. i . - !- r r ' f 11 n it inn and ERYEH, OL. XXVII. RALEIGH N. 0., SUN DAI M ORNTNG, NOVEMBER 14,188 NO. 143 News ObS 1 ' - - I Absolutely Puro. : Thiii powder never varies,' A aurvclef erity, strength faad srac4aaoaeneaa. Ken eonomtcal Utu ordinary ktads sad cans be eld in cosapetltioa with the avultttude of low itL short weight,' aim or phosphate powders "old only la cans. Rotai. BAXixe pews id, lOt Wall Street, Hew York. acid by W C B Btronee, George J rrMb earl J ft SrraJl AGs. OH! MY BACK! j tvery strata er eels attacks that week hack ,, THE BEST TQI11C " -'- Marraa. Fartehaa tfca Blaaa, GtreeNewVIar.' Da. J. U atraaa. FifarSald, baa, eua: J " Brora lroa BHImi w U-baa Jraa antirail ana kaowa hi aw Strawa atactica, I hm tauxtd a peartialaiaaiaahfatalahaaana. aad la att 4hMitertB SU a MHilf t. DatafmiraiagraaaBBBjlr.- i ms back. ' Bran's In I tad Baal TUtMalker. Maoaalr6r i aWaWB CK1IIaLOa, aiaWa1itK.Mai; I THE QBEAT BABQAIIf ST02X Of RALEIGH. II pepto knaw lum' niiea ovdU eaat ta7 wnld aot M aeckins tMw ascreaaat wao Jmyt (eda oa s . . i I'M; !S 1 vmaatkattaa ajrcdtt and MOithon aa eradtt amak mU i acoda aiabar to orar hia loatta. Iarccfllaf 1 Maaa of atacchajajUaa tbera afa tkraadJat&d rofita iharged vp aad oa aacb oaetbera law P ha. xtn per eaat to eorar Kaa loaaeiitoj 1 edlt. Toveotiat tea per eeat oa eat aad yoa hare at tae.le4 aatlntaU aper ialwkicfc yooBuiitpaj to ootct Uioloaaia y aea wao aarar pay. Taia tha.oo nr kaa to pay. It AO fOBMf ot of tho aard- oaxaed doDan of Ua laaoriag paopU. II J aoiTow moaey tro tao bank at I par oaat you think tt Tary hickv yat youwOl bayoor good! oa aradtt and pay 10 oaat mora for '- ' '4; i: : HI' them iaaa yoa pufnt to pay aadiyoi wlQ -aaterwUk youaja at It ,Ttk credit iakaa the prodneara t. of tale eonatry they make. Now how do jou ltka the Come to the Backet Storeand buy your rtoda, The Backet flora has all the adraatajaa, (broav aaTinf buyers always ha ths Ksw York mar- kat. araMi auk la Band, waa InIt from Ba which are coaopeUed to take Uteir olfrstor these goods, tt ia the power el the alndgatv Hi : M dollar cuttlna tti wv through the centre of li-i v ' time which enablea ua to or goods at leas than they cam! be made for m hundreds of aaaea. The Basket htore is satiaAed with' small proflia and we.'aball make our bargains make our buaintss. ;Now come to Uu Backet Store 'c i i! : ' and tray your good aad aave your money. IhiawiekWe ahal 0a aoaae great bar raiDB la father plated Kalvea aad Tt-rks, triple plate 'on ateeU at i.75. a ei worth : f 8.60. km a Job ia upeuder at M t4 ufib 86. Sodie icreat baxaidAa ia Moa Caal mre auiU14 Da, woHh fau. bnat oaryaiae la Ladita' aud atlraea' cloaks and bluwla. Maw lines uli fi lata, choice, at oo per- yard. Wl ami aba 10. en abix line ef U nsa aad HotV UaU aad Caua at a baxtcain. Call aad ,r. beiure puretuuing. oolMOting cah trade oaly, t - Most respectfully, VOLNEY fURSELL A CO., No lUXauartaa 8a. aaaaar .ih. i m m mm a m m m a lillrl 11 I'li 13 I i ata, w. w. notf, an PHUT SMEJ NEWS OBSERRVATION3. Bishop Wingfiold, it ia tbonght, may reooosider hia declination of vthe biahoprio of Eiaton, Md. ! -The Alabama Synod of tao Presby terian church haa adopted resolution oondemning Dr. Woodrow'a theories. The Richmond Dispatch promises that Virginia will veto for the Demo cratic nominee for President in 1 888 Waldemar, "the sailor Prinoo, who was elected to the Bulgarian throne, is rery fond of a sea life. He would find the waters of Bulgarian polities suffi ciently stormy to satisfy the most dar ing temperament.- General John B Clark, the Clerk of the House of Rcpresentatires, says that j the democratic majority in that body will not fall below thirteen, and will probably be eighteen or nineteen It is a terrible disappointment to the re publicans, but they sbonld not set their f xpectatiinsi so high. . The probable reduction of the re publican BDrjirity in the United States Senate from 8 to 2 does not look as if the democrats had been rery badly worsted in the late election. With an other such Prrrhio riotory for the re publicans, what would become of their mijority in the Senate? A blue-book issued in October shows that the strength of the British army at present is about 200 000, con sisting of 135 000 infantry. 17.800 oav airy, 32 800 artillery and 6 013 royal engineers, wttn various other oorps, at medical staff, so., of smaller propor tions. Capt. John S. Wise has published a card in which he admits that the late election in Richmond, Va , .was "sio gularly kind and free, from violence, and one in which every man voted who wanted to do to, and his vote has been counted as oast." The democratic ma jority in Richmond was la-ger than uinai. The party of progressive democ racy in New York, as the George follow ing eaus itself, u experiencing some difficulty in agreeing upon fundamental pru o pies A clause in a proposed con stitution acknowledging the ftherhod of God and brotherhood of men is ob jected to on the ground that mny of the party do not believe m a ttod. A vigorous movement is on foot in New York city to have the present tax commissioners removed because of their failure to properly list the per o al property of the Vanderbilta. Iteeemt. that of the $33,000 000 worth of bonds tied up in the Vanderbilt continuing trust only 18,000,000 appear on the list. .It is also charged that 120,000 000 of the Tajlor estate have escaped in the tamo way. - The civil service commission has as yet taken no action in regard to the ehargea madebj the civil service reform aispeiatveA.'ol . Philadelphia "againct rosunaater Uarrity. It is probable, however, that an investigation will be made, as Commissioners Oberly and Lyman favor that eonrse. Mr. Edger- ton, president of the eommusion, thinks the charges are not sufficiently definite to demand attention. A physician's startling views ri utilising capital prisoners are thus told by the Chicago Journal: "What wf need now' he said, ia a legal enact ment turning over criminals convicted of heinous capital offences to the medical fraternity for experimentation on the vital forces. Of ourse I never expect to see this done. The sentimentalists would rather see a million good people languish and uie for want of medical 'akiJ than to see one cut-threat like Frank Rand subjected to surgical opera tions which would prove fatal.' In New Jersey there is this year an unusual number of very small majori ties for members of the legislature. In one aistriet ine reponea majority is two, ud in nnother twelve. Of course the defeated candidates are willing to attack these results, and the election laws of New Jersey afford them facilities for so doing. A 'recount" has been ordered in several districts, and the candidates elected naturally suspect that the applicants for a recount have tam- Cirea, or mean to tamper, with the bal- Miss Rose Elisabeth Cleveland writes to the New. York Post as follows " - , " 7 ra- yonr columns, to reply to many f who 'Will voa Kindiv narmit ma. tnrouf n still inquire eenoerning my real present relation to the little Chicago magaiine, that all oonnetion with this paper was irrevocably severed more than a month ago; also that the reported inter tie wf with the publisher of that paper have contained so little truth in what they have said of me as to deserve only Ten nyson's stigma of 'the worst of lies.'' These falsehoods would be as harmless as they arc ridiculous except for the sad fact that they are widely circulated in the newspapers which receive and spat ter them to many readers, among whom some, feeling kindly towards me, may sorrowfully believe them until they are denied " Lifting out posts to renew the fence or ohangt) the line is usually very hard and slow work, but the simple and et fective method given in our illustration ill show bow it can do oone ootn eaaiiy aud quickly A spadeful of earth taken from each side ol the post, ana a short, strong chain loosely fastened aruuud the lower end of the post, as far dnwn as it cm Jbe placed. A strong lcT,.r tout rail will answer the pur pose U passed through the chain until tie end of .the rail catches firm soil. By lining at the other end of the lever the post is raised several inehes, when both chain and lever are pushed down again for a second hold, whioh generally brings the post out. The chain is tur uiehed with a stout hook at one end, made to fit the links, so that it can; be qu ckly adjusted to any ordinary post. Amexicau Af ricultnrait. LOST IN A STOKM FIRE RAGING IN LOUISVILLE THE WHITEHEAD TRIAL. Mississippi Lsvan appbop'eiatioh a . KAWSS TBAQIDY - OTHBB NEWS ' BT WI81. OflwiGo, N. Y., Nov. 13. The tug Procter left here for Charlotte last night before a storm, with the barges Bolivia and E. O. Buel in 'tow. She got looked in a snow storm and her barges broke away. fc The tug was badly iced op, but finally got into Charlotte; but nothing has been heard from the barges. There wore six men on each 'barge. They are probably lost Several wricks ire reported along: the south shore. It is still snowing and blowing hard at 2 30 p m. Nothing further has been heard from the fleet that left here last night. Lawlavllle Hotel fire. LoTjusTYiLLs, Ky., Nov. 13. At 7. p. m. the Louisville hotel is on fire, is feared it will be a total loss. 30 It The Jury Takes the (Jaa. NoaroLK. Nov. 13 The trial of Jno. B. Whitehead, president of the Insol vent Exchange National bank, for mis applying the funds of the : bank with intent to defraud, closed this evening a.nd-i thej case was given to the jury Being unable to reach a veraiot, the court gave the jury until Monday at 1 o'clock to deoide. kaabHie;ioH Mew a. Washing' OK, Nov. 13 The war de partment today approved the allotments bv the Mississippi river commission of $100, 0(0 for the levees of the Y. too aud Mississippi rivers in Delta district. This appropriation will be expended on the line pf that levee between Memphis -nd the north line of Bolivera eounty, Miss. This, with the work now being done in the district below, will oom pU te a ton tir nous line of levee from Mem phi to Yicksburg, a d'utanoa of bout 320 miles. i j leetiB Atwi. HABTtoan, Conn., Nov, 13. The official report of the vote onvased to day shows that Loansbnrg, rep , for Governor, received 661 20 votes; Cleve land dm . 58 818; Forbes, prohibi tioDi'Bt, 4 699; Bfkcr, labor, 2 7Q2 snd 14 scattering; total vote 123.242; nee-e-eary to elect 61 622. Cleveland lacks 2,804 votes of an election. Hia plurality u 1,898. The plurality of the other democratic candidates are ; Bradly, for Lieutenant-Governor, l,t98; Mahan, secretary of State 774; Skiddy, treas urer. 1,485 ; Griswold, 'comptroller. 1,279. j Pluralities for the members t of uongrese : vaicc, oem., 40; jrrencD, dem.i 1,828; Russell, 648; Granger, dem , 321. CBAsixBTon, 8. C, Nov. 13 The corrected returrs from the seventh oon gressional district give the election to Elliott,: democrat, by a majority of 707 over Smalls, republican. Blwraaa 1hrvaa;iiwt abe Vmutry. WAiaMownN. Y , Nov. 13. There was a heavy snow-fall last night and the scow is still laling; it is cow over foot and a half deep Trains are more than an hour late on all roads leading to the city. AoBXJt, N. Y., Nov. 13 There is over one foot of scow on the ground here and it is still falling. GxxivA, N. Y., Nov 18. The stead iest snow storm ever experienced this early ih the season is now prevailing here; The snow is twenty inches deep on a level, and in drifts from three to six feet deep. Trains on all roads cen tering here are two hours late. A Bllaaarel. New Ycbk, Nuv 13. A blisxird 'truck night, Uswego at 9 30 'dock last and it is still blowing and show ing bard. The trains are delayed and the street rMlroads blocked for the n Bt time since its operation. , A fleet of ten light vessels lift here for Canada abou dark last night, and grave fear is folt for their safety. Up to this time but one,1 the Snowbird, had been heard from, and she was ashore at Charlotte The crew was safe. The wind blew forty miles an hour on the lake, and tbe snow was blinding It ia feared tbe damage to shipping has been great. Killed at ftea Niw Yoxx, Nov. 13 4 The steamer Yemaesee, of the Charleston line, came into port this morning with its ohief officer, George W. Mills, dead on board. tie -was Killed yesterday st sea by a very neeu'iir accident. Standing in the pilot house directing the course of the vessel, he put his head out of the window to give an order to the crew on deck, when a swinging jib sail block struok him and dashed out his brains. He dropped dead on tbJe spot where he stood- Chief Omoer Mills was forty four years old and had been long in the oompaoy s employ. Tll Vlalble Mappl? r Oottoa, Nxw York, November 13. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2,262 742 bales, of which 1.881 842 are American; against 2,188,62 and 1,928, oq'Z respectively last; year ; receipts at all interior towns lM-,oo7; receipts from the plantations 311,563; crop in eight 2.346. 73y. A Doutola i ragadjr. WtsriBLD Kan., Nov 13 At 5 o'clock this', morning, at the Bretlun house, Lillian Qainn shot Frank E Lookwood and then herself, both through the head. She is dead, and it is believed he Cannot live. It is understood to be a ease of sod notion. The coroner's jury Will investigate. ' A Bad Baaloeaa. Special to the Niws An Obmbtbs. Rockt Mt., Nov. 13. Dr. T. C. Powell, of Rooky Mount, a physioian of very high standing socially and professionally, shot and killed Wm Sharp, a young white man, son of rep resentativeelect John J. 8harp, of Nash oounty, in Daughtridge'a bar room, in this place, last evenbg. The shcoticg was done in the delirium of drink James Norflect Esq , chairman of the inferior oourt of Edgeoombe eounty, held a preliminary examination and issued a commitment. Sam. A. Arrington was deputised to take Dr. Powell to Tarboro jail. About half way between Tarboro and Rooky Mount, about 11 p. m , five of Dr Powell's friends met and took the prisoner from the deputy. X. I Metiers Foiled. Fan Fbancisco, Nov. 13 An im mense audience assembled at Metropoli tan hall last night to express their in dignation over the murder of little Mamie Kelly, who was shot down in a oowardly way by Alex Goldenson Wednesday last. Several fiery speeches were made, and when the meeting ad journed, an exoited crowd proceeded to the oounty jail where the prisoner is cot fined, wi'.h the evident intention of taking him out and lynching him Whilo passing through the streets the crowd was greatly increased, and by the tube ita destination was reached numbered 10.000 Several attempts were made to storm the jail, but it was guarded s- strongly that the police were enabled to repel the mob at each attack. At 1 o'clock the excitement had somewhat abated and no trouble was anticipated Fatarasat Blew York. Nxw York, Nov. 13 Greens & Co.'s report on cotton futures says : The market has continued active and more or less excited. Early in the day there appeared to be little speculation, with a fraction lest on some months, but a re newal of the covering demand, accom panied by some new buying orders, infused renewed strength and added 56 points further to the last, though a point was lost just before the close. TUtWtikl Btak KteUmtat. Nxw York, Nov. 13 The weekly statement of the associated banks is as follows: Reserve increase, &2 258,450; loans it crease $951,900 ; specie in crease, y.-so ZUU; legal tenders in crease $1,573 400 ; deposits increase $1 000.600; circulation fecrease, $571,- 000. The banks now hold $7,891,350 in excess of -the 25 per cent. rule. Sw la Waal Tirajlaita. Hakjusosbubo, Va., November 13. Parties ocming in from West Virginia today report eight inches of tnow on the Pendleton mountains in Alleghany and still falling. TheT'ercury stands at thirty about here and it has been snowing in flimes all day. Foatavnaaaaaat mt Awwaaet Haxbisobbcbo, Va., Not. 13. The court of appeals has postponed the hear ing of argument upon the appliea ion for a new trial in the case of Wm. Finch nm, who was to have been exe cuted here cn November 6th for the killing of his brother in March last, until September next. DaatraeUv Fire. PiTMBcxa, Nor. 13. Shortly after midnight a fire broke out in St. Peter's Roman Catholic pro Cathe dral in Alleghany City. The fire had gained such headwsy when the firemen appeared that all tffort to extinguish it proved futile. The edifice is totally de stroyed. The loss is estimated at $100,- 000. It was fully covered by insurance. It is said the fire originated from a natu ral gas register. Hews BTwtee. About a year ago Andrew J. Kim ball, of ForiTth. Mon.. sought an ao- quaintanoe with an Eastern lady with a view to marriage, and secured Miss Maggie A. Rhodes, of Huntington, Pa., as a correspondent, and letters were ex changed, as well as photographs. After a year's correspondence, and although Mr. Kimball and Miss Rhodes had never seen eaoh other, they agreed to marry, and Kimball sent Miss Rhodes money to take her to Bismarck, Dak., where he promised to meet her. She left Huntington on the 25th of Ootober, and on the 29 .h the couple were married at Miles City, Mon. Judge Andrews in New York, has granted a continuance of the injunction restraining 1 Jake" Bharn. Forshav and Kerr from disposing of any of the bonds of the Broadway and Seventh Avenue railroad company, or the 9.250 shares of the capital stock held by Sharp dur hg the suit against the oompany by John C tit ray. Ibe appointment of reoeiver at this stage was denied. "Bill" Davis, weight 115 pounds. aud "Jack" Kenney, 120 pounds, fought with two-ounce gloves to afiaish, Marquis of Vtueensbury rules, nesr Rjokaway, N. 1-, Friday. Thirty-one rounds were fought, and the contest was deola ed a draw, in round 31 they al' most tottered to the centre of the ring At the end of the round both fell down from sheer weakness. The Farmers National Allianoe at Chioago has adopted a platform which favors a union of the farmers with the labor organisations to ameliorate all evils oppressing both classes in common and demands that the railroads bo sub jcoed to the closest possible supervision by the government. .The trial of Dr. Woodrow for he tor odoxy is going on before the Georgia Synod at Sparta. A resolution was adopted instructing the board of direo t ra to meet December 8th and request Dr. Woodrow to resign. If he refuses, the board b direct. d to prooeed to va cate the chair of the Perkins professorship. HEAVY SNOW THREE ENGINES DITCHED IN A BLINDING SNOW 8TORM. FATAL ACOIDBMT AT QALIBBCEQ II LIBOIS SOUTBBBN BAILBOAD AND STEAM BOAT ASSOCIATION. Montfslub, Vt., Nov.; 13 Three; engines on the Central Vermont road were wrecked in a blinding snow storm this morning north of Montpelier. They were but a short distanoe part when the second engine ran into the first and both were dumped. The third engine ran into the other two and was also ditched.: The aooident caused a delay of three hours. One brakeman was slightly hurt. SUaaabeai aad Batliead CcannilUee. - New Yobk, Nov. 13. The rate com mittee of the Southern railway and steamboat association met here today. A number of dry goods merchants were present and argued for a concession of rates on the prioejof goods to the South same as has been conceded . to them by western roads. A large number of the co mmittee does not seem inclined to make any reduction of charges in the rates from New York Haas, of the Richmond & Danville system, is in fator of giving the merchants cheaper rates. Fatal Accident. Galbsbdbq, 111., Nov. 13. During the celebration at : Knoxville over the eleotian of Gen.4 Post as congressman from the tenth distriot, a east iron can non, with whioh the salute was being fired, burst, instantly killing Henry Arms, a young merchant, who was walking on the sidewalk 200 feet from where the cannon stood, a pieoe of iron, weighing five and a half pounds, striking him in the back between the shoulders Quite, a number of boys and men were standing around the can non and etcaped unhurt. AaVaTi amsallsTff 9aT Cor of the News and Observer. Raxxioh, Nov. 13, 1886. Wo make our best bow to "C" for tbe mterebt whioh he takes in the 'wel fare of the Mciirt club, and are vert happy to inform him that it it both alive and fljuriihing. If he will attend the practice next Tuesday night we will give him both ocular and auricular dem onstration of its condition. We hope to appear be 'ore the publio at no distant date, in the opera, "xteilea of Saratoga,! which will be performed by a company of juveniles, for the benefit of the hos pital. One of our members, Mr. Simp son, havirg left town, we miss both hia talent and his genial ocmnany. but hope that "C" and the public will ney erthelesa approve of our performances. Un ci ran jkozajlts. CURRENCY. 5 SA OABTS DBS DA58BS. A dainty trifle, tilk axd lace, All white and palest hluc; : A pencil hng beiow the place Where It ia bent in two, A silken cord upon her arm, So soft and round and white, Biupei: da, a cure from every karat , Thia little book tonight Within the tiny tome I glance; The ball baa Juat begun, But torn- c ne'e taken erery dance, She might have saved me oae. I I look along the list of namea, And looking there I aee That every waltz some fellow claims Whose name begins wtthD. I'm hurt, aad aay so in a way I (eer ia acarce polit-; ; But, m I turn, I hear her aay; "Don't leave me so tonight!" Then, with a sudden, tender amile, frbe wbtapere, 'Don't k ok blue; Tou misht have kn wn it all the bile, The D waa meant for U!" 8. D. 8., Jr., in Lite. "I can say one thing in favor of Mr Featherlv." remarked Mrs. Hendricks, the landladv: he never takes the last Sicca of bread on'the plate " 4,No,:in eed. Mrs. Hendricks," assented Ddm lsy, Cordially, Featherly ain't quick enough." Harper's Baser. Whv he was not oold: What queer freak that was of that Norwegian tenor. I can't pronounce his name." What has he been up to?" "He has worked all the summer in an we house." 4 1 should think he would havefrosen to death." ' O. he kept warm easily enough." "How was that?" ,aHis superb upper register did the business. " Boston J&eoord. Reporter I hear there is some trou ble in vour ohuroh . P -ator You must be mistaken, i haven t neara oi any What have you herd ? Reporter I was told that Miss DaSmythe and Miss DeJones . Pastor Oh, yes. That's onlv a little matter in the ohuroh choir. Reporter Oh ah yei, I see. Ex euse me. I thought there was some thinir new. Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele- graph. o w .- The young man with bacs isa't al ways is idiotio as he loiks. Ihe son oi a worth Chicaeoan has l ist returned from ooilege. The father was a brusque mauer-of-fact man, who had no liking for anything dudish. and he notiod with sorrow that his son returned with bangs and various other insignia o: dudedom. The old gentleman surveyed him oritioally when he appeared ia his office, and then blurted out: "Young man. vou look like a tool. itistat -a m a i tl W ,' i that moment, and before the young man had time to make a fitting reply, a friend walked in. "Why, hello, George, have you returned V he asked. "Dear ms, now much yon resemble your father." "So he has just been telling mo," replied the youth. Bote aud Caataaeat. A bear that had long been a "con firmed drunkard" died at Dallas. Texas, recently, of what is asserted to have re sembled delirium tremens oloeely. Recitation hours at Yale have been ohanged to favor the foot ball players. An exchange suggests that this is the first indication of the change of the eoi- ege into a univeraity. In Alaohua oounty, Fla , one candi date . was accused of presenting the women in rural parts of the country ith cheap finger rings. He was evi dently a "ring" candidate. A baldheaded eit'sn of Cedar Falls, a., is having his wife, who is very skillful with a brush, paint a spider oo the top of his head to frighten away the flies. "No," said Fogg, 'I never tell a story, because I do not like to be bored by the story which every man who hears one feels in duty bound to tell in re turn. The Ponoe de Leon Hotel, at St Augustine, Fla., is approaching com pletion. It is four stories high, and oovers between five and six acres of land. It will oost when completed $2,- 000,000. A defendant in a oivil suit lately tried y an English oourt was found resposi- ble for the amount claimed 241 16s Being a poor man, the oourt decided that he need pay but three shillings a month. At this rate it will take 134 years and four months to wipe out th ; debt. An Indiana justice of the peaoe whi had 27 of his 28 decisions reversed by the higher court, has resigned in dis gust and opened a meat market. He ays that the professions! courtesy which used to be a distinguishing feature of the bench and bar has entirely petered oat, and that a justice of the peace of today is of no account. A nurse girl in Newark desired to wa k with her beau, and so she left a two-year-old baby in its cart in a park. The mother came along and took the ehild in, and when the girl returned she simply said : : "A man chloroformed me and ran on with the child, but you can probably get it back by advertising. Can I go to the ball tonight ?' ' Near Hawkinsville, Ga., recently, a cow with crumpled horns was licking her oaif, and, by some means, the calf got its head in the circle of the horns and could not extricate it. The oo became excited, and, in her ffjrts to get rid of the. calf, strangled it and broke her own neck, both dying in stantly. A: waning honeymoon is thus de scribed by the Omaha World : : Mrs. Winkle. "Oh, my dear, that lovely pta-r you and I saw together before we were married is to be produced again Let's go.". Mr. Winkle The one with the lovers in it who die for eaoh other?" "Yes." "What's the use? It did us up good. We went on living An anxious Philadelphia tailor who sent bill after bill to the home and of fiee of one of his customs finally hit up on the devioe of leaving his dun at the club where he heard the debtor was a member. The club's clerk returned the bill marked, "Mr. Blank is dead." On November 1 in came the bill again. The clerk, with a grim humor, returned it once again, writing on its face, "This man is still dead." CAaraaaar. . . . . . There is nothing that weighs more heavily upon a right minded man than the slow progress he makes in overcom ing his faults. Here we are at twenty with the faults of childhood upon us; peevish, ungovernable, insatiable; t thirty with the faults of youth; vain,. inconsiderate, pleasure-loving; at f rty still wearing the badges of early folly; proud, passionate, sensuAJ; at fifty or sixty, not yet wise with the experience of life; selfish still, unsympathetic, am bitious, full of conscious weakness and, perhaps, with an ill-repressed brood ol evil habits and the characteristic vice of age atarioe. let all tho while we may have been striving alter tho good, curbing the evil, keeping our faces heavenward; all the while aiming tc fear; God and keep His oommandmetts; never at any time wholly giving Op the strife after ideal excellence. This, after 411, U the tragioal feature of life; that it is linked with so muoh failuro in char- r....a a a ea a aoter; that it is given for wisdom, ana yet we are not wise; for goodness, and we are not good; for overcoming evil, and evil remains; for patienoe and sym pathy and self-command and love, and yet we are fretful and hard ana weak aud selfish Abis makes tbe bitterness of death and calls out the cry : Vanitj of vanities; all is vanity I It is the struggle and not the at tainment, that measures character and foreshadows destiny. Character is not determined by faults and weaknesses and periodic phases of life, nor by limitations and accidents of present ex istence; but by the oentral purpose, the inmost desire of the heart. If that be turned toward God and His righteous ness, it must at last bring us thither. Dr. Manger. "The sweetest thing that ever grew beside a human door' waa little May, until the took to having headaches. . For a time she lost her haautv. but one bright lay her papa bought a bottle of Salvation oil, and lot ahe is as sweet and pretty aa ever. Time is money, but health ia happineaa. If tou save a bad cold or cough use Lr. Bull's Cough Syrup. It will cure every time, rnoe 25 cents. Praotioal jokes are like luag troubles; there is a pain in the jest. Horn madb Pbbbkbvbs. A few des w jars of very ohoiee Preserved Straw berries and Cherries; carefully put up by a lady of the city, an accomplished honaekeeDer. and ffuarsn'eed to be of Iperfeot quality. . J. Habdu. rr T IaarleQ4 la a Ugaihtiasa. MBS OOBHA. 8 THBItLTSa BXMBIXSOa ALNB K HB MIDST Of A BTOBat. A Plymoulh, Mssi, speoial, Novem ber 7th, say : 'Near the entrance of the inner harbor stands the Duxbury light. JTherl is no land visib!e beneath exoept at very low tides. The means of entrance to te lighthouse is from the side by a bng iron ladder. In this tower lives fLtghtkeeper Gorham, his wife and a sola of 19 1 Mr.- Gorham was recovering frpm an attack of pneumonia when tSe inspector lat visited the light, and to htstefi his recovery the official ordered him ashore On Tuesday Allie, the son, went to town to purohase sup plies, aad th storm prevented his re- P turn. Front Tuesday until Sunday Mrs. Gorham? remained aloi e the heavy billowsibeatiig against the tower and the wind blolrxng arojucd it. Tho thiok mist opscured the Hand. Hor dory. moored: near J the tower, in some way broke loose and drifted away. 8ha braved ithe sorm to descerii th ladder and lash it Securely I so that that too might not $etorn away by the braakers. J Throughout all of her lonely watohMrs. Gorham kepi the light burning bril liantly,! the! anxious husband ashore being reassured as he from time to time - caught glimpes of tho beams through the rifts in tie misty veil. la Sir. Br war KlUlkle T Dan Valley Ec4c ' 1 If the charges which republicans cf Leaxsville Preferred against Mr Broiler soon after hi nomination be true and the allegations can be shown to be so, Mr. B rower hrill! never be eon gressman from tie ifti district if obngress Las a majority off democrats in the lower house. II. ! It is cow 'said that there is but email probability of a duel between Con gressman Geo. D. Wise, of Richmond, and ex-Maycr Lambj, of Norfolk, on ac count of striitarrs by the latter on the former it s said, however, that Br. Wise oonteennlates ! brinffins suit for slander against Mr. Lsmb in the Vir ginia our tsi j WEUAT OAN BB DOffl. By trying igaia and keepini r no eouagt- many tainra aecmmgly : impoNible may bera tawea. uma?w or nopelesa cases of Kidney ani f iver Camplaint have been cured by Electric Bi'te'a, after every thing el -e had been tried in vain. So don't think there is no cure for you, but t?v Electric Bitters There ia no medicine bo aaf a, ao pure, aad to perfect a Blood Purine?. Electiic Bitters will cure Dya pepelaJDiabeaea aad all Dtaeaaeaea of the Kid neya. Envatoble tn affectiona of Stomach aad Liver end Tercome ail Urinary Dimeulties 'Large Bottlef only 60 eta. at all drug stores. ThejBostia Transcript tells of asp'n ster in thai town who says tht she wants to get married because the Bil la says 'fthere is none good, not won." AU than ut other Bwclllugm, Stiff Bnuaea. Burn's Bauds, Cuts, Lnraba M, WenrUT, Sore. tVort-blt,,! Bctelic. Wounds. Baaditch?. Tootatirlr. Sprain, mo. l'rim fcTJjCr alSb Hatratiim Oil Mara our I DR.! BOLL'S COUGH SYRUP, Portia cms of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, : Asthma, Bronchitis, ' Whooping; Consrh, ladpiert Con sumption, land ) for 'the relief of con sumptive persons la advanced stages of the Disease For Sale by all Drug ejsta, Price, a cent. mardFasnach. Jeweler ail Optician RALEIGH, N. a Gold aad Silver Watches, 1 merles and Imported. fEaal and Imitation Diamond Jew ! 1 ' elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagemaat ftlnga, aay iBLae, aad weight Sterllag Silver Ware for Bridal Preaents. Opiical Goods A lorhiClALTY. SpectaelsB and Eye-glaaaea la Gold, Silver : ' i I i Steel; Bubber and ' Shell Frames. Lanaes, white and tinted, la endleea varietlee. Seals ton Lodrea, Gorporationa. etc. Abe Badges and Medals for Schools and Soeiees made to orfier. , ' Mall onssra promptly attended to. Ooode sent oa aeactiosn to any part of tbe State. es- OldOola and Silver in amall and lam fusntitiee takes aa caI. dir. We have aold G. asaard Son's lard aW oetexolualvely tor nearly seventeen years and deem U dec.aecuy the nest on the market. G. G. CORNWELL 80N. The leading fancy grocraof WaahiagtoaD.C We have, handled Caseard'a "Star Rrand ! Urd for a oonsiderabla while and snd itte suit our customers better than any other lard we : ever hanciaed. They like U so.well that we have a&out abandened all other bran da. W. IB. MASS s CO., Baleigh, N. C Ws have been using G. Cassarb A Son's ' 8tarBraad'4Ura in our trade for the peat eight monha and and It givea better satlafao Uoa than iany we have ever used and we have . tried abotSalL W. E, NSWSUki CO., i f n ! Baleigh,K.C. Msasas, G- CaSsabb Son : It affords u great pleasure and aatisfactloa Vo be enaaledf to eadorse the merits of year aid. Binee 1366 we have used tt in our ex tended trade, aad moat oonfidently reoommead It as thefureat and beat we have aver handled a our exieriettce. ; ; fcBJBISTLLN WH1TI A CQ, Te leading faaay greaera of Kkahaend, Ys aV -1 I: .A.j I !