i' r 'i .f f " fill' I v.---- ' r i- T f -' i- ; 1 , It' i News P3 AND M - A vx : UB81 SEVER - X X '1 1 1 Il OL. XXV1IE. RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY MORNTNG, DECEMBER 25, 1886. NO 24 ... - 'ill i Absolutely Pure This powder nrrsr varies. A marvel of1 ri v. strength ud wholoitcmeaess. man NEWS OBSERVATIONS. A spiritualistic medium says that he has heard from "Becky" Sbarpeand that the wishes to De oalled Rebecca hereafter. - -Thomas J. Cluverius, the con demned Richmond murderer, is being overwhelmed with floral offerings from sentimental women who hare no one outside of jail on whom to lavish their affection. -The eolored people of Florida have declared a boyoott against the railroads, because of discriminations made against them. If the boyoott shall result in making the negro stay at home and stye his money instead of spending it in travel, some gobd will haye been ac complished. Chaunoey M;. Depew, President of the New York Central road, recently issued as order to passenger brakemen directing them SO "step inside the ear door and call out the name of the sta tion in a clear, distinct tenor voioe." A few days later he received the following note: eoaJiuciu tain ordinary kinds ana cannot be I 011 01 "nor voice told la competition with the araitttude of lew rao you eoxspeet to Hire for X4U a montliT less, anon weigni, aram or paoepoaw pwmii ; told only In oana. Rotal Baxoki Poww i l ., 10 Wall Street, New York, j i ' ooid byW C A tjroAa Gsrrgti; tr.ta.toh and J B Forrmll A. Oo. 'si ' 1 4mm cnoivci's l i s I Ml UVJ BITTERS OmUalac SOX vttk rClX TMIT1IU TOXICS, aMtlr mU t pIKnly CLEUSIS mm miaaa mm mood. fMaat thMtMrtkUTwaaKMMra. OMntho tart , UrtttoiiiO. ItaM iJototettwiafa,egtiiMa ittfi in. othkb iboi uftiepm BO Dm. If. 8. Kimouh. rftata. MaU ww i Yours truly. Jim The New York World has entered upon a vigorous investigation in regard to the evasion cf taxes in that eity by individuals and Corporations. 8ix large states alone, it haa shown, esoapes tax ation on over ft50.000,0C0 worth of per sonal property tubjcot to taxation, while the street railways, and gaa companies escape taxation on- nearly $31,000,000 worth of perconal property. The tax on these two classes would amount to $2,000,000 annually. 8tvliah vounv ladies wear short. silted Scotch skirts of erav camel's hair. Tartan plaid, or dark-blue imperial serge, to their home dresses, ohiifly be cause it is the fashion, but also to show their nrettv little low Chmrlea IX. ahoe of broDie kid. These slippers are ex eeedingly graoeful upon the foot anc fasten by a tiny strap of bror.se velvet wbieh cresses the instep and is held In a tiny buckle sst with Rhenish pebbles. A. pair of handsome golden- brown sua mJILIISimhZZi, 4 hose worn with these dainty ebaucsuref Mb- Vm. iTm M St. Mht St. Hr OrtwM, L urn Brora's tram unin nmiw mm " m Ul.Twinbh, il., an: "I tram atiildhowl wMh tapo Imm tin amm C 10S bobmdJbc, hm MM M Tll.nJ mmA lltMl mm mm m MB IT 1 Mww:Pniniw.T TrnktMUkoii MMtoantek MM0WM waxumaL oo, buu.timous. urn THE GREAT BARGAIN STORE OF. ' BALKIOHj . I i kas an the advantafes el Inwa haviax bore the always in New York market wtta the casK a band who Luy from boom which are co Mikdto take the offer of taese coeds. His the power of tie Almighty Dollar tut tut it " . . ' '1 - ' way through the centre of lima, hkh epw alles ua to tJfer goods at less than they can be ade for. Ia a hundred and oaf the JLacket Store Is satisfied with small profits, ana weskallauike our bargains, make, ourbual-f How eosM to the Backet Store and buy yoa foods, as we will save you money. We have jnat opened our HtUdaf goods, a huge and oompette sasorlaaent el Toys of all if doturipttoas; lJbum Fancy Oardp, PlBtun 1 ' ' " 1 ': ' ' BookavNoreJly Ttlcks. Oroat hargalas ta Dolls of all dflfertptlon'; Tire 'Works of all kin4 These goods we had manufactured and rtlcloj Will be old for loss than such ware- off with admirable advantage If "ycorg ducks are kept in confinement, to ture to give intm wood obarcoal, in their feed, and alto supply them with aximai and green feed. Thej shoulo have plenty cf vegetable food. Feed them eentrctsly, or let bm tut cut to ;f rtge for thtsbtelves. We cin add to tbe forfgong that fcr two. years-we have been very successfully . raisiig ducks on a pl,ce nhercthc only water they get is their drinking water, draws frem a well. They sever ci joyed awim in their lives, and jet they do very well. We find tiun by far the cheat est fowls we can raise; and there is a great advantage in their favor in the fact that thev are anbiect to no kind cf disease 1 In the matter of food they do not sees to pe a wait more enoice tnsn is a goat i, mm Xoefc oC .ilra focllltlo. Cor. of the Hews and Observer. Ike great lack cf rtilrctd facilities still existing in this state is striking! marked by the jeet that until this weel railroads were runnirg to culy foi tv eight county scats cut cf the ninety-six in this State, beirg one-half. This wt.k the trains eommeEcrd running to two more county seats, Pittcbcro and Ruth erfordton, making the ncubcr now fifty. Railroads are being built now to three more, Clinton, Nashville and Murphy, and there is a strong probsbiiity of others being built to Plymouth. Car- 1 ' W : a ( SW w mwm insge, xHtxtoro sna layiorsviue. ihere will still rejuain about forty county scats to which no railroad is built. being built or evn in contc mplatien. This ia striking when we consider that the nineteenth century is growing old and that we lack but thirteen years of being in the twentieth sentury, and that North carouna as wis xaie oay, witn nearly one and three-quarter millions of people. has railroads running to only half of her county seats and to the county seats of - i A V V . A ioriy oounueo rauxoaas arc not yeseyen m contemplation. Can't our railroad magnates be more liberal and progres sive in buiidit g branch lines and cannot our public men do something to promote more life and energy in the development of our mate by the-building of these iron reads which arc the soul of progress aad advancement. C. ever sold la this market. Come boys aad save your money. Ia addition to tbeatjgoods we have opened a full hue of Dry floods Notion fall doMriptioas. i Four thousand yards Mamilton! Prints at 4 worth "to. Our Jawelry Departmsnt will '1 J i i bo filled with such articles suitable lor Chtirt. doxea Sllyei mi PresenU; song them SO Plated Knives and Forks at a grea bargain f 1.7s 'per doasen, worth 13.50. We are also opening some great bargains is ur XUliaery Department, such as As raklaa 3 .! Trimming, at fl.7 worth f i.i; alio Birds ot kinds. Our Clothing Department and Boots and Bhoo will be complete. . i Call and see me 'lnfore purchasing. I will ays you money. BeP 4iuUy submitted to the CASH TBaDB on-y. ' rOLNEY PURSELL k CO., No. 10 Etst M artis Street. IhrltlMMrnMBUefUUd. Bockland Cearter-Oaattte. "Qoisg to give your wife a sealskin cloak for a Christmas present, l sup pose 7" chirped Bolded to Wiggles- worth, as they toddled down the street together. "xes, in my testily retorted. "1 suppose you would call thatpres- - w r . i i i a. T l 1 1 tn;s oi mina. woman t you r Joiuea ooi)jotured. But WigglesWorth was too busy fall ing over a boy's; sled to make reply. mind," Wigglesworth CURRENCY, i ' ' fi a time to be Jolly and glad, 'Tie lints to be merry aad wis J Bit the mn wLo keeps wise while he's merry, Is a wonderful thiax In our eyes. Tid-BiU. A Cincinnatti demst'e has fallen heir to a fortune of xzou.uuu. one nas oeen invited to eat with the family Bur lington Free Pres. Kl itbeth Uity ifioonomist: It is ex ceptionally healthy, confirming an opin ion wi have loDg held, that our climate from October to June (eight months) was equal in salubrity to any in the oiviliasd world. North 8tae: A new daily, the Morn ins News, will be isiuei in Greensboro, cimmeDCtog Saturday. January 1, los7 It will print the United Press, dis patches. T. B. KldrHge, editor; El- .ridge X Hampton, publishers. MISS TURLINGTON. THE DEAD BODY O THE LADY FOUND ABOUT ONil MILE WEST OF CARY. Caxt, N. C.,.Dec. 24. Miss Turlington was found about a mile west of Cary, and a half mile southwest of the R. & D. railroad, hav ing the appearance of being; knocked in the head. An old negro named Marsh, found her. Caxt, N. 0., Deo. 24, 1886. The body of Miss Turlington was found this evening about 2 o'clock at a point about one mile and a quarter west f Cary, near the residence of Mr. Wiley Bonghoombe. The body was found by a negro man named Frank MarehVin a piece of woods about one quarter f a mile south of the North Carolina rail road, and about the same distance" from the oounty road leading from Raleigh to Durham. It was found lying on its back, with hands crossed on the breast and one bullet shot through the head. The body was found about one hundred yards from a path leading out of the main road, and it seems that the mur derer made no - effort to oover up the body. It seems that the larger number of the searching party were near Mor- nsville. A messenger has been dis patched to notify the searching party that Miss Turlington's body has been fcund. Marsh was j not searching for the body when he found it. He had started over to ,Mr. Boughoomb's on business. G. W. Gcxes. A special train of two coaches left the city yesterday morning 'at 9 o'clock fcr the scene of the search for the body of Miss lassie Turlington, carrying eighty-four gentlemen, smong them Chief cf Polioe Hcartt, Messrs. Spier Whitsker, A. H. Temple, Jno. E, Bay, Thou. G. JenkiEs and F. A. Olds. The train arrived! at Cary at 9 30 'o'clock, from where the party proceeded to a pcint within one and a. half miks of Morrisville and commenced a thorough search of the country for a width of three miles and extended it to point three miles beyond Morrisville, going over the entire territory in which all reports seemed to indicate that the murder had taken place. The greatest interest wss msnifc sted by every one on the erouud end all were crettv thor- oughly convinced that the body of M sb lurlirgton wss in the vioinity. The butt uis proEeouted without cessasion, aid f cue evidence of the proximity of the bedy was thought to have been found on the discovery of a lady's bandkerehief having a red bor der snd beirg badly torn. This bsiickerchief wss found in open field a mile west of Morrisville on the Chapel Hill road. 1 he hunt was then confined until a special messenger arrived at Morrietillc from Cary and anrounced that the dead body of Miss Turling ton! hsd been discovered tear that place. The searching party were at that time scattered all over the imme diate territory around Morrisville and to oil thtm together and make the fearful antcuneement. the bells of all the churches in the village were tolled. After hear ix g the announcement, the party at once proceeded to the place at which the bodv was discovered. This poixt is about one mile west of Cary on the main road leading to Morrisvslle., and is not more than cne hundred yards to tbe left tf the road. By this point the North Carolina railroad and the county road tens parallel, being not more than twentj-fiye yards apart. Tha Raleigh k Augusta Air Line railroad tuns paral lel to these two roads for three-four the of a mile from Cary, beine to the south of them and about a quarter of a mile distant. Between these two railroads, and three- il ;i .i m r , lourins oi a mue west oi uary in a wood, is the exact fpot at which the body was found. The place is by no jneana isolated, houses being in sight ia : a? i A .. . .. two uirecuons, ana it is a matter ot ue greatest surprise that the spot should be ohosen for the commission of such a hoi- riblc crime. It appears that Bingham had driven ever the' road and through Morrisville, as before stated, going through that village at about 12 o'clock m , and that he had taken a by-road to the left of the main road, one mue neyona mat piaee. making a le continually to the left until he reached the main road near Cary a see ond time, then turned frt m the left of the main road again goings about forty yards into the woods when he stopped and tied his horse. This fact was ai oertained by the marks made by the horse in stamping his fore feet. The hat and retioule of Miss Turlington were hanging on the Dough of an oak tree at that point. Signs seen her indioate that the young lady 'had jumped from the buggy and tried to escape. It is pre sumed that JSingham shot at her as she ran, missed her and then jumped from the buggy, pursued and overtook her, dealt her some violent blows on her left cheek, knocking her senseless and then shot her through the head The pistol was evidently very close to her head when fired, her face and her hair being badly scorched by the powder. Right here were two old raits between whioh was a large blood stain. From here she was dragged for about fifty yards further into the woods, as was evidenced from the particles of fur from her cloak, having been oaught by the twigs and brush between the spot and the place she was found, tbu body as Disocyaaxn. When found the cuff on her right arm was pulled down over her hand and was stained with blood, indicating that she had thrown her hand to her head when the fatal shot was fired. Her muff was near her left side. There were four rinea on her fingers and a neoklaoe around her neck. Bar clothing had not been torn and was in good order. A art of her hair had fallen down and ad apparently been pushed into the oil by some one alter she had been killed. She seemed to have been care fully laid out, being on her baok, her hands careful lyplaoed upon her breast and and the lying upon a slight incline, the head being on the higher portion and towards the north. It would seem from the careful arrangement of the body that the maddened and frensied lover after hoving committed the horrible orime re alised his inexpressible inhumanity and had as a last aad forever lasting fare well to the woman he lovod best on earth, bestowed every tender caress and token of love upon her that was lest in his power. The coroner went up to Cary last night to view tha remains. It is under stood on good authority that the body will be brought here tomorrow on the 8.45 train and that the inquest will be held here at llMr clock. ,JM organ ta-Hiekory. TWO LIT1TOWN8 IUPBOVXM IUTS 001. i. Q HALL riBiOMUJS, AC , 0. Staff Correspondence. HiCKoar. N. C Deo. 21, 1886. After an absence of five years the writer again has the pleasure of : visit ing the town of Morganton and Hickory. IfOBGAOTOK, the county seat of .Burke, and lying almost under the shawdow of Grand father mountain, is one of the pleasant est plaoes to summer at in the Piedmont country. No purer, sweeter, cooler water can be found in the state than here. No cleverer or more hosptiable people exists than those of Morganton. Within sight of the town and not more than fifteen or twenty miles distant are the ' beautiful Blue Ridge mountains, whioh wherever seen produces upon the mind of tbe beholder reverential feel ings for thes: magnificently grand evi- derces of nature's great arohiteot. The spirit of progress has not been idle within the last five years, for during that period a number of handsome brick stores have been built, and Morganton will at no distant day, it ia hoped, be come one of the prominent towns of Western Carolina. We were happy to shake the hands and meet the smiles of mtny of our former friends, which among this people are not easily for gotten. It is at this plsoe that the Western North Carolina asylum is sit utttd, which is said to have cost about $f p JCOO. It is a magnificent building EICKC&T is fortunate in havirg among its eitiiena seine of the liveet business men ia the state. This place enly a few years ago wss but an obeeure railway station, but now seme twenty or more large, hand some brick stores, several tobacco fac tories and tobacco warehouses attest the indominable energy and push of its bus- mots men. It is at this place that the celebrated "Old Hickory Wagons" are manufactured. Col. J. G. Hall is pres ident of the "Piedmont Wagon Co.," the factory frcm which these wagons are produced. This company manufactures about 2,400 Wagons annually. Col. Hill is to Hickory what Col. W. T. BlaokweU is to Durham, almost the father of the town. He is a tall well-built man, with black hair, dark intelligent eyes, and pleasant cmile. He is a man of fine executive ability, and although en gaged in several branches of business, keeps them all well in hand. ; Col. Hall intends making an exhibit of his wsgtns at the next state fair in rather a novel style, he will cause a beautiful house to be built of wagons, the bouse bating several rooms, one of which will contain a large cottage organ accom panied by a good choir from Hickory who will discourse the sweetest musio, dur ing the exhibition. While in Hickory we had the pleasure of meeting the Hon A. A. Shuford, member of the last leg islature. We also had the pleasure of enjoying the converse of Bro. o. &. Brvan. editor of the Piedmont Press. and it gives us much pleasure to ac knowledge the many oourtesies received at the hands of this accomplished and handsome junior editor. Oae of the most orying wants of Hiokory is a good hotel, for with its many advantages to the summer rcsorter as a healthful piaoe, it . . 1 m . t 1 t . uus wsni oi a gooa oomionaDie noioi will forever preolude any business in this dueotion. Kb. Fmtaroa at How York. Niw You, Dec. 24. Greene & Co. 's report on ootton futures says: Larger portion oi toe aay was given over to holiday jollifications and the regular course of business was greatly inter rupted. So far as shown, however, fuotuations have been moderate and final rates were much the same as last evenintz with a degree of steadiness prevailing. Buyers, however, exhibited no great amount of anxiety and it is doubtful if fuller .offerings could have been absorbed. t m m Wooklx Bask Bttotoment. Nsw York, Deo. 24. The weekly statement of the associated banks is as follows: Reserve increase, $3,2-4 000; loans decrease Ip.zuy.ouu; specie in crease, 12,9 17,000; legal tenders e'e or ease 2,005,300 ; deposits decrease 12.089, '200; circulation decrease ftlll,- 100. The banks now hold $7,232,200 in excess of the zd per cent., rule. a tit,ooe,oe Fire. Lit eb r o l Deo . 24 The 1 ar goat an d most disastrous fire in Liverpool since 1847, ccourrad this morning, when the extensive general retail stores of John Lewis k Co., on Brunswick road, were totally destroyed. The stores contained an enormous Christmas stock, all o: whioh was consumed, and there wss also an attractive jicnsgerie connected with the establishment. The total loss is placed at $2,000,000. A HORRIBLE DEED A MASKED MOB MURDER A MAN AN D THEN ATTEMPT TO , KILL HIS WIFE. a MAKiirn disaitvk thb cbioaoo knights DIM AND 1 STICUL USSIOV OTBIX nswb at wrax. IWoBtorH Kowa. Special Cor. of the News kxo Osskbvik. AsHaviLLa, Dec 22 Notwithstanding the bad weather the tobacco market keeps up lively. Pnoes are good, and large quantities are being sold daily James Pitt, who was stabbed by Wil liam Townsend some nights ago on the streets of AahevUle, is lying in a critioal oondition. Townsend was committed to js.il to await tbo issue. Battery Hark hotel has A HorrlbM Da. Nsw Orleans, Deo 24. A special to the Times-Democrat from Koioisko says : At midnight Wednesday night four or five armd and masked men went to the house of Jordan Teague, a colored man living on Mr. Dodd's place, about four miles below town, and de manded entrance, claiming to have a search warrant. v The son of Teague opened the door, and on discovering that the men were masked and armed made a hurried exit through a back window, the party firing at him as he flad. Tho men then killed Jordan and shot his wife several times, inflicting what are thought to be fatal wounds One bullet passed through the woman's tongue and she cat rot fp-sk, but has signified that the knows who shot her. There are different opinions as to the cause of the killing and who the guilty parties are. The community is highly inoensed at the cowardly outrage, and there is no doubt that a thorough in vestigation will be made of the affair. ; A rroack StWMur Koak; LiiBOM, Die 24. The British iron clad Sultan ran into and sank the French steamer Ville de Victoria while the lat ter was lyings at anchor in the Tagus The Ville de Victoria had 250 persons on board and several cf them were drowned. The Sultan is an irrn steam ship, armor-plated, and is of 9 200 tons burden. A Bpoefal Sooaioa Aaked Far. Chicago, Dee. 24. Tho carpenters' local assembly, K. of L., adopted reso lutions last night calling on all district assemblies to demand an immediate spe cial session of the general assembly. The purpose is stated to be to afford an opportunity to prefer charges against General Master Workman Powder ly, for overstepping his authority. Tko Strike of tbo Frelg-bt Brakeaaea. Locisviixa, Ky., Dec. 24. The strike of the freight brakemen on tho Louis ville & Nashville road is confined to the main stem between Louisville and Nash ville and the northern end of the Knox- ville division. No freigut was sent south from here yesterday over that road and none received. Notices have been issued to shippers that until fur ther notice no freight will be received for the south by,the company here. All passenger trains are running without in terruption. The management have an nounced that no striker not at work by 1 o'clock today will be taken into the ser vice seam, treneral Aianagcr Mam- han stated last night that he hoped to resume trtffio in a few days by men brought from other points and will offer permanent positions to the men going to work now in place of the striken who refuse to resume work. A Btrlko ot SouMOOIa, Fla. Nxw Oxlkans, Deo. 24. A special reoeived by the Times-Democrat last night from Pensacola, Fla , says: " A strike of the stevedores or baymen, against two contractors has assumed larger pro portions than was at first anticipated. The gnevanoes with the, men are in the modes adopted by the contractors in loading vessels. All the eontrao drs- exoept the two above mentioned, have consented : to load vessels in aoeordadoe with the : requirements of the laboring men's association; hence the strike was last Monday inaugurated against the two dissenting contractors. This failing to bring them to terms, the Stevedores Be nevolent Association and the Bivmca's Benevolent Association, composed ci even or eight hundred laborers, white and black, in joint session decided to stop all work until the difficulties were adjusted, Coner qiently there will be t general strike tomorrow. Total Wot Roeeipia. Naw Y obi . Dec 24. The following ars the total net receipts of ootton at all porta sinoe September 1, 1886, ia bali: Galveston, 552,388 bales; New Or leans, 1,015,007 bales; Mobile, 146 584 bales; Savannah, 626,950 bales; Charles ton, 312,171 bales; Wilmington, 111, 826 bales; Norfolk, 331,814 bal-s; Bal timore, 30,446 bales; New York, 35 -892 bales; Boston, 27,826 bales; New port News, 48,329 bales; Philadelphia, 18,864 bales; West Point, 157,795 bales; Brunswick. 21,731 biles; Port Royal, 12,150 balco; Pensaooli, 9, 074 bales. Total, 3,500,723 bales. Forolca Xowa. Paris, Dee. 24. The French press have been warned against publishing military news whioh would bo cf use abroad. Charlotte Observer: The people of Charlotte for the past week, have be;n rpoeiving the New York Herald nightly at 12 4 am, it is in. Charlotte twelve hours ahead of other New Yo.k papers. LEVOI EI.IXIS Cures indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fever, chills loss of appetite, debility and nervous prostration, by regulating the liver, stomach, bowels, kidneys and blood. - Lemon Klixlr is prepared from the fresh Juice of Lemons, combined with other vegeta ble liver tonics, cathartics, aromatic stimulants and blood purifiers. Fifty cents for one half-pint bottle. $1 for pint and a half bottle. Sold by druggists gen orally, and by all wholesale &rujri?UU. T LEMON HOT DBOF3 Cure all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all throat and lung diseases except Cocsumptlon, which disease it palliates and gren&ly relieves. Price tli eenta. Lemon Elixir and Lena n Hot Drops i d by druggists. Prepared by Da. H. Moa ut Atlanta, Ga. nearly 100 i a winter resort is notice. Bill Nye gave it a boost the other day. A few moresuoh meets of praise will no doubt give our "Mountain City" a national guests. Ashe-'! Ij ai ooming rapidly into reputation, pud bring thousands of wibtir visitors where hundreds come now. Ia sp its cf the snow, the weather has been an 4 is charming to those who don't mind d The rcceit action of' tho board of oemmissfeners in refusing to extend to the register (of deeds-eltct R. H. Cole time to file his bond has exoited wide spread comment in the oounty, and an indignation meeting of oitisena is talked of. It is said that Mr. Cole will insti tute a civil action to teat the validity of the action of the board in the courts. A meeting o' citisens of Bat Cave, Henderson county, a place midway be tween Asheyille and Rutberfordton, not far from Chimney Bock, was held Sat urday in the interest of the proposed extension of the -Carolina Central rail way to Ashe ville, Aa adjourned meet ing will be bold at Fair view on the 7 th of January, j The extension of the Car olina Central railroad to this eity would be of great! benefit to all this section, and is anxiously looked for by our people. Capt. Aldett Howell, a prominent lawyer of Waynes ville, Lis gone to Louiaitna to spend the winter, acocm-pa-ied by bis family. Cf.pt. Howell and George H. Smathers have farmed a law copartnership. The man Jakes Piat, who was stab bed last Tuesday, is growing worse, and fears are)entcrtiained that the wound may prove fatal, j ' Hon. James TI. Merrimon will be sworn in here by Judge Qudger and will on January the 4th hear the ease of W.I W. Stringfield and wife against J. C. 8. Timbcrlate and wife. Judge Merrimon starts east about the 7th of January, and will hold his fi-st court in Pitt County. Judge Gudgcr and Robert D. Gilmer have formed a law partnership at Wayncsvillei. Mr. J. Hi Goodsell, of New York, is in the oity. His family are spending the winter here. Mr. Goodsell is Presi dent of the National Press Association, and was the founder of die New York Graphio. t A man named Supp was tcoidentally shot, and perhaps fatally wounded, on Big Ivy a fVw days ego, by a friend who was carelessly handling a pistol in his presence. CbrlatosM sise. Last highi while the falling rain was keeping peCple indcors, acd making the impression upon them that every thing vii gloomy without, Fayettevillc street presented a brilliant scene. The stores were brilliantly lighted, and the elcotrio lights in various parts of the oity threw into tho falling drops of rain a lustre that caused them to resemble a shower of diamonds descending Irom the heavens, and indi cating that all the wealth of a most rich and bountiful Father was descending up on the children of the earth as a greet -ing of the harpy season just dawning upon them, acd showing that good will was omnipressnt even in the threa tin- in? CJementi. One year ago look back. There! were then in this city no elcotrio lights no street cars, and other improvement- not then in this beautiful "City cf ''aks now appear showing that a wave of progress has swept over it. For all these things and tho with holding of violenoe of every descrip tion, let every one return thanks, and let Hope, the harbinger of peace and happiness inspire every one to work and wait for mre and greater developments before the dawn of another Christmas day. Bmalaoaa Local. The best opportunity that . has been offered ia a long time in this state for going into business is now presented is the town of Kittrell. The most favor able terms are offered snd the greatest conveniences presented. See the adver tisement of Messrs. Capehart and Davis i mn i Reidsville Call : An insane man from the southern nortion of the county was taken to tbe j ill at Wentworth last Tuesday and after ho had been plaoed in his cell and tho facer was looking the door, he heard the man fall on the floor, and upon examination found that he was dead. Ashevillej Advance : There are nearly one hundreji guests at the Battey Park hotel, manyicf whom will spend the win ter. The proprietor, Mr. Southwiok, continues to mako improvements about the house. Kinston Letter in Mcsengcr: The revenue ofitcers made a raid on the moonshiners in Trent township last week and captured two stills and about t of muih and beer. The smelt a mice and flipped thirty barre old "ooona away. Be sute and ioll for Dr. Bull's Cough Srrupj u you art troubled vc ltn a baa cough or cola. Mr. L. B. Kicter, of Lancaster ,Pa. wrote us t Having a sprjiind 1 g of almost thl ty days standing, and after tr ' jg hill a dozen adver tised pre pa Till a tn the m ixaetwltnout eati factory reu H I triod Salvation OH and In Iris than three nays my leg was alright again. meres not ung t. A full Ha rgna, elcgad U Stone's a of Ladici' Desks, nsw de- hacdiomc in stock at J. h HCITKMINT rw TIXAS.. ; Groat excitement has been caued ia the vicinity f Paris, Tex,, by thi remarkable re covery of J E. jCorley, who was o helpless he could not turn In bed, or raise his head; everybody raid be was dying of Consumption. A trial bottle of Dr. .King's New Discovery was sent him- Finding relief he bought a large bottle and a box ot Dr. King's New Life Pills; by the time he had taken two bo 'ta of Pills and two bottles of the Discovery, ho was well and bad gained in flesh thlrty-lx pounds. Trial Bottle of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at Lee, Jjhnson & Go's. . i , Michael D avitt declares that Ireland rill have ; home rule within three years. Craap,AtOi tetent Cottfu Ctoi OeFtw. OoMm. Hi Bn tohJU, WAooplns Oouca, lndptoif Conirnp- paraons a adnnflcd aUKe of lh dmM. rt Met. Ca- Xlam. iu uaniB ur. mui l Cortah Byrmp ia cold mnlf tn wkit wrapper, and bears ow rerutnDd trmd-krkt to wit i ABU'lIlnd imm Cird.mJid- strip vantum-Laon, and Ui SALVATION OIL, .Tbo Qreataat Cor oo Zarth for Pain," Win relieve more quickly than any ether known remedy. Rheumatlam, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, acaios, cuts, L.umnao,sores, h rost- oitcs. uacxacne, wcunas, Headache. Toothache, Spralaa, &c Sold by all Oruggiata. Price 25 Cent a Bottle, mmmtrna wao earn Satha Parte n Soan nlii inil ate. Afirw m.wtmxmmAOm aas aodi ttvo UMtr waoia Da US ssay b aroCtably rftaiowaoaa4caML isa,airtoiioa7vo Eamrdfasnach, i Jeweler M Optician RALEIGH, N. O Gold and Silver Watches, A merlcaa and Imported, i Real and Imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wadding aad Engagement Kings, any also and weight. Sterling Silver Ware lot Bridal Presanta. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and lye-glasses fa Gold, Sllvar SteeL Rubber and Shell Pramea, Leases, white and tinted, la endless varieties. seals for Lodges, Corporatlona, etc Abe Badges and Medals foil Schools and Sociees made to order. Mall orders promptly attended to. Goods sent on selection to any part of the State. OT Old Gold and Suver in small and lane quantities taken as eaafa. dly. SEED RYE, For sals by JONXS A PO WELL. COALi Dodd i Ct ASSARD'S PURE LARD. i ! .. : 1 , - WHAT A WELL IIIWI tlTHliriATI HIT IT i i Mx. B. H. Woopill; "Doar Sir I have now used Casfartl's Lard roh winter and rammer and it aa proven entirely satisfactory. We had the offer of well known pure country lard and my wife advised the continuance of Caesard's. I hearti ly congratulate you on being the agent for such a prime necessity of life. "Toum truly, Bjev. W. J. W. CEO WD KB." For sale by the following reliable Grocers : W. B. Maam & Co., W.Jft. Newborn A Co K. J. Hardin. W.H. Kills, J. R. Ferrall Co., W. C. Upchurch, a. W. Fraps, A. B. Stronach. far. Conaard & Son i BALTTMORX, MD. ers bf tho Celebrated "Star Brand Cured Hams and Breakfast Bason. Florida Oranges, MOUNTAIN APPLES- A consignment of eich just received and for sale by JONS POWXLL. 700 TOBTH, beat quality, Bed White, Ajb, Xgg, and Mut Ccal, lost arriving. Oak and Pine Wood; Shingles, Lathes, Lumbar, Corn, Oats, Hay. Meal, Flour, Bran, Chops, Cotton Seed Meal, Bice Meal and a tun variety of HORSE AND COW FEED. Band orders td ' JONT(&POWKLL, J - 1's Corner Or Contra! DepuU " JUlclh.O. : vs. I y i I 3 t ! J 5 . 1 )r. . i-.

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