: i -i ! " 1 V .News n AND ERVEK, it- OL. XXVII. 4- RALEIGH. N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1886. KO 57 Absolutely Pur fa.. oewder Bever varies. A mar's rvrUy, strength u d wholeeomeaeea. f Mow oononrical than ordinary kinds and easenot b eld tn competition wttsrth multitude ibf tow test, shert weight, alum or pbophae powders eoltf only la can, Botjx Basxsv Fjbwon 1 e, 108 Wall Street, Few York. ? i I r Sold b; W C 1 1 B SVoaach. Gere T ni a1 J R f wrrfc'i Oo J . 1 Si f Wfl IP mm n n b& hbup :m m ii ii isj iki ra ii ui t liJS 11 M sna a I UUI lUIIIU. if This medtarnie, combining Iron Wltk pare vegetable tonics, quickly ud completely Ptv aa 9otunOUu ft. Itjsan unflUBiy remedy for laaeaaas of tne It Is lnvatable for Diseases peculiar to Wwi! and all who lead sedentary Uafc Ildoes Dot intara the teeth, euMhedch,or produce constipation outer mm oow It iHUitud ywUei U ild, stimulate the appetite, elds tbe sarin latioq of food, relieves Heartburn and Eelcbiig, and strengtbena tne muscles and nerres MlatanttttMt Wears. La , eta it ha do 031110. T The jreimtae haa abort trade mark and eiosssa redllnss oa wrapper. Take no other. eaowaewfesnscc-tlBa BACKET STORE. . H - I i . i 1 ! ... S : - i; i ; n -i THE QEKAT BAEQAIN BTOHB Of BALKiaH NEWS OBSERRVATI0N3. ; About two jean ago James Gleaeor, fit New Haven, reeeired word that he had fallen heir to an estate in Ireland. Ho went orer to take possession, was shipwrecked on the voyage, escaped, reached Ii eland, but failed to obtain his fortune. Ho returned home and re oentlj died. A few dajs after his death news came that tho money was on its way to New Haven. Military cmpaniea all over the United States aro taking great interest in the national drill whioh it is proposed to hold in Washington next May. One hniulrtd and nine separate organisa tions, representing twenty-soven States, nave signified their intention of enter ing. , Oitiiens of Washington have sub scribed $50,000 for pr'us to be eon tested for. ; -f One of the premillennial cranks Who held a eonferenee in Chicago last week ha figured oat that the final world erash will eome between 1890 and 1900. He J(Mes his prediotion on the growth of anarchy and socialism, and thinks that Janrope is about to be convulsed in wars. I His anti-Christ is Prinoe Jerome Napoleon, whose eharteristics are said to correspond with those of the great ten-horned beast of Revelations. The prinoe! is to become the most powerful ruler bat ever lived. He is to imper sonate 8atan's cunning and' brilliancy until all men shall worship him as the true Qoi. Then Christ will come and thrust Jerome into the bottomless pit -As little James Theos Munds, a five-year-old Wilmington, N, C. boy, was; passing through Madison Square a few days since, says "Southerner" in the N.s Y. World, he was shown George A CLASH. THE KNIGHTS OF LABOR COME TO A TUG OU WAR. AVOTHBK MItS IT&ISS BLIZZIKDS IH THJ KOB.THWB8T PRniSBNT CL1TKLAKD OTTWaXL OTH1R HIWS. Chicago, Deo. 1 A joint meeting of the Knights of Labor, distriet assem blies 24 and 57, which have a member ship of about 60.000. and include all the Knights in this city and county, was held last night to take action eon- oerning the trial and sentence of the condemned anarchists. The district as sembly recently passed resolutions on the subject and asked No. 57 to endorse them.: The latter today decided that the abject wa of euoh importance that a joint session of both assemblies should be held, at which all the Knights of .Labor of Cook county should be represented. About 400 Knights were present and the following declaration of their atti tude on the verdict was agreed to with only a few dissenting voioesj "We be lieve that the verdiot in the recent trial condemning seven men to death and sen tencing one to fifteen years' imprisonment waa ancntrage on common 1 us hoe and an assault on free speech and the right of the people to peaceably assemble for the discussion of their grievances We believe that there is an ever-increasing sentiment among the common people of the country that our courts of justice are too frequently manipulated in the interest of wealth and power, and that those who are poor are frequently out raged in cur courts in the name of law. Francis Train occupying his accustomed Believing that the late trial was oon- OxfortTe Teeo Special to the Hews and Observer. : Oxrou, N. C, Deo. 1. Yesterday's tobaooo sales far ex ceeded last Friday's with a double sale. It waa with difficulty that it waa all sold before dark. There were on the market bout 2,000 piles. Today we had a good deal, some of which eame from as fax as Lunenburg oounty, Ya. With out doubt Oxford is a better market than it ever was. Both farmers and buyers oontinue to be perfeotly satisfied. prom Court DocUIom. FALL T1KM, 1886. Winborne vs. Johnson. Excusable; neglect; mistake; vacating judgment. 1. Upon an application to set aside a judgment for mistake, inadvertence, surprise or exousable neglect, the court should specially find the essential faots GtNEKAL MEWS. THE CHICAGO KNIGHTS OF LA BOR EXPRE3S SYMPATHY FOR THE CONDEMNED ANABCHI8T8. THB PBOSICUTIOir DMSOUKCID -FOMIOM XATTXBJ GISIKAL TlLiaiAPEIO DISPATCHES. Philadblphia, Dee. l.-An impor tant feature has entered into the control versy between the green glass manufao turers and blowers over the abolition of the apprentice system. On Monday night meetings of the local assemblies of the glass blowers were held in Ulay ton, Millville, Salem, Woodbury, Wil- liamstown and Gladaboro, N. J., when it was decided that they would not 2 What is mistake inadvertence, sur-1 strike as ordered by the executive board about hands erowd bow muck erodit I. If people they wauld not b sakmg IMor It semj that the saarchant who taryajgdods eradlt and sells thesa oa eradlt niuot bis there are tbreaisthiet tbjralsaa' , lekess by f I : eredtt. Yracumvtea per eawt eacli aC goods bJfhr to cover lines of nMrehandiM ! profits charged up and ea oaeb oae extra per cent; laid, to eovvr the thesa sd you lave at the; liaat which you amat pay to cover yi who never It to pay. pay. This the ceflsumer 0. aQ cones out of oaneddoDanol tbo bibortng ptpi If you borrow money from the bank at 6 , jpar eant you think tt very high, J I9 wi3 buy your Aod on eraditand nav M per eeitimorefor them than you ought to pay never wink your eye at It. tromth producers of this eountryf one-hall ? - ' l!f . r .; they make. Now bow do you like hp systemT seat in the park. 1 he boy walked up to himj and was soon sitting in his lap talking as confidentially as though they Were old friends. Train called up a lively little girl and plaoing her hand in the bey's, made quite a flowery speech the Aorth and oouth shaking all of whioh sentiment drew a around the children in a few minutes. Train then took from his pocket an envelope upon which he wrote the- following: ' This autograph will sell for $10 in ten years," and signing his name in full, Geo. Francis Train, he handed it to the little Southern boy, ; Who, doubtless, the longer he had it the more b will appreciate it. -I& spite of the present peaceable boss, J the thunder storm whioh is to clear up the international weather seems to be still expected. The nations are quietly bracing themselves in different ways.: Germany wants to strengthen net army by the addition of 41,185 men. The Cologne Gaaette wails at the opposition which objects to the increase, and foresees n reign of Bonapartist des potism, Communism perching upon the ruJni of tho German Empire, and ft gen eral smash-up, unless the army be strengthened to equal that of Franoe. Gen. Boulanger continues the reorgam latum of the French army with blood it i aye. Even Eogland has reoenth ordered the strengthening of the gani- M ' I son of Gibraltar, and has gathered in taeomMI twonew eoiing atations in order that Englishmen may keep on never being slave. i There are shown among new winter novelties in dress belted corsages whioh have I their sideforms prolonged beyond the waist in two lengthy square tab with i simulated pockets added. The fronts have pleated plastrons made of urah, serge or lace, according to the nature of the toilet itseJi. xsesides pan els, underskirts made of different fabrics from the rest of the dress, are constantly showing new effects. A winter costume, aimnle but pretty.' has a abort under- Skirt of velvet and wool stripe, un eaon side of ft narrow tablier ate three broad pleats of the wool stuff, not fastened to mm. ..a a swii a the skirt except at tneoeit. a no arape- rf is raised on each hip whioh spreads the cleats at the foot, causing them to assume a fan shspe. Owing to the lne- tiualitv of the pleats, the underskirt is ducted by the prosecution with malioe and prejudioe, utilising as it did the in formers, the disreputable Pinkertons and the perjured Gilmers, and ft bailiff who declared that he would not summon any one as a juror who in his opinion was not in favor of hanging, we there fore express the hope that the supreme court of the State of Illinois may grant a new; trial, so that the ever-growing conviction among the oommon people, namely, that the eourta of law are only in the interest of the rich, may not find additional proof in this instance." Fertaa Howa. IoHpon, December 1. Archbishop Walsh; of Dublin, informed a Pall Mall Gtsotte reporter, who interrogated him concerning united Ireland's rent move ment that he was at first startled and grieved at the nlan of the campaign whioh the league had adopted, but ne had since been eonvinoed of its equity and necessity. He did not fear that the church would lose its moral influence over the people. 7 he movement was imperative to establish a rent fixing tribunal which would be independent of tho landlord and tenant alike. So cial order in Ireland depended . upon tne success of this movement. I Wl'hJa: I i estimate SO per 1 bar LaJeor Wewa. Pmuune, Pa., Dee. 1. Voting re turns regarding whether or not the Amalgamated Iron and Steel Workers shall as a body join the Knights of jjaoori are oommg into neaaquaners rapidly. "Secretary Martin refuses to say what the returns indicate, but from another reliable source it was learned that there is so far a preponderatinff majority against connection with the K. of L. A large number of influential lodges have voted to move against such a move. several oflthe smaller lodges are in clined to identify themselves with the Knights of Labor, so that to use their own expression, "conflict against capital can be more formidable on the part of labor." While the great body of mem bers seem to be opposed to the merging of the amalga mated association in the Knights of Labor, a movement to organise in both unions is still going on. While these men do not wish to abandon the inde pendent union. They wish also to have seen at different depths, but little show- the advantages derived from being in iscr m front ftad more at tne naet. mere .ae rvnignu 01 udqt. Hi 2 ! M C aa rou wCO This credit takes III Come to the Backet Store and buy y 5 ' The Racket &tore has all the ad' . I ' 1 haviDjr buyers always in the New m ket, with cash in hand, who buy "J which an cbajpeHed to take their nor rainpKes, iir brk si Ueae goodai It is the power of tbd almighty dollar cutting its way through the centre of time Which enables us to offer gdoda I f than they can be made , tor la hundreds of The Basket Store la satisfied Wtth small geoda. from mar bouses oienfor T?iii profiU and we shall make oar bargsinimake i.nr hnilneaa. How come to Che Backet Btoi nd buy your goods and save youf Sttoaey. rj k we abaU offer sonie great barg In U Gents' toys' and ehUdreas' cake ; also ia Gents' clothing of all kinds. TOpis ailver nlte oa steel knires and forks WoHh 13.60 st 'fLf iih in nnt' Ladies'; sad Misses' Gum Shoe. Praoas wtahlag sueef goods W ill KDeotiuy Proi!Uu3 to tbeteiab trade ;!0&lasUjMu is a jtboted drapery in the baok, and the . ! j K l J. oortage is miiKea.wia tuiuuuv iwiub laid jfrom shoulder to belt, these cross ing a narrow vest of velvet. The over ixtB is made of light brosse wool. The American Rural Home says : It Is only quite recently that the por tability of feeding cows for mux in tne m . m winter, with economy, has been reveal ed to dairymen. It was believed that fresh grass wss tie only diet that would cause eows to give sumoient mux to make the manufacture of butter profit able. The science of feeding for mUk has not been long understood, even by the best informed: but few dairymen yet understand what can be done in the way of reeding to promote tne secretion of milk, rich in butter. An important fiotor in successful winter dairying is to keen the eows so warm that too much . . K m lot the force in the feed will not be re quired to sustain the normal animal boat. A cow exposed to onuung wines and low temnerature cannot secrete a large quantity of milk, even though supplied with unlimited amounts of food. A cow cann t eat and digest enough food to maintain a large flow of milk under suou eooditious. uive tnem i warm stable and do not expose them to jold winds or low temperature at any time, not even to go to drink or for ex- raise. Better bring the water into (roughs in the barn and drive them out .mm . t mm for exercise in milder weatter." Avetber BHlke. PmatTSG, Dee. 1. A Coalton, Ohio, I soecial aavs : All the miners in this he seventh district, to S,uuu, oame out this morning on the refusal bv the operators to grant an increase of I five cents per ton for mining. A long siege is expected ft both sides seem de- . tonus. rataroe mt Wow Tertu JNxw xobx, Deo. 1. Greene uo.'s report on eotton futures say; : The local trading has constituted most of the business today and brought little or notl ir g new to the surface. After an ope ting a decline of a oouple of points prices recovered, and near months went a fraction above last evening and closed about steady, with January showing considerable comparative strength, in view of a few operators endeavoring to aejastthe deals for that month against June. The movement, however, was a small one, and only noticeable because the market was otherwise severely dull. Tbe BaUeaal Debt (. Washington, Deo. 1. The debt statement issued today shows the decrease of the publio debt during the month of Deoember Bto be $3,005,249.57 ; cash in the treasury, 439,U23,740.59: gold certificates outstanding, 90,502.633; silver certificates outstanding, yl05,- 519,817; certificates of deposit out- $7,025,000 ; legal, tenders prise or exousable mistake, is a question of law, and the court will upon appeal review an erroneous judgment thereon. 3. Where the court has ascertained tfie facts, and exeroised the discretion conferred by the statute. The Code, Sec. 274,by granting or refusing the re lief sought, the Supreme oourt will not review the action. William Hedgepeth vs. Joel Rose. Action to recover land; statute frauds ; damages; use and occupation. 1. One who is induced to enter upon and improve land by a parol prombe that it shall be settled upon him, as au advancement or gratuity, will not be evioted until compensation hai been made him for betterments which he have made to the property. 2. Nor is he liable for damages for with holding the possession or for the use and occupation of the land until after a notioe to surrender. Singer Manufacturing Company vs. G. C. Barrett. Amendment Case on appeal Ex ceptions Jurisdiction Justice of the I'eaee. 1. The object of the case on appeal is to set forth the alleged errors appealed from, and if it sufficiently discloses these the appeal will not be dismissed, though the record does not show formal exoeptiona. 2. in an action before a justice of the peaoe, in which two eases of-actions were alleged, the first sufficiently, but the second defectively, for want of proper averment of jurisdictional faots, thejusuoe may prooeed to judgment upon the first. , ' 8. in an action before ft juitioe of the peace, for the reoovery of the value, or return of property under section 267 of tho uode, it must be averred in the gammons that the Tftluo thereof does nnt exceed $50. ' , , 4. The justioe of the neae or the su perior court, on appeal has power to make suoh amendment to the record of an aotion will bring it within the jurisdiction of tho oourt where it origi nated. 5. The affidavit filed preliminary to obtaining requisition for theseiiureand delivery of property will not be treated as a complaint and its averments can not cure defect in the summons or complaint. ; 6. The tower to amend process. pleading, Ac, under section 887 of The uoae, oiscussea ny juemmon, w. estate vs Ninnle. 1. A general statement that the ap pellant "excepted to the whole of the charge of the oourt is too vague, and will not be considered on appeal. Z. An indictment for larceny should describe the property alleged to be stol en, with such particulars as will enable the court to see that it la the subject of larceny; that will enable the accused to prepare any defense he may have. and protect him against a subsequent prosecution for the same act. 3. The charge that the defendant stole "ihree bushels of oorn" is support ed by the proof that he stole three bush els of oorn "in the ear State vs Winslow. 1. A warrant will not be quashed be cause it doea not oontain the neoessary descriptive words of the alleged offenoe, when it refers to "an annexed affidavit," in whioh all the essential assesments are made 2. One who, after being forbidden, enters upon land or another under a bona fide claim of right is not guilty of the onense of willful trespass. The Uode, Seo. 1120 3 One who enters upon the land of another, after being forbidden, as the servant and at the command of a bona fide claimant, is not guilty of any erim inai offenoe. Weatera BTewe. Cor. of the News and Observer. As hb villi, N. O., Nov. 30, 1886 A serious stabbing affair occurred on Big Ivy, Sunday. James Whittemore, Sr., stabbed and perhaps fatally wound ed his son,' James Whittemore, Jr Both of the men are of considerable local prominence and influence. Full particulars are not yet reoeived. The re-election or uoi. a. is. An drews to the presidency of the W. N. C. R. R. Co. will be hailed with gen uine satisfaction in this part of the of district assembly No. 149, Knights of Ijabor, but would surrender their charter rather than do so. These blowers are working with apprentices and undffr a reduction in wages of five per cent aoeording to the agreement entered info with the manufacturers some weeks ago; Representative oharters of s x assem blies were sent to General-Seoretary Chas. H. Litchman at general headqutr: tors in this oity yesterday. It is stated that these assemblies propose forming i new association, and in the future they say that they will not allow any one to work in a New Jersey factory ho has violated an agreement made at the com promise settlement last month with the employers. On the other hand, the offioera of district assembly 149 declare that these blowers, numbering between 500 and 600, will be ostracised and black-listed by all members of the lea gue in good standing and will not be allowed to work outside the limits cf their towns. Cold W either wUn Storms in the BTort- " .WMt. Chicago, Deo. 1 The mercury here this morning dropped to4eigh degrees above aero, a fall of 17 degrees in the space of four hours. Every - indication is for a fall below aero tonight. The wave extends in a breadth from 1.000 to 1,500 miles, and the indications are that it will sweep down the Mississippi valley as far as the Ohio river and di verge towards the east. A blmtrd prevails all over lakes Michigan and Superior, and several wrecks are re ported, i The rreeideat rawer. Washugtoh, D. O. Dm. 1 Tie President has been oonfinei to his room for two or three days by slight but annoying attack of rheumatism and hut for this reason been obliged to deny himself to all callers except cabinet cm oers. lie is reeling somewhat better to day. The President has suffered from rheumatism before, but this is the first attack he haa had since he entered the white house. Te tbe Frleada mt tlae Orphaas. The coming of another Christmas makes it necessary tor me to again ask your aid in behalf of the Christmas fee tintiea for the Orphan Asylum at Ox ford, North Carolina. You will, I know, pardon me for ex pressing the hope that the entire con tributions required for this beautiful custom of making orphan-childlife happy as unrisonas, wui do maae ny cm sens of North Carolina. Heretofore most of the aid received by me eame from strangers in distant States. This should not be the ease again, for we are as no ble end generous as the people of any land or section, and it should be both our pride and pleasure to see that the Christmas of our little orphans is made as bright and happy as we wonld long to have ours made were we like them The sweetest moments of life are those which oome to us by reason of deeds well done, and from a realization of hav ing made the lives of others happier and brighter. Will you not, therefore, add that precious and peculiar joy which flows only from orphaned ohildrens' smiles, to the bright and happy Christ mas you anticipate by giving something to aia me in tms isoor oi lovet . Send what you feel willing to give to Dr. B F. Dixon, Oxford, N. C, by Deoember 15th. and mark it "For Christmas." Hopefullyyours. W. F. Bbablit. Spirit of ta Mate Preee. Our on opbion is cotton is the best chance if properly managed. If our people would raise all they could with out going in debt, and raise oorn, peas, wheat, oats, rye, rice, syrup and pota toes, the expense of farming could be curtailed at least fifty per cent, and our people could live easier and better. These will not always bring cash in market, but they can be exchanged for sugar, oo ffee, molasses, cloth, &o., for whioh money wonld have to be paid, and they oould certainly be furnished, to hands, and would be much more eon veniant and satisfactory than orders to be paid in the fall. Our people must learn to live on less money. Our people talk a great deal about eotton as a money crop, and yet in many instances it takes the whole crop to pay for the guano, leaving all the rest to be raised in some other way. There is ' something radically wrong somewhere, and the man who eaa deteo the error and eause the people to for sake it, will be a philosopher who will be remembered when the names of Lee and Jackson, and Til den and Thurman shall have perished. Lumber ton Robe-sonian. President Battle is doing good work for the young men of the State in f&miliarz'ng them with its history, and is in the line of his vocation as an in structor of youth, and wj infer that his taste is in that line of usefulness. We hope, at some time, he will put his miorosoopio lenses upon a portion of our history which we have always re garded as the dark and bloody period of a h:h few memorials have been pre served Gary's rebellion. Our histor ians have mostly been in error about the events of that period of civil strife, which lasted three or four years. There is a most meritorious oiass of our fellow countrymen, . who, we believe, have been done great injustice in the ac counts whioh have been given by Dr Hwks and other historians of "Gary's Rebellion." It was a civil and reli- J;ious sanguinary oonfliot in whioh the arger element on one side was the Quakers, no doubt aided by disaffected and lawless persons George Davis, in a late lecture before the library associa tion of Wilmington, did much to rectify history,' but the impression yet pre vails that the Qiakers of that time were lawless men, aiming to overthrow the established government of North Caro lina with arms in their hands, and that they held military commissions under Cary. The statement does dishonor to their peaocful tenets, and we believe is unjust to them. We hope Preaident Battle will "turn on the lights" upon the historical darkness of "Cary's Rebellion." standing. outstanding, $346,681,016 ; fractional I mountain oountry, where he is so gen- eurreney (not incinuaing tne amount erauy esteemea. estimated as lost or destroyed), $8,375, 934.: Oeorgta Bf. K. Vmtmwmmmm. Acgubta. Dec 1. The North Geor gia M. E Conference met here today. Fcur hundred delegates,, were present, Bishop MoTyre presiding. '. The session will last until next Tuesday. A formal organisation was effected. Various re ports were received and committees ap pointed. -tin a description of a rhinoceros it is stated that he is ft powerful beast, with a mouth ranging from an open va The superior oourt of Buncombe meets Monday, Judge Avery presiding. IMlmmmn im nnt tVi streets, recovered from his recent ill ness. Capt, J. R. Hamilton, one of the leading tobacconists of Asheville. has removed to Louisville, Ky., where he will go into the tooaoo) business on a large scale. There are many accidents and diseases whioh affect Stock and cause serious in convenience and loss to the farmer in his work, which may bo ouicklv remedied : . . . w. . by the use of nr. J. u. xiexiean's vol- Tbaafca. Cor. of the News and Observer. Raxiioh, N. C , Dec. 1, 1886; We desire to return thanks to our many friends who so kindly aided ut on yesterday in saving our eotton from tn fire We are under special obligations to John T. BlacknaU, son of Dr. G. W Blaeknall. for his noble work. While John is only a boy, yat he is every inoh amtn ana can ne reneu on in any emer gency. Babbuh & Bakbsi. Kate Caatletoa. This universally popular aotresa and her strong company appeared here last night in "Crasj Patch " The first thing she did was to "bring the house down," and if that means mirth, it stayed down during the entire, performance. She made a decided hit in "For goodness sake don't say I told you" being enoored seven or eight times. There is nothing in - the play to tax tne per ception of an audience. The pur- ' m m .m'-m . pose from the begmnntg is to male run, and the audience onlv has to exnlode with laughter, eatoh breath and explode again, miss vasueton s future visits to this plaeo will meet with large and isneos, and they cannot be too frequent. Heed, tne .Boston defaulter, was "a man of exemplary habits." He never smoked,' chewed or drank. He gam bled, however, and is now m jau. : well known modiste icoently be came indignant and eloquent upon tho subject of the difference j between the tournure or "dress-improver," and the erinolette. ; The latter is jfavorod only by ft certain class of our country-womeu who think' that because a thing is fash ionable 'vere can be no limit to its style, to the height, for instance: of the fash ionable bonnet, the depth, of the fash ionable moerning veil, or I tbe breadth of the tournure. On the batis of this reasoning, they arrange that their crino- ette shall extend from belt to skirt-hem he painful consequence being that tho skirt, with everything above and about it, wobbles in a most ungainly and ludi crous style.: The tournure, much smal- er in its proportions, simply sets out the dress at the back and its task is at an end. It obtrudes itself on no one's notice, and gives a certain effect te the gown, enure, impossible; to achieve without its graceful aid. j - " ' mt I a i : riee Trade. 4 The red -action of Internal rereaue and the taking off of jrorenue stamps Item Proprietary Jiecuciaea. no doubt has largely benefitted the consumers, as well as relieving the burden of nomeimanniaeturera. IbipeciaUy is this the ease with Green's Aiurust flower and Bo- shea's German Syrup, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen,, has been added to increase the size 02 tne bottles containing these remedies, thereby giving one-firth more medicine in the 78 cent size. The August Flower lor Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and tne eermaa syrup lor 45ngh and Aung troubles, have, perhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The at, vantage of in- creased size of the bottles will be greatly ap preciated by the sick and afiucted. in every town andYlllasr in civilized countries. Sam ple bottles tor 10 cents remain the same size. Fire Botes. A visit yesterday to the seene of Tuesday's fire revealed a melanoholy and atiu dangerous atate of anira; in a fearfully locking open spaee, about two hundred yards s-iuare, was to be seen the black, scorched and smoking re mains of fifty thousand dollars worth of the country's best product, that went up in smoke the day before. Two str etnas of water had been kept playing on the burning portions of the platform all of Tuesday night and during yester day, but the eotton was still biasing in several plaoes. A great many bales had been torn to pieces, that the fire that had eaten its way into them might be reach cd, and a quantity of loose burning eot ton was being blown about the premises It was feared that the wind, whioh waa brisk, would carry some of this flaming eotton across the squares and communi cate fire to houses and other eotton that had been moved the day before for safo- ty. A large foroe of hands was kept at work, and every little outbreak was promptly attended to, but even then it was with difficulty that the fire could be kept under. Large trenohea were dug yesterday, and much of tbe burning matter was thrown into them and cov ered up. Nothing that had been sub jected to the fire oould be trusted, ani whole bales were thrown into tbe eotton grave. This of course, will be tken out when all possibility of danger from it shall have passed. Quite a number of itB were taken to neighboring branches and thrown in, but the fire wa not extinguished It was found neoet sarv to take the hoops from everv one that bad caught and thoroughly saturate it with water before it oould be eooouat ed safe. The staple article is scattered over all parts ef the oity. Moore square is being used as a ootton yard until the platform oan be repaired. The damage to this is muoh greater than at first supposed; $2 UUU will barely repair the injury. Lumber has been ordered, however, and the work of repairing will be pushed right ahead. The oot ton compress has not stopped work, as nothing but the shed was lrjired. Tbe Orlgfa ef tbe lire. Cor. of the News and Observer, Ralbisu, N. 0., Deo. 1, 1886. In your icwunt of yesterday's fire you say the "origin of the fire is sup posed to have been the failing of a eoa. from; the soldering pot of a tinner." We respectfully say that we are the con tractors putting on the roof of the eom- press and that our tinners had used no ore for two days. Jciius Lawis & Co. The office of the Statesyille American is for sale. " . ', j JtdTfe te Mrs. WbuloWs Boothia Syrup should ways be used when children are euttinc teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once, it pro duces iiataraL eulat sleep by relieving the ehild from rain, and the little cherub awakes aa "bright aa a button." It ieery pleasant, to taste; soothes the ehUd, softens the gums, allay all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowaki and is the best known remedy tor dlarrhaaj whether rising from teething or ether eeusaa, Tweatr- oacta a bottte. A Btnr Homo Machine would be the very thing for ft Xmas present. J. L. Stone, Gen'l Agt., Raleigh, N. 0. 8. 8. Herrott, a merchant near Char-i otte, has made an assignment. Liabili ties $1,600; assets ndt known. Celd Wave Coming. r The state weather bureau received a telegram about uoen yesterday stating that the temperature here would prob bly fall twenty degreea within the next twenty-four to thirty-six hours. on't stand on the order of eoinr" but I re s Juteht to the next corner and buy a bot tle oi Dr. Bull's Cough Sjiup if you want to cure your cold. Farmers and Horsemen raad tai I I find Salvation Oil the moat excellent liniment amoag horses, and 1 take pleasure tn indors ing it as a oertaiu remedy for scratches. 4 ajsjisis xuusiAS, Franklin Bead, near Baltimore. Baaaaaaaaaaamaaa--- JaaaaSBT samnmW aweawmyNF PtaT TM tMmmmm li rm mm V-.k iwi. win . .... .-i.iui. ij im, any outer uwn BwtSUaf, Stuf hart. B Barns, Sealda, Cot. Lamb now m , ora Throat. m mWUm, BOW DT au DB. DOLL'S C0D3II STBDP For the cure of Coughn, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping' Cough, Indpiert Con sumption, and for the relief of con eumptive persons in advanced stages of tho Disease. For Sale by ail Drug dsts. Price, at eenfcci y.piLTjow. - mM th. 1 tmkmtmd. !, WsH mj tttk lltfflee? VABLB TlliTnia Wi ll eww. Wj nASSARD'g PURE LARD. WHAT A WELL IllWI CITIIIBIXAYI SlCIT ITl "Ms, B. H. Wooomx: "Dear Sir-1 have now used Cassard's Lard both winter and summer and it las proven entirely s&tlatactory. We had the oner of well known pure country lard and my wife advised the eontinuacee of Cassard's. I hearti ly congratulate you on being the agent for such a prime necessity of life, j "iours,iruiy, ; "Bay. W. J. W. CBOWDIE." For sale by the following reliable Grocers : W. B. Mann A Co., E. J. Hardin. J.B. FerralleVCo- A.W. Fraps, : W, a. Kewrom 4 Co W.H. Ellis, W. C. Upchurcfc, A. B. Stronaeh. 6, Caosard & Son j BAXTIM OEK, MD. Curers of the! Celebrated "Star Brand" Mild Cured Hams and Breakfast Bacon. B. H. WOOD1LL, Sales Ageat. Edward Fasnach, Jeweler ani Optician RALEIGH, N. O. :r i Vm. 1 Gold and Silver Watches, American and ; : . I Imported. Beal and Imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Ingagcmont Rings, any site and weight. Sterling SUvar Ware for Bridal Presents I Optical oods i A 8PECIALTT. Spectacles and tye-glanes tn .Gold, Silver ' , Steel, Bobber and.8beU Framea. Lenses, white and tinted, in endless varieties. Seals for Lodges, Corporations, etc Abo Badges and Medals tor Schools and Soctees made to order. I Mall orders promptly attended to. Goods sent en selection to any part of tbe State, Old Gold and 8itrer in small and large auaunass tasaa as eseavv uj. .1