J ' ; .?? . Si r n In 1 News and . t. 1 ' . . ; UBSJ 1,t ERVER OL. XXV1T, L.' . RALEIGH. N. 0., SATURDAY M'JRNTNG. DECEMBER 4, 1886. Absolutely iPure.; This powder pmr uj(t, A ! rUrtty, strength ud wholeeoawnees. Mot eoaomlcei than ordinary kinds ud cannot be kl in competition with the multitude of tew test, short weight, alum or pbo-phate po wde Mid only la can. Eovax Bixura Powbb 108 Wall Street, Sew York. t Sold bfW C i 1 1 Btronech, Oenrry T 1 .V T Vr-ll & Oa. laadaaaaroos aairan fluAnH oocaptaint. ,u fcrEaUDaatiM i - . f : bb. w in : a a - a b-A1 sanw wwm .VI 3 BrBI iihii m III' 13 i Of" DESTTQH1C 3 MWUMMMIMItMMMianC IUT.XT. Bomttml tim kaaKd DMtar rtrat Mini Utuna. HkltnwM, ML. !! .: IfckirM I mate II mlMMlM hti - Takai mm Mhni 1 HAM STORE ; I " ; i ' : . 1 i '4 - i-; ' I., a I ' i - s 5 '. ? THE GREAT BABQJJH STORK OF - ' RALEIGH I'.1.-;' 'i f I NEWS OB8ERRVATION3. Howard T. BUcketoae, diaoount clerk in the Canil natiocal bank of Portland, Me., has fled with a shortage of $25,000 in his aooounla, due to apeo nlation. ' A bill has been introduced in the Alabama legialature to establish ; and maintain an industrial oollege for Women. Fifty thousand dollars' is asked for the establishment, and $25,000 for maintaining it. I This is a great country. Florida is sending fresh euonmbers to market; in Minnesota the ice is thiok enough to bear teams; in California grapes are being gathered, and Maine is shireiing tinder serenl inohea of snow. ; -: The Chinese code of morality does not say Wi?e, obey your husbands," bat Wives, respeot your husbands." To whioh an ezohange adds: "This, it prill be seen, iff yery mueh more diffi iult of oomplianoe with than the first torsion." I The Boston Courier says: "A Chi naman is speaking to himself as he irons a shirt; picks np a shirt showing evi dence ol having been well cared for, and 6ajs: 'Bachelor; him landlady; fix him.' Pioks.up another, buttonless and ill fesjed at tie" wrists and neck, and says 'Mallied man.' " The latest invention is a oorn busker, fhich will prore more beneficial and valuable than the Manny or MoCormlck reapers. Mr. MeCormack died, leaving $33,000. It cost about three cents a. bushel to husk corn by hand; but this ' . . .... ' macnine win do it tor f of a cent per bushel. The Railway Register says : To isupply an existing need it is reported tbm Ute r'ennsylvani will build direct ly south from Norfolk to JaoksonTiik-, Florida, taking in Charleston and Sayan iimh. bhooid the plan be carried out it will, in connection with the roads north from tape Charles, open a direct line between New York and Jacksonville, fthe business of 'whioh are to be large from the very first. At High Point, in the all-age ; pointer st&ke, Robert le Diable won the jhrst prize of $300. In the all-ge set ter auke in the first series Clifford beat obleC, Fred Vv. beatLillinn, Glottcr beat Brandon, L&dj C. beat &t. Elm IV, Belle beat Fendragon, Roy Monarch beat Chickaaw H, and Mandan beat Windemere. We suppose all this is elear ito sportsmen. I! William G. SedVwick. a gtn- ident in the medical department -fof itne university or ue city of New York, jhas been sued by Miss May Walker, in the superior eourt, to reoover $20,000 damtges for breach of promise. Miss Vyaiker and her parents are well known in Richmond, Va. Roger A. Prrbr bring the suit for Miss Walker. Sedk- wiek we arrested and bailed. TRIPLE HANGING. JUCKE ANOTHER SESSION OF IlYNCH'S COURT IN TEX IS THEM KX6K0KS IMPUCATID IX A CILUNO TAKBX OUT 01 JAIL AMD SWUNG UP TO i A TKSS-LIUB, AH UNFOBTUJf ATS OOOI7XXXNCX COTTOX JIXI ixhxw To&K. 295 BALIS BUBXID. '- BVjr t T rir Special to the Newt ud Observer. Washixqtox, N 0, Deo 3 The Chi- osgo patent lumDer xun, erected nere , by K M Short at an expense of E,ouu, was destroyed by fire this evening. The ease is believed oy some to nave been . e . snontaneous eomonsuon; oy otners a spark from an adjoining mill. The loss of K M Short on tie tun and lumber is i 120.000; insuranee 11,000. 8 R Fowle j A Son, $1,000; no insurance. THE CRUEL COLD It feeofile how Brack cradfteoet them I tbev weld not be seeklnf tMor tt keommoi- m " ' ' "'J j 'i I f , . i IK' rxee that the merchant who boy foods a endlt aad aeOs them on end eaoat aeU hie ' ' ' I i i '' ( goods bifber to eoyer Us losaea. Ursgnlir Usee of merchandlae there are three dlsUaCt r - -' - 1 ' I v I; profltorhargednpsad each oae there to an ; : ? &'i extra per eent laid, to eover, tbt leases by credit., Ton eouni tea per east oa each 01 then ad you have at Ute,.leaat eatteaU SO par jeat which you must pay to cover the This : the eoasomer by meB wha never? pay, has to pay. It ad comes oat of the hard earned dollars of tie laboring people. If ytta borrow money from the bank; at 8 per cent you tbiak it very high, yet yon will buy you? goods oa credit and pay 80 per cent more for : .1 I ! ' : :r ti. them thai yon odght to pay;; and you wfll never wink your eye at tt. This credit take! f torn the producers of thieeonntry ir e-ha!f thei make. Kow how do you nxe the system Cone to the Backet StoreAad bby your Jeoda. The Backet Store has all the adVaatagee from having bayen always in the Nj w To maj ket, with cash la hand, who boy from houses which are compelled to take 'their oncrafor aheae goods. It faf the power of thealmlghtr dollar euttinc its -Way throneh the centre of time Which enable us to offer; goods at Ism than they can be made lor in hundreds ol The Backet Store is satisfied-with email The New York Evening Post no'es it ss "another illustration of the fret that little things often Count with the pablio for more than large affairs, ti at Sir. Blaine's performance in the en counter with Mr. Edmunds at the Ar thur funeral appears to have damaged Mm with many republioane more seri ously than all the revelation! of kis de magogi&m and dishonesty." j There is a lovely love of a woman iving in Newaygo eounty, Wisconsin. bpe picked blaokberries last fall for market, and so industrious was she oh foot and so nimble of finger that returns tor her trait were quite ecuuderable Chicago, Dee. 3 A special to the Times from Brennan, Texas, says : At an :eerly hour yesterday morning an armed meb eime to town., overpowered the jailer and took out Shea Feldner, Alfred Jones and Enhraim Jones, three of the negroes implicated .in the killing of Dewes Bolton, at Flewellin's store, in this county, on the night of the elec tion ; and lynched them; It was so quickly done that the town wag not aroused The bodies of the three men were found barging to a tree in the morning. It is thought the feeling against the men had subsided so that further trouble would not occur, and Sheriff Dcwer had brought them back roni Houston, whither they had been sent' for safe keeping. There is no olue to sny of the perpetrators. It is feared the unfortunate occurrence will again cause race prejudice and raise political excitement very high. 1 : " ' Co Dvatroyetf. Naw Yobx, Dee. 3. A fire broke out this; morning on the lighter "Ino", which was receiving a cargo of cotton from the Charleston line' docket, pier 29 East river. As soon as the vessel was discovered to be on fire . she was cut adrift frcm the dock 60 as: to save thou sands of bales of ootton stored there. If this precaution had not, been taken the dock and contents i might have been consumed. The fire-boat "Have meyer" was sent for but suc ceeded in saving very little of the cotton on the lighter .' 4,Ino," whieh had 2P5 bales of cotton onboard, which was being. shipped by the Metro- Slitan steamship company to the Nassau anufaeturirg eomrany of New Hamp shire. The lighter is owned by Short en Bros, of Wall street, but at present is leased to Ucj. W. Anderson. The fire was caused by some 'one throwing lighted cigar stumps in among the cot ton,: which soon had the eotton and ves sel in fit mes After the fire was extin guished the : vessel was towed up the river and beached. The loss is estima ted, at 125,000 on the eotton and $10, 0C0 on the vecsel; covered by insured. Tkt Bfehaaoael Teraolaial aael the XaaA Naw Yoix, Dee. 8. -Negotiations were completed today by which the Richmond Teiminal secures eontrol of the Est Ttctmee, Virginia & Georgia railroad, ope of the principal railway systems m the south. LAns-v Vice-President Buce, of the Etst Tetncrtee raUroad, states that the report that theacntrol of . the eompany hts ! been sold to the Rich mond Ter minal jecple is tot tine. As to whether negotiations . are now progressing, or have been completed, however, he has nothing to tay. v :ce- President ixtgan of the Richmond Teiminal, declines to make any statement on the matter. caiaMraaeaa rloaaljr 111. Special to the News and Observer. Ashivtu.'. N C, Deo. 8 General T L Clingman has taken a relapse and is in a eritieal condition, lie is seriously affeoted. t , A sTeatrrait Tawa-odT. St. Louis, Dee. 3. A speoial from Chattanooga, Tenn., says: A tragedy ocourred last night at Stephecson, Ala. James Turner went to the house of Frank Carter and called him to the door. Turner fired two shots from a shot gun at him, both taking cfif.-ct in the breast. As Carter fell, he caught up his rifle, which was standing behind the door; and shot Turner. Both are now dying. The cause of the trouble is not known. The men have always been intimate friends. A Bale Cheek. St Louts, Dee. 2. A pension ehcek for $3,000, altered from one for $6, was presented at the sub -treasury for pay ment to-day. It came through the Merchants' bank for collection for ad count of the Kansas City bank. The latter bank will be the loser. Hear? Verdict AftralaaS Boa Bailor. Bostow, Deo. 2. In the ease of the National Sailors' Home against Gen. Butler, the jury today found a verdict for $16,537 against Gen. Butler. Fmtaroa at slow Toe. flaw xonxj; uee. o. ureenc & uo.'s report on eotton futures says: Con- What did she do with the money ? Buy J?' irregular market Md while kliHLv A new jmey and some stockings or :the tppearaBecs early uttho day looked McBoc who killed Joe Hardwick. prcmisug tor runner a am, we nno tne I? Cbaao for m JBTairdoror. OArTUXXD BT HIS VICTIM'S BBOTHIBS ATT KB : TWIHTT OHB TSARS Rom, Ga , Deo. 2. John and La fayette Hardwick, having in charge Carroll MoBee, who killed their brother twenty-one years ago, passed through here this morning and are now at their home in edar Uluff, Ala la I860 MeBee's father moved from Tennessee to Cedar Bluff with his son Carroll. Tho latter always estimated himself the best man in the community, and on reaching bu new homo and learning that one of the Hardwicks was the bully of the place was anxious to fight him. He boasted of his ability to throw Hardwick in a wrestle. The boys urged him on and went to the village store, where young Hardwick and his brother Joe ; were found. MeBee here repeated his boast, but Hardwick declined ; . to enter such i a test. Then MeBee, turning to Joe Hardwick, who was sitting on the eounter, said: 'If I cannot get Hardwick to wrestle with me I can throw his brother." In the attempt MeBee was thrown to the ground. ; Crestfallen, but still anxious to show his strength, he attacked Joe again with the same result. MeBee then went out, and, putting . his open pocket knife up his sleeve, returned and said: "You may be able to throw me. but you can't whip me," accompanying the words with what annearod to bo a blow of the fist, but really leaving be- una a ratal xnixe siao. mooee ran to his horse, mounted it, and rode off The other Hardwicks gave pursuit, follow ing him into the Indian Territory and all over the West, finally after twenty-one years, capturing him and bringing him back to the scene of his crime. The admits his identity with Winter hat 7 Naw. She went to town land "blowed in" the whole business on a fiddle for her husband. 3 i At a fashionable wedding whieh occurred ap the Hudson last week, the brde was attired in a prince see dress of white saun with trimmings of pearl-bead ed passementerie in addition to flounces lof duohesse lace. The five bridesmaids wore gowna oi pmx ana wnite stnpea satin and velvet, the wide satin stripe brocaded with pink sweet-briar roses and foliage. The bodices were pointed, and the sleeves elbow length, with fichus over the shoulders of Milanese laoe, the designs band-painted in very delicate natural colors. They carried bronaed wioker baskets filled with full-bloom crimson roses and sprays of tender fern. 'Qae of the elegant toilets was of helio trope satin, brooaded with palest pink roses. Ibis costly fabric was made up with p iik velvet the exact shade of the rosea. ine Josephine eorsage was trimmed about the open neck with oo quilles of old(laoe and clusters of helio trope and blush-rose buds. - The train was absurdly long, and the sleeves (for we result wipes out the advance and leaves most months a frtction under last eve- nine with ue leciing quiet, rort re ceipts, together with interior towns movement and the stocks greatly ex ceeded calculations, and under this dis appointment the "bull" element seemed to lose some of their nerve; though still making something, of an effort , to hold position. f i mm ;ooBBraUvo Cottoa aiousnoai. Naw Y obi, Dee. 8 The fol'owfng the comparative cotton statement lor. the week eadtoglfcc 8: i . loco. 1880. Net receipts at U. B. ports, 474,899 242,166 Total receipts to date, 2,104,844 1,616,811 xporu lor ute week, 178,248 101,620 Total exports to date, 1,488,677 1,414,229 Stock at all UB. ports, 0,lt 810,081 stoea at ail Uitenor towns, zzo.uio its. no 8toCk at Liverpool, tt'8,000 483,000 For Great Britain. 289,000 203,000 " 1 11 TaWaaV-SSB Total Wot Beeeljata. N&w Yoi x, Deo. 3 The followirg are the total let rtotipts of cotton at all potts since tfptembcr 1, IS 86, in bales: Galveston, 444,313 bales; fiew Or leans, 727,268 bales; Mobile. 103 854 SUFFERINGS OF TH03E WHO GO DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIP3. PAD XBSULT 01 THS CHICAGO OSf ALOATIC-N A BOLD ASSASSIN THl fKVNOa aOVXBNMINT D1FIAT8D OTHBR OBNSKAL HSWS BT WIKB. ; Washihotob, Deo. 3. Report are coming m of marine disasters on the lakes and the north Atlantic eoast, which indicate even greater hardships to mariners in the present than in the reoent storm. A large schooner bound for Chietgo eame in sight of the harbor, but was so oovered with ice that she i blown past and finally beaehed at Michigan City, where the crew got ashore so badly frosen that they are in the hospital. A number of vessels are missing and every oae that has made a harbor in the last two days was almost unmanageable because of the weight of iee which loaded then from the water line to the eross trees.. All report frost bitten crews. Two vessels are in sight off the New England coast stranded and flying signals for help. Oae is a large sohooaer and one is a sqitre-rigged vessel on Hand Rook Shoal. In the present gale no help can reaoh them. A Had State of Attain. Cite to o, Deo. 3 Liter estimates of the defalcation of Theodore S ; M'xi, cashier for the millionaire oaal merchant Ames, makes the matter worse than was it first stated, the am mnt being now placed at $112 000. The developments reveal a state of affairs sad in the ex treme. While the family is ruined by the recklessness of a son who has brought a gray haired father from tfBaenoe to poverty, from heUh almost to tie verge of the grave, the homis'eal of tin aged parent, the home of his sister and brother-in-law, the residence of the em- besiler, the jewels of his wife, and his very birthrght and heritage all have gone to sitisfy the claim of Mill's em ployer sni save the son from the. peni tentiary. Yesterday transfers to Ames were recorded for all the property enu merated, and Theodore S. M i), jrintly with his father, signed away all his right and title to his share of his father's property that would revert to him by the provisions of his father's will, al ready made. A brother of Mixe Who is in Atchison, Kansas, also eame to his assistance. v . ' - ' i . onoe this worn phrase must be used)! bales; cavsnnsh, 525,545 bales; Chsrles- enCO. . I VU u,voo uuee, ti uiuiugvuu, profits and we shall make oa:bargatna make S . i. oar busl&eas. Now come to the Backet Star8 and buy your goods and save your money. ;; TjU week we shaU offer some gmX bwg la In GenU' Boys' and children' caps ; also la Gents' clothing pt all kinds.! Triple plate oa steel knifes and forks worth B3.W at I 7fte t t. Ureal lb in dents'. Indies' and Misses' Gum Bhoaa. Persoee wishing such goods W ill eava,saoney by purehtslug frons us. Bespoctlaliy shbaatted to a'7' VOLNE yIpURSELL! k CO., cash' trade lOhUUrtiaSL a a s a oonspicuous oy tneir aosence Instances often oocur of one farmer making a good living off of land on Whioh previous workers had failed to trucoeed. This is often set down to good management, and justly so, A man must know his land, its wants and oa- pabilities, before he can properly farm it. We quite agree with the writer who says that it is one sign of a good farmer if he pi lies manure, it does not re quire a good farmer to raise bountiful crops on a farm already rich, but the art lies in so managing the farm that tt will produce good crops every year Without losing its fertility. A man may make money from bis farm while he is wasteful f fertilisers, but ho is not a good farmer, for he is eonstantly run ning his land into debt. Good farming eons'sts of suoh management as will make the farm produce the best possible results without deteriorsiog the soil. This etn only be aeoompliabed by a rigid economy in the making and using of manure, and by sueh a systematic rotation of crops as will bo the least ex haustive to the soil. Baltimore Market JJommaL 081 bales; Norfolk, 312,763 bales; Bal timore, 17,465 bales; New York, Zi,- 678 bales; Boston, 18 231 bales; Phil adelphia, 14,788 bales; . West Point, 130,930 balei; Brunswick; 15.467 bales; Port Royal, 11,086 bales, 11,086 baits; Pes saovia, 8,044 bales. Total, 2,704,- 844 bales. Vitrdored ataa Blow. Chicago, Dee. 3. A Times Helena, m a w ' w-k Arx., special says: iavmia jorown, a eolored woman, after a trivial domestic unpleasantness, struck her husband with giving examples of Tom's insanity BliaS Toaa. Augusta Chronicle. Testimony is being taken i in New York to prove or disprove the unsound ness of iilind Tom s mind The mother of this strange creature, Charity Wiggins, told her story to the eourt. She is about 80 years old, and has had twenty children, twelve of whom are still living. Tom was born in Georgia, and is now 37 years old He was born blind, and, from the first dawning of reason exhibited a faculty for imitating sounds. The mother said: If he heard a rooeter crow he would W m . 0 ' crow, it he heard a bird sing he would sing.; 'He would go for the noise,' she continued. We bid to watch him. His father would l e awake half the n;ght and 1 would lie awake the other half tie played the piano before be was ; a year t Id. The witness said that at a friend s house one day, while she and othera were sitting at the table, Tom crawled into the p trior and began play ing on tne piano, vv aen ne was a iiitie over two years old he began to take les sens. He was about three years old when he first played in public , Tom was taken away some months after emancipation, by one of the Ba- thunes, who had owned his parents be- oause "there wes money in him A former advanee agent and treasurer of Bethuhe testified that Tom s exhibi tor cleared 820,000 a yean This B. thune was run ever by a railway train, at Wilmington, Delaware, when intoxi- oatea. Professor rosnanski, a musioal ex pert, testified that Tom was rational on two points -mut io asd eating, and then rather impeaohed his own testimony by in an txe while he was playing with their children and nearly severed his head rota his body. She made no attempt to escape. ! A Bad affair. i m V W 9 -mm A fetersburg, va., speoial says that in an anray in rut eounty, North Carolina, between Thomas Smith and John Dennis, the latter shot and killed tho former. Friends of Smith then assaulted Dennis and eat him nearly to death with a large knife. It is not thought that Dennis eu reoover. both matters. Ihe negro could not be taught musie as a aoienco. He was simply imitative and gifted with a pro- cugiouB memory. One eunoua oiroumstanee eame out on the trial, and that was the recovery of Tom's sight. He is now no longer quite blihd. Ue u therefore "Blini ' Tom, just as the mature Mr. Harrison ia the Boy" Preacher. A Bold Aeeasatau Chicaqo, Deo 3. A speoial to the Times from Parsons, Kuisas, say: A stranger registered at Centropolis, Wed nesday evening, as Jim Uummings, and soon went to supper. Whea he own out he put on the landlord's hat and departed. Polieeman KUer was put on his track, and arrested him near the depot. TBey had walked a short dis tance when the man pulled away from the policeman, and, stepping back a few paces, drew a pistol and fired. Tin policeman dropped, fatally wounded, and the assawin made his escape down the track, stampeding the crowd which attempted to Stop him by flourishing his revolver. The polioeman is dying. A Crlal tm Braao. Pabis, Ddo. 3 In the . Chamber of Deputies today M Sarrien, Minister of the Interior, speaking in opposition to the motion for the total abolition of the offices of sub prefects, promised that ha would introduce a bill providing for a nartial abolition of the offices. Prime Minister DtFrcycinet supported Bamn and reproached the opposition for seis ins every chanoe that was offered to overthrow the government. The eham ber, however, adopted the motion for the total abolition by a majority of thirteen votes, thus defeating the gov-. eminent. It is reported that DeFrey- emet. Barrien and Goblet. Minister of Public Instruction, will resign. There was intense excitement in the lobbies of the chambers. After the vote announoed the sitting of the chamber was suspended at the initanee of De Freveinot in order that: the cabinet might consider its position The minis tors are now (5.30 p. m.) holding i meeting. a sic rtrr BmocKioa. Mass., Dee 3 A fira lat last uieht destroyed the opera houv bloek.eontaining eleven business houses Loss estimated at S2ZU.0UU; lnsuranoc $145,000. The Kalelgh Cottoa Bfarfcot. Business in the Cotton Exohange fur the last two days has been unusually active. Yesterday there was suoh great demand for the staple that the local market prioe advanoed considera bly. The loss of eotton by the fire last Tu'sdsy cut snort the supply in tnu market, henee the strong and' active de mand. This is the only eff ;ct the fire has had. The condition of t uyers and cotton handlers has not been effected one particle, exocpt in runn'ng them short of stock with whioh to fill ou'side criers. The necessity of mik ing ud this lost stock no doubt accounts largely for the "boom" now m the market, and for the advance in looal prices. These opportunities for produoers to real so extra good prioes for their cotton seldom occur, and when they do, the long-headed and prudent farmers are careful t take imtaodiato advantage of them. There is no dearth of money in the Raleigh market and it Cannot nOw be overstocked in same time; in fact the supply will now hardly meet the demand dnr'.ng tfie entire sea son, and the scarcity of the article will keep the market up to the highest notch in prioes. These facts are given, that farmers and those who havi cotton to dispose of, Tne fbodtsts. PROC1XDINGS or TUB NORTH , CABOUMA AN107AL C0HTIEX50B. 8pocial Cor. of the News and Observer. ' Rudsvixli, N. 0., Dee 2. 1886. . BBOOKD DAT. After the usual opening exercises Rev. R. O. Burton, D. D , made a mo tion to make Friday at 10 o'olook the hour for consideration of the interests of Trinity oollege. After considerable discussion the motion was adopted. Col. L. D. Palmer, of the Southern Methodiet publishing house, presented the interests of the publishing house. In his talk he brought out the fact that of about 7,000 Methodist itinerant preachers in the Southern ehuroh, only 120 were not taking the Nashville Christian Advocate; that the publish ing house was sending out Sunday school literature for 600.000 children Rev. W. W. Royall, of the Virginia conference, returned missionary from China; Rev. J. J. Lafferty, editor of the Richmond Christian Advocate, and Rev. Mr. Craig, of the Presbyterian ehuroh in Reidsville, were introduced to the conference and invited to be at home in the oonferonoe. I The following committee was ap pointed to try the Rev. J. T. Bagwell oa the charge of immorality that was preferred against him. L W. Craw ford, chairman; P. L. Herman, T. A. Boone, W. C. Norman, G. W. Ivey, J. W. Jenkins, J. T. Gibbs, A. R. Raven, J. D Arnold, W.8. Rone, T J Gattis, J. N. Cole, J. J. Renn and B B. Cul breth. J. E. Mann reptesent the Church and W. M. Robey Che defendant in this ease. J. H. Southgate was ap pointed secretary of the committee. ; I Rev. Mr. Dickson, of Charleston, S. C , represented the condition of the Methodist church buildings in that citj as being bad indeed. In response to his call for help the oanferenoe gavt him $446. The routine business of the confer ence is moving along very nicely. Blalao mad Kdaaaaaa. TBB BiCBKT ItCIDIHT IS RBW TOXK MB. XDMUNDS'S LBTTSX BIISRXIHO TO . THl PEBSIDBHTIAL COTTB8T. The reevnt ooourrenoe in New York where Mr. Blaine and Senator Edmunds met, and where Mr. Edmunds proffered the hand whioh Mr. Blaine declined to take, has baen the theme of mueh com ment. The seene occurred on Sunday. November 21, and it was only two days before that day that Mr. Edmunds's let ter reflecting on Mr. Blaine's honesty had been published in a New England paper favorable to Mr.Edmunds.Though ' ' A M 1DOE . . " written in Apru, ooo, n was not given to the puoiio till then, ana it was it is asserted, given out with Mr. Edmunds' knowledge. Tho following ia the letter, referring to the presidential eontest: Wajhivstox, D. O , April 15, 1835. Dear sir I have your very kind and welcome letter of the 10th, and thank you heartily for it. it is true myp Mo tion was trying, for on reflection I felt that it was far better that the Republi can ticket should sueoeed (whatever my personal opinion had been and was con eerning a candidate ) than that the gov ernment should go into the hands of the democratic party, but I eould not under any cireumstaneea or temptation say that I believe something about a candidate that 1 did not believe, and if 1 were to make speeches and say what I did be lieve as to oertain transactions, etc, dr was (so speaking) to refuse to answer questions on these topics, it would be especially worse for the party than stay ing at home. 1 know, therefore, that did the beet thing for the party that an honest man eould do. i I believe, then, that the sober minded republicans of Vermont will not on- demn me because 1 eould not and would not tell untruths or be a hypocrite, even to retain our party in power. I under stand perfectly tho bad souroes, one ab infra and one ab extra, whence came the sort of things to whioh you refer, but there is nothing that I wish to do about it, other than to go on manfully ahd try, as I have always done, to do my duty in the Sonata, and, so far as I have the ability, to honor the common wealth that has bestowed upon mc un asked, great trusts and honor. I can never be a "wire-worker" or beggar for the gift she haa hitherto freely plaoed in my hands, not as the consequence of importunity, but (as she supposed) for the advancement of her own interests. If the people believe that these interests may be better confided to other handr, it is their right and their duty to act accordingly. My only ambition is thtt the honest and intelligent men of Ver mont and of the country shall think that lam brave- enough to walk ao- oording to the light that I have, and not to worry about eonscquenocs. My dear sir, I am not posing as martyr, for the pride and place of power is, as it seems to me, more, as the swift years go by, among the least of the pleasures or benents or life. There is ah inextinguishable jiy in having be faithful to truth and self respect, ai d there will always be with mc a glad gratefulness to those who have honored me with their respeot and confidence, am, in haste, sincerely yours, Gbo. F. Fdmubds. Congress will resume business r m . a m 4 AAA a. a Monday with iz.wv bills on its ni and hundreds favorably reported on the I may lean of god opportunity to sail to advantage. oatawoatoaa Htwo. OCB SSBLBT iLBTTBh. ?peciCor. of the News and Observer. ISbuxbt, N. d, Dee. 2. 1886. The railroads eontinne their progress towards Ratherfordtda. The Charles ton, Cinoinaati and Cjjhioago are laying at the rate of three to four miles per week. All thtt is laid in one day ia surfaced up at ono, bo the road is in good running order ai far as the traok is laid. The first cotton platform is nearly completed It is 2'J0 feet long. Others will be added as fast as required Timber is being hauled for the freight house, and the plans for the passenger depot are almost ready. Contrary to ihe statements of the bridge men the Carolina Central road oroaeed Seoond Broad river on Monday j and will reaoh their ;preaent proposed , terminua in about ton days. It u ru-' mored that the management will- soon place double passenger trains on this end of the road. If so it will be what our people have hoped for for a number of years. , ? Rev. Dr. PritcharcL ot Wilmington. delivered an excellent lecture in the Baptist church on Tuesday night. His subject was "The Todgue." Last night he preached at the Baptist ehuroh to a ergo congregation, s The Forest uity Record, the paper ;- whioh was burned out! on Friday night, : will probably be republished at an early day. , j if--. J- Tho Pint Bull Allowed. New York 8un. . i Maria," said her father. William asked me for your hand last night and I consented." i i Well, pa, that's the first bill of mine you haven't objected to." . OOD BBSUI.TB IB BVUT OASB. D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., wrttee that he was serW . ously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on his lunjrs: had tried many remedies without 1 benefit. Being induced to try Dr Kings New Dia- -covery for Consumption,did so and was entirely cured by use of a few bottles. Since which ' time he hat used It ia his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results. This tt the ex- . perience -of thousands whose lives has been : saved by this wonderful Discovery. Trial Bot , Ue all free at drug stores. i SJoakilaa- laCssraaaUoa. New York Sun. , -v "Pa, why is a girl called a belle V asked Clara. ; Oh, I guess it's beoause of her tongue," unfeelingly; replied the old ; man. i i . -i - 'a ; Hon? Tbomaa Seay, who was elec ted Governor of Alabama in August last, was inaugurated at Montgomery, Wednesday, lie declared himself in favor of federal aid to education in the States, "The ereatest cure on earth for pain," - Salvation Oil; sing tho retrain. -You out today, my friend, ia this cold wind?' I thought you were sick ia bed with a cold." He said nothing but smiled a Jolly smile aad led me to the apothecary's shop, and pointing to a big advertiai meat of Dr. Bull's UouKh Syrup, said: "Thereby hanxi the taw: A tsua bbijb ml mwj. In." Will S 'TkJtdiniiW. Tha firming flnr. hMt rHimwm nora tekly tan mar other : toy. RhewnaUam. kooralKia. wmaag, nun Vrciaw, Barns, Solda, Cuts Iimb. ro. Ptaoriar, Boras, M4, Baekaeha, OalnuT, Bcr. Thnt, getetlea. rond, UeMUebe, TnoHixa. BprmiML eta. Pxire B, m, aottlaTsald Irt all :i CSatttloTV Tb rn Oil neon uur atutoar rrafcfeton, DLL BULL'S COUGH SYBUP For the cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse ness, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping; Cough, j Incipiert Con Sumption, and for tie relief af con snunpthre persons fa advanced atagea of th Disease. For Silt by ai' Drug oata. ; Pries, ascent. S70btoS2500n!,Le'; S ud worklBC for mm, AsFBla prcfamd b emm fnmtth tkatr owlhor aad taair wbolc (In L opara momenta an am F"fw Aew Taoanetaa la uwuiml clUea. 1AOO. sal Bala av, BJohmoart, Va. Edward Fpsnach, Jertei M Ojticiaii j BAliKIQHj N. O. Gold aad Silver Watches, A merieaa and ! i Imported. Baal and Imitation Diamond Jew ebry. 18 karat Wedding and Kngagment Kings, any atae and weight, Sterl'ng Silver Ware for Bridal present i Optical teocds CIaLTY. A SPS Spectacles aad Xye-f lasses is OeM, Sftver Steel, Bubber and ShaU Framoa. Lenses, white and tinted, :1a endless variettea. Seals for liOdes, Corporauons, ato. Also Badges aad Jtedals for School and Socieea made to order, t Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods sent oa selection to any part of the state. tgtr Old Gold aad Silver la small aad large anaattttaa take aa tmM i 11 PURE LARD. WHAT A WELtmWI CUIIEJirtAT $ MX iTl Ala. a. a. wooibix: ; "Dear 'Sir I jhave now used Casfiard's Lard- both winter and sunnier and It las proven, entirely sftisfaetoiry. We had the offer of well known pJ e country laxd and taj wife advised the continuance of Cssssrc's. 1 hearti ly congratulate you on being the agent tor such a prime necessity of life Yoursitrely, ; "Bat. W. it W. CBOWDEB.' Tor sale by the following reliable Grocers : W. B Newiom .Co W. U. Kills, Vf. C. Upchnroh, . A. B. tttrvnaeiu t i- -ti 1; W B.Mannak Cb., K. J. iiaxain. : J. B. Ferrall A Co A. W. fraps, : i i I i . CosGord Son r ft i i i BALTIMORE, UDc Carers of the Celebrated "fctw Braal' Mild Cured Bama and Breakfast Bacon. ; B..H. IwOODELL. Sa'es Agat, 4