1 i I 'try-- ; -ui M i !; .;.! I : '! ' ' il : : t . i.; " . : : ?, -TlM,':-NiEiW'S 4 f 5 ,48o0 J UBBERV EE '-t0 a '1 I OL.XXV1L RALEIGH. N. C WEDNESDAY MOHNTNG, DECEMBER 8, 1886. ISO 62 ;. y.l 3,- IPiUil Absbltftely Pure! tins powder never ji Prairie fires hare devastated 6WVUV acres in Texts this year. ; Fr-MW Winifred Dsvir, -daughter of Jefferson Davis, has written a magt aine article on "The Lost Cause -In Richmond, Va., during NovenH Mr, hut $17,916 I worth of eoupens Cre tendered in payment of taxes, against! 34,000 same month last year ' : Among the passengers on the atoam hip Falda, whieh arrived in New York yesterday, was a Russian family of 40, Gustat Pleth, his wife, his fire sons and their wires and 28 grandohildren. They are bound for Knife river, Da kota. ; , 'Peter Hegleman, of New York, ind 'James -Grant, of Cambridge, ran twenty miles at the Adelphi rink. New Bedford, Maas., Saturday, for $100 a side and the ehsmpionship of . Amerioa. Hagleman eorered the distanoe in two hours I and eighteen minutes. Grant '44re up the eontest on his sixteenth mile. At a joint meeting of the Cabinet- krvry Hnta r M rtfatfca (M ak hae riy awtralw r. j iDfffiiii THE r fiESTTOmC Sad t'!lVi!ilVhiMhly tblljT& NfiWS UBSKRRVATION3. 3 fc -t vA'saarrel !!!?i!?!fi?!JS New York, rott eaiy ia.aaaav, Jtor aJ. JBasjow PowM-r l.,10sW8tnVBew York. - , tela; by W C V B ftfoasob, QewgeT alSaSiVfKiaaaSar.'1 'afaataB??? , wn rmini riiiiiTnwii Max Pffl S1D3E., I -.V ;,. . 'v.'"i f ': THKGBfiAf 5AEGAIN 8T0SX 07 f ; . - I i eopk knew low mneh eredS east tttaa WMM nolbe swUng lt,lor tt is I 'jaWtt ayiclnsi est credit Sum sail Us general seeretary of the International ?$tlfi0etmakers Union, said that on Jiaukrr 1 a demand will be made trntfghont the United States for. the wdctpticB of nine hours as the length of a dajfs work. Employers will be giren two months to decide. y A treasury decision has settled a exed question of art in its own way by fixing the year 1700 as the di riding line 'he tw een ancient and modern ean rases. Hereafter any pieturo painted beiore the year 1700 may enter an Amer-ioinf'ik)rt-dntyfree. 8inoe that date, by older of the aeoretalry of the treasury, erery piece of canras painted has bees inodera, ' -Gen 1J. M. -Logan, of Biehmond, Va , who has made a hit in the finan cial world by the recent deal in "Ter miial," Btoek, whieh wu earned up from 28 to 77 on the stock market, is a lender man of small stature, with a tmfail head, targe' forehead and square cut brown whiskers. He lires with his family at ths Fifth Arenue Hotel, New York. His profits in the Terminal deal are Said to hare been three quarters of a million. The conferees on the inter-etate commerce bill are understood to be rap idly approaohing a harmonious eonelu- .ion, but they are retioent as to the .ex&et nature of their agreement thus far. It is understood that the Senate confer ees make concessions in respect to the tariff and long and short haul features, and that the House conferees accept the ocmnufsion feature of the Donate bill. The question of the jorisdietiotf of state oourta is still pending. . MeClellan' CONGRESS. BOTH HOUSES PLOUGHING INTO BUSINESS WITH A WILL. QMS giaWlTIOAHT BILLS AND RSS0LCTI0N8 1ST ODtCSD OII1KAL WABHIKOT0M VXWSOTBtR OBV1XAL HSWS BT WIRI. f som ixrxAOT. Gen. Geo. B. The late own story or his onnection with toe el Til war has just been pbeed before the public As for the nceo engaged in th fi-ht, Gen. MoOlelLn sire: "More gallant foes serer net on the field of battle than these men of the same race proflu srbo had so Ions: lired under the amp e thattas ehantwbobuyi goods oa I 0lds of the tame fic; more decorate battles were nerer fought than thoe bow about to ocjur. The mititary rir tues of patriotism, patienee, endurance, vuT'stvarvsjaiiavai awnaw sii vwih w v mwm I -? -w aywwww Wsa . wmtmtj to rteeire their most striking illuitra-1 existeajDn tne day ot tH adjdrnmant. tions.'! , . The'followin extracts were rerised and oontinued during the up ana aacn cMsasre;aiaa i regard to ilcUleilan's troubles with present session. his In regular : lkass Of BMrehandlse there are three disUnet : WasnrsoToir, Deo. 7. Sxhatb. The credentials of S nator Cheney, of New Hampshire, appointed to fill, tem pbrariiy ther acaney eused by the death oflBenator Pike, were presented by Mr. Blair and the oath of office was administered to Mr. Cheney; y : Mr. Butler introdueed a bill for the erection of.. a custom house at Charles ton, S. 0. Committee on publio build ihga. ' ; . : Mr. Book introduced a bill to proride for the retirement of U. J3. legal tender and national bank notes of small denom inations, and for the issue of ooia oartifi oates. Committee on finanoe. : Mr. Morrill offered the following reso lution : I Beeolred, That a promise of making any rerision of the tariff in a spirit of fair ness to all interests, not to injure any domestio industries but to promote their healthy growth so that any change of the law must be, at erery step, regard ful of the labor and capital in rolred, and without depriring American labor of the ability to compete successfully With foreign labor, and without impos ing lower rates of duty than will be ample to oorer any in creased cost of pro duction which may exist in eonsequenoe Of a higher rate of wages prerailing in this etuntry, appears so obriously hope less and impracticable that any further attempts at rerision by the present Con gress in contrarention of the foregoing sirdinal dccltrations are to be regarded as inexpedient and detrimental to a rc riral of the trades and the industry of the country. i Mr. Morrill's resolution was laid orer luntil tomorrow. I Mr Dawes offered' the following res olution, whioh was also laid over and ordered printed. ; B, solved. That the oommittee on fi nance be inatruoted to inquire and report, as soon as practicable, what speoifio re duction can be made in customs duties nd internal taxes which will, in their judgment, reduoe receipts to the neoes- aary ana economical expenditures of the goremment, without impairing the pros perity and derelopment of home indus tries on the compensation of home labor. On motion of Mr. Hoar the Pacific railroad funding bill was. made the spe cial order for Tuesday, December 21st; at 2 o'clock, with the same rights as it BOW has. i Mr. Ingalli made n statement u to the withholding from homestead entry of Atlantic and Pacific railroad lands in New- Mexico, declared forfeited by act of July 6th, 1886, intimating that the fault lay- with the commissioner of pub lie lands, who seemed to regard erery pre-emptor as a kleptomaniac benod on pillage and plunder; and he offered; a resolution (which wu Adopted) dircet iug the secretary of the interior to in form the Senate whether such lands had been restored to entry and if not so to stored the occasion of the delaT., ; On motion of Mr. Fryc, the select commissioners of the Senate, ,sj they caargei,' extra per d laid, to eorar' thc avedtt. ten per east ii: ei aaehaf Teuoouat i'aad yarfhara at thsjeast eatbs Mper . . - I,. 'eoTsr the who iVer pay. This the I has to pay. fit all cut hard ef the .armed doDars el the laborh peopia. Itta hemw from the bank at f par cant jeulfem B Very high, yet you wta-btr youT goods a erjdtt and pay M per eeai aaora tor ihea Uaa rou eofht to pay and too Will at it. Thto etadtt takes from the producers of Cms eountrf eus-hall partr leaders and his arraignment of Seeretary Stanton will be read with in-terest: I hare already stated in a general way what occurred between myself and: tome of the rad'eal leaders shortly after I M&xluuf WaahintrtAn. Thev than ea eieariy mat it wouiu bos do poan ble to make a party tool of me, and soon concluded that it was their policy toTgnin me if posssiblo. The-real oli ct of the radical was not the restoration of the Union, but the permanent ascendancy of their party and to this they were rejr to aenno ut union, u accessary. ,, xaey Mr. Blair gave notioc that ha would tomorrow ask consideration of a joint resolution proposing an amendment ito the constitution extending the right of suffrage to women. ; Announcement was made of the deaths of RepmenUtiTes Prioe, of Wisconsin, atd Beach and Arnot of New York. r Messrs. 8pooner, Manderson and Bljaexburn'tero appointed a committee to Wttend Mr. PricVs funcraL Adjourned. ' ! . . ' Hcimn. ' Aner the reading of the 'journal, by unanimous consent the states were called for the introduction of bills and reso- oommitted a graye error in supposing i lutions, when the following wercintro- I me to be political! r ambitious, and in I duced and referred: aerer wlak fyour eye tkay aaaka. Sow how dojou like the i Come to the Backet Store and buy ylur gwbda. ! f ' , I r i ;: . The Backet f tore has all the adraalages, from; haying buyers always in ths New fork mar- 1 ket, with eaahta band, who buy from houses 4 & which ara eompelled to taka their oiri tor 5 i n these goods. 'It Is the power of thealmlgatl' dollar catting its way through the centra o! Usm which enables us to offer goods at lass i t y r thai they can be made far la hundreds Of eajea. Ths Racket tore Is satisfied wtth smatt profiu a&d we shall Biake our bargains aaake i .1 :; ourbusiheaa. Bow come to the Backet Btoi and buy your goods and Bays your avmey. ' i. . ? ( r ; This Week we shall offer some great bargains in Gents' Boys' and chillreas'cipa; also la Goats' clothing of all kinds. F Triple fler IplateosjateellniTesand forksWrr,hvIJ at Vn!La lb ta Oenta'. Ladiee anltiaaaa' GnnBhoea. Fersoas wishing sjieh goods Will sae moaey by purchtslng trout ua. RaaMcUallT aubaaiUod to the cash trade ''VOLNKI PUBSELjJ & GO, j-' N lOBJlartineL r thinking that I looked forward to, mili tary success as a means of reaching the presidential chair. At the same time they knew that if 1 achieved marked - an a. Bttooas my Knuenee would nec essarily be "tery great throughout the country an influence whioh ( sh'-Utd certainly hare used for the good of the whole country, and not for that of any party at the nation s ex pense.' They therefore determined to ruin me in any erent and by any means; n.st by endeoyi rng . .to foroe me mto premature morements, knooing that a failure.would probably end my military oareer; afterwards by withholding tne means necessary to achiere sueoess. That they were not honest is prorod by the faet that haring failed to force. me to adtanco at a time when an advance wonll hare been madness, they with held tho means ofsuoccas when I was in eoatast with tbe enemy, and fiaally re lieved me from command when tbe game was in m? hands Taking both the hm and West, and counting the losses also by disease, I do not doubt that more than SWU.uuu oi men were eaenaooa unnecessarily for the sake of insuring the suocess of a political party. I do bo t b ts my assertions on 'the motives of the radical leaders upon mere surmises, but upon facts that hare fre- aneotly come to my knowledge during ic war and since. "From the light that has sinoc been thrown on Stanton's character, I am sat isfied that from an early date he was in the treasonable conspiracy, and that his course in ingratiating himself with me and pretending to bo my friend before he was in omoe. was only a part or nis Aosg system of tmehory. for the promotion of Commodore Trux ton, retired. Mr. Reagan, of Texas, offered a reso lution filing the 16th of December for the consideration of business, reported from the oommittee on commerce. At the suggestion of Mr. Morrison the usual elause giving priority to the revenue and appropriation bills was inserted, but as Mr. Reagan would not agree to the resolution, With the prior peoial orders, Mr. Hatoh, of Missouri, oljeoted to the consideration of the resolution and it was referred to the committee on rules. Committees were then called but no reports were sub mitted, and in the morning hour Mr. Bragg, of Wisoonsin, on behalf of the oommittee on,military affairs, called up for aotion the Senate bill for the relief of graduates of the military academy. t enacts into law an enquiry as to what is the o&use of paying cadets a salary as lieutenants from the date of graduation to the time of regular assignment as officers in the army. The morning hour having expired, Mr. Caldwell, of Tennessee, called up for consideration the electoral count bill whioh was the special continuing order. Mr. Hatoh, of Missouri, antagonised the motion with another, providing for the consideration of a bill to enlarge the powers and duties of the department of agriculture. The House, however, decided by a vote of 101 to 27 to consider the Senate electoral count bill, with the proposed House amendments. In advocating the bill, Mr. Caldwell. chairman of the committee having juris diction of the subject, explained that its object was to prescribe a mode in whieh the eount of the electoral vote was to be made and to supply an omission whioh existed in the constitution. The passage of the bill would settle all questions which arose from time to time as to the eleotoral count. It would deeide that the power to count the vote did not re side in the president of the Senate, but that it resided in the two houses of Con gress; that it was not a merely ministe rial power, but the power to count, and consequently to deeide the - legality of tho votes to bo oounted. That tho ao tion of the two houses should be sepa rate upon all questions arising during the oount, but joint as to the result, thus preserving the dignity asd rights of both bodies by conceding to each equal and concurrent power without a merging of the lesser body into the one numerically greater. Adjourned. 19 By Mr. Herbert, of Alabama, a res olution authorising the oommittee on f ules, upon one day'c notice, to desig nate any measure for the consideration of the House; also, to remove certain disabilities from cifa'xens of tho United States. By Mr. Adams, of Illinois, to amend the law in relation to the amount of United States bonds rit qiired to be kept on oeposit by national banks as security for circulating notes. It provides that banks having a capital of $500,000 or less shall not be required to keep on do- posit bonds in excess of one-tenth of their capital stock as security for their circulating notes, and such of those baiks as have on deposit bonds in ex cess of this amount, arc authorised to re duce their circulation' by the deposit of lawful money as provided by la provided, that the amount of such circulating notes shall not exoeed at any time ninety per cent of the par value of bonds deposited as herein provided. :, By Mr. Dibble, of South Carolina, for the erection of a public building at Charleston, o u. By Mr. Tucker, of Virginia, making the Senate polygamy bill a special order for December 14. ijy mr. matson, of Indiana, to pre tent contraction of the currency. It authorises the 8ecretaryof the Treasury TT . 1 CI - i . . . . 1 to issue umwa otstesnoies ox tne same denomination as those of any national banks that may have been heretofore, or may hereafter be retired from circula tion, bv reason' of the. navment of anv bonds held by the national banks to se cure their circulation. By Hr. BgjdaJ, of PcBasylvasin, 1b XaSlamataa Saw sToaca yar. WassixoTon, Dee. 7th. The Sec retary of thoTreasury has sent to Lor gross estimates of the appro priations required for tho fiscal Tear ended June 80, 1888. Tho total amount estimated as required for all tho expen ses of the government Is $3Z& 183 794, whieh. is -14.403 759, less than tho sum called for in tho estimates submitted last year and $3 272.691 leas than the aggregate of the appropriations for tho present fiscal year. Tka Freald t Better. WaSHiKQToaT, Dec, 7. The President is somewhat unproved in health today and was able to be present at the regular cabinet meeting. Fatarea at Blow Torfeu Ngw Yoxx, Deo. 7. Greene & Oo.'s report on cotton futures says t Con tracts were stimulated by the further advance at Liverpool, and started strong and gained 56 points, when a sudden outburst of supplies from all quarters carried a sharp and general reaction with a full 10 points decline from tne highest. Everybody appeared to bo possessed with a desire to realiss, and an immense amount of long ootton was liquidated, including a liberal propor tion of outside holding, which appeared well content to accept its profits and await further reaction. Before the close there was a small recovery again, and left off at la2 points Under last evening and steady. Who Bodies of Ft. Kiooh, 'Mont., Dec. 7. The dead bodies of three Indians who had perished in the late storm have been und near Ashland. Several more In ians are believed to have been lost and met the same fate. The dead Indians are supposed to belong to the Fort Bcr thold agency. Distills, Va., Ded. 7. The tobaeoo sales for November were 1,619.828 pounds, at an average of $8 S3 her hundred. Sales for the corresponding month Inst year were 3,389,993 pounds. Jeta SS. Owtai DoaaV Baltixoki. Deo. 7.T-John E. Owens, the veteran eomedian, did -this morn ing at his home in this city, aged ab 60 years. rablle BalMlMB- at OharlaatoM. Washington, Dec. 7. The bill intro dueed bv Senator Butler for the ereo- tion of a public building at Charleston, 8. 0., providea that it shall be for the aooommodation of the postoffiee and United States courts, and that the cost of the site shall not exoeed f 100.000 and the cost of the building $400, WO DOOMED. CLUVERIUS SENTENCE WILL NOT BE CHANGED BY GOV. LEE. THS MOTH! Of THX aUriDBMD 0IXL J SOS HIM MOT TO HTBifSES DaBTaCCTITa rialS ASCHaUHOr BYAV RXPTTDI ATXaOHAXITT BALLS- OTIIU GBMB&AL RBWB. Seaeatfoa la tho Owiai Special to the News and Observer. Washthotoh, N. O. , Dec 7 A treat sensation was created this fifth day of the Owens trial by the eon fessiott of Stark Simpson. He aoknowl edged that he, Mrs.' Owens, Isaac Jones and James Ambrose, who killed while resisting arrest, committed the murder. The state accepted lim as a witnesj. Mrs. Owens, a white woman, it will bo remembered, la charged with c n- nirinff with the Besrroos Simnsoa an Jones to kill and did kill her husband Alonao D. O tens, merchant of C os well. Washington county, on the 23d of last September .J BioHatoHD, Va , Doc. 7. Governor Lee has deoided not to interfere with the judgment of the court in the ease of Oluverius, either by commutation or pardon. The execution will take place Friday unless application for respite is made whioh will be considered by the Governors Biohmokp, December 6. Gov. Lse today received a letter from Mrs Lucine Madison, mother of Fannie Lillian Madisin, the victim of Cluverius, in whioh she begs the Governor to let the law take its course with that wretch Cluverius who hu caused a father, mother and eight brothers and sisters to see so much trouble. Oily hasten as quick as possible for the sake of other poor mothers and innocent families. Please, for the eke of a mother whose heart and mind have been nearly oriz.d with grief and distress, let it meaning the judgment of the court stay as it is Deetraetlve .Fire. Baltimokb, Deo. 7 A fire occurred early this morning in two fn ma build ings on Eutaw street, near Preston whioh were destroyed, together with all their furniture. The poUee rescued thirteen persona from the buildings, but could not fiid Mrs. Ann Peck, aged 90 years. Her body, burned to a crispi was, after the fire, found in a third story room. The damage by the fire was about $2,500. Tho Cfcareh Caukrlty Balla. Philadilphia. Doc. 7. Arohbishop Ryan, in accordance with the action of the third Plenary Council of Baltimore, which prohibits all balls for charitable institutions, haa notified tho Catholic Philopatrian Literary Institute that the ball announced to take plres at the Academy of Music on the night of Feb ruary 21st next cannot be given as a "Catholic charity ball." The arch bishop also announoes that none of the proceeds can be denoted, either directly or indirectly, to charitable objects. r. Harfctarfs Bill. WaSBuroTov, Dec 7. The bill in trodueed in the House today by Repre sentative Herbert, of Alabama, to re move certain political disabilities pro vides that no law or regulation shall disaualifV Dersens not diaoualified bv section S of the fourteenth : amendment to the oonstituticn from holding effioe in the army or navy. Mr. Herbert also introdueed a bill authorising state osiers to issue writs of attachment re turnable to the circuit court of the United States. Omen or ScrnxDrrnsTPinT or Public Igrauenos ion Wau Co., ! RAxmeH, N. C. To the board of education, teachers and committeemen of tho publio schools in Wake oounty, &e : Dear co-laborers in the groat work of education: In entering upon the duties of the office of oounty superintendent of pub- lie instruction, I realise something of the responsibilities resting on me, and am sure that I cannot make the educa tional work of the county1 n auoee without your hearty co-operation. But believing, as I do, that you will give me both your sympathy and aid, in a worx ox suen vital interest toitue county, I expect, at least, some degree of suooeas. Courtesy and a strict adherence to the school law will underlie all my actions in discharging the various duties of , the omoe. The first examination for white teach era will be at the court house in the city of Raleigh, on Thursday, Vth instant, and fort colored teachers at the lame place en Friday, 10th instant. Teachers will remember that tne law fixes both the time and puce for exami nations. Office days on Thursdays before tbe second and the third Sundays; and on Saturdays before the first and the fourth Sundays. Co. Supt. Pub. Instruction. tameaton. Worth Vmrtlmm, thb o. o. o. n. n. no. Cor, of tho Kewa and Obeerrer. Shblbt, Dec. 6 1886. Yesterday Mr. Eugene P. Jervey, One of the railroad commissioners of bouth Carolina, inspected the Cnarleston Cin cinnati and Chicago raiiroa i prrom Black's to the S uth Carolina line and granted them permission to transport freight and passengt-rs. The examina tion was performed according to the South Carolina law. Mr. Jervey states that he considers the new road the finest new' road in tbe South ; that the i track was header and better laid, the drainage unsurpassed and the trestles and bridges were put up in the most substantial manner. f. The firm of Lattimore A Blanton, deal ers !n general merchandise, has made an assignment to Mr. u. Augustus t JJeam. No - statement has been made public The foil are was caused by dull collec tions. bout, twenty-fire leading oitJi n of Chioagov Mamhal Field presiding, on Saturday sujwfribed a million and a half i ii i i i i i . . 1 aoiiara to auufiaiper nouse great exoeedins the-Jisual'siBe The idea to provide n sxdlorium more suitable for national gatherings than the often used exposition bnuding. f Bote Twmm Waaaiwg-toav. Special Cor. the News and Observer. Wabbihqtoh, D C, Deo. 7. The President is still suffering from his attaet of rheumatism in the knee. He walks with great difficulty. He has refused to see eren members of Con gress. The second session of the 4vth Con gress began at noon yesterday. Most of the members are here, and there was quorum the first day: All of our delegation save one or two hare arrived. Gen. Cox is at the Riggs, Col. Green and Col. Cowles are at the National, and Mr. Henderson is at the Metropolitan. n a letter from Judge Bennett, Satur day, he says he will be detained a few days on account of sickness in his family. There are several special orders pend ing in the House, suoh as the Oklahoma tml, the free ships bill, the Pacific railroad extension Jill, Ac, and Mr. Randall has two appropriation bills ready. I interviewed Gen. Jno. B. Clark, clerk of the House. Saturday, on the complexion of the next House. He 8bji he haf an unofficial list that shows that body will be composed of 163 Democrats, 152 Republicans and 4 Independents, with one vseaney from Rhode Island that will probably be filled bv a Republican. He thinks the Inde pendents will divide equally between the two parties. This gives the Demo crats 16 mjmty, not counting the va cant seat. Of the new House 195 will be old members. ; The opitol has been thoroughly over hauled and everything looks as bright as anew dollar. Mr T. B. Womaok will net return to the clerkship of the civil aerviee re form oommittee, 1 regret to learn, on account of his large practice at heme. The place will be filled bv Mr. Pierre Cox for the three months, liis believed Gen Cox can get a pTcminent position here if he desires it. Mrs. E. R Page, sister of the late Col. McLood Turner, the lady who was so brutally assaulted about two weeks ago, and an aooonnt of whioh you have already published, we arc pleased to earn, is rapidly recovering, though not yet able to resume her duties as clerk in the land effice. On Wednesday last the ease against her assailant, tho negro John L West, came up in the police court. West having previously surren dered, and being under bond of Si, 000, appeared and through counsel waived an examination. Judge Snail sent the ease to the grand jury of the criminal court, and the defendant bemsT unable to renew hu bond, was placed behind tbe bars. Mrs. rage did not lack for friends, for all the North Carolinians here took a deep interest m her behalf. Cpt. T. W. Patton and wife, -of Ashe- ville, the latter being a sister of Mrs Page, came here promptly, and will re- mam wu lb matter aa awaueu. ;mru Pago, we learn, will return to Ashevil'e with them for a while. The ground is covered with a deep snow, which be gan to fall Saturday afternoon. Col. Green came by .Baltimore, where he left his daughter at school. .Judge .Bennett is expected hero to morrow. Mr. E. D. Stimpson, of Lexington, one of tho few democrats who was dis placed in the general discharge under Publio Printer Benedict, will resume work tomorrow, through tho untiring efforts ef Mr. Henderson. Mies Kate R. Hamilton, of Hillaboro, who holds n position in the Bureau jof Navigation at tho Treasury department, has just been promoted from raw to 1,200. Washington is Oiling up rapidly, and Pennsylvania avesue is thronged as of old. Will wire you any important erent C-- rartfcer froaa tho aUoraa at Aakevllle. pecial to the News and Observer. Ashbtillb, N. Deo. 7. The snow storm ooased last night. The snow is twenty-eight inches deep, the mercury ranging from $ to 20 de grees. Court adjourned for the term on account of the weather. No such storm in half a century here. Tho rrtMk Crlaia. g g Paxo, Dee. 7.- M. Floiquet has been entrusted with the formation of a new cabinet, and he is now engaged in the task. v ntrnoi or ihi aiun vrnmo, Bbocittllb, Qbtabio, Caw id a. 4 December J, 1880. I have used Bbaitdbbth's Pills for the neat fifteen yean, end 1 think then the beat eathar tie aad antt biUouo remedy kaowa. foreoiae fire yeara I luflerad with an eruption of the skin that tare bm great pain and aanoyanoa. 1 tried different blood remedta. altkanra gaining strength, The Itching was nnreliaTed. I fiaally concluded to take a thorough oourao of Braadrdh's ruls. I took six earh nlrht for four mights, then five, four, three, two, laaeeniag eaeh tfaaa by one, an 4 then for one kaoBth took oaa arery night, with the happy result that now my skin is perfecOr clear aad has been so ever slice. !' : f l.TaxaTr. It is said all the city markets are get ting stronger. The butter market is strong enough now. f Fartaaato seeMewt to a Dakota Haa. Word reached here yeoterdaT that ti katNo. S3.441 had drawn the fint capital prize To 000 ia the October drawlns; of tbe Louisiana Stote Lottery and that a oae-fifth ticket (uott- lng ai.oj sent to si. A. uauphla ew Orleans, La.) was bald n Jamaatowo The lucky nna was J. N. Lowe aad employee of the Northern Dakota Xlavator company who takes his goad fortune eaJmty aad be will keep at work the ame a?usasl. In th s case the money comes to a poor man with a large lunily and oertam- ly to a bleaataguadiagtuaed to them. James town, (Dak.) Alert, Oct. 19. ! Another bad cutbrrak of pleuro pneumonia is reported from tho south' em end of Lmoatter eoutt , Pa. ran jouxtab or yiTALrrr. Theteurooot phytical energy aad mental ac tivity; is Ua blood. Let this become vitiated with bile, or thin ana watery in roaaequeaoe oi mdicfauon and aon-assimuatioa of the food, and an interruption a tbe functions' of the body, and a less ct stamina, flash and an- petite entuea. Eostever's Stoaiach Bitters is a toate apeciaur aoapted ta rtrore all uutea, Deeauae u saauu cuctioa and aalmUanoa. and remo re bile aad other jmpuritfrs from the eireulatloii. Protetd and strengthened with this admirable defenaiTe inTiroraat, be system dfiea iaflunoeB inimical tojhealth to which, if unregulated and feeble, it would aaaouDteaiy succumb. CoDktrpauoa, en- at aa ODeunate ana euro to aiimeBl H entnoiy removed by 1 the 1'vtr, kidneys and bladder roused irom inaeuon, and a tendency to rhen- matism egectuaTy eountaracted. Ii also era IV- aates aaaiarai aaaeaie. . - The late Mrs. Stewart's j wls are worth over three-quarters of a million. -Ta oraliat parm am Ekrth for Faia." Win aj: nitaamarnm. aoorauia, SwelUnr, SUS Veed. BrolMa, a aln Sciatica, Waunia, W-w'n-1 TootaaLa'a Spraina. aaTraee Ota Nciatend Irada-lUifc. aw ftM4bnna atrartw- A. Oljteyer AOt, PyacrtetoraTr ura, MC,C g. A. SSI Airroeo'a Wtaaalorfait naory Oor. of the News, and Observer. Oxroan, N. C, Dec. 4, 1886 Some week or ten 'days ago Mr. W A. Bobbitt, of this place received Spanish letter from Havana. When ...... ... . . tranalatcdr this was found to be tne pur port: , . "1 am an inmate" of tne city jau at Havana. 1 have heard of your great honesty and high toned character, ana will communioate business of great un portanee to us both. I and several oth era abstracted a auanty of "swag" from the Cuban treasury and fled to New Or leans, where the Spanish gold was ohaag ed into American bills, amounting to 220,000. I kept $2 000, and the res? I put into a glass bottle, nermetioau sealed it and buried it. Cruel fate car ried me back to Key West. I wss ar rested there, my baggage taken from m and I was sent to jail in Havana. Il m a . a my trunk under a false bottom u a plan of the place where tho money lies buried I am s ex and in need of money. and I pl'.ce myself under your protection I havd presented a petition to have my baggsge returned and I wish to know if rou will accept the commission of get ig the buried monej,ryou to keep it till I am released, .only, aending ni money enough to, get out of j ail. T r your trouble yoa can , keep $106,000 in writing iQU.mnat sign your nam 'Napoiescu;.;. . ;, (Signed) . Don Auw Da Posada It is prob tble that the pereoa bo me aoaainted with Mr. Bobbitt's name through the Tobaeoo Leaf," where he has a curd as tobacco buyer. Of course the whole affair is no hing more nor lers tut money trap. It writing quite a number of suoh letters he may strike some one who is simple enough to send him money " to get out of jail with." Wo learn that several similar letters have been received in Virginia; but we don't aunnoae anv have been answered. so poor Don Alfredo must still be in a a a jail, where most likely ne Dciongj. DB. BOLL'S CODOII STBGF For the cure ofCmgbColda,Hoarae eeaa, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough,! Indpiert Con aonrptton, and for the relief of con cumptive persona far advanced stages of tbe Disease. For Sale by aU Drag ejste. Price, as ceatsw . Eimrd Fasnach, -Jeweler ail Optician j X;. BALSloi N. 0. Gold and 8ilrer Watches, laaarkan and Imported. Beal aad indtatiom Diamond Jew- airy. It karat Weddmg and Ingagemaat Kings, any slae aad weight. Sterling Silver Ware for Bridal Optical Goods I I A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and lye-g lasses In Geld, Silver SteeL Bubber aad Shell wane aad tin too, m anoieas vaneaea, i seais : ior jj-xureB, viorporawona. Badgaa aad Xadals tor Schools and Sodoas made t order. ;; sent oaf elect on to any part of the State. ! K9 l Id Oild and S0ver ta small and large 1 qumnttt- s taken as easji. : dly n ASSARD I PURE LARD, j WHAT A WILL IklWI CITlZIJCSATS AISIT ITS "Ma. B. U. Y vonauj: Dear Sir 1 haver now used Casaard's Lard bo h winter aad auBmer atd It las proven entirely satisfactory. We had the offer oi well Known pure country lara ana my win advised tbe continuance of Caaaard's. 1 heart! ly congratulate you oaf bemghe.agentfor inch. iTours truly, v Many a young mai asks a woman share hm lot when he enws no lot. to "Ext. W. J. W. CEO WDJCB." , i x For : sale by the following reliable Grocers. I W. B. Iftsn A Co W. B- Hewrom Jk.Ce K.J. Hardm. i W.H. Kills. , J. B. Farrall Co i W. C Upchureh, j l. w,nva, . :i. " ' Cacisard So BALTIXOBK, MTX J Curers ef the Celebrated "War Bras afii4 wd Hams sad Breakfast Bacoaa. t M. & WOOJ3XLX, Sales f. i '!" iyy'5-yni-i4$. .,vv"i M'y- 'r.,lT 1 L - J; r t t :.: 1 1