J f ' ' " f :-8 Si f ? f . : 1 ' ,- ' ; 1 ' IHE i i- 1 v ' I'M ' - -i News AND OBSER It fOL. XXVII. RALEIGH. N. C; SUNDAY alOKNTNG, DECEMBER 5, 1886. NO 60 " i Eft Absolutely Pure. I Tila jurtty, ' twdr MW' varies. laarve. of I eo&omloal thaa erdinarT kinds and cannot be I id la competition with the multitude of Uw MM, shert weight alma or phoephaU powders Nld OBlT IB UBM. BOX lit BARE POWIB) rlOt Well Hew Terk. i Sold brW G 1 B Stronech, Oeorge T tr sraeh ed H rraH q TIRED OUT! man icmto. iKuntmnnw Mdk m o I 1 I J UM nrctTmiic ft Eariefcea th mmmmmmtMrnrntm. Dm. O. H. BnrcMn; -.1 Battels tt)YUri , I aw it is v pnwtiM, ul fcnd ft , steatiaUMrlanMiafina. IijutaM Sarin. ft Iron aSwwhBiJi'lIr trim's In Bitten to . iWbuTwfcUiiiijiMiawdBM.-: jj NEWS QBSERBVATI0N8. Gbnntay hi bandonod its prcjoot of eaUbliahing a nTl station at the Gtroline islands, and Spain is happy. . ; iS-Mwy Diokens, a grand-daughter of the novelist, joins Barry SnUivan's obmpwy in London at Christmas as leading jnTenile. Lord Salisbury nerer nses tobaooo and seldom drinks any alooholio li quor. Lord Randolph Chnrchill smokes cigars, bttt if ilmost a teetotaler. , , Frank Hard, the brilliant ex-Con-gteaeman,! will soon be oonneot ed with a paper to be published at To ledo, j Ohio, in the interest of free trade ; I Dividends (semi-annual) to be paid kt: Boston next month, amount to $5, 436,856. Lant year they aggregated bout $800,000 less. The improve ment is cited as a proof of better times, i ? The Moen-Wilson ease is still a mys tery, notwithstanding "Doo" Wilson's elaim that he is a son of Moon. The date cf marriage is against the youag man's onfeflsiop,as Moen was married in 1846 and his wife died before "Doo" was born, who is sbout thirty-two years old. i ; One of the largest and finest gold nuggets ever unearthed in California is how on exhibition in San Franeisoo. It U about the siie of an ordinary Derby bat, and weighs thirty-five pounds, and U worth about $6,000, Great "gobs" of gold hang out of its sides. . The employers of labor in Connec ticut are willing to aid the experiment of thej child-labor law, which compels children under thirteen years of age to go to f ohool instead of the miUs. The greatest opposition to the law comes .from the parents of the ohildren. axe tFessie cuoxner, aaugater ot the famous Confederate general, made her debut at the Bt. Charles theatre in New Orleans, last week. She has just completed her musical education in Jturope, and gives promise of becoming one ox our leading operatic singers. 4 he Jloman forum , now , contains a yast colony of eats, which were first in troduced at some remote period, and haA iMflAJI mnlt-inlit in an annrmnna extent.; The eats are supported at the government expense, and every day a ininifipal cffioial goes to the forum with i huge basket of scraps to feed the pen sioners. Accordive to the London Spectator. there; are thousands of middle class women in that city who are almost in despair for money, who rush in hund- rsds for any vacancy, who inundate ad vertisers with letters, and who, if they can only keep their caste and not do manual labor, will take any wages and accept an jkind of a situation. An offer of a ('oompauonahip" and $100 a year brings hundreds of applicants, while $70 is a common salary and many ap ply for Situations where onlv a "Chna- tianvhome" is offered. aiiunee funeral was a unique- THE CENTENNIAL ORGANIZATION. OP CENTENNIAL ; COMMITTEES PHENOMENAL I WBE AT TRA NS ACTIONS. ? 8X0 W 8T0KM8 BIS .rxiCXS FOX CITT FXO TXBTT OTHXX SSMXBA.L TBL1 f OSAPHIO WSW8. A Promts JarallBt Dead. Dam villi, Va, Deo. 4. Col. J. Richard Lwellen, editor of the Dan ville Daily Register, and one of the oldest and most prominent editors in tne state died here , this morning, lie was 64 years old, and has been identified with the Virginia press from early manhood, aided ln.establishing the or foil land mark, Virginian and Ledger and the Index in Petersburg. Hw served through the Mexican war, and was colonel in the Confederate service during the late war. Th WMklf Buk Rtattmrat. Nxw Yoxx, Dee. 4. The weekly statement of the associated banks is follows: Reserve decrease, $2,701,800: loans increase 8630,200: Bpecie de crease, $1,725,800; legal tenders in crease Xd4z,4UU ; deposits increase $5,273,600 ; circulation deorease $19 800. The banks now hold ft6.165.950 in excess of the '2b per oent. rule. FiUtM mt XTw Trau Nxw Yoxx, Dee. 4. Greene & Co.'s report on cotton futures says: It has been quiet Saturday on the market with a general sort of setting up on whoh the "bulls" carried the greatest advant age after getting a small "short" inter est frightened into covering the local C; Gen. Clinton H. Paine, of Miry land: operators who invested early in the week uen. J.J. iriniev. of Jflonds: Amos K. put tnemseives under tne marxet and GENERAL NEWS. FIRE AT MOREHEAD CITY- SNOW STORM AT ABBEVILLE; CLAsmiCATiON or tsb v;rntTn ookqric; THX FBINCH HIBI8TBT RlSiON OTHXX NIW8 BT WIRS. ; : Pheladilphia, Deo. 4. The execu tive sub-committee of the constitutional centennial commission organized today, with the election of Amos R. Little, of Philadelphia, chairman; Hon. Alfred T. Geshorn, of Ohio, and Honi Clinton, P. Paine, of Maryland, vice-chairman; Hampton P. Carron, of Philadelphia, secretary, and George 0. Thomas, ; of Philadelphia, treasurer. The officers are to constitute an executive board of whom three will be a quorum for the business. A sub-committee consisting Of three members each will also be ap pointed as the occasion calls for them to expedite the details of the celebration. A committee consisting of Hon. A. Kasflcn, ' of Iowa, chairman. N. ' G. Ordway, ofpakota; Wm. Wirt Henry, of Virginia; Vol. J.mes A. Hoyt, of B. A speoial from Morehead City to the New Bern Journal says : 'The depot took fire from a defective fine at 2:30 o'clock this evening, and at 3:30 was entirely burned up. Tbree oars, loaded with fish scrap buri ed, with about five hund red dollars worth ' of freight, ; but one empty oar burned and one saved. The entire wharf was saved after a desperate fight made by the oitizens of Morehead. There was a steam yacht, the Howland. at the dock when the fire took place,and she not only left with all the buokets that were to be had. but earned off all the men she could. '; (IHE GBEATllAJ I Aal; EIGH. : ji people jcaew hrwmush eied&eosthem they weutd not le saaUnr'lMor It i Smt thai the merchant Who buya goods W credit a4 ttlls !"- oa prm most sail his coodi hlxher to over his losses. Inrerulsr i lines of awrhaartlse Umt are tlorwalatlsjot pto&U karxd P awtfaanlsMl .extra per eentiaid, to eover the ton f rdtt. cent 1 -j a oa eachd Teu const these as4 yuaiv at chellesst stttmaU ttper 4eat which you anMt pay! to the oy has to pay. who nater, pay, It a& iThia the at C tha- hazd- 5 ' . t eaneddollan of the kbrJf peopla, '.If fon borrow inontyfrom thUak at 6 per cent yen think It very hlxk yH yea wm buy yoar goods oacndlt and pay &0 per eeat more for v ahem, than you ought to pay aad you -wlU aever wmk yoar eye- at jtt. This endit takes from the Bivdhcersol thiseeuatry one-halt they make. 2lw how djrou like the yatonir Come to the Backet 8tor.Bnd buy your geoda. The Backet Store has alt the advantage from having bayen ihrays ia I the Hew Tort soar- t f ' " : kaa, with caah Jn hand, rho buy freni hooaea ; ! I which are compelled to take their oflars for Umm good. It it the power of the almighty Little, of Pennsylvania; Thomas T. Grant, of Missouri; Henry CaleotLodse. of Massachusetts; D. G. Richardson, of Tennessee, and Mar cell us Green; of Mississippi, were designated to call on President Cleveland and urge him to -make recommendations to Congress on the sut ject of the centennial celebration in case he fails to make mention of it in his annual message next Monday. Big- Cbaawa ! Wktat. Nrw York, Deo. 4 This has been another eventful day at the produce ex change in the wheat market and the oo- tion trading is simply phenomenal. Over ZU.UUU.UUO bushels changing hands, making , a total of 62,000,000 bushels for two days, something that has never V 1 . it. k J . . ucvu uiuwu ui iut uBwrj oj tne grain trade. It is thought among the brokers on the floor that the speculative interest is steadily turning from Chicago to this city. Some merchants attribute the ac tivity to the abolition of the trading T mm ... .... . .. O nntB" rrt la" a h. w Am tfmmwmw mfmm mgmmmmw mm H fl l. During the day there was considerable exoitement though the fluctuations were within narrcw range of Jio. "Shorts" were heavy buyers, and considerable "long" wheat was thrown on the mar ket with ut having much efiect. Prices were a shade lower at the close as ecm- J tared with the current rates of yester-ay. . SMvattmi. Ftacxtch, Va., Dee. 4 It hu been snowhg hard all day. Travel ia muoh 'impeded in the mountains bv heavr .i. : T ; drirang. Ltxcbbpto, ya., Dec. 4. A heavy sncw stoim has prevailed since early this morning; all trains are delayed. Terrible itoi ma are reported from the mountains. Chaxlxitox, Deo. 4. The weather today is the coldest of the season; ioe ioi mine in exposed puces. A despatch tonight report heavy snow storms in the states. The enow fell in the mountains exceeding six inches in depth. 1 w i m : Picpvvly Wrtb 745 p WrtmtTU I BiLAMLPBiA Dee. 4 The old post. office building belonginc to the United States, was sold today at .auction for $413,000, being $113,000 abote the upset price. The purchaser was Antho ny J. IfrexeL The building is on Chestnut street.' It was offered in June of last j ear, when not a single bid made at the unset nrioe: todav there imam i - I ouu ::::'-::ta, Before ymt k ri,...! .i i j ook r j ti I Aenn arriTtu um iu wm IHVVI MIU Admj U vv L7 . X. sold at the rate of $7, 159 per front fool The bereaved widower sat in the first carriage alone, and behind came the twenty mourners, all men, throwing: fronl their carriages bits of rioe paper, ; w men are supposed to occupy the at tention of the Chinese devil so that the! soul of the dead may be undisturbed.; in me rear or the procession came - a van bearing the effects of the deceased. a trunk, bedstead, mattress, brio-a-brac and; clothes, - and, most important, aboard covered with Chinese eharae tors to mark the grave of the deceased. A. bon-nre was made of the household effect at the grave. rrom wiia ume untu Apru, says ue isurai messenger, keep the p?g penal cattle pens and sheds,: and stables -and barnyards well llttord with pine straw r ox fprest leaves Of . any kind that are most oonxenient and abundant, Wo prefer pine axraw because it is somew hat easier to handle with the fork, and makes a nioe bed, bnl no better manure than, leaves. The tramping of the stock will eat the Utter uo fine, and beeom in 1 if xu. mixed witn the droppingt,. the farmer CnT o Mixico, Deo. 4. Judge will have, bv serins- manv loads of rieh Manning, U. ti. minister, and his Wile " j. . I vT re : r . i t manure. .If farmers wen Id onlv nan all I avueruiK uvm aeavy ooias on thai stock at nfirht. andeverv nitht. "0 lusgl. Mil. Ma&niCff IS ihowint and keep all the stalls well littered, MTerish symptoms, but io danger is sp- they Would make much more manure I p"oa. ut. x-araoifc, an American, sustained it by bidding but drew no really new demand. There was evidence of considerable quiet spilling bv some of the prominent "long. " An advance of 616 points was very well supported but the dose was quiet. The Owm Trial. Fpecial Cor. the News and Observer. Wabhihgtom, N. C, Deo." 2. Mrs. Owens (white), and the two ne groes stark oixnpson and isaao Jones, who it is alleged conspired, and did kill Alonxo D. Owens, a merchant of Ores- well, Washington county, on the 23rd of last September, were arraigned today (Deo. 2,) before the superior court now in session here, Judge Shipp presiding A speoial venire of one hundred and fif ty freehcldera was itmmoned, and one hundred and twenty were exhausted be fore a jury was agreed upon. The en tire day was consumed in accepting the jury. K. t he Jaa Cateha Crasa. THX AJIATIO COUST XCXOPIABIZII) COB8IT AND BC8TLX TAOTOXT BTAXTXP. Fan Franclaoo Foat. One of the mikado's councillors, Mr. Shiniohiro, a trim-built little man, came in by the Oceanic. His talk was spicy and newsy. The mikado dispensed with his native gowns some yean ago, and now her majesty, tne empress, an nounces that at her reception on new year's day she will appear in a dress 'made by a ; French drt svmaker. Ladies m this walk or lire are-domg a rushing business. . Since the empress made known her; intentions all the ladies of oonsequenoe in the land are ordering gorgeous European styles of dress, and a large manufacturing establishment has just commenced the manufacturing of bustles and oorsets. The ladies or 10X10 are .oniy for, any thing that is after a JCuropean no tion, and ; social culture is being un proved wonueriuuy. everything is flavored with European ideas. The army, the navy and society are all after the European plan. Tne army in Japan is under the directien of Frenoh and German effioers. Japanese merchants will not employ clerks now who do not spesx xdigiicn. xat mixauo nas or acr ed English taught in all the public schools. The mikado hereafter is to be called "emperor." dollar cutting 1U wy hrough the centre of time which nbk ua Jo offer goods at leas thaa they caa be made tor ia hundreds of easea. The Backet Storj Is satisfied with small pioats and we shall mke ear bargains nuke or buaineaa. How come to i the Backet Store and buy your' goods anjil save your moaeyi 4- This week weabaUcgrer aome great barg.bM I I. la Cents' Bof a and children' cape ; also ia Geata elethlng of a! kinds. Triple silver plate oa steel knives and forks worth 1M at 'ot Job ln"Gent. Ladiea' and Xisseo GoaaBlioea. iPeraoaa wishing such goods will - aave saoney by purehialag from ue. Keaoecttour aubaahted. to the caah trade only. VOLNEr P dasELL A CO., lOSJSfctiaSL than they do, and such as .would im prove their land and render the use of ? 1 a 1 V .1 m-. t ' oommerraai terui aws doul proiiuDie and desirable. At favorable times du ring the autumn, get out from the swamps, or along marsh and river sides, the mucx . and other decayed matter, take it at onoe to the fields and spread it Son the surface quite thick. After this is spread sdpIv on tob of it 10 bar rels 2d bushels of .either shell or rock lime, or more, of agricultural lime; or in place cf the lime, 60 to 100 bushels of marl per acres. The action of the frost and lime on the muck all winter will thor ought temper it, and a goad dressing say any loads to tne acre wui aavanee me sou w a nign uegree oi icrwmj, Borne -little experience with the same swamp muok leads us to value it very highly, r armors are throwing away a stupendous crop producer in suffering the vast deposits of Swamp muck near them to lie unutilised. The scrapings of the forest is another vast, but too much neglected, souroa of soil fertility. In general it should be taken direct to the fields and thus save repeated haul ing and. handling But some of it ought to be used in and about" the stables, barnyards, Ac So long as there is any poor land on the farm, this source of manure ought not to be neglected. Ashes are an indispensable and most valuable arm manure. A large quantity may be saved in the course of one win ter from the fires of the family. Bat this resource should, not bo the solo de pendence. The dead trees logs, stumps. &o.. t1) be found about moat farrfiai if burned, would furnUh "a larger supply. and eould hardly, ba put ' to better pur pose. Convert ti neh ruhbisnuito ashes for the crop. " who is the physician to the minister. said today that he had been attending Judge Manning, who had symptoms of pneumonia, put that he now thought there, was no danger. Tai al Tlaiaie kappij ere (. Nxw York, December 4. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 2,697,167 bales, of which 2,297,457 are American; against 2,569,861 and 2,293,- obi respectively last year ; receipts 1 at all interior towns 197,664; receipts from the plantations 300,470; crop in sight 3,482,729. ; :P'. "I j--. :Sr t j k : NxW OxLXAHS, Deo 4 A special to the Picayune frcm Greenville, Miss , says: One hundred and seventy-three bales of eotton and a box ear of the .Lou isville, New Orleans and Texas railroad ware burned here yesterday. The fire was the work w an incendiary. Trig-a Bewi. Lokdoh, Deo. 4. The Dublin agent of the Central News, telegraphs that the Irish executive in oonsequenoe of the proceedings at yesterday's cabinet coun cil, is preparing for a determined strug gle against the ixuh national league. The proposed warfare, the telegram as serts, will inolude the proclamation of all league meetings, and the arrests of prominent anti rent agitators. The agent adds that he has reason to believe the seisure of the United Ireland also has been decided upon by the government. Tti Cttaatdenaa-er SavCa. Paxis, Deo. 4. Ihe; French trans port Chandernager, reported on Thurs day as lost. With t.zuu troops aboard. has arrived safely at the port of Tou- Carrat CHianl, Youth's Companion furnishes the fol s oousin with her parents on a summer visit his mother had told him to observe how graceful and polite her manners were, peeially at the table. When she inn a m m . came Willie onserved ner. there fore, with admiring interest. One day his mother said: "Do yon see how nioe- ly Bertha conducts herself, Willie?" lea, mamma. ' ' 4 'Won't yc u think her manners are rather better than your7" "Yes, msmma; and I guess I know why." "Why is it my dear?" "Proba bly Bertha has bten better brought np than 1 have! A soldier at Miles City, Montana, oonfeesed that he stole a lot of clothes, billiard balls snd barroom fixtures that he might be sent to jail, where he was sure that he would be happier than at Fort Keogh, where he was stationed. A Shoe Battoalai Bay Beatrix. Columbia. 8. 0 , Deo. 3. An inter esting medical esse was treated in Spar tanburg a few days ago. The patient, a white coy iv years oia, naa . xor six years been treated by able physicians for eatarrb, but no relief oould be ob tained. A specialist concluded that the nostril was c Winded by seme foreign snbstanoe, and, performing an opera tion, found a large site brass shoe but ton. The patient is recovering rapidly "Seen the new boy who has moved in around the corner?" "Yaaa." "Found out anything?" "Lots; his father used to work in a saw-mill and hu mother was a dress-maker." "Humph I who wants io know anything of the father and mother ? What we want to find out is whether we kin lick the boy or will have to run from him," Detroit Free Press. Brown Did you go for a vacation this summer, Smith 7 Smith Oh, yes. Brown How did you manage your busness sffim? Smith- I took my advertisement out of the papers until I returned, so there wasn't any business to manage. Great feheme, eh? Harper's Baiar. Heavy aowfall la the Vest. gih. cuxqkah's coxnmox. Special to the News and Observer. Aihx villi, Deo. 4. A snow storm is prevailing here. It commenced last night and has fallen to the deptb of three inches. Gen. Ulingman is lying critically ill. The Beat Caagreaa, Wasbixoiox, Deo 4 General John B Clark, clerk of the house of represen tatives, has completed and caused to be printed an unofficial list of mem bers i of the house for the fiftieth congress, lie . elassmes them as 168 democrats, loz republicans and 4 inde pendents, with one vacancy (Rhode Island) to be filled, prabably by are-publican. One hundred and nicety-live of the members are old members,, being 10 more than the number cf old members in the present congress. Of the old members, 100 are democrats and 95 re publicans. If the independents divide, as they are expected to do, equally between the two sides, it will grve the democrats a majority of 14 in a full house. Tb Frach Si lalatarjr tilfu. Paxis, Dee. 4. The members of the radical left in the Chamber of Deputies today unanimously decided to vote con fidence m the government. It was thought that this course would induce the cabinet to recall its decision to re sign, but when the chamber met Pre mier De Freyoinot announced the resig nation of the ministry. abmis bob; Baltimore 8uv. : chffield, the projected manufactur ings oity on the Tennessee river in north west Alabama, . is booming, , and prom ises to ben rival to its neighbor, Bir mingham. The stockholders of the Sheffield Land, Iron and Coal Company, oomposed principally of enterprising (Georgians ' and Alabamians, - met , in Sheffield Wednesday and ratified a eon- tract with the Alabama and Tennessee Coal and Iron Company. The contract stipulates that for a certain quantity of lana, ngnis oi way ior rauway vaoas to eennect with all lines, and 3.000 shares of stock, to be exchanged for stock of the other companies, the furnace people are to spend eight hundred thousand dollars, and three furnaces are to be completed in eighteen, twenty-four and thirty months. The stock of the chef field company, tha par value of whioh ia $100. is now quoted at $255. The Sheffield furnace is now being built, and preparations for another, the JUsley, are perfected; so five furnaces, all to be completed in thirty months, are assured Their output will be from seven to eight hundred tons daily.' The Mem Shis and Charleston and Louisville and rashville railroads have made prepara tions for extensions to Sheffield, and parties have applied for sites on whioh . . ii . - to DUlia a oohoh wnoprwi, an nam xao- torv. pipe works and a furniture fan- tory. The Beat leatesuitoU The convention of State delegates at Philadelphia to arrange for a eelebra- ticn of the oentonnial anniversary f the promulgation of the Federal ootstv tution, finally resolved that the commis sion shall be designated as the eenten nial constitutional commission, and i prominent organisation was thereupon formed with John A. Jvasson. of Iowa, president, and Henry Cabot, of Massa chusetts, and Uol. James A. Hoyt, o: South Caroline, vice-presidents. 1 he late importations of beaded dee orations are simply magnificent, show ing rery wonaers oi ine designers; art Beaded garnitures have lost none o their prestige abroad, and among the novelties in this l-ne of trimmings are oostly'eets from Vienna, which include tablier and panel decorations, solid beaded yokes and gilets. Charles IX collars and rovers, and other special cor sage garnitures in heliotrope, pearLopaL rnbv. emerald and blomb beads, and those of elaire de lune mingled with cashmere beads in brilliant irridesoent shadings. One rare set in bronze and amber produced a superb effect upon a reception gown of golden brown velvet. combined with heavy corded silk of a much paler shade An irate female seeks admittance to the editor's sat c turn. "But I tell you madam," protests the attendant, "that the editor is too ill to talk to any one today. ; "Never mini, you let me in, I'll do the talkmg." Puck. I L you suffer pricking pains on mov ing the eyes, or cannot bear bright ligh and find your eight weak and failings vou should promptly use Dr. J. H McLean's StrengthcnLur Eye Salve. 25 cents a bottle. lh HCtllOdiBtS. PB0CXXDIN08 Of THX NORTH CAI0UBA ANVTJAL COXriXXXOX. Special Cor. of the Newa and Obaerver. SXO0ND DAT.: ; Eiipstilli, N. C, Deo. 2, 1886. After the usual opening exercises Rev. R. O. Burton, D. D.f made a mo tion to make Friday at 10 o'clock the hour for consideration of the interests of Trioity college. After considerable disouasion the motion was adopted. Col. L. D. Palmer, of the Southern Methodist publishing house, presented the interests of the publishing house. Id his talk he brought out the fact that of about 7,000 Methodist itinerant preachers in the Southern ohuroh, only izu were not taking the Nashville Christian Advocate; that the publish ing house - was sending out Sunday school literature for 600.000 ohildren. Rev. W. W Royall, of the Virginia conference, returned missionary from China; Rev. J. J. Lafftrty, editor of the Riobmond Christian Advocate, and Ret. Mr. Craig, of the Presbyterian church in Reidsville, were introduced to the conference and invited to be at home in the eonferenoe. The following committee was ap pointed to try the Rev. J. T. Bagwell on the .charge of immorality that was preferred against him. L. W. Craw ford, chairman; P. L. Hermon, T. A. Boone, W. 0. Norman, G. W. Ivey, J. W. Jenkins, J. T. Gibbe. A. R. Raven. D. Arnold, W. S. Rone, T. J. Gattis, J. N. Cole, J. J. Renn and B B. Cul breth. J. E. Mann represents the ohuroh and W. M. Robey the defendant in this ease. J. H. South gate was ap pointed secretary of the committee. xvev. Mr. Dickson, of Charleston, a. 0., represented the oondition of the Methodist ehureh buildings in that city as being bad indeed- In response to his call for help the bonferenoe gave him $446. . ! The routine business of the confer ence is moving along Tory nioely. THIRD PAT The following ministers were received into full connection as travelling preach er f: W. H. Ware, Miles M MelTarland, John J. Grigg, John A. Hornaday, Samuel R. Belk, Conder P. Jerome, Wm. F. Ccffin, D. A. Futrell, J. G. Nelson, J. R. Betts. W. W. Rose, J. E. Woosley, and A. E. Wiley. The address of Bishop U ran berry to these young men, exhorting to holiness and faithfulness was one of the best the Conference has ever beard. Rev. Dr., James Adxinj of the Holston Conference representing the (jtenaral Uonferenon Mission Board, made a speech, very fine and to the point, asking that the Conference make an effort to raise, in addition to the reg Ular collection made from the member ship, the amount of ten cents from every child in the Sunday schools; also that the preachers take, during the first six months of the year, the collections or dcred for missions; also he desired to obtain the consent of the Conferenoe to the doubling the missionary assessment. J&ev. W. II. Pegram, professor at Trinity oollege, was introduced to the Conferenoe and addressed it upon the relation of the ohuroh to the cultivation of the mind, putting Jho. question before the Uonferenoe in a very strong light. He was followed by J. 8. Carr, of Durham, pledging his earnest support to Trinity College in raising the endow ment fund of $100,000. R. O. Burton introduced a series of resolutions looking to the same end, de claring it the sense of the Conferenoe that an agent or agencies Je put in op eration to raise this money Mr. Carr thought that the services of Governor Jar vis eould bo secured to act as agent for this- endowment if und. Bishop Cranberry made ft moat earn est exhortation in favor o7 the endow ment. As did, also, Rev.i.B, B. Cul brethandV.A Sharp. The. resolutions of Mr. Burton were adopted. 0. Tlff!mpbU Bewaw Ex-governor S. F. Perry died at his home in weenvuie, ; o. U. lie was born on November 20, 1805, He was always a leader of the union party in South Carolina, and was appointed a pro- visional uovernor oy Andrew jgjulsou in 1865. He was the father of Congress man trerry. Charles Tong Sing, who was steward of the Jeannette, and also a member: of the Thetis resoue party, and wan afcr- terwards convicted of assault with in tent to kill another Chinaman,, and sentenced to seven yean imprisonment has been pardoned by the governor)! New Jersey. Seventeen new eases of cholera were reported in Buenos Ayres, Thursday, and nine deaths. In Rosario thirty-four new eases were reported, and there were twenty-five deaths. ! In Cordova there were twelve new eases and five deaths Eight negro roustabouts, part o the crew of the river steamer Mattie Bell, who had been; exposed to the re oent storm, have arrived in 8t. Louis with badly' frozen hands, feet and faces nour or inem wui lose tneir nan as and foot. The action of the exeoutive board o: the Knights of Labor in levying a spe eial assessment of 25 oenti upon al members of the order is not favorably received in Lhioago. Many local : semblies say they will not pay it. CM WMtbtr Im ta Wm(. THX WABM SPKIHOS 0A8X8 fOBMAtlOM Of AH ICX COMTAKT BIAK AHD A flW rxxsoHALs. . ; - Special Cor. of the Kswa ajtd Oasaaraa. iiSBimLi, Deo 3 Tester day, a cold wave struok us The mercury stood at 12 at sunrise. Wind was very high; sky cloudless; ground hard frr sen, dry and dusty; This morn ing the mercury is down to: 8. A company for the manufacture of ioo has been organized here, with J. G. Martin as president. The trial of the Warm Springs in- suranea eases, which oommenoed at Marshall on Monday, was brought to a sudden termination yesterday, by a eoaproimise between the plaint' ff and de fendant, by whioh the matters of differ ence between the parties will be amica bly and finally adj jstfd: the plaintiffs recovering $44,000. The! oases have excited much local interest. Capt. G. M. Roberts and family have removed to Henderson county to lire. Rev. : Dr. Carroll has resigned the pastorate of the Baptist church here, and the resignation has been aocopted. Bear are plentiful in the mountain this season. it I 1 Phyaieiana. Lwyer, and Business Hani athusiaatie In their endorsement of Sal rati are enthusiastic la their endorsement of Sal rattan Oil. It cures the wort a caaea of rheumatism. 25 cents. She eat on tlie piano stool with her buds tightly clasped looking tragic and mlierable the could not slog a Bote. I gently suggested Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup The next t ar aae was ting log and trifling Hke the first birds In ue sptnag. biuidi giri i A xxw Home Maohine would bs the very thing for a Xmas present. J, L Stone, Gen'l Agt., Raleigh, N. O. A large number of Hebrews will come from Europe to the United States dur ing the winter months. In conversation with a New York reporter, commissioner Stephenson, of the emigration board, saia: "Somehow or other these people seem as a rule, to have friends who will take care of them until they can provide for themselves. ' I have noticed that in the institutions on Ward's Island there are few Hebrews, "and we seldom see them in the police courts." eoon xxsnxTs xtxxt oasx. D. A. Bradford, wholesale barer dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was serK oualy afflicted with a severe cold that settled on hia lungK had tried manv remedies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr Kinga New Dis covery for Consumption,did so land waa entirely cured by use of a few bottles, since which time he haa used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best results, i This la the ex perience of thousands whose lives has been saved by this wonderful Discovery. Trial Bot ue au nree at orug store. j , naa Oyaaera. Select Orstera received three times a wt eb for sale on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. ; jl. j. iiaraia. : The Rot Alexander Maokay Smith, assistant rector of 8t Thomas's ohuroh. New York, has been eWotod assistant Episcopal bishop of Kansas. i Q!a,B Crovnv Ajtlt Couch, InctpimtCoiiMmp- ,aa re MliwrM eaoramotir enoni U dnuMSM SUM or thedi. Tic atetc Com io..Ib Oeouina Dr. Bviei Comajk Kymp Js mM onlr t wkiit wiuwoa, and bean our Ktnrtmed Trada-lUrk to wit i .Strip CMiM-fotd, IfaemiieBlgintarMoffoftMlf. tm A.C. mrytr m va- bom SALVATIOrJOIL, .The drestMt Car on Earth for Pain," . WlU relieve more quickly than any other knows remedy, i Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Boms, Scalds, Cats, Lumbaoi, Sores, Frost bitea. Bachacjhe, Wooads, Headache. Toothache. Soralns. &c Sold br all Druggists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. Edward Fasnach, asi Optician Jeweler RAJ Ware for Bridal Optical Q Presents.! oods t iHQH, y. o. Gold and Sfljrer Watches, American snd Imported. Beal and Imitation Diamond Jew airy, 18 karat Wedding:; and Engagement Kings, any sixa and weight, Sterling SIlTer i ' SPECIALTY. Spectacles and Eye-glasses in Gold, Silver Steel, Bnbber and Shell Eram. Lenses, 3 . white and tinted, la endleea varieties. Seals or Lodges, Corporations, ate. Ala Badges auri Medals for Schools and Sodees E made to order. - ;. Mail orders promptly attended to. Goods - , sent on selection to any part of the State. " i gT Old Gold and Sliver ia amall and large ' ' i V .5- t - I PURE LARD. WHAT A WILL tBSWI SITIZEJCXATS A It IT iTt "JdJt B. H. VVoooaxL: j "Dear Sir-1 have now used Caseard's Lard both winter and summer and It las proven entirely satisfactory. We had the offer . of well known pure country Urd and my wife advised the continuance ot Cassard'a. I heartU ly eongratnlate you oa being the agent lor such , a prime necessity I lite. i ' ! k '"Your truly, , ' "Bav. W. Jt W. CBOWDSB," - For sale by the following reliable Grocers i W. B. Vaan 4 Co., W. B Kewrom Car X.J.HardiB. 1 W.H. Ellis, J. B.EerrallACo, W. C. Upchureh, ' t ' tu W. jTapsj j a - A. B. bUxnach, :ft C CcLooord c& Son ! BALTOCOBE, MD. ' Curers of the Celebrated "Star Brandt hlild Cured Bams sad Breakfast Bacon. V i J t

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