News and Obsebteb; :i - Prawns Diiit (izom Moisai) it BvTHK NEWS AND OBSERVER Cot J. L Moaxis, Ksitob Daily on year, mail, postpaid, six months, " three, t u Weekly, on year, . " six month " So name enteree" without payment, and no piper sent alter the expiration of tune paJa lor 87 00 8 00 1 78 2 06 0Q SATURDAY, NOVEMBER27.1886. Qin. Cugmas ii getting better. .: Ths shortage cf Boston' Utet de faulter, Reed, is growing. It is now placed at $250,060 to $300,0ojoj ; Boston his revived some of the- blue laws of its earlier history audits courts sxe unusually busy in consequence. , 1 . . i-4,: Tui inside his tor j of the recent strike at the Chiosgo stock-yards is given in 6ur telegraphic columns this nloniiDg. wm. ;; " Tns Chicago Board of Trade has abolished the put and call system Of gambling in grain. Good ! I Now let the other boards throughout jtho coun try follow sfait. M m mm i ; ; Tns Mill! Lac ladians of the north west are now giving trouble to the gov ernment. $jor Lj, we fear, will be a tucrn in thj side until ho becomes ut terly extindi. . Hh Tns Oxbrd boom eon tinu$ unob structed. There were doublet tobacco sslej in the Granville oapital yesterday, They were the first in the history of the beautiful place but they will not be the last by any means. ; ( , : Ths Davidson (College) Monthly fbr October comes to us very appropriately in these Thanksgiving times full of good wings ana in neat ana tasty dress, -its editors are Messrs. Hall, filler said Spur row, of the Philanthropies, and Messrs. , Oatcs, Grey and Banks of the JSamen- n ti ssjsn. s i . - Ebastds Brooks, the famous New York editorj is dying. He eoduetod for a long time the Mail, which was later combined with the Express, the); com binatioa being now known as the Mail and Express, or the "Cyrus W.S field," "for short,' Field owning they entire establishment Mr. Brooks was s power in his day. j -i: ; i; .Cha&ias ft. nukes prominent (he fW : lowing in his paper concerning .himself: "Its editor aa made mistakes, but they have been errors of the head audi not of the heart." He had no heart,' there fore, we suppose, in his late antiKtemo eratie candidacy. But then hie! Made no head-way either. He has Hen left both as to the head and as to the heart. it appears. There's none nqw so poor f . I f i An now; a great conspiracy iis re- poneo, Dy wnien systematic steaui has been going on at Buffalo, New York; in connection with the vast mis ele vating interests of that city. The: thefts have been the heaviest ever known in Buffalo, nd the thieves arc men well known, respjeoted, and occupying prom inent positions in business and social circles. Thousands of bushels Of grain have been stolen from elevators,! and the "sensation is great in proportion, i 8o goes the. corruption of the age,l eating . its way into, every class of soity and "" spreading with the rapidity of upctti lenoe. Its apparently irrmstibls pro gress argues ill for the happiness of ooming generauons. ; i n Ikxdkll is one of the most enlightened and advanced counties in the 8tt: and so might be expected to nave one of th best jails in jthe 8tatc. Yet tluj Wd mark says i "The building itself is a disgrace to the civilisation of the ocn tury. If it is kept deeently it is :a won der. Thercjarc no facilities for bath- ingr end the; conveniences of other sorts which are absolutely neeessarys are of sueh a char ic tor that the atmoepherc must always; be charged with poisonous odors. A man had better, be dead than to be confined in one of the close woodeit oejls, without light or ventilation and in short the jstrueture ought to bo torn down to the ground. It is a diigraoe to us as a civilised people." If this be so of Iredell; what hate we not; to ap prehend with respect to the other eioun ties of the State T This matter of proper ' county jails should not longer be Beg- leoted. ? . ', UAMU TISIKS. : , ! I r Wc sympsthixe deeply with those of : our fellow-cU'sms who are ' in froiiblc because of Hard Times. For newspa pers it is always a hard time to pay the printers, to pay the paper bills, io: pay the heavy telegraph bills, to pty any bills. It is toever an cany time for the ' papers, andjjas we arc subject to f 'hard times," year in snd year out cuf f miliarity with them renders us a soft of Job's comforter to those who are pnly oocasionaUyf&ictcd with the disease. If we are cokTect, hard times are ujually an individual matter. They sffeof in dividuals rather than eommunitiee Were we to 'take a comprehensive! fiew of the civilised world, we would fiod thai the prices of merchandise, of pro . visions, of the neoessaries of life; have largely declined in value, so that the cost of living is less than formerly , and the purchasing power of money! is greater than formerly. There has beea however no reduction in the rset of wages. Therefore it would appear that the wage earners who have employment, instead of suff .ring from hard tinues are somewhat better eff than formerly. Those who art unemployed are neieeasa rily in trouble; and abroad, espeoially in England,! it seems that there f are mny unemployed. 1 1 the United fitatee the picture is di? rent. All lines pi in dustries are ia fat! blast and thereis no lack of employment. Although : there Jmti been itdisf wbsxeia sms sbitaissd r r i fk ? i fron working, these have been merely mai csuvres to gain other ends, and the large amounts of money which other workmen nave contributed Mrtne support of distant strikers oonstitute evident proof that the wages of workmen are more than ample for their own sustenance. ind jthat those workmen who contribute jut of their weekly wages to suoport the strikers are far from suffering from hard timeS. That this elass of our oitisens is not harassed by visions of pinching want is also sumoiently evident from the fact that strikes are ordered on the most trivial pretexts. We may there fore set it down that the times are not hard as to wage earners. With regard to manufacturers there has been in certain lines great, depres sion,' which to some extent remains, eon sequent upon the undue extension of manufacturing enterprises, and a larger production than the demands of con-: sumption warranted. While this has been particularly the ease abroad, it has also been observable in this country, where the tariff on raw materials puts up the prioe of eertain goods so as to prevent exportattons, limiting the field of sup ply merely to the home demand. Bat the factories, because of strikes, lock outs and suspensions, have measurably; overopme this trouble and have worked off the- large quantities of goods which a year ago were piled up in their store houses, and, afbrisk trade setting in, are now enabled to run on lull time at a profit) , The only remaining elass necessary to consider is composed of those who are either; directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture for their living. In the agricultural States, these embrace mer chants, those engaged in professional work and the farmers themselves. The prices of staple agricultural produots are ow, a result of the depression of prices abroad, as the prices ruling in the markets of the world exercise almost a controlling influence on the value of these articles with us. Europe meas urably fixes the prices of cotton, wheat and provisions, and to seme extent the price of tobacco. We make a surplus of all these staple articles, and this sur- Slus sooner or later has to be consumed 'he farmers eannot limit production as the manufacturers do, and henoe the surplus - of their productions weighs down the value of any new crop. Not withstanding the fact that, because of the general decline in values, the ex pense of farming has been lessened, the earnings of those" engaged in the busi ness are less than.ever. So, generally, p the: agricultural sections times are hard, and espeoiallvis this so with those who owe debts contracted on a basis of former; prices for agricultural products T : J- v . m " i ' able extent where the crops have been failures, and where much embarrassment is consequently experienced. For in stance,: in South Carolina the condition is said to be deplorable. Also in some parts; of North Carolina the failure of the crops has been noteworthy. In these; localities hard times are espeoially observable, and the situation is one to call for; sympathy. Indeed, the condi tion of agriculture in the Atlantic and Southern States in most of the thickly settled communities, is sueh as to invoke the most intelligmt investiga tion as to the facts, and the most careful and persistant search for effective reme dies. In a recent number of the New York Evening Post we arc told that: "The difference in the rental values of agricultural land in the country is almost wholly a difference in t improve ments. I We can point out tracts of un occupied arable land within thirty miles of New York which anybody can have for cultivation on condition of paying the taxes on it The New England States are full of lands of this charaoter. We have heard a professor of political eco nomy in a New England college say that iu sua course or twelve years' teaching he had .never yet found a student who eculd point out a tract of land in any of those six States where the Owner could obtain a rent from a cultivator ex ceeding the interest on the oapital value of thb improvements on the land. Is other; words, rental value for agricul tural lands m new Jfingland does not exist, instead of rising in value from year to year, according ' to the Henry George I theory, these lands have been falling in value for thirty years past. Such being, the ease to the north of us, j brought about largely by the immense surplus of agricul tural products supplied by the West era States; we have a prophecy of the failure of profitable farming in this sec tion jln an jartiole cf this kind we can only indicate a possible remedy. With farm products as low as they are, we should avoid the danger of a failure of the crop by profiting by Ac experience of otatr. i is nas peon round tnas in Jfi g land,' because of ths system there fol lowed, the difference in production in wet and jdry years has been reduced to a minimum;(it is not ten per cent. The wheat lands of England average twenty eight bushels to the acre and the pro du:tion does not vary three bushels in any year because of the seasons. This rerult has been reached by thorough un derdrainage and preparation for the crop. This is what we need at the South. We need to expend more on the permanent improvement of our farms. To aceom- oUsu this, the number of acres to the farm should be brought within proper limits, and every eff rt should be de voted to Improving the soil by under drainage and thorough culture. Wher ever this is done, the evil results of bad seasons-will be largely eliminated and the possibility of hard times will be rendered ;more remote. Certain it is. that hard times wherever existing with us) are at present a looal trouble: local as to the individual; local as to the section. The evil is not beoause of too little currency, for there is more currency in the United States just now tbo ever before in our history It is not because there are no purchasers to be found for what we have to sell, for trade is brisk. It is because the indi vidual persons affected have but little to sell. It is because in some sections very few'of the farmers .have anything to sell. The crops of moss of them have failed. , The only sensible remedy is to so manage the farms as to Prevent in future a similar failure, and we have indicated j a way to do this whici we VOW of trial. ! ; crtbes Wa do not get few suck encourage ments is the following for which we make obeisance to our friend of the States ville Landmark, but we print this to show how quickly now we reach all points, in the Slate; "Ucder the new schedule on the Richmond and Pan ville railroad the fa V a S-w - t naieigu news ana Ubserver is now received herr fat 8utesrvilleTat 1 o'clock p m. of the; day it is printed. This doubles its value to our people and ought to result in largely increasing its circulation in western North Carolina. It is conducted witiv; dignity and ability and is a paper which deserves well of the democracy of the State. orriciAi. BKIVSUISL Am Ct TtatarSar , hj the Bam f CaafiMMtt. VIBST DIBTUIOT. COUXT'ZS. g - 3 : - - ! --3- J- Beaufort, 1S7S 1647 Camden,. 666 611 Carteret, 10S4 229 Chowan, 43 SIX lurrltudk, 88S 17 Dry tu 184 ;Qt ins 64C Hertford, 493 SM Hyde, 810 633 Martin, 140 Ml Panuioo, frsi aa Fauot&nk, 764 465 Perquimans, 68tf fi6 Pi , ' m tan TjrrU, 40S S8C Waahlngton, tSS 750 I Total, 18390 lliCSS Scattering. Thos Q Skinner 13; Jas Moore 1; 0 0 Pool 136j W Cherry 1; W M Bond 2; G D Langston 815; lieonidaa (J Uarrett 9; W B Carter 5 ssooid psrziiot. COUOTXKS. Seitte, Craren, Xdfecombe, fireene, Halifax. Jones, Lanair, , Noithamptea. Vanoe, Warren, Wllaom, Scattering. B H 8taneell 1. Tum- trold u Simmons 4, O u Arripgton 1, James E 0'Harof Halifax oounty, 489; Israel B Abbott, of Qraven county. 25; i H Moore, l.J A'Hara 8, T W mason i, j w urant l. HlW BISTXIOI. b 2 S a, 1174 lt8 117 1138 1193 S77 16S6 KM 1114 104S . lJ0 s 1096 Ufii 111 767 734 9 IMS ITS SI 1438 HAS 896 USt 8M 525 103S o If 07 1890 1144 111 10158 13060 6020 COUNTIES. S a s w p to Bladen, Cumberland, Duplin, Harnett, Moore, Onslow, Pender, Sampson, Wsyfe, 1278 2404 1738 1773 990 986 203 2359 1207 1472 638 215 865 856 749 288 2376 1 Total, 18561 8166 ; Scattering. W J Green 6i A H Jones 82; Q J Spears 2; Jno F Musel white 2; Jno C Blocker 1; J Q-8ewU tioi UornoJiua lsnbar 1 ; Ghaa W MeChunmy, Jr 977; J A Worthy 1; m a. Aoones oi. rounxsi samoT. COUNTIES. I e mm a M A Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Johnston, Nash; Oeaage, Wake. 1371 1311 1724 1586 1237 1527 1924 j 1966 2108 1795 1877 1519 1279 ? 1041 3408 6086 Total, 14423 15861 Scattering. 0 M Cooke 1, F N 8trudwiek X, L P Berry 1, BF Bunn 1 vvin nnrnroT. COUNTIES. mm s 1 St s m 9 Ctswoll, Forsyth, Granville, Guilford, Person Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, 1097 1510 1821 2024 1806 2453 1878 1909 1106 1213 1585 1473 1049 1276 1360 1424 Total, 11702 13282 Soatterin John R Winato 114 James M. Winstead518, J W Winstead 41, J Jfilioyd 1. , SIXTB IHSTUOr. I; "2 9 t COUNTIES. Anson,; 1218 137 Brunswick, 757 740 Cabarrus, 1170 726 Columbus, 1507 482 Mecklenburg, 2758 2647 New Hanover, 1050 286 Richmond, 1538 721 Robeson, 2657 1293 Stanly, 839 415 Union, 737 818 Total, 14261 7659 Scatterins? - Oliver H Dock or v 65. W E Msvo 906. 8 B Alexander 1. Wal. tar L Steele 9t P JiQ9mflonlf I, ssvurra nzsxuoc. i COUNTIES 1 GaUwba, 1566 60 Davidson, 1835 472 Davie, i797 20 Iredell, 1306 99 Montgomery, 861. 63 Randolph, 1815 438 Rowan, 1496 99 Yadkin, 889 150 Total, 10565 1401 Scattering J A Blair 1896, John Ross 8, Blair 72. xiaaai district. COUNTIES. o O n o a Alexander, Alleghany Ashe, Burke, Oaldwell. Cleveland, Gaston, . Lincoln, Watauga, Wilkes, 510 684 1131 1010 790 1982 1310 719 573 1388 274 245 1175 517 337 11 809 223 788 1416 Total, 9997 5325 Scattering. Wm Sneed 1. J 8 Craig m) wt a wv a a mm t mm' is, w ii nelly l, Tyre ion i. STIHTH DISTRICT. ml a 0 2 1 -a i COUNTIES. o 3 a? ' W - - H Buncombe, 1921 2130 407 Cherokee, 496 72 333 Clay, 844 203 Graham, 313 6 45 Haywood, 1218 104 474 Henderson, 596 455 324 Jackson, 930 67 87 McDowell, 912 133 416 Macon, 653 878 187 Madison, 856 1066 179 Mitchell. Not sent. Polk, 416 470 2 Rutherford, 1370 1324 6 Swain, 667 83 29 Transylvania, 465 110 210 Taneey, . 697 617 82 THE HOME IN DANGER. KertofM SCTlfh tfcuM an Mrlnr fli neat Vlikl iBMttintiea la alia Xjiiad. ' Pew people realize the ralae of a. home Until "they are -deprived of it It Is a spbl upon which centres all the best thoughts, best emotions, nd best li e of the land. II is the Inspiration for the father in tha hard, est duties of life ; the hope of the mother, in her many tri&U and' u finuitieg, and the on spot in which the child can be trained t noble manhood or womanhood. Bui how often it is overshadowed by a dark: clondl Too often it ia a dwelling place of misery, instead of a home of happiness. When the father comes home weary and careworn at night, exhausted in oody, and nerroos from the strain that has been brought upon him ; when he realizes his aturdy manhood is departing Under the influ ence of some mysterious trouble ; when he feeh ; day by day, that pain is coming npon him, th .n the dark shadow rises to obscure the sunlight from the home, Or again, when the mother feels a sense of weakness, mysterious bearing down, and growing in. flrmity which she cannot sroid ; when ah sees her skin growing sallow and her youth departing, it is the coming on of a clond that ffiiy be inky in rU blackness. At snob times as these, the best friend to the home, is that which will build up, restore, and bring back waated energy and life. .; This must not be accomplished however by using unnatural stimulants or questionable drugs, but by observing the laws of nature, and as sisting these laws to truly perform their mis sion. To this mostdesirable end, nothing has ever been found which can in any way equal Volina Cordial, which is attracting so much atteotioa throughout the land, and is really working a revolution in human strength and happiness. There are thousands of men and women in America to-day, who were in f aV more pitiable condition than that above de scribed, that have been rescued, rejuvenated and r stored to their families, so that they are a help rather than a burden to the home. We could instance numerous cases, which would provs this assertion, among them a' very prominent One in Chariest 8.0. but it knot required, and we look for gnmd results in the great increase of health,, strength and happiness from the people of this country, from the use in the family of Volina Oordial. " TUB ' PLACE IN iJTJiLiITJS Sg OO HWaMlEi MEEOHANTS 224 Fayetteville Street, - - Raleigh, N J O. C HAM BERLIN LOADED bHEJ LS rtaest Qeodaptad. j ' The All Righ Codfc-.Sfpye LAPUN ft Rat n fa Hu .rfraL RAND, QTJN AND; BLASTJNG Finest Powder made, r-- . T" ; nM rJ," u T7 em paint saadw; wlD mm a aaaaaji waa O H VVShMB). i fratt's Asaal OIL Snffialo St4adard Scakw A PWPSR8, Hardware of Every Description Sash, Dom and Blinds. rakc, Plsetfr. Cement '. 'j ; Rnbher and Leather. Beltinsr. dtc ' J "i ' ' ' BBECH-UiDJSG GUK8 At $47 60 42 001 38 00 87 00 30 00 28 00 23 00 20 00 16 00 15 00 n 1 1 fl 0 o K CD a m CD j f w h Q . S3 UO 82 00 8100- 23 00 19 00 17 00 18 00 12 00 ft8 KITLXS at SIS: fS FLOBZBT B1FLK at &, fS 60 FLOBXET BIF1 XS at tUO ' Cheapert Kuxxl. Loading Gun. Vn Uw. i ia TUUMAfi B. 4 EOKS, - - -: Beuuitr Ut FyrHirj Good' t i n o rvArw, tiiiA Wwiet: -FOR - Total, 11754 7014 2934 Scattering.-Joel L Orisp 1, L H Y .... i I tt osuoe a. Bwesaiw Arsuvst Ths Best Balve in the world for Cats Bruises, Sores, TJlcen, Bait Bneum, Fever seres, Tetter, vnappeo Uaaos, uxUDkUns, jgorns, ana au exia &rnpoana. ana poamvei enrea rues, or no par reqrureq. a is gnaran teed to give perfect satlsfaetioa,' or money rS lonoea. mee w cents per ooz. rorsabiDi Lee, Johnson CoV K : .? -mmmmm m Reidf Tilla is lo hmra ft Jre , eompuj CAPITAL PRIZE $150,000 "We do hereby certify that ws aupejitee the arrangements for all the Ifonthly and Quar terly Drawings of the Looisiana State Lot tery Company, and In person amnage sndeoa trol the Drawings themselves, Md that the ss)ne are conducted withboaesty, fairness, and In good faith toward all parties, and we autho rise ue company to OMUUs certiscat wru fae-slmiles of our idgBatares atfsr had, tn Its apv yeniseanenia.'' Ws the undersigned Banks and Bankers wID pay all Prises drawn la The Louisiana State wnni wnw may urn lawiwssu at ear eeun- ters: J. H COLS8BT, Pres. Louisana Natiosal Banh:. j w. xobuth, Pres. State National Bank. a: BAiAtnir, T199. New Orleans National Bank. war sxaa a juiuob iiatnousa. loiisiiai Stite Lottert. CeawT. Incorporated In 1868 for U years bythe Leg ndature, 1 or edn rational and eharltable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000- which a resene fund of ovsr ksa oon hu sinna htM addadi Bv an ovsrwhebninr iMnwilap wnls tia trmn. ebJse was made a part of the present Stats cosx stmmon adopted Deeeaiber la. A. D.. 1878. jw mtmgf bmwi BtrskwlBana Will VmXM nlalkA hAnlhlv IV wimmmM t k postpones. Look at the totyow4gg rifetrihoHnw. MfiBf in the Aeademv of ICnsic N"ew Orleans. a ucsusj, ieocmoer i, ioon Under the personal superv leioa and man- mmMit nf Oen. G. T. EunssiBn nf And Gen. Jpx A. fLuu.r, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRIZE 150.000. g-otloe TkksU are Tea Dollars only. juuves, vo. uusfz. Tenuis f 1. 180.000 60,0C0 90,060 10,000 0,000 8,000 88,000 S8X)0 40,000 60,000 6O,O0C 880,000 ie,ooe 700 usTor 1 Capital Priaof 1 Grand Prise of L Grand Pr as of 8 Large Prices of 4 Large Prizes of 80 Prises Of 80 100 " 200 M 800 " 1,000 100 Approxlmat'n Prixes of 8200 100 " loo loo -r flfiO,00C 80.000 StMMO 10,000 8,000 Vj00 S3 800 100 80 8,879 Prizes, amounting to UXLMt Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the ofSoe of the ooatpaay la New vrieus. For farther intormatlon write eleariv. srivink fall address. POSTAL NOTES, Cxpresf, Money Orders, or New York Kxehang la or auwy wHcr. tairraney Dy juprssa tss ouz expense) addressed at. A DACTHUr, New Orleans, La or si. a. VivrmM, ' Washington, D. 0. Make P. O. Monsw Ontm lanhU mmA A dress BsgMeredLsUert to mr OiUajrj aunoiAi sasx, AfW v7MBSJV La. 1(1 (11 TCflf? fT- And everything yon r fed in tl jIine frr yomr FALL TRADE OR siri(faLS. ' OnrFall 8took is now in sad wo ean supply s4),yc, wants AT ON(7IX jC9nBSBs8ilfa. in it 18 sasnisi S8 81 In 8A CsftsMhMSSl snwael seklawsw I C sfl 7T -TT A TT t?t I i i .... ajsu statii sai Jk a V MJA TT AT ' 838 I D D ISnOnin! 1 PI u. u, inuoLiia a ttu. I BXADQUABTXBS POB The Beat Head Barters of SANTA GLAUS b j 132 FAYETTEVILLE' ST., V3T The place so long ecenpied by MOSXLY. The stock ia all departments Is Kntlrely & JEW, of the BEcT tjUALI tt, and b eer tainly offered at never before matched la Solth Carollaa. OUB THRXI FXATUBX8: ELEGANCE ; CHEAPNESS EX CELLENCE; Of the titousaads of articles tn toek, suited te the tastes of all people, of all ages,' and ad apted for use ar Bridal Presents, orGftts to Children, as well as for BotuehoJd use and comfort, it is needless to speak la detalL OUB CHINA AND GLASSWARE DE PARTMENT eeataia Vases of all descriptions, Toilet Sets, Bob- mian giass la all tints and cmb'nationi. Beaded BohPmia-gl.-s Plager' Bowls' and Bakf s, China, Dianer.Tea udXbamber Seta, Lava ' Ware in Smoking Sets and t taUiettas, Cups, and Saucers in dainty as, well as plain styles, China and Majolica Cuspidores, Lamps-1 iiall, Bracket and Beadlag.- OOB ; f Vat Jan. 20, 1874 ifV. V Winter FIAMELS A New lot Just Becetved OVERCOATSIOVERCOATS! A Large and Complete Line j i- Our SMotto: l 1 terebuylnVeJavwh; and foT wffl .MWywvraWrra..a, ! tt. B. AADRjfiWB St CO. - i C 0. Warnao, Trustee. I PANOI GOODS DKPABIJIENT I Is marked by Special Completeness, aU sorts of pretty and unique articles being ahown. Among the specialties are Inastaads, Comb and Brush Cases, Toilet rets, Albums for pho tographs, autographs, Silver plated ware, Cas ters, Butter and Pickle dishes, eU., are ofEsred, all special bargains. ; ' OUR T OI DEPARTMENT Is the most eomoleto ia all reswets ever seen bera.' sf jhKiHm.t Tnn nf all aarta in'i sfMws. lattv.1 KIavkIm. wlmlnwt. nrirtH nMl! earriages of all sixes, rvfoker soys, tndestruo- Ublt and sjile. lHilalAi OF Alx KJLNiis are dlsplsyed, and at prices that will please every norciiser. Polls tn chins.' Wax. bisons, rob ber kid: patnt doll-besds, ' to aU" the new I styles, jjouaataaaa anaea, oou Jues,ete. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES 1 1 s Are shown in great variety: Standard chamber sets, combination tin toilet sets, toftei 'Stands, cutlery, baskets of all kinds, tin ware.' OTJtt ' CONFECTIONERY DEPARTMENT ilTe claim Is a special feature of our btuiaesa, also. Plain candies, jaeme made aa4 of guar anteed good quality, sold as low, u anywhere in the; Uiited States Fine4 eandfeVltneh cpaiecuons au oy jaaiiavro. ANYT13I5G ASP 5 ' In the Unes usually kept by a strictly first class . China, Toy- and Conf rttonry ;tore win W axways ionnu a Bvn tt a ri ' ty. ; Our store NO. 10! PATXTTEVTLLV ST.. I win be kept open until Jan. 1st. igil As JLACSUUiUi X ana VARIED STOCK lsketiC there. f s v r ' ' HHW Want to know WOW to tn M Tfi " their BUS1NBSB. The history of those who have made freat wots, snows uat uiey no" raiiy used the prjntiag press in Pamph Circu lars, Letter Heads, Cards, Envelopes, ; Dodgers,'Iafleta, and sixes and shapes geeerato keep their businesa before WHEN A Or M j ; Bbbb8j81 bim war ssras jrtfslttsy - - - - B)"-fj mm SVf SJW SVSVAAF poshed eat and 1st the people kno w Just when they ware and what they wera These successful mea did mot waft lm UTUttmrn to do. but boldhr , sad what they were dolnjf A"wr IT UP. ' BltblN HOW7 WHERE lac or BtAdlng quicx ruer aao best stria, let ni Prtai Lnr in hare yCui work at once. No house ta : wertbr CacaBna, and very few lata South equal us in laeil&Jas and aoae surpass us in work. ' . Wedding Invitatioea, Programmes, Pehool Ctroulan, and -Pine Piiatlas general receive our atteatioa. JDWARD8, BBOUGHTON O, j Fiae Prew and Biadat Baleiga, B.C. RljCHAHl) OIKKSOH ' " BALKIQH AQXNTPOB a W. GABKETT V OCS NATIVE WJ NES. Mr! earrett's Brnrrrrminf) fTsmiisiiai' M ishi Port, Claret and other wines are wall known for Dnwrinr itmIUm. mA aM - - for sale In weed or glass, (not "to U driiioa VV' .... m, - oj vuiVtsiMC 10871 , Pfrpiiesearoryeewritoto r RICHARD GIKBflCH, WsrtdWtoUeTsrtBoaisx jUWrCll I 4 yen want a alee esn p bakfarrangeT 1. Tm M.1 m MkMW kuM. mm mAmmmmA THE NORTH CAROLINA HOUE 1HSUE1NCE CDUPtST or RALEIGH, It. C. T. B. YANCEY, 1 (fwskjalawel tsi li Has been insuring property ta North Caro . wnvai una lor eijrnteen jtt tn the state sscsosinia to rat arentsisr aeaiiy1 every sowa m ue outa aaeei roads sod east at the mountains, jEAirCTAOrnxais' ent and Dealer WbuwsatkcheapcooUngitovef T . jiTVU wsj hardware f Do TV I I "want powder A shot? WSjtyasACapsf De yea VV A at varaJskf ' avniVitOOsf Deyevwall Do euY A 100 Breech or Mnsals jiadlmr tun t Dejou want the Beat Wjtite Lead la the 0o yon want the best Kail ever intre- dneedr Glvea up by the earpea- . ' 'I- tars sad buHdert to be the , i' 1 r- best nafl in the Bssxkst, NOvTi IT TbV SO WANT '' : I i ' any of the above call oa or write to ' fi Rv -fwhiy At fin ardware Dealers, Phrmbar j Ssaam and Oas awvutufjMw iwiwii viwsnj owners ia ls ' State, ottering them safe iii.r for Vm-vl mm m mmm-vm -mm wn V BUT Wt DwelUBM in La .&! nnmitr. n.n..Ml. risks, churohee, scofds, court-hpases, society lodges, prtvate barns land stables, tana pro- Insurs to thsi KAitk CsufiTiTau Tmr I GARRIAES. PHAETONS ByCGQS, ETC., ETC. The lUrgwst AJSMLrtaMai to tawSUst. W. 8. ParjaosB, Obas, Bcesv .' Prssldsnt. Pi s' I snil Tises Uwaroaca, P. OowraaT Ytoe-Preaideat. Adjuster. Office inBrlim' RnflHn. Ko. fi ratt till .11 ill mmwrn-f TelsptjPBSNivgX , , BEST GOODS Af ' : THE LOWEST PRICES. ISO Cast Mrrgaa Bttaet, KING. &. MACY t .x. EIOaSK AND 8IQN. PAlNTI3a. He 1 X Davie jus4ea? U BTifas.. ieeaUiMdiaiMiarj OrSers frssn any f tVsW vV4M I WOB38L CHAB DVXSNOX -r -: AlsePrefaiatori br-.N.r