1 T .- -v, i: r j i it ti .! T -. ! t ; nrnij t it II:! IS IIS fl PTT 1 s I I ,J News AN D Obsj SRV - t - - - j ' ' ' ' JoJtl j - i ': OL. XXV1L RALEIGH. N. C SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1836. NO 154 ISP ' ' Absolutely Pure inn iwwder never varies, g A marvel rarity, strength aad wholesomencs. More eonosaieal than ordinary kin da tad cannot be ed la eompinoa wttn cm mrMtituae of lew istt, shrt weight, alum or phovphate powders raid wkIt la can, both. Baxrxo IPowsi .j km Wall 8troefc, new York. ! Sold b ffCAiil Btroaaoh, Goorrji T V ... 1 R vrmf! Oo. j . QUESTION A ft OUT Browns Iron NEW8 0BSKKRVATI0N3. Mayor elect Hewitt has been sworn into offioe. Secretary Lamar is to . be married "in the near future," whenever that is. I iB flaid that Gape Cod is slowly washing and blowing away, losing some two feet every year. -Ajoelluloid oollar caught its wearer drunk and ohoked him to death. An other oase of Jersey justice , Qae of oar most enterprising mer chant pays that it costs money to ad vertise 1 bat it'eoets more money not to advertise. ' It lis reported that the Baltimore & Ohio railway will presently lease the Jfirlanger lines and reaoh the South in that way. i A post fibe employee at Portland, Uregon, who selects and makes oat a list of uncalled for letters, advertised one addressed to his wife. oxr lied vers .Duller, who was sent to Ireland to crush ont the tenants, has become their friend instead, and now the tories want to remote him. Cluverius, the condemned Rich mond murderer, has so little anticipa tion of jcxeeution that he has had his teeth planed in good order by a dentist. . The rate of mortality among the female Chinese of New York city is fear ful. One-fourth of that entire element has just been swept away in the death of Airs. Chin Hhun. ' Gov. Lee writes to 8enator-eleot Daniel that Virginia can pay no more than the interest on the debt as ascer tained by the Biddleberger proposition of settlement without raising the rate of taxation, 8ome one asked "Josh Billings'' why he didn't write a serious lecture. "Ah," Replied Josh, with a wise shake of the head, "the public won't allow a man to stand on his feet for their enter tainment after he has once stood on his head." , Tho cruiser Atlanta has just had another trial and has proven herself a failure. She has Lad a six days' oruise in Long Island Sound, daring which she broke down six times, and the impres sion in naval "circles is that she is not quite op; to concert pitch. 1 It U now as good as settled tha- the legislature of New Jeisey will be democratic on joint ballot provided the two labor members,, who are democrats, will act with the democratic wing. It is understood that they will support Ab- bett for the United States Senatorship. 3 The: Baron de Horn. the. richest bightippybob in all Dutch India, has arrived i& this country in search of a lit tle sport. He wearsaringholding a dia mond of eight carats, given him by the Shah of Persia, and in his vest dansles a eouple jof eraeilj sharp, white eUws TH8 GREAT BARGAIN 0TORS QF 2; Tf " ' " g RALEIGH. ANSWERED. 4 Unjui. ' JLm 3 a Iran BiUH oar mum. tnr Uah uapntaijla phfwkeimn vuald piwuiijw I KOI ru)UUH wgyim atvd mm wr vmum vaM.iin iffnnt known to t!w r. tntmian. and loqairy at uj odia etaamical iirmr.r-ill abatantiat UisaaMitioa 4ut Umt ara mn ptMntima at iroa thantof any jtMabataamnaMinBWdtcin. TW aboin eaa : llaaivaljr that iron in cknowlKlsd bm ttj noB OD93(taot (aotor in ctootafnl madio.il praetq. It ia, .hiHrevar. amonr'ciibla fsct.that prior io U jUaoov. mjjt nkOW.NM ltnS ltlTTERSnoerf jr aatjatactorr Iran amabinatioo had ant baau toond. BROWN'S (ROB DmERSSTuSte aadwa.olllduotnnMiptn-floMi dieiawlo. KUO WN'M 1UOH HITTEKS enrea iBdiceatlaa BttlwaimnvWMtifi , DyspttM MalaHa ChUls Ui4 FTer, VeeUes.Geiteral DbUUr,Pmia intha SUnanr UinhHrsdabnsnd!rraJ. rta-tar all Vjomm aikaenta Iroai ia art ribed dailK BRQWR'SIRONBITTERS LCT-tTS uinstai Uitmmn ri.W li lain Ii i It I Mt mrm h renewal caipfj. TberatucWtbon txxxxna taa ciiirtirj .mmrma, tba boirnlii areacrr. t.iieusctis datulir mora moid and nacrtedL lTM tieirin nt mom tn brichtan: tha aUri claj. i ap; banlthy e i r rnniaw tn tba cfaeakaj mymrnmnfjem dinpoaan; fnucflrmV dnranaiantfaan0if ratu. jar. and if a mminK mnthar. abandajit aau-n" io b anppbwl (or tha ehfld. Banwrnbas Bronn? Iron Bitter. tathaOMLTtron madhitna that a it aa InrioaML AfaVaW Anfitanaaaarfil VbaUaananahnfTndn THE LABOR PARTY TROUBLE IN THE LABOR CAMP- MORE STRIKES. THB OUOaUaGAXIim TAX IXUH TIOUBLKS OTHER GBJniKAI. MBW8 BX WIM. rkta no othekI snn E. Chioaoo, Nov. 27. The committee of twenty-one of the United Labor Par ty met last night and issued a call for the election of delegates to form a per manent organisation of the United Labor Party. ' .hxplioit instructions are given in 'the call for the election of delegates. Members in good standing of a Knight of .Labor assembly, a trade or labor onion may organise for political, action and each is required to take the follow ing pledge: I hereby declare that 1 have oeased to be a member of the the republican or democratic party, be lieving said party organisations; to be irretrievably corrupt and their contin ued existenoe a menace to liberty, and declare my belief in the necessity for a political organisation of the United La bor Party, and hereby freely offer to that party and its nominees my cordial aid and support. That I cheerfully submit to the constituted authorities of the United Labor Party to ; whom have been intrusted its safety and existenoe, and that failure on my part to abide by their deoision or instructions will work my expulsion from tne organisation without further proceedings.." The instructions for the details of the organ isation are very full and each organisa tion is required to send to the financial secretary of the committee of twenty one full particulars as to the organisa tion effected, of officers elected , and a complete list of members. No person will be accepted as a delegate who holds office under city, county, state or the national government. Only one delegate is allowed to each organisation, and on ly one political body for each regular organisation. Traa)l la ta Lr Cans. p. . Chioaoo, Nov. 27. Tne trouble whfoh has been brewing in the united labor party over the course of T. J. Morgan and other socialists last Sunday, in denouncing the eo-operative packing house f cheme at the stock yards as un wise and impracticable, and its pre lec tors as dishonest, resulted late yester day in a warrant for Morgan's arrest on a charge of criminal libel, being sworn oat by H. J. Jaeobson, one of the pro jectors of the scheme. The warrant was not served during the evening, ss Mor gan was attending a meeting of the com mittee of twenty-one downtown. The news created auito a stir in the inner oiroles of the labor party. One of the ohaiges made by Morgan is said to be thai Jacob on was employed by Pinker ton aome months sgo,and attended meet ing) of the Knights of Labor, reporting their proceedings at the detective agency at their close. The committee selected by Morgan to investigate his charges r r 11 people knew how mock credit eosi them s ; : ? ft - - I f iaey would act be seeking tt,lor it is ecsnnwav ! ! ' Sfawe that the mmftaat who buyi goods oa ' A Cahfornian is suinsr the New fork Central Railroad Company and the will meet arly next week. Morgan said iae. nignt mat ne naa sunmittea bis charges to the eommittee,and would let them do as they saw .fit. endtt and sells Uieat oa goods sdfherto eovef hts 1. I fU Us Urwroiar Maes of merdaniSmt ither an pToits Jiarfednpaaa on each eneUMSre Isaa . . 3 . V f ztrapor coat laid,? to eover the toatos by avedtt. Yea count ea per cent oaoach ot ttera and ruhax at tlwwaa satiinato SO per joat which youanstpay to over thelosaw oj men who never JP7 This the consumer has to pay. It all eonMS I' out; of the v. i hard- MLsaeddoUan of the labariag people, j If yea -i . I f -I - borrow money front the bank at S par cent li ' i -i you think it very high, ret yon will bay your .modi on credit and WT 60 per eeat mors for 4 r f : theia than yon ought to- pay aad you Will aoTorwlnk yonroye at ifc,. This ereOit Uhoi from the produaer ; ol tbii eooatry one-half thoymate. How how do jou like the jytear 5 ' - 1 Come to the Backet ton.and buy 7" aoda. The Racket Ptore has all the advantagtM, from having buyers always in toe New Yelk nvir , ket, with eah in hand, who bay Iron hovnes tbeir efiifor It is the power of the almighty which, are compelled to take these goods. dollar cutting its way through ; the $enUot time which enables tt to offer goods at leu than they can' be made for in hurUred of cases. The Racket Store is atii ed witli small profits and we iha maka our bargains make ' ; f '' ' our business. Now come to the Raejtet Stor nnd buT your irood4 and save your mooey. Thia week we ahall open some rteat bar s-aina In BUver i'Uoed Knives and Forks. LriDt Dlate on tel, at fl.76 a aeS worth xml asm a lob in Bustenders at 11 eu.i worth 89. Borne great bargains tt Hens' Cai sure autu f U Oa, Worth ISO. Qreatpartia In Ladle and Mbaeo' cloaks and; fcliawl, titm linea of l'rtnto, choice, t oe per yard. w will Jma oon: a biie lino of tienia' and Boyv UaU and Caps at a bargain. tCU and tuns beloro purchasing. boUclting caah grade only, . i Mbsi respectfuUy, I VOLNKY FUSSfiLLIA CO., pit lOK MartiaSL H ' Central Sleqainsr Car Company for $80,- iW damsgea K4U,0W each His com plains u that while he was on his wed ding toai he got into an altercation with ;a . sleeping-oar p rter and the porter knocked him down. There is a genu ine Califomian munificence in .the idea .ef $8Q,QQ tor honeymoon blow. If i-A lair and buxom widow who had ouried three bUibands reeently went -with a watleman who in his younger years had paid her marked attention to inspect the graves of her dear departed. a m? . 1 ' m a vAxier oqaveaiptaauig waem in monruliu silence she murmured to hex eomnanion: i.ll tJ! -!!. 1 t 'jxa, wamea, you nugui jxmja aces in that row! now if you had only had a Ut ile more courage I" It is really something unique la Eng lish history to see the lord ohief justioe 01 atngiana iu ane wimess box, aorimo- nioasly cross examined by. his own son-in-law asd deadliest enemy. And as if this wes'nt eneugh, his lordship's own daughter now brings a suit against him for slander, and she seems to Jiave a pretty rood ease. Hie lordship's misfortunes are almost enough to make all the hairs fall ont of his big wig. : Long draperies with full effects, and the short plastron in place of a vest are, with lor bordering and fur panels, the leedtog features of tailor-made gowns for the winter season. The smooth or fancy cloth is draped in Gre- eian style, opening up the left to dis close a panel .handsomely trimmed, or else made of pleats of a contrasting eolor. banded across with velvet, the long back drapery falling in soft Be do am folds at tne top. mis is very effective in heliotrope cloth with fawn- colored pleats of Utile rranoaue on tne tides, crossed with bands of velvet, the short violet pleated plastron arranged tot correspond, lilaek or deep Mue isle of Wight serge, with Neapolitan red serge, pleated panels, and plastron, crossed j with velvet, also makes a most tasteful gown. Lei farmers of the South raise more horses, mules, cattle, grain, hay, etc rhe Abbeville, o. u., Jrrtsi knows a farmer in that section who bought a small farm almost entirely on credit. His farm is now dear of debt, and this result was brought about chiefly by raising colts and lelliog a good animal every year. i ka.kr TroaMo la SH St. Lcuis, Nov. 27. The great Western, Class Company discharged all their: men yesterday and closed, their works. Mr. Cordora, secretary and treasurer of the company, says they were obliged to take this action in conse quence of the drinking habits of most of their men, rendering them so unre liable that the orks could, not be op crated in a proper manner.' The men prononcce tne statement a deliberate falsehood, and assert that the real cause was the. employment of apprentices to do men s work, and that had the men not teen discharged there would have been a strike in the faotory in a fow hours. Marlae Vows. BAXTTMosa. Md., Nov. 27 Captain Veasey, of the steamboat Eaoch Pratt, which arrived this morning, reports that daring a storm Thursday afternoon and night, two bugeyes engaged in oys ter oatohing in the month of Manokin river, off Piney Island, were eap sised, and all hands were drowned except the captain of one 6f the boats. The names of the bugeyes could not be learned prior to the departure of the Pratt for Baltimore. Cast Ysaiey also reports that on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, in Honga river off Crap's wharf, the'bngeye B J Smith and sloop California were both cspsised by the gle. Allen Boyd, colored, who lived on Plankitank river, and a hand on board named R J Smith were drowned. It is probable that other disasters will be re ported, as many oyster boats were exposed to the gale, which war unusu ally severe. A atrlka TaVlttaVMirn;. Pittsburg, Nov. 27 The stove moulders at Dehenen's foundry straek this morning against a reduction or dered several weeks ago. All the men are ont and the foundry is closed. The men say the strike will not effect other foundries as Dehanen's was the only one where a cut in wages had been ordered. About 150 men are idle. "Loot" la tho Waoda. Niw Orliaks, Nov. 27. A special to the Picayune, from Natohes, Miss., says that a report reached there yester day of the lynching of three inoendia ries in Franklin county for the burning of Harrison Coloate's cotton gin house. It appears that there was a lot of cotton stored in the gin house and that negroes had stolen several bales of it and then set 'fire to the building to conceal the theft. They were arrested and. while being: taken to jtil, in the woods. were 'lost Tieabi la Uwtaad. DtJBUK, Fov. 27. A proclamation of the ' Marquis of Londonderry, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, prohibiting the holding of an advertised national league meeting at Sligo tomorrow, has been posted throughout Sligo and has pro duced great excitement. .;; , , an, i i ; Fatairoa as stow Torfc. ).,..- JNsw koax, iMov. z. ureeaeAUo.'s cotton report on futures says: It has been a very quiet day, with more or less weakness throughout. No , one mani fested any special inclination to force trading, but the light indifferent demand from all quarters left the market with out support, and while a decline of fear lointe was fractionally covered in a few nstances, the close found the position without much strength. Most of the trading has been to settle up the deals for Saturday. Tao Weekly Baak BiaUaaoat. Nsw Yoax, Nov. 27. The weekly statement of the associated banks is as follows: Reserve decrease, 81,062,250: loans increase 82, 711, OUU; specie de crease, $1,155,700; legal .tenders in crease $308,700 ; deposits increase 861,000 ; circulation decrease $28,- 700. The banks now hold 88,867,000 in excess of the Zb per cent, rule, Total Tlalblo "apply mt Cottoa. Nsw York, November 27. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2,487,588 bales, of which 2,105,288 are American; against 2,420,019 and 2,149, 919 respectively last year; receipts at all interior towns 176.382; receipts from the plantations 309,162; crop in sight 2,943,978. : Blatant Satan. The unpleasant episode that occurred at Gen. Arthur's funeral last Monday, when, as it would now appear from the accounts given, Mr. Blame turned his back upon Senator George F. Edmunds, continues to be the engrossing topic of conversation in political and social cir cles. Very few persons can be found who will palliate Mr. Blaine's rude ness. Even those who are ready to eondone his action towards Mr. Ed munds as reprehensible The latest version of the episode is this: Mr. Edmunds was seated in the library on the sofa, talking with Mr. Charles E. Miller, who is one of Mr. Arthur's exe cutors, when Mr. Blaine, followed by Col. McMichael, entered. Mr. Blaine advanced well into the room before Senator Edmunds saw him. Col. Ms Michael at once perceived how embar rassing the position was, but said jovial ly: "There is hardly any us to intro duce you two gentlemen ?" Mr. Blaine had already sunken Lands with Mr. Miller. Senator Edmunds ad vanced with extended hand, at the same time saying: "Oh no, not at all." Mr. Blaine stared at him with a half insolent expression on his faoe, turned on his heel and walked from the room, leaving Senator Edmunds' hand out stretched in the air. Mr. Elmunds' faoe flushed, but he returned to the sofa and resumed his conversation with Mr. Miller. Mr. Blaine walked up stairs to the room where Gen. Arthurs body lay. He expressed regret to Col. McMichael that he should be compelled to resort to so deeided an act at snoh a time and under such oLroumstanoes. He then left the house. CURRENCY. "Papa," said little William Henry, "why do they call this boat a she?" "I suppose, my son, because she is attached to a buoy." Chicago Post. A oautious mind: MistroM (who has been asking about the christening) "And is it a boy or a girl, Bridget?" Bridget "Shure, mum, I don't know, but they've christened him Nora!" Life. Smithers "What do you do when you go home early in, the morning a trifle overcome and yonr wife meets you at the front door?'r Jobson "Do! I don't do anything. My wife can at tend to all that. I guess you don't know my wife, do yon!1? Pittsburg Dispatch. WaUi(Ua Kola. WAsniKOTon, D C , Nov. 27. It is stated at the treasury department that ttre now two dollar bills, silver cer tificates, will be ready for general dis tribution in limited quantities about the end of the week. It is estimated at the internal revenue bareaajthat the revenue from the lax on oleomargarine, which went into effect on the first inst , will amount to about $400,000 for the present month. Washimgtoh, D. C, Nov. 27, The president today appointed to be post masters Caroline A. xouogblood, Uhes ter, 8. 0., niece of N. T. Youngblood, deceased. N. R. Cooper, St. Angus- tine, Fla., vice W. W. Dewhurst, com mission expired. Sympathy for tao Aaarchiats. Paxis, Nov. 27. The municipal eonaoil of Paris has requested the United States minister McLane, to intercede rith the governor of Illinois in behalf of the eondemned anarchists of Chicago. Beidsville is so have a Are company aiato Mtlta alesu" ad aor moea MCraay GENERAL NEWS.: MORE RAILROAD ACCIDENTS THE OLD WORLD BEING SHAKEN. jrOBXIOir Atf AIB8--INTIEK8TINQ TLF ORPHIC IXUMS XB0M ALL PA&T8 Ot THB OOUNTBT. Kansas Citt,; Mo., Nov. 27. The Missouri Pacific passenger train due here, at 7 30 o'olock this morning, ool- lided with a freight train near Green wood, twenty miles east of this city; The engines were wrecked and the freight engine was hurled Upon the mail the mail car, crushing it and killing Elijah Magoffin, postal clerk. F. H. Beebe, another clerk, is in a dying con dition. The engineers and firemen saved themselves by j imping. None of the passengers are hart. The acci dent was caused by the blander of the telegraph operator at Geeenwood, who sent forward train No. 3 instead of Not 123. The track was cleared this after noon. ' MiMPHia, Nov. 27 The jail at Som erville, Fayette county, Tenn., about fifty miles east of Memphis, was de stroyed by fire early this morning. A prisoner named Lave, who was arrested for shooting a man, is said to have set the jail on fire. Nine prisoners eon fiaed were rescued and will be brought here for safe keeping. The structure was of brick and cost $20,000. Cartnaaakvo aaoolta ta tho 014 World- Comstamtwopiji, Nov. 27.Scvere shocks of earthquake were felt today in Smyrna, Teheome and the Island of Chios, Tfco Atlantic at Ohio railroad. Ltnodbobq, Nov. 27. A Bristol Tenn., special to the Advance says: The track laying on the South Atlantic & Olio railroad began yesterday. Work will be pushed forward to Cumberland Gsp as rapidly as possible Immense ooal and iron beds are found on the line of the road. Proposition from the Lsn don Investment Company has been re ceived to extend the road from Bristol to Statesville, N. C , which will take it through the immense fields of the mag netic iron belt. Investments in mineral and timber lands are being made daily by Northern capitalists. The Stock Creek Coal and Iron Company sold its property in Scott county yesterday to the Bailey Construction Company, of Boston, Mass. The price is not named. Vivacious Kate, as she is familiarly termed in the popular theatrical centres, is billed for Tucker Hall on the first of Deoember. Miss Castleton has won in the last few years a popularity squalled by few in her line of business. She is essentially a eomedtenne of that neat, modest, bnt vivacious stamp which we all so admire. She is heralded by the most flattering notices from the public and press in all the leading cities, more particularly .Boston, ot, Jjouis and Uin oinnati. Not much is a claimed for her piece "Creiv Patch," it being adver tised "for laughing purposes only," bat it has attained a great deal, of sno eess. This is its secoad season on the roads and it has covered the territory between New York, San Franoisoo and New Orleans. Her company is said to be of the highest standard, as it must be indeed to have weathered the critical tempers of so varied an audience. Miss Castleton's latest songs "The Spider and the Fly,' and tne "Wood young Man who Died," bid fair to become popular as her never to be forgotten "For Goodness sake Don't say I told Yea." Hoary Urgmt Mm Nxw Ycbx, Nov. 27. Henry George aanounoes that ho intends to start a newspaper about new year, to be called the Standard;"' to be about tho siso of the Irish World. It will be published in the interest of all who " work with hand or brain. Tk MaaSaaaUoaa so aa Uraaaoatod. Lonx, Nov. 27 The government has deeided to proaeoate the other na tionalist leaders next weak. : The troops in Ireland will be reinforced by at least 4,000 men. Slloooliaaooaa Tolo Mxmpuu, Nov. 27. The Memphis water-works were sold this forenoon to Bullock & Co., of New York, for $500,- 000. Ft. Moaxon, Va., Nov. 27 Lt. Pursell. of the signal corns, laid a new telegraph oable "between Cape Charles and Cape Henry today. Caaronoo Today. First Baptist church: Preaching at 11 a. ra. and 7.80 p. m., by &ev. J. L. White, pastor. Kdonton street MMnoaas enure: services at 11 a, m. and 7.S0p. m., by the jpaator, Bev. W, C Norman. Sunday school at 9M a. m. Second PresbyUltu charch, North Blount treoU Servios at lt a. m. Hunday school at 8:80 p. m. rerson street Jtewoaut cnuren: sunaay chool at 9.80 a. m. Preaehing at 11 a. m. and 80 p.m. by the petor, Bev. w. I Cun- alnggim. Public cordially Invited to attend all serrioes. Church of tne Good Shepherd: 11 a. m.. morning prayer and Holy Communion; 4 p. m., Sunday school ; T:80 p. m., evening jrim rreaoyterian unurca : sunaay senooi atS.80a-m. Services at 11a. m. and 7. to p. sa,, conducted by the Bev. Dr. J. B. Mack. Polite ushers will seat all who attend. Second Baptist church : Sunday school at 15 a. m. Preachiax by the pvto.. Key. Dr. W. Nelson, mt 11a. m. and 7 80 p. m. Christ church: First Sunday in Advent; morning prayer Ua. ra., evening prayer, fi p. m.; Sunday achool, 8-43 p. m. Patriot during the week, Tuesday (St. Andrew's d;, anl Friday 10 a.m. Wednesday tf p. m. MxssBS. W. H & R. 8 Tcokxb. are m axing great preparauons lor tne holiday business, and offar a stock of goods especially adapted to it Many of their departments, particularly tho Notion, White Goods and Handkerohief departments are fully stocked with very attractive lines of goods well suited to the season. Among the novelties is a very handsome display of Bia and Bronte- Ware in a great variety of arti cles, also Plush and Leather Goods, novel, varied and beautiful. In Por tiore and Curtain Draperies they are showing Gheneille, Turcoman, D librae and Madrass fiffeote; also large lines of decorative artioles in the way of mental valences, scarfs, table covers, o., &3 The Handkerchief display is also a most attractive one. aomDrisine a very laree offering of Silk Hankerohiefs, also Muf flers of every discretion and price. In Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs the as sortment is complete, embracing all the novelties in Embroidered, Initial and other popular styles, put up in the most attractive manner and admirably fitted for presents. The departments show of other goods a bewildering variety, and taken alto gether it is a stock in whioh all tastes and wants can be suited, and the Holi day trade be fully suoDlied. The de mand is commencing, and an early ex animation of the offering will well repay buyers. TOTW FOB CHUT JCSTICS. Stoaalt ar aaa SMSolal Otamt Siada T oraay. COUNTIES. a OQ n a fl Alimanee, Alexander, Alleghany Anson, Ashe, Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Bunoombe, Burke. Cabarrus, CaldweU, Camden, Carteret, Catawba, Caswell, Chowan, Cuerpkee, Chatham, Clay, Cleveland, Coiujibus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituok, Dare, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Durham, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Franklin, Gates, Gaston, Granville, Graham, Greene, Guilford, Harnett, Hdif. Haywood, Henderson, Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Jones, . Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, AC'-dism, Martin, MeDJWell, .Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Moutgomsry, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pamlico, Patquotank, Pender, Perqiimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Swain, Transylvania, , Tyrrell, Union, Vanoe, Wake, Wayne, Wanren, Washington, Watauga, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey, Totals, 1463 420 592 1239 1145 1552 1280 1267 716 1987 1032 1360 816 645 1188 1537 1183 604 422 1906 312 1913 1473 1205 2293 018 195 1935 791 1722 1301 1574 1974 1903 1028 1315 1806 271 1045 2038 998 1646 1117 697 604 812 1311 827 042 674 1474 713 831 8D7 1430 898 589. 839 1831 1401 1064 1357 1045 1298 657 775 S94 629 1179 2378 388 1885 1544 2277 1996 1507 1376 1950 830 981 1357 495 486 430 762 1065 3570 2362 1041 540 '577 1226 1877 889 674 d S H 0 m A a. 3 Pd 1204 263 190 862 789 1870 1287 844 2390 516 215 622 85 1553 807 475 1409 191 473 1544 1991 348. 1606 1023 732 1439 2938 2090 1948 664 262 2436 44 1069 1976 659 2779 686 718 672 848 1660 752 1366 216 199 231 141 4 928 1287 1537 1559 108 82 1087 938 969 172f 492 1460 2 9 1890 176 1282 1030 1188 1851 60 213 193 132 1601 4801 2079 868 663 1442 1295 1112 242 117428 84191 Buxton, republican, for associate j as tica, received 9. 888 votes, which must of coarse be taken from the above fig ures in order to get the proper demo cratic majority. V. fl. Luax, republican, for chief justioe, received 2.692 votes; W. P. Bjnum, republican. 1,428; Thos. S Ashe, democrat, for associate justice, 117 293; A. 8. Memmon, democrat, 117 311 ; J. W. Alhegtson, republican. 94,551; Y. 8. Loak, republican, 91 - 146; A E. Henderson, 1 ; John Man ning, democrat, 1, and W. D. Pruden, dem ,: 1. H. G. Connor, democrat, for superior court judge received 116,927 votes; Beoj. F. Bullock, Jr., republi can 93.94i- Benj. Bollock, republican 732; C. B Thomas 2; Walter Clark, democrat 1 17196;, Thoe P. Dovereux, republican 94.524; . T Bojkin, demo crat 117.052; W. B. O'B, Rahioson, republican 94,201; W. 0 B. Robinson, republican 473; W. J. Hontgemery, democrat 117.096; D. M Furehes, re publican 94.553; J, F. Graves, demo crat 117,022; A. E. Holton, republican 91,567;R P.Buxton,repubUean 21.0. Avery, democrat 116,980; Bowman, re publican 94,321; John Marsh, 145; Jno. G. Bynum 1; J. H. Merrimon, democrat 117.186; Perry A. Cammings, 94,638; Frank A, Cammings, 47. SQUOITOXS. First district Blount, democrat, 8,- 286; Sparrow 7,682. iUoont's jority 604. Second distriet White, colored, re publican, 10,584; Dunn, uesnaerst, 8, 639; Collins, oolored, republican. 2,100. White's majority 1,945: I Third distrisWoctsdsgtoa, demo crat, 11,184; Barnard, MpuUiosai, 7t 733. Worthiagaos,'. snajoritj 8V451 y Fourth district Thos M. Argo, re publican, 9.642; Swift Galloway 027. Argo's mjority 615. Fifth district -Stray horn , republican, 12.429; Long, democrat, 11,721. Stray horn's majority 708. 8ixth district Allen, demosrat, 10, 168. No opposition, j Sevcn'h district McNeill, demoorat, 12 716; Lyon, republican, 8,105. Mo Veill's majority 4,611. Eighth distriot Long, democrat, 9, 680. No opposition. 1 Ninth district Glenn, democrat, 9, 895 ; Tho Settle, Jr , republican, 10 691. Settle's majority 796. Tenth distriot Bower, democrat, 6, 923; No opposition. Eleventh distriot Osborne, demo orat, 11.289 J No opposition. Twelfth district Fersruson. demo crat, 5.591 ; Moody, republican, 7,617. mooays ma; mty a,UiO. Tn detnacratk maj'ority in the State, t appears from the oflSoial returns can vassed yesterday, is upwards of 23,000. This shows how baseless was the scare raised by those who followed republican eaiouiauons. will excuse usJ Ova friend of the Spirit of the South but we did not attribute the low price of provisions to the opera tion Of the tariff. j Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup has been before the public for year, and la prwnoDBCtd by thou sands superior to all other articles lor the cure of coughs, colds, influenzal and all pulmonary ompkints. 1 I used SaWation Oil for rheumatism In the fc t, and alter aereral spplicaUoos was entirely relieved of pain and eou'd walk, as well as ever. ANN R. WATKLN8, Baltimore, Md. Carpenters generally talk plane. 1 ; CAAPTAIS'B rOBTCHaTSDffiCOVUr. Opt. Coleman, aehr. Weymouth, plying be tween Atlantic City and N. Y., had been troubled with a oongh'ae that he waa unable to alee,, and was Induced to try Dr. King's Sew Discovery f Or Consumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but allayed the ex streme soreness tin his breast. Bis children were similarly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect. Dr. Kings New Dis covery is now the standard remedy In tho Coleman household and on board the schooner Sree Tria) Bottles ot thia Standard Bemedj at lDrucBtoros. When a woman "knits h brows" it is probably because she is ont of yarn iBfffaruifuiaa W I MII)IIE i VI iSZa ft M-OnMa.H mill O O. AaOj BrondiltJa, Waoofanc Oouaa. tocrptantOonanmn. atawna Frtrm met. Con l 9hm Gannln Arv BmWm tWk errP m anld onJr in mmMm muvimm, and bear ana lag unwind Trwtoliarka to Wlti ABnUt Hand a Cirel,ajied- Strfp Vmrntum-lMOtt, aaa IM fail alninantgnatnrniof Jokm w. BmU my A. a Urmtr y OK.Bota rropX BalUawra. Md, TKb. A. SALVATIOHOILw M.Tho Qraataat Core on Berth for Pain, Will relievo more quickly than any ether knowa remedy, i Rnonmntlam, Kecralgin, Swelling, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wouads, Headache. , Toothache, Sprain a. &c Sold by all Pntggiata. Prica5CenUaBottIe ' . ' ! ! CK CASSARD'S PURE LARD. WHAT A WEIL KIOWI CITHER 8 ATI A 10 VT iTl "Ms, B. H. W'ooDBXL: "Dear Sir I have now used Casaarl's Lard both winter and summer and it 1 as proven entirely satiatactoryj We had the offer of well known pure country lard and my wife advised the Continuance of Csssard's. I hearti ly congratulate you oa being the agent for such a prime aooessity of life. "Yours truly, Bav. W. J. Wi. OtOWDlB." Tvt sale by the following reliable Grocers : W. B. Kann A Co., W. Si. Newrom A Co E. J. Hardin. W. H. Ellis, J. R- Ferrall A Co W. C. Upchurch, A. W. Fraps, A. B. Stronaoh. i 6. Caosard d Son ! ' . BALTIMORE, KD. Carers of the Celebrated "Star Brand" Mil l Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. B. H. TV OODELL, Sales Agent. Edward Fasnach, Jeweler! aid Ojtiep BALE3QH, IS . 0. Gold and Silver Watches, American and Imported. . Seal and imitation Diamond Jew ' ' 'I -! dry. 18 karat Wedding aad Engagement I Kings, any atse and weight. Bterlmg Silver I ' Ware for Bridal Presents. Optica! Goods A BPECIAIaTT. Spoctaclas and lye-glasses la Gold, Silver i I msrOteol, Rubber aad Shell Traaaea. Lansea, white and ttntod, ta andtess varletiss. Baals for Lodgee, Corporations, etc. Also Badges aad Medals for Schools and Bociees aaado to ardor, j j Man orders promptly attended to. Goods seat on selection to any part of the State. sOldGoMandSuvorta small and large qnaotmso taaan as oaah. j dly. j

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