. lr ... I 'I S if - J I J iii s i r i ? f 1 ' 1 ( P 1 H 1 Vc l II J W VV A M i AND t - f 1 ' ' - - - 5 vi-?-'-- -1. OBSERVER pL. xxynt. RALEIGH. N. C., SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 1886. KO 18 NKW8 OBSERVATIONS. A The 200th anniversary of King't Chapel, Boston, u celebrated in that pUatjof worship Wednesday. ? Ex-Gov. Bloxham ii prosecuting lively canvass for the Senatorial suc cession in Florida. Mas y believe that he W ill be the successful candidate. J The Elyton Land Gonipany. of Birr nueghain, Ala., has just declared a div idend, of 80 per cent for the month of November, whioh makes a total of 246 pa ept. ..dividends ia the last eleven ajenths It it a mooted question ' whether there will be an adjournment of Con grtss for the Christmas holidays. The members from the States at a distance are reported as indifferent, and those from! the fee jaeent States generally have their families with them. The number .of (Senators and Representative who are baling homes' in W ashiogioA-is iiiexeae- Absolutely Puro. mj&WEttEX; lesomsasssf aUrtj poses." Borne of the Senators who own gorgeous Washington ostablishments art drifting away from their local tits, aftd are not as elate to the people as the average mtmoer. This powder avf varies. narrfev. atraarth wad wkoleeu temomkal than cxtiSuary kinds end eatnot be 044 a eompetttloa wit, (be BUiumaoei wv aikert wgbt, atom orpboipnati pwdeit only la eaaa.' Sotai. Bakim 7oW$ itv. lot Watt 8Ut, Raw York. i CONGRESS. A BILL INTRODUCED TO REDUCE THE INTEREST ON THE BONDED DEBT OF THE f UNITED STATES. Till njrcH-or-orrici act bxtiaus : TKLUBAPHIO ITUU. only la Md trrW C B ewewek, etffcT Washihgtoh, Det. 17Sikat Mr. Butler t ffered a preamble and reso lution freoiting the elose proximity of Mexioo and the United States tad thejdo airability of maintaining the closest ties ot friendship between the two countries, and providing for the appointment of a select committee of five Senators to Visit laces along the frontier and the oity of exiod (with the approval of the Mex ican government) to inquire into and report upon any disturbances that may hare occurred between the eitiiens of the two countries, with the power to send for persons and -papers and to em ploy a stenographer and such other per sons as may be necessary, and to sit daring the recess of Congress. Laid on the table and ofdered printed. On motion of Mr. Allison, it was or dered that when :the Senate adjourn T ad .T n Wr)1 A C Ai QUESTION JiBOfJT Browns Jron I B t iters f ThMtiMifcM gnkthlrUm Mbd ikal I rftiMiri "Hirrrrmlf i? r- - r' It it openly dharged against one dutin- tday it be tot Monday. i of iraa. thaft aajr gfished Senator that he has no local hfLbitation or residence in the Btafe he . otherwise fepiesentt, and that in the next election the opposition will make i the ppint that, at hit intereocrse with his people it-eotfined to an occasional 'brier visit, he it not in that close sjm- Lpaihy and familiarity with ais eonstttu- leaey neeetsary xo jjiowteoge oitne vuti of the State. j Mr. Hewitt resents the eharge made bj the New loik Timet that he has ('abandoned hit t Sorts in the direction ol y mrA Uul n4 In thm Mmmml BROW'S IR01 BITTERSSrS . nsowKraiKON nrrrKita . EROIVN'S IRON BinEBSJt . th4iitK Inanm, to bomb aq utMiiiMUrmialt fUMppaani laacaaanldarai . aaMl Hiiiii I mathar; IHtM . afaaadua at mm 7 waaa - ' BBaaajavajaBaaar-BBaBBi , On motion of Mr. Miller, and after a brief statement by him, the Senate took up and passed, without discussion and without division, a bill for the retire ment and re-coinage of the trade dollar On motion of Mr. linger, the ilouse bill to extend the free delivery system of the posteffiee department (patted by the House en the 9th. inst.Y was taken up and passed. On mot ten of Mr. WUsoa, of lowa, the ; Senate bill to modify the postal money order system was taken up and tbaswav I "tariff relorm and is now addressing him I nsssed. It author ises the issue of jdienttior reducing the revenue. !he j!jf three cents.; Timet ttMrenee is to the bill intaoduo-1 Onf motion ef Mr, Conger, the bill ad y JBr. 'llwiu on Monday, protos- I (passed by the House on the Vth inst.) ig ute pajnimt in auvauoe vi ue it iuiooniuig tse employment ot mnwu- terest on the 4 and 4. per. eent bonds l eert in the rostai service waa taxen up, i l.tm still an earceab aovcoate of tatifi I. amended and vacted. and a conference ia view pmai experience is it just at well to have hbm other plan formulated for the blie relief, in ease tariff re- loim it team dtleated. There it no man in Cetgieat who hat striven larder io forward a revision of the tat iff than 1 have, and no man it more earnest today . ' " is tv.J a,. I. Ii . - T business. The bill was passed, 117 to 116, and a motion to table a motion to reconsider was agreed to by exactly the same vote, i The bill directs the quar termaster general to settle and adjunt tfae'olaims of the MeMinaville ft Man chester R R Go. against the United States for property taken by the army in 1865 and further directs that in such settlements (246 880 shall be allowed the company, less tie amount due to the United States by the- railroad company, which is evidenced by a judgment Li the United States circuit court at Nash ville, Tnu. ! The House at 4 15 took a recess until 7 30. the evening session to be for the consideration of pension bills. ! JaekaYills Jail Burned. Cor. of the iwi and ObaeryeT. TaawTOir, N. C, Dee. 16, 1886. The jail at Jacisonville, Oa&low eoonty. was burned.Tuesday meet It eaught from- a de'jotive fide. Two prisoners from thatoounty were brought to our jail today. r. terll HomlBtlon In tba lat Dla- trJct. Special to the Hews and Obwrver. EuziMTH Citt, Dee. 17 ' W. J. Griffin was nominated yester day for the senate, vioe M. B. Gregory deessted. raxi Holiday Gooi ..... ' . 'IS p .f T' i " ) - it Ii - ; i t t . v. 4. in ; i i . : ft pur srop. THE QRlAT BABQ AIN STpRB Q J BALEKrH Y ft I.: ft.? I ? i to accomelish such a result.? it it generally eenoeaea mat a jdtadlock in the Ttxat senatorial eleo jtjcn ie a irgon eoselusien. The fritndt of Bon. Oun Wellborn.thepres ;nttueibbeioni the dittyietin whieh Dalot. oa ;of 1 the inctt important twna in the Bute,' b tiiuated, are martin vndet hit, defeat bj the.rlnighu ut Labur toliowuig and are waiting to laear liuai all parta ot the State to per lakit ihd ue p hit name in the senato rial coateat. ; Mr. Weitbern hat fairly won hit tpurt by atverai tetms of inoua- rivu t&a tfieitst lervice in the Hoqm of Kepreteatauvei. - He is the present ea airman of the eommittea on l afftirtp Hit ability and parliamentary petienee are aomuted, while hit per aobal eharaeter and freedem from en iaiigftment.or polxtioal eommitment to any one f the eahdidai now' mention wet asked. Mr Aldrieh introduced a bill to pro vide I for a reduction of interest on the bonded debt of the United States. Re ferred. It authorises the Secretary of tie Treasury to receive 4 end 44 per cent boadt and to inue in exchange for hnf 21 per cent bonds, payable in 1907, but not to be subject to he called in and raid to Ion as other higher ia- terest bends are outstanding, the Zf per cent bonds to be available as depotitt for bank circulation. autett za saa mtctmwppi vailit. Billt lUthoriting the construction of bridges across the Culbertsoa river, near Nsahville, and i cross the Mississippi river it Meacphis, Tenn., were reported from the eosnuttee on eommeree and passed. Ibecenate then took up the unnn- uhed business of yesterday, being the bill to repeal the tenure-cf-cmce act, asd withont further difcussion the bill passed, yeas SO, Bays 22, as follows: Yeas Messrs. Beck, Berry, Blaok burn, Butler, Call, Cbsee, Coekrell, Col quitt, Curtis, George, Gibton, Gorman, bray, Hampton, Harris, Hoar, Ingalla, Mitchell, of. Oregon, Morgan, . Payne, Kantom,' caUlsbury, Vance, Vnl,- Walthall WhiitWn. rill, imy. hit friend. tree to present ui. - ZM.i kat aAthf advmaUatiawt bv the always la Sew Tork market wtth tlafeath a "hand who Utj from hdusea which are eota.. MQedta take the offer of these ieeds.1 B it . - ... i the power ef the Ahjdghty Dollar name, if he thould content to the ate of it.pelore the legislature in. the event of a deadlock. Mr. vveiiborn jt a man who irould-do heaor to the State, and about the moat'likely one for the different fac tiont to compromise on for United States Senator. -; ' k ft- CU&R&NGi'. The CatbeJIee aatd ttae linlchta. PfiiLASiLraiA, Deo 17 The Record this morning sap: An important confer ence bearing on the relation of the Uatho lie church to the Knights of Labor in the United States it believed to have taken place in this , city yesterday be tween Cardinal Gibbons and Arohbishop Corrigan, of New York, and Aroh- pishop Ryan, of riiladeiphla, at the residence of the latter. From noon un til 5 o'clock in the afternoon the three prelates were closeted, and at the latter pour Cordinal Gibbons and Arohbishop Corrigan departed for their homes Archbishop Alder, cf Cincinnati, was expected at the oonferenoe, but he was suffering from pneumonia and unable to come. Whatever occurred at the oon ferenoe it kept a close secret, but it it understood the meeting was for' the purpose of diocussinjr thor oughly ' the principles of labor unions ana xaoor pouneu move ments with a view of either con demning or approving themj according as thf y appear to be in oonformity with the church or not;also that any action that might be taken should be uniform throughout the country It is believed the eotion of Areb bishop Corrigan in suspending Dr. Mr Glynn formed a lead- ins; subieot of deliberation. A prominent priest said last evening in referrint? to tr. meeting, that the 11 -J?t- 5 laoor question was certainty aaaumiag such proportions and drifting into such ehannelt that the church oould not very long ignore it. He referred to the in terest taken in labor movements; as exemplified by the heavy rote polled for Henry George, and thought catholics should be advised by their tpiritval ruperwri whether or not it was dangerous to support tueb move ments Of course" he concluded " no action will be taken by hierarchy with out deliberation and ears, snd if any change is made itwillonlybeforthebest interests of the church and the spiritual welfare of its adherents. FBtarwa mt Mw Twk. Kaw iou, Dee. 17. ureeaeUos report on cotton futures says : Basi net hat been eondueted as if all hands were more or lest apprehensive, ana a very irregular tone prevailed. Gen erally, however, the tendency was to ward easier position, anU after several fluotuationi the final ratee were 4i5 waythrctaj ths centre ,W 1 IBM, whkh ea- i us to eser foods etjete than bey can be ajuesi ana defer. lav Jkniadrtd sad ane 'the ekstBUechsatianedwittainan we ahaUaaaka cur barsains maki our boat I tubsidised railroad companies, but as Mr Evartt bad requested, that it should not be acted on in hit; hit abtenot, it was laid asiae, aiier iwwwoi uwiu Mr- Edmunds defending imself from the charge of bad faitn made by au How eosae tethe Backet Store and buy joar rceda, as wa Will aavavou moaeyj ;! ? ( We have juet opened our Holiday tds, a Mist Pertett-You ought to go to AfrkawMr.,Bashfui Mx. B. "To Afriea, Mitt PertnetiT'V "Xee, you ought to locate on the Sahara; it would be a really philanthropic act on your part'! WhT to. Mite Pertaetr' There are so few treea spots in the desert." Pittsburg Dispatoh. Omaha Beau tv "Mr. Do Blank Ar- Mr- biU adversely thur. Cousin Nell tavt vou have engaged until Mondat . have." Have vou forgottea; sir. that i Mr. Belmont, of New York, 1. ..1. a;,, ,ai, duoed the following bill, which waa re- Iferred'tb the eommittee on foreign .A.lf a a.BAtiaI" I Affairs: "That the President be and is ... . w ..n . i m. T Nave Messrs. Aldrieh, Allison. Blair, Cameron, Cheney, Conger Dolph, Ed munds, rrrye, Kale, Hawley, McMillan, Mahderton, Mitchell, of Pennsylvania, Morrill. 'Piatt,- Sawyer, Sh erman, Bpeoner. Stanford,- Wuliamt, Wilson 22. The Senate took up the speeial order, being the bill to prohibit members of poiy under last evening, with the tone Congress from acting at attorneys for I oni, bot steady. The Southern mar- Bcek. and saying that in the eommittee iontlv impeded the action of exporters. he had favored the reporting back of I a has led to the cancellation of many Adjourned intro- KEVENUIi TAXES. A COMMITTEE OF SOUTHERN REPRESENTATIVES CONSIDER A REDUCTION OF THE TAX ON TOBACCO AND;FRUIT BRANDY. lirUBUClH CABCCS dIMttAL . OaAPHlC TL46HB8. TBXB- WAHiKaT0, Do. 17;. A meeting of the Southern Representatives who favor a redaction in internal revenue taxes was held in the room of the House committee on judiciary today. ' The states of Virginia, North Caro lina, 'Pouth Carolina and Georgia were represented by Messrs. Cabell. Daniel. Wise. Barbour, Croxton, O'Ferrall, Cow lea, Henderson, Johnston, Skinner and Bennett. Mr. Cabell was ehosen ohairtnan. At the proceedings cf the oonferenoe were regarded as of a confidential na ture, it is somewhat difficult to aeeertain the exot results; but it is learned that the cl for the meeting was for the pur pone of concerting measures to be en grafted upon one of the tariff billt look ing to the abolition of the internal ax on tobacco, and spirits diatilled ftvm fruits. From the tone of the discussion it appeared that nearly all of the persons in attendance regarded as impracticable the proposition to reduce materially the tax on whukoy. - They were practically unanimous, however, in favor of the propositions to abolish the tobacco tax and to abolish the fruit brandy tax or reduee it to a nominal figure, with a view to continu ing government supervisions over its manufacture. A committee consisting of Messrs. Wise. Bennett, Johnston, Barbour, han dler, Tillman w&a tppointed to formulate amendments embodying these proposi tions, which it is to effar m amendments to the Morrison tariff bill if consideration of that measure is secured in the House. Another eommittee was appointed com prising nearly til of the remaining mem bers of tho conference, to send other representatives with a view to ascer taining whether it is feasible to pass in dependent measures embodying thS fore going proposition in the event of the failure of Mr. Morrison's attempt to se cure consideration for his ' bill. These committees will report at a subsequent meeting of the oonferenoe. 'All of the proeeedings are regarded as tentative in their nature and prepositions above re ferred to, and the plan of prooeednre outlined may.be materially modjnd hereafter. and surrounding country, and from the observatory one has a good view of Sauratiwn and Pilot mountains. Yours, , Giw. Oar WMhlagiaa Latter. itiki Off vawi rioa ova xxertAi ooxxxs- roMKT. WAsanreTea, D. C. Dee. 16 On Monday, Mr; Morrison gave no tice, that on Saturday he would move to go into oemmittee of' the whole to consider revenue measures; to if hit mo it carried the great expected tariff de bate will begin. There it much specu lation at to the success of the motion. though I believe the best opinion is that Mr. Morrison will suoeeed by a very small majority. Mr. McKinley, Re publican of Ohio will lead the opposi tion. He saya the result is in doubt. but thinks the Republicans will stud as last year. Got. Long. Republican of Massachusetts, thinJta the motion will carry . The republican! in their oonfer enoe have decided to oppose all action, but they are like the demceratt, divided. Mr. Milo White, from way off Minnesota, who boards where I do, though a republican, it strongly ia raver ef tariff reductioa. The protection dem ocrats have held a caucus or' meeting, but so few were present that there could be no test as to iteir strength mad. It it taid several of them have decided to come back to the bulk of the party en thia question. Saturday's proeeedings are looked forward to with much interest. The Indian severalty bill, under the management of Mr. 8ktaner, .of .North Carolina, passed the House today. Mr. (.inner deserves a great deal of credit for the success of thu buL Not only does it do justice to the Indiana making them individually proprietors, but it opens up about fifteen million acres of land to .settlement. Gen. Cox showed me today a relic that may be of some value to a North Carolinian, if any of your readera may know where he livee. It it a diploma of the Columbia Medical College. granted to Win. T. William, of North Carolina. Dr. Williams left it with a a gentleman named 8. E Stratton ia 1861. Mr. Stratton turned it over to Gen. Cox. tuppMing Dr. Williamt wr s dead. Mr. Stratton 'a address it 008 Sixth street, N. W. Washington, D. 0. The case of Mrs Page't assailant earn? up again today in the erinnual court. and was again postponed till Monday on account of the defendant It it likali the trial will be fixed for tome time after the .holidays. w.r .a r a a : i oung America aere it nappy, not only arc the show windows brilliant with (Jhjrutmaa tricks, but the continued snow hat saade tobogganing ;very flee; a tupvtuean cbm. I nor is this sport confined entirely to the Wa8itom, Dec. 17. A caucus of I junior portion of the population, for! republican . Sepatort took plaoe this I nightly on ttrestt ihavug an incline I afternoon. It was called ostensibly to I may be aeon toboggans rushing down at .a mm. I a ' ai a.m. . ar I nil vacancies in tnc eommittee lists, l a maddening speed with their loads of Mr. Dolph was teleoted to be ehairman I ladies and gentlemen. a a.. m n I n W a of the eommittee on claims; Mr. opooner I senator Vance yesterday again in for ehairman of the committee on ooast I troduesd his bill to repeal the civil ser- A Yorkville, 8. C, difpatoh cf the 15 th says : The clatter of horses' hoofs alarmed the poople about 7 o'olock thia morning.and on rushing to the doors tiey . beheld about one hundred riders, who bore neither mask nor devise of conceal-' ment. ; At the word of command from their leader they galloped around and surrounded the jail: Sheriff Glenn, who was asleep at the time, was aroused -to find himself Burro-nded by men armed with guns, pistols, sxet and sledge ham mers. "We want the four murderers of Lee Goods, " they exolaimed. "They arc not here," he quietly re plied. But the lynchers wnuld not believe him. They : hammered down the i ail doors, and entered only to find that the ".v riri.j ...i a i tt i Buerm ami apoaoa truly. Jaaving neard of the purpose of the lynohers, he had.: hit prisoner! removed to Gmnville jaiL ; The lytchert had all the roads leading into South Carolina- guarded daring the night, but Sheriff Glenn had the prit-: onert tent around through North Caro- Una, where, taking the Air-Line train, they Were taken to Greenville. aniATLY IXOITBD Kot a few cf the eitlaaaa ot Raldgh have ra eently become greatly xdted over the as- , louadiag ucts, taat several bf their frlfndt wa had been XMaouBordtbv taelr chTaictaBfl . as taenrabto and beyond all bope-aufiarlBf whh that dreaded Boaster Coo aminos have been completely eured by Dr. Kmta BTew Discovery for Consumption, the only remedy that positively eure all throat and lung diseases, Conges, Colds, Asthma and Bron chitis. Trial bottle nee at Lee. Joanaoa At CCs Drug Store, hrge botaea ti. A -mmitrng VmmI Wmkss. 8ah FxAHcitoo, Dee. 17. At 2 30 o'clock this morning' the whaling bark Atlantic Wat driven ashore a mile and a half below the Cliff house and went to pieees in a few minutes, not a spar re-. maining standing. The wreck waa . ttrewn along the beach for three or four ' miles. About twenty-five men are be lieved to be lost. The captain and mate, ' with eight or ten men, were tared. II M aT - V m a Hob. awf faUara, soaampUa, staav xm uaainaa jvrkwmy aif. auini'a. and bauiaw laaiaiwu inaHlwaawai iteiiMHlOMwii fWa Baltlawra, KdlTa. i SALVATION OIL, ICwm BVarth hr Pda,"' kett were alow and a'little tame Port reecipta were full and interior town movuneata ia excess of estimates. Liverpool, too, was weak and, disap pointing, wnue uie .eontinnea uniavur able condition of tterling exchange te- , TOWflWr. -r n- r Yottrefiiiid'me?' "Certainly, but I Books,KoveBy Tttcas. ureas sargamsia a-sue , v lJw' Aria van an admirer of the beautiful. Dr. Slather?" Dr. Slather (a vcung taw-bones) "Oh, yet, bdeed.,r Young Udy-"What ia the most beautiful thing ton ever saw!" Drv 81asher;(contemplatively "WeU, I think the must beautiful thing I ever taw was the way ia which Prof. Deep- Ion tier took a man's leg on at tne aot- pital last week." New York Sun. Of all deterlptioaf; Fire Werkt ef aD Wads Thvse goods we had mawufaetnTadaad will be sold for 'jaas than such articles were Cemm boyaaad save averaeU-i-vthU your mcBey. In addUWn to thiae goods W ' sve'oplairoHW4. at aU deaciiptiooK 4,oo W anisatU Caileajat 41evvte:-fWaBarianum two Begre) Lyaxkaal. Dee, 17 Taotor meres. Our JewehT depefawiU be filled .ih Mwada amiable tor the bolidara. Our weea Millinery department will be filled .HSiraetUda ai the latest mtrlsa Ia .onr Ctothiag cepmrfmenl we ahUf elrW some great baraaiaa. Bhoc ia our Hats and Caps and Boots n at A lac In Littlu Rook. Ark ones and Dick Bullock, two of the ft ur negroes who a few daye agomur-i dered George Tatie. in the -vnociau Ration, because he- discovered them killing his ettlc, and were released on $400 bell, were eaught by a mob Wed wesday, taken to the soene of the mur der and riddled with bullets, each re viving not lest than forty shots. Sandy timith and George Mots, the other mur- uerers, are in jau, awaiting ariai. UMBsrailT Oaataai ataUaacaS. i Nw York, Dee. 17. The following la the ittrapantive .cotton statement for uw ndMigixe. iat week a : i fOLNEY PUBSELL CO.r' NetreeeipUatTJ. 8. ports, Total raceipU to date, iLxpwts for tnc wees, Total exports to date, Cor wraat Hnuun. I Stock at Ltvarpooi, jsosaadltatfaviar rT.. . a a. aa wr a a - 1886. lftsa 110,001 385478 S,M4,77-V10V-ai 19400 1SM ita,t7 1,019, ; t73AX m hereby authorised to appoint a commis sion to proceed to such placet in the United Statet or elsewhere at may be designated by the Secretary of State, to take testimony under oath or affirma tion ia relation to losses and injuries infiioted since the 31st December, 1885, by the British authorities, imperial or colonial, upon oitisena of the United States engaged in the fisheries on the .. . northeast ooast of Urnish aorta Amer ica. Said commission shall everywhere have in respect to the administration ot Oatht or sJnnaationa and the taking of testimony the aame powers at the eom- mission of the eircuit court, and shall - t i a be paid the same feet as are presonbed for similar services oi a commissioner oi the circuit court, together with travel- The House then resumed consider' ation of the sundry civil- appropria tion bill. All the amendments of the eommit tee of the whole were agreed to, sepa rate votes being taken on the proposi tiont increasing appropneuone for a nnMia bnildinft at Baltimore, and a nublio building at Rochester, N. Y f 1 41 inn tnm V. ana nuuur ma svuiuiuwwui iw mv construction of a light-house supply steamer. These amendments were con eurrcd in by votes of 110 to 01, 144 so ill and Ida) to W respectively The bill wss then passed. Private basinets being then in order, the bill for the adjustment of the ac counts of the McMinnville & Manohes- ur R. R. Oe. tame np a nfiairttd pending negotiations. Some indication of a desire to teu long cotton oouid oe noted, but it did net reoh the point of acaon. A ttrcccr Comamlta Bwlelde. 0HAL0ita, N, 0., Dee 17. At Con- cord, this morning, J. Frank Green, of the firm of Bagler, Motley & Green, grocers, oommitted suicide by shooting himself through the heart, lie had se duced a daughter of G- 0. Goodman and was to have been tried npoij tae eharge of sed notion at 9 o'clook this morning, lie shot tumteif at I o eiocx. on rising from bed. Ue Reaves a wue and five children. Ttal Bet Betata. i Naw Yoax.Dee. 17. The following are the. total net reoeroti cf cotton at all norts since September 1. 1886, in balest Ualvettoa, oio.ooo Dates; new vyr leans. 904.674 bales; Mobile, 129,899 bales; Savannah, OVl.Soy bales; unri-e- am a m w-ot . . a At ton. 5W7.WO Dales; wumiagton, iu,- 628 bales; Norfolk, 85tf, 162 bales; Bal timore. 29.934 bales; New York, 29. OSS kales: Boston. 22 256 bales; Phil adelphia. 17,910 bales; West feint, 146.410 bales; Brunswick, zv,ou wuos; Port Royal, 11,729 bale; 1 Petasaotfly 8 390 bales. Total, 3;224,778 bales -f-Fears are again felt.. for .Thomas Stevens, who in hu travels around tne world on a bicycle, left llong Jkong tor Shanghai Ootober 4. land thould have reaohed his destination by the early nart of November, even traveling only 80 miles a day. But nothing hat been heard from him, and there it muah rea son to annreheud foul play at the Chi nes are net over well-disposed toward defences. A half dcien otner tacad- eiec in eommittee membership were also filed. The inter-state eommeree bill Was briffly criticised and discussed, and the tariff was talked about more at length, but no action was taken in refer ence to either. An advisory eommittee j on the order of business was appointed i and. the caucus then adj.ou.rnod. Wlsstaa Bw.' ' Cor. of the Ntws and Observer. WiKiron, N. O., Deo. 15 1886 The real estate property belonging to Pfohl & Stockton, who made' an assign-: ment tome -time age to Meesrs. Buxton & Gray, was told today at auction. It Wat the largest real estate transfer that hat ever occurred in this place. The Central Hotel wat bought by Oapt, Belo. ef8elem.-4he Merchants bv Cant J. E. Gihneri and the stone building by Mr. rfohi, of 4he old firm. There was ouite a number of town lots told to . at various parties also a model rarm. i The graded school library was opened yesterday, and quite a number of peo ple availed themselves of the oppor tunity of examining tho handsomeool lection of books The library ii not f the benefit of the sohool. alone, but is Open for those who pay an annual fee of t2. The library now contains about 3 500 volumes and cost about $2 ouv The town is indebted to Prof J. L Tomlir ssn for the above- results,- as ae established the library ard hat worked dntinueusly towards its'-sucecss. It is rumored, and I tuoposafthe rumir U well founded, that Prof BsorsTamlinson and Bl-.ir will, at an early day, estab L:sh an eduoational journal at this place. While the present arrangement of the railroad schedule des not ' seem to suit the traveling pibho it is bettor for those who like to get the "newest news ' yve get tne risws ahs ubssrvbb now on the day of its publication, while before the obaoge it was a day behind time in getting here. Our tobaooo warehouses are driving a hoavy business this week, and the sales aro animated, and price1 ruling very well, considering the quality of -the bffsriufrs. w eare enivermg unaer 110 eaecis or another cold wave that struck us bread aide last night. PBKAOHlt The family of Ool. Bele, editor of the Galveston (Texas) News, it visiting Capt. Robt. Balo at the old B?lo Homestead, new . the j excellent Belo ilouse.in Salem. Col. Belo will he kith his ,fajaily, during the holidays, l He will be rememberod as . the gentleman who. went hunting with presidentjCUva land in the Adirondaoka last turn mer . i x . - Mr. James A. Gray, presidont of the Waehovia Bank, it building a magma eent house on Cherry street The build hu commands a fine new of the town not law. Moat demoorati are with Vanoe, who it nearly always right, bat that thia is the. opportune time, some question, it being impracticable in view of a hostile Senate and oommitted exscu-tive. Among the Tar-Heela hero since my last ware Mr. . B. Borden, of Golds- baro; Mr. J. S. Oarr, of Durham, and Mr. W. P. Fort, of Wayne. Ool. S. A. Konits, or tne uoidtboro messenger. Mr. J. L King, Gailford. and Mr. Kd. C. Smith, of Raleigh. Messrs. Boniti and Smith jsill be here let erai dap. WIS relieve more quickly thin! any ether knows remedy.-- Rheumatism.' Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruise, Boras, Sctld,Cutt,LumbagOf Sores, Frost bitet, Backache, Wound, Headache,' Toothache, Sprains. &C Sold by all new so cent Bottta.' Oniggistav Edward Fasnach, Hi Jeweler ana 0DH( K m rail Naw Ycix, Dee. 17. R. Dun A Oo 't Weekly Finaneial Retiew says: Bilka in ataeks bv-individnau all over the I country arc likely to increase the num ber or commercial failures, already uiualfy Urge, for the season. The tit- a vtion, therefore, while not now disturb ing, justifies caution. Business failures occurring through the country durin? last Week number for the United Statet 260; Cauda 28 -total 288; against 294 last week and 242 the week previous. Casualties in the Middle, Western, Southern and Pacific statet are above the average in number, which it alto (he ease in Canada. In New York eity fifteen failures are reported, only two oi wfcioh are of eonaequenoe. ' lseellaaeoaa Teloarraaaa. Atlahta Deo. 17. Thursday morn ing after midnight, the house of John Swilling was burned down. Inside were S willing, hu wife and three chil dren, all of whom were buraed to death. irranmt panders was arretted and oon- fesaed that ho had crashed ia the trulls - of the sleepers, tatuated the bedrolothet ! witheoal oil, applied the match, and left. Uitisens seised the murderer -and carried hint off to lynoh him. WfsoHUTia,. Va., Dee. 17.- The body of Andrew Bray, a young man who resides Tour miles from Step pen uity ana wno nas oeeu missing ior nve weeks, was found by a hunting party recently, hidden under a log and cov ered with leaves, it it suppos ed that ne was waylaid ana mur dered while going through the woods. The body hu a bullet hole over the left eye and the face ia crushed. T. R. Kittenow, a respeotable young man. twenty-two years ef age, waa arretted for the crime, and after examination, waa held for the grafid jury. -; : i i fT itwa uw J.u u .wm. wm a . taatr" "Oh t I don't know and doa't care. Fa aotlaokfnc tor PresldsnU I'm tooklaa: for aJbottto slvaUoa-Oil. It kills pAm every. nmaj' . acia. . On ol eat most estimable cftisna may be thankful far taa iatroeoetion ,l Dr.SulFal Cugh 8y up, for its timely um has saved his lira. For incipient consumption sua cer tain ranted. 'Price Melt. - , RALEIGH, N. 0. Gold, and Silver Watches, merioaa IzaportaxL Baal and tmitattoa Diamond Jew i airy. 18 karat "Wadding and SngaaBaant BJagv aay aixe aad welckt. Starlsag Silver j wareiorrsndairresenaw , . , . Optical Goods : ; ; : A SPECIALTY. Spectacles nd gye-glassss in .Geld, SITvsr" 8teL Bcbber and Shell white and tinted, ha endless varistlss. 8eals for Lodges, Corporations, ate. Badges aad Medals for Schools and I made to order. . I Mail ordara promptly attended tcv Good sent on selection to any part of the State. J. J :tST Old Gold and Silver in small and hwgai en u titles taken as cash. ' dly. . VkM I im I a im BMaa Manli W Tu Uai Mr aa akfHMi tawa aaaia. 1 amuidMm . I kaa aiaa SM miai ar rjra, inuni ar ruu SIOKWaas lMf mn. ivarraat irraanay mmm, Mai rat lain. I tCkim hmw fallal aa raawa lar is aavpaMtTtacaaara. mmmt mx aaa. tor a Ii i aMn aaa trim aa aCaty lafalllala nay. eiva Bxaraa, aa raa SUa. II aaaai j aata far aartal. aa 4 j wtaaarajaa. i . r. m. . wvr, m nan av . QASSARD'S PURE LARD. WHAT A WELL UBWI ItTlZOCUTt A HIT IT ' -i ' jMa. B. H. WoonaxL: ? ! . 1 (Dear Sir I have now used CaaBatdV Iard both winter and summer and tt hat. Srovea entirely aatiafactory. We had the offer f wall known pore country lard aad my wit . advised the continuance of Caasard's. I hearti ryeongratulateyou on being the agent for suca a priaie nsosssity ot life. wxoura truly, '.' wftrv. xr. j. vr rninwrvrw J by the following reliable Grocers ti a A Ok,, j W.B. Kewaosa A Ot ; , . ; . ; i 1 . rer sua W.B. Mann X. J. Hardin. J. B. rerrali A Co a. W. flaps, Wa C Ururcav'hi B. StreaAehv Vv' A B aXTIMOBC MTX Corere of tke Celebrafead 4ttf ' tnAti Mild Cured Bams aad Breakfast Baeoa. V ! - r, i f j i "...:"-VV

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