j t'-i'.v.y.-l. k , , ; :r ' ". ' 'ft! I TO News AND . r V Vf .i UBSJ ERVER 0L.XXV1I. RALEIGH N. C. THURSDAY MOKNTNG. DECEMBER 9, 1886. 10 63 f. ipum Absolutely Pure. Tats powder uw: varies. maryeloi iWrtty, strength and wholeeosaeness. Mow : eeaomlcal than rdJaaxy kinds and catatftb old ta oompetitioa with the multitude of lew teat, abort weight, al&a or phosphate pewdsr eolcl only U ui, IBotajl BaXiM Powbb 4.u, 101 Wall Street, Hew York. -osld by W C A B fctronaeh.Geor1 t asd JB Favn AOe.v rvw oRoivrrs UHlii CONGRESS. R. BLAIR ADVOCATES THE WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILL ?Hl MLATION OV 6TAT1 1KB riSI&AL BIOHTt IH COUHTINfl ILICTRiL V -T18 DlflCCEIK) OBKIKAL TII.I a&APBio kiwi. BITTERS CMiUmlac ISOI WKk TDKI TBGXTABU ; TOXICS, nkkly Mi pltdy cuuxcs Ml miens THB BLOOD. QmkktM . tkMliMftkiUwii4IMMiL Omnfkt Hp OTHEB LBOI KXBICmS K. i 4 Hi mtim 1 1 nj iIwmimiiiii 1 tt. I amoral Inn BlUen m ft MinaM totua rib MoaiL and tcnarnn ftii dmMptM ttinfillWartMMtiith." . mla mam m Umte mtm Ht.WK.Bnm.llStlhiTft.llxOiiMiiU, fty: mm ma sown 1 mi Uaad i bm I ha abnaa almf a biood pari Mm. W WMotiuli IWmUa. Ik.an- f baa ban ainMa baa aaildhaad with Impora Etead aa4 araptioa aw fna awn botttaa of Brana Una Bittr. aaTaoXd a rilw enra, I T w t"rILY tab) whjaa artirin.a radHaaa TtatMataer. aUdaonhr br JUaM OaV IUT1IIIII,I RACKET STORE; ! . -. ! ; 1 i; . .... S r , !;, THEQBIAT fiAEGAIN STORE 0? BJLLEIQH if Wpto knew Ww nek credit eoat fhett - i 1 . ;. ,: ' 'i . i - . 1 m'.J- ' ' " S 1 f 'n fK I tndtt aad tkea on ends anil m!J ki - good M&her to cott fcto lOMefc lrarolat lbMoC merehaodiM wr r tin dkitael . . . - s " prbtUa cbarfod o and os eeb ontber teM !: ' ': . ' ' I ' :i txtn per cent Hid, to eorer Um )mm b vedtt. Too wunt tr per eat oo oach of ttmy0T-Ua1l,laU)Pr eorer .too THE FISHERIES. CORRESPONDENCE ON THE SUB JECT SUBMITTED TO CONGRESS. to jt wkfch yon traat pmy to ; by me who mw py. Thta tho ihM to p7. ItftU cornel opt of the tarfl- . 8 " krneddollaxi ot the laboring people. If yon borrow Boney Jroa the Uak at per (tent ou think tt Try high, yet yon wCQ bay yep ft . . : I good oa eredlt and pey 60 per eeai nortf for then thea yoit ought to pay and. you Will ; , aererwink yotey at tt.. Thle credit takee from the prodttceri of thto eountry one-half : i ,', they make. Rw bow do you like jhe eystemr i . j fi Come to the Eieket More.and boy tout gaoda. The Backet EtOre hat all the adTaatagea, from I ' h -J- ! hating bujm Always la the New York war- K I- . ' 't ket, with cash ia hand, who buy from bonaea which are compelled to take their ofiurifor theee gooda. It la the power of theaimlghtr dollar cutting itj way through the centre of time which eijiablea ua to offer gooda at tow tha the 7 can be made lor in hundred of The fiacktt Store ia latiafied with WU 3 Wasmuqton, Deo 8. -Sinati Mr. Edmunda presented memorial in faror of a constitutional amendment em- k powering Congreea to pass uniform laws oa tne subject of marriage and divoroe. Referred to the judioiary committee. . 5 After the introduction of a number of billi the Senate proceeded to the consid eration of the bill reported by Mr. Blair from a select oommittee on woman suf fiage (Febrtary 3, 1886) proposing an amendment to the oonstitntion of the United States, extending the right of lluffrsge to women, and was addressed by Mr. Blair in support of the bill. I The Senate proceeded to the consid eration of the bill, reported by Mr. Blair from the seleot oommittee on woman suffrage, (February 3, 1886) proposing an amendment to the consti tution of the United States, extending he. right of suffrage to. women, and was addressed by Mr. Blair in support of the bill. At the close cf his rpeeoh Mr. Blair gave notice that he would at an early day ask action on the bill. There were not oxer a seore of ladieB in the gallery during its delivery, al though notice of it had been girenf yes terday. I i A message was reeeired from the President, and the Senate immediately ;(t 12 40) went, into exceutiTO session and miter wards adjourned. i H0C8B. ; After the reading of the journal, thi speaker laid before the House a lettei f om the director of the mint enclosing a draft of a bill for the issue of subsi iary silver coin; referred. Mr. Boutelle, cf Maine, asked for unanimous consent to put upon its pes sage the bill admitting free, of duty ma terial to be used in rebuilding the town of Etstport, Maine, which was destroyed by fire, October, 14th, 1S86. j Mr. Br oktnridge, of Arkansas, ob jected to an immediate consideration of t e bill, express Jg the opinion that the people of the hole country were as much in reed of relief from taxation as the people of Etstport. Ha was glad to find the gentleman from Maine con feel ing that the tariff a was tax; and he would insist that the bill should take its regular course, and bo sent to the oom mittee which had charge of the subject of taxation. . Mr. Bcutelle was not surprised that tho gentleman should take every c ces sion to air his views on the tariff i Mr. Brerkenridge admitted that he Was alwaja ready to stand herein de feice of the rights of all the people. The bill was referred to the-oommittee on ways and means. Mr. Herbert, of Alkbsma, on btbalt ol the committee on naval affairs, call id op the resolution makirg the bill for iconaiderationof certain! ui esus of the na vy department a eon timing special laidcr for Monday, Dee. loth, j After discussion, Mr. Herbert amend ed the resolution so as to provide that Ithe bill should be eonsidsred in commit tee of the whole, and as thus amended the resolution was adopted. At the con clusion of the morning hour the House ;reeuaed the consideration of the electo ral count bill. j Mr. D.brell, of Scuth Carolina, mem ber ofthe oommitteecn the electoral oount 'adfocated the passage ofthe bill report ed by the minority as drawing more j distinctly than eithr the Senate bill, or tfcebillol the msjority theline of demarca ; tion between the State and Federal pow ers and tights in connection with the easting and counting of the electoral j votes. He could not agree to the' proposition of the msjority, provid ing hat in ease of more than one return or paper, purporting to be the return from a state, whenever the state has failed by any determination of its own to designate and certify which is its real vote, those votes and those only shall Tbe Con Tic t Cauap . BNOWXD JJNDSB AKD W0KK BUFPBND1B. Work Baapndd. Special to the News and Observer. Jabbitts, N. C , Deo. 8. All work is suspended. The snow is thirty inches deep on a level. The trains are all snow-bound. The eonvicts can only keep up fires and with 'difficulty saved the roofs of all the buildings from failitir. Nothing of the kind-has ever hn PTr.rionopd bv the oldest eitisena. Washington , Dee 8. The President In riding two miles here , this morning to lay transmitted to Congress the follow the snow was half way up the mule's I mg correspondence wnicu has taken side in many places Great floods will pl, ia relation to the Canadian fi.hsr- BXCOMHINSATIOXS FOB A C0MH1SSI0V C0N8I0XB TH-S MATT IB A SUIT FOB LIBIL TUBiriO OALU IN 1NQ KAND OTHSB MWS BT WIBI. follow. A Blv Dal. Atlanta, Deo 8. The Southern In dustrial -Journal, Dixie, has a special dispatch from a staff correspondent at Fort Worth, Texas, which says: Oae of the largest and most important trans actions ever recorded is now on foot is nothing fees- than a trade ketweeaJ ay Gould and President Garrett, of the les disputes, and a letter from the Score- ury of State, on the same subject. The following is the President's letter of trnmittal : To tho Senate and House of R protfonta- t vof : I transmit herewith a letter from the scoretary of State whioh is accompanied by a corrcspondetca in relation to the rights of American fishermen iu' British North Amerscan'waters, cd oommend to your favorable oonsierwionthe eng- Baltimore & Ohio, whereby the entire Baltimore 4 Ohio telegraph rystem is to gestion that the commission be author be transferred to ttouid, wno now prao- JI9d by law to take perpetniuog proofs tically owns the Western Union. In return for the same President Garrett is to reoeive the Wabash system, thus giving the Baltimore & Ohio a line to Kansas City from Baltimore. : The mag nitude of a deal of this kind can scarcely be understood, but it is known to the officials of the Gould system here that the ; Baltimore & Ohio have long been seeking to extend their operations west of the Mississippi river. The information is believed to be thoroughly reliable, ts it is ssid to be substantiated by a memorandum made by the late H. M. Hoxie, prior to his death, and f found among certain papers that bad been laid away for future referenee. The secret leaked out through a party who de sired to arrange with Fort Worth capi talists to operate in Western Union and Baltimore & Ubio stocks as soon as there was sny indication that the bar gain had keen consummated. " Fntaros at How Tor a. Nw xobk, Dec, 8. Ureene Uo.'s report on cotton u futures j says t All hands have been nervous, and emtio trading led to considerable irregularity, After a email opening gain a disposition . lJl J x a. : x 1 . to unioaa lta to temporary reacuon nut the offering was promptly taken up and a new de mand coming infused a stronger tone that ultimately left the final rates the highest of the day, showing a gain of 7 points over last evening, and well sustained. A smaller run of receipts at the poits than anticipated, and the stun- ulatirg tratictica from Manchester aided the mailt t. It has been possible today to bay obttoo here and .sell contracts scainet it at a msrgin of profit and one effect of the it create of cost his been to start larger supplies to this port. Am Kxplesloa of Dy a Fet fKiTH, Ark., Dec. 8. Two men were killed and three wounded, perhaps fat ally, bv a dynamite ci plosion at Blick-Locn, on the Ssn Fiatcisco ex tecskn, yesterday. The xpl tion was eanred by drilling in sn old hole in the beading of the tunnel on the north tide, when the drill struck several forgotten dynamite, cartridges at tho bottom f the hole, causing the catastrophe of the losses .sustained during the past year by American fi-brnen. Uing to their unfriendly and unwarranted treat ment by the local authorities of th maritime provinces of the Dominion .of Canads, 1 may have occasion hereafter to make further reoom mentations during the present sesron, smb. remedial legislation as may become necessary for the protection of the rights of our oiti sens engaged in open sea fisheries in the North Atlantic waters. " (Signed) GkovxB Clivxland. Executive Mansion, Washington, D. 0., Deo. 8, 1886. Mr. Bayard's letter is as follows: DlPASTHBNT OV STATS, Washibgtoh, D. C, Deo. 8. To the President : The Secretary of State has the honor to submit to the Presindent with a view to it" communication to Congress, a cor respondence relative to the fisheries in the waters adjacent to British Worth America which has taken place during the present year. It will disclose the action of this department- and of our Minister to i Great Britain in rela tion to the disputed construction of the convention of 1818,and what has been done to procure such an interpre tation of its provisions as will be accep table to both parties to that instrument, and consistent with their mutual interest and honor. From time to time since the corclu sion of the treaty of 1818, differences have arisen between the two govern- ersments ss to the extent of the renun ciation by the United States of their former fishing rights in common in the littoral waters of British North America and the true definition of the rights and privileges retained by and expressly guaranteed to the United States in the first article of that convention A Salt for Libel. Nobfo k, Va , Deo. 8 Col... Wm. Limb entered suit today in the circuit court of this oity against the Richmond Whig in the sum of 810. 000 for libel for publishing the reoent card of Congress man Geo. D. Wise, in whioh Wise se verely denounced Lamb because of al leged ( ffjnsive personal allusions of the latter in a rpeeoh in the late: canvass. The rule is returnable on the first Mon day in Jinuary. Tarrlfle Uale 1b KaglMd. London, Doc. 8. A terrifb; gale, ao- oompenied bv lightning and thunder prevailed last night and this' morning in the southern counties of Eigland, and in the channel where a number of vessels were wrecked. At Brighton much damage was done to property. Throughout the united kingdom ram and hail fell. The storm Caused wide spread disaster. In Scotland there was also a heavy fall of snow. : Tba Crisis-la Praaee Pabis, Dee 8.-M. Flbqter, presi dent of the Chamber of Deputies, who Woo yesterday undertook to form a ministry, has advised President Grcvy to summon M Moblet to form a new m nistry. M Moblet refused. M. Grevy has ajn summoned Floquet. lb Kallroad. . In Oouatrv's Flo such they will continue ANKUAL BiPDBT Of THB 8I0BITABT 0? T1I TBIASUET. ; The annual report of Secretary of the Treasury Manning to Congress, is main ly devoted to the consideration of the silver question and currency and taxa tion reform. In regard to the silver question, he says: "The act of 187S whioa 'demonetizsd the standard silver dollar, and the 'act of 1878. whioh 're monetised' it, are so nearly identical that a co mm in authorship might be sus pected. The act of 1873 has been de nounced and praised for demonetising silver, whioh it did not do. The act of 1878 has been praised and denounced for remonetiiiog silver, Which it did not do. ' Both took a sure way to keep our fractional silver at home. Exportation would only be possible at a loss on the silver coined under either act. In both acts monotiiation is denied except to Treasury purchases . " The Secretary reviews at length the action of foreign governments on the su revenue, and to be. Were trade as free with and - within all the united states of Europe ss it is among the United States of Ameriea, the great surplus produota of our indus try, including the manufactured, would have the pick of foreign markets, for the reason that our labor, beint tha most highly paid and insuring lowest percentage of labor oost, would every where surpass rivalry. CgTAX TMl CLOTHING Of STXTT MILUCBT PSOPLI ' I respectfully recommend , to Con gress that they oonferupop wage-earners of the United States the-boon of un taxed clothing, and in order thereto, the immediate passage of an sot placing raw wool upon the free list. A repeal of the duty on raw wool should be fol lowed by a compensating: adjustment of the duties on manufactured woolens. But. the oommon daily cloth ing of the Amerioin people need not ba taxea; to tree their clothing of taxes win uaauy reauoea, oy nan, their ex- WIIX THI CAB' UNA CI iTBAl SELL OCT? BICDMOND AND DAJJVILL1 MA TUBS. Charlotte Observer The latent information which we have in regard to the proposed "invasion cf the couth" by the Pennsylvania rail road Co., is that it has definitely de cided upon its route. An agent of that company says that they will build from Norfolk to, Monroe, N. C. where they ill connect with the Ssaboard and Roanoke Air Line, controlled by John M. Robinson, of Baltimore. This sys tern reaches Charlotte, and Will eventu ally go as far into Western Nrth Caro lina as Asheville. from Monroe it is proposed to build direct to Atlanta, taking in Athens, Ua., and u lumbia, 8. 0. , en route. It is stated by persons in position to know that the Pennsyl vania has offered to buy from Mr. Rob inson the entire Seaboard and Roanoke system of roads, and lines of steamers now running between Baltimore and Norfolk in connection with the Seaboard and Roanoke system." These state ments cannot be confirmed in any prin cipal quarter. THB B'CBMOND DANVILL1. Mr. James B. Pace has: returned to Richmond from New York, where he spent part of last week in conference with prominent railroad men interested like himtelf in the Richmond and West Point Terminal and Richmond and Dan ville affairs. The State says that he is in the best of spirits over the condition of the Terminal matters, ' and says the) outlook for the Richmond and Dan- ville ! system could not be better. The transfer books of the Terminal 'There are several hundred artioles among the 4,182 artioles that we tax, which ought at onoe to be swept off the tax list into the tree list.. I shall at an early day prepare and sub mit to Congress a supplimeutary report on the collection of duties." Tho estimates of receipts and ex penditures for. 1887 show : Total re ceipts, $356 000.000 ; total expendi tures! $301,213,517 21: estimated sur plus, $54,786,482.79 i A rich and philanthrophio Phila delphia woman has undertaken the task of founding an institution for the tech nical instruction of poor girls. Let her exmpie be imitated by more noa aad: humane persons. 4 OOOn BBSULTS IN BVXBT CASB. ' D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was seri ously afflicted with a severe cold that settled on hia lungs; had tried many remedies without benefit. Being induced to try Dr Kings New Dis covery for Consumption, did so and was entirely cureet Dy use 01 a lew bottles. Since wnicn time he has used It In his family for all Coughs and Colds with beat results. This Is the ex perience of thousands whose lives has been saved by this wonderful IMneovery. Trial Bot tle ail tree at L,.-, Jvhuson Co's drug store. Mike, yer on a Blew York. Niw Yojx, Dee. 8. At the regular quarterly meeting today the Western Union directors voted to pics the quar terly dividend for the current quarter. 1 be jury m the trial of cx-Alderman Mi Qnade was sgsin ccmpleted tb's af ternoon, it is supposed finally. Three hundred ; and ninety-two talesmen had been xi mined, taking tp nearly eight days. Big Fire mt Banal Cbicaqo. Dco. 8. A Times special fitm btfialo, N. Y.,says that Kilber A UelKesccd'a five-storv eandv factorv. the Urgat in ike city, took fire at 2.80 this molting snd burned to the ground, tegctter with the adjoining block, 00- ctpied by Swift & Stimbach, nsrdvin Frsxk Campbell, hats; 6. W. Bey sclds, sloes, and the Wells street The hifitorT of this auestion durinff closed Saturday. The details of the - - lm 1 s , 1 1 . xerminai mee mg nave not Deen com pleted. The stockholders may simply have a routine meeting, carving out in due form and ratifying what has al ready been done by the board. Or some new project in addition to the transac tions heretofore published may be brought up. The annual meeting of the Richmond & Danville railroad company ill be held in Richmond, but after hearing President Buford's report it will adjourn until some day in the near future probably . Saturday or Monday. The adjournment will be owing to the fact that the first payment on the $5 000,000 to seoure the control of the Richmond & Danville is not due until o.. ... I mt s . , . 1 I .. - , , 11 .- respective nationalities in the unmo- Anursaay, me tu instent, ana 01 course tore they ar duo ani payaoio at par, is tested exercise of their rarhts of fisbmg tne property oouiu not enasge uaaua 1 n;e 1 pomy una c;sary, cxwavigaut in -the waters in Question, and defining I until that date. The Terminal, by tie I and merciless t tha industrious toilets th limits of tawfnl action therein, have I terms of sgreement, was to pay the $5,- 0f our land. I ArsI AAA . II TV I .a a a a a . 1 uw,uw in three installments, treoem-1 fjompuanoe with the provisions or tnr ber wth, January yth, and ret rutty I sinkins fund and the public debt wil 9th, but arrangements hive been made I effect tho pajment of tho whole publie to . anticipate the aates ana pay up in j debt, greenback i and bonds, by tno yea full within the next ten days. 1 1908 without a continuance of om Mr. Pace says that the general offices I oresent sirolus taxation. He reoom the period from 1818 to the present time, has been one of unsuccessful attempts to adjutt the reepcebve claims, and occasionally difficulties have been bridged over by temporary ar raogementa, notably by the treaties of Washington of June bib, I8b4, and of Mav 8th. 1871. the fishery articles of the latter having been abrogated by the United States on June 30th, 1885. It is deenlv to be rec retted that the efforts of this department.as shown by the cor respondence tubmitted.to arrive at such sn agreement as would permit instruc tions cf like tenor to be issued by the governments of Great Britain and of the United 8tates to guide eitisens of the ver question, and shows how they were P.ettM fo on f 'hree great access I- m- s . . . i I ties nf Iia " ieroea into tneir present attituae towards silver. THB SILVBB QUESTION. is an international one, and both our owa silver and surplus problem are involved in it. The Sec retary is of the opinion that the time for another conference has not arrived, and the moment for diplomatic interfarenoa is not felicitous. Treasury silver purchwe is character. s id as "an ex pen so and a taxation demonstrated by experience to be of no avail." TO STOP THB PCBCHASBOf SILVBB is our only choice, our duty, and our interest. It will stop a wasteful aad injurious expense, and the taxation which defrays it. IV will commence and promote reform in the sum and the methods of federal taxation. It will recover to the United States an equality of position (non-coinagp) with foreign powers, which will give us due inn i- enee in negotiation. To in crease our stock is to increase the diffi culties of the Treasury, illegitimate and abnormal difficulties. ' To stop purchas ing will enable the Treasury to main tain with certainty and greater ease the present stock of silver coin at par with gold in all our fiscal and local issues "Another year s delay in stopping tVe silver purchase is the loss of remu nerative prices upon airbther wheat crop ofthe United States It is for Congress to consider whether a policy -which does not prevent the loss of 25 per cent off of pur silver output to a few thousand mine-owners, but pro longs the loss to many million farmers oira per oent off the price of their an nmal wheat crop, should not now be abandoned and the only policy adopted which promises to restore the former prosperity of both. SUEPLCS TAIATIOSJ. Employment for the proceeds of our surplus taxation, reasons for delay in reducing our surplus taxation, can no longer be found in a rapid payment of tie debt. Betting aside the vanishing three per cents and the unfunded debt of $346,000,000, the residue of th public debt has boon in such wise funded by our predecessors that $250,- 000,000 oannot be-pud except by pur chase at a high premium to the bond holder, before September 1st, 1891, atd that $737,776,400 cannot be paid, ex cept by purohase at a high premium to the bondholder, before July 1st, iyu To continue the present surplus tax tion, and to employ its proce.di in giv ing to the bondholder premiums by an- t c.patory poroi-uso of those bonds be I hear r I lwraniirLrci Cons OoaitK.CoMa, Hi WoocttUa, wi aaopini h aSBBW- M- AT ping- Couth, IndpiaBtConaamp. nenona aitwieeil atagea of tha diaa. PricaSteca. Cum tiom. V Oeauina Vr, BW coags myrvp m amo miy u mkitm wrapper, and boaraou lealgtad Trada-lkUirka to wit. L OW m . ...... E AM. rmttt inm- TnhL and ta If HMlmlla anutini at John W. net as yet reached a final and satisfac tory result. Although propositions are now pending for consideration whioh it is hoped may prove the basis of a just nd permanent set tlement, as yet supplementary to the . published history of this long standing I of Richmond & Danville railroad mends the repeal of the clause in the ao ' subject and as illustrating the obvious be removed from Washington :to I of February 28, 1878, making eompu'. chspeL The small Pretbjterian ohurch be counted whieh were cast bv the elee-1 adioitir ft is ruitfed. Bro sell's hotel. tors whose appointment shall have been I across Wells street, was on fire, but was duly certified, under seal of the state, by the xecutive thereof, in aooordanoe with the laws of the state; and also pro viding that by the concurrent vote of I both Houses, this lawfully certified vote! may be rrjicted, thus disfranchising the state, when there is a certificate under its seal, duly oertified by its exetutive according to law. He could not sub scribe to a recognition of such power in two Houses. After several other gentlemen had ad. dressed the House, the sue j ct went over fcr the day, Mr. Caldwell giving notice that he would call the previous question on the bill tomorrow. Adjjumed. put out sftcr the window frames were burned. The surrounding property was dtmsged by water. The losses will probably sggregste $200,000. profits aad we shall make our bargains make our business Mow come to t4u Backet Btor h h; ' and buy your gooda and save yo$r money. ; This Week w shall offer some great bargains a .- i 1b Gents', Boys' and chlllrena';cipe; aiso ia Oents elotMng of aU kinds. Triple 'silver plate on steel knives and forks Wrth iJ0 at 1 nri ln In Gents'. Ladle and lUsseV Gum 8hoeai Pcraoas wishing such goods will sae mosey by pureJislngIron ua. KaaDecUtilir raDaaltted to the cash trade atv. t - i VOIdNBY PURSELL; 00., i I H 10Ja.iartiBflt Ban BkiLa tOLBBBTA. c. C. Deo. o mere was another earti quake shock here a 4 20 o'clock this morning, it was very " nereentible. wakins- nn sound sleeners. and the tremors appeared to last fully a minute Ft. Louis, D o. 8.- A special from Missouri City, Mo., states that a distinct shock of earthquake was felt there at 8 35 o'clock last night. A low rum necessity in the interest of amity and good neighborhood of having a clear and well defined understanding of the relative rights of the two governments and their respective cinsens, it is con sidered expedient that Congress should have full knowledge of the action of the executive in the premises, to assist them , in weir ueuuerauoiu upou taw impor tant subjeet. It will be observed in the course of this correspondence that notification has not failed to be duly given to the govern ment of Great Britain, that compensation is expected for loss and damage caused to American uobermen by the unwar rantable action of the local authorities of the Dominion of Canada, not merely by the summary seiiure of their vessels and the exaction of heavy fines in advance of i hear in e and judgment, but for the oar- Riohmond very soon. The probability I ory treasury purchases of silver, in or is that the removal will oe made oy the I .ier to red"C9 surplus and unnecessarv first of January. taxation 24 000.000 a year. 2 Far- The new purchasers of the Rictmon ther reducuon of surplus taxation olo$ at W a .S. . a aa.S s Aianvuie are very anxiouo to retain i down to the necessities or tne govern RALEIGH, N. 0. t Gold and Silver Watches, A BMrioaa a "Hu l i, strike." "So I am. I struck for fewer hours." Did you suooeed?'' "Indeed I did. I'm not working at all, now." Philadelphia Call. SALVATION OIL, Tke Orestes Can ea Earth far Pain,' Will relieve more j quickly than any f other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, J Scalds, Cuts, Lumba-o,Sores, Frost- i bite. Backache, Wounds, Headache. ' Toothache, Sprains, &c. Sold by all Druggista. Price 25 Centra Bottle. Edward Fasnach, Jeweler aii Optician and t Prti'dtat Uarrett Ke-Klacted- Paltimobb, Dec. 8. The Baltimore k Ohio railroad directors re-elected Rb't Garrett as president. Dr. Barnard, assistant to President liexrett of the Baltimore k Ohio railroad, was call- el npoi this aftertcraoon in relation to a dispatch from Atlanta, Qai, reeru'ding the rumored contemplated connections of that road in the South, and he said that was the first he had Vard of it. W hile he would make no r.n'.v. ho rid to the interviewer: MI will simpi? laugh you out of the offiee Other officials of the Baltimore & O'Jo declared tieie was nothing in it. - Imj OmmM Danles tho Mmtamr. Niw Yoik, Dec. 8.- Jay Gould do- a . .1 f a. . 1 la, mcs that there is any rrutn wnatovor iu the story of his alleged deal with Gar- ... T t . . AL!. ! I J - retf, 01 tne xaitimere a, yjaw raiiroaa, as to the exohange of the Wabash rail road system for the Baltimore & Olio telehyitoa. i i! i l viJ J I UesrUlK u luu.iireu', oung noiso was um ucaru suu pcroep- I . .. r v;u aWj Wlo..d, aMtaai ZZTttZEZTSZ 2 rattling windows about three seconds Its duration was WtasfeUaatOB Hsws. Wabhxngto, Deo. ; 8. Mrs. Cleve land returned to Washington today after an absence of a couple of weeks in New York. The President suffered considerable rheumatio pain today and spent most of the tune jm a. recumbent position, lie dented himself to all callers except a few Senators, who desired to see him on important business. Tmm AVaate F. iTosiloa Asliore. Washuoton, Deei 8. The 8ignal Corps station at Wash-Woods, Si. fj., reports under data of December 7 th as follows: The Annie if. Uonlon, of Ports mouth, N. H., bound from Boston to Baltimore, is ashore three miles north of False Cape, Va. The crew of eightmen iweroaavwd. A regulations as well as treaty stipuli tions; and tne eonseqwnt mterterenoe with their legitimato voyage whereby the natural profl's of their industry wer. seriously diminished aad in many ease? wholly destroyed. It would seem proper that steps in nAniitiun rei momoriam should be taken by uongress to .auow prow ti d.' made and placed upon record o these losses and injuries to our citiz ?ni to enable them to be properly presented to Her Msiesty's government fo' settle ment and that for this purpo 1 1 a eon mirs:on stould be authorised by Con gress to take the necessary proofs of the respective claimants, i Respetfully submitted, : Thos F Bataed, Seo'y The correspondence enclosed consists of 104 eommunieatious from 3 Jretary Bavard. Minister West and Minister Paelp. the services of General Manager B Thomas. Rumor has it that he has been offered the presidency ' of one. of th Vandcrbilt lines, but the Terminal peo ple will doubtless prevail uoon ritn to remain where he is. It is said that tew if any changes will be mad in the gen era! or local offices of the Riohmond & Danville system. Ham Convert as Baealved th Smmm. 8n9e'al to Charlotte Chroai le. . m. a . As soon as Judge Urump reo vivod ton ultimatum ml the (ivernr he went down to thpc'ty jiil.inoompaiy with hi 4 son Beverly, who was assooute ooutism ... ' a a . a . . 1 in the ose. and broke tne nows t? . tne condemned mm. "How did he. bear the new.'?' asked a utiited press representative of J ttdge Crump. "With his usual gra? ty," was re plied. A cumber of press men went enwn to thr jul to tiee Cluverius. Sergeant L e took the ran to the oell of the con demned man, opened the door and asked him if be wanted to be interviewed, "No." said the prisoner. "I do not want to sea any one." : He has broken down under the dis appearance of hope and looks woe be- eons and ghostly. A respite win oe " t i . T a . i ll asxea tor, ano it is generally oonoeuou that it will be granted. menteoonom'oally administered. 8 R peal of the act of May 31, 1875, making oompuUory post-redemption issues an reiseuos of United States legal tendc notes 4 Gradual purchase and ptymm of $346 681,016 outstanding promissor; notes of the United States with th present and. acorumg treasury surplus issuing silver osrtifioates in their room and sold osrtiCo ites if need be, withou eontraotion of the present cixoalttiny volume of the ourreLey. TUB INTBENAl BEVBNUB TAX ICS What surplus we expend in psyinc off the greenback debt .will dim in si by so mceh the unmodifcte rduct:on of ou tar'ff taxation; for, while the funded debt stand, certainly it is not wise tr- disoard thettsxes on whisky, tobarc and beer. Iadeed, it is my own belief that whenever we begin takine IF the shackles of war-tarff taxes on raw mater iala we shall see our ino m from imported manufactures dwindle s fast as not only to oompel the retention of these most fit items of revenu whisky, tobacco and beer but, per haps, to drive us baek to getting ten millions of revenue from two cents a pound tax on ooffie and half as muoh from tea. PEOTBOTION ANO VEBB TBAOB. HFree trade" accurately describes the internal eommeroe of our stages. 1 does not apply to our trade with foreign nations. Ao man now living will ever Imported. Beal and Imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement Rings, any size and weight. Sterling Bilver Ware for Bridal Presents. Optica! Goods A 8PECIALTY. Spectacles and Kye-glasses la ,Gld, SHvaT SteeL Bcbber and Shell Frames. White and tinted, la endless varieties. Seals for Lodges, fjorporauons, ate. Badges snd Medals fer Schools and Sociees made to order. Mail orders promptly attended to. tJoodfl sent on election to any part of the State. BSaT t Id Gold and Silver in amaQ and large quantities taken as cash- dly. C ASSARTS PURE LARD. WHAT A WtLt SBSWB SlTIZEl SATS . BtlTlTl '.ii I : m i ' '.- . 'i S4- "Dear Sir-1 have bow used Cassard's Lard both winter and summer and it tas proven entirely satisfactory, we had the offer of well known pure country lsrd and my wtfe advised the continuance of Cassard's. 1 hearti ly congratulate you on being the .agent for such a prime necessity or me. lours truly, ' Bbv. f. J. W. CBOWDIR." For sale by the following reliable Grocers : Fer sons wbo lead a life of exposure ... .. I : j J-l - J i-J 1 .V . TT: are subjeot to rheumatism, neuralgia see -ireo wsao auupwawj wn ww- W. B. Kewsom Co W.H.Illls, W. C Upehurch, i A. B. Stronach. : W. B. Maan Co., Em j. rxartun. J. K- rerrall Co- x. W. Fraa Casoard est Son iff i rj' : ; and lambago and will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J H. McLean's Voleanic Oil Liniment. It will banish pain and j subdue inflammation. ted States in their eommeroe with for eign nations; for taxes ou imports, from the foundation ef this government, nave ever been one chief aeuree of faderal BALTHfBE, If D. Curers of the Celebrated "Star Brand Mild Cured Hams aad Breatfaet Bacon. ; B. E. WOODILL, galas Agasd. fax ! i If I i i i 5 i 4: lx: