. 1 1 u " ' 1 J1 t Is I'm' r . - i S i 1 J r- N22T7D AZd OEOHnYHB. Wuxlt. Br THE NEWS AND OBSERVER 06 J. L MoBIX, EDiTOs sxram or FiiicM wira mi OABD or agfictjltvwe. We print elsewhere a call for a joint Pvaunos Daxl (ixgwt Moh1at) a meeting of farmers with the State Board of Agrioulture. It is certainly to the interest of every section of the State to be represented at the meet ing by its active farming el ement, so that the suggestions made will oome direotly from the class de signed to be benefited by push sotion as may be taken. As the .Board explains in making the call, the meeting ' U in tended, in a measure, to be a medium of communication between the farmer and the legislature, where the man who follows the 'plow-handle joins in dis oussions whioh tend to benefit farmers as a class, and where may be learned what has been done by the Department of Agrioulture in the interest of the farmer." We hope therefore that tne Dally one year, mall, postpaid. six months. " three " Weekly, one year, " " f six months So name entered without paper sent after the expiration : 17400 in i 1 00 i il! 00 payment, ana no I time paid loi liar ability, and speoial fitness for the omoe of speaker. As a leader of the democratic forees on the flior of the last House; he distinguished himself, and made trident to all who watehed his ooursef the fact that he is destined to rise rapidly to a high pUoi in public life. He is quick of apprehension prompt to execute, and eloqisnt in his advoeeoy of measures calculated to ad vance ' the general weal. No mistake certainly will be made should the proud mantle of the SDeakersun be thrown judge, it wit held, to cure any defect in the justification. 8m tw ts. Cohen et al. 1. A want of jurisdiction apparent cn the reeord, will be taken notice cf by the supreme eourt, although not pointed out by a demurrer. 2 A proceeding under the atute ( he Code, section 1790), to establish a claim against a feme covert, and to have a lien dcolarod for materials fur nished, and work and labor done, in ereotirg a house on her land, mast be 8UNDAT, DECEMBER 19j 1886'. SiaaiAXT-AT-AxMS Cahasat,; ' of the U. 8. Senate, was taken home, Friday, from the eapitol, very ill. I i Fioxida is in luck. Besides Geronimo she has an Austrian count now a pris oner within hef border. ! - ., Stato Weather aorvlee. mtT&iBDTioM or wia: Hi siqwals (from advance sheets of the Agrlcultuial De- panmeat Bulletin.; The work of organisation, equipment of stations, and securing intelligent and reliable voluntary observers bas pro- meeting will be well attended by the grossed rapidly and with gratifying re- upon the shoulders of either himself or I brought before a justice of the peace, if Col. Holt. I the amount olaimed is under two hun dred dollars. farmers of the State. Nxw Yobx will proceed with the trials of her boodle aldermen after tht opening of the New Year. Thi South if the title of a Tory cred itable illustrated monthly, published at New Orleans, and devoted to the de velopment of the Scnthcrn oountry. Thj elopement mania has ;taken new turn.: A Nyeek, N. Y , man hat ran away with his mother-in-laW. - Th example isn't likely to be followed, how ever. ! : Wb note the death at Newark, Ohio, of Colonel G. J. Foreaore, on Thusdaj last He was one of the beet knowi railroad men in the South and was high! ' esteemed. , , Ms. acd Mrs. Hamiltoa Fish cele- brated their golden wedding the bthei day. Mrs. Fish was Miss Kean, oi 8onth Carolina, and the Tenerable pail have seven children and seventeen grand- ehildren. '. , I f, 1 I our editorial on the Tenurt of Umoe aot yesterday we meant to aaj of course that if : the act is nnoonstitntioBal it ought ; ic be repealed, i How our "uneonstittt- tional" became 'eonstitutio4alVls one of those mysteries of the printing office that can never be explained. , ; Thji ten days' leave of absence ob tained bj Congressman James W. Eed has expired, and it teems that he hat not returned to his duties at Washis ton; nor has he teui at home. J We further understand that his friends hate no knowledge of his whereabouts. Ihey are greatly distressed not only at the financial embarrast menu of ,Mr. Beio . hut also at hi strange oUsappearanoe) COL. A. B. AIDBIWS It gives us great pleasure to announce that on yesterday Col. A. B. Andrews of this oity, was eleoted third vice- president of the Richmond & Danville Railroad Company. This is not only a tribute to the personal worth of Col. Andrews and to his efficiency and rep utation as a railroad mtn, but also U the state of North Carolina, of whicb he is a prominent and influential eitisen It is to the credit of the- Richmond & Danville Railroad Company, which con tro?s many miles of road in North Caro lina, that it has reocgnised the olaima oi a cit sni of the state to a share in the management of the ooiporation. We are sure that whatever will conduoe to the welfare and prosperity of the stato, and rarticularlv to the welfare of the North .Carolina Railroad Company, in - . which the state is largely interested, will at all times and under all circum stances, find a safe and oertain promoter in Col. Andrews, who is above all thinss else a true and patriotio North Carolinian. The Richmond & Danville Railroad Company eontrols over twenty-five hum dred miles of railroad, a large part of which is within this state, and in its operation and management Col- An drewi will now have a voice, we join with his other friends throughout the state in congratulating him upon his ipportunities for building up the rail road interests of the state, leeung sure that he will always , and aid in whatever will eonduce to the material prosperity and honor of North Carolina. SILT KM AID IBI PSUCK OW WHEAT Secretary Manning seems to be right in holding: that the low pnoe of wheat is to be attributed to the depre- oiataon of silyer. The pnee of wheat it fixed in England where our surplus of that nroduet is sold. En eland im ports wheat from India as well as from the united otates. sultsJPlans for the distribution and publication of daily "wather and tem perature" reports, cold wae signals. frost warnings, etc, have been fulli arranged and perfeoted. The informa tion is received here by Wire direct from the Chief Signal Umoe at Washington, D. C; and immediately transferred at this point, by speoial telegrsms, to six different centres in the otate. Ihere are now one tunarea ana sixty-tour (164) railroad stations, prominent towns and eities with these warnings. At many points where signal stations have been! established, the information is pub licly announced by the display of signal fligs: SIGNAL STATIONS Asheville, Displayed by Battery Park signal Dtation; Company chops, J. A Turtentine: Oronly, Acme Mfg. Co Davidson College, Prof. C. C. Norwood; Durham, H. N. Snewr Jfayetteville, Rose & Leak; Gibson, W. H. Morrison; Goldsboro, J. "A. Boniti; Greenville. D. J. Wichard; Henderson, J. L Cur rec; Hickory, O. M. Royster; High foint, Chitf roiiee: Jon boro, A. i A. F. Seawell, Jr; King's Mountain, J W Garrett; Kin- ston, R v Whitehurst; Marion, W J Craig; Middleburg, LB Yaneey; New Beme. A & K C tt it, Win Dunn, Ast; Oxford, W H White; Parkwood, N C Millstone Co; Raleigh (oity). Polio Department; Raleigh, Shaw University. DrHH Tupper; Raleigh (Experiment Farm;, w U UaUey; xieidsnUe, George R dameey; Salisbury, C R Barker; Seltoas W U R R Agt; Shoe HeeL Dr J D Croon ; Shelby, Fulenwider Bros; Tarboro, E V Zoellor; Wake Forest, Prof W G Simmons; Winston, Smith & Brown. The different systems of railroads oo- MeCoy vs. Lassiter. 1 . The distinction between a pledge and a mortgage of personal property is, (1 lLat in the former the title is retain ed by the pledger, while in the latter it) paeies to the mortgagee, and (2) that, the delivery of the possession of the property to the pledgee, is absolutely essential to a pledge, while, between the parties, but not against creditors or purchasers, suoh delivery is not neces sary to the validity of mortgage. 2. At common law, delivery and. re tention of the oustody of the property, was neoesrary to the validity of a mort- I a. i a l gage, aa agamst creation aou purouaa ers, but now, by statute, registration is substituted therefor. 3. A mortgage of chattels, in parol, is good, between the parties. No par ticular form of words is necessary to the constitution of suoh a mortgage. It is si fficient if it appear that the parties intended it to operate as suoh. D. G. Bush et al. surviving partners, . John U.tUall. 1. Where a plaint) ff sues on a note, and tb defendant admits the eause cf action, bit pleads a counter-claim sound' mg in damages, which is the only mat ter tried before the jury, who nnd a verdict in the defendant's favor, the amount of the note sued on bv the nlain- tiff must be deducted from the damages given by the jury, and judgment only entered for the balance. 2. Upon appeals, the supreme eourt will enter inoh judgment or decree, as upon inspection cf the whole reeord, it shall appear, ought to be rendered. CURRENCY. A SXAMVABLI BOLn.00.UT. From the PitUboxg Chronicle To (ftye.tor not tofflve tht la the'quantioa; Wbctber tla n bier m the mind to salua With clamoroos creditors who long hava dunned ma, Or turn a deaf ear etiU unto thir pleading nd spend my all for presents f To creep to raeas With bated breath beveath tha friendly desk When com s the harsh collector' knocking, And brita t he bo; to aav I'm out of town, Or disappoint expectant relatives ay aisrearaing au me oia traoiuons Which make cal unity of Chrirtmas time To men of scanty means f But thera's the snub, The iref ring g'arc, the epithet cf mlsrr, The slcteniDg areal of something worse to come, Whene'er I circulate among my kin. vv hich make me rather choosn laminar Ills Than fly to others that I knownotof. lea, tae ancient aeDU must stand. Three of a Kind: Maud(gnshingly) "Oh Clara, my dear, do look at my en gagement ring ! Won't all the girls be dying of envy! Actually three soli taires ! Harper s Bsiar. One lady meets another, who has just lost her father, promenading Fifth avenue V . . trn .a WT dressed in colors, "wnat I lou are a e n not in mourning v "rot so distant a relative ?" "Your father a distant re lative?" "Certainly; he lived in Chi- osgo." Tid-Rits. Oh, George,'" ahe exclaimed. catching her breath as she gtsed out to sea, "there seems to be no limit to old Neptune's broad expanse ; and the waves, tieorge, bow playfully they gambol along the shore !" "The waves are very fooJisn, dear, said, tieorge with a sigh. How foolish?" "To gamble where there is no limit. "Life Boston Miss "You don't mean to say you have given the Rev. Dr. Puri tan a call 7" Umaha Man "Indeed we have, and he is to leave Boston next month." ' Of all persons ! Why, he is the most unpopular preacher in Bos ton." "He is? Why, what's the matter with him ?" "Oh I he's so honelesslT. deeply, darkly, benightedly orthodox." Umaha World. Fond and Partial Mamma "Why are all these men crowding about that WANTED. THE TXTAHTXD A live, earfefae man, tenp- V V reaent us. 170 per anoata, ana expra Goods sUpU ; every en buys; outfit and per ticulara tree. 8tawdab Siltkb Waaa Go.. 1 ADlEs wanted t ret -up Tea Crabs for JLi our Pure Teas and Coffees. A host of articles to select from as premiums. Bend tor illustrated price and prenram list, btboial Omn : to every tenth parson that answers this advertisement we will send free eae pound of choice tea. Address mavl tka uoira co., Boston, Wf ANTKD. An AeUva Man (one out of V v i mpio; ary and worl ow n locality, an .id tML biiUicd house. Baftsr enoaa axchanged. . i at. MAXtrracitTaixo hours, Itt fcamay 8t N. T. BEST PLACE IN The Real Bead narters of SANTA CLAU& Is v. M.a asuti jaan ono out Ot I , . vmer t) to begin on moderate sal. EI QJ fl W A W rkhinuelt iip,RpreBentinf,tnhlB M JUi - KS 183 IAYETTEVILLE ST., BJLNA, ULABtiWARK, LAMPS, HOUSX jarniahixgGools, etc. Best gradaa Plated Warta ana Table cuuary and a large una of Fancy Articiee lor uonoay rreaenia. W. u. uuunKB, wm raysneniie si. opposite the Poatoffloa, . - BaleKch, K. C Vj OllCJC u hereby given tnat appucauoa J3i will be mace to tea next General Assem bly of North Carolina: to incorporate a JTer- tilixer Company. 4 lUieign, A. c, AecesnDr ou, isoo, uisa. N OT1CX. Aotice is hereby dven that application will be ma e at the next meeting ot the General Assembly at Worth Carolina for amandsaml to taa eharter of Ute city ot Saiaigh. C TV. AJLSj.Va.Tll, decll d80L ' Ctty Clark. A CARD. T mm m. eandldata for Chief Clerk of the ate before the Democratic eaecua en the aoeet- ina-of the next Ueneral Ankembiy. lamadla- abTed ex-Conlcdeiate aeidier and have had eighteen yearn experience aa ciernoi toe su perior court ' unaiow county, amj juuvoa the Suteriorof urt beach can answer as to my capacity. . A. c uubuuia nov e-iewewta. acnaonTUM, a. w. REMEMBER When yon are ready to pwehaae your Holiday j Supplies. That we have everythmc needed. SEE US BEFpBE YOU BUY. Thf paaeelse leaf eeeupisdby MOSXLT. The stock m all departmeaU to Entirely 5IW, of Ue BIST QUALITY, and Is cer tainly offered at prices never More matehed ia aortn uarouaa. OUB THRU raATURI& ELEGANCE I CHEAPNESS I EX CELLENCE. Of the thousands et articles ta Steak, patted to the tastes ot all poo Die. ot all arte, and ad apted far use as Bridal Presents, or ttffta to Children, as well as for Household use and comfort, tt ta n disss to speak to eMail. OUB vi CHINA AND GLA8SW ABE DEPARTMENT plrlS of tfeo Statto The Wilson Advance's young and promising editor gives an ungenerous thrust at the West in a recent editorial. and ask, "in the name of all that is just, wben will we get thro' paying I tee. (Mrs. Smith detailed them to keep the Western people for our oounty gov-1 her talking." Puck. ernmenti xne Advanee snouia not seek to array section against section, or let the East militate against the West, but each section should ' stand shoulder w . e m m a . uopuns giri, mamuz 1 can t imagine I i i what they see in her. She i't rleh; HOI iCfaV C UPpilOS but reoite, ind the does that badly. 1 wahav Afva Pmttlt eaa V aal 1tM e m. tf W vuwvt WA4 a avaiiaasa aaaam w aa vj. . MV1 V . . Ex perieneed Daughter ' 4 You don't understand, mamma. They 're a oommii- Prcah arrivals every daj at ; AlStronach, to shoulder for the publio welfare and operating in the extension of this work I let each vie with the other in advancing 1 r Thi thro&e of Bulgaria has bow been offered to Prince Ferdinand, of Saxe- Coburg Gotha. It goes begging, aat bo vohder, aisee it ia but a fooiball it the game being played bj ue Jfiuro pean pewers. Kuaaia leads !iu thit game, Austria and, Geimany fmaj b eonaidered the "half baeka," nd Uuir key ia the small boy who invariably geu run ever when he puts himself ia the way. :, j a A soou or more of Chicago j elergj- iccn went to see the ballet, ThursdA) . evening, with a view to passisg judg- mcht & the propriety of the perfozsi ance. Many of them fled upesthe n- tree of the full corps of ninety-two piron- c tiers, but some remained throughout ue oupiay 01 nne canning. ineTtr- ; diet was mixed, the ministers dwelling : vpeB ane nxuatto enaraeter oi ane per- I lomanee ana upon that only. Tra Knights of Labor teem to be 'in trouble all around. Not only hare tit tradee-nniona declared war sgainst them, but the amalgamated iron worker! re- iuse them fellowship and employers sire beginning to diaeiaige all Exightafroju their emploiment. The order ehoulfi at ant time heretofore. India is a silver money country exclusively. The Eng lishmen therefore can take his geld nines, turn it into silver, and land more wheat for it from India in England than at any tune heretofore. The Amer ican wheat has to eompete with Indian wheat and must therefore fluctuate in price as the latter fluctuates, coming down in pnee with it when a fall oc curs. American wheat is low beoause Indian wheat ia low, the prieea of both being f xed in the English market. The value of an article at any point is ol oouree what the article can be laid down for at that point. We are net rare that oottonbnot affected, to some extent at any rate, as wheat is. The surplus of our cotton crop is marketed in England also and its price ia fixed there. There too it eomes in competition with the surplus ootion proauoi oi adus, ngypi as a other countries, a product which is paid for at the place of production in silver India now exports a million end a half bales and the exportation of Egypt is increasing annually. .Aa to wheat, however, Air. Hannmc certainly seems to be right. Now what j is the remedy? There seems to be no practical way out of the difficulty. The silver mines eutnot be elosed and it will 'not do for Congress to , i .l . 4 i r have stuck to the pnretplea and pur- to-thirda ot would K l;oaigmniiy enuiieiawa oy jur. row- necessary to set back to the coinage of are as follow: Atlantic & Worth (Jaro- lina railroad with six stations: Atlan tie Coast Line and branches with three stations; Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley B B sixteen stations; the Seaboard Air-Line system, comprising the Baleigh & Gas ten division, Baleigh & Augusta divis ion t flarnlina. f!vnrrl liiAii aitk purchase more wheat in India now than I fortfottf ,utions; Richmond A Dan- strife between brethren. ville division with fifteen station; North Carolina division with fourteen stations; Western North A bar of silver will North Carolina to a grander and nobler destiny. If we do not harmonise, our Democratic majority in North Carolina will continue to decrease. The West helps to pay taxes as well as the East, boasting its superiority. The West has advanoed more rapidly than the East since the war, yet there is no eause for It is true that the West came nobly to the rescue of the Eastern whites and secured to the Anglo-Ssxon race control of local gov ernment in the Eastern counties, but we ark no pay or tribute fordoing our duty. Shelby Aurora. critical element in our churches un der the domination of the devil. which is trying to get control of thinn We hear of preachers advc- l dtrly. It wculd then have retained tht public sympathy with which it started out, ana ecttld have bid defiance to its enemies. Aa it is, hewever, the differ enecs we now hear about are probablj , the beginning of the end of the ordii as a ruling force in the social system. HB TttlK M XMJC TAKlFFBILXi. Of the twenty-six demoerata in the hosae who voted against tariff roliuetsop , yesterday, on the motion to take up the Momcon bill for consideration, Mefari ; Bliss, Merriman, Muller, 8prigga and ! Stahlnecker are of New York; Messrs . Boyle, Cur tin, Ermentrout, lUadall ana Bowden, of Pennsylvania;! Messrs Campbell, Foran, Geddea, Lefevre, Seney, Warner and Wilkina, of Ohio; Messrs. Gay, Irion,8t Martin and Wal lace of Louisiana; Messrs Lawler and Ward,of Illinois; Messrs Gteen and Me Adoo, of New Jersey, and Mr Martini of Alabama. , . j Pennsylvania ia the home of high pro; tection; the Louisiana men were anxious about their sugar business, and the Ohioana were afraid of the wool groirer at home. All the democrats who toted nay the question are clearly troubled with an inability to see beyond theu noses or rather beyond the eoffiaos of their own immediate interests, f . Of the thirty-five demoerata who vo j ted against tariff reduction last time Messrs. Martin, of Alabama; Henley) of California; Ward, of Illinois; Irion, St. Martin and Wallace, of Louisiana; Fihdlay, of Maryland; Muller, Pindar,' Spriggs and Viele, of New York; Boyle,! of Pennsylvania; EUsberry, Geddee.. Lefevre and Warner, of Ohiq, were elected to stay at home next session 1 This does not look unlike a rebuke. : . The vote in the negative thie time it will be seen is nine smaller thaf it was before. The republicans who tilted for onsideration yesterday were MecsrS. HayddB and Stone, of Massaebusetta, d Meeeri. Nelson, and Wektield of iiaaosota. silver money. A suspension of coinage for a period of five or three years would doubtless relieve the situation and would probably have as grett an effeet vpon England as a throwing on that country of the silver product or the world. The temporary rush of the American product into the Baglish mar ket in connection with the strong pres sure already being brought to bear from India would in all probability bring about the desired elevation of the silver standard in England; Germany is Understood to he only waiting on Eag land to take action in this direction, and with England and Germany in the lead, the Latin union France, Belgium, Italy i-tj would follow almost certainly. Con sorted action on the part of the nations, therefore, seems the nearest approach to a praetional solution of the difficulty before us and this could probably be brought about by a mere suspension of the coinage act. Returning to the bearing of this ques tion on our southern prod not, ootten, we would say that the Naws ; aid Ob Sinvsm has always held that the South y no means desires a debased o cur rency. Having to sell at prieea fixed upon a gold basis it is clearly to its ad vantage that it should buy under the 4ame standard. Fjt all that, however. e ace no rhyme or reason, but the eon Carolina division with twetty-five stations; Norfolk Southern railroad with three stations; Southern division; Biohmond & Pan ville with Seven stations; Fountain's Line (be tween Tarboro and Washington) with one station; Tarboro & Greenville Tele graph line with one station. Total num ber of railroad stations supplied, 164. 1 political, i m.tioeolcoical osiTAtioM eating the election of men to effioe be- ADoutr important ieaiure oi wis ser- i eause they are of their way of thinking vice, and no less valuable in its praoti- These reports come straight that espi- jx miu wuiuuuu rceuiw, u ta caiao- i rants to omoe are coming to expect a lisbment and, equipment of ODferrnig certain foUowing in oonTentionf onao- Humji uh w aiu w i oouni oi iixeness oi religious creeus me i eoueeuon oi iceai eiimaue aata. The aeeompanying list of stations, all of which will be fully equipped with in struments before January 1st, 1887. with voluntary observers appointed and ready for work, is the beet evidence ef the interest taken in this subject. OBsanvisa statios. Asheville:: tame of voluntary ob server, Asa S. Loomie; Company Shops, J. A. l urrentine; (Jhapel iliil, Prof. J. W. Oore; JUavidson UoUege, Pr f .0. 0. Norwood; Durham, H. N. 8no; Goldsboro, J. A. Boniti; Green ville, D. J. Whiobard; Henderson, J. L. Curren; Hickory, O. M. Boyster; High Point, 8. H. Thompson; Jonesboro,- A. A. F. Seawell, Jr.; Kinston, BF Whitehurst; Lenoir, Dr B LfBeall; Marion, W J Craig, Mt Pleasant, H T J Ludwig; New Berne, A burglar who usa coirg a uesijob on a safe was horrified,ton lookingup, to see a man standing quietly beside him. He was about to retire when the gentle man said: "Go ahead. I am interested in that job." "Why, asked the aston ished burglar, "tteoauae I have for gotten the combination, and no ' living person knew it but myself. If you can set that safe open I'll make it worth you while. ' ' Burlington Free Press. A Joi4 Mooting-. At the December meeting of the Board of Agrioulture, the night of the 18th of January, 1887, was fixed for a meeting to be set apart for the discus sion Of topics appertaining to the ma terial interests of the State. This appointment is made in obedi ence to section 2 of the act "Establish- It really looks like there ia a hypo- ug Department of Agrioulture, Im y. 41ver. in pnpisitions to demonetise ; j In addition to the name of Mr. Leasar, of Iredell, whioh we mentioned y ester day, following the Charlotte Home Da noora, the nams of Col. T. M. Holt and Le S. Overman, Esq., are promi nently mentioned in connection with the speakership , of the next House. The friends of these gentlemen will un doubtedly urge their fitness for the offise strenuously, and with good reason. Col Holt is the prasent speaker and has proves his capacity and his devotion to the interests of the demeeraUe party, Wm Dunn; Oxford, A J Fields: Parke- wodd, N 0 Mill Stone Co; Baleigh (ex periment farm) W O Bailey; Baleigh, T 0 Harris; BeidsvUle, Prof T V. Nor- vllfra usaawaaM j w Afawa p vasyv uww Dr J D Groom; Salem, Rev John Clew- ell; Tarboro, E V Zoeller; Wake Forest, Prof W G Simmons; Weldon, T A Clark; Washington, E SiHoyi All the U. 8. signal observers within or sear the borders .of this territory have been ordered by the chief signal officer to oo-operate in this work. The meteorological reports from all stationa, comprising the North Carolina weather servioe, are consolidated, veri fied and corrected at the Baleigh office, and; printed into one general report each month. ; Ha- a of Iteaialaaia. BVTXtUM COUET Of M. O. I ALL ISXM,1886. (From advance sheets ef the 96th N. a Beprt.) Soewden et al. vs. the Norfolk S.uth ern Bailroad Company. U An exoeption, "that the verdict is contrary to the law and the evidenoe," willhof be considered, on appeal, as the jury is the sole judge of the effect of the evidence,, and - the exoeption, that the verdict is eontrary to law, is too Tague to be entertained by the eaurt. v 2f Where a horse was f ding within three feet of a railroad - traok, in plain view of the engineer, who did not slacken the speed of the train, or take ether precautions, until the train was within eloss proximity to the horse, and he had gotten upon the track, lit was held, negligence. Moring et als. vs LUtle et als. . If Where it appears that the under taking on app sal was taken b y the judge, it cures any irregularity in the justifi ttiou. ; 2.1 So, where the case on appeal sUteoW'BoBi fixed at 60. Bond w . .a jrurtnermore, it is saia tnat men are joining churches here and there where they happen to be numerically strong for purposes of personal advancement This unchristian spirit in the ehurehes is verily trying to control, it is said, the township, eons tables and even school committeemen. How our church needs eonvcrsior! To attempt to drag the ehurch down into the filth of party poli tics is despicable. Such attempts. whether the instruments be editors of religious newspapers, or preachers of the gospel, to say nothing of unomoial church members, is absolutely detes table.' The instigator of suoh work is the devil, and the world knows it, Let all lovers of the ehurch and the state unite to keep both pure and sepa rate as God has ordered in His word. by overwhelmingly rebuking any man or men who may dare attempt to ride a "church hone" merely for the pur pose of reaching Washington, Kaleigh or elsewhere. Monroe Erqurer and Eipress. Jndge Walter Clark, in the Naws ah Ossnvxs, makes some capital sug gettioiis anent reform in judio'al pro ceedings. North Carolina does not possess a more useful citiien We also notice that Mr. Field, one of the oldest and ablest members of the New York bar, makes valuable suggestions eon corning needed reforms. ' He advocates simplifying the forms of pleadings, deeds and other legal instruments He very truthfully remarks that nearly half the words used in pleadings, deeds and indictments are unnecessary. Take, for instance, one of our indiotments for murder, and see how absurdly long it is, how many absolutely useless words it contains. Law and medicine in some respects seem to have mide l&ss pro gress than any of the sciences or pro fessions. A physician will not consult with another unless he has a diploma no matter how much medioine he may know, nor will he use a patent medicine or any other remedy, no matter how efficacious, unless it is "put down in the books." And so it is in many re spects with the lawyers Does not this disposition to oling to the old ways and the indisposition to make any changes for the better tend to bring these pro fessions into disrepute with the people? Warrenton G;stte. Til farmer's friend has for many years been Dr. J. H McLean's Voleaais Oil Liniment, far horsjs, oattle, hogs and sheep. It has proved its worth in thousands of eases. f Mx, Prsrman is a young nan of jei-' ,d' jrMch was signed by thf trial Queen Viotoria seems to.be in troub. le altu . her son-in-law, Battenberg. The you og man is not admitted mto royal circles on the eontlieat. He is only rteoQisid as train-earer for hu vifsv migration and Statistics," etc. The object is for. the benefit of the farmers Of the State, and a large attend ance la respceuuuy solicited. A. M. EoAxxa, Chairman Ex Officio Board of Agricul ture. T. K. Bicxix, Acting Secretary. N. B. The railroads will sell tickets at the same rate as obtains at the annual 8tatefair. Baleigh, N. C, Dee. 15, 1888. fiStrt J iaaaM f mrtmr. This gentleman was a native of North Carolina served in the United States navy and afterwards in the Confederate States navy. He removed to 8hrcve- port, La., after the war, where he own ed a plantation on the Bed river He was in Washington City in 1866-67 Hie family, after hie decease, returned ' to North Carolina. Mr. Joa. A. Creek, cf this oity, yesterday rcoeived a letter aekicg for information with regard to him or his family. It is said that there is some money awaiting them. ltspraksfcr i'self, is what a lady said of pr. Bail's ough Syrup the other day. A .lnarie bottle Had eured ner ehUd of a n dreadful eeuxh. Is never fails to give Speedy rnuci ana permanent eura. One application of Palvation nil well rubbed in cored me of rheumatism in (he am, of two months studies;. 1 never intend to be with out U. H.B.KBAVJCB, : Washington, p. C Smia field Herald: At Selma the 8hort Cut and North Carolina railroad companies will have a joint depot, nan aid won ax rx urn's nm Y?ao rise unrefreahed, foal languid through the day, nave little appetite, and whose faces exniDit a aauw uni, arc on tne abort r on te to the grave- Unless they can effect a rdiea change In their condition they will not reach old age. Invlgoration Is the only means their physical salvation. Upon Foatter,a Btonuch Bitters they can rely to f Ornish thorn with the stamina, which Is a pren fuiatte ef health, and to remove teat prime cause of eon- tinned debility, indigestion and nor.-awimii-tlonoftho food. wi class these cases as one since they are Joint functions of one oran. the stomach chkfly. Buiitup and rehabiiita. tea witn tnu superb- restorative of vigor, the sysiesa mar via aenancc to maiana. rneuma- tlsm, bladder and kidney diets ee, and other1 nuuaaiea prone to attaex Lne enfeebled-: The fitters not only affords a safeguard against disease oi a virulent type, but effects a prompt reiorm in we condition oi a orowa or ordered liver and liregulaT bowels AWAY Spines and WE ABE GIVING WtU Tea, Coffee, Pepper, Cicatettea, Toucan buyyoor Goods atBernlar Prloas and get a hanaaoHM present besddca. Lone Jack. Cameo, Golden iMfc, XHuhana and Sweet Boa Cinrettea, with Pictures, Chairs, abd Clocka irree at AT NEW YORK PRICES: Park A Tilford's Imported Haranna and XO irgeTa Fine Ktij West Cigars. FINEST LINE Chawing Tobaccos in the city, all ot the Pcpo- thc lar Brands, and oat yon fbnet, Quiekeat Seller and Beat Snooker (ao SO Ugar equals U)IM unry ucanino Oct Old Va, Qheroots, for 10c; f Jo per 1,000 Don't take any Imitation. IN STAPLE ASDTASCT GBOCEBIXS We deal oirect with the Hancfaeturen aad importers and are prepared ta anybody's Prices Aorta orSootn. Finest Lino of Coffeea in the Stato at Cargo mace. Goldahoro Messenger : Some of our monied men are discussing the subj set of establishing a cotton factory in this oity. ; W o CsatlM ail aglBl kieiu. The unprecedented success and merit of Kly's Cream Balm a real cure for catarrh, hay fever and cold infhead has induced many adrentorea o place catanh medicines bear ing some resemblance In appearance, style or name upon the market, in order to trade upon the reputation of ly's Cream Balm. Don't bo deceived. Buy only hly'a Cream B Im. Hany in your flnuneaiate locality will testify In highest eomaiendation ot it. A par ticle is ai sued into each nostril; no pain: agreeable to use. Prioe 60c California Winea (strictly packed. Send for pnat list. 733 Broadway, Ntw York. pure). Securely D. hjca A Ce, 1 co fc what roe eniTunio" Choice New Crop New Orkana llolaasca: ki )ie cyrup, Pono Rico Molasses; JTmest Prepared fetraw berries, tttspberries, etc., la half gaUoa glass etnucaa paila, n new and hatkdseme style. Preserves and Jellies ia bulked loe par ppnadL JC J. Hartfin, 1000 BARBELS Straight Ground Fancy Patent Flours. Bought before the rise. Specially Lew Prices oa Sugars, Butter, Cheese, unta, juoa, jtoiaaaea, ibaro, Canned Goods a Specialty. RICHARD GIERSCH BALXIGH A8I5T FOB. a W. GABBKET A 00.S NATIVE WINES. Mr Garrett's Bcupparnong, c&aapagne, hfian, Port, Claret and ether wlnea are wall known tor superior excellence, aad are eflered for sale In wood or glass, not to be drank ea the premises) at prices charged bythe mean faeturera, 8 riCIJL Ilf IfTlti TBI TBADA For prices apply or write to RICHARD QLKRflOH, BText door U the Tarboro Howe, Ralairh.W C JUST RECEIVED : un or HUN KKE, OOLONG AND POWDER TEAS, GUN- Spices, Patapaeo, Orange Groya and Kicb- mond Fkmr, Ilarvey's Hants Breakfast Stripe, Lard, CaL mni, r-jocica nana, Fresh Candy, ane App.cs, Ac. Aout ox MOTE'S CIDER. SUCCESSOR TO m n i i n jti w. u. a a. d. WHOLXSALK and BXTAIL GROCER is Finest Northera Apples, (stock selected ex preaaiiy for u) Florida Oranves dirt et from Florida, Ixtra Selected Bananas and Jf aiaga Grapes, Peaces, LnOoa Layer, Mnacatoa California, YsJenda and Sultana BaJataa. ilpiflnrta, Walnuta. Kraail Nuts, JBxtra Large ana r euanod irecaa?. Mixed Paliahed n aula Nuts, Filberts Bkkory Nuts, Coooanuts. Fancy French Candy Mixture So lb bkta. Aenny canovna in great Yanety. Oval Figa, lib; lb, lb, iboxaa. Golden Dates I lb lancy boxes. London Layer Figs 3 to 10 lb boxes. contains Vases cf all descriptions, Toilet Seta, Bohemian glass ia all tints aad combinations. Beaded Bohemian-alaa Flarar Bowls and Baeketa, China, lrtaner.Tea aad Chamber Beta. Lava Ware ia Smoking Beta aad fetstoottca, Cups aad Saucers la dainty as wall as ptela styles, China aad Majolica Cuspldorea, Lamps BalL Bracket aad Beading. OUB FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT - . I Is marked by Bpaeial Completeness, all sorts of pretty aad unique arUolce belac ahowa. Among the specialties are lnkataada, Comb aad Brush Cease, Toilet sots, Albuata tor pho to gra pan, antographa, Silver phued ware, Can ten, Butter aad Plckia sliahea, ete, are onared, all speoial bargaina. OUR TOY DEPARTMENT lathe acre. rnlty, earriagea ttbieana ajapttrea, ana at pneee uat wui pw purchaear, DoCh m china, wax. biaque, rub ber, kid; patent doll-heads, ta all the new ries. noil aai complete fa all respects ever seea Mechanical Toys ef all sorts are a see '. Bicyclea, Teloelpedea, axprasawagoaa, lagas of all aiaea, rubber toys, tndeatruo. and aata. DOLLS OF ALL KINDS are i hata and shoes, doll HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Are shewa m great variety; Btaadard chamber seta, combination Un toilet seta, toilet atanda, cuUcry, baakettof all kinds, Un ware. OUR i CO-FECnONERY DEPARTMENT We ehvna Is a rpocial feature ef our buitnasa, also. Plata eaadlr, homo made aad of guar ntoad good quality, sold aa low aa anywhere la the Vetted atates Fine eaadiea, Freach oonfectioaa all by MalUarrt. I AAiTmau AMI m V AB X TILLb G r Ia the lace usually kept by a strictly irst class cniaa, Toy ana coniectiontry store win be alwayafeuBd at SCHWAB'S. Our store HO. 101 FATXTTXYILLB 8Ti win be kept epea natal Jan. 1st, 1887. KXCKLLKBT aad there, raad YABUCD 8TOCX ta kept V AT M ANUFACt CRERS' PBICE3. Motf s tparkliag Draught Oder, Peach aad Apple, bk-la ana trade bb'a. Champagne, Crab Apple and arboaated Sweet uoer; quart aaa pint nowee. ImportcdGlngarAle. , mm Goods Gordon A Dtlwortbfs sad Thurber's Pure Fruit Pieaerves and Jelilav, Mince Meats, Plum Fuddmga, Caatoa Pra- aervea uiager. SEE THE ELEGANT Pictures, aeess, Lamps, China Cupa aad Saucers, uiaasware, c, tc No A, W. FRAPS 233 FAYtTTEYLLLE feT. CpoattetheMATkeC CTap4sWm md m thesftr. I- JJ. FERBALL SCO 222 FayetteviDe 8treet. MOLASSES. ' Kew Crop Vew Orleaas, Pones Porte Bice aadcaba. Maple 8ynrp by Ue the gallon. Choice Sugar Drtp Syrup. ' Old-Faahloaod Buckwheat Flour. Sure Baietag Buckwheat in S aad 6 Ibte FINE APPLES AND.OBANGFS. FlacLtne Fresh Nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Peoaaa, Brantamaadi Pmavpi Stanyfli dbn sumoi'i e.8t. CHBIS 7 FUherta. Gordon A Dilworth s Mince Meat. Atmore'a a aad 10 lb fata. aa Freak arrival. extracts. Prompt delivery. Teiepaoae iddbur and: rd Mlnoa Meat, the pound. i Btaadard Flavoring aad pnoaa guana- MAS GREETINGS. EBVGEABLE PBESDIIS. ' MAJtl THI MOST LAST15GIM. ... ( P SESSION. Such presents can be saketed from our large 1 : : aadrresh Stock ef ' ( 'Ti : Clotlung, Overcoats RUBBER COATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. aats aad Caps, Lmea aad Bilk Handkerehiafs, mhiiin uitui, wioTaaaaci riaucta, Trunks, Valises aad Umbrellaav Fiaaael Underwear, . "A NEW LOT BOYS' OVERCOATS xeamTc oy oyexpresa jseymg tarn lue ta the seetea eaabka ns ta hay eheaper aad seUeleear. li f L B. ANDSmD A CO

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