j ' ft. i '. . 4 it AND n r UBS 2RVE11 4 i. - OL XXVII. RALEIGH. N. 0., SATURDAY MORNTNG, DECEMBER 11, 1886. I0 65 it0(Q)UlQ)i& Th iwdiriw mte X1 it rftr. Mfa i ud wlwlwoiiw" Mot ooaeatkal Ou ordinary ktndaad told a wopetmoa with km muKjwoe " km, sart we w uum or pappus kp 'aw Mir ia 1 cm Botai. Bakom Bum Sold byW C4A A B Btronaeb, trra aad J "wren c j 1- ; A QUESTION ABOUT Browns frokr : Bitters - ANSWERED, f The anaat hjuhaa probably baaeaafcad eV 0 UaaiCHo en Brown' Iran Bttfri oma JhkjcrWaU, it iomo'X. Bat tt ooaa one aay tnr alileaaaaoatablaphjaiiiUn irwilil ptaaarib i aa taa baaa nafa i ramtatiW nhiainlan nimM imainriha TAB rhfiiaa laonciiiaa iron aa taa baaa laa aiinli Um to tha piiifaaaaia. aad aaaniij laaitina iiliaialiwl Tina aill anliataalialalliaai am aura Dnptnumairauuav any taaoa aaaa Bmaaidna, xna anaai (harralr that Iron to aokaowladfed to be tha moat anpgrtaaa riainria auocaaaraiaaaoieaj twain laa. u i raaunraua ran, IBM jnor to tna ITTK1 of BROWNMIKON UI jaahafaatg BR01V3I EKHi Lanrarbt C IDflM DfTTrDC"" "!" f UlllUilUII I LIIUtaalatlAiinaa ) aiaartliwliiia aUltlK lllal '. nOOWNIBOHBITTEUa ,, W .naa. tsama ladinMUatm. B 111m ; PrapeiMla, fifaiaria, Cbflla anal Fevers, Vweal Feiaa,GeeraJ OebOlt7P ia tha HMa.PapAarUa.ba.rieaaacagaadyfCTiral- O- ' --"- " nH Ima ai nannnil dillj. BROWN'S (RON BinERS,r5Str: tmitaata. Likaaaotbar aboraacb Mdiehar' a aeta Ti rucen Dt wa uia intamMoa at Uo ttt la taywrat en waf .- TbamaaelaatbaafbaaaiBa "P". tha laiwaMan inpmnl, tba bovatifaa aetno. j " tha tfact la aaaallr mora rapM aa1 iaarkac. itotbaankai aartraaniw Il ia! yaolaraoBiai annnll fcw tha ohtu - 1- i VMarahtba ONLY mal awdioana that ta aot a Jatiaaa. fayajniaat aaal iryya.rnniaiaiil; WlliliiliaaTiaaalaraa anaiitalfcl JACKET STORE TEE GBXAt BABQAHf 8T0S 01 BALELQH I tba tooVt knew hem mock erwfil BftM MtUBf ILNT r b tki tkl Kercluuit wbo boyi (twda of credit aad wOiM foda higher o eoTwr hit Vm of ob credit 4 avU hit ' wfitith-rndopMd o oi ei then it it i oxtn per oet Ud, to oorr fciM by credit. Totteoont tea per eeato otehof I tktthaad yem hTe at tbeMS tetbsata SOpOr jeat which yjoa . I . ' ' oy mea iM intf PJ. Tht the pay to eovar the loeMp NEWS OBSKRilVATIONS. i kaO to pay. I It aU oat (Bl the hmXd- r - ldentrfdollaiaof thohabora II you' f ! V, i Wrrowaioaey troai the beak at 6 per eeat tea thtnk U Tery high, yet yon will boy your goods oa credit aad pay 00 per eeet more M . (ben thaa you ought to pay eai you tffll ' . . ? piM otrerwlak your eye at it. This credit takea i J from Um prodooera of tbia country ona-halt they adce, Now bow do you Ilia the lyjrtem -Coate to tba Backet Store and b4y your geoda. I i' The Backet Store baa all the adyantagee, troai hartac boyera alwaya U the New York aar- - r ; r ket, with cash tt head, who buy from houses 'i i t ; WhLch.are coma palled to take their oflarsfor ' f i V. i' these goods. It Is the power of the altoJghrT doUar cutting its way through the eeatre of ia whkh enablea us to offe goodf at iaw tbaa can be made fer i haBdreda of tMft, Tto BacaBWre UsaiiaJled withsiaall profiu aid wa shall make oojr bajpdximeke nr buataeaa. Now come to ?Ue Backet Store afid buy )rour goods sad saTe jour saoaey.; Tbia Week we abail offer aome great bargaias Gents Boys' and ehUlreat' eaps j also la tteBte plothing of all klade. Triple silver j,UU oa steel I nivea aad forks w rth 3J&0 at ' 6?eJ Job la GenbV, Lejlies' aad -dates' OuaaBavee. Ptreoae wlehing suck goods; will aae moeey by porch etnglroa ua. jttpt'""J ubeslUed to the eash trade 'lroiEF PnilSfiLL 00 J I SftaUSaiiBidl. The bank of Gold Hill, Not., failed Tuesday because of the mining exoite 10 est. There had been a heary run on U by holders of otrti&o&tes of deposit. It oost Milwaakee $16,000 to sup- I" ress the riots in that euy lass spring, t money well spent, if the spirit of disorder j and anarehy are.tDeotually ened. .fJo-omentirg on the tariff utter anees of the President's messsgs. the New Harcn Palladium aava "president 0erelsnd's uttera&ees are nefertheleas eoDsetratiTe. had in the taein wisev" - 1 1 !f Bepbrti frcm the foaihern ootst o Florida jay that there is Tery bad feel- og eoiwceai ue - oeminoie Indiana ana the cowboys in charge of the herds there hud that an outbreak dst ooeur. Msnt settlers Lars removed their families to tue ittds oft the eoast. , Towrgie saye! tha pros aatiiailai- trkuos: Their supremacy might, suppose, be termid the erop of figi gathered frcm the thistlee of their ex f terieooe and development. They hare undoubtedly progressed and developed to a much greater extent than ooulu havo reasonably been expected." Thb is almost too profound to be under stood. 1 Joseph Armour, brother of the mil lionaire pork packer of Chicago, left ,$100,000, on his death, for the estab- .. !.- . m lvi; . j r i iisoracni oi a auuegerien anu iree ais- Zl'i : !u - 2 I -1 pcBSawy, wim a nyeioian in onarge iur. rnu. v. Armour, the surviving Mother, added Jjl&O.UW to the fond, and the mission has been dedioattd. The oost ot maintenance will bo abou- $14,000 per anfium. r The director of the mint has called lie attention of the secretary of th treasury to a defect in the lavs govern- ipg the minor ooinsge. By a roaolution oi ibiO tnis is limited to 5U, 000,000, while pie prsctioe .'of the ueabury is tt try to meet the public demand fie accordingly recommends the repeal oi this resolution and the passage of a lav giving authority for the purchase and i ti - - oomage oi d union so ue amount ne cessary. Ihe contest now sroisff on in Texas for the 8enatobiD suooeedins- Senator Maxey is becoming quite spirited. I seems that Senator Msxey is by no means sure of his re-election. Judge Kegan is an announced candidate. Con gressman Cuberaon is also a candidate VOBgrewtmsn Grain, the young suooessot y im vranutree, u named as a possible dark horse. Gori Ireland, who wanted to bathe the soil of Texas riverdeep with gore by coins to war with Mexico in the Cutting oontroveny, is regarded as the . most formidable candidate. ; His campaign is based -upon his course in the Cutting affair, and the ohaxces arc he will b elected. " The shape, lensrth. and srnM-al character of the fashionable ridirg habit tary greatly, from year to vesr At present the skirt is by no means s long as it formerly was, and reaches h front only a little below the insten. Be niad it is train-shaped; but, of course, this shortening is directly due to the in troduction of a form of skirt in which the knee is placed so as to hold the skirt and prevent the possibility of its flying up, tha latter being the unpleasant con tingency provided against by the flow tag Hurt which was worn a short time go.-Aha bodice is nowadays somewhat like a gentleman's dres-eoat, and opens back over a white vest, which is sun. plemented by a gentleman's collar and era vat -all denoting- an annroaoh to maniehnees, which has been apparent for several months; past in other matters besides riding habits. A low-crowned gentlemen's hat, with a cause scarf twisted around the brim. oomDoses the headgear to be worn. Borne farmers are successful, others are not. borne life well, have the com forts and luxuries of life around them. others live hard, work hard, have few of the comforts aad none of the luxuries. Some have a better start, perhaps, than others, better farms, and are better equipped, bat it will be found that the men who succeed, who live well , and make, money are men ot method, men who . believe in and have a system of manageaeni; men who think on what they axe doing, and do nothing at hap bssard. The speculator, dealer in fu tures, stock jobbers, may take chances, bat there is no e nance work with the farmer. Nature establishes laws which are imperative, as to wnat may be pro duced in certain 6 limes and on certain lands, while the laws of supply and de mand regulate the; prices and conse quently the profit "on what is produced The thoughtful and successful farmer. while rcoognsirg. nature's laws, will also give heed to the law of supply and demand that he may not waste nis time in cultivating what is already a drug upon the market, and will consequently cause loss to him. ' If experience proves that there is more money in an sere of grass than there is in an aore of cotton the wise farmer will, give some atten tion to grass and less cotton; if one aero of potatots wul yield twice, three or f jur times as much as an aore of tobacco, the wise farmer will give more atten tion to potatoes and less to tobaooo; if one good cow' is more profitable than two poor cows, the wise farmer will keep one go;d Ojw instead t two poor ones ; if the farmer jan save money and feel independent by rawing his own family supplies and teed fur his stock and . himself, the wis 'armor will raise them instead of buyiog when it may sometimes be hard to get the money to buy ; from what he has to sell. Tna mw of' method thinks of all this, lives well, makes and saves money the man without - method does not wo ks hard, lives' hard and is alway run to the throat-la ob to make ends meet, and then don't always do it; J()ottaHoai-Imorat. CONGRESS. THE WOfcK OP THE HOU81 YES TERDAY EXTENSION OF THE FBEE MAIL DELIVERY. A SXW DIfAKIOKl AS TO- WAS CLAIMS TBI PIPLOMATIO AND 0v KSCLAX ArPKOPRIATION BILL OTHKK KaWS . 5 BTwrjtn. WASHniGTOii, D. C, Deo. lO.Housi, In his prayer this morning, Mr. Chap lain referred td the death of Represen tative Dowdney, of New York, and said : ,rAgain this House has been stricken by the hand of death, and an other seat is made vaoant. , Console and comfort the wife and ehildren thus rendered desolate, widowed and orphan ed. Be thou their stay, and cheer them in this sudden and awful bereavement." faejreiding of the journal, Mr, Campbell, of ' New York, announced with sorrow and regret, the death of his colleague, and offered resolutions ex presBive of the regret with which the an nounoement or tne aeatn naa been 're ceived by the House, and providing for a joint committee of the Senate and the House to attend the funeral. ' The 'resolutions were unanimously adopted and the House as a mark of re speot to the memory of the deceased at 12.20 adjourned until tomorrow. aaaBBaWSS-eBWaaa..MaaaKaMHMHHaBB- A Blew Depart re, ; Waxbinotom, Deo. 10 Tho quarter master j general of the srmy, aoting under the provisiois of the bill passed on motion of Representative O'Neill, of Miseouti, at the last session, has exam ined the claim of the Christian Bros. College of St. Louis, for occupation of its Luilding by United states troops during; the war and has certified to the Secretary of tha Treasury that the ool- lege is entitled to Xld.VOO, This is somiwbat of a new departure in the mode of payment of similar war claims, f pec. ho appropriation by Congress oeug generally required. j TbeDlwIeaeavtieBlll, Washjhgtoh, Deo. 10. The House committee on foreign sffairs today prac tically completed -the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill, which will be reported to the House as soon as it shall have been printed. No changes of. ccb sequence were made in the bill after it left the sub-committee, and Beo- retsrv Bavard's recommendation con templating the '. appointment of four secretaries of legation, who may be de tailed to any post, wag not accepted by the committee. Ixtesslww er the ' Free' BIa.ll DaUvaty WAiHixaTosT. Dee 10 The following named cities will come under the pro visions of the bill which passed the House of Representatives vesterdav. relating to the extension of the free delivery service: Provided that in addi tion to a population of 10,000 according to the last census, or an annual revenue of $10,000, the other requirements, suoh as pared or planked sidewalks, numbered streets snd houses, lighted streets, etc, are complied with. oelrra Ala, Pemaoola Jfla, Columbus Gar; Jackson. Meriden and Yicksburs' Mies, Charlotte N A Columbus S O. and Alexandria, Danville afid Staunton Va. , Verdict la she Wwawe Caee. Special to the Neva and Observer. WAiHucTOHr N. C, Deo. 10. Today, the ninth day of the Owens trial, the jury, after a short delibera tion, brought in a verdict of guilty; Stark Simpson of murder; Mrs. Owens and Isaac Jones as aooesories. fOn the 231 of last September, A. D Owens, amerotant at Creswell, Wash ington count, was shot by Jim Ambrose, a noted negro desperado Ambrose was killed in the attempt to arrest him. Laao Jones and Stark Simpson made a yoluntary statement of the whole nutter implicating Mrs Sarah Owens, wife of A. D. Owens, as one of the leading principals in the ter rible deed. Tie two negroes and Mrs. Owens were plioed in jail at Plymouth, and at tha fall term of Washington county court a removal was secured to Besufort county A Haftt ffefevBterfeltera. Cbicago, Deo. 10. A special from Cairo, HI., save: Late Wednesday night Officer Joseph Dopuyeter, of Ballard county, Kentucky, acccmpanied by posse of oitiitns, broke into a nest of counterfeiters and arrested six of the gang, four men and two women. The gang went to Ballard county from Al ston, UlixioU, tbout a month ago, set tling down at Fort J( ff.rson in two old shanties. They bad not sought any legitimate employment and weresuspeot- ed of subsisting by unlawful means Last Saturday one of the men went to Wyoliffe, a small town several mues frcm Ft Jefferson, and bought solder, suoh ss is used by tinners, for which he paid partly with counterfeit niokels. The c ffiocr and tosse went to the huts in the night and found all huddled to gether in a single room. The door was burst open and the group captured. Several moulds and a large quantity of counterfeit niokels were found in the room and the prisoners had their pockets full of stuff. One of them was a jotng girl 12 years of age. They were all tt ken to Ballard Co., j til to await the action of the United States au thorities. Fa tare at Slew York. Niw Yokk, Dec. 10. Greene & Co. 's report on cotton futures says : It has been sn aotive feverish and excited day, snd rcmarksble for the frequency and sharpness of the fluctuations, the prioes often ohangirg 5.6 points in less than aa many minutes. On the whole the tendetey was downward, though the decline of lOall prints was partlv re- duoed, living the final rates 7a8 points under last evening, and the tone about steady. While Liverpool sained some what, the improvment was somewhat less than anticipated, and this with the inte rior movement slightly exceeding the es timates created a desire to secure the profits and free dealing from many quarters brought the depressing weight of a surplus. Off brines, however. seemed to meet a good waiting demand. Tetal Vat BXeeelats. Kaw YoBx.Dec. 10. The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all ports since September 1, 1886, in bales: Galveston, 479,449 bales: New Or leans,, 809. 582 bales; Mobile, 115,918 bales; Savannah, 557,855 bales; Charles ton, 277,579 bales; Wilmington, 104, 580 bales; Norfolk, 832.842 bales; Bal timore, 21,694 bales; New York, 27, 196 balaa: Boston. 19 824 ttalaa; Phil adelphia, 16,822 bales; West Point. 138,008 bales; Brunswick, 19,541 bales; Port Royal, 11,519 bales; Pensaoola, 8,122 bales. Total, 2.932.584 bales. Ike CaDft-reaalMal BUh lAst. WAsuuaTOH, Deo 10 The death oi Representative Dowdney, which' was an nounced today, swells to twelve the death list of the forty-ninth Congress. It is as follows: Vioe-Pesident Hen dricks, Senators Miller and Pike, Rep. resentatives Ellwood of Illinois, Rankin of Wisoonain, Hahn of Louisiana.Beaoh, Arnot and Dowdney of New York, Price of Wisconsin, Cole 'of Maryland, and Dunoon of Pennsylvania. I Mr. Dowdney was strieken with par aljsis while entering his house in New York last night, and died at 8 0 clock this morning. He had refused to run for the next Congress. av-aa . AaaUter Ittrifce. Chicago, Dee. 10. A Times special from Denison, Texas, says: "At 9 o'clock last night the Missouri Pacific switohmen at this place struck and walk ed out of the yards in a body. The grievanoe was too muoh work for the pay. The men called on Mr: Goldman, the division superintendent in the morning and asked for an increase of wages to the same amount given by the other roads of the system, and gave him until 9 p. m. to decide. As no reply was given at the time specified they quit. All were orderly and quiet. Some of the oonduotors have been asked to do the work, but none havo done so yet. fjaaapetUlaei Betweea B team hip Uiw. Niw Yokk, Deo. 10. Competition between the steamship lines has again brought down emigrant passenger rates. The Guion, Icman and Cunard lines oharge 15, the National line 118 Other line agents are awaiting instruc tions. ; j- Haareel. St Loum, Deo. 10. - Robert Grayer, colored, was hanged in the jail yard this morning tor the murder of Berry jcraaj, also Miored, Jiiy oth, r. eiadateae AsalaaS AaU-Bawi. Losddh, Dee. 10. The Glasgow Mail says it is authorised to state that Mr. Gladstone does not approve of the anti- rent campaign inaugurated bv the na tional league in Ireland. Aaat Wllla. N. Y. World. Some amusing instances of peculiari ties in testators are gathered in an in teresting little volume on the "Curiosity and Law of Wills," by John Proffatt, eounsellor-at-law. Doctors' Common, the depository for English wills, eon tains many remarkable testaments., Mr. Zimmerman, who died in England as late as 1840, directs in his will that no person shall attend his corpse to tbo grave and no funeral bell shall be rung, adding the startling threat : "Ii this be not done I will come again - that is to ssy, if I can," a very safe and re assuring proviso. One unhappily mar ried Englishman who died in iiondon in 1791, leaves his wife Elisabeth "the sum of one shilling, to be paid to her six months after my deocase." In his will he says of the aforesaid Elisabeth tht "Heaven seems to have sent, her into the world solely to drive me out of it." and that "the strength of Samson, the genius of Homer, the prudenoe of Augustus, the skill of rjrrB.ua, the pa tienoe of Job, the philosophy of Socra ter, the subtlety of Hannibal and the vigilanoe of Hermogenes would not suffioo to subdue the perversity of her character." Instances are "plentiful as black berries" in which testators prohibit their wives from marrying agsii. Mr. Granville Uaroourt, whose will wst proved in 1862, is in exoeption. In it ne says; '-The unspeakable interest with whioh I constantly regard Lady Waldegrave's future fate induces me to advise her earnestly to unite herself again with some one who may deserve to enjoy the blessing of her scoiety, during the many years of her possible survival after my life." Mrs Van Hanrigh, whose will was proved in 1868. was equally disinterested. She says: "It is my earnest wish that my darling husband should marry ere long a nice, pretty girl who is a good house wife, and above all to be oareful that she is of a good temper." Not uufrequently persona take oeoa- sion to indulge in humor in their wills, solemn as suoh documents usually are. The most curious of these is the old will of the Evrl of Pembroke. His bequests are all of a s areas tie turn, and among the "itema" isnne whioh read: I give nothing to my Lord Siye, and I do make him this legacy willingly, be cause I know that he will faithfully dis tribute it unto the poor " Acd the following: I give to the Lieutenant General Cromwell one of my words, the which he must want, seeing that he hath never kept aay of hie own." THE CROPS. AVERAGE FARM PRICES BY COUNTIES -A GENERAL FALL ING OFF AS COMPARED WITH TBE VALUE3 ' OF THE CROPS OF 1885. CATHOLIC PBXBST CALLID TO ACOOUKT BY THU POPS A MOILS OUT FBOM AST XPITOX OTHBX GINKXAL HXWS IT VOI. Washikgtch, Deo. 10. The Decem ber returns of average farm prioes by oounties show a material reduction compared with the values of the crops of lssd, in wheat, rye and barley.; Corn has made an advance nearly equivalent to ne percentage oi reauouon u quan tity, and oats, in sympathy with corn rather than with the small grains used for human food, average a slightly higher value than last year. The form value Of corn was 33 cents per bushel in Deoe nber of last vear. It is now 87 cents, one oent higher than the crop of 84 lhe average for the pre vie us five years was 44 7, and for the ten years prior to 1880, it was 42.6 oents. The prioes in the surplus states are : - Ohio 37, Indiana 82, Illinois 31, Iowa 30. Missouri 31, Kan as 27, Nebraska 20. This is an increase over last year of 1 oent in Nebraska, 3 in Kan sas, Illinois, Indiana acd Ohio, and 6 in Iowa and M sseuri. The average is 56 in New Ycik,47 in Pennsylvania and 45 in Virginia, 2 oents lower in each than last year. Prioes in the cot ton states south and wst cf North Carolina are higher than last year South Carolina 60, Georgia 60; Alabama 68, Mississippi 69, Lou isiana 55, Arkansas 49. Texas 60, an increase of 11 oents, due to the dis astrous drougbt. The average crop of wneat is td oents, a reduotion of eight oents from the average value of the last cr'ip, and 4 oents above the prioes in 1884. Average in New York 84 cents, 12 oents lower than last year. Pennsylvaoia 83, 13 oents lower. The reduotion is still greater in several Western States. The average if Ohio is 74 . oents, Michigan 73, Indiana 70, Illinois 69, Wisconsin 63, Minnesota 61, Iowa 60, Misouri 63, Kentock) 58. Nebratka, 47, Dakota 52 There is little decline in the Southern states, in some of whioh the prioes are bigher than last year. Called aa Bwaa ta Ixplalr. Niw Youk, Dee. 10. It is published today in the manner of an ascertained fact that Rev. Father McGlinn. Catho lio pastor of St. Stephen's church, has been called to Rome to explain to the Pope his' advocacy of Henry George's land and taxation theories and his ac tivity in promoting George's canvass. A Patrletle Deed. Augusta, Ga., Deo. 10. George W. Guilds (editor of the Philadelphia Ledger), has sent a eontributi n of $500 to James R. Randall, chairman, for the Hayne and Wilde memorial monument to be erected in Augusta Mr. Childs accompanies his gift with a sympathetic and patriotic letter. Washtjiotoh, Dee 10 The President was so mueh improved in health today that he was able to resume; his puMie receptions in the East roomi In addi tion he received about fifty callers in his private offioe,most of whom were Mem bers of Congress. Far Keeeetrnetleai mt CetaSoaa Hmim. Waihuigtos, Dm. 10. The Houe committee on public builditgs tidsy directed favorable reports to bo made to the House en the bills making appro priations for the reconstruction of the custom houses at Eastport, Main), and Charleston, S. C. Caaaparatlve Cotton Btateaaaaa. Naw Yoiut, Dee. 10. The Wowing is the comparative cotton statement lor the week eadVog Dec. 10: 15S6. 1SSO Net receipts at U. S. ports, 337,600 246.S W Total receipt to date, 3,932,534 3,861,177 Exports for the week, 1,191,014 177,874 Total exports to date, Tor Ores Britain. Stock at Liverpool. Stock at all interior towns, 524 000 425,000 Stock at all U. 8. ports, S61.000 2 17,0.0 a 1 aa a-p Kext Headay Btfftat's Ureal Lawa-Bt Tucker hall will contain a merry au dience next Monday evening drawn thither to witness the first appear anoe in 1,675,501 1,618,457 097,804 9M,398 230 700 217,1-6 this city of the famous laughter pro ducing eomedy, "Skipped by the Light of the Moon, a play that can lay claim to the largest and most successful run of all the funny plays ever produced, and whioh is everywhere greeted by crowd ed audiences who receive ; the comic situations of the play with shrieks of laughter and enthusiastic applause. The New York Times savs : "The dialogue fairly .bubbles with puns, be it said, a number of them are really capital; the action of the pieoe is very rapid, and in the second act, where the two principals are chased by a policeman about and through an oyster shanty on the lawn at Saratoga, the business and the execution are worthy the best invention of the Hanlon Broth ers in 'Le Voyage en Suisse.' - It is in this constant change of action, rapidity of movement, that the interest of the audi noe is never allowed to oease and seldom to flag. Sale af aba Atlaasie Hatal- The valuable sea side resort at Mora head City, known as the Atlantic hotel, was sold yesterday at jnorehead City, under decree of Carteret superior court, and was purchased by Spier Wnitaker, Eiq., for his clients holding liens oaf the property. The price bid we unlcr- Boaninai merely. Data Fraaa Waablaartaa. pedal Cor. the News and Observer. Wajhimotos, D. C-, Deo. 9. The President was better today and presided at the regular eabinet meeting. Ex-Gov. Thomas J. Jar vis and wife arrived in the eity last night from New York and are now at the Metropolitan Hotel. I called upon them this after noon and had a pleasant interview. The governor is looking remarkably well, though somewhat thinner. Mrs. Jar vis has improved more than the governor by her stay in a warmer climate. They sailed from Rio en the 10th of Novem ber and reached New York last Friday. The governor says the first he heard of the elections in. North Carolina, was when he reached the Barbadoes. where he got eopies of New York and Wash ington papers, and that the result was qiite a surprise to him. He says he left Brssil wearing summer elothes, and struck a bliss ud at New York, where he was forced into winter quarters. He will remain here till Monday, when he wilt start for home. f Cant. Johnston got a bill through the : House yesterday to pay Mr. C. Dickey, late postmaster at Murphy, N 0 , the sum of $27 75. This was f,r moneys lost that Mr. Dickey was in no way responsible for. The Edmunds electoral count bill passed the House to day with some amendments, the mo-t important one being that requiring the presiding officers of the two houses (the president of the Senate) to simply de clare the result of the count; in other words making his functions simply min isterial. This afternoon Mr. Randolph Tusker nude one of the strongest epeeob.es of the session on the bill to es tablish a department of agriculture ard labor. He bitterly opposed it on con stitutional grounds, holding that th-re was no warrant in that seemingly for gotten instrument for suoh a measure, and that suoh a move only tended to in creased oentralis?d power, and an aug mentation of the burdens of the people. In the course of his argument, in that keen, high voioe of his, he asked "What will this new eabinet offioer do ?" when Col. Towles . suggested, sotto voce, draw $3,000 more from the people. "Yes," he says,, "as my friend suggests, simplv draw $3,000 more from the people. Mr. Tucker was very eloquent, rising, to the height of the ocomon, and his follow nitmbers fbeked around him, listening wiih the utmost silenoe. He has evi dently giveu the measure a heavy blow. The grand jiry today brought in two iuftetments against the negro brute West, the assailant of Mrs. Page: one for an assault with intent to oommit a violent deed, aad the other with house breaking. So the villainous ex clerk of the land cmoe will be likely to get his full deserts. Col. , W. G. Moore has been appointed chief of police here, whioh will likely close the scandal originating under the former chief Walker. j Mr. Henderson was not at the Houe today, being troubled considerably with his eyes.: : The members of our delegation called oa Gjv- Jar fie today. Mr. Horton, clerk to J udge Bennett s committee, will arrive tonight. Gen. Cox represented Gov. Scales at the meeting last week of the promoters of the permanent exposition here. Amoi g the North Uarolinians here recently were Col. Holt, Msj Galling, fdr. Galloway and CoL xar borough. Dal- A. B. Aadrewe far Saarermar. Cor. of the News and Observer. Asbbtilli, Dee. 6, 1886. . All ' our people are delighted that Col. A B. Andrews is at the head ; of the Western North CaroL'na railroad. Wetter a North Carolina peo ple are for him for Governor. I believe he can eommand a larger vote than any other man in the State. Let North C. -ilina give us Col.-A. B. Andrews for Governor.and the ntsxt democratic legis lature in 1888 elect Hon D. Fowle 'o the Senate of the United States. , Cmzx. Weddlas; Bella at Oxford. C' r. Of the News ard Observer. Oxrjxa. N. 0., Dec. 8. This morning at 9 o'clock, in th Methodist church, the Rev. Dr. B. F Dixon joined in holy wedlock Mr. John J. Paris and Miss Bettie A. Burwell The I waiters were as followrf! Miss Sallic Burwell and Mr. Joe Paris; Miss Addie Paris and Mr. T. N. Burwell; Miis Lvira Fullerton and Mr. Charlie Lao dia;; Miss Anna Lindis and Mr. I. N Bar well. The bride was attired in a handsome grey traveling suit, and im mediately after the ceremony she, witL her happy groom, took the train for his home in L9noir oounty, where they will spend a week or more and return to Oxford. B th the bride and the groua were very dear to Oxford's sooiety, const quently the presents received were numerous and handsome. The bridal pair and waiters came to the church on sleighs. A glorious day for a marriage was this; the earth in her modest winter costume had donned her bridal veil of purest white to meet her lord the sun, who, with his gentle warmth, kissed to tears his loving bride. A happy time it was when the tinkling sleigh bells and the merry marriage bells mingled their sweet notes and floated out up in the crystal brightness of the growing day. Good-bye "John" and good-bye "Miss Bettie," but welcome Mr. aad Mrs. Paris. Many and happy be your days, and rolled far back out of fight be the elouds of sorrow. A. F. If a woman will she will." If aha will taksDr. Bull's Cough 8yrup for her cjW, she will beoured. Take good adviee I have suffered with bad headache for years, and have triad maar remedies without ottaininr relief. 1 was ad vised to give Salvation Oil a trial, and U has entirely eared me. . XDWASDBAJLTZ,(tahar) UJTajrattvjsAr kar ti a sTewe aad Oaaerver. The colored element of the republican party on yesterday, seemed jubilant over the aoceptanee of Mr. J Rowan Rogers' bond by the democratic board of oounty commissioners. This is not to be wondered at, The commissioners allowed Mr. Rogers every chance to be come sheriff They met to reosive the bonds of the; county officials elect, on Monday, five days ago, and I imagine had it entirely in their power to have rejected Mr. Rogers' bond as insufficient on that day and closed the ease against him.. But instead of so doing, they have given him time from day to day to rake among the ashes to make up the required sum. It was a ease of great magnanimity, one that is not often surpassed, and doubtless Mr. Rogers feels grateful therefor. S. DOB: T BXPUU1URT. You cannot afford to waste tbns 1b expert stent when yew lungs are in danger. Con u mptlon always seems at Brat, only a sold. Do not permit a or dealer to lapae upon you with some imitation of Dr. King's New li ct. very for CoasumpUon, Coufbs aad Colds, but be sure you get the geauiaa. Because ha can make more profit he may taH you he has something; Just ss go d, or Just the same. Don't be deceived, but Insist upon getting Dr. King's liew Discovery, which Is goaranteed te give relief in all Throat, I. tint; and Chest affections. Trial bottles free at Lee, John a & Go's drug store. ..aB.BwaivMaBaaa-waSBBVBaBBBaH.......... The students of Bryn Mswt, Pa., (female) college have decided, on re commendation of the frcultyto w r the Oxford cap aat gown. Oaiaa OnaH Oelda. Buai wa-aa. Ooro Aath SraaeblUa, WhotnH"! Oouch, lnolptact Conaamp. aaa,ana rwum . um laaa ail peaaona la adnneed ataeaa of Hwaat.ma Xaa Oaantif Dm, thdCt Oomgrn Birmp M sou oeir m wkxu aaawara and baara oar raKUrwrTriiria-kaHtt to Wit i AbmU't Hd im m Vfrvmt.mJtr. mrl9 caaatMa-UM. aoe IM 'faMUoUaalnaturMoCVoaa W. SALVATIOrJOIL, "Taa.Orcataat Core aa Berth far Pain." WHl relieve more qukklT than any other known remedy. ' Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Bums, scajaa, v-ats, lampayo, sores, Krost bitea. Backache, Wonnda, Headache. Toothache. Sprains, &c. Sold brail ie.opnux Drugjgista. Prica DTI 23 CetrU a Bottle. Edward Fasnach, Jeweler aiid Optician RALEIGH, li. O. Gold and Silver' Watchas, Amerieaa snd Imported. Beat aad tmitattea Plaatoad Jew airy. 18 Karat WeOCUng ana Binga, aay slse aad weight. Sterling BQvtr Wsre for Bridal Presents. Optical Goodsl A SPECIALTY. Speetaelss aad XyaasSes la ;Gkt, BUvst i r 'if if' ' i '-' It .'Jtf: Steel, Bcbber aad Shell ' lramaa. white and tinted, in endless vaneUes. Seals for Lodges, Corporationa, etc Alse Badges aad Medala for Bcaools and Sodees tads to order. Mall orders promptly attended to. Goods sent on selection te any part of the State. faafr Old Gold and 8uvar ia small aad large . quantities takmi aa aask. dir. CgSSARDfS PURE LARD. WHAT A WEIL IIIW1 IITIZfJ tATSAIOITIT Ma. Ik H. VVoodeix: "Dear Sir I have bow used Caaaatd'si Lard bo'h winter and sxanmer and It las proven entirely satisfactory ' We had the offer of well known pure cvuntry lard and my wife . advised the eont nuance of Cassard's. I nearti ly oongratulate you on being the.agent for such a prims necessity of life. Tours truly, Biv. W. J. W. CBOWD1B." , For sale by the following reliable Groeers r ( W. B. Mann k Co., W. B. Newaom Co ' B. J. Hardin. W.H. Kills, J. B. Ferrall h Co, W. C. Upchureh, a. W.Fraps, A. B. Stronach. jr. CCLQS02d. SoEL BALTDCBE, MD. i Carers of the Celebrated "Star Brand" ' StUd Cured Hams and Breakf aat Baeon. ; B. H. WOODBLL, 8ales Ageat. THE NORTH CAROLINA HOUE IHS0B1IGE G0UF1BT OF BAlidGH, N. C (enwaalaad la 184.) Has been insuring property in oi th C tfe ' lima for eighteen years. With agents ia neaily everv town in the State aecesaibla to rail-! roads aad east af the mountains, Kl Solicits (the patronage of property owners hs the State, offering them safe indemnity for losses at .rates as low as those of any cosa paay working fat North Carolina. H ; Classes of Property Insured : ii . Dwelliagt la towa aad country, mereantU risks, churches, schools, court-houses, society ; lodges, private barns aad stables, tarat pre- ' duea aad Irre aie eottoa fias. ... f- Insure fat the North Carolina Home lasur aaoe Company. W.S.Parsmoaa, - Kreiideat. Yf. . VnMvmam, rresiaaBa. I M ChLfa, Boo. Beefy andTi -P. Oowraa, iv-'i Vlee-Fresldeat. Adjuster. 1 1 rm tm Rrioaa StrfMfaa. Wa. MA faTattaU 1 ' TlUS " ( 1 .fe; . i