Mtr-ttM t; ' :!f; ' : ' t ! r i - -X - AND ERVEKL oi.xxvn. RALEIGH. N. C. TUHSDA"! MORNING, NOVEMBER 9, 1886 NO. 138 The Mews ; H ' T. .'i .. 1 ' - Obs 4 . X Absolutely Pino. , . " . ' r- i fhi powder never varies. I A mural of irVtj, strength and wtolwoaww. ? Man A ecBomlcal than ordinary kinds ud cannot be 'Id in competition wttk the multitude el tow (eat. ahert weight, alma or phosphate powders cold only ta cans. Botai. Bahto Powbi lev, 108 Wall Stnat, New York. deld by W C A. B Btronech, ra T Uonaek aad I B rarrall Oo. r DBOWtfs IRQH BITTERS 8TOMACH. byavataauahaataf ardarT Haaayoa kat tmr spptitar .OoWt yaar.toad incn Uropv todj r ; Art Too mamora anui oaatita born f Do ro anllar troaa PjBuijiaaa. bdicaaiinB, QjatipatioB to HwxUoha f Browa's fana BaV fu Too Klatolaaiej or iianrt- Tra wtu ova Too. n aui 1 tha Dmaan. aahnaa I Haadaoba. rabara FUtatancr aad ra atrHajta aavitoaa to Ua DEQSMS IRON BITTERS Q U A L I T Y W o T LIVER, ii P u s RT 0 u A rj T I T? Y anNMblaiwIk mrntmith. "ia Haw arf Doaattatarvtatoa B bttaT A ta Too tiU- looaf Daiiailu daamdlea fUa yanr llarfi TbablaoAto R uaja Hnuacb ttM E haaJthv a ; apajjen Snaiud I itacait. Tha tan araatoppaaaaMLck- wam ma.rmat, naaaa a. auautoaiaa aaaaiVMa, uek auitndaMav boa faaaJw to joor Ai-r riH D baattfe. aniaaa mm Btoara'a ba Bittaraat onca. it wlfl cava oav Bilraoanaaa and J au dio, and Incite I to baaithyaatiaa tawata- tADlEO i anthaoaaaaaabaaaabiehroa which proatratioab and bodfly patoa. tbara b) raltof hi Brovaa Iras Btttara Wa o4ar tba aaadtebai to roa aaa triad aad to-ba-tntatad frtaod. Maar r Hviac baalOiy. aim aaaa, haaina thaar aa, baa aamfid taattmriiT to tha rataa at that aoraraica raaaad fa aaantal aad ahjaieal aaffarlac: thia aara aara far airaitl im iaa d aiitllj jpaatwaai kanam aaTatanla Oiaaplaiaai onovffl'S IRON BITTERS MALARIA. Braana boa BKtar b) i aaaa or awaaia ran i Farar. Iwvar and Ana. and if a larta of aajr um, , Law: ajirabf aiiiaai atvraaot aopla of antar, oaoar)n TafotaMa mttlar. bbanflaa of ollauta abila i troaa aaoaral dabilit. ail Brova-a Iraat Putaaa aaraa ail I It am prudaoaa Haadaebaa. aad mtA I qoantlr Bbaonutbra- and ifaorar- CM. Bmra'i Iron Bttaara i ItaiHl . BROWII CHEMICAL CO. . BALTIMORE. MD. SiSm TWO LMreki t-1thfTAfc. W haTC aoldti. Caaawd ftan't lardaV Bboat ezeluatrotT for nearly aeTenleen years aad Aaaaa it dacNWly tha beat the market. - The leadfar oum Tooriol Washmatoa,.C. Wa haT) handUai taMaard'a1 Star raBdV Urdtor a .eonaiderabls while and find to aiolt oar euatoaten better than any ethr lard we erer handled. They ltk ao well that wa haTC tbnot ab.ndmed all ohr bnnda. : W. .B. MANX CO., BklH, N C. Wa hara Wa oilnt fl. Csaaait. A Son's tax Brand" lart in mar trad tor the Mat .i.-ht mmitha and find tt rtr- better aatlatae- tion than 'any we have erer used and wa safe Kaelsa,S.& It afford U great plsure and aalWaetloa to be enabled to endorae the merit or your ..a &b iamm wa have naed' tt tn our ex- tended tris and m att onJident recoamend U m the. purest aad beat we havf ever oawUed lawdiaf faacy xrooexa ot ittcbotoad, Va. BLpOD.X W la it full of iBmUar Da ; Vj aiitliata appear npoo Boor Ieaaa4 ' V Mrr in r ahufca palU4f Yaaa; 1 I btoodJ(piM It naada aoaaa'parUriaa; J 1 action, to swa it MSa aad rfca&g. Omar of I V it tmywMf and aid it ta twmtHmg a MnalHMl to ttaa whato arataav if CV ThmiibataBthiDtlutrffl y&.J' "4 XKiTaXatS 2 X th Maddart Do fOd ante V froaa Dtatajtoa, Qn-rwl. Drotaa. ; or ; . Bteaaawttoa a tha Baartf Aim jam V : V ttoaatauad vfth Bright iMaaaaafi Toa i aaa bar aotad of aD tfaaaa by Btmrot A ba litoa. Dont aaflar i aa- froaa aaina to tha pack aad 5A aMaa.artthaharttaiitb.aod fCf OaxV aaac aaaaa. a. far - W-V aaaa. bat ha -f ;a aaa 1 " i a. Browaa baav XV 1 KMotfla "V laaar. "V . ar aaitaMat aaaJarla. f .i braaa. Daart 1 ' -tt ii ' -'A ' 1 nnMciiriDTlflM. - . . "UTT. .T.r tha ma mmm ; ar Ma aaa 1 ajlTTl'--1 artaa'orat felM awl at l- . -- I - j ) . - Tlia Ihraaj Par Cut Loaaw ' ; WaaWntfiOH, Not. 8 A statemcrit, prepare at the treasury department id rrgara to. ue sutus of the three per lOn at toe close of boHioes". Not ember 6th, shows that of JJ305,581,256 i4 bonds iMued, 52 250 were redeemed i 1883, I leaving bobj0ot to call $205,529 000, f rroiou amonnt inero na sin oe Deen cailed $238,621,600. In addition to this, nnoalled bonds to the amount of I $2,770,050 have been sarrendcred tor redemption bo that thore now rTnaiea subjoct to call bat g64 137,350 I There are now outstandiug $21.082 050 -of CAlled thrcos, of which bends 11 '270, 600 have .matured bat have not been presented for redemption. The fmoney for their redemption hta however been taken from the treasury cath and that fond has been reduced accordingly The remainder of the ou'standitg bonds are embraced in the 144. h call whwn doea not mature till December lit. ; . . .- ,' ' !.;Tha Saw York CtHtoa Izebaar. ' 1:Niw Iobx. Not. 8 -At alspeetal meeting of the board of manager! of the Cotton Excharge held today, the fol lowing resolution were adopted : 'That in consequence of the action; of the Hew Urleana Uotton JLzohange in refusing to abide bj the atlndatds adopted by the experta ohosenl by the farioaa exchaagea constituting the Ktionai Cotton Kxchange on or about the 10th day of Saptember last, 'at New York, and for other reasons the secre tary be and hereby is directed to notify the authorities of the National Cotton Kxobasge of the determination of tin- cxohaBga to withdraw from member ship in the National Cotton Exchange at tne eioae or ue current year. ' ' raa-aaM- : ': i Cold t Br. - ; S i Ltkcheubo. Not. 8. The weather u efld.; There was a light fall f eqow yesterday. A three inch snow is re ported in the mountains. Ice ; quarter of an inch thick formed last niht j Kv ZTiujia Tesn., Not. 8 Wm Ooffman, a prominent merchant, com taitted suicide this .morning byfeutuoc iis threat, tie bad a stroxe oi para:ytj six month go, and for the last wo months has been demented. A week ago he attempted to jam p from the Tennes see rirer bridge, eighty feet Jiigh. but wm secured before making tie leap LastVridaThe walked into the rifer but was caught before lie got beyod his aepth. ' ' - J Bahimora Sun. ; A glanoe at the election returns from Virginia shows that the republican vie tory in that Bute was not owing to an increased republican Tote, but to th sinirular apathy of the democrata. A few randdm samples of county returns show this. .In Augusta county, where both of the oongretaional candidates reside tb. te east on lueses.? actrresattd 6.04T. against 7,095 in 1884, a falling off cl 1,048, of which the dmferttic candidate sustained a less c-f -901 anc the republiean 147. In Roekughan. oennty the vote feii tfi 1.V67, con paref With two jc are ago, ot wtach the rti ub lietns lost 331 and the ocniociat 941. lu Page cr.uniy the ote was 1 748 agaiibt 2,45, two jratgo, the filn off t fleer it g the dmcraa more thai. the republicans. In Botttonrt cout) the rote, fell from 2.100 to 1,350. tV dtmterats again tUoWJLitg most iaigel) the dtcitaetd Tote. So it is plain to'te that (teteral apathy did the omge tc. the Viraima dcuocrsey aid ga?e tnt auaioritf of the Siate dtlt tf alien to tht republeana. I atcraaae lb the k)tiaa Uttuai Crop. iuiusiu, lg)pt. Nct? 8. Ihe cottcB tnence atbteiatitn Baa lrtued a report a tat it g that there is a alight ln- erecce in the yitid ol the itgjptian crop oTer that of 1885, but that the ginning out-turn is no better. A Card. . I Fiuin, NC, Not. 1886, Editor N.b aiui ObaerTei: I We tit iffietiaof H'sktCctsnty Asao- eution of Northern aad foreign born cit Uetl. desire to extend tne tnanis ox tne m aa a a r a m . entire asacciati n to tie eitisens of Ral- eich, for their sereious and eourtetu- treatment of our Northern tisitors ind editort who spent fair week with us We Toiee the sentiment of eTery cne when wo say .that our visitor s were loud and earnest in thair praise of the recep tion they met win in entcrinf our beau tiful oity, and the boeptuoie treatment thtj reocifod while hero. Ppaoe wm not admit of an enumeration of the dif ferent receptions prepared? for their enjoyment, neither will space permit us to undertake to reproduce tne many ex oreae ui a of their appreciation oi tne good time they bad. j a. b jacksob. rresiaent. Wat . AaBbkT, Yioe-preaident, Wm. Cbam, ikeretary. The 6 tltimore Manufacturers' Record eonsratulates North Carolina upon the SueeaeB that crowned the Northern-born tilers' contention. " "No tnoa prao- t'otl effort to teoure firBt-claM immigra- n" it says, "was eTer before made That it will eooomplub its set purpose is baond a ter ad ten tare, for all condi- tious are UTorabie; tne worx was ao mirably done, and tho organisation of the settlers for the nuriose of actire co-oneration with the bureau of immi gratw, furuishes the tnscninery neeaea tsr its aceotDplishnfi.t," a - .. .1 i ;i 8 Caiiible Wiil be speaker again probably Mr Hewitt, who speaks very highly of Carlisle,! thicks Cox wutd iuve been the man in case of his defeat. ; i A great difference: Irate person Hee here, d:d you oai. me an old eel'b'te io yio pver yesterday?" K-iitor "No; I eaJJod jcu aa old reprobata." Irate peraon-- 'Oh, that's Texj diffjrena." Lite. J A GKEAT STRlKEt ALL THE CHICAGO RTOK YARD MEN GO OUT THE PROPRIK- TOR3 DECL RE FIGHT TO THE BITTER END. MILITIA OK TBB OBOUNU TO PKBSBBTB Oil dib irriCT or ths btriks in ins BAST OTHER BEW8 BT WIR1 Chicago, Not. 8. The members of the first and second regiments of the Illinois national guard aesembled at their armory this manure at o clock, in obedience to orders from Gov. Oglesby, transmitted through G- n Fi'i;mmons, commander of tho first brigade. Perfect quiet reiLed in the yards this morning, the tracts in the Tioinity of the packing houses being patrolled by deputy sheriffs who kept the small crowds which congregated en the cor- ners monug on. Around the outstirts of the yards the scene was different Gangs of strikers stood at the entrances, and the men, with their dinner-pails in their hands, were 'der rived of their pails and in a number of instances were severely threshed. There, s- emed to be a determined effort on the part of strikers to prevent any new men from applying for positions which the former had left. On the other band the employers seemed determined not to re-engage any of the strikers. Capt. Mackey of the t iwn of Lake rolioe, assured the men that applied evrry minute at the town hall that they would be protected. Today marks the commencement of the greatest strike ever inaugurated in a packing town. At 7 30 o'clock this morning there were nearly 12 000 leas men at work than a week ago and the men that tried to report for duty were almost thout exception of those that have been imporUd by the packers to take the plaees of 3 000 men who struck last week. Bo far the status of the strike is somewhat indefinite, the only thing absolutely certain being that the men who . were ordered out on Saturday unanimously obeyed the order and left their work just in the condition it was when the committee appeared amone them, and read to thm the instructions of the committee of the butchers' assem bly of the Knights of Liber. At that time rome of the men, notably those in Armour & Co's houec, seemed to doubt the authority of the order, and seemed dirpoBed to refuse to obey it, but the appearance of several well known com mitteemen allayed all doubts on the subj'ot, and left doubters no alternative but to obey or renounce their allegiance to tne Unigbts of Iabor. Many of the men eeemed dissatisfied at : beinar called out. Seme openly expressed their senti ments on the subject, but a great ma- j-?lttyan.wcytcd tha ettattn Uirat home withou tea murmur. At 10 o'elock this morning the first cd second regiments marched from their armory to the Lake Shore station end frcm there will at once be trans ported to the stockyards. There has oten no Serious j disturbance at the yvrds yet, but tssaults on non union nun are crewine more frequent. As 'be morning progressed the crowds sur rounding the en 'ranees to the yards in creased, lne strikers became more des perate and deputy sheriffs found greater dimculty in dispersing. Armour & Co. have about 150 of their old men who have refused to strike. They are at otx Billing nog", but this was the only bog hovse in the yards running. Knight of liBbor Barry said he had not as yet oeen anie to get a; ail tne facts in re gard to the strike, and did not know what aetion be would take. He proposed, however, to have a talk with the packers during the day, and heped to soon bring about an amicable settlement of the troubles. About 9 o eiocx tne crowd at tne yards grew rrore turbulent and the assaults on the ton union men became more frtquent One man who was on bis way to Fowler's packing bouse was intercepted while walking over a ti duct which leads to the house. Three or four men tiok d him up and threw him over on to the round below, a distance o over thirty fiet. tie was very badly injured. ine committee wnien usnea tne or der to strike was by no means a unit on the subject as to the position of the at WB HUB packers. Reports diffr. ow ift & Co amber of and Nelson Morris have a number imported men in their home, and hare made provision to feed and lodge them. Kariy this morning a number of men arrived from .Boston and were tak en to Swift's bouse, where there are now about 500 new men. Nelson Mor ris has about 400 snd expects to have a tumber more today. 8wift & Co. have advertised in the Chicago papers' for more men snd nave also inserted no tices to the same effect in the eastern papers and those of Milwaukee, St Louis and Kansas City, On the other hand, one of the smaller packers said fat everything indicated that the pork houses wou!d shut down for an indefi nite period, while the beef houses would be run by imported a en. The batchers have inserted notices in the papers of all the large cities warning all wurkingmen to keep away fro m the atook yards. A special dispatch from Springfield, Illinois, referring to the ordering out of the State troops at Chioago, says: Governor 01 sby says he does not care to talk about the strike or the action he has taken in ordering oat the militia. He appears to be fully aware of, the gravity of the situation, and there in no doubt he will aot promptly and ef fect j ally to preserve peace and protect life and property. The militia, numbering about 700 men, arrived at the stockyards without inoid'-nt. They left the oars at 43rd street, marched through the yards, and are now guaxtcred at Ferguson's paok- ing houses. The crowds cheered them faintly on their arrival, but yelled and jeered at the Pinkerton men on their rounds. Chicago, Not. 8 The Chicago pack- j ers have declared war upon all labor or ganisations, and thia afternoon signed a resolution declaring that hereafter none of them would employ any man con nected with any labor organisation. The following is the resolution whioh was signed by every packer at the stock yards : . a. a a , . "Whereas it is evident that many men are willing to work, but are pre vented by the action of the labor organ- I nations: and "Whereas the packers are brought face to face with the fact that their men are absolutely controlled by such organ izations ; "Therefore, be it resolved ; that we will not employ a man 'who is a member . of said labor organisations. lne following proclamation was is sued this afternoon by sheriff Hanohett: "(Jbioash), November 8. "Notice to the public : Oa and after November 9th and until further notice, the entrance to Packing-town will be open for the admission of all men who desire to go to work and for all persons who desire to do business with the pack ing-houses or in the stock-yards. No other persons will be admitted. Ample protection will be furnished for all men who desire to go to work. S F. Hakchitt, Sheriff." Tho Cfciettc Strife rsr-Boaehtaa;. A lbart, N Y., Not. 7. There1 is an improvement in the live stock business of the East The receipts at West Al bany during October were the largest of the year numbering obv carloads Old time buyers are again seen about the stock yards and new life seems to move an interest that a year ago was on the decline. An Irish oomplieation has arisen which will call for action by the Knights of Labor. It relates to the slaughtering of cattle for dressed beef ? epots and ts an outgrowth of the great Chicago strike. Saturday and yester day forty car loads of live cattle were received at West Albany from Chicago, billed to this city, Troy, and points in New England. The agents of the dressed beef firms instituted search and after some little trouble found that only one butcher would kill stock for them It is thought that if the strike in Chi cago which has cawed the forwarding of cattle on the hoof by these firms con tinues, they will have difficulty in find ing accommodations in the east for the killing of their stock. The Knights of Labor are are bound to support their striking brethren in Chicago, and will not kill any cattle for the dealers; and they will also bring their influence to bear to prevent others from slaughter ing for them. The live stock dealers will also use their best endeavors to pre- modating their business adversaries. Ho Bhoeka Blue Friday. Cbablietob, S 0., Not. 8. It was all quiet today. There have been no perceptible eh ocas since Friday. The relief committee is still at work and is making excellent progress. About two thousand applications for relief have been received frcm property-holders, and the committee hope to act on the last of .these within another week. Returns frcm all parts of the 7th dis trict leave no doubt of the ' election to Congress of Col Wm. Elliott, democrat. over itcnerf emails, republican, by a majority of 500 to 1,000. This result is due to the negroes staying away from the polls and to a vigorous democratic campaign. Baw Torbx Patairoa. Nxw York, Not. 8 Green & Co says : After trembling slightly and losing from the outset, the market took tne upward turn, finally gaining 6 to 8 points from the lowest, and closing firm. The demand was apparently wholly, the local including some fresh a a .a aaaa, o buying by tne scalpers. - .Foreign ac counts contain nothing essentially new. ana a pert movement oi supplies is run ning comparatively full. Tne Leaden Beelnliata. Lchdov. Nov. 8. Leaders of the so oialiafs announce today that they hare finally concluded to abandon the Idea of I.... a a aaaa .. blding a meeting in Trafalgar square tomorrow, Lord Mayors day. They win prooaoiy try to iorm a procession and march to Hyde Park. The police will watch the routes west of the park and will prevent the socialists from gathering. Tne BTanbattaa nil Blarbt. Boston, Not 8 uapt. Ballet, of the steamer H. F. Dimook. at this port from New York, reports that at 12 30 p. m. yesterday he saw the Uniwd States cutter, Manhattan, which was re ported to have foundered off New Haven about 9 30 yesterday morning, passing through rnm uut all right. ; Gbbbkpobt. it I , iNov. 7. The rer enue cutter JUanhattan which was re ported , lost, arrived here : yesterday afternoon and will leave today on a cruise. Haalaa! Crow Wtaia. London, Not. 8. The four-oared shell race between Hanlan; Teemer, Hamm and Ten Eyok in one boat, and Ross, Lee, Rubear and Perkins in .an other was rowed today on the Thames. Hanlan s crew won. Impaitaat C Washington, D. 0 , Not. 8. The supreme court today granted the motion made last weex to aavanoe and near to ... . . . ... gether the telephone cases, six in num bor. now on the docket, and ordered that they be set for argument as one ease on the 24 th of next January at the head of the calendar. THE ELECTIONS. RETURNS STILL COMING IN. THB KBWS OIT8 B1TTBK ABO BXTTXB T0B THS DIMCCBAT8 IB NORTH CAR0XIHA AND BVBBTWHBBB ELSB TBB LATfST OKRBBAL HBWS. XOPB FLIAB ILXCTBD. A telegram reoeived ft cm Jarratt's Saturday afternoon informs us that K"pe Ehas is undoubtedly elected. Ashe ville Citizen. HARNSTT. Judges: Smith (dem,) 978, Buxton (rep.) 659. County (.ffioers elected, all democrats. TANCET. Johnston 677, Malone 611, Jones 32. Williams, rep for the house, leads Robeson 92. 6 RAH A 11. j Congress:-Johaston 319, Jones 46, Malone 5 j . Solicitor: Ferguson dem 188, Moody rep 168. I Senate: lUiaa dem 186, Anderson ind dem 98. Trull rep 107. Mr. Joel Crisp rep, -is elected over Mr. N. G Phillips dem, to the legisla ture by a majority of 50. CLAY. I McClure, democrat, is elected to the house in Clay. CLBvaxAsn. I Judges democratic, 1913; republi can, uu Solicitor , l uborne,171: Cowles 1982, Green 11. 38 h senatorial district-Webb. democrat, 1857; Mauney independent, 933; Webb's majority in the district is 544. House of Repre sentatives Sohenek dem.) 1284. Beam ind 758, Fortune rep. 862. The old democratic county officers all re-elected. BCNCOBtBS. For supreme court: Smith 1987, Ashe 1987, Merrimon 1995, Buxton 2390 Albertson 272, Lush 2380. The su perior court judges received 1985 and 2375 respectively for demccrats and re publicans, except Hon. J. II Merri mon (dem.), who received 2011 and Mr. P. A. Cummings (rep.) received 2383. I TBASBTtVABlA. Capt. Dever (dem.) elected by a ma jority of 84. MARTIN. Smith, 1430; Buxton, 1132; Smith's msioritv 298. The other judges re ceived tha' same TOte. j BOB SBBATB. Warren, 1491; Spruill 1496, ) FOB HOBSB.i Manning, 1461; Col train, 1172, Man- ing's majority 289 j M at C DO WILL. Official : For the legislature G. W. Crawford, rep, 799; P. J. 8inclatr,dem, 750. For the Sute senate, Isaac H. Bailey, demoemt, 836; John TuD, dem ocrat, 797; Samuel aiouaii, rvpuwuwia, 684; 8. M. SUTers, 142.! Democratic judicial ticket carried the county by 700 majority.-! ONSLOW. ! Judges: democratic, 1045; repuMi- oan BUte senator aionn w. 8anderf, dem., 873; LL Hoyt,rep 431; JN Whitford, ind , 43. House: H E King, dem 389, C 8 Hewitt,ind. 203- PSNPB. f Majority for McClammy, for Cob- gre&s, is 237 ' TRANSYLVANIA. Judges, democrats 486. republicans 213. The democrats had a torchlight procession the night of the election, snd enjoyed tbeir victory in gooa atyie MAOON. For Congress, Johnston 619, Malone 331. Jones 186. Allman, democrat, for house, 129 majority. 8tate judicial ticket earned by large majority BTOKia. Tho figures after the name denote the maioritr. For Uongress, Brewer rep 21U ; for solicitor, settle rep zoi ; ior 8ute senate, Matthews rep 883; for the aa a. CCi . X house, Newsom 141. DATTB. Republiean judicial majority 232. rBBSOB. Democratic judicial roijority 210. BANDOlPH. Demsoratio judicial majoty 435. 0D0WXXL. Democratic majjrity judicial ticket 700 I MXCIL1NBCBQ Mioritr for democratic judicial tloktt in MecJilonburg is ijza; imoiat. v m . w m a at aaw s-v r a a : TBI STATK8T1LLI W STRICT R. A Donghton. democrat, is elected te the house in Alleghany. W. u - ' - . - rr fm Fields, democrat, for the senate has 3vU msioritv in Alleghany; loses; Ash by 69: Watauga not heard from. He doubtless elected. Ashe gives tne demo ' w .. . . . cratic indicial tioket about bOO majority Alleghany gives tne democrats zb ma ioritv. Iredell gives the democrats Uo4 msiontv. xori is elected to tne nouse - - n . 1.1. .11 in Wilkes. ; NORTHAMPTON . For House of Renresehtatives Stan oill dem 1718. Rawls rep 1092, Grant dem 1451, Futrell rep 1052; otanoUl and Rawls elected. For Congress Sim mons dem 1437, O'Hara rep 1146, Ab bott 898. For Soha tor-OoUtns rep 20, White rep 1552, Dunn dem 1356. W m- ston rep.elected senator from 3rd dis trict. ; ' BBYOND TBB MOUNTAIN. flt.iA democratic ticket in Mitchell 200. and Yauoey 200 J Moody, for solid- tor leads the repuniioan ctaie uoxet in Haywood, Jackson had Mtoon 2,100 votes, and the same will continue. In the west the democratic State ticket is largely leading. The first ice of the season formed Sunday morning. ! ' The first killing frost occurred last niffht. Garden nroduots Were almost universally destroyed. LINOALN. For the senate: W. L. Croune, dem.. received 673 votes; Brevard, rep., 9 Tbos. H. Proctor dem., elected repre sentative bi a majority of 150 over Smith, rep. A. Nixon, Jr., dem., for sheriff, elected by 789 majority over Smith, ind. All the other democratic nominees for county offioers were also fleeted. Judges: Smith, dem., 713; Buxton, rep , 216. For solicitor (11th district): F. I. Oaborne received 781 votes. v ; ' BURET. "Wo have met the enemy and they are ours, ferry, rorshentt. Venable (dem) beat Franklin (rep) 198 ; clerk superior oourt Folger (dem) beat latnpton (rep) 109 ; register of deeds, reerran (dm) beat Wolfe (rep) 73; uryeyor, Thompson (democrat) beat Nate j (rep) 200; coroner, Marion (ref) beat Hynes (democrat) 50, liou cf rr prescntativcs. rrankun ( detn) at Brim (rr r ) 1; senate, Kar p (dem) beat LUlington (rep) in Surry 157i ocn- grcas, Biowcr (rep) beat fu;id (dem) m Jsurry J4: solicitor, oettie ireri beat Glenn (dem) in Surry 54; Sheriff: J. D. Hamlin, in Yadkin, re elected by 150: clerk: Hampton, dem beat Vestal, rep 8; register of deeds: Douglass, re-elected; house: Pinnix. rep! beat Bruce, dem 250; Senator: Isl ington, rep beat Kapp 192, msiority 35 iin Surry and Yadkin. The demo cratic judges carried Surry by a few 70tes. matralorBn.T. B. Area. The Iavpt sad rites over the remains of this most estimable lady were held from the; Church of the Good Shepherd last Sunday at 10 o'clock. The services were conducted in ac cordance with the beautiful and solemn ritnal of the Episcopal church by .the reepor. Rev. Kobert 8trange, and Were attended by a large number of bereaved relatives and sorrowing friends.' The fhral tributes were profuse and beauti ful in design one being a column of flowers surmounted by a dove with out spread wings, in the act of taking an upward flight. Attending the services were several old female family servants, whose grief testified their devotion and love for the deceased. The pall-bearers were: Dr. Hubert Haywood, Dr. P. E. Hlnes, Messrs C. D. Heartt, J. B. Batohelor, SJO Ryan, E R. Stamps. C. O. Latta and Chas. MeKimmon. The remains were interred in Oak wood cemetery. 1 11 a i a ' A Promlnant Baleig-b Indaatry. One of the most important factors in tftlcigb, and one of which she is very pfouod, is Wetmore s shoe factory. ; Ir an interview with Mr. Wetmore it was learned that in spite of the recent de- pteseion in business, the factory had ! steadily employed its force of thirty hands., and that the order bok showed ! no blank days. The capacity is 'now one hundred and forty pairs of shoes a diy, and all of therrr as soon ss finished are iiuitueu aw uruu viucii w The drast Btasre BpaetaeJe mt Taekar Aioii. i Charles L Andrews ' Michael Stro- groff" and Minuet Carnival company, which is announced as the largest: and most! expensive dramatic combination on the road, will appear at Tucker hall on Friday evening of this week. Thia is the fifth season of this great stage spec tiole ta this country and its first twt to Raleigh. "Michael Strogrtff" has for four seasons been seen only m the larger cities in this oountry. but this year manager Andrews has arranged the vast amount of scenery : and properties so that they may be carried in regular railway baggage oars, and it ia owing to this arrangement that the people of Raleigh are permitted for the first time to see it. 4 Michael Strogcff" will be interpre ted by a company of thirty recognised artists, with new, rich and characteristic costumes snd gorgeous scenery. In the minuet carnival there will appear tho famous European snd specialist, the three Ronaldos, and SignorinaGoesi aud the great Ktasell. There will be the famous drill of the beautiful mil uo guards a company of handsomely cos tumed young ladies. I "Michael Strogcff" will uc question tby be the great dramatic event of tb setsun. ' ' Two lighthouse keepers on the North Carolina ootst auarrelled 'about the color of the sea and did not ex change another word for three months. when both were discharged. : Thero were no crimson flags d s played at the last socialist meeting it. New York oity. This is sensible. The Amorioan people are not disposed to substitute the red rag for the star airawaV 1 A VitnTlB : The Surgeon Generalship of the armv is still a matter of speculation, but the field is much narrower than it has been. The best information obtainable now is that Lieut. Col. John Moore, Biatant purveyor, will in all probability receive the appointment. The '"pinhole camera" is a novelty in photography. It is a little tin box two inohf s in diameter and three-quar ters of an inoh deep. Simple as the oonstrauotion is, withTpaper instead of glass for the negrtive, and a pinhole iu tne cover ior tne ngnt to enter, some interesting work may be done With the instrument. Bakti on AasJrajnaaat. Baltimore, Nav. 8 Louis N. Hop kins and Joseph S. Hopkins, dealers in cotton and fertilisers, made an assign ment today to 8kipwith Wilmer. The aaseta and liabilities are not stated. The opinion of an old and well-known mer abant is alven in a few word, via: "I think Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup ia tne beat cough medicine that u in tae. LTJ THJLE B. BLACK, Selma, Ind. : "Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth ia strance eruntion" and tne result of all is pain Now SaUation Uil will send this very pain to the right about at uetilffllng cost of amy xe eeoia. "This is the jfewiah new year," ob served Mri Skagga on that anniversary. "Why, when was the Jewish Christ mas?' askied Mr-. Skaggs. "I didn't now it had pated." A Itatorprlalaia; Htatt. Can alaray be relied upou not only to carry tn stock the best of ejren-thtng but to secure the Agency tor auch articles a have well known merit; and atre popular with the peop'e, thereby sustainiog the rf putulon ot be1n always en terprbtinx and ever reliable. Having apctire 1 the Aget,cy for tbe celcbr&sed Ir. King's New Dircovery. for Coammptkm, will sell tt ( n a p aitive fruarante. It wl'i surely cure any and every afiectidn of the Throat, Lung' and Chest, and to shtfw our cot-fidnce we in its yon to call and g a Trial Bottle Free. A four-year pld girl of Pella, Iowa, created a; senlation by rushbg into church while tn rainiter was praying and calling outjj to her ; sister: "Mollie, Mollie, ypur baby is afuwin' " : t - Taa Orotteat Ctno no Batch tnr Pnln wm raua'ama qiuta.- it um anr otner known ram- feiTTi iinaianauam, ii IBwcIUlura. Stilt Krc. ttiarn. BoaJda. Can. Ldmhk jn-Ok HCT-xtar, S-Ta, -roat-bltea, rZlttrk-vba. Oalnrr-Bor Throat, rJ?S-la1ipa, Woonf'i Bdarba, SjTKrtiaAvrTaln, ato. Priori -ia-ts. a boiuol 001a nj all! ddnua-L-ta. : Caution. Tho Ken I oa. Jnliim Sa--afloa Oil beara uar fue-almfla. attrnattir. A CL-l'tyer at Co Boiel FTooT-xton, lUI'.feaora, V. & A. I DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP. Per the cure f f Courhs, Colds, Hoarse- nesa, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, wnooptn; pona, incipiert Con tumntioa. aid for the relief of con sumptive psona in advanced stagea oftheDiseaae. For Sale by all Drug data. Price; ascents. THE GREAlf BARGAIN STORE 07. ! ; RALEIGH It people knew how Brack credit cost tbes I i they would notfbe seeking It,for It la common seqae that the InrerchaBt who buys foods oa credit and aelf them on erarjlt must sell his i I - gooda higher tf cover pds losses. In regular lines of merchandise there are three distinct I 1 " imflti H on aad in each one there is sa extra per laid, to cover the losses by I credit. Ton count ten pef eent on each of them and you have at the least estimate 80 per eent which yo$a must pay to eover the kases by men who nlrar paj. Thia the; container has to pay. ail cornea out of the hard earned dollars iof the laboring people. If yon , borrow mo net from the bank at 6 per sent you think it vary high yet you will buy your i goods on credit and pay 60 per oent more for them than you ought to pay and you wfll never wink yeur eye at IU Thia credit takes from the - producers of thiaeonsty one-BaH they make. Ifow how dofou like the syateaaf i Mi' .1 ; Come to the Backet Ftore'and buy your gaotfa. The Baekct Store has all the advantages, from having buyers always In the New York mar ket, wiU) casn is naro, who Duy rrom nouses which are: coaapelled jito take their effera for these good, fit la the power ot the almighty dollar cutting its waji urougn ne centre ox time which aaables nsf to offer goods at lets than they can be made for in hundreds of eass. The Kscicrt More is satisoea wun smau profits and wa thail mjake our bargains make onr buaineaa.1 Mow come to the Backet Store aad buy your good, aad stve your money. Tblsweeajwe t&au open some great tar rains ia Ovemoats, Mn' Cassimtre suit at 18. woith It 2a Ao Ladle' and Hisses' Cloaks, very fow. tmt bargains in Carpet ing and BUM ew Jioeoi iaies' jeiseya. We axe also carrying a nig lue or anoesano boots, wMchr we will; itll at a bargain. A big driteln evunterptae at cost. A big Job ia suapendera, ladt s and genta' underwar, Call and ezaailne my jttoefc before purchatln. Most r spectrally, solltclttng cash trade only. VOLLEY PUltSKLU & CO., 1 j No E 10 Martin St. EdTsiard'Fasnack Gold! and I Silver patches, American aat SI Imported. leal andjtmitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement Binga, ; any Itiae and weight. Sterling Silver Ware for Be dal I Presents. .1. Optical Goods ; I A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and Kya-gUsses in Gold, Silver Steel.! iBuber and' SheQ Frames. Iieniea white and fnted, lnendleas varieties. , Seals toy Loosest Corporations, etc. Badges end Medals -for School IP STORE raTefli cent i Jeweler and Optician RALEIGH, N. O. ala and fceleea : made to oader. M , . , Mail order promptly attended to. Goeoa sent on setection to any part of the Stale. IST Old Gold and Silver in small and large quantities $akea as aaaa, aUy. 7t . ti: ?-4'-:( l -1