Nsw0Jn Obsebyhb. PnuuD Pailt (ixoan Movat) a Wmu. E. ' Br THE NEWS AND OBSERVER CJo. .V J. L MoRXI, IDITO 7 00 S 6Q I 75 3 09 1 00 Dally tu year, mall, postpaid, " nix months, " " three " " Teekly, one freer, " lix months " No name entered without payment, and no paper sent after the expiration of time paid for WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1886? AHOTnrt aillj fellow' " Chioago man has Started oak to est la qaail rerj day for thirty daja. Bbothb Monxnx, of Vermont, ten deavors to: distinguish himself loarlj in : the session, as elsewhere appears. Ho will be sat down npon in due, oourse, .and as usual. I t - w" fay t 1 . A Fxshch crisis ia not ordinarily of muoh consequence, but the present cue assumes importance in riew of the dis turbed oondition of Europe generally at this time.f A new eabinet ia being form-; ed and the result will be watched with! interest. j--' Sas Fkanoisoo is reported gone mad. The excitement oyer mining stock spec ? nlation is at ferer heat. A like exoite ment ia ! reported from Alabama and Tennessee orer speculation in' iron and 1 eoal steaks. We hope, howtr ;rV' the; erils likely to result may be averted in both eases. m m - . I A so a high effioer of the oounty of Wake has to hare a negro man as :a bondsmai. Think of it, fellow-citi- tens ! Boca it not bring tho Mush pi shame toithe cheek T Shall w not dd better than this next time ? Am for the high officers who are so far unable to make bond at all, what eaa be said of. such selections In ibis good old oounty of Wake f ' - In the late Gen. George B MoClel lan's own story of his oonnection 'with the war between the states, Whioh has just been published, it is asserted thai the real jpbjeot of the radical Northern leaden 'was not the permanent recto- ration of the Union, but the permanent ascendancy of the party"' eren at the sacrifioe !of the Union if thai should be necessary. It is. also reported that Bee reary ef War Stanton was "in the treasonable conspiracy" and de4t treacherously with MoClellan. This is not surprising news to people on this aide 01 the Potomac. i;; -x Turn fcliu'rd wu oonnned to no sec tion of the country cast of the Boeky Mountains The whole region from the Lakes to the Gulf suffered more or le sererelr. Trarsl was seriously Mbi- peaea in uoiumnia, o. u., by the heavy snow-drifts and the fan of now ia mid dle Alabama wu the heaviest orer knownJ Still in Wilmington they hid no snow. A little elect that melted is it touched the ground wu ill our neigh bora .hid to suggest thov storm that wrapped most of the country in a mantle ox ano inohes deep. - 1 Cunrsxres' ; statement isf one might hare been made at any time dr- ing the trial. It throws no new whaterer npon the ease in which be has been the most exnispkuou figure.- It wu expected to be aensatknalbnt itis as mild as possible. It was expected so implicate in the murder a f arson or ter son neter preTionsly snaeted. It mlt L in all these points. U makes CluTcritts' esse neither better nor Worse for him Wcsrc, therefore not surprised to se that Got. Lee refuses to interfere with the judgment of the court The priso ner hat plsyed his lut cud and i found to be worthless. i Mjnjtzun Jastis was met by the in eritable interriewer. on jhia arriTai ia New York, and he and Mrs. J Arris are both reported as delighted with Br l! and its .people and as blaring greatly enjoyed their reaidenee among the Santh Americans, who lock upon the United. 8tatea u a model country in en terprise, eren f they still hare a fond ness fof monarehical gorertment. -Unlike the European Portuguese, the Gor ernor snys,thc Brtsilisn people are pro gresairB and aetire, and look forward with plesaurable antieipttion in the near future to more intimate relation of a social sad commercial character with the people of this republic Thr trade restrictions which now force their to boy from England and Franoe in stead Of America they hfpc to see ra Dored ao that the import trade from Ameriea may soon bear the relation i: should to their great export trade wit! this oonntry. " a earng mat some 01 pur readers, on IMinf - th farmidabl lAnvtfi nt I th PresidBnt's message yisaterday, 1 laid adds the admirable production without reading more than a line or two of it, and with perhaps some reference to the shortness of life, we present a resume of some of the more important sugges tionsmadein the communication, such as was yesterday impossible o us bj reuo4 of the crowded eoniitlon of our columns. . t The President still holds his ground m to the ciril serriee law, maintaining that opposition to the measure is doe mainly to a failure to understand it, and that it will hare more ffrieada u eari) against it yields more fully He ad mits that the r 1 form may be imperfect; msynotalwsjs bo faithfully applied; may sometimes languish under the mi guided seal of impracticable friends. But still be belieros thut the principle nnderlying it is ths mrtst gaarantoe of the ifety and sneoMS of Amerioan in stitutions. - ' 1 : : ; Hej also reiterates his opposi tion to the compulsory coinage of silreri He says we now hare an abun deuce of silrer money, and he reinforces his argument by pointing to the increase of our gold exportation! during the lut JcUs tariff redartwn osr 4esoi re- cratic exeoutire speaks with his usual force and precision. He holda rightly that the gorernment of which Ameri cans boast has for one of its main ob ject the security of erery oitisen in the enjoyment of his earnings with the least possible diminution for the public needs. This object the ropubliean high tariff certainly does not reach, and o ' the 'President jaitly refers to that tariff, wbioh exacts more of the people's snbstanoe than is necessary to meet the just obligation! of the gorernment and the expense of its economical administration, u "ruthless extortion and a riolation of the funda mental principles of free gorernment."; e oalls for a reduotion through snob .a rerision of the rcrenue laws as shall bring about receipts by the gorernment only in proportion to the needs of the government economically administered. At the same time, in suoh readjistment, he : ssys, sound policy requires that those of our fellow citisets who hare built up large and im portant industries under present conditions should not be to their injury deprired of the advantages to whioh they hare adapted their business, but this is by no means incompatible with the, granting of relief from need less taxation, and hence the general demand for such relief should be an swered promptly. Aoqnieaosnoe in the will of the majority oan be had without disastrous shock to any interest, and so good oitisenship should lead all to j in in an effort to lift the burden of unnf 0 sary taxation from the shoulders of tho muses. ! The President reoogn: s in libor chief factor in the wealth of the repub lic, and so rightly oonsiders it entitled to the most careful regard and thought ful attention on the part of the govern ment He derates labor to the digni fied plaoe it should occupy in the minds of all and demands for it suoh arrange ment of gorernment revenue as shall re dues the cost of living and at tbc same time shall not curtail the opportunity for work or reduce compensation, The farmers and other agricultur alists he justly regards u perhspi more directly and plainly concern ed tnan any outer class in an, equitable system of Federal taxation. They number in the first plaoe nearly one-half of our population, and .the ralue of their products is in no degree enhanced by any interposition on the part of the gorernment. ; They toil and delre year in and year out, almost hope lessly, and it is certainly due to them upon erery consideration that the un natural profit they are compelled to pay unaer u repuouoan nign win on au their necessaries of life and all their im plementa of husbandry ahould be mored. f The increasing and unnecessary sur plus of public rerenue annually accu mulated should be releued to the peo ple, in the opinion of the President,snd 11 n in a v ..us.1 ui release aaouia oc enectea oy amendment to the rerenue laws which would cheapen the necessaries of life and giro free or freer entrance to suoh im ported materials u by American labor may be manufactured into marketable commodities. All reforms, however, it is suggested, should be approached in a patriotic spirit of devotion to the in- tercets of the entire country" and from this no lorcr of his land will dissent. At the same time there arc certain of us who realixa that legislation hu for twenty years been steadily against our interests and who therefore think it but reuonablc that something should now be done for our benefit 1 Touching the important matter of the relaaoiroi labor "to eapual it is suggest ed that the labor bureau be enlarged by the addition to its present funo tions of the power of arbitration in eases where differences arise between the employer and the employed. The President thinks that if suoh arbitration Should prorc itself entitled to the con fidence of the parties to be affected, it might roluntarily be . called to the settlement of oontrorersies of leu ex tent and not necessarily within the do main of Federal regulation. ( In conclusion, the President suggests thstjthe freedmen who put their trust in O. 0. Hovard and the Freedmen's Bank and were swindled in eonsequenoe should be repaid what they loat by the gorernment. It seems to us that those who got the swsg should be maie to shell it out and return it to thai de luded blacks from whom it wu stolen. though we believe Howard is out of reach, in Hades -Hades being the place of departed spirits. At any rate we do not feel at all disposed to aid in replac ing the money taken from the darkeys by Yankee sharpers under the shadow of the law. rMti Ahat tk WMthw, : The weather since the first of) this month hu been sufficiently remarkable for th's season to be recorded. On Deo. 1st, the barometer rose sud denly. Few people noticed the 11 Mhos of auroral light in the south cut quar ter .close to the hor z m, between 7 and 8 P. M. of that day. The highest tem perature wu 68.6 and the lowest 37,1, making daily range of 21.5 degrees. The barometer continued to rise rap idly on tho 2id, and the temperature to falL At 11 o'clock, a cold ware warning was received at the weather bureau here; and sent out all over the state.- The weather wu generally clear that day. Highest temparature on the 2id, 41 00 lowest temDerature 25 0 makinsr a daily range of 16.0 degrees. Ua the 3rd the barometer wu high and atill rising. The temperature grew lower, the highest being 33 and the lowest 17 degrees making a daily range of 16 degrees.. Generally clear weather. On the 4th the barometer wu high but commenced to fall. The tempera ture wu low and nearly stationary. ; At 18 a. m a light anow began to fail and eont'nucd all that day, the melted anow giving u 17 inoh of water; average denth of snow on ! the ground 2 inches. The cold wave signal wu fully justified, u the temperature fell frcm 68 6 from the afternoon of the 1st to 17 degrees on tho night of the 3rd, and on the 4th to a maximum of 25.2 and a minimum of 19.1 degrees. . Sunday, the 6th, we bad generally light sleet, fioch to brisk north winds. the snow ehaagicg to sleet daring the I night. Is sieeted all day audi ewed it &3f . . a. Thai melted sleet gave 0.54 inoh of water average depth of snow on the ground 4 inches. ' The barometer '- now fell more rapidly ."the temperature being low and nearly stationary, rising slightly in the night. On the 5th the highest temp jratute wu 24.8; lowest 20.8. a daily range of only 4. , On Monday, the 6th, the frost hsd penetrated the ground to the depth of t inohes. The bare motor fell slowly all morning, bat rose bIowIj atj n'ght; the temperature slightly higher. A heavy snow commenced at 8:40 a m and continued all day; highest temperature wu 29, lowest, 24 80,ehowing a daily range of 4 2. At 9pm the snow wai 7: ioohos deep but stopped felling at 9:30 p m. ; The velocity of the wind at 2 p m yesterday wai :270 miles. The inclement weather whioh has pre vailed cleared up night before lut. Tbc amount of meltsd snow which fd,ll after 9 p. m. was 0 01 in. of water. The barometer rose steadily yesterday. The temperature rose to and passed the freei ing point for the first, time sinoe the afternoon of the 3rd inst. i Winds wes terly to northwesterly I and light Weather beautifully dear. The heavy snowfall on the ground from the recent storm wu rapidly disappearing all day. Maximum temperature 39; minimum 22 4, making the daily range 16 6. From and after today a different and fuller daily meteorologioal record will be published in the Naws avd Obsxbvsb The tri-daily observation of the temper aturo of the soil of the Exp rtment Farm will be d'so -ntinned J through the wiater. Weekly opseiv .tiona ; will be mads when possible, especially on the lower depths of soil to determine the ?ept'i of the frost line for this particular winter, and to fin 1 approximately the time of the greatest cold for the differ ent depths of soil and sab-soil. This is important in the steady of tin relation of the soil to heat. Clavrlna statement in Tall. STATIMIKT OS MY MOTSMSKTB IN BJOHMOND DUBlO THB DAT AJTD NIGHT 01 MASC3 13lH. 1885. I left the Davis House about 9 o'clock in the morning and went on Main street: saw Mr. H. B Pollard, and after about fire or ten minutes' talk with him went to Morgenstern's, on Broad street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, to get breakfast I came back to Ninth and Bank streets a little after 10 o'clock (see MoGinnis' testimony), and went to the Bankrupt Court office and met a gentl 'man whom I did not know, who told me the clerk wu not in. I went then up to tne state library u the most conve nient place to get a City Directory to try if I could find the address of the two gentlemen (William Wood and K W Baker) who had an interest in a tract of land mm j county that a Mr. Bray want ed to bny, he thinking that they lived here. Coming ;out on the steps of the cspitol, had a euual conversation with one of the guards, who told me of Got. Cameron losing a herse a short time before, &c. Then about 11 o'clock, went from there to Grigg'a snoe store, on Aignta and main streets. to get a pair of aboes tot my aunt, (sec Henley); carried the shoes to my room at the Davis House. Got there about 11 30 o'clock; went to mr room, put the shoes in my satchel; after oame to the reading room; stayed there i while; wrote a check on the Planters Bank for $2 (the amount, of -my bill at the Dan House; left about 12 o clook; . a . e went to tne oanx and got tne money (ice Spercer and al), and went from there to the Bankrupt Court agtin. This time I saw the porter who told me that the clerk was sick, and that he had the effise key, but knew nothing about the papers. 1 went then to the money or der department at tho postoffioe (about 12 15 or 12 30) to see if I could get a money order to Aylett's. : Had to wait for two persons before me to get through; then examined the books and found Aylett's was not a money or dertffise. As I wu Icaring therffie (be tween 12 30 and 1 o'clock) I met ana spoke to mr. is. W. Henley. 1 went from there to Lumsden & 8ons', j iwel- ers, between E ghth and Ninth streets. on Main, to call for : a breastpin I brought over for Mrs Dr. J. Bland and left there to have fixed. Coming baok, I met a college mate. M. B. Har rison, attorney at law, about 1 o'clock, near the corner of Elerenth and Main streets; went together into 8hoen's. . I 1 mi . 1 . corner cjiercutA ua mam, ana naa a glass of mineral water and a smoke: staid there near half an hour or about. talking orer college days, &o. Parting there, I went to a restaurant next to the DUpatch office; there I met a Mr. Lips comb, of King William county, in com- ?any with Dr. Whiting; of Wut Point, here I got dinner; left there between l ou and 2 o clock; went to dime museum, where I saw Mr. T P. Bagby; hit there about 5 or 5 80 o'clock; at the close of the performance went up Screnth street, shore Broad, to a barber shop (ued to be Olirer & Robinson), got a share; coming bask bought a copy of the State on the street; oametoDaris'; went into the reading room i read that and also New York papers there: went to my room, brushed my hair, etc , came down, got f upper and Jeft there about 8 o'clock; went up to Ford's Hotel to see if Mr Pollard was there; I wanted to see him as he wu looking for the same Eapers in the Bankrupt oourt that I wu. Is wu tot stepping thorr; I want to the St. : lair hotel to find him. knowing that he had st pped at both of these ho tels while in the legislature. Not find ing bun, I went round to the dime mu seum. 1 got there alter the nerform- anoe had commenced and staved until ihe close. I wu passing out in the crowd and ; saw . Mr. Ber nard Henley with another man I spoke to Mr. Henley, bnt did not shake hands, my attention being called just then to the falling of a little oli d in tie crowd. 1 went from there to Mor genstern's and had oysters, etc; also a box of fried oysters fixed up for lunch nexvmorning: oame back to the Davis hous4 between 11 30 and 12 o'clock: ate au applefwith Mr. Daris, paid my bill nd went to bed; wu called for at 5 o'clock next morning, left the hotel for the depot (about Twenty-fifth and Uanal streets) about 6am; there met with Uaptain A. ab. Dr. Whiting andJathera. and left the city with them abo 7 o'clock. ' I during the day and night of the 13 h of March. 1885, with the people that I saw. I am wiHing to stand on it in time and eternity, for believing tha if some day, be it early or be it late, I must stand before the throne of Almighty God, I can say that my hands are clean and my oonsoince is dear fiigncd Thomas Juotoh Clcvrius The Sfstbodlats. F&ocssDiHas or ths Nosia oakouna AHVUAL COMrSRSNOS. Special Cor. c f the Newi and Observer. Rupsvolb, N. 0., Deo. 6, 1886. tlTTH DAT. The great snow whioh covered the ground to the depth of s:x or eight inohes interfered rery greatly with the services on Sunday so muoh so indeed that no servioes were held anywhere else than at the Methodist ohnroh. Here Bishop Granbery preached a most in struotive and helpful sermon from Rom I, 11. 12,i He gave special applica tion of histext to the life and demeanor of the preacher and pastor, as the things of godliness were manifest in the life and character of that apostle of God, Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. Brof. Heitman, of Trinity college made the report from that institution This report shows that during this year (1886, fall and spring term,) there have been 170 different students enrolled against 148 for lut year. Twelve o those who have a'-tended this year ex pect to be preachers of the gospel.. Communications frcm the W. 0. T. U were referred to the committee on tern perano. Rev Dr Yates presented the eondi tion of the people in the Frort street congregation at Wilmington. Acolleo tion amounting to over $200 wu raised for this church. Rev. L L Nuh represented Paine institute, the oolored school at Augusta, Ga .and earnestly pleaded that the church in North Carolina shall do its utmost to put this school upon its feet. That we shall do our part to meet the conditions ss offered by Rer. Moses M. Payne, of Misouri, that he would give $25,000 as sn endowment for the school upon the oondition that the church shall raise 815 000 to purchase grounds and bnild- Mr. Nub stated that this conference had raised f 509 and that he desired to raise an additional $500. Permission wu given him to privately secure eon tributions and pledges. CO OD XKSOXTB IB 1T11T CASS D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer' of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was seri ously afflicted with a never cold that settled on hU lungs; hsd tried many remedies without benefit. Being; induced to try Dr King New Dis- 'eovery for Consumption.did so and was entirely cured Dy use oi a lew bottles, since which time he has used it in his family for all Coughs and Colds with best result This is the ex perience of thousands who lives has been saved by this wonderful Discovery. Trial Bot tle ail free at drug stores. The Knights of Labor of Moline, 111., have started a daily paper lb RNUtra Cor. of the Sews and! Observer. Mchtqowet, 2tA Dec. 6th. 1886. On the fi'St of December, Hon. Thomas Hey, was inaugurated Governor of Alabama, with interesting ceremonies and delivered an address, replete with eloquence and sound sense, out-lining his policy u the chief executive of this state. Among other things favored by him, are the suitable provision for dis abled confederate soldiers before erect ing a monument to those that are dead and a law releuing a married woman's property from responsibility for the hus band's debts. The people are looking t 1 t: . j : i - . ivi u iu uta umuiutntueu w im orign anticipations, end as a gentleman ex pressed it to your correspondent a few dys ago; they have high hopes that Gov. Seay will do u nobly for this state u our own J arris did for us. But to sn outsider, it looks u though there wu too muoh "boom" in some parts of Alabama, now. At Birmingham, the per pie act m to be carried away with a "aeiicious asy aream ot wealth and prosperity. The stock of one land company there, is sellicg at twenty-five hundred for one, and the company is paying a dinar nd if ten per oent erery fifteen days. Mining stock at 8h fEeld yesterday went up from 125 ' to 237 Almrsteverj n.sn who can command a few hundred dollars, is going to the oral and iron districts and investing his all in land speculation. The result of all this is, that those who arc able to cultivate the rich and productive prairie lands, and thereby produce something ur tne people to lire on, are learing farming operations to those who are either too poor or too indolent to eulti- rate the soil. It is to be feared that the large fortunes that hare been made in and arc u ad Birmingham, will in the way we n&re indicated, worn serious harm to other parts of the state, but any man who goea there will eatch the spec- aiauon iever. xnmx oi in une man went frcm Montgomery to Binghamton, three years sgo, with six hundred dollars; borrowed money; invested in land, and is now worth twenty thousand dollars. Another went lut April, with six thou sand dollars; invested in the same way, and wu a few daya ago offered twenty cigui wousanu lorms investment. An other,five years ago, in rested sixty thou sand in the land company we hare men Uoned abore, and ould now get two millions for his stock. It looks to the uniniated like this thing wu too big to last, and soma of these fine mornings, it is to be feared, tha people of Birming ham will ".hear something drap." W would like to lar something about the prominent and suooessf al men here who are natives of the old North 8tate,' but this letter is growing to ) long, and we must reserve this pleatant tasx for some future communication. From yours Ao. H. THE BEST PLACE 1 h Item as Aahevtll. Special Cor. of the Nsws avo Ossnvn. AfHsnLLa, Deo. 7, 1886. The snow storm whioh began Friday night is still continuing. The depth is now about three feet; the mercury aver aging eighteen degrees, the wind in the north. The nreoinitation is unprece dented in Bunoombc. ' A number of roofs hare fallen in. Court ad journed and business is almost cntirelv sus pended. Wagoning is impossible. AU trains are delajed. Great suffering to man and beast is annrehended. Tha storm hu pre railed sixty hours contin uously. ' There Wfc a tcimd ot ravelrv by nhrht" and she had a card but couldn't go, all oa ac count of ne irlirla. tt-r favor due's, how ever, cad a level r ad. an 1 ia t-a 1 of a bou q el. U,agh Salvation oa. IWy went and were happy once nro -e. Toe P'oprietora of tha Tarboro S utheruer. Tro'o, S. C, write: 'Dr. Bull's Cough Pyrup goej ss fart sxtr diuszists can't keep sippiei. 7 nt KcTi Usw Walnuts, Aim hd J fl- IN The Real Head uarters of SAJSTTA CLAtJS is 132 FA YETTEVILLE ST., The place so long occupied by MOSILT. The stock ia all departmenta is Entirely NEW, of the BRST QUA LITY, and i cer tainly offered at prices never before matched la North Carolina. t , -. OUR THRXX FEATURXS: ELEGANCE 1 CHEAPNESS I EX U ELLEN CE; Of the thousands of articles in Stock, suited te the tastes of all people, ot all ages, and ad apted for use as Bridal Presents, or Gifts to Children, as well as for Household use and comfort, it is needless to speak in detail. ODK CHINA AND GLASSWARE DE j PARTMENT i ? contains Vases of all descriptions, Toilet Sets, Bohemian glass in all tints and combinations, Beaded Bohemian-gliss Finger Bowls and Bake s, China, Dlnner.Tea and Chamber Bets, Lava Ware in Smoking Seta and etatuettea, Cups and baueers in dainty as well as plain fctyles, china and Majolica Cuspidore, Lamps Ball, Bracket and Reading. OUR FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is marked by Special Completeness, ah sorts of pretty and unique articles being shown. Among the specialties are Inkstands, Comb and Brush Cases, Tt ilet sets, Alboms for pho tographs, autographs, SUver plated ware, Cas ters, Butter and fkkle dishes, ete., are offered, all special bargains. OUR TOY DEPARTMENT Is the most complete in all respf cts ever seen here. Mechanical Toys ot all sorts are a spec ialty. Bicycles, velocipedes, express Wagons, carriages of all aizes, rubber tojs, destruc tible and safe. DOULS OF ALL KISD8 are displayed, and at prices that will please everv purchaser. Dolls in china, wax, bisque, rub- . Mjui icui uoioeaas, m au ua new wn. luua auu aooea, aou neusea, etc HOU8EHOLD ARTICLES A re shown m jrreat variety: Standard chamber sets, comtb.Kiion tin toilet aeta, toilet ttnndi. wuumj, uubicu ok nui 'inlt, UA WftTIb VUis CO.N FECTIONERY DEPARTMENT Wi claim ia a cnurl! iMtnM ni tmr Ktuln alsOb. Plain eandira. hnma mmA .nA nf mnt. an teed gcod quality, sold as low aa anywhere w un uiiwu hui i uie ra nates, s rtnen . . i i -r in wuikuuoi w dj -nirrtij ANYTHING AND KTRTTBINQ In the lines usually kept by a strictly first class China, Toy and Confectionary Store will be always found at SCHWAN'4. Our store WO. 101 FATXTTSyiLLS ST., will be kept open until Jan. 1st, 1887. An KXCE1JJC3T and VARIED STOCK is kept UMTS. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOUE IISB61IGE C8UP1BI or BALEIGB v. a (OtvsnslMel tsi ISOS.) Has been insuring property in North Caro lina tor eighteen years. With agents in nearly ever town ha the State aeoeeaible to rail roads and east of the mountains, CTTJXilXJS LEWIS & CO 8olicitathe patronage of property owners tn the State, offering them safe iademnity for loaaea mm rates aa ww as vnoee Of any pany working tn North Carolina. C la ties of Praoerrv Inauhid : DwellingB in town and country, awcantOa risks, churches, schools, oourt-houaes, society lodges, private barns" and stables, farm pro duce and live stock, cotton gins. Insure in the Horta Borne Insur ance company. W. 8. Pxnotoo, imsident. W. 6. UrcHocm, ident. CsxAS. Root, and Trsaa. See'r andTi P. nowm. Vice-President. Adtnatr. Office inBrhrCa' BnlWtw. Ifn. laa TmwmU- vi ie acree. Telephone Ko. S3 HARDWARE MERCHANTS 224 Fayetterille Street, - - Raleigh, N. C. SOLE AGENT8 FOR CHAMBERLAIN LO A DED SHELLS " ' Finest Ooodspi ads. 3 The All Right Cook Stove Best Stove in the umrksi, I f . LAFLIN A RAND, GUN AND BLASTING POWDERS, leaded oiLALSlortT SSS-Sh, wffl iaat twU aslong-a. b Pratt's Astial Oil. Buffalo StandArd Scales, ! Hardware of Erery Description-Sash, Doors and Blinda, Lime, Plaster, Cement Rubber and Leather Belting, 4c. j 1 1 1NDBEWS 4 CO. ESADQUASTXSS FOB Winter FLANNELS New Lot Just Received OVERCOAT8!OVERCOAT8! A Large arid Complete Line Be our STOCK and PRICKS be- f fore buying elsewhere aud you will I, save money. V R. B. ANDRrWB CO. -o u. w. wsnuas. CHEST fr lvx PaL Jan. 20,1874 lTRAOS HkKK.S On MntiAt RELIABLE GOODS A LOW PRICES Y Bead 'J Hiss and And aend us your Orders. We hare a 8uperb L'ne of Christmas & New Year Gifts, COUPBI3INO ' i Beautiful Books Novelties -AKD Thousands of Christmas Cards. ORDER EARLY i AND WE CAN SUIT fOU PRECISELY Alfred Williams & Company's KORTH CAROLINA BOOK STORE, RALEIGH, O. NEW This Company owns and operates three mills as follows: Patapsco Mill A; Ellioott Ciiy, Md. PaUpseo Mill B; Baltimore, Md. PaUpsco Mill C; Orange Grorc, Md. ZstUy Ostpstclty B,BOO Bbls The value of Soar depends on the proportionate quantity of h from w&cVW '1 ! 'l C.. Pn4nvt4 T IIYlH : are naaanfaetured, is unequalled for the purty aid superior ouatttv of tts notrifous pnperties. we make I P atapsco opei lattve, Cape Berry Family, Bedford Famflv, P ataj sco Family, ; Korth I f int mily, iOnnse Grovr Kxtra, P atapsco Ixb a Cbesaptake Fxtra, Baldwin Fainily. C. A. GAMBR1LL MANUFACTURING CO., 82 Commerce St., Baltimore, ' PATENT .Mrs. Co. Phil H Andrews & Go CHANGS 01 Headquarters IN BJaRXO? Agricultural Building Halifax and SaUabury 8aa FIRST SQUARE NORTH of CAPITOL Havmsr moved our wood and coal vard from the N. C Depot (the extreme wasters porttsa of the oily) to wtthim ONE SQUARE r OF THB CAPITOL We arc now prepared to turnish foal at short aouea. D. S. Waitt's BUAnQOAarmm Fine Glothing. - r ' Kcw ishewtuf ths largeat sad newest styles ot Oothfns; evcrC3 brought to this market. Bp? eial measure department la tuU blast, Sand -Sewed Shoes. easy, comfortable; and at popular prices. 8TYL1AH EATS, new, nobby and aloe, la soft and stlir, to fit and . i please all. ChClcs Ia all trades: fine handkarchiefMia' tir An oEaibrliran, ia white, tray, oid and Hsieay, t1oves,hanaerchlfa, auspeadars, aecrwear, collars, euts,o, A. I vojiiorxcs aa can and examine thcacw acvaiUss at . d. 8.WArrrf. tr . rayetterllle 8s. Removal. habd s LONG AND CUT Sen le GOOdS We have moved fron FayettevWe rtreet te Prices g-uaramUed. Telephone TXo. 10T. Send la your orders. Call and sec usz wt wll nhtnw sou bow we da business. DODD BUILDING, jUSTRECEIVED a rxxsx lot or Cob, WrumroTOS axb Mabtis Simmna, Where we win bs Dleased to have friends call to see us and and leare thatr oersior Grain. Forage. ICE, COAL, woenv Shingles , Laths, Lumber. &c JONES h POWELL, HUN KEE. OOLONG AND POWDER TEAS, GUN- Bp ices, Patapsco, Oranre Grorc and Sick- yma jrwur, Harvey's Bams, Breakfast Strips, Lard, Cal .uama, ncaiea umm. Fresh Candy, flns Apples , Ac - Aobht ton MOTT'8 CIDER. A- W. FRAPS No 232 FAX J2TTE V JXiLE STN . OpposiU the Market ICr Ooods deltvend tree ta the etty. J.BJfEMlLiCO ' 1 - ; 222 Fajettflrille Street. . MOLASSES. New Crop Hew Or loans, Ponce Porto Bieo and f'uba. Maple Hymp by the the gallon. Choice Bufar Drip Syrup. Old-Faahioned Buckwheat Flour. Bora Kaialng Buckwheat tn I and S lb to pack'ge. . . FINE APPLES ITi&X BAHJJfQ ABD OBHA , MJHTTAL WM WOIEB, be:l. 1 e. lira Larsa Pecana. Rtaall Nntf. Ae.. ' Frrah Jtaertroeai aad U er Fin wakes. I Jb. Rabpix. i Aajnat Ss, ssss. SnlaflkaiXa aadc f 4 . I r i i ST, r. ; a u ' kltMMiUvC a m 3H ararta Howard atreeC ausacturers cf wire railimc for Balconies, a fares,Feadsr, Cagm, Woods asms, W'M WBSy Ml fia baavsaawBaJiat . - "nrin.,., 1 f ANDbOBANG8. i ..-. Fine Lin' Fresh Nuts, Almonds, Walnuts,?', Br. aft Sato and Filberts. i -v-s 6oidoa Dilworths Plrm r ddisf a-d Minos Meat. Atmorcs Standard kl lice Ms t, ft and 10 lb b'kia. and by the poiud Ftaah arrival, Burnett's BUaoardf krormAT Xxtratts : i

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