t I i it M. j ?4 - 1M : fir R i.L XL 1 1 ata '1- News AND .aaaf at a mm. U.BSE 1 RVE I , J ,ol. xxvin. 3 $V :5 - ; ! RALEIGH. N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNTNG, DECEMBER 29, 1886. NO 25 - rl 1 1 -Jl Absolutely Pure, Emm This powder tr varies. A marmot .rT. atrenrth Mid wholesomeae. Mat eonomlcal than wdJuary kinds and ano be 'Id tm oomptltiott with tho multitude of low mil short weighty alum or phosphate powder Stld oVtT IB CABS. EOT At BAKDW POWM lex, 101 Wll Street, New York. . f Sold bj W C i B ftr coach, GrgeT -iroineh ad J R Farrall A Go. ,. ; LOGAN. TEE DEAD 8ENATOR TO BK BUR IED PROBABLY IN CHICAGO, TM IVNIliL TO Bl BBU IN TM BBKATB CHAM IK Ml XT ?BltAT PBB8IDBNT i 3 ' i it GLIVBLAFD MUCH BlTTiK BIVKB ITBAMBRi BJRBBD AT CARIO, v , i WOMEN eila iml atiaaatb, jr-wIM mmWtw trwm , taSimltt illr thai Ma. samU try mm OESTTONLCi m 1m witt ww U taniem. mmi to faralubU for Vtmmm pmliu t r ta eoMpkaiott. infwklS Son aota. 1- Aam mat, bUoka tb hnIlmm fa i1ib,r red MWlpliiia mlftltmr tnm Jrit . :; ' Bu. EusAmxa Baxkd, m FmB AfOliliMV ThIwTsrMfBrSlroBitr,iiihMb (liiiMiUliiU ! r 1J ubUkmntmf tnm motamm Aoapt BnmWu tram tuxtm.' TmhM mm atar. kfadaaalvbr BKOWJI CMBMMAL BALTLMOKX. MJB THE GREAT BARGAIN BALKIGfiJ STORE Of i S e kas aD too adTBatajCB of troB hatlas buy en tt) aiwaji to New York airket with tbeeaih l hand who buy from hooeea which are peikdto UketiM offer of theee fodsv Jtb i iS ? tie povcrof tie Alailjhty Dollar eu'ttof ita . . . i warthronch thectBtre of line, hich'en ablee ua to cffar rod at leea than they eaa bo Biade for. h i hfndred tad obo eaoetbe , ' 4 -mi ; ; & r Backet Btore la aatlified with tmajl profitaBBia wo BhaU Biake our barfalna make ourbUBr- '.BMB. 1 ' l i XTow ooat to the Backet Store BBd bay yoar fooda,aa we will oare you money. ; :' We hate jxnt opened our HeUday SOoda, B am aa1 eompette aaMitment of Toya of all ... . deauriptloua; jLIbuma, Faaey Cards, Pleture Booka,5oTelty Trlcka. Great bargmlBs la DoJIb v' - : '9 I ' el an deteripiioa-; Tire Works of all kiada " & 1 : bow. Thfee goodu we had manufactur daad , Witt be aold tor leae Utam auck artielea iwore erer aold in thii nurkeC Coe boya and aare year money. Jjb addition to theao hare opened a full line of Dry Sooda Notiomi t all deeeripUona. Four thousand yards Hamilton Prtnta t la worth Tic Our Jewelry Depirtment will 5 - M illed wlUi vuck .irticlet ioiUbla tor XJhrUt Plated Kniree and Forka at a pttt barfain' tt.71 per doaen, worth 13.80. J J We are also opening some great bargains. In ur XUlinery Department, such as A rakhaa. , ' Trimming, at 91.75, worth f 2.25; also Birds IjiWu hiaotom, Deo. 28 Mrs. Logan rtceiyed (his morning a long telegram signed officially bj the city clerk of Chi cago, embodying resolutions adopted by tie oily oouneil last night. The council formally requests that the buiial place of the dead statesman be selected in the oty up on whioh he has oonferred eo naeb honor, in a site to be dedicated by the city to the purpose. Tbeeoonoil appointed a committee to eonfer nith committees of the civic and military or ganiiations in regard to the seleotion of the place of burial and to make arrange ments for the reception and interment of tit remain. As announeed inform ally last night the decision ispraotioaUy reached to hato the funeral in the Sen ate chamber next Friday and then con roy the remains to Chicago. Few of the details of the arrangements have jet been determined ipon. The Senate committee acting through the sergeant-at-arms will have immediate charge oi the remains. Col. Kennedy announces that by request of Mrs. Logan General Sheridan will be in Charge of the pro otssion. which will escort the remain from Calumet plsoe to the oapitol. Washibqtcb, Deo. 28. During the afternoon telegrams have been reoeireo from Chicago which throw a measure ol doubt upon arrangements supposed to be already practically concluded for tfc ingan funeral. The! park eommissioii ers teltcraph that after eonsideradou with their attorney they are reluctant!) ed to the conclusion8 that they lack th authority to set apart a place for th burial in the public i park, but the au thorities say they would doubtless be granted at once by the legislature whioL convenes next week.! In the meant me tke oitiiecs cencmittee of Chicago eug- fist other arrangements which can be perfected without delay. The necessity for a tpeedy eonelusion of the matter may peseibly lead to1 an entire abandon ment of the plus thus far considered. Waibiboio. Dee. 28. 1F86.-A movement is on foot! to have ex Confed erate soldiers represented in the funeral pro session of senator ' Logan. Many ex Confederates have expressed a desire to panicipaU, and it is probable that a plaoe will be provided lor them u e proeessioB. i U It has beeti decided that tjen Logan's remains will bo taken V the rotunda of the$ opitol Thursday; iheroto lie in state untu hnday, wbi uefuseral services pul be held and th body will then be tiken to Rock Cre it metery acd plaoedl in a vtult, to await arrangements lor nnai burial. a i A Pwaiy Dame. . ChiCaoo, Doo. 28. A Times special from Charleston, West Virginia, says: On Christmas evening at Kenri's Creek, a mining village on New river,, in Fay ette oQtxnty, about one nr ile below Co?p erton.'Mr. Lovejoy, a miner, gave, a danoe o whioh was invited the entire populace. Tbe dance was orderly until the fumes of the liquor began to iaflu enpe the brains of the young men who wire present. .There wero two factions st the dance, who bore each other a grudge, the Gilberts and the Halls. The friends of both parties tried to keep the trouble that was brewing under control, but it was of no use. Finally revolvers wero drawn and shooting began. George Gilbert fell at the first round riddled ith bullets. Elijah Gilbert and John Montgomery reoeived mortal wounds and John Land was badly out with a rasor. - kinds. Oar Clothing Department and Boots ana Shoes will be complete. i ' Call and see me before purching. Lwi8 -, t 4 .2 save you money. Bepe Itally submitted to thf TUADI'only. VOLNEY PURSELL A Ct).,?'; Ho. 10 East Martin Skroet rvoaldoatS lITlaad BlaiBi Baltor. WafBlxflXOBJ, D. C., Dee. 28. Pre i. (lent Cleveland was nueh better thb mornirg, and it is expteud that he an. bt able to take a caiiUge ride this after noon, i i - -j - : " i v' asvarai maaaaar uairm. : Caibo, 111., Deo. 28 A fire at 6 o'clock this morning I destroyed the Mif aifsirpiyalley transportation eWmcr Rrt). Hayes and four barges, and the an chor line steamer City of Natch i, while Ivins? at bank. Ihe fire issuroosed to have originated in the after oabin of tbe steamer Hayes, soon enveloping the whole boat, burning her to the water's edge. The fire spread iff the City of fiatohti, lying just below tbe Hayes, as a a ana in a lew moments ine, too. was a mass of fiames. The barges along the side of the Mayer, loaded with ootton, soda ash, and sundries, also took fire, and were completely destroyed. Hoth iog but the wrecks of the burned hulls t amain, ine uity'oi jnatobd was built at Jefferson villa three years ago and was valued at glQO.CCO. She was one of the finest boats on the Mississippi river The Hayes was built by the Valley oomp any about five years ago, and val ued at about 50,Q00. The loss of the 'barges and contents will make the loss reaoh about 41,000.000. The insuranoe is not known at present A strong northwest wind was blowing at the time of the fire, and held the boats into the bank and prevented the tugs from saving the fleet. Two barges lvira outside those burned were eut loose and towtd to a safe harbor by tugs. The wrecked and burning hulls are beiae towed to the other side of the river and beached i , m m ratsiraa it Daw Vrau ' flaw iobx, Aioe. o. uroeaeuo. s report on ootton futures says : The " . 1 1 ii t !il marxet nts ocen lfreguxar witn a ucctine of 6 points, and undergoing a partial recovery with some showing of steadi ness at the closei Ua the whole, how ever, the current feeling appeared to saaioly favor the f 'Bear side and while qiiie a number of eon tracts nave been put forward from January, there has ali been considerable spilling out and wi h drawing on the part of the longs as selling off new 'ihort deals. 7 lata Btarm TUroacboat Kug-laad. Lompobt, Dee. 28 Afier the violent and U'iusuallv heavy snow storm, a rapid thaw set id throughout the eoun- trv. The stornv did great damage to the grounds around Buokiogham Pal ace. In Hyde Park, London, trees wero blown down, and all over the. oountry telephone and telegraph wires were destroyed and railway trains in -.1.3 I i To Btaatlaa; or Parllamaaia. Lokiwii, Deo. 28. It b cffioially an- nourioed that the meeting of parliament has been postponed until February. rarala Ssws. SortA, Deo. 28. A military commis sion is at present engaged in translating the words of oommand used in the. Bul garian; army from the Russian; language heretofore used into the Bulgarian. Anothar Bond Call.' WaIbinotob, Dec. 28. The secre tary q the treasury this afternoon is sued the 145th call for the "redemption of bonds. Tbe call is for ten million dollars of the 3 per cent loan of 1882 It matures February 15th. Cbrlataaaa lm AabaTina. THB VISTlVmBB MAXXin bt a tbaoio co- I COBXBBOB. isoiTOLi, Deo 26. The Christmas jusi passed stands cut obnspicious among all the Christmas days that Ashe- ville has seen. riaturemiled upon us. The day was mild in comparison with the; preceding days of Deoembcr, the mercury ranging from twenty two de grees at sunrise to forty two at noon, and declining again si t unset to the morn- its' "temperature. It was ; the most beautiful day that the present December has yet witnessed. The Christmas rejoicings pet in with Christmas eve, but were quickly ebeeked by a trsgie oecurrecoe, that sent a thrill of horror through the town. At 6.30 in the evening, while the streets were tbrotled with people, and fire-crackers were rcscunaing m ine streets, a pistol shot rirg out on the air at the Swan nsnoa HoteL Edward 8. 1 Aston, a young man of twenty-two years, son of Mayof Aston, fired the shot that ended his own life, under oiroumstainoes sensa tions) pathet'e in the extreme. During the day he was about his business as usual but laboring under mental exoitc ment, produced, it is said, : by intoxi cating drinks imbibed the night before. Be conversed with friends; said, among other things, that he was going to South Air erica to ergsge in business there, and gave no hint of any purpose to com mit suicide. About half-past 6 o'clock he wept to the Swannanoa botelj regis tered his name, took a room and retired to it. I In a short while he returned to tbe ofBoe with his hat, gloves and over coat on. Mr. liawls, at the. counter, remarked to him, "Ed, you didn't sleep lorg.' To which he replied, "No, I changed my mind. Here is a note which L wisn you would give my lather as a Christmas present from me." Mr. Rawls took the note, Aston turned, took several steps, and dtawiss pistol frcm his hip pocket plaoed the inutile to his right temple,fired and fell dead, the ball having penetrated the brain. A crowd quickly gathered at the hotel, and the body of the unfor tunate young man was removed to the residenoe of the heart-broken parents This tragic occurrence east t gloom over the entire population, for the Aston family are held in high esteem and enjoy the sympathetic friendship of the whole community. Leas drunkenness was observable thsi usual on Christmas day. This fact vat, due in great measure to the fact that the bar-roc ms of their own aoccrd, and on of a decent regard for public sentiment, eloeed up their establishments. The stores, with few exceptions, were closed throughout the day, and business wis generally suspended. With the exoeption of the noise of fire-crackers and tho com motion created by the parade of a band of horsemen dressed in fantastic cos tumes the day was quiet as a Sabbath. The churches where services wero held were well filled; the religious observanoe of the day was perhaps more general than at any , Christmas ever known here. Christmas trees were had at the Meth odist ; and Baptist churches and at some j private nouses, unyistmaj tree festivals were held at a number of churches in the oountry. It is safe to say that the day has taken a deeper, wider, firmer hold on our people than ever before. Here it was unattended by the saturnalia of debauohery and orime that marks Christmas-tide in some countries to the shame and disgrace of humanity. Dancing seems to have been cot. fined almost entirely to the oolcred DODulation. They bad a number of balls and festivals. Oce ball that at the Buncombe warehouse- was adver ted to begin-at 6 o'olock Friday after noon and to be kept Saturday nightl up till 11 o'clock OrphsumK OOarlaar. Last Sunday morning, in the First Baptist ehuroh in this city, a hat collec tion was made for tbe .baptist Urp ban age at Thomasville, and the offerings amounted to more than $100. All through the year the Sunday night ool Lfiotihns from this ehuroh are eauallv divided between the poor of the ehuroh and the Baptist Orphanage, and the ag gregate sum secured for these purposes is acmjidexable. : Etaport af tba Vuutj Board of Haalsta tm the Board of Aldermen oai Walatat CraoM. Water. The water-works committee of the board of aldermen havirg asked for aa expression of opinion from the county board of health as to the present purity and possible future contamination of the water of Walnut creek, the board cf I health appointed a special oammittee to gather all facts bearing upon the points 1 aa - l A' !1 l suomiilea ior weir oonsiaeranon ana report to them. The following is tho report of the said committee, whioh was unanimously adopted by the board of health and ordered to be transmitted through its committee to the water works committee of tho board of alder mer. This was dono November 21, 886: To the Board of Health of Wake CoUi.'Jv: Gbktlixzn: The committee appointed ! by your honorable body to gather all facts bearine upon the present purity i and possible future contamination of the waters of Walnut creek, bee leave to submit the following report: We have made a careful, personal in spection of the stream, its tributaries and its watershed from the head waters in Cary to the Rocky Hole the latter being the placa from which the oity pro poses to take its water supply. I ha dates of our visits are Tuesday, Sep tember 14th, Monday, September 27th, Monday, Uotober 4th, Monday, Uotober 18tb, and Thursday, Uotober 21st. The portion of creek examined is about eight' miles lone, quite crooked, with now find then long stretches of sluggish water, and is fed by several branches, among whioh may be mentioned Reedy Fork, Lynn's, Simmon's, Bushy and Stony. The drainage area is partially wooded and partially cultivated, and, according to Mr. Arthur Winslow, is about eighteen f square miles. We found that about one-quarter of the town of Cary drained into the creek, tho excre ment of about 100 people being oast daily upon the watershed in oleae prox imity to the stream, including the ex crement of about thirty to forty people, which was daily dropped through, a privy immediately into its head waters, a small branch, which has its origin in a spring in a tobacco factory and tuws slowly through a portion of the town. W e learned from a physician practising in the village that during this summer several cases of typhoid fever had oo eurrod on the water-ihed of the stream, one ease being under treatment at the time of our visit. From Cary to Yates' pond there is, in our opinion, no ob vious source of contamination. At Yates' mill, four and a half miles from the city, we found a pond of long stand ing and considerable ; s, its bottom and sloping, banks, covering a large area and very objectionable, being full of decomposing vegetable matter and mak ing a trap- for catching and propagating disease germs brought down by storm water. From Yates pond to Rocky Hole wo could discover nothing of spe cial importance bearing upon the pollu tion of the water. The volume of the creek, according to Mr. Winslow's ob servations at the Rhamkatte road July 23th, 1886, was 3,610.000 gallows per twenty-four hours, which is at present more than sufficient for the needs of our eity. It is well enough, however, for prudential reasons, and as we are opposed to impounding reservoirs, to bear in mind the faet that, as the seotion of country through whioh the stream and its tributaries flow becomes more densely populated, highly cultivated and depriv ed of its forest, the amount of flow dimin ishes and the danger of contamination increases. At present, however, with . . . . . . .... the exception of the objections, men tioned above, to Cary and Yates' mill, Walnut creek, in our opinion, is sub ject to no more dangers of pollution from storm water than creeks flowing through any inhabited and partly cul tivated country. At 4 09 o clock on Monday afternoon; Oatober 4th, 1886, we gathered speci mens of water from the creek at tho r--l TT-1- .V. xtooay aojo in tno u rimes larm f above the asylum sewerage, and in about an hour or two afterwards deliv ered them in person to Dr. 0. W. Dab- aey, Jr. Ua Uotober Uth, 1880, we reoeived the following analysis from the North Carolina Agricultural Experi ment Station, signed by Dr. Chas. W Dabney, Jr., director: A5ALT&IS BO 4,151. Nobtb Cabouha Aobicitltcbal Expbbi mbht Station, Raliioh, N. C.y Oct. 9m, 1886. The sample of drinking water sent to the station for analysis, in two glass bottles marked , water slightly clouded with clay and siliot in suspen sion, contains : Total solids in solution and in sus pension 4 25 grs. per I. gallon. It was impossible to make quantitative deter mutations of the diflerent "solids in the small amount afforded by thi sam pie. Qialitatiyely examined the above showed tho presenoo of silioa, alumina and iron oxides (traces) probably in suspension ; lime, potash and soda, sul phates and chlorides (traoes) in solu lion; chlorine (1) 0 33; (2) 0 36 grs per imperial gallon ; free ammonia (1) 0 0266; (2)0 0266 parts per million; albumenoid ammonia (1) 0 420 ; (2) 0.110 parti per million. Notm. The only thing about these results whioh, would distinguish this water from the purest spring water, is the very sma'l excess of albumenoid am monia, uuaooompuiied by free am- gagements however were suoh that he was unable in person to do the work for us, but he highly .reoommendedDr. A.O.Abbott, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Md. . as a man thorouffhlv oomnetent. having for some time been his assistant. We therefore engaged Dr. Abbott's services and in compliance with his di rections, at about 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon October 21st, 1886, bottled aud packed samples of water, also taken at Kooky Hole. We sent them to Bal timore by the first express, whioh was next morning. Ua Friday night, Ujto- ber 29 th, 1836, we reoeived the follow ing report frcm him : "Ualtimobb, Md., Uct. 548, '86. "The sample of water sent me by you for biological analysis turns out to be of about the same degree of free dom from bacterial life as that of the oity of Baltimore That is, it is somewhat above the average purity. Tho plan of investigation that has been pursued is the geUtive pUte m-v.hou of Kooh, by which on is enabled to say to a certainty the number of living organ isms that may be present in a given vol ume of water. In eaoh of the bottles there were ssmall particles of foreign matter held in suspension, which, upon miorosoopio examination, proved themselves to be nothing of any interest dirt, vegetable fibre &a. The experiments for the detection of the prcsenee of bacteria were oonduoted as follows: From eaoh bottle, two s Ties of three plates eaoh wero made. Three of them being made with agar-agar (Japanso gelatine) and kept at the body tempera ture and three upon table gelatine (flash peptone gelatine) and kept at the same temperature. Of those on the agar agar and kept at 36 C the follow ing number of oolonies presented after 24 hours. From bottle No 1 Plate: made with 1. o. o. of water showed 61 oolonies Plate made with 0 5 c. e. of water showed 83 colonies. Plate in tde with 0 1 e. e. of water showed 5 oolonies. From bottle No. 2. Plate made with 1 o. o. of water showed 59 colonies. Piste made with 0.5. e. e. of water showed 35 oolonies. Plato made with 0.1 e. c. of water showed 8 oolonies. In a similar series of experiments, made upon gelatine and kept at 20C, we got the following results after 48 hours: From bottle Nol. Plate made with 1. o. e. of water showed 83 oolonies. , Plato made with 0.5 e. e. of water showed 55 oolonies. Plate made with 0 1 o. c of water showed 30 colonies. From bottle No. 2. Plato made with 1. o. e. of water showed 118 oolonies. Plato made with 0.5 c e. of water showed 74 oolonies. Plato made with 0 1 c. o. of water showed 17 oolonies. Of these numbers. (26) oolonies of these on the 1. e. o. plate from Bottle No 1 and 27 colonies on the corresponding plate from Bottle No. 2, caused lique faction of the gelatine. Of the whole of those present there appeared none that could be considered suspicious, as the whole number comprised, with a very, few exceptions, those- organisms, that make water their common habitat and which possess no known pathiogenic properties. These figures indicate therefore the degree of purity of the samples of your water from a bacteriological standpoint. The number of oolonies indicate the number of single organisms that were present at the time the experiment was made and these oolonies are the out growth each of a single organism. Wa ter samples diner very widely in the number of contained organism?, seme: revealing the presenoe of only one or two per cubic centimetre, while others will be so rich in them, as to require a high degree of dilution, before it be comes possible to count them at all. do that from this you will see that the samples of water, as thoy came into my hands, represent a nnro than aver age degree of purity. I enolose a scheme of the above results, made in a oondens ed form, with an average I of the two bottles. H Very respectfully yours, 1 A: O Abbott, M. D. : Johns Hopkins University, ; Baltimore. - OOHDIWaSD SOHBMB. 8P hi 3 8 a o Water from Walnut Creek. 15. 5? a-i g-S - 5 H a o a is 15 s t J a 82 23 a 3 0 33 8 M - J a a ! I1 vestigations, it is manifestly unsoientifle to express an unconditional opinion for or against the purity of Walnut creek water suoh opinion being based sole ly upon a single Chemical and biological examination unless, however, suoh analysis should show very gross pollu tion By reference to the above ehemieal analysis it will be observed that there is, mention of some slight vegetable con tamination. Tb.p process employed in the chemical analysis being that of Wanklyn, according to his olassvfioation, such contamination would class it amongst the sasioous waters. By refer ence, however, to the reports of the National Board of Health it wiU also be observed that! although waters eon tain much largorj amounts of albumenoid ammonia aud even free ammonia and chlorine than thp water we have under consideration, yet they are elapsed as good and organically safe from a oh em i oal standpoint . by most e jmuotont ob servers, who have mod ;Wanklyn's method. The rfgid standard of classifi cation of Wanklyn. therefore, ia no tun reservedly aooepud. but ii subjected to considerable variations. The chemical analysis then showing the amount of solids, free ammonia and chlorine to be small, acaordiog to the standard of all ob servers and the qiantity of albumenoid ammonia t be w ithin the limits of safety recognised by fnost chemists and the liologioal Biolysis showing it to be Above the average degree of purity, eon iaining not even any suspicious particles in suspension, nor any suspicions or ganisms, wo think that keeping in view all the while tho basis above given for our opinion the oity oould aecept Walnut creek water as a safe water. - Provided 1st. There are no impound ing reservoirs upon the stream or upon any of its tributaries, so that the water Supply may be taken from the daily flow cf the stream. I Provided 21, That such an arrange ment be made as to prevent, as far as possiblo, the pumping into the mains of of storm water, even if filtered, f Provided 3rd, That the water be so thoroughly filtered as to remove any exoess of albumenoid ammonia, and if any chemical method be employed not more than one grain to the gallon of the substanoe used be permitted to pass into the filtered water. Provided 4th, That none but filtered water, taken from above the asylum sewer, bo allowed under any oiroum stances to ba pumptd into the mains. Provided 5:h, That the sources of pollution in the village of Carey and the dim at Yates' mill.be removed. : Provided 6th;, That there shall be a constant serviod under high pressure. In conclusion, we advise that legisla tion be obtained from the next General Assembly empowering the eity authori ties to polios the water-shed. Respectfully submitted, J axis McKbb, M. D. , Chairman. Rich. H. Lbwis, M. D. W. L RotaTin, M. D. HrBKBT HaTwooD, M. D , Sec'y. Special Committee Wake County Board of Health. 1 Bottle No. 1 l.cs. .c.c e.c. l.cc .c.c .0 c. Average ot: C 1 c c Both t t) D c,c Bottles O.l.c e. Bottls So. 2 r l.t 0.5.1 (0.1 t i.c ?0 o.e (o.t. 61 83 ft 69 So 8 8i 65 80 113 67 17 2 87 4i 116 888 . 67 13.5 80.x 50ft 15 rira at Clapl Bill. Cor. of the Hews and Observer. Chapil Hill, N. 0., Chkistmas Dat, Deo. 25. This morning many oitisens attended the Episoopal church and heard an ex oallent, animated sormon by Rev. Wm. M.Clarke 1 About 3 o'clock the alarm of fire was raised and it was do-covered that the kitchen of Dr ! Hume's house was in fiames. Dr. IJamo and many others, eitisans, professors and students, labor ed to save the dwelling, but in conse quence of the proximity of the kitchen, snd the fx fl imraable material of both edifioes, together with the ab sence of a j fire engine and de- fieieroy ef water, their efforts were vaio. The furniture and the doors, mantel pieces and witd-iwj were saved, with the usual dam are from nasty handling Tho fire originated in tho carelessness of a servant giri in piaoing asnes in a par rel in the kitchen. Dr. Hume's furni ture was mostly new. He had recently moved bto the house and was most comfortably settled; Much sympathy is expressed towards him and his family, while all grieve that the University and Chapel HU1 should have suoh a series of misfortunes. Mr. Utley estimates the loss at about $2,000. The property was not insvred as the authorities thought it best to ex send all the money at their oommand . . -. . . . for this object, tn insuring the Cmver sitv buildings proper, and the libra ries, Ac. ! The house j was a Chapel Hill land' mark, having been occupied by Dr. Wm. Hooper, Dr. O aid well, Bishop Green, Gov. 8wain, D. 0. Phillips and Prof. Hooper It was seventy-six years old. v Prof. Toy, who was dangerously wounded by being thrown from his horse on the 23d is improving. The professor is a favorite with all, University folks and the ommunity generally, and his acoident, which cam so near being fatal, caused genuine grief. 1 ours, jr. a a a monia in larger amount ana ny more' chlorine, this albumenoid ammonia only points to slight vegetable ooatammation lour oooaient servant, Chas. W. Dabnit, Jb , Director After careful deliberation and muon correspondence we concluded to have our biological work done by Dr. Geo M. Steinberg, surgeon U. S. army and To what result then does all this lead na both soientifisally and praotieallyT We would state that in our judgment it rould be impossible to exprers a posi tive scientific opinion upon tho purity of any water, unless toe investigations ex tended over a period of at least a year including ehemioal and microscopical analyes of several specimens of the pro- a . . . V " fV . nosed water, tatea at cimreni times and from different portions of the stream and its tributaries. Neither the time nor amost distmgumedmicTOoopist.Hiien-' tho means being alio ays d us for saoh in Mopilda Clsvaiaad Coaaty. Special to the Hews and Observer. j Shilbt, N. C. Dw. 25. Till Murrcw, colored, was fatally st abbed by Murray Nichols oolored at a festival at Grover Thursday night. Aanartcaaa aa Athlataa. The love ot outdoor 'Ports and athlctirs ia general is fretting to ba almost as distinguish ing a odaracttr as of Englishman. Q. D. Balrd of (New Yorksayj: M heartily recommend to the athletic fra ternity the use of Allcock's Porous Plasters. They have been a standard remedy in our fami.'y for yeara for all chest and lung disir dera, aa well as for treating inflammationa." . Far Bsrrswlaf Clark. Cor. of the News and Observer. F. R. D3armin, Escj., of Mt. Airy, is a candidate for Engrossing Clerk in the next House cf Commons. He is well , qualified aad well endorsed; a cripple sad' deserving of reoog- ; nitioa at the hinds of the demoeratio pr!y. j i X. vvnTWwvw nil nw.tt Grat excitement has ben caused la thval f vicinity t Paris, Tex by th. reawrkable r- r covervof J IK. Corley, who was so Wtoksaa. t- he could not turn In bed, ; or raise his head; f even body ald be was dying of Conromptloa, i A trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery ' was sent him. Finding relief be boturht a I large bottle and a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills: by tbe time he had taken two Lotos ef PiOs and two bottles of the Discovery, bo 1 was well and had gained in flesh thhty-elx ' pounds. Trial Bottles of this Great Discovery ' for Consumption free at Lee, Johnson A (Vs. . BtoW aad Btaflaet. Deatrinr to make a chanire in oar basin eas. we will for the next 80 days sell salts or puts 9 of suit at cost. We mean exactly what we say and Invite you to call and examine our stock (most this season's stock) and prices before purchasing elsewhere. . K.BXTH& WBIKIL. sal. .-' 1,. DaaiSt of 17 aa. William Ktaa BaltimobB, Md., Dec. 28 Hor William K mmel, Esq , member of Con gresa from the third Mai yland district died at his residence in this eity today, aged seventy-four years. Ho was member of the Maryland Senate from 1866 to 1871, and a member of tho forty-fifth CjDg -ess. 1 m 1 m 'Disea-esdep'.rae growaby desperate ap- plianoef are relieved or not at all." The point of wisdom i tc check them before they retch so tar dt ouyioa sAivauoajuu. raoe ao eeata. j CoBsplnciet no soonar should be formed thin execatsd," and a cold should no sooner be taken than a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup should be bought aad used aooouding to us airactiona. Very few; dresses are made of one fab no. TTaSh faWaaaaaaaah fVa m. a M us aa m 1 ' vmw VBB aaWaTal BUT AaaUla WW II 1 1 niter mar quick ly Utu anv otlMr known raw k. fdfr Rhawnatlan, koorelaiaJ pwtuuun, DCUE MCC, III III. Bonut Beside CnU, lAunk. go, 1 kmr orw, fi vm. bittm. ToothiZV-i, BpnUos, eco. Price acta, a btu Sold all !lroiirtetMrBttUlioICar.B.A. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYBOR Per the cure of Coughs, Cotds, Hoarto oess, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping' Cough, Incipient Con tumptaon, and for the relief of con snmptire persons ia advanced stages of tho Disease. For Sak by all Drug tista. Price, 35 centa. CONSUMPTION. 1 hnr a pacta nmaij tt mm sksv Amm ; y lis mm ! mt cnM ofth wmnt kl4 ud ml )nr cared. a, trBiigiiyiwiMi;r aat 1 will two unrui rmmm, wnmwii t BABbB TBATlBBa tills dliiMi.X J nfnr. OIs- improdcoeeosBdna- Ptvma. rare imokj, nuermim moo. tw TMATuihnnH lufln tried in Tmln erery known sanydyTnssmstjomsil a a wui ssna rsu w aia H IB m M n'a A 1 I.IHIIIIIIIIII IIIUII1IUUU iraDeo tyjxwtx lmpls sslfnia, whlob aai Moow4Uiirr. aodrcas G. J. aUWX.FoatOftloaBaSi;aJHwTorkCUs; Edward Fasnach. Jeweler ai Optician BALEIQH, N. 0. Gold and 1 Silver Watobes, American aad Importad. Beat and imitation Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding aad btBgemaat Rings, any las ana weignt. Bternng oirvar Wsxe tor Bridal Presenta. Optical Goods A SPECIALTY. Spectacles and lye-glasses la Geld, Sfrvs Steel, Rubber and Shell Tramea, white and tinted, in endless varietlaa. Seals for; Lodges, Corporations, ate AM Badsres and Medals for Schools and Sodaas made to order. Mall orders prompUy attendel to. ttooas sent on selection to any part of the State. E7 Old Oold and Silver in small and lam quantities taken as cask. dly. - W. B. Mann Co., K. J, Hardha. J. fi. rerrall A Co A. W. Fraps, W.B. Newtom s O W.H. Kills, W. C Upchuroh, A. B. Btroaach. 4 aS-- C ASSARTS PURE (LARD. WHAT A WILL HO. ClTlIIKMtt I HIT It "Mb. B.H. W000BIX: ' "Dear Sir I have now used Cassard's Lard both winter and summer and It has proven entirely satisfactory. We bad the offer of well known pure country lard and my wtfa advised the continuance of Cassard'a, I hearti ly congratulate you on being the agent for suck a prime necessity of Ufe. "Tours truly, 'Bxv. W. J. W. CBOWDKB," Tor sails by the following reliable Grocers 1 1! 2m Cassard & Son era BALTIMORE, MD. of the Celebrated . "Star BrandP Cured Earns and BnakfaatBaBon,