'ivi 1 ; ' . . - . . - . H- ' & . ' ; ! ! - o'jT,lv - ! ; : Vj j : j - : ; ' 1 ', ' : ? : . -. , ' -r h ' ! - . - - . . 1 . t n . - - ' I . " r " " f- i f ! H iRALETOHN. n TTTRSDAT MORNING, NOYEMBEE 30,1886 ! voil. xxvii. , 1 i RALEIGH. N. C., TUESDAY MORNING, NOYEMBElt 30, 1886 NO 156 - i -f. 1 1 -y-. Absolutely piiro ltM powder aever: Trte. A nurTtl iwliy, rtrength ltd wholBomne. Mor concmlc than rtUnary klndi aid eaanofbc old in ooBpetltion with tb mottftade at low twt. thert weight, lvm or phosphite pwdin ?olo otilr in cana. BotalBaxxm Powt a I e., 1C8 WU SJrttt, Nr York. ; oid by W C A A B 8lKwk 6or 1 t J R Frrl! & Do. f WO lla ft at BR0WW5 Mm4Ii lal 4 wMijraVer Km tu try ri rn r r bh ft ? . i i i - mm r THE; BEST TUHIC Thi rtkil ihfa Iron with pan eBUiU tnnioa, aad ia favataabte for Dbmm pacniiw to mod 11 who 1 (t tidgoUrr Iw, ItEs nlM. he and Pariflea tha BlMi, r-mm r U.. AMti If re in k-rin Met, tb oaaap tboroux liiv 1 m-wimmw- plaxioa, aodmacathi kiBaaSnlh. 1- doai aot bbwkaa th tooth, eaaa bwdacbA. or if Maar Jrwi apatioo- MlMai ao EutABRK Baibd, 74 Fuwd Af Mawan. aWBamaBdardatoo(Iaa.lKh.iffi4: - I hmaa4 Prom's Iroa Bittra.aad h haabiea thaa doctor to aM, hartnc aarvd mm at ti Mas mmms oava a uta. Aa cma aa of Lit- ar Oonpiaint. and bow bi eaBpUxion to eloar and poao. tua ajao oaaa Maaacau o av douacari. 1 MaaLlKma O. Bbaodow. Baat IakpoiC IT.lR, aya: I haaa aaCsrad antoid warnj tram Fantala Oandaa bMaboa Tiada Hark aad eraaadrMlHaaS mam -TaJaw athwr. hUdaonlrbt Mum mm imihiil vm auu.TttaLC. i HAfjKET STORli I "' aaaaaaaaB) ' "! 'fH' A TlCMO MAW KTIXa H BR0TH1R ' A WD THIS BL1W8 HI1 OWW BRA1WB OOT.j ConatittiUoii, 37th. .; ' i Bob Hill, the well known young law yer, j shot nil brother Tonj to, death yesterday afternoon about half put twelte o clock in their Bleeping apart ment, at 42J North Broad street, -and fie minute later took his own life with the same pistol. 4 The tragedy was the most ghaitly and horrible ever enacted in Atlanta Bob and Tony Hill were aa exten sively known as any two young men in Atlanta. They were the only bobs of the Hon. D. P Hill, and were born and raised in vthia State. They were both popular throughout the, oitr, and in less than ten minutes after Bob hd fired the fatal shots the tragedy was known all orer the oity, and great crowds were beseiging the building in whioh the bodies of the dead brothers were ljii g in pools of their life blood. The building in whioh the murder and ; suioide happened is a new two story briok on the west aide of North Brod street, near the junction of Broad, Peach tree and Luckie streets. Ia the front portion of the building ;are two rot-ma, and on the north aide re two more. The rear end of the build irg is divided into two rooms, aimilar to those in the fronts and it was in one of the rear rooms that the two brothers died, i One of the front rooms is ocoupied by Mamie Johnson or Mamie Baker, and the rear room next to the one occupied by the Hill brothers, is occupied by! K. B. Stanley. ; Soon after twelve o'olook E. B. 8t Ji ley we,nt to his room, and in a short timet walked out nd across Peaohtree street. He was gene a few minutes only but during that time four pistol shots were fired in rapid suoecsdv-n. The) woman, who was alone on the fl or, opened her door after the shott ing ceased and looked out into the hall way She felt cestain that the shoot ing had occurred in the Hill brothers' ro)m, and after waiting a second or two stepped out. into the hallway. Just then Mr. Stanley came up the a toy s, followed by a boy with his dinner, in I as he reached the top step the woifc to iitfi i "Mr. Stanley, the Hill boys are shooting at eaoh other again. I ha-e counted five shots just a minute ago " iusi uen anotner anot rang out' xn ANOTHER JDMP. A WOULD-BE 8UI01DE THIS TIME : MAKES THE FCOL-HABDY LEAP FBOM BBOOK- LYN BBLDGE I EM FAILS TO CAKST CUT HIS PUXP081, ma haulbs out or thb watu A LI VI AID KICKDIO A U. S. SUrRBMB OOBT DICI8I0W T0UCHIK0 THB BIGHT OF A N0B.TH CAB0- ' LINA C0UHTT 0THBB MaWB BY WIBB. Nbw Yobs, Not. 29 A brewery wagon started from the JNew xorJE en trance at 1:40 p. m. to go orer the big bridge to Brooklyn. After the wagon passed the New York pier of the bridge, a policeman noticed something resem bling a bundle of ooats in the end of the waeon. This bvndle assumed an up right ppeition and turned out to be a man. The man jumped lightly from the ehiole to the roadway, mounted the iron girder that encloses it and without hesitating a moment leaped off. The officer was the only one who had seen the leap. Ho rushed into the roadway and ordered the driver to atop. The driver was surprised at the order and demanded explanation. On 'being in formed, it was evident from his astonish ment that he was ignorant of the matter. The name of the man who made the leap is Win. Kuiz. The Captain of a lighter steamed out and picked him up. When picked up he waa frothing at the mouth and was too exhausted to speak. When the lighter reaohed the wharf. Kuri was placed in an express wagon and taken to the nearest police station, and from there to Chambers' street hospital. At the station he was able to talx. He told the officer in charge that he wanted to commit suioide. ; He com plained of a pain in his side and head aftd began to rave. At the hospital he was found to be suffering from a shock of ooneussion. It is thought that he will recover. When asked his reason for the jnmp, he replied. "I wish I was dead." .That KlaartrU. --- Cdoaooc Not. 29.-The gantl who are trying1 to orgaoiaTe a Knight of Labor eo-epenUive packing eempasy appear te be having ) a' hard time of it rrom OUtSiao uubhh wu oppuaiuon.' The leading men in the yards faver the; scheme and hare offered 4 pay for their share of the stock at wnoa, but so far not ntoney has been paid ' irrte the ootnmis-j sion for inoorporetien. The feeling! comes from antagonistic rsoaiadiBtio ele-j menfs, who are not in the trade hem-i selves and who think it will havo a bad effect ' At a meeting of the English speaking socialists yesterday, Morgan, one of the principal opponents of the oo-operative ' scheme, read a paper on the subjeot. lie held that the scheme should be opposed,as it would benefit, if suooessfulbutfew men the stockhold ers. In due tune they would acquire some.wealth.and.thus adopt monopolists tendencies. The acneme was simply a co-operation of individuals in a corpor ation to gain money, and when these men became wealthy or got any money, they would lose their interest in wage workers and thus be a bar to universal oo-operation. Again the scheme was not feasible, as the wealthy paoxers would crush them out by selling at lower figures than they could possibly afford, and with the selfish nature of man, public wage-workers included, would bnf where it oonld get meat cheapest. The chairman called for a debate upon the question, unjy one man poke for it. aV Ammmr CatallaUt toe Major. Bcbtoh, Not. 29. Geo. E McNeill has manifested his readiness t6 stand as labor candidate for mayor of Boston. Seven thousand signatures to the peti tion asking him to be a candidate nave been obtained. WMblngton coainty, X. C, va. Edward Mtiunfar. Wasthmotoit, Not. 29. A decision was t endered by the United States Su preme Uourt today in the municipal bond case of the board of commissioners the room, and instantly a dull haavy ?fho eJ$ of Washiagton, N. C, vs. THEGBIAT BABGAlN STORK OP BALEIGH. I - . I I a If P-opK they wei I how much credit eost them i , : : i aot be sacking BIor it is common- bbm that the merchant wjio brtys foods a eredtt and sella them oa credit an rat aell us I : f. Ml t (oods higker to eorar his losaei, larecub ' - p 1 " : ''. Unes of merehandiM theraare rthree dlattaet I ! ' m tmatscbarxwdupmnd oa each one there Is aa ! i xtraper cent laid, to eorar credit. You count tea Uem aad Jon have at thlaBt estiauU M per you must pay Co cover the losses vatwhkb; ey xaea wo aever pay, r. OCBt r oa eacfcei Tali the ooasumcr has to pat. (It all aomea out; of the'hard- cWaeddoBaraol the labortag people If yen borrow aion7 from the baaki r. at S per Cent you think rU very high, yet. youi will buy your raods oa Credit and pay M per oent more for them thia you ought to pay, and, yon Win I i ; aever wink your eye at tt Thia credit takes l t : " X -: ' from the tvodueen of thai eomntrr one-hsli they make. Now how do you Ijfce the ajatemf Come to tao Backet Etore.aiid bray your gfoda. - i ' i ' The Backet Store has all the advantages, from I 1" : i. having buyers alwaya la the New York mar- 1 I t ' ket, with $aah la hand, who bay from bonjee which arl conpeUed to take their ofirttor - II: H these goods. It la the power of the aimlghtv i ' II ' : . dollar cutting Its wy through 'he centre of tltrui which enables ua to ioffei roods at than they', can be made j lor aU hundred of 1 . 4. ' t 'i'i eisea. The Backet Store is aatisfied with small piofiU aad we ihall make our bargains make 1 i ' -- our business. ' Now oome to ihe Backet Stor" lr t and buy your good and Save. Irour money. jar was leit Dy the m-.n, ana .woman in the hallway, just suoh a jir as a falling body would make. . i ' ( Both persons were considerably agi tated, and Mr. Stanley directed the boy to pnt his dinner down and go for an officer. The boy hurried out and a block away enoountered Patrolmen Gr Tey and Woo Uen. The officers hasten ed to the building, and as they ascend ed the stairway one of them asked: 'What's the trouble?" 'I don't know," answered Mr. SUa leyj bnt some one has fired five shot in that room back there, and I jrou'-J not be surprised if some one has bec huri" I i Patrolman Garvey hastened to the door, and turning the knob, pushed.b'it the door would not giro. The effikrs pushed it open and lo ked into ;the room. They eould see tothiag except a bat upon the flo r. The hat appeared to be upon the head of a man lying fl vt a BBta a a w a a upon his back. The tmcers took lb s in at a glance, and stepping into Ithe room, looked behind the door. A sight that fairly frrse the blood in their veins met their gaie and almost sent them reeling from the room Upon the flier at thei$ feet they dis covered Tony Hill lying fl -.t upon! his back. His face was smeared with blood and his hands dyed the some red color His head was just behind the door and his feet neat the eorner of the room.' He was fully dressed, his hat even being upon his head. Across his feet was lying his brother Bob flat upon his back, too The right aide of Bob's face wss. cover ed with blood while a stream waa trick ling from a wound above the right ear. His hands were dyed in blood. One foot was upon the floor and the other on the edge of the bed. He was without his coat, shoes and socks, and presented the appearance of a man just retiring or just getting up. Near his right hand upon the floor was a large thirty-six calibre self acting pistol, from the mussle of whioh smoke seemed to be coming whiLa the room was yet full. THB SaUIA Of BURHXS aUWPOWSBi, The spectacle was a horrible one A glance showed the officers that Tony was stone dead, but Bob appeared to be breathing. ) Bob's eyelids quivered onoe of twice, a heavy breath or two was drawn, the last one ending in a soft eigh or groan and then the chest settled down to move no more. He was dead.. A jury of inquest was quickly organized and an investigation begun. Every possible ettort was made to ascertain the manner of death of eaoh one, but nothing abao lntelv Dositive oonld be asot rtained; Dr. Westmoreland and DrV Bering both as serted that they believed that Bob had shot Tony and then shot himself. They were induoed to believe this from the location of the wounds and the direction the balls had taken. The jury, after securing all available Edward Sallinger. This ease invokes the validity of certain 'bonds issued by the county of Washington for the pur chase of a court-house. ; The decision of the United States circuit oourt sustain ing the Talidity of the bonds is affirmed. Opinion by Chief Justice Waite. j- The Secretary of the Navy today ac cepted the bids for the construction of the new cruisers and gunboats. Death mt m PnMnlaant Ptowalelaa. Dr. Eugene Grissom, President of the association of American institutions for the insane, received the following tele gram yesterday : Utica, N. Y., Not. 29, 1886. Dr. Eugene Grissom, Raleigh, N. C : My father, Dr. John P. Gray, died this afternoon. Funeral Thursday at 2 o'olook. Johw P. Gray, Jb To which, Dr. Grissom replied : Bamigh, N. 0., Nov. 29, 1886. Dr. John P. Gray, Jr Utioa, N. Y. : Aooept my' deep sympathy in your bereavement. The friends of the insane throughout the civilised world will share your sorrow in this loss to hu manity. Euexn Gbissom. Dr. uray waa aupenatendent of the New York lunatic asylum, and was Erobably the most distinguished alienist i the United States. FOREIGN NEWS,; AN ANAB0HI3T WIFE 8TRAN GLER MINERS BREWING TROUBLE, : Oar Krflirara la tmm Bfaaatalai Cor. of the News and Observer. Johnsoh City. Washikoton Coubtt, Tbsv , Not. 20, 1886 rraHT BBuwaav bitil totws iw Dakota ' -TBBX)DtB ALtiBllAS's TSIAL , tUBB TBliOKAPBJO'blsrATOHBa. A Prlaf aar She Daad. St. Louis, Not. 29. -A special from Burlington Junction, Mo., says: Deputy Sheriff Nelsom. of Union Star. Mo.. Saturday . and aucoceded in arresting :: Ya a . a . a i uames .Doyie, wdo stole three horses in this tioinity lately and started on his way with him to Marytille, where he intended to plaee him in jail. At Mait- a, a .a ..-. tana ne receivea a telegram that there was a erowd in waiting to lynch the prisoner, so he ooneluded to bring his prisoner to this plaee. They got eff the train about two miles from the sta tion and were walking to the jail when the prisoner made a break for liberty. lie waa called upon to halt, but he per- i?a aitj a - sistea m meat, anu tne ueputy drew I revolver and shot him through the brain. killing him instantly. Upon his person were found letters which go to prove ihat there is an organised band of norse thieves operating in northwest Missouri aid southern Iowa. 'or Iroabla Vtltatn BIlBra. . PiTTgBcEO, Pa , Not. 29 The secre tary of assembly No. 80, Knights of Labor, comprising the miners of the Moncngehefa and Youghiogheny river? , tits addressed a letter to the coal opera tors requesting an advance in wages, giv ing them until December 2d to reply. If no answer is received ; a ocnvLiion will be called for the purprse of taking final action. There arc 7.000 miners in the four polls whioh comprise the district, The operators are willing to confer with them but say the market will not justify higher wages. A joint eonven of miners belonging to the Knights of .Labor and members of the miners asso ciation will be held at Seottdale, Dec. tne 4in, to ' aeciae upon united ac tion in the event of a strike in the Connellsville coke region. -Fataraa at Haw TorBu nnr iou, rtoy. iy. ureene & uo. s cotton report on futures says: It has been a sloppy fort of market and with out guiding features, operators gener ally appearing perplexed and awaiting new developments. A small gain on the near montha was due solely to local manipulations in an effort to put con tracts forward, and the demand along the entire line was extremely moderate and iadiffcrerlt, with the close dull. Apaalat., Col. L. L. Polk, editor of the Pro- Sessive r armer, wul address tne men at the following timet and plaees : Wake iforest Uollege, Saturday, De- oember 4. Henderson, Vanoe oounty, Monday, December 6. Wilton, Granville county, Tuesday. December 7. Merry Oaks, Chatham oounty, Wed nesday, December 8. rocket, Moore oounty.Thursday, De cember 9. Lillirgton, Harnett county, Friday, Deoember 10. Topics relating to the industrial and educational interests of the State will be discussed. Everybody invited. Bblobadb, Nov. 29. During the past week : there have been, fifty eases of cholera and ten deaths from the disease in the infantry barracks here Constantiboplb, Not. 29. It is stated that Gen. Kaulbars presented to the Sultan a oopy of the report on Bul garian affairs prepared by him for the Csar, and that the 8ultan requested him to convey to the Csar the wannest as surance of his regard and friendship. Bbohabbst, Not. 29 At a meeting here yesterday of the fugitive members of the Bulgcriaa revolutionist party headed by M. Z vnkoff. ; it was decided that a new rebellion should be attemp ted in Bulgaria! The meeting was held at the hotel Kiradisat and was partici pated in by M. Sohapotkin, the Russian oonsul at Rustchuk. Among the Ztu keffites present were M. M. Bender t ff Gru) ff and other officers who have been dismissed from the Bulgarian service because of their - connection with the rcoent uprisings M. Sohapotkin prom ised that the Russian oonsul at Bucha rest would afford the plotters protection in the event of a failure of their under taking. Londos, Not. 29. The Standard op poses the early summoning of pirl la in nt for the ourpose of discussing the ohanges in the rules of procedure. It says the discussion would occupy almost the whole of the session and declares that there are many measures awaiting action ' which deserve precedence int against which no obstruction is like!) to be practiced. Under the circum stances," the Standard says, "to call parliament a month earlier than usual and appropriate the private members' days at the beginning of the session aould be an act of unprecedented rigor and of more than doubtful generalship." Aa Aaareblat Wlfa Straag-la)r. Rbasiwo. Pa., Nov. 29. An investi gation today of the house of Frank Kerner, who choked his wife to death and then set the building on fire to de stroy the evidence of hts crime, shows that he had .also made preparations to blow it up by running a fuse from ihe upper fl or into a keg of powder below His intention was evidently to blow himself and the entire family up, be--eause, si he says, "God had commanded I him to do it." Kerner has made a full eonfession, detailing how he strangled his wife, then dragged, her up stairs to bed, poured coal oil over the bed, and set it on fire. He is an anarchist in bis ideas. fata (r-EIact a. AV. tJi-aa-ary Baa. M. R. Gregory, Esq.; one of the State senators-elect from ihe first dis trict died last week. The Governor has ordered a special election for January 6th, 1887. to nil the vacancy, and has ordered the sheriffs of the respective ooanties of the district to make proper notifications. The counties composing the district are : Uumtuox, Camden, Pafquotank, Hertford, Gates, Chowan and Perquimans. Warta Taalr Wat vat ii Cor. of the News and Observer. Niw Yoik, Not. 27, 1886 There has recently settled in your oity a gentleman of great worth to the State of North Carolina and the South. have' reference to Frank ! W. Clark, general passenger agent of the 8eaboard Air Line railway. He is appreciated by those who know him personally for his genia, whole-souled qualities. Omoial ly, as general passenger and freight agent of the great seaboard Air Lone, he ia exerting an influence whioh is not i i i .i ? . oniy ueveiopmg me rauroaus ne is eon neoted with, but also the sections through whioh they run, and indirectly the whole State and the South. The maimer in which he has aided the immi gration department of North Carolina, in settling new people, new industries, new towns along his line, shows him to be a gentleman of broad and patriotio conceptions, wise plans ; and untiring Serseverance. ouoh men as he' and ohn T. Patrick are worth their weight in gold to your state and the South. IN a mux m. Sbhiao Thisw ek we thall offer some great barg lnv j Bi arlaa iMaaatar. . Dbtboit, Nov. 29. A special to the Evening Journal from Ludington say testimony, oonoiuded that Bob HiU had I Lndinirton and when off Paihi. should make every user of the soothing gonvtohis room during the morning :n.g.bi1 ,he hoisted a flixrat halfmaat I nareotio careful as to what brands and The Point-au-Sable life boat went Mew AaWertlaamaaU. Une artioie tnat is almost as univer sally used as food is tobaooo, and like almost everything else, now a-days muoh of it is adulterated. This fact in OenV;Foya aad chhdrena' ct ; also in Dents' clothing of all nam. Tnpie iiyer plave oa steel knives sal; torka w rib f-fto t 1.76. i ' ' ' ' i i Great Jib In GenU,f Ladies' and XlsW Gum She -a. Persona wishing such good will ave money by purchasiag from uu Bespectaouy submitted t the ch trade Bl7' VOLNE F PUBSELL CO., .NeflO ILltartiB SL aad laid down after parUaliy0 uu dresaing. Tony came in later; and both being under the influeue of liqu r, a quarrel ensued. One of? hem got the pistol out of the boot-ease where it was kept, probably Bob, and a tussle ensued. In the difficulty- Bob fired the shots which killed Tony, and when he saw that his brother was dead, placed the mosaic of the pistol near his temple and pulled the trigger. out. but when fifty yards cut the flag went to the mast-head. The life boat attempted to turn and was caps' aid. The crew clung to the boat whioh did not regain : an upright posi tion, but drifted ashore. Three of the erew lost their lives. , Capt Flynn and Orrin Hatch died from exposure. John Smith waa caught under ; the boat and drowned. manufacture of tobacco he 'patronises and in an investigation of the various brands now in the market, theBlacknal Bros, brands of Kittrell, N 0., should not be overlooked.' The Maieppa chewing tobacco and "Clear the Track' smoking tobaooo, manufactured by the firm, have proTen to be fragrant, re freahinc and cure, and are hLrhlv com mended by connoisseurs in all parts of the country. Chicago. Not. 29. A special to the Tunes from Jfargo, Dakota, says: At a late election the town of La Moure se cured a small majority in favor of re moving the county seat from its location at the rival town of Grand Rapids to La Moure. A few nights later, in pursu ance of the usual practice in suoh oases. the La Mourettes went to , capture the eountr records by force. They found the oourt house in possession of the sheriff and a posse of twenty armed men, but later these fled before the neree as sault, and the doors were beaten down and the records captured. This was done knowing tlfat United 8tates Judge Francis, of Jthat district, had granted an injunction restraining the removal, which had not been served. It is learned Sow that Judge Franbia regards the La mr .. . . L 1 mourettes as in contempt ui court ana rives them ten davs to get the records back to Grand Rapids, nd purge uem selves of the contempt He refuses to hear their attorneys. I It is one of the bitterest of the oounty seat fight J, for whioh Dakota is noted, and there is danger of further violenoe. I . m Tha Boadla Aldaraaaa Trial ; New Yobx, Not. 29. The second trial of Arthur J. MeQuade,ex-aldermar, for being offered a bribe in considera tion of his vote on the Broadway Sur face railroad, was fixed to begin today. When the mass of eager people went hurrving up the stairs of the oourt of gen eral sessions they found before the doors of part one a bar with a sliding gate Behind this ao one Was admitted except the oounty offioers, jurors, reporters and the accused with h)B counsel. Mcyaade talked pleasantly with his counsel, among whom was Richard Newoombe, despite the fact that he had withdrawn from the case. District Attorney Mar- tine, with his assistants. Col. Fellows and Delaney Niooll were on hand early Reoorder Smythe opened oourt at 11 15 a. m. Dlad, In this city, on the 29th inst. at 6:40 p. m., Airs, uatneriae wnson tacintosn, after a short illness. A faithful wife, loving mother and a devoted Christian is at rest. The fun sral will take place from the First Presbyterian church this afternoon at 4 o'clock) Leas thin half a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cured me of a sever bronchial affec tion. H. 8. HODiOK, M Hanover St., Baltimore, Md. Don't If a dealer offers you a bottle of Saltation Oil without labels or wrappers, or in a mutilated or defaced packaft-e.. don touch it .don't buy it at any pr oe t nsist upon getting a perfect, unbroken, genuine, pack age. P rioa , zd cents a Dottle. A Piabto, with all the latest improve ments, grand scale; I full iron frame, patented agranhe. French full action at 4225 1 Bv all means write for cata logue. Address J. L. 8tone, Ralegh, N. C. f Queen Victoria has nw thirty liv . i i 1 1 t ing graannnnaraa. . me out of her sleep-swollen eyt. "Here we are at last." I eried, when the brakeman shouted ? MorristoWn." We Went to tha hotel as tired a party of travelers aa is often met, and gathered Not many days since, while we three I round- the glowing stove. After an ire luxuriating at Kittrell and enjoy-1 hour'i i waiting the message came thai the train wai two hours late. Had we knowt it sooner the ' ladies could hare retired. Now it would not pay; so tha weary waiting continued until after daylight when the train eame. A ride through a country so beautiful that if was a rest to us all to look out upon it ended at this oity, where we have been getting ready for our journey. Our oourse will be nearly amy norta. When we leave here we shall head for Moeeaaon gap, some thirty miles away, passing through a rolling country. After that we have mountains ana val leys in oontinual suooession. It is prob ably the wildest and least known section ia the United 8tates. Inhabitants are few and far between. From what the surveying engineers tell us I judge thai WO snail una tne living ox tne piaiaea and simplest description. We hare many streams to ford, many steep moun tain paths to climb, jriny mues or more we must taxe to our aaaaies. Blankets and pine boughs will be our most luxurious beds. The ladies are delighted, with the prospect of three wee ks oi aa ventur e ana possiDie pern. not he well to get some inkets for the juveniles T" asked Helen. Betsey took to that sug gestion at once. -The dear little bar barians," Ihe exclaimed, ' I don't sup- ever saw a string of glass eir lives, or any Brummagem nose thev beads u the jewelry. Come, Helen, we'll see what the town affords.'? Off they went, and eme back! after a time with their reti- eules filled with small packages. I hear them chattine in i the next room . and planning j merrily; for the morrow. What the result of this rashness of my impetuous Betsey may be you will know later when you hear from Was THAU. CAA1TA1XB rOBTUKATBDIBOOTBBT. Capt, Coleman, echr. Weymouth, plying be tween Atlantic City and N. Y had been troubled with a eough'se that he was unable to sleep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It not oaly gave him tastant relief, but allayed the ex- Btreme soreness in his breast. His children were similarly affected and a single dose baa the same happy effect; Dr. King's Sew Dis covery la now the standard remedy m tne Coleman household aad on board the schooner Tree Trial Bottles of: this Standard Bemedy a a ll Drag Stores. , j The offiee of the BtatesTillo American is for sale. j were bg to the full the delightful society of that famous hostelry, (to cay nothing efj the creature comfort Col. Davis pro-; Tides for his guests) a business letter arrived summoning me to join a party at this place for a tour over the proposed route of the Charleston, Cincinnati and Chiosgo railroad from henoe to the Ohio river .y I had engaged long ago to make the xrip, but the season was so tar ad vanced that I supposed it had been post poned until next spring. Go I must. but it was hard lines to break in upon the grateful repose that was to have as ted until New Year s, and th n the disappointment of Betsey and Helen I, However, the thing had to be done," ao With a well oonoealed but timid shrink ing from the unavoidable, and with a bold front, in the most matter-of-course way, I told my womankind that I must eave them for a month to make a horse- b ack journey through East Tennessee, the western point of Virginia and the eastern counties of Kentucky. Of oourse made light of it "a rather rough put very agreeable trip, they might be sure, uetsey did not see it What. go off and leave us among all these gen- Wpuld i tiemen and you riding among those beads and mountains with a lot of men that will get you into trouble as sure aa you are bore 1 I will never, never eonsent. If you must go you must take us with you." Thus spake my Betsey, the spple of my eye and the pride of my life I had not cxpteted her to take that position, for my little woman is a timid soul, a nestler, so to speak, and the idea of her volunteering for a rough and tumbk journey in cold weather had never entered my thoughts. But then Betaey is cut somewhat after the Mrs. Mioawber pattern, and she has often Towed, like. her estimable original, that she "never, never would desert" me, and this time there was a quiet de termination that meant much. "Hut, my dear, said i, "consider Helen. uow could that dehoate young woman e a dure the hardships of thia jaunt ? We must go muoh of the 400 miles in the saddle. We shall have 'hail and rain, snow and vapor, wind and storm' ; wc shall find shelter under lodges of pine boughs, in log cabins where every one sleeps in the sole room the hous j af fords ; in fret it will be that or al fresco dgirg nearly all the 400 miles." Nothing daunted, howeTer, my worthy spouse exclaimed: -How de lightful I J ust what Helen and I were 1 a - WW a wuning lor oniy yesteraay. iou noea not make any more objections, but ar range taatake us along." Alas I . What can Tain man do when his better half is determined, exeept to aeoept and make the best of the in e vita bie. As on many past ooeasith", so now l yielded, gracefully 1 am sure, but at the same time let fly one Parthian arrow to show that I was 01 muter. 'M dear," said I in an aside, "we will all go. Nothing prevented me from ecn- sentirg at the outset exoept considera tion for the eomfort of yourself and Helen, and the reoollcetion that you had determined that our wealthy young Nimrod should fall in love with and marry her." Now Betsey is a natural -L St .i J .v. Tk: iuaMiu-iuajaor. bus tvuiu tivv uic uim- . mond Match Company odds and beat T0 nntl'fi M.IHHI fiYIHfD , l- . k..: T- I aa Hwwi wj vvvvii vauvs . t uai uivuuyvij mm amp w w u wimuicdo. m. would be a sacrifice for her to abandon the neat game in which she expected, after a few moves, (jaeen Helen to cap ture Knight Nimrod. "Don't trouble yourself about that affair, she rr plied. "When Helen is away he will mies her, think about her. and long for her. and his passion will it crease during her ab sence to suoh a degree that when we come baok he will declare himself." mm. a air .Reasoning further was useless, w e packed our trunks, left them stored at the hotel, and with oomfjr table winter garments covering light hearts wc started for the mountains. Betsey has always been a firm be- l!aa awa tVa rSf ww awn i r ww-mai AAV T V AM mSlAW VM IM I . U-I mi f When it was decided to go, she bor- lifT"" - f roweu inai esteemed paper irom voi. Davis to look at the time table of the Western North Carbine road. She found there were two passenger trains scheduled, and promptly decided we would take that one announced to leave Salisbury just after midnight. She thought a nice rest in the Pulimtn would enable us to e pj the sunrise at Asheville. But when Salisbury wm reached after the ride from Raleigh, and the tedious, utterly unnecessary wait ing in the over-heated and over-crowded station at Greensboro, and we found there would be no train until next day, Betsey expressed her indignation at the newspapers. It was only after she became satisfied that it' was thn fault ofthe railroad's advertising agent, and not of her favorite jiurnal, that she changed the subject. A bright, sunny morning and a good breakfast at the Mount Yernon relieved the strain of disappointment and the rile through the Unaka was enjoyed by all. Then eame fresh trouble. We changed .ears for Norristown, with the proepedt before m of waiting two hours at the hotel there "Ha fllaafi Cara aa h fw Ma. WtfiiM m , Cara aa Eh trm VmttL wtit nunBmiaoiTBU--Tolartjii m nralirla Swaffiliai. BUS , BroiM. Bona, BefOda, Cats Ltmba r nwniT, aoraa. na ataa, Backaotta. Onlanr.Sara Tkroat. Bciatioa. WooixK Haariacha, TooUack Bptmiak ata Fttoe Wats, a brtttaTSold hw ail MrojMa C-MltJoTu Tha gma-l nlnmBalwrntUm Oil han oavi raclat-rait Ti-da-Marii, aad our userar m w, kBina atpiatua. A. O. JCerar Ed: Jeweler - i . I J ! ward Fasfflch;;i I ,-. i ...7- ...: I fm f t,i"-nx mmwm i RALEIGH, 1 For the core of Coogbs, Colds, Hoarte a sesa, Croup, Asthma, Broochitir Whooping Cough, Indpiert CotH mptton, and for the relief of caa emnptire persona la advanced stagea 0 of the Disease. For Sale by all Dims a ajati. Price, as centa. t -iA C ASSARTS PURE LARD. WHAT A Will UIWI CITIIEI SATS I ISIt ITl "Hb. B. H. WoodbIx: - i : v .i "Dear Sir I have now used Cassard?a Lard both winter and summer and it aa nroven entire! t satisfactory. We had tha offer of wall known pure country lard aad my wife advised the continuance oi cassara'S. Jeam- ' Bbv. W. J. W. CBOWD1B." For sale by the foUowlag illaifehceVs': W. B. Maan Co., i W. B. Newvom ' Co S. J. Hardin. j W.B. Mhw ) i'.-r-.a J. K. remit A Co : W. C. Uphurch,. A.W.Fraps, A, B. etrotaach. 6. Cassard iSs Son BAXTIMOBB, MD. " -J Curers i of the Celebrated "Starl BJ&Bd'.' Mild Cured Hams and Breakfast 3acoh. ; B. H. wboDILI Sales WO, ( s , ei "rujo.-m mi mo-Si Gold and Silver Watches, i1caja.aB Beal and Imitation BUatax ,Jew. karat WeddlnT. Imported. elry. IS ".fftt tedei"2. d weight; feaiTat nessee train for another two hours' ride to this plaee. Helen did not mind it, for the night was clear, tho sky cloud less, and the stars shone with drilling brillianoy. She sat at the window and watched the silent procession of tho constellations with thoughtful earnest ness. Onoe she called our attention to a biasing meteor of great sias and bril lianoy that sailed majeatieaily acros the heavens, but exoept that onoe, aho said nothing. My spouse slept peacefully in her eorner, exoent when the train gavi some awkward bump, when she would ait bolt upright and look reproachfully at Wars lor Bridal Presents, odi -r-oas'T-iMca lu q.cdifid . . . . Spectacles and be-glaasai teTQoJO,1 Bnv Optical ;P.pM?s I BteeL Bibber and Badacaa aad Medals foT H&ehoolr aad" fkxiaaa aaade to order. ! a ijuaji ooat-tu t Mafl etdem prompafaaeiiL to.i epaaa seat aa aaweaoa to any pan auif bum. Old sold aaa Buvar na 'Mtfrii say Shell V faaatttlss 1. j a iiann due r-v-' - ,5

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