' '1: PoauaBjn Daily (.uoarr Moaner) a h ; Waaaxv. Bt TH NEWS AND OBSERVER Co. J. L MoilXX, i IDITOS Daily one ear, mail, postpaid, : Weekly, one year, M - f7 00 8 60 ; -i 76 too mnnlki 44 : 1 1 nr. Jf name entered without payment, and no yspe nent after the expiration of time paid for TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1886. Tun ist recount in New Jeisej howed no change. The chanoea there re still ili fTor of democratic senator. New- Yobk boodle- alderman Duffy , followed Fullgraff in confessing, that the suspected thirteen were bribed There ia practically no doubt now, that the whole Vile gang will go to prison. 1 hi I ' Thi gift that raged iabout the great lakes laat week haa never, been equalled, it ia a aid, In the loaa of life and damage to property. Thiiij-nne lives and $639,000 worth of proptrtj, churl in (hipping,, jar e the figures showing .the result. : " I Thi New York soeialiats denounce Henry George becaue-they sy he re pudiated their doctrines titer receiving their support in tbe .ileotioa. :Wi&umt the aooialifltfl real and partial George would bave but a beggarly array of followers j - I: ; Tu W ise Lamb d jffioultj - will hiot down.. . It il reported now tb.at Capt ' Beime, editor of the Rioiunond State, has gone to Norfolk in behalf of Mr. Wise nd will insist ok a le fraction or settlement by ex-Mayor Lamb. We hope thi re port is unfounded and that further trouble will be avoided. J ' a 1 1 Thi Preaident appointed democrat surgeon-general oyer the recommenda tion of the id j atant-general and secre tary of war,' whose choioe was a repnb liean. Surgeon Moore, now on duty in Ban Franoiaoo, was the appointee, and with his appointment the last of the ve eaneiea among the general ionteers of the army for this year has been filled. ; Tn people of Raleigh should not forget the special opportunity that will be afforded them to aid fit John's Hos pital the day after tomorrow. Let us all in accordance with the measure of our ability show our thankfulness for the many good things we have received by . contributing to the wants of the sick and suffering in the institution. ' A arcanae thing happened in ; New Haven, Saturday. While a professor was examining an ostrich ejrg; eighteen inches in circumference and weighing four pounds, it exploded, knocking the wite man senseless. The scientists are now trying to find out tow it happens uiat an ancient egg may ferment... Tn Greek play in New Yerk seems to have been badly travestied by the amateurs. It is generally Agreed that Attic salt has lost its savor ia modern hands. The dialogue in the New York peformanoe is said to hay been machine work merely and there was a painful laughter of all dramatic points, i Od tne wnoie tne piay is pronounced to have been no rt mx of Grecian manners mis might nave been expected: An interval of 2,800 years is not favorable to the reproduction of anything in lifci aiae gu:se. - ; 'tie mrc f i-v; S I ef a supply. We have v;: o be lnt so the r ta high. The usury law olCi : -fords no elemant of risk ec '.cz f ... lender and borrower r eraeia i H: t j o ample limits defined by ia iirvii .i.. i is only' when these limitc ai6 jzccjuoc that a Iden becomes risky. WhAi ?c ?eed if, firat, more money, end cbesr 4rily, laws that will equally pro i est h the lofider and the borrow r. : The utiiral law of supply and demand will then operate easily to bring about a lower rate. . ' " iai iarun xooaoeo riant anj? nounees in an extra that at a large and en thusiastie meeting he! Va., of the directors of the Lynehburr: Halifax & Northl Carolina railroad jtho Boxboro railroad and the Durham & Boxboro railroad, the: city of Durham, and the county of Person being repre sented by a number of their most sub stantial citiisns. " arranremesti r n were made looking to a speedy consolidation of the three roads; under one manege stent. A preposition was made to b uiid and equip the road within eighteen months, under heavy penalty; in ease of iAiiure, ana ue I'Untpredieu lhat dur ing the vear 1887 there will be hun dreds of laborers at work pu thelin", and that before the winter of 11888 cars will be running between LyneEb org and Durham, so that passengers leaving Durham after tea i will take late break fast in Philadelphia and dine in New u So a or a. nun me riant we aav mote it be." The new road has Already oeen onrutenea toe jjixe aad Ocean, or, since it will open up a route from the land of ice to the land of strawberries, the 4 Ice Cream aed Strawberry line." Wa print j with pleasure' a communica tion from one of the leading men in North Carolina on the subject of a lower rate of interest referred to by us a few days ago. Our friend however seem at one point in his letter to lose sight of the vast accumulations of capital in New England particularly aand to a fees extent ia California and Colorado. ; The low rate of interest cited is doubtless due more largely to this plethora of money than to any! other cause, i Tie Boston banxs for example have almost as large an aggregate capital as the banks of New York,' notwithstanding the great difference in the' sse of the two cities named. Then t&erei ere the enomous deposits in the . sav ings banks and the assets rf the great insuranoe companies ail to be put out at rates that ' will Insure same prtfit however little. This large supply would insure a' small rate what ever other conditions might prevail, and it seems to ua that there ii at least a fixed fraia a inUfflet in Af ...A ...... ' - :. Uinty as regards the fan 's of tbe saving I bcki. 1 be uoitbU with us is the Uek ' TUE UIBTOST or OtJB COCSTIAS. The laat number of "Country Homos" eaxitains some very interesting extracts frotn a lecture recently delivered by Hon. Kemp Battle, president of the University, on the origin of the names of many oounties in the State. line lecture was delivered in Dr. Bat tie's well-known style, whioh is that of straightforward eArnestueps, simpiicity and! disdain of the mere orn-.meuis of rhetoric. It was a "connection of history with geography," tousohiaown wordd, and! oontained many foots worthy of study and of preservation. Mr Battle showed that the names of our counties are specially instructive. ' Associations with every epoch of our history,'1! he says, "arc wrapped up in or suggested by tbem " j paly one soems to be what is called a fnoy name,' and even that, Transyl vania, in its sonorons beauty, recall? the faot of our kinship to the great eon queijirg, ls-giv'rg race inhabiting; tht unpril city of the uld World on the banks of the Tiber, from whom we dc rive much of our blood and more ol our tpcech through the Norman-Koman-Ctiltic people, who followed William the Conqueror into England." Of our easternmost county, "along whioh rolls the majestic ocean, tie scene of olumbua' glory, whioh has within its limits stormy Hatteras and the love ly bland of Boanoke, iu county feat earned after the good Indian Manteo," he says, it "records only an infant's waiLj a , dark mystery a memory of pathos and of wonder;" and then he goes on to speoulate on the fate of Vir ginia Dare, reaching the conclusion that she may have become, as Mr. HamiJtoD MoMUlan foroibly argues, the squaw of a red! man in the swamps of Kobeson, and thus, with the rest of the lost oolony, have j made possible the farooious and cunning, the cruel and bloody: Hear Barry Lowery and his gang, who uni'jed the white man's defperato energy with the treacherous guile of the Indian. It miy be so," he suys. . Without reli gion and education man quickly gwes back to barbartun. Let us hted the solemn warning when we think of Vir finiatPare and thank our Heavenly Father that the preachers have saved us and will save our children from the fate which! probably befell her- and tho luck less imxnigranuof 1687. "'Mr. Bulethen shows! how rings and monopolies are anvthin but an evil of this dav onlv. by reoailing the fact that North Carolina was the victim of a monopoly "more vile than the Credit Mobilier," in the parcel ling out of her territory among the favorites of Charles II. Among these favorites he points out some who were'ocnspieuous lights in JSogluh hTStory." I here wis the lord chancel kr, Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, the emi nnt historian whose daughter, wife of Joies II , was the mother of two Queens. Marv and Anne. There waa Anthony Asbby Cooper, jkhe brilliant and Wicked Jliirl of Shaftesbury( who notwitastanoing nis wioxeaness, was one of the chief authors of that monu ment of liberty, the habeas oorpus act and there was Gen. Monk, the Crom- wellian gecerl, by whose skill and prudence Charles II. was restored to the throne j , without bloodshed, by hie: grateful sovereign o.eated Duke of A1-: htmarle. His title you will recognise in one ?f onr eastern sounds and in the county seat or Stanly county." Mr. Battle then proceeds to trace the history of the oounties in the order of their formation and the various changes through! which they have gone. He show a bow 'we hare Orange after the irrcfcjt King who baniahod the Stuarts. New Hanover and Brunswick in compli ment to the Georges, Cumberland after the great duke who defeated Charles Ed ward i at Culloden, Johnston after good old Governor Gabriel Johnston, Martin after Governor Josiah Martin;" how we have "Edgeoombe, from the Earl of iEdgeeoube. Bladen, after the Marquis of Bladen Daplin. after Lord Daplin, Bron Hay; and Hertford, Hali fax,: Wilmington, Uillsboro, Bute.Bieh- mond, after earls of those names, all of Whom held plaers of trust relating to the oolony." Of other counties he speak more particularly. Oi the whole Mr. Battle has made a vaJuible) as well as a most interesting contribution to the history of the State. He has succeeded in "clothing the dry bones of history with fiish sxd blood" as he tells ins he set out to do. and the oonsr quenoe is a paper that is worthy oi aq nonorea piaae in our aiontves and that will j give pleasure end instruction to hundreds of readers. An extract embodying an interesting fact rarely re ferred to we present in another oolumn of this issue. a4joiuz.300untier r 7"r-".e.t i-sat hsre id- t lb CT7r i." d trxdc ' rrtwO zzC. styb of ti?c eT's-?. rcn we oaTinou, U20iar:cv , J iU-i'e l Jtcrrc:., ti theyourig "nd rioi- oc:3 acre3. w rcc'jrto"i mesa ccoasioav. S-:.c Oi.' toic Btszk htve been swapped t ci?3 t'ey beooics so well trained tint they sees: to take as much interest in the prooeedii'gs as their masters; even tho oldest among them will Sometimes rear up and prance around like colts, showing a liveliness entirely unexpected by the novice looker on. These ' Sootoh Fairs" as they should properly be called are always looked forward to by the participators as oc casions cf great fun and pleasure. In South CAroIina these horse-swappings are known as "The Skin and Bone Ex change'" These meetings are strictly anti-pro-htbition, John Barlyoorn '.-being an honorary member and an exceedingly popular one too. : O-ie of these swannings has to be seen to be appreciated, no penjsan do them justice. : Only one of the old county officers was re-elected, JSberiff W C fxeamey, one of the most efficient and popular officers in the State. ; The writer had the pleasure of seeing some . FINS POULTBY this week; they are owned by Mr. Wil der, who lives just on the town limits Mr. Wilder is quite a poultry fancier; his bronse turkeys, Pekin ducks, Ply mouth Book: Wyandottes and some others, whose names we do not remem ber, are the finest we ever- saw. Mr. vVilder's poultry obtained the highest premiums of any on exhibition at tne late State fair. His brons? gobbler is of the purest breed, and his enormous s;xe was a sub jaot of remark by all who saw him at the fair. . Mine host, HArris, of the "Eigle hotel, "at thisplaoe.has the only pure white Plymouth Book chickens your correspondent ever beheld. These also obtained first premiums at the State Fair. V A HO HTABL1 TIOPLI riP&OYKlf IMm CfcDAX BILL HUB POCLTBT CAPt. 0 At. 00 KB JUDOB SHJtPUABJ). TO. , SUIT Correfpondence. Loci buro, N. C, Nov. 20 This town is the oountv seAt of Frank lin and is situated on a high bleff on Tar river, about 12 miles from Fraek tin ton on the Baleigh & Gutou railroad. Like most of the old towns in the Siste the cob-webs of antiquity are visible on very many of the builuings. The people of 1 Louisburg have errr been noted as 1 among the most hosnita- ble ia jthe State. 8inoe the building of the "Louisburg A Frank- linton Bailroad," abouta year sine, L)uisburg baa bie ! on a boom. Several tobacco warehouse have been built in Addition to the other improvements consequent ,pon a railroad oennection witn tne onter world. . 1 OaJAB H1IX. on the outskirts of this town, is one of the noted spots iu Franklin oountv. It takes i s nunc from the beautiful oedar trees that crown its surface with their CAPT 0. M. COKB. whose recent illness gave his friends throughout the State so much uneasiness, is much better. He was in court, whioh was in session here this week, ft; a short while, but was not able to attei. I to hit duties, in conscquepoe -bf whioh much of the business was continued uniil next term. Judge Shepherd, who ir sided at this court, gives entire satisfaot'.vn to every one save those who chance to be on the wrong side of the docket. A verdict of murder was rendered against a colored woman here this week for in fantioide, but a petition to the Governor asking tor a pardon was signed by the judge, solicitor and jury A- B. omaMtrelfU Apt ton. N. T. CommereiAl And Flatncial: Chronicle FaiOAT Nioht. Nov. 19r 1886. I here have been heavy storms in nearly all parts of the country, slighth impeding railroad transportation, and in the trAos-Mississippi region the tmper- ture fell very low, but no serious in iiry is reported from any quarter. Gen erU trade has been onlyTnoderate, while speculative ciroles were feverish, the week showing few changes of moment in values The speculation iu lard futures was sluggish at weakenings prioes until yes terday, when there was a revivAl of activity and same recovery in values due mainly to a general revival of spec ulative confidence, and today there was a very strong opening, but a quiet clos ing.; Lard on the spot has bean some what intc ive. but oloses steady at 16 10 for prime city. J.22lw6 27 for prime to choice Western, $6 60- for re fined for the Continent and $6 VO for re fined for South America. Perk has been firm, but rather quiet at 810 5010.75 for new mew, S1U 10 25 for extra prime and $14 50.15 25 for clear. Cut meats more active" at better prices: pickled bellies 6Ia7l3 , hams 99 and shoulders 5o; smoked hams 1 lOilUJe and shoulders 6j j Beef is steady at $8.00a8 50 for extra moss and 8 50a9 00 for packet per barrel and $15; $17 for India mess per tierce, with beef hams nominal at $17 50al8 00 per barrel. Tallow is firm at 46, but the demand is less urgent. Stearine is firm at 7Jo. and oleomar rine is quoted at 6c Butter is in moderate supply at 2030s for creamery. Cheese is steady at 10al2e for 8Ute factory and ojulUfo for skims. The tneeulatien in Bio coffee has been feverishly active, with values taking a higher range, .but fluctuating widely under; the var'-ing phases of reports from Havre and Bio. Today there was an active but variable market, closing with sellers of the active months at Oil 30j. Coffee en the spot is decidedly big tier, and deali ga have been large to tbertgular trade, and fair cargoes of Hi close firm at 121a13 -,the ! today including 11 ,500 bugs at from lle for Nc. 7 to for fl". 4. la the market for cotton for future delivery dealings were active at bujaut values during Saturday and Monday. The generally favorable character of European advices including a dearer Liverpool and an active Manchester nirket and the more peaceful aspect of Bulgarian politiea all imparted some ooifi Jetca to the bull party, and by alarming the 'shorts" gave rise to a de mand which esrried values to more than thirty points above reoent inside figures. ihere was much "oovering for Account ofiSouthern operators. Tbenosme sales to rcli) profits, under which there was a dckne and a very feverish and unset tled market, whioh oontinued through out Wednesday and Thursday. Today tne mwAet opeoed on some advance on tie reduced crop movement, soon re lapsed into dullness, but as compared with last Friday dosed a few points dearer. Cotton on the spot sold to soupe extent for export, but remained quet with the, chief demand for home consumption. Today the market was quet at 3 16s for middling uplands. Tfiere are less persnnafflict9d with rheaaiA- tlm since our druggists qave sold Salvation OUf . Few are aware of the importance of cheek ing cough or co vmon cold ta its first rttge. Tuat wnica ia tne beginning old yield tu a mild reav y. if negieatea oun i reTir B tne lung. Vt. Bull's Cough Brrup affords in stant relief. It is ) iAfaliible remedy. Price ttevBUabfrttle. Ta Eec.i. Mr - 'Arc: Mrs. MirL-i I'ofa. si, cf .oi7&:tttfcni:ry faine. She cieervd arr- 102. birthday 03 Sund-.y. M-e. Putam L: the ncoi'uor rf twelve iiIrn c:t bars and siS girls, nvo or whoa trs now uvrng Her memory goes back to tne aeata ITT w Asnington. of j, nialmrl. TwfDtv.fi Te hiiBdred dozen bottles of Ague ron (merer ordered tn- am moath. It poaitivlV eradiemtea &11 Malaria. FeTr nd Axue, Bil- ioao and Intermittent . Karen in any climate Read our BooK of one thousand testimooiAls i nn Wist. 8 II.. March 12. 1888. Q. G Okxsn. DeAT Mr:-We will soon need more Ague Conqueror. It is taking iike 'Oiot CAkes" And giving satii! action. Yours, ELLIS BEOS. FAnrnxD, fo Aug. 39, 1880. G. G. Gxksn, Dear 8ir; Your Ague Con auerer knocks the Chills and Dumb Ague er ery time. I warrant every bottle And it never falls. I have cured cases where quinine had no effect whAtever. Yours truly, W. 2L SHAW A CO Lsst Thursday morning a colored man stumped his toe and brtke his leg The Rocky Mount Talker., Advlo tm Mottkra. Mrs. Winslow's Sootbine Bttup should Al wars be used when oliildren are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once, it pro duces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant, to taste: soothes the child, softens tht gums, allay all pain, relieves wlad regulates .toe boeU ana is tne nest known remedy lor aiArtnma wcethcr rising from teething or other enoaea. FiKgFtrre New Walnuts, Almonds. Fil- beitt-. Kxlrk Lkiire Fecsns. Brazil Uuu. o c Fn sh Haccaroons sl d ot her Tin e cakta. K. J. Habd a. California Wine (sUktly pure). Securely packed, send tor i nst luU D. Lieu & Co, 734 Broadway, New York. If Ten v-Uta av 4Mm Article Ot thOQ Tobacoo, ask your dealer for H.I4 Blat." A Dugbi will receive 1 car loads fruit the tint of this week, contain Bananas, Florida Oranges, Dates, ana JTtg; also lOu barrels tine Apples. ; : Nice assortment of carpet rockers, just reived it J L. Stone s. Prices wil Mtoniah yon. Si. The Erie Ctnal is damsged by musk rats every year to the amount of $50,- 000. i-kLM 11LbK U161 LBS To ihe Cuticira R( m(diei I Cwe my Hea th my happiness and my Life. A day never passes that I do not think and peak kindly ei the ( vt ccra Bkmildii3. Sven years ago all ot a dozen lumps formed on my neck, ranging in stse lrom a cherry itone to an orange, the large t nes were frightful to look at, ana painful to tear; people turned aside when they saw me, in disgust, snd was a humeri to be on the street er iu society Ph sicians And their tree meat, and All medi cines failed to do any Koed. In a moment of despair I tried the Ccticcba BsMiDres Ctm- t cka, the great skin cure, and Cutruha boat, an exqui Ite SKin beau ider, ana 1 CTiCdu K bolvkkt, U.e new bluod puriffei, internally: the m&li lun ps (as I call ihern) graduallv dis appeared, and the large ones breke in iabou two weeks, dischATgu.g large qoantit es of matter, leaving two alight scar to my neck ioiay to tell the story ol my; suffering. My weight then was one hundred and nfteen sickly pounds : my weight no is one hundred and. sixty-one Kolid, beatth pounds, and my h Ight is only five feet fir inches. In my Uavols I praiaed the Ccticua EwsDiiB.Nortn. South, ILsh and West, To CrmcoaA Bkmadies I cwe mv health, mv hAUDineas and mi life A prominent .New York druggist asked ue tht- o ner aay, 'io ou suu use the ciiticca iu MAi'iAs; you look to De in peneol health r My repty wss: "I do, and shall always. have never known what sickness : U -since I commenced using the Coticvaa Bahxdiks." bometuntk 1 am laughed at y praising them to people not acquaint.-d with their merits, but sooner or later thy will come to their senses and believe tue same as those who have used. as d zens have whom 1 have told. , May the time come when there soall be a larga Cu icu- ra Buppiy House in every city la the world. tor the benefit et humanity, where the C'cticd aa Bahamas shall be sold only, so that there wi.i be rarely a need ol ever entering a drug tore m, tiutJAia, P. O. Box 1697, Hew Yarn, N. Y. CUTICUKa KU:AiD1S Are a posiiive cure for every icnnuf Skin and Ulood Diseasts, lrom Pimples to Bcrofuia. bold everywhere. Price : Cuticura, 60 cts.; Besolvfnt, $1 00; boap, 28 ots. Prepared oy tue x otto lkco akd chkhical coBoston, Mass. bend for - bow toCtirebkia dueses.'' 0 f JiPLES, BlsckheAds, bkin Blemishes, and r twi nsoy uumors, iu Cutlcui a boap. W ith their wsary i dulL aching, llf eles, All-gone sensation, relieved in one nt nute by the "Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. Warranted. At druggists, JA cents. Potter Drug Co., Boston. WANTED. LADlfcS wanted to get up-Tea Clubs for ; our Pure Teas and Coffees. , A host of Articles to select from as prsmiuras. Bend for illustrated price and prea.ium list. SrrciAL Orria : to every tenth person that Answers tats Advertisement we wilt send free one pound of choice tea. Address , . Hiri Taa k Coma Co., Boston, Mass. TT7AMTSD a live, energetic man, torep- V v resent us. 875 per month, and expenses. Gooes staple ; every one buys; outfit and par ticulars free. Btakdaad 8n.vn Waa Co., Bosten. T KTID.-Jxptriincrd Salemmn to II travtl and 811 Bsrriwsre and Tinware. Only these with estabUshed.tr d. Address, CAe Carrier TO, Postofflce Baltimore. nov IS d 7t. WiSTiu-A first, class newspaper can vasser; salary and ammissiun, K- ference required. Address THE BLLT. Charlotte. N C. nov 31d2L T. B. YANCEY, MAjrOTiOTTAMS' Agent and Dealer in- CARRIAE8 PHAETONS BUGGIES, ETC., ETC. The Largest Assortment in the State. BEST GOODS THE LOWEST PRIOES UO Cast Morgaw Street, t -mmit WIBI BALL1KO AHD OSS A t uxstjll was woBJia; awrim t eo.. T, . M Warth Howard street. Baltimore nsnufeturera ol wire railing for Cemf tffcs, Batecnias. Ac. Bicv t aJBdr, Cacea. Woods a.d real Wewn wire. Iron Bed VWrBttteft, e ;j ; j j THI ADVANTAGES O It cunts-DYSPEPSIA Ay metin0 tU tiux all th 4nymjn mfth It cures INDIGESTION Ay mstrttnilatlitf One fioU (jjcuses WEAKNESS Ay towiny up th whole system. It cukes MALARIA Sy unrirhing the blood nd driving ti peweM entirety out Of rue ooay. Ijcures CHILLS t FEVER Ay Stopping the feoer, rotioring the nu-mte to 4t noattny vigor. It cures KIDNEY DISEASES Ay strengthening the parts, purifying the oiooa ana relieving all patns tn tne easel. 't r.cs LIVER COMPLAINT hj making the. I.ieer Jt Potrefs act prompt ty, carry I ng vJJ the surplus Kile, 4t cures NEURALGIA Ay regulating and strengthening the Tissues of the head, faee and neck. It cures RHEUMATISM mk-MHg the Iw through ing the sediments therein. timLL FEMALE INFIRMITIES Ay regulating th functions, giving Strength to alt atseasea parts, it the flesh Mmooth and Cheeks Rosy. It cures DELICATE CHILDREN Ay giving m healthy and regular appetite,' warming the bloodand bringing stmstioiSy mta the limbs. It cures BLOOD DISEASES Ay eleaMSing and purifying the blood. IT IS delightful to be taken at ANY TIME OF THE DAY "Breakfast. Luncheon. Dinner or Supper. in all seasons, as it in exhilarating, com. fur tin a and sustaining, providing in a eonrentrated form admirable, nutritive flesh-forming qualities, strength and M tit ulna power. For sale by all dealers in Medicine. Prleo a t .00. Write for th "rolina" Book tcMh talis haw to cure at home. HKST VREK. SOLE MANUFACTURERS Volina Drug & Chemical Co., BALTIMORE, MD., U.S.A. -ina the Blood flow regutmrlu, .em ily through the veins and by dieealt Send us lEouil OMers I . : FOR I SCHOOL BOOKS;- STATIONERY. ! I ' And everything yon need in this line fH yur FALL TRADE" GR SCHOOLS: t ! j . Our Fall 8 took is now in ' and we (to rurply ail yours wants AT ONCE. 9opecial inducements to teachers and dealers.; ; '- ' ' i i : ALFBSB WILLIS ' & GO BOOKPXLlSilB AHD STA X I E8, BilXIQ9,1f;C. THE MERCHANTS 224 FayetteviUe Street, - , - Baleign, ;N.-0. SUUfi AU JUNTO ITUit CHAM BERLAIN L O A DEJD BHEPLS nnetlCroeoXKade. i The All Right Cook Best Stove in the marks. stove ma f io wdl; 1 1 LAFTJN k BAND,'' GUK AND BI Winal VniAmr muli AverQl rcbcarksal Hlxed P-Jnts, the very best paint aaade; wfll laat twice las lenr as as Best lead and oil. All Colora. ; ' Pratt's Astaal OIL Buffalo Bteadard Bcsies. . 1 ! t Hardware of Every Deeoription 8ah,T)oorii and BHnoa, (Lime,' Plaster rCemenl' Rubber and Leather Belting, &e BEST PLACE IN The Beal Headquarters of SANTA CLACS is SOHWAR1 132 FATETTEVLLLE ST., tT The plaee so long eccupied by M08ILT. The stock ia all departments ii lotiirly NKvy of the BEST QU Ll'Y, andkeer tainly offered at pri i es oever before matched ia Aorta Caroliaa. OUK THREE FEATURES: ELEGANCE CHEAPNESS EX CELLENCE. Of the tbeuoands ef articles ia Stock, suited W I D Ul nti T1 yiir , Vl J. gl . WW aptrd for use as Bridal .Preef-nta, or Otfts- to Cnucren, as we'I as lor Hoiueboia use matt comfort, it is needless to speak 1' detail. OUK i CEISA AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT BffilBMv i2M7PW IJEUX BBEECH-LUAD1KG GUltS AT 47 6CM 42 UU 38 00 87 00 30 00 28 00 23 00 20 00 16 00 15 00 t tf it H 0 Pi t tt o CD CD hi hi ft tn CD it a 14 II II II II ' II II II V 4. M 44 I CD hi ):;: o w we.' 8roo.1V; 25 001 28O01 lwOO? 17 oa- 18 U lit 00 - $18 RUXZS at $15: M FLOB1TRT PTrXTS at &. $ft0lEE6T tTILtSsi ijtT Cheapest aTunk Loadinf Gobs Tt9ff:rct TiIOMAS H. BRIGG8 k 80N8. - l - ReSritmiiJtrrVIiu I B. INDfiEWS i CO. HEADQUARTERS FOB Winter FLAN1TELS A New I ot Jut Becelved contsins Tssea of a'I decri tlocs, Toilet S ts,' BohmiAn rlAis in all tints anri combinations.. Beaded Bohemisn-glm Finger Bowls and Bake, China, linner,Tea snd Chamber Ms, Lava Wars' In Smoking Beta and .-tatuettea, cups and eaucers In dainty as well as plain styles, China and Majolica Cuspidor, Lamps ami Bracket and BeAding. OUS FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is marked by Special Completeness; all sorts ot pretty and unique articles being shown. Among, the specialties aie Inkstands, Comb and Blush Cases, T ilei tets, Albcms for pho- tograpns, auograpbs, silver p taxed ware. Cas ter, Bu'ter and Pickle dishes, ete are offered, au speeiAi DargamAi OUR TOY DEPARTMENT Is the most complete in ail respets ever seea here, jf ecbav ica Toys ot all sorts are a speo uiiy. lilcycits, velocipedes, express wagons, carriages of all sizes, rubber tovs, indeatrue- Ubiesndsae; JXiLLS OF Al L Kixusre displayed, asd At prices that will please everv purchsser. Dolls in china, wax bisque, rub or, kid; paUnt doil-nesds, in siLtae new styles. Doll bats and shoes, doll hea?es, C c 5 1 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLE A ra ihnwn in tmt varttv Randanl ehamhM sets, combination tin tcueiseta, toilet kudos. c unary, oasaeiaoi aiiunas, us wars, vu a : CO-NFECTIONERT DEPARTMENT i We claim is a special feature of our business. also. Plain cantfi' a, h- me made and of gear- snteed gi od quality, sold ss low as anywhere in the Uiited sUtes fine esndies, French confections all by MsiUard. AKYTHINQ AKD E yitBTTBIBiQ In the lines usually kept by a strictly f rat class CUlda, my sad conreaionery store wui be always louna as a a w a n - s. fkn. M.nWA IV I lni W . T V 'T"T" ( J T W UT wDl be kept open until Jan. 1st, 1887 An EICKLLJlNT and VARIED 8TOCA is kept Mure. eel our 8TOCK'And PRICl8i)e-: fore buvtasr elsewaftr And you will save money. : K. o. ASORfc.Wg A CO. GL S. Wnrnts, Trust. 9 VJat. fan.' 20, 187i S ?V V " ' i I i I En r u"r Ill II i .. I ' 1 .' a.' t IJawL' ji u i jiii i' in l. . : i - i f . U- f- ".. 0VtRC0ATS!OVERCO ITS! 1 Altfirge and Complete Cine' '"A UlsrlA Want to knw POW to isn ri V acrease their BU8INIS8. The 1 - J . A asT i . - a.1 a ' . . 1 J m nisiory at. rnoae woo nave - maxi grea sucosoe, shews Uut tay libsailytxated the priatiiig preea in PsmpaXs, .Cireu-. iats letter usada, cards, anveiopes, Dodgera. leaflets.' and stars and shapes ' generally to keep their baslaeas before leue. . : the pus a A L S emm av a w w r xivms suguBuiui awa MJ4 . 1. . - . - Times," or to find out waat other bosi aeas men were going u ao, -eat noiaiy pushed out sisd let Use peepl knew ust : where tbey . were ;. And wasvt they were. and whAt they were doing-ASD KXPT IT UP. BIQIJ? NOW. wat Prinf- Biadina in auick order aim ia. best stxle, let u have your work at' once. Ko house tn North f Arolinsi ; aed verv few la the South equal, oa fafaeUitles and none surpass s ta work.: ' Wedding Tnvl'aHoB, Ptoframuree, f chool Circular', and Fine Printias ' Kcnersily reeelvs our attentiosk. IDWARD8, BEOTJGHTON ' CO, Fine Pliers and Sladera Kemovai THE NORTH CAROLINA HOUE INSUBlftCE GQUP1HY OF RALEIGH, N. C; (UrtsaisS iai laeik) Ess been insuring property ta North Care iinA lor eignieen years. Wttn agenta la nearly even town In the State aecesaibss to rail- j roads And east et the mountains, , We have moved .fron Fayetteville rbei to Ue DODD BTJILDETG the State, offering them safe indemnitr for losses a rates as low as uoee of aay com pany working in North Carolina. Clattet of P roomy InsiirwH : Dwellings in town and oountrv. mareantlla risks, churches, schools, court-houses, society lodges, private bras and stables, tana pro uuo ua uve stock, oouon gins. Insure in the North Carolina Horn Tnatrr. aaee Company. W, S. Piuntoaa, Cbaa Boot, president. Sec'y and Trees. w. u. crcmTBCH, p. Oowrca, Vioe-PresidenU Adjuster. Office inBrigrt' Buildln. No. t30 Favatia. TA)spheae2re.ft. Coa. WnjaxeroiT a lOans Btnm, leave their or Where we will be pleased to have oar and aad 1 friends sail to ders for I us IiB.'HIEJUtffl ;! GROCERS" i-l LS ' . I. . t aji i . I . i ; W CURRANTS, RAI8IN8 AND , , CITRONS,. '. i' 1 ' ' ' !Kw FrelifeywYank " Fresh Ivaporated lUspbarrfes, Peaches, Plumb Puddlag jOoron aad Dtrwortk's Phi IcurrilSpSi:1 r : fresh .Michkan Celfifvl cape c6j cranberries. - afAiAnetseea. Lm l a ami see cotplete BUck of 8TAPLE AND FANT GROCERIES " '- ! I at lowwt raicas. Godds Delivered Promptly fa all parte ef the eny. Teiepocew . ' D S. Waitt's araABOjCAaraas fob showing the . : latcBstjaad newest u c styles of jCtothjftg ever lmesAure derjartmsBt intnli hiaat1'" ' Hand-JSetced sshoes easy, eomfortaoie, aad at popular' , pricea. STTUfl EAT8, new, j ! nobby 'and nice, tla soft and stiff, to it aad , pbsxe AMf ivno.es an ptmtSiS asirViifr 1 1 Grain. Forage. ice, coal; wood. Shingles Laths. Lumber, &c JOIfES aVPOWELLiu' Baldrk.lt 0 j Aaguat iValiBm. Ia Wee aflarli wiiAWTH Migramia: numaflin. 1 -Tw.U-j 'Ti V"""1 aaeaew htvihii mm i iwAiirp;: yttsiniv K ING vlvl A GY;" -, . :i i . HOUSE AND t?ION i PAEfTLSG. m If 9 d.aVJsseeirbr-. QMpk paeraj vtslLtrTy BpeoiAl taeffittas lsr5l53TJ Otdera freea aanrida.

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