NOWS AND OpSEBVEB. i ' ' 4)' ' f; ; Paramo Daily (txomn Mo ay) at Hi THE NEWS AND 0BSERVK& Co. J. I. M08JEE, Knrroa Duly one fear, mall, postpaid, six months, " K M throa 4. u- Veekly one year. " ' w six months ;7.oo ; 8 60 1 76 : i i 00 six monins - 1 w No name entered without payment nd no , piper aentafter the expiration of time paid for 8 A.TURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1 886 Tiu Alabaai icntte lias pawed gen eral looAl option law aod the maiflXablj as a wbiole is freely passing prohibition bills far the counties, r 4- Minutu Marking, it is reported,1 has takes the preliminary iteps toward su ing for libel the authors of the, reoent report prrjadio:al to Ms character 4. Wi Understand tha.t Hon! JafC W. Reid obtained a ten days leave of ab senoe from Congress, bat we see it.stat ed that; he has not returned homo. 8bnaob, "VasCs lootnred in Boston, Wednesday, and we se that the Jewish cUinn of Washington are Tery anx ious to hear from hb'Ups his beautiful tribute ;to ''The Scattered Nation; 1! - . ' " 'i if a -.. M. Flcquit gave up 'the task of form ing a cabinet for the ; French, arid M Goblet I has cons anted to try hish"and. This gentleman's name, thruh, Angli cised, is too suggestive of a glass Teasel to inspire one with Tiope that he will form i non-breakable ministry. ' Wi note with, pleasure the prompt notion of the House in the matter of fixing a satisfactory method of count ing the eleotoral votei 8uch setion was urgently demanded aid a final oonclu sion of j the matter reached in a spirit of latriousm should not b delayed a day onger than ia necessary. Mrnoo does not like what ths Presi dent said about the allege d 1 ight of that eountry to try Americans committing offrasea against Mexican law while on , American soil, and diplomatic relations v grave importance vu arise, n is saic, inrconKOjUenoe. Let , 'em 'rise. ' Th bottom has dropped out of the oil market at Pittsburg, it is reported. Everybody was taken; by surprise' and some heavy dealers were driven to the wall. The collapse of course caused an other flurry in New York when flurries nave been unusually frequent of late. Tn second trial ht New York's boodle ! alderman MeQuaie ha now fairly begun, The jurj W been completed, the opening address made, and the informing aldermen, Fulleraflr im aHj,MTKiTwi in anew wsuaaonv against the culprit, J astioe ssemS likely to be done after all, though nearlva fall of the j heavens has; been f necessary in ere to. Wn note with pleasure that ' Mr Albert H. Dowell hu become edito rially connected withf the Albemarle Enquirer, which papery by the way, is to be improved in j many respects next year, it Is announced. I Mr. Dowell baa been for the past thirteen yean ton the new xorx ana Cincinnati press man editorial oapaeity and for some years published a newspaper in Aaheville. Tn opponents in the House' of the bill creating u department of agricul ture and labor have doubtless good ground for their opposition. An erec tion of such a department 11 violation of constitutional principles would: work not good but barm to! the agricultural interest The News and Observer will heartily endorse any! measure, federal or state, having for its object the; wel fare of agriculture, but . as an .honest p' per, it must, of eofrs4, reserve the right to exereise its; juigmeat in all eases as to whether sueh measure ia really tor the bene fit of. the farmers or a. mt .. ; ;. lus proposiuons 01 .eemsgogues no means always what they not. are by seem. Ths people of several sections of 8)uth Carolina are sid to be, in ; i de plorable condition. The wheat and oat crops in the up-oountry were entirely destrojed by the frost of last Januarj; the com erop was ruined by the Spring floods and the cotton crop will not ex ceed 40 per oent of the last year's -crop. There is so tree ly af farmer who made expenses- This is a sad report and un fortunately there are eeotions of , North Carolina which are not in much better The farmers, however, should; apply themselves all the more industrious); for the misfortunes they have sobered, do their utmost to raise the bread and meat they need and; endeavor to im prove their lands by lhard work: judi ciously done. Lot the areas cultivated be brought I more and! more within the limit of the ability to farm of the in dividual ' agriculturist and let: elbow grease and home-made .fertilisers work out independence of the seasons as far as pcfslble. I .': ' THsre'pjrts of the vtate weather bu reau, if carefully studied, are capable of great practical bent fit to agriculture The dewfpiint reported, for example, is the point of temperature at whioh dew u likely o form, and so, in oonteotion with the relative hum.idjtj girenindi- . oates when frost may be expected.; This is not of so great importance j utt at this - season of the hf n frost formf eor stantly, an it is at other sesjus whioh suggest tiiemselves, blut that the farmer should be enabled td mtke accurate pre diStions of frost for himself is a 'great point gained. It is not neeesearv for the temperature to fall to 3- , for frost to form. I Such formation may occur at a temperature of 47 for example. The relative humidity has to be' Uken into onsiderstion as well as the decree of cold, and this cannot generally be had by the farmer witbout Ue assutanoe ivsa bim by the wcoiber ferriel.; ! .-- I Mi I i A VOID ro HASIOHT, The News and Observer regrets that any Eabtarn piper baa found it desiriole t ) make sueh flings at the people of the West as tbe Wi'son Advanoe has lately indulged in. We re woll aware that others Jalk sometimes s the Advance has expressed itself, but we are eanfi dent that such is by no means the general sentiment of the East. 1 lbe people , of the East are behind those of no o'h er section of the Sta'e in comprehensive ideas and devotion to patriotio duty. They do not confine their view to their immediate surroundings, but look put all over the broad expanse of our com monwealth and hold it to be their dut?, as it is their pleasure; to aid in the de velopment of the; entire State. To do otherwise would be no less harm ful to themselves than unpatriotic. For as the west flourishes, the cast is bene fited. The ocmpletion of tho Western N. 0. railroad has already added ten millions to the value of property across the mountains, though the settlement of the mountain region is still in its in fancy. The development of the west ern oountry has aided largely in pro ducing that oondition whioh now justi fies a reduotion of taxation, and that is a substantial benefit whioh the pooplo of the east will certainly appreciate. ' But apart from that, ; the onslaught of Bro. Daniels is by no means justified. The west has never made any demands upon the eiet that we recall. The patriotio representatives of the we6thave ever exhibited a purpose to stand cheer folly by all measures which the eastern white men reoemmended as necessary to 6cozre them in the control of their local affairs. It is but proper for eastern men to award the western people fall credit for their action in this matter. While it was wise, while it was neigh borly, while it was only what the east would have done by the west under sim ilar oiroumstanoes, yet it is a course of oonduot whioh the east should ever ap preciate and value at its true worth. Under these circumstances, we fail to see what pleasure brother Daniels oJl take in seeking to array seotion against section, nor can wjs neroeive what good he can hope to accomplish by it for this people of the east or for the people of tbe state, neither do we see the jus tioe of his statement that "there will be men in the legislature who we verily 'believe are the paid agents of railroad 'companies." If Bro. Daniels thinks so, we suggest that he ought to name the particular man and not involve the entire representation from the west in suoh a general assertion. For our part we do not think so. We think the representation from the west, in both houses, is above sucKsn aspersion. And if we may be permitted to say so with out being sneered at as the organ, we would observe tbat if Bro. Daniels can see how it will advance the interests of the demcoratio party to undermine pub lie ooifiienee in our democratic brethren from the west, we cannot. If Bro. Daniels can see how it advantages the democratic puty to get our friends by the ears, we cannot. Bnt then the Nxws in Obsihyix is old-fashioned and does not believe in getting up sensations at the expense of iL 1 " 1 0 . we party, ana inaeea, we tear, is very much what the independent free-lances in the democratic party call "an organ." At any rate we do not think it answers any good purpose unnecessarily to ar ray section against seotion or to put the west in an improper position before the eastern people. MB, KOKBILL'S EFFORT. The resolution of Senator Morrison declaring that "the promise of making any revision of the tariff is hopeless and impracticable," etc., is of course in tended to stave off action in the matter of tariff reduction on the put of the present democratic msjority in Congress: It shows, however, at the same time, that even .the republicans real 'a 9 that something must be done in response to the unmistakable demand made by the pec pie. Mr. Morrison doubtless de sires to pave the way for the in troduction of a republican bill for re vision and ti ui secure to his , party the prestige of a measure for relief from the oppression of the present unneces sary taxation. Bui he cannot so hoed Wink the American public It is toe well known that .the present burden some system has been maintained by the r publiean party. Ik is too well known that it has been maintained by that party for the purpose of benefiting a few monopolists at the North, regard less of the interests of the people as a whole and of the great firming o1as especially It is too well known that the r.).uolioan party has ever been the representatife of the protected manu facturer ss against the whole people and that its legislation has been exclu sively in favor of the former. It is too well known th.t the democratic party as the party of the whole people has constantly striven to remove the galling I yoke fixed upon the American neek by the republicans, and, judging the future by the past, it is known full well that it is to the democratic party alone the peo- Ele can look for relief from the painful urden they are made to bear. Mr M)rriH's effort will therefore avail naught in the direction he wishes it to take. It may have the rffoot of delay ing action on the matter which is of first importance to the Amerioan people at this time and so will increase the heavy load of sins the republican party already has. to answer for, but, from the manner in whioh the democratic part of Congress has gone to work to carry out the popular will touohing tariff reduc tion, it is clear that that Dart at least proposes still to do its utmost as it has always dene to secure the desired end. Mr. Morrill is naturally anxious to boost his party again into popular favor but the utter lack of patriotism in his resolution is (ten by all. His party has been tried in the balanoo and found wanting, whe h r we regard the matter of the tariff or aoy other matter involv ing the interests of the whole people, j Caldwell Cbat, - :i Cor. of the Newt and Observer. Lbkoib. N C, Dec. 8. 1886 Mr. D. D. faff v. mnmWi'iMt La the legislature from : this county, hid last week while on him n han frnn an imnortant m:atins of the baa-! tit cmmaaojMn, of wkicb bo bad Hn: member. He is doing as well as could be expected, and the, phytaisns bavo promised to hvj him mend.'d vp early in January. We have had nine and a half inches of snow already, with a fine prospeet of more in the near future. I was the coldeet weather (19) that snow was ever known to fall here. The; meeting of the magistrates to eleot a commissioner to take the place of D. D. Coffy, elected to the legisla ture, failed to meet on Monday, and another oall has been mads for the first Monday in January. Some of the offi cers filed their bonds on Monday, while others failed owing to the absenoe of their securities. They have been given until next Monday to file their bonds at the meeting called for tbat purpose. Our mail facilities are simply abomin able, but we hope to have them im proved at an early day. Bilio. Spirit or th State Pru. The West has shown no disposition to abuse the generosity of the East; no in timation to suggest the sense of obliga tion, not the most distant idea of regard ing the county government question as one of bargain and sale. The West, with many inducements to a contrary course, took its position on the county govern ment question on the) broad principles of State comity, on the g&terous prin ciple of what was duo to the oppressed people of the East, on the high ground of the paramount rights of the white raoe. No taunts, no suspicion of mo tives, no imputations of selfishness will move the West from the stand it has taker,: Asheyille Cit:in. There is bnt one way possible prac tical y to reduoe the rate of interest that is by increasing the sum of money, seeking investment in the looality. As this 0 in only be done by saving, it is a slow process. We have heretofore sug gested the enoouragement of savings banks as a means of in ir easing the amount of money for loan, and think it will prove useful to the end. While we do not see any advantage to be gained by altering our usury law, so far as it applies to what may be called commercial paper, that is, promissory notes or bonds unsecured by a mortgage or lien on property, we do think that a less rate of interest ought to be al lowed and might be practically obtain ed, where the payment does not depend entirely or mostly on the integrity ard continued solvency of the debtor, but is put beyond doubtrbyta mortgage or other ben on preperty should be valid, if bv the terms of the contract, or by the transaction between the parties, the true debt was to bear more than six per eent interest. This would invalidate the lien on the property, but would leave the claim to be collected as any other debt might; the debt would stand as if there bad been no mortgage. We sug gest this to the next Legislature, con fident that whatever the opinions of our local members may be (as to whioh we are ignorant) that the: good sense of the members and their desire to aid the people, will lead them aright, Wash ington rr ogress. North Carolina has up to this time been a blessed land in the peculiarly friendly relations that have existed be tween; all elasses aud i conditions of her people. We have read of the strikes in the great cities, and the trouble, suffer ing and often bloodshed following them. but we have never been able to realise it all, because so far removed from the soenes of strife. God grant that with the growing manufacturing interests of our Southern eountry, capital and labor may so work in harmony and a mutual interest that sueh troublous timrs will b unknown. If with the building of lactones and the organisation of Knights or Moor lodges are to epme strife and turmoil, entailing hunger and suffering upon helpless women and children, we ay let us stay far behind the age and purine our peaceful walk in the paths or agriculture and eommeroe. Jrayette- vuie vDserver ana utsette. 1 be West Bepllcs U Br. Dsmlels. Lenoir Topic 4 la discussing a statement made by the Asheville Citiaan to the iff et that Wes tern North Carolina will ask the next Legislature for aid for railroads, some things have been said by our exchanges mat ongnt not to nave been said. The Wilson Advanoe, edited by a young, enthusiastic man, who really means well, 1 we believe, has used language mat is ononsive to us as a representa tive of the West. He sava. ' in the name of all that it is just, when will we . - mm m get tnro' paying tnese Western people for our oounty government?" That y - D ;Ta7raoh is fall of sting.' Is it not onr j - c - county government as weil as tneir7 if pc w est gets anything lor ber railroads is it a free gift from the Esst, whioh is pioturod by this editor as "paying inese w estern people' with what be longs to the whole stab? ; Do the tax s of the whole state aama ftsm tha K Dj the people of the West set the coun ty government sjitom up to be traded for bvitha EiSt. with the threat that nn- lew it is well paid for, it will be re- 1 - J 1. . Mm .. pcueu or aiterea; xaese are questions whioh iff ot the good name of the legis lative renresentativea from the West for ten years past, and yet we do not be- uove tnat cur young contemporary really meant to insinuate that these ,our repef enUtives have gone to Raleigh and bartered away their honor for help for railroads. In vary truth the West has nover received her nrooortion of State aid for public improvements. What she hss j j v j . nwiTca auu wui sae may receive in tho future will never be looked upon by her in any other light than what should be held in equity, and what she might accept' openly and in the view of the woria witnout a biusn. for our part we are not in favor of state interference in matters of this sort. We approve of the democratic polioy of refusing to al low tke state funds to be appropriated for internal improvements. If the East wishes to develop its swamps let them be ditched and made arable by private entsrpriee. and if the West desires to develop its mountains and to wind railroads around them, let it do it without reaching down into the etstar treasury. Lat every tub stand on it own bottom As long as oonvio's in the penitentiary are to be let ut, we do claim that the West shall ai?Tw be allotted to work on her railroads and public works, but the East i.i ei never fear that the West will ha found askis j tvlms at k$r dopr and bes;-j ging that monsj jnt by th) East into the State trea ury shall be Jtnt in the West for the bcndi of the West solely. We do not beliM that th; unjust as- fertioo of the West is general in the last and we aro c nfidtnt tbat the above quotation was an inconsiderate utter ance of the Alvanc. Let it "give ui a rast." Misi Susan B. Anthony is in Wash ington lobbying for woman's suffrage. She says that Senrtor Palmer's speech last winter in favor of universal suffrage gave the eause a rreat impetus. 8he finds that of the thirty-nine republican members of the Seiate twexty-five favor the patssge of the lill. Ttedemeorats, she regrets to say, sre not ir 0 amenable to reason, and thui far the suffragists have not made a single convert among them. Th argument used by the dem ocrats, and the Southern men especially, is that suoh a law would double tie negro vote in the South without aiding materially to that east by the whites The stook law has been adopted in Lenoir and Lowtr Creek towaships, Caldwell oounty. AOTleal SffttfcaM. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al ways be used when cUldrenare cutting teeth. It relieves the little (offerer at once, it pro duces natural, quiet sleep by ralieviiis; the child from pain, and (be little cherub awakes as "bright as a button," It is very pleasant, to taste; soothes the chill, softens the gums, allay all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels and is the et known remedy tor diarrhoea whether rising from testhms; or other causes, Tweaty-Av eante a bottle. SUFKKIOE VOCBTS. EPBIMQ T1XMS 1887. FIRST DISTRICT JUDOS AVUT. H) de Ft bruary 7, 1 week; May 10, 1 wei k. Beaufort- J 'tbruary 14, 2 weeks; M&y 5, 2wetks. : Currituck March 7, 1 Week, i Camdec Ma'ch 14, 1 week. ' Parquotatk March 21, 1 week; June IS, 1 week. Perqi.imtrs March 28. 1 week. Cbowan April 4, 1 wetk; June 20, 1 week, ! Gates April 11, 1 week- j Hertford April 18, i week; June 27, 1 wiek. ; WahtDgton-April85, 1 week, I Tj rrell Mav 2, 1 week, j Dare May 9. 1 week. Paml:c3 May ?8, 1 wrek. S OOHD DIBTKWr- JOTtOB SRIPT. : Hallfbxt January 10, 2 weeks; March 7, 2 week; May 16, 2 weeks. Noitbamp'on-JJaunary S4, 2 weeks; April 4, 2 weets; t lune 18, 1 week. Edgecomb"- frtbruar 7, 1 week; April IS, 2 week. Craven -February 14, 2 weeks; May 80 2wek. Wa r u1-March 21, 2 weeks. Ber ie May 2, 2 weeka. TSlkD DIS1 KIOT JUDGK J. H MBBKIVOU PV January 10, 2 wteks; March 21 2 wet If; June 13 2 wteks Franklin January 24, 1 week; June 0, 1 week. Wilson- tPebruary 7, 2 weeks; April 18, 2 weeks. V ce February 21, 2 weeks; I May 23, 2 weeks. Martio March 7 2 weeks. Greene- Apiil4, 2 weeks. Nash-May 2, 2 weeks. t TTKTH PBTLIOT- JtrOOS (KKPHTKD. Wake- "J,! u.ry 10, 2 we ks; fP bruary 88, 2 weks; March 28, 2 weeks; fApril 2 . a weeks. Wj ne January 24, 2 weeks; March 14, 2 wet as; T iprll 15, l week. Hrnt Februr j 7, 1 w tk.' J boston-February 14, 2 weeks. VlRfl VU'.UOT- JVD6M PHI U ITS. Orauvllle January 81, 2 week; May 9, 8 Wtk4. I hatbam- February 14, 1 week; May 23, 1 week. Guil'ord February 21, 2 weeks; June 18, l wetk. AJamarce March 7, 1 week; Jute 0, 1 week. Durbsm March 14. 2 we-k; Ma 30. 1 week. Orange Mareb 28. 1 veek. aswel Apiii 18, 2 w eks, Pen on - May 2, 1 week. SIXTH D1STK1CT fUDQ B OOHSOB. Nw Hanover Jasrsary 24, 2 weekr; AprU IS. waf,k, ; Lenol-- Feb. ur 7, 1 week. 1 up i - Febiuary 14, H weeks. &. pao -fFtbruary 28. 2 weeks; Ma) 2, l WctK Pendet March 14, 1 week; May 9. week. Carteret- March 21, 1 week. Jones March 28, 1 wtk. On&low Apr.l 4, 1 week. SBVSJPH DI TKIOf JUOOX 01 ARK Ajisod-January 10, 1 vte't; fHay 2t 1 Columtut Jainary 17, I week; March j l wk. Ltmbtrlaid i.Luary 24 1 ek; Jar. h 1. 1 w t kr TJla. S. 2 weeks. Robeson Jaou El. 3 Wetks; May 23. am weeks ' RicbmoLd Fcb.-tsr; 14 2 weeks; June 0, l wrek. Bladen March 21, I we. k Brunswick Apt i 4, 1 w tk Moore April 18, 2 wee a. II6B1H DiriKJCT- JCI Ot OILMBB Cab&rrub Jlaou-f) 8i. 1 wk; My 2, 1 wetk. ledeil February 7, 2 weekf; iia, 23, x aceas. Rowan-Ftbrusiy 21, weeks; May 9, a wet as. Daridfcon Ma.ch7, 2 veeks; Junt 6, 1 wtea. Racdolpb March 21, 2 weeka. Montgomery April 4. 1 week. April 11. 1 week. Ninth DUTxior jodob botkui. Rocki. Khm J.uiUkij c weeks. Forsy b - F.brur 7, 8 ueeka; May a wreis. Yadkin -February 21. 2 watks. VY'ikes March 7 2 wks;M, 2, 1 wee1'. Allekkany March 2t, 2 attkA Davit April 4, 1 w-k. 8tokea April 18, weak. 6urry Apr! 28, t week. IKNTH DlfiTB Ot J0D6B HaOBAB. Hendeiaon Jeuruary 14, 8 wotka. Burke March 7, 2 weeka. Uldwell-March 21, 1 weok. Ashe March 28, 1 week; May 80, 1 week. Wuauga Apiii 4, 1 wek; June 6, 1 week. Mitchell-April 18, 2 wteks. Yancey May 2, 2 weeks. McDowell-Mav 16, 2 weeks. BLAVBBTH DISTBiOT JCD6B MOIOOVBAT. Atfxindtr January 24, 1 week; Juae 13, 1 week. Catav ba Jauuary 81, 1 week: Juoa 6, 1 k Union 7ebi nary 14, 1 week, fFekravy 2', 1 we k; May 23, 1 week; fMay 80, s 1 ; wttk MecklenturK tF bruary 28, 8 weeka. Uaston Mttrch 21 2 aeeks. Linco'n Apiil4 1 week. Cleave'acd-Ainl 11, i weeks. Bother ford April 25, 2 weeks. P Ik-May 9 1 week. ! T4TSL.U Li TKIOT JCDOB ORAVBS. Madiso- i Lrunry 28, 2 week, 1 unccmoc March 14, 3 wetks; Juat 91, 2 wets. Irariytui4 April 4, 1 wetk. H) hm rril 11, 2 aetks. Jt.cksub--irii 2. 2 wteks. Macon Mi.) , 1 wttk. C lay- May , t wek. Cber;ket Mav 2 :, 2 weeks. Grabam June , 1 wee't. ttwain 18, 1 weak. r miiifcl causes oily. JsJivil cances and Jail enses only. fClril cauMo onlf - DR. SIMMONS UVR REGULATOR It will Ccbb all Disbasss Cacs t bv DCBAXeXMBKT O? THB LlTSB. The SYMPTOMS ot f lvrr Complaint are a bitter or bad taste in the moutb; pain in the back, sides or Joints, often miataken for Bheu m ttarn; sour stomacL; loM of appt tite; bowels altprnately ccstive and ax; headache; loaaof memory with painful sensations el harihg tailed to do something which onght to hive been done; debility; low spirit, Uiiek, yellow appearance ot tht skin and ejet; a dry cough often mistaken for consumption. No attempt i made to hunt up one out-of-the-way or unknown places to find names to endorse this medicine. It is reoommanded by : Hon Altx. B. Stephens, Hon. B. H. BUI, Bt Bev. John W. Beck with, Bishop of Ga., Bon. J. C. B ckenridge. Gen. John B. Gor don, U. S. Senator, Prof. Davit Will a, D.D, RU Itev. BUhop Pif re, Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga., Hon. Jce. GUI Sbortar, Lewis Wunder, As t P. M., Philadelphia, Pa., J. Edgar Thompson and hundreds of others. r ; SIMMONS LIVER RrtGULA.TOE IS AN DiTALCABLB BIM CD T For Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaundice, Bil ious Attacks, Sick Headache, Colic, Depres sion of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, MALARIAL DISKASKS, etc. FEXPARKD OSLT BT J. H. Stattti . o, mim . n, THE BEST PLACE IN The Real Head uarters of SANTA CLAUS Is SCHWABS 132 FAYETTEVILLE ST., t?" The place so long occupied by MOSXLY. The stock ia all departments is Entirely NXV7, of the BJCST QUALITY, and is cer tainly offered at prices never before matched ia North Carolina, OUR THREE FEATURES: ELEGAtfCE 1 CHEAPNESS I El OELLENCE. Of the thousands of articles tn Stock, suited te the tastes of all people, of all ages, and ad apted for uae as Bridal Present, or Uifts to Children, as well as for; Household use and comrort, u is needless to Speak in detail. OOB CEINA AND GLASSWARE DE PARTMENT contains Vases of all descriptions, Toilet Seta, Bohemian glass in all tints and combinations. Beaded Bohemlan-gliss Finger Bowls and Bat-keis, China, Dinner. Tea and Chamber Sets, Lava Ware in Smoking Sets and btatuettes, Cups and Saucers In dainty as well as plain styles, China and Majolica Cuspidor, Lamps HklL Bracket and Reading. OUR FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is marked bT flnerial namnktrnisi all antta of pretty and unique article being shown. Aiuvag uw Bpacuuues aie IIHIMlfll, UMBO and Brush Cases, Toilet lets, Albums for pho tographs, autographs. Silver plated ware, Cas ters, Butter and Pickle dishes, etc- are oflered, .TI HuS.l ' ' ' VU SDUM aSWaUIIak OUR TOY DEPARTMENT Is the most complete in all ram mrmr mmm here. Mechanical Toys bf all tort are a spec ialty. Bicycles, vetocipedts, express wagons, carriages of all sizes, rubber toys, Indestruc tible and safe. DOLLS OF ALL BINDS are displayed, and at prices that will please even purchaser. Dolls in china, wax, bUque, iub- uti, ajtu paum uuu-fieaua, in au toe new bv in. uvu nau ana anoes, ooii nanace, e.& HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES I A re shown in great variety: Standard chambei sets, combination tin toilet sets, toilet stands, cuiicry, Dasaeu oi au kunos, unwara. UUR CO FECTIONERYDEPARTMENT We claim ia a special feature Of our buainesa. also. Plain candka, koine mad and d guar anteed good quality, sold as low as anywhere in tho bLited states sin can dies, French couecuona au oy jaaujara, ANYTHING AND EVARYTHING In the lines usually tX by a strictly first class isuina, ioy anu ijouii tionry btorewuln alwayt fonnd at 8 B W A H' 8. Our store So. 101 FAYETTEVILLE ST., Will be kept open untd Jn. 1st, 18s7. An EXCEL LiNT and VALiAD STOCK ia kept unra. WINTER Table Supplies. Edward J. Hardin Offers all the staple prrvlstons spproprlateio tne aeason, in we way i nne ie s, sugars and coffies, bMt lard, meats, choie" butter, bread stun ana in use ; ana would also call atten tlon to some specialties : PRESERVES AND JELLIES, i In everv shape; in wooden psl!s. by the pound and In glass Jars. K"d current Jelly la $ lb. bncktts. Gordon A Dilworth'i tine praserves, btst in the world ; quart and half gallon Jar. reacnea, wnue cnemes, sirawDerri, Ac, ssc CANNED FHUIT8, AO. The finest stock of canned peaches I hair ever offered; Golde n Gate Company's (Califor nia) lemon cling peaches Bo other canned pe en approacnes tnis in qnali'y. Pears and prioou of th same packing. Good Standard Pe ches, 8 lb. cans, very low bv the case, ar at retail, hew crop canned com. "Premier" brand, bfst tn the world. Canned vegetable ot every amu. , SUGARS IN HALF BARRELS, t Cut loaf and granulated sugar n half bar rels, at close price- a convenient packaee for fatni'.v use. Lalifornfai hams, 12fC per lb., finest Maces-tont- low In boxes ot 25 lbs. French and Turk ih Prune , Evaporated fruits. Cape Ced eraJb btrries, Ferris 1 ama, tongues, bacon and beef, Sultana raifcins (seedless) best quality, eat flakes, crushed wheat, dried corn, and ail the details of the grocery trade. TEAS I TEAS II Fresh arrivals of Oolong, Gunpowder and Hyton Teas; new, very an aad at lowest prices. Fresh roasted Java and Maracaibe coffees; best coffees, roasted to perfection. S3" A 11 goods promptly delivered. E. J. HARDIN. I WIRE BAIXlLKG AND OKITA MENTAL WIRE WORKS, atGFTJli at O.. T 5 . 35 fferth Howard stmt, JbalUmcre, L.13.U tnttrs of win raiuag for Onatriaa. a.toiiw, e., SUveFender, Cage, Weds '" Hrias. Wovsn Wlr. Iron Bad. Uad-. Cbw Battaaa. Am '"""".wT ORSALI. JULIUS LEWIS &o CO HARDWARE MER0HA1TTS 224 Fayettevillt Street, - - Raleigh, N. C. SOLE AGENTS FOR ( H AM BERLAIN LOADED bHEl lis Finest Goodspiad, The All Right Cook Steve r. ditto . Best Stov In Um markst. LAFLLN A RAND, GUN AND BLASTING POWDERP, 1 . ,,, . ' Finest Powder mad. lead S ollSlor. the very beet paint mad; will last twice as long as a best Pratt's Asti al OIL Buffalo SUndard Scales. -hardware of Everj Description Sash, Doors and Blinds, Lime, Plaster, Cement v Rubber and Leather Reltai;, Ic. 'Mr; Bend 'J Iiim and And send tu your Orders. We hav a Fuperb Ltne of jhristmas&NewYearGifts COMPRIBINO , Beaut ful Books Novel; ies AMD Thousands of Christmas Cards. ORDER5 EARLY AND WE CAN SUIT TOU PRECISELY. Alfred Williams & Company's nuttTM AttULLN A BOOK 8TORE, RALEIGH, N 0 CRS5 B. B. 1H0BEWS 4 GO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Winter FLANNELS A New Lot Just Received 6VERCOAT8!OVERCOAT8! ALarge and Complete Line P our 8TOCK and PRTfTIS W t Hi for burinc elsewhere aid you will I ft, CHEST li PaLJaa.20,1874 V I mT W fLfajr JUUalV 111 avanaoner. R B. Airr RVW8 CO. I OL 6. Wimw. Traata. Onr Motto: RELIABLE GOODF h LOW PRIOEyi 11 jriVX LK 'jffBERG I CPS. t nwatas old. T o nv dollar each. A tdrvss T. B. ianaa ie farm. jmz vo, AsaeviMb A, ll D. S. Waitt's nuQCAaTBns roa Pine Clothing, Now ahowlnr the larreet and I'WMt styles of Clotainr ever brought to this market, f pe cial measure department in ruU bias'. Hand-Sewed Shoes. easy, eoafostab'e, ant at popular prices, STY LI EL HATS, new, nobby and nice. In soft and stiff, to fit and ' plesse all. Cboiee Feaionalle Goods. la ell grades; an handkrchieikels' hair, AH nwEMisniiu, in wane, gray, (old aad carte. Hosiear, giovrs, handkerchiefs, suspadrs, " w, mum, chub, sr., at. Do.i t forest to call and ezaaalM tkesww aoveiiu as d. s.wArrr8, FaystteVQl St. 1866. I88 J.J.THOMAS, OOTTON 8XLLRR, WH0LX&1LK GROCXS GLIERAL COOQSSIOK lEEGflAIT W.A I.SJSIH. m. c Offsrt to ths Trads, QINNERS AND FARMERS Bag-glng, Ties and a General Stock of. tadi 'atlons point to higher prices In COTTON ana w inose wbo wish to bold, I will store npon reasonable terms aad when desired, make liberal CASH ADVANCES I make mike th nf rrvrrnw . cialtv. and with ha t OVPDEKs nR.lut. t expect to get yougood priot s. J. J. THOMAS, IIS, )1S and 117 WUxLington Street, Rale Kb, N. C. J JUSTRECEIVED AnuEssioro ' HUN KEE, OOLONG AND GUN- POWDER TEAS, Rpiees, Patapaoo, Oranre Orov aadRiekr ina rhiur. Harvey' Haass, Freak la Strips, Lard, Cal nans, ncsiea num. Fresh Candy, Ine Apples , A. Asm fob MOTT'8 CIDXB. A W. FRAPS No 232 FATETTETTIJiE 8T, J.B.FEEIRALL &C0 122 Favettev'Jl Etreet. MOLASSES. New Crop New Orleans, Pone retto Rio aad -uba. MapU Syrup by the the gallon. Choice augar Drip Svrup. Old-FashioMd Buck whet FTonr. . Bora Raising Baekwaeat In 3 nd f Ibt packgaa. FIINIE APPLES ' t AND.OR1NGES. i Floe Lin . Fresh Nuts, Alaaondf, Walnuts, Pean, Brasll tTatsand Filterts. Gordon A ZMrworth s Plow Podding and XIbmMmC Atmort's Standard Jlinoe Meat, A and 10 ib Pkt and by th pouod ' Fresh arrival, BurnU's Stand rd Flavoring Extra t. - Prompt delivery. Quality aad Dncas nana' ted. Tlpaoae hw SS. Phil H Andrews & Go CHANGS Of Headquarters TI XA B Of Opposite O Karksa. Agricultural Building Halilax and Salisbury Bta, FIRST SQUARE NORTH of CAPITOL Havtaur snovad ear wood and eaal vard rroaa thS.C.DrtaxtrcsMwasUra porttaa of th oity) to within , ONI SQUABS OF THE CAPITOL Ws an aw inard to furaiak roal aft short HABD AND SOFT LONG AND CUT !TiMrito?iH..Tir,"lcr'

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