w i.U 1 i &h-3-1 E: News and Obsj ERVER- OL XX VII. RALEIGH. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING.1 NOVEMBER 21, 18S6. 'o. NO 149 Absolutely ff ur. au powder never vartee. A saarval Of 'rity, etrengtb ud wholeemaeaesa. Hon ' eoaoanJoal than erdlnary kinds ud cannot be Ad ta eoaapatttkm with the wnttttod of few net, short weight, slum or phosphate powders only ta cans. Botai. BAgrjre Pownn le., 1W Wall Street, Hew Tork. Sold b W -X3 B Straaaah, George T DYSPEPSIA audi ., hgM,wMii, en e- i i & - Chi OESTTQUIC 3 ioklt Bad MnfaWf am DvaMaala. in ill FaaSTaL. BaMriaaaTaaS vmiilSmaS,Sim. Uttm Uj umti. ud aid tba iliili o load. Kkt. J T, Iwbto, Um awoaaA piatar of tbe Fbat tt iluia 1 1 CaaFen. Baltjaanra. atdaaya: " Hariaf aaai Btvwa'slioa Bittam toDrapapaie lin it bwbl' rmiar mmm tee&esrjjMKfawny Im Ut fct rai a I .1"' I' ' - - t ' s! i. ; -1 ', i'-t 3 : "If. : 4- W. A W. aV. St. Co, riftj-Hrst lBnBl The stockholders of tho Wilmington & Weldon railroad met in adjoarned secsion at the effioe of the president at 11 o'clock this forenoon, with Hon. George DaTis in the chair and J W Thompson, secretiry. Twentj ihiuaand seven hundred and ninetj-three shares of the oipital stock of the company was represented, which being a large mtjority, the chair: de clared the meeting duly organised. Hon R R Bridgers was uoanimouBly eleoted president, and Messrs W T Walters, B F Nevoomer, H B Plant, H Walters, A J DtRoeset, Donald MoRae, E B Borden,' W H Willard, George Howard and J P McCoy, were unani monsly eleoted directors. Resolve , That the next annual meet ing be held in Wilmington, cn the Wednesday next boooeeding the third Monday in November, 1887. On motion of Judge Howard it was t Resolved, Tht the oontract hereto fore made by H Walters, general man ager, and Hon R R Bridgers, president, n the pari of the ocmpaoj, for tie pur chase of the roadbed and right of way of the 1 Clinton and Warsaw . railroad company, be and the same is hereby rat ified a: d eo&Srmed. Resol ved, That the board of directors be and they are hereby instructed to proceed with reasonable dispatch to con struct the said branch road. niKtOToaa' mxtiho. A meeting of the board of directors was then held. The first business before this meeting was the election of Mr B F Newcomer first vice-president, Mr H Walters see ond vioe-preeident and eeneral manager. J W 1 hompson secretary and treasurer, J F Divine superintendent, J R Kenh superintendent cf transportation, W A ttiaen general auditor. Ihey then declared a semi-snuu' dividend of 4 per eent on the stock of the Wilmington; & Weldon railroad. payable on the 15th of January next A resolution was passed oonferribe upon the incoming board of director the authority to issue to the stockhold ers the income bends to such an amount as the board a ay deem advisable to represent the improvements and in creased values of the company. ftttolved, lhat the offices of fiirst and second vice-president be created and that the direotois be authorised to fill the lame out of their number. Adjourned. THE & D. B. K. THE WE8T POINT TERMINAL SE CURE CONTROL. MX. J AS B PACTI. Of XIOHMOHD, TO Bl TUU ,HIW rXISIDXRT lilTAILl Of TH1 OB AHA B OF HAHAOIMKMT PXIOB rArproB stock xto. a- BXAL TILvOXArHIO' ; MkVB. IheHattk arlla Ctarlaitaaa im Am THE GREAT BARGAIN STORE OF RALEIGH. If people bm much eradlt cost tbea tkej weuld mat be seekjms; ttlor it Is eomitvcav i i ! i '!. : : NiN that tki BDerehant 1whj btrs foods On credit and sells them on credit must sell his i P 1 'j'l gcods Ufber to eorer bis loawa. laratjubv . i I" ' ! i ' UofBamtaaadlM there are IbmdMiact profits i barred up and oa each Mtbere ban - ; : Jr i h fl "' extra par eawt laid, to ever tk Jlsaf by S : V. At dcedfe. Ten count tern per cent on each of '. ' 4 : j! -! ' Hi them and ycu have at the.least estbaate 10 per ' I ' I- J? - A:. jeat which you must pay t cover the oy sen who tmer pay. This the baa to pay. out of tt hard li 6 . earned dollars of the laborlsx people, If you borrow money tram the beax a par eant 4 - -- .. ' V: you think It vary high, yet you will buy your I 1 I U ') aooda on endtt and pay 60 per ceat.more tor i li i' A: ; ihem than you ouxlit to pay andjoa i win aver wtak your eye at U. This credit taxes from the producers Correspondence of the Brwa ajtb Oaanrrxa. GxxHxx, ov. 19, 1886 - The fifty-first annual session of the North Carolina Christian Conference met at this place today with a very large at tend anee ef ministers,, delegates and visitors, representing the larger portion bf the cb arches in the Sute. Rev. W. G. Clements, of Morrisville, gallant one-armed -Confederate sol' dier, who entered the ministry soon after the eloee f the war, wis re-elected pres ident and Rev J L Foster arsis taut sec retary. Mr Junius H Hardin is the standing secretary, and a mi del one he is. By the way, he is one of the fore most young business men of this part ol the State. The openinr services were eondueted by Rev A G Anderson, one of the old est ministers of the conference 1 he aacual address was delivered by Rev D F Jones, of Winder, N C. Mr Jones will, in all probability, soon be appointed missionary to Japan.: Hia address was thoughtful, and showed creat seal in his work. The year just closing has been one of great prosperity. Jiiight new cburenes were admitted to mimbersnip in tne body. Besides a large number of pro- m T . a iessioni ana aaoitions. At this time Friday p. m. the out look is for one of the most interesting sessions that this body has held in a long while. The hospitality of the people of Graham is abundant. All denomina tions vie with each other in enter taining the conference. This Graham church is one of the largest and wealth iest in Alamance and a power :, in the cause represented by the 'Christians." Deacon A. Moring, of your city, is here i a delegate from the Raleigh AJhnstian churen. i. M-kalf they of this .country Sow how dojou Hka the syrtemr j Niw Yobx, November 20, i Messrs. A S Sully. T M Logan and J B Paoe have bousht the control of the Riohmond & Danville railroad oom- ?any for and in the interest of the erminal. Company. The sale has been eon firmed price of the 25 000 shares, 230 per share. Termi nal stock is now quo'ed at 65. it was quotea at anout ip&i per share not long sinoe, says the Richmond State It has been advancing rapidly, and Friday afternoon was quoted in New lork at 63. ; The Terminal company controlled 1.- 874 miles of the Riohmond and Danville system, including the Virginia Midland, the Western North Carolina, the Rich mond and Mecklenburg, the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta, and the Colum bia and Greenville. The capital stock of the : Terminal Company is 150 000 shares. Of this the Riohmond and Danville railroad compa ny owned a mjority. According to the reported situation now the table has been turned and the Ter minal is master of the situation. The announcement of the chaneo of ownership is regarded with great favor in Richmond. It is believed that the new management will remove 'the work ing offices of the company from Wash ington, where they were reoently car ried, back to Riohmond. It is reported that the new manage ment of the Richmond. s Danville will ffer the presidency of the line to Mr James B Pace, of Riohmond,. who was One of the new purchasers Mr A Y Stokes, for many years vice president cf the Richmond and Danville railroad, died suddenly at his son's farm Jo Gooehlsnd, Friday night. Mr 8tokes, Kb General T M Logan and Colonel Baford, was prominent in extending the Ihnville road south. He sold the Dan ville stock in 1882 and retired from business; He was a" native of North Carolina, and 67 years of age. DMbBftlT llM. CisciM'Ti, Not. 20 A fire broke out at 2 30 o dock this morning and completely destroyed the fourth, fifth and sixth stories of the great clothing houses of Marcus Feobeimer & Co . and M.ok Stadler & Co., No. 107 and 109 West Third street, opposite the Burnet . house. The exact figures of he loss are not known bnt are estimated at from $150 000 to $200,000. It is said that 600 000 insurance was carried by the tao bouses. Four firemen were ieiured by being rlta m BTaval Mmr Bara4. Special to the News and Observer. Wilmikotoh. Nov. 20, 1886. A fiat owned by Williams & Murchi son took fife a short distance above this oity this morning. The flat - and oargo of 124 bales of cotton and 178 barrels of rosin are a total lots except a f w bales of ootton and a few barrels of rosin. Insurance six thousand dollars. Flra 1b Hadrao. Special Dl patch to the News and Observer. UnxnaasoH, Ho v. ZU. A fire has just destroyed two frame dwellings owned by .George A. Harris. Loss $000. Hmleld la Boat Craw. Mimphib, Tenn., Nov. 20 A He lena. Arx.. special says: wm. Jones, a roustabout employed on the steamer Will s Haves, was killed there today by W. Raleigh, mate of the steamer. When the boat left Memphis last night several shots were exchanged between the mate and three of the crew. When the Hayea landed at Helena, the negroes who had been fired upon attempted to kill the mate by boating him with stioks and striking him with pieces of coal. Tboy fled and the oity marshal attempted to arrest Jones, who was the ringleader of tho gang. A desperate struggle ensued, and Joner, who was powerful man, wrested a pistol from the marshal which ho held in his hand. ; He called for help and the mate who came to his assistance was compelled to shoot Jones, who was in the aot of firing upon the marshal as the two were struggling to gether upon the ground. The bullet from the mate's pistol struck Jones in the head, killing him instantly. 'Bond was given by the mata for his appeax anoe to answer any indictment the grand jury may find. a Shi FaBtfr4 la Lake &aprfr. hioaqo, Nov. 20 An later-Ooean Washburn (Wis ) special confirms the loss of the Lucerne with all : on board. The special says: News has just been received here that the steamer Lucerne, hich left here last Monday evening ith a oargo of ore for Cleve land, has gone to the bottom of Lake Superior with all on board. It is not known ' to have been seen after it left here until Wednesday, when the captain of the steam barge, Fred Kelley, saw her turn about and head for this port for shelter. . She not ar riving here yesterday morning, the captain of the steam barge Raleigh, who brought the Lucerne telegraphed to Bayfield for a tug to goia seacn of her. The steamer Barker immediately started out. She had only gone a few miles when the spars of the vessel were seen just above the water about a mile south and about ten mues frcm this city. Three men were found lashed in the rig ging. They were -immediately cut loose and brought to this city last night. One was recognised as being second mate The vessel is lying in 40 feet of water. The Lucerne left this port with a crew of nine men, all of whom are supposed to have been lost. The tug Brown, of buried in the debris inside the building. Bayfield, searched about the wreck all Captain Ed. Halstead. and Captain M. J Higginton were both dangerously. and pipemen Euben and Buakamp seri ously injured. LATH. The loss of Mack Stadler & Co. and Marcus Fechheimer & Co.. on goods is the total and will amount to between 250.000 and $3000,000 each. ; Fir at r Kajr. Can Mat. N. J., Nov. 20 A fire was discovered about 1 30 this morn ing on the third floor of the Hotel Belle vueat Cape May Point. Assist ance was sent from this oity but the en tire structure was completely burned to the ground. About ten cottages near by, four stores and a lumber yard were also destroyed. Ut the cottages about one-half were oc cupied, the others being occupied only r ii swa . m in tne summer season, ine amount oi the loss is not estimated. The fire supposed to be an aot of incendiary, as the Bellevue has not been oooupied for several months. day for more bodies, but found none The bodies were covered with from one to six inches of ioe. The Lucerne is supposed to have gone to the bottom some time Wednesday night. The wind blew a ternfio gale that night, with a blinding snow storm from the northeast Fatal Fend aa Kaataeky. ; Lcuibtillb, Nov. 20 A Courier- Journal speoial says: The followers of Eversole and rrenoh, mountain mer chant princes, as they are ealled, had a battle at Hfitrd, rcrry eoznty, iiy., Wednesday, when a man named 8im monds was killed. A truce was then held whioh resulted in both parties signing an agreement to leave their dif ferences to an arbitration committee, whose decision should be final, pending whioh all concerned should oease hos tilities. It is therefore quite probable that the Perry oounty feuds are at an end, at least for the present. Ta CtutrlMtaa Cavnrekas. Chaxlujtom, Not. 20 TLo New York arohitcot who was engaged to ex amine the injury caused to tho Episco pal ehurohea bv theearthauake. reoorts today that it will require $48,000 to re- rta tar 11 ma KU tarallaa. Cmt Warta pair ot. alone. Michael's and St. Phillip's Coma to the Backet Store and buy your f eoda. The Backet Store has all the advantages, from having; buyara always ta tha Sew York mar- ket, with cash la hand, who buy from houses which an compelled to tax their offers for these goods; It is the power of the almighty dollar cutting tta Waj through the centre ot Uim which enables us to offer goods at than they can be made tor in hundreda ot eaaea. The Backet Store s SktUhed with pmall profits and we shall mak our bargains make our businesa. How com to the Baetet Store and buy your goods and save your money. l hi wak wa abali open aoata great bar gaina 1a bUer Flated Kaivaa i and JVorka, iripie plats on steal, at f U6 a 'n-Worth aa.M). Vw a lob in Quapeodera at U eta.; .Mik aa. Koict crast bamUioa in Moaa Caaai aure kuiWaia-Oa, oru am threat barpaloa In -Laoies" aad MUtrr ckaJcs aacL b&awia. k.w itna::df PiiuU. thoictu at Oe per yard. We will ejsv oen a big line ol UrbW aad kavi' Ommm and Cam av a tar gain. Cad and XASLae betore purehaaiag. baUoiUng traOaonlyi j A A i Most respectfully, iLNEI PUSShXL ft CO., Cor. of the Newt and Obeerver. LotnsBuao, Npv- 18, 1886. Will you allow me to thatk you for the article in your paper. November IX on the lease of the North Carolina road ut It is so well-timed, true and manly, that the entire State should honor you for it. About twelve months since 1 was re ceiving perishable goods from Rich mond, Va , (about 165 miles) by freight, promptly in twenty-four hours, but apples and chestnuts from Salem, N. O , (about 145 miles') were received about two weeks from date of shipment. in a damaged ooudition. With the view of trying to call attention to this bar to tr mo between the east and west, 1 de sired to have it mentioned in the news papers, but I was told by a newspaper man I should fail, because the editors might have their railroad passes taken from them. This is a short-sighted poliey, for I firmly believe that the edi tor who fails to rtbuke abuses and wrongs and dots not exert a healthy. moral iLflaenoe, must sooner or later step "down and out." Woxrab. Tatal Vialbla Aapplx f Cottam. Nxw York, .November 20. The total visible supply of ootton. for the world is 2. 360 3Uo bales, of which 1.985,475 aire American; against 3,829 685 and 2,057,- 485 respectively last year; receipt at all interior towns 177,394; receipts from the plantations 228,0?9j crop in siht 2,634,818. X.aaM by ta ataraa. Chicago, Nov. 20. A summary of marine losses sustained during the storm of Wednesday and Thursday, and cor rected up to midnight is published this morning. It embraces thirty vessels and the loss of thirty-seven Lives and $724,000. There will however be some salvage from several of the vessels nam ed. Since that list was eomniled. other . . T - ' losses nave been reported, and a num ber of vessels are overdue of whioh no account is had. a ; - Caleaara Stack Yards kvaeaaitad by taa ( hicaoo, Nov. 20. An evacuation of the stock yards by the State troops took place at 11 o clock this morning, when the second regiment boarded the train for the eity. A force of deputy sheriffs still remains. There were 200 men taken back at Armour's this morning, and a smaller number at sev eral of the other houses. in the stock yard district. THE BOODLERS, NEW YORK'S RKMININa RE CREANT ALDERMEN BROUGHT TO SHAME THI DATES OV THBIK TXJAL9 FIXBD TUB Iff EOT Of THI CONrSSBION 0V BOODLBR . VDXIrORArV TILEGRAPHIC NlWi raou ui PA&TS Or thb .WORLD. Pawaerl7 IaTaatlcataa. Chicago, Nov. 20. The following is published here this morning: It was re ported yesterday, and the report seemed well based, that a secret oommittee will be sent here early next week by general master workman Powderly to investi gate the causes of the last strike at the union stock yards. The report went on to say this action was taken at the earn est reauest of manv Knights of Labor. who have been unable to learn why the men were ealled out after having been ordered back . by committeeman Barry. FatarasaS Haw Tark. JNbwIobx, wo v. zu. ttreeae uo. s report on cotton futures : saye: There has been some covering and some sell ing out by the operators winding up on the deals for the end of the week. On the whole, however, the demands ex oeed the offering and the 2a3 points ad vanee was very well sustained all day, the outside element again sending in a few buying orders. All was quiet The Talaaaaaa Bayeattad. ivooHnTaa, n. x., nor. zv. jsy a preconcerted arrangement 700 subscrib ers discontinued their use. of telephones in this oity at noon to-day. Caagraaaoaaa Araot Dad. Euoxa, N. Y., Nov. 20. Hon. John A - T . Arioir , mcmuer oi v.ongress and a riluonaire banker, died at 2 o'clock this morning at his home in this oitv. a a r w oo years. Tha Waaklx Baak aataataat. Nxw Yoxx, Nov. 20. The weekly statement ot the associated banks is as follows: Reserve increase, $2 038,650 ; loans, decrease f l.'o.oUU ; specie in crease, si VU4 ow); legal tenders in crease 2116,000 ; deposits increase $3,127,400; circulation decrease, $95.- 700. The banks now hold X9,VtfO,uw in excess of the Zd per cent rule. a i in i A "I thought you were a vegeta rian, and now I see you eating mutt ml d w eu, i am omy an inaireet vege tarian I eat the meat of such anim ls only as live on vegetable foid.' Fliegend Blaetter. What she reminded him of; "Your mother-in-law is staying at your house right along, isn't she, Jones?" "Yes, i - V!i.. !j t sne reminoa ina oi a on oi ramiaure a have." "What's that?" "The gaa fixture, said Jones, gloomily. Mcr- chant Travelar. Nxw Yobx. Nov. 20. The trial of ex-Alderman McQuade today was free from sensational features being devoted to the cross examination of the witnesses with a view to discrediting the testimony of Fulgrsff, Duffy and Waitte, the three witnesses win participated in the crime with which M Quale is charged. and hearing the witnesses who testified to McQiade's good ohsraoter and busi ness enterprise During the recess while the jiry and most of the fpotators. were absent the oases of ex-Aldermen Reilly, O'Neill and Cleary were called, and district-attorney Martin moved to fix dates for their trials. Hf thought that in view of the testimony adduoed at McQiade's trial it was proper to call the defendants forward. He moved separately for their trials fixing Reil ly 's fcr tie 29 h instant, O'Neill's for December 13. b. and Cleary 's for De cember 27 ;h. Ex-Judge Nelson J. Mat- erburg Baid the time was satisfactory to Reilly, and the other two defendants re plied for th emselves, approving the dates mentioned. Recorder Smythe suggested that the trials be made consecutively, one following the termination of the other. This was agreed to and not:ce to that effect made. Martine had in tended to move for the oommittment of the three boodlers, but finding that the reooider did not agree, he desisted from his motion. A Boodla Aldarman'a Caafaciloa. a Special to B<lmare Sua. Ntw Yoxx, Nov. 19 The rxpected sensttkn in the McQisde bribery trial oame on time today, but it was none the less sensational because expected. The prosecution have four rx alderman who have turned State's witnesses and made full conf ssions of the Broadway Rail road scandal. With these four State's witneBsrs aud with ooroborative evi dence the district attorney expects to be able to send all the other indictf d men who have not fl ;d to Canada to State's prison, l no evidence oi ex-Aiaerman Fulgraff, who is one of the four wl o have eon f eased, was of the most sensa tional character. Truth was stamped, on the fto of the story, and its effect must certainly be to send McQuade to State's prison. McQiade i oounsel indeed sub jected Full graft to a terrible cross examination, and compelled nun to admit that in his testimony last pring before the Senate inves tigating committee he bad repeatedly per j ared himself They will therefore hold him up to the jury as a self-confessed perjurer unworthy of belief, but this can scarcely impair the effect of his testimony today. It wis given un- ulingly. As he said himself ol his humiliating position before the jury, " This is awful. Here am 1, a msn with a family, wno has spent, years in securing a business reputation, and now it v blasted in an hour. I wish to God I had never seen a board of aldermen." ; As Mr. Fullgrtff spoke he wept. His story makes public at last the hidden history of the Broadway railroad corruption. Briefly recapitulated, FullgraiTs tesi- m aa TV f .1 mony was as ioiiows : xie gave toe names of the eight 1881 aldermen who conceived the plan of combination in the board, and the thirteen who earned out that plan at secret meetings up town, with the arrangement for tne acceptance of 8500 000 from the broad way railroad company. The sum of $750,000 offered bv the Cable company was : de clined by the advice of Jaenne because the bonds could be trie sd, rendering the matter unsafe The sum of 25.000 was first suggested for each alderman, but Jaebne. wbo was a leading spirit, advocated $22,000. as some boodle had to be given to law yen and other outeide parties. Later the sum was made $zu uw, tne Daiaaioe being used to buy the extra votes need a. .a 1 ? a. 1 ea to du8 tne TTtnonifle over xno luv a . a- s - ' ll i I ; or s veto. JUiWiaac was iuny impli cated in the entire scheme, and he ; u already dootrcd. The thirteen alder men entered into a secret combination to vote together on all business mtttera before the board, cf which they consti tuted a majority. Tbeir secret meetings were presided over by a chairmtn and a secretary, and action wis detorminea ny the vote of the majority. Such a scheme of official corruption is unparallelled, even in this eity, which once proposed to erect a monument to Tweed. Baaelal Mttca. A special invitation is given to all ladies to visit the great removal sales at Messrs. Norris & Carter's during ncx week. Never before in the history1 of the dry goods trade has such an oppor tunity been presented to the ladies of Raleigh to buy first-class dry goods,. notions, )., at such low priaes. The degree that H irvard conferred on Prinoeton seems to be somewhere about 260 Fahrenheit. raawvll It ma. Cor. of the Newt and Obeerver. Yabosyvillb, N. C, Nov. 18. '86. The fall term of our superior court closed today. Judge Connor presided, and in the absenoe of the solicitor, Mr J A Long performed his duties There being no important cases, the business of the court was readily disposed of. There are two oonviets for the peniten tiary. Judge Connor and Mr. A. 0. Hen derson left today for the hospitable home of Mr Cunningham, of Person county, where they will remain until the court's session at Roxboro. At a called meeting of the county commissioners yesterday an election was granted the oounty in the interest of the railroad. Mr Wilson and another gentleman from New York were present and urjted the importance of the road, and made liberal offers. Col Jnd R Winston, in a speech, opposed it, but we feel greatly encouraged, and hope that ere long the road will be a cer tainty. IttA aw Advartlaaaaaata Newspaper canvasser wanted a gool opportunity offered. The matter of iife insurance is some thing that every true and thorough bus- j tendenoe of t sjor James W Wilson, tho mess man now msxca a sncoianvoi. ana i oatei engineer. 'lil A aetara ajawa. ona ajhxviixi box sit. Special Cor. of the Kew and Obaervcr. . AsHivuiB, Nov. 19 . A cold wave struck us last night. Mercury 26 this morning; ground hard frosen; ioe plentiful. Tuesday night barn containing 6,000 pounds of tobacco, the property of Dr. J. A. Burroughs, was burned, on Reem's creek. The fire was the work of an incendiary. ; The committee appointed by the citi iens' railroad meeting have returned from Baltimore, where they had satis factory inter views with president Gar rett, of the B & O railroad, and the mayor of the Monumental City. There is some prospect of jthe southern exten sion of the B. & O. system coming by Asheville. - We want all the railroads we can get, but the main neeld of this country is good dirt roads. The legislature ahould turn its attention to the common roads, give us a better system, wiser aud more equal laws, and lay on capital and prop erty some of she burden that labor and the pool now bear. The French broad railway survey is progressing steadily under the superin it is desirable to deal with usuranoe oompanies that oust conditions to suit tne inclination, uur reaaers wouia uo well to give a mcment's time to the statement of the Income and L f o Asso ciation of Amerioa, published in this is sue. It is on a good basis and it plans I of an iron foundry A little child of R P White was acci dentally burned to death at Barnards- vilie, a few days igo. It caught fire in the house, in the absenoe of its parents. A gentleman from Richmond, Va., is here prospecting for the establishment will be found to be cxaotly what a great many people, wanting insurance, desire. Fall il formation concerning all details of this oompany can be learned by oor- respording with Mr. 8 C Whitaker, general agent, Raleigh, N C. To those pcssled about selecting household furniture, or presents . for friends, in the way'of silverware, china ware, glassware or crockery of any kind, a boon is given in the announce ment of Mr. W. H. Hughes. His store is ! handsomely and conveniently ar ranged, to that an endless variety of attractive aud suitable articles meet the eye on entering. It is worth any one's time to visit his house. Special preparations for the coming cold weather have been made for the iu)lii by Messrs. Berwasger B.-os. In mifl lbtue, information as to how to keep comfortable aid at the same time com bine service with beauty in the matter ifove roiata is given. They have j ut received a full line of E & W. collars and cuffi. bee their announcemsat. Trata Brcafca L at night the Western bound freight train from Goldsboro broke nearthe centre, a lew miles from Auburn, and the frnt division of the train came on to that station before the break wa dis covered. A brakeman who was walking oh top of the cars, and not knowing that the train had parted, fell off and was very se iously injured. The engine and part of train attached went back from Auburn to w here the break occurred, near which place the brakeman was found, and secured the lost cars. The man was brought, here last night and placed under the care of a physician Tbe accident caused a delay of about an hour. Cattaa Bteaatata. Receipts for week ending Friday, No- vtmbtr 19. 18S6, 1.628 bales; receipts for (id week hst year 1,881 bale; in crease 247 bales. Receipts from 8ep- t. mber 9th, 1816, to date, 18,787 bales; receipts same time last year 14,814 bales; ir creese 3,963 bales; stock on platform 923 bales; stock in store 3d bales. - L'-st night a concert was given by res ident smateura at the court house, un der the auspices of the ladies of the Methodist church or ohurch purposes. i Am auaaata aaletda. Moktoom cxt, Ala., Nov. 20. Daniel A Workman, lawyer and many years justioe of the peace, committed suioide this morning by taking morphine. Ha left a letter, stating that he was tired of life. He was unmarried. i : ; 4ai : MOST KXCXLLXHT. J. J. Atkins, Child ot Police, Enormia Tenn., writes: "Kyi family and I are bene ficiaries of your, moat excellent medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption: hav ing found it to be all that you claim for it, de sire to testify to its virtue My friend to whom 1 nave recommended It, praise it at every op portunity." j ur. King's .Hew Discovery lor Consumption is guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, Bron chitis, Asthma, Croup and every affection of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Trial Bottles Free a Le. rfonnsoa a uo.'. uru Biorea. . An Ottawa dispatch to the Boston Advertiser says tie Dominion go Ven ice it is sick : of its fishery polioy and will soon put the cruisers in winter quarters and drop the prosecutions. Ttm areata Ona oa Smith tor flo." ' amcK v uu o T other krowr e-T! Rheamsiim. Ju jcmlrte. raUranor wrS c s inbk Will own mm rafrcnnfM BTTumira. A u. Krrcr a Oou Botet gwUUaca. Stilt here, TTnliw . 'iearlsr. Soma. mitMtH cha. UainffT. Bora TliroAt. Sciatica. Wounds, naaii&rhii. Ckorcbaa Taday. Teiron Street Methodist chur h: 8un4ay ch!K4at8.80a. m. breaching at 11 a. m. and 1Mb m. by tbe Dator. Uev. W. Linn- niniiarim. IMiblic cordially invtUdto attend ail services. Y d nion street Vethodist church: servic s at 11 a. m. and 7.80 p. m., by Im paa or, Bev. W. U. riormaa. euaaay caooi a w.ov a. m. hurch of 'ha Gtood Shepherd: It a. m.. morning prayer and Holy Cummunion; 4 r. m., Sunday school ; 7:30 p. m., evening nraver. i ru rresDjienan v.nurcn : ouhuji pcbooi at9.3ia m. "eivloeaat 11 a. m. nd 7."0 p. m., o ndiKted by the pastor Bev. John 3. Wat- iiim. foiM us .era wui Bft an wno aun-' Firat Baptist church: gut day school at 9 8 a. m. I're cbmjr at l . m , and l.a'j p. m., bv Rer. W. T. Wataon. ne ona csuiutt cuarcn : r. acmuu wm uu th-i DulDit this moraine and at night. Tha ubjd.jt of morning sermon will be Vtt.y and OuAlifliatiOB ol Deaeona." visit rs m toe bit Invite 1 to ad the servicea. Sunday school ate a. m. ( hri-t church, Sunday next before Advent; morning prayer 11a. m. (nenne lor reatora- li n oi cnarteston cni rcnesj evening prayer, a m.; Sue day school. 8.45 p. m. Services dur- 12 tne wetK. wonesday t p. m.: i nur- day, ( rhanktgiYing day) 11 a. m. and -Friday ill a. m. The torturlnE disease neuralgia Is iastantly relieved and rapidly cured by ha ration Uu. R t. Wm. H. Chanmav. pastor ol M. X. Church, Georgetown, D. C, a rote us: Hav. inirhadan oiportonity to teat tne ovceiient aualitiea of Dr. Bull's Uougb byrup, i naai tate not to say it is the best remedy 1 hav ever used iu my family. For croup and whoop ing cauih it is a sure cure. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYBOP i - Per the cure of Cjoughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, 'vrocp, Asthma, bronchitis. Whooping; cough, Inapicrt Con sumption, and for the relief of COD umptive persons in advanced stagea of the Disease For Sale by ail Dru "vjsta. Price, 83 casta. Edward tasnach, i Jeweler id Optician BAU3GH, N. 0. Gold and Silver Watches, American and i .- Importad. Beal aad imitation Diamond Jew airy. 18 karat Wadding and Xngagemeat Rings, any siae aad weight. Sterling Stiver Ware for Bridal Freaenta. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and ICye-glaases in .Gold, Silver Steal, Bobber and Shell Frames. Lenses, uaavai Kuaia Cures LuJigeatioa, headache, malaria, kidney disease, lever, cnui. was oi sppetite, oeointy and nerroos prostration, by rerulatiog tha liver, stomach, bowela. kidneys and blood. Lemon JCuzir is prepared, irom tne man iuioe of Lemons, combtavd with other vfa-eta- bla uver lomn, ataanxea, aromauo 8Vimuia.au and blood purifiers. Fifty cents for one hau-pint bottia. ai tor pint and a half bottle. Sold by druegists gen- erally, and ty all wnoieasie;druggtstai A.j&aui uui : uuura Cure all Coughs, Colds. Uoaraeneas, ; Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all throat and lunar diseases except Com a mixtion, which disease it palliates aad areativ rUvea. Price SO cents. Lemon CUxir and Lemon Hot Dropa sold by druggJata. Prepared by lav L Moa-f i . a a. a a an ! Some ladies' boots shown in a Bos ten shop window are $100 a pair. AdTtaa aa aaaaaara. Urs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup should al ways be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves tne iitue sunerer as asee, a pro duces natural, quiet sleep by relieving tbe ahild from pain, and the little cherub awakes aa "bright aa a button." it la very pleasant, to taste; soothes the child, softens the gums, allay all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels and la the bat known remedy far diarrhoea whether rising from teething or other aauaavj TwsaQwlv- amis a bouts. Ke.p rour eye open today and see how doth the little hUssard. 1 Prince cbl. a TafeerlK-tnv Flag Lieutenant imperial Busatsa Navy, la vveaKUur r tne emciency oi tne idsDig Coca Beef Tonic, aa s : "It ia a mast tzoolleat tcnio." JCdwm Boota saya : "it Old me much coed." General Frars Higel says: "it bene fitted me very much." Invaluable In debility. dyspepsia, Diivousnras, sua araaacae. white and tinted; d endless yarietiaa. 1 Seals for Lodges, Corporations, etc Badges and Medals for Schools and Boclees made to order. 1 Mail orders aremptly attended to. Goods sent on selection to any irt of the State. T Old Gold aad Silver m small and large quantities taken as cash. dly. - - a Wo have sold 0. Cassard Son's lard al- moat axclualvely tor nearly seventeen years and mm u oecioeoiT vne dom on tne market. G. G. COB WELL SON. f he leading fancy grocers of Washington, D.C. We hare nancued caasard's Star Brand " lard for a considerable while and and it to suit our customers better than any other lard a ever handled. They like it so well that wa hare about abaadened all other brands. W. B. MA3N; CO., Baleigb, N. C. We have been using G. Caasarc Son's 'Star Brand" llaro in our trade for tha pest eicht months and! and tt ariTee better aatlstae- tMatnaa any we have erer used and we nara triad about aU. W. B. KKWSUM CO., I Baleigb, N. CL Xanana. G. Caseasj) A 8o: It affords us gnat pleasure aad aatiaiaouoa la be enabkd to endorse the merits of your ard. Since 188$ wa have used it In our ax tended trade, and moat aonndentty recommend tt aa the purest and best we have ever handled a our experience. 1 MB18TIAH WH1TI CO., 1 ha leadtag fancy grocers of JBlchmoad, yj U'i- ! .i