains In Carpet In $ and Rugst New ne of Ladies' Jetseys. We are also carrying a I big lUe of shoes acd booU, wllch ' we will j sell at a bargain. A big drtVu m counterpeae at cost, a Dig jod Iq susprndersi ladita' and gents' underwear, Call and examine my stock before purchasing. Most r spectrally, aoScttlng cash trade only. volney; pursell & co., -MM. XV lUHtUI UK. Edward Fasnach. ' III ; E i - - ' Jeweler M Optician RALEIGH, N. C. Gold audi silver Watches, Amerioan and ; ill ' Imported. Eeal and imitation Diamond Jew : elxy. LS karat Wedding and Xngagemeat Rings, any alae and; weight. 8terllng Silver . - i i Ware tor Bridal Presents. Optical Goods h A SPECIALTY,, "pectaclef and Eye-glasses in Gold, Silver StoeV Eubber and Shell Frames. Leasee, tluteiLln white and endless varieties. Seala tod LodaresJ Co no rations, etc; Badges aid Medals for Schools and iSoclees made to order. I , Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods sent on selection to tany part of the Btato. , j . t3T Oldi Gold and 811ver In small and large tuanuuee nvaea as eeM. ay. Mi-' mm f M i mm W i JACKET STORE 4 '-. i- ? i 4 i I-

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