Mews AND DBS SRVERj RALEIGH. N. C. THUR8DAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, i886. ISO 16 i - : u; '.i Abcolutoly Pure. n. rhls powder new varies. A saajveiei fcrtty, strength ud wttoieeotneneaa. Mtomiul than eraaary kinds and eatnot be . s4d tn oorapetition wilh the multitude of f ML hert Weight, alTHi vrbohiU prwdl NW aay in mu. KoVii. Bazdw POW i 108 Well Street, Hew York. 5 Bold bvW C A A B Ptioaseh.? T 'roBMhtad fH vrY.n v TIRED OUT! Atthisanaoa nttult mmf one atAm torn warn ortoftonto.- IRON eaten into almort mf ptap aW pMeripaaa tar UmM vas Md begdiiv if; mm. a a a a m m i i'i r i i: ill J III II b THS 6 a.,. is ft KarlekM tba Blaaa. bilftrUM Jfce eSyotcBH H .l.r.e AUt, AM. DiiMlM ttdo ntbUafc rkii lHh. run Mil. e puduw innliMI in. k m Jrom mi t Da O. H. (Diui.t Initim phyinti. of Md.OUo.Hya: . .. , Dnnt iron Iran a UMnaai7 gooa B)Kn--. kWM, Md BDd IU Mtm - 4m. 1 m Km v daaaof tb. SIIMMi rm W Win. tfl tmjMk a. . D. C. "Bunra. Ira Imml or low on- BravVijroa Eittintiii. lit k tW to rliiMiii far it Ira BltMra 1. It i hktMHW. Mad. ante b Aaw auuoii.ok,ii.TuaK au v. " 1. . ij JACKET STORE. THE GREAT BARGAIN STORK OF RALEIGH NEWS OB8EBRVATION8. The "German Patriots of 1848" are in, session at Cbicigo. They de ooueoe the anarchists and dcclaro that their doctrines favor the worst kind of slavery. "Pig Iron" Kelley, sinoe bis re turn to Washington, has been profuse in his oommendation of the south. He witnessed nothing but progress during his entire trip. The Louisville & NashVille rail road eonpany will soon extend its line from 8. Joseph, Teon , into Sheffield, Ala., and establish "the general shops for the line of road running front Co lumbia, Tenn., to Sheffield. J The Emperor of Austria used to sbs olrei twenty eigara a day. The habit got the better of him, and now he is forbidden the weed byhis physieians. Emperor, as well as tramp, will suffer from! a violation of the laws of nature. Gail Hamilton rather vividly de scribee how a Honolulu woman walks out in the rain. Her esoort usually carries her umbrella, her dress and her shoes, hile she wears simply a shawl and a hat trimmed with red and white roses. f Mrs. Whitney's brother isaqiinto miUioaaire, but is not at all spoiled by it , per pie say. He is in his fiftieth yfcr,ihas pleseant manners, and the one thing in life he is inordinately vain of is not'bia money, not his success, not his $1,000 000 house, not his palaoeear ,nd nil pictures, but his sister, the wifa 6f the secretary of the navy. - It is stated that 7 000 miles rf rail road have been built in the United States during the present year, or more thts twioe as many as were built in 1885, The increase ooneiBts almost alto gether ' in rxtersions by old eorpora tidns that have the money to pay for them, a condition of things that pre vailed to a far lees extent during the last era of railroad building. ''It has been stated by a number of papers in the South of late, that -the American Coiton Oil Trust was in some way; eonnceted with or eorpcrafed bj the Standard Oil eoitpsny. We are t ffiiially inform d that no sueh eonneo tion .exists; that the two institutions are entirely distinct, and that the minsge- ment and the business ol the one are in no wise connected with the management and the business of the other, says the Atlanta Constitution. Aeoording to Mr. Wm. Carpenter. an English gentleman residing in Bal ti mers, the earth is not a globe, but a dirk, round only in the sense that a dol lar or a paces ke is round. Mr. Carpen ter has iseue4 a ehallepsre to the Johns Popkms University to owpruve ha th cry; whiek is similar to the one advo- eatea ny us eeienratea vr. ttowDotnam, of v iorwieh, more than thirty yean sinee. . ;4-8hort Enslish house-jackets, made dotble-breastcd and trimmed with As trakhan, velvet, or braiding in souUehe, are Used by many in lieu of Jerseys, as an extra waist to wear with v reus skirts. A eardinal er dark bluej eket is worn with skirts of black satin gros grain, or any of tbe new striped silk and wool rabnes. A pale ecru elotn postil ion, braided with dark seal brown silk f imp, trimmed with very narrow bands f jrolden-brown beaver, is dreesv baa U the advautaps of from having buyers ' S J! tKe arwara la Nw York market wlthheeaak a baad who buy from houaeawlr'ch sre eonv veDcdto take the offer of tatae roods. It la the power of tts Abnlrhty Dollar cittnf lis war through the eeatre of rs&e, which eft- ableaua to offer goods at 'eaa than they cab be Btrnde tor. In an hundred and oaefi i the Kaokei Store is satlaiad with small profit, ana i we ihaJl nuke our bargain make "par bvuA- 1 'v CONGRESS. AN INTERESTING DAY IN THE SENATE VANCE INTRO DUCES A BILL TO RK- I PEAL THE CIVIL . SERVICE : , LAW. A VOTS 05 THU SISOUmOH THAT HOMINA TI0M8 SHALL 1 0CK8IPIUD DI OPUt 8SHATH A SNOT COLLOQUY IS ; . THB HOUM ME. BAITS ALL SITS DOWV OH A TXKSH TOUKa K1MBXX I10K THS WIST. Washdiotoh, Deo. 15. Swtati. In the Senate Mr. Call introduced bill to make Tampa, Fla., a port of entrj. ; Mr. Cullom presented the eonlerenoe report on the inter-state commerce bill, and asked that it be printed, and sug gested that he would next Monday ask the Senate to take it up, when if a de bate were desired, it might be post ponod. After discussion the report was or dered printed and Mr. Cullom gave no tice that he would call it up next Tues day r and if the Senate desired to dis ouf s it at length it might go over until after the holidays. But he was verf anxious to seeure final action at this ses sion, particularly as the supreme court had ruled recently that it was the prov ince of Congress to legislate upon the subject. A bill was introduced by Mr. Vance to repeal chapter 27 of the aets of 1883 relating to the eivil service. This is a bill to repeal the civil servioe law re ported adversely by Senator Hawley, from the committee on eivil servioe, during the first session of the present Congress, and is now reintroduced. The hour of x o clock : arrived, when the unfinished business of yesterday (the bill repealing the tenure-of-emee not) ome up, and was, on motion Of Mr Hoar, allowed to stand over until to morrow as ut finished business. -Mr. Piatt then called up his resolution that executive nominations shall here after be considered in open session ex empt when otherwise ordered' by vote of the Senate. Mr, Boar moved to lay the resolution on the table. Agreed to: yeas 33, nays 21; as follows: Yeas Messrs. Allison. Beckj Call, Cameron-Chaee, Cheney, Ccckrell, Colquitt, Edmunds, Evarts, GeiBtan, Gray, Harrison, .Hoar. In- gatls Jcnes, of Arkansas, McMillan, MfPherson, MahCne, Maxey, Miller, Morgan, Morrill, Pugh, Sabin, Sauls bury, Sawyer, Sewell, Spooner, Vest, WalthaU, Whitthorne, Wilson, of Maryland, S3. Nays Messrs. Berry. Blair, Butler, Conger, Cullom, Dawes, Dolph, Eustin, Frye, George, Gibson, Hswley1 Mitchell, of Oregon, Mitchell, of Pennsylvania; Piatt. Plumb, Sher man, VanWyek. Voorhees. Williams. Wilson, of Iowa, 21. Mr. Beek called up the bill prohibit ing senators or representatives from acting as attorneys for subsid'nd rail road companies, the question being on tne substitute reported from the ludi well with most winter colors. Cream-1 -V-V W.'""7"T7"P e higher in " !vr. "u " 00 . " ? went inco exeeuave session ana scon white pilot cloth is a grade high drefsy effect, and jackets made of this ire cut so that the ngt side of the (rout laps to fasten (at the widest point) at the left side a little below the shoulder m. This lap is faced with golden- brown or wine velvet, and cuff and col lar are also of the velvet the collar . fastened with linked buttons or gold, set with mock rubies. tim at. n. VtVB MILLIGHS How come to the Btckct Store anj buy roiar goods, aa we wil bit you money. ';. We have just opened our Halidiy rooda a .ferg. an1 compel te s.rtment of Jojm of all deacrtptions; Albums, Fancy Card, Picture Bo0to,Novetty.?rika. Qrtit baxalni la DoOs of all daeeziptiea ; Fire Woika of all kind. Bow. Th ae goods we had manatactnr 4 and will be sold for Imi than such aytielee were ever sold In this mrket Co vie boyi and aave your money. In addition to these goods we nave opcm 1 a jui: line of Dry oda Notions d! all description; 4.000 Wamsutt Calico at , : ' i " r 41c wortt 7tc.: Ftme great Bargain, in Caii meres. Our Jewelry depirtment will be filed w ith goods au tabid for the boUda.s. -Our tfUUnery departmeal will U filled thia Week .also PAD. The new management of the Rich mond and Danville took possesion at New York, Monday. They paid five millions in cash, and put one million and a half in appraised seeuri- std received the transfer of twenty-five thousand shares of the ter- mronal stock. The following new members were Sleeted directors of the Richmond and Danville; Alfred Sully. Emanuel Leh mar v ' a w .e mm man, if. Bi LtOgan, ). a., uutnertora, Mr. Kice, Mr. Daw and J. D. Paee. Only three members of the old board Were retained, -John H. lnman. John A. Moore and Henry Flagler. A.l of Mr. lnman a stock passed in the transfer, the Atlanta Constitution sbvs, but the new management minted on bis remaining on the board, lie has consented for the present to do so. It is trough that other changes will be made in the management of the road Mm a a . . M - soon, mere will be a meeting in ruen- mond in a short tame of the directors, when it is thought the policy of the new management will be clearly out; lined. Ith new goods of th) ldteat styles In our i. lathing department we shll off if soma great bargain. Also in onr Hats and Capa and BooU and 3hoea. r ouiy. "5 ; ; f: I ' VOLNEY PURSELXi ft CO., He. 10 East Mirtia flrei. Many years ago,! in rrovidetoe town ship a husband and wife became es- traneed; the family circle was broken, and the wife with 'her two children, a tittle girl and boy', separated from the husband. The years rouud on and there iwas no reunion of that onee nappy family. It waa not until yesterday that the iatner met ois osugater, wno is now some fifteen years of age. He had not seen her in about eleven years. The meetintr was warm and eordial, and there was that strong bond of affection shown between parent and child which is one of tie holiest loves on earth They met and they parted; but for the time peug ucro wma m rut ui tarn viwu m . . .1 .1.!- 01 estrangemeai tnrouga wnion ane joy- ous sunshine of gladness beamed for awhile, and then the sombre cloud : of deiarabon azain settled upon them and each went skeir way. Charlotte Ob server. aiterwards adjourned. Koosa. The Speaker appointed Messrs. Cald well, Eden and Cooper as conferees on the electoral count bUl. Alter tnc transaction or some unim portant routine business, the House in the morning hour went into committee of the whole (Mr. Crisp in . the chair') on the bill for the allotment of land in severalty to the Indians. The discussion of the bill oonsumed ... the morning nour, but no vote was reached. On motion of Mr. Warner, of Mis souri, a bill was passed bringing the sities of Atlanta, Galveston, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Indianapolis, Kansas City end Omaha under the provisions of see toon O.iyi a. a., which requires na tional banks in certain cities to keep on hand money of the United States equal to 25 per oent of their circulation and deposits. The House then went into commit tee of the whole on the sundry eivil ap propriation bilL An amendment was adopted ap propriating $147,600 for? the construc tion of a light-house supply steamer for use on the Atlantio and Gulf coasts. Mr. Symes, of Colorado, offered sev eral amendments, including the appro priations for the signal service bureau, and these being opposed by Mr Randall, he proceeded to eritieige that gentle man s action as chairman or the oommit tee on appropriations. - He did not envy the gentleman who lived upon the At lantio coast his narrow-minded states manship, which did not cross the Mis sissippi river. If the gentleman did not grow fast enough on princi ples of statesmanship to extend the same 'privileges to the people of the West, those people would see that a man was made chairman of tbe oommitte on appropriations whose vision extended beyond a few signal stations on tbe Atlantio coast. Mr. Randall in reply, said that the pendisgbill carried more appropriations for the jPaoifio coast than any similar bill for years put knew his duty snd be frightened from that duty, certainly such demagoguery from the gentleman from Colorado Mr. Byrnes thought the gentleman had better read his dictionary for the meaning of the word demagoguery. A demagogue as defined by the Met polit- He thought he did not propose to the performance of not by words of As bad emanated ioal writers of this country, was a man who was a pretended leader of a great party and whose only stock in trade was the ability to go through the appropriations with a oheeae paring knife, and, cutting j off a few dollars here and a few dollars there, make a re duction of $5 000,000 from the appro priations of last year. That waa te oheapest character of statesmanship that had ever led a country on to material prosperity. If that was the statesman ship of the great leaders of the demo cratic party, God save the oountry frm suoh statesmanship. (Laughter and ap plause ) Mr. Randall predicted that the demo cratic party would livt- to thrive and control in this country without regard to gUUSUMH 0 VVUUVIt TV I. tVWVC ship. (Applause). ! The amendments were rejected. Pend ing further consideration of thefcill, the committee rose. Adjourned. alMMeuaa by tbe PmMtat, Washington, Deo. 15- The Presi dent today nominated ex-Gov. Preston H. Leslie, of Kentucky, to be Governor of Montana territory, and the following postmasters, all of whom were appointed during the reoees of Congress: Michael Glenn an, Norfolk, Va ; 0ear D terr. Roanoke, Va ; Caroline A Youngblood, Chester, S. C ; George W. Lamar, Sa vannah, Ga ; Hiram Hubert, Qutman, Ga ; Jefferson B. Browne, Key Weet, Fla ; M R. Cooper. St. Augustine, Fla ; Frederick A. Roes. Tusoumbia. Cal.; Martha J. Tucker. Okaloma, Miss.; Wm. Groom, Yiokiburg, Miss.;; Mary B Johnson. Clarksville. Tenn : . Geo. B Blake, Fayetteviile, Tenn : Anna B Chetham, Nashville, Tern. j Tfeo Stiver aadl Havrfce EatlaaatM. WASSnoToir, Deo. 15 The I engi neers estimates for river and harbor improvements were taken up by the House committee today and the items of appropriation were roughly fixed for all the harbors and some of the rivers on the Atlantic coast from Maine to Mary land' inclusive. In fixing the appropri ations, the committee pursued the pol ity of allowing about 25 per cent, of the amounts which the chief of engineers' reports ean be- profitably expended on in provements. If this I poliev is ad hered to the result will be a bill making an appropriation of between seven and eight millions. The: secre tary of war recommended a gross ap propriation of ten millions with a view to facilitating action on the bill in the Senate and avoiding a oot fliot between the two bouses. The House committee is consulting members of the Senate commerce committee on the details of the bill, and several items have alreadv been inserted k their suggestion. Aath.r BopaMiean Pat Owt. Wabbibotob, Dec. 15 H. C.iRoeen, deputy 'commissioner of internal reve nge, has resigned, the resignation to take e Sect on the sppomtment and quali fication of his successor. This action was taken at the request of the Presi dent. Mr. Rogers is a republican and has' been in office for many years. There is no charge against him. It is gen erally understood that Mr. Henderson, chairman of the Indiana State demo cratic committee, will be appoieted to succeed him. j Pwadfte BMMImc itQmuktN. Wasbibotoh, Dec. 15. The Senate public buildings committee today re ported against the bills for publie buildings at Harrisonburg, Va., and Greensboro, N. 0., because the wants are provided for elsewhere. A ariwa Utf t ASUatrau Chicago, Deo. 15. A special to the Times from Augusta says: Ian coin .a a . -a : county, on ine uarouna line, is in a state of anxiety over an incident, which happened Monday. Many of the col ored tenants are in arreara with their bills and efforts to collect them have produced great indignation.! Monday Tom Leverett and Cabe Ramsey went out on the eastern side of the county to enforce a process.' When they drew near the house of the man; of whom they were in quest, they found it surrounded by negrpes, who at onoe opened fire on Leverett and Ramsey, who were on horseback. They turned and galloped away, but not be fore they were so badly wounded that their lives are now in danger, and yes- teraay an armea nana of luu white men organised and proceeded to that section, a . . wnere it is reported tne negroes are well armed and fully prepared to fight News of the outcome is awaited with in terest. i Stortowa AeeMeatj Washington, Deo 15. While work men were enraged in tearing down the old Carroll building, opposite the oapitol, this afternoon, the walls fell, crushing seven or eight workmen in the a Til . a rums, jrive of tne workmen were taken out alive, two being seriously lrjired. The two others have not yet been taken from the ruins, j This struc ture is one of those which have been purchased by the government, the site being that selected for the new congressional library. It was being pulled down with others in its neighbor hood preparatory to building operations in the spring. Lath. It is now believed Chat only six men were buried, and all hare been taken out alive. . One "of them, a sub ontractor, is said to have had his back broken. Eight persons were caught in the ruins, six of whom were taken to the hospital for treatment but all will prob ably recover, two were able to wall home. Oae of the most seriously in jared was the contractor for removing the buildings. He says the walls were rotten and crumbled of their own weight when the supporting torn hers moTed. M'QUADE THE NEW YORK BOODLE AL DERMAN, ON HIS SECOND TRIAL. FOUND GUILTY. DOT ONBB ALLOT UrCJPS ART IN THB JURY iOOM. THB VIRGINIA MIDLAND KLICT8 A PRBSinSNT. THS "XL PASO liak" loom again. oi lira 61HKEAL HIWS. Nsw Yoik, Dee. 15 Ex-Alderman McQnade, on his second trial, was to day fiund guilty. The jury reached the verdict on the first ballot. Th. Vlrg-lala, Mldlaad. A LsxAinaiA, Va. Dee. 15, At a meeting of the stock holders of the Vir ginia Midland Railway held here today. Thomas M. Logan was elected Presi dent, in place of Mr. Huidekoper The presentation of reports was postponed till the 22ad inst. Th Texan Trala Slobkery. : Washington, Deo. 15. The newspa per story in regard to the reeent train robbery in Texas is discredited at the war department so far as it relates to the surrender of the alleged army officer named Cspt. Conners, of the 24th in fantry and five of his soldiers to two robbers, inaamuoh as there is no officer of that name in the army and because the 24th infantry is at present stationed in the Indian territory. ' An army offi cer, who has been inquiring into the sub ject, suggests that the "El Paso liar" is loose again. Aa Alarming- rntmf af A flair. Chabustobt, Dec. 15. A week ago the News and Courier published a dis patch from York county, 8. C , report ing that a white boy n air ed John Lee Good cad been so beaten and mangled that he roon died, and that four colored men bd been arrested u the murderers and committed to jail. It was stated that the theory, was that some of the negroes had been detected by the boy in the aet of stealing cotton from his father's field, and that to prevent their arrest they killed him. There was great excite ment in the county in consequence, and several more arrests were made. The News and Courier, to get at all the facts, sent a special correspondent to York (Jounty, and will publish tomorrow the result of his investigatiocs. There is evidently an alarming state of affairs in York County, and it is proved conclusively that an organisation exis's among the colored people whioh con templates murder in the event of the detection of any member accused of the crime. Twenty-six negroes are now under arrest. The inquest on the body of the murdered boy before a discreet jury brought out all the facts. One of the negroes turned state s evidence and another admitted that he had killed a man who was murdered in the county eighteen months ago. .Several. of the colored witnesses at the inquest swore that they had a club or elan in the oonn ty for the purpose of stealing cotton, provisions, whiskey, &o. The members were to steal whatever . . a a ai . . they wanted, and u detected were sworn to kill the person who deteoted them. The elub had different names, but was generally known i 'Rising Star lodge No. 24, of the Grand United Order cf National Labor ers and Protective Sooicty of North America." The charter came from Charlotte, N, C, and is dated December, 1S84. This charter, however, would seem to show that the society had only benevolent nd fraternal objects. Among other things revealed at the inquest was ft plot to waylay Elias lnman, who was thought to have money, but the as sassins missed him. One of the wit nesses gave a detailed aeount of the murder of the poor boy, John Lee Good. and also the names of his accomplices in the crime. The talk of a general lynching has abated, but indignation and unrest aUll prevail. AabavUle Itaalf Again. THB SNOW VAST PI8APP SARINS . Special Cor. of the News and Observer. Abbtvillb, Deo. 14. The snow is fast disappearing. The skies are clear and sunny. The sun shine genial and delicious. Business is generally resumed. The Duoktown line is re-opened. The engine that was snowed up at Whittier so many days came in yesterday. The regular schedule on the S. & A. R R has been resumed. General Clingman has recovered and gone to Washington City to spend the winter. The real estate boom continues. We oooasionally hear of big money being made by dealers. It is safe to say that sinee the water-works and eleotrio light systems were inaugurated, property in Asheviile has advanced at least twenty five per cent. The $H0,000 put into these works by the corporation has so far proved to be a most valuable invest ment, to say nothing of the advantages of light and water, and the great saving of property from fires. The paving of our streets with briok will soon begin. The material has been reoeived and work will commence si soon ss the weather gets favorable. Daak af Bfra. fttlaffaaary, af Oxford. Special to the News and Observer. Oivobd, NO, Deo. 15. Mrs. Lucky Kingsbury, widow of the late Russell Kingsbury, died at her resi dence here yesterday evening at 3 45 o'oloek. 8he was 72 years old, and had been in feeble heath for some time. The funeral will take place tomorrow even ing. : From Waanlag-saa. Washington, Dec. 14 Special Cor. of the News and Obserrer. Gen. Cox got through yesterday a joint resolution directing the Secretary ttr i a . i . ui hwiu maae out oernnea copies oi the rffioUl letter-books of the executive department of the state of North Caro lina, (Gov. Vftnoe's) to bo delivered to kue vxuvcrnor or Aiortn uaroiina. DO we will soou have copies of Vance's famous war letter books. Cspt. Johnston also introduced a bill for the relief of Mr Julia A. Sluder, executrix of E. Sluder, whish was ordered to be printed. On Monday next Judge Bennett will introduce an important bill in the House, being a bill making an appropriation for the relief of the sufferers, in North and South Carolina, by the late floods in the Pee Dee river, whioh we all trust will be favorably acted upon. It is said that in ease the President again sends in the name of Matin?. he. will bej rejected, by a larger ma In his supplemental report to Con gress Secretary Manning, recommend ing a reeast of all our custom laws, says this should not be done until Congress has settled upon an amount and meth ods of tariff taxation. He thinks there is urgent need of administrative reform. It may be an item of interest to some of your readers to know what the grand est ouilding in the world costs. Mr. Thatcher, of the oapitol law library, who is preparing a statement of the cost of the oapitol building, says the cost of construction to August 1st. 1814. u $787,163; cost of old wing and cod-- strueting center, $1,014,240; construc tion of new wings, $8,805,832; new dome, $926,290; repairs and improve ments, $968,224; water from Smith's spring, $55,949; purobase of squares, $087,088 and $284,195; Improvements of the ground, $1,596,725; marble ter race. 2200,003; a total of a little orer $15,000,000. ; It was quite natural to see the stately figure of Judge Bennett upon the floor Of the House yesterday. It is pleasant to learn from him that Mrs. B. is very mnch better. Mr. Hill Parsons, of Wadesboro, is in the eity, having oome on with Judge Bennett. Our whole delegation is here now except Mr. Reid. of the fifth. The oaae of the negro Jno. L. West, was called in the criminal court today to fix a day for trial. On application of Lawyer Cahill, the court postponed action till Thureday, when a . day will be fixed. - The elevator in the great Washington monument is completed, and only needs some funds now to 'run' the machine. Petitions are coming in now to Con gress against future stimulating of im migration. ; They are from the west, but the people are beginning to see the evil effects of constantly dumping the refuse of the old world upon our shores. The South had better be care ful. Don't let us send out with a rake and wheelbarrow to get population, for already the eye of the world is directed towards us, and daily I hear such names as Birmingham, Ala., ringing in the air. Solid population is drifting to wards us. Lt. Gen. 8 ted man is still in the city. Gov. Jar vis expects to leave tonight. Gen. Clingman was on the flor of the House today, and I met Mj. Malone in the oorridors. C. Taa SUYdara TraabU tm Wllaalaartaa- The stevedore trouble in Wilmington. whioh originated by the opposition of union laborers to the employment cf non-union men, is not yet ended. ' For several days past a force of police has been kept stationed on the wharves for the protection of the non-union la borers at work, and it was onee thought that a call of the militia would be nec essary to quell the disturbance made by the union men. The Wilmington 8 tar has the following acoount of an occur rence supposed to be eonnceted with the trouble: Simon Richardson, colored, was shot and severely wounded about 7 o'oloek last night. Riohardson was on his way home, when just as he turned the cor ner of Nixon street three men rose up a short distanos from him and fired three times at him with a pistol. The first shot struck Richardson in the hip, but the second and third missed. After firing the last shot his assailants ran. It is supposed that the men who fired at Riohardson shot him by mistake for Wm. Howe, the colored stevedore, and that they were lying in ambush for the latter near his home. There is a close resemblance between the two men, and one might easily be taken for the other. Riohardson said that he recognised the man that shot him About 12 o'clock last night Deputy Sheriff Strode arrested Nathan Jones, colored,- who is accused of firing the shot that wounded Riohardson. Tlrglala Mtaeral land. Ltnobbtjbg. Va. Dee. 15 A report has just been received of another sale of mineral land on the line of the Norfolk and Western Railroad, near Roanoke, amounting to 200,000 acres. This ag gregates sales of over 1,000,000 dollars in tne last two months. Waahlagtaa BT.w.. Washington, D. 0. Dec. 15. The conference report on the inter-state commerce bill has been signed by all the oonferees exoept senator Piatt, and is ready for presentation to the two houses. Senator Piatt will not sign it. His princi ple objection is the prohibition ofpooling. Don'tJ Tl a dealer offers you a bottle of BalTatioh Oiltn mutilated or defaeed pack ae, don't buy it at any price, it may be a dangerous aad worthless counterfeit. Insist upon getting a perfect, unbroken, genuine package. Free of Chtfge. Your Druggist will ret and your money if Dr. Ball's Cough 8yrup .does not glT. you aatiafaetioB aad tore tout eeugh racettoania, . A Warra Jailed. 8peelal to the New a aad Observer. Oxroan, Dee. 15. Yesterday a negro named Joseph Blackwell was brought here and placed in Oxford jail. He is charged with rape, committed upon Jtfrs. Alice De ment last 8unday. Mrs. Dement lives a short distance from Oxford and is highly respected. The negro eonfeesed the crime and will undoubtedly hang. mtaraastt Hew Tarfc. Nbw Yoftx, Deo. 15. Greene A Co. 's report on ootton futures says: A sharp motion has followed yesterday's flurry and the market went off some 15 points with a trifle steadier tone at the close, though no positive strength. The break has been a partial if flection from Wall street aa an almost panicky feeling in stocks already causes a stringent money market and foreshadows oonsid- . erable difficulty in the matter of ex "' ohange, so that the lonars hare nold ant their cotton with much freedom and no really ne investment demand came. Several of our heaviest concern; how ever, have absorbed offerings m a man ner that prevented a more serious break and afforded a slightly promising un- 1 dcrtone. j A frallara. Naw Yoix. Dee. 15. L. Marx A Oo'i failure has just been announced from the rostrum of the New York stock ex change. They were long of the Ter minal, Beading & kindred stocks. The old reliable" Dr. Sen's Catarrh Bemedy. Where all the children are "perfect little lambs," there is danger of there being a goodly proportion of "mutton heads" D0H f SIPIXUtlNT. ' Ycu cannot t fiord to waste time 1b experi ment when your Jongs are in danger. Con sumption always seems at first, only a cold. Do not rra) It any. dealer to imp upon you with seme imitation of Dr. Klrg'a New Ltis ooTery for (onsunpticn, CoUvhs and Coidt, but be aure you get the genuine. Beeauaehe can make more profit he may tell you he baa BomethtBc justseco d, or Just the aame. Don't be deeeiTed, but insist upon getting Dr. King's Few Discovery, which is guaranteed to gire relit In all Throat, Long and Chest affections. Trial battles free at Lee, Johnson A Cos drugstore. "He handled hit gun carelessly and put on his angel plumage," is the latest obituary notice from Arkansas. BiuaehittvWlimptneC a, InnpMnt Cbnaun. mraOTt. U unnwl aura Of UMdianw, Pr(r B ctfc Cam tiom. Xb. Omnia. Dr, BuW conga srmp j. aom our wkU wt awirt. and beu our WBHtwed Tnd.lUrkto1ti strtp vcMKm-Laotl, ana im Mull A. a Mrwrr ante rropa, BtfUnura, Md, 0.8. A. SALVATION OIL, "The Greatest Core on Earth for Pain,?' WlH relieve more quickly than any ther known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Braises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache.' Toothache, Sprains, Ac Sold by all Qruggista. Price 25 Cents a Bottle, ? " S " Edward Faunae h, Jeweler and Optician RALEIGH, N. 0. Gold and Silver Watches, American aad Imported. Real and imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding and Engagement Rings, any sis and weight. -M"g SUvar Ware for Bridal Presents. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. Bpeetaela and Eye-glaises fa Gold, Sflrar Steel, Rubber and Shell Trames. white and tinted, in endless varieties. Seals for Lodges, Corporations, ate. Badges and Medals for Schools sad Sodeea made to order. Mall orders promptly attended to. Goods sent ob selection to any part of the State. ,tS Old Gold and Silver in small aad large Quantities taken aa cash. dly. ' CASSARjyS PURE LARD. WHAT A WEIL IIOWI CITIIEIIXATJ A HIT IT "Ma. B. H. Woodbll: "Dear Sir I have bow used Cassard's Lard both winter and summer and it las proven entirely satisfactory. We had th offer of well known pure country lard and my wife advised the continuance of Cassard's. I hearti ly congratulate you on being the agent for sueh a prime neoeasfty of life. ; "Yours truly, 5 "Bxv. W. J. W. CBOWDEB," For sale by the following reliable Grocers I W. B. Mann A Co.. W.B. Xewsom A On E. J. Hardin. J. R. rarrall A Co., A. W. fraps, W. H. Kllla. W. C Upohurch, A. B. Streuaeh. IS. Caesar d t& Son I i BALTIMORE, XD, ITnrma : of the fi.Mtjul ufUmr WmtiVfl Mild Cured Hams and Braakfaat Bacon. B. H.;WOODXLL, .Sates AgeV 1

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