ITews and I OBSisBVim. VnusMMB Daily (nxcxn Moat) a ; ' Wnm. if- ' br THE NEWS AND OBSERVER Co. J. i. Moan, Kdrox Daily one year, nail, postpaid, ' tlx month, i " tire f eeklyi oils year, " ! f ; . six months '-: $7 00 8 00 1 7fi S 00 1 00 Ho name entered without payinent, and no paper tent after the expiration of ime paid tor FRIDAY DBQBVlBSa 1883. Tan English, faster gives it up. He keld out 21 days, bnt as people didn't go tofeee him,, he e topped. jf Chattihq yesterday' With Mr. Bulla, the republican member of the legislative eommittee appointed' to examine the books and Touchers of the state nooount- ing department, he said he wtM not only not constrained, aa wepnt jain with his democratic associate a in oommendirg the admirable system f found in the Treasurer's office and the f Auditors tmoe, bnt that he did so' join with pleasure. We make the statement with pleasure on oar part. . it MesjiTas Maaxiaa aa wriiien a let ter teft New Oflears press;' making a flat denial of the stories', sentj out from Mexico to his diicredll 1 He say -qsiet brealftat was txvg?ratd into an orgie, aid an" attack of pneumonia was falsely stated to be delirium, tremens. Bis statements, too, we fully Upheld by depositions made by chigoes of Mexioo, which he forwards with his letter. This vindication is none the! lesawelccmed for beitg exactly what was. egpeoted by those who know of the lofty patriotism, the exalted ability and the purity Judge Manning has always shewn in a long period of publie service. ) r-.y ' ... r " ' ' - Ma. Powdmxt has issued jhuother of those "secret" eirsulars.which axe rail ed secret we suppose on the lucus a non principle since they are Re'vei; secret at all, in which he or ders the Waster work men not to allow in$- money to beij eolleeted : for the con demned ; anarchists at Chicago and in structs that such money as has been ooi- leeted shall be returned; to those whr contributed it. We are glad to sec th ' order cf : the Knights thus ranged again .- under the right banner. The principle of labor. organisation ; ufreoogB'ned by all Americans sod so loagieg the Knight of Labor keep within the bounds cf oon serratisiB and maintain derotion to law andordertheywUlhaTepubUesympathy.. When they go beyond these: limits how ,. ever, in the dheetfon of Uwlessnem they will not only find themselves condemned by the popular voice) bit deserted by f many of their fellow members if Y tbi rXxuiMisv coMrrratxs ntav f The admirable ecaditioji of tie state's finanoes is shown by the Wpori ot the eommittee appointed by the legislature to examine the books and Touehers of the. sect until department of the gov errment, tn abstract of whtchCf appears elsewhere in this issue. f The balanee on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year appears to have been $52,621.32; the teul receipts during the yea? 843, 047 28; the total disbursements $1, 180,018.16, bavins: a balance) in the treasury November SO, 1886, of $195, 560.44. -? . ;. ;"i . : . We would dire ct attention especially to that I part of the committee's re,xrt which refers to the investment under act of the General f Assembly of the .V surplus 4 per Cent in terest funds of the state- in. 4 per eent bends of the State. It appears that the treasurer hsa purohaeed $270 250 -00 of these bonds, paying "therefor $247,816.98, and ,thus leaving to the credit of the interest fund $35,924.22: We .are not surprised to hear the eom mittee say that in their e pinion "the moneys thus invested hare bfen -discreetly m'anged by honest; and prudent cmbials.' Nor are we ituiprLcd to hear the ton- mittee express gratiiioation ai the increased erecit of the stat in the money markets of the world' Suoh result was to be expected jto tow nat urallv from a demoexatic administration, which is equivalent to saying an honest, eeone mieal 'administration eondneted in the interest df the whole people. The testimony ot Hon. Wm. D. Kel ley, of Pennsylvania, to the wonderful industrial development nowj in pragress in the South, which appeared iu our telegraphie columns yesteriyij. is ex actly in 0ne with what the; $iws Ain OasviTia has been saying i year in and year out now, since a time whereof the memory of man runneth not to:the oon trary. Combg froi a leadrng" protee tionut,' from one wfo has always bar a so strongly in favof of oontinusd pro tection for the iron manufaetares oi Pennsylvania that bp has wua for him self the i nick-narae of yPig-Iron" Kelley, t is all j the morb 1 vain tie. It etn oerUialy : not he considered interested te:imony though it is interesting land very f much SO. ' It troves that tpe iron ' mills must eome to the iron ore the coal and the limestcne It proves that the protected iron iudistries of; PenTsy.yama aft maintain ed by the epublien jaiiff at the expense of the' whole ' people. L proves that if the; Pennsylvania iron works were left alone to stand ou equal footing with the iroa works -of the Soath they would be compelled toi emigrate tc this seetion or be undersold out of sigHt . in the markets of ths world; 1 It provoe the iniquity of thehirh tariff devisod by republicans in diferirainiitipit. keaitsi the 8 tli in fvorl of th; plutocratic iron-masters of the orth and withou ameliorating one Whit, a ia hypj oritically pretended, the condition of the laborer. It proves the truth; cf the argument that the tariff tx should be so lowered, so revised, that: all the iron industries of the oouu try would be put upon the same footing to tho end that natural advantages mifht have their due and proper Wei It proves, also, w at we have always m iLiiad as to the icdastrj, the inge uui'y, tht power of invention: cf the tJ-uiberu people. Theeo eharwtcrwtic , T . 1 I - III were conspicuously shown si the South during the war - and they have wrought out with ; little kid from abroad the marvellous recupera tion of this seetion since the exhaustion resulting from hostilities That Re cuperation has never been surpassed in rapidity or in solidity in the history of the world. It has been due to the indomitable energy of te southern peo ple which, latent perhaps in some fiejis before the change of our social system, has since eme forth to work: wonders in our own land while furnishing a never-ending surprise to our Yankee oousins, whose minds have always been engaged so constantly in penny-turning that they thought southerners ineapahle of doing anything but make speeches. Mr. Kelly's observations are those -of the intelligent ironmaster) who haipo interest but rather the oontrary in com mending southerojd vantages. It shows that the seat of the iron industry of tfcb country is to be shifted to the south The matchless resources of this region have proclaimed themselves in spile of all the efforts of the south s keep them hidden and to render thlm ofnoeffaot. ;1 The question arises, if the south has aocomslished such wonders under the adverse circumstances of a hostile tariff what would she not accomplish umicr legislation favorable to her interests ?. We are sorry Mr. KelJey did cot Ex tend his trip into North Carolina lie would hate found here as great natural advantages as thoso he found in Ala bama, Georgia and Tennessee. He would have found greater advantages iu many directions. And he would have found the same groat recuperation from the effects of the war, the same in telligent energy, the same industry and eapaoity that he found further south. it should not fail to be noted, eitucjr, before leaving Mr. Kelly's ar ticle, that he found the ' ne gro laborer of the South : better housed and better eared for than the laborer of the North. Mr. Blaine. when he spoke eontemptuously i of the southern laborer's heme, simply ad dressed himsslf to a sut-j ?ct about which he knew nothing. Wc showed at the time how far he had muled his hearers He is now confuted by one of his own wav of nolitieal thinking, but who. luokily for truth's sake, is more cartful in the statements he makes. Mr. Keller's -nioture is bv no means overdrawn, and it is true of the whole South as well as of the few states he visited. The South is to be the seat of the iron industry in this country, aa well as the seat of empire in the xjt very distant future. Such is its mani fest destiny, due to the msgnifteent cn dowments with whioh the Creator baa favored it. THE EXtnilAnOI Or TBI BOOKS). Elsewhere apD?ars the report of the legislative eommittee appointed to ex amine the accounts of the state govern ment. We spoke yesterday of the ad mirable system thsy found ia the office of our worthy Treasurer. Under the Code they were also Called upon to ex amine the vouchers in the Auditor's office, and here also, as might have been expected, they found everything is straight as a die. The straightforward, businera-like methods of the Treasury find their exact counterparts in the auditing department. As we said yester day ' Long live Don Bain as Treasurer of the 8tate of North Carolina", so We siy now, long live Glen. Roberts jas Auditor! And we mean what we sat, being satisfied that the people of the St M could have no two more faithful offiaera than Treasurer Bain and Auditor Roberts. Cor, ot the News and Observer. Balxjgh, N. C , Dee. 23, 1886. Much stress is laid on the faet Of a water supply for this city in the near future, and it is referred to as the crowning effort of our coming advanoe rneut and progress. I hope it may yield the advantage claimed, and more than is claimed, I hope, may be realtisd. Errors, howerer, had best be prevented rather than be corrected after they shall have ooourred. j This city needs a supply of good wa ter rather than a good supply of water! It is fur better that we should have a supply of good, pure, wholesome drink ing water only than to have a aoffioient supply for extinguishing fires, combined with a drinking supply whioh is of tnl ferior quality, and not of the purest and best that oan be obtained. It will be j of neadvantage to the cit'nn to sst his builiing from fire if the use of the same water shall prrj idioe his health or sha'l precipitate his dth. ! Then, iu the beginning, let u have a pure, healthy, life-giving drinking wa tar through our prospective water works system, or else let us hive no wat r works at all. We are all eoually in terest el. . If we get an unwholesome; drinking water put upon us, a genera) mutual injury will be i-flic ted upon us all. Now, let us look this thing rqaarely: in the face, and ask if we are about to secure good drinking wter for the oity of Raleigh, the first step taken by Our; eater works commission, or contractors, being to prepare Jonei & Powell's mill pond to be utilised for a water supply. Now the plain question uppermost in my mind is, eau a pure, wholesome drinking water, obtained by surface draining, be gotten from Walnut creek t Can Walnut creek thus furnish Raleigh with pure drinking water ? The mere dictum of your un worthy correspondent is entitled to but .I'.tle, and really but very little, weight, but when an eminont nhvsioian. an edu- I cited and cultivated and well read gen- r.i i!t- r t !i :i tie man uxe ir. uewis, witu no uwrest to subserve, says that good, pure drink ing titer cannot be gotten from Walnut oroek, then it is time to give that ex pression some thought and some consid eration. If you were siok you would send f Jt Dr Lewis to get you well, why not heed his opinion when it furnishes you with one means of keeping well. Is there a man in Raleigh or out of it; will there ever be a man in Raleigh or out of it, who will, or who would pass by the old famous " CoUins " spring, coa tizuous to Jones k Powell's mill poniJ and go by this pond, and get a buoket of drinking water in preference; or be Oiwo (be water woris people hays made this pond water better than thu well known spring water? It may be said that this supply is only for fire purposes, and not at all to be used fr drinking. Truly I, hpe this is so. Then I would ask, would this water ever be forced through the pipes oonveying the drinking water, and if so, would, or wovld not, this in some man ner contaminate the pipes to be used only in oonveying the drinking water? I am entirely disinterested personally in this matter. ; I have no direct or in direct opposition to the scheme. I only want myself and others to look before we leap. The debt to be involved is comparatively of minor importance. Be sure first that you are to secure the thing most needed. An ounoe of pre vention is worth a pound of cure. If vou want a house with a basement, dig it first, and not build the house and then dig the basement alterwards. Go slowly and surely. ; I propose to refer to this matter gain, and to inolude the important question of sowerage, and whioh may present the further question that without this pre caution of suffieieut sewerage, in ad vance, are we prepared for a by stem of water-works, and without it do we need them at all? A Cmzn. Th flplrlttff lb Slat Praa. . No one in North Carolina oan ; expect that there is the: slightest possibility of an appropriation of money by the legis lature in aid of any railroad anywhere CTft .1 .a . h swat Why, tnen, aisouss tne question t rue ocly aid thtt the legiela'ure can afford the railrosua is to allot to themoonviots and we desire our just quota for "the West." We mean by this term not only Bunoombe county and the bourne beyond, that great country whioh is so ably represented by the Asheville Citi- s3n, but we include in the West the great mountain region in Northern Carolina and a rcpeetable portion of the "Piedmont escarpment." It is possible that the state : ought to charge the railroads more! than it does for tho convicts, but, at whatever price they may be let : out, we demand our share.' The Advance claims that, as the Eut furnishes the bulk of the conviots. it ought to have the bulk of them sent baek to be worked in the E'st. Not after being sent to the state penitentiary A state oonviet should be like Daniel Webster; he should not pander to sec tionalism and should know bo North, n ; South, no East, no West. We do think, though, that the legislature ought to pise a law allowing etch county to keep its own eonvicts end, not' sending them to the peni:entisry, be allowed to work them upon public roads and other pub-lie-works within its borders. Lenoir Topic. : The attitude of the republicans we oan understand. Apart from the faot that the party is wedded to the full doctrine of protection, and to the idea of an overflowing treasury, so full of partisan reward and promise, there is a measure in thwarting the policy of an administration pledged to reform and making honest effort to effect it. Mr. Cleveland has fully demonstrated the wisdom, the justice, atd the feasibility oi tann retorm ana me , meinoaa oi re ducing the surplus in the treisury. Mr Manning, the Secretary Of the Treasury, clearly pointed out the- remedy for the same existing complaints. But both are powerless without the aid of con gress; stid that body with a powerful and strongly parHran minority of Re- publioans a and: faction of traitorous Democrats, stands stubbornly in the war.' Mr. Randall's friends intimate that a bill he may introduce may aeeomplish all that Mr. Morrison prtpssesJ That wilLnot lessen the indignity to that gen tleman in denying him a hearing, or mitigate .the insult to the people for postponement of prrsent demand for future possibility. If Mr. Randall is sincere, the admission of Mr. Morrison's proposition would not have precluded the discussion, probably- the adoption, of suoh amendments as he might choose to effar. But there is a vengeful feeling to wards the administration which must be gratified even; by the ruin of the party. .The greed of cffioe bums more fiercely than the love of party; a feel ing we regret to sec prevailing in this state in which republicanism has been such a too urge, but which is welcomed Lack as revenge for denial of fancied share in the flesh pots of t ffioe. Ashe ville Citjara. CURRENCY. The ladies- b!es 'em It beat F 1 When they are ytung and squdlers, Th1r hearts re set upon the doll When grewn, npn the dollars. Tld-Blta. His Preference--' Somehow or other, I don't think I'd care to be the prettiest sirl in the world,"; he remarked. She "Why not?" He ''Because I'd rather be next to the prettiest." Texas Sift ings. The Hsppy Nine Professor "What do you know about the Appenines?" Student 4 'Happy nine? They are in Chicsgo. They got away with the pen nant three successive seasons. You bet they are a hsppy nine. I'm glad to see Jou taking suoh an interest in base ball, rofeasor' Texas Siftings: "Pa," said Johnny, lookirg up from his book, "what does it mean to pile Oesa on Pelion V "There, don't pother me now," replied pa, "ask your ma; she understands ail about Oiilii nery." Boston Trans. "I think," said the demure Miis Waitalittle, "that a Christmas present from pa and ma would be very nioe, you know, but what I really would like" "Would be a Christmas present from some one out of the family " ' And perhaps willing to e mi in." she re sponded, quietly Hartford Post. It would have been "in the eloaaa ing," only it was winter tim1, and "the gloaming" don't work well when the thermometer is neighboring with itto. They two (the seme two, by the way.) were strolling down the walk lookieg at the show windows 'i'lt.looks real Chris mas like and oh eery, doesn't it, George?" "Yes it does, from the out side. But, inside, you know, it is an army of large figures to match a small pocketbook." And they walked on in silt ec, she wandering whether he in tended to make her much of a Christmas present or not, Hartford Post. Travel tm Earep. AKOTHBX IHTanXSTTJra LXTTSn f ICM BISHOF LYMAN. ! Cor. o' theKsws and OtweTyer. i Pams, Deo 6, 1886 Bines my letter on shipHoar l I have been s constantly oooupied that I have hardly found time for neoesaary corres pondence. And today I take up my pen without any assuruioe that I shall be able to finish tbi? letter We landed at the custom bxa iu Liverpool at 8 p. m. on Saturday. N )vember l3h. The examination baggage was soon over; and I was then escorted to Birkenhead, opposite Liverpool, where I had been invited to sptnd Sunday at the family mansion of tie father cf an English friend, residing in New York. I was very warmly welocmed to this beautiful establishment, where I was made to feel perfeotly at home, and I greatly enj yed their generous hospitality. I found that they were to have a large dinner party that evening, and I me. a num ber of nnst culture! and agreeable peo ple. I rommod there until Monday morning, and then took the ; train for London I went to very pLaeant lodg ings on Clarges street, near Pioadilly, a oentral place, where I remained j ist one week. While in London I was kept vary busy, and the woather was rather more pleasant than uoual at this season On i ueiday I ca lei at ; Limb eta Palace, but found that the Airehbuuop of Canterbury was still at his summer midence, Addington Park, some fifteen miles from London. I. went out there the next day, and fonnd the place a lovely one, but learned that the Arel bishop, who had gone that moraiag to fill an appointment, had not returned, aa expeoted, but they were looking for him every 'moment. I waited a hJf hcur, but he was still delayed, and not knowing how long he m ght be detained, I drove baok to the station and returred to London. The next day I received a very kind letter from him, expressing his regret at missing me, and, as he had engagements lor all the wecx, he begged me to write him as soon as I returned to Locdcn from the oontincnt, that he m'ght arrange for meeting me. The day after, I received a oordial letter from Dr. Wordsworth, the Bishop! of Salis bury, inviting me to make him a visit, as be was very anxious to have an inter view with me I went to Salisbury the next e ay, and remained at the palace until the following morning, when I re turned to iKiCdcn, alter a most agree able visit. Un Sunday 1 attended ser vioe in the morning at Westminster Abbey, whioh ia always such a treat to me, nd found the occasion one full of interest. After the set vioe, I went by invitation to the residence of Canon Grego.y, of 8t. Paul's, and lunched -a wim him, ana aooompaniea nun to a lovely service at 8 15 p. m. in the Cathedral. His residence is in an old place known as Amen Court, at the end of Pater Noster Row. These quaint old names axe very am using. On Monday at y 40, l took the train at Charing Gross, for Folkestone and tho steamer from there to Boulogne, and proceeded from by rail to Paris, arriving at 6 p. m. The day wes pleasant the sea calm, and the journey very agree able. At the station in Paris I was met by Rev Dr Morgan, and two members of the V entry, afed was driven to the beautiful residence of one of them, where ever sitee I have been most hos pitably.entertained. Nothing oould ex ceed the kindness wh oh ass been shown me, and the warm welcome which I have received as Bishop in charge of the foreign churches. The con secration of the noble ehuroh of the Holy Trinity, took pltoa Thursday, Nov. 25th, and the cccaaion was one of very great interest. At my request the sermon wos preached by the assistant bishop of New York, who, was passing through Paris, on his way to the east, for a season of rest from duty. This ehuroh greatly surprised me, for in the grandeur and completeness of its architecture, it is more satisfactory to my taste thn any ehuroh which I have seen in our country.' It combines sime of the most striking features of the old Eagliah otthciri s. and the American people may will feel proud of it. In connection with the ehuroh. a verv beau tiful be use has been erected by the gen erosity of a lady, m w itch is a very fine mortuary chapel, where the bodies of deceased persons un be left until it is desired to nmove them to America. Then the building has above, four large rooms, all used for ehuroh pu'pses for vestry room, training room for the choir, and rooms for ladies' benevolent societies, etc. It is the most eomplete aid beautiful strueturu for its purpoee, whioh I have ever seen. Iu this ehuroh house four large rooms were opened last Friday morning, for a re ception given to me by the congrega tion, and I had the pleasure of meeting there a large number of persons, whoso acquaintance I was most nappy to nuke. Li&t Sun ay I bad a most interesting serv'o' in the ehuroh, when I preached, confirmed thirty-three persons and ad dressed them. To-morrow I preaoh again and, administer the Holy Com munion. Soeial gatherings have kept me mnch oocupiod, and everything has been dene to make my nclocme here most cordial. On Tuesday next, I leave for Geneva, where I expect to offioiate tn the third Sunday in Advent, and then proceed to Dresden. I have had eeuroe any time for general sight-seeing. I managed to get a couple of hours, day before yester day, to visit the grea (Louvre) Gallery, and it seemed to me far more complete than it ever did before. It would take a whole month properly to see its mar velous treasures of art. I am glad to say that my health is most exoellcnt, and my friends are kind enough to say that I look younger than when they saw me here eight years ago. I certainly feel deeply thankful for the robust health which it is my privilege to erjoy. But I must bring this letter to a close, and I only regret that I hav not time to go more into detail. Var7 faithfully, your. TatODORB B Ltmvk. P. 8. I hope thJp may reach; y m in ample time to. wish all my fns- d a j yful Christmas and a hajpj New, Yar. Dr Soli's Cough Syrup ia a purelr Vrgei table compelled, insceat in nature aud rou dertul in efiect. For aulidren It is invaluable, curing crou a whoociag ctu. h, etc,. In f w hours. jri -e S5 emits--. Mr W. irve, of Wertererf'Vire, Md , writeK I anff r auntfm with scute i ho i. a ti m, and your Salvttton Oi! ves me a -taaeon re l;t. 1 cordially r ouiaaeni It as a ewsuenre, "it- ! i KaWMlMljr t Wbm, "HWMt ! ravrnira -..-. - - .. said the gifted but naughty. Lord Bvron. r it n was tn-d fanmar wk k. . hwsrdfc But th ate eomtrfaints ( thsaJ w -uijr wown mnrr, uu-a?e earrytSK namiben of tho down tn u-ly grave. Thar is hope for those wbe suff bo matter how sotely, or stvfrely, in Dr. R Pierces Fa vorite Prriniioti u.f. i . i. . . . r ' " km iw miuu ik ia too, for when women suffer th hnnu i. .T)a7 ANTED live, energetic man, torepr V V reeent us. S7B peseawMBati Mkew4 From the Sslem (Mass ) tiizette. "Faith- is c-onfide nee in th -rtar of something we cannot see, my little dears, the sunerintemlfnt. Thiinui t!e juvenile Sunday stnool class. "For instance, when you buy chestnuts yeu know there 'n a kfctiol inoiio ai.n i " . ... ! 1 V V. bilC OUCH. lvw that is faith. Do vou all conror. hendme?' ; Class, unanimously : "Yeth thir." Superintendent: "Then what is faith?" Class, unanimously: "Chestnuts P WONDIRFCL CURI8. W. D. Boyt A Co., Wholesale and BeUil DrUfi-ariiita. nf Rnms fi nr. i i elllnir Dr. K nn New TtlanvMr n Biiters and fcutklew's Ami-a Sarvi for two years ve never aand ed remedies that sell well, or eie luch universal saUtfaotlon. There have been dcdm vnnitsrini n. ted by these mrdirines in this ctty. 8evml ui ihudui'bcpq consumption have been entirely cured hv um nf & !. iwHi rt . - " wmww v, vr, Kintr ew Licovery, Uken In connection im it K ITItt. 1 I nr. vMi mumi. n b guarantee them Mwaa. owiu dj ie, oaason Co. The regular army of the United States uumDcrs nearly r'l.uvu j . . Wars be used Whan rhllir.m .r. .r,4. t.k It relieves the 11 til nirr .t ymiMf mu hw utue estersD awaxes as "bright as a batten.?' It is vary nWatnt. to taste: soothes the ehlld. anftn. thl Z7.? all pain, relieves wind, ragulatas thebewaU wethax rtoUg from ttmtkiag. r eiher esnaea TW.UtviiT'eeRtaa hotti Japan has 168 Protestant churches with a nuitbertljp cf 11,678. vvaura, jvuoioim or jteceunau in i any form, in the treatmeat of catarrhor bar- favar shouid be avoided, aa tbey are both: icjurioua Ji'i ttangerotia. lcdoform is easHV detected by tta cneaive odor. The nly reliable cat an h irumijua toe Biri i eoay is JCfy's Cream jaim. oemg iree irom ail poiaonora dnn it has cored thousands cf acrte and ehroric e, wiere an oumt remedies bare failed. A panicle is aPDlled ia&.ah nmirii VTV-i-. - bh saw usju&aa ajref sble to use. fike 60 cenu of druggists. Mark Twain ia now ea'd to be worth something like a million and a; half, A lot ef the Celebratl Hood Powders brat and safest powder fr breech-'oa' icir gam. V amokel Vo dirt! Vo recoil! If oot corn f lete atoek.rf guns and: rponinr goods ever ronjht to this market. Can oe J.c Brewster ' 'Tco Fwnr fni A rr-nrnto" rftnlM 1c Crop Kew Or k ana itelasses; Maple Pyrnp mow ao'iwraj a inni jrreparea straw berries, Psfp berries, etc, in half gallon style. Preserves and Jellies in bulked Ice per ywuBU. M. J. HaTHB, c morn la wines fstilrtiy pure). Securely iwaou. seaa ior prut iim. u, tiKM' at m jttvaeway, new sera. Fatm Casks To arrive Tuesday. 21st inst., Fruit Cakes, two pounds each, in square tins ; finest almonr maecaroons and other cakes.- . Extra ehoiee deesert raisins t Gordon' & Dil worth's minoe meats. Holiday supplies arriving daily. ifi J. Haanm. W. H. &R. S. TUCKER &C0- For Christmas Serriceatile ail DecoratiTe : Articles ion Christmas Gifts. ANGLO-INDIAN ART OAEEETS BRADFORD PLUSH WRAPS, SEAL PLUSH GAEMENTS, Tiniihed as a genuine al.iand for onrduaate aeeiaeaiy mors usciui uua the aeaJ. WANTED. ..e eVTM i llUhl 11 ' W T IVVCBiS taw. VJISV Swa eSBBWSJSSSnBMar aaasrw' Goods atanla: nTrr oaa burse autfit and Bar Baatan. LADIES wanted te get up Tea Crabs tor our Pure Teas ana Coffees. A host of ttoice to eelset tsei as oteiiuaaa -Bead lor Illustrated price and premium list. Snout. Orraa : to every tenth person that answers this advertisement we will send free en riTTd Af fhftfrnt tua i ddr a ' NarL tka (rrn On., Boston, Mass. ; W AKTKD. Pifn&tlnn aa lvnVVenr hv the Eastman Business Collate, wbo can give the beafcvf rafaraiosa. Address A, eanithis offioe. dec 1J J6u AHTED. Thlity. good quarry hands,, twcnty.flva stone-msrons, thirty-five laborers, towrkou water-works. Apply after II a m today GOODWIN & HI8, -Ccntracters lot Stute-work. , dec28d2t. JJ OOM TO BINT. A well furnished full szsd rooesi with sovthsrn f xposrre, on first floor in a meat de- sirabre ioca. ity to rent from Jaanary 1st, Ap ply to Mrs. L. Rosenthal, St9 Fayettovllle St. "ally tUi J-n 1. THE BEST P LA E ' IN Ths.Baal HeU uartors ot SAHTA CLAUI h D'fllWAIl'S in. TAmrsvois bt., a ISnrhe SaaeaCso loagawpUd by MOSSLT. The stock ia all department Is Intirely NSW, tke BEST sUALll T, aad la cer tainly oflend at prices never before mashed la NertaCareUaa. OUB THkQ rXATTJBJCB: KLEGANCK I CHEAPNESS EX- UlUtLJUiUifi. Of the thousands of ankles u 6tpek, rafted JHXNA, uLAiibWABK, LAMPS, BDUSX furbish lag oorfa, etc Bcsi grades PUtod Wares aad Table Cutlery and a large Uae of Fancy Articlea for Holiday Presents. W . H. BUQHXS, 80 TaytttevlOe St. opposite the Poetsffiee, Batelsrh, SJ. C "VT OTICK is hereby gtve that application XV will be made to the next Oeneral Assem bly of North Carolina te incorporate a Tar- . tiliaer CoaDpaay. I Balcigh, N.C., December hisee,dls. N OTICI. Notice is hereby rtrew that ar-nlicatlou wtH be ana e at the atzt meetiag ef the General Assembly M North Carolina for amendments te the charter oi the city ol Baieigh. C W. LAMBKTH, decll d0d. City Clerk. j JOD8H Wanted, j A geafrman desires t rent a home oq rr almtjy lated aad cOBtaior -slx or eight roams. Addmw ox 414, Raleigh, N. C' Is hereby jrivc a that application wfO ba made 'o the sat seas on of the General Aa aembly of North Carolina to incorporate; The CsroHa Manufacrerinff Coaspany fcrstiaUnii bobWna. STobls, eottoa geedsAe. . Raleigh, N. O, D. 1S,1S8S, dSOOV N OTl.I. Te regular arnual SPeHing ef t oelt ho lderTf the Cttirens' Katt. aaJ Bark of Ra elgh N'Hh- Carolina, w be held at fhefri B anting . Ft use ta TueMay, 11th JjUaryV ost, si tuvtn o ejcca a. . JOS. G. BROWN; declSdlttd. Cashier. t the tastes of all people, et all agsa, and ad- pca ser use as jsnemi I I seieiis, or wine a Children, as wall as for Household use and comfort, Els needless to speak ia detail. OUR CHINA-AND GLASSWARE DH- PABTMNT 7. eentaina Vaaeaof all descriptions, Toilet Seta, BoJRjulBSi glees m all tints aad eomblnatioBa, Beaded Bohemian-glass Finger Bowls sad Baskets, China, Dinner.Tea and Chamber Seta, Lava Was to Saaekina Seta aad fctatocttes, Cup and Saucers la dainty as well as plain styIeaCaua and Majolica Cuapidores. Lamps Matt, Bsaeaet aad steadteg. OUR . . FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is marked by Special Compteteaeas, all sorts of pretty and unique ankles being shown. Among the sueelaJtiea are.- Itrstaarts, Comb tijajautosnnLa. Blivet plated ware, Cas aVBautsadHkiUiah, saeaas offered, allsreaisl bargains -; IO i EOT- DEPARTMENT Is the anset eomplete ia aft raepeata ever seem here Jttcbs&ioal Toja ef aa aorta are a spew attf. -Bicycles, vekaipede azpresa wagons, barriaffea ef aUtawV lubbet tojar mdeetrue Ubleaad salet UUiXi FAIL) KINDS are diaplayadKad Anieeaat wlU'ykese everr omrebaaer. ielhrny china, wax, Ueque, rua pbar. kid: the new IxTMets sndaturs, doiIeses, ete. T J HOJIBOJ ARnuiJrW I t- N OTIC. The Stockholders of th Bal!sh Nation! Bank sad of theKatfonal Reufcof Rakia-bwHl arret at their Batata fieuae ia, Raiaih. at 10 o'el-ek, KCad Tuesdaj in January, 1S7. ThisTsa. S1, le dtd. RNSBORO T KHALI CQLLSQB. GlUBVFS bo. V. C. The 6ind Session of this proaperees shoOA. will bsin on Tneaday, Jn, 11. 1881. Tbi Iantitotior eambuea the comforts of borne wlih nrstlafts edticatioaal sdvntagrs. Loca tion healthful. Fare fend. - F sanity (ooos in to k oi a gent k men ate 11 safwe) (aMiencaaa laltbfoL Inrtructioas thorough. Charges mi- debate. For catalogue apprrto dec SI dJw. TV M. JOXCS, Fresideat. 'POAL VIRTISraS Lowest Bates for ad vertising- tn 1000 rood newspaper eea free Sproee . Adsrem Gia P. BO WILL 4 Co L 10 MeSt., N. T. ? ITorris & Caiteii CONTINOAHON OP Removal Sale. DRESS GOODS Ia Plush eed.Tfoe1, PaKra lengths. , Vfindew and Curtain Draperiesj Mantle, Chair and Table Fcarfs in Chtaiile, iMadaaaay Plush and Fast Indian Knott. Plusa aad Leather Goods, etc., ate. W. H. B. S. TUCKER 4 CO. RICHARD GI ERSCH BAUCIGH AGXNT FOB a W. GAIIBETT A CO.TS NATIVE WINES. Mr Garrett's Scnpperaoag, (Jhaagmagae. Misk, Port, Claret eau other wines are well known for superior excellence aad are offered for sale in wood or glass, (not to be draak on the premises) at prices charged bythe snsau lecturers. 8 FICIA1 IlKitHfK 1BFTBAD. For prtoas apply or wrtte te . RI0HA&D GIURSHrl, : Vert door to the Y arbor House. Ralaich. C GO TO Aa W. FRAPS No 232 FAYETTE VIT US ; ST. Opposite the Markt t, ' o buy your Christmas Supplies AND v' Glristif Pirstnts lor Ite Ctilinn ON HAND, ; A good ssscrtmsnt of Toys, Boys' Was;, oas, Sleiffbs, Whtelbairowa, Chatra Uollt, Freeh Candies, Raisins,'. Figs, Nats, Oranges, Lemons, Proses, Walua Grapes, Cukes. Anp'ff, But : tor. Lard, Coffee, Soaar, H ukee, Oo'Ong, , aad Ai nrowder Tea. Atn.ore's . Minoe Meat. Flee l lgan and. . Cigarettes; Pipes, Ctgar and Cigarette Holders, rteioking aad Cbew ' Utg Tobaeoe, ete. ' TREMEND0U88ACRIFIGE8 AND UNPABALLEIED BABGAIN8 Will be offered threugheut our , stock this week. , v Dress Patterns OF- BLACK AND COLOBED SILKS ROBCS AND WOOUUK FABRICS - Of every-description, togwk-r with asaay ouexA6vauies suiuoieier '(') Holiday Presents vmberdlspisyedat eztrseaary lew prices. RMtlMBAR, our stock must be sold ba ft r moving into our new store. The Greatest Opporiuaky at a UMtaae) to bu nraveiassw ffecaaseieir. jORRIS 4 pARTBH THE NORTH CAROLINA lOUt IISSUICE SOUPiDT OF RALEIGH, 9. C ttstwasslaesl tm laea.) Basbeea mnlrtax property ta Noith Care Una for eighteen years. With agents in neatly every town ia the State aaoosalbio to rail roads and east el the saountains, the 8tate, offering them safe mdemalty for. losses as rates as sow as uose oi pany working la North Carolina, Classes ef Prooertv Inaur Lrweiunn ia towa aaa eouatrr. axeGcaame risks, churches, schools, eeurt-housea. soeiete lodges, private barns aad stables, tarn pro dee aad live stock, eottoa gins. - iBsnre la the North CeUaa Home laser anos Company. , vr. 8 FuuBoaa, Caua. Boovy Pn side it 8007 aad Trees. W. G. crouraom, . p. Oowraa, Vice-Prealdsat. Adjuster. Office in Brigga' BuUdiag. No. S90 Fayetto TiaeetfeO. Teterboee Ne. M. Tim pArcnssf Are aaoiad saeat vasJrty-4 Stsjsffard chamber ta, aBafUoO tin toilet seUy toilet stands, butaa7MofaiiklDsia,tware. OUR FlOTWNiYTABTMENT asse. Plain. easMsiee, home made aad of guar aased eee guaUty seat e tow as aaywhere ia the Ctlted states J 1 me eaadke, Frsmek coatootsonc-an by JtatUawLr ! I AWTTH1NQ AMD f ARTTlirHG IathelmetuicaltykerAlastocUyJbclasB Chiaay Tef aad CoafaeUoewry Store wiU be aJwayrlouadaS SCBt AN'8) - Owsatoie lvi. lW FAT iTTt VILLI ST wiUbe fefj epewwW Jaar lsl 1S37. Aa EXCZLLlUST Ld YARil3 STOCK is kept Lbore. -i, U. FEBBALL 222 Fajettoville Street. MOLASSES. New Crop New Orleans, Ponce Terto Rise aad Cnba. Maple Syrup by the the galloa. Choke Sugar Drtp 8yru(v ' . Old-Fash toned Buckwheat Flour. : Sure RaMng BuekwheU la S aad S lb to peekagea.' ill) FINE APPLES AND.O&ANGESl Fine Lice Fresh Nuts. " Almonds, Wslanta, Pecans, BraaH Nats aad Filbert. i- Garden Dflwerth-e Pttrsa Puddlas: and Mine MeaL Atmors Standard Mlace Meat, 8 sad 10 lb b?ku. aad by the pound, i I Freeh arrival. Burnett's Stand rd Flayoiiasr Xxtracts. Prompt delrvery. Quality and pnees cuaraa- teed. . Telephone WiM Andrews & Go CHANGE OT Headquarters ; 1 Jipicvltwral Building HaMfax and BaBsbury atsc FISSTSQUABJB NORTH of CAPITOL Having moved our weedaad coal yard from ma, uuesosrtacc ot the dry) te within pottlca ONE SQUARE OF THE CAPITOL Ws are aew prepared te fumiah fuel at sheet 1 - Booee. j s I ; J HARD AND ; SOFT LONG AND CUT it - ; rrises guaraateed. Tulepaowe Me. 104V Bead iu your erdera. Can aaasssuatusff aria aaew row, tw uts aw tuf- am , 1 - J -

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