i I ) - ' -r i .:;.f , ; rr News and Observer. VOL. IX vjI RALEIGH. N. C SATURDAY MORNING JANUARI 8, 1887. lso33; May : Absolutely Pure. -r.wder arver varies, a. marvel of tiaiaio-.i ' i.a . nary sinas una caxno. in cfln V'-ju .nth the muttfluae cJ &? Tcr" cS s'am or phosphate powdcrf :tCTi'- ,S -'Cf KPTAt JUB3?3. lOWflB ,! ; rWi New York. i . . t,l .' ( 5 -m'l r. QUESTION ApOUt Brown s If on BitterSi ANSWEREp. V The qtwntkm hat probably been asfed tttooaaad HOW c.'lu upTwn -a iron inhvi vutv J(ti Jiinft?" Well, H d lesn't. But it does cara anj Oweeaa for which a reputable phjieian would pree cnbe IMOB Phjuiv-nana reooirci Iroa a toe resunBTi; intent known to till profassicm, nd inquiry Ui eadin chemical lirra will sabeUntua theiirtoo Jit there areknare preparation of iran than ( an ith- nbstance used in medicine. ' TH:s ehowi oun '.isivelT thst iron in cknowleUsed tv l the moat taportant fAattv u r oocmf ul meaicii practice. It u Hworrr ft rmnrkable f .vrt. that f .Mrt. that rwvir to rH .?((nViS 1 RON HITTKUSnoMirfsct soxiuactarr iran combiafttisn hftd ever been ioondi DPnifffOO IPflM BITTCDC"" " injur unUIIil UlllUilUII I tliutbeteetatcuue a dtcbe, or produce onuKti patkm ml 1 ather iro MxilciaeHde. B; lOWN'MIROS BITTERS earea indiceHtluBt Biltoasaeaa Weakaeaa DyapepaSa, .Halaria, CUlla and Forera Itred FcellDii.Cienpral Debnity.PaJaiin the (Side, Bark or Uiabtlra4u;B andNaaraJ ji Iqr all thnee ulmenU Iron Is prerrlhed daily. BROVJN'SIBONBITTERSIK - tntnnte. L kr'l c.be ainvoirb SMriiehw U mett . iowlj. r .i t?U'-a by si ib fint vrmpVm ef tfonentMrcne.rclo.-tenr?; Tha moeckM then baoone . Bnner, the dr ti . imoras, the bow U are met it. hi MHa th ;!5evi U aaaallj nmrenpVl nd marked. The erw" herin at once to brichten; the ektn eimi3 er: nsalthj color ernes tA-the eheekx: uemwneii diurpearsj fuartl-Kwl dereageaient beoaaie reicit iar, end if nnrmcf mother, abundant anitraMiaa ie enppiied for tbi child. Hwabu Brownfe Iroa Bitten lathe OVM.Y iroa BMdieina the act ia jwioaa. Fhyiriant mmd DrmnUu rmumwmn U. The ueootoe has Trade Mark aad eraaeed red laW aei wrapper. TAKJK NO OTgEH. Nw Year Goods 1 1 a no w opening gooda for tflt New YaC NEWS .OBSERVATIONS. Tim- i credit,. From such booses we pm STORE. THE GREAT BABGAIN HOUSE OF RALEIQH, H nail the adrnntagee by bnrig bnyenai- wan in Uie New York market with tie entk in hand to buy Iroa the aIaMbter pent of are now open i i lag tume great bargains in Dp Ooodt, jo- tiona, 3ooU andSboei, HaU, Caps, Jewelry. ar d Millinery Ooods for the Netf Year, if n t'ltnki to mf frllj of Ltlaigk tin tjrroundliigjOOTintrf for their liberal and j Hopiag for a continuance of the same, I Mct Respeotioll, 1 v'OLNEY PURS ELL & GO., No. 10 Eaa t Martin Street Edward' FamacLl MM I QpUG RALEIQH, Nj The majority of J. H. Bloant, liq . t o'ioitor-elcot of the first distriot, was 1(304, instead of 604, as some of tlio papers hftta been printing it. ': A speptator was driven to a patoh off voodi teir Birmiiigliam and solicited to uy a corner lot. He stood up in the cp':: carriage to disoera the lot, bat only a dens thiKet was visible. When the price. 30,000, was stated he faint ed dad away. And yet a month lter llia; oornec lot" brought $40,000 Tha last fools will hold the bag. :J A Chcgo drummer tells of a mer ojisn itr Wslput, III , who, being pros perous aad ,c heavy buyer, is well treat-.-i by the orjuio'rcial travelers, and has in ti a eigvt effsred him. He always ukos the cigar, says "It's against my pVioeipIes to : smoke in business hours ; I'll light thh after supper," and, when he geta 100 puts them in a box and sells them to a train boy on the Burlington road at half prioo. Herj amki F. Butler rises to remark that the only way to prevent railroad icoidents is to hang a director every ime human life is lost on the road. . Thw miht be efiF'cttve, but how oduld (he board of direotors choose the eacri toe? Etch director would doubtless feel with Hooh-Bah that, though such an honor might real :i his fondtsc dreams, te must Deverthc!es place a limit on his boundless ambition. '. ; In the Chicago railroad collision Iwo men on the platform ' were thrown q iite a dietanoe, bat landed in the snow and were unhurt The Louisville and New Albany engineer ran away after the oollisionj and has not been seei since. It is thought he feared lynoh ir.g, mi was of the impression that a dumber of lives were lost. W hen near iv g the scene of the d easter he was no fioed to shut down aad reverse, bat the impetus whioh had already been ob tained was too great to be checked Both trains soon afterwards returned to the yards, were mde up anew, and two hours later proceeded on their jour neys. A good many outa and bruises resulted, but nobody was hart badly enough to be laid up. i he failure of E. Dunoan 8niffio jan. advertising agent, was announced in Mew York Wednesday. The liabilities amount to about $100,000, bat his assets cannot yet be ascertained. The principal cause of tha failure was the aBsignment of tha Daffy Malt Whisky Vo., Sn-'ffn holding notes to the value of 150 000. endorsed by W B Daffy or advertising. When the Doff assin- tnent was made, no mention of omma Was made. After this failure he had hones of making arrangements with the holders of the Daffy notes for an ex tension of time, bat Wednesday George W. Laird & Co , manafaetoters of "Laird's Bloom of Youth", failed. As Sniffin held 120,000 of the firm's paper, he found the only thins he oould do was to assign and appoint his manager, ;Mdison J. Fares; assignea. The busi ness will be continued. It is thought that the Daffy notes will pay about 40 per oent. Late Wednesday night a dynamite eartridge was exploded in the cable slot on the Larkin branoh of. the Batter Street railroad in San Francisco. The rocks on either side of the slot were loosened and the masonry rwork badly shattered. The pulleys upon whioh the cable runs were : also broken and the foundation of the tunnel cracked. window-panes in the vioinity were rat-: tied violently, in many eases shattered.! In a saloon two blocks away a lighted lamp was thrown to the floor and nearly oaused a ooiflgration. The iron plates on the manholes of the track were found twenty feet away. A lady who lives in the neighborhood said that a fow mio- utes before the explosion Bhe saw two m7n go to tho trap.;. One of them lifted ne trap asd th jotaer took a ptckage from his pocket,' applied a; mt'oi to it aud lowered it iat the tunnel. The mea then seoreted themselves. The ex plosion followed and the lady saw the o vble and the maohinery of the trap fly- iag in all directions j Littd is inoidentaliy made more fer tile in the course ol time by repeated deep plowings, whioh bring up eaoh time a layer of earth from a oonsideraj ble depth to the surface on expose it to the itfluepca of the light and atmos phere. The advantages resulting from ihe aeration of land nave always been rc guijid by intelligent farmers. The effects produced are the formation of potash, whioh is absorbed by ;his new surface of; earth; and of I humus, whioh can not be formed unless! the decomposed Vegetable matters in the Soil are brought into oontiot with the air. In these ways o ,iU)!4.nt diep prjwings tend to add to the fertility of the soil- Oac deep plow ing will not do it. : -There is no doubt that with tenaoious clayey land the soil CONGRESS FLORIDA RAILROAD AND LAND I CORPORATIONS ABOUT TO SEB TROUBLE thi nrrxK-BTATi com m sacs bill to . DI8CVSSBD ASD SI POSSD Of NSXT WSD BKSBAT OTrfBB MATrikS. i Wabhinoto. Jau. 7. Skmats Several petiibps weri presented iafavA-r of th? expstimontel agrioaltural fifca tions bill; also a remonstrance signed by many busuieos men of Dayton, Ohio, against, aud petitions from the business mens' club ofKenosho, Wis., and from the Wisconsin State Grange, in favor of, the inter-state oommeroe bill. t Mr. Call offered a resolution declar ing that certain lands granted for rail road purposes in Florida should be for feited, and instructing the attorney general to bring suit against all corpo rations attempting to sell or advertise the publio lands embraced in railroad grants where bills Tor forfeiture are pending before Congress. He asked to -have it laid Cii the table, and said he rwould call it up hereafter. J The Senate then prooeodod with the .business on the calendar and passed a number of bills. 1 All of those passed were of a private lor Ideal character. 1 Mr. Cullom at 2:10 p. m. stated that j while he would like to have the disous jsion of tho inter-state commerce bill continued today, he w&i informed by four senators who de&irrd to speak upon it that they were not prepared to go on oday He therefore proposed that the Senate go to other business He wished it understood, however, that immedi ately after the morning business on Monday he would ask the Sea ate to pro poed with the iner -state commrroa bill and would on Wodneslay ask the Senate to remain in session uatil the bill was disposed of. : ; Mr. Beck inquired of Mr. 1 varta a. to the bill to prevent members of Con gress f rem acting as attorneys for sab iiidiisd railroads and suggested that it be taken up alter the inter-state com merce bill. i Mr. Evarts said thifc would suit him. I Mr. MoPherson presented an amend ment to the inter-state oommeroe bill which he said he would offer whon it came up. It was ordered printed. The Senate then at 8.30 p. m. west into secret session an i when the doors were reopened, adjjurnei until Mon day. : I HOCSS. ; Oa motion of Mr. Perkins, of Kan sas, the Senate bill was passed amend ing the aet providing for the sale of the Ho and- For an .Iowa Indian reeerva fions. in Nebraska and Kansas. The amendment provides for the allotment !of the; lands in severalfy to tho minora land orphans. '' On motion of Mr. Bennett, of North ; Carolina, the Senato bill was passed for. the ereotioa of pubic bail ling at Wilmington, North Carolia, with an amendment limiting the uitimite oost to $150,000. Mr, Hatch, of Missouri, made an un suocessful effort to htve the private bus iness dispensed with for tho day, for the purpose of enabling the House to re-' sume the consideration of the bU for the ereation of a department of agricul ture ad labor bat the House went into committee Of the whole (Mr. McMillan, of Tennessee, in the oh air), on the pri vate calendar. At; 3.45 the committee rose, and a half doaen private bills were passed by the House, whioh, at 4 05, took a re oess until 7 3); the evening session to be for the consideration of pemion bills. THE rIRr DIMIRI T. enffln IJaeted Btjokd m Doaibt. Bpaeial to the New and Ubaerver. Euzabsth Cm, N. C; Jan. 7. : Returns oome in slowly. The indi cations point to the eleotion of Griffin beyond a doubt. This oounty, Pasquo tank, gives a demooratio gain of about four hundred. Camden is alao giving a good demooratio vote. ?ar rox THI A LIGHT VOTB QAIMS 80 DBM0CRAT8. Cor. of the News and Observer. . Mubtrxb xobo, N. C, Jan. 6. Have heard from two precincts. Mur freesboro gives Griffin, democrat, 9 ma jority. Wis ton gives Elliott, republi can, 145 majority. A small vote was polld. i (Generally this precinct is about a tie, and Winton about 200 republican ma j jrity. 1 1 he result of the vote of these two preeinetp is therefore favorable to democrats) WUmlarta'a Pafclie Balldlas;. $150,000 ArrtopjUATBD roa its iato- ! XlOJf. Special to the News and Observer. WASHixotoir, D. C, Jan. 7. j Tho Fenate bill for a public building at Wilmington pastel the House today with s"m amendments It appropri ates $150,000 as amended. ' O- -- Waaalattan Itwi. WASBrwaroji. D C , Jan. 7. The eere'.ary of the Treasury has appointed Herbert F. Beecher to be speoial agent of the Treasury. He is a son of Rev. Henry Ward Beecher and Was formerly eolleotor of customs at Port Towrsend, Washington Territory. The Sesa'e oommiUe on printing, it is said, began this morning the study of oertain problems involved ia the nomi nation of Mr. Benedict to be public printer, and Mr. Benediot was himself before 4ha oommittoe for examination No oDnolusion was retohed and another meeting is to be held during the week It is understood that there are no for caalated charges against the nominee, but there are people who claim ha is not a praotioal printer or book-binder aud in these respects does not meet the requirement of the law governing appointment to this office. The com mittee tads that it is ealled upon not only to investigate and determine ques tions of fact bat to interpret the law. It is argued on the one hand thai to be a practical printer and book-binder one mast have served an apprenticeship at type-setting and have worked with his own bands at book-binding. Un the othor hand it is urged that the manager of an Immense establishment like the government printing ofiWa may be all the more emoient for no having passed his life is wrestling with the minutiae or mere mechanical features of the work in hand The committee will give Mr Benedict ample opportunity to reply to anything whioh may be ssid agaicst him. FEA-hFJL. TWO M18ERS FOUND DEAD FROM STARVATION. FIBI IN THI KOBTHWIST FCAKJDL OAS IX PLOSIOK IN CHICAGO TBBBIBLS SITUA TION AT S1A OTHM N1WS. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. This after noon a polioeman forced in the entrance to the rear of a frame dwelling No. 1025 Locust street, and discovered the dead bodits of two old misers, Joseph Perry, aged 73 years and Robert Prioe, aged 65 years. The men were eeeen trio, and had oocupied the premises over thirty years, although neither had performed any manual labor for over eight years. They ocoupied two rooms on the groond floor, both of whioh were scantily furnished, while the door leading to the second floor was looked and barred and nailed to keep intruders from effecting an entrance by that means. Both men were known as risers and refused to associate with anyone in the neighborhood. 1 hey al ways kept the windows tightly olosed, ana both were never known to be ab sent from the house at the same time. Ail sorts of stories were afloat about trie neighborhood. Some of the neighbors stated that they were known to have money dt posited in the Philadelphia saving fund and other banking institu tions. This morning one of the occu pants of the adjoining premises notified an officer that neither Perry nor Prioe had been seen to leave or enter the dwelling for over a week, and the offieer forced open the rear window shatter and entered. In the back room he . stum bled over the dead body of rriee, whioh was lying on the fljor, and in the front room the body of Perry was found lying on an old iousgo- Both were terribly tmwiated and bad every appearance of having starved to death. The coroner's physicians viewed the remains and ex pressed the opinion that death had re sulted from that cause. . A Sag K-Un. Cor. of the News and Observer. Cabt, N. C Jan. 7, 1887, To the Honorable The General Assembly of . OV : Dear Sirs -1 as a oitiien and voter of Wake county, do hereby appeal to your honorsbli body. As y-.'.i have the power to make and change &s , I wish to suggest that, ac cording o the best information loan get, if a mva wife becomes insane, he oannot sell hid I -.rid and make a lawful title be cause sb- is not a fit subjeot to sign the aeed. I will suppose a ease: say A sells to B 1 000 acres of land in the year 1880. B is to pay A $10,000 for the land. A gives B five v ears to pav for said land. B pays $2 000 the first year, $z,VOO the second year, and so on until the last payment has been made. A gives to B a bond of twenty thousand dollars to make him a good and lawful title when the last I payment is made. Now, from the best information that I can get, if A or his wife should either be so unfortunate as to become insane before the last pay ment is made, neither he nor she oan ! make a lawful title to b ; It makes no difference how muoh either should de sire to do so. I do think your honor able body should ohange the law so that in oase of insanity, either the husband or the wife oould have all power to make the title good, as if there were no in sanity. Now, to be plain, I am a man in the above situation and no doubt there are many others. I desire to make a lawful deed without having to go through a prooess of law. I am in hopes yon will give this a thorough consideration and hope it may meet your approval. Respeotfully, Jas. R. Youho. DwatracUv Itr la Bskata, Ft. Paul, Jan. 7. A Fargo, Dakota, special says : This morn ing the Northern Pacifio railway ma ohine, boiler land blacksmith shops were burned Three locomotives and a nam ber of valuable machines were consumed. The fire Was the most destructive that has ever occurred in this city. The loss is estimated at from $150,000 to $200,-000 Fatarae at new Tark. Niw Yoax, Jan. 7. Greene & Co. 'a report on ooftoa fatures siys : Aftor i partially successful bulliag effort at t"ie opening, on whioh 2 point" were gained, the demand - subsided and ost dropped 6 points from the highest, closing partially better, but very dull. There is nothing new. The operators who loaded up in anticipation of a fresh de mand on the light crop- movement meeting with disappointment oyer the. decided indiffrenoe of tho buyers and, tired of waiting, are now trying ti un load ; ith the weakness aseHtod by a little mjro i short selling. Boalaaaa fatlarae. Nxw Yoax, Jan. 7 The business failures throughout the country Ust week, as reporud to R. G. Dan k Co , number for the United 8 tatx 271, Can ada 28, total 2 J9 ; against 273 last week and 263 the week previous. The in crease noticed in the number of oa-iui - ties in the south are excpdonaliy num- afJaaallaaaaM Talacraaaa. ; 8ah Fbanoisoo, Jan. 7. Th crew of the ship Harvey Mills whioh foundered at sea whilo oa a voyage from Seattle for . thi port, numbered twenty-four souls -11 told. The survivors say 'hit when all hope of saving the ship was abandoned, the captain and three men attempted ts leave the ship in a small boat, bat as soon as they left the ship's side the boat was eapsised by a heavy sea, and it is- believed that they were drowned. Four others took to a raft, bat have not since been heard of Mate Cashman and three of the crew alto left the ship on raft, bu before they were p'oked up one of the men wont craiy and i imnnd nrfirhnaril. YHia other J f - " I . , m , . tw.lve of the crew stuck to the ship, iy twenty teet ana is severely isjarea and as the survivors saw her go down, Aa Kxalaaiaa ar sjaa. CmcAao, Jan 7.- A violent explosion took p'ecj at the north Chicago g works this afternoon. It was attended by the rushing of a great sheet of flime into the middle of the build ing. The explosion had ooourree in the sewer that carried off the refuse matter from the oil eupolos, and in some way the gas became ignited. The flames followed the sewer and ran into the river the surface of whioh, for a distance of 200 yards, was soon a mass of flimes, which later ignited the large coke sheds on the bank. Two fire alarms were turned in and the . fire was under ; control in half an hour. The loss is nominal. There were a dcien men at work in the works when the explosion oc curred, and all of them were thrown down, some being hurled several feet. Four were seriously injured and were taken to their homes. The remainder sustained slight injuries The clothes of two men caught fire, and before they oould be extinguished the men were badly burned. One man was thrown Odld and Silver Watche,!! American aoc ImDorted. Beal and imliaUoa Diamond Jew elry. 18 karat Wedding aid KaKigttinen Kin (fa, any atae and weight; Sterling SU Vet Ware tor Bridal Presents, Optical Goods 1 I -r A SPECIALTY. ; 1 ; t Spectacles and KJre-glas la (.old, lliver orous, tnougn not important ine as signments in New York city arc few and may be rendered more fertile and ina-1 of little conseqacnos. bio by bATiag it s surface frequently r I Steel, B ibber and Shell jTrame. white an 1 tinted, in endlats vinetle. Haala for L,odk-e. Corporaiwa. ete. Badges and Medal tor School and made to order. i . . j ILail ordnrs promptly anenaea vo. Lenaea, aUm Socleee 0odt sent on selection to any part of the State, tar Old Gold and BUver Ituantitie 'Aken as cash. in. small and large chanted and fresh layers thus exposed to the lufiaenecs of the atmosphere. Let any farmer who doubts these good ef fects of thorough plowing take a field, aivue it in halt, plow one-half onoe ana .the other several times: then plow tee whole fisld oyer as one, and he will find that the half that has been plowed often is darker colored than the other, and wul produoj the best orop. Cattaa Slaealpta. , The inclement weather has had a en oency to produce a lull in the ot ton market, aid the receipts for the past week hare been very light : Rocaipts for the week ending Friday, January 7, 1837, 219 bales; reoeipts for the same week last year 229 bales; deeroaae from last year, 10 bales Receipts to date, from September 1st, 186, 25.251; same time last year, 21,ldU bales; increase, over last year, 4,112; stook on platform 361 bales; stook in store 250 bales; shipments for the week 279. I Mora Hnacfcia. Baioi, Texas, January 0. -A slight shock of earthquake occurred here at 11 o'clock yesterday morning, whioh lasted two or three Becotdi. The ool- ored servants at the W iiliams House were greatly alarmed at the rattltog of dishes and pans. Tinware and stove pipes rattled, water-pipes around the eaves of houses were shaken down and several clocks stFpped. The shook was felt for .several miles around and passed from south to north. A- few say that they hoard a rumbling noise. N seri ous damage was done. PaoviDBBOs, R I, Jan 7 Four juildings, comprising a31 tho maohinery shops of the Rhode Island horse shoe works of this city, situated at Valley Falls, were burned this moiniog Loss es'imated at ovor $100,000.; The in surance on the entire plant amounts to $165,000 and the tea buildings burned to $100,Ot'0, divided np among twenty- nve companies. her go all on board must have prifho l, The three resoued men left San Pedro for th:s oity ye3'erdy Wa'hisotom. Jaa. 7. Tho Hiusi river and harbor oommittee today made some further chanpe in the original draft of the river and harbor bill. The appropriation for tha imirovement of tee iennoisee river at d g Mussel skoals was also made applicable to Colbert shoals, Alabama. ' ; PaiLADkLPaiA, Jan. 7. The Evening Telegraph, whoso establHhment was burned out last night, will be issued to day and for the next few days from the Enquirer building, which has been kindly tendered by the proprietor, WU w . tiaraing. rae ontonti or t tie iei cgraph building were fully oivered by insurance, and Charles IS . War barton, proprietor, said this morning that anew equipment had been ordered, and as the dimtge to the building is not extensive he hopes to publish the paper -from the old quarters in a few days. The engiae and press and a val ublc collection of biographical and his torical material were saved, oontrary to expectation last ni ht. This oollestion is believed to be the most complete and valuable in the country. - COM Weather la (be Chicago, Jan. 7 The Waetv mercury fell steadily ia this city until 4 o'olcck this morning, when the thermometer regis tered 14 below iiro, and at 6 o'clock had risen to 10 belo w. It has since kept stationary, and according to the signal sef7!03 report, will probably contiouejta do so for the next twenty-four hours At-St Paul the thermometer stood at 32ab-jlow sjto, while extreme north, eru Minnesota and Canadian stations had; not sent any report,. 'At Davenport, Ia. , the thermometer registered 20 below aero. Hai tlnatad. Lansing, Mich , Jan. 7. The repub lican legislative oaucus last night nomi nated Frances B. Stockbridge, of Kala miioo, for United States Senator on the ten'h ballot. Mr. Stookbridgo will snoeeed Mr. Conger, who was his principal com petitor. . ; Ifca ataUtsh Market. . The bitter eold weather, while it tends to reduoe the daily receipts of ootton in the market, does not have much effect on the retail trade. A visit to any of the leading business houses in the city reveals considerably activity in traffic in all lines and shows that numer ous visitors are in from the country every day. The bad condition of the roads prohibits the bringing in of heavy loads of prodaee and the Exohange streets have not for the past two days, presented their usual activity, though the market is firm and all the produce that is brought in commands high prioes. The cotton market is especially firm, with the Staple in good demand at the highest market price . of money has been comparatively free all through the season and the cotton buyers have large amounts oa hand to pay for cotton as soon a it can be con veniently brought in. The receipts so far this year have exceeded the receipts of last year by about four thouss ad bales, ad dories whole sea?bn.He market has been kept up to the highest niche, showing the liberality of the buyers of the eity and the plentifulness of money on hand.. A general rule is that far mers arc always pleased with the sales and bargains they can make in Raleigh a fact which probably ac counts for the increasing patronage the eity receives from them. Tha Board arAUdarmaau The board of aldermen met last night and transacted contiierable routine business Petitions, were presented asking for stone crossings at the intersection of Jones and Blount streets and at the in tersection of Carbarrus and Salisbury streets. Referred to the street oommit-tee. The street committee were empower ed to expend fifty dollars in purchasing trees and shrubbery for Moore square. A proposition was made by Alder- a a7 a a SI 1 man Monng to purcnase tana to do used aseadditionaloemeteryroom, whioh was referred to the oemetery committee. A committee consisting of Aldermen Edwards, W. N. Jones ud Bowes wis appointed to ask the state anthorities to pave the street around the eapitol grounds. The committee on the revision of th s oity ohsrter asked for farther time to make their report ia regard to amend ments to the charter and the same was granted. On motion the board ad- journed. Spirit oftbe'State Praaa. Yes,' a regular bar gain had been made i between the independents and the re- publ:cns. by which Webster was to be elected S?fixer ana the otur othjes enterprises and i-dus tries, l ;t it do so. Charlotte Home-Democrat . From the' circular sent oat by the University, we understand the "special course'? to be an effort to reach the com mon sohool teacher, and certainly the effort oagbt to be saoaessfal if there are any teachers who desire such a eourse, forthe expenses, the usual obstacle, oan hardly be in the way in this instanoey Seventy-five dollars for five months, or fifteen dollars a month, for all expenses, brings the eourse with in the reach of most teachers.' For suoh a oo arse tuition oaght to be free. For years the state has given free tuition in the Summer normals, aud it would seem that she ought to give free normal in struction at the university. Theromsy be a good reason why she should no1.. If so we would like for some one to t ill -us what it is. Pittaboro Home. Ba-talattva Hataa. Yesterday Mr. Pinnix, of Yadkin, was. recorded in the columns of this paper as having seconded the nomina tion of Mr. Ellis for reading olerk. The statement Was erroneous, Mr. Pinnix seoqnded the nomination of Mr. Bark head and was heartily in favor of his election-. ; ; X : It appears that Loftin Terrell, who was elected state Senator by the repub licans of Wake oounty, and who for a long time after his eleotion could not decide whether ha would tako a seat in the 8hate or House, has finally con cluded to deliberate in the Senate. Both booses plunged into business proper with a will yestarday. Numer ous bills and 'resolutions were intro duced. Dr. Tyre York, the defeated candi date for Governor in 1884, is a leading light on the republioo-indeptjndent side of the House, He has a confident, sar donic smile and stays on his feet most of the time. i I The boss representative of Wake county wears an iron ringoa the fore finger of the right hand to keep off witehes. CSaeeauaiaaai The Jessica Thomas come ly company which has made a good name for itself here, last night presented at Taoker Hall 'Checkmate," a bright, lively and amusing comedy, and the members of the company acquitted themselves ia their usual good style. Despite the in clement weather, the popularity of Miss Thomas and her , able support drew a The circulation 1 lug audience which was interested and amused daring the performance. This evening thfteompany will give a grand matinee, prodaelag Fanohon , the Cricket," and tonis-ht will reprodaes t e great. specialty medley oomcdy "A Red Hot Time,' 1 introducing new gsgs, scenes and local hits. Tava Slanna f a Watea SSliaala Baslae ' She (to young poet :) 'How much dj you get for your poems, Charley?" Charley (with prido : ''From two to five dollars!" She: "Well, isn't that very littler Charley 1 I see that Sir Walter Soott got ten thousand dollars for one of his." ; unariey-: i es, out you see writing poetry isn't the business it used to be. There's too muo, eomrtition," THBXB BU UBSS BoOMINQ. Probably no one thing has eaueed such a Sen ra.1 revival bf trade at Lee Johnaon at Co'a rug store at their givtng away to their etxa tomera of ao many tree tr-al bottles of Dr. King's Wew Dbcovery tor Conaumptlon. Their trade Is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Cold, ABthma, Bronchitis Crnp, and all throat and lung diseases quickly caed Yoa can , teat it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, Large size f 1. i Xvery bottle warranted. ; North Carolina railway ia 186. - built J63 au'es of St. L:uib, Jan 7-A special from Jackson, Tenn , to the dispttch says : "Soott Piokler, 12 years old. las night shot and killed Chester Dorr, ten years old, son of a prominent oit:isn of this city The two had quarrelled over some trivial maner ana tne oiaer ooy got tho worst of it. He went home and procuring a shat-guu, sought oat his enemy and shot him. He is now having an examination before a jastiee of she peace. Tb rrwldtit Hneb Bllr. WAsaiMOT m D. O , Jan. 7 The President is steadily improving in health an I was feeling better today than I at any uui since his last attack of rheu- maUam. tie received a large namber of effioial visitors daring the forenoon and held his usual weekly- reception in (he east room in the afternoon. Oamaarativa Cottaa atatamaat. Naw Yoax, Jan. 7. The following la the "comparative cotton statement for the week eBdVngJan. 6: 1886. 1885. Net receipts at U. 8. porta, 158,961 18S.403 Total receipts to date, ,O4,013 8, 708,883 Exports for tne week, iso,w t I8,85a Total exports to date, 1,487,489 1,1 60,639 for Hi BriUin. 1,049,911 1,104,416 Stook at Liverpool, 311 076 284,437 Stock at all ulterior towns, 738.000 695,000 Stock at all U. S. ports 399,000 316,000 Tatal Wat Baeelate. were te be filled by ' firo tri ii" repub lioauaV and thus it is that t.h davaoor have lost oontrol of the Hoi. Uis. soaroe of muoh morlifiolrn to the former friends of Mr. Richmond Pear son that he shoa'd hav deserted h's party at such a orisis and voted with the republicans We hopo he will find oongenial companions ammg-h'ta new associates I Bat he and Webster need never : expect to be t-var agnin coun- tnnood by the deoen-. dmoorats of Nor'h Carolina They hne delibarate- ly made their beds, and there lt them In I -Chatham Reoord. If the dsmooratie party of North Car olina and the country a', large suooeeds in future eleotions it mast stand onjhis platform: No discrimination against sil- a B .1 ver money in ravor oi goia; tne pay- rvxcr rinWa. Hoaj nenwa. Crotrp, ifiia. Bnodutia. Waoo BA--wJ'-,rT fitJrttavJI ILravna sn awiy UO. aVUU nriJWvajai twwni rwirvannai in mdTwaetd Mavm of tee !. frire aSrta, Cmf- turn, xne uwhw n , , Couam np wmii toj u. tckit wrapper, and bear vor iTKil'J Head i n a (Irol. o Bed- Strip Vautum-uum, muam SALVATION OIL, Tbe Oreateat Cure oa Earth for Pain," - ' Wm relieve more quickly than any ; other known remedy. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Swellings, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chts, Lnmbago,Sores, Frost- . : bitea. Backache, Wonnds, Headache. Toothache, Sprain, Ac. Sold by all Pruggista. Price 25 Cent a Bottla- PURE lard: WHAT' A Etl UIWI CITIZtl SATSICII IT - : "IfB. B. H. jWoodull: Daar i Sir I have now used Caaaard's Lvd both Winter and auouner and it fcaa proven entirely satisfactory. , We had the offer ment of all dues to the government in Niw Yobx. Jan 7. The following are I silver or silver certificates or gold, es-1 of well known pure country iard aad ray wife of cotton at all Deoiallv in the payment of the, interest r avxiaa aa aonw on United States bonds; the total abol ishment of the internal revenue tax and its iniquitous, spying-ou-. system, whioh is ruining and corrupting tho peiple of the country; and. then after the abol ishment of the internal revenue abomi nation, suoh reduotibu of the tariff tax on imports as may be thought neces sary and prudent; but always keapiag in view the raising of enough money te support the government by a tax on im port, only. And if that affords protec tion to home manufacturers aai, home the total net reoeipts porta since September 1, 1886, inhales: Galveston, 598.889 bales; New Or leans, 1.193 42a bales; Mobile, 165,525 bales; 8avannah, 666,359 bales; Charles ton,! 830 519 bales; Wilmington, 117, 876 bales; Norfolk. 412,719 bales; Bal timore, 35 731 bales; New York, 42 -217 bales: Boston. 40.715 bales; New port News, 60.898 bales; Philadelphia. 19,912 bales; West Point, 173 775 bales; Brunswick, 23,894 bales; Port Royal, 12,916 bales; Pensaoola, 10, 646 bales. Total, 8,904,012 bales.. i v congratulate vou on being the .agent for uch a prune necewity oi me. Hi "Yours, truly, ; "i; . jRT .,W. J. WCROWDEB." For sale by the following reliable Grocers t V. B. Mann A Co., W, &. Newtoin 4 Co K J. Hardin. . W. H. KUis, J. B. FerraJjl Co., W. C. Upchuroh, a, W. Fraps, A. B. Stronach. r. Cassard Ct Son B A.LTMOE1U MD. I the uaiebratea Gored Hams and 'Mi -star Brand - f

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